Games with animal figures. Toy animal figurines - for all-round development Board game with animal figurines

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The fauna of our planet is amazing and diverse; it includes a huge variety of species, each of which differs from the others in its external characteristics, feeding habits, place of residence, method of feeding babies and other characteristics. Pets are man's little brothers that he must take care of. At the same time, many wild animals pose a danger to humans, because they have sharp claws, fangs or beaks. As a child grows up, he will certainly develop a keen interest in representatives of the Earth's fauna. The keen curiosity of young children pushes them to learn as much as possible about these living beings that are different from us. They will learn something from their parents, some animals will be able to see in the yard and on the street, others in the zoo. However, you can’t touch animals in the zoo or on the street, and you’re unlikely to be allowed to play with them.
A variety of sets of toy animal figures are designed to help children satisfy their cognitive need for exciting play.

By working with them, kids will be able to understand which animals are wild and which are domestic, and why such a division occurs. With the help of their parents, the little ones will learn what sounds a cat, dog, pig, cow and horse make, and will immediately try to reproduce them, which will be an excellent stimulus for the development of speech functions.
Young children simply need to explore the world around them through tactile sensitivity - that is, using their fingers or tongue. It’s no coincidence that babies tend to put everything in their mouths! With toy animal figures they can play as they please. Sets that are made from environmentally friendly materials can be studied in this way - it will not harm the child, but will give him a lot of pleasure. By touching animal figures with their fingers and carefully feeling them from all sides, children, firstly, will learn a lot about the external distinctive features of animals, and, secondly, will be able to develop fine motor skills and sensitivity of the fingertips, which will have a beneficial effect on the development of speech. Kids will understand that a goat has protruding horns, a pig has a flat nose with a snout, and a fox has a large tail.

At the age of 4-5 years, games with figures will become more diverse. During this period, children will especially enjoy role-playing games, in which sets of animals will participate as necessary props. The options for games that you can come up with using animal figures can be completely different. For example, you can play farm with the domestic inhabitants of a village farmstead, create a real jungle with wild African animals, and you can even include the wild animals of our middle zone in playing out scenarios from Russian folk tales! Such activities will not only be very exciting for children, but will also bring them many benefits, helping in the development of speech and thinking functions, creativity and imagination.

At the age of 6-8, with the help of animal figures, you can study the fauna of the seas and oceans, continents and countries. Thus, modern manufacturers offer older preschoolers and primary schoolchildren beautifully detailed and educational sets of animals from the Arctic and Antarctic, Europe, Australia and Africa, as well as sea and river inhabitants. By including animals in the game, children will very quickly remember which animals live on each continent, what they are called, what they eat, and what their characteristic representatives look like. Many manufacturers offer children to put together beautiful and very high-quality collections of animal figurines of various groups: predators and herbivores, insects and birds, land inhabitants and reptiles. The knowledge gained during the game will help expand the active horizons and sphere of cognitive interests. It is possible that playing with animal figures will push children to a deeper study of this area, which will then result in a passion for zoology.

These various animal figurines: how to choose

Sets with animal figurines can be made from a variety of materials: wood, plastic, paper, rubber, fabric, plastic or even ceramics and glass. Figures made of plastic and soft plastic have become especially popular lately - children of all ages like them, and you can come up with a great variety of options for playing with such animals.
For children 1-3 years old, it is best to choose animal figurines that are difficult to break. They should not have dangerous sharp protrusions or small parts. The images of animals themselves should be large enough, and their images should be stylized. Kids don't care about the details, they are interested in understanding that the pussy has ears that are different from human ears, and it also has parts of the body that humans don't have, for example, a tail. Toys for children should not carry an aggressive message: their faces will be friendly, without grins, fangs, bristling fur and other intimidating elements. Otherwise, the child may get scared and simply not want to get further acquainted with the animal world. For older children, it is better to choose smaller figures with lots of small details that will be more realistic.
Children of early and preschool age really like moving animal figures: their heads and legs can turn, their tails can move. Of course, these options are less durable than static ones, but they bring incomparable sincere joy to children.

Choose original educational sets with animal figures on the website - here you will find toys for collecting and playing for children of all ages. The figures in our catalog are made of soft plastic, plastic, wood and other materials. All products presented by us have certificates of conformity confirming the high quality of each game set.

Hello! With you @MamaShurika

Today I will offer you several options for games with animal figures.

