Vegetovascular dystonia to get rid of forever at home. Traditional methods of treatment of disorders of the nervous system. Symptoms in individual cases

Vegetative-vascular dystonia: types, causes, symptoms, treatment in adults and children

Perhaps there is no person among us who has never heard of vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD). This is no coincidence, because according to statistics it affects up to 80% of the adult population of the planet and about 25% of children. Due to greater emotionality, women suffer from autonomic dysfunction three times more often than men.

Pathology is usually detected in childhood or young age, the peak of symptoms occurs in 20-40 years- the most able-bodied and active period, while the usual rhythm of life is disturbed, it is difficult professional activity, suffer intra-family relationships.

What is it: a disease or features of the functioning of the nervous system? Essence question autonomic dysfunction remained controversial for a long time, experts first defined it as a disease, but as patients were monitored, it became clear that VVD is a functional disorder, primarily affecting the psyche and autonomics.

However, functional disorders and subjective painful sensations not only force you to change your lifestyle, but also require timely and qualified assistance, because over time they can develop into more - coronary heart disease, hypertension, ulcers or diabetes.

Causes of vegetative-vascular dystonia

The autonomic nervous system, which includes the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions, regulates the function of internal organs, maintaining a constant internal environment, body temperature, pressure, pulse, digestion, etc. The correct reaction of the body to external stimuli, its adaptation to constantly changing environmental conditions, stress and overload.

The autonomic nervous system works independently, autonomously, does not obey our desire and consciousness.Sympathy determines such changes as an increase in pressure and pulse, pupil dilation, acceleration of metabolic processes, and parasympathetic responsible for hypotension, bradycardia, increased secretion of digestive juices and smooth muscle tone. Almost always, these sections of the autonomic nervous system have an opposite, antagonistic effect, and in different life circumstances, the influence of one of them prevails.

In discord autonomic function a variety of symptoms appear that do not fit into the picture of any of the known diseases of the heart, stomach or lungs. Usually not found in VSD organic damage other organs, and the patient's attempts to find terrible disease vain and do not bear the expected fruit.

VSD is closely related to emotional sphere and mental characteristics, therefore usually proceeds with the most different manifestations psychological nature. It is very difficult to convince a patient that he has no pathology of internal organs, but it is a psychotherapist who can provide really effective help.

Causes of vegetative-vascular dystonia very different and, sometimes, lie in early childhood or even the period of intrauterine development. Among them highest value have:

When the diagnosis is not in doubt, and other diseases are excluded, the doctor decides on the need for treatment. Therapy depends on the symptoms, their severity, the degree of impairment of the patient's life. Until recently, patients with VSD were managed by neurologists, but today it is considered indisputable that a psychotherapist can give the greatest amount of help, because VVD is, first of all, a problem of a psychogenic plan.

Of paramount importance in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia belongs general activities. Of course, most patients expect that they will be prescribed a pill that will immediately remove all the symptoms of the disease, but this does not happen. To successfully get rid of the pathology, the work of the patient himself, his desire and desire to normalize his well-being is needed.

General measures for the treatment of VVD include:

  1. Healthy lifestyle and proper regimen.
  2. Diet.
  3. Adequate physical activity.
  4. Exclusion of nervous and physical overloads.
  5. Physiotherapy and water procedures.

A healthy lifestyle is the basis for the proper functioning of all organs and systems. With VVD, smoking, alcohol abuse should be excluded. It is necessary to normalize the mode of work and rest, with severe symptoms, a change in the type of work may be required. After a hard day's work, you need to properly relax - not lying on the couch, but rather walking on fresh air.

The diet of patients with VVD should not contain excess salt and liquid (especially in the hypertensive type), it is worth giving up strong coffee, floury, fatty and spicy foods. Hypotonic patients are shown seafood, cottage cheese, tea. Considering that most patients experience digestive difficulties, suffer from impaired stool and intestinal motility, nutrition should be balanced, light, but full-fledged - cereals, legumes, lean meats, vegetables and fruits, nuts, dairy products.

Physical activity allows you to normalize the tone of the autonomic nervous system, so regular exercise, exercise therapy, walking are a good alternative to sitting or lying down at home. Very useful all kinds water procedures(baths, cold and hot shower, dousing with cool water, swimming pool), because water not only allows you to strengthen muscles, but also relieves stress.

Patients with VVD need to protect themselves as much as possible from emotional and physical overload. TV and computer are strong irritants, so it is better not to abuse them. It will be much more useful to chat with friends, go to an exhibition or to the park. If you want to go to the gym, you should exclude all types of strength exercises, weight lifting, and it is better to prefer gymnastics, yoga, swimming.

Physiotherapy procedures help to significantly improve the condition. Acupuncture, massage, magnetotherapy, electrophoresis with magnesium, papaverine, calcium (depending on the form of pathology) are shown.

