Unbearable weakness of the body. Why does general weakness occur? Weakness, dizziness and nausea as a manifestation of toxicosis in pregnant women

The state of weakness in our time is familiar to every working person. If our grandparents lived in a clean environment and worked more often fresh air, experiencing weakness only during illnesses, then today we have “closed ourselves” in megacities, and our life - mainly - passes indoors, and even in transport - both in winter and in summer. Of course, if weakness appears after past illness, or after hard work, mental or physical, this is quite normal - in this case it goes away as soon as the body recovers and gets stronger.

However, modern doctors emphasize that weakness is one of the most common conditions, and people of working age, young people and even teenagers complain about this condition. What causes this? The factors here are different - not only physiological, but also psychological, but the sensations for each person are individual.

Some people simply feel very tired, others feel dizzy, their attention wanders, their memory deteriorates; it seems to some that there is “not enough energy,” although in fact there is a lot of free energy around a person - just have time to use it, but in a weakened state this is impossible - in general, the sensations are subjective.

About the reasons

Experts identify different causes of weakness, but they cannot always explain its occurrence either.

If weakness is caused by overstrain - physical or emotional, then it goes away after proper rest or a change in daily routine, although not always - stress can become chronic. If the cause of weakness is acute or chronic diseases, everything can be much more complicated - in the literal sense: often the diseases themselves are not as terrible as the complications after them, so you should not treat yourself, without the help of a doctor.

IN last decades everyone hears the syndrome chronic fatigue: this condition is always accompanied by weakness, and experts say that one of the main reasons here is a catastrophic lack of vitamins and other nutrients- This happens especially often in autumn and winter.

Where do hypo- and avitaminosis come from? You don’t need to guess for long to understand: they are caused by a monotonous, irrational and even downright unhealthy diet, as well as all kinds of diets for weight loss - the craze for them has become widespread these days. We can look at the effects of diets in more detail.

How to quickly get rid of weakness?

Everyone wants to be beautiful, but constant malnutrition and frequent “starvation” diets are not the best path to beauty. Regular exercise, walks in the fresh air, and adequate consumption are much more beneficial. clean water, healthy sleep And good food– products must be natural, environmentally friendly and fresh. You need to go to bed on time, and not sit late at the TV or computer; Before going to bed, you should drink a soothing herbal tea - folk recipes you can find enough.

The diet should include complex carbohydrates, vegetable and animal protein, fats, fresh vegetables and fruits. Eat more raw salads, red meat and grain bread, and your strength will return. But you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day - namely water, and not all kinds of drinks, tea or coffee.

Weakness from illness

The causes of weakness are very often diseases and there are many of them, but experts identify several main and most common ones.

Flu is one of the most common causes of weakness. Influenza is known to cause general intoxication– it is because of it that during an illness a person feels not only a headache, but also muscle pain, and joint pain, dizziness and nausea. In this case, the cells suffer greatly from the effects of toxins - if after the illness the toxins are not removed, they remain in the cells and continue their destructive effect.

Almost the same consequences are caused by poisoning and anemia - weakness in these cases can be quite sharp and strong. With anemia, in addition, hemoglobin is constantly reduced: the body's tissues no longer receive enough oxygen, and weakness also becomes constant.

Weakness also occurs with vegetative-vascular dystonia - it can be accompanied by sleep disturbances and dizziness; due to head and spine injuries; at low blood pressure; after blood loss - in women this often happens during menstruation.

A common runny nose, if poorly treated, often becomes chronic and causes malfunction of the glands internal secretion. As a result, the functioning of many body systems – nervous, endocrine, immune, etc. – is disrupted.

The cause of weakness should be determined not by descriptions on the Internet, but with the help of the necessary medical examination - only a specialist can determine what exactly caused it.

Symptoms and how they manifest themselves

Manifestations of weakness may vary, as well as the reasons that caused them. For example, after acute infectious diseases, weakness appears and “attacks” a person suddenly, and increases as the intoxication of the body increases, and then, if the treatment was correct, it gradually goes away.

Weakness caused by nervous or physical overload manifests itself gradually: at first, interest in work may disappear, then absent-mindedness, persistent fatigue sets in, and then apathy and loss of interest in everything around you occurs, including your personal life.

In the same way, weakness caused by insufficient nutrition or strict diets can manifest itself, but in this case there are also accompanying symptoms: dizziness, pale and lethargic skin, brittle hair and nails, etc.

What to do?

