A 10-year-old boy has synechia. Synechia in boys - causes, description, treatment. What does the pathology look like and what are its distinctive features?

In boys, pathologies of the genital organs are quite common. The young body of a future man has certain physiological characteristics that can sometimes cause problems in the future. One of these problems includes synechiae in boys, which initially acts as a protection for the body. All parents should be aware of this phenomenon in order to be able to notice deviations in the child’s development in time and take appropriate measures.

What are synechiae?

Synechia is a fusion of the head of the penis and the foreskin, which prevents the head from being exposed. In children, such adhesions perform a protective function, preventing infection from entering the body. This is considered normal in newborns. Usually these formations disappear on their own, but in some cases they can persist. The norm is considered to be partially exposed head of the penis in boys under 3 years of age and complete exposure of the head up to 6 years of age. As the young male body grows, the secretion of smegma begins, which softens the adhesions. If this does not happen, you need to contact a pediatric urologist or pediatrician for advice.

Important! Such formations can pose big problems in adulthood in men. The reasons for the persistence of adhesions after puberty are not fully known, but many doctors agree that they can be various infections of the genitourinary system.

Reasons for the formation of adhesions

In the development of pathology, it is worth highlighting certain groups of synechiae. Physiological synechiae of the foreskin in boys, occurring in every male newborn, is considered standard. Others include traumatic ones, which usually occur after trauma to the genitals.

The number and severity of synechiae can vary significantly. According to doctors, an increase in fusions occurs in the presence of infectious diseases that can be transmitted to the child during intrauterine development. Microbes are able to penetrate into the systemic bloodstream of the fetus through the nutrient vessels and, upon reaching the pelvic organs, begin the development of the inflammatory process there. This is how organogenesis is disrupted, which causes the likelihood of an increase in the number of synechiae.

Important! Some European scientists believe that multiple fusions in a child may be caused by hereditary factors.

Symptoms, signs and types

What does synechia look like in boys? In most cases, synechiae can be easily identified with the naked eye. Fusion most often occurs from the coronal groove of the penis to the urethra. Also, inflammation is often a consequence of fusion, so additional symptoms of synechia include:

  • Swelling of the glans and foreskin;
  • Discharge from the urethra;
  • Itching in the genital area;
  • Difficulty urinating, pain during this process.

These manifestations indicate that infection has occurred due to synechia and medical attention is required.

Sometimes parents mistake phimosis for synechiae, but these pathologies have nothing in common.

With synechia, the circumference of the foreskin has a sufficient diameter, while it only fuses pointwise with the penis. With phimosis, the head of the penis is not able to expose itself because the edge of the skin is too narrow.

A visit to a pediatric urologist is mandatory, even if the child is not bothered by this pathology. Without monitoring the situation and maintaining personal hygiene, serious diseases can develop, the most common of which are balanoposthitis and balanitis. With the first, inflammation of the inner side of the foreskin occurs, with the second, the surface of the head of the penis becomes inflamed.

Removal of synechiae surgically

Synechia does not need treatment at an early age. For the vast majority of boys, they disappear before the age of 3. If the fusion does not disappear, you need to regularly visit a specialist who will monitor the dynamics. When, even after 12 years, due to synechia, the head of the penis does not open and at the same time it is constantly inflamed - this already serves as a basis for surgery. The separation of adhesions takes place under local anesthesia; the recovery period after this simple operation is up to 10 days.

Also, surgery is sometimes necessary after injuries to the penis or infectious diseases. Lack of results after drug treatment can also be the reason for forced surgical intervention.

Methods of drug treatment

If inflammatory processes occur on the penis in a boy due to synechia, treatment includes taking medications. Ointments and creams of the glucocorticosteroid group are usually used. With the help of hormonal drugs, unpleasant symptoms such as swelling, redness, cracks in the skin of the penis, and so on, are eliminated. With regular use of medications, the elasticity and firmness of the flesh is restored, which allows you to open the head of the penis, softens the skin of the foreskin and eliminates fusion. The most common drugs in this group are contractubex and hydrocortisone ointment.


At home you can also get rid of synechiae in boys. It is best to initially discuss any actions regarding self-treatment with your doctor. Most often, when the foreskin is attached to the head of the penis in a boy, doctors advise parents to gradually move the foreskin back every time after a bath, and you can use ointment to make it easier. This way you can gradually open the head, the foreskin will no longer adhere to it.

