Wheat germ oil, cosmetic or natural. Wheat germ oil: benefits, harm and application. External use of the oil is advisable

Wheat germ oil has long been considered an indispensable tool to preserve health and beauty. This unique product has many beneficial properties allowing its use in various cosmetic and medical purposes. In addition, it is accessible and easy to use. What allows us to talk about this oil as a panacea for many problems with the skin and body?

Wheat germ oil: general characteristics

Wheat germ is that part of the grain that contains a significant amount of microelements, antioxidants, fatty acids, essential vitamins and others useful substances. Wheat germ began to be used in folk cosmetology and medicine long before the scientific confirmation of their healing properties (they were used in Byzantium and Ancient Rome). In the first quarter of the 20th century, based on numerous studies, the rich composition and benefits of the product were revealed. Wheat germ oil is obtained using conventional cold pressing.

The nutritional value of wheat germ does not depend on the season of germination

This is interesting. Wheat germ makes up about 2–3% of total number grains, and the oil content in them ranges from 7 to 14%.

The choice of such a natural remedy should be approached responsibly. High-quality oil should be dense and slightly viscous, and may have a color from yellow to brown. When the product is in a light bottle, it can be examined and evaluated more closely. But, on the other hand, the product is stored longer in dark glass containers.

After opening, wheat germ oil must be kept in a cool and dark place. The uncorked product is stored for 3 months to a year (depending on the instructions on the packaging). There are often cases when sediment is found at the bottom of the bottle. No need to worry: the waxes contained in the wheat germ oil settle out; just shake the bottle before use.

There is another form of wheat germ oil release - in capsules (the product in this form is stored longer)

Table: chemical composition of the product and benefits

Product components Properties
Polyunsaturated fatty acids:
  • linolenic (omega-3);
  • linoleic (omega-6);
  • oleic (omega-9).
  • help cleanse the body of toxins, waste, salts heavy metals and radionuclides;
  • improve the functioning of the nervous, digestive, endocrine, cardiovascular and reproductive systems;
  • support optimal hormonal balance;
  • provide beneficial influence on the condition of the skin.
Fat- and water-soluble vitamins
  • Vitamin E helps improve the functioning of the cardiovascular, reproductive, and muscular systems, and also helps remove harmful substances from the body.
  • Vitamin D improves the body's absorption of phosphorus and calcium, improves immunity, and reduces the risk of developing various diseases;
  • Vitamin A has a beneficial effect on the skin, increases immunity, improves vision;
  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9) support brain function and nervous system, and also have a beneficial effect on problem skin.
  • allantoin has anti-inflammatory properties;
  • octacosanol reduces the accumulation of fat in tissues;
  • squalene has wound-healing, immunostimulating, antifungal and bactericidal properties.
Various macro- and microelements
  • participate in the metabolic process;
  • contribute to increased sexual desire;
  • protect the walls of blood vessels;
  • participate in the process of insulin synthesis in the body;
  • increase immunity.
Amino acids (methionine, tryptophan, isoleucine, leucine, valine, etc.) contribute to the full functioning of the body (improving fat metabolism, construction muscle mass, antibody production).

Video: features of consuming wheat germ oil

This product is extremely rarely capable of causing allergies and has absolutely no contraindications (only for external use). It cannot be denied that there is a possibility of individual intolerance to wheat germ oil, but this is extremely rare. If you have chronic diseases, you should consult a specialist before using the product internally. It should also be used with caution by pregnant women and children. You should also know that if you have urolithiasis or gallstones, you should not take the oil orally.

It is extremely important to follow the norm of use, since an overdose of such natural medicine could turn around serious problems with health (especially with digestion when used internally).

To carry out a product tolerance test a small amount of The liquid must be applied to the bend of the elbow and left for half an hour.

Use of the product for medical purposes

Natural oil wheat germ has proven itself as an excellent alternative medical drugs. In addition to use in medicinal purposes, it is also used for the prevention of various diseases. Being a unique substance for healing the body, this product is used in the following cases:

  • in the presence or for the prevention of problems with the digestive, reproductive, endocrine and nervous systems;
  • at cardiovascular diseases(anemia, hypertension, stroke, cardiac ischemia, atherosclerosis, heart attack, etc.);
  • if necessary, restore hormonal balance;
  • at diabetic retinopathy(to slow the progression of the disease);
  • for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis (to get rid of edema and improve vascular permeability);
  • for hemorrhoids;
  • for difficulties with vision.

For the purpose of prevention and to strengthen the immune system, as well as in the presence of a number of diseases, it is advisable to consume 1 tablespoon of wheat germ oil orally. once a day (during meals or thirty minutes before). Wherein special meaning has regular use for one to two months.

