Is it healthy to eat spicy food? Spicy food: benefit or harm? Cheese and garlic sticks

Probably, hot or spicy food always reminds us of all kinds of store-bought and restaurant products: ketchups, sauces or condiments, right?

But still, real spicy cuisine is very popular all over the world.

What do you know about spicy food? And what do you think is the benefit of spicy food?

For example, ginger, cayenne pepper, chili and others...

Personally, I'm a real spice fanatic. I use them almost everywhere. But why do you think I wanted to raise this topic today?

Yes, many people say that spicy foods are very harmful to the stomach, intestines, and they gave many other arguments, which I have never found confirmation of.

However, I found more. This is real “bomb” proof of how healthy spicy food is.

I found a lot of medical evidence, both on our Internet space and abroad. By the way, my passion for spicy food began when I was still going to school, about 20 years ago. They just let me try adjiki in Korean.

When I tried it for the first time, I was simply in a terrible state, it seemed to me that everything inside me was burning... However, after some time, I still started trying again and again delicious product, which is prepared with your own hands.

Slowly but surely, I became a fan of spicy food. Spices began to help me transform even the simplest healthy foods into culinary pleasure. This has been a fantastic addition to my menu.

If you are just starting to understand spicy food and want to be embraced by this pleasant warmth, let's try to learn more about the most useful hot spices (and not only) in the world and discuss the topic - why spicy food is so good for you.

What makes your food spicy or hot?

The heat from our favorite hot peppers comes from capsaicin, a compound found in capsicums.

The most common among them:

  • Jalapeño
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Thai pepper
  • Serrano
  • and others …

By the way, the capsaicin contained in them has been studied for quite some time. You've probably heard about it when you looked at some ointments for bruises or thought about diet pills, right?

But you don't necessarily need to snack on a chili to experience the full power of the spicy food. Of course, you shouldn’t forget about the many delicious, vibrant spices, such as:

  • Turmeric
  • Cinnamon
  • Ginseng
  • Carnation
  • Black pepper
  • Ginger
  • Mustard
  • Cardamom

As you can see, there are a lot of spices that you can use to add a little heat to whatever you're making. They can become some kind of amplifiers on your path to a healthy life.

For example, in the morning, I really like to have breakfast with green smoothies, adding a little cinnamon to them, which not only has a super aroma and taste, but is also known to help lower blood sugar levels and protect against diabetes.

If we talk about food with spices, then we can compare these dishes to cars that have a full package of options... Do you like cool cars? I am very …

What are the benefits of spicy food...

And now the most interesting thing... Real facts about how useful they can be spicy foods for you.

Find out the effect of spicy food on the body.

1. Spicy foods to reduce cardiovascular disease

Today we are like modern people, we know the signs cardiovascular diseases; The main one is the accumulation of plaque in the walls of the arteries, which makes it difficult for blood to move throughout our body.

But spicy food always comes to the rescue... I don’t know about you, but I just love red hot peppers.

Red pepper, black pepper, ginger and hot non-hot spices are all known to have powerful antioxidant properties.

As Vegetarian says

Currently nutritional supplements with turmeric extract are being studied to see if they have an effect in the prevention and treatment of certain types of cancer, including colon, prostate, breast and skin cancer.

If you have ever felt debilitating muscle pain or joint pain, you've probably used capsaicin-based creams and ointments to relieve your pain with that soothing burning sensation.

I know how it is no longer by hearsay. And I know for sure that it works.

As Neboleem says, in medicinal purposes capsaicin is used as powerful tool to block pain. It actively affects substance P, which is a transmitter of signals from nerve endings to the brain.

At the same time, it not only reduces the intensity pain, but also promotes the production of prostaglandins and collagenase, which relieve pain and eliminate the manifestations of the inflammatory process.

It is also included in medications that relieve pain from arthritis and shingles, and is prescribed for use in the form of a cream for patients with psoriasis and people suffering from itching skin and from diabetic neuropathy.

Anti-frostbite ointments and even many nasal sprays that relieve migraine pain are produced based on capsaicin.

