Horsetail preparations. Horsetail has a number of contraindications. Collection and preparation

Vegetable world The planet is rich and diverse; almost every representative of the earth's flora has medicinal properties. One of them is horsetail, Latin name– Equisétum arvense. This is a rather unpretentious herbaceous perennial, the main requirement of which is an abundance of moisture.

The plant contains a whole arsenal active substances, thanks to which it is used in the treatment of a number of ailments. Thus, it contains flavonoids, phenol carbonic acids, and tannins. Its shoots are rich in organic substances and acids. There is a lot of ascorbic acid, vitamins D, E, PP, B vitamins, micro- and macroelements, the dominant ones being magnesium, iron and zinc. Also contains fixed oils And a small amount of alkaloids.

Thanks to its diverse composition, the plant is healing. It is proposed to be used as an independent remedy, and is also included in mixtures with other herbs, used in various options dosage forms.

Therapeutic actions:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • astringent;
  • hemostatic;
  • antiseptic;
  • detoxification;
  • diuretic.

Preparations based on it cleanse the body and blood of toxins, stimulate water-salt metabolism. They can be used as prescribed by a doctor in the treatment of heart ailments.

The active ingredients of the plant strengthen the immune system, help relieve swelling, increase blood clotting, reduce blood pressure, and normalize the permeability of vascular walls and their elasticity.

Horsetail is a good addition in the treatment of oncology and tuberculosis. It improves the structure and appearance of hair and is used for furunculosis. It has a wound-healing effect, which makes it possible to use it for better healing ulcers and various traumatic injuries skin.

Horsetails, ferns and mosses - similarities and differences

How to distinguish horsetail from representatives of related species, of which there are a great many on earth? What are the similarities and how are they different?

All these types of earth flora belong to higher spore-forming plants, therefore, they reproduce exclusively by spores. These are perennials that prefer habitats in damp and shady areas. All have found use as folk remedies.

Ferns, mosses and horsetails have significant external differences: stems, shoots: in horsetails they are smooth, while in mosses they have a creeping stem. In fern representatives it is very short and practically invisible. Mosses form peculiar buds, or nodules, that are absent in others. Ferns already have parts that closely resemble leaves. In fact, these are not real leaves, but fancy branches of a plant.

The leaves of horsetails and club mosses are more similar than those of ferns. However, it is difficult to confuse them: the first ones are larger and more like peculiar soft long needles. The leaf of the club moss is smaller; when examined, it resembles scales densely located on the shoot.

In horsetails and mosses, spores are formed at the top of the plant, which has the appearance of a spikelet. The modified leaves of the spore-bearing spikelets are different in these two species. Ferns form them on the back of each leaf.

Horsetail (horsetail, horsetail, horsetail) – perennial herbaceous plant, belongs to the horsetail family. Distributed in subarctic, tropical and temperate regions, ranging from Iceland to Alaska.

In Russia and the post-Soviet countries it is found everywhere, with the exception of the northern parts and deserts. Prefers forests, floodplain meadows, bush thickets, river banks, sandbanks, fields, selects sandy or moderately moist soils. It also grows in the mountains, reaching the subalpine zone. It is considered a weed that is quite difficult to remove and can form entire thickets.

This delicate herringbone-shaped plant with a cone at the top is probably known to many people, but few people realize about its beneficial properties. To folk herbalists and pharmacologists have known the medicinal properties and contraindications of horsetail for a long time, which allows the use of plant preparations in medicine.

But the scope of application of the sosonka is not limited to this. Spring shoots are eaten both fresh and after heat treatment, added to sauces, pies, casseroles. Considered nutritious food for wild animals, however, large cattle and horses can cause poisoning.

Morphological description

Horsetail grass reaches a height of 40-50 cm, has a long creeping rhizome, on which short branches in the form of tubers are formed for vegetative propagation of the plant, accumulating nutrients.

There are 2 types of above-ground shoots:

Generative shoots

They are unbranched, have a brown or pinkish color, and are distinguished by triangular leaf teeth brown color. After the spores mature, the non-chlorophyll shoots die or become green color, form lateral branches and in this form are already indistinguishable from vegetative shoots. At the top there is a spore-bearing oval-cylindrical spikelet.

Vegetative form

The grass is green. Inside, the shoots are hollow, erect or rising above the ground, with branches and a smooth surface.

The leaf teeth are united into whorls from 6 to 16, which grow together or remain free. The branches in whorls are simple or weakly branched, looking upward. The reduced leaves on the stem have a cylindrical shape. The spikelets are almost cylindrical in shape and 2-3 cm long.

It has no flowers and reproduces by spores.

Chemical composition

Unique chemical composition horsetail (aerial part of the plant) determines the medicinal properties:

  • carbohydrates (galactose, pectin, mannose, glucose, arabinose, xylose);
  • resins;
  • saponins (equisetonin, etc.);
  • carotene;
  • vitamin C;
  • mineral salts;
  • tannins;
  • silicic acid salts;
  • flavonoids (kaempferol-3-sophorazide, 5-glucoside-luteolin, quercetin-3-glycoside, apigenin-5-glycoside, saponaretin, dihydroquercetin and others);
  • alkaloids (nicotine, trimethoxypyridine, equisetin, dimethylsulfone);
  • organic acids (nicotinic, malic, quinic, aconitic, oxalic, fumaric, gluconic);
  • phenolcarboxylic acids (vanillic, gallic, protocatechuic, ferulic, caffeic),
  • fatty oil (contains campesterol, β-sitosterol, isofucosterol);
  • bitterness.

