Antiviral drugs for human papillomavirus. Remedies and medicines for papillomas: a list of the most effective drugs. Preparations for papillomas, which are applied to intimate places


Today there are many drugs against this pathology on the body, which affects men and women: it is easy to get confused which one to choose. Treating human papillomavirus (HPV) is not easy, because this infection, which has hundreds of species, is ineradicable. It is important to approach the problem competently, taking into account the characteristics of drugs of different categories.

Treatment of warts and papillomas with medications

Such formations of a viral nature on the face, neck, limbs, and genitals can be quickly eliminated surgically, using a laser, or by freezing them with liquid nitrogen. However, surgical removal of skin pathologies is not always advisable. Then, instead of radical measures, one or another medicine is used for papillomas and warts. Proper use of medications gives very good results.

You need to understand: once a human papillomavirus infection has entered the body, it is no longer possible to get rid of HPV forever. The maximum that well-chosen drugs can do is keep microorganisms “in the black body” and stop their reproduction. As a result of complex treatment, immunity is restored. This is the only way to say goodbye to skin manifestations of infection.

Pharmacies have many medications for removing warts and papillomas at different prices. Two groups of drugs are in demand, fundamentally different in their effects. Local (external) drugs are applied to the tissue of the growths: the altered cells die and fall off. Systemic medications (tablets, capsules) inhibit papillomaviruses from the inside. It is better to treat HPV comprehensively, combining drugs from both categories: this is the most reliable option.

A simple and affordable medicine for warts in a pharmacy, as well as papillomas and calluses, can be purchased without a prescription. Buy products from this list:

  • salicylic acid (alcohol);
  • tincture of iodine;
  • lapis pencil;
  • castor oil (against warts);
  • Salipod (adhesive plaster for removing calluses);
  • ammonia;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • tea tree essential oil.

Effective systemic medications include antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs:

  • Acyclovir;
  • Viferon;
  • Panavir;
  • Isoprinosine, etc.

External remedy for papillomas and warts

The following drugs are often used:

  • cream for warts and papillomas Aldara (Imikvad, Ziklara);
  • Veregen ointment;
  • Cycloferon liniment; Collomac solution;
  • aerosol CryoPharma;
  • Wartner applicator (especially for plantar warts on the feet);
  • Feresol solution;
  • gel Dermavit;
  • celandine juice, etc.

Ointment for warts and papillomas

What is the value of drugs of this form? Ointments against papillomas, condylomas, warts, keratomas are minimally toxic at maximum therapeutic doses. The growths, if you smear them with these products, which actively affect pathological skin cells, disappear. You can reduce them if you buy one of these drugs:

  • Oxolinic ointment;
  • Salicylic ointment;
  • Viferon;
  • Aldara;
  • Verrucacid;
  • Solcoderm.

lapis pencil

This is an old remedy based on silver nitrate, which is sold in pharmacies at an affordable price. The pencil for removing warts and papillomas is easy to use and acts quickly. Lapis has cauterizing, antibacterial and necrotic effects. You just need to treat neoplasms with it carefully, without touching neighboring areas of the body, otherwise healthy skin will turn black. The pencil can cause burns and scarring. It is especially dangerous to remove growths on the face, neck, and genitals.

Liquid for removing papillomas and warts

Chemically aggressive solutions destroy the tissue of formations. They are applied in very limited quantities. Popular solutions, aerosols, drops for papillomas and warts:

  • Feresol;
  • Verrucacid;
  • Collomak;
  • CryoPharma;
  • Podophyllin;
  • Supercleaner (concentrated alkalis);
  • salicylic alcohol.

Immunostimulating medicine for human papillomavirus infection

If the HPV disease is severe and causes frequent relapses, this indicates that the body’s defenses are weak. In this case, drugs must be prescribed to strengthen them. Among the medications for papillomas and warts in complex treatment, doctors include immunomodulators:

  • Viferon;
  • Isoprinosine;
  • Aldara (Keravort);
  • Panavir;
  • Lycopid.

Tablets for warts and papillomas

Isoprinosine is considered an effective medicine, which blocks the reproduction of HPV and destroys diseased cells. In addition to the antiviral effect, the tablets strengthen the immune system. The course of treatment with Isoprinosine is 2-4 weeks. This medicine against papillomas and warts in condylomas is often prescribed after surgery for greater effectiveness.

Treatment of HPV with homeopathy

Many drugs that contain natural ingredients are also immunomodulators. Such drugs are especially effective in the complex treatment of papillomavirus. These are well-known tinctures of ginseng, lemongrass, echinacea, and aralia. Malavit cream, containing mumiyo, acids and extracts of Altai herbs, is considered a valuable homeopathic remedy. In addition, thuja, Potassium bichromicum, Arana diadema, Natrium sulfuricum, Staphysagria and others are effective.

Plant-based drug for papillomas and warts

Such products are also in demand because they act more gently than, for example, concentrated acids or alkalis. This:

  • Epigen – spray, gel based on licorice extract;
  • Podophyllin is a solution containing an extract of the medicinal plant Podophyllum thyroid;
  • Panavir is a very effective suppository, gel, spray, injection solution, the raw material for the production of which is young potato tops.

How to choose a medicine for papillomas on the body

It makes the most sense to use a prescription from a dermatologist. If neoplasms caused by papillomavirus appear in intimate places, a woman should see a gynecologist, and a man should see an andrologist. Although there are many medications in pharmacies that allow you to remove skin defects yourself at home, you should not take the risk. That's why:

  • Papillomas (especially those that look like moles) can be malignant.
  • Due to unsuccessfully selected medications or incomplete treatment, skin growths appear in the same places again.

Which medicine for papillomas and warts will have the best effect? The pharmacy should be guided not only by the price of the drug - the high cost of the drug does not guarantee the achievement of a therapeutic effect. You need to read the instructions very carefully for information about contraindications and side effects of medications. It is especially important to study them if growths have formed on the face, neck, or genitals. When choosing medications yourself, you need to buy medications that can achieve two main goals:

  1. Eliminate skin defects.
  2. Strengthen your immune system to prevent relapses of the disease.

Price of medicine for papillomas and warts

The estimated cost of popular anti-HPV drugs in pharmacies is as follows:



(in rubles)

Aldara (Keravort)






ointment, gel











cream, gel


solution (drops)


Salicylic alcohol



Super clean


Papilloma is a benign tumor-like formation of a viral nature. The formation of a pathological growth on the epidermis provokes an obvious cosmetic defect, on internal organs it can cause bleeding and ulcers, and in the larynx it impairs the voice and respiratory function. Despite successful treatment, there is a risk of relapse with complications, namely degeneration into a malignant formation. Treatment of papillomavirus is carried out comprehensively; in addition to taking pills, laser removal of tumors is carried out.