Of course, no one likes a state of weakness, because you want to live, be happy, enjoy and laugh, but when you are weak, you have no strength for any positive emotions. So what to do with weakness, how to treat it? Naturally, it is not it that needs to be treated, but the reasons that caused it.

If a person is practically healthy, and weakness is caused by overwork, it is enough for him to start observing a sleep and rest schedule for everything to fall into place.

Weakness as a result of nervous tension is more difficult to overcome: you will have to “feed” nervous system vitamins and minerals, adjust your diet, eliminate irritating factors or change your attitude towards them, normalize the work and rest schedule - with this many people serious problems. At least remember about proper organization workplace: few people think about this, but workplace It should be comfortable, and the room should be ventilated and clean.

And after infectious diseases, it is necessary to cleanse the body and strengthen the immune system - you should not limit yourself to a course of medication.

Treatment with folk remedies

You can get rid of weakness, help yourself recover, and cheer up using proven folk remedies.

Birch sap helps to regain strength - especially after winter - if you drink a glass of it 3 times a day - of course, preferably fresh.

Tea with lime color or medicinal verbena, which the ancient Celts considered healing and called the “herb of love”, as well as dandelion jam perfectly help get rid of weakness and loss of strength. Recipes for dandelion jam are not difficult to find - it is also called “dandelion honey.”

And of course, the well-known fish oil will always help us. Previously, it was included in the mandatory diet of children - it was given even in kindergarten, and now undeservedly forgotten. Use 2-3 tsp. fish oil before meals, 3 times a day, and weakness will never bother you.

The condition, defined as weakness in the body, is medically associated with both a loss of muscle strength and a feeling of lack of energy, decreased vitality and general fatigue.

Is there any causeless weakness in the body? Doctors say that this cannot happen, and even in the absence of a true loss of strength muscular system this state– as a complex of symptoms – is well known to people suffering from wide range diseases.

Weakness and sensation increased fatigue are symptoms that occur with: anemia (low levels of hemoglobin in the blood); iron or vitamin D deficiency; low blood sugar (hypoglycemia); electrolyte imbalance (decreased potassium and sodium levels in the blood); intestinal disorders; food allergic reactions.

Weakness in the body manifests itself in cases of chronic fatigue syndrome (arising from oxidative stress and changes in muscle excitability); depression and generalized anxiety disorder; acute polyradiculoneuritis (Guillain-Barré syndrome); malignant tumors various localizations; leukemia (in childhood– acute lymphoblastic leukemia).

Weakness in the body is accompanied by chronic diseases such as hypothyroidism (insufficient production of thyroid hormones, including Hashimoto's thyroiditis) or hyperthyroidism; diabetes; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; adrenal insufficiency (Addison's disease); polymyositis (inflammation muscle fibers); systemic lupus erythematosus; multiple sclerosis; amyloidosis; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease); rhabdomyolysis (muscle breakdown); myasthenia gravis; various myopathies.

Causes of weakness in the body may be due to infectious diseases: colds and flu (and other respiratory diseases); chicken pox; infectious mononucleosis; hepatitis; intestinal rotavirus infection; malaria and hemorrhagic fever; encephalitis and meningitis; polio; HIV.

Life-threatening causes of weakness in the body: atrial fibrillation, transient ischemic attacks or stroke; severe dehydration due to poisoning; renal failure; cerebral circulation disorders due to stroke and brain injuries; pulmonary embolism; bleeding; botulism; sepsis.

The appearance of general weakness can be caused by certain medications; in particular, signs of iatrogenic asthenia occur from the use of opioid painkillers, tranquilizers, systemic corticosteroids, statins, cytostatics, muscle relaxants, etc.

If autoimmune myasthenia gravis is diagnosed, the anticholinesterase drug Pyridostigmine (Kalimin, Mestinon) is used - one tablet (60 mg) up to three times a day. This drug is contraindicated for gastrointestinal spasms and urinary tract, bronchial asthma, thyrotoxicosis and Parkinson's disease. And its side effects can include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, decreased blood pressure and heart rate, as well as hyperhidrosis and seizures.

With weakness in the body due to progressive multiple sclerosis, β-interferon, cytostatics (Natalizumab), and the immunomodulatory agent Glatiramer acetate (Axoglatiran, Copaxone) can be used. Dosage of Glatiramer acetate – 20 ml under the skin, injection once a day. Usage of this medicine accompanied by side effects heart rate and chest pain, increased blood pressure, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, chills, fainting.

