Pharyngitis in children: characteristics of the disease and treatment. Pharyngitis in children: symptoms and treatment. How to understand that a child has acute viral pharyngitis

Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa. This disease is quite common, so every person has encountered it more than once.

This disease is also called the common cold.

As a rule, the factors for the appearance of pharyngitis lie in the entry of a bacterial or viral infection into the nasopharynx in case of weakened immunity.

Often the disease develops due to hypothermia. For example, after drinking cold drinks or eating ice cream.

You can get infected with viral pharyngitis by airborne droplets. It spreads rapidly, in particular, it can become infected in places where there are many people.

Subsequently, a bacterial infection is often added to a viral infection. But sometimes this type of pharyngitis appears as an independent disease.

The most common causative agents of inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa include:

  1. coronavirus;
  2. rhinovirus (causes acute pharyngitis in 80% of cases);
  3. influenza and parainfluenza viruses;
  4. adenovirus.

In addition to bacteria and viruses, the appearance of pharyngitis can be caused by fungi, injury to the pharyngeal mucosa, allergies, and ingestion of gastric juice in the presence of chronic gastritis.

In addition, this disease, in particular nasopharyngitis, can develop when a foreign body enters the throat.

For your reference, we offer a video about pharyngitis and its treatment features at home.

Types and classification of the disease

The following types of pharyngitis are distinguished:

  • spicy;
  • chronic.

The acute form of the disease appears when the pharyngeal mucosa is exposed to aggressive factor(irritant gas, infections, etc.). The course of this type of disease is favorable.

Often develops against the background of untreated acute form diseases. This disease can also be independent, arising as a result of prolonged irritation of the pharyngeal mucosa. It is worth noting that in the course of the chronic form of the disease there are stages of remission and exacerbation.

Classification of acute pharyngitis:

  1. chronic;
  2. viral;
  3. traumatic;
  4. bacterial;
  5. provoked by exposure to irritating factors;
  6. allergic;
  7. fungal.

Catarrhal (simple) pharyngitis is classified according to the following principle:

The most common condition is catarrhal pharyngitis. It has been established that approximately 70% of all pharyngitis are provoked by rhinoviruses.

IN last years Studies have shown that rhinoviruses provoke more than 80% of the occurrence of pharyngeal inflammation during autumn-winter epidemics.

It is worth noting that a viral infection is often only initial stage disease, and subsequently a bacterial one joins it.


Every person has encountered manifestations of pharyngitis more than once. As a rule, these include constant coughing, pain during swallowing and a sore throat.

In the acute form of the disease, the following symptoms are present:

  1. increase in temperature (38 degrees and above);
  2. general malaise;
  3. weakness.

Z Often the infection tends to spread and after 2-3 days a runny nose is added to the pharyngitis.

Acute pharyngitis often has acute manifestations, but sometimes they are difficult to recognize. At the same time, the patient has no appetite, sleep is disturbed and his mood worsens. In addition, for many people, the signs of pharyngitis are not specific, and they are similar to the symptoms of any cold.

Moreover, pharyngitis can develop into nasopharyngitis, in which copious discharge. In addition, the peculiarity of the acute form is the occurrence of a reflex cough, which is a response to irritation.

The cough with pharyngitis is paroxysmal, unproductive, and sometimes very strong. It develops due to irritation caused by mucus running down the back of the throat.

Symptoms of the chronic form of pharyngitis are less pronounced. It is characterized by such manifestations as:

  • dry cough;
  • discomfort in the throat;
  • sore throat.

With this general state doesn't get worse, but local signs cause a lot of inconvenience, which can cause insomnia and severe irritability.

Often it is not an independent disease.

As a rule, this is a manifestation of other gastrointestinal diseases, resulting in symptoms such as discomfort in the intestines and stomach.

Here it is important to understand what antibiotics to take for a sore throat, and Dr. Komarovsky will talk about this.


The diagnosis of pharyngitis is established based on the patient’s complaints and information about the epidemiological situation, taking into account seasonal epidemics caused by viruses. In addition, the doctor performs a pharyngoscopy, during which he carefully examines the pharynx.

If necessary, a scraping is taken from back wall pharynx and tonsils for holding bacterial culture. This procedure allows you to identify the type of causative agent of the disease.


Often carried out local therapy, aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process of the pharynx. To do this, you can apply a warm and dry compress to the throat, which has a warming effect.