Important! Traditional medicine is not the main method of treating synechia. Natural components are good at eliminating inflammatory processes and many other symptoms of pathology.

Among the folk remedies for treating synechia in boys, it is worth highlighting:

  • Pork fat. A small amount of melted fat should be applied between the head of the penis and the foreskin. This procedure can be performed several times a week.
  • Calendula infusion. Soak a cotton pad or bandage in the concentrated infusion and apply to the growth site for a few minutes. Apply every day for a week.
  • Chamomile and calendula decoction. Baths with decoctions of medicinal plants are good for eliminating inflammation. They are usually used 2 times a day for 10 days.

To avoid the need to treat a child, it is better to take some preventive measures in his infancy. These include regular personal hygiene, not constantly keeping the child in a diaper and choosing comfortable, not too tight swimming trunks, preferably made from natural fabrics. These measures are not difficult, and the child’s health will be sufficiently protected.

Parents, as a rule, begin to panic when they notice adhesions on the penis of their baby. In this case, there is no danger, since there is physiological phimosis of the foreskin (that is, its narrowing). But if you see signs of inflammation, irritation, redness, then you need to take certain measures, since adhesions can lead to the foreskin fusing to the glans.

With proper care of the baby's genitals in infancy, subject to all hygiene rules, as well as non-interference in physiological processes, adhesions usually disappear on their own and then the child does not have any problems. According to statistics, by the age of three, this phenomenon has already passed in 50% of boys, and by the beginning of puberty, adhesions remain in approximately 10% of children.

Synechiae (these are the same adhesions on the penis that we talked about) are the fusion of the inner part of the foreskin with the head of the penis. This is a completely normal physiological phenomenon. Fragile adhesions perform a protective function for the child, that is, they prevent the early exit of the head. The protective function is to prevent infections from entering the internal cavity of the head, thereby preventing various inflammations.

Causes of adhesions

Why do adhesions, even after puberty, not disappear? No clear explanation for this phenomenon has yet been identified.

  • For example, genetic characteristics can play an important role - this is a lack of connective tissue in the body of a man or teenager. As a rule, in this case, a man has not only synechiae, but also other problems: cardiovascular diseases, flat feet and other abnormalities.
  • Also, if the head is not exposed for a long time, this may be caused by diseases of the genitourinary tract. As we said, the reason for this is improper hygiene of the penis, as a result of which pathogenic microorganisms enter the genitourinary tract and provoke inflammation.
  • It is worth paying attention to the fact that the opposite effect can also occur. When the foreskin fuses with the head, smegma accumulates in the cavity between them. It can also provoke inflammation, various infections, cause pain, swelling and swelling.
  • The cause of fusion is also considered to be intrauterine abnormalities, when infections enter the mother’s body and provoke excessive formation of synechiae, which subsequently leads to more serious problems, because the boy’s body alone cannot cope with this type of abnormality.
  • It is impossible not to mention all kinds of allergic reactions, when their various manifestations, for example, ulcers, scabs, contribute to the fact that adhesions cannot be separated.

Fusion of the glans and foreskin in boys

For boys, synechiae in medicine is a completely natural phenomenon up to a certain age. By six months, the head is exposed in about 20% of babies, and in 70%, the foreskin is separated from the head by the age of three.

If the exposure of the child’s head did not occur until the age of 7, then this is completely normal, because physiology is purely individual. A deviation is considered if after seven years the synechiae still do not disappear. Acute pathology is considered to be cases when synechia remains in mature young men (16-17 years old). In this case, the intervention of specialists is necessary.

In adolescents, under normal conditions, adhesions disappear under the influence of enzymes. A significant sign in this case will be sudden erections, when these same enzymes are released, which destroy the adhesions between the foreskin and the head. Synechiae are weak and unstable, so enzymes can eliminate them without much difficulty.

There are precedents when, regardless of how old the child is, medical intervention is required to remove synechiae. This is due to a complication called balanoposthitis - that is, inflammation of the cavity between the foreskin and the head of the penis. In this cavity, smegma accumulates in the form of curdled discharge, which is a favorable environment for the proliferation of bacteria.

If a child experiences pain when urinating, he has swelling of the head, all kinds of redness, then synechiae must be eliminated, but this must be done only in medical institutions. Self-removal of synechiae leads to even greater problems.