Human papillomavirus infection unites a group of pathologies, the development of which is caused by the action of HPV. This microorganism can cause serious health problems. It affects the skin, mucous membranes, and can be transmitted sexually and through skin contact. The following manifestations of the virus are mainly recorded:

  • papillomas;
  • warts;
  • intraepithelial cervical neoplasia;
  • laryngeal papillomatosis.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by a dermatologist, venereologist. Given the large variety of the virus, it is extremely difficult to make a reliable diagnosis as a result of a visual examination. This is possible in the case of genital warts, but there is no information about the oncogenicity, the type of the virus itself. If HPV is suspected, it is important to obtain viral DNA testing.

When the main method of therapy remains removal of the papilloma, then in parallel it is necessary to perform a biopsy for cytological examination. This will allow you to get the most accurate result regarding malignancy and the degree of changes in the human body.

It is important to remember that untreated, long-lasting papillomas become the main cause of cancer.

Effective ways to fight the virus

In each case, the treatment regimen is selected strictly individually. When the human papillomavirus is detected during the diagnostic process, but there are still no symptoms, preventive treatment with cytostatics is carried out. With its help, you can easily “put to sleep” HPV for several years. Persons who are carriers of the virus are required to regularly carry out PCR diagnostics and use only proven means of contraception - condoms, so as not to infect their sexual partner.

If the virus manifests itself on the skin or mucous membrane, it is recommended to resort to the following methods:

  • laser removal;
  • cryodestruction;
  • surgical excision;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • radio wave method.

Removing papillomas does not guarantee getting rid of the appearance of new formations. That is why patients are recommended to undergo periodic examinations and also undergo a course of antiviral treatment. HPV is often transmitted sexually, so you should protect your partner by using a condom. If you are planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to carry out diagnosis and treatment to reduce the risk of infection of the child during childbirth.

Types of medications for HPV

Treatment of the virus should be combined, carried out in several directions simultaneously. For this purpose it is common to use the following medications:

  1. . Designed to strengthen and enhance the human immune system in order to actively fight the virus.
  2. Antiviral agents. Helps reduce the intensity of the influence of HPV on the patient.
  3. Crema, . Helps remove growths.

Only a doctor can prescribe any medication; self-medication is highly discouraged!

In most cases, papillomas disappear on their own - after high-quality complex therapy.

Features of prescribing medications

  1. Isoprinosine. This is a powerful immunostimulating agent with a pronounced antiviral effect.
    The tablets must be taken after meals and follow the instructions, as there are a number of contraindications. Isoprinosine helps to activate protective functions, enhance the production of leukocytes and immunoglobulins, which ensures the destruction of the virus. Each tablet contains 500 mg of the active substance, namely inosine pranobex. Children over 12 years of age and adults are prescribed 1-2 tablets four times a day, washed down with plenty of water. The duration of the treatment course is from two weeks to a month, then a thirty-day break is taken. The treatment is repeated twice. There is a risk of developing a side effect - deterioration of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Groprinosin. This is one of the best analogues of the previous product; it contains a substance such as inosine. It has an antiviral and immunomodulatory effect.
    The daily dose is eight tablets, the duration of therapy can vary from one to two weeks. In some cases, Groprinosin is taken for six months, taking breaks. It all depends on the frequency of relapses and the severity of the condition. It has a milder effect than Isoprinosine, so they are prescribed to elderly people with angina pectoris.
  3. Acyclovir. The release form of the drug is cream, ointment, tablets.
    It is a synthetic analogue of purine base. An immunostimulating effect is observed, helping to block the production of viral DNA, which prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. Children over two years old are allowed. Usage pattern: 5 times per knock. If the form of the pathology is too severe, then the single dosage is increased to two tablets. Contraindications include allergies to the composition and the period of breastfeeding. Drink with extreme caution during pregnancy, as well as in case of kidney failure.
  4. Lycopid. It has a strong immunostimulating effect on the human body. Provides fight against HPV, pathogenic microorganisms and fungi.
    Likopid helps enhance the medicinal effect of all other drugs. The main advantage is that it has no contraindications, therefore it is approved for the treatment of children. Dosage – one tablet three times a day for two weeks. After the course, you need a ten-day break, and then take it again.
  5. Allokin-Alpha. The drug has a complex effect: immunostimulating and antiviral. It is produced in the form of a powder in ampoules, on its basis an injection solution is prepared.
    The patient is given at least six injections every other day. The drug is administered in a dosage of 1 milligram at a time. Allokin-Alpha significantly reduces the risk of recurrence of the disease. Suitable for men and women, but the best results are recorded at the early stage of the disease. If we are talking about new growths, then they are easy to get rid of even without surgical intervention. Contraindications for use: pregnancy, childhood.
  6. Immunomax. The herbal drug is very effective in the fight against HPV. Helps stimulate and activate antiviral immunity.
    Release form: powder for injection. It is mainly prescribed after surgical removal of papilloma to prevent relapse. An intramuscular injection is given on the first, second and third days, the course is repeated on the eighth, ninth, tenth day.
  7. Wobenzym. Copes well with inflamed papillomas. Relieves swelling, eliminates burning and itching of the affected part of the skin. The drug is complex, the main properties are: decongestant, anti-inflammatory, secondary analgesic, immunomodulatory, fibrinolytic.
    At the beginning of therapy, take 5-10 tablets three times a day, then reduce the dosage to 3-5 pieces half an hour before meals. Contraindications: likelihood of bleeding, personal intolerance. Can be taken during lactation and pregnancy.
  8. Polyoxidonium. It has several forms of release: powder, suppositories, tablets. As for the powder, it is used to prepare a solution for injection.
    The use of suppositories can be rectal or vaginal. The course of therapy is twenty suppositories, one each for the first three days, then every other day. Excellent tolerability and effectiveness are noted.
  9. This is an excellent choice for those who prefer to treat papillomas with drops. The kit includes a convenient applicator that ensures precise application to the papilloma. The drug is considered new, so it contains many relevant, effective developments.
    Apply directly onto the affected part of the skin - three times a day. The composition contains the active substance – metacresol. An effective effect on the tumor-like growth is observed; it is possible not only to cauterize, but also to destroy the viral infection.
  10. Unique drops with herbal composition. The main method of influence: cauterization, drying, as well as an antitumor effect.
    Apply to papilloma morning and evening for four days. After this, you need a break for five days and repeat the course. The total duration of therapy should not exceed five weeks. It is important to know that the effect of the proposed drug can be called aggressive, so you should use it carefully and in limited quantities. Avoid contact with healthy epidermis.
  11. Feresol. The drug occupies a leading position among all drugs intended to combat papillomas, moles, condylomas, and warts. Oily liquid has many positive reviews. The product is applied to the affected area, do not touch healthy skin. Carry out continuous lubrication for ten to forty-five minutes, it all depends on the size of the tumor formation. The approximate number of manipulations is 5.
  12. The cream contains 5% synthetic immunomodulator imiquimod. Suitable for complex treatment of neoplasms.
    Apply to the skin three times a week before bedtime, rinse with warm water in the morning. It is not advisable to use it during pregnancy, with the exception of multiple formation of papillomas. Sold by prescription. Despite its high effectiveness, sometimes side effects such as pain, itching, and burning in the area of ​​application occur.