At the same time, it is shown inhalation treatment using medicines, drinking plenty of fluids and the use of drugs that have antibacterial effect and stimulating protective forces body.

It is worth noting that a viral infection cannot be treated with antibacterial agents. They are prescribed only if a fungal or bacterial pathogen. Moreover, antibiotics may be prescribed for prophylactic purposes in the treatment of traumatic pharyngitis.

It is worth noting that rhinitis is often associated with pharyngitis. Komarovsky advises treating it by rinsing the nose saline solution. And to eliminate the infection from the nasal cavity, the doctor prescribes antiseptic drops.

In addition, treatment of pharyngitis involves keeping the patient in a well-ventilated and warm room. But it is worth remembering that the patient should avoid excessive overheating or hypothermia.

In addition, in the absence of an allergic reaction to herbs, inhalation treatment can be carried out. For this purpose, the patient should inhale the healing vapors of plants.

As a rule, it contains antibacterial agents, with the help of which pharyngitis is treated, there are such antiseptic components as:

  1. chlorhexidine;
  2. thymol and its derivatives;
  3. hexetidine;
  4. lidocaint
  5. alcohols;
  6. tetracaine;
  7. ambazon;
  8. essential oils;
  9. menthol;
  10. benzydamine.

In addition, some preparations may contain bacterial lysates (Imudon), antiviral components (interferon, lysocin), vitamins ( ascorbic acid) And natural antiseptics(propolis, plant extracts).

To make the treatment of inflammation of the pharynx as effective as possible, you can watch a video where the doctor talks about the specifics of the therapy.

  • Mix lemon juice and 1 tbsp. l honey. The mass is boiled for 2 minutes, and then cinnamon and cloves are added. The product is infused for 20 minutes and drunk hot.
  • Every day before going to bed, the patient should drink a glass of warm milk with the addition of butter and honey.
  • 3 tsp. chopped carrots are mixed with 1 tsp. honey and a leaf of gold mustache. The resulting medicine should be kept in the mouth for some time and then spit out. This procedure is carried out 5 times a day.

Besides traditional treatment pharyngitis is impossible without the use of propolis. So, 60 g of beekeeping product is mixed with 40 g of wax using an aluminum container, which is placed on water bath. Inhalation procedures should be carried out over heated propolis 2-3 times a day.

In addition, you can do inhalations with the addition of chamomile. For this purpose, the patient bows his head over a container with a decoction, and then inhales the medicinal vapors. After this, you can steam your feet in hot water with mustard. And in conclusion, we offer Komarovsky’s opinion in the video in this article about sore throat, as a disease close to pharyngitis.

Pharyngitis - inflammatory disease, affecting mainly the mucous membranes of the pharynx and enlargement in the volume of lymph nodes. The disease has acute, subacute and chronic forms. Pharyngitis is characterized by symptoms such as:

  • moist cough;
  • chills;
  • a sore throat;
  • general weakness;
  • elevated temperature;
  • dry mouth, etc.

The presence of certain symptoms, as well as the degree of their severity, depend on the stage of the disease. To treat pharyngitis, doctors usually prescribe medications and procedures based on the form of the disease.

Treatment of pharyngitis in children at home should be carried out strictly with the permission of an otolaryngologist and pediatrician. There should be no independence in actions, in otherwise, the baby can be very seriously harmed. TO therapeutic methods procedures include:

  • carrying out inhalations;
  • gargling (if the baby is 2 years old or older);
  • providing nutrition that excludes fatty, spicy, cold, sour and salty foods;
  • providing the child with plenty of warm drinks, etc.

Children under two years of age do not know how to gargle properly. In this case, a nebulizer comes to the rescue. Inhalations have no less therapeutic effect than rinsing, especially if herbal infusions are used.

In addition to the above procedures, at home, the child can be given honey with lemon and red pepper, rinses with beet juice and with juice Kalanchoe plants, infusion of garlic, onion juice, decoction of blueberries and sage, etc.