All chemical substances together determine the complex therapeutic effect.

  • Thus, herbal preparations of the plant are superior to renal preparations in terms of diuretic effect, have pronounced hemostatic and anti-inflammatory properties, and improve proliferation connective tissue, accelerates tissue regeneration, especially during the tuberculosis process, activates the activity of the adrenal cortex, and normalizes phosphorus-calcium metabolism.
  • Flavonoids determine antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • Horsetail helps remove lead from the body;
  • Silicon compounds improve the course of metabolic processes and the condition of connective tissue, vascular walls and mucous membranes. Silicic acid salts play a special role in the development bone tissue. In urine, these compounds prevent the crystallization of salts and the formation of stones.
  • Strong diuretic effect makes the plant effective for weight loss, but it should be remembered that minerals are also washed out with excess liquid, so you should not overuse it. Moreover, one can only rely on herbal preparations It is not advisable for the purpose of losing weight.

Collection and preparation

Barren spring shoots are collected in summer period years: cut with a knife, sickle and dried under sheds or in attics. After drying, place in linen or paper bags. Shelf life – 4 years.

Medicinal properties

Plant preparations are characterized by a number of positive action: antimicrobial, hemostatic, anthelmintic, diuretic, antispasmodic, astringent, expectorant, antiseptic, restorative, wound healing.

This allows horsetail to be used with health benefits for a number of diseases:

  • inflammatory processes in the oral cavity: periodontal disease, gingivitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis. Horsetail is also prescribed for adenoids; it helps eliminate inflammation, swelling and restore breathing.
  • fungal infections caused by Trichophyton mentagrophytes, rubrum, Aspergillus niger, Microsporum canis;
  • Qatar upper sections respiratory tract, chronic bronchitis And bronchial asthma;
  • pathology musculoskeletal system: radiculitis, arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, bone fractures;
  • duodenal ulcer, cholecystitis and chronic cholangiocholecystitis, pancreatitis;
  • metabolic pathologies (gout, mild and moderate forms of diabetes), excess body weight;
  • congestion due to insufficiency of cardiac and respiratory function, which are manifested by internal and external edema (heart failure, birth defects heart, pleurisy with large exudate);
  • diseases urinary tract: cystitis, pyelitis, urethritis, urolithiasis;
  • atherosclerosis of blood vessels of the central nervous system and heart;
  • hemorrhoids, nasal and uterine bleeding;
  • the medicinal properties of horsetail allow it to be used for women with metrorrhagia and inflammatory processes;
  • insufficient supply of minerals or impaired absorption in elderly people;
  • tuberculosis of the lungs and skin (prescribed in parallel with chemotherapy treatment);
  • lead poisoning, acute and chronic;
  • external chronic sluggish purulent wounds, ulcers, as well as abscesses, lichen, boils, eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, dermatitis;
  • dandruff, seborrhea of ​​the scalp, hyperkeratosis, baldness.

Pharmaceutical preparations with horsetail


combination drug plant origin in the form of a paste to obtain a solution for internal use for inflammatory diseases urinary tract infectious nature and nephrourolithiasis;

Horsetail herb (Herba equiseti)

Dry plant raw materials with wide range applications.

Extract liquid or dry

It has many indications and is used: to stop nosebleeds, treat diseases of the urinary system, enuresis, improve the condition of problem skin, etc.

Scientific research on horsetail

  • Mentions of an amazing plant were found in the works of Avicenna and Pliny, dating back to the 1st century BC, which was positioned as a unique hemostatic agent.
  • The first works of domestic scientists on the study of the composition of the plant and its properties appeared in the 40s. XX century.
  • The presence of flavonoid substances and phenolcarboxylic acids in the composition was described by Czech scientists in the 1980s, who studied the composition of the plant using thin layer chromatography.
  • In 2008, on the basis of the Siberian State Medical University, antitoxic, diuretic, antiexudative and antifungal effect plant extract both in vitro and in vivo.
  • In 2014, on the basis of the Kursk State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education medical University» was carried out experimental study diuretic activity of the plant infusion on outbred white rats, during which an increase in diuresis in the experimental group of animals was proven by 95.7%.

Folk recipes with horsetail

Medicinal tea

  • Is different low concentration active substances and is indicated for the prevention of the above diseases or for initial stage pathologies. Especially recommended for older people and all people in the autumn-winter period. 2 tsp dry herbs, pour 0.2 liters of boiling water and for 30 minutes. insist, strain. Second method: the raw material in the same volume is mixed with 200 ml of cold boiled water and infused for 12 hours.
  • Take the resulting volume in small sips, 3-4 times a day, for 2-3 months.


  • Place 20 grams of dry herbs in a saucepan, add 200 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid and heat in a water bath for half an hour. Cool until warm, filter, squeezing out the raw materials. The volume of the decoction is adjusted to 200 ml by diluting with warm boiled water.
  • Indications: edema of renal, pulmonary and cardiac origin, including, against the background exudative pleurisy, heart failure, inflammatory kidney diseases, Bladder; Gastrointestinal tract disease, diarrhea, prevention of internal bleeding in gastrointestinal ulcers, heavy painful menstruation, fungal infections (inside). Inflammatory pathologies mouth and throat (rinsing), wounds, bedsores, ulcers, eczema, furunculosis (washing), arthrosis and arthritis ( warm compresses).
  • Take 1-2 tbsp orally. or a third of a glass 2-3 times a day. 60 minutes after eating.


