Cold dousing. Pouring with cold water. Drying with a damp towel

Many people know about the benefits hardening brings to the body. But for some reason not everyone uses this. You can only notice the benefits of hardening over time. It is important to follow the basic rules of this process.

What are we talking about?

Hardening is a method preventive actions, with the help of which a person strengthens his immune system so that the body resists adverse effects environment. If a person hardens, then even strong fluctuations in temperature do not affect the body. If not used in Everyday life dousing cold water, that is, the chance of becoming more susceptible various diseases. The body will react to even small changes in temperature.

Also, the benefit of hardening is that the body's endurance increases. Such procedures have a positive effect on the nervous and immune systems. Thanks to this, a person becomes stronger. Many doctors believe that hardening is one of the most best options to keep healthy.

Heliotherapy: description, features

The sun, air and water harden the body. Now let's look at the types of hardening. The first type of healing is heliotherapy. This method of hardening has a positive effect on the nervous system, speeds up metabolic processes, improves protective functions and blood circulation, strengthens muscle tone, tones almost all organ function. Heliotherapy involves sunbathing.

This method must be used very carefully. Although it can cause harm. When tanning, the skin can get burned, which is very unpleasant and painful. In addition, you can overheat and get heatstroke, the consequences of which are quite complex. You need to start tempering with the sun gradually. The person's age and health should also be taken into account. Equally important is the weather outside.

Aerotherapy: description

The second type of healing using hardening is aerotherapy, which is carried out with the help of air. This method involves long walks on fresh air. It is clean air, which may not always be warm, that is most beneficial for the human body.

Hardening is the most accessible method healing of the body, therefore it is necessary to go outside more often and be in the fresh air, in forest plantations, park areas, near reservoirs - where there is clean air. But even in winter, walking is very important. Exactly at winter time The most useful thing to do is to harden yourself over the years.


Water is vital for all living beings. It is this that will help harden your body, make it stronger and more resistant to various irritants.

When a person gets wet, blood circulation is activated. All organs receive more oxygen and nutrients.

Carry out the first procedures water hardening it needs to be done gradually. You can start by wiping with damp towels. This method is the most gentle and tolerant. By the way, it is used for hardening children.

You can carry out water hardening differently. Pouring is an excellent tonic exercise for the whole body. You can pour over the whole body or lower limbs. It is important to rub yourself well after the procedure. It is also effective to douche using a shower. It's simple and effective method strengthen your body. Very useful cold and hot shower.

Gradual and systematic implementation of procedures is the key to success

We have already figured out what hardening is. Where to start it? We'll find out now. Many people would like to start tempering themselves, but do not know how to do it correctly. For any type of hardening, it is very important to follow some rules. Doctors recommend starting hardening gradually, not abruptly. It is necessary to increase the number of procedures each time, as well as the time and their intensity. The first few treatments should be short. In this case, you can use not cold water, but slightly cool. The benefit of hardening is to step by step accustom the body to withstand natural conditions.

In addition to the gradual entry into hardening, it is also necessary to take into account systematicity. If you take long breaks in hardening, the body will wean itself from this type of healing. This may cause a decrease protective functions body. A person gets used to hardening in about a month. This period is enough for the body to adapt. If you are forced to take a break, try to keep it to no more than a month.

Hardening: where to start, important points

When choosing a hardening method, it is very important to consider individual characteristics body. You also need to take into account age and general health. If a child begins to harden, then you should approach this more responsibly.

It is important to take into account a person’s lifestyle and the presence of certain diseases. In some cases, hardening can only worsen a person’s condition. It would be ideal to complete medical examination. You should not douse with cold water if you have chronic or viral diseases.

When a person begins to engage in health improvement, he does not know any sense of proportion. It seems to him that he is capable of more, but this is a deceptive feeling. Remember that the benefits of hardening are obvious only to healthy people. It is very important to listen to the signals of your body so as not to harm it. But you should ignore her ailments; it is better to consult a doctor immediately.