Komarovsky on the treatment of pharyngitis in children

Komarovsky is a well-known pediatrician whose opinion is listened to by thousands of parents. The doctor has extensive experience treating children of all ages, so his advice is always very valuable to mothers and fathers of children. Regarding pharyngitis, Komarovsky also has his own opinion. The doctor recommends starting treatment for the child with the following measures:

  • providing the baby with plenty of warm drinks;
  • frequent ventilation of the children's room;
  • exclude exposure of the child’s body to cold: enemas with cold water, rubbing with a cold towel, applying ice, etc.
  • Do not rub your baby's dry skin, since they can instantly absorb the products that are used for rubbing (vodka, vinegar, etc.);
  • Finally, it is necessary to take the child to the hospital for a throat swab and blood test ( general analysis) to determine the causative agent of the disease.

Treatment of pharyngitis in children Komarovsky prohibits the child from constantly taking antipyretic drugs. These remedies do not treat the disease itself, but only help overcome one of the symptoms - fever.

Also the doctor is against self-treatment child. Without knowing the cause of the disease and its specific pathogen, it is impossible to prescribe high-quality, complete treatment to the baby. Only an otolaryngologist should prescribe a therapeutic course of taking certain medications after receiving all necessary tests child. Pharyngitis is not unduly serious and dangerous disease— complications that arise after an illness due to inadequate treatment can be dangerous and serious.

Dr. Komarovsky encourages mothers and fathers to be more attentive to the doctor’s instructions, to give their children only those medications and in the dosage prescribed by the attending physician.

Do not reduce or increase the dose of drugs, stop treating the child prematurely, or on the contrary, stretch it out over a longer period.

Preventive measures

In order for the baby to always be healthy from pharyngitis, Dr. Komarovsky advises carrying out simple preventive actions. These include:

  • removing items from the apartment that can accumulate large amounts of dust;
  • hardening the baby;
  • installing air humidifiers or other sources of humidification in the children's room;
  • include garlic in your child’s diet onion- these are some of the most effective products, fighting pathogenic microbes and bacteria;
  • change baby often toothbrush, which can accumulate over time great amount germs (it is necessary to change it after the baby has suffered from an illness);
  • provide for the baby constant reception ascorbic acid or feed the baby more often with foods containing vitamin C;
  • Provide the child with a constant intake of vitamins.

Komarovsky recommends starting treatment of pharyngitis in children from the very moment the baby’s first symptoms of the disease appear: the baby complains of a sore throat, has become lethargic, has abandoned his favorite toys, has a fever, etc. The sooner treatment begins, the faster baby will recover and be able to avoid unpleasant complications.

  • Daytime nap
  • Hysterics
  • The child has a sore throat. Grandmothers with the air of experts claim that this is a cold due to an extra portion of ice cream eaten the day before. Moms suspect a sore throat. The last word for a doctor who is urgently taken to see the child or who is called to the house. However, the doctor does not share the points of view of the parents and representatives of the older generation and confidently declares that the baby has pharyngitis. Authoritative children's doctor Evgeny Komarovsky will talk about pharyngitis in children.

    About the disease

    Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane and lymphoid tissue throats. If inflammatory process moves and invades the nasopharynx - this is nasopharyngitis (its other name is nasopharyngitis). Inflammation of the pharynx occurs for a variety of reasons:

    • viral infection caused by influenza viruses, adenoviruses;
    • bacterial infection with streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, fungi of the Candida family;
    • allergies that develop specifically in the larynx– due to inhalation of poisonous, toxic substances, dust.

    Pharyngitis can be acute or chronic. Acute develops immediately after negative impact or infection, and chronic - against the background of constant or sometimes recurring unfavorable factors that haunt the child quite long time. Sometimes chronic pharyngitis is generally independent disease, not viral and not allergic, in no way related to acute respiratory viral infections, influenza or manifestations of an allergic reaction. Moreover, such “independent” pharyngitis can have full periods of exacerbation and remission.

    Evgeny Komarovsky claims that there is nothing unusual in pharyngitis - the disease occurs in childhood more often than parents are used to thinking. There are children who receive this diagnosis 3-4 times a year, but this can no longer be considered the norm. Quite often, inflammation of the pharynx and nasopharynx can be caused by too dry air inhaled by a child, whose parents are very fond of closing all the windows and maintaining a hot microclimate in the apartment.


    Viral pharyngitis is usually acute. It develops against the background of ARVI or influenza, which means that it is characterized by all the symptoms of these diseases - runny nose, running snot, headaches, fever up to 38.0 degrees. With such pharyngitis, the child will complain of pain or a sore throat, and it will be painful for him to swallow. Breast baby who cannot complain about anything will begin to refuse food, cry and worry.

