Dried fruits: harm, benefit and harm. Dried fruits: how to choose high-quality dried fruits and berries


What are dried fruits:

Questions about what dried fruits are, the benefits and harms of dried fruits for the human body, and whether they have any medicinal properties, are of great interest to those who care about their health and are interested in traditional methods treatment. And this interest is understandable. Maybe this article will, to some extent, answer these questions.

Dried fruits are dried fruits or berries, with a residual moisture content of about 20%. They are dried either naturally (for example, in the sun), or using industrial methods (for example, using a dehydrator).

Dried fruits are rich in vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6) and mineral elements (iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, contain about 250 kcal and 1.5 - 5 g of protein per 100g. They have long term storage and do not require cold storage. This is one of their main advantages and in this regard they are a convenient alternative fresh fruit(especially during the lean season). However, during drying, dried fruit loses most of its vitamin C.

In cooking, dried fruits are added to baked goods, breakfast cereals, muesli, sweets, and used to make compote. Due to the elimination of most of the natural moisture during the drying process (80 percent of the original mass of the fruit may be lost), they have an intense, often sickly sweet or sweet and sour taste and a peculiar aroma.

According to their shape, dried fruits can be divided into dried whole with a stone, if any; dried whole fruits without seeds; seedless fruit halves and dried fruit pieces.

When purchasing at the market, you should carefully inspect the bag of dried fruits. If condensation has formed in a bag of dried fruits, this indicates their low quality. The unnaturally black color of prunes, for example, indicates this. that it was treated with glycerin, and therefore will have to be washed for a long time before use. The color should be even black with a slight shine. If the prunes are brownish, they were previously scalded with boiling water, which deprived them of many vitamins. Dried fruits with pits are best stored.

Dried fruits for diabetes:

Is it possible to eat dried fruits if you have diabetes? Are dried fruits harmful for diabetics? Some dried fruits should be consumed only in limited quantities. For example, raisins are consumed no more than 1 tablespoon per day, prunes - up to 3 pieces, dates - only 1 per day. But there are no serious restrictions for the use of dried apples, currants, pears (of course, with the condition that you choose unsweetened varieties). This is wonderful snack, good alternative fresh fruit. They can be used to make jelly and compotes, only without sugar - such dried fruits already have enough of it.

Note that pear can be an excellent health aid for diabetics - it is widely used as a natural remedy. Contained in it essential oils and active biological components strengthen the body’s defenses, help fight concomitant diseases. Pear fruits can be included in dietary food, and their use will be an excellent prophylaxis for patients diabetes mellitus. Moreover, not only the fruits, but also the leaves of this plant are useful.

Dried fruits for pancreatitis:

Dried fruits are a valuable source of nutrients. Dry fruits retain almost all the nutritional value of fresh fruits (only the concentration nutrients increases).

Those suffering from pancreatitis must follow special diet, in which not many products are allowed. It's clear that extra vitamins- not superfluous for the patient. Is it okay to eat dried fruits for pancreatitis?

At acute pancreatitis Only fasting or a very meager diet is possible, which excludes foods containing fiber. And there is no less of it in dried fruits than in fresh fruits. Hence the conclusion - in case of acute pancreatitis, any dried fruits are contraindicated!

At chronic pancreatitis It is permissible to eat dried fruits. However, not all. Prunes, dried pears and apples are allowed. Contraindicated for pancreatitis are figs, dates, dried bananas, raisins, dried apricots - they have a high sugar content. The diseased pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin to break down this sugar.

Dried fruits for blood pressure:

Dried fruits that help reduce blood pressure include raisins and dried apricots. The fact is that these dried fruits are richer in potassium and magnesium than others. And these elements support the functioning of our heart. In addition, potassium and magnesium prevent the formation of blood clots, make the blood less viscous, and vascular walls– elastic, strengthen the heart muscle and regulate metabolism in it.

Here are the benefits of dried fruits, each individual fruit:


Prunes have a beneficial effect on work digestive tract, normalizes blood pressure. A source of vitamin A, therefore good for vision. It will be good to eat prunes for rheumatism, kidney diseases, liver diseases.

Prunes are unique in that when dried they retain valuable substances, which fresh plums are so rich in. Prunes contain glucose, sucrose and fructose, from 9 to 17%, as well as various organic acids - citric, malic, oxalic and even a small amount of salicylic.

Prune pulp contains nitrogenous and tannins, it is rich in vitamins P, A, C, B1 and B2. From minerals Prunes contain a lot of potassium, iron and phosphorus.

The energy value of prunes is quite high - 264 kcal.