It is undesirable to focus on only one method of hardening, because it is much more effective to use them all in a comprehensive manner. Go for walks, take sunbathing, douse yourself with cold water. All this will charge the body with energy and strengthen the immune system.

Doctors insist on the importance physical activity. It is worth paying attention to this, because the effectiveness of health procedures increases many times over if you supplement them with physical exercise.

A couple more rules

During hardening, you need to monitor your well-being very carefully. If before the procedure a person sleeps poorly, loses appetite, becomes irritable and very tired, then his body is not ready for active image life. On a day like this it's better to cancel everything wellness treatments and just gain strength and relax.

When you start doing procedures, set yourself a goal that will motivate you for further achievements. It is very important not only to understand the importance of the actions performed, but also to find joy and satisfaction in them.

Pouring cold water: benefit or harm?

When a person is doused with cold water or immersed, the blood begins to move faster, the body finds itself in stressful situation. Blood enters faster internal organs, metabolic processes improve, protective forces are rising. By dousing yourself with cold water, a person makes the body get used to the cold. This has a positive effect on general condition health. Truly, the sun, air and water work wonders!

Hardening with water helps in losing weight. Pouring gives the skin elasticity and even helps to recover after the birth of a child. But it is better for lactating and pregnant women to consult a doctor before starting such a recovery.

We have already found out what the benefits of hardening are. What harm can dousing cause? It has a negative effect when a person is seriously ill chronic diseases, ARVI. Also, dousing is harmful for any heart disease. Such a procedure can aggravate a person’s condition.

It is best to do home hardening. This will allow the person to feel more comfortable and enjoy the procedure. It is much more convenient to carry out any health improvement at home. You need to understand the basic rules of hardening (which we did above), and you can get started. Dousing yourself with water in the morning is very invigorating and gives you a boost of energy for the whole day. After just a month of such procedures, you will notice that you have become much more resilient and stronger. Do not neglect sun and air baths. Walk in the fresh air every day, warm your bodies. After all this, the body’s thermoregulation will significantly increase. Hardening will make your body more resistant to temperature changes.


Now you know how hardening is useful and how dousing with cold water occurs. Whether this procedure is beneficial or harmful is difficult to say, because it all depends on the specific case. If possible, it is better to get checked by a doctor. If this is not possible, you just need to listen to the signals of your body. remember, that healthy image life is the key to a happy and successful life. Health promotion, hardening and proper nutrition- a guarantee of health.

Many people believe that hardening is more difficult than gymnastics. “How,” they say, “douse yourself with cold water? Yes, I’ll immediately get sick! Besides, I have radiculitis, pyelonephritis, an allergy to cold and rhinitis, and besides, blood pressure... No, this is not for me!” But let's move on to hardening procedures.

Pouring feet

In the evening, after work, or half an hour to an hour before bedtime, you need to pour the coldest water from the tap on your feet (approximately up to the middle of the shin). You can use a shower or a ladle - whatever. People with an easily excitable nervous system and suffering from sleep disorders react to late douches (as well as barefooting, contrast showers, etc.) differently.

In some cases, strong evening exposures are undesirable, but very often after a cold shake, insomniacs fall asleep like babies. After a week or two, the douches will bring real pleasure; the person will feel that in this way he is relieved of fatigue, nervousness, and in some way is being reborn. Time is not limited: 5, 10 seconds, 1 minute - depending on how you feel.


It is very useful to walk or run barefoot on the ground at least once a day, or better yet twice, morning and evening. And in summer, and in winter, and in the off-season, in any weather - all year round. What does this give? Firstly, the hardening itself. First of all, resistance to colds, since the feet are reflexively connected to our six tonsils. By cooling our feet, we harden our throat. But the tonsils are an immune shield that stands in the way of many diseases. Secondly, revitalization of internal organs.

After all, the zones of the feet are not only reflexively, but also energetically connected with all systems of our body. Therefore, walking barefoot is beneficial for diseases of the liver, eyes, stomach and pancreas, intestines, heart, lungs, kidneys, etc. Thirdly, standing barefoot, we release accumulated static electricity. Usually you can start barefoot walking without special preparation (although in winter it is still advisable to pour cold water on your feet for two to three weeks before walking barefoot on the floor).