  • 20 grams of horsetail herb are poured into 200 ml of boiling water and evaporated under a warm towel for 1 hour, filtered.
  • Indications: urolithiasis, inflammatory diseases liver and bladder, edema of cardiac origin, inflammatory diseases of the female genital area, atherosclerosis, hypertonic disease, bone fractures (inside). Long-term non-healing wounds, suppuration, ulcers, bedsores, eczema, furunculosis, (washing), loose, porous and inflamed skin (wiping), gout, rheumatism, pleurisy (warm compresses), sore throat and inflammatory diseases of the throat and mouth (rinsing). Conjunctivitis (instill 1-2 drops into each conjunctival sac 3 times a day). Used for hair as a rinse after washing.
  • Take 1-2 tbsp orally. l. 3-4 times a day.


  • Wash the fresh herb thoroughly in cold running water, chop it and squeeze out the juice. Store in a cool place.
  • Indications: edema of various origins, treatment and prevention varicose veins veins, frequent and prolonged viral diseases, weakened immunity (inside). Purulent, bleeding wounds (treatment). Frequent nosebleeds (put 2-3 drops into the nose).
  • Take 2 tsp. up to 3 times a day.


  • Sold in pharmacies and specialty stores.
  • Indications: treatment and prevention of urolithiasis, decreased elasticity of connective tissue, weak hair and nails, atherosclerosis (treatment and prevention), lead intoxication, cough and wheezing in the bronchi, tuberculosis of the skin and lungs, diabetes, weakened immunity, rheumatic pain (inside). Sore throat and gum inflammation (rinsing). Fungal infections (external treatment).
  • Take ½ teaspoon 3-4 times a day. For getting liquid extract From a dry briquette, ½ of a briquette is poured with 200 ml of water, boiled for 30 minutes and filtered.

Alcohol tincture

  • Is tonic, improves metabolism. Take 20 gr. herbs and pour 1 liter. white wine, leave for 7 days, strain.
  • Take 2 tbsp. on an empty stomach, 2-3 weeks.


  • It is an antiseptic and wound-healing drug. Take 1 part of dry crushed raw materials, add 4 parts of Vaseline and mix.
  • Lubricate ulcers, cracks, purulent wounds with ointment.


  • 100 gr. dry herbs, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. and added to a standard bath.
  • Indications: poor circulation in the extremities, decreased metabolism, frostbite and suppuration of the skin, rheumatic diseases, joint diseases, gout. Sweaty feet and hands (local baths).
  • Take a bath for 10-15 minutes, repeat after 1 day. Per course: 15-17 baths.

Highly specialized fees and formulations

Collection for the treatment of tuberculous lymphadenitis

  • Take 50 gr. horse tail, 30 gr. knotweed and gentian roots, mix: 2-3 tbsp. collection, pour 500 ml of water and boil over low heat for 10 minutes.
  • Drink 100 gr. 4 times a day. before meals.

A remedy for the treatment of adenoids in children

  • Grind fresh or dry grass, take 2 tbsp. l., pour half a glass of boiling water and wrap in a towel for 40 minutes. Strain. Fresh product is prepared every day.
  • Treatment is prescribed for 3-4 weeks. Place 5 drops in each nostril 3 times a day. The procedure is well tolerated, but in order for the drops to get deep into the nose, before instillation you should rinse with any drug based on sea ​​water. On the 2-3rd day, they may appear from the nose copious discharge– there is no need to stop treatment, this is a normal reaction.

Decoction for osteoporosis, arthritis, rheumatism

  • 100 gr. Pour 1 liter of water over the plants and place on low heat until the volume of water is reduced by half. Strain and add 250 g to the broth. honey, put on water bath for 30 minutes, skimming off any foam that forms.
  • Take 1 tbsp. up to 5 times a day.

Decoction for gallstones

  • Take 1 tbsp. pusher, 2 tbsp. knotweed and 6 tbsp. , stir and pour the mixture with 3 glasses of water. Cook for 15 minutes over low heat. Leave for 1 hour.
  • Take half a glass 2-3 times a day. before meals, 1 month.

Medicinal collection for the treatment and prevention of diseases of bones and joints

  • Take 10 grams. horsetail, linden color, mallow flowers, plantain, 5 grams each. elder flowers, thyme, fennel fruits. The raw materials are mixed, take 2 tsp. mixture and pour 1 cup of boiling water, cover with a lid for 20 minutes, filter.
  • Take 100-150 ml 3 times a day, with honey, for 2-3 months.

Remedy for acne and “unclean” skin (with eczema, psoriasis)

  • Mix horsetail with linden flowers in equal proportions, take 1 tbsp. collection and pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 1 hour.
  • Wipe problem areas of the skin with warm infusion at night. To treat the face, the infusion can be frozen and rubbed into cubes onto the skin.

Contraindications to treatment and precautions

Contraindications for sosonka are as follows:

  • Nephritis and nephrosis;
  • Heavy internal bleeding;
  • Pregnancy (causes uterine contractions);
  • Lactation;
  • Children under 3 years of age;
  • Individual intolerance.

You cannot take medications from this plant for more than 3 months in a row. It contains the enzyme thiaminase, which breaks down vitamin B1, so the use of horsetail preparations for more than 3 months leads to the development of a deficiency of this vitamin. The potassium content in the blood also decreases, which, coupled with a pronounced diuretic effect, leads to hypokalemia, so this indicator should be monitored during treatment. Incompatible with lithium drugs - it slows down their natural elimination from the body, which is fraught with the development of side effects.