Options for the youngest children:

1.Ask to arrange Animal figurines on cards with animal images

2. Find all the wild animals. Find all pets.

3. Find each animal its baby(it is necessary to name the baby: a donkey has a colt, a pig has a piglet, a hen has a chicken, a sheep has a lamb, etc.)

4. Who eats what?(food cards or make food from play dough or play dough)

5. Magic bag:

We try to guess by touch what animal we found.

Or the second option is to look for a specific animal in the bag. We pull out a card and look for exactly the animal that appears on the card.

6. Hide and seek. Guess who is hiding, this game is similar to memory, for the development of memory, we place several animals (for the little ones it is better to start with 2-3 pieces), ask the child to turn away or close their eyes and remove one animal (or cover it with a scarf or box) ask them to say who gone missing?

7. Who “says” what? we hide the figure behind our back and ask them to guess by the sound who is hiding behind us (Cat - “meow, meow”, duck “Quack-quack”, cow “Moo”, etc.

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For older children:

1. Geography- a large map of the world + animal figurines, please accommodate everyone, it’s better to start with simple animals, gradually complicating and adding figurines, who will go to Africa? Elephant, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, and in Asia - tiger, panda, Asian elephant, and in Australia? Kangaroo, platypus, black swan, etc.

2. Guess. The presenter hides the toy, the child’s task is to ask leading questions and guess which figurine is being discussed, but receiving only a “Yes-no” answer from the adult. For example, “Is this an animal?”, “Is this a bird?” , “Does it have a tail?” etc.

3. Games on the street and at home. You can take animal figurines for a walk; if it’s winter outside, you can play North or South Pole. If it's spring or summer, you can play farm, zoo, jungle, desert, etc. You can buy inexpensive sets of figurines for going outside. “Animals” can “climb trees”, “dig holes in the sand”, leave footprints on the ground or sand, you can dig for dinosaurs or mammoths. Of course, at home you can also play like this and create different story-driven “mini worlds.”

4. Build according to the model. We put a figurine and invite the child to use a construction set or cubes to build, for example, a giraffe, an elephant or a hippopotamus.

5. You can also draw using a figurine as a "model"

6. Logical series. This task is often used in preschool education. For example, they line up wild animals in a row and add one domestic one, the child needs to think and decide who is the odd one out and explain why he thinks so. Such rows can be made with sea animals, and you can also separate birds - fish - animals, etc.

7. Bath games. In the bathroom (or inflatable pool in the summer) it is interesting to create an underwater world with sea inhabitants, add pebbles or shells, a toy boat or a submarine that will go on a journey and study sea inhabitants and their habits (you can first look through encyclopedias on the topic “sea inhabitants” ") so you can “voice” figures of animals and fish, for example, “voicing a shark” to tell that it is a predator, not averse to feasting on fish, turtles and other inhabitants, or when voicing a whale, tell that a whale is not a fish, but a mammal, whales breathe air with the help of the lungs, are warm-blooded, feed their young with milk, etc.


Figurines originated a long time ago and today remain a very popular decoration. Previously, they performed different roles, for example, animals were totemic and were revered in every possible way.

Nowadays, figurines are exclusively figurines - they are varied, stylish, spectacular and irreplaceable in the interior. Undoubtedly, they are attracted by the affordable price. There is only one function left - aesthetic. Sometimes figures decorate various household items - stands, watches, frames, and so on, then we can talk about new functions.

If we are talking about a figurine, then when choosing a souvenir it is worth taking into account its symbolic meaning and method of execution; there are different techniques and decoration, which makes it possible to attribute the item to a certain style, and accordingly, complement the chosen room with suitable things.

Carefully selected items will be immediately appreciated by guests, and an atmosphere of coziness and comfort will be provided for residents. Considering how important it is to be able to relax and calm down at home after a hard day, the decor should be chosen wisely.

It is equally important to give a figurine as a gift, because many have been in a situation where they received a figurine as a gift, but it did not fit into any room, it would be a pity to throw it away, and it would gather dust somewhere.

Given situations like this, it's worth knowing what exactly you're buying and why. Even such, at first glance, symbolic and inexpensive things require your attention, then you will be able to appreciate all the beauty and advantages of such decor. Such a product has gone through a long historical path and has been popular in every era, which already speaks of its importance.

