What infectious diseases are sold out? Filling out an emergency notification card. Guidance on recording and reporting infectious diseases

3.4. Take measures to introduce modern methods of laboratory diagnostics in medical organizations.

3.5. Ensure personal responsibility of officials of medical organizations when carrying out anti-epidemic measures: medical examination and medical observation of persons exposed to the risk of infection, when prescribing and following post-exposure (emergency) prophylaxis schemes, for observing the rules for discharging infectious patients from the hospital and conducting dispensary observation.

3.6. Ensure compliance with the anti-epidemic regime in medical organizations.

Information about changes:

By order of the Ministry of Health of Russia and Rospotrebnadzor of November 10, 2016 N 857n/1147, paragraph 3 was supplemented with subparagraph 3.9

Information about changes:

By order of the Ministry of Health of Russia and Rospotrebnadzor of November 10, 2016 N 857n/1147, the order was supplemented with paragraph 4

on the organization of preventive measures (including immunization and other specific prevention).

Information about changes:

By order

5. To the heads of departments of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, railway transport:

5.2. In accordance with the established procedure, inform the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare about emergency situations of a sanitary and epidemiological nature.

5.3. As part of the epidemiological investigation, ensure interaction with interested government authorities.

5.5. Take part in the planned training of specialists from medical organizations on the issues of conducting medical observation, post-exposure (emergency) prevention in epidemic foci, rules for discharging infectious patients from hospitals, and organizing dispensary observation.

5.6. Ensure the participation of specialists carrying out epidemiological surveillance in medical consultations to establish final diagnoses in epidemic foci.

5.4. Timely take measures to equip laboratories with modern equipment and introduce new research methods in order to improve the quality of work in the epidemic outbreak.

Information about changes:

By order of the Ministry of Health of Russia and Rospotrebnadzor of November 10, 2016 N 857n/1147, the order was supplemented with paragraph 6

6. The Federal Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare provides information to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation:

Information about changes:

By order of the Ministry of Health of Russia and Rospotrebnadzor of November 10, 2016 N 857n/1147, the numbering of the item was changed

An emergency notification is drawn up by doctors and paramedical staff of the health unit if a patient is diagnosed with lice, an infectious disease (suspicion of it), food poisoning, acute occupational poisoning, an incorrect reaction to vaccination, regardless of the conditions of detection: when applying for treatment, preventive examination, examination in hospital section, etc.

The Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology (CHE) serves for information at the place where the disease was detected in order to take the necessary anti-epidemic measures.

Filling algorithm

1.Fill out the passport part of the notice clearly and accurately.

2.Copy the diagnosis without changes or distortions from the primary document, i.e. medical card.

3. An emergency notification must be delivered to the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the given territory within 12 hours from the moment of diagnosis. Upon receipt of an emergency notification, the CG&E organizes disinfection at the place of residence and work of the sick person.

Notification of detection of an infectious disease (form N 058/u)

1. Diagnosis ___________________________________________________________________

laboratory confirmed: yes, no (underline)

2. Last name, first name, patronymic ________________________________________________

3. Gender ___________________________

4. Age (for children under 14 years old - date of birth) ___________________________________

5. Address, locality ______________________________ district _____________

Street _____________________________ house no. _________ apt. No. ____

individual communal, hostel - enter

6. Name and address of place of work (study, child care facility) _________________



initial treatment (detection) __________________________________________

making a diagnosis _____________________________________________________

subsequent visit to a child care facility, school ___________________________

hospitalization ____________________________________________________________

8. Place of hospitalization ______________________________________________________________

9. If poisoning, indicate where it occurred, what poisoned the victim _______


10. Primary anti-epidemic measures taken and

additional information _____________________________________________________________________

11. Date and hour of the primary alarm (by phone, etc.) at the SES ____________________


Reporter's name _____________________________________________________

Who received the message _____________________________________________________

12. Date and time of sending the notice __________________________________________

Signature of the person sending the notice __________________________________________

Registration number __________________________ in the journal f. No. _____sanitary and epidemiological station.

Signature of the person receiving the notice ______________________________________________


All products that do not have contact with the wound surface, blood or injectable drugs must be disinfected.

Products used during purulent operations or surgical manipulations in an infectious patient are disinfected before pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization.

In addition, medical products must be disinfected after operations, injections, etc. persons who have had hepatitis B or hepatitis with an unspecified diagnosis (viral hepatitis), as well as those who are carriers of the HB antigen.

Disinfection should be carried out using one of the methods indicated in the table. 9.