Spa treatment shown to all suffering from VVD. At the same time, you should not choose a cardiological institution, an ordinary sanatorium or a trip to the sea is enough. Rest from usual affairs, a change of scenery, new acquaintances and communication allow you to abstract from the symptoms, get distracted and calm down.

Medical treatment determined by the predominant symptomatology in a particular patient. The main group of drugs for VVD are drugs with a sedative effect:

  • Phytopreparations - valerian, motherwort, novo-passit, etc.;
  • Antidepressants - cipralex, paroxetine, amitriptyline;
  • Tranquilizers - seduxen, elenium, tazepam, grandaxin.

In some cases, they are prescribed (piracetam, omnaron), vascular preparations(cinnarizine, actovegin, cavinton), psychotropics - grandaxin, mezapam, sonapax. With the hypotonic type of VVD, the intake of adaptogens and tonic phytochemicals - eleutherococcus, ginseng, pantocrine helps.

As a rule, treatment begins with softer herbal remedies, in the absence of effect, light tranquilizers and antidepressants are added. With severe anxiety, panic attacks, neurosis-like disorders without medical correction and not do at all.

Symptomatic therapy It is aimed at eliminating symptoms from other organs, primarily the cardiovascular system.

With tachycardia and increased blood pressure, anaprilin and other drugs from the group (atenolol, egilok) are prescribed. Cardialgia is usually relieved by taking sedatives - seduxen, corvalol, valocordin.

Bradycardia less than 50 heartbeats per minute requires the use of atropine, belladonna preparations. Useful cool tonic baths and showers, exercise.

Treatment folk remedies can be quite effective, given that many herbs provide such a necessary sedative effect. Apply valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, peony, mint and lemon balm. Herbs are sold in a pharmacy, they are prepared in the way described in the instructions, or simply brewed sachets in a glass of water. Phytotherapy can be successfully combined with medication.

It is worth noting that the appointment of the described "heart" remedies does not yet indicate the presence of a truly cardiac pathology, because in most cases problems with heart rhythm and pressure are functional character R. This should be known to patients who are looking in vain for signs of really dangerous diseases.

Psychotherapeutic measures deserve special attention. It so happened that a trip to a psychiatrist or psychotherapist is often regarded by both the patient and his relatives as an undoubted sign of mental illness, which is why many patients never reach this specialist. Meanwhile, it is the psychotherapist who is able to best assess the situation and conduct treatment.

Useful both individually and group lessons using various methods of influencing the psyche of the patient. With many phobias, unreasonable aggression or apathy, an obsessive desire to find a terrible disease in oneself, the psychotherapist helps to find out the true cause of such disorders, which may lie in childhood, family relationships long-term nervous shocks. Having understood the cause of their experiences, many patients find a way to deal with them successfully.

It is necessary to treat VVD comprehensively and with the participation of the patient himself, choosing individually schemes and names of drugs. The patient, in turn, must understand that the symptoms of trouble from the internal organs are associated with the characteristics of the psyche and lifestyle, so it is worth stopping the search for diseases and start changing your lifestyle.

The question is whether it is worth treating VVD at all, if it is not independent disease, should not stand. Firstly, this condition worsens the quality of life, reduces efficiency, exhausts the already depleted nervous system of the patient. Secondly, a long-term VSD can lead to the development of severe depression, suicidal tendencies, and asthenia. Frequent and arrhythmias will eventually cause organic changes in the heart (hypertrophy, cardiosclerosis), and then the problem becomes really serious.

With timely and correct correction of VVD symptoms favorable prognosis, health improves, the usual rhythm of life, labor and social activity are restored. Patients should be under the dynamic supervision of a neurologist (psychoneurologist, psychotherapist), and treatment courses can be taken with preventive purpose especially during the autumn and spring periods.

Video: vegetative-vascular dystonia, the “Pill” program

Video: vegetative-vascular dystonia in the program “Live healthy”

Video: psychotherapist about vegetative-vascular dystonia

It has been proven that the vast majority of people on the planet are faced with vegetative vascular dystonia, otherwise - VSD. Almost always this disease is accompanied by neurosis. They are extremely painful for a person, he experiences a lot of unpleasant and painful sensations. Due to the high prevalence of these pathologies, it is necessary to know their symptoms and understand which specialist to contact if they are detected.

Vegetovascular dystonia is a disease that manifests itself in a variety of symptoms: from headaches and high blood pressure- to pronounced anxiety and spasmodic attacks in the muscles. First of all, dystonia of cerebral vessels occurs.

Neurosis is a consequence of stress experienced for a long time. It has been proven that he is hiding behind the symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia. Few of the patients know that neurosis and VVD are considered concomitant diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to begin treatment of VVD only after the normalization of the nervous system.