The use of horsetail must be agreed with the attending physician - only this is a guarantee of safe and effective treatment.

It's hard to imagine that the small herbaceous plant is a descendant of Paleozoic tree ferns. Modern horsetails colonize any soil, even poor soil. Therefore, their habitat is very wide. They can be found on clay and sandy soils, in swamps, and near any bodies of water. Horsetails especially “love” acidic environments, so they are considered plant markers of soil acidification. Their unpretentiousness to living conditions has given them a reputation as a nasty weed. The genus of horsetails has about 30 species: field, meadow, marsh and others. Most of them are poisonous to animals and humans.

Horsetail is an exception. Its n

used as animal feed, especially after frost, when nutrients are converted into a more digestible structure. In the north, ancient recipes for preparing dishes from this plant still exist. The presence of starch and vitamins A and C, a rich set of microelements justify the use of young shoots in salads and seasonings meat dishes. Not currently accepted, but examples of the use of dried horsetail for polishing tin products are described in the literature. Hence the name, which does not correlate with its appearance, “tin grass”.

The main beneficial properties of horsetail are medicinal.

The literal translation of the Latin name is a horse's tail growing on arable land.

Other names: field pine, ephedra, yalichnik. These names reflect the structural features of horsetail. This is a primitive spore plant. In spring, it develops spore-bearing spikelets of brown color. Later, green vegetative shoots appear. They are segmented, with thin needle-like leaves collected in bunches.

Green shoots collected in June and July are suitable for medicinal purposes. Before self-collection It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the image of horsetail. Other types of horsetail collected by mistake can be harmful to health. The collected herbs should be dried in the shade, outdoors or in a well-ventilated room. Properly prepared raw materials can be stored for up to 4 years.

The use of horsetail in traditional medicine

Official medicinal forms: horsetail field grass, horsetail dry extract.
Basics pharmachologic effect: diuretic.
Indications: diseases of the urinary system (cystitis, urethritis).

It is a component of many medicinal products:

  • Used in complex treatment pulmonary and bronchial diseases, since silicon compounds accelerate the transport of other medicinal substances in fabric respiratory system, reduce the amount of exudate during pleurisy.
  • Phenolic compounds in horsetail inhibit the growth of tumor cells.
  • The diuretic effect allows you to reduce the volume of blood in the body. This entails a decrease in blood pressure.
  • Horsetail substances prevent platelets from sticking together, which prevents blood clots.
  • The high content of calcium salts strengthens the heart muscle. These medicinal properties make it possible to use horsetail for the treatment of arterial hypertension.
  • Horsetail is also used for treatment skin diseases, ulcers and problematic wounds.
  • As part of the laxative depuraflux, silicon compounds from horsetail restore damaged epithelium of internal organs.
  • The drug for the treatment of pyelitis uroflux contains horsetail as a diuretic.

The use of horsetail in folk medicine

To the official list of diseases that can be cured with horsetail, healers add:

  • diarrhea;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • lichen;
  • allergies;
  • diabetes;
  • sore throat;
  • osteoporosis;
  • joint diseases;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • proliferation of adenoids;
  • bleeding;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • gout;
  • boils;
  • rheumatism;
  • hepatic colic;
  • gallstones.

Used to irrigate the mouth and sinuses, strengthen hair, combat alopecia and seborrhea, and treat acne.

Removes lead.

Not addictive.

Horsetail contraindications

  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Acute forms of inflammation of the genitourinary system: nephrosis and nephritis, nephrosonephritis, glomerulonephritis, severe forms pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis.

Side effects:

  • Allergic reactions, irritation of the renal parenchyma.
  • Reduces the content of vitamin B1 (thiamine), so you should not drink alcohol.
  • Not recommended for children as it contains traces of nicotine.
  • It washes away salts, so it is not recommended for severe cardiac arrhythmia.


  • Do not use if you are already using medications with nicotinic acid, even if it's
    nicotine patches, gum.
  • If you are taking medications that regulate the rhythm of your heart (digoxin, derivatives of foxglove woolly), you should not take horsetail.
  • The simultaneous use of horsetail and other drugs that accelerate urination is prohibited. This threatens calcium leaching.

Recipes using horsetail herb


  • Before treatment with horsetail, visit a doctor to clarify the diagnosis, identify contraindications and study the interactions of medications taken.
  • Do not change the recommended dosages!
  • Do not continue treatment for more than a month in a row!
  • Drink more liquid!

It is used in the following form:

  • infusions;
  • decoctions;
  • tinctures;
  • baths;
  • compresses for sweaty feet;
  • rinse to strengthen hair, cleanse skin.

Dosages - how much to weigh in grams:

  1. Infusion: 2 dessert spoons per glass of boiling water.
  2. Decoction: To one part grass, 10 parts water.
  3. Tea: 3 teaspoons per glass of water.
  4. Tincture: to one part herb, five parts vodka.
  5. Forcompresses: 5 g of herb per 0.5 liter of water.
  6. Forbaths: Pour 70 g of horsetail into a liter of boiling water, leave, strain, and add to bath water.
  7. Forointments: evaporate the broth to half the volume and mix with oil. Ratio – 1:4.
  8. Forrinsing hair, rubbing: Evaporate the broth in a water bath until thick.