In addition to the listed drugs, many patients use alternative home remedies: iodine, hydrogen peroxide, etc.

The choice of drug directly depends on the degree of damage, the size of the tumor and the area of ​​localization, and oncogenicity. In any case, there is no need to experiment and risk your own health and life. If there is a suspicion of human papillomavirus, it is important to immediately visit a dermatologist or venereologist. Undergo a full diagnosis, begin timely and competent treatment, taking into account all contraindications and exceptions. Considering that there is no one hundred percent chance of a complete cure, it is important to constantly be examined and tested. As for medications, immunomodulators and antivirals remain the most effective and relevant.

No matter how rapidly modern medicine develops, it does not yet have a single method of treating a virus such as human papilloma. When it is detected, the doctor selects treatment, taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s body.

As a rule, experts recommend getting rid of benign formations using hardware. This helps eliminate them and prevents new ones from appearing. However, we should not forget that such treatment will not completely rid a person of HPV. Harmful bacteria still remain in the body and after some time can provoke the appearance of new formations. To avoid such risks, doctors prescribe antiviral drugs for papillomas to patients.

Antiviral drugs for HPV

The pharmaceutical market offers many drugs for papilloma, but the best results are shown by:

  1. Immunomax;
  2. Lycopid;

All of the above tools have their own characteristics. Let's look at each of them in detail.

Isoprinosine tablets

The active ingredient of the antiviral drug for HPV is inosis pranobex. It provokes the formation of new molecules in RNA and DNA human cells. Taking this medicine against human papilloma provides:

  1. Restores the activity of lymphocytes, which are central to the immune system of our body. It has been clinically proven that low lymphocyte activity is one of the reasons for the development of HPV in humans;
  2. Increases the functionality of natural killer cells and T-helpers, which are highly specialized immune cells. They are the ones who fight cells infected with the virus;
  3. It provokes the production of the active substance interferon, which “searches” for “bad” cells, prevents the development of the virus and serves as a kind of “beacon” for T-helper cells.
  4. Activates the work of macrophages, interleukins and neutrophils.

This antiviral drug for HPV is prescribed for the treatment of papillomas in the larynx and on the body, and against genital warts. It should be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor and strictly according to the instructions.

The active substance is interferon alpha-2b and vitamins C and E. This antiviral drug for papillomavirus has an increased immunomodulating effect and high antiviral activity. The main components of its composition allow you to increase the strength of your own immunity in the fight against harmful cells.

Antiviral ointment for papillomas has undeniable advantages:

  • Natural composition;
  • Easily absorbed by the body;
  • Fast acting;
  • Does not cause irritation or allergies;
  • Suitable for treating pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • Alpha-2b is a natural protein that helps the immune system fight infection faster.

As a rule, an antiviral drug for HPV is prescribed in the early stages of the disease. Despite all the positive qualities and the lack of information about overdose, the suppository is not recommended for use as self-medication.

Suppository Genferon

The antiviral drug for papillomavirus contains three special components that ensure the success of treatment:

  1. Interferon alpha-2. This substance gives strength to the immune system, stimulates it to produce phagocytes and killer cells, as well as the differentiation of lymphocytes. Under the influence of interferon, leukocytes are activated in the mucous membrane and help it eliminate pathological foci and restore the production of immunoglobulin A;
  2. Benzocaine. Local anesthetic. Thanks to it, calcium is displaced from the receptors, cell membranes do not allow sodium ions to pass through, and nerve impulses are blocked;
  3. Taurine. This substance has reparative, anti-inflammatory, regenerating and antioxidant properties.

This antiviral drug for the treatment of HPV has a wide range of indications for use. It can be used to treat children, pregnant and breastfeeding women. Side effects include allergic reactions and mild itching. But everything goes away 2-3 days after the last use of the suppository.

Genferon is available in several dosages, so it should only be prescribed by a doctor. If the dosage is incorrectly selected, the patient may feel worse and develop allergies.

Allokin-alpha powder

The main substance is alloferon. The main effect in the human body is to stimulate the immune system to produce its own interferon and killer cells - cells that kill viruses. This antiviral for papillomas is prescribed only by a doctor and is available at the pharmacy with a prescription. It is prohibited for the treatment of children under 18 years of age, pregnant women and women undergoing lactation. The drug has a number of side effects:

  • Prostration;
  • slight dizziness;
  • Rash;
  • May cause allergies.

But they appear only in rare cases. It is prohibited to combine it with alcohol, since it will neutralize the effect of the powder and can increase side effects. According to reviews from doctors and patients, this medicine is considered one of the best against the human papilloma virus.

Spray Epigen Intim

The active ingredient of this antiviral drug against papillomavirus is glycyrrhizic acid from licorice root. It has anti-inflammatory, regenerating and immunostimulating effects on the body. In the immune system it provokes:

  • Production and activation of lymphocytes;
  • Reduces the amount of immunoglobulin G;
  • Increases the amount of immunoglobulin A and M.