General symptoms

neurosis and vegetovascular dystonia different people can manifest themselves in different ways. These diseases have some characteristic features:

  1. Anxiety, acute anxiety states, fear of unknown origin, frequent panic attacks.
  2. Sudden changes in emotional state.
  3. Resentment and tearfulness.
  4. Fear of people, alienation.
  5. A sharp deterioration in memory, lack of concentration, inattention.
  6. Depressed state, apathy.
  7. Fear of loud noises and bright lights.
  8. Decreased sex drive.

Along with symptoms that are emotional in nature, pathologies can negatively affect physical state sick.

At the same time, a person is worried about:

  1. Headaches of a protracted nature.
  2. Violation of the heart rhythm.
  3. Great weakness in the muscles.
  4. Physical impotence.
  5. Disorders of the digestive system.
  6. A sharp deterioration in coordination abilities.

When you get acquainted with the symptoms, the question immediately arises of which doctor treats VVD and neurosis.

If all the symptoms of VVD and neurosis or most of them are found, then the patient should immediately consult a therapist. He will issue a referral to narrower specialists: a cardiologist, a neurologist, a gastroenterologist and other doctors, if necessary.

Fact: neurosis and VVD are most often affected by women during pregnancy, lactation and menopause, as well as children from unfavorable families.

Neurosis and vegetovascular dystonia: varieties and symptoms

Depending on the nature of the manifestation of neurosis and VSD, they are divided into several types, each of which is characterized by certain symptoms. So, there are four types of human neurotic states:

  1. Neurasthenia.
  2. Neurosis obsessive states.
  3. Hysteria.
  4. Neurosis provoked by depression.

It is worth familiarizing yourself with each of these types in detail.

Neurasthenia (asthenic neurosis) is characterized by the fact that the patient is not able to control emotions, he is easily excitable, quick-tempered, experiences internal stress.

Asthenic neurosis manifests itself in the form of:

In obsessive-compulsive disorder, a person experiences phobias different nature e.g. hypochondriacal syndrome, claustrophobia. Unlike other types of neurotic diseases, this type has the most long-lasting property. The patient, in the event of a subsidence of the disease, is able to adapt to one or another phobia that tormented him, and in the future, perhaps, the disease will not change his way of life much.

Hysteria is associated with violations of human motor activity. These are tics, tremors, paralysis and other movements of a pathological nature.

Also, the hysterical type of neurosis can manifest itself in the form of:

  • the strongest squeezing temporal areas of headaches;
  • anorexia on the background of nervousness;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • stuttering
  • strong emotional outbursts.

Experts point out that this species neurosis is more often inherent in women due to the greater mobility of the emotional system. Men are much less likely to suffer from this. Neurosis, provoked by a prolonged depressive state, manifests itself in the form of:

  • chronic apathy;
  • rapid emotional and physical fatigue;
  • loss of any interests;
  • recurring suicidal thoughts.

When the disease primarily affects the nervous system of the patient. The difficulty lies in the fact that he cannot objectively assess his condition, loses control over emotions and actions, cannot understand where all these unpleasant signs come from. Therefore, often diagnosis of VVD and neurosis at the reception, the doctor hears the same question: why is it so bad?

Causes of pathologies

Cause vegetovascular dystonia, and as a result, neurosis, can various factors. Among them are such common reasons as:

  1. genetic predisposition.
  2. Prolonged emotional stress.
  3. Chronic stress.
  4. Insufficient sleep duration.
  5. Poor or unbalanced diet.
  6. Active mental and physical activity.
  7. Abuse of alcoholic beverages.
  8. Tobacco smoking.
  9. Head injury.
  10. Diseases caused by infections.
  11. Failure of the hormonal system.
  12. Weakening immune systems s.
  13. Poor intake of vitamins.

When visiting a doctor, the patient must provide him with complete picture lifestyle, food and bad habits, chronic diseases, injuries in the past. Since the intake of vitamins in VVD and neurosis plays a crucial role, the specialist will prescribe them first. He will also prescribe medications that will relieve a person of the symptoms of the disease. Other therapies may be needed to cure the patient.

Features of prevention and methods of treatment

To each person, in order to avoid signs such as panic of an unknown nature, increased anxiety, poor emotional well-being, depression, vascular disorders brain, it is necessary to take preventive measures. These include:

  • smoking cessation;
  • refusal to abuse alcoholic beverages;
  • prolonged sleep;
  • physical activities;
  • balanced diet;
  • morning exercises;
  • increasing stress resistance.

After required examination and passing tests, the doctor prescribes complex treatment to the patient. It can consist of various methods, but the main thing is to neutralize neurosis, panic attacks, VVD. At the same time, an individual program for eliminating the causes and symptoms of the disease is applied to each patient.

During treatment, the following medicinal complexes are often prescribed:

  1. Neuroprotectors.
  2. Sedative drugs.
  3. Antidepressants.
  4. Beta blockers.

Neuroprotective drugs are aimed at normalizing blood circulation in the vessels of the brain. They block the effect nerve cells from the outside.

Sedative drugs have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, but when taking them, you need to be very careful and strictly follow the dosages and duration of the course recommended by the doctor. Unsystematic treatment can cause negative consequences, up to the death of the patient.

