Causes of missed periods other than pregnancy in teenagers. Excessive passion for sports. When an irregular cycle is a symptom of illness

As a rule, menarche (first menstruation) appears in girls at 11–13 years of age. In some cases this an important event occurs at an earlier or late period. Naturally, caring parents begin to worry when a teenager at the age of 14 does not have periods. It is worth immediately understanding what the causes of this phenomenon are and when you need to seek help from a gynecologist.

When wondering why a girl doesn’t have her period at age 14, don’t immediately panic. Hormonal imbalances in adolescence and delayed sexual development can be observed under the influence of various factors. Among the main ones, the following stand out:

Also observed. In some cases this is considered normal, in others - pathology. In any case, it would be a good idea to get additional advice from a specialist.

At what age is primary amenorrhea diagnosed?

Means absence menstrual flow among women.

Primary amenorrhea is diagnosed if a girl does not have menstruation at the age of 14, and other signs of puberty do not appear: the appearance of pubic hair and armpits, enlargement of the mammary glands.

If secondary signs Puberty appears in a teenager, but menstruation does not begin until the age of sixteen; delayed menstruation is also considered primary amenorrhea.

Causes of primary amenorrhea with delayed sexual development

This diagnosis is given to girls who, by the age of fourteen, have no signs of puberty and have not appeared at menarche. The reasons for the delay of menstruation in adolescents and the inhibition of the body’s development may be different.

Gonadal malformations

The absence of menstruation in a girl aged 14 or 15 is often due to malformations of the gonads, namely:

  • Swyer's syndrome;
  • gonadal dysgenesis;
  • testicular feminization syndrome.

Amenorrhea in this case is caused by chromosomal changes, as a result of which underdevelopment of the gonads is observed.

In a third of girls suffering from primary amenorrhea with mental retardation, developmental inhibition is caused by gonadal dysgenesis, in which the tissue necessary for the normal functioning of hormones is absent.

This pathology can occur in several forms:

  • mixed;
  • erased;
  • typical;
  • clean.

In this case, such defects as atrophy of the mucous membranes of the vulva and vagina, genital infantilism and underdevelopment of the mammary glands are observed.

Malformations in the central nervous system circuit

Developmental delay and absence of menstruation in a 15-year-old teenager can be caused by developmental defects in the central nervous system affecting the pituitary gland, such as:

  • tumors;
  • vascular thrombosis or tissue necrosis;
  • damage to the pituitary stalk.

As a result, the ovaries are unable to produce the required amount of estrogen - and critical days don't come.

Causes of primary amenorrhea without ZPR

In the absence of developmental delay, primary amenorrhea is triggered by malformations of the genital organs. Against this background, menstrual blood does not appear when the girl reaches the age of sixteen.


Gynatresia is a disorder of the cervix, hymen, or vagina. In this case, the outflow of menstruation is disrupted. Discharge accumulates inside the reproductive system and stretches the reproductive organ, vagina and tubes.

Every month girls have unbearable pain in the lower abdomen, but do not have periods.

Initially this nagging pain, which intensifies over time, becomes acute and paroxysmal. In addition, there are disturbances in the functioning of the intestines and Bladder, nausea and dizziness.

Uterine aplasia

This is a pathology in which the reproductive organ is underdeveloped or has abnormal shape. In most cases, the disease is asymptomatic in adolescence. It can only be detected with an ultrasound of the pelvis. Girls are actively developing, their mammary glands, hair grows in the armpits and pubic area. They only complain about missing periods at 16 years old.

Diagnosis of the causes by a specialist

When asked what to do if a teenager under 14 years of age has not had menarche, there is only one answer: you need to seek help from a gynecologist. First of all, the doctor will take a history and examine the girl. After this, it will be necessary to resort to additional diagnostic measures.

To make a diagnosis, a pelvic ultrasound is required. Thanks to this, it is possible to identify the following violations:

  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • changes in the endometrium;
  • infantilism.

Primary amenorrhea is often caused by hormonal disorders. That is why screening is carried out at the next stage.

With its help, the doctor receives information about the level of hormones in the blood, such as:

  • testosterone;
  • prolactin;
  • progesterone.

In some cases, you additionally need:

  • hysteroscopy;
  • laparoscopy;
  • consultation with a neurologist;
  • karyotype examination.

Only after complex diagnostics the doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis.

Appearance – important point for girl. If for some reason they are late, then this causes certain concerns among teenagers and their parents. Indeed, in some cases the absence bleeding may indicate serious problems in organism. Often, a delay in menstruation is caused by stress, changes in climatic conditions and physiological characteristics, but only a doctor can determine why critical days do not come. Such violations should not be ignored.