When weakness is caused by myelinopathy (polyneuropathy), B vitamins are prescribed, as well as (except for pregnant women and patients under 18 years of age) - metabolic drugs alpha-lipoic (thioctic) acid – Octolipen (Tioctacid, Berlition, etc. trade names): 0.3-0.6 g once a day, half an hour before meals. Among side effects this tool Nausea, heartburn, diarrhea, changes in taste, dizziness, and sweating were noted.

Homeopathy suggests treating weakness in the body with Phosphoric acid and Phosphorus, Gelsemium, Nux vomica, Ignatia, Sarcolacticum folium, Onosmodium.

Traditional treatment

Traditional treatment for general weakness suggests drinking a decoction of rose hips, birch sap, and taking mumiyo.

Shilajit increases vitality and the body's immunity and is considered the drug of choice to combat weakness in the body. It is enough once a day (for at least two months) to dissolve a tablet of pharmaceutical purified mummy in half a glass a little warm water and drink 30-40 minutes before meals.

Herbal treatment includes daily use of a decoction of red clover flowers (a tablespoon per glass of boiling water): drink half a glass twice a day. In the same way, it is recommended to take an infusion or tea from fireweed (willowherb), ginkgo biloba leaves, and licorice root (licorice).

In addition - to recharge your energy and restore strength - traditional treatment recommends including eggs, milk, honey, bananas, seasonal fruits and berries in your diet. Eggs are rich in protein, iron, vitamin A, riboflavin, pantothenic acid and folic acid (eating one egg a day is enough).

Milk counts good source calcium and vital important vitamins group B. And whenever you feel weak in your body, drink a cup warm milk with a teaspoon of honey. In addition, it is useful to drink milk with boiled figs once a day (boil two or three figs in 250 ml of milk for several minutes).

Every day we have to do a lot of things, solve urgent issues and problems. But you can do your daily activities and work only in normal conditions. physical condition. After all, poor health immediately affects performance. So even an ordinary loss of strength can significantly worsen our condition. Let's talk on the website about what causes weakness in the body, consider the reasons in detail for possible such troubles, remember what other symptoms are possible with this condition, and answer the question of what treatment is necessary for weakness.

Causes of weakness in the body

According to doctors, now every person periodically complains of weakness, regardless of age and gender. There are many factors that can trigger this pathological condition. Thus, weakness can be caused by constant overstrain, for example, emotional or physical. In this case, it is quite easy to cope with it - you just need to optimize your daily routine and ensure good rest.

Sometimes a feeling of weakness develops against the background of acute or chronic illnesses very different etiologies. Unpleasant symptoms are often a consequence of endocrine diseases.

One of the common causes of weakness is chronic fatigue syndrome. It is caused by a whole set of factors, among which a very important role is played by insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals.

Such a deficiency is also observed in cases of hypovitaminosis and avitaminosis, which also cause weakness. Such conditions can develop due to fasting, monotony, unbalanced or unhealthy diet.

As for diseases that can provoke severe weakness, among them in the first place are viral and bacterial origin, provoking general intoxication of the body. Among these diseases are various acute respiratory viral infections (including influenza), food poisoning etc.

Severe weakness may be explained by the development of iron deficiency anemia, vegetative-vascular dystonia and even a common runny nose. Also, this condition can be a consequence of poisoning with alcohol, drugs, etc. Sometimes weakness is natural sign developing pregnancy. Also, such a disturbance in health can be caused by weather changes, magnetic storms and the need to live in a large industrial city.

In general, weakness can be considered a symptom of many quite serious disorders, so if it bothers you constantly, it is better to seek advice from at least a therapist.

How weakness manifests itself in the body (symptoms)

Manifestations of weakness are often very different, depending on the exact reasons that provoked them. For example, in acute infectious diseases, such a feeling attacks a person suddenly, gradually increasing due to increased intoxication of the body. This weakness goes away quite quickly with proper therapy.

Weakness caused by nervous or physical overload increases gradually. At first, a person’s interest in any activity disappears, followed by absent-mindedness and a feeling of persistent fatigue. Over time, apathy appears and interest in everything is lost, even in personal life and possible rest.

The same symptoms manifest as weakness caused by a lack of nutrients entering the body. But it is usually supplemented by others unpleasant phenomena, for example, hair loss, dizziness, pallor, brittle nails, etc.

In the event that weakness is the result of some more serious conditions, then it is complemented by a number of other symptoms. So endocrine disorders often make themselves felt by changes in body weight, violation of taste habits, strong thirst etc.