Antidepressants help a person cope with anxiety and sleep disorders.

Beta-blockers are aimed at normalizing blood pressure and heart rate.

A person can cope with the disease using methods such as:

  1. Psychotherapeutic help.
  2. Therapeutic physical culture (LFK).
  3. Physiotherapy procedures.

Specialists are firmly convinced that the complex treatment of neurosis and VVD cannot be successful without the inclusion of a psychotherapeutic technique in it. It is aimed at identifying the root cause of the disease. An experienced psychiatrist will help the patient look at his problems from the outside, evaluate them, learn to live differently, without anxiety and depressive moods. The help of such a specialist is extremely milestone on the road to recovery.

It is known that at physical activities The human body produces serotonin, the happy hormone. Therefore, in neurotic conditions, patients are prescribed a course of exercise therapy.

The use of gymnastics for VVD and neurosis will help to significantly alleviate the main symptoms. A variety of regular exercises will relieve the patient of headaches, osteochondrosis, muscle spasms, cramps, sleep problems.

Doctors recommend including long walks in the fresh air, swimming, and yoga classes in your daily lifestyle. Morning exercises for 20 minutes will be extremely useful for such patients. But you should avoid too intense exercises, sharp jumps, they can be harmful to health.

Physiotherapy includes the following methods:

  • acupuncture;
  • massage of the cervical and lumbar sections;
  • electrophoresis procedure in the neck;
  • cold and hot shower;
  • breathing exercises.

All these methods are very effective in the treatment neurotic disorders, but each patient is assigned individual method depending on the condition and symptoms.

Alternative methods of treatment of disorders of the nervous system

Among folk methods, one can find recipes that help cure diseases of a neurotic nature. good effect gives the use of infusion of herbs. It is prepared as follows: 10 g of rose hips, hawthorn, roots of the lure bush, chamomile flowers, St. John's wort are taken and 200-250 ml are poured raw water. After 4 hours, the infusion is heated in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. The resulting decoction is divided into 3 parts and drunk before each meal.

You can also use a decoction of eleutherococcus, leuzea root, rue, hyssop, St. John's wort, dyed gorse, prepared in the same way as in the first case.

These recipes are suitable for low pressure accompanying the disease. At high pressure, the use of two recipes will be effective.

10 g each of sweet clover, mint, Ivan tea, horsetail are poured 200-250 ml hot water, boiled in a water bath for about 15 minutes. The infusion is aged for an hour and the filtered one is divided into 4 equal parts. You need to use it during the day. The last dose should be shortly before bedtime.

Another recipe is prepared as follows: 300-350 ml of hot water is poured into a mixture of lemon balm, willow-herb, hawthorn flowers, lingonberry leaves (8 g of each component), infused for 2 hours in a hermetically sealed container. The infusion is used 5 times a day, 1 teaspoon.

Universal and effective recipes in the treatment of neurosis and VVD, the following infusions are used: 10 g of St. The cooled and filtered broth is divided into 3 equal parts and drunk before each of the main meals.

The following recipe: 10 g of valerian officinalis, motherwort, coltsfoot, lemon balm, Ivan tea, nettle, fennel fruits are poured into 400 ml of hot water, boiled in a water bath for about 20 minutes. Infused for at least 1 hour and strained broth is divided into 4 equal parts and drunk during the day in 4 divided doses.

The traditional medicine recipes described are effective and proven over time. Before using them, consultation with your doctor is necessary.

Vegetovascular dystonia and, as a consequence, neurosis, are extremely painful and even dangerous diseases. If symptoms of these ailments are found, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist who will prescribe an adequate and effective treatment. It is categorically impossible to treat the disease on your own, with such therapy you can only harm yourself.

As you know, VVD symptoms perfectly disguise themselves as other, more significant diseases. And if you observe one of the following in yourself, and after examination by a doctor, you will not find physiological deviations, you should think about the diagnosis of vegetovascular dystonia. It is worth noting that patients most often experience several symptoms (from two or more), especially with dystonia mixed type. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with both general and specific manifestations of this disease.

Symptoms of VVD in the acute stage can be very different, as indicated by the list below:

  • Headache;
  • Darkening in the eyes, blurred vision;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Tachycardia with VVD;
  • Indigestion, especially during periods of unrest and stress;
  • Shortness of breath, heaviness in the chest, lack of air, lump in the throat;
  • Arterial pressure;
  • Fainting and pre-fainting state;
  • Dizziness with VSD;
  • Noise in the head. The patient thinks that the noise is in the ears, but in fact it is not. It is worth going through an audiogram to make sure of this;
  • Cough with exacerbation of VVD;
  • Pulse instability;
  • Emotional instability;
  • Sudden increase in temperature and pressure surges during VSD;
  • Strong perspiration;
  • facial redness or pallor;
  • Insomnia;
  • Nausea with VVD;
  • Chills;
  • Arrhythmia;
  • Memory disorders.
  • Temperature at VSD.

