Chicken noodle soup - recipes. How to cook chicken noodle soup, video and photos. How to cook homemade noodles correctly

Noodle soup is traditionally considered one of the most popular first courses for lunch or dinner. There are many different options for preparing it, and you should not mistakenly assume that only a culinary master can reproduce them at home. Try to see for yourself!

How to make homemade noodles for soup?

Making homemade noodles for soup is not difficult even for a beginner in cooking. Just use the following step-by-step recipe.

You will need:

  • flour - 1.5 cups;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt.

Pour half a glass of water into a bowl, break an egg and add a pinch of salt. Mix the mixture thoroughly with a whisk until smooth. Sift the flour well and gradually start pouring the liquid egg mixture into it. Knead the dough to a thick consistency. If necessary, you can add a little more flour.

Divide the dough into a couple of pieces to make it easier to work with. Roll into a thin, translucent layer and cut into thin strips. Place the noodle preparation on a paper towel or napkin and sprinkle with flour. When the noodles are dry, simply shake off any excess flour and add them to the soup.

Noodle soup with chicken and potatoes

Chicken Potato Noodle Soup is one of the most filling dishes you can make for lunch.

You will need:

  • chicken fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • celery root - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • noodles - 200 g;
  • salt;
  • spices.

Boil 2-3 liters of water in a saucepan and boil the chicken fillet in it over low heat. Otherwise, the broth may take on an unsightly cloudy hue.

Do not forget to constantly remove the foam from the surface. Add the whole onion and celery to the broth. In the future they will need to be obtained.

  1. When the chicken has been cooking for more than half an hour, chop the potatoes and add to the soup.
  2. Onions and carrots are chopped and sautéed in a frying pan until lightly golden. In this case, one carrot needs to be grated and added to the soup raw.
  3. Next, the roast is placed along with a bay leaf.
  4. Meanwhile, remove the onion and celery from the soup. Add noodles and spices.

Cook chicken noodle soup for 20 minutes. You can add chopped herbs to the plates.

With meatballs

Soup with meatballs and noodles will also appeal to lovers of hearty lunches.

You will need:

  • noodles - 150 g;
  • minced meat - 300 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • greenery;
  • salt;
  • spices.

To prepare meatballs, use ready-made minced meat. Fashion them in advance into a small, even shape.

  1. Fill a saucepan with 2 liters of water and place the meatballs in it. Cook them over medium heat and bring to a boil. Constantly remove the foam that forms on the surface of the broth so that it does not spoil its appearance.
  2. Chop the onion and carrots and fry them for 5 minutes in a frying pan until softened. Potatoes are cut into small pieces or cubes.
  3. When the broth boils, add the roast into it.
  4. Chop the greens. Bring the soup back to a boil and add the potatoes.

After about 10 minutes, add the noodles. You can take it ready-made, or you can prepare it yourself - there is no fundamental difference in this case. Place spices and herbs after the noodles. Determine readiness yourself and serve the soup to the table.

Delicious mushroom noodle soup

You will need:

  • noodles - 150 g;
  • dried mushrooms - 30 g;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • laurel;
  • salt;
  • spices.

Wash the mushrooms and soak them in warm water for a couple of hours. To make mushroom noodle soup, you don’t have to cook it yourself; you can take it already prepared.

  1. Onions and carrots are chopped and fried in a frying pan until soft. Potatoes are cut into medium-sized cubes.
  2. When the mushrooms are sufficiently swollen, rinse them and add cold water to the pan. Place on the stove.
  3. Boil and add potatoes to them.
  4. Next comes the noodles and frying.

Don't forget to add spices and chopped herbs.

In a slow cooker

You will need:

  • chicken breast - 0.5 kg;
  • noodles - 150 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • laurel sheet;
  • greenery;
  • salt;
  • spices.

Rinse the breast in advance and dry it with a napkin or paper towel.

  1. Cut the fillet into small pieces. The onion is finely chopped along with the carrots. Potatoes are cut into medium-sized cubes.
  2. Place carrots and onions in a frying pan, add oil and fry for 5-10 minutes.
  3. After this, add potatoes and breast to the frying. Fill them with 2 liters of water and set the device to the “Soup” or “Stew” program for an hour. Prepare the dish with the lid closed.

10-15 minutes before readiness, add noodles, spices and herbs to the soup. Continue cooking and then let the soup sit for a while.