The formation of menstrual function is a long process. Until the body is completely rebuilt, a delay in menstruation in adolescents is considered normal, but it is also possible pathological causes cycle irregularity.

In adolescence, delayed periods are normal phenomenon

Why do teenagers have delayed periods?

The first periods appear in girls aged 12–15 years. At this time, dramatic changes occur in the hormonal background, there is a gradual formation reproductive system. Irregular periods for the next 1–2 years are normal for girls.

Call long-term violations menstruation during adolescence can external factors(stress, overwork), and internal deviations in work are vital important systems.

Table “Causes of delayed periods in girls”

Possible factors Description
Not balanced diet Abuse of food instant cooking(hot dogs, burgers, French fries), carbonated drinks, hot sauces and sweets leads to metabolic disorders and obesity. Exhaustive diets and partial starvation (often found among teenagers) can also negatively affect a young body. This leads to catastrophic weight loss and, as a result, leads to serious hormonal imbalances - decreased production of sex hormones, poor health, painful menstruation
Great physical activity Excessive training in any sports field (dancing, fitness, aerobics, gymnastics, swimming, running) greatly exhausts the young body, which leads to a lack of necessary substances for the normal functioning of all vital systems, including production female hormones. As a result, serious deviations in the menstrual cycle occur, periods are greatly delayed or stop altogether for several months in a row.
Emotional stress, stress at school, mental fatigue Anxiety about lessons, relationships with peers, or first love affects the girl’s general condition and hormonal background in particular.
Climate change The body's normal reaction to changes in climatic conditions Irregular periods are considered. Girls are just developing sexual function, so any changes in time external environment affect the cycle
Hypothermia Provokes inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, which ultimately negatively affects its functioning - menstruation is delayed, very painful and heavy
Infectious diseases of the genitourinary system (vaginitis, cystitis, endometritis, pyelonephritis) Inflammations and infections are common reasons problems with menstruation. At this time, apathy, painful condition, fever, loss of strength and delay of menstruation for 2 months or more are observed.
Endocrine pathologies ( diabetes, thyroid problems) Violation metabolic processes in organism, bad job pancreas or thyroid gland– all this, first of all, affects the formation of sex hormones, which leads to irregularity in the menstrual cycle
Hormonal imbalance Female hormones - estrogen or progesterone - greatly exceed the norm. This means that the genitourinary system develops pathological processes except pregnancy, when such an increase is considered normal

If menstruation occurs before age 11 or after age 16, this is a sign pathological disorders in the making reproductive function. It is imperative to find out the reason for this condition.

Which doctor should I contact?

If you haven't had your period for a long time, there is a reason to see a doctor. A gynecologist deals with issues of the female reproductive system. It is better to show girls under 14 years of age to a pediatric specialist.

Girls under 14 years old should contact pediatric gynecologist

During the examination and examination of the patient’s complaints, the doctor may prescribe examination by other doctors -,. This means that there are suspicions of pathologies not related to the girl’s genitourinary system. This happens with endocrine or neurological disorders.


A disruption in the menstrual cycle that lasts more than 2 months requires careful study through comprehensive diagnostics.

What exactly causes a delay in menstruation in adolescents can be found out thanks to the basic medical methods which include:

  • examination by a gynecologist (up to 14 years of age, girls are examined through the anus);
  • superficial ultrasound (the sensor is applied to abdominal cavity and lower abdomen, without penetration into the vagina);
  • general and biochemical blood test (the quality and composition of plasma, the presence of glucose, hemoglobin level, the state of leukocytes, erythrocytes, kidney and liver tests are studied);
  • urine test (the functioning of the urinary system is checked);
  • smear on the flora of the vagina, urethra and cervix (taken with a special thin instrument so as not to damage the hymen) - microflora is studied reproductive organs for pathogenic bacteria that could cause inflammation.

Thanks to a comprehensive examination, it is possible to short time establish the cause of rare periods and select necessary therapy for adjusting the menstrual cycle.

A pelvic ultrasound will show the cause of missed periods

What to do if a teenager has a late period?

