"Bepanten" - cream or ointment? Instructions for use. Bepanten is an indispensable assistant for every mother

The main feature of the drug Bepanten is the ability to normalize metabolic processes in skin tissues. That is why this drug is an excellent skin care product. The use of this drug makes it possible to enhance tissue regeneration and maintain normal skin condition even in the presence of constant irritants.

Thanks to its composition, Bepanten can be used even by pregnant women. Bepanten is also recommended for the treatment of skin problems in infants. What's special about this drug?

The main component of Bepanten is Dexpanthenol. When it enters the body, at the cellular level, it is transformed into vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid. It is this acid that is the basis of the acetylation coenzyme. It is complex in structure, but the most important natural compound for internal processes. Thanks to it, oxidation reactions occur in the body, it participates in the synthesis of fatty acids and lipids, as well as in other internal processes important for maintaining the normal functioning of the body.

The drug Bepanten is available in several pharmacological forms, including as an ointment and cream. 1 g of the drug contains about 50 mg of Dexpanthenol, one of the active substances. Bepanten cream, like ointment, is used externally to nourish the skin and accelerate its regeneration.

Bepanten: instructions for use (official)

Features of the use of Bepanten

When and how can the drug be used? Bepanten ointment or cream is most often prescribed for the care of infants for the treatment and prevention of skin irritations, diaper rash or dermatitis. When feeding infants, Bepanten ointment is used to heal cracks in the nipples, relieve irritation and care for the mammary glands. Bepanten cream is effective in the treatment of cervical erosion, as a healing agent for cracks in the anus.

Due to the fact that the drug contains Dexpanthenol, it is also used for preventive purposes after skin transplantation as a unique means for tissue regeneration. For chronic skin ulcers, it is strongly recommended to use Bepanten cream or lotion.

The main indications for the use of Bepanten are:

  1. any mechanical or structural damage to the top layer of skin - scratches, cracks, abrasions, cuts, burns, including sunburn;
  2. dry skin, the causes of which are various;
  3. protection of the skin in those places that are most susceptible to harmful external influences;
  4. caring for babies and infants to avoid dermatitis or diaper rash;
  5. prevention of irritation or damage to the skin of the breasts and nipples.

The use of Bepanten is contraindicated only if a person has hypersensitivity to the components included in its composition. Excessive or improper use of the drug may cause an allergic reaction. To know the correct dosage and possible side effects, the instructions for using Bepanten ointment will help you, study it carefully.

For nursing mothers and babies

For a nursing woman, it is very important to use Bepanten to protect and care for the mammary glands. The drug should be applied directly to the nipples after the next feeding. A small drop on the tip of your finger will be enough for this. Before application, the drug should be rubbed a little on the fingertip and then rubbed into and around the nipple. After using Bepanten cream, many young mothers left grateful reviews.

It will be enough to apply a small amount of ointment to problem areas of the skin in the morning and evening. Before applying, the ointment must be slightly warmed in your hands so that its temperature matches body temperature.

As a prevention or treatment for diaper rash or dermatitis in infants and infants, Bepanten cream must be applied to the skin and inflamed areas every time you change your baby's diaper or change diapers. What are the main differences and advantages of the dosage forms of the drug?

Specifics of different forms of the drug

The price of Bepanten depends on its dosage form and dosage. Bepanten is available in several forms - as a 5 percent ointment or cream, a 2.5 percent lotion, or in the form of Bepanten Plus cream.

Cream Bepanten

The main difference between ointment and cream is that the ointment penetrates much deeper than the cream. The cream acts on the upper layers of the skin, capturing only the epidermis, while the ointment penetrates the deeper layers. Accordingly, the effect of the ointment is stronger. But at the same time, it is not recommended to use the ointment often, since its effect on skin tissue is more powerful.

Bepanthena cream for children is water-based and contains little oil. Therefore, when applied to a child’s skin, the cream does not leave an oily sheen. But the ointment contains a larger amount of oil; it is not recommended to use it on areas of the skin with weeping damage.

It is best to use ointment under the bandages, then its therapeutic effect will only increase. Since the cream acts more superficially, it is not suitable for dressings.

What are the main differences between Bepanten Plus? The composition of the drug is somewhat different from Bepanten ointment. The main substance included in the composition is the same Dexpanthenol. But besides this, Bepanten Plus contains medicinal substances such as chlorogensidine and dihydrochloride. Thanks to this, Bepanten plus has great antimicrobial and analgesic properties.

Bepanten plus is prescribed to patients with extensive damage to the skin and at a high risk of infection. As an accelerator of tissue regeneration, Bepanten Plus is recommended for use after tattooing or piercing. The cream should be applied in a very thick layer, and the course of treatment continues until the damaged areas of the skin are completely healed.

Bepanten analogues and their features

Panthenol is the most common analogue of Bepanten. It differs only in the manufacturer, pharmacological form - it is produced only as a spray, and also in cost - the price of Panthenol is much lower. Panthenol contains the same medicinal substances.

Cheaper analogues of Bepanten include:

  • Dexpanthenol;
  • Pantoderm;
  • D-Panthenol.