    Another hallmark pharyngitis is a dry cough that torments a child, especially at night. Often inflamed The lymph nodes on the neck. Evgeny Komarovsky claims that this is not surprising, because it is through these nodes that the outflow of lymph from the inflamed larynx occurs. Sometimes large red granular granules can be seen on the tonsils or walls of the larynx. Then pharyngitis will be called granulosa (with damage to lymphoid tissue).

    Allergic pharyngitis most often develops acutely, too, a short time after inhaling chemicals or allergens. There are no symptoms of ARVI, but there may well be a runny nose. The temperature rises slightly - up to 37.0-37.5, higher - extremely rarely. Dry nonproductive cough and the pain when swallowing is also quite intense.

    Bacterial pharyngitis is severe, with a temperature rise above 38.5 degrees, with severe painful sensations in the throat. Upon visual examination, there may be visible signs in the larynx and tonsils. purulent formations which are often confused with sore throat.

    The main difference between acute tonsillitis (tonsillitis) and acute pharyngitis (for the information of parents) is that with angina, the tonsils are affected, and with pharyngitis, the inflammatory process is more diffuse, it spreads to the walls of the larynx. With tonsillitis, the child complains of pain when swallowing; with pharyngitis, a dry cough will certainly be observed, as well as other symptoms characteristic of the disease.

    Chronic pharyngitis It occurs less clearly, and sometimes it is noticed only during periods of exacerbation. A child with chronic form illnesses, there is often a sore throat, there is often a feeling of dryness in the mouth and larynx, quite often a dry cough appears, but the temperature does not rise (at least until the next exacerbation). An exacerbation will resemble ordinary acute pharyngitis like two peas in a pod.


    The choice of treatment tactics depends on what kind of illness the child has developed - viral, bacterial or allergic. It should be noted that even very experienced doctor can't answer this the most important question only on the basis visual inspection child and assessments of all accompanying symptoms. The doctor, of course, will say that the baby has pharyngitis, but only two things will help determine its origin: simple analysis: clinical analysis blood and throat swab for flora and sensitivity to antibiotics.

    Without these studies, says Evgeniy Komarovsky, there can be no talk of any normal, responsible and conscious treatment of pharyngitis. After all, all three types of illness are completely curable different ways and drugs.

    You should not rush to follow the recommendations of a doctor who, having looked into your throat and established the presence of a disease, immediately prescribes antibiotics or prescribes several types antiviral agents. Such a doctor should be asked to write out a referral for tests, which should show how and what is best to treat.

    Viral pharyngitis is more common than other types, since children get sick with viral infections more often than all others. Approximately 85% acute pharyngitis wear viral nature. Such pharyngitis cannot be treated with antibiotics, says Evgeny Komarovsky. Antimicrobial agents are completely inactive against viruses, but increase the risk of developing a bacterial complication by 7-8 times.

    The only thing correct treatment viral pharyngitis - copious warm drink , sufficiently humidified air in the apartment where the sick child is, irrigation of the nasal mucosa and nasopharynx with saline solution (1 teaspoon of salt per liter of water). If the child's age allows, rinsing can be provided. sore throat all with the same saline solution. An antiseptic (for example, Miramistin), as well as lozenges with an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, are used locally for an inflamed throat. Komarovsky warns that there is no need to use “Lugol” (and even more so to cauterize the tonsils and larynx with iodine), since this is much more harmful to the child than pharyngitis, which is not smeared with anything, not treated or cauterized.

    Allergic pharyngitis will require a more detailed approach. Antibiotics are strictly contraindicated in the treatment of such a disease. The doctor may prescribe antihistamines– depending on the allergen (if its type can be quickly determined). Current salt rinses nose and larynx, as well as local antiseptics (except iodine).

    In addition, you will need to remove from the room all objects that can accumulate dust - carpets, Stuffed Toys, books. The air is humidified to a level of 50-70%, ventilated and often done in the child’s room wet cleaning.

    For bacterial pharyngitis, according to Evgeny Komarovsky, the issue of the need to use antibiotics is decided on an individual basis. Not in all cases antimicrobial agents generally needed. If there is a need for them, drugs of the penicillin group are most often used.

    Pharyngitis is a disease that characterizes the inflammatory process of the mucous surface of the pharynx. During such a diagnosis, in most cases, a modification of the lymph nodes of the throat is observed. This diagnosis has two forms of progression: acute and chronic.

