When you have mumps. Pig historical data. Herbal healing infusion

Piggy. Mumps

Mumps, mumps(from the Greek para - about, otos - ear) is an acute infectious viral disease that primarily affects the glandular tissue of the body.


The causative agent of the infection is an RNA virus from the aramyxoviridae family.

Disease history

Mumps was known in ancient times; there are mentions of it in the works of Hippocrates. The causative agent of mumps was first isolated and studied in 1934 by E. Goodpasture and K. Johnson.

Symptoms and signs of mumps

The first sign of the disease is pain and swelling behind the ears. This is due to the fact that the parotid glands are the first to be affected. After about 7 days, the swelling begins to subside; rarely it persists for several weeks. In 25% of those infected, mumps occurs without symptoms.

How is mumps transmitted?

The infection spreads through airborne droplets or through direct contact with the patient and objects (dishes, children's toys) that have come into contact with the patient's saliva.
The patient is most contagious in the period 1–6 days before the glands swell and during the next 9 days.


The main diagnostic method is visual examination.
Laboratory tests to determine mumps are usually not carried out, since they are not very informative. Performance general analysis blood is inappropriate, because the main indicators of the blood result practically do not differ from the norm. In some cases, it is possible to conduct a study of the body's reaction to the introduction of an antigen. However this method effective only at the beginning of the disease.

Treatment of mumps

As a rule, mumps is not treated - the disease goes away on its own.
For get well soon and the absence of complications, the patient is indicated bed rest and heat to the affected organs.
Because of the tumor parotid glands It may be painful to chew, so the food should be liquid or pureed. Meals should be frequent and portions should be small.
The patient is isolated until the ninth day of illness.
Boys over 12 years of age with mumps are usually hospitalized to prevent complications on the gonads.

Complications and consequences

Sex glands
Boys may develop orchitis (inflammation of the testicles) and prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland). Orchitis develops more often in adolescents - the incidence of orchitis reaches 68%, while in preschool children it is 2%. Orchitis is characterized sharp deterioration the patient's condition on days 6-8 of the disease, a repeated increase in body temperature to 39° - 40° C, enlargement and soreness of the testicle. The pain intensifies when getting out of bed, moving, and can radiate to the lower back and perineum. The skin of the scrotum becomes purplish-red, thinned, and swelling is pronounced. Signs of orchitis are most pronounced within 3-5 days, then they gradually disappear. After mumps orchitis, testicular atrophy, tumors, impotence, and infertility may develop. The production of normal sperm may be impaired not only after obvious orchitis, but also in cases without symptoms of testicular damage.
If orchitis occurs, in addition to the main therapy, detoxification therapy is carried out (droppers with glucose, ascorbic acid, reopolyglucin), and also used hormonal drugs(prednisolone). At severe forms orchitis in spend surgery. This contributes quick withdrawal pain, and also prevents the development of testicular atrophy.
The mumps virus can rarely infect the female reproductive glands. Damage to the ovaries is practically asymptomatic, but as a result of inflammation, ovarian atrophy, tumors, and disorders can occur. menstrual cycle, bleeding, female infertility.

Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. Pancreatitis is manifested by sharp cramping pain in the left hypochondrium, often of a girdling nature, repeated vomiting, loss of appetite, and disturbances in intestinal motility.

Nervous system
The course of the disease is accompanied by disturbances emotional state patient (for example, aggressiveness or, on the contrary, tearfulness), sleep disturbance, increased fatigue, headaches. Mumps can cause enuresis (bedwetting) or even provoke the development of epilepsy.
When the membranes of the brain are damaged, meningitis develops. This complication develops on days 3-5 of the disease and manifests itself sharp increase body temperature, headache, vomiting that is not associated with food intake and does not bring relief. IN severe cases convulsions, loss of consciousness, and other symptoms may occur neurological symptoms.
Other rare and dangerous complications - acute encephalitis, meningoencephalitis, lesion inner ear with the development of permanent deafness.

Polyarthritis of a migratory nature. It most often develops in men aged 20 to 30 years. Symptoms of joint damage begin to appear 1-2 weeks after contracting mumps. Usually the process involves large joints. The duration of the illness is up to 6 weeks and usually ends with complete recovery.