Since horsetail lives on all continents except Australia, almost all nations have experience with its use. Summarizing international treatment experience, we can add to the diseases already mentioned:

  1. enuresis;
  2. nasal and uterine bleeding;
  3. baldness;
  4. sweaty feet;
  5. furunculosis;
  6. sore throat

So, the ancient, primitive plant horsetail is a valuable source of medicinal substances. He is able to relieve a wide variety of ailments. But it should be used only after consulting a doctor. It is important to take into account the contraindications of horsetail, take into account its interaction with other drugs, and follow the recommended dosages and rules of administration.

The most important factor useful herb availability and low price. Horsetail - folk remedy in the fight against overweight. Females actively use different methods losing weight. Taking horsetail is a herbal medicine process.

Herbal weight loss reduces appetite, removes toxins and waste from the body, and returns to normal emotional condition person. We all know that excess weight comes from overeating. Often people who are stressed or overexerted try to eat away their bad mood.

Phytotherapy treatment is inexpensive and effective, as you can achieve the desired result in a short period of time. Using herbal remedies will help you lose excess weight.

The list of herbs that are often used for weight loss includes horsetail. It has a strong diuretic effect. Thanks to this, the process of weight loss begins, harmful excess liquid. In this article we will try to consider the methods of application, its characteristics, and qualities.

Characteristics of horsetail

The drug is used for weight loss, reduces appetite, and normalizes a person’s condition. Those who want to lose weight choose this remedy because it is cheap, effective, safe, and less harmless.

Since ancient times, horsetail has been used in the treatment of tuberculosis, arthritis, influenza, hemorrhoids, edema, ulcers, eye disease, and kidney disease. Horsetail is now used for weight loss.

The plant is known to everyone in its own way appearance. Height 40 cm, grows in fields, lawns, near forests. Horsetail primarily lives in cool, temperate climates.

The herb can be used either separately or combined with another drug. Doctors advise using herbal tea, it will have a better effect. The course of treatment lasts 30 days, then you need to pause so as not to harm the body.

Horsetail infusion and decoction are carefully used for weight loss. At high blood pressure It is not recommended to take the drug, and together with the drug prescribed by the attending physician.

The herbal infusion reduces the amount of protein, increases urination, improves the metabolic process, relieves swelling and inflammation, and reduces weight.

The stem of the plant is straight, ribbed, green. It dies off in the winter and rejuvenates in the spring. It has the shape of a spore-bearing spikelet and reproduces by spores. The product is harvested in the fall, because at this time it contains less toxic substances.

The decoction is prepared simply; to do this, take dry raw materials, add water and boil. Let it brew for 1.5 hours and drink in small sips throughout the day.

Properties of horsetail

Has a strong diuretic effect. It is recommended to be used by those who suffer from excess weight and strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

Horsetail accelerates the removal of fluid from the body, flushes out toxins and waste. Uncontrolled use of the drug can lead to dehydration, which will negatively affect internal organs and the system as a whole.

It is advised to drink 2.5 liters of plain water to get rid of toxins. Horsetail decoction is very harmful for kidney disease; using the remedy, you can greatly harm yourself.

Horsetail herb is used for dropsy, stomach tumors, intestinal disorder. Upper part plants are used in cooking, cosmetology, and medicine.

The young stalk is used to prepare omelettes and casseroles. Greens can be fried, boiled, or added to the filling for dough products.

Composition of horsetail

The main components of the raw material are: kaempferol, silicic acid, phenol carbonic acid, tannin, flavonoid, apigenin.

The grass contains in addition useful substances also saponin, oils, alkaloids, carotene, iron, vitamin C, copper, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc.

Healing qualities of horsetail

The culture has antimicrobial, anthelmintic, hemostatic, antiseptic, tonic, diuretic, astringent effects. It also removes lead from the body. So, let's look at the properties in more detail.

Horsetail is used for:

  • treatment of bladder stones, relieves inflammation;
  • kidney stones, cholelithiasis;
  • removing waste from the urinary system;
  • strengthens adrenal function;
  • increases immunity;
  • accelerates water balance;
  • improves blood clotting;
  • heals boils, ulcers;
  • cardiac system disorders;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • relieves swelling and toxins;
  • tuberculosis;
  • promotes hair growth;
  • for colds;
  • for weight loss;
  • against tumor;
  • acts as a vitamin supplement.
Treat diarrhea, rheumatism, dysentery, bronchitis, liver, gout, tonsillitis with infusion and horsetail decoction. Also jaundice, cough, pyelitis, cystitis, hemorrhoids, atherosclerosis.

Compresses and herbal lotions are used to treat eczema, lichen, and boils. Increases the body's resistance if you drink tea or take a bath.

Can relieve inflammation of the oral cavity, stomatitis. Use the prepared infusion for rinsing.

Horsetail juice is drunk for bladder and kidney diseases. Prevents baldness, hair loss, and dandruff.

remember, that medicinal herb Not suitable for everyone due to personal intolerance.

Medicinal use of horsetail

Horsetail treats not only serious diseases, but also skin rashes and wounds. Used to rinse the nose and mouth.

Horsetail powder is used to treat animals and is applied to wounds. After this, the affected area quickly heals and goes away.