Also, many of the seasonings, spicy and not only, can fight various inflammations in organism. … VegaFood, for example, points out some of them:

Seasonings against inflammation

  1. Ginger. For centuries traditional medicine relied on anti-inflammatory and medicinal properties ginger root. According to medical center University of Maryland, there is also evidence that ginger relieves pain associated with classic inflammatory diseases, arthritis. In addition, ginger is effective against diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.
  2. Cardamom. Cardamom, the queen of spices, also reduces inflammation. Cardamom is believed to be native to India and Sri Lanka, where it has been successfully used to reduce inflammation for centuries.
  3. Black pepper. It has its characteristic pungent odor thanks to piperine, which also provides pepper with an amazing anti-inflammatory effect. Piperine suppresses the expression of a gene associated with arthritis and the spread of cancer. Even in small doses, piperine reduces inflammation by inhibiting the production of prostaglandins. In addition, piperine significantly suppresses the perception of pain and symptoms of arthritis, and reduces inflammation in the joints.
  4. Chamomile. The oil distilled from these flowers contains substances that directly reduce inflammation and have antispasmodic properties.
  5. Turmeric. The active ingredient in turmeric, curcumin is an antioxidant that removes harmful free radicals from the body. Curcumin reduces enzymes that cause inflammation.

It seems like adding spices to your dishes is a win-win. While they can protect against cancer and inflammation, they are also great mood lifters.

4. Spicy foods will fight anxiety and depression

These anti-pain endorphins also help with our moods too.

Fitness Life states that pepper is unique means against migraines and headache attacks. To relieve pain, you can apply a compress to your temples. Some researchers are working to study the injection effect this tool into the nose.

It lifts your mood and helps fight depression. Capsaicin increases the level of endorphins and other hormones that affect good mood.

Protects the body from harsh winter conditions. Relieves symptoms of flu, sinusitis (sinus disease) and makes breathing easier. These diseases can also cause some anxiety and stress on our body, thereby exposing us to illness even more.

But among all the spices, turmeric can still be called a champion in the fight against stress!

You know, I love it when natural products work as cool as (or close to) drugs created in laboratories, on which unrealistic money is spent!

By the way, have you ever read about many side effects from antidepressants? After them, you may become even more depressed than before.

So spicy food is the best option!

5. Spicy food for weight loss

Spicy food is a thermogenic product. This means that she can easily lift and does not need any fast weight loss, as many people think.

This is why cayenne pepper, for example, is used in some diets for weight loss and cleansing.

As we have already started to say, cayenne pepper speeds up metabolic processes in the body, so it can help reduce weight. Experiments conducted by nutritionists confidently prove:

people whose diet contains hot pepper are less likely to encounter problems overweight and obesity. Once in the body, the hot seasoning improves the absorption of food and significantly accelerates energy expenditure.

Contrary to the myth that all the know-nothings talk about and believe all their lives, spicy food and hot peppers actually have a lot of benefits for our digestive system than harm.

Most people are afraid to eat hot foods because they believe they cause ulcers or heartburn.

But according to one Asian study, when people didn't eat foods with capsaicin, they were three times more likely to get ulcers than those who did.

The truth is that a bacteria called Helicobacter pylori is the cause of most ulcers, and the capsaicin from hot peppers can help kill these harmful bacteria.

Scientists also believe that hot chili peppers can protect the lining of our stomachs. So, it is an excellent blocker of stomach damage caused by medications, harmful chemical additives in our food and diseases.

A morning glass of water and lemon grated ginger, this will help kickstart your metabolism and aid digestion.

  • You can also make or by adding a little ginger or red hot pepper.
  • Having made the beginning of the whole day like this, you will feel protected for the rest of the time!

    On top of that, you can get acquainted with some recipes from Thai, Indian, or Latin cuisine. Find some healthy recipes with a lot of spices and spicy seasonings and stick to this meal plan.

    Final Thoughts

    I think that the most great benefit from reading from our post today: remove the fear of spicy foods.

    Yes, they may make you cry a little sometimes, but their health benefits are worth it. Just breathe deeply and use Greek yogurt or plain low-fat yogurt with probiotics to cool the flames.

    These Amazing Spices and Hot Foods Have Super protective power and abilities. They can increase your metabolic rate and help you achieve main goal(for some) - weight loss!

    They will always take center stage in my kitchen!

    What do you think about spices?

    Do you like spicy food? Tell me about the hottest foods you've ever tried! I'd like to hear how you felt.

    If the article gave you more than just pleasure from reading it, share it with others!

