Yellow fluid from a wound - what is it? What to do? These are the tips of the famous doctor O. Morozova. She also gives home and folk remedies for various wounds. Medicines for drawing out pus

quickly: it is not uncommon for them to continue to secrete a few days after injury. transparent ichor, or lymph. Normally, lymph is involved in cleansing tissues of dirt particles and dead cells. Let's consider in what cases it is necessary to stop its exudation.

Photo 1. If treated incorrectly, lymph turns into pus. Source: Flickr (jmawork)

Why is clear liquid flowing from the wound?

When body tissues are damaged, the phenomenon of exudation occurs at the site of injury: the vessels increase their capacity and fluid enters the intercellular space. This is how the body tries to get rid of foreign microorganisms. The watery ichor, having fulfilled its role, forms a protective film on the wound.

But sometimes the healing process is disrupted: for example, in the absence of a large damaged area, it becomes infected. Then the lymph continues to abundantly irrigate the wound.

Description of lymph (ichor)

At the moment, the lymphatic system is one of the least studied structures of the human body. It is believed that it is just an application to the cardiovascular system. The functions of lymph are to nourish body tissues, filtering out waste products, and transport lymphocytes.

Its structure includes vessels, nodes and organs (spleen, thymus gland behind the sternum and tonsils).

The lymphatic system performs its functions through the flow of lymph - a fluid that circulates freely in the body and, if necessary, enters the intercellular space. Its content in the body is approximately 1-3 liters. Lymph moves from bottom to top at a speed of 5-16 cm/min.

She consists of two fractions: lymphoplasm and formed elements(lymphocytes, leukocytes). The plasma component includes proteins, electrolytes, enzymes, fats and sugars.

Lymph is usually a transparent substance, but milky white and yellowish colors are within normal limits.

How to distinguish pus from lymph

The formation of pus is associated with insufficient cleansing of the wound: dead protective cells (lymphocytes, neutrophils, macrophages, etc.) in the released ichor become a breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms that inseminate the wound.

Note! Purulent inflammation indicates that the immune and lymphatic systems cannot cope with the resulting load. Therefore, to avoid complications, antibiotics are prescribed for suppuration.

Lymph Pus
At what phase of healing does it occur? Inflammatory phase Inflammatory phase
ColorCharacterized by transparency; color ranges from white (cream) to yellowCloudy exudate of dirty yellow, green, gray, blue color (depending on the microbial composition)
SmellAbsentAt the beginning there is no selection; over time - unpleasant putrid
ConsistencyWatery, slightly viscousNewly formed pus is liquid; gets thicker over time
Presence of blood clots and vesselsMaybeMaybe

What to do if there is heavy discharge

With proper care, small scratches and abrasions disappear within a week without complications, and ichor no longer comes out of the wound.

To speed up the regeneration process, the following measures should be taken:

  • Use of medications. A whole class is presented on the pharmaceutical market - creams (Argosulfan with silver, Ambulance), ointments (ichthyol ointment, Levomekol), liniments (Vishnevsky ointment). These drugs have a drying and antibacterial effect on the wound surface. And sorbent dressings (“Voskosorb”) additionally increase the outflow of exudate.
  • Isolation of the wound. Dressings that are applied after treating the wound will help avoid repeated microbial contamination. Apply bandages made of sterile breathable materials (gauze, cotton wool) and change them at least twice a day.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases. Some diseases provoke slow healing of wounds: for example, not only the processes of skin restoration slow down, but also its destructive changes intensify - trophic ulcers appear on the legs.

Note! If you are concerned about wounds after removal of stitches, you need to contact your doctor: he will assess the condition of the operated area, recommend products for treating the wound and prescribe procedures to improve lymph drainage.

Is it necessary to stop the flow of lymph from the wound?

The flow of lymph from a wound is a natural protective reaction of the body, therefore there is no need to stop its release during the inflammation phase(the first stage of wound healing, which lasts up to two days). During this period of time, enzymes and cells of the immune system destroy bacteria and fungi, and also stimulate the formation of new vascular bundles in the wound cavity.