Vaccination. To prevent the disease, a live attenuated vaccine has been developed, which is used to immunize children over 15 months of age. Vaccination creates long-term immunity and protects in 97% of cases.

How to avoid infection?

In order to reduce the likelihood of the spread of infection, the sick person is immediately isolated in a separate room. The premises are ventilated at least twice a day. Also carried out twice a day wet cleaning using disinfectants.
Dishes, linen, and personal items must be boiled.

Many people in childhood suffered from a disease such as mumps (disease), the symptoms of which are quite vivid.

This disease is also known as parotitis. This disease has infectious nature. The disease belongs to the group of other childhood diseases (for example, measles, rubella, chickenpox, etc.). This disease affects the salivary glands, which are located near the ears. This causes the person's face to begin to swell and expand. Hence the name - mumps, the symptoms of which really make a person's face look like this animal.

Most often, this disease can be contracted between the ages of 3 and 7 years. By the way, according to statistics, girls get sick less often than boys. IN childhood the disease goes away much easier, but in adult patients it not only has severe course, but also has consequences on other organs and systems. However, now, thanks to vaccination, most children are unaware of this disease.

Causes of mumps development

Some people are aware of a disease called mumps, the symptoms of which are caused by a certain mumps virus. By the way, this pathogen is part of the same group as the virus that causes measles. This virus cannot mutate. It is not resistant to conditions environment, so it dies quickly if you use ultraviolet radiation or by various means for disinfection. In addition, at temperatures above 70 degrees it also dies. But at temperatures up to 10 degrees it can live long enough.

The only source of the virus that causes mumps is a person who is infected and this moment sick. By the way, this disease can go away without visible signs, so you cannot identify an infected person at first glance. Children who have mumps become contagious 2 days before mumps symptoms appear. Then he will be contagious for another 5 days from the time the first signs of mumps appeared. Human susceptibility to this virus is always high. But it can only be transmitted by airborne droplets.

In addition, there are other factors that can cause an increase salivary glands near the ear. For example, this may be due to metabolic disorders. This happens with uremia, diabetes mellitus and other diseases. Secondly, mumps of a bacterial nature is also possible, and the formation of purulent masses. Thirdly, mumps may be viral in nature. By the way, this also includes HIV mumps. In addition, these factors include Mikulicz syndrome, when inflammation of the salivary glands coincides with chronic mumps, which passes almost painlessly. Mumps disease, photos of which are easy to find in medical sources, can develop due to the fact that various neoplasms on the glands. Some medications can also cause swelling of the glands near the ear. For example, such medications include phenylbutane, propylthiouracil, various iodides and other substances. The virus enters through the mucous layers in the nasopharynx. Then he goes to circulatory system and affects various glandular tissues. It most often attacks the glands near the ear and under the jaw. The incubation stage can last from 11 to 21 days.

Symptoms of mumps in children appear within 3 weeks after infection. Although there are unusual cases when the period of development viral infection it only takes a couple of days. During this period, the patient is very dangerous for other people, so you need to be careful and not come into contact with an infected person.

In most cases, the signs of mumps are quite clear. When the incubation stage ends, a person’s body temperature rises. It can reach 39-40 degrees. The general state of health deteriorates sharply. The child will begin to be capricious. He is very excited, although many children, on the contrary, prefer to sleep more. If the disease develops in an adult, he becomes very weak and becomes irritable or nervous. Some people, on the contrary, become lethargic and apathetic. Constantly feels drowsy. There is no desire to do anything. The disease is characterized by headaches and dizziness. There are symptoms general intoxication body, so nausea and vomiting attacks are possible. Sometimes a person may be in a semi-fainting state in the most severe cases. There are disturbances in the coordination of movements.

The glands begin to swell and increase in size. This occurs approximately on the second day after the body temperature rises. And during the same period, pain appears in the ears, neck and cheeks. In most cases painful sensations occur only on one side, but if the disease becomes bilateral, then in the future both swelling and pain will spread to both sides of the face. If you press on glands that are swollen, the pain will only intensify.

