Cough from dry throat in an adult. Fungal infection of the throat. Drinking herbal teas

Our throat is the place through which air passes into the body and comes out again. The air stream comes into contact with the mucous membranes, is moistened, warmed, and filtered. A significant portion of airborne particles and pathogens delayed due to the microflora of the mucous membranes of the throat. They should normally be moisturized, this allows the mucous membranes to cope with their functions.

Decreased hydration can lead to problems and even diseases. You should not ignore a dry throat, as this may be the first sign of trouble.

Why does the throat feel dry?

Dry throat can have different causes. The simplest of them is inhaling dry air. The discomfort is especially felt in the cold season, when it is already working central heating. If in the house heat and dry air, then after a while a feeling of dryness in the throat often appears.

Children and older people are especially sensitive. Drying the mucous membrane makes it more sensitive and susceptible to infections.

Too much load on vocal cords can also cause a dry throat. Teachers, tour guides, singers, that is, people who intensively use their voices, often face such a problem as constant dryness in the throat. The mucous membrane in in this case is exposed not only increased load, but also to more frequent exposure to air jets. Smoking or irritation from dusty air, inhalation of harmful substances, for example, at work, irritate the throat and can also cause dryness.

Pain and dryness in the throat may occur as a result of treatment with certain medications. Complex mechanism the functioning of the mucous membrane is often disrupted vasoconstrictors, which we use to treat a runny nose. Antibiotics and corticosteroids that are used without a doctor’s prescription are especially dangerous.

Taking such drugs requires a competent approach with a clear dosage and adherence to the timing of the course of treatment. IN otherwise, instead of benefiting from treatment, you can get an additional problem.

Viral and bacterial infections that cause ARVI, influenza, acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis and other diseases quite often manifest themselves primarily in the fact that a person experiences a feeling of dry throat. In this case, it will be the first symptom of the disease. For acute respiratory infections, flu at first appears dry in the throat and nose, which soon turns into soreness and runny nose. Very soon other symptoms appear, such as cough, fever, and general malaise. With pharyngitis or laryngitis, redness of the throat and slight swelling are already noticeable at first, which leads to pain when swallowing.

Causes of dry throat

Why is a dry throat a cause for concern? Increased dryness mucous membranes causes pain and contributes to a decrease in protective properties. Because of this, the mucous membrane copes with its tasks worse and becomes more susceptible to infections. Overdrying of the mucous membrane can lead to microtraumas appearing on its surface, and this is an additional risk of infection.

It is also worth paying attention to dry mouth and throat, the causes of which may be a sign of other problems. For example, if unpleasant sensations occur after sleep, then most likely the person breathes through his mouth at night. Why is it violated? nasal breathing? This may be due to a deviated nasal septum, which interferes with the aerodynamics of the nose. It may also be caused by an allergy or antihistamines. Drugs used for obesity and the treatment of acne quite often have such a side effect as drying out the mucous membranes, including causing dryness and sore throat.

With diabetes mellitus, a person feels constant thirst and dry mouth and throat. It is possible that he does not yet know about his illness, but the sensations are already signaling trouble in the body. If it is observed frequent urination, then all this is a good reason to see a doctor and undergo an examination.

So, dry throat most often appears as a consequence of some problems or diseases and is often accompanied by other symptoms:

  • Cough,
  • General deterioration of condition,
  • Temperature increase,
  • Runny nose,
  • Hoarseness or hoarseness of voice,
  • Enlarged tonsils
  • Redness of the throat
  • Muscle pain.

What to do if your throat is dry

Treatment for dry throat depends on the cause. If the air in the room where people live or work is too dry, measures must be taken to humidify it.

For this purpose, many modifications of various air humidifiers are produced today.

Depending on the degree of dryness of the air, the device is selected and turned on for a certain time. The most comfortable indoor air humidity is 40-60%.

Where heating devices operate, this figure often drops to 20-25%, which adversely affects the entire body, and the throat reacts first. At heavy load preventive measures should be taken. For example, try not to shout; if you need to speak very loudly, it is better to purchase a microphone, this will save your vocal cords. A simple trick helps many teachers: have a glass of water nearby. When we can easily replenish moisture reserves in the body, it copes with the load easier.

Throat irritation factors from harmful substances can be eliminated or limited. If the feeling of dryness is constant and causes severe discomfort, then you should think about changing your lifestyle. Perhaps you need to quit smoking or change jobs, because dry throat mucous membranes are increased risk development of infections.