    The tradition of using hot Bell pepper, as well as onions, garlic, horseradish, mustard and vinegar, in other words, the habit of eating spicy and very spicy food came to us from tropical countries with extremely hot climates. Since ancient times, natives from the jungle and tropics have escaped from intestinal infections and various deadly epidemics. It is no coincidence that in countries with traditions of eating hot and spicy food there were no epidemics of typhus and plague, which wiped out half of the population of Europe in the Middle Ages.

    Today, fiery-spicy food has smoothly migrated from the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America to European, including Russian, restaurants, as well as to the tables of Russian food lovers at home.

    However, there is a strong opinion that eating onions, garlic, vinegar, horseradish, and especially pepper is extremely harmful. Is eating spicy food harmful or beneficial?

    Here are the undeniable harmful effects spicy food.

    1. Excessive consumption of spicy foods causes gastrointestinal intestinal diseases, for example, gastritis.

    2. Spicy food irritates the walls of the intestines, stomach and esophagus.

    3. Causes heartburn.

    4. After garlic and onions, fumes appear and are extremely bad smell from mouth.

    5. Constant use spicy food is “addictive”; a person stops enjoying fresh food. Decreasing

    The sensitivity of receptors in the body that are responsible for taste sensations.

    6. According to many experts (other experts do not agree with their opinion), spicy food causes joint diseases, pain in the back and limbs, headaches, tachycardia and dizziness.

    7. There are works proving that systematic consumption of spicy food spoils mood and character, has negative impact on nervous system.

    But the undeniable positive consequences systematic consumption of spicy food.

    1. Spicy food stimulates the appetite.

    2. Spicy food tones the processes of digestion, assimilation and excretion of food breakdown products in the body, and therefore prevents slagging and slagging of the intestines and internal organs.

    3. Spicy food increases the body's resistance and strengthens immune system.

    4. Spicy food tones the intestines and increases peristalsis.

    5. Spicy foods break down and eliminate fecal stones from the large intestine.

    6. Spicy food thins the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots, and also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle.

    7. Spicy foods stimulate lactation and thin the milk of a nursing mother.

    8. Spicy food is depressing. purulent infections.

    And the main advantage of spicy food is that the plants used for its preparation generate the production of phytoncides by the human body, substances that destroy pathogenic flora.

    So should you eat spicy food or not? There is no clear answer to this question. It's all about individual characteristics specific organism. You need to listen to yourself. If you have a need for spicy food and you don't have medical contraindications to her, do not deny yourself the pleasure of eating spicy food. The main thing is not to get too carried away.

    The taste preferences of all people are quite different, but at the same time they can be classified. Among them it is easy to identify lovers of sweets, meat, fruits and other options. One of the popular flavors is spicy. But as hot as dishes with spicy additives are, the controversy surrounding their benefits or harm rages.

    What makes food spicy?

    Now we will surprise you very much, but we feel spicy, burning food with special receptors on our tongue - temperature ones. It is thanks to them that after mint there is a “draft in the mouth”, after menthol toothpaste or chewing gum there is also a feeling of coolness, and after a good portion of Asian dishes you will feel as if someone has lit a huge fire on your tongue. These receptors are sensitive to the substance capsaicin, which excites them and makes it possible to feel a burning or pungent taste. A striking example of it high content– cayenne pepper, chili or jalapeno, which is used in abundance in Mexican cuisine. But this substance acts not only on the tongue. The fact is that capsaicin causes not only a feeling of warmth or even heat, but also causes a strong rush of blood to the surface with which it interacts - be it the skin on the hand, the tongue or the stomach mucosa. And this last interaction raises a lot of fears and suspicions that spicy food may be unsafe.

    What is the harm of spicy foods?

    The first answer will be extremely simple - in the absence of a sense of proportion in the person eating. That is why further we will consider only those risks that can await us even with moderate consumption of savory foods.

    Some people believe that fiery foods can cause stomach diseases and duodenum. However, this is only true for those cases when a person already has a disease in a non-acute stage or simply has not yet been identified. Therefore, they are not recommended for people with gastritis or ulcers, simply so as not to provoke inflammatory processes.

    Another unpleasant effect from “fiery” food - heartburn. Strong tide blood causes increased secretion gastric juice and its excess is thrown into the esophagus, causing unpleasant burning sensation. But not all people are susceptible to this phenomenon.