By the way, they will feel like dough to the touch. When you need to chew, open your mouth or swallow food, the pain will also increase. In addition, there is one more sign that is characteristic only of mumps. Skin in the place where there is swelling, they will be smoother and shiny. Then the skin in this place begins to turn red. During the first 5 days, the tumor not only will not subside, but, on the contrary, tends to grow. Moreover, both cheeks can swell. Only after 5 days the swelling gradually begins to subside. It will completely disappear only after 10-14 days. Around the same period, the temperature will begin to decrease, and general state the patient's health will return to normal.

Consequences of mumps

Many people know this disease - mumps, the consequences of which can be very serious. Children survive this disease quite easily, although if not done correctly and untimely treatment The disease not only drags on, but also causes severe side effects. But mumps in adult patients is very difficult.

The side effects and consequences of this disease are very varied. For example, an infection can spread to the gray matter and other membranes of the brain, causing inflammatory processes in them. In addition, they may develop pathological changes in the middle part of the ear.

In boys, changes in the genital organs may even occur, so infertility is possible. By the way, for some women this disease was the reason for their inability to conceive a child. The infection may spread to other glands. For example, during puberty it can affect the testicles, so that orchitis develops. In this case, the genitals become swollen, inflamed, red, and any touch causes severe pain. Most often, orchitis after mumps has unilateral treatment. Body temperature rises in the affected area. In some severe cases, the testicles will atrophy, but testosterone will still be produced so that reproductive abilities can be maintained. But in girls, oophoritis is considered less painful disease. This is accompanied by inflammatory processes in the ovaries. This disease rarely occurs in the fairer sex, but it can lead to infertility.

The most serious side effect of mumps is encephalitis. This is a disease in which the membranes of the brain become inflamed. But this one by-effect very rarely appears. Sometimes complications affect the middle part of the hearing organ. However, after this the patient may remain deaf. Most common complication- this is meningitis. Although this disease is quite easy.

Treatment of epidemic mumps

In most situations, the disease is treated at home. A patient can be sent to a hospital department only if the disease is very severe. There are no special health measures for mumps. Medical therapy is aimed only at making the course of the disease easier.

He must remain in a lying position at all times. Moreover, you need to lie down for at least 10 days. This period can extend for more long time if the course of the disease is more severe. You definitely need to gargle and do various compresses and lotions on those areas that are swollen. For example, a regular solution is suitable for rinsing baking soda. In glass warm water you need to dissolve a spoonful of soda. This rinsing should be done as often as possible. You can also rinse plain water, in which it was dissolved sea ​​salt. In addition, a solution of furatsilin or chlorophyllipt is perfect. If the child is very small and does not know how to rinse oral cavity and throat, then you need to give him warm drinks as much and as often as possible.

To eliminate painful sensations, you need to apply a compress. Warms up first vegetable oil. Then you need to moisten the bandage in it. After this, the bandage is wrapped around the throat. After this, you need to additionally wrap your neck in a warm scarf.

To make it easier for the patient to tolerate the disease, medications are prescribed that relieve fever and eliminate pain. Physiotherapeutic procedures include UHF, ultraviolet irradiation and diathermy. You can apply it to your ear dry heat. For example, you can heat the salt and put it in a bag, which you then apply to your ear. Warm compress can be done on other areas where the salivary glands are located. If you do not adhere to all these rules, the patient may develop infertility.

It is imperative to monitor the patient's diet. Swallowing and chewing may cause severe pain, so it is better to feed the patient liquid food or completely soft ground dishes. For prevention further development diseases can be transferred to dairy products, vegetables, herbs, berries and fruits. It is best to avoid those foods that can irritate the mucous membranes. These include citrus fruits. It is also better to hold off on overly acidic drinks.

You should definitely drink tea with linden and mint. For a glass of boiling water you will only need a spoonful of raw materials. After the decoction has infused for 30 minutes, it is allowed to strain and drink. Such Herb tea you need to drink as often as possible. You can drop it on the lamp fir oil to breathe evaporation. A decoction of sage is suitable for rinsing.