In summer you can walk as much as you want. In winter, for starters, it’s better to just step on the snow and immediately return. Then very gradually increase the time, guided by your feelings. By the end of the first winter, it is advisable to bring it to 2-5 minutes. In severe frost, it is better to walk or run, as if you stand still, you may get frostbite at first. Upon return, wash your feet only with cold water. It is impossible to describe the feeling of revitalization and renewal, especially strong in the first months of classes. This is joy and goodness, a special kind of ecstasy.

Cold and hot shower

Ideally, it is done like this. A person gets into the bath and pours water at a pleasant temperature. It is then made as hot as possible (without scalding, of course). After 30-60-90 seconds, turn off the hot water and let in one cold one. After pouring over the whole body (20-30 or more seconds), turn on the hottest water again, pour over the whole body and, without basking for too long, turn on the cold water. This time it is better to stand under a cold shower longer (up to a minute or more).

Then again a not very long hot shower and a final cold one. You need to pour over all parts of the body, without staying in one place for a long time. In total, three contrasts are made (transitions from hot to cold). Always finish with cold water. Before cooling your entire body, it is advisable not to forget to wet your face. Here approximate diagram soul:

    Warm (so that the body gets used to it);

    Hot (still nice);

    Cold (20-30 or more seconds);

    Hot (20-40 seconds);

    Cold (up to a minute or more);

    Hot (20-60 seconds);

    Cold (how pleasant);

You need to get used to the contrast shower, as well as to any new influence, gradually. First, take a comfortable shower (shower at a pleasant temperature) every day for 2-4 weeks. Then do only one contrast and not stand under cold water for very long (5-10 seconds), after a week or two, switch to two, and then three contrasts. Sometimes at first you can reduce the temperature difference, that is, douse yourself with not the coldest and hot water, but warm and cool.

To “build up” very sick organisms, it is advisable to do this. But having reached the feeling of obvious cold, you still need to do sudden jump and go straight to ice water. Not knowing this rule, many beginners “burn”, trying to further reduce the temperature gradually. They reach, say, 19-20°C, and then, continuing hardening, they begin to hurt. The secret here is simple. Water of this temperature already significantly cools the body, but it is not yet cold enough to “turn on” dormant protective forces.

Sharp short-term dousing ice water does not have time to take away much heat, but has a powerful effect on the nervous system, triggers thermoregulatory and immune mechanism. What to do if there is no shower (or hot water)? Pouring from a bucket or taking cold shower. You can always find a way out if you want. It is highly advisable to do a contrast shower at least once a day, in the morning, after gymnastics (but not after yoga routines!) Although it is better to wash the body twice a day.

With daily douches, there is no need to frequently wash with soap. People with oily skin It is recommended to use soap no more than once a week (except for washing hands and hair), and for dry skin - no more than once a month. Even washing with soap once a quarter is enough. Both skin and sebaceous glands and, accordingly, the whole body.

Contrast shower (Option 2)

Get into the shower. Make the water hot. Stand under a hot shower for 10-15 seconds, then run cold water and take a cold shower for 10-15 seconds. Repeat this for three cycles. Always start with hot water and end with cold. Do not let your body get chills. You should not wash your hair with hot water: hair falls out and vision deteriorates. You can pre-steam your body and wash with a brush or washcloth (rough) without soap. “If we don’t wash, we’ll just roll.” You can erase calluses and stratum corneum on your feet.

Gradually increase the temperature contrast between cold and hot water. Before performing a set of exercises after a shower, you can wipe your body with your hands and start doing the set undressed. The wet body will dry out while doing the exercises. You can also wear light clothing on a wet body. You can use a towel, preferably terry, but do not rub yourself with it, just blot the water from the surface of the body.

Always dry your head with a towel, from the periphery to the center. Then wipe your arms and legs (from fingers to torso). Then move the chest in a circular motion from the center up and to the side. Belly - clockwise, expanding the circles, and then, narrowing the circles, back to the navel. Then massage and rub the lower back upwards from the tailbone. Then - the back in the longitudinal direction.