Table 1. Pre-sterilization cleaning

* The solution temperature is not maintained during the washing process


1. If an instrument contaminated with blood can be washed under running water immediately after use during surgery or manipulation, it should not be immersed in a solution of corrosion inhibitor (sodium benzoate).

2. If necessary (duration of operation), the instrument can be left immersed in a solution of corrosion inhibitor (sodium benzoate) for up to 7 hours.

3. The cleaning solution can be used until it becomes dirty (until a pink color appears, which indicates contamination of the solution with blood, which reduces the cleaning efficiency). A washing solution of hydrogen peroxide with synthetic detergents can be used within 24 hours from the date of manufacture if the color of the solution has not changed. The unchanged solution can be heated up to 6 times; during the heating process, the concentration of hydrogen peroxide does not change significantly.

4. The drying regime for endoscopes and products made of natural latex, as well as the requirements for immersing endoscopes in solutions, must be set out in the operating instructions for these products.

Project dossier

Explanatory note

In accordance with subparagraph 11 of part 2 of Article 14, parts 2-3 of Article 97 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, N 48, Art. 6724; 2013, N 48, Art. 6165; 2014, N 30, Art. 4257; N 49, Art. 6927; 2015, N 10, Art. 1425; N 29, Art. 4397; 2016, N 1, Art. 9; N 15, Art. 2055; N 18, Art. 2488; N 27, Art. 4219; 2017, N 15, Art. 2136) and subparagraphs 5.2.197 and 5.2.199 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, approved Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2012 N 608 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 26, Art. 3526; 2013, N 16, Art. 1970; N 20, Art. 2477; N 22, Art. 2812; N 33, Art. 4386; N 45, Art. 5822; 2014, N 12, Art. 1296; N 26, Art. 3577; N 30, Art. 4307; N 37, Art. 4969; 2015, N 2, Art. 491; N 12, Art. 1763; N 23, Art. 3333; 2016, N 2, Art. 325; N 9, Art. 1268; N 27, Art. 4497; N 28, Art. 4741; N 34, Article 5255, No. 49, Article 6922; 2017, N 15, art. 2136), I order:

1. Approve:

2. Recommend to the heads of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare, the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, federal state budgetary and government institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, to ensure:

3. Recognize as invalid the order of the USSR Ministry of Health of October 4, 1980 N 1030 “On approval of forms of primary medical documentation of health care institutions” regarding the approval of forms of primary medical documentation of health care institutions N 058u “Emergency notification of an infectious disease, food, acute occupational poisoning, unusual reaction to vaccination", N 060у "Register of infectious diseases".

4. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation S.A. Regional

Minister IN AND. Skvortsova

Appendix No. 1

1. Date of filling out the notice: __.__.____. Time __.__.

2. Notification: primary - 1, repeated - 2.

3. Last name, first name, patronymic _____________________________________________


4. Gender: male - 1, female - 2.

5. Date of birth: __.__.____.

6. Address of actual residence: subject of the Russian Federation__________

district ______________ city ____________ settlement _________________

street ______________ house ________ apartment _______ tel. ___________________

7. Location: urban - 1, rural - 2.

8. Place of work (study, child care facility)______________________________,

8.1. Date of last visit __.__.____.

9. Clinical diagnosis:

Main disease________________________________________________ICD-10 code_______.

External cause________________________________ ICD-10 code ________.

10. The diagnosis was confirmed by laboratory tests: yes - 1, no - 2.

10.1. Laboratory test result ________________________________

11. Dates: diseases __.__.____.,

initial treatment (detection) __.__.____,

establishing a diagnosis __.__.____,

hospitalization __.__.____.

12. Place of hospitalization_______________________________________________,

12.1. Left at home (reason)_________________________________________.

13. Outcome of the disease: recovery - 1, improvement - 2, death - 3.

14. Anti-epidemic (preventive) measures taken





15. Reported:

15.1 to the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare: __.__.____. Time __.__.

15.2. to the department of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare for the constituent entity of the Russian Federation:

Time __.__.

16. Full name of the person who filled out the notice_________________________________.

Appendix No. 2
to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
dated "___" _____________ 2017 No. ____

3. In paragraph 1 indicate the date and time of filling out the Notice.

4. If the diagnosis or suspicion of it is established for the first time, in paragraph 2 the mark “primary” is made; when the final diagnosis is established, a new Notice is filled out, which is marked as “repeated”.

5. In paragraphs 3-7 indicate the last name, first name, patronymic, gender, date of birth, address of actual residence of the patient (s), locality.