About how weakness in the body is corrected (treatment)

Therapy for weakness directly depends on the causes of its occurrence. So with overwork (physical or mental), chronic fatigue syndrome and nervous tension It is extremely important to optimize your daily routine, reduce stress and switch to a properly balanced diet. Recommended to take vitamin preparations, saturate your diet with fresh vegetables and fruits, systematically walk in the fresh air and try to strengthen your immune system in every possible way. The same measures will help cope with hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency.

If weakness is the result of intoxication, you should call a doctor at home and follow his recommendations. To quickly remove toxins from the body, you should drink as much as possible. more water, would also be a good option herbal teas, absorbents, etc.

Serious violations health (for example, endocrine diseases) require more targeted therapy under the supervision of an appropriate specialist. For such problems, the patient will have to take special medications that optimize the balance of hormones. IN certain cases carried out and surgical treatment.

In case of weakness, remedies can come to the rescue traditional medicine. Thus, adaptogen plants, represented by Eleutherococcus, Aralia, Radiola rosea, etc., have excellent tonic qualities. A good effect can be achieved with the help of beekeeping products - ordinary honey, pollen, royal jelly.

If persistent weakness appears, you should not delay; it is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

There is probably no person who has not at least once experienced a feeling of weakness in the body. This happens by various reasons. General weakness of the body indicates some kind of disturbance in its functioning, so it is imperative to find out the reason in order to know what to do and how to quickly get rid of the ailment.


Weakness rarely comes out of nowhere. In most cases, there is always a reason why the body has lost its vigor.

General weakness manifests itself as a difficult morning rise. Even if a person went to bed early in the evening, seemingly slept all night, he wakes up with difficulty in the morning and the first thought that comes to mind after waking up is: “How hard it is for me. I don’t want to and can’t get up at all.” Finally, getting out of bed, a person feels slightly dizzy, sweating from the slightest movement, and, as a rule, there is no appetite. Only one desire prevails: to lie down and sleep.


Sudden weakness may “fall on” before the onset of any infectious disease.

After flu or sore throat general weakness in the body is usually observed for another 14 or 15 days.

Lack of vitamins , Not good nutrition, which cause low hemoglobin, manifest themselves in a state of weakness.

People suffering from hypotension (low blood pressure) often become hostage to constant weakness.

Physical or mental fatigue , chronic lack of sleep, consequences stressful situations may also cause this symptom.

Premenstrual syndrome characterized, among other things, by weakness, loss of appetite, and apathy.

Age-related changes in women and men they can provoke periods of general weakness of the body.

It’s worth mentioning the food separately . If after eating you feel drowsiness, weakness, or reluctance to do necessary things, you should reconsider your diet. Thus, the body signals that toxins or toxins have entered the body along with food. incompatible products nutrition. In this case, you must definitely decide what to do with the general weakness in the body to improve the condition.

It may be worth keeping a food diary, in which you write down your menu and how you feel after eating food for some time.

I am sure that after eating store-bought semi-finished products, sausages, cakes and pastries, washed down with soda, weakness falls on the eater with all its weight.

In this case, stop eating processed foods and sausages. confectionery, replacing them with poultry, sometimes pork and beef. Instead of cakes and pastries, eat marshmallows and marmalade, halva, instead of soda - fruit drinks and juices.

Buy more with the money you save fresh vegetables and fruits at any time of the year.

Except listed reasons general weakness in the body may occur against the background serious illnesses, such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism.

If weakness and loss of strength are felt long time even after switching to normal sleep and rest, after switching to proper nutrition, in the absence nervous breakdowns, you should definitely consult your doctor. He will definitely advise what needs to be done to improve the condition.

Ways to get rid of weakness

If this condition is caused by some kind of disease, it is certainly necessary to undergo a course of treatment. Usually, the body, having gotten rid of the disease, activates its strength itself, and the weakness goes away on its own. Usually, during the treatment of any disease, close attention is paid to strengthening the body. Improved nutrition long sleep, peace do their useful work.

After long-term use antibiotics are recommended take a course of Bioflora or other probiotics aimed at restoring intestinal microflora. Also during this period you should include natural yoghurts in your diet, dairy products.

If the weakness of the body and loss of strength are caused by obvious violations of work and rest, inadequate sleep, first of all it is necessary to arrange a proper rest. Allow yourself to just get some sleep. In the evening, go to bed at least three hours earlier than usual. If possible, sleep later in the morning. Try to spend the next day in peace and quiet.

Support your body with nutrients herbal remedies. Brew herbal tea from a mixture of herbs.