On a note. Use 0.5 tsp. Ingestion of wheat germ oil is recommended for children and pregnant women for two weeks to improve the health of the body.

Systematic use of oil internally allows you to restore vitality digestive system and helps regulate the acidity of gastric juice. Thanks to these properties, the product helps cope with constipation and heartburn. The substance is also used to combat various diseases(ulcers, colitis, enterocolitis, hepatitis, gastritis, cholecystitis, dysbacteriosis, etc.) and promotes recovery healthy microflora intestines. In this case, the drug should be taken orally only during remission of these diseases (1 tsp on an empty stomach). The oil is also used for organ diseases endocrine system and to regulate their functions. This product can significantly improve blood composition and function of cardio-vascular system, since it contains in significant quantities polyunsaturated acids allowing to stabilize fat (lipid) metabolism.

Capsules with wheat germ oil are the most convenient form of release of the product for oral use (the dosage of the product should be read in the instructions)

Since the times of Ancient China, this oil used to prevent problems associated with the genitals. This is not surprising: selenium and zinc contained in the product have a beneficial effect on the level of desire, and fatty acids support the viability of sperm and cells of the reproductive system. In addition to increasing potency, the product can become part of complex therapy with such male diseases, like adenoma and prostatitis. The versatility of the oil allows it to be used even for diseases that are observed exclusively in women and negatively affect reproductive function, such as cervical erosion, endometriosis, vaginitis and mastopathy. For general maintenance of women's health, the product can be taken orally undiluted. painful menstruation or during the onset of menopause (1 tsp 2 times a day will be enough).

At various kinds for bruises, slightly warmed wheat germ oil is used for massage

The use of this natural remedy helps strengthen the nervous system and normalize brain activity (improves attention, emotional background, memory and sleep). It will also be useful for restoring hormonal balance, since it contains phytosterols (organic plant alcohols). For hemorrhoids effective way It is considered to use an ointment with the addition of wheat germ oil. To do this you need:

  1. Combine one drop each of wheat germ and geranium oils.
  2. Lubricate the anus before going to bed and after each act of bowel movement.

The combined use of geranium and wheat germ oils will significantly reduce inflammation in anus and will easily heal anal fissures

Wheat germ oil in cosmetology: recipes and methods of use

Wheat germ oil is a unique product for achieving cosmetic purposes. This is not surprising, since it can saturate the skin with antioxidants, amino acids, essential acids, vitamins - substances that are so necessary to restore rough and irritated epidermis.

The main external methods of using this oil in cosmetology are as follows:

  • application undiluted (recommended for spot use only);
  • use in diluted form (together with other esters and oils);
  • enrichment of purchased cosmetics (lotions, creams, tonics, masks, etc.).

Mixtures and masks to get rid of skin problems

Wheat germ oil can be used regardless of skin type. Rubbing this product into your face will give you a more toned and pleasant appearance, and will also minimize the likelihood of fine wrinkles. For women with oily or combination skin, the oil will help them quickly forget about troubles such as rashes and blackheads. At the same time, the product has a moisturizing effect. It follows that it is perfect for those with dry skin.

Easiest way to use of this product- adding it to various means for facial care: creams (night or day, as well as nourishing, ageing, moisturizing), lotions, makeup remover liquids, etc. The best method When using such oil with ready-made cosmetic preparations, you will need to apply the mixture regularly: a few drops of the product per teaspoon of a purchased product. In the case when oil is poured into a whole tube or other packaging, the shelf life of a particular cream or lotion is significantly reduced. Do not forget that this oil may already be included in purchased cosmetics- You just need to take a closer look at the list of ingredients.

Wheat germ oil is often found in various creams (for hands, eyelids, face, etc.)

To eliminate imperfections on the face, various mixtures and masks are used with the addition of wheat germ oil (depending on the existing problem).

The composition for aging and aging skin covered with wrinkles is prepared as follows:

  1. Combine wheat germ oil with olive or almond oil (in a ratio of one to three).
  2. Enrich the mixture with sandalwood, rose and mint esters (one drop each).
  3. Soak a cotton pad in the oil mixture and spread it on a cleansed face.
  4. Leave the mixture for 20 minutes, then remove it without rinsing (the residue should be absorbed into the skin on its own).

The composition based on almond and wheat germ oil can effectively smooth out wrinkles

To prepare a mask that eliminates skin imperfections such as acne or acne, you must:

  1. Mix in 3 tsp. wheat germ oils, 2 drops each of lavender, cedar and clove esters.
  2. Distribute the mixture over clean skin face with a napkin or towel.
  3. Leave the composition for about a third of an hour.
  4. Gently blot off excess mask with a cotton pad or napkin.

Clove, cedar and lavender esters have proven themselves as agents that help in the fight against acne and acne.