Mumps is a fairly common disease in children. Although now every child is vaccinated, so many children do not know about this disease. If a person has not been vaccinated, then there is a risk of infection from an already infected patient. In this case, the disease will have a very severe course and serious consequences. It's better to spend preventive actions than to find out later what mumps is, the treatment of this disease and the side effects.

Mumps, or mumps, is a viral disease that most often affects children under 15 years of age. However, this does not mean that adults cannot become infected with it. Today we will take a closer look at the symptoms of mumps in adults and typical complications in order to be able to recognize this unpleasant illness in time.

Who is at risk?

Mumps is a very common disease; its main symptom is inflammation and swelling of the salivary glands. Already at the moment when the sick person does not yet know that he has become infected, the virus can be transmitted by airborne droplets. A person becomes a carrier of mumps 2 days before the onset of the disease and 9-10 days after it begins.

It is believed that half of the adult population is susceptible to mumps. However, the main risk group is those people who have not undergone special vaccination. In most cases, the virus infects the human body in autumn and winter periods when the immune system is weakened.

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The main danger is that already in the first days the disease rapidly progresses and affects not only the salivary glands, but also other types of glands - the thyroid, pancreas and genitals. Therefore, only by consulting a doctor in a timely manner, there is every chance of experiencing mumps without complications. Anyone who cares about their own health should know the symptoms in adults.

The disease does not make itself felt immediately, so many people who become infected simply do not know that they are developing mumps. The disease, the symptoms of which are very similar in adults, has incubation period from 10 days to 3 weeks.

3-4 days before the infection begins to progress in the body, patients notice the following symptoms:

  • periodic headache;
  • muscle spasms and joint aches;
  • chills;
  • severe dryness in the mouth.

Following the first unpleasant manifestations begins acute course diseases. It is often characterized by symptoms such as:

  • high body temperature (often above 38°C and lasts for at least 5-7 days);
  • systematic pain in the head;
  • weakness;
  • inflammation and swelling of the salivary glands;
  • swelling of the glands located under the jaws and under the tongue.

The main sign that allows you to detect mumps in an adult is swelling of the parotid glands, giving the face a pear shape. You can often notice that the earlobe on the affected side rises slightly. After 1-2 days, the infection can spread to the opposite side, but in most cases the inflammation is one-sided.

Features of the course of the disease

When mumps occurs without complications, experts note following symptoms mumps in adults:

  • spasms in the area ears, which intensify at night;
  • the appearance of noise and aching in the ears;
  • problems chewing food due to acute pain.

Severe pain persists for 3-5 days, gradually subsiding only by the end of the first week. Over the course of 10-14 days, the swelling slowly subsides, and the general condition of the patient returns to normal: the temperature drops, migraines and tinnitus stop.

However, the disease does not always develop according to the “classical” scenario. Often the inflammatory process affects the central nervous system, thyroid, pancreas or gonads. Symptoms of mumps in adult women and men as a result of complications of the disease may be as follows:

  • nausea, abdominal pain and vomiting (from the pancreas);
  • development of orchitis in men and inflammation of the ovaries in women (from the gonads);
  • migraines, confusion, speech disorders, seizures (with inflammation of the brain);
  • rapid heartbeat, heart pain and shortness of breath (with inflammation of the heart muscle).

Such complications are a reason to immediately go to the hospital, since if left unattended, they can lead to extremely adverse consequences.

Treatment of the disease depends on the depth of penetration of the virus and the severity of the disease. inflammatory process and the state of the patient's immunity. When mumps occurs without serious complications, it can be completely cured at home on your own. In particularly difficult situations, the sick person is sent to the hospital. Fighting the virus usually includes methods such as:

  • compliance with bed rest for at least 10 days;
  • taking medications. To alleviate the condition, antipyretic and antiallergic drugs are used;
  • physiotherapy - UHF therapy and ultraviolet irradiation;
  • special diet. The patient is prescribed herbal-milk dietary food, fried, too fatty, spicy, sour and salty food, bread and pasta;
  • drinking plenty of fluids. During mumps it is recommended to large quantities drink hot teas, herbal infusions, compotes and fruit drinks from berries and fruits;
  • rinsing. Each meal should be completed with a mouth rinse. soda solution, decoctions pharmaceutical chamomile or sage;
  • warm oil or alcohol compresses. Apply topically to the area of ​​inflamed glands.