Mix in equal parts, lemon balm, St. John's wort. For 200 g of boiling water, 1 tsp of the mixture is required. There is no need to boil the infusion. Let it sit for 15 minutes. Drink this tea once a day for a week.

If weakness and malaise are caused by vitamin deficiency, be sure to check (take a blood test). If hemoglobin is low, the doctor will advise you to take iron supplements and, of course, include them in your diet fresh juices and fruits, vegetables, meat (especially beef). Nutrition should be complete. Great importance For normal level hemoglobin has fresh air. Try to spend more time outdoors, especially near water, in a pine forest.

An effective remedy to help get rid of illness is drug Vitabalance Multivit . The drug has a balanced composition of vitamins. It contains vitamins A, E, C, B vitamins, as well as magnesium and calcium.

Has good action Complivit . Even the simplest vitamins available like Undevita, Gendevita effectively help the body return to normal.

Do not forget that vitamins are medications and require exact dosage, just like tablets. An excess of vitamins can cause allergies and other problems.

Many foods containing mass useful substances, help overcome weakness.

Try to include at least a couple of products from this list in your menu every day: bananas, raspberries, strawberries, citrus fruits, beets, green beans, dill, celery, onions, nuts, honey, wheat and oat bran, chicken, turkey, salmon, tuna, chicken eggs, hard cheese.

These foods contain the essential acid tryptophan, which promotes the production of serotonin, which is very important for normal emotional background person.

With general weakness of the body, it is useful for women to drink infusions of linden or sage. These drinks will help cope with the manifestations of PMS, menopausal problems (hot flashes, irritability), including constant weakness. They are very easy to prepare: 1 tsp. pour 200 g of boiling water over linden or sage and leave for 15 minutes. You can drink the drink right away, or you can drink 1/3 glass throughout the day.

It is advisable to drink linden infusion for 3 weeks, and then sage infusion for another 3 weeks.

People susceptible to low blood pressure can periodically take preparations of eleutherococcus and ginseng. They will help improve your vitality. Thereby eliminating weakness. To improve their condition, hypotensive patients should also organize proper nutrition for themselves, under no circumstances indulge in diets, spend more time in the fresh air and do not forget about feasible physical activity.

Fatigue symptoms slowly worsen until one day you feel like a hamster stuck on an exercise wheel.

Scientists have recently discovered that very common cause Fatigue and difficulty waking up in the morning in women before and after 40 years of age is due to a basic lack of vitamin D.

Fatigue can manifest itself in many ways. Sometimes these symptoms go away and reappear along with your monthly cycle. But if the fatigue is quite severe, these symptoms last several weeks or more until they become permanent. These include:

  • Feeling exhausted (mentally and physically).
  • Fatigue in the morning, even after a full night's sleep.
  • Feeling tired or overwhelmed.
  • Inability to fully recover from illness or stress.
  • Headache.
  • General wandering pain.
  • Uncharacteristic muscle soreness after physical activity.
  • Depressed mood, loss of energy.
  • Poor short-term memory, confusion, irritability.
  • Strong food cravings (especially sweets or other carbohydrates)
  • Dependence on caffeine, sugar or alcohol, especially during the day and early evening.
If you feel any of the above for more than ten days, take it seriously - see your doctor and get a blood test to make sure these symptoms are not due to any serious medical conditions.

Many medications can also cause fatigue as side effect, so it’s better to play it safe by checking everything with your doctor.

Diseases in which fatigue is a symptom

Sometimes symptoms of fatigue can result from serious illnesses:

Constant fatigue and weakness during menopause

During menopause and perimenopause, many women may experience a persistent and persistent lack of energy and unexplained feelings of fatigue and weakness.
Signs of menopausal fatigue:
  1. decreased wakefulness,
  2. decreased attention,
  3. mental distraction,
  4. irritability,
  5. forgetfulness.
The main cause of menopausal fatigue is changes in hormone levels. Estrogen, progesterone, hormones thyroid gland and adrenal glands are involved in regulation cellular energy in the body, which if compromised can lead to fatigue.

Physical symptoms of menopause such as night sweats and insomnia also contribute to daytime fatigue. Many women suffer from chronic lack of sleep, which also contributes to fatigue during the day, and in turn worsens menopausal symptoms such as anxiety, poor concentration and lack of confidence.