  • Infusion. You will need grass and boiling water. Fill the drug with water, leave for 60 minutes, strain. You need to take 1 tbsp. three times a day at female disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, bladder disorders. Besides internal reception, the infusion is used externally. Wipe the bedsore porous skin, festering wound, boil. Relieves inflammation during sore throat, gargle.
  • Decoction. Brew horsetail, boil for half an hour, strain. Use 1 tbsp. three times a day after meals. A decoction is used for pleurisy and inflammation of urolithiasis. Apply a compress to a sore joint, ulcer, or eczema.
  • Juice. Extract juice from fresh herbs. You need to take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. It is recommended to wash a festering wound or a bleeding wound. The product should be stored in a cool place. Used for nosebleeds, 2 drops are dripped into the nose.
  • For rejuvenation. Pour water over the herb, boil for 20 minutes, and pour the broth into the bathroom. Lie in it for about half an hour, the skin will be smooth and silky. After regular use, the skin will tighten, stretch marks, wrinkles, and cellulite will be smoothed out. On a face with an oily face, problem skin it is necessary to apply a lotion from the infusion.
  • Osteochondrosis. To prepare the potion you will need: strawberry leaves, horsetail, knotweed, barberry, agrimony. Place the entire mixture in a vessel and bring to a boil. Use 100 g. 3 times a day. The treatment lasts a month, then a break is taken, and the course is repeated again. It is very good to stick to fasting days and go to gymnastics while taking the product.
  • For weight loss. Place the horsetail in a vessel with water and heat for a couple of 25 minutes. Cool the broth, remove the herb and you can take it. The infusion should be stored for 2 days. Drink half a glass three times a day 60 minutes before meals.
  • When bleeding. Pour the raw materials into a thermos and fill with boiled water. Leave it overnight and then douche in the evening and in the morning. Apply until improvement.
  • During menstruation. Brew the herb in the same way and drink every 2 hours. This will help avoid pain, cramps, and reduce the amount of discharge.
  • With uterine bleeding. Fresh horsetail juice should be taken 1 teaspoon 3 to 6 times a day.
  • For sore throat, stomatitis. Gargle the throat and mouth with the herbal infusion. The drug is poured with boiled, cooled water and infused for 24 hours. Then rinse the mouth and throat.
  • For inflammation of the gums. Boil the horsetail, strain and rinse the gums with the prepared broth.
  • For sweaty feet. Use a foot bath with horsetail added. The level of sweating of the feet decreases.
  • For diarrhea. Dissolve horsetail powder in boiled water. Drink 1 glass in the morning and evening.
  • For cardiovascular failure. Use 1 tbsp of horsetail juice. three times a day. Herbal decoction cleanses the blood of cholesterol, enhances cardiac function.
  • For kidney disease. Brew the herb in a teapot and drink throughout the day.
  • Gallstones. The decoction is prepared as follows: lingonberry leaf, knotweed, bear's ear grass, hernia, horsetail. Place the collection in a saucepan with water and boil for 30 minutes. Strain, infuse the broth and drink 25 ml. before meals twice a day. Have another drink after that olive oil 1 tablespoon. Then lie down and place a warm heating pad on the location of the gallbladder. Before use fatty foods do not eat, preferably grapefruit, lemon juice.
  • With pyelonephritis. You can cook and drink the prepared decoction. Pour dry leaves of horsetail and bearberry with water and boil for 20 minutes. Strain the infusion. Drink a third of a glass of the decoction half an hour before meals.
  • For atherosclerosis. Take horsetail, yarrow, mistletoe herbs, pour garlic with dill and drink 50 ml. three times a day.
  • For the prostate gland. Place a compress from the plant on your stomach. It is advisable to pour the raw material kept over the steam onto linen fabric and wrap it to the body. After this, wrap yourself warmly and rinse for 2 hours.
  • At inguinal hernia and dysentery you need to drink a herbal decoction.
  • When urinating. Horsetail and chamomile are brewed, strained and drunk 1 glass 3 times a day.
  • For kidney stones. Boil the drug over low heat for 15 minutes. Then it cools down, and take half a glass of it on an empty stomach for 2 months. Gradually the pain will subside, harmful sand will be removed from the urinary tract.
  • For neuritis and cystitis. Boil the herb and let it brew. The decoction can be drunk and used as a compress.
  • For varicose ulcers. Use a bath with the prepared decoction. Regular use will bring results.
  • For diabetes. The prepared decoction is consumed 3 tablespoons 4 times a day before meals.
  • At coronary disease hearts. Drink 1 tablespoon of fresh horsetail juice 5 times a day. They also prepare a drink from dry horsetail, hot water. Take half a glass of decoction.
  • For tumors and stomach cancer. Apply a compress to the stomach 2 times a day for 1.5–2 hours. It is effective for atony of the bladder and prostate gland. It is recommended to drink the decoctions in small sips 4 times a day.

Doctors' opinion about horsetail

Nutritionists say that horsetail - excellent remedy in the fight against extra pounds. In addition, it can heal various diseases. But doctors tell people that self-medication can also be harmful. If you decide to lose weight using horsetail, you need to consult a specialist.

Initial use of treatment may cause kidney failure. Since it has a strong diuretic effect. Therefore, along with the infusion taken, you must drink plain water no more than 2 liters per day. But the nutritionist is skeptical about the product. After all, without using physical activity One dose of horsetail will not bring noticeable results. You should also adhere to a diet, proper low-calorie nutrition.

Treatment with herbs is prohibited for people who suffer from neurosis or nephritis. The most important thing to remember is that horsetail contains poisonous substance. Excessive consumption of it can have a detrimental effect on your health.

Contraindications to the use of horsetail

The plant has both positive side, and negative. Long-term use of horsetail may cause kidney irritation.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, mothers are prohibited from consuming horsetail.