If you feel a dry throat and a dry cough, then you should listen to your body. Maybe this is already the beginning of the disease. It happens that just drinking water makes your throat feel better and your mucous membranes become moisturized. However, if there is a problem, the discomfort will quickly return.

When the cause of a dry throat lies in a specific disease, then its treatment is necessary. Infectious diseases are treated depending on their nature. Viral diseases require application antiviral agents, bacterial - antibiotics. If the cause is fungi, you may need specific drugs. Incorrect treatment leads to a worsening of the situation and the development of complications. It often happens that a small cold viral in nature treated with antibiotics. A person thinks that the main thing for him is to get quick results to continue going to work.

However, antibiotics do not act on viruses, but have side effects. The composition of the microflora not only in the throat, but also in the intestines may be completely disrupted. This will lead to a whole bunch of new problems.

If you feel a dry throat while other people around you are suffering from acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections, then immediately take preventive measures. Today, many drugs are produced for this. When unpleasant sensations grow, others join them, you should not let the situation take its course, it is better to consult a doctor to find out the reasons and prescribe adequate treatment.

Almost all people experience a dry throat at some point. These are unpleasant sensations that are often accompanied by pain, soreness, and a change in voice. Often this ailment is a harbinger of some diseases, for example, diseases of the nasopharynx.

The exact causes of this problem should only be established an experienced doctor– an otolaryngologist who will carefully examine the cavity. Dry throat is often a companion to the following diseases:

  • Angina;
  • Cold;
  • Allergic reaction.

Article outline

Dry, red throat: causes

Dryness in the throat, as well as sore throat, occurs when saliva ceases to be produced or is secreted in insufficient volume. Pain and discomfort in the mouth appear when:

  • A person often breathes through his mouth at night;
  • Dehydration occurs;
  • The patient abuses smoking;
  • There are problems with the thyroid gland;
  • There is a reaction to dry polluted air;
  • There are bacterial and infectious diseases associated with lesions (sore throat, mumps, pharyngitis, colds);
  • The sore throat is dry and function is impaired salivary glands as a result of an injury or any disease;
  • Chemotherapy was carried out in the fight against oncology;
  • There is pain and a reaction in the mouth to external irritants (vapors heavy metals, alkalis, too hot or cold food);
  • Features of physiology (childhood or adulthood).

Depending on the reasons, dry throat can be permanent or intermittent. However, according to statistics, a sore mouth most often occurs due to external factors, and not caused by diseases.

For example, tickling occurs when a person constantly breathes through his mouth, especially at night. During sleep, it is difficult for the patient to control his own breathing, so it is often incorrect. Mouth breathing often accompanies snoring, which is even more annoying. As a result, inflammation may occur.

Most often, young children breathe through their mouths when their nose is stuffy. However, not only children, but also adults have dry throats: they are also susceptible to breathing through the mouth when they have a runny nose or sinusitis. Mouth breathing can also be a consequence of various nasal deformities.

Too much cold air often included in the causes of dry throat. This is especially true in the winter season due to the operation of heating devices.

Dries and how side effect when taking various medications. Often, pain and dry mouth are caused by diuretics (such as alcohol and caffeine). These substances contribute to the loss large quantity water due to increased urination. This is the cause of such an unpleasant symptom as dry urination.

Dehydrated air often becomes one of the causes of irritation of the mucous membrane, which entails loss of moisture in the mouth, soreness, and pain. Irritation and soreness also occur as a reaction to dust, tobacco smoke and other types of air pollution. Most often, a dry, unhealthy throat becomes irritated in the morning.

Another reason why the throat becomes dry is diseases associated with damage to this area. With such diseases, problems arise with the tonsils: tumor, cancer, infection. All this creates swelling and interferes with the secretion of saliva. Patients indicate that their sore throat is dry.

Dry red throat: symptoms

Often, dry throat is accompanied by other diseases or allergic reactions. Dries the affected area along with symptoms such as:

  • Dry sore throat and general malaise;
  • Runny nose;
  • Hoarse voice;
  • Fever;
  • A sore throat is dry, and the tonsils are enlarged and red;
  • Cough;
  • Soreness;
  • Muscle pain;
  • Presence of a viral disease.

Typically, several symptoms appear simultaneously with various viral infections. The voice, when the sore throat is dry, acquires a characteristic hoarseness. Body temperature often rises, copious discharge from the nose.