Making a mixture for age spots or freckles will not work special labor. To do this you should:

  1. In 1 tbsp. Add wheat germ oil, one drop each of juniper, bergamot and lemon esters.
  2. Blot a napkin with the mixture and apply to face for 30 minutes. (use 2 times a day).

Lemon oil has long been used in various facial mixtures as a remedy to help get rid of excess pigmentation.

Homemade masks are prepared to eliminate this cosmetic defect, like rosacea (when dealing with this deficiency, you must remember to be especially careful when using various compositions). In order to make one of them, you will need:

  1. Combine wheat germ oil with grape seed oil (1 drop each).
  2. Add the same amount of vegetable oil infusion with St. John's wort and calendula.
  3. Mix 1 tsp into the mask. avocado oils.
  4. Before going to bed, pat the mixture into the damaged areas of the skin without rinsing.

When treating rosacea with traditional methods formulations using St. John's wort are especially popular

A product for the skin of the eyelids, which helps with swelling under the eyes, can be prepared as follows:

  1. Pour into 1 tbsp. l. wheat germ oils, 1 drop each of neroli and sandalwood oils.
  2. Apply smoothly over the skin of the eyelids and perform a self-massage.
  3. Leave the mixture for 30 minutes.
  4. Blot the remaining composition without rinsing.

Using a composition with the addition of neroli oil will allow you to forget about swelling under the eyes

Undiluted, the oil is used for eyelashes and eyebrows. To use it you should:

  1. Remove makeup with undiluted wheat germ oil.
  2. Rinse your face with warm water.
  3. Apply a few drops of the product to your fingers and gently rub into your eyelashes and eyebrows (after just 3-4 days of regular use, they will become stronger and thicker).

On a note. Without impurities, wheat germ oil can also be applied to dry lips: you just need to spread a small amount of the product over this area (imagine using lipstick).

Using oil for hair, body and hands

To care for hair, hands (also nails) and body skin, the oil can be used either undiluted or as a component of various products.

Massage will help get rid of cellulite, for which you need:

  1. Combine 1 tbsp. wheat germ oils with grapefruit and orange esters (3-5 drops each).
  2. Self-massage problem areas.

Grapefruit oil is often used for cellulite in formulations with various base products, including wheat germ oil

If stretch marks occur, a composition will help, for use you should:

  1. Combine 150 ml olive oil with 20 ml wheat germ oil.
  2. Mix in 10-15 drops of rose essential oil.
  3. Rub into cleansed and slightly damp skin.
  4. Remove any remaining product after 7 minutes.

To strengthen nails and cuticles you need:

  1. Combine one tablespoon of wheat germ oil with lavender and bergamot esters (three to four drops each).
  2. Rub into your nails every day for a week (after this course they will become less brittle, stronger and acquire a healthy color).

A product with bergamot ester based on wheat germ oil can prevent brittle nails

To give natural shine to your hair, you should use a special composition. To do this you need:

  1. Combine wheat germ oil with cedar, eucalyptus or orange esters in a 2:1 ratio.
  2. Rub the mixture into the hair roots half an hour before washing.

Use of wheat germ oil in cooking

Salads, cereals, soups, drinks, dressings and even baked goods are applications for wheat germ oil as an ingredient. culinary dishes extremely wide. Extremely useful to use this remedy as part of various non-alcoholic cocktails or add it to the main portion of food (from 1 to 3 tsp).

You can even make natural energy cocktails using wheat germ oil.

Most often, this product is used precisely as a dressing for many vegetable salads(lentils and tomatoes, avocado, herring, potatoes and radishes, etc.). The oil can also be used as an additional ingredient in various cereals, stews and side dishes.

When preparing dishes using a frying pan or oven, you must remember that when heated above 60 °C, the oil will lose its biological and nutritional value.

Wheat is cereal crop, which is rich in nutrients and microelements. Not only a huge variety of food products are obtained from it, but also oils rich in fatty acids and vitamins. It has been proven that sprouted grains and their sprouts contain amino acids and tannins many times more than regular wheat.


Wheat germ oil is used both for external use and consumed internally. As cosmetologists explain, the extract gives an excellent effect when used on both dry and problematic dermis. It promotes the elasticity of the epidermis and improves its overall condition. At frequent use, the skin is rejuvenated and glows from the inside.