They are mainly used to care for children. If Panthenol differs in price by 70-100 rubles, then the price for Dexpanthenol is two times lower than that of Bepanten.

What reviews are there about Bepanten?

What do they say about the drug? Due to its healing properties and fairly low price, reviews of Bepanten are mostly positive. There are no negative reviews at all. Since the drug has virtually no side effects and its use does not require special knowledge.

If the use of Bepanten does not lead to the desired result, it is most likely due to improper use of the drug. Heat rash and irritation after diapers or diapers in infants not only disappear after using the cream, but their further occurrence is reduced to almost zero.

For teenagers, Bepanten cream is the best way to get rid of acne and pimples on the face. The inflamed areas dry well and skin restoration occurs quite quickly thanks to Dexpanthenol included in the cream. To ensure that the effect of using the cream lasts longer, it is recommended to use special cosmetics to moisturize problem skin.

For a woman after childbirth, it is very important to keep her body in perfect condition. According to some young mothers, they began to use Bepanten ointment before childbirth as a remedy for stretch marks. Stretching the skin in the abdominal area and during breast enlargement does not add beauty to the body. To avoid deep stretch marks, you should start using the cream at the end of the first trimester. It is recommended to apply a small amount of cream to the abdomen and chest area every evening before going to bed. This will increase elasticity and prevent deep stretch marks from forming.

Video: Baby care, cosmetics and hygiene products for a newborn baby

Bepanten is a universal dermatological product that accelerates skin healing and restores its integrity. It can be used for the prevention and care of the skin of infants, the treatment of dry and cracked nipples in nursing women, inflammation and injuries of various origins. In some cases, the drug is used to accelerate tissue regeneration after transplantation. Bepanten helps excellently against burns, regardless of the etiology - thermal, chemical, or resulting from photo- or radiotherapy.

general characteristics

The drug, produced by the German pharmaceutical company Bayer AG, is available in the form of ointment, cream and lotion. There are no other forms of medicine.

  • The ointment is an opaque emulsion of a white or yellowish tint with a barely noticeable odor of lanolin. Sold in tubes of 3 and 30 g
  • Cream is a thinner emulsion of a similar color and smell. Sold in 30 g tubes
  • Lotion is a whitish or yellowish solution with the smell of lanolin. The product is packaged in plastic bottles of 200 ml.

The active ingredient of Bepanthen is dexpanthenol (or provitamin B 5), which has wound healing properties.

  • Cream and ointment – ​​50 mg per 1 g of drug
  • Bepanten Plus cream – 50 mg per 1 g of product. Unlike other forms, the drug contains a second active substance - chlorhexidine hydrochloride (5 mg per 1 g of product)
  • Lotion – 25 mg of descpanthenol in 1 ml of solution.

Additional components differ depending on the form of the dermatological product - these are alcohols (stearyl and cetyl), pantolactone, lanolin, oils (almond, mineral, vaseline).

Healing properties of components

Bepanten is intended for the treatment and scarring of wounds, as well as other shallow damage to the skin and mucous membranes. The use of Bepanten for treatment after burns helps to quickly restore injured skin. It accelerates tissue epithelization and the production of new cells, which minimizes the formation of scars. Moreover, Bepanten is indicated against burns of any etiology: from sunlight, burns with boiling water or chemicals.

The effectiveness of the drug is due to the properties of the main active ingredient - dexpanthenol, or provitamin B5. The compound is well accepted by skin cells. After penetration into the dermis, dexpanthenol is transformed into pantothenic acid (vitamin B 5) and joins the endogenous (produced by the body) substance, enhancing its effect.

Acid activates biochemical processes, as a result of which the rate of tissue regeneration increases:

  • Cellular metabolism is normalized
  • Mitosis (division) of dermal cells is activated
  • Collagen fibers are strengthened.

Pantothenic acid is excreted unchanged from the body in urine (60-70%) and feces.


Bepanten can treat skin damage in people of all ages, starting from the first days of life. The drug is considered safe for pregnant women and breastfeeding.

The drug is used to treat:

  • Sunburn, as well as after photo- and radiotherapy
  • Minor wounds
  • Bedsores
  • Diaper rash
  • For tissue restoration after transplantation
  • Diaper dermatitis
  • Anal fissures
  • Cervical erosion
  • Cracked nipples during breastfeeding.

In addition, the drug eliminates dryness and roughness of the epidermis, heals wounds and scratches, and is used to treat the skin of patients during and after treatment with corticosteroids.

You can find out more about how to treat breastfeeding breasts at the following link:

Mode of application

Depending on the nature and extent of skin damage, Bepanten is used in the form of an ointment, cream or lotion. Basically, the dermatological product is applied to damaged areas of the skin once a day, but if necessary, the number of procedures is increased.