Dry throat and pharyngitis. Dryness is accompanied by redness, pain when swallowing, cough, swelling of the tonsils, redness, elevated temperature bodies. The sore throat becomes dry. This manifests itself even more noticeably when a person eats, talks for a long time, or after sleeping.

Dry sore throat: treatment

If you suspect an infection or bacterial disease, you must consult a doctor immediately. Only he can deliver correct diagnosis and write out necessary medications. Most often these are various antibacterial sprays and gels, and rinsing the nasal cavity with sea salt. However, if you are sure that this is not due to an infection, try to eradicate this disease yourself.

In the case when trouble also appears in the nasal cavity, this may not be due to diseases of the respiratory system, but may be the cause of thyroid problems. In this case, a qualified gastroenterologist can help.

Herbal medicine treatment

Herbal medicine is a method of treatment using a complex of herbs. Particularly effective in cases of reduced immunity. Enter the body essential microelements and vitamins. Phytotherapy based on irrigation medicinal herbs and solutions with beekeeping products cleanses and revitalizes gastrointestinal tract, relieves such ailments as a dry, sore throat.

When a sore throat is dry, chamomile, sage, and eucalyptus work well.

Dry sore throat: treatment with oils

Various natural oils can help in such trouble when a sore throat is dry. The use of peach and apricot oils is considered especially effective. They instill one dose into each nostril. Then you need to take a lying position and rest for five minutes. Your throat will no longer be dry.

Among the ways to get rid of such an ailment as a dry, sore throat are also:

  • Quitting smoking;
  • Air humidification;
  • Application of saline solution;
  • Drinking hot drinks when your sore throat is dry.


The video talks about how to quickly cure a cold, flu or acute respiratory viral infection. Opinion of an experienced doctor.

Attention, TODAY only!

A sore throat and dry throat are associated with many diseases, or these symptoms appear as a result negative impact surrounding factors. Many people are familiar with the feeling of a sore throat. For some, this symptom is immediate and stops after a short period of time, while for others it can develop over a long period.

What causes this symptom and what should you do if your throat is sore and dry? Let's look at this issue in more detail.

In fact, there are a great many reasons, ranging from banal smoking to serious diseases.

Conventionally, the entire etiology can be divided into two fundamental groups:

  • dry throat associated with health problems;
  • impact environment and other negative sources.

Each of these causes has a different pathogenesis, as well as possible complications.

Endogenous causes: the presence of pathologies in the body

As a result active action pathogenic microorganisms a person can develop various diseases who become .

Cause What happens in the body
When this disease occurs, the feeling of soreness and dryness in the throat develops especially acutely. The discomfort and pain experienced by the patient at this time are associated with the onset of the inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the organ.
Onset of respiratory diseases When viruses enter the human body, initial stage the first symptom indicating a similar phenomenon is a feeling of “soreness” and itching of the mucous membranes. In such a situation, you should immediately consult a doctor and begin immediate treatment.
Dry cough One symptom causes another unpleasant symptom. This is how one can characterize the effect of a dry cough on the throat. The fact is that during a painful frequent dry cough, irritation of the mucous membranes occurs, which results in a sore throat.
When your throat is sore and dryness constricts the mucous membranes, you can think about the inflammatory process in the larynx, called laryngitis. It can occur in acute or chronic form depending on the severity of the pathological process.

In clinical severity, accompanying symptoms can be noted:

  • hoarseness or loss of voice;
  • dry barking cough;
  • labored breathing;
  • bluish tint of mucous membranes (cyanosis).
Disruption in work thyroid gland This organ is responsible for the production of very important hormones in the body, which affect the activity of the brain, as well as the condition of the mucous membranes and skin. A malfunction of the thyroid gland can cause sore throat. Install accurate diagnosis is possible only with the help of a special examination
Tonsillitis Damage to the tonsils with their swelling, redness, white plaque and pain when swallowing causes discomfort in the mucous membrane of the throat.
, deformation of the nasal septum Itching appears mainly in the morning. This phenomenon is due to the fact that at night a person cannot control his breathing and breathes through his mouth. The resulting constant air circulation causes dry mucous membranes and, as a result, discomfort in the throat.
Dehydration The symptom may appear throughout the day due to lack of saliva (xerostomia). The feeling of dryness of the oral mucosa (including the throat) causes soreness.
Digestive system diseases If you have existing gastrointestinal pathologies, a dry throat may occur after eating. In addition, it is possible to add other symptoms:

increased gas formation;

unpleasant taste in the mouth;

white coating on the tongue;

abdominal pain, etc.

