The cat's jaw was twisted due to a fracture. Visual inspection of the fracture. Pelvic fracture in cats

Fractures in pets are always unpleasant and difficult. The cat cannot say how bad he is, but this is already clearly visible: when the animal cannot walk and play, becomes sad and lethargic, being forced to wear tight bandages or plaster for a long time, it does not look cheerful. But paw injuries are “trifles” compared to other types of such injuries. One of the most severe is a broken jaw in a cat. If you do not care for a sick animal in this case, it will simply die from complete exhaustion: with a broken jaw, it will not be possible to eat much.

In cats, jaw fractures are a direct consequence of severe mechanical injuries . Rarely, spontaneous damage is possible. When a cat tries to gnaw on a particularly “appetizing” meat bone, its jaws may not be able to withstand such heavy loads that are not intended by nature. As a rule, the lower jaw breaks: its bones are quite thin and fragile, so a particularly strong impact is not required. However, fractures do not always occur: often bone tissue The finest “hair” cracks appear, and sometimes the cat’s jaw can be crushed. Be that as it may, a cat with a broken jaw will sit with its jaw hanging open, unable to return it to its normal position. But much a fracture is more dangerous upper jaw: firstly, it is extremely painful; animals receiving such an injury often die from painful shock.

Fracture lower jaw It occurs more often, including because the bones that form it are connected by the so-called symphysis. This connection is much weaker than, for example, hip joint. That's why it breaks much easier.

Below we provide most common symptoms of fractures both upper and lower jaws. Please note that trauma to the mandible is almost always visible and obvious, while injuries to the palate may for a long time remain unnoticed. The cat may feel bad, but it still exists, and therefore suspicions of a fracture do not appear immediately. So, the signs of pathology are as follows:

  • Complete or partial refusal of food.
  • Swelling of soft tissues around oral cavity.
  • Bleeding from the mouth.
  • You can see wounds in the cat's mouth.
  • Hypersalivation, that is, excessive salivation.
  • “Disproportionality” and asymmetry of the jaw.
  • The animal's mouth hangs downwards and the pet cannot close it.

Types of fractures

All jaw injuries can be divided into two large groups: favorable and unfavorable. Differentiation is related to the severity of the damage, the presence/absence of bone fragments, the condition of the pet, etc. Let's look at these types in a little more detail.


In case the jaw remains relatively normal position , does not hang or bent to one side, the fracture can be considered “favorable”. This is often considered to be damage to the upper jaw (don’t forget that they are still extremely dangerous). Perhaps even the simplest treatment at home will help. Of course, if the cat’s owner has at least basic veterinary skills and knows how to apply tight bandages and plaster.


If the fracture caused displacement of the jaw, it can be considered unfavorable. In particular, with such injuries, the masticatory muscles are often torn. If the damage additionally passes through the symphysis, the pet’s mouth droops downwards and hangs on bundles of ligaments and blood vessels. It looks very scary, the pathology is extremely dangerous for the health and life of the pet.

Main predisposing factors

Fractures of the upper and lower jaws are quite common in cats. As we have already said, they are usually caused by injuries. This includes the following impacts (but this list is far from complete):

  • Collision by car or bicycle.
  • Fights with other animals.
  • Falls from high altitude. The latter is a particularly common outcome of “March games” for cats.

The video below describes the fate of the kitten, or rather, the process of saving him after receiving a serious jaw fracture is described. The cause of injury was another common “factor” – man.

If immediate cause is not an injury, things could be even worse:

  • Tooth decay.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Aggressive oncological neoplasms.
  • Complications after dental procedures.

It is important to note that these problems are much more common in older cats. It is for them, by the way, that osteoporosis is characteristic, often leading to the complete destruction of bone tissue.

The process of diagnosing jaw fractures

So, the conclusion is simple - no matter what type of jaw fracture it is, the injured animal must be immediately taken to a veterinarian. To make an accurate diagnosis, he can use one of the methods described below. Let us emphasize once again that jaw fractures - an extremely painful injury. To conduct even the simplest examination, the animal must be injected with sufficiently powerful sedatives, since in otherwise it may die from painful shock. This is especially important when examining a broken jaw in a kitten.

Visual exploration

The most obvious and simple technique. It is important to examine the animal’s jaws and understand how deep the wound channel is and what can be done to alleviate the pet’s condition. Considering that jaw fractures often result in thin and sharp fragments, it is not surprising that after injury, pieces of them pierce the skin and are clearly visible to the naked eye.