Foreskin fusion in adult men

Adhesions in men lead to abnormalities called phimosis. Phimosis is a narrowing of the skin of the foreskin, if complete exposure of the head is difficult and causes discomfort. Phimosis is divided into stages. Fusion of the foreskin begins in small areas, and then spreads to the entire head if the necessary measures are not taken in time. In this case, exposure of the head provokes pain and skin damage.

Most men have no idea how to deal with phimosis. They begin to independently try to separate the foreskin from the head, not realizing that they can only make things worse for their genitals. Improper separation of adhesions can lead to paraphimosis, a disease in which the blood flow is compressed, as a result of which the cells of the penis begin to die. Therefore, at the first signs of phimosis in men, you should definitely make an appointment with a urologist. Such increments can only be removed surgically or with a laser.

Symptoms and treatment of synechiae

Synechiae are not always accompanied by any symptoms. The disease can pass without visible sensations of discomfort or pain. It depends on the degree of fusion, on the cause, and also on the location where the fusion occurred. For example, near the urethra, fusion is accompanied by pain and painful urination.

Other symptoms:

  • Enlargement of the head of the penis
  • The appearance of ulcers
  • Itching in the head area
  • Various inflammations and redness on the penis and more

Treatment for synechiae consists of dividing them. If before the child is seven years old, this problem does not bother him, there are no signs of inflammation or complicated urination, then there is no need for treatment. However, after reaching this age, the risk of infections increases.

The separation of synechiae is performed by a urologist in a hospital. The procedure does not take much time. As a rule, it is performed using a special probe or by the hands of a doctor. The urologist simply removes the foreskin with a quick movement without further consequences.

It is worth noting that the separation is performed under anesthesia, since the penis is a rather sensitive organ, and the child can simply receive a painful shock or psychological trauma. However, local anesthesia does not always provide 100% pain relief. The child feels pain, and this can lead to complications. The boy may develop a psychopathic complex, which can subsequently lead to erectile dysfunction.

After the operation, the head is lubricated with a special ointment for about 10 days to prevent the formation of new synechiae.

However, it is worth noting that the separation of adhesions can occur without surgical intervention by stretching. This is a rather lengthy and conservative procedure, but no less effective. With this method, the child can recover completely in a few months.

Possible complications during skin fusion with the head

After the operation, it is necessary to follow strict hygiene and toilet rules, especially in the first week. It is necessary to correctly place special ointments under the foreskin to prevent further fusion from forming.

Often, synechiae does not cause any special complications, but during the inflammatory process they can develop into diseases such as:

  • Phimosis and paraphimosis
  • Balanoposthitis
  • Penile condyloma
  • Prostatitis
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Syphilis
  • Oncology

Prevention of synechiae

Parents need to know a few simple rules to avoid problems with the foreskin fused to the head:

  • Every day, rinse the genital organ with running warm water, and it is not necessary to retract the foreskin;
  • Under no circumstances should you try to expose the head yourself;
  • The baby needs to change his diaper at least five times a day;
  • Give your baby frequent air baths;
  • Do not wear a diaper in hot weather to prevent overheating of the genitals;
  • Choose underwear made from natural materials that will not be too tight on the genitals.

Synechiae of the foreskin are thin adhesions that connect its inner part with the head of the penis. Synechia occurs in almost all boys and is considered a completely normal phenomenon under the age of 3 years. In most cases, foreskin adhesions resolve on their own and do not require any specific treatment.

It is necessary to distinguish between phimosis and synechiae of the foreskin

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At the age of under 3 years, synechiae of the foreskin is not a diagnosis, but only a statement of fact. In almost all newborn boys, the inner part of the foreskin is tightly connected to the head of the penis by special connective tissue cords - synechiae. Nature provides this mechanism to protect the preputial sac from injury and the entry of pathogens. With age, the adhesions gradually disappear, increasing the mobility of the head and the surrounding foreskin.

Normally, the process of resorption of synechiae occurs gradually and painlessly. By the age of 6 years, most boys have completely exposed glans penis. If this has not happened by the age of 6-7 years, you need to contact a pediatrician or pediatric urologist.


In some cases, synechiae of the foreskin persists after the age of 6 years. When the head of the penis is partially open, in the pockets of the foreskin there is a mixture of a specific secretion of the sebaceous glands, moisture and desquamated epithelium. The accumulation of smegma leads to infection and the development of inflammation. The longer the inflammatory process persists, the more difficult it will be to get rid of synechiae and separate the head of the penis from the inner layer of the foreskin.