  • Before using the medicine, the skin surface is cleaned. The product is applied to the surface with careful, rubbing movements. The treated area is left open or covered with a bandage with ointment.
  • Unlike cream, Bepanten ointment contains more fat. Therefore, it is indicated for the treatment of dry surfaces. For hairy areas of the body, wet wounds and open surfaces (mainly the face), a cream is recommended. It penetrates deeper into the dermis faster and more completely, has a wound-healing effect, and relieves inflammation.
  • The lotion is applied to minor injuries 1-2 times a day. But it is better to use the drug for a large area of ​​injury. Bepanthen lotion is good for sunburn. The affected skin should be smeared up to 5-6 times a day.

Therapeutic effect

As a result of treating burns with Bepanten, tissue epithelization is accelerated. The moisturizing and caring properties of the drug improve the condition of the skin. The ointment is used until complete recovery.

Features of burn treatment

A burn is damage to body tissue caused by exposure to high temperatures, chemicals, sunlight and other factors. The duration and effectiveness of treatment depends on the area and depth of the lesion, the correctness of the first actions after the injury.

In addition, much depends on the quality and effectiveness of the drug. Therefore, there should be no doubt whether it is possible to apply Bepanten ointment to burns. It helps in the first minutes after injury, relieving pain and soothing the affected skin, accelerates the healing of the dermis without the formation of scars.

Treatment of first and second degree burns with Bepanten ointment is one of the most popular methods at home. But if a large area of ​​the surface is damaged, qualified assistance in a hospital will be required.

Most often, injuries from boiling water occur in everyday life. Moreover, the severity of the damage is influenced by the time of exposure and the nature of the liquid. Burns from water are healed faster than from boiling viscous or greasy solutions.

If a person is injured by boiling water, you must:

  • Eliminate the cause of the burn: remove the burned area from boiling water
  • Open the affected area: carefully remove or cut clothing
  • The burned area needs to be cooled: place it under running cold water for 10-15 minutes or apply an ice compress.
  • Under no circumstances should blisters be punctured.
  • Apply Bepanten ointment to the affected area and consult a doctor
  • The duration of treatment and how often to apply burns is determined by the attending physician. Moreover, in case of severe injury from boiling water, additional antibiotic therapy may be required.

Sunburn or burns from tanning beds are no less common. Bepanten in any form is suitable for treating and protecting the skin: ointment or lotion. The advantage of the latter is that it can be applied to the skin not only after a sunburn, but also before prolonged exposure to the sun. The protective layer is renewed after every bathing or shower.

In addition, Bepanten ointment is recommended for the treatment and protection of children's skin from sunburn. In young children, the layer of epidermis is thinner than in an adult, melanocytes are produced in insufficient quantities, and the protective functions of the dermis are just being formed. Therefore, babies instantly burn in the sun.


Restrictions on the use of Bepanten ointment are only individual sensitivity to the components of the drug and a ban on contact of Bepanten with the cornea of ​​the eyes.

Side effects

An undesirable effect after using Bepanten may manifest itself in the form of an allergic reaction.


There were no consequences of exceeding the dose. In isolated cases, skin rashes, redness of the epidermis, and itching may occur. After discontinuation of the drug, the symptoms disappear on their own; additional treatment is not required.

Using Bepanten for the face, you can improve the condition of your skin, get rid of wrinkles, pimples and irritation. The pharmacological drug is intended for the treatment of burns, diaper rash, and dermatitis. But it contains ingredients that can eliminate any cosmetic defects of the skin. Ointment, cream, lotion are quickly absorbed by the epidermis, providing a healing effect in a few minutes.

The German manufacturer included cream, ointment and lotion in the Bepanten therapeutic line. All dosage forms are fairly safe drugs. After applying them to the skin, external signs of an allergic reaction rarely occur. And cases of negative systemic effects have not been described in the medical literature. The manufacturer mentions in the instructions that Bepanten does not contain preservatives. These chemicals are the cause of allergies in most cases. Therefore, Bepanten ointment and cream can be used to remove from the facial skin:

  • small pimples;
  • acne and the consequences of acne - dents, scars, cicatrices, red or blue spots;
  • keratinized scales.

Bepanten is recommended to be used to preserve a woman’s beauty and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. The drug is used both as a preventive and therapeutic agent that restores the epidermis. When choosing a dosage form, it is better to prefer a cream. It is evenly distributed in the upper layers of the skin and exhibits therapeutic effectiveness for a long time.

Cosmetologists' opinion

Bepanten is used in cosmetology due to its lack of any toxic effect on the human body. Its active ingredient is dexpanthenol, a precursor of vitamin B5. After contact with human skin, it is converted into pantothenic acid, which has medicinal properties:

  • accelerates metabolism and regeneration;
  • stops inflammatory processes;
  • retains moisture in cells and prevents its evaporation;
  • promotes exfoliation of the keratinized epidermal layer;
  • accelerates blood circulation in damaged tissues;
  • saturates cells with nutrients and biologically active substances;
  • normalizes the production of elastin and collagen.

Composition of the drug

The moisturizing and regenerating properties of Bepanten are provided by its active ingredient dexpanthenol. The ointment and cream base is formed from paraffin, water, wax, cetyl and stearyl alcohols, and mineral oil. The manufacturer enhanced and prolonged the therapeutic activity by adding almond oil to the composition. This component is characterized by the following medicinal properties:

  • emollient;
  • antiseptic;
  • antioxidant;
  • decongestant;
  • disinfectant.