Before any further research is carried out, it is necessary to ensure that the animal's condition is stable. If the fracture was caused by a car collision, the cat must first be “stabilized” so that it does not die from internal bleeding or other severe post-traumatic consequences.

Visual inspection of the fracture

To visually determine the severity of a fracture, it must be seen. This is why the veterinarian will conduct X-ray examination affected area. If the animal’s condition is alarming, or the case is complex, an MRI will not hurt. Only after collecting all the diagnostic information can it be determined which therapeutic strategy should be chosen.

Therapeutic methods

The methods directly depend on the specific type of fracture. Let's look at the most common and effective ways treatment.

External immobilization

Used in case simple fractures. In this case, a special muzzle is placed directly on the muzzle, or a tight bandage is used. If the injury is relatively simple, therapy is limited to this.

External skeletal fixation

The jaw is held in place by externally applied plates, which in turn are held in place by special pins and bolts. After healing, all “foreign” implants are removed. This technique has proven itself well in treatment open jaw fractures.

Internal reduction

In this case, the same metal plates and bolts are inserted during surgery. Unlike the previous technique, implants remain in the animal’s body throughout its entire subsequent life. The advantage of the technique is that it is simpler post-operative care. This operation is often used when eliminating the consequences of damage to the symphysis.

Interosseous or interfragmentary “wiring”

A long, thin "wire" is inserted through the lower jaw, but remains under the tongue and is then passed outward to the opposite side. To prevent the implant from falling out, it is fixed with clamps. After healing, the “crossbar” is removed. The technique is often used in conjunction with the previous method to eliminate consequences of severe fractures complicated by the formation of large bone fragments.

Anchoring palatine bones

To prevent mixing of the split areas of the palatine bones, they must be firmly fixed by screwing to each other. It is not difficult to guess that this technique is used when fractures of the upper jaw. The advantage of this method is the possibility self-catering animal during the entire treatment period. Of course, the cat should eat exclusively soft, pureed food.

Securing teeth

For fractures accompanied loosening and damage to teeth, they are also attached directly to the jaw using plates and flexible wires made of medical steel. Such “braces” are also removed after complete healing of post-traumatic injuries.

Partial or complete mandibulectomy

If jaw destroyed so that the operation is pointless (in particular, too many small fragments have formed), a decision may be made on complete resection of the affected organ. It is worth considering that after this operation the cat will physically not be able to feed on its own. For the rest of his life he will have to be fed using an esophageal tube. Alas, some pets cannot stand such a life and become weaker, subsequently dying.

How to care for a recovering animal?

If the veterinarian has confirmed that it is possible to give food to the animal naturally, within two to three days after your pet returns from the clinic, you need to “pamper” him only with soft, well-cooked foods. Sedatives are often prescribed to help relieve recovery process pet: it still hurts to eat, and therefore without “stimulants” the cat will refuse even the most delicious and attractive food.

To reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process and improve general state animal are also prescribed anti-inflammatory corticosteroids. If there is even the slightest risk of secondary bacterial infection, you can’t do without powerful antibiotics wide range actions. You should also limit your pet’s activity and not “provoke” him to play. Complete peace of mind is especially important for those animals whose healing of the external implant attachment area is poor.

Please note that if there are external “clamps”, they need to be regularly cleaned of residues of adhering food and other contaminants, as otherwise inflammatory reactions may develop.

It is advisable to use solutions of disinfectants rather than plain water. Note that even after the fracture heals and the fixing devices are removed, the cat is unlikely to immediately return to normal. Various “side effects” are possible:

  • Irregularity of the teeth, leading to malocclusion.
  • Poor jaw function (the cat cannot chew normally).
  • Incomplete bone healing inflammatory phenomena and pain.
  • Lack of teeth.
  • Osteomyelitis (inflammation of the jaw bone).
  • Periodontal disease.

If the animal was cared for complete care, full recovery usually occurs within five weeks.

Cats have masterfully learned to avoid serious injuries when falling from a height, but they are not immune from fractures. The flexibility and strength of a cat's skeleton is ensured by 244 bones, which are fastened together by ligaments, and they do not fit tightly, compared to other mammals, which is what provides cats with such plasticity in movement. A cat's spine can make unimaginable movements, for example, turn over in the air with its paws down, even if the fall was made with its back down.

Bone tissue has a high margin of safety; it forms the outer layer of bone and the inner layer, where it is located Bone marrow. The strength of a cat's bones depends on the balance of its diet, the deficiency of some nutrients and minerals increases the risk of fractures even with simple movement.