When taking a shower and rubbing your body, you cannot rub it across, only along the spine, from bottom to top. While showering with your hands, without a washcloth, you can wash all hair surfaces of your body with soap, excluding your head. Wash your body completely (including your head) with soap no more than 1-2 times a week. In addition to soap, you can wash both your body and your head. rye bread, having previously soaked it, or with rye flour, diluting it to the consistency of sour cream.

Before the contrast shower, you can do a separate contrast shower procedure for the head. A head shower can be done under a tap. Do 3 cycles, ending with cold water.

Contrast showers should be used with caution for persons suffering from impaired blood supply to the brain, thrombophlebitis, hypertension, vascular spasms.

In any business, a person needs motivation. The practice of hardening helps improve health and strengthen. To do this, you need to know how to properly start dousing yourself with cold water and enjoy the process.

Where to start pouring?

It is always difficult and scary to start, but the positive results from this procedure will delight you. How to decide to harden your body and not give up? Use some tricks:

  • The first rule: make a promise to yourself to perform a cold water douche every morning (you can reinforce your promise by telling close friends about your intention);
  • Buy a bucket or watering can for yourself, douse it in the morning;
  • Keep a calendar for the month. After the procedure, put a tick on your calendar (research shows that 3 weeks is enough to develop a new habit);
  • Notice for yourself what positive changes are happening.

By dousing yourself with cold water, you can heal your body and recharge yourself with positivity. The main thing is to believe in your willpower and decide on a useful experiment.

Water hardening techniques

Cold water is a great workout for the body. You can choose the pouring method that suits you. There are several methods:

  1. Washing or wiping with cold water. This is the most common and easily accepted method by the body. Rubbing can be partial (to the waist) or general (whole body). You should choose a comfortable water temperature (35 C). Drip water onto your skin; if the temperature of the water is not felt, then it can be considered indifferent;
  2. Wrapping up. The essence of hardening is that a person is wrapped in a damp sheet, then covered with a completely warm blanket. Carried out under the supervision of a physician;
  3. Pouring. This is done by pouring cool water from a ladle or bucket. After the procedure, wipe dry;
  4. Shared baths. They start with an indifferent temperature and reduce it over time. The duration of the procedure is 10-20 minutes;
  5. Souls. Have mechanical and thermal effects;
  6. Bathing. You can swim in cool or cold water. Bathing tones the skin, relaxes;
  7. Russian bath. Pouring cool water after the bath.

Pouring – excellent home therapy. It is important to approach the issue of hardening seriously. Follow the rules that will help make the procedure pleasant and beneficial for the body:

  • It is better to do the dousing in the morning after waking up, this way you will invigorate your body;
  • Start gradually and slowly, a sharp and unusual change in temperature can create stress for the body, the dousing process will not be enjoyable. If you start incorrectly, there is a risk that you will abandon the idea;
  • For the first 7 days, pour only the feet and legs up to the knees; as you get used to it, pour over other parts of the body;
  • Before a cold shower, warm up your body warm water;
  • Start hardening at a comfortable (indifferent) temperature;
  • Avoid drafts when pouring;
  • After the procedure, rub your body and do exercises;
  • Should not be taken hot or warm shower after dousing;
  • The psychological attitude is very important in the hardening process. Enjoy a cold shower and step out of your comfort zone. Think about the positive effects of hardening;
  • If you have chronic diseases, consultation and permission from a doctor to perform procedures is required.

A competent approach to dousing with cold water will give strength, energy and strengthen the immune system.