Accelerate stabilization menstrual cycle maybe if you know the real reason negative violations:

  1. If the cause of rare periods is poor nutrition (fast foods or diets), you need to reconsider your diet. Exclude junk food, carbonated drinks, hot sauces. It is recommended to give preference to foods rich in iron and folic acid(turkey meat, red fish, beets, beans, beef liver, tomato juice, walnuts). The main thing is not to exhaust the body with diets, but to eat a balanced diet.
  2. In case of severe fatigue due to violation of the rest and work schedule, normalize sleep (8–9 hours a day).
  3. In case of excessive physical activity, exercise in moderation and do not overload the body. A week before your period, slow down your usual pace of studies, limiting yourself to morning exercises and physical education lessons at school.
  4. To avoid hypothermia, ensure that your legs, stomach and back are always warm. Clothing must be appropriate for the season.
  5. If the reason is emotional overstrain, try to avoid stressful situations, don’t get nervous over trifles and take your medications sedative effect(extract of valerian, motherwort).

If your period is late, eat more foods with iron.

Under no circumstances should long delays in the menstrual cycle be hidden or ignored. Especially when the long-awaited period comes with a strong pain syndrome, heavy discharge and poor health.

Infrequent periods during adolescence are normal if the delays are infrequent and occur within 2 years from the beginning of the cycle. In this case, the natural changes in hormonal levels are affected by stress, poor nutrition, and overwork. If there is no discharge for more than 2 months, there is a reason to go to the doctor. Similar condition may be a consequence of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, hormonal imbalance or endocrine disorders. It is important not to hush up the problem and not try to solve it by self-medication.

When a girl is 13, she begins a new phase psychological development. It is also associated with changes occurring in her body:

  • she begins to feel like a woman;
  • her attitude towards boys as representatives of the other sex changes;
  • Critical remarks from friends or parents are also perceived more sharply.

The situation is complicated by the fact that unstable hormonal levels greatly affect the emotionality of a teenager. Any stress, uneven relationships with peers, heavy academic loads that make a child nervous can affect the timing of the menstrual cycle. Delays or even long-term disruptions may occur. In this case, it is better to get not only a consultation with a gynecologist, but also the help of a psychologist.

The specialist will advise how to control the teenager’s emotionality, perhaps prescribe mild sedatives, breathing exercises, will give advice on the girl’s daily routine and nutrition.

Hormonal imbalances in adolescence

In the first two years, while menstruation is just becoming established, there are severe cycle disruptions. In the first case, this may be caused poor nutrition, emotional state and other reasons for the improper organization of a girl’s daily routine.

All these factors put together lead to hormonal imbalance, when the amount of female hormones - estrogen or progesterone - becomes higher than normal. In this case, not only may there be a delay in menstruation in adolescents, but also the following may appear:

  • pain in the lower abdomen or lower back;
  • headache;
  • nausea and dizziness;
  • Sometimes fainting occurs.

The cause of the failure may be long reception antibiotics, everything that affects the pituitary gland, which is responsible for the production of hormones. The gynecologist will help you find the causes of cycle disorders and prescribe complex therapy where the vitamins will be included, homeopathic medicines and a course of hormonal drugs.

Some girls may experience hormonal imbalance when a surge occurs in the body male hormones. In this case, the gynecologist will select competent individual treatment that restores normal hormone production.

Late onset of menstruation

The late onset of menstruation in girls is considered to be the arrival of the first menstruation at the age of over 14 years. This indicates delayed sexual development and can be caused by both psychological and physiological reasons.

A girl may have an underdeveloped uterus, disorders in the pituitary gland, and tumors may be the cause. Timely medical intervention will quickly eliminate these problems. More often late start menstruation is explained by increased emotionality and lack of weight. This reduces estrogen production and delays sexual development.

If menstruation begins late, then the cycle takes a long time to establish; there may be a delay in menstruation in a 15-year-old teenager, interruptions in the passage of the cycle, long menstruation, which are accompanied by general feeling unwell. During the entire first year, with such development, it is better for the girl to be constantly monitored by a gynecologist.

Absence of menstruation for more than two months

If a girl’s cycle is almost established, but suddenly her periods stop for two or more months, she needs to seek treatment. The cause may be oligomenorrhea. Must pass comprehensive examination And full course treatment.

It includes complex therapy, the basis of which is hormonal course. It is important to restore the cycle and normal development girls, otherwise it may have a negative impact on women's health in future.

Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system

The cause of delayed menstruation, if this phenomenon occurs for several months in a row, can be diseases of the girl’s genitourinary system. We are talking about infection and the development of the inflammatory process. The cause of infection is bacteria, depending on their location in the body, inflammation covers:

  • vaginal flora – vaginitis;
  • bladder – cystitis;
  • uterine mucosa – endometritis;
  • renal pelvis – pyelonephritis.

At the slightest symptoms: pain in the area of ​​any pelvic organ, delayed menstruation, general painful condition, apathy, fatigue, increased body temperature - you must immediately contact the clinic.