Another ingredient worth noting is lanolin. Previously, it was obtained by lengthy washing of sheep wool. In the modern pharmaceutical and cosmetology industries, synthetic lanolin is used. The thick brown mass with a very specific odor contains many useful substances. They have a pronounced antimicrobial and antimycotic effect. Therefore, when using Bepanten, you do not have to worry about bacterial and fungal skin infections.

Despite the high moisturizing activity, Bepanten should not be applied to the mucous membranes of the face. It is not used to relieve dry nose due to a runny nose, nor is it used to treat eye diseases.

How to use

When prescribing a drug, cosmetologists take into account its composition and the characteristics of its effect on the human body. The lotion is applied to eliminate minor cosmetic defects. It contains the lowest concentration of the active ingredient, but there is no fat base. Therefore, it is ideal for eliminating skin irritations after chapping or mild sunburn. The cream and ointment contain twice as much dexpanthenol. The drugs are used for the treatment of microtraumas - cracks, scratches, wounds, diaper rash.

The instructions do not indicate that Bepanten should not be used on the skin around the eyes.

But, according to the description of side effects, allergies sometimes develop during treatment. And this can provoke the development of eye pathologies. Patients often ask cosmetologists whether it is possible to smear Bepanten on the skin around the eyes. This method of improving the condition of the epidermis is acceptable. But the drug should be applied under the eyes in a minimal amount.

For wrinkles

The use of Bepanten anti-wrinkle cream is actively practiced in cosmetology. Over time, collagen production in the body decreases, and voids form in the intercellular space. The skin sags, the skin texture changes, and the dermis becomes less elastic. Bepanten is used to eliminate facial wrinkles and smooth the surface of deep folds. Thanks to the acceleration of collagen production, skin elasticity increases, which leads to an improvement in its texture.

The cream is applied 1 to 2 times a day, easily tapping it in with your fingers. The duration of the therapeutic course is 3-4 weeks, followed by a month-long break. Bepanthen can be applied under the eyes, but this must be done with caution. If the skin becomes red or swollen, the drug should be discontinued immediately.

For acne

Using Bepanten for acne, you can cleanse your skin and at the same time not dry it out. The drug does not contain antibacterial components or glucocorticosteroids. It has a different effect on acne and comedones. Bepanten copes with acne on the face due to its ability to regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands. As a result, the amount of secretion produced decreases and the pores become narrower.

To eliminate rashes, the cream is used in its pure form, mixed with nutrients. But it is especially effective in combination with additional anti-inflammatory ingredients. Therefore, treatment of acne and post-acne is often carried out using therapeutic masks.

For allergies

Upon contact with any allergic agent, red spots and pimples appear on the face, and the skin swells. The pathological process is accompanied by itching, burning, and painful sensations. Bepanten will help minimize the effects of allergies on the face - redness, irritation, swelling. Dexpanthenol accelerates the removal of harmful substances from inflammatory foci, promoting the restoration of the epidermis.

Apply ointment or cream to cleansed skin 2-3 times in a thin layer, distributing them evenly.

But it should be borne in mind that the drug is used only as an adjuvant. To treat allergies, tablets and ointments with antihistamine action are used.

For dryness and flaking

Bepanten ointment is usually used for very dry facial skin, cream - for all types of epidermis. Dexpanthenol retains moisture and promotes its accumulation in tissues. By restoring the water-salt balance, it prevents excessive keratinization of the upper layer of the dermis. If scales have already formed, the drug will speed up their exfoliation. As a result of the formation of young and healthy tissue, the appearance of the skin is significantly improved.

Apply Bepanthen to the face daily, lightly rubbing it into areas with dry or flaky skin. For the best effect, the procedure is carried out in the evening before bedtime. As a rule, peeling of the skin stops after 2-3 applications of the drug.

For burns

The main pharmacological effect of the drug is stimulation of regenerative processes. The use of the drug is especially important for the treatment of thermal, chemical, and radiation burns of 1st and 2nd degree. Dexpanthenol quickly restores affected tissues, preventing the spread of inflammation to healthy areas. It eliminates pain, burning, swelling, making the victim feel better.

According to the instructions for use, Bepanten ointment and cream are used in the treatment of burns on the face. They are applied in a thin layer 2-4 times a day and left until completely absorbed by the skin.

For dermatitis

Due to stress, digestive disorders, and a sharp decrease in immunity, blisters form on the face. The skin becomes red, swollen, itchy and painful. Contact and atopic dermatitis are often complicated by bacterial or fungal infection. Dermatologists recommend using Bepanten to eliminate dryness and irritation of the face. It is applied to the area of ​​inflammation up to 4 times a day for a week. In the treatment of dermatitis, the drug must be combined with antiseptic and antihistamines.