The acid present in the composition blocks the development of the virus in the early stages and prevents it from penetrating cells. This antiviral drug for HPV in women can also be used for preventive purposes.

It is prescribed only by a gynecologist, since only a doctor can choose the correct way to use the medicine.

In addition to high results, the drug has another undeniable advantage - it is suitable for treating pregnant women even at a short period of time and young mothers who are breastfeeding. Apart from allergies to its constituent components, Epigen Intim has no side effects.

Immunomax powder

This antiviral drug for human papilloma is a powerful immunostimulant that helps our body fight harmful microorganisms and bacteria.

After entering the body, Immunomax activates the immune system within literally 2 hours. Due to this property, specialists most often prescribe this drug in the early stages of the disease. It can also be used for preventive purposes to improve the immune system.

The antiviral drug HPV has a wide range of uses and has the following effects on the body:

  1. Activates phagocytes;
  2. Improves the synthesis of antibodies;
  3. Stimulates the production of interleukins;
  4. Enhances the production and activity of killer cells present in the body.

As a cure for HPV, it is not suitable for children, pregnant and lactating women. May cause fever and allergic reactions. Typically, these side effects are not considered serious and the pills can be continued. To date, no cases of overdose have been recorded, but still, the antiviral drug for papillomas should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor and follow the instructions.

The active ingredient in antiviral ointment for papillomas is imiquimod, which has a strong antitumor effect. The ointment is prescribed for the treatment of:

  • Condylomas acuminata;
  • Superficial basalioma;
  • Actinic keratosis.

The ointment is contraindicated for people with hypersensitivity to its components. Not recommended for the treatment of pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Antiviral ointment for papillomas has a number of side effects:

  1. Dizziness;
  2. Drowsiness;
  3. Pain in the muscles;
  4. Pain in the area where the drug is applied;
  5. Peeling of the skin;
  6. Swelling.

People to whom a doctor has prescribed Aldara should use it strictly as directed and seek advice if side effects do not go away for several days in a row.

Despite not all the benefits of the drugs described above, remember that only a doctor can prescribe the most suitable one for you. It is better not to take risks with self-medication and entrust your health to professionals.

HPV () is a whole group of viruses of various types that infect the skin or mucous membranes of humans. Treatment for HPV requires complex treatment, often lasting years. Medicines for their treatment are multidirectional. Some of them are responsible for removing papillomas - that is, the external manifestations of the virus, others for fighting the virus, and others for strengthening the immune defense.

Important! It is impossible to deny the fact that in some cases the virus goes away on its own, without any treatment, the body itself gets rid of the unwanted guest.

Features of drug treatment of papillomas

Outpatient treatment of papillomavirus, depending on the clinical picture, is designed for a long period and can last up to several months.

Note! There is no one medicine for papillomas. Drug treatment requires a mandatory individual approach to drug administration. They must be used in a strictly defined order.

For example, stop taking it at least a week before the expected destruction of formations.

Prescribed taking into account possible concomitant diseases.

Effective treatment of chronic pathologies that affect work is also important. Those who decide to get rid of papillomas on their own with one medicine will be disappointed.

Cure HPV forever

Unfortunately, Once it enters the human body, the papilloma virus forever leaves its DNA in the cells. Existing medications can suppress the virus, get rid of external manifestations, reduce the amount to a harmless minimum, and instill immunity to certain types of the virus, but it is impossible to completely rid the body of the presence of HPV using medications.

However, the good news is that the human body is capable of getting rid of HPV on its own forever. This requires strong immunity and youth.

Note! Young people, under 30 years of age, who have a high immune status, independently “destroy” the virus that has entered the body.

How to treat HPV

If it is impossible to completely cure a disease, a reasonable question arises: why treat it at all?

Firstly, the external manifestation of the disease does not always lead to physical discomfort, but almost always causes psychological discomfort; papillomas can become a source of additional infection with other viruses and, moreover, they themselves are simply contagious. To prevent it from spreading to even more people, it is necessary to control the virus to minimize the chances of transmission.

Treatment of HPV must be comprehensive. Independently combating the manifestations of pathology, without consulting a specialist, without examination is not only ineffective, but can also aggravate the problem.

Treatment includes:

  • Antiviral drug therapy
  • Drugs to stimulate your own immunity
  • Destructive effect on the external manifestation of the virus - removal of papillomas, condylomas, warts

Note! The manifestations of HPV are often hidden from people because they cannot be seen on their own. They can be located on the cervix, mucous membranes of the vagina, pharynx, and anus.

If you suspect a possible infection, or if your sexual partner has papillomas, warts or condylomas, visit a dermatologist, dermatovenerologist, gynecologist or urologist.

Antiviral therapy for HPV

Photo 1: Antiviral drugs are prescribed to fight infection through the blood. Medicines are taken orally (tablets) or by injection (intramuscular injections). The local form of antiviral drugs is offered by pharmacology in the form of solutions, ointments, gels, and suppositories. Source: flickr (Gergana P).

Antiviral drugs destroy the virus and prevent its reproduction and spread.

At the same time, these medications stimulate the immune system.

Indications for the use of antiviral agents are:

  • multiple external formations - papillomas, warts, condylomas;
  • low immune status of the patient (history of chronic gastrointestinal diseases, HIV);
  • detected infection with highly oncogenic types of virus.

Antiviral drugs for HPV

A drugRelease formActionIndications and contraindications
Pills.Poly antiviral drug with an immunomodulatory effect. Actively destroys viruses. Accelerates and supports the production of lymphocytes, monocytes and macrophages.It is prohibited for the treatment of pregnant women, since the effect of the drug on the body of pregnant women has not been studied. The classic dosage regimen for papillomavirus is 2 tablets 2 times a day. Course 2 weeks.
Tablets, ampoules, ointment, suppositories.Direct antiviral drug with a pronounced immunomodulatory effect. Intramuscular or intravenous injections, tablets, ointments (topically) destroy the papillimavirus, destroy its structure, and prevent reproduction.Classical regimen: once a day. Start therapy 3 days daily, then every other day until the end of the week. Second week – 2 through 2. Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation
Injection ampoules with powder contents.For subcutaneous injections. A drug that enhances the body's natural ability to recognize and destroy oncogenic types of HPV.Application regimen: 6 injections every other day. Has no side effects. Contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding
Injection ampoules, vaginal and rectal suppositories, gel, spray.Herbal product, nightshade extract. Destroys viruses, has an anti-inflammatory effect, promotes tissue regeneration, stimulates the immune system.Injections intravenously, jet, suppositories rectally, vaginally according to the scheme: 1 week every other day, 2 weeks every 2 days once a day. Local application: gel 2 times a day. Spray 2-3 injections before and after sexual intercourse, daily use is allowed. There are no absolute contraindications. Pregnancy, feeding - according to a specialist, “benefit for the mother - harm for the child”

Immunomodulators for HPV

Important! Increasing the body's protective ability against papillomavirus is an important task, since a strong immune system is simply capable of suppressing the virus, in some cases even destroying it completely.