Vitamin composition oils:

  • vitamins A, E, D– when complementary to each other, they have a literally healing effect: they stop the development of skin diseases, improve general form. Vitamin E prevents premature aging and improves metabolic processes inside the skin;
  • niacin(or vitamin PP) – has a powerful antioxidant effect and protects cell membranes from damage;
  • B vitamins– normalize fat and water-salt balance, eliminate peeling and smooth out small irregularities in the dermis;
  • allantoin compounds– regenerates damaged tissue, eliminates stretch marks and other irregularities skin(eg scars). They also have a mild analgesic and softening effect;
  • amino acids – participate in the formation of collagen and elastin building fibers. Improves the overall tone of the epidermis. In addition, amino acid molecules capture moisture from the surface, deliver it to the deep layers and retain it inside. Eliminate dryness and sagging, slightly tighten the dermis;
  • mineral compounds (phosphorides, potassium, calcium citrate, iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium and copper) – a set of nutrients that prevent skin diseases(pimples, acne), remove toxins, restore the natural protection of the skin and improve complexion. Thanks to calcium, rapid cell regeneration occurs, and with the help of potassium, swelling goes away. Iron improves blood circulation in the body, saturating the skin with oxygen.

General beneficial properties of wheat germ substrate:

  • antiseptic;
  • drainage;
  • regenerating;
  • antimicrobial;
  • cleansing.

Wheat germ oil can be used for complex treatment. It is suitable for all types of dermis - aging, oily, dry and those that have lost elasticity.

Wheat germ extract is useful for facial dermis:

  • renews the epithelium - restores its functions;
  • improves general state and normalizes the functioning of any skin type;
  • softens;
  • nourishes;
  • eliminates dryness;
  • refreshes the epidermis, promotes its rejuvenation;
  • fights germs and inflammation;
  • regenerates – heals minor damage, wounds and bruises;
  • eliminates skin diseases(eczema, dermatitis and others);
  • gives tone;
  • restores delicate skin century;
  • treats dryness and damage to the lips.

The benefits of using the oil can be reflected throughout the skin. For example, using oil as a base for compresses or massages, you can eliminate sagging skin, tighten pores and smooth out unevenness. Wheat germ ether is also used for problems with dehydration of the dermis.

The oil acts as a general tonic: the skin is cleansed of toxins, the production of collagen fibers is stimulated, and the walls of blood vessels and capillaries are strengthened.

The product can rid the dermis of stagnant fluid and eliminate swelling, remove peeling and irritation sensitive skin. The oil is recommended for use by pregnant girls: it prevents skin aging, improves its elasticity and tone. In this case, it is applied in pure form on the skin. The product also prevents minor breakouts and evens out the tone.

The extract is used for vitamin deficiency to nourish the epithelium with useful components. For aging skin, it gives softness and supports oxygen exchange in tissues. With expression wrinkles, deep regeneration and restoration of collagen fibers occurs. Wheat germ substrate also fights rough skin, moisturizing and nourishing it. Dry lips are eliminated after several applications of the oil.

For oily skin types, in masks based on germ extract, it is necessary to add peach, almond or apricot concentrate - such a compound will give a real boost of energy, deeply nourish the dermis and make it matte (thanks to the restoration water-salt balance). For dry and dehydrated epidermis, you should mix wheat germ extract with burdock, coconut or jojoba oil. In this case, they are restored protective functions and natural protection of the epithelium, due to which peeling and tightness disappear.

Even more about the benefits of wheat germ oil in the next video.

Features of choice

When choosing oil, you should remember that there are several types.

The extract can be obtained by cold or warm pressing. The latter option is practically not used at present, since all useful substances are lost. This oil practically does not give positive results when used.

Cold pressed used most often for the extraction of cosmetic and edible oil. It is better to give preference to him, since all nutrients and microelements in the composition.

Wheat germ extract can be found:

  • in capsules for oral administration– in this case, the oil is used daily, several tablets before meals. It is a biologically active food supplement and is used for complex treatment of both skin and internal diseases;
  • in its purest form. It should be remembered that there can be two types of oil: edible and cosmetic. The first can be taken orally as capsules and used to season dishes and salads. The second must be applied only to the skin, used in masks, wraps and creams;
  • on air. This type of oil has a high concentration of active substances, so it should not be used in its pure form. Wheat germ essential oil is used in cosmetology to improve nutritional properties basic oils.

When choosing a product, you need to evaluate the packaging, expiration date and consistency. Since the substance has a heavy structure (due to unsaturated fats), its consistency is viscous and viscous. Typically yellow or amber color, without impurities. Cosmetic oil has a light herbal odor, and the ethereal one is transparent, with a pronounced aroma.

For oily skin types, the extract should be mixed in a 1:1 ratio with peach and olive oil. And for dry and damaged ones - with oil grape seed, burdock or avocado.


  • allergic reactions. To check your body for allergies, you need to rub a drop of oil on the skin of your wrist or elbow. If redness, itching or irritation occurs, the oil should not be used;
  • individual intolerance.

Application and recipes

The oil is universal - it can be used to create your own own recipes beauty. Wheat germ product is used in cosmetology as the basis of care products, masks and compresses for facial skin. Sometimes can be used for a deep lifting effect.