Risk factors:

  • non-compliance;
  • allergic reactions;
  • genitourinary infections.

The doctor will be able to find out the exact cause of the appearance of synechiae and select the optimal treatment regimen after examining the child.


You can determine the presence of thin synechiae without any problems at home. If there are adhesions, the head is completely or partially hidden under the foreskin. The skin of the genital organs is not changed, swelling and redness are not observed. Until a certain age, unresolved adhesions do not cause any discomfort to the child and do not interfere with normal urination.

Warning symptoms to look out for:

  • swelling of the glans penis and foreskin;
  • hyperemia (redness) of the skin of the genital organs;
  • pain or any discomfort when urinating;
  • urinary retention;
  • purulent.

The appearance of such symptoms indicates development. If the condition worsens, be sure to show the child to a doctor. According to indications, other studies are prescribed to assess the severity and extent of the process. Based on the results of the examination and diagnosis, a treatment plan and further observation of the patient is drawn up.

Principles of treatment

Normally, resorption of synechiae and exposure of the head of the penis occurs by 3-6 years. If this does not happen, you need to contact a pediatrician or urologist. Further tactics will depend on the severity of the pathological process. With timely treatment, there is a very high chance of avoiding complications and avoiding surgery.

Conservative treatment

The child should be washed daily with warm water, carefully removing all dirt from the skin of the penis

Conservative therapy involves proper care of the external genitalia. The child should be washed daily with warm water, carefully removing all dirt from the skin of the penis. During bathing, it is recommended to carefully open the head - gently, without effort or pressure. The procedure should not cause pain to the child. After bathing, the skin is wiped dry and lubricated with baby cream. Such simple manipulations help to gradually move the foreskin and eliminate subtle synechiae without harm to the child.

What is important for parents to know?

  1. Daily hygiene procedures give effect only after 1-3 months. There is no need to force things.
  2. All manipulations are carried out very carefully and carefully. Traumatization of the foreskin can lead to the development of inflammation and slow down recovery.
  3. To treat the foreskin, you can use antiseptics (chamomile decoction, an aqueous solution of miramistin or chlorhexidine). It is not recommended to wash with potassium permanganate preparations (potassium permanganate) - you can get a tissue burn with subsequent scarring and the formation of rough adhesions.
  4. Before carrying out procedures, you should consult your doctor. In some situations, surgical treatment cannot be avoided.

Drug therapy is prescribed for the development of balanoposthitis. Antibacterial drugs will help cope with the infection and remove the source of inflammation. The choice of a specific antibiotic will depend on the causative agent of the disease and the severity of the child’s condition. Until the inflammatory process subsides, no other interventions are performed.


The operation to remove adhesions is performed at the age of 10-12 years. Before reaching this age, there is a possibility that synechiae will disappear on its own without surgical intervention. Early excision of adhesions can lead to the development of inflammation and rapid relapse of the disease.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia. During the procedure, the doctor excises the synechiae and creates conditions for free movement of the foreskin. After surgery, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed for 7-10 days. If you do not provide proper care for the postoperative area, you can provoke the development of inflammation with further scarring and relapse of the disease.


How to prevent the appearance of synechiae of the foreskin?

  1. Observe personal hygiene rules.
  2. Wash the external genitalia daily with warm water.
  3. Treat any genitourinary diseases in a timely manner.

Synechiae of the foreskin is not a disaster. Thin adhesions usually disappear on their own between the ages of 3 and 6 years. If by the age of 7 the problem remains and causes some discomfort, it is necessary to show the child to a urologist and undergo examination by a specialist.

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In a broad sense, synechiae in boys is specific adhesions on the child's genitals. For newborn children they are considered the norm.

In most cases, such formations disappear on their own, but if certain factors are present, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination and identify the reason for their persistence. Adhesions in adulthood can cause serious harm to a boy's health.

General concept


A pediatrician diagnoses synechiae. After preliminary determination of the diagnosis, it must be confirmed from a surgeon and urologist.

A specialist can identify adhesions by visually examining the child’s penis, but to draw up a complete clinical picture of the baby’s health condition, he will have to undergo a comprehensive examination.

One of the mandatory stages in the diagnosis of synechiae is the determination of their infectious nature.

The following are used for diagnosis: procedures:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • urethral smear analysis;
  • Ultrasound of the genital organs.