However, independent use of immunomodulatory drugs is undesirable. It can provoke mutation of the virus and its atypical manifestation.

Photo 2: Uncontrolled use of immunomodulators can cause the opposite effect - a significant decrease in the body's defenses. Source: flickr (Evgeniy rumedicalnews).

Note! It should be understood that immunomodulators are not a drug against the human papillomavirus. These drugs are used in treatment as auxiliary, for the physiological boost of immunity.

Immunomodulatory drugs for HPV

A drugRelease formActionIndications and contraindications
LycopidPills.Increases the activity of lymphocytes and phagocytes. Stimulates antibody synthesis.The tablet is dissolved under the tongue or swallowed once a day, the course is 10 days. Contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding, thyroid dysfunction, and febrile conditions.
ImmunomaxAmpoules with dry substance.Strengthens protection against HPV.Injections according to the scheme: once on days 1, 2, 3 and 8, 9, 10. It is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, but is allowed according to indications and under supervision.
InterferonAmpoules with powder for preparing a solution.Stimulates the body's immune response to viral infection.Apply by instillation or spraying into the nose, inhalation. Contraindications: individual intolerance
Tablets, ampoules with dry substances for preparing a solution, suppositories.Stimulates the lymphocytic response to viral attack. It does not cause addiction and does not reduce one’s own immunity.Injections, tablets, suppositories are prescribed every other day. Nasal drops - daily. Recommended course - 10 days

The use of immunomodulatory drugs is indicated for multiple manifestations of the virus on the skin, and for recurrent manifestations of a previously cured infection.

Note! Immunomodulators are prescribed with extreme caution in case of a history of allergic manifestations or autoimmune diseases.

Products for removing papillomas

Medications for the removal of condylomas, warts and papillomas are available in the form of creams, gels, and solutions for topical use.

They directly affect skin growths, destroying dermal cells. Apply the preparations to the affected skin at the site of growths or pointwise.

Note! Agents for the destruction of papillomas should be used with great caution. Unprofessional exposure to an aggressive form of the virus can provoke malignant degeneration of cells or burn healthy tissue.

Destruction agents for HPV

A drugRelease formActionIndications and contraindications
Solution.Destruction of formations by low temperature.Apply pointwise to the formation. Do not use without protective lubricant of healthy skin.
Solution.Destruction by point cauterization. Kills the virus, destroys education.Apply to the neoplasm pointwise, once. The use of the drug in areas of skin folds is prohibited.
KondilinSolution with applicator.Kills the virus, burns, dries.Processing of formations is targeted and systematic. Use for up to 5 weeks, depending on indications. Treatment 2 times per day, according to the scheme: 3 days of treatment, 4 days of rest.
SolcodermCauterization solution.A mixture of acids for chemical destruction of tissues.Burn until the color changes, repeat as necessary.
Cauterization solution.A mixture of alkalis for cauterizing warts.For cauterization of warts and plantar formations. With caution for sensitive skin areas.

Removal of papillomas in intimate areas

To remove HPV formations in intimate areas, use:

  • Solcoderm - the drug has good local absorption, effectively and painlessly mummifies formations. Before applying the solution to the formation, healthy areas of the skin are lubricated with baby or neutral, oily cream
  • Condilin - kills viruses, prevents their reproduction, destroys altered tissues. To protect healthy skin, it is pre-lubricated with a protective cream.
  • Vartek is a cream similar to condylin, but more convenient to use. Apply precisely and do not smear. It is almost impossible to buy in Russian pharmacies. Produced in Europe.

All of the above drugs, with the necessary precautions, are used to remove genital warts in the anogenital area. They cause coagulative death of altered tissues, followed by replacement with healthy skin.

Medicines used in the treatment of HPV are divided into the following groups:

  1. Antiviral agents.
  2. Immunostimulants.
  3. Means for the destruction of neoplasms.

First, it is necessary to determine the nature of the neoplasm: papilloma is sometimes difficult to distinguish from a mole or condyloma. Then, using PCR analysis, determine the type of virus, since some of them contribute to the development of malignant neoplasms. Medicines against papilloma can be used in combination or separately.

Treatment results

After using the drugs, the DNA of the virus remains in the human body. The purpose of using medications for papillomas is to get rid of external manifestations, strengthen the immune system, and ensure that HPV infection passes into a latent form. Only local exposure is possible for single formations on the body. In other cases, its effectiveness is 25-50%.

What conditions are necessary to achieve the best result?

  • full diagnostics;
  • combined approach to treatment;
  • selection of the optimal treatment regimen.

Therefore, the key to successful treatment of papillomavirus is timely seeking medical help. There are quite a lot of medications for papilloma, and a specialist must determine which one is best for a person in each case.

Well-groomed skin without age spots, scars and various formations makes the human body much more attractive. Therefore, the appearance of all kinds of warts and papillomas does not go unnoticed and, when located in open areas, is considered a cosmetic defect.

Some people resort to traditional methods to remove these growths, but sometimes this approach to treatment only worsens the problem. In order to get rid of papillomas forever, you need to know why they appear on the body and what needs to be done in order to be completely cured.

Where does HPV infection come from?

The main reason for the formation of papillomas on the body is the human papillomavirus, which has several dozen subspecies, that is, strains.

Studies of this microorganism and people infected with it have established that HPV is a very common infection. According to the latest data, 90% of the entire planet's population may be carriers of the virus.

Liquid nitrogen, homeopathy, folk recipes - all these means for removing papillomas are used in accordance with certain criteria. Small benign formations may disappear after a single treatment with a special pencil. When it comes to homeopathy and other areas of alternative medicine, treatment will take longer.