Ultrasound, urine and blood tests will help specialists establish a clear diagnosis and prescribe correct treatment. The course of therapy will include anti-inflammatory drugs, possibly antibiotics, local antiseptics and oral administration, vitamins, and also, if necessary, hormonal drugs.

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Delayed periods in teenagers can occur for a number of reasons. First of all, you should not panic, but try to calmly understand this problem. For girls puberty begins at about 9-10 years of age, complex hormonal changes begin to occur in the body. For formation hormonal system Many factors influence: daily routine, balanced diet, chronic diseases, heredity and physical activity. Usually the first menstrual cycle begins at 12-13 years of age.

Reasons for missed periods

Refusal of hot foods, snacks, and also a passion for diets is a sure way to disrupt the functioning of the digestive system, as well as to problems in the field of gynecology. The body simply does not have enough strength to cope with the right load. To avoid a delay in menstruation at 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 years of age, you need to get enough sleep and follow a daily routine. Forget about unhealthy chips and cola and include fish, meat, salads and light soups in your diet.

Failures and delays in the menstrual cycle in adolescents can occur as a result of intense physical exertion in those girls who are seriously involved in fitness, aerobics, dancing and sports. Anything beyond measure is unhealthy.

Endocrine and infectious diseases can affect the menstrual cycle. Constant hypothermia can lead to inflammation of the genitourinary system, resulting in painful menstruation, cycle disruption, or heavy bleeding. You should always dress according to the season and keep your feet warm. To prevent delays in girls' periods, even when going to the beach, take a spare swimsuit that you can change into after swimming. This will protect the body from hypothermia.

Mental experiences and stress can have an impact negative impact not only for periods, but also for the body as a whole. This is one of the main reasons why a seventeen-year-old girl may have a delay in her period. Always be positive and start your day with a smile and exercise.

For the period of formation menstrual function the cycle may be unstable. A trip to the sea or abrupt change climate may be one of the reasons for the delay. This reaction is normal and should not be a cause for concern. And lastly, whatever the reason for the delay, you should not become isolated; consult a doctor.

The female body is an amazing mechanism that works with the precision of a clock. Complex processes take place in it, special phenomena associated with the reproductive function arise, without which the continuation of the human race is unthinkable. Menstruation is a signal that puberty has begun and the body is ready to move into a new phase of development. Every girl in adolescence awaits their arrival with trepidation, but there are times when they do not come at a certain time, then the question often arises: how to induce the first menstruation and what to do in this situation? The necessary knowledge in this field of medicine will help you find the answer.

Since ancient times, menstruation and everything connected with it has been surrounded by a veil of mystery and led to the emergence of many superstitions, speculations and myths. The latter often carried elements of fear and surprise and had a frightening and unpleasant character. Therefore, during the period when a girl is ready to transition to the status of a girl, it is important to provide her necessary information, help and advice to prevent a stressful situation from arising and negative emotions in the still unformed body of a teenager.

During this difficult time for her, it is necessary to provide psychological support, create trusting relationship, answer your questions and help you deal with strange phenomena. To solve this problem, the role of the mother is important, as a mentor and good friend, so that such an upcoming test as menstruation does not become an unexpected and unpleasant surprise.

A little physiology

Various physiological processes in the body of any person occur differently, individually. Therefore, menarche (first menstruation) is no exception; sometimes it may appear a little earlier or later than the specified dates. The menstrual cycle is 28-30 days, but can vary: from 21 to 35. This depends on the amount of sex hormones in the woman’s body.

The regularity and duration of the cycle are not immediately established. The appearance of the first menstruation does not guarantee that in the second and subsequent months they will appear strictly according to the calendar. This will take one year, sometimes up to two years.

Changes in the duration and timeliness of menstruation during this period are considered normal and do not require medicinal correction. But, if the delay is more three months or the duration of menstruation exceeds 10 days, you need to consult a specialist.

Under the influence of estrogen in puberty in the girl’s body, the pelvic bones expand in width, then hair growth begins in the pubic and armpit areas, the mammary glands swell and pigmentation of the nipples begins, adipose tissue in the area of ​​the hips, buttocks, abdomen and chest – secondary sexual characteristics develop. Thus, a radical restructuring of the reproductive system occurs.

The size of the ovaries and uterus increases, and from the inside it is covered with endometrium. This layer is necessary for the attachment of the placenta. If fertilization of the egg does not take place, the endometrium is rejected. This phenomenon in a girl’s body is called the first menstruation (menarche). They usually begin at the age of 12–13 years.