Symptoms in individual cases

Modern medicine knows that the causes of VVD can be different. In fact, the symptoms are so extensive that almost every patient is initially mistaken about his diagnosis. For example, pain in the heart with VVD in men, children and women is initially perceived as a problem of a more serious nature, rather than ordinary dystonia.

Cervical osteochondrosis (chondrosis)

This disease can manifest itself in different ways. Some patients experience severe pain when turning the neck, however, the problem does not worsen until mental disorders. In other cases, cervical chondrosis develops as a muscle tightness. As a result, blood circulation in the body is disturbed, the brain does not receive the right amount of oxygen.

Against this background, tinnitus develops with VVD or ringing, constant dizziness, psychological deviations occur.

It is important to keep the neck relaxed, as patients sometimes do not notice that the shoulders are tucked up and the muscles are in wild tension, even in a favorable environment. Having cured cervical chondrosis, the nervous system will restore the correct regulation of blood vessels and the symptoms of VVD will disappear, like the disease itself.

Lack of air

If a patient develops a VVD syndrome of a respiratory nature, then, as a rule, he does not have enough air when breathing and the following sensations appear:

  • chest compression;
  • Noise in the head and ears;
  • Fainting and pre-fainting state;
  • Pain in the head.

Against this background, hypochondria develops, any interest in life is lost, the person becomes very irritable, conflicted and withdraws into himself.

A person breathes and does not even think about this process. And no wonder, because our body is designed in such a way as to control respiratory movements automatically, that is, on a subconscious level. Also, unconsciously, the depth and rhythm of breathing are rearranged depending on the conditions in which a person finds himself. For example, during times of stress, anxiety or when overtired, we unconsciously begin to breathe faster and faster, thus trying to provide the muscles of the body with additional oxygen in the same way, for example, as happens during physical exertion. Frequent and shallow breathing provokes the formation of oxygen deficiency in the body, which does not enter the lungs, which in turn becomes the basis for the occurrence of unpleasant and frightening sensations. It is worth noting that lack of air with VVD is the most common symptom.

The next step in such a disorder is a state of causeless anxiety and fear. There is a so-called panic attack, which further exacerbates the already severe pathology of the respiratory process.

  • Due to improper breathing, a change in acidity occurs in the blood. Frequent shallow breaths cause a decrease in carbon dioxide levels in the blood. But she is responsible for maintaining the walls of blood vessels in a calm, relaxed state. If there is not enough carbon dioxide in the body, muscle tension occurs, the vessels constrict reflexively, and the brain sends signals to the body about the occurrence of oxygen deficiency.
  • Another failure in the body with improper breathing is a change mineral composition blood. We are talking about calcium and magnesium, which are responsible for the work of cardio-vascular system person. It is the deficiency of these minerals that causes symptoms such as discomfort and pain in the heart, chest pressure, dizziness, tremor of the limbs, and so on.

VSD during pregnancy

stress in children

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VSD in adolescents develops against the background of active body growth and severe stressful situations. As a result, the nervous system does not have time to distribute the right amount of substances throughout the body, as frequent conflicts, anxieties and stresses quickly deplete it. Symptoms such as dizziness, aggressiveness, isolation and others inherent in dystonia appear. This is especially pronounced in preschool and primary school age. The child is actively moving, he is characterized by sudden mood swings, so it is quite difficult to diagnose dystonia at this stage.

The study of VSD in children was carried out by scientists from around the world for a long period of time, and only today, thanks to the great work done, we can talk about the possibility of early diagnosis of VSD. This is indeed a very important achievement, because timely prevention the first symptoms of the disease significantly reduces or completely eliminates the risk of developing the disease.

Since it is impossible to focus on the heart rate to detect the presence of dystonia in a child under 12 years old, experts recommend paying attention to the following symptoms:

  • Change in the condition of the skin.

Due to the fact that the pattern of the vessels changes, there is a transformation of the shade of the skin color. Sebaceous glands begin to work incorrectly, which causes frequent rashes, swelling and causeless itching.

When a disruption occurs endocrine system, the weight of the child can change rapidly, and in any direction ( excess weight or exhaustion). During adolescence, profuse acne is observed on the skin. Puberty in boys can slow down, and in girls, on the contrary, become even more rapid.

  • Failure of the body's thermoregulation.

Body temperature rises or falls for no apparent reason.

  • Frequent mood swings.

Children suffering from dystonia often become apathetic, lethargic. They are not interested in games or other activities. The drowsiness may change abruptly to vivid manifestations panic and unreasonable anxiety.

  • Wrong breathing.

Breathing either quickens, or, on the contrary, is barely audible. Often there are bouts of strangled coughing, shortness of breath appears, and the child can also take unconscious deep breaths.