Milk soup for breakfast

You will need:

  • noodles - 200 g;
  • milk - 1 l;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • a piece of butter;
  • salt - a pinch.

Pour milk into a saucepan along with a liter of water. Add sugar and a pinch of salt there. Immediately after boiling, add the noodles along with the oil and cook until fully cooked (approximately 10-15 minutes), and then the pan can be removed from the stove.

Milk noodle soup should sit in the refrigerator at least overnight and by breakfast you will have a complete, satisfying and tasty meal.

Beef noodle soup

You will need:

  • beef - 0.5 kg;
  • noodles - 180 g;
  • carrots m 1 pc.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • greenery;
  • salt;
  • spices.

Let's prepare it like this:

  1. Process the beef, rinse and cut into small pieces. Place them in a saucepan with 3.5 liters of water along with a whole onion and half a raw carrot.
  2. When the broth comes to a boil, reduce the heat to low and continue cooking for an hour.
  3. Potatoes are cut into small cubes.
  4. When the beef is cooked, remove the vegetables from the soup. They need to be thrown away, since they will no longer provide any beneficial or flavorful properties to the dish.
  5. Add the potatoes to the meat and cook for 15 minutes.
  6. The remaining half of the carrot is cut together with the second onion and fried in a frying pan until soft.
  7. When the potatoes are cooked, add the fried potatoes, noodles and chopped herbs to the soup.

Continue cooking the dish for about 10 minutes, and then serve it along with sour cream.

In Chinese

You will need:

  • chicken fillet - 300 g;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • Chinese cabbage - 150 g;
  • noodles - 50 g;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • green onions.

Let's prepare it like this:

  1. Boil the whole fillet in 2 liters of water. Then take it out, cut it into medium-sized pieces and add it back to the soup. Add salt to taste.
  2. The tomato is cut into cubes and fried in a frying pan with oil. A whole clove of garlic and a small piece of ginger are also placed there. Pour soy sauce over it all and simmer for a few minutes.
  3. Add the fry to the soup along with the noodles and cook until done. Just before finishing, remove the garlic and ginger and discard. They have already given away all the taste and smell.

At the end, before serving, add chopped Chinese cabbage and onions.

Unusual tomato noodle soup

You will need:

  • canned tomatoes - 400 g;
  • noodles - 100 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • medium fat cream - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • greenery;
  • salt;
  • spices.

Place the whole pork in boiling water in advance and boil for two hours.

  1. After the specified time, remove the meat and cut it into pieces, and then set aside in a separate bowl.
  2. Cut the potatoes, put them in a saucepan and boil over low heat.
  3. The carrots are peeled and rubbed into strips.
  4. The onion is fried along with the carrots until soft and placed in a pan with the potatoes.

5-7 minutes before the end of cooking, add the noodles and meat. Cook until fully cooked and in plates, decorate the dish with chopped herbs.

Boiled pasta is a popular side dish for meat. And if you add them to the broth, you get a completely different noodle soup dish. Over other first courses, it has the main advantage of being quick and very easy to prepare. And these soups turn out very tasty. The main thing to know is that in order for the broth to remain transparent, it is better to boil the noodles in water in advance until half cooked in another bowl.

Noodle soup is cooked in fish, mushroom, meat broth or milk. Moreover, soups, both sweet and salty, are prepared with milk. Noodle soup is not quite a traditional Russian dish; it was borrowed from Tatar cuisine. So the Tatar tokmach can be considered the prototype of Russian noodle soup. Although soups of this type are also found in the cuisines of other countries, for example, Asian. There it is most often prepared with shrimp or other seafood, and rice flour is used for noodles.

Step-by-step video recipe

Noodle soup - food preparation

Shops and supermarkets offer a wide selection of pasta, but you still can’t find tastier noodles made with your own hands. Therefore, it is advisable to use homemade noodles for soup. It is not as long and difficult as it might seem at first glance. The noodles can be prepared in advance when you have free time, then dry them and store them like regular store-bought ones until the right time.

Noodle soup - best recipes

Recipe 1: Homemade meat noodle soup

Ingredients. 300-400g pork pulp, 2 onions, 1 carrot, 100g egg noodles, salt, vegetable oil, pepper.

Place the meat in one piece and one onion in a saucepan, add cold water and let it cook. Once the meat becomes soft, it must be removed along with the onions. Discard the onion and cut the meat into cubes.

Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots and fry in oil in a frying pan. Then add the meat there, fry for seven to eight minutes and transfer to boiling broth. Salt the liquid, sprinkle with pepper and add noodles. Cook for seven to ten minutes until the noodles are ready. The soup in the bowl can be sprinkled with herbs.

Recipe 2: Milk noodle soup with sugar

Many people have loved the taste of sweet milk soup since childhood. Pasta is first boiled until almost done in salted water, and then cooked in milk so that it is saturated with milky taste. At the end of cooking, add cream and, if desired, a handful of raisins to the soup. The amount of noodles can be changed depending on the desired thickness.

Ingredients. 1.2 l milk, 150 ml cream, sugar, homemade noodles 100-150 g, raisins (optional).

Boil the noodles in salted water until half cooked and drain in a colander. Add sugar to taste, a pinch of salt and boiled noodles to boiled milk. You can add pre-soaked raisins. Once the noodles are fully cooked, add cream, bring to a boil and turn off. You can add butter to the plate.

Recipe 3: Noodle soup with mushrooms

Porcini mushroom soup is more popular; it is more aromatic and has a richer taste. But when cooked from other mushrooms, it also turns out very tasty.

Ingredients. 2 liters of water, 150 g of noodles, 300 g of fresh or 30 g of dried mushrooms, one carrot and one onion, vegetable oil, to taste: pepper, salt, sour cream.

Cut the mushrooms (pre-soak the dry ones) and throw them into boiling water. Sauté grated carrots and finely chopped onion in oil. After 20 minutes, add the fried vegetables to the broth with the mushrooms. Salt the soup, add pepper and noodles, cook until done. Serve with sour cream. If desired, you can put chopped herbs and garlic on a plate.

Recipe 4: Chicken Noodle Soup

Hot chicken broth is good on its own, but together with noodles you will get a complete lunch and a first and second course. For the broth, you can use both chicken meat and wings, neck, and giblets. It goes especially well with chicken broth, not store-bought, but homemade noodles mixed with eggs.

Ingredients. 2 liters of water, 0.5 kg of chicken, 2 carrots and onions, salt, vegetable oil, pepper, herbs and stalks of parsley and dill.

Salt the water, put whole carrots and onions, green stems, pieces of chicken into it and cook the broth until the meat becomes soft. Catch the carrots and onions, they are no longer needed. Remove the meat, remove the bones and cut into strips.

In a separate bowl, boil the noodles until half cooked, drain in a colander to drain, rinse and transfer to boiling broth. Add chicken meat and fried vegetables (finely chop the onion, grate the carrots and fry in oil), boil for five minutes. Let it sit for ten minutes before serving. Add chopped greens to a plate.

Recipe 5: Tokmach

There is no one specific recipe for preparing tokmach. It can be cooked with or without potatoes, in either beef or lamb broth. You can add roots or do without them. There is only one general rule - after the noodles float, they are cooked for only two minutes. By the way, the noodles can also be cut arbitrarily into strips, diamonds, and triangles. Katyk is always served with tokmach.

Ingredients. Beef or lamb 0.5 kg, 2-3 potatoes, 1 onion, salt, pepper, 1 carrot.

Homemade soup noodles are not just a tasty part of a traditional Russian first course, but also the basis for many recipes from traditional national cultures. For example, noodles are used as the basis for Uzbek lagman, as part of Korean and Chinese cuisine, as a side dish for dinner, and so on. That is why there are many types of noodles and the characteristics of their kneading. Let's talk about the main and most popular ones.

Cooking step by step with eggs

Classic noodles are prepared with water or with a small addition of eggs. And below we will tell you how to make homemade soup noodles in a classic version. But first, let’s take a step-by-step look at how to prepare the most delicious and labor-intensive egg noodles. Really, this enormous work is worth it! This is delicious!

Important! Homemade noodles differ from any type of pasta and other pasta in a special way of cutting. It is sliced ​​very thinly and in as long strips as possible. This is a sign of the highest quality in the understanding of any housewife who knows how to cook real homemade noodles. The second requirement is the maximum density of the dough. The noodles must be “rolled,” as they say in the villages, that is, made as dense and hard as possible. Only then will it retain its integrity.

The best noodles are kneaded by hand, rolled out and expertly cut with a knife.