6. In paragraph 8 indicate the place of work, study, child care institution, and the date of their last visit.

7. Clinical diagnosis - preliminary or final underlying disease (or suspicion of it) is indicated in paragraph 9 with a code according to ICD-10. In the presence of occupational poisoning, an adverse reaction associated with immunization, or exposure to living mechanical forces, in addition to recording the wording and code of the underlying disease or injury, it is necessary to indicate the wording of the external cause and its code according to ICD-10.

8. In paragraph 10, indicate the presence or absence of laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis; laboratory test result.

9. In paragraphs 11-12 indicate the dates of the disease, initial treatment (detection), diagnosis, hospitalization, place of hospitalization, or in case of leaving home, the reason is indicated.

10. Paragraph 13 indicates the outcome of the disease, occupational poisoning, adverse reaction associated with immunization, or exposure to living mechanical forces at the end of the episode of medical care.

11. Paragraph 14 includes information about the anti-epidemic (preventive) measures taken.

12. Clause 15 includes information (date and time) about the communication of information on the Notice to:

executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare within 1 hour by telephone, within 10 hours - by e-mail, maintaining the confidentiality of the transmitted information;

Department of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation within 2 hours by telephone, within 12 hours - in writing and/or by e-mail, maintaining the confidentiality of the transmitted information.

Phone numbers and email addresses are communicated to performers in the prescribed manner.

13. In paragraph 16 indicate the full name of the person who filled out the Notice.

Appendix No. 3
to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
dated "___" _____________ 2017 No. ____

Started “____” ____________ 20 Finished “______” ____________ 20

f. No. 058-1/у

No. Date of completion FULL NAME. patient(s) Date of Birth Floor Address of the actual residence Place of work (study, child care facility) Initial notification, repeated Diagnosis of the underlying disease ICD-10 code External reason ICD-10 code
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

etc. to the end of the page

spread f. No. 058-1/у

The diagnosis was confirmed by laboratory tests (yes, no). Result of laboratory examination Dates Place of hospitalization/left at home (reason) Posted in: FULL NAME. the person who filled out the notice
Final (refined) diagnosis and date of its establishment. Outcome of the disease executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare Department of the Federal Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare for the Subject of the Russian Federation Note
by phone by email mail by phone by email mail
diseases initial treatment (detection) establishing a diagnosis hospitalization
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

etc. to the end of the page

3. Column 2 indicates the date of completion of the Notice.

4. In columns 3-6, note the patient’s passport data and actual residence address.

5. Column 7 indicates the place of work (study, child care facility).

6. In column 8, make a note “initial” or “repeated” Notification.

7. In columns 9 and 10 indicate the diagnosis of the preliminary or underlying disease and its ICD-10 code. If the diagnosis code in column 10 is from classes I - XVIII, then dashes are placed in columns 11 and 12. If the diagnosis code is in column 10 from class XIX, then columns 11 and 12 should indicate the formulation of the external cause and its code from class XX of ICD-10.

8. In column 13, indicate the presence or absence of laboratory confirmation, the result of the laboratory examination.

9. Columns 14-17 indicate the dates of illness, initial treatment (detection), diagnosis, hospitalization.

10. In column 18, a note is made about the patient’s hospitalization (place of hospitalization). If the patient is left at home, the reason is indicated.

11. The column indicates the final diagnosis, the date of its establishment, the outcome of the disease (recovery, improvement, death).

12. Columns 20-23 indicate the date and time of the message to the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare and the department of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare for the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

13. In column 24 indicate the surname and initials of the responsible person who filled out the Notice.

14. Column 25 for notes.

Document overview

It is planned to improve the system for recording primary medical records.

The order in which they are completed is determined.

An emergency notification is sent to the regional executive authority in the field of healthcare and the Rospotrebnadzor Office for the subject of the Federation.

To prevent the spread of dangerous infections, Order of the USSR Ministry of Health dated October 4, 1980 No. 1030 approved “Emergency notification of an infectious disease, food poisoning, acute occupational poisoning, or unusual reaction to vaccination.” This is an operational accounting document. The legally established form No. 058/u is filled out on one sheet on both sides. A sample emergency notice 058/у looks like this:

Front side

Reverse side

Answering the question in what cases an emergency notification about an infectious patient is filled out, we note that the document is drawn up by a medical worker of the enterprise who has identified:

  • infection;
  • food poisoning;
  • acute occupational poisoning;
  • suspicion of the above diagnoses.

And also in case of animal bites and if the previously made diagnosis has changed.