Continued release of ichor 3-5 days after injury indicates the severity of the damage. In this case, it is necessary to stop the flow of lymph so as not to stimulate its degeneration into pus. It is necessary to urgently seek help from a medical institution (surgical department). You will likely need to drain the wound, debride it, and take antibiotics for a while.

Photo 2. If the wound does not heal for too long, antibiotics will be required.

Minor injuries, scratches, abrasions and wounds are almost inevitable in our lives. At the same time, various microorganisms and sometimes foreign bodies enter the wound. It is to remove them that the immune system is activated. Blood flows to the wound with a large number of leukocytes. And immune cells - macrophages - actively absorb foreign elements, and in the process of digesting them they themselves are destroyed. This is how pus is formed.

How to deal with a purulent wound?
List of mandatory actions when receiving a purulent wound.
  1. Visit your doctor. He will check the wound canal for the presence of pus, install drainage, and prescribe dressings. Drainage effectively removes pus and prevents it from clumping into lumps. Dressings are made with high-osmolar solutions (for example, 10% sodium chloride solution) and ointments, which quickly and effectively draw out pus. Hydrogen peroxide kills anaerobic bacteria, so it is also used when bandaging.
  2. You can use ointments based on fat or petroleum jelly, for example, Vishnevsky ointment. After the pus is completely released, water-based ointments are used: Dioxyzol or Levomekol. These antibiotic ointments work on the wound all day long. To remove already non-living tissue, bandages with proteolytic enzymes: chymotrypsin and trypsin are applied for 5 hours.
  3. Extensive wounds are treated with antibiotics, and a culture is taken from the wound to test for sensitivity to antibiotics. At the same time, detoxification therapy is carried out with sorbents and crystalloid infusion.
  4. When the wound is healing, but its edges are wide, you can try to tighten them with a plaster, but it is better to go to the doctor. He will put stitches, and the scar will look neater and smoother.

Before going to the clinic, you cannot open a purulent wound on your own! To prevent it from becoming crusty, place a sterile bandage moistened with saline solution (1 tablespoon of salt per glass of water). The dressing is changed periodically. If it has dried and stuck to the wound, then do not tear it off, moisten it with the same saline solution, water, a weak solution of furatsilin, potassium permanganate, rivanol, hydrogen peroxide. Wash the wound with an antiseptic, and lubricate the edges with brilliant green or alcohol, or in extreme cases, iodine. If pus is already coming from the wound, then Vishnevsky ointment cannot be applied, so as not to complicate this process.

Folk remedies for drawing out pus. They are used at your own risk before visiting a doctor.

  1. Place a cabbage leaf, aloe pulp, boiled or oven-baked onion, honey and flour on the wound; Bake garlic in the oven and mix with laundry soap and apply to the wound.
  2. Wash the wound with furatsilin, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and hydrogen peroxide.
  3. If there is a purulent wound on your finger, then dip it in an alcohol solution, hot water with added soda, wild rosemary infusion, saline solution, eucalyptus or calendula tincture solution.
Pus that is not removed from the wound becomes covered with fibrin threads, forming a kind of pus sac, which is how inflammation occurs. Therefore, of course, the pus from the wound must be removed. Remember that self-medication is good, but only as a measure of assistance before visiting a doctor. It can help you, of course, but the wound must be examined by a specialist and prescribed proper treatment. Because prolonged presence of pus in the wound contributes to the development of sepsis.

The main thing that needs to be done when receiving a purulent wound is to provide a way out for the pus. This is exactly what the surgeon will do: open the wound, clean it, remove non-viable tissue, and apply stitches.

It is very dangerous if contents with bubbles come out of the wound, the temperature rises, nausea and vomiting appear, the heartbeat quickens, and the head becomes dizzy. All these are signs of immediately calling a doctor or ambulance.