Mask with a rejuvenating effect

Wheat germ extract must be mixed with sour cream (the proportions should be the same), then wait a few minutes and apply to the face. Leave the product on the skin for 30 minutes, then wash it off warm water. The effect of such a mask is immediately visible: the dermis is moisturized, looks fresh and rested. According to reviews, this method helps smooth out fine wrinkles and prevent premature aging epidermis.

The oil contains many healthy fatty acids: Omega-3, Omega-6; amino acids not synthesized in the human body; V in moderation vitamins, as well as, etc. It contains and in the highest concentration, which provides a powerful antioxidant effect and improves.

Also, wheat germ squeeze contains phytosterols, which are responsible for strengthening cell membranes and have the ability to reduce the level when taking the product internally.

Benefits of wheat germ oil

Wheat is a unique crop; it contains a lot of amino acids, oils, etc.

Did you know? Ancient people were forced to eat unripe wheat, since the wild crop crumbled immediately after ripening, and it was almost impossible to collect it.

Wheat germ oil accumulates all the beneficial qualities of the cereal. The rich composition of the product makes it incredibly useful for.

When used internally:

  • Helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their elasticity.
  • Removes bad, reducing its level to normal.
  • Stimulates insulin production, which is important for people suffering from ( we're talking about about type 2).
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Has a stimulating effect on reproductive function.

For external use:
  • Nourishes, moisturizes, softens.
  • Has a lifting effect.
  • Brightens dark spots, reduces .
  • Tones.
  • Nourishes and...

Application in cosmetology and medicine

An extract from sprouted wheat germ was actively used as a medicinal and health product back in ancient times Chinese medicine. Now it is used in cosmetic procedures, making various things based on it.

IN medical practice A 10% solution is usually used, since the product has a pronounced taste, which is very noticeable when taken orally.

  • As food additives it is taken orally for prevention and treatment. Vitamin E, which is the main component, ensures vascular elasticity and reduces the risk of coronary disease.
  • Wheat germ oil is successfully used in gynecology, it is especially useful for hormonal imbalances in the body that provoke, as well as for erosion of the cervix and other inflammatory processes genital area.
  • To treat gastritis or colitis, take the product after meals in the amount of 1 teaspoon.
  • The miraculous remedy is also prescribed to people who have undergone chemotherapy; it allows the body to quickly restore strength and strengthens.

IN for cosmetic purposes the scope of application is no less wide.
  • Wheat germ oil is excellent in treatment, it helps well, drying and soothing.
  • Freckles noticeably lighten after just a few applications. Inflammation and peeling also heal successfully and quickly thanks to this remedy. However, it is worth remembering that in its pure form the product has a rather dense and viscous consistency, so when applied to it, it is usually recommended to dilute it with other oils that have a lower density.
  • Wheat germ oil does an excellent job with facial expressions and is best suited for age-related skin.
  • This product works well for a variety of purposes, including smoothing out and making defects less noticeable.

Did you know? The main traditional dish of the ancient Navruz holiday, celebrated by the peoples of Iran and Central Asia, is prepared from sprouted wheat grains and is called« sumalak» .

Recipes for use

There is no magic in the composition of this product, but the vitamin E present in it, also known as vitamin, has made the product popular among cosmetologists and those who take care of their skin. There are a great many ways to use it; the product is mainly used in cooking.

For face

Wheat germ oil helps to improve the face, and its use is also practiced to soften and soften the face.

It needs to be slightly warmed to a comfortable temperature, and the baths should be given for 15-20 minutes. A simpler and more convenient way is to massage your hands, cuticles and nails using the same heated product. For a whitening effect, it will be useful to add 1-2 drops lemon oil, and mint in the same amount will help cope with dryness and flaking of the skin.

For massage

The high density of this product makes it convenient to use when carrying out massage.

Very high efficiency shows wheat germ oil in the fight against stretch marks, reducing their severity. For these purposes, mix the base (1 tablespoon) with citrus oils (orange, grapefruit, lemon) 1-2 drops each and massage problem areas.

For bruises and stretch marks

External use of the product is not limited to the cosmetic area. For example, for bruises or sprains, it will relieve some pain and reduce inflammation in the area. Use consists of massaging the affected area using pure, undiluted product, warmed to a temperature slightly higher than body temperature.

How to store at home

Wheat germ oil can be stored for 2 years. Closed containers are stored in a dry, dark place at temperatures up to +25°C, but it is recommended to store an open bottle in the refrigerator.

Contraindications and precautions

This drug has no specific contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance reactions, which is the basis for discontinuation of the drug.

People suffering from gallbladder diseases or urolithiasis, it is recommended to consult a doctor regarding the advisability of use.