Types of Fractures

Based on the nature of fractures, there are several types: open, closed, epiphyseal, fissure. There are also simple (2-3 fragments) and fragmentation, when the bone crumbles into many small bone fragments.

At closed fracture a complete rupture of bone tissue occurs, while maintaining the integrity of soft tissue and skin. Crack – occurs in cats (especially young ones) like a “green branch”. These are injuries that do not destroy the main body of the bone. An open fracture in cats is characterized by damage to bone tissue and muscles, ligaments, fascia and skin. Almost always accompanied secondary infection wounds when pathogenic microflora enters from the outside.

Epiphyseal fracture, or fracture in the growth plate. Typically, such fractures occur in young cats and kittens at the ends of large bones. The areas in which bone tissue grows are called epiphyseal plates. They consist of slightly calcified cells that form a soft, spongy area in the bone, so these areas in cats are very weak and the risk of fracture increases. The most common fractures for cats are the distal end of the femoral shaft or the humerus.

Bones and muscle cats are formed by nature in such a way that they are able to extinguish a large number of shock loads, and at the same time without damaging the skeleton. This circumstance allows cats to make incredible jumps at great heights without the risk of injury. The main causes of fractures are car collisions, falls from great heights, attacks by larger animals and cruelty from people.

Fractures are usually accompanied by combined injuries of muscles, tendons, ligaments and dislocations.

The most common fractures are:

Femur, which require complex surgery and the use of pins with orthopedic wire;

Vertebral fractures. Cracks or dislocations, which are very dangerous, as they are accompanied by damage and rupture of the spinal cord. If the caudal vertebrae are damaged, there may be neurological disorders, as well as disturbances in bowel movements and urination;

Fractures of the facial bones, most often the jaws, especially when falling from a great height, when the cat hits the ground;

Fractures pelvic bones– the most common type of damage. In some cases, it will heal on its own if the cat can support the body during the healing period. However, in most cases, a pelvic fracture requires surgery and stabilization of the bones to prevent deformation and loss of function.


Symptoms of fractures depend on their location and severity. Fractures in the joint area are considered the most serious; if the spine is damaged, the spinal cord and then complete paralysis will occur. If a paw is broken, the cat will hold it suspended and not move, and if there is a crack, bruise or sprain, the cat may lean slightly on the leg and limp. A cat owner who encounters a fracture in their pet for the first time needs to remember that this is a serious injury and it requires the presence of a qualified specialist. Often fractures are accompanied state of shock in an animal and damage internal organs, as well as blood loss, so it is necessary to deliver the cat as quickly as possible to veterinary clinic. To transport a cat, it is necessary to fix it in the maximum position in which it is located, as well as the broken paw, so that greater displacement and damage do not occur. internal structures and fabrics. The cat is in a lot of pain, so you need to handle it with great care.


Treatment of fractures in cats involves applying aids, which can firmly fix the bone in one position during the fusion period. The doctor will decide which remedy (splint, plaster, screws, plates) is needed. The method of treatment also depends on the nature of the fracture and its location, the age of the cat and concomitant injuries in the body. An open fracture is more difficult than a closed one, as there is a risk of infection. In young animals, fractures heal much faster than in older animals.

Treatment is always more difficult; prevention is better. You should carefully monitor your cat at home, especially in the spring, to prevent it from falling out of the window. And you shouldn’t let your cat “walk on its own,” especially if there is a roadway near the house. High quality and balanced diet, as well as a sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins will make the cat’s bones strong.

What to do if your cat has a broken femur and is there an open wound visible?

If possible, fix the paw in one position and apply it on top of the wound. sterile bandage to prevent infection. And quickly take the cat to a veterinary clinic; with this type of fracture, surgery will be required.

The cat has a broken lower jaw, she cannot eat, but she swallows, what should I do and how to feed her?

First of all, go to a veterinary clinic, where the jaw will be “corrected”, but you will most likely have to feed it with pureed food and from a syringe until the cat is able to lap on its own.

How long will it take for a fracture to heal?

The time period depends on the type of fracture, the age of the animal and the nature of the associated injuries. Typically this period ranges from 6 weeks to four months.

Veterinary center "DobroVet"

Mobile and active furry pets often suffer various bone fractures, including the jaw. According to statistics, in cats this type of pathology accounts for about 15% of all cases. There are many causes of the disease - from injuries of various etiologies before oncological tumors. Effective treatment injury is only possible through surgery. Plays a special role postoperative care for a sick pet.