Trauma is an integral part of our lives. We are made of flesh and blood, not wood and metal, so it is natural to occasionally get scratched or wounded. There's nothing special about it. If the wounds are not deep, there is no need to be afraid of them, you just need to properly treat the surface and make sure that no dirt gets into them.

Proper treatment of the wound will avoid suppuration, inflammation and blood poisoning, as a result. The causes of purulent wounds are unsanitary conditions and lack of first aid knowledge. Sometimes dust, dirt, or fragments of objects get into the wound. An elementary splinter can lead to the start of an inflammatory process, which will then have to be treated for a long time and painfully. That is why it is better to take care of proper wound treatment at the initial stage.

Treating a purulent wound at home

If first aid was not provided for an injury or it was not done well, the wound begins to become inflamed and fester. Treatment of a purulent wound at home is carried out by cleansing the surface. To do this, you need to take sterile cotton wool, moisten it generously in a solution of potassium permanganate or Chlorhexidine and remove the pus. Next, treat the wound with Miramistin spray. Wait about five minutes and apply ointment; the most effective are Vishnevsky and Levomekol ointments. They not only relieve inflammation, but also heal.

How to treat a purulent wound at home?

There is nothing difficult about treating a purulent wound. Of course, it’s better not to let this happen and immediately treat a fresh wound correctly. But if, after all, purulent processes have begun, there is nowhere to go - you need to be treated. Not everyone knows how to treat a purulent wound at home. First, it is necessary to clean the damaged surface from accumulated pus. This is done using a cotton swab or disk soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate. An open wound, especially a festering one, should not be lubricated with brilliant green. You can treat the area around it, but under no circumstances do you treat the wound itself. Secondly, after removing the pus, it is necessary to carry out antibacterial therapy, usually this is done with Miramistin. Next you need to apply ointment and a cotton-gauze bandage. From time to time, the injured surface should be kept open, this allows the wound to dry out and speed up the healing process.

How to wash a purulent wound at home?

If injuries are not treated correctly, you can die from blood poisoning. Everyone knows that the best treatment is prevention. In order not to treat wounds, you must follow safety precautions. In order not to treat long-healing purulent wounds, you need to properly treat fresh cuts.

How to wash a purulent wound at home? When pus has formed, the wound is most often not washed, but wiped with a cotton swab dipped in either a solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide. Fresh wounds are washed and this is done to remove particles of dirt and solids, such as wood chips. There is no need to wash a purulent wound, it must be wiped, and it is advisable to take a cotton swab with tweezers, or put on medical gloves before treatment.

How to treat a festering wound at home?

Today it is not at all necessary to have an arsenal of medicines at home for all occasions. You can just go to the pharmacy and buy everything you need. There should be first aid supplies at home, and since a purulent wound is a long-term and sluggish phenomenon, there is no point in keeping means for its treatment in the home first aid kit in advance.

How to treat a festering wound at home? Almost everyone in the house has potassium permanganate, many people of the Soviet era had it in large quantities, because before there were no restrictions on its purchase, there were few pharmacies, so they bought so much for future use that it lasted for more than a dozen years. Fortunately, it doesn’t have an expiration date; you can store it for the rest of your life. From this potassium permanganate you need to make a slightly pink solution; a solution that is too dark burns the skin and can be harmful. A liter of warm boiled water requires several crystals of potassium permanganate, the dosage can be done using a knife, take a little powder at its tip. Then stir everything so that there are no small grains left in the jar, moisten a cotton swab and treat the wound. After the visible particles of pus have been removed, it is necessary to hold the wound a little in the air; being carried away with cotton-gauze bandages will not lead to any good. The wound must be dried.

How to treat purulent wounds at home?

There is nothing special about curing a purulent wound at home. If everything is done correctly, a person will quickly recover and forget about his wound as if it were a bad dream. How to treat purulent wounds at home? If treatment is carried out at home, you need to ensure that the apartment is always in order; someone from the household should regularly ventilate the room where the patient is, wipe off dust, carry out wet cleaning and comply with all sanitary standards. Any dirt in the environment can cause the healing process to be delayed for a long time or cause complications.