For minor skin damage

Thanks to the stimulation of metabolism, Bepanten is used to remove scars, scars, and pits. These skin defects are usually the consequences of improper acne treatment. They form after squeezing out pimples, especially when a bacterial infection occurs. Bepanten is not able to completely rid a person of scars, but it will help make them less noticeable. To do this, the scars are lubricated with cream 1-2 times a day every day for several months. But the drug copes with cuts, wounds, cracks in 3-4 days.

Mask recipes

To moisturize and nourish the skin, Bepanten is used in its pure form and as part of masks. The medicinal properties of the drug are enhanced and prolonged by various clays, honey, essential and cosmetic oils.

After using the masks for 3-5 weeks, greasy shine, comedones, and expression lines disappear.

The skin is saturated with oxygen, water molecules and nutrients. You can use Bepanten as a face cream or add it to mask mixtures:

  • regenerating. Mix a tablespoon of cream with 5 drops of jojoba cosmetic oil. Apply to cleansed face and neck, leave for 25-30 minutes. Rinse off and lubricate the skin with any nourishing cream. The mask is used to combat wrinkles, rashes, and excessive dryness 2-3 times a week;
  • from facial and deep wrinkles. Grind a teaspoon of oat grains to flour, mix with the same amount of Bepanten. Add a teaspoon of wheat germ cosmetic oil. Apply for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. Use 3 times a week.

The mask mixtures contain many useful components necessary for all types of dermis. Regular use of the products helps maintain water and electrolyte balance at an optimal level.


Bepanten is characterized by a wide range of therapeutic effects. It is actively used in cosmetology, where its regenerating properties are used. It is not enough to eliminate skin defects - it is important to prevent their reappearance. Bepanten and its analogues Panthenol, Pantoderm, D-Panthenol successfully cope with this task. Medicines normalize metabolic processes, promoting the restoration of all tissues.

Doctors often find it difficult to answer the question of whether Bepanten helps get rid of acne. To combat inflammation, it is better to choose an ointment. Thanks to its less thick consistency, its components penetrate into the deepest layers of the epidermis. It is in them that the inflammatory process occurs, provoking the formation of a pimple. But the drug is useless to eliminate rashes caused by pathologies. Before starting treatment, it is advisable to undergo a complete examination.


The only contraindication to the use of the drug is hypersensitivity to active or auxiliary ingredients. When using Bepanten on the skin around the eyes, the likelihood of developing an allergy increases.

The sensitive and delicate skin of a newborn baby is just learning to exist in new conditions. On this path, interacting with the still aggressive environment and suffering the consequences of the body’s internal reactions, it has to be damaged countless times. Diaper rash, rashes, dryness and flaking - all these problems are familiar to every young mother, because even the most careful and proper care of a baby's skin is not always able to prevent them. Modern pharmacology offers a whole arsenal of remedies for these problems that can be used from the first day of a baby’s life. Bepanten is considered one of the most popular. Doctors advise including it in the list of essentials for expectant mothers going to the maternity hospital. Let's try to figure out what advantages and disadvantages this product has, and how it can be replaced.

Composition and action

The active substance in Bepanten is dexpanthenol (provitamin B5). Easily penetrating epithelial cells, dexpanthenol is converted into pantothenic acid, which stimulates the following processes:

  • improving metabolism (metabolism);
  • activation of mitosis (cell division);
  • strengthening collagen fibers.

Due to this, damaged areas of the skin have a regenerating, moisturizing and anti-inflammatory effect.

Bepanten is one of the most popular remedies in Russia for the treatment of skin problems in infants

The moisturizing effect is achieved, among other things, with the help of almond oil included in the preparation. And lanolin (sheep fat) creates a protective film on the skin that helps prevent cracks and other damage.

The drug also includes:

  • protegin X (cream base);
  • stearyl alcohol (a saturated fatty alcohol that, in combination with lanolin, provides skin hydration);
  • cetyl alcohol (a fatty monohydric alcohol that has softening and elasticity-enhancing properties);
  • white beeswax (prevents dry skin, protects it from harmful influences);
  • paraffin is liquid and soft (has a protective effect);
  • water.

Bepanten plus contains an additional ingredient that has an antiseptic effect

Bepanten Plus cream is distinguished by the antiseptic it contains - Chlorhexidine dihydrochloride, which has proven effectiveness in the fight against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. This substance can remain on the skin for a long time, providing a long-lasting bactericidal effect.

Bepanten Plus cream is used in cases where there is a possibility of infection developing and spreading on the skin.

What to choose: cream or ointment

There are three forms of release of Bepanten products: ointment, cream and lotion. For the treatment and prevention of skin problems in newborns, it is preferable to use the first two forms.

Let us outline the main differences between Bepanten cream and ointment:

  1. Compound. Both forms of release contain the same amount of active substance (dexpanthenol), but the auxiliary composition of the ointment is represented by a high content of lanolin (250 mg versus 13 mg in the cream), the presence of almond oil and beeswax, which are absent in the cream.
  2. Consistency. The cream is lighter, non-sticky; The ointment is thick and viscous, lays down in a thick layer, and is more difficult to distribute over the surface of the skin.
  3. Absorption. The ointment is able to form a protective film on the baby’s skin, while the cream is better absorbed.
  4. Duration of action. Due to slow absorption, the ointment lasts much longer than the cream.
  5. Indications for use. The ointment should be used only to treat dry skin lesions, while the cream will be effective for weeping lesions.
  6. Features of use. The ointment can be applied under the bandage - this will enhance the intensity of its action; cream is not suitable for such use.
  7. The severity of the therapeutic effect. The practice of using both forms of Bepanten has shown a more pronounced therapeutic effect of the ointment, while the cream is better used for daily skin care and prevention of damage.