During the Soviet era, there was a noodle cutter, which was accompanied by instructions that complied with GOST. This is the recipe we present. Please note - there is no salt in the composition. But the main thing is that there is no water in the recipe, which means there is no way to completely dissolve the grains of salt. So, let's cook homemade noodles with eggs.


  • 10 eggs;
  • flour.

To begin with, we recommend reducing the number of eggs by half, because kneading and properly rolling out the dough from such a volume is quite labor-intensive. Take as much flour as you need for a stiff, rolled dough. The exact volume depends on the moisture content of the flour and the size of the eggs.

Work progress step by step:

  1. Sift a heap of flour into a large bowl. Make a recess.
  2. Beat in the eggs one at a time and knead the dough. As soon as it starts to set into a lump, transfer and knead on the table, constantly adding flour. Kneading dough using eggs alone is very difficult. It is dense, does not stretch well, and requires quite vigorous efforts.
  3. Gradually adding flour, wait for the dough to become denser and steeper than for dumplings and dumplings. You need to knead long enough. The more you knead and stretch the dough, the more gluten is formed in it, the more elastic and pliable it becomes.
  4. When the dough has become stiff, smooth and uniform in appearance, set it aside for 20 minutes, covering it with plastic or a bowl to prevent it from winding. It will lie down, rest, and become even smoother.
  5. You need to roll it out, cutting off small pieces. The rest of the dough lies covered again.

Let's say something special about rolling out. This point is the same for all recipes. You need to roll it out as thinly as possible. Ideally, it has always been considered that the best rolling is the one that allows you to read the font of a newspaper headline through a sheet of dough. Jokes aside, the thickness really should be minimal. Just a transparent sheet. Put this sheet aside or, better yet, hang it on the back of a chair with a sheet of paper underneath. While you are rolling out the remaining sheets, the first ones will dry to the point that they do not break, but no longer stick together. Now we’ll roll the sheet onto a rolling pin, take it out from the inside and begin cutting the resulting roll of dried dough diagonally with the sharpest knife we ​​have in the kitchen.

We assure you: if the dough is well rolled and dried, the dough strips will come out thin. All that remains is to tousle them a little and place them on a baking sheet to dry. Dry finished noodles can be stored for a very long time.

By the way, some housewives add milk to the dough. This is unnecessary, as it causes cloudiness when cooking the soup. But the noodles on clean eggs will always be dense, bright yellow and transparent.

Classic homemade noodle soup

If you don’t want to bother with egg noodles, you can prepare a simple version using water, eggs and adding vegetable oil. These are regular classic noodles. Some people do it simply on water; this option is suitable for fasting. However, the taste will be different.

For the classic version you will need:

  • 100 g flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • a quarter of a small spoon of salt;
  • half a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

The ratio of products is exactly in this proportion, but the number of eggs and, accordingly, all other ingredients can be increased proportionally. You can do without oil - in this case it serves to soften the dough. With butter the dough rolls out better. All other manipulations are done in the same way as when preparing egg noodles.

Option for chicken soup

Noodles for chicken soup are no different from other types of filling in soups. If you added flour when rolling out the noodles, it is recommended to first throw it into boiling water to wash it and immediately remove it, and finish cooking it in the prepared chicken broth. Usually, for a simple chicken soup, a couple of minutes is enough to cook dried noodles, and literally one minute is enough to boil freshly prepared noodles.

Choux pastry noodles

This method differs in that boiling water is used to prepare the noodles. It brews flour. In this case, no eggs are required, only flour (350 g), boiling water (180 ml), vegetable oil (a couple of spoons) and a teaspoon of salt.

Combine all products and knead into a smooth, stiff dough. If necessary, add flour if the dough turns out watery. Unlike pure egg dough, it is not as thick, more pliable and soft. It is easy to roll out, make noodles out of it, and also use for dumplings or dumplings.

Rice noodles

The noodles are made from rice flour, eggs and water with added salt.

Usually a sheeting machine is used for it, because the rice noodles must be very thin:

  • half a kilo of flour;
  • 3 eggs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • one tbsp. spoon of water.

Everything is combined, kneaded and rolled out quite thinly.

How to cook wok noodles?

Wok noodles are not a type of noodle, but a way of preparing them in a special frying pan with high sides. Any noodles are suitable for this dish. Most often, buckwheat noodles are used for Pan-Asian cuisine, since the combined features of all Asian cuisine require unusual products and kitchen appliances. In this case it's a wok and interesting noodles.