Diabetes The cause of the symptom is an increase in blood glucose levels and a lack of compensatory functions.

This also includes oncological diseases oropharynx, renal disorders, inflammation of the salivary glands, etc. There are really a lot of reasons and that is why it is sometimes difficult to make a correct diagnosis.

Attention: A sore throat in children may occur as a result of excessive physical activity, and especially in the summer.

Exogenous causes: influence of environmental factors

This may include a temporary manifestation of a symptom, which can last from several hours to several days, depending on the provoking cause.

Causes What causes the symptom to appear?
Stress and psycho-emotional stress During depressive state and violations in nervous activity One of the body's reactions may be a sore and itchy throat. The person experiences severe discomfort, it is difficult for him to swallow saliva, and the mucous membrane seems to be “tightened.”

This is due to the fact that strong stressful conditions provoke an increase in the amount of the hormone adrenaline, which increases the tone of soft tissues. As a result of this increased production, muscle spasm and drying of mucous membranes. However, this phenomenon is temporary and goes away on its own after a few hours.

Allergic reactions Under the influence of an allergic agent (especially common in hypersensitive people), a person may experience similar symptom, as well as lacrimation, severe runny nose, itchy skin, etc.

In particular difficult situation strong possible allergic manifestations as:

  • Quincke's edema;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • laryngeal stenosis;
  • hives;
  • others pathological reactions threatening human life.

In such a situation, you should immediately call an ambulance and provide first aid.

Senile changes in the body It is somehow not logical to classify irreversible changes in the body of older people as diseases, because old age is not a disease, but only one of the transitional stages of life. During the destruction of the mucous membranes of the throat, they dry out, and as a result, soreness.

Cope with developing disorder tissue structures can be helped by medications whose action is aimed at softening the mucous membranes.

Side effects of drugs At long-term treatment antibacterial drugs or excessive enthusiasm nasal sprays and drops cause dehydration of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

Also, such a phenomenon can be provoked by the following factors:

  • dry air;
  • smoking;
  • air pollution.
Vocal cord overstrain At long-term increase voices, hoarseness, dryness and sore throat may occur
Professional fees If a person has a sore throat, this may be due to of this characteristic is the hazardous industry in which he works. This also includes people whose profession involves increased stress on the vocal cords.

To understand the etiology and other features of the appearance of soreness and dryness of the mucous membranes of the throat, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video in this article.

How can you characterize this sign?

At the onset of symptoms, soreness and dryness of the mucous membranes does not bring much discomfort. If no action is taken at this stage, the situation can only worsen and develop into more tangible symptoms, for example, a burning sensation, pain, worsening during conversation or other stress on the throat. As we have already understood, tickling is an additional clinical manifestation.

Therefore, when developing diseases Other symptoms may also appear:

  • muscle pain;
  • the appearance of coughing and runny nose attacks;
  • increased body temperature (hyperthermia);
  • enlargement and redness of the tonsils;
  • lacrimation;
  • general weakness of the body, adynamia;
  • hoarseness of voice or its complete absence, etc.

The most common symptoms associated with dryness and sore throat were described above. If this or any other clinical manifestation is present, it is imperative to undergo a diagnosis from a specialist, where the doctor will be able to advise what treatment instructions are needed.


When the first symptom of a disorder appears, you must contact your attending physician, who, based on anamnesis, laboratory research can make a preliminary diagnosis.

However, this applies primarily to respiratory, as well as other viral and bacterial infections, identifying which is not particularly difficult. In more serious situations that require the intervention of a highly specialized specialist, you may be referred for an examination by an ENT doctor.

Depending on the condition and existing signs, the following research methods are prescribed:

  1. Pharyngoscopy. Using a spatula and a special mirror, the pharyngeal mucosa is examined.
  2. Taking swabs. If viral, bacterial or fungal infections A smear is taken from the tonsils and nasopharynx for culture and further examination.
  3. Ultrasound. Prescribed when it is necessary to make a diagnosis and identify hidden pathological processes.

Depending on the cause of the symptom, you may be referred to the following doctors:

  • neurologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • oncologist.

These specialists will assign you additional methods research to prescribe an adequate treatment regimen.