In what cases is Bepanten effective?

  • preventive use for treating dry, flaky, cracked skin;
  • treatment of minor skin damage: light abrasions, irritations, redness.
  • treatment of dry skin when the integrity of its cover is violated;
  • treatment of diaper rash;
  • activation of the healing process of abrasions, irritations, burns, diaper dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, allergic rashes.

Let us consider in detail the features of the action of the drug Bepanten in the most common situations of skin lesions in infants.

Allergy on the face

Bepanten is effective as an additional remedy for the treatment of allergies.

To help irritated and rash-affected skin, Bepanten is excellent as an additional remedy. The product in the form of an ointment will effectively relieve itching and soothe irritated skin. The ointment should be applied twice a day: morning and evening.

The best way to combat allergy symptoms is, without a doubt, to eliminate contact with the allergen that caused the body's reaction.


Diathesis is a typical childhood form of an allergic reaction caused by imperfections in the digestive system, in particular, increased permeability of the intestinal wall. To alleviate the child’s condition (relieve itching, accelerate healing), it is advisable to use Bepanten ointment.

Manifestations of diathesis cannot be cured using only means that stimulate the regenerative processes of the skin. First of all, you should find out which food group causes intolerance and temporarily exclude it from the diet of a nursing mother.

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis develops in children against the background of diathesis and is an inflammation of the skin of an allergic origin and a chronic nature. As a local treatment, doctors in most cases prescribe hormonal ointments for babies that can quickly cope with itching and discomfort. But many mothers are wary of this kind of drugs, considering their effect on the body of a newborn child to be dangerous. Bepanten is suitable as a replacement or supplement. The choice of release form depends on the intensity of the rash and the moisture content of the affected skin surface.

Hormonal rash in babies

Flowering is a common phenomenon among children from two weeks to three months that does not require treatment.

Hormonal rash (or bloom) is a fairly common occurrence among infants in the first months of life. Rashes appear abundantly on the child’s face, neck and even scalp. Among the reasons for flowering, doctors name the formation of the child’s hormonal background, increased work of the sebaceous glands and the colonization of the skin with normal microflora. Most often, such rashes go away on their own after a few weeks and do not require treatment. They do not cause any discomfort to the baby. The use of Bepanten cream in such situations is possible, but it will not bring any obvious effect..

Miliaria, diaper rash, diaper dermatitis

Problems of this kind are very widespread among newborn children. Thin, sensitive skin and the inability to do without diapers, excessive wrapping of small children - these are the factors that almost always provoke irritation in problem areas (in folds and under the diaper). Skin damage caused by the above reasons can, in the vast majority of cases, be cured with Bepanten ointment. As a preventive measure, Bepanten cream should be used daily during hygiene procedures.

Bepanten products have also proven themselves to be excellent for eliminating the traditional problem of young mothers, directly related to the birth of a baby. Cracks in the nipples and areola are a phenomenon that always accompanies the beginning of breastfeeding. Bepanten effectively heals damaged areas of the skin, and you don’t even need to wash it off before you start feeding.

How safe is it to use Bepanten?

Bepanten products are in most cases well tolerated by infants. However, the possibility of allergic reactions to individual components of the drugs still exists. Intolerance may result in the appearance of urticaria and/or itching of the skin.

As contraindications to the use of Bepanten Plus cream, the instructions for the drug additionally list:

  • treatment and treatment of ears;
  • treatment of deep and contaminated wounds.

The course of treatment with Bepanten is determined individually by the doctor; as a rule, the product can be used until the symptoms of skin damage completely disappear. The period of use of the drug for preventive purposes and as care for problem areas of a newborn’s skin is also not limited.

How can you replace Bepanten if necessary?

A lot of drugs based on dexpanthenol are now produced. To make it easier for you to make a choice, we provide a description of the most popular skin regeneration products.