    Causes of pharyngitis:

    The main symptoms in a child:

    Symptoms may not appear fully and may also have varying degrees severity (depending on individual characteristics and stages of the disease).

    Pharyngitis in infants has slightly different manifestations, since the baby is not yet able to talk about his health. Disease in in this case manifests itself in the form of lack of appetite, fever, lethargy, bad sleep and even refusing to drink. Often, parents may confuse the last of the symptoms with the process of teething, but this is not so. It is worth noting that if a child refuses to drink, it is time to sound the alarm, because this can be any disease of any complexity (from a cold to pneumonia with a fatal outcome).

    Pharyngitis in children treatment

    Treatment of pharyngitis in a child can only be under strict control children's specialist in this direction, because any self-prescription will definitely cause serious damage to the baby’s health.

    The basic concept of therapeutic effects according to Komarovsky:

    1. Inhalation using a home nebulizer.
    2. Gargling with the addition of specialized medications (recommended from 2 years).
    3. Optimal diet power supply: rich in vitamins food, small portions, fractional meals.
    4. Increasing the volume of drinking (maintaining the optimal temperature of the liquid consumed).

    Dr. Komarovsky claims that inhalations can be used to treat children under 2 years of age instead of rinsing the throat. The most convenient devices For carrying out this kind of manipulation a nebulizer can rightfully be considered. To get maximum effect, you should add anti-inflammatory herbs to it.

    Komarovsky categorically refuses the algorithm for treating pharyngitis in a child with the systematic use of antipyretic medications, since they have a detrimental effect on the still fragile body of the little man. The doctor believes that such medications do not provide therapeutic effect, only temporarily relieving the symptoms of the disease.

    You should also completely refuse self-medication, especially if we're talking about about the child's health. It's connected with absent parents specific education , which would allow them to qualitatively determine the root cause of the disease, because only in this case is it possible right choice child treatment regimens.

    The doctor also insists: therapy can be prescribed only after examining the child and taking all the necessary tests. Pharyngitis is not difficult to treat, however, the complications are quite serious, so you should not joke with him.

    It is worth paying attention to strict control of the dosage of medicine consumed by the child, since only strict compliance with all necessary instructions can give the desired result and contribute to speedy recovery.

    How to treat?

    As a rule, in such cases, a drug that neutralizes the cough must be prescribed (there are various shapes release according to the child's age and the wishes of the parents). Pain-relieving aerosols and other medications can also be used locally. If necessary, you should also take an antipyretic. It is important to remember that the temperature is most often not reduced to 38, because the body must fight the infection on its own.

    IN in some cases homeopathic and immunomodulating medicines are prescribed. However the need for their reception should be agreed upon with a specialized specialist. Dr. Komarovsky recommends gargling with chlorhexidine, alternating it with saline solution homemade.

    On this moment on the Internet there are many video of Dr. Komarovsky, in which an eminent pediatrician tells parents about the treatment of certain diseases. That is why, to reinsure yourself, it is possible to take advantage of the advice of an eminent specialist.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    Throat treatment can also be done with the help of drugs alternative medicine. However, in this case, you should remember that all your actions need to be discussed with your pediatrician.

    To neutralize the disease, you can use freshly squeezed lemon juice and a spoonful of high-quality honey. The contents are mixed and, if desired, add boiling water and spices to it. Otherwise, they simply give the child a teaspoon as needed depending on the baby’s well-being.

    Chamomile decoction is added to the nebulizer for inhalation. If such equipment is not at hand, then it is permissible use the old-fashioned method with a saucepan. For children, the last option cannot be used.

    This proven method also works great: warm milk with the addition of no large quantity natural oil and honey. This procedure carried out mainly before bedtime, which contributes to the child’s speedy recovery.

    The carrots are grated on a medium grater, then the golden mustache is added to it. This medicine traditional medicine used primarily for resorption.

    A decoction of propolis can also work wonders. That is why, if there is colds The child is given a complex of inhalations with the addition of such a medicine.

    The procedure of gargling with water-salt solution, which you can make yourself. In the absence of diseases thyroid gland , I add a few drops of iodine to this composition. For these purposes, you can use absolutely any complex of anti-inflammatory herbs. St. John's wort is not used for human immunodeficiency virus, as it negatively affects overall health and also reduces the body's level of defense.