So, today we took a look at a great inexpensive natural remedy, a cold-pressed product of wheat germ. Its composition and healing properties are unique and correct use will allow you not only to make your skin radiant and well-groomed, but also to overcome ailments and strengthen your skin.

Sprouted wheat grains are a storehouse of useful components, embedded in the grain by nature itself for the renewal of life. Over the course of many centuries, vast experience has been accumulated in the use of wheat sprouts and products obtained as a result of their processing. Scientists, naturopaths, yogis, traditional healers, and no one doubted the enormous healing power sprouts. They are used in cosmetology, in folk medicine, eaten, made from sprouted grains the most beneficial oil wheat sprouts.

Sprouted wheat grains are a storehouse of useful components, inherent in the grain by nature itself for the renewal of life

Production methods

There is an opinion based on scientific research that the history of agriculture began precisely with the processing and sowing of wheat, when Asians discovered the high yield and nutritional properties of wheat grains. For thousands of years they have been used to grow cereals as raw materials for baking bread and flour products. And only no more than two hundred years ago, after studying the beneficial properties of sprouted wheat, they began to make oil from them.

Most effective in a modern way production is a high-tech cold pressing method, in which the raw materials are not subjected to heat treatment, do not use third-party components, use only mechanical pressing grains of wheat. The use of the cold pressing method allows you to preserve finished product the whole complex useful vitamins and biologically active substances.

To prepare three liters of product, it is necessary to process about one hundred kilograms of wheat grains.


Oil from sprouted wheat grains is a superconcentrate of beneficial to the human body biologically active substances. Our body does not synthesize all the necessary amino acids on its own. A number of them must be obtained from food for the coordinated functioning of all organs. By consuming wheat germ oil, you can supply the body with tryptophan, methionine, leucine, isoleucine and other amino acids that the plant product is rich in.

Wheat germ oil is rich in polyunsaturated higher fatty acids omega-3, omega-6, omega-9, which are extremely important for normal operation cardiovascular system, have a positive effect on reproductive function and metabolic processes in the body.

Oil from sprouted wheat grains is a superconcentrate of biologically active substances beneficial to the human body.

Sprout oil contains fat soluble vitamins, such as B1, B2, B3, B5, B9, these vitamins have powerful anti-inflammatory properties, contribute to active work brain and nervous system. The product components also contain a record content of youth vitamin E - tocopherol. So much of this the most powerful antioxidant has no other vegetable oil. Vitamin E protects the body from deposits on the walls of blood vessels bad cholesterol, stimulates work muscular system. With the help of vitamin D contained in this product, the body better absorbs calcium and phosphorus, which prevents teeth, bones and joints from damage, and effectively affects the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Wheat germ oil contains zinc, which is important for the health of the male reproductive system, it prevents the development of prostate adenoma, increases testosterone production, and normalizes the process of sperm production.

The presence of the most powerful antioxidant squalene in the product helps improve performance immune system, activates the body's protective functions. Squalene is a bactericidal, antitumor component.

Healing properties

The presence of such huge amount useful components provides wide application product in medicine, since it gives the oil therapeutic and prophylactic properties. If you regularly take this remedy, your metabolism improves, the functioning of the cardiovascular system, blood composition are normalized blood pressure, cholesterol levels in the blood decrease.

The use of wheat germ oil is very effective for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, anemia, coronary heart disease, varicose veins veins, hemorrhoids.

This oil is very useful for pregnant women to consume, as it promotes the appearance and increase in the amount of milk, improves its taste, and normalizes the hormonal balance of the body. The use of the product is beneficial for patients diabetes mellitus, since the substances in its composition normalize the functioning of the pancreas and its production of insulin. The product activates the work gastrointestinal tract, eliminates constipation, heartburn, promotes the healing of ulcers, cures gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis.

Those who play sports may also benefit from the use of wheat germ oil. It increases the physical endurance of the body and helps increase muscle mass. Experts recommend taking the product after traumas suffered, operations, after undergoing a course of radiation and chemotherapy, as well as for those who live in environmentally polluted areas.

This oil is very useful for pregnant women to consume, as it promotes the appearance and increase in the amount of milk, improves its taste, and normalizes the hormonal balance of the body.

An effective cosmetic product

Cosmetologists recommend using wheat germ oil on the face. External use of the product has a variety of cosmetic effects on the skin. The presence of vitamins E and B3, linoleic acid in its composition helps preserve moisture, normalize the water-lipid balance of the skin, softens and perfectly nourishes.

Due to age-related changes and hormonal imbalance in older people, noticeable metamorphoses of appearance occur - the skin of the face becomes dull, dehydrated, loses former attractiveness. The use of wheat germ oil will prevent premature aging of the skin. Thanks to this product, complexion improves, the skin becomes firm, elastic, its relief and structure become clearer.