How to treat a purulent wound with antibiotics at home?

Many people don't like antibiotics, and that's not surprising. After all, they kill not only pathogenic but also beneficial bacteria. A person successfully treats a purulent wound, but at the same time acquires problems with the skin and gastrointestinal tract. However, no matter what, you have to use antibiotics, two evils, as they say... It’s better to suffer from diarrhea for a week than to die from blood poisoning or lose a limb.

How to treat a purulent wound with antibiotics at home? Most often, the doctor prescribes oral antibiotics, but sometimes the use of topical medications is suggested. You can buy a spray with an antibiotic or dissolve a tablet in water, and then treat the surface with this water. As for the names of drugs, everything is strictly individual. Whatever the doctor prescribes is what you should take.

What ointment draws pus out of a wound?

It is impossible to do without special ointments in the treatment of purulent wounds. What ointment draws pus from wounds? Firstly, this is the well-known Vishnevsky ointment. True, many believe that recently it has not become as concentrated as before, which means that it is not as effective. Some people don’t like its pungent smell, but, nevertheless, doctors prescribe it, people buy it and are treated. Secondly, “Levomekol” - this ointment does not have a pungent odor, and its properties are absolutely not inferior to Vishnevsky’s ointment. "Levomekol" not only draws out pus, but also promotes rapid wound healing.

Folk remedies for purulent wounds

If there are any young diseases, then purulent wounds are a problem that has accompanied a person since primitive times, when during hunting people received minor injuries, which, despite their insignificance, led to death, only because the hunters did not know how to help yourself. Over time, healers, healers, doctors, and so on appeared. Today, people rarely die from festering wounds for the simple reason that they do not trigger their injuries.

There are still people who do not trust traditional medicine and even in such serious matters as treating a purulent wound, turn to traditional healers for advice. What folk remedies exist for purulent wounds? Some find it helpful to treat a festering wound with a decoction of celandine, chamomile or calendula. You need to soak cotton wool in the broth and wipe the wound, removing the pus. Then apply a paste of aloe, kalanchoe or plantain. After the paste is applied, it is necessary to bandage the wound.

Saline solution for the treatment of purulent wounds

If you apply salt to an open wound pure form, that is, in powder form, can cause unbearable pain to a person. If you make a saline solution to treat purulent wounds, you can significantly speed up the healing process. After all, salt dries and kills germs. There is an opinion that if there is nothing to treat a fresh, minor wound, you can urinate on it. The salt contained in the urine will prevent inflammation. And there are legends about the healing properties of sea water.

Treatment of purulent wounds with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is usually used to treat fresh wounds, although when pus appears, peroxide will also not hurt. Treatment of purulent wounds with hydrogen peroxide causes the active substance to begin to foam and push dirt and decomposition products out of the wound. Naturally, you can’t get by with peroxide alone; it can only be used to cleanse the wound before applying the ointment.

Aloe for purulent wounds

Many people call aloe a home doctor. Why? The fact is that this healing plant helps to get rid of countless diseases, from a runny nose to a purulent wound. Aloe is not fully used for purulent wounds. In order to obtain medicine from this plant, you need to cut off the thickest leaf, peel it and apply the pulp to the washed wound. Next, apply a cotton-gauze bandage and do not remove it for a couple of hours, then unbandage it, hold the wound in the open air and repeat the procedure.

Iodine on a purulent wound

Iodine and brilliant green are old and effective wound treatments. But not all wounds can be treated with them. If a person has been scratched, bitten by a mosquito, or otherwise suffered minor damage to the surface of the skin, iodine and brilliant green are excellent. Even small wounds that were not treated promptly and correctly can lead to complications in the form of inflammation and suppuration. But deep and purulent wounds are either not treated. Iodine is not applied to a purulent wound; the only thing that can be done is to treat the wound around it.