    Incorrect treatment of pharyngitis or the absence thereof in both children and adults provokes various kinds complications that manifest themselves in the form of laryngitis and bronchitis, and even pneumonia. When untimely or poor quality treatment lungs may develop pneumonia, which short term capable of taking a person's life. That's why delay First stage not worth therapy. Only a competent and specialized doctor can prescribe it.


    In order to protect yourself and your household from relapses of pharyngitis, you should carefully inspect the apartment for things that contribute to the accumulation of large amounts of dust. Discard them. There is also the practice of hardening a child, even in early age, that at the right approach leads to strengthening of the immune system.

    If you have frequent pharyngitis, you should purchase a device that determines the humidity of the room air. It is important to stick to the norm. When if the air has insufficient humidity levels, it is worth working in this direction by installing a humidifier in the children's room. It is also recommended to eat onions or garlic, which can strengthen the protective barrier of the human body.

    You should also pay attention to your baby’s toothbrush: harmful microbes and bacteria of various types can also accumulate there. If necessary you can change it more often. Vitamin C and ascorbic acid will become indispensable assistants in strengthening the immune system. In case of frequent colds, you should include taking a vitamin complex.

    It is important to understand that treatment of pharyngitis in a baby should begin after the first symptoms are identified, which will help cope with the disease in a short time.

    How to treat pharyngitis in children? Dr. E. O. Komarovsky, a well-known and respected person among parents, says that there is no need to panic if a child has pharyngitis. But this does not mean that the disease can be left to chance. The main thing is to provide conditions conducive to the child’s recovery and not interfere with his body’s fight against infection.

    Treatment “according to Komarovsky” is very popular. This is not surprising, because Dr. Komarovsky not only tells in detail how to treat a child, but also explains how such treatment affects the body. Evgeniy Olegovich himself has repeatedly emphasized that he promotes a healthy attitude among parents towards children’s illnesses, in particular towards colds.

    Let's talk about exactly how Dr. Komarovsky advises treatment.

    Is this pharyngitis?

    Parents do not always have a clear idea of ​​what pharyngitis is. This is the first thing a famous pediatrician pays attention to. But the ability to distinguish pharyngitis from other throat diseases can help you choose the most suitable scheme treatment, monitor the healing process and do not miss the moment when antibiotics may be required. The fact is that with pharyngitis, antibiotics are needed extremely rarely, since this disease in most cases has viral nature. Sore throat is usually caused streptococcal infection, which can only be destroyed by antibiotic therapy. Thus, the treatment of these diseases is fundamentally different.

    How to understand that a child has acute viral pharyngitis?

    Pharyngitis is a disease based on inflammation of the mucous membrane and lymphoid tissue of the pharynx.

    With pharyngitis, it is the pharynx that is affected, the organ that connects oral cavity with the underlying respiratory tract– larynx, trachea, etc. Through the open mouth you can see only a small part of the pharynx, behind the tonsils and soft palate. The symptoms of its inflammation are as follows:

    • redness of the throat;
    • swelling of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and surrounding tissues;
    • small ulcers, erosions and bruises may be noticeable on the mucous membrane;
    • sore throat, dryness, sore throat;
    • general malaise - weakness, drowsiness, apathy.

    It is important to note that with pharyngitis, the patient’s tonsils remain in in good condition. If the tonsils are enlarged and covered with mucopurulent plaque, it is obvious that the child has acute tonsillitis, i.e. angina. In some cases, tonsillopharyngitis, a mixed form of the disease, is also diagnosed.

    Both viral and accompanied by a significant increase in body temperature, especially in the first days of the disease.

    About viral and bacterial causes

    In most cases, when a child complains of a sore throat, and parents notice that his throat is very red, pharyngitis is occurring, and it is also viral. ARVI viruses (acute respiratory viral infections) very often cause outbreaks of colds in children's groups - group kindergarten, school class, etc. Komarovsky believes that this is normal, noting that a child with a normal immune system can get colds, including up to 10 times a year. Literally this means that the signs mild cold a child may experience them almost every month. Faced with many viruses, the immune system a person accumulates a kind of “database” about all kinds of pathogens. In the future, the introduction of such a virus will no longer cause such clear signs. This is why colds in adults are usually mild, without fever or complications.