In addition to secondary sexual characteristics, you should pay attention to the characteristic complaints that arise during this period:

  • pain in the lower abdomen, lower back;
  • the appearance of leucorrhoea (white or yellowish physiological discharge);
  • the amount of discharge gradually increases
  • irritability and vulnerability
  • weakness, drowsiness, fatigue
  • loss of appetite, nausea.

These symptoms usually occur six months before menstruation appears, indicating the imminent arrival of “gynecological age”.

Norm and pathology

Girls often get their period for the first time at 12-13 years of age; the norm is considered to be between 12 and 14 years of age.

At the age of 13, the presence of warning symptoms indicates the imminent appearance of menstruation. If a girl under 14 years of age does not experience them, there is no need to worry, the body knows when to turn it on the desired function into action and will do it himself, without external interference.

If menarche has not occurred after the age of 14, but when secondary sexual characteristics are present, the general condition does not suffer, or there have already been cases in the anamnesis of the mother or younger sisters, then you just need to wait, everything will happen by itself. It is necessary to eat right, food should be balanced, and meals should be regular, devote enough time to rest, sleep as much as required, lead active image life without bad habits and not giving in to stress.

If there are no periods before the age of 16, but secondary sexual characteristics are present, the genitals are developed, and the general condition remains unchanged, this is not a variant of the pathology and does not require additional drug interventions. But to exclude pathology, you need to consult a specialist.

But if after 16 years your period has not come, it is unacceptable to leave the situation without control. In such cases, you must definitely contact teenage gynecologist, find out the reasons, conduct the necessary research or treatment. Such periods are called late and belong to the category of pathology.

Sometimes the doctor prescribes the drug Duphaston, but the dosage and duration of treatment are strictly individual. Under no circumstances should you take medications on your own or carry out medical correction to get your period. You can disrupt hormonal levels caused by the action various drugs, which will lead to unforeseen consequences in the still unformed body of a teenager.

Causes of physiological delay of menstruation

A malfunction in the body, as a result of which a girl’s period comes later, most often provoked by the following factors:

  • excess or deficiency of weight, its sharp fluctuations;
  • suffered stress, emotional overload;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • features of heredity;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • history of infectious diseases.


You can’t rush things, don’t rush to induce menstruation, nature itself will decide when the girl is ready for reproductive function. The “gynecological age” of each organism is individual and physiological processes in it do not always occur according to a strictly defined pattern. But in the absence of serious pathology, they will definitely start and force the entire system to work harmoniously and synchronously, and your periods will come in due time. You need to be able to take care of your body, listen to your body and learn to respect it.

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The main reason why a girl did not start menstruating at the age of 13 is, most likely, that her body was simply unprepared. This means that the reproductive system has not yet fully formed, and the level of hormones has not reached the required level. But it is the hormonal background that is the main condition for the maturation of the egg, which then leaves the girl’s body along with menstrual blood if pregnancy has not occurred.

Each organism develops differently, which is why each girl reaches puberty at at different ages. Therefore, you shouldn’t worry at all even if you don’t have periods at 13 years old - for some girls they can come at 15 years old. Also, don’t worry if your period starts but is irregular: the cycle usually settles within a year.

However, in some cases, the absence of menarche is indeed a problem and a deviation from the norm. And the first reason is the delay in the girl’s maturation.

2 Delayed physical and puberty

The development of a teenager occurs simultaneously in 2 aspects - physical and sexual. Under physical development This implies that the girl’s appearance corresponds to age standards. Height, weight, chest and pelvic volume are taken into account.

Puberty involves the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics. Normally, it should be like this: the development of the mammary glands begins at the age of 9.5-10.5 years, pubic hair appears after 2 years, and after 12 months menarche occurs, that is, just in time for 13 years. That is why, on average, this is the age at which menstruation should begin.

3 Gynecological pathologies

In some cases, the cause of delayed menarche may be gynecological problems. Gynecologists point to the following:

  1. Aplasia. This congenital pathology, which is characterized by the absence of the uterus. In this case, the girl simply has nothing to menstruate with.
  2. . Characterized by false. The reason is also the abnormal structure of the internal genital organs, when the uterus is present and functioning, but the vagina is absent. A girl with this developmental pathology experiences pain in the lower abdomen every month, but her period does not come. And only upon examination by a gynecologist does the reason for this picture become clear.

In any case, if a girl or her mother is very concerned about her daughter’s lack of menarche, it is better to see a pediatric gynecologist.

4 Possible causes of the situation

In most cases, however, we are not talking about pathology.