The benefits of cold water hardening

Procedures have a positive effect on the entire body
dousing. Proven medicinal effects dousing with cold water:

  • Improves mood, relieves;
  • We don't always wake up full of energy for a new day. Exposure to cold water “cleanses” the body and mind, making a person resistant to external influences. Dousing yourself with cool water in the morning will make you cheerful and fill you with strength;
  • Strengthens the immune system.
    The explanation is that if the body is exposed to cold, it tends to warm up and increase metabolism. In response, activation occurs immune system and the formation of leukocytes. It is logical that people who practice cold showers are more resistant not only to flu or colds, but also to more serious problems with health;
  • Improves blood circulation, increases hemoglobin levels.
    Blood circulation transports oxygen and nutrients into all cells of the body. Poor circulation leads to insufficient tissue nutrition and various problems with health. Thanks to rapid breathing and heartbeat, the blood circulation process accelerates, the amount of oxygen in the body increases;
  • Regulates body temperature. Dousing provokes thermogenesis - the creation of internal body heat, also useful if you suffer;
  • Stimulates metabolism and promotes weight loss.
    When a person is exposed to cold, the body tries to produce energy, which it uses to create internal heat. This is done by burning fat, resulting in weight loss;
  • Improves skin and hair.
    With cold shower you will get a very cheap but effective home lymphatic drainage to improve the condition of your skin. Hot water depletes the skin of the body, and the cold strengthens the body, acts as a micromassage.

Pouring cold water has a number of advantages:

  • This is a daily willpower exercise because the body will fight the cold, but the result is worth it;
  • Taking a cold shower improves your breathing, thereby increasing the amount of oxygen in your blood, making you energetic and activating your brain so you can think better;
  • Taking cold showers twice a day increases testosterone production in men.

The first step to good health is hardening. If you fall in love with a cold shower, you will be rewarded.

Is there any harm from dousing?

The dousing procedure must be taken seriously. It is important not to cause harm to health. A cold shower will not be beneficial if:

  1. You violate the recommended dousing time and allow the body to become hypothermic;
  2. There are diseases on nervous soil. A recommendation and permission from the attending physician is required;
  3. You suffer from chronic diseases. During an exacerbation, a cold shower can worsen the patient’s condition;
  4. you are sick colds, flu. You need to wait for recovery, then resume dousing;
  5. The surface of the skin is damaged, there are wounds;
  6. You don't comply general rules for dousing with cold water.

How to harden children by dousing

The issue of hardening children worries all mothers and fathers. Parents know that hardening is an excellent prevention of colds, heart and respiratory diseases.

Hardening of children

For children under one year old, a method of gradually reducing the water temperature when swimming is recommended. The temperature should be reduced by 0.5-1 C every five days. You should start at 37 C. To prepare a small body for hardening, you can rub the body in the morning with a soft towel or a child’s bathing mitten. The temperature of the water for wetting should be at least 36-37 C, the temperature is gradually reduced. Rub your baby with gentle massage movements. Such methods will prepare the baby for other types of hardening.

Older children can start dousing with cold water. For effective and successful hardening, use the following simple tips:

  • It is important to do the procedures daily;
  • You need to temper yourself gradually;
  • Reduce the water temperature every 5-7 days. But it must be no less than 28 C;
  • It is preferable to start in the warm season;
  • The dousing procedure should bring pleasure to the child, and in no case frighten him;
  • If the child cries during the procedure, it is worth postponing hardening for a while;
  • Praise and encourage the child during the procedure, talk about the benefits;
  • If the child is sick, wait for complete recovery and only then continue dousing;
  • Take moderation in everything, follow the rules and advice;
  • Be sure to consult your pediatrician before you start.

Most best example for a child, these are the parents. Practice pouring cold water and your baby will do it with you. Hardening has a beneficial effect on the human body. But when practicing dousing, study the rules and features of the procedures.

The benefits of pouring cold water in a bath

Pouring cold water in a bath - effective method in the fight against, helps normalize heart function, increases the overall tone of the body. Thanks to increased sweating waste and toxins are removed.

A ladle of cold water after the steam room will give you vigor and an unprecedented boost of strength. The contrasting combination of temperatures has a positive effect on the human body, relieves excess weight, removes cellulite.

Hardening in a bathhouse can be practiced by anyone, at any age, if there are no individual contraindications. Dousing in a bathhouse will bring maximum benefit, if the hardening rules are followed.

Is dousing possible for osteochondrosis?