So, if you experience dryness and sore throat associated with damage epithelial cells respiratory tract, as well as irritation nerve endings we can start symptomatic treatment. In this case, it is effective to use drugs that have a restorative effect on the mucous membrane and reduce the excitation of nerve receptors.

This may include the following medicines:

  • moisturizing and softening preparations of plant origin;
  • local anesthetics;
  • painkillers;
  • preparations prepared from honey;
  • antibacterial and anti-inflammatory;
  • drugs to thin sputum and facilitate its discharge, etc.

Attention: before starting self-medication, you need to make sure that the soreness was caused by an unfavorable environment (smoke, dry air, etc.). If the etiology of development is any disease, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is necessary to establish the exact cause and prescribe adequate therapy.

Traditional methods

Do-it-yourself home remedies also have a positive effect.

To make you feel better, you can use these proven methods:

  • syrup or tea made from honey;
  • ginger tea;
  • freshly squeezed beet juice;
  • elderberry tincture;
  • tea with lemon and honey;
  • onion or garlic broth (rinse);
  • fresh potato compress;
  • raspberry tea or juice;
  • tincture of chamomile, sage or oak bark for gargling, etc.

All these drugs moisturize the mucous membrane of the throat, have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, which contributes quick recovery. The price of preparing homemade recipes is quite low, but even in such cases, at an insignificant cost, high efficiency can be noted.


Compliance preventive measures will reduce the risk of a sore throat.

To this end, you just need to follow these recommendations:

  1. Do not “tear” your vocal cords. People whose activities involve particular stress on their voice should take care of preserving their voice in advance.
  2. Ensure sufficient humidity concentration in the room. There are special devices for this – air humidifiers. You can also use the old proven method - hanging wet rags on the batteries.
  3. Drink enough liquid (at least 1.5-2 liters per day, depending on the air temperature).
  4. Strengthen the immune system to prevent the development of respiratory or other types of disease.
  5. Maintain good oral hygiene and remember to brush your teeth morning and evening.
  6. Stop smoking, as it destroys the epithelium of the respiratory tract.

Taking care of your health is a priority goal throughout your life. If you have a sore throat and dry mucous membranes “don’t give you peace,” be sure to consult a doctor to begin timely treatment.

A dry throat can be caused by a variety of reasons, some serious and some not so serious. Sudden dry throat can usually be treated with home remedies, while chronic dryness may require medical attention.

Attention: The information in this article is for informational purposes only. Before using any medicines consult your doctor.


Part 1

Moisten your throat

    Drink enough fluids. As a general rule, you should drink 8 glasses (2 liters) of water and other liquids daily.

    Eat liquid food. Alternate or mix solid foods with broths, soups, sauces, gravies, creams, butter or margarine. It's lightweight and effective method moisten the throat and provide the body with the fluid it needs.

    • Beyond recovery water balance, liquid food is easier to swallow, which is important for a dry throat. Softened and warm liquid foods are especially easy to swallow.
  1. Gargle with salt water. Salt water is another remedy that is often used to treat the throat, and in certain circumstances it can also help with a dry throat.

    • If your dry throat is caused by seasonal irritants such as dry air or allergens, gargling with salt water may be beneficial. However, if chronic dry throat is due to other causes, salty water may irritate the throat.
    • To prepare saline solution for rinsing, dissolve 1 teaspoon (7 grams) of salt in a glass (250 milliliters) warm water. Gargle with the solution for at least 30 seconds, then spit out.
    • Instead of salt water, you can gargle with licorice water. Take 1 teaspoon (5 milliliters) natural powder licorice (licorice root) and dilute it in a glass (250 milliliters) of warm water. Gargle as you would with salt water.
  2. Chew chewing gum or suck on lollipops. This promotes salivation in the mouth and throat. As a result, saliva will gradually moisten your dry throat.

    • It is better to choose sugar-free chewing gum and lollipops, especially if you have chronic dry throat. Lack of saliva in the mouth and throat increases the risk of tooth decay, which is also facilitated by excess sugar.
    • Similarly, sucking on ice cubes, sugar-free popsicles, or throat lozenges can help increase saliva production. If the lozenges contain numbing ingredients, such as menthol or eucalyptus, they will provide additional relief.
  3. Apply steam and moist air to the throat. Dry throat is often caused by dry air. Try to breathe moist air more often. It is best if the air is humid throughout the day. Brief inhalation of steam can also bring at least temporary relief.