We will prepare it from buckwheat flour. If you don’t have one in the store, you need to grind the kernels in a coffee grinder and use it like regular flour. By adding egg and water to the dough, you can knead the dough, it will be dark in color.

Next, different vegetables and meat are fried in a wok in vegetable oil. A distinctive feature of Pan-Asian cuisine is that all products are cut into identical strips and, one by one, are sent to fry in a wok. Boiled buckwheat noodles also come there.

You can add different products to the dish, but it is traditionally prepared with this composition:

  • chicken or lean pork;
  • bell pepper;
  • leek;
  • green beans;
  • young corn on the cob;
  • ginger;
  • chilli;
  • buckwheat noodles.

Everything is flavored with soy sauce and, if desired, special sauces from Japanese or Chinese cuisine.

Udon noodles

There's nothing special about udon noodles other than a fancy name. These are ordinary noodles made from wheat flour, which are also the softest of all types of Japanese noodles, and thick. Comparing with high-quality Russian homemade noodles, one can make a comparison that is not in favor of this variety. It’s like our noodles were not very successful in cooking.

It is better to use it in traditional Japanese soups, adding it to plates with other soup foods at the very last moment, otherwise it will spread.

Prepared from water, salt and flour. Some aesthetes advise using bleached and unbleached, that is, coarsely ground, flour together. There are well-known tips for cooking using your feet - trample a piece of dough folded into a bag with your feet, fold it twice, trample it again, and then cut it thickly. Not sure if this will make the noodles special. Rather, it is a tribute to a classic Japanese tradition if there ever was one.

What could be tastier than homemade noodles? We invite you to consider its recipes for soup today. Neither adults nor children will refuse this dish. Homemade noodle soup is hearty, aromatic and incredibly tasty!

It’s not difficult to prepare homemade noodles, the main thing is to knead the dough well, without being lazy. It should be elastic so that it can be easily rolled out as thin as possible.


  • egg;
  • 1 tbsp. l. filtered water;
  • salt;
  • ½ tsp. purified vegetable oil;
  • 8 tbsp. l. sifted flour.

Advice! After kneading, leave the dough for half an hour to “rest.”


Attention! If you are not going to cook the noodles, store them in the refrigerator in a plastic bag or wrap them in cling film.

Noodles with milk

Homemade noodles are mainly prepared using eggs. Its recipe for soup with the addition of milk is easy to follow, and the noodles turn out very satisfying and tasty.


  • 0.4 kg of sifted flour;
  • 6 tbsp. l. milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • salt.

On a note! To facilitate the culinary process, you can use a special device for cutting noodles.


Attention! After rolling, do not dry the noodles for a long time, otherwise they will crumble.

Lenten noodles

Let's look at how homemade lean noodles are prepared. The soup dough recipe involves adding potato broth. It is he who will play the holding role of the eggs. These noodles can be boiled and served as a side dish.


  • 350 g sifted flour;
  • 150 ml potato broth;
  • salt;
  • ground pepper;
  • blend of spices.


Appetizing soup for the whole family

Soup with noodles and chicken turns out so tasty that it is impossible to tear yourself away from it, especially if you cook it with kelp and soy sauce. And preparing such a dish is easy and quite quick.


  • chicken carcass;
  • 5-6 cloves of garlic;
  • kelp to taste;
  • 200 g noodles;
  • green onion;
  • ginger root;
  • 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • zucchini.


What a delicious soup with homemade noodles, it’s simply delicious! You probably won’t find a person who would say that he doesn’t like this dish. The rich broth with chicken and homemade noodles is simply delicious.

However, and unfortunately, not everyone can make homemade noodles - some people can’t make the dough, others the noodles are overcooked. But not everything is so bad, you can learn everything, we suggest you consider recipes: how to properly prepare noodles and soups with it.