Among the products for papillomas, garlic, vinegar, potatoes, and chicken egg white are most often mentioned. All these remedies are often called “homemade”, because most of them can be found in the kitchen.

In most cases, doctors advise removing papillomas using hardware to get rid of them and prevent the appearance of new formations. However, physically eliminating a wart does not mean getting rid of HPV. Bacteria continue to be in the body and, in many cases, papillomas appear again after some time. In order to get rid of them, comprehensive treatment is necessary.

If surgical intervention is not required, the doctor prescribes chemical drugs to eliminate viral formations in combination with anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating agents. Many drugs are combination drugs. The substances in their composition actively suppress the proliferation of bacteria and help the body increase its protective functions.

These include drugs such as Viferon, Panavir, Cycloferon and others. Due to the fact that they are potent, they should be used only as prescribed by a doctor.

What pills and injections help get rid of HPV?

Therapy for papillomavirus infection is effective when combining destructive treatment (removal of papillomas and warts) with the use of antiviral and immunomodulatory agents. They suppress the activity of the virus and reduce the risk of re-growth of tumors after removal.

Medicines for human papillomavirus:

Experts are increasingly speaking out in favor of systemic antiviral treatment. The times when papillomas were only removed, without complex therapy, should be a thing of the past.

It’s good that new, highly effective devices are appearing, for example “Surgitron” for radiotherapy. The increase in the number of people infected with HPV, the frequency of relapses - all this is a reason to take the disease seriously and not consider its treatment the prerogative of cosmetic surgery.

Some dermatologists' patients first begin to use the drug to remove papillomas, others are more concerned about the state of their own immunity. As you know, rearranging the places of the terms does not change the sum, but complex therapy aimed simultaneously against the virus and the growth of tumors is considered more successful.

As for the fight against external manifestations of HPV, creams are considered more gentle means, and solutions and cosmetic liquids are considered radical medicines.

The popularity of caustic liquids is associated with the ability to quickly get rid of small papillomas on the face and neck. This effect can be obtained using the Verrukacid solution (phenolic drug).

With liquids for the destruction of papillomas - feresol, podophyllin, phenol in glycerin, super celandine - patients themselves can lubricate the growths on the skin. After 1–2 days, the papilloma turns black, then falls off, after 5–10 days there will be no trace of it.

Review of the best antiviral medications

Is it possible to kill papilloma from the inside with tablets? Medicines that have an antiviral effect act on the root of the problem from the inside. Such drugs block the spread of infection and improve the body's protective functions. Antiviral medications are prescribed for multiple formations of growths on the neck and other places.

Attention! Medicines should be taken only after medical consultation and reading the instructions for use.

HPV requires mandatory use of pills if there is a risk of degeneration of a benign growth into a malignant tumor. Let's look at the most effective antiviral agents against the human papillomavirus.

Application of Cycloferon

For papillomas on the body, Cycloferon is prescribed. It can be purchased at a pharmacy only with a prescription from your doctor. Anti-virus tablets also have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. Regimen for taking Cycloferon tablets for papillomas:

  • the drug is taken orally in 3 pieces with a dosage of 150 mg;
  • The product should be used every other day;
  • the course of treatment is 1 month.

You can also give intramuscular injections. This method will take a shorter time. It is enough to carry out 10 injections, which are given every other day.

Action and method of use of Isoprinosine

Homeopathic remedies

Drug treatment of skin tumors caused by HPV is rarely complete without drugs from this group. They have a detrimental effect on the virus, prevent its reproduction, and have an immunomodulatory effect.

Especially popular are pharmaceutical preparations, which are produced in several dosage forms: injections, tablets, suppositories, ointments and gels. Usually, for single formations, local application may be sufficient.

Antiviral ointments and gels are prescribed before and after laser therapy, electrocoagulation, and ensure high effectiveness of treatment and prevention of relapses.

What are the indications for prescribing systemic drugs against the virus:

  • HPV infection of high and potentially high cancer risk, confirmed by PCR;
  • multiple papillomas on the body (this indicates high HPV activity);
  • primary and secondary immunodeficiency states (when the body cannot cope with the viral load on its own).

Antiviral drugs (injections and tablets) are contraindicated:

  • during pregnancy;
  • during lactation;
  • with individual intolerance.

Most medications are available with a prescription.

What antiviral drugs are considered the most effective and can get rid of papillomas?


The drug is available in tablets. This is one of the most popular medicines for papilloma today. The active ingredient is inosine (a purine derivative). Has a complex effect:

  • blocks the enzymes of the virus, causing its death;
  • activates the production of interferon;
  • activates lymphocytes;
  • inhibits the formation of inflammatory mediators.

Prescribed 2 tablets per day for 2 weeks; if necessary, the course of treatment can be extended to a month. Can be used in children over 3 years of age.

While taking Isoprinosine, nausea, headaches, and exacerbation of gout may occur.


The product is available in two forms: injection solution and tablets. The active ingredient is meglumine acridone acetate. The mechanism of action is interferon induction.

  • antiviral;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Intramuscular injections of the drug are given every other day, up to 10 injections per course.

Allokin alpha

Lyophilisate for the preparation of injection solution. The active substance is a synthetic analogue of alloferon, isolated from the larvae of carrion flies (calliphorids).

  • stimulates the production of interferon in humans and the mechanisms of cellular immunity;
  • acts against tumors;
  • contributes to the death of the virus.

Injections are given subcutaneously at intervals of every 2 days, 6 injections per course of treatment. The product is well tolerated.


Forms of release: solution for intravenous injection, ointment, gel spray inlight for treating the oral cavity, gel spray intimate for the treatment of papillomas on the genitals. The active ingredient is a glycoside isolated from nightshade stems.

This is a modern remedy against the virus with a wide spectrum of action:

  • anti-inflammatory,
  • immunomodulatory,
  • promotes tissue regeneration.

Intravenous injections are prescribed according to the following scheme: the first 3 times every 2 days, the next 5 times every 3 days. Topical and injection formulations are generally well tolerated. Ointment and gel are allowed to be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Papilloma is a benign neoplasm that is attached to the skin or mucous membranes of organs with the help of a stalk. Its formation is due to an increase in the number of cells in the upper layer of the epidermis in a specific area of ​​the body.