Herbs for purulent wounds

People have always been treated, and will continue to be treated, with traditional medicine, especially in the context of a sharp rise in prices for pharmaceutical products. Herbs for purulent wounds have been used for a long time; the only thing is that you need to clearly know how to collect, store, make and use certain traditional medicines. If a person cuts his finger in the garden, he is unlikely to run to the pharmacy; most likely, he will find a bandage or tear off a piece of fabric and tie a plantain to the wound. If the wound is severe, then after these manipulations you should immediately go to the emergency room or call an ambulance.

Potassium permanganate for purulent wounds

In order for the wound to heal faster, it must be constantly treated, try not to keep it under a bandage all the time, but wash it and let it dry. In order to wash the wound, you need to make a special solution. Potassium permanganate is an irreplaceable thing for purulent wounds. How to make a solution? To do this, you need to take a liter of warm water, or a glass, it all depends on what you have to work with. The wound may be 1 centimeter wide, or it may take up half an arm. So, we took water, then we need to add enough potassium permanganate to get a slightly pink solution. Usually, in order not to pour more than necessary, take a knife or spoon and scoop up the powder on the tip of the cutlery. Next, the powder is mixed well and used for rinsing.

Treatment of purulent wounds with mumiyo solution

Treatment of purulent wounds is a serious matter, because mistakes in this work can cost a person his life. Many people like the treatment of purulent wounds with mumiyo solution; people find it the most useful thing in the world. This miraculous remedy helps get rid of colds, strengthens the immune system, relieves toothache, and the mummy solution helps relieve inflammation and cure a purulent wound.

Plantain for purulent wounds

What could be better in treating a wound with fresh plantain leaf? If the process is started, then it is difficult for the plantain to cope; most likely, it will be necessary to involve the help of doctors, and, accordingly, the means of traditional medicine. Plantain will not save you from purulent wounds. It is better not to hope for it, but to visit a doctor.

Magnesia for purulent wounds

Any disease can be approached from different angles. There are a great variety of means and methods for treating wounds; each person chooses what suits him best. Even doctors treat differently, each with their own approach, which they consider the most correct. As for advanced injuries. Magnesia helps well against purulent wounds. It has an analgesic effect and is used as an adjunct to primary therapy.

Treatment of purulent wounds with onions

Traditional medicine is rich in recipes. People think that using the gifts of nature is easy. Many people forget that healers were not just everyone, but selected people who had incredible memory and high sense. You can’t just tear off a leaf and apply it to the wound whenever you want. You need to clearly know the properties of a particular plant and understand at what time to collect it, because today the plant can be in its very juice, but in a week there will be nothing useful left in it. You shouldn’t be overly self-confident when it comes to health; it can be expensive. If, of course, a person received his knowledge from healers who passed on information from generation to generation and at the same time treated people all their lives, then one can safely use this gift. If a person imagines himself as a traditional healer after reading advice on the Internet, things will end badly.

Treatment of purulent wounds with onions is carried out as follows. You need to take a piece of bandage and apply a certain amount of onion pulp on it. After treating the wound, apply a bandage with onion pulp to the wound and bandage everything.

Injury can occur at any age. As children, we often fall and... As adults, we are also unable to avoid various damage to our own body. The wound can even be internal - after surgery, for example. But we are all accustomed to the fact that wounds heal on their own and soon go away. But what happens if the healing process does not take place?

What is this - suppuration?

The combination of three components gives suppuration. What it is? Suppuration is a condition in which pus forms and accumulates in the soft tissues. What three components lead to this? Open wound, contamination and infection. The penetration of various infections through an open wound leads to the development of erysipelas, abscesses, phlegmon, lymphadenitis, lymphangitis, purulent thrombophlebitis, and sometimes a general infection of a purulent nature.