Table: Bepanten analogues and their characteristics

Drug name Release form Active substance Action In what cases should it be used? Contraindications
  • Ointment;
  • spray foam;
  • cream.
  • Stimulates skin regeneration processes;
  • protects the skin;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Microtraumas;
  • skin irritation;
  • roughness and flaking;
  • diaper dermatitis;
  • baby skin care.
Intolerance to dexpanthenol or additional components of the drug.
D-panthenol - a complete analogue of Bepanten of domestic production
  • Ointment;
  • cream.
  • Activates cell regeneration, epithelization;
  • protects the skin from new damage.
  • Violations of skin integrity;
  • dermatitis;
  • Diaper rash.
  • Ointment;
  • gel.
  • Stimulates skin epithelization;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Dermatitis;
  • Diaper rash.
Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Sudocrem Cream
  • Zinc oxide;
  • lanolin;
  • benzyl alcohol;
  • benzyl cinnamate;
  • benzyl benzoate.
  • Antiseptic;
  • antibacterial;
  • astringent;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • disinfectant;
  • pain reliever;
  • antifungal.
  • Superficial skin damage;
  • burns;
  • eczema;
  • diaper dermatitis.
  • Intolerance to components;
  • purulent and inflammatory processes on the skin.
Desitin Ointment Zinc oxide
  • Astringent;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • drying;
  • adsorbent.
  • Dermatitis;
  • diaper rash;
  • prickly heat;
  • minor wounds;
  • eczema;
  • purulent inflammation of the skin caused by streptococcus.
Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Pantoderm Ointment Dexpanthenol
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • metabolic;
  • regenerating.
  • Dermatitis;
  • wounds;
  • diaper rash;
  • dryness and irritation of the skin.
Intolerance to the components of the drug.

Bepanten cream is a remedy that belongs to medicinal drugs. It promotes healing of the skin in damaged areas and normalization of its functionality. There are many indications for the use of this product; it is effective both for diaper rash in children and for the treatment of burns of various etiologies. The drug contains safe components, so it is recommended for use by adults and children.

Interesting! Bepanten cream is available in several forms. Depending on the purpose or personal preference, in addition to the creamy preparation, you can choose ointment and lotion. The formulation of these drugs is based on the same active component, and only the additional substances necessary to create the dosage form have been changed.

Indications for use

For many, Bepanten cream has become an integral part of the home medicine cabinet, since it can be used in various life situations. If you keep such a remedy always at hand, then burns, cuts and abrasions will pass without a trace.

Indications for use of the creamy drug Bepanten:

  • Healing damage to the skin (abrasions, cuts, scratches);
  • Soothing the epidermis, eliminating redness and pain from sunburn and simple burns;
  • Caring for nipples during lactation, with cracks and redness;
  • Diaper rash and diaper dermatitis in infants;
  • As a protective agent under a diaper;
  • Treatment of dryness and dehydration of the skin;
  • Dermatitis of various origins;
  • For daily skin care as a day or night product;
  • Protection during the cold season or during prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • Caring for the epidermis after transplantation;
  • For the care of sensitive skin types;
  • Ulcerative processes on the epidermis;
  • Anal fissures;
  • Cervical erosion;
  • Treatment of the skin after the use of corticosteroids;
  • Bedsores;
  • Postoperative wounds;
  • Chronic skin diseases.

The list of indications for the use of this drug is so extensive. Its use gives positive results for various damage to the epidermis.

Important! Contraindications to the use of this product include individual intolerance to any components, therefore, before applying the cream, you should do a skin test on the elbow.

Cream Bepanten: composition

The composition of Bepanten cream is represented by the main active ingredient and additional components necessary to create a creamy structure.

The main active substance is dexapanthenol, which is provitamin B5. This component penetrates well into epithelial cells and has a beneficial effect on their structure and functionality. When it enters the skin tissue, dexapanthenol is transformed into pantothenic acid, which is the main active ingredient and determines the action of this product.

Vitamin B5 is one of the main components of coenzyme A, which is responsible for regenerative processes in the skin and mucous membranes. It activates metabolic processes, promotes the renewal of epidermal cells and restores the structure of collagen fibers. Strengthening collagen helps to increase the elasticity of the epidermis, due to which Bepanten is given anti-aging properties.

The cream is absorbed quickly and replenishes the reserves of pantothenic acid in the skin, due to which it has moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, regenerating and healing properties.

Dexapanthenol forms a thin film on the surface of the epidermis, which does not impede the gas exchange of cells. This protective barrier retains moisture inside and prevents the negative effects of various environmental factors.

Additional composition of Bepanten cream:

  1. Lanolin;
  2. Purified water;
  3. Cetyl and stearyl alcohol;
  4. Pantolactone;
  5. Amphisol;
  6. Propylene glycol;
  7. Phenoxyethanol.

These components are necessary to create a more delicate structure for this drug. Thanks to this, the product can be used during the day without staining clothes, without clogging pores and maintaining skin gas exchange.

What is the price? Average price for Bepanten cream 5% (30 g): 320 rubles

Average price for Bepanten cream 5% (100 g): 550 rubles.

Cream Bepanten for pregnant women

The question of possible harm arises in every pregnant woman while taking or using any drug. During this period it is very difficult to protect yourself and your child. That is why every pregnant woman should be especially careful in selecting not only medications, but also the cosmetics that she uses.

As for Bepanten, it has no contraindications, it can be used by both pregnant women and nursing mothers, and it is also an excellent remedy for eliminating baby diaper dermatitis, diaper rash and inflammation on delicate baby skin (great for newborns). Therefore, the product is simply an indispensable assistant for a woman not only during pregnancy, but also after childbirth as reliable protection for her and the child.