Appetite worsens, salivation becomes abundant or, conversely, insignificant. You may experience symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain in the abdomen. In twelve-year-old children, gastroduodenitis can be diagnosed.

Even if the child will experience most of all the above symptoms, it is quite difficult for parents to diagnose VVD on their own without the help of a specialist. You need to contact a specialist who will refer you to the diagnosis and make an accurate diagnosis.


Can the temperature rise with VSD? Due to the fact that the nervous system does not work properly, thermoregulation in the body is disturbed, chills and hot flashes appear. Due to damage to the vessels, the hands and feet are constantly cold, the temperature during VVD rises to 37 degrees. These symptoms are most often observed during attacks. It makes no sense to bring down the temperature with conventional drugs, since the essence of the disease is in the malfunctioning of the nervous system. Patients are advised to relax, drink green tea and escape from stressful situations.

Sometimes people do not even pay attention to the fact that over a long period of time, sometimes even for years or a lifetime, they have an elevated body temperature. If there are no other symptoms, and nothing bothers, subfebrile condition, as a rule, goes unnoticed. It is difficult to call such a state of the body the norm.

If the body temperature is elevated (even by a few tenths of a degree), there must be a reason. This may be a signal of the onset of the inflammatory process, MPS, pregnancy, severe emotional overstrain.

The development of dystonia is characterized by both increased and low temperature body. And there are several reasons for this:

  • Violation of blood flow in some individual organs (constantly cold feet or hands);
  • An attack of VVD provokes an increase in heart rate, which leads to increased sweating, and the temperature can reach 39 degrees.

If the reason sharp increase temperature has not been set, it is not recommended to bring it down, since such a change in the body may indicate a number of diseases, ranging from VVD to the presence of dangerous infections. The first step is to complete medical examination and start drug therapy.

Since VVD has nothing to do with the thermoregulatory center, people with this disease feel the temperature in the same way as during colds.


Due to disruption of the cerebral vessels, an attack of VVD occurs as a sharp headache. After the examinations, it turns out that the blood circulation is stable, there are no dilated veins and arteries, or spasms. In some cases, pain attacks are accompanied by dizziness or tinnitus, nausea and uncertainty in gait. It is worth noting that headache with VVD and dizziness are the most common symptoms.


Another of the most common VVD attacks- nausea. It can be considered as a separate symptom, as it most often occurs in stressful situations. For example, if a patient is experiencing attacks of agoraphobia, then often in confined spaces, with a large crowd of people, nausea will appear. It is important to understand that this is the result of a malfunction of the nervous system, and not some kind of physical ailment. This symptom also manifests itself with strong physical exertion or intense running. Therefore, so that nausea does not appear during VVD, you need to do light gymnastics, which will provide positive effect on the body. Yoga and stretching have a positive effect on the nervous system, as during exercise, muscle relaxation occurs, many clamps in the body go away.

Often the main cause of nausea is not a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, but an attack of excitement. This natural reaction body to a critical situation.

The main symptoms of nervous nausea are:

  • Discomfort in the stomach;
  • Vomiting;
  • Pain in the abdomen;
  • Feeling of "bloating" of the abdomen;
  • Heaviness in the stomach and feeling of fullness.

Only in some cases, nervous nausea can cause real vomiting, but this outcome is also likely.

If an attack occurs in the absence of excitement, and is chronic, this may signal the presence of serious somatic diseases, and in women, pregnancy. Therefore, you should not independently diagnose yourself with “nervous nausea with vegetative-vascular dystonia”, you must undergo a medical examination as soon as possible.

The intensity of nausea is individual for each individual patient. In some people suffering from VVD, nausea occurs quite often, several times a day, even preventing them from eating normally. Others, on the contrary, rarely experience such a disorder.

Most often, an attack accompanies each stressful situation. At the same time, nausea can occur, both before unpleasant events, and much later, despite the fact that problems by that time can already be completely resolved. There are times when he starts to feel sick against the background of a feeling of helplessness, when the patient is faced with a problem and cannot solve it on his own, or the situation simply seems unsolvable to him.

It may also happen that the attack happens completely spontaneously, and the person cannot even tie the manifestation of a symptom to a specific event in his life.

Usually nausea occurs in the morning, before the start of a difficult day or important event. But it also happens that some particular type of food provokes it. Then people with dystonia themselves, without special indications, determine a group of so-called "dangerous" foods, and begin to adhere to their own diet.


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Many patients experience pain in the heart with VVD and observe rhythm failure. However, most often it turns out that this is intercostal cephalgia, which also occurs due to a malfunction of the nervous system. Of course, at the first appearance of tachycardia, it is worth contacting the appropriate doctor. If, after a thorough examination, the doctor does not notice any abnormalities, then you probably have tachycardia with VVD. That is, rhythm failures occur only during attacks of dystonia. Extrasystoles with VVD are also common.