    Pharyngitis bacterial origin It is rare among children. In most cases, it is a complication of the viral form. Inflammation is caused by opportunistic microflora bacteria present on the mucous membranes of almost every person. Accession secondary infection usually occurs on the 3-4th day of viral pharyngitis. If this happens, the child’s condition worsens sharply - the throat begins to hurt more, a purulent plaque forms in the throat, the body temperature rises to 38.5 C and higher.

    Dr. Komarovsky notes that the development of secondary bacterial pharyngitis is facilitated by incorrect treatment, in particular, insufficient drinking and dry air in the patient’s room.

    Drug treatment

    Dr. Komarovsky believes that for viral pharyngitis, treatment should be aimed, first of all, at preventing complications, namely, the addition of a bacterial infection. To do this, it is necessary to make the child’s throat an unfavorable environment for bacteria. A variety of antiseptics have exactly this effect, inhibiting the proliferation of bacteria, fungi and viruses that inhabit the upper respiratory tract.

    One of the most effective and simple ways treatment Evgeniy Olegovich considers rinsing.

    The pediatrician recommends infusions as a solution for rinsing medicinal herbs– sage, chamomile, St. John's wort.

    A simpler option is salty water. Just dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a glass warm water– and the gargling solution is ready. It cleanses the mucous membrane well of plaque and moisturizes it. The procedure can be repeated every 2 hours. Unfortunately, this method of treatment is not suitable for everyone - very young children do not yet know how to gargle.

    Komarovsky often mentions the following effective and available drugs for the treatment of pharyngitis:

    1. Faringosept lozenges. They have a pleasant chocolate taste and cope well with pain and soreness. But their main advantage is their pronounced antiseptic effect.
    2. Bronhikum Komarovsky recommends the drug for both cough and sore throat. These lozenges contain thyme extract, which has an anti-inflammatory and thinning effect.
    3. Doctor Mom lollipops have similar action– relieve swelling, reduce pain, prevent mucus accumulation. The peculiarity of the drug is the presence of all kinds of flavors: berries, orange, pineapple, etc. Regardless taste qualities, all Doctor Mom lollipops contain extracts of licorice, ginger, emblica and menthol.
    4. The drug Falimint is an antitussive drug that has a mild analgesic effect. The pediatrician recommends it both for pharyngitis and other acute respiratory diseases upper respiratory tract.
    5. Among the antiseptic sprays for the throat, Komarovsky singles out Orasept. It has antimicrobial and antifungal effect. In addition, Oracept reduces pain. The spray has a pleasant cherry flavor that children like. It is suitable for children from 2 years old.

    The above drugs can be used for both viral and viral infections. However, it should be remembered that bacterial infection Antiseptics alone cannot cure it - antibiotics are needed.

    How to speed up recovery?

    Komarovsky pays great attention to providing conditions favorable for the child’s recovery. First, let your child rest - no need to send him to school, or try to “catch up” missed lessons at home. The patient should sleep a lot. If desired, he can read books, watch TV, and draw. The main thing is that the entertainment is calm.

    The child's room should have clean air at a comfortable temperature and humidity. Experts recommend maintaining the temperature at 20°C and humidity around 50-60%. To achieve such conditions, ventilate the room, humidify the air with wet towels, regularly carry out wet cleaning. Let better baby dress warmer than breathe too warm dry air.

    Dr. Komarovsky believes that dry air irritates the mucous membranes, increases soreness and slows down recovery.

    You should also take care of the nutrition of the sick child. First, he must drink a lot. Preference should be given to drinks such as mineral water, compote, fruit drink, Herb tea. As for food, it should be warm and non-irritating (spices and spices should be excluded).

    When is a doctor needed?

    Do not think that Dr. Komarovsky promotes self-medication among parents. On the contrary, the pediatrician recommends consulting a doctor at the first symptoms of pharyngitis. Only an in-person examination can give full view about the child’s condition and the characteristics of the course of the disease.

    In some situations, medical help should be immediate. Komarovsky says that ambulance A child with a sore throat should be called if:

    • the child’s body temperature exceeds 38°C;
    • breathing is accompanied by wheezing, whistling;
    • pain when swallowing is very strong;
    • nausea and vomiting occurred;
    • tonsils are enlarged and covered with pus;
    • a rash appears on the skin or mucous membranes;
    • the child loses consciousness.

    Pharyngitis can easily be confused with more serious diseases such as tonsillitis, diphtheria, mononucleosis, so parents should always be on alert.