How to cook homemade noodles: classic recipe

How to cook:

Break the chicken egg and place it in a deep container;

Then beat the egg thoroughly with a fork until foam forms;

Add a little salt at your discretion and mix;

Sprinkle in flour until the mass becomes very thick and acquires the structure of dough;

We form a small bun from the dough, wrap it in a plastic bag;

Place it in the refrigerator for half an hour;

After this, take out the bun and divide it into two portions;

We form a small cake from each part to make it easier to roll out;

Then, using a noodle cutter or a regular rolling pin, roll out the cake to a thickness of no more than 2 mm;

Once the thin cakes are rolled out, they need to be cut into strips no more than 5 cm wide;

We put all the strips in a stack and then, using a noodle cutter or knife, cut them into noodles;

The finished noodles should have a 2x2 cross-section;

Then place all the finished noodles on a wooden board sprinkled with flour and dry.

How to Make Homemade Chicken Soup Noodles

Test components:

  • A glass of wheat flour;
  • Chicken egg – 1 piece;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • 1 small spoon of vegetable oil.

For the soup:

  • Chicken meat, back – 2 pieces;
  • Chicken breast – 1 piece;
  • One carrot;
  • One small onion;
  • A bunch of dill;
  • Homemade noodles;
  • A little salt and black pepper.

  1. Break the chicken egg and place it in a cup;
  2. Add vegetable oil and salt to the egg. Beat everything thoroughly with a fork or whisk until foam appears;
  3. Then sift the flour through a sieve into another cup, make a hole in the middle and pour the beaten egg into it;
  4. Mix everything with a fork until the mixture becomes thick;
  5. Sprinkle the work surface with flour and place the dough there. Knead it with your hands until it has an elastic structure;
  6. Place in a plastic bag and wrap well. Leave it for 30 minutes;
  7. Then cut into two portions and roll each into a thin cake with a rolling pin. Roll out as thin as possible;
  8. Dry the rolled out cakes for about 20 minutes;
  9. Sprinkle the flatbreads thoroughly with flour so that the noodles do not stick together during boiling;
  10. Cut them into strips 5-7 cm wide;
  11. We stack the strips and cut them into noodles;
  12. Place it in a sieve and shake so that excess flour falls off;
  13. Then we place the straws on a wooden board or table and dry them;
  14. Now let's move on to preparing the soup. We wash the backs and breasts;
  15. Place the backs in a metal container, pour water and put on fire;
  16. As soon as the backs boil, foam will appear on the surface, it must be removed;
  17. Then place the breast into the boiling broth, add salt;
  18. We wash the onion and place it directly in the husk into the broth, it will give a golden color;
  19. Wash the carrots thoroughly, peel the skin and cut into 3-4 pieces. Put it in the soup;
  20. Boil the soup for about 40 minutes. Then remove the chicken meat, carrots and onion from it;
  21. Cut the meat into pieces, finely chop the carrots;
  22. Boil the noodles separately in salted water until tender, 5-7 minutes. You can cook the noodles directly in the broth, but during the boiling process the broth will become cloudy;
  23. Then pour the broth into a plate, put pieces of meat and carrots there, add noodles and serve.

How to cook rice noodles at home

We will need the following products:

  • Rice flour – half a kilogram;
  • Chicken eggs – 3 pieces;
  • Water – 1 large spoon;
  • A little salt.

How to cook:

  1. Separate the eggs from the shell and place in a large bowl;
  2. Add a little salt to the eggs and beat. You can use a whisk, mixer or blender to beat;
  3. Beat the eggs until foam forms;
  4. Rice flour should be poured onto the table surface in a small pile;
  5. Make a small hole in the center of the slide and pour beaten eggs and salt into it;
  6. Slowly knead the dough. If necessary, add a little water. The dough structure should be soft;
  7. Form the dough into a ball;
  8. Divide the ball into 4 parts;
  9. We roll out each part with a rolling pin or a special machine in the form of a thin and almost transparent cake;
  10. Sprinkle each layer well with flour on both sides and leave to dry for 20-30 minutes;
  11. Then we cut each layer into medium strips and cut them into thin noodles;
  12. Dry the noodles and transfer them to a dry bag.

How to cook wok noodles at home

What ingredients should you buy:

  • 100 grams of pork meat;
  • Onion – 1 piece;
  • 300 grams of green beans;
  • Rice noodles at your discretion;
  • 1 fresh pepper;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • 1 large spoon of soy sauce;
  • Granulated sugar – 2 teaspoons;
  • A little ground black pepper.