The presence of anti-inflammatory properties helps to cleanse and exfoliate dead skin cells of the epidermis. With the help of wheat germ oil, blood circulation and lymphatic drainage in the subcutaneous fat layer are normalized, which prevents the appearance of cellulite deposits. The product helps strengthen subcutaneous capillaries and prevent the appearance of spider veins.

This product is one of the main and the most effective components cosmetics for the face and whole body, prepared at home. Masks, creams, scrubs, and applications prepared on its basis have an amazing rejuvenating effect. Since the product is quite dense in structure, it may be somewhat heavy on the face, so it is recommended to use it diluted, adding lighter-structured vegetable oils.

By mixing wheat germ oil with essential oils of orange, mint, sandalwood, you can get effective mask for problematic aging skin, if you apply the composition to the skin for 15 minutes.

For a face affected by acne, a mask containing 3 teaspoons of the product diluted with 2 drops of essential oils of lavender, cedar, and clove is suitable.

The product is also effective for dermatitis. Using it for several weeks, you can completely restore the skin, which acquires an even matte color. Application of the product gives positive result for hemorrhoids, eczema, psoriasis, and burns, the skin heals faster and the inflammatory process is relieved.

Nature itself offers people products that truly magical properties. Besides nutritional value they help maintain health, restore lost youth and beauty.

A unique composition, a harmonious composition of vitamins, minerals, plant hormones, biologically active substances - oils from various plants have all these properties.

One of the first places in terms of the presence of universal beneficial properties is wheat germ oil, the use of which will bring enormous benefits.

Listing the unique substances contained in wheat germ, it is worth noting that 100 g of these wheat germs contains several daily norms for human consumption of certain vitamins and minerals.

Wise nature made sure that the supply of them in the grain supported the developing plant and helped it withstand unfavorable factors.

First of all, sprout oil is a storehouse of vitamins, the leader of which is vitamin E. In addition to it, PP ( a nicotinic acid), biotin, folic and pantothenic acid, choline.

The mineral composition is represented by macro- and microelements:

  • Vanadium, boron, silicon, manganese contain 2-4 daily norms of these substances required by a person,
  • cobalt, zirconium, copper, selenium, phosphorus - half the norm.

Proteins, carbohydrates and essential amino acids complement this list. A distinctive feature of this universal remedy is the presence of α-tocopherols, which give it antioxidant properties.

Moreover, the amount of this active antioxidant additive is several times greater than required for a noticeable effect to appear.

In addition, wheat germ oil contains such a valuable component as octonazole.

According to experiments, it increases resistance to physical activity and endurance. There is evidence that octanazole has an antitumor and antithrombotic effect and helps prevent Parkinson's disease.

Maintaining health, restoring youth and beauty

Wheat germ oil, due to the set of beneficial vitamins, microelements and minerals it contains, has wide range applications. It is used in cosmetology and medicine as a dietary supplement, and as prophylactic for some diseases.

Application in cosmetology: for face, eyelashes and hair

It should be noted that for cosmetic purposes this wheat germ oil is not used in its pure form; for facial and body skin care it is diluted with more light oils in various proportions.

An exception is the use of wheat germ oil to care for eyelashes and lip skin. It is recommended to remove mascara from eyelashes with undiluted oil applied to a cotton pad and apply oil to eyelashes after washing. The result will not be long in coming - in less than a month, the eyelashes will gain volume and increase in length.

Chapped lips can be treated and protected with wheat germ oil. It heals soft cracks if the product is applied to the lips several times during the day.

The rejuvenating properties of the oil are due to the vitamins and plant hormones it contains.

To give a second youth to sagging facial skin, wheat germ oil is diluted with other essential oils:

On cleansed skin, apply a mixture of oils in a ratio of 1:3 in the direction massage lines, leave them for 30-40 minutes, rinse with warm water. Do not think that this oil is used only for the purpose of rejuvenating facial skin.

A nourishing mask will perfectly support and moisturize the skin of a woman of any age; such a mask is especially useful in the cold season. A mixture of sprout oil with mint, sandalwood, and orange tree oil is used for this.

  • Sensitive skin around the eyes will be very grateful to a mask made from wheat germ oil mixed with rose oil in a 3:2 ratio, where rose oil takes up more volume.

Cellulite will cease to be a problem after a two-week course of massage with this universal remedy. Ten minutes daily massage of fresh (pink) stretch marks on the body will help get rid of these problem areas.

  • Nails will become stronger after rubbing wheat germ oil into the nail plate.

The condition for achieving a lasting effect will be the absence of nail polish during the weekly course of treatment. The skin of your hands will receive excellent care after using this oil in combination with bergamot and lavender.