In addition, it is excellent for healing cracks that occur on the nipples during lactation. The answer is obvious - the cream is not harmful. The safety of this product is ensured due to the fact that it consists entirely of natural and harmless ingredients. Dexapanthenol, absorbed into the cells, turns into vitamin B5, which is a miraculous healing and regenerating property, and lanolin and almond oil allow you to consolidate the result by moisturizing the skin.

Cream Bepanten for stretch marks

Stretch marks are the scourge of pregnant women, as they are more likely to experience sudden weight gain and an increase in the volume of the abdomen, breasts and hips. As a result, the skin stretches greatly and loses its elasticity. That is why it is very important to take care of it, increasing its elasticity. This product will allow it to stretch without tearing.

Bepaten is effective against stretch marks If you regularly use stretch mark creams from the beginning of pregnancy, you can prevent their appearance. Bepanten is perfect for prevention and keeps the skin in a healthy and beautiful condition.

According to the instructions, Bepanten cream has a preventive effect:

  • Restores metabolism;
  • Has an antibacterial effect;
  • Cools and tones;
  • Increases elasticity, nourishes and moisturizes;
  • Prevents stretching.

When the moment is missed and the skin has already been stretched, integrity can be restored thanks to Bepanten.

Stretch marks are “scars” on the skin that are similar both in appearance and in structure. From the moment they appear, they have a bluish tint - these are the visible vessels.

Causes of stretch marks:

  • Pregnancy (increase in the volume of the breasts, abdomen and hips);
  • Sudden weight fluctuations;
  • Hormonal imbalances.

Bepanten is able to partially hide the scars that appear and make them less noticeable. Its use as a treatment for stretch marks allows not only to eliminate dryness, but also to remove the discomfort that arises from stretch marks - itching and burning.

Bepanten for cracked nipples

Cracks and abrasions on the nipples are a moment that can ruin the whole beauty of feeding your baby.

To ensure that nothing interferes with you and your baby, you need to properly care for your breasts and know the causes of cracked nipples:

  • Lack of vitamins;
  • Insufficient preparation of the mammary glands during pregnancy;
  • Incorrect position of mother and baby during feeding;
  • Reduced protective properties of a woman’s body.

Cracks and abrasions require special care. The ideal remedy for nipples is Bepanten cream, which contains dexapanthenol. This component allows you to moisturize and nourish the skin, ensures restoration and healing. Thanks to this, faster regeneration of the epithelium on the nipples occurs, creating an ideal environment for healing.

The anti-inflammatory property of this remedy prevents the development of infections in wounds.

Bepanten cream is suitable for nursing mothers and can be used as a diaper for children from the first days of life.

Cream Bepanten: analogues

There are several analogues of Bepanten cream, which contain the main active ingredient.

Cream D Panthenol

  • Contains dexpanthenol;
  • Has a healing and protective effect;
  • Moisturizes and softens the epidermis;
  • Eliminates dryness and tightness of the skin;
  • Has therapeutic and preventive effects;
  • Read more.

Price: 230 rub.

Cream Panthenol

  • Restores the skin and its functionality;
  • Helps heal skin damage;
  • Prevents dryness, frostbite and chapping of the skin;
  • Effective for the treatment of dermatitis;
  • Helps eliminate inflammation and irritation;
  • Suitable for children;
  • Read more about Panthenol cream.

Price: 200 rub.


Bepanten cream is a universal remedy that is intended for healing damage to the skin. The drug is effective in a number of different cases and can be used for burns, cervical erosion, dermatitis, diaper rash in children or any other damage to the skin, including scratches and abrasions. Regular use of this product will achieve greater results and improve the condition of the skin.

Instructions for use

Features of application depend on the problem on the skin. Ease of use lies in rapid absorption and better distribution of the drug. That is why many people prefer Bepanten cream rather than the ointment of the same name. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that in some cases the ointment is more effective than a creamy product.

Instructions for use:

  1. It is recommended to use this remedy as a medicinal product on certain problem areas. The required amount is applied to stretch marks or wounds three times a day.
  2. Can be used as a restorative drug to regenerate skin color.
  3. The cream has a less greasy consistency than a similar ointment, so this product can be used as a protective layer from sunlight, wind and drying out.
  4. Burns are also easily treated with Bepanten; it is not only effective in this matter, but also safe for the fetus.
  5. For children, it is used as preventative care at every diaper change. Before applying a portion of the product, you must wash and dry your skin. In addition, it is recommended, if possible, to carry out air baths at every diaper change.
  6. Bepanten is no less effective in treating other skin problems in infants and older children. One of these problems is dermatitis of various etiologies, in which this product helps improve the course of the disease, eliminate irritation and discomfort.
  7. For cracked nipples, apply the cream to the damaged areas after each feeding.
  8. In some other cases, it is recommended to apply this product at least twice a day to cleansed and dry skin. Regular and timely use of the cream gives positive and quick results.
  9. The course of treatment is determined depending on the severity of the injury. The drug is not addictive and does not accumulate in the body, so long-term use is possible.

Important! Side effects occur very rarely in isolated cases and are manifested by hives, itching, and allergic irritation.