    And finally, dulling taste sensations, which occurs with regular and abundant consumption of spicy foods. But harmful influence there is also back side medals.

    The benefits of spicy food

    It is due to its irritating property that spicy food attracts a large volume of blood to the location. This makes the condition easier colds, sputum discharge improves during bronchitis, acute respiratory infections and other conditions accompanied by cough.

    Another stimulating effect contributes to more rapid decline weight due to activation of cardio-vascular system, accelerate blood flow, remove toxins and excess liquids from fabrics. The only condition is that the food should not be too salty, otherwise the salt will still provoke the persistence and even increase of edema.

    In addition, scientists have concluded that spicy foods promote the production of serotonin, which can help improve mood. So a Mexican salad may well be a good alternative to a box of chocolates in case of mental pain.

    So, to summarize: spicy food helps to activate the body, tones, and helps fight overweight for those people who do not have ulcers or gastritis. It can help fight colds and depression. However, it should not be abused, since such a diet cannot be the basis for correct or.

    No nation in the world can boast of the absence of spicy dishes in their national cuisine. And the main consumer of such culinary products is most often a man. For decades now, some scientists have been preaching about the dangers of spicy cuisine for male body. Others, on the contrary, praise its beneficial properties. So what should the emphasis be on? modern man?

    List of Spicy Foods You Don't Need to Cook

    It's no secret that the best chefs are men. Is it any wonder that representatives of the stronger sex try every day to create a masterpiece in their own kitchen, which would be on par with the dishes served in restaurants or elite pubs. Those who never found common language with kitchen appliances, he is simply content with new positions in public catering establishments.

    As a rule, spicy food is classified as “Alarm!”, and is not recommended by nutritionists. Therefore, it is better to exclude some items of the daily menu from the diet completely or partially:

    1. Hamburgers.
    You shouldn’t give up the occasional snack of a cutlet with a crispy bun. You just need to focus on the content in the middle of these components. Spicy and pickled peppers, salted cucumbers and full harmful microelements the sauce is what causes serious harm. But remember your student years - beer and a burger were our everyday food.

    2. Seafood.
    Most modern dishes are made using spices. Thanks to them they manage to give a special taste. Seafood itself is an essential component of a man’s diet. But what is mixed into them is a taboo for health.

    4. Beer snacks.
    Today, many pubs present visitors with various additions to beer. These are garlics (garlic croutons), onion rings, fish and meat slices. As a rule, these dishes are made from expired products. And it allows you to add flavor a large number of spices

    There is not enough time to list all the dishes that are very popular in modern world, and which must be excluded from the diet. It is enough to summarize one thing - you should abstain from foods rich in the following ingredients:

    • Pepper
    • Marinades
    • Other spices

    However, you should not build rigid boundaries. Moderated consumption (rare and in small quantities) will allow you to simultaneously enjoy delicious food, and do not harm the body.

    Top 5 Spicy Food Recipes

    As already mentioned, you should not completely give up spicy food. Sometimes you can pamper your stomach with delicious spicy dishes. Preparing each of the items listed below will not be difficult even for a culinary novice.

    Best Spicy Food Recipes:

    1. Cheese and garlic sticks

    An excellent delicacy that is suitable for both festive table, and for an ordinary evening gathering in front of the TV. You will need:

    • Filtered water (1.25 cups)
    • Honey (1 tsp)
    • Salt (1 tsp)
    • Yeast (7 grams)
    • 5 cloves garlic
    • Butter (225 grams)
    • Garlic powder (1 tsp)
    • Parmesan (150 grams)
    • Oregano (2 spoons)
    • Rosemary (2 tsp)
    • Thyme (1/4 tsp)

    Pour water into a container and add honey and yeast. After foam appears, add salt and flour. Knead and leave for 30 minutes. In a blender, blend cheese, oregano, thyme and rosemary. Transfer the resulting mass into a bowl.

    When the dough has settled, roll it up and divide it into 5-6 parts (strips). Separately mix the oil and garlic powder. Dip the dough sticks in this oil. Then roll in cheese mixture.

    Place the sticks on a baking sheet and bake for 17-18 minutes. The oven temperature should be at least 200 degrees.