Filling procedure

It is necessary to fill out an emergency notification of an infectious disease in form 058/y in two copies and then send it to:

  • to the territorial sanitary-epidemiological station of the Ministry of Health at the place where the disease was detected;
  • to the departmental sanitary and epidemiological institution.

The document is filled out according to the following columns:

  • diagnosis;
  • patient data: full name, age, home address, place of work;
  • information about anti-epidemic measures taken with the sick person and contact persons;
  • duration and place of hospitalization;
  • date, time of the initial alarm to the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance (TSGSEN);
  • a list of citizens who had contact with the sick person, their home addresses and telephone numbers;
  • FULL NAME. and the signature of the health worker.

Document submission deadline

To prevent the spread of a dangerous infection among the population, you should act quickly and efficiently. It is necessary to report the detection of the disease to the relevant authorities as soon as possible. At the place where the disease or bite is detected, an emergency notification is submitted to the Central State Sanitary Inspectorate no later than 12 hours from the moment of detection. The company's physician immediately sends it to the Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Sanitation.

There are often cases when, after some time, the diagnosis previously made by the doctor changes or is clarified. This is due to the fact that many diseases have similar symptoms. If the diagnosis changes, the health worker is obliged to submit a new emergency message about the sick employee of the enterprise to the SES at the place where the disease was detected within 12 hours. In clause 1 of the notice you should indicate:

  • changed or clarified diagnosis;
  • date of diagnosis;
  • initial diagnosis.

Goal: inform the SES center at the patient’s place of residence about the case

Indications: as directed by a doctor.

Contraindications: none.


1. emergency notice (UF No. 058/u);

2. medical record of an outpatient or inpatient patient.
Sequence of actions to ensure environmental safety

1. clearly and accurately fill out the passport part of the notice;

2. copy the diagnosis from the medical record without changes or distortions;

3. An emergency notification must be delivered to the SEN within 12 hours.

Manipulation No. 67

Carrying out sanitary treatment of patients.

Goal: prevention of nosocomial infections. Indications: personal hygiene. Contraindications: patient's serious condition. Sanitation can be:

1. Complete - disinsection, disinfection, hygienic bath or shower.

2. Partial - only one of the components of complete sanitization in
depending on the severity of the disease and contamination of the skin -
or washing, or wiping individual parts of the body.

The type of sanitization is determined by the doctor on duty at the reception department. Equipment:

1. bath, washed with detergents, disinfected
by wiping twice with a rag at intervals of 15 minutes, then rinsing

2. kit for treating patients with head lice;

3. individual washing kit for each patient (towel,
washcloths, soap);

4. water thermometer;

5. a set of underwear and clothing.
Possible patient problems:

Negative attitude towards intervention;

Unreasonable refusal;

Mental excitement.

1. inform the patient about the upcoming manipulation and its progress
execution; obtain consent to conduct;

2. fill the bath with water T = 37 -40 C;

3. wash your hands; help the patient find a comfortable position;

4. monitor the patient’s condition in the bath;

5. help get out of the bath; note the type and date in the medical record


Treat the bathtub in accordance with sanitary requirements
anti-epidemic regime;

Hygienic bath time - 20 minutes;

If lice is present, before giving the patient a bath,

Complete sanitization is carried out once every 7 - 10 days from
subsequent change of linen and a note in the “medical record”.

Manipulation No. 68

Transporting the patient.

Goal: safe transport of the patient.

Indications: patient's serious condition.

Contraindications: none.

Equipment: - stretchers; bedding set;

Wheelchair; wheel chair;

Disinfectant solution, rags, container; gloves.

Possible patient problems: - negative attitude;

Psycho-emotional discomfort.

Sequence of actions to ensure environmental safety:

1. inform the patient about his movement, obtain consent;

2. lay out the stretcher, fix the solutions; spread the sheet;

3. lay the patient down; cover with a sheet, depending on the ambient temperature, and a blanket;

4. the porters are out of step;

5. when transporting up the stairs, carry the stretcher with the head end first, lifting the foot end of the stretcher;

6. When transporting down stairs, carry the stretcher with the foot end forward, lifting the foot end and slightly lowering the head end.


The question of the method of transportation is decided by the doctor;

If it is difficult for the patient to lie down and be transported in a wheelchair;

The patient is transported head first on a gurney;

For any method of transportation, the person accompanying the patient is obliged to transfer the patient and his medical history to a medical professional;

After transporting each patient, the wheelchair and gurney are disinfected by wiping twice with an interval of 15 minutes using means regulated by SNiP.