Such diverse and cute animals in the interior

Animal decorations remain the most popular. This is due to several reasons:

* they are more universal in the sense that the design of any product will most likely fit into the interior;

* good gift;

* come in different sizes, respectively, open up wide possibilities in terms of decorating the room;

* appropriate in every room, if other products need to be selected more carefully, then the animal looks equally beautiful in the nursery, in the bedroom, even in the kitchen;

* in the catalog of a quality online store you can find almost any animal or bird, including domestic, exotic and other species.

Despite the abundance of choice, there are still so-called “favorites”, that is, animal figurines that a large number of people want to buy. This is due to their meaning and design, as well as the requirements of the interior.

The most frequently chosen decorative pets that find modern homes are:

1. Figurines of dogs - guards, defenders, loyal friends. Everyone is well known as human friends. Their devotion and friendliness have always caused delight; there are many cases when they showed the highest degree of loyalty and rationality: they saved adults and children, turned out to be much more humane than some people, and were sad when they lost loved ones or were betrayed.

These qualities of dogs make decorating with them a great purchase. If there is such an object in the house, it immediately sets up positive emotions. Means safety, they are good watchmen, loyalty, friendship. It is beneficial to place in the living room or children's room.

Can be a great gift if you want to show someone how precious your relationship is, as a sign of friendship and loyalty. A very unobtrusive choice that will create a great atmosphere.

2. Cat figurines - freedom, mystery, grace and elegance These cute fluffies, which are found in homes as often as dogs, despite their cuteness, even in childhood are able to show their independence, grace and strength. Not everyone can have a kitten, often the size of the room or the tendency to allergies does not allow it, however, you can always choose a figurine that is associated with a real cat.

The animal is perhaps most often found in various mythologies, beliefs, legends; various properties and skills are attributed to it, but people love them for their fluffiness, independence and even some pride. If you offend a cat, he will definitely express his dissatisfaction in some way.

They are intelligent, dexterous, strong, lucky, sweet, graceful, the list of characteristics goes on and on. The chosen decor will complement the interior, bringing a little fun and smiles to it. Depending on the interior, you can choose a cat design - Egyptian style, retro, colorful, real-life, cartoonish and others.

3. Panda - a friendly diplomat This cute and clumsy creature is a sign of friendliness and lack of aggressiveness. Thanks to one Chinese tradition, when pandas were given to heads of state and important people as a sign of friendship, even creating such a concept as “panda diplomacy”, pandas symbolize compromise, friendship and trust. Today it is almost impossible to give a live panda as a sign of trust, but a figurine is very simple and inexpensive.

4. Pig - a bold choice “for good luck” Despite the contradictory attitudes in different countries, the figurine symbolizes prosperity and wealth. The most popular vessel for saving money, an item with history, is the pig piggy bank. That is why the animal is a sign of wealth.

A colorful pig will perfectly decorate a nursery; depending on the theme and design, it is appropriate in the kitchen or living room. An original and creative gift.

5. – wise long-livers The turtle is a long-liver, it is able to withstand different conditions, despite its slowness, it commands respect, and is a symbol of wisdom and longevity. Turtles have a shell that protects them from negative influences from the world. Therefore, it is also considered as a symbol of unchanging order and protection.

6. Giraffe figurine – colorful and impressive. The very popular giraffe attracts attention with its long neck. By the way, it is she who creates certain associations - the desire and ability to reach for something. For example, if you want to decorate the interior of a nursery and hint to your child that he should strive for heights. An indispensable item for creating a room in an ethno style.

7. Elephant figurines They are large, heavy and earthy. Often used as a metaphor to describe people. They are called vindictive, and they do have a unique memory, but the sign is much more complex and interesting than ignorant people can sometimes say. There is an interesting legend according to which elephants were graceful and could fly, but they destroyed the hermit’s home in the trunk of a banyan tree and were eventually cursed. Today, the elephant is love, happiness, insight, spiritual invulnerability, power and strength.

8. Zebra The most famous sign that can be chosen for a spectacular interior and as a gift is the zebra. It means life in all its manifestations, where behind the black stripe there will certainly be a white stripe and so on ad infinitum. Looks impressive indoors in an ethnic style.

9. The frog has always aroused interest and was considered strange. It means the emergence and constant renewal of life. It is noted that, despite the emergence of disgust for the frog in some people, it has a positive meaning, even in the famous fairy tale it turns into a handsome prince or princess.