This question concerns people suffering from back pain and cervical spine. In case of osteochondrosis, hypothermia is contraindicated. But when the right approach you can do douses. Tips on how to carry out procedures:

  1. You should pour over the back area in an even, wide strip. Start the procedure from the head;
  2. A contrast shower is recommended. First, douse with warm water, then cold, starting from the feet;
  3. After dousing, rub your back with a dry towel, making massage movements;
  4. The process should be enjoyable. If it delivers discomfort or you feel it, stop the procedure immediately;
  5. After completing the procedure, you need to warm up the body: wrap yourself in a warm blanket and drink a cup of hot tea;
  6. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, dousing is prohibited;
  7. With your doctor's permission, you can replace it with rubbing.

Contraindications to hardening with cold water

Contraindications to water hardening

Pouring cold water is beneficial. For many this is an axiom. But sometimes it can have negative health effects. In what cases and to whom douches should not be carried out:

  • Prohibited for heart diseases: ischemia, tachycardia;
  • During the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • For infectious diseases;
  • If you have oncology;
  • At open form tuberculosis.

Reviews of people who harden with cold water

Every person dreams of being healthy and having beautiful and well-groomed skin. Every year everything more people begin to practice hardening. Positive effect obvious.

On websites and forums you can find great amount people who were satisfied with the results of dousing them with cold water. Some, on the contrary, noted a deterioration in their health. It cannot be said that this type hardening is suitable for absolutely everyone.

Parents practice this method to strengthen children's immunity, saying that this is the most effective method.

Water is the source of life and health, with the right approach and positive attitude You'll get positive result and the pleasure of hardening.

Hardening with cold water:

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More on this topic

Cold water can be a source of health if used wisely. For example, proper dousing with cold water is very useful and healing. But if you carry out the procedure incorrectly, you can only harm yourself. How to properly douse yourself with cold water? Is it worth exposing the body to cooling at all?

Correct dousing cold water

Pouring cold water: how to do it right

To obtain benefits, dousing must be carried out in accordance with certain recommendations:

  • First you need to do exercises, walk barefoot.
  • The procedure outdoors in winter should take no more than 10 seconds; indoors it can be extended to 1 minute.
  • The water temperature for beginners should be about +30°. Every day you need to reduce it by 1° until you reach +15°. The temperature cannot be lowered below this mark to avoid harm to health.
  • To avoid overcooling your feet, you need to stand in the bathtub or shower. And if dousing is carried out outdoors, you need to stand on the grass or a special stand.
  • The dousing should be done instantly, without prolonging the “pleasure”. You need to pour a bucket of water on the top of your head so that the water does not splash on the sides, but runs down your body.
  • After dousing with cold water, it is recommended to wipe your face with a frozen cube. herbal infusion, green tea, and rub the body with a terry towel.

At first the cold takes your breath away. Then breathing becomes deeper and freer, blood flow increases, blood vessels dilate, skin becomes pink tint, and a wave of heat spreads through the body.

The benefits of dousing with cold water

Cold is useful because the body, under its influence, begins to better resist diseases. But besides this, there are other advantages to this procedure:

  • Pouring cold water helps improve skin tone.
  • The manifestations of cellulite caused by a failure of metabolic processes are eliminated.
  • Cells rejuvenate and begin to work more actively.
  • Activities are normalizing nervous system(apathy and overwork disappear, mood improves).
  • Metabolism is activated, which promotes weight loss.
  • The dousing procedure prevents the development of varicose veins and the appearance of spider veins.
  • Blood pressure is normalized.

Proper dousing enhances blood circulation and ensures the flow of oxygen to organs and tissues. As a result, your well-being improves and your vitality, the body's energy reserves are activated.

If you feel that you are not warmed up enough, rub your entire body with your hands until you feel hot, tense your muscles. Or you can simply splash yourself first with warm water and then with cold water.

Tip: first do just your legs, in the second week go up to your knees. Next - to the hips and lower back. After 35 days you can already plunge headlong.

Pouring cold water has brought many benefits to people; whether it will suit you personally or cause harm is difficult to say, but the reviews are very positive.