Let's move on to cooking:

  1. We wash the pork meat, remove the veins and films. Dry with paper napkins;
  2. Wash green beans with warm water;
  3. Peel the onion and cut into cubes;
  4. We clean the sweet pepper from seeds, remove the stalk and cut into strips;
  5. Place a frying pan on the stove, pour in vegetable oil and heat;
  6. Add onion cubes, pepper strips and green beans to hot oil. We fry everything;
  7. Meanwhile, cut the meat into cubes or strips;
  8. After 5 minutes, add pieces of meat along with ground black pepper to the frying of sliced ​​vegetables. Fry everything for 5-7 minutes;
  9. Then mix the soy sauce with granulated sugar in a bowl and mix well;
  10. Pour the prepared sauce over the vegetables and meat. Reduce heat and cook for 7-8 minutes;
  11. Rice noodles prepared according to the recipe above should be boiled for 5-7 minutes;
  12. After this, put the finished boiled noodles in a frying pan with the rest of the ingredients and stir so that the sauce and juices from the vegetables and meat are absorbed into the noodles. Cook for another 2-3 minutes;
  13. The dish is ready, put it on plates and serve

How to make udon noodles at home

What do we need:

  • Half a kilo of unrefined flour;
  • Bleached wheat flour – 150 grams;
  • Hot water – 250 ml;
  • Salt – 4 small spoons.

Let's move on to cooking:

  1. Dilute salt in a glass of warm water and stir. Stir until all the salt has dissolved;
  2. Place both types of flour into a deep cup and mix well;
  3. After the salt in the water has completely dispersed, pour the water into the flour and knead the dough. It should turn out cool and elastic;
  4. We make a ball out of it and put it in a plastic bag;
  5. We wrap the towel and place it on the floor, this is what Japanese chefs do;
  6. Then we stand on the dough and stomp on it for a couple of minutes;
  7. Next, take out the cake and roll it out, fold it in half and roll it out again;
  8. After this, we put it back into the bag, wrap it in a towel, put it on the floor and trample on it;
  9. Take it out of the bag again and roll it. This needs to be done 3-4 times. The dough should become perfectly smooth;
  10. At the end we put it in a bag and leave it there for 4 hours;
  11. After 4 hours, you need to stomp on the dough again and after that roll it out into a thin layer with a thickness of 4 mm;
  12. We fold the rolled out layer in three - fold the two sides towards the middle of the layer;
  13. Then, using a sharp and long knife, cut the folded cake into thirds into rings 3 mm thick;
  14. Place a pot of water on the stove, bring to a boil and add udon noodles. Boil until tender, 7-8 minutes;
  15. We wash the boiled noodles several times and serve.

How to make thin homemade chicken noodles

For the test:

  • 2 eggs;
  • A glass of flour.

For the soup:

  • 700 grams of chicken meat;
  • Water – 2 liters;
  • Carrot – 1 piece;
  • One onion head;
  • One sweet pepper;
  • A little salt;
  • A couple of sprigs of dill.


  1. Break the eggs into a cup and mix with flour;
  2. Knead a stiff and elastic dough;
  3. Then we form a small ball out of it and leave it for 15-20 minutes;
  4. Roll out the ball into a thin cake, its thickness should be about 2 mm;
  5. Dry the cake for 20-30 minutes;
  6. Then cut the flatbread into strips 6-8 cm thick;
  7. We stack these strips and cut them into thin noodles, similar to vermicelli;
  8. Scatter the noodles on the table and leave to dry;
  9. Cut the chicken meat into portions, place it in a saucepan, pour water and put it on gas;
  10. As soon as the water boils, remove the foam from above, add salt to the broth;
  11. Peel the onion and cut it into half rings, pour them into the broth;
  12. We wash the carrots, peel them and use a medium grater. We also add it to the broth;
  13. Peel the pepper from seeds and stalks, cut into strips and place in the broth;
  14. About 10 minutes before readiness, add thin noodles to the broth and boil until tender;
  15. At the end of the soup, sprinkle with small pieces of dill.

Secrets of making homemade noodles

  • After kneading, the dough should stand for 30-40 minutes;
  • After rolling out, the cakes should not dry for too long, otherwise they will dry out and crumble;
  • Cook the noodles for no more than 7-8 minutes. Otherwise, it will boil and turn out to be porridge.

Homemade noodles always turn out delicious. You can cook various dishes with it. For example, with rice or udon, you can prepare various second treats with vegetables or meat. But homemade noodles go perfectly with chicken broth.

Prepare noodles according to the suggested recipes and please your family with these dishes!