Antiviral drugs for papillomavirus do not completely eliminate pathogenic microorganisms. Antiviral drugs are aimed at reducing the activity of HPV in the human body. Antiviral agents can be used either internally or topically. Antiviral drugs for HPV are available in the following forms:

  • solutions;
  • ointments and creams;
  • candles;
  • drops;
  • sprays.

There are also tablets for papillomas on the body, which can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. This is due to the fact that many of them have a number of contraindications and side effects.

Treatment of papillomas with homeopathy involves the use of natural ingredients, which, when used correctly, do not have a negative effect. Homeopathic treatment makes it possible to increase the protective functions of the immune system to a greater extent, which will prevent the development and spread of papillomavirus.

Doctors who recommend pharmaceutical products claim that homeopathic treatment is ineffective. In turn, homeopathic doctors claim that homeopathic medicines against the papilloma virus are safer and require long-term treatment to achieve an effect.

To physically eliminate warts, special drugs are used that act directly on infected tissues and destroy them. They contain aggressive chemicals with strong bactericidal properties. Products can be produced in the form of ointments, solutions, gels, with the help of which papilloma is treated until it is completely destroyed.

Feresol. An effective drug for removing warts in the form of a solution. The active substances are tricresol and phenol. The solution is applied pointwise to the viral formation several times a day. After several procedures, the warts die and fall off the skin.

The area around the wart can be lubricated with zinc ointment to prevent chemical burns to healthy tissue. After the papilloma disappears, this area needs to be treated again to consolidate the result.

Verrucacid. A very effective remedy for eliminating papillomas of various types. The active compound is an increased concentration of phenol, which perfectly destroys infected cells. The product burns the affected tissue, removing papilloma without a trace.

To process, you need to apply the drug several times in a row, waiting 6-7 minutes to dry the solution. To eliminate plantar warts, the procedure must be repeated about 10 times. Before applying the product, feet must first be steamed in hot water. Then remove the stratum corneum from the feet using pumice for better application of the solution.

Salicylic acid, which is produced in the form of an ointment or liquid, has a similar effect. It also needs to be applied locally to the warts, processing several times a day until completely eliminated.

Preparations containing phenol must be used with caution, as they are very toxic. Their use is contraindicated in young children and pregnant women.

Super clean. A very effective remedy based on the medicinal plant celandine. In addition, it contains sodium chloride and hydroxide. The plant is known for its strong bactericidal properties. It is widely used in folk medicine to disinfect and fight viruses.

Before treating a papilloma, a thick cream should be applied to the area around it to protect healthy tissue. Apply a small amount of solution to the wart. Perform the procedure several times during the day until a positive result is achieved.

Cryopharma. An aerosol product that shows high results in destroying viral growths. The action of the drug occurs on the principle of deep freezing of infected tissues, as a result of which they die. The active ingredients are propane and dimethyl ether.

The skin in the treatment area must first be covered with a plaster or cloth to avoid damage. The papilloma is then treated with a spray and dies. The product is contraindicated for children under 4 years of age and pregnant women.

Lapis pencil. Used for local treatment of small warts. The active compound in the composition is silver nitrate, which exhibits strong antiviral and bactericidal properties. It is not recommended for use on skin lesions in the face and neck, as well as on mucous membranes. The drug is used once a day with an interval of 10 days.

To combat HPV, products in the form of ointments or tablets that have antiviral properties are also used. Unlike chemicals, they have a more gentle effect. At the same time, the duration of use increases significantly.


A product in the form of an ointment that has proven itself very well in the fight against HPV. Effectively eliminates papillomas of various types. Shows strong anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. It fights viruses well, stopping the development of bacteria.

In addition, the drug increases the body’s protective functions by supplying interferon, a protein responsible for human immunity, into cells. In a healthy body, interferon is produced naturally, suppressing the synthesis of viral cells. The drug uses an artificially created protein obtained from human blood.

Can be used by pregnant women and for the treatment of HPV in children. The ointment is applied several times a day to the skin lesion. The course of treatment is up to 7 days until a positive result is obtained.

A drug that has good recommendations from doctors and patients. Has high results in the fight against HPV of various types. Can be used to treat herpes and papillomas on mucous membranes. Quickly blocks the growth of bacteria, stopping their spread. Significantly reduces multiple viral formations.

Thanks to herbal components, it strengthens the human immune system. The drug should be applied to the warts twice a day for 7-10 days.


Complex action ointment for warts. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, stopping the proliferation of viral cells. It is also used to restore immunity by helping the body synthesize interferon to fight bacteria.

The ointment is applied in a thin layer to the infected area once a day. The procedure is performed for several days in a row until the harmful formations completely disappear. The product has no contraindications and can be used by pregnant women.

The use of antiviral drugs for papillomavirus is key in the treatment of the disease. Human papillomavirus is considered one of the most common dermatological diseases.

It develops regardless of age and gender. If there are no indications for surgical treatment of the formation, the doctor may prescribe special drugs for papillomas, in combination with antiviral or immunomodulating agents.

Description of the disease

Treatment of manifestations of the human papillomavirus with ointments is a simple measure that allows you to get rid of warts in a few days or weeks. Compared to hardware methods for removing growths, local treatment requires more time and patience.

When using an ointment for papillomas, the recovery cycle begins with covering the pathological focus with a dry crust and ends with its spontaneous falling off within 1 to 4 weeks.

Homemade ointments for removing papillomas

Traditional methods of removing papillomas give good results when performed daily. The best healing remedies are garlic and vinegar ointment, as well as ointment made from celandine.

To prepare garlic ointment, take vegetable pulp and Vaseline in equal parts (can be replaced with baby cream). The resulting composition is used to treat neoplasms until they completely disappear.

Celandine is also used in a similar way. In this case, Vaseline or cream is combined with a mass obtained from fresh grass. It is collected during the flowering period.

Vinegar ointment for removing papillomas is prepared according to 2 recipes:

  1. Egg shells are dissolved in acetic acid and interior fat is added. The product should acquire a creamy consistency.
  2. Vinegar and flour are combined in equal proportions. The prepared composition is used for applying applications.

A simple way to get rid of warts is to treat them with castor oil. Experts in traditional medicine advise carrying out the manipulation daily, but for a whole month.