If a girl wants to know what other possible reasons for the absence of menstruation at her age, you can point to the following:

  1. Climate. It is known that girls who live in hot countries begin puberty earlier, which means their periods also come earlier. Another reason is a sharp climate change.
  2. Diet. The food a person eats has a big influence on hormonal background. Moreover, if a girl is fond of fast food and another junk food, overeats or, on the contrary, goes on a diet, this equally negatively affects the entire body as a whole, including hormonal levels.
  3. Lifestyle. If a girl does not get enough sleep, is nervous, prone to stress, has bad habits etc., this can also affect her menstrual cycle. Sedentary image life can also cause the absence of menarche, since it disrupts the blood circulation process.
  4. Physical exercise. If a girl plays sports professionally and exhausts herself with training, this can also affect the onset of her period. The risk group includes girls who engage in dancing, ballet, and modeling.

5 Impact of health status

The functioning of the entire body, including the reproductive system, depends on the general state of health. That is why, in the presence of any ailments, hormonal levels may change, as a result. The following diseases may cause this picture:

If a girl has suffered any serious illness, surgery or similar serious interventions, this can also affect the development of menstrual function.

Home " Planning » Why do teenagers experience delays in menstruation? Delayed periods in teenagers

Physiologically female body significantly different from men's. This is manifested not only in secondary sexual characteristics, which make it possible to discern a representative of the fair sex at first glance, but also in the cyclical nature of the processes occurring from the moment of the onset of maturation until the complete extinction of the activity of the gonads. The most a clear sign, which determines the onset of puberty, is menstruation, which is characterized by cyclicity and a strictly defined period, individual for each woman.

When does a girl start menstruating?

The onset of puberty in girls depends on many factors and can occur between 9 and 16 years of age. Traditionally, the early arrival of menstruation is observed among representatives of peoples living in tropical and subtropical zones. The most late dates the onset of menarche (after 15) is observed in girls in Scandinavia.

Despite the enormous extent of Russia, whose territory spreads across 4 climatic zones, big difference in the timing of the onset of the first menstruation in residents of the Arctic and subtropical zones is not observed. This is due to the fact that in last decades As a result of interethnic marriages, the population has become more homogeneous, and among adolescents, characteristic features early or late puberty, which were inherent in the parents.

The normal age for the onset of the first period is considered to be 12–14 years. A deviation of 2–3 years in adolescence is not considered a pathology. The reason to consult a doctor is the extremely early arrival of menstruation - up to 9, or a long delay, despite the formation of female type a girl’s body – later than 17 (except in the case of early pregnancy).

Reasons for the absence of menstruation in 12-16 year old girls

The process of maturation is associated with profound changes in the girl’s body that occur under the influence of female sex hormones - estrogens. The first signs characterizing the onset of puberty appear at 8–9 years of age. At this age, hair appears under the arms and on the pubis. The mammary glands in the nipple area become enlarged. The glandular tissue swells and breasts begin to form.

In girls with a hypersthenic physique, from the age of 14, the deposition of subcutaneous fat begins according to the female type. During this period, the ovaries are already producing specific hormones, but not yet in sufficient quantities to initiate the maturation of follicles with an egg.

The activity of hormone production is influenced not only by the girl’s place of residence, but by a number of other factors:

  • heredity;
  • body type;
  • nature of nutrition;
  • physical activity, sports;
  • health status (presence of chronic or acute infectious diseases).

An important factor is the psychological status of a teenage girl, her perception of herself as a woman. Teenagers with an infantile personality type who perceive reality late adult life, usually lag behind their peers in puberty. Lack of interest in opposite sex due to religious prohibitions or strict home education, it also delays the onset of menstruation.

When is a regular menstrual cycle established?

The arrival of the first menstruation does not indicate the readiness of the girl’s body to perform the reproductive function. Why does it usually take 2-3 years between the first menstruation and the onset of puberty in a physiological sense? During this period, the formation of the adolescent’s body according to the female type ends. Secondary sexual characteristics are fully formed. The production of hormones is normalized endocrine glands and the individual duration of the monthly cycle is established (from 21 to 36 days).

It happens that for some girls a fairly significant period passes between the first menstruation and the next one. The second menstruation may occur after one and a half to two months or even after six months.

If at 13 years old you still don’t have your period, you shouldn’t do anything special about it. There is a process of normalization of the activity of the ovaries, which at the age of 9–15 years work unstable and produce estrogens in varying quantities every month.

If from 13 to 15 years old monthly cycle does not normalize and does not become regular, accompanied by mild malaise and minor blood loss, there is cause for concern and contacting a pediatric gynecologist. The reasons that may cause the delay must first be eliminated.