    • Use a humidifier. Place a humidifier in your bedroom or other room where you spend a significant amount of time. Humidifiers saturate the air warm moisture. Inhaling moist air will help relieve irritation and moisturize a dry throat.
    • If you don't have a humidifier, fill warm water deep bowl and place it near a heat source (but not near an electric heater). As the water heats up, it will evaporate rapidly, which will increase the humidity of the air.
    • Take a hot shower and inhale the steam for a few minutes. You can also lean over a bowl of hot water and breathe in the steam. This way you can at least temporarily relieve a dry throat.
  4. Try using artificial saliva products. These products come in the form of aerosols, swabs and mouthwashes and can be purchased without a prescription at the pharmacy.

    Part 2

    Eliminate the cause of dry throat
    1. Breathe through your nose. Breathing through your mouth doesn't filter the air, making it more likely to dry out the lining of your throat. At the same time, as the air passes through the nose, it is filtered and becomes more humid.

    2. Avoid dry, salty and spicy food. Similar food can increase dry throat, so it is best to avoid it until the problem is resolved.

      • Spicy and salty food not only increases dryness, but can also cause a sore throat.
      • Salty and spicy foods are easy to spot, but you could be eating a lot of dry foods and not even know it. Common dry foods include toast, biscuits, dry bread, dried fruits, bananas.
    3. Avoid alcoholic and caffeinated drinks. Alcohol and caffeine do not saturate the body with fluid, but dehydrate it; they dry out the throat and all other organs.

      • Alcohol and caffeine directly dry out the mouth and throat and also contribute to overall dehydration by causing you to urinate more frequently.
      • For the same reasons, you should avoid drinks with increased acidity, including fruit and tomato juices. While these drinks won't cause overall dehydration, they can further irritate a dry, sensitive throat. In addition, drinks with high acidity increase the risk of tooth decay, which is already increased due to a dry throat and mouth.
    4. Check your medications. Many common medications can be classified as “anticholinergic” drugs. This means they reduce secretions, including salivation, and can cause a dry throat.

      • TO similar drugs relate antihistamines, tricyclic antidepressants and antispasmodics. Dry throat can also be caused by many medications taken for Parkinson's disease, hyperactive bladder and chronic bronchitis.
      • If you suspect your dry throat is caused by a certain medication, talk to your doctor before doing anything else. Do not stop taking your prescribed medications without your doctor's advice.
    5. Change your mouthwash and other mouth care products oral cavity. Many standard mouthwashes and toothpastes can increase a dry throat, so try using products that are specifically designed for those who experience dry throat and mouth.

      • The wrong mouthwash can cause great harm for dry throat. Most of these products contain alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, which increase dry mouth and throat.
      • You can consult a dentist or choose your own oral care products. When doing this, look for mouthwash and toothpaste, which state that they are specifically designed for those who experience dry mouth and throat.
    6. Quit smoking. If you smoke, quit bad habit will help overcome dry throat. When you smoke, you inhale substances that dry out and irritate your throat, which can cause or worsen chronic dry throat.

      • Cigarette smoke paralyzes the cilia in the nose and lungs. As a result respiratory system loses the ability to remove mucus, dust and other irritants from the body. This causes a cough and increases dryness in the mouth, nose and throat.

Throat problems can occur due to various reasons. Dry throat most often becomes the main indicator inflammatory processes. The appearance of this symptom may not be associated with any pathologies, so treatment can be prescribed only after determining the cause of this phenomenon.

Reasons for appearance

A feeling of severe lack of moisture in the mouth occurs with bacterial and viral infections, allergic reactions, acute pharyngitis, smoking, staying in a room with dry air (common in winter time). The mucous membrane also dries out with a runny nose, sinusitis, sinusitis, or a fractured nasal septum. Unpleasant feelings may be associated with dysfunction of the salivary glands. Depending on the cause, this condition can be either temporary or permanent.

Very often this symptom is combined with other symptoms. It is accompanied by cough, runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, lacrimation, and change in voice timbre. Possible increase in temperature, occurrence general weakness, drowsiness, muscle pain. An irritated, dry larynx begins to bother you so much that you have problems swallowing food.

Reason for development the specified symptom There is also destruction of mucous membranes. Similar condition often occurs in people over 50 years of age. For local therapy in this case, preparations based on vegetable oils are used.