An important role in the treatment of mumps is played by strengthening immune system. To support the body and help it cope with the disease, doctors recommend taking vitamin and mineral complexes, decoctions and infusions based on medicinal herbs.

Few people know about such a disease as mumps, but this is only because of the wording. The medical term is not widely used among the people, this disease everyone knows it under a simpler name - mumps, sometimes - behind the ears. Mumps is one of the acute viral diseases and affects mainly children between the ages of 5 and 15 years, although sometimes adults also suffer from it. The pathogen affects the salivary glands (especially the behind-the-ear, which has become the main one for one of the folk names), causing their acute inflammation. This infection has been known for a very long time, the first mention of it was made by Hippocrates, but despite such a long history, innate immunity the person did not purchase. In childhood, in most cases the disease is not severe, but sometimes serious complications occur.

To prevent mumps, there is a special vaccine that is given to children - thanks to it, the risk of infection is reduced to 5%. If the injection was not given, then the likelihood of getting sick becomes very high. After the disease is cured, as after preventive vaccination, the body develops a strong immunity to the pathogen, which eliminates re-infection throughout life.

First signs of illness

The source of infection can only be a person; the infection is transmitted by conversation (that is, by airborne droplets) during direct contact with an infected person. IN medical practice There have been cases when the pathogen (paramyxovirus) was transmitted through contact with objects (toys, cutlery) on which the saliva of an infected person remained.

Contact with infected children, e.g. kindergarten may lead to infection

The main danger is that mumps becomes contagious several days before the first symptoms appear, that is, the child feels completely healthy, but at the same time infects other children.

In some cases, mumps occurs with vague, unclear symptoms, and then it is often confused with the onset of a cold. A sick child is not restricted from contact with other children, which can provoke a case of mass disease or, in other words, an epidemic.

A sick child can become infected within an average of a week after the first signs of mumps appear. Susceptibility to mumps is very high, and boys are at greater risk of becoming infected. The seasonality of disease outbreaks is clearly observed - the beginning of spring, the period from March to the end of April.

Once in the body, the virus penetrates the salivary glands, after which it spreads in search of suitable conditions for reproduction. Mumps affects glandular organs and organs nervous system. Typically, damage to the salivary glands occurs first, but sometimes simultaneously with the spread of the virus throughout the body. . The disease develops rapidly, the symptoms quickly increase in intensity. The first manifestations of mumps include:

  • a significant increase in temperature (usually up to 39-40 degrees);
  • feeling general weakness;
  • refusal to eat due to loss of appetite;
  • attempts to open your mouth and speak are accompanied by severe pain in the ear area (the pain may intensify at night, and there may be tinnitus).

Primary symptoms are usually present singly on the first day after the onset of the disease, after which other manifestations of infection appear. Specific symptom mumps, which usually makes it possible to diagnose the disease during the initial examination, is the formation of a swelling behind the ears, which gradually increases and can move to the neck. The name "mumps" was given to mumps due to changes in the child's face - the swelling grows, protruding the earlobes forward.

Photo gallery: main symptoms of mumps

Symptoms of mumps in a child depending on the form of the disease

The disease can occur in various forms, on which the specificity of the symptoms shown depends:

  • at mild form mumps the temperature rise occurs for a short time, and the remaining symptoms are only pain and swelling in the area behind the ears. Often in children the disease occurs this way;
  • piggy moderate severity accompanied by more for long periods increased temperature, which often occurs with fever. In addition to damage to the salivary glands, other glandular organs become infected, and due to general weakness and sleep disturbances, the baby may experience severe symptoms;
  • Mumps, in addition to salivary inflammation, for severe mumps other glands on the body also become inflamed. The likelihood of damage to the nervous system and serious complications increases.

Temperature during mumps should not be the main cause for concern for parents, since it is highly likely to be present all the time until the swelling behind the ears goes away. Worry about elevated temperature It is worth it if it is observed after the condition has normalized. This phenomenon may indicate the development of other inflammatory processes.

Sometimes the disease may be accompanied by a slight sore throat, and lesions are often observed genitourinary system and myocardium.