Methods and stages of treatment

If the formation of adhesions is not accompanied by pain and other signs of the pathological process, then treatment begins after the boy reaches the age of three.

Anxious signals are considered to be the absence of opening of the foreskin by the age of four and the exposure of the head by six years.

Depending on the individual clinical picture of the baby’s health, the doctor may prescribe conservative or surgical treatment for synechiae.


Conservative treatment of synechiae involves the use of certain drugs and special procedures. Some of them are carried out only in medical institutions. At home You can only reproduce those techniques that have been approved by a specialist.

You should not use medicinal ointments without indications. Otherwise, the child may have an allergic reaction or intolerance to the drug.

For synechiae, children may be prescribed the following: medications:

  • treatment of adhesions with Miramistin;
  • injection of Hydrocortisone ointment into the area of ​​adhesion;
  • applying Contractubex ointment to the area of ​​adhesions;
  • massage of the foreskin (when bathing, try to expose the head of the penis with light movements);
  • physiotherapeutic procedures (prescribed individually).


Alternative medicine should be used in the treatment of synechiae in boys carefully.

Such methods are not the main method of therapy. Natural ingredients help eliminate inflammatory processes and eliminate some types of their symptoms.

If surgery is indicated for a child, then treatment with traditional recipes will not fix the existing problem.

Refusal of a conservative or surgical method of therapy will provoke complications.

Examples of folk remedies:

  1. Baths with chamomile and calendula decoctions(the procedure should be carried out twice a day for a course of ten days; baths with the addition of decoctions of medicinal plants help eliminate the symptoms of the inflammatory process).
  2. Processing adhesions with pork fat(a small amount of melted fat should be carefully applied to the area between the foreskin and the head of the penis, the procedure should be carried out several times a week).
  3. Lotions with calendula infusion(moisten a bandage or cotton pad in a concentrated infusion of calendula, apply the preparation to the area of ​​adhesions for a few minutes, repeat the procedure daily for one week).


The need for surgery determined by a urologist. Surgeries to remove adhesions are prescribed for children over three years of age or in the presence of certain factors.

For example, the traumatic or infectious nature of synechiae, as well as the lack of results from conservative therapy.

The purpose of the surgical procedure is elimination of all existing adhesions and release of the head of the penis.

Peculiarities operations to remove adhesions:

  • after surgery, the child does not have any scars;
  • during the rehabilitation period it is necessary to use anti-inflammatory or healing ointments;
  • the operation is most often prescribed for adolescents;
  • surgery is performed under local anesthesia;
  • The operation performed is the basis for an annual examination by a urologist.

Komarovsky's opinion

There is no point in trying to stretch, soften or perform other manipulations. Any physical impact can cause additional complications.

You should start treatment and consult a doctor only if you have alarming symptoms.

Treatment results and prognosis

Prognosis for synechiae in boys depends on numerous factors. In most cases they favorable. The only exceptions are those cases when incorrect or untimely attempts are made to treat adhesions.

If synechiae is infectious or traumatic in nature, and therapy was carried out fully, then there will be no complications. Associated infection is also treatable, and disorders of the genitourinary system occur in isolated cases.

results treatment depending on the technique used:

  • Conservative treatment can last up to four months;
  • The recovery period after surgery takes approximately ten days or two to three weeks.

Prevention measures

Some diseases of young children may be provoked by the actions of parents. Synechiae are one of these pathologies.

If during pregnancy a woman had infectious diseases or diseases of the genitourinary system, then the risk of transmitting them to the fetus will be extremely high.

In addition, the formation of pathogenic adhesions on the boy’s penis may be the result of poor personal hygiene, which is also a mistake of adults.

Prevention measures are the following recommendations:

  • Boys should be washed daily or several times a day if necessary;
  • from a very early age, the baby should be accustomed to personal hygiene;
  • wearing diapers for too long should be avoided;
  • children of newborn and infant age must undergo “air baths”;
  • any diseases of the genitourinary system in children must be treated fully and promptly;
  • The child must have his own personal hygiene items.

Some parental mistakes can complicate the treatment of synechiae. For example, if you try to push back the foreskin too intensely, you can injure the boy’s genitals.

Wearing tight underwear will cause the treatment to fail (it is better to give preference to cotton or other natural materials). When eliminating adhesions, you must accurately follow all doctors' instructions and do not self-medicate.

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Make an appointment with a doctor!