Alarming symptoms are:

  • long lasting intense pain in the lower abdomen, preceding and accompanying menstruation;
  • nausea and vomiting during menstruation;
  • headaches that do not go away for a long time;
  • dizziness and fainting;
  • heavy bleeding, not typical for menstrual discharge.

Causes of delayed menstruation in teenagers

The main reason for delayed periods is hormonal imbalance. Hormonal levels are the result of gland activity internal secretion, which are closely related to the activity of the ovaries and affect the intensity of the production of sex hormones. Some factors influence the frequency of menstruation in teenage girls 12–16 years old:

  • poor nutrition;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • diseases genitourinary area;
  • mental and genetic diseases;
  • emotional instability of a teenager’s psyche;
  • other random factors other than pregnancy.

Children's nutrition adolescence- This is the cause of constant concern for parents. The main problem lies in irregularity and imbalance. A variety of fast foods and drinks that contain synthetic sweeteners and flavors have become widespread. Their harm has long been proven, but, perhaps, there is no child who would not prefer these drinks to their mother’s compote.

From the first years of life, children become accustomed to consuming foods that literally destroy them. immune system, causing allergies and more serious diseases. In products fast food contained a large number of fats, hormones, antibiotics. Their regular use inevitably leads to obesity and dysfunction of the gonads.

At the other extreme, teenage girls follow strict diets. Physiological process transformation of a teenager's body into female forms with the fat deposits inherent in this type is perceived by girls as the beginning of obesity. To regain their slimness, they resort to techniques learned on the Internet or from friends. Refusal of necessary food products leads to anorexia and complete loss of ovarian function.

Professional sports, popular today, are impossible without intense daily training. All the strength of a growing organism goes into building up muscle mass and keeping her in good shape. Late periods (at 17 years old) and irregular menstrual cycles caused by excessive exercise are familiar to almost all girls who were more or less seriously involved in sports in childhood.

A delay in the onset of menstruation can be caused by chronic diseases genitourinary area. Organs located in the pelvis, adjacent to the ovaries, influence their functioning indirectly. Especially when it comes to the inflammatory process. Toxins released by pathogens disrupt the functioning of the ovaries and the frequency of ovulation.

Bad habits strongly influence the time of onset and frequency of menstrual cycles: drug use, alcohol, smoking. They disrupt the metabolic processes in the body of a teenager, as a result of which the processes of puberty slow down.

What to do if your period is not on time?

Untimely onset of menstruation between the ages of 13 and 16 is a reason to consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist. If menstruation does not come for a long time after it starts, or is extremely irregular for more than two years in a row, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause - change the diet, lifestyle, cure a disease or get rid of bad habits.

Teenage girls begin their first menstruation between the ages of 12 and 16. They can begin earlier at 9-11 years of age, but this situation is rare. Menstruation in the first two years from the moment of its appearance is not regular and may disappear for 2-3 months and then reappear.

There is nothing wrong with this, it’s just that the body is still “adjusting” the menstrual cycle. However, it is not uncommon for menstruation to disappear under the influence of various factors. Let's try to understand in more detail the reasons for delayed menstruation after the first monthly discharge.

The onset of menstruation, the duration and abundance of menstruation is a strictly individual criterion. However, there are some average data that are considered the norm. Thus, normally the onset of menstruation in teenage girls is between 12 and 16 years of age. The first menstruation is called menarche.

The menstrual cycle, which is counted from the first day of menstruation, lasts on average 28 days. However, deviations may be larger (up to 35 days) or smaller (up to 21-23 days).

In the first two years after the appearance of the first menstruation, the formation of the menstrual cycle occurs. How does this manifest itself? The fact is that the hormonal background in young girls is still developing, which is reflected in the regularity of menstruation.

For example, the first menstruation was and lasted 3 days, and in next month there was a delay. This is a normal situation for the body of a teenage girl. At this age, after the first menstruation, the appearance of a delay of up to 2-3 months is considered an acceptable norm.

Therefore, if the first period was at the age of 12-15 years, and the second does not begin, then this is a normal situation and there is no need to worry. Perhaps the next menstruation will begin in 1-3 months. The duration of discharge for the first time can vary from 2 to 4 days. The discharge will not be abundant, perhaps brown or dark red.

Therefore, if a teenager experiences a delay after the first menstruation, there is no need to worry too much. Moreover, on general health This does not affect the child. However, if there is no menstruation for 6 months or more, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist (pediatric gynecologist) for an examination. The fact is that such a long delay may also be due to the influence of unfavorable factors.