Read in this article

Causes of jaw fractures in cats

In veterinary practice, the most frequently observed following reasons and factors leading to jaw fractures in pets:

The cause of jaw bone fracture in cats is the relative fragility and mobility of the lower jaw. A fracture of the maxillary bones is diagnosed in furry pets rarely.

Types of injuries

Veterinarians There are open and closed frakturs. The open form is characterized by damage skin and the oral mucosa with a bone fragment. If the fracture occurred through the dentition, then it is classified as open form. A closed fracture does not lead to disruption of the integrity of the skin.

Anatomy of a cat's facial skeleton

In veterinary practice, it is customary to distinguish between simple and complex textures of the jaw bones. In simple cases, there is a bone fracture in only one place. Complex ones are characterized by the presence of many fragments and are called splintered (multiple). Comminuted fractures occur with displacement and without fragments of damaged bone.

Based on the shape of the bone damage, experts distinguish between transverse, oblique and helical fractures. In 60% of cases, cats are diagnosed with a transverse fracture of the lower jaw running along the midsagittal line. Trauma to the jaw bone can also be unilateral or bilateral.

Symptoms of a fracture of the upper and lower jaw

Damage to the jaw bones does not go unnoticed by the owner and is characterized by the following clinical signs:

  • profuse drooling;
  • the upper and lower jaws do not take an anatomical position;
  • bleeding from the nasal and oral cavity with an open form of fracture;
  • protruding bone fragments in open injuries;
  • the cat cannot close its mouth on its own;
  • refusal to feed, difficulty eating and drinking; with a unilateral fracture, the appetite is not impaired, but the animal is not able to chew food;
  • if the hard palate is damaged, the cat sneezes and the food it eats flies out of its nostrils;
  • deformation, asymmetry of the jaw during visual examination;
  • palpation reveals severe pain and swelling;
  • bad smell from the mouth is observed in advanced cases.

When found characteristic symptoms the owner should urgently show a pet in severe pain, qualified specialist. The cat's jaw should be immobilized using a bandage. This manipulation will reduce pain and prevent displacement of damaged bone fragments.

Injury diagnosis

The veterinarian makes a diagnosis and determines the type and shape of the fracture based on examination and x-ray examination.


A thorough examination of the oral cavity by a specialist will reveal broken teeth, disruption of the integrity of the oral mucosa, malocclusion, jaw instability.

During a clinical examination, a specialist will use palpation to determine not only swelling and pain, but also abnormal mobility of a fragment of the lower jaw, crepitus of a bone fragment, and crunching. If necessary (breathing problems), the doctor may perform tracheal intubation.

A veterinarian often prescribes a biochemical blood test (with mandatory determination of calcium levels) in order to exclude concomitant diseases that lead to bone pathology.


An X-ray examination provides a clearer picture of the traumatic injury. An x-ray of a cat's lower jaw is taken under general anesthesia. Diagnostic method allows you to identify neoplasms that cause bone fracture. Based on the examination, the methodology is determined surgical treatment and a forecast is given.

X-ray of a cat with a fracture of the lower jaw

Treatment of a jaw fracture in a cat

It is possible to restore health to a pet with this pathology through surgical intervention. Conservative methods treatments are ineffective and are used only if there are contraindications to general anesthesia. TO non-surgical methods include various fixing bandages, nylon muzzles. The animal is fed parenterally liquid food or using a probe.

Surgery as the only option

The most common and effective method The treatment is surgery. Before it is performed, the oral cavity is freed from blood clots, dirt, and tooth fragments, damaged teeth are removed, and treated with disinfectant solutions.

They are widely used in veterinary practice to fasten damaged bones. polymer materials(screws, plates). In some cases, bone fragments are secured with wire to the teeth. Splinting of teeth can be combined with the use of an external fixator. Metal structures used in veterinary surgery for osteoprosthetics are installed for a period of 2 - 3 months.

Treatment of a mandibular fracture in a cat using cerclage wire

In the practice of caring for animals, there are often cases when the surgeon has to fasten the bones of the upper and lower jaws to stabilize them. In this case, a feeding tube is inserted into the furry patient.

Bone immobilization elements (screws, wires, pins) are removed after 35 - 40 days with positive result X-ray examination.