Most often, tachycardia with vegetative dystonia is diagnosed by measuring the patient's pulse. If at rest the patient has a pulse above 90 beats per minute, this indicates a violation of the heart rhythm. It should be noted that during physical exertion and stress, a rapid heartbeat is the norm.

Systematization of tachycardia.

1. Depending on the source of origin:

  • extracardiac;
  • Intracardiac, associated directly with disorders of the cardiovascular system.

2. According to the focus of the impulse:

  • Ectopic, when the focus of localization is the ventricles or atria;
  • Sinus, when the focus of localization is located directly in the sinus node.

If tachycardia is symptom of VVD, then it belongs to the extracardiac type. Chronic tachycardia, left without attention and appropriate treatment, can cause the development of such serious illnesses heart, like coronary artery disease, angina pectoris and myocardial infarction.


There is no clear classification of what pain in the heart feels like with VVD. Patients most often describe their state of health as aching, squeezing, cutting, stabbing pain. Some "patients" note that there is a sense of presence foreign body which interferes with the normal functioning of the heart. The focus of pain falls on the region of the heart, behind the sternum, under the left shoulder blade or in the subscapular region. Often the pain can radiate to left hand, in the neck and even in the teeth. Such a painful attack can last from a few seconds to several hours, when the heart continues to ache or squeeze "under the vise." The nature of the pain is also not the same, it can be either growing, paroxysmal, or dull, unchanged throughout the entire time.

Typically, the occurrence of an attack of heart pain in dystonia is associated with the following reasons:

  • Overwork;
  • anxious feelings;
  • Reaction to changing weather conditions;
  • premenstrual period;
  • After taking alcoholic or hot non-alcoholic drinks.

Cases have been recorded when pain in the heart in patients with VVD occurred during a night's sleep under the influence of disturbing dreams.


Untimely depolarization and contraction of the heart in patients with dystonia may not always be pronounced, and their manifestation depends on factors such as the type of disease, the lifestyle of the patient, and also individual characteristics organism.

At the same time, it is more than possible to determine that failures in the work of the cardiovascular system arose precisely because of this pathology, since extrasystole has its own characteristic symptoms. The main of which, it is necessary to highlight the so-called "fading" of the heart.

The onset of an attack is accompanied by strong heartbeats, then it “freezes” for a while, and begins to contract again. It is quite difficult not to notice such a symptom, therefore, if such a phenomenon occurs, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist as soon as possible.

Other signs by which it is possible to diagnose the development of extrasystole in VVD:

  • Feelings of restlessness and anxiety;
  • panic attacks;
  • Irritability and nervousness;
  • Malaise and lack of strength;
  • Shortness of breath, suffocation and dizziness.

The development of dystonia is characterized by a sudden "throwing into the heat", which is abruptly replaced by a cold sweat. And if the course of the disease is aggravated by extrasystole, then the likelihood of a change in body temperature increases significantly.

Pressure surges

Pressure jumps, both downward and upward, are one of the main symptoms of the development of VVD. Sometimes the blood pressure indicator can reach critical levels. Patients with dystonia complain of constant feeling apathy, abdominal discomfort, headaches, disturbed sleep, poor tolerance to changing weather conditions.

When choosing a course of therapy VSD treatment, great attention paid attention to the nature of fluctuations in blood pressure, since it is very important to create the maximum conditions for its stabilization: to increase pressure in case of hypotension or, conversely, to reduce it if the patient has a tendency to develop hypertensive crises.

Shortness of breath

One of the symptoms of dystonia is a feeling of anxiety, which occurs as a result of an increased load on the brain. Due to unrest, adrenaline is regularly released into the blood, which in turn leads to an increase in heart rate and breathing. A person breathes often, but superficially, absorbing in large numbers excess oxygen that does not enter the lungs, that is, does not benefit, but, on the contrary, only forces the body to produce additional energy. An excess of oxygen in the blood reduces the level of carbon dioxide, and the lack of the latter is precisely the cause of the development of such phenomena as dizziness, anxiety, and shortness of breath.

This condition is cyclical: due to anxiety, breathing is disturbed, and a failure in the respiratory process only exacerbates the state of anxiety and excitement.


Great amount side effects, which occur in the patient during the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia, not only violate the possibility of a full life, but also frighten. One of the problems that patients with dystonia have to face is tinnitus, when the patient has a distortion of sounds, which causes a sharp deterioration in well-being.

Possible various manifestations tinnitus in different people. Most often there is a "laying" of the auricles, when all sounds are strongly distorted. But additional noises may also appear, including ringing in the ears with VSD, whistling, or a sound that resembles the buzzing of insects. And such problems often develop against the background of an exacerbation of the disease.


First of all, it is worth noting that the psychosomatics of VVD is, perhaps, the root of the disease. Since dystonia is most often observed after psychological deviations that lead to disorders in the nervous system. When a child is born, his body is in harmony, all organs work correctly.