If you have chronic illness, then before starting treatment, visit the doctor for an appointment. He will prescribe the dosage, conduct an examination, and monitor you. Do not treat yourself under any circumstances, so as not to cause serious harm to the body. People who suffer from potassium deficiency are not recommended to take horsetail.

You should not drink the infusion together with another drug (lithium, for example) because it may cause by-effect from the drug taken.

It should be used with caution if you have diabetes, as the plant lowers blood sugar levels. May cause hypoglycemia.

You will learn about the medicinal properties of horsetail from this video:

Today we will talk about horsetail, its beneficial medicinal properties for health and contraindications for use in recipes traditional medicine, we’ll tell you how to brew horsetail, and we’ll tell you about the benefits for hair of this medicinal plant- all this and much more on the traditional medicine website.

What horsetail looks like, where it grows, photo

Horsetail ordinary - a small medicinal plant from the department of angiosperms, horsetails, what remains in biology from the ancient giant horsetails, which were peacefully eaten by ancient dinosaurs. Many consider it a malicious weed and fight it in every possible way in their gardens. Also called a panicle cat's eye or tail, ponytail, grass mop.

Does not bloom, reproduces by spores. In spring, young shoots sprout from the tuberous shoots of the rhizome. The first shoots, as a rule, are brown, not branched, and bear a spike in which spores ripen.

Following them, “female” shoots sprout (a dimorphic plant), which are used in folk and scientific medicine. They are bright green, hollow, erect, ranging from fifteen to fifty centimeters in height.

Horsetail branches are collected in nodes of 6-12 pieces, directed obliquely upward, simple or weakly branched. The ancient perennial herbaceous plant is unpretentious to its growing conditions - it lives well in rather harsh latitudes, except in the far north and deserts, since it is moisture-loving. Floodplains of rivers, canals and ditches, the outskirts of swamps are the most suitable places.

Composition of horsetail

  1. Resins have a pronounced antibacterial effect.
  2. Saponin accelerates metabolic processes in the human body.
  3. Carotene maintains the youth of the body's cells. In sufficient quantities, it protects against cancer and free radicals.
  4. Vitamin C is involved in the regulation of oxidative processes - blood clotting. Accelerates the healing of ulcers, wounds and removes toxins.
  5. Mineral saltsconstruction material for all cells of the body, participate in chemical reactions occurring in the human body.
  6. Tannins have a positive effect on blood composition, restore function gastrointestinal tract. Availability tannins in the plant indicates that it is capable of coloring fabrics, skin, etc.
  7. Flavonoids protect against harmful effects radiation.
  8. Silicic acid salts.
  9. Organic acids regulate metabolism, secretion of bile and other vital fluids human body, stimulate work digestive system, and also neutralize the effects of harmful substances.
  10. Alkaloids can affect the cardiovascular and nervous systems of the body.
  11. Phenolcarboxylic acid.
  12. Bitterness improves digestion.
  13. Fatty oils are involved in the absorption of vitamins and microelements. They have a bactericidal effect and are used in cosmetics and external products.

Horsetail - beneficial properties

How is horsetail useful for the body, what properties does it have?

  • Hemostatic;
  • diuretics;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • tanning;
  • stimulating immunity;
  • cleansing from toxins, salts heavy metals, for example, lead;
  • normalizing water-salt metabolism;
  • increased removal of cholesterol from the body;
  • silicic acid prevents the formation of kidney stones, because maintain the colloidal state of urine.

Treatment with horsetail

Since horsetail grows in many countries, is unpretentious, and has been studied by healers since ancient times, enough is known about it to consider it effective means in the treatment of various diseases.

Early spring shoots are used, like nettles and dandelions, to eliminate winter vitamin deficiency; they can be used raw or boiled, in sauces, pies, and casseroles.

IN medicinal purposes green shoots are used. They are cut at the beginning of summer 10 centimeters from the ground, dried outdoors in the shade or in special dryers at temperatures up to 50 ° C. Store in a dry, dark place for up to 4 years.

In pharmacies for cystitis and other problems with urinary system We sell a phyto-remedy created on the basis of horsetail extract - Phytolysin. The herb is also included in the diuretic and laxative herbal collection.

It has also been proven effective for diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract (bronchial asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis).

Dysentery, scarlet fever, malaria, and varicose veins also disappear when horsetail is used.

Medicinal properties of horsetail - use in folk medicine

  • Traditional medicine advises the use of horsetail herb in the treatment of rheumatism, urolithiasis, eye diseases, gastrointestinal neoplasms, and tuberculosis.
  • Hemostatic properties are perfectly used during prolonged and heavy menstruation, when leucorrhoea develops, it is recommended to douche with horsetail infusion; adding the herb infusion to baths will also have an excellent effect; you can rinse your hair.
  • Water infusion horsetail is used for rinsing for stomatitis, for the treatment of purulent wounds.
  • Horsetail is used in complex therapy skin diseases - eczema, dermatitis, acne, psoriasis,.

How to brew horsetail - preparing juice, decoction, infusion

To be successful in treatment, you must strictly follow the recipe - it has been tested for more than one century.

Fresh horsetail juice they drink field grass for asthma, coughing up blood, cardiovascular failure and skin diseases.

  • The juice of the horsetail plant is also recommended for use for seborrhea, especially its oily varieties.