Suppuration is a secondary disease. Primary formation develops as an accumulation of blood clots in the wound bed. In this case, inflammation is a natural process, which should subside after 5 days and begin healing. In this case, bacteria penetrate passively and their activity is insignificant. The body copes with the infection, destroys it, after which the wound heals. However, the massive influx of microorganisms proceeds to the second stage - inflammation. This usually happens within 2 days.

According to the forms of suppuration they are divided into:

  1. Acute – manifestation of all the main symptoms;
  2. Chronic.

According to the pathogen they are divided into types:

  • Bacterial (infectious);
  • Viral;
  • Purulent.

Phases of the wound process

  1. It all starts with the hydration phase of the wound process. It consists of increased blood flow, exudate formation, inflammatory edema, leukocyte infiltration, as well as circular stagnation. Oxidation of the wound occurs in order to further prepare it for healing. The wound is cleaned and freed from dead tissues and cells, bacteria and their waste products, and toxins. The healing process is accelerated due to the formation of lactic acid in the wound.
  2. The dehydration phase of the wound process is characterized by a decrease in inflammation, a decrease in swelling, blood outflow, and elimination of exudate.
  3. The regeneration phase involves the formation of granulation tissue and its maturation to form a scar. At this stage, the bacteria are pushed out. If this tissue is destroyed, then bacteria have the opportunity to penetrate the wound, which leads to suppuration.

Thus, we highlight the stages of a purulently infected wound process:

  1. Infection and inflammation;
  2. Granulation and restoration;
  3. Maturation;
  4. Epithelization.

The body’s abundant desire to get rid of the infection, which has penetrated in large quantities, leads to the accumulation of dead leukocytes in the wound - this is pus. Suppuration is a side effect of the body's fight against the bacteria. The body continues to get rid of pus, which leads to an additional inflammatory process.

Based on the formations that arise at the site of the wound, they are divided into types:

  • Pustular - the formation of pustules that are visible through the skin, their rupture and the release of exudate to the outside.
  • Abscess - the formation of an abscess deep under the skin. May cause gangrene to form, leading to amputation of a body part.


The causes of wound suppuration are infections that penetrate into the tissue. How do they get there? Either through an open wound, for example, a person got hurt - an open wound formed, or during an operation, in the midst of it. However, there are cases of infection when a blood clot has already formed, closing the wound, but the person (or doctors) does not carry out any antiseptic and aseptic procedures. The absence of any treatment of the wound leads to its suppuration if we are talking about deep or massive penetration.

In rare cases, suppuration occurs without any infection. This is a reaction of the body that reacts negatively to those drugs and dressings that are applied to the wound.

People who have reduced immunity are at risk. This is often observed in the presence of infectious diseases or in sexually transmitted diseases.

Symptoms and signs of wound suppuration

Symptoms of wound suppuration manifest themselves in the occurrence of an inflammatory process, which is characterized by the following signs:

  • Vascular dilatation of arterioles and capillaries.
  • Exudative formation.
  • Cellular changes in the properties of phagocytes and leukocytes.
  • Metabolic and lymphogenic reaction: tissue necrosis, acidosis, hypoxia.

With abscess suppuration, characteristic symptoms are observed:

  1. Pain, which is one of the main symptoms of abscess suppuration. It does not go away for several days;
  2. Ripple;
  3. Feeling of fullness;
  4. An increase in local and then general temperature, usually in the evening;
  5. Persistent inflammation around the wound, redness and swelling persist;
  6. You can observe pus inside the wound, blood and dirty gray tissue;
  7. There is a risk of spreading infection.

Suppuration in children

Suppuration in children often occurs due to parents' neglect of wounds that occur in the child literally every day. If the wound is not treated, then it can fester. Here, the accompanying factors are the weak strength of the immune system, which is not yet developed in children.

Suppuration in adults

In adults, suppuration often occurs due to the reluctance to treat wounds, they say, it will heal on its own. If we are talking about a small wound, then it may be able to cope on its own. However, with deep wounds, it is still necessary to carry out primary treatment and dressing of the wound to prevent infections from penetrating inside.