Medications for local treatment of papillomas

1. Thanks to its pharmacological properties, Aladara cream for papillomas is able to effectively influence external factors that provoke the development of infectious diseases. By stimulating the process of producing its own interferon, the body's forces necessary to fight human papillomavirus infection are accumulated.

Aladara cream has virtually no contraindications for use. Exceptions include children's age and intolerance to the components of the drug. But childhood is also a contraindication only because the effect of the medication on the body of minors has not been fully studied due to the small number of patients.

Use the product like this:

  • the affected area is washed with soapy water and dried;
  • the cream is applied in a thin layer without applying a bandage;
  • After 6–10 hours, the cream is washed off with warm water and soap.

The manipulation is carried out every other day once a day until the problem is completely resolved. The maximum treatment course lasts 4 months.

2. Oxolinic ointment for papillomas - it receives positive reviews due to its antiviral and antiherpetic effects.

It has proven itself well in the treatment of warts and genital warts that form in the intimate area. Treatment with it is carried out 2 - 3 times. per day and for 15 – 60 days. The duration of treatment is determined by the severity of the disease.

3. Chinese ointment for papillomas “SAN FEN ZHONG” is gaining popularity. This product has a double effect - it destroys microbes and burns out tumors.

The drug must be used very carefully; the ointment is applied only to the affected areas of the skin. 2-4 minutes after application, the product should be rinsed off with warm water. Usually, after 5-6 daily procedures, the result of the treatment will be noticeable.

4. Stefalin ointment is a preparation obtained from plant materials. It is collected on the mountain slopes of the Carpathians and used to prepare a non-alcohol solution - the base of the ointment. Due to the high permeability of the product, all its components are delivered to the very root of the papilloma.

After several treatment procedures, the neoplasm begins to dry out, and soon falls off completely. If the crust has fallen off, and a tubercle remains in its place, it is also lubricated until it completely disappears.

Trade name of the drug "Acyclovir" "Panavir"
Release form Tablets, ointment, cream Solution for intravenous injection, gel, vaginal and rectal suppositories (suppositories)
Active substance Acyclovir is a synthetic analogue of a purine base (a component of DNA) Panavir hexose glycoside isolated from potato leaf extract
Effect Blocking viral DNA synthesis; immunostimulating Antiviral, immunomodulatory. Induction of synthesis of endogenous (own) interferon in the body
Contraindications Hypersensitivity to components in the composition of drugs, lactation. Use with caution during pregnancy or renal failure Individual intolerance to constituent components, kidney pathology, age under 12 years, breastfeeding
Price in pharmacies of the Russian Federation (RUB) Tablets – from 101; ointment – ​​from 193; cream – from 340 Solution for injection - from 850; candles – from 650; Panavir gel – from 350

Contrary to mathematical laws, all components of a successful fight against viruses must be applied simultaneously. Let's find out what pharmaceutical arsenal is used against HPV. Sometimes the guesses of doctors and scientists are amazing; they pay attention to completely unexpected properties of plant and animal organisms. After all, representatives of flora and fauna also have to protect themselves from viruses.

The issue of treating papilloma with drugs is illustrated by the thousand-year history of the use of alloferons. These are peptides found by Russian scientists in the larvae of green and blue carrion flies (calliphorids). Small white worms have been used since ancient times to treat purulent wounds.

This method was adopted during the period of the Crimean military companies by the famous doctor N.I. Pirogov. “Surgical larvae”, having settled in wounds, fed exclusively on dead tissue. They secreted alloferons that acted against pathogenic microbes. The larval secretion contained allantoin, which heals wounds.

Alloferon is a medicine for the human papillomavirus. The body contains the following substances:

  1. They act in places of greatest HPV activity.
  2. Promote the synthesis of interferons that protect against viruses.
  3. They initiate the destruction of HPV in the cells and tissues of the body.

Doctors recommend taking Metronidazole before using a CO2 laser. Tablets for papillomas are prescribed for both men and women. Metronidazole is a preventive measure before laser treatment of human papillomavirus infection of the lower reproductive system.

This drug is recommended to be taken 500 mg 2 times a day. Duration of treatment is 8 days. Metronidazole is an antimicrobial agent for systemic use. I can also prescribe the use of a medication such as Ampicillin.

How to use Indinol forte

Indinol forte is used for human papillomavirus because of its antitumor effect. This drug is effective for the treatment of pathologies of the reproductive system; it is also used for preventive purposes against cervical cancer in women if papillomas are found in intimate places.

Tablets for papillomas on intimate places are contraindicated if you have an individual intolerance to indoles.

Medicine for papillomas and warts in the form of ointments

Afraid of removing papillomas using any technical devices or not having the financial means, some people use alternative means. One of these remedies is oxolinic ointment for papillomas. The description of the drug says that it can negatively affect wart viruses. This means that it can be used against some unwanted skin lesions.

Composition and properties of the ointment

Oxolinic ointment is a well-known antiviral agent. There are reviews confirming that it helps eliminate papillomas. Moreover, these reviews are numerous.

0.25 percent and 3 percent ointment are sold. They differ in the content of the active substance, which is naphthalene-1, -2, -3, -4 tetron. This substance is also known as oxolin, which gives the ointment its name. The auxiliary component is purified Vaseline.

  • 0.25 percent ointment is used to lubricate the nasal passages and eyes.
  • 3 percent ointment is intended for external use only (applied to the skin).

You can buy oxolin in small aluminum tubes (from 5 to 30 g). In appearance, the ointment is a thick, whitish-gray, odorless substance.

Although the reviews of some experts about oxolin are quite skeptical, it is used for many diseases:

  • herpes;
  • lichen;
  • chickenpox;
  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • infectious warts (papillomas);
  • diseases caused by adenovirus (ARVI, tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc.).

The use of drugs with alloferons

Russian academician S.I. Chernysh isolated alloferons from calliphorid larvae; currently, these substances are synthesized industrially. Peptides act on the principle of cytokines, in addition, they have an antitumor effect.

Alloferons are able to correct the activity of cells and increase their ability to resist viruses and bacteria.

Drug for papillomas with alloferon

The words in the reviews about drugs with alloferons are impressive, for example, patients write that the drug for HPV “Allokin alpha” is 100% effective, after six injections a decrease in papillomas is observed. Even after several months, tests for oncogenic viruses give negative results.