To prepare the juice, the grass collected early in the morning is washed, scalded in boiling water and minced through a meat grinder, then squeezed using a juicer or through three layers of gauze by hand, then boiled for 3 minutes. Take a tablespoon three times a day after meals. Store in the refrigerator.

Good for uterine bleeding(Drink 5-6 tablespoons throughout the day).

Cold infusion of horsetail

One tbsp. l. put the herbs in a cooled glass boiled water, stir, stand for 24 hours. Wipe oily skin faces. The same infusion is used for compresses for neuritis of the sciatic nerve.

Dry white wine (1 l.) is infused at 15-20 g. dry herbs (7-10 days) are used as a hemostatic agent in the morning on an empty stomach 100 grams, as well as for treatment benign tumors stomach, liver. This infusion is good as a skin lotion.

Horsetail decoction– 4 tbsp. l. raw materials are poured into 1.5 tbsp. boiling water, keep in a water bath for 15 minutes, leave for another 45 minutes and filter. You should drink half a glass three times a day. Clears blood vessels from bad cholesterol, thereby prolonging the work of the heart in older people.

It is good to rinse the mouth - it heals gums and...

Herbal compress They prepare it this way: two handfuls of crushed raw materials are heated for steam, poured onto a linen napkin, wrapped, applied to the stomach in the area of ​​the prostate gland and lie down under a blanket for two hours, bandaged with a compress. Repeat twice a day.

And with intestinal and stomach colic a compress is placed on the stomach area.

In case of bleeding, 4 teaspoons of dry raw materials are poured with half a liter of boiling water, infused, and sipped throughout the day.

You can gargle with a sore throat.

Inguinal hernia, hemorrhoids, jaundice - 1 tablespoon of dry crushed herb is brewed as 400 ml tea. boiling water for half an hour and drink throughout the day.

To remove kidney stones, half a portion of herbs and water is brewed and drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast for 1.5-2 months.

Horsetail baths

Used to treat cystitis, hemorrhoids, and bladder atony in men. They prepare it this way: boil 250 grams of dry horsetail herb in two liters of water for half an hour, filter and add to the sitz bath, and for large baths the amount of decoction is increased accordingly. The decoction can be used for compresses and washing wounds.

When combined with a crushed head (mix all four components in equal proportions) it treats atherosclerosis – 20 g. collection brew 200 ml. boiling water, leave for an hour and drink 50 ml. 4 times a day before meals.

There is an option to cook drink of youth on horsetail, which improves metabolism, facilitates the functioning of the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems, and generally has a generally strengthening effect on elderly body. To prepare it, pour 3 tablespoons into 3 cups of boiling water, boil for a quarter of an hour, infuse, strain, and drink for 24 hours.

Horsetail contraindications, harm

Horsetail contains components that increase blood clotting, so you should make sure that the benefits of treatment outweigh the risk of complications. Do not exceed the dosage under any circumstances.

Nephritis, nephrosis, gastric and duodenal ulcers in the acute phase, damage to the mucous membranes, iodine intolerance, pregnancy, breastfeeding and allergies do not allow treatment with horsetail.

Horsetail should not be consumed with synthetic drugs, blood pressure lowering and diuretic.

Do not take together with adrenal hormones (Dexamethasone, Prednisolone and others), Hepatrin and lithium preparations.

Horsetail for hair - how to use

As an external remedy, decoctions, infusions and fresh juice bring great benefit in the treatment of many serious illnesses, but also as body care products.

For dandruff, to stimulate hair growth and to make it soft and silky, you can rinse after washing with a decoction of horsetail, taking 2 tablespoons per liter of boiling water. Infuse, strain through several layers of gauze or a clean cloth. Rinse clean hair, squeeze out the broth and dry with a towel.

  • Spirit tincture of horsetail, made with vodka in a ratio of 1:5, has successfully shown itself against incipient baldness.
  • The tannins in horsetail can give blonde hair an unexpected tint. It is better to conduct the test in the occipital area in an inconspicuous area.

Horsetail for adenoids in children

Since children up to three years The body is most often not yet polluted; it is not advisable for them to drink horsetail. To combat it, it is better to do inhalations; for older children, you can add horsetail decoction to them, but combined with other herbs and in a very low concentration.

Mint goes well with horsetail. Dried herbs are mixed in equal proportions and brewed as tea, one teaspoon per glass of boiling water, wrap. After it has been infused for half an hour, filter and give the child 2-3 glasses a day to drink warm. The course of treatment should not exceed two weeks and carefully monitor the child’s condition. Fresh juice You can put 2 drops into your nose in each nostril.

IN in rare cases horsetail can cause allergic reaction or poisoning. It is better to buy horsetail, of course, in a pharmacy, there are many types of it, and it is unsafe to collect it yourself, and it is undesirable to buy from roadside herbalists - after all, it is not known where the herb was collected.

Horsetail for weight loss

With the help of horsetail, you can correct your weight, as it has a beneficial effect on metabolism, speeds up metabolism, reduces appetite, and removes waste, toxins and excess water. But you need to lose weight with the help of horsetail carefully - with flows excess water some are washed out essential microelements, which are slowly replenished.

A diet using horsetail should last no longer three weeks and you should not exceed the dosage. After a week you can repeat the course, and then once every three months for three weeks.

As you can see, the benefits of horsetail are considerable, it is used in the treatment of many ailments, the plant is found everywhere, and most of those who are sick only pharmacological preparations they hope - in principle, I’m not against pills from the medicine cabinet, but you don’t have to give up modest and unnoticeable medicines under your feet...