Have you noticed that children bring out all the emotions. They can instantly change laughter to "wild crying" and vice versa. Now let's move on to adults. With age, we learn to hide our emotions, accumulate fears, anger, resentment. When there is a good group of friends, we get together and how we can get rid of the accumulated stresses (this happens different ways, someone through conversations, others prefer to dance and so on).

Now imagine a situation where a person experiences hours of stress and plunges into them. Every time this happens, the whole body tenses up, the nervous system goes into a different mode of operation. And gradually, this stressful condition becomes usual for the patient, he seems to forget what normal condition. This is psychosomatics. When the inner world of a person is in disharmony and the psychological help of a specialist is required to find the cause of the problem and solve it.


Since the body does not work properly, there are some clamps in the body, the head is constantly spinning intrusive thoughts, the patient cannot relax. During sleep, he often rolls over from side to side, and in the morning he feels tired. In this case, persistence and complete relaxation of the body are recommended. For this, there are certain practices that must be performed before going to bed, alternately relaxing individual parts of the body. Thus, insomnia with VVD disappears and normal sleep returns to the person.

Poor eyesight

If, with vegetovascular dystonia, you have clamps in your neck or have developed cervical chondrosis (osteochondrosis), this can lead to poor vision and the appearance of small dots in front of your eyes. VSD and vision are strongly interconnected, and similar symptoms often appear in patients.


Weakness in the legs with VVD is a consequence of general malaise throughout the body. It is recommended to overpower your condition and take up easy running, which will quickly restore your strength. Walking in the fresh air, preferably away from the hustle and bustle, will have a good effect on health. One way or another, the signs of VVD in adults are similar to the symptoms in children and adolescents. The only difference is in the causes. For example, an infant may experience bouts of dystonia by inheritance. That is, if the mother of the child was susceptible to this disease, it is possible that the child will experience the same. Adolescents are most often in difficult situation due to unhealthy lifestyle and constant stress.

Difficulty breathing

Climbing to the fifth floor or doing too active actions, shortness of breath may appear with VVD. That is why patients are advised not to jerky movements and engage in active sports. All this only makes things worse. However, they will strengthen your body and have a healing effect.

Lump in the throat

During attacks of dystonia, a person releases a large amount of adrenaline in the body, which most often occurs due to fear. As a result, for unknown reasons, the hormone affects some part of the body. Some patients have problems with the heartbeat, others with the gastrointestinal tract, and in others, for example, a lump forms in the throat with VVD. As usual, initially the patient suspects the thyroid gland, because it is difficult for him to swallow, there is a feeling of discomfort or, in some cases, cervical chondrosis. And of course, you need to see a doctor to rule out this diagnosis. If, according to the results of the examination, you are diagnosed with vegetovascular dystonia, then you should think about your fears, since they are the cause of the development of a coma in the throat. More often medications do not help, however, the treatment of a psychotherapist has an effective effect. Dry mouth with VVD is also quite common.


Due to the fact that the human vegetative system does not work properly, blood is also distributed through the vessels with violations. As a result, chills with VVD appear very often. As a rule, it is coldness in the legs or arms. If even in the summer season you notice that your feet are cold, and other people calmly endure such air temperatures, you should think about the state of your blood vessels.

Symptoms in the acute stage

During the period of exacerbation of VVD, patients may experience the following physical and psychological symptoms:

  • Malfunctions of the cardiovascular system, for example, arrhythmia with VVD;
  • shortness of breath, panic attacks, chest pain;
  • Profuse sweating, especially of hands and feet;
  • Pain when urinating, frequent urination;
  • GI problems, including diarrhea or constipation, flatulence, nausea, and vomiting;
  • Respiratory failure, dizziness, fainting, muscle spasms;
  • A sharp increase in body temperature, chills;
  • Pre-syncope with VVD due to a crisis;
  • Tremor of the limbs;
  • Pressure fluctuations, both upward and downward;
  • Headache;
  • Unpleasant sensations in the abdomen;
  • Weakness with VVD, depression, drowsiness;
  • Frequent mood swings, from unmotivated euphoria to depression;
  • Attacks of fear of death with VVD and causeless panic.

The clinical picture can also be supplemented by such minor symptoms as tinnitus, lump in the throat, discomfort in the esophagus, excitement, fussiness, nervousness, or, conversely, complete apathy to what is happening. All this can only indicate one thing: the body cannot cope with the physical or psychological stress that has arisen on its own, and therefore it is simply necessary to provide it with assistance in the form of therapeutic treatment and a number of preventive measures that will help to improve the functioning of all systems and organs as a whole.

It is important to understand that certain symptoms by themselves never occur, and in each case they are signals about the occurrence of a pathological process or its exacerbation.

As a result, we can conclude that vegetovascular dystonia develops for many reasons, and the symptoms are very similar to real diseases. In this regard, it is worthwhile to initially undergo an examination and only after the received analyzes to draw any conclusions. The previous article also talks about. There are as many of them as there are symptoms of this disorder.