Puberty in teenage girls begins at approximately 11-12 years of age and ends by 18 years of age. During this period, sexual characteristics appear: breasts begin to form, hair appears under the arms and on the pubis, the girl rapidly gains height, and her voice changes. But these are only external signs.

At the same time, the body undergoes numerous changes: the formation of an “adult” hormonal level occurs, the load on the bone and other systems increases, children's body growing and maturing rapidly.

As mentioned above, at the same time girls get their first periods, the regularity of which can be affected by the following factors:

Incorrect or unbalanced diet. During a period of rapid growth, the body needs “building materials”, which can only be obtained from food. A teenager needs vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and trace elements for full growth and development.

If a teenage girl’s nutrition is one-sided, not rational, or there is an excessive passion for soda and fast food, then this will affect the functioning of the whole organism. And it will definitely provoke a delay in menstruation and an irregular menstrual cycle.

Unbearable physical activity. Active activities sports, intense exercise or excessive hobby physical culture can provoke delays in menstruation in a teenager. the body turns on a protective reaction and tries to save resources, thus getting rid of excessive stress.

Sudden weight loss, anorexia. Teenage girls often go on strict diets, trying to become like their idols from TV or the Internet. In pursuit of “ideal” parameters, girls do not spare themselves and practically stop eating. As a result, menstruation is delayed, since the body, in an attempt to preserve strength, practically turns off the menstrual function.

Emotional lability and academic workload. Girls aged 13-15 are entering a difficult period. At this time, the school workload increases significantly, which introduces a large number of stressful situations into the child’s life. Plus, the hormonal background of a teenage girl begins to change, at the same time she begins to be interested in boys and her appearance.

Often girls of this age are unreasonably dissatisfied with their appearance, which leads to stress. The combination of stressful situations and academic workload disrupts the already unstable hormonal levels, which leads to a delay in menstruation in a teenager.

Diseases of the endocrine system (obesity, thyroid pathologies, diabetes mellitus, etc.) lead to malfunctions of the hormonal system (hypothalamus - pituitary gland - ovaries), which accordingly affects the regularity of the menstrual cycle.

As can be seen from all of the above, delay in adolescents can be as follows: physiological norm, so provoked by various unfavorable factors. In any case, if the delay lasts more than 2-3 months, it is better to visit a gynecologist for an examination and consultation.

If at the age of 14, 15 or 16 years you have never had menstruation, then this indicates the development of primary amenorrhea. What is this? This is the absolute absence of menstrual flow. Amenorrhea can be primary or secondary.

If menstruation begins and then does not recur for 6 months or more, a diagnosis of secondary amenorrhea is made. In cases where menstruation has not appeared in a girl who has reached 16 years of age, a diagnosis of primary amenorrhea is made.

One of the reasons why periods do not start until age 16 is delayed puberty. Girls with this problem, even after reaching 15-16 years of age, have practically no developed breasts and no hair on the pubis and under the arms. In addition, they look much younger than their peers and have less height and weight.

If such a situation exists, then you need to visit a gynecologist-endocrinologist. An examination prescribed by these specialists will help clarify the cause of the problem.

Often, delay in adolescents can occur against the background of existing infectious diseases. inflammatory diseases. They can occur due to hypothermia, poor personal hygiene, or weakened immunity.

The most dangerous for the menstrual cycle will be inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system. Such as: cystitis, pyelonephritis, vaginitis, vulvovaginitis and others.

In this case, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • Increased body temperature.
  • Pain in the back, lower abdomen.
  • Frequent urge to urinate.
  • Itching, burning in the perineum, in the vagina.
  • Nausea, weakness, headache.
  • Delayed menstruation.

If at least two or three symptoms are observed against the background of a delay in menstruation, you should urgently visit medical institution. The specialist will prescribe an examination (blood tests, urine tests, ultrasound, etc.). Based on the results, it will be possible to identify the underlying cause and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Typically, the body independently copes with controlling the regularity of the menstrual cycle. This takes from 1 to 2 years. But you can significantly ease the period of menstruation:

  • Adjust the menu of a teenage girl. Add more proteins fresh vegetables, fruits, greens.
  • If possible, reduce physical and intellectual stress.
  • Create conditions for good rest girls. Sleep should be at least 8 hours.
  • Arrange walks on fresh air, try to communicate with the girl more often and discuss all the issues that concern her.

Sometimes unstable emotional condition girls demands special attention. In this case, it is better to contact a psychologist who will help the girl accept her new condition.