Using a hair mask with wheat germ oil will prevent and stop hair loss after a 2-3 week course of application before washing your hair.

Use of wheat germ oil for medicinal purposes

While not a medicine, wheat germ oil as a dietary supplement makes a significant contribution to maintaining human health.

You need to follow simple conditions - take this remedy regularly over a fairly long period of time.

  • Wheat germ oil helps with regular use mitigate disturbances in the hormonal sphere of women's health, especially with mastopathy and cervical pathologies.
  • Possessing biologically active substances, sprout oil on cellular level has a positive effect on vascular system, helps to improve the blood count, as it reduces cholesterol levels.
  • It serves to prevent cardiovascular diseases: ischemic disease, atherosclerosis, strokes.
  • In addition, the oil helps strengthen nerves and improve memory during age-related changes, slow down premature aging.
  • Vitamin E, the so-called “youth vitamin”, found in abundance in wheat germ oil, will help men improve sexual function, increase potency, prevent the occurrence of sexual disorders.
  • In patients suffering from diabetes, this oil can slow down the onset of a complication affecting the retina of the eye, such as diabetic retinopathy.
  • Do not forget such a valuable property of wheat germ oil as the ability to remove toxins from the body, even in case of alcohol poisoning, and nicotine when quitting smoking.

In all medicinal and for preventive purposes Wheat germ oil is used 1-2 teaspoons 1-2 times a day. When treating shallow burns, it is recommended to lubricate them with heated oil; when treating bruises and sprains, a massage with warm oil is recommended.

Diseases for which wheat germ oil is contraindicated

In addition to individual intolerance, which is extremely rare, this oil is not recommended for use by people with a predisposition to the formation of stones in the kidneys, urinary and gallbladder, and also if these stones are already available.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are not an obstacle to using wheat germ oil for medicinal purposes, but in any case it is better to consult a doctor. Children under 6 years of age should take the oil with caution.

Before use, you need to test the oil for possible allergic manifestations by applying it to the forearm, just above the elbow. If after 30-40 minutes redness and swelling appear at the application site, alas, wheat germ oil cannot be used. We must pay tribute - such manifestations are extremely rare.

Medicinal recipes

Due to the versatility of wheat germ oil, there are many recipes for using it. First of all, you need to make sure that the oil has natural origin. This will be confirmed by the nutty smell of the oil and the thick, oily consistency of a golden color.

  • A massage against cellulite can be carried out with a mixture of wheat germ oil with almond oil (1 tablespoon), grapefruit and orange oil (3 drops each).
  • A mask made from a mixture of castor oil will protect hair from brittleness. almond oil and wheat germ oils (1 tablespoon each).

Apply the mixture heated in a water bath to moistened hair, wrap it in foil, and rinse after 2-3 hours.

  • You can get rid of crow's feet on the skin of the eyelids using an application of base oil with the addition of 2 drops of sandalwood and neroli oil.

If you apply a napkin with such applications for 15 minutes for 2 weeks, wrinkle smoothing is guaranteed.

  • A mixture of 1 tbsp will have an effect on acne. tablespoons of germ oil and clove, lavender oils (2 drops of each oil).
  • This oil can remove age spots and freckles.

A mixture of wheat oil with bergamot, lemon, juniper oil (1 drop each) is soaked in a napkin and applied to the freckle area for half an hour twice a day.

This is only a small part of the recipes for using this amazing gift of nature.

Choosing the “right” oil

This oil is obtained by cold pressing of wheat germ; it makes up 4-15% of the total weight of the grain. To save useful qualities it is not refined or deodorized.

It gets its rich color (from yellow to light brown) from the tocopherols and carotenoids it contains. By sniffing the oil, you can smell the pleasant smell of bread.

When stored in a cool place, it acquires a viscous consistency. After the first use, the oil will be stored for up to 3 months without losing its quality. The average price of 120 g of this product is about 120 rubles.

A little more about the medicinal uses of oil

Listing cosmetic recipes, we cannot ignore the use of wheat germ oil internally for medicinal purposes. For example, for stomach ulcers, taking 1 teaspoon of oil orally before meals will protect the stomach walls from aggressive effects. of hydrochloric acid. To prevent gastritis, a single dose on an empty stomach is sufficient.

For bodybuilding athletes, take 1-2 tbsp of oil. spoons per day will increase the body's tolerance to increased stress. An excellent prevention of aging would be to take a monthly course of wheat germ oil, 2 times a day, a teaspoon half an hour before meals.

Truly universal essential oil, used in cosmetology, medicine, as a preventive and remedy, which has no contraindications, is a storehouse of unique beneficial substances - all these properties of wheat germ oil deserve to appear in every home.