Diagnosis of suppuration occurs through a general examination, during which all the main signs are visible. Additionally, procedures are performed to assess the condition of the wound:

  • The most important procedure for assessing the condition of a wound is a blood test.
  • Analysis of secreted pus.
  • Analysis of wound tissue.


Treatment of purulent inflammation of a wound depends on the area of ​​damage and severity. Small wounds can be healed on your own at home. How are they treated?

  • Wash the wound with warm water and soap.
  • Special healing ointments.
  • Antibiotics and antiseptics.
  • Making bandages that prevent infection from entering the wound.
  • Using compresses to draw out pus from the wound.
  • Do not pick off a scab unless it comes off easily from the skin.

When the wound has just appeared, emergency assistance should be provided. This can be done at home if the wound is shallow. How can you help yourself?

  1. Wash the wound with warm water, hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate.
  2. To stop the bleeding, you need to cover the wound with gauze soaked in warm water and tie it tightly.
  3. It is better to lubricate the wound with boric acid or alcohol, rivanol ointment.
  4. If the tumor does not subside, use zinc ointment.
  5. Black or rye bread, salted and turned into pulp, will help against gangrene. Apply the mixture to the wound in a thick layer.
  6. To prevent bleeding and infection from entering a fresh wound, it is better to hold the wound with your finger for a few minutes, and then apply a thick layer of gauze soaked in cold water to it.
  7. To quickly clot the blood, a hot stone or iron is applied to the wound.
  8. For deep cuts and heavy bleeding on the arms or legs, you need to create an unnatural position to reduce blood flow. Raise your arms or legs up.
  9. You can clean and heal the wound with aloe juice. Accumulated blood on the wound can be removed with sauerkraut.

What medications should you have in your home medicine cabinet?

  • Iodine is considered the most important medicine that should be in any person’s medicine cabinet;
  • Petrolatum;
  • Turpentine water;
  • Zelenka;
  • Glycerol;
  • Streptocide powder or ointment, which is applied to a fresh wound until it suppurates;
  • Lanolin ointment.

Hospitalization is carried out when a person cannot cope with the spread of suppuration on his own. The infection has spread to nearby tissues, the redness is spreading, the wound is not healing - these are the main signs that you need to call an ambulance. While it arrives, you need to apply gauze soaked in warm water to the affected area.

In the surgical department, the wound is opened and the pus is removed. The affected area is treated with antiseptics. If infection is present, antibiotics and vitamins are given. By the way, it is good to include vegetables and fruits in the patient’s menu, which support and strengthen the immune system.

Life forecast

How long do they live with suppuration? The prognosis for life can be comforting, especially if you move on to eliminating the purulent formation in time. However, advanced forms of the disease can lead to spread, blood poisoning, and even death. This happens literally in a matter of months.

A common pathology that is addressed to surgeons is a purulent wound. This condition requires timely and adequate treatment to avoid severe consequences. In the treatment of purulent formation, antibacterial agents are used that suppress dangerous microflora and help cleanse it. In addition, symptomatic treatment aimed at eliminating pathological symptoms is advisable.

In this section you will find answers to the following questions: what are the causes and symptoms of infection of injuries, how to treat purulent wounds, what drugs can be used, what to smear on a purulent wound, how to properly bandage a suppurated wound, and you will find answers to other equally important questions that interest you .

Causes of wound suppuration

Any wound can fester. The process of suppuration develops under the following conditions:

  • Contamination of the wound, entry of foreign bodies into it. This contributes to significant contamination of the wound with bacteria;
  • Large area of ​​damage, crushing of soft tissues, puncture wound with a narrow and long course;
  • The presence of areas of necrosis (dead tissue), blood clots in large quantities.

In modern surgery, there are several main reasons that provoke the development of purulent injury:

Symptoms of infection

The clinical picture of a purulent wound is very characteristic. Experts identify both local and general symptoms, the severity of which depends on the type and size of the injury.