When to go to the hospital

It is important to understand that parents cannot independently diagnose mumps, since, despite the specificity of the symptoms, they may indicate another disease. If parents suspect infection, it is recommended to immediately call a doctor at home (due to the high activity of the pathogen, it is better not to take the baby to the children's clinic in order to protect other children).

At the first suspicion of mumps, you should call a doctor at home

Appeal for medical care ensures that the correct treatment is prescribed. IN otherwise If the pathogen is not neutralized, there is a risk of complications that are more dangerous for boys. Mumps can cause inflammation of the testicles, which in 10% of cases leads to infertility. Children are often diagnosed with a complication in the form of serous

Mumps or, in other words, mumps is viral disease, transmitted by household and airborne droplets. Mumps is a fairly contagious disease and can be transmitted to another person 2-3 days before the first symptoms appear in adults and in the first 5 days of the disease (photo).

The latent, that is, incubation period lasts from 11 to 23 days. At this time, a person has no idea about impending troubles, and I don’t feel sick at all.

Afterwards, mumps enters an acute phase, in which the general condition deteriorates sharply:

  • body temperature reaches a limit of 40 degrees in just one day and hardly decreases throughout the week;
  • intoxication of the body begins, which is accompanied by headache, aversion to food and general malaise;
  • dry mouth gradually increases and does not disappear even after consumption large quantity water;
  • begins copious discharge saliva;
  • during conversation, swallowing and chewing are felt unpleasant pain in the mouth and throat area;
  • swellings form in the ear area, which cause discomfort and lead to pain in muscles and joints.

It is worth noting that these swellings are formed due to inflammation of the parotid salivary gland. They increase over 7 days, after which the reverse process begins.

A disease such as mumps is much more severe in adults than in childhood - the symptoms appear more intensely (photo), which requires careful and immediate treatment.

In the beginning, care should be taken to reduce the temperature - for this, classic anti-inflammatory drugs are used, but not Aspirin. It negatively affects the gastric mucosa, provokes pain syndrome and contributes to the deterioration of the general condition.

To reduce intoxication, it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day. Moreover, this may not only be pure water, but also other drinks: fruit or berry compotes (preferably homemade), fruit juice, tea with raspberry jam, tincture of honey and viburnum. Due to their influence, not only the body is cleansed of toxins, but also the fever subsides.

Note! In this situation, it is better to avoid coffee and carbonated drinks.

Must be prescribed by a doctor special drugs for allergies (Suprastin) and multivitamin complexes(Biomax). They relieve unpleasant symptoms and boost the immune system.

It is not uncommon to use detoxification therapy to cleanse the body of toxins. It involves administration through a vein saline solution and 5% glucose solution. It can only take place in a hospital setting and under the supervision of a medical professional.

It is very important during the treatment of mumps, to make it easier to worry unpleasant symptoms in adults (photo), observe bed rest. For this purpose, the patient is given sick leave for at least 10 days.

Mumps also negatively affects the pancreas. And to prevent pancreatitis from being treated in the future, experts insist on adjusting the diet. Namely:

  • products should be included in the daily diet plant nutrition and dairy kitchen;
  • overeating and dry food are contraindicated;
  • before full recovery Spicy, fried foods, as well as marinades and pickles should disappear from the menu. Pasta, fats and white bread are consumed in limited quantities;
  • food should not be too cold or hot;
  • If possible, all dishes are pureed to make it easier for the patient to swallow.

After recovery, you should monitor your health more carefully and avoid stressful situations and pay more attention to rest. Otherwise, there is a possibility of developing orchid in men (inflammation of the testicles) and oophoritis in women (inflammation of the ovaries).

There have been cases of hearing impairment after mumps in adults, when the symptoms were more severe than usual (photo). It was observed even less often total loss hearing

A few years earlier, the opinion was strengthened that vaccination completely eliminates the possibility of contracting mumps. But modern medicine made it clear that the protective effect of the vaccine weakens over time.

As you can see, mumps is a real test not only for a child, but also for an adult, which has a number of negative consequences. It is highly advisable at this time to be under the constant supervision of a practicing physician, and for this it is worth going to an inpatient facility.