    2. Savory cheese scones

    Another tasty dish, which is ideal for the holiday table. You will need:

    • Egg (2 pcs)
    • Cottage cheese (250 grams)
    • Granulated sugar (1/2 teaspoon)
    • Salt (1/2 teaspoon)
    • Flour (250 grams)
    • Baking powder (1 teaspoon)
    • Mozzarella (150 grams)
    • Garlic (clove)
    • Sour cream (1 tablespoon)
    • Thyme (1 handful)

    Mix one egg, butter and cottage cheese. Heat the oven to 190 degrees. Flour is mixed with baking powder. Salt and sugar are added to it. Afterwards everything is mixed with the curd mass. The resulting mixture is set aside for a few minutes.

    The cheese is grated, and garlic, passed through a press, is suspended from it. Next, thyme and sour cream are added.

    The dough is divided into two parts, each of which is rolled into a ball. The first layer is placed on a baking sheet. The cheese filling is laid out on it. Cover with a second layer and go into the oven. Bake for no more than 20 minutes.

    3. Chicken wings in spicy apple-tomato marinade

    Chicken dishes will never lose their relevance on the table. For the dish you will need:

    • Chicken wings (1 kg)
    • Butter (150 grams)
    • Apple puree (80 grams)
    • Tomato sauce (80 grams)
    • Sugar (3 tablespoons)
    • Tabasco (1/2 teaspoon)
    • Soy sauce (3 tbsp.)
    • Half a lemon (squeeze juice)
    • Vegetable oil (2 tbsp)
    • Cinnamon (1/2 tsp)
    • Paprika (1 tsp)

    Add sugar to lemon juice. Combine with tomato paste And applesauce. Add spices and vegetable oil there.

    Place the container on the fire and heat to a boil. Add Tobasco sauce.

    Cut up the chicken wings and place them in the marinade. Leave on the stove for 2 hours over medium heat. Then remove the wings and place them on a wire rack. Fry for 5 minutes each side.

    4. Garlic croutons

    Soft crackers are perfect both as a snack for beer and as a snack before a feast. You will need:

    • Rye bread
    • Salt (1 teaspoon)
    • Garlic (3 cloves)
    • Butter (100 grams)
    • Garlic powder (1 teaspoon)

    Cut the bread into 1 centimeter strips. Melt butter in a frying pan and pour the remaining ingredients onto it. Pour the resulting mixture over the bread slices and place them on a baking sheet lined with foil. Heat in the oven for 25 minutes.

    5. Spicy Mexican Burger

    He is the king of fast food. Not to say that it is healthy, but one burger, consumed once a week, has never harmed anyone. To prepare you will need:

    • Minced meat (500 grams)
    • Chili pepper (5 grams)
    • Onions (2 pcs)
    • Ground black pepper
    • Avocado (1 piece)
    • Garlic (1 clove)
    • Lemon juice (15 ml)

    Mix minced meat, onion and chili. Add spices. Make 4 cutlets and brush each one with oil. Grill until each side is brown.

    Mash the avocado and combine it with lemon juice and onions. There are also garlic, pepper and salt. Place the resulting mixture on the minced meat. Next, combine with bun.

    The benefits and harms of spicy food

    Spicy food, although criticized by nutritionists, is not only harmful to the body. Her healthier properties are as follows:

    • Strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
    • Improved blood circulation;
    • Normalization of digestion;
    • Elimination of colds/Destruction of harmful microbes;
    • Fighting stress;
    • Normalization of sleep.

    The benefits of spicy foods also include weight loss, because after eating it, your heart rate increases and your temperature rises, which has a positive effect on fat burning. Spicy food stimulates the appetite, but eliminates the desire to taste harmful salty foods. In view of this, many people who want to lose weight tend to replace salt with pepper, turmeric, ginseng or some other spice.

    The reason why people try to avoid spicy foods is because of their following negative effects:

    • Stomach upset (gastritis, ulcer).
    • Damage to receptors on the tongue.

    A person who often consumes spicy foods will sooner or later see a gastroenterologist. Conclusion: Spicy dishes are quite appropriate on the table, but it should be a rare occurrence. Special attention You should pay attention to the serving size.

    Consequences after eating spicy food

    Although dishes in this category have a body-warming effect, the presence discomfort more typical for them. After spicy food, bad breath occurs. Also, in most cases, heartburn occurs. If you experience abdominal pain after eating spices, this is an indication of the development of a stomach disease.