To see what osteosynthesis looks like for a fracture of the lower jaw in a cat, watch this video:

Treatment of the disease that caused the fracture

In the event that the cause of damage to the jaw bones was infection, the animal is given antiviral or antibacterial therapy. In the case of an oncological nature of the disease, the pet may be prescribed antitumor therapy, including radiation.

When a sick animal is prescribed first of all proper nutrition, rich in vitamins and minerals. Veterinarians recommend switching the cat to industrial feed premium class. If necessary, the pet is prescribed intravenous injections calcium solutions.

Rehabilitation after surgery

The postoperative period is quite difficult. Bone fractures cause the animal severe pain, so after the operation the surgeon prescribes painkillers for some time.

IN mandatory antibacterial therapy is carried out. Antibiotics are administered intramuscularly.

If there was an open fracture, then postoperative period The oral cavity is irrigated with disinfectant solutions (furacilin, chlorkegsidine).

Particular attention is paid to the nutrition of the operated animal. For the first two weeks, the cat should be fed only liquid food. The diet should include dairy products. If necessary, the doctor prescribes artificial feeding through a probe.

During the rehabilitation period, the owner must limit the cat’s activity, prevent jumping, falling from heights, active games. It is prohibited to let the animal go outside until the immobilizing elements are removed.

How long does it take for a cat's jaw fracture to heal?

The healing time of bone fracture is influenced by many factors: the nature of the fracture, its complexity, the success of the operation, the age of the animal and individual characteristics body. Veterinary practice shows that in young animals up to one year old bones grow together in 3 weeks. The older the pet, the slower the processes of tissue regeneration, including bone ones. In older cats, bone fusion can take up to 3 months.

Jaw fractures in cats are not uncommon. The owner needs to understand the importance urgent appeal for qualified help. Effective treatment is only possible with professional surgery. For prognosis and successful recovery, competent rehabilitation period after operation.

A jaw fracture is one of the most common bone fractures suffered by cats. In most cases, a broken jaw occurs as a result of serious trauma when the animal is involved in an accident, gunshot wound, being hit or falling from a height when the jaw hits the ground. In addition, the bone can weaken infectious lesion, bone cancer, hyperparathyroidism or gum disease. All this leads to a broken jaw.

A cat's jaws are made up of two parts: an upper jaw and a lower jaw. The lower jaw consists of two bones connected lengthwise middle line. Both the upper and lower jaw can be torn, and a fracture can occur anywhere along the jawbone. Often the lower jaw is fractured along the midline. Fractures can be classified as "closed" or "open". In an open fracture, the bone protrudes through the skin and tissue. With a closed fracture, the skin at the site of injury is not damaged. When a jaw injury occurs, an open fracture usually occurs because there is too little tissue surrounding the jaw bones in this part of the body.

Jaw fracture in a cat - symptoms

  • Loss of appetite
  • cannot open or close his mouth
  • Bruising, swelling and tenderness of the affected area
  • Deformation of the muzzle (appearance of an abnormal bite)
  • Bleeding from the mouth
  • Broken or lost teeth

If the jaw is broken not due to injury (but due to infection or cancer in the jaw bones, for example), other symptoms may be present, such as bad breath and drooling.

How to diagnose a jaw fracture

The veterinarian performs a physical examination of the cat, carefully checking the mouth and jaw. Often a jaw fracture can be diagnosed based on external examination, but a skull x-ray may also be taken if the fracture is closed, or to assess the extent of the break.

Other tests may be performed to determine the presence of other injuries or to assess the cat's general condition. diagnostic tests. These may include full analysis blood, biochemical profile, urine test, ultrasound, x-ray chest and abdominal cavity.

Treatment of jaw fracture in cats

  • To treat a fractured jaw, you need surgical intervention. If there is a fracture of the midline of the jaw, the doctor will need to fold both parts and fasten them with implants (plates, screws, wires, etc.).
  • Treatment of other injuries. Damaged soft tissues surrounding the jaw bone should be thoroughly cleaned. Stitches may be required.
  • Treatment of an underlying condition such as hyperparathyroidism or gum disease may be necessary. Oral cancer is invasive and can quickly spread to surrounding tissue. If the cancer is located in the anterior part of the lower jaw, surgical removal bones. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy may also be recommended.


The cat will be prescribed painkillers and local wound treatment. Recovery will take several weeks and your cat will need to be restrained during this period.

A fracture of the lower jaw in cats is manifested by a violation of the integrity of the bone, most often accompanied by a divergence of the symphysis and a rupture of the hard palate. When the upper jaw is fractured, the anatomical relationships between the nasal, incisive and zygomatic bones are disrupted.