10. Horse It is impossible to say unequivocally what a horse means, but all known signs are only positive - intelligence, wisdom, quickness of thought, the passage of time, courage and powerful power. They are always graceful and brave. A great gift that will fit into any interior.

These are not all the animals that you can find in the online store catalog. Maybe you need a hippopotamus (a symbol of invincibility, strength and even love) or a controversial monkey? Rhinoceros (luck, happiness, strength), or an ordinary bear (good nature and rage, strength and clumsiness)? What animal are you looking for, because each of them evokes clear associations associated with the character of the animals themselves?

In the catalog you will definitely find the best pet for your home or for your loved ones. Moreover, there are several dozen of each type, among which it is easy to find the desired design. This is an excellent room decoration and a modern, relevant gift.

A symbolic gift or a symbolic gift – it’s up to you. But this item can have more meaning than just a souvenir - it is decoration, certain information and the ability to replace words with an object. It doesn’t matter for what purpose: to decorate, give, hint or for others, in the online store you will find the model you are looking for with the best design and at a reasonable price.

Our constant toy (from about six months to now) is numerous zoo.

There are tons of game options!

1. We go through and name each one.

2. We call father-mother-son (camel-camel-calf, donkey-donkey-colt, etc.).

3. “We talk” with them (while I was very little, we made sounds: “shhhhh”, “ea-ia”, “fir-fir”). Now we call it: “hisses”, “growls”, “snorts”, etc.

4. We tell everything we know about each animal (what it is covered with - fur, feathers, scales, what it has - a trunk, tentacles, wings, beak, fangs, etc., how it moves - crawls, jumps, runs, climbs trees, etc. what it eats, where it lives, what the many individuals are called (herd, flock, pride, flock, herd, etc.).

5. We look for differences in similar animals. My son has stopped confusing elk and deer, tiger, lion, panther and leopard, and is happy to tell what kinds of bears there are: brown, white, grizzly, panda, koala and monkeys: gorilla, chimpanzee, orangutan, baboon. Even dad finally distinguishes between a badger and a skunk, an otter and a beaver.

6. We play with the “houses” I drew.

7. We take them by car - to the zoo, save them from natural disasters, treat them in the hospital, build them houses, take them on ships from island to island, feed them.

8. We play magic bag - by touch we try to guess who we are about to pull out. Or we pull it out “to order”.

Another option is that the animals are traveling on a ship, get caught in a storm and fall into the water. We need to get them out of the water. The matter is complicated by the fact that the water is all covered in foam and you need to pull it out by touch.
We played until some of the low-quality toys began to peel off. Replaced animals with treasures: shells, balls.

9. We read fairy tales, stories about them, watch National Geographic and at the same time look at them and compare them. And what a sensation there was at the zoo!)

10. We bury it in “sand” or cover it with “snow” (semolina, torn paper, sand), and guess by the protruding parts (leg, trunk, ear, tail, fins) who is hidden.

11. Lately we have been making habitats. For example, we read in a book that an octopus lives in a cave in the sea, litters the entrance with shells and is very fond of crabs. They also made a sea (from tape) and a cave (from netting), filled the octopus and the cave with shells, and a crab wanders nearby. The sea was populated with other inhabitants (whales, sharks, turtles). The same thing with other animals - they made a river in which the otter swims and catches crustaceans, and they helped make a beaver dam out of a box nearby. An elk wandered into a sedge, in a nearby forest a deer got its antlers entangled in a tree), a hedgehog hid in the grass, etc.

12. Play "Guess who I see." One describes the appearance and habits, the other tries to find this animal. (For example, "I see something big with a trunk, tusks and huge ears. He lives in Africa and India. Herbivore. You can ride him. He helps people carry heavy things. He is very big, but he is afraid of mice." )

By the way, I highly recommend these two books about animals.

I enjoy reading and learning a lot of new things.
For example, beavers use their tail not only as a rudder when swimming, but also to sit on it, and slap it flat on the water when they see a predator in order to warn their relatives of danger. And the hedgehog’s spines, it turns out, are simply sticky fur. "Koala" translates as "non-drinker", he drinks dew. Platypuses have a poisonous claw on their hind legs. And the hippopotamus carries her baby on her back to protect her from crocodiles. A magpie, like a lizard, can leave its tail in the paws of a predator, then a new one will grow.