Girls celebrate full recovery after chronic female diseases, activation of the immune system and a positive change in appearance.

Men say that it is a lot of fun (especially swimming in the ice hole), and the process brings incredible energy on all levels.

Porfiry Ivanov

Health system of Porfiry Ivanov

A joker and once a swindler with a criminal record, after a mental crisis, thought about the meaning human existence and completely changed my life.

Porfiry Ivanov became a real spiritual leader who healed people every day, doused himself with cold water and walked around in shorts, barefoot all year round, even in the bitter cold.

Porfiry's followers - the "Ivanovo people" - called him nothing more than "Conqueror of Nature" and "God of the Earth."

He was completely transformed and lived in healthy body up to 85 years old.

Ivanov demonstrated extraordinary abilities all his life and developed 12 rules that will help overcome old age, increase your spiritual potential and temper yourself correctly.

Laws of Ivanov’s health system:

  1. You should swim in cold water in the morning and evening. It doesn’t matter where it will be: in the lake, at home in the shower or at sea. Go from hot to cold.
  2. In his book “Baby,” he recommended that we necessarily combine the spiritual with the physical. Before hardening, go out into nature, stand up bare feet to the ground and ask for health: first of all for people, and then for yourself.
  3. Give up bad habits forever.
  4. If possible, do not eat or drink on weekends (until 12 noon on Sunday) or at least wait a day.
  5. Complete the ritual by going out into nature. Stand with your feet on damp earth. After this, you are allowed to eat to your heart's content.
  6. Realize the closeness of man and nature. Love and appreciate her.
  7. “Health” comes from the word “hello”. Greet everyone on your path, especially the elderly.
  8. Help a suffering or sick person. This way you will support the cause of the whole world.
  9. Drive away from yourself negative thoughts about people, love them sincerely. Conquer laziness, greed, fear, narcissism.
  10. Don't think about illnesses, and they won't come back to you.
  11. Thoughts and deeds for each person must become one.
  12. Tell everyone about these rules, but don't brag about your personal achievements.

Advice: if you are interested in the topic, deepen your knowledge by watching a series of educational videos by V.G. Zhdanov “The miracle of hardening with cold water.”

Breathing warm-up from the “Ice Man” Wim Hof

The Dutchman with the nickname “The Iceman” has already been on the pages of the Guinness Book of Records 20 times.

Wim Hof

He spent 4,380 minutes in a bathtub filled to the brim with ice, and also climbed Mont Blanc with virtually no clothes on.

Scientists say: “Phenomenon!”, but V. Hof himself is sure that it’s all about the consistency of his training. Truly, every victory is 90% perseverance and only 10% talent.

We present to you his special breathing technique for warming up the body, immediately before hardening:

  1. Sit comfortably, relax, close your eyes.
  2. Straighten your back and stick your chest forward. The lotus or half lotus position is ideal.
  3. Breathe freely and fully. The body should not be constrained by anything.
  4. Inhale slowly and deeply until you feel your solar plexus.
  5. Stop and then exhale sharply. After a few seconds, repeat the process, continuing the exercises for about a minute.
  6. Inhalation is done through the nose, and exhalation is done through the mouth. It's best if the diaphragm works at the same time. Feel filled with oxygen to the limit.
  7. Focus on what you are doing, be aware of each subsequent action. Stop the endless stream of thoughts. Try to ignore the thought process, be detached.
  8. After the thirtieth breath, switch to normal breathing mode, release all the oxygen from yourself (that is, already carbon dioxide). Hold on as long as possible and try to relax your whole body at the same time.
  9. At your limit, breathe again. After recovery, hold the air briefly (up to 20 seconds) and continue training.
  10. Wait until you feel that you can independently redirect energy through your body.

This technique is somewhat similar to pranayama. Not surprisingly, Wim Hof ​​puts elements of yoga into each of his workouts.

It works like this: hyperventilation of the lungs occurs, the movement of blood throughout the body accelerates.

The excess CO2 helps dilate the capillaries, keeping you warm in all weather conditions.