With the development of pharyngitis, a dry and sore throat may also appear.

The inflammatory process in most cases is caused viral infection. Feeling foreign body in the larynx, pain and itching occur against the background of prolonged psycho-emotional overload. Depressive disorders cause spasm of smooth muscles and drying out of the mucous membranes. Symptoms are temporary and disappear after a few hours.

A painful cough and pain in the mouth are noted when colds and upper respiratory tract infections. These same signs can appear with allergies. Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis. Treatment consists of taking antibacterial or antihistamine drugs. Changes in voice timbre, dryness and burning in the throat are signs of laryngitis. Most often, the disease develops after influenza and ARVI. Smoking and eating cold foods contribute to its aggravation. Pain is observed when swallowing food, a dry cough later becomes wet.

Lack of moisture in the throat and nose can occur when long-term use some medications. If this condition is combined with nasal discharge, we're talking about about the initial stage of a runny nose. Air with low humidity greatly dries out the mucous membranes and promotes the development of nasal bleeding.

Drying and burning can also occur if the thyroid gland is not functioning properly. It is responsible for the secretion of hormones that affect certain parts of the brain. Pain and a feeling of heaviness in the neck or throat can occur with hypothyroidism.

Irritation of the pharynx area, accompanied by the appearance of a white coating, is one of the symptoms of tonsillitis. The disease leads to redness and swelling of the tonsils, the appearance caseous plugs and pain when swallowing. Antiviral and antibacterial agents. The appearance of a lack of moisture in the larynx, mainly at night, is associated with difficulty breathing through the nose. This condition is typical for people who constantly show signs of apnea.

Removing tonsils like any other surgical intervention, often leads to undesirable consequences. The infection can affect nearby tissues, which causes acute pharyngitis to develop.

A feeling of dry throat after eating may be a consequence of pathologies of the digestive system.

An ulcer or gastritis in the stomach can be detected if there is accompanying symptoms– pain in the abdomen, specific plaque on the tongue, decreased appetite, vomiting, bitter taste. With pancreatitis, pain occurs in the left side of the abdomen, flatulence, and diarrhea.

The main cause of dry throat in children is staying in a room with dry air. Especially often this symptom appears in winter. Children's body responds quickly to changes in humidity levels, because the mucous membranes are not fully formed. If this symptom is combined with fever, nasal congestion and pain, you should consult a doctor.


The examination begins with an examination and interview of the patient - collecting an anamnesis. Information about previous diseases greatly facilitates diagnosis. There is also the possibility that foreign body penetration or hypothermia has occurred. Some long-term pathologies endocrine system and blood also contribute to the development inflammatory phenomena in the throat.

Extreme thirst and dry mouth may be signs diabetes mellitus. Hypothyroidism leads to difficulty swallowing, swelling, and a dry tongue.

Diagnosis of diseases of the pharynx and larynx includes pharyngoscopy, taking swabs from the nasopharynx, determining blood sugar levels, examining the thyroid gland and stomach. In addition, consultation with an ENT specialist, gastroenterologist, neurologist and often an endocrinologist is required.

How to get rid of the disease?

The method of treatment is selected depending on the cause of this symptom. If dry throat is a result of infectious disease, antibacterial, antiviral or antifungal drugs.
If the reason for the appearance discomfort is dehydration of the body, it is necessary to observe special drinking regime. The use of saline solution helps moisturize the nasopharynx. It is dripped into the nose and used to gargle. At night you can take any vegetable oil– from sea buckthorn, flax, olives. To increase indoor air humidity, special devices are used. You can replace them with containers of water placed on heating radiators.

To eliminate dryness of the larynx area, use:

  • laser therapy – helps to increase moisture in the nasopharynx and strengthen immune system;
  • mineral therapy - spraying on mucous membranes special drugs through ultrasonic devices;
  • Ozone therapy is a physiotherapeutic procedure aimed at strengthening the immune system, restoring blood circulation and enriching tissues with nutrients.

For oral dehydration, the following may be used: folk remedies: carrot juice with honey; radish juice with honey; Fresh Juice cabbage

Recommended use pomegranate juice. For rinsing, it is recommended to use a decoction of pomegranate skin. It is useful to eat cherries, drink compotes and fruit drinks made from this berry. The effectiveness of treating the symptom under discussion increases if you follow following rules: consumption increased amount drinking water, regularly brush your teeth, use mouthwash, avoid eating salty and spicy foods.