Elena Malysheva about fighting fatigue with food

Other causes of fatigue and weakness

There are more trivial reasons constant fatigue, which include:
  • Lack of sleep
    Adults need seven to nine hours of sleep a night to rest and recover. For children school age and teenagers need at least eight to ten hours of sleep.
    Emotional stress, anxiety, chronic pain, allergies, caffeine, alcohol, hot flashes and illness - all this does not contribute to a good night's rest.
    Less known causes These include television, ambient lighting in bedrooms, personal computers, poor sleep environments, and uncomfortable beds.
    Try to remove all kinds of interference and give yourself a good night's sleep. Perhaps the fatigue will go away.
  • Stress
    It is possible that fatigue is both physical and emotional in nature.
    According to conventional wisdom, persistent mild fatigue is usually considered a reaction to lack of sleep or fatigue, in which case a prescription for sedative from insomnia. But in this case, even though good sleep within six to eight steady hours, stress fatigue does not go away.
  • Poor nutrition
    Adequate nutrition is what the body often lacks - balanced nutrition for full work.
    In addition to this, the use large quantity food at the same time can also cause fatigue and lethargy, since it will require great amount energy.
    One of the reasons why people end up in " food addiction" is that the body is diverting blood supply and energy from other places (such as the brain) for the digestion process.
  • Dehydration.
    Fluid loss is a very common and overlooked cause of moderate fatigue
    To avoid this condition, you need to drink eight glasses of clean, filtered water, herbal tea or diluted, unsweetened juice per day. A fluid loss of just 2% is enough to cause mental confusion and short-term loss memory. Drowsiness, muscle weakness, dizziness and headache- if the fluid level drops below this.
    Coffee and soda do not count because their diuretic effect causes fluid loss.
  • Inactive lifestyle.
    The body needs rest and movement. And no matter how strange it may sound, long periods inactivity can lead to fatigue.
    Regular moderate exercise helps regulate metabolism and improves circadian rhythm, freeing high levels stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, which promotes restorative and rejuvenating sleep.
  • Potassium deficiency
There are many other reasons, the symptom of which is constant fatigue and weakness in women, however, to more accurately determine the cause, it is necessary to undergo diagnosis and consultation with a doctor. Self-medication can aggravate the situation and lead to serious consequences.

Vitamins for fatigue and weakness

Sometimes it happens that a long-awaited vacation has passed quite recently, but feelings of fatigue and anxiety continue to bother you. Loss of concentration, insomnia or, on the contrary, chronic drowsiness, depression, and frequent shifts moods indicate to the body the need for additional support. In most cases, the result of all problems is a seemingly banal lack of vitamins.

B vitamins

A broad group of B vitamins are precisely those substances that provide most metabolic processes in the body, which means they nourish cells and provide the necessary energy.

Physical exercise, stress, illness, and injury exhaust a person, so the need for additional power sources increases tenfold. For example, folic acid (Vitamin B9) eliminates Negative consequences depression, successfully fights insomnia, and also eliminates unpleasant tingling in the limbs.

IN useful element Women planning to conceive a child are especially in need - they urgently need to tune into a positive mood and eliminate any signs of fatigue.

Replenish supplies folic acid you can by adding to daily diet:

  • wheat flour,
  • melon,
  • avocado,
  • apricots,
  • egg yolks,
  • carrot.
It is worth considering that Vitamin B9 is destroyed under the influence of high temperatures Therefore, the above products are recommended to be subjected to minimal heat treatment.

In addition to folic acid, you need to pay attention to other elements that are part of group B. Thus, cyanocobalamin or Vitamin B12 relieves symptoms of fatigue and gives the body strength to function properly. Deficiency of this element prevents healthy formation blood cells, which transport oxygen to cells.

You can compensate for the lack of cyanocobalamin using:

  • dairy products,
  • eggs,
  • fish,
  • various types of meat.

Vitamin C

Another important substance for eliminating the symptoms of chronic fatigue is Vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, reduces Negative influence stress, improves mood and well-being.
Ascorbic acid includes:
  • white cabbage,
  • pepper,
  • potatoes,
  • tomatoes,
  • rosehip,
  • blackcurrant, including leaf tea and juice.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D, which is essential for maintaining health, deserves special attention. of cardio-vascular system. Changes in blood pressure, heart failure, clogged blood vessels affect general condition organism, and also lead to the emergence unpleasant symptoms fatigue, and all this is due to a deficiency of vitamin D in the body. To avoid illness, it is enough to eat seafood, milk and cheese.

Vitamin dosages are calculated individually after a thorough examination and blood test. In case of deficiency of any of the vitamins, the doctor will write a prescription with the required dosage indicated.