Types of jaw fractures in cats:

  • transverse, oblique and helical;
  • open and closed;
  • single, double or multiple;
  • comminuted without displacement/with displacement;
  • fractures of the angle of the ramus and alveolar part of the cat’s jaw;
  • fractures of the chin.

Symptoms of a broken jaw in a cat:

  • visually noticeable asymmetry of the jaw, upper and Bottom part do not accept anatomical position;
  • the animal is drooling profusely;
  • with an open fracture of the jaw, the cat begins bleeding from the nasal and oral cavities;
  • the pet cannot close its mouth on its own;
  • the cat has difficulty chewing food, or he completely refuses water and food;
  • the injured area swells;
  • the cat is acting restless due to pain and discomfort caused by a fracture of the upper or lower jaw.

Diagnosis of injury in a veterinary clinic

  1. The animal passes full inspection, the results of which should show whether there are signs of hypovolemic shock. When a cat's lower jaw is fractured, the teeth and gums are most often damaged. there's blood coming out. Using the palpation method, the doctor identifies abnormal mobility of jaw fragments, as well as crepitus of bone fragments.
  2. The specialist directs the patient for testing biochemical analysis blood to determine calcium levels. This allows you to exclude accompanying illnesses, which could cause bone pathology.
  3. The radiograph provides complete information about traumatic injuries. The examination is carried out under general anesthesia. Based on the results obtained, treatment is prescribed.

Treatment of a cat with a fracture of the lower and upper jaw

If your cat has a broken jaw, he needs emergency treatment. veterinary care. This type of injury causes shock, which must be relieved as quickly as possible. The doctor administers fluid to support blood pressure and ensure a sufficient level of oxygen supply to the tissues.

If the midline of the jaw is fractured, the surgeon fastens the injured area titanium plate, screws or knitting needles. Sutures are placed on damaged soft tissues.

Fractures along the symphysis are restored using a special wire, which is applied to the teeth of both halves of the jaw. If necessary, the upper and lower canine teeth are temporarily held together to hold the bone fragments in position while the healing process takes place.

When a fracture is associated with a leak cancer, which is localized in the front part of the lower jaw, the bone is completely removed and the cat is prescribed chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

After the operation, the animal is prescribed a course of antibiotics, which are selected taking into account individual needs pet. Local treatment of sutures is also carried out regularly.

If the animal is contraindicated for health reasons surgery, he is given fixing bandages and transferred to liquid food feeding through a tube or parenterally.

Rehabilitation of a cat after a jaw fracture

A recovering pet requires special care. He is still in pain, so without taking sedatives Possible problems with appetite and eating. To stop inflammatory process and improve the general condition of the animal, the doctor prescribes a course of anti-inflammatory corticosteroids. In order to avoid the development of a secondary bacterial infection after a jaw fracture, the cat needs broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Your pet needs rest, try not to provoke him into playing. Equip for your pet comfortable spot rest where no one will disturb him.

The entire recovery period must take place under the strict supervision of a physician.

If you are unable to come to the veterinary clinic yourself, you can call a doctor at home using the contact number.


Name Price Note
Arthrodesis of the joint 12000 rub. Surgery to restore joint mobility
Removal of a metal implant from 3500 to 6000 rub. Removing plates, screws, spokes,
Osteosynthesis for fracture 12000 rub. Osteosynthesis with wires for a fractured limb or jaw
Dislocation of the lower jaw, closure of the oral cavity 3500 rub.
Osteosynthesis of a transverse forearm fracture 10,000 rub.
Osteosynthesis for pelvic fracture 12000 rub.
Removing the device external fixation 2500 rub.
Combined osteosynthesis 15,000 rub.
Hygroma excision 10,000 rub. Surgery to remove the tendon sheath
Fixing a dislocated hip 10,000 rub. Reduction of dislocation and osteosynthesis of dislocated hip with wires.
Orthopedic correction of patellar subluxation 15,000 rub.
Capsule plastic surgery knee joint in case of rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament 12000 rub. Operation to open the joint cavity, joint revision, meniscus revision, suturing of the knee joint capsule
Osteotomy of the tibia 20,000 rub. Surgery to restore knee stability
Plastic surgery according to Efimov 15,000 rub. An operation to open the joint cavity with revision of the knee joint and menisci, suturing the capsule and transposition of the medial head and sartorius muscle