Local signs include:

  • Purulent discharge is visualized in the lumen of the injured area. Their color can range from light yellow to brown. It depends on the causative agent of the infection (staphylococcus, streptococcus, E. coli, fungi, and so on);
  • Intense pain. In the presence of an unopened abscess or swelling, it is pulsating in nature. Sometimes the pain is unbearable;
  • Hyperemia(redness) in the area of ​​damage;
  • Swelling of the surrounding soft tissues;
  • Local hyperthermia, that is, the skin around the wound is hot to the touch;
  • If a limb is damaged, its functions are severely impaired.

General signs of pathology are characterized by a violation of the patient’s condition:

  • Weakness, lethargy;
  • General hyperthermia is an increase in body temperature, which is accompanied by chills;
  • Decreased appetite or its complete absence;
  • Nausea;
  • A laboratory blood test reveals signs of inflammation; leukocytosis (increase in the number of white blood cells), accelerated ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate).

How to remove pus from a wound

For processing to be effective it is necessary. If there is little pus, then you can simply wash the wound with solutions. However, if there is heavy discharge, the contents of the injury should be drawn out. Drains can be used for this purpose.

Drainage happens:

Local medications are aimed at preventing the spread of purulent wound infection throughout the body. In cases where this type of therapy does not have the desired effect or complications develop, general treatment using systemic action is indicated.

The following groups of drugs are most often used:

  • Tetracyclines (Doxycycline);
  • Semi-synthetic penicillins (Ampiox, Ampicillin);
  • Macrolides (Azithromycin, Clarithromycin);
  • Aminoglycosides (Gentamicin, Izepamycin).

Systemic antibacterial drugs are available both in the form of capsules, tablets, and in the form of solutions and powders for injection. The attending physician decides which form of the drug to use in a given situation.

When the infection has spread significantly, parenteral antibiotics are indicated. In severe cases, they are administered intravenously.

It should be remembered that uncontrolled use of antibacterial agents leads to the adaptation of microorganisms to them and the emergence of resistant forms. That is why all prescriptions should be made by a doctor and only if other treatment methods do not work.

Wound dressing and bandage care

It is carried out 1 – 2 times a day depending on its condition.

In some cases, emergency dressing may be required:

  • Significant contamination and wetting of the bandage;
  • The appearance of bloody discharge, which is clearly visible on the bandages;
  • Increased pain;
  • If the bandage has slipped and exposed the wound.

This manipulation is performed by a surgeon and a nurse. In case of severe pain, anesthesia is required.

Dressing a purulent wound:

During the day it is necessary to monitor the bandage and monitor its condition. It must be protected from getting wet and dirty. If the bandages are moderately saturated with pus, the nurse should bandage the bandage. If the discharge is heavy or bloody, you should inform your doctor.

Traditional methods of treatment

Justified in the presence of small wounds with slight discharge of pus. Before using such methods, you should consult with your surgeon and rule out allergies to the components.

For washing and processing use:

Aloe pulp has a good wound healing effect. The leaf of this plant should be washed, peeled and used whole or crushed (gruel). This compress needs to be changed every 3 hours.

Onions and garlic have antiseptic and antibacterial properties; they are also used in the treatment of purulent wounds. A paste is prepared from them, which is applied to the injury on a napkin. This compress should be secured with a bandage.

Possible complications

Purulent wounds can lead to the development of complications:

  • Unhealed wound- if for a long time (longer than 7 days) there is no visible tendency towards cleansing and healing;
  • Lymphangitis– inflammation of the lymphatic vessels located near the injury. There are red strands on the skin. In this case, the infection extends beyond the wound surface;
  • Lymphadenitis– the infection spreads to regional lymph nodes. They increase in size (rounded formations are visualized) and hurt. There may be a slight increase in body temperature;
  • Osteomyelitis– inflammation of bone tissue. This condition develops when the infection penetrates deeper into the soft tissue;
  • Sepsis– general infection of the body, which manifests itself as intoxication. In severe cases, there are signs of brain damage and coma.