Prunes are one of the most effective means for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and hypertension. The potassium contained in prunes helps reduce blood pressure and reduces the risk of stroke.

Prunes are rich in antioxidants, they absorb free radicals, destroying the body. This is great prevention oncological diseases.


Dates – increase tone and increase a person’s performance, useful for headaches. All this is due high content carbohydrates.

The nutritional value of dates is amazing: they contain vitamins A, E, B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, selenium, iron, phosphorus, zinc.

Nutritionists believe that in order to provide the human body daily norm in magnesium, copper and sulfur, it is enough to eat only 10 dates a day. These unique fruits contain 23 types of amino acids that are not found in other fruits.

You will also find the highest percentage of glucose and fructose in dates - their dried fruits contain more than 60% sugar.

The calorie content of dates is quite high (282 kcal per 100 g), they contain enough fat and protein, a lot of carbohydrates and dietary fiber.

Dates are useful for cardiovascular diseases, they saturate the body with potassium and significantly strengthen the heart muscle. Dates also help in treatment hypertension. Sweet fruits are indispensable for anemia.

In addition, dates are indicated for colds and viral infections– they soothe cough, help remove mucus and support protective forces body.

Dates are an indispensable product for children and pregnant women. Dried fruits retain their beneficial properties and are in no way inferior to fresh ones.

Dried apricots:

Dried apricots are rich in potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, carotene, vitamin B5, calcium, but they are especially rich in vitamin A. Eating dried apricots helps normalize blood pressure, is beneficial for the cardiovascular system, for vision, and returns a healthy color to the skin.

Dried apricots are dried apricots. Or rather, halves of fruits. A variety of dried apricots are kaisa (apricots, dried whole) and apricots, which contain a seed, it dries directly on the tree, this is the technology.

Dried apricots are traditionally used in the treatment of heart diseases.

She is distinguished by high nutritional value and is a natural fat burner.

Despite the high carbohydrate content, they are well absorbed and do not turn into fat, as is usually the case with other foods containing a large number of carbohydrates.

Dried apricots are high in calories, and the contents they contain alimentary fiber actively contribute better work intestines and remove accumulated toxins from the body. IN Lately dried apricots are actively used in cosmetology (face and hair masks, restorative baths).

Treatment of heart diseases with dried apricots:

Mix equal parts dried apricots and raisins walnuts. Eat a few spoons of this mixture daily.

Dried apricots for the prevention of heart disease

Take 300 g of dried apricots, prunes, figs, nuts and 100 g of honey. Rinse dried fruits, soak dried apricots and prunes in 100 ml of water for 1 hour. Then squeeze the fruit, add nuts and honey. Beat in a mixer until you obtain a homogeneous paste. Take 2 times a day, 1 teaspoon.

Dried pear:

Dried pear - it is useful for the normal functioning of the intestines. Among dried fruits, pear is the only one that has the property of removing heavy metals and toxins.

Fresh and dried pear fruits and leaves are used as medicinal raw materials. They are indicated for anemia, diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, inflammatory diseases urinary tract.

Pears are also widely used in cosmetology, including dried ones. After all, unlike fresh, it does not spoil for a long time.

Treatment of constipation with infusion of dried pear:

Take 20 g of dried pear, pour 2 cups of boiling water. Leave for 3 hours.

Take 3 tablespoons of decoction in the morning on an empty stomach for diarrhea or constipation.

Take 20 g of dried pear. Mix 2 parts mint leaves, 2 parts valerian root. Brew 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Drink 1 glass in the morning and evening. Raisins – contain a large amount of magnesium, which helps relieve tension nervous system. It is also rich in elements such as boron and manganese, which are necessary for the normal absorption of calcium in the body. Therefore, raisins are useful for those who suffer from a lack of calcium in the bones.


Raisins, as you know, are dried grapes. Dark raisins are considered the most nutritious and healthy. Its calorie content is quite high: 300 kcal per 100 g.

Raisins contain a lot healthy carbohydrates, organic acids, dietary fiber, proteins, vitamins, minerals.

Potassium, which is found in raisins, is useful for the functioning of the kidneys and heart muscle, metabolism, maintenance normal composition blood.

Thanks to nicotinic acid included in vitamin group B, raisins have relaxing properties, which is valuable for the functioning of the nervous system.

Raisins can be used for poisoning and swelling: having a diuretic effect, it promotes elimination from the body excess liquid and toxins.

Raisins can ease the course of the disease Bladder and kidneys, cure dysentery.

It is useful for weakness and anemia, helps to compensate for the deficiency of nutrients during pregnancy.

Raisins are widely used in modern cosmetology, especially as an ingredient in face masks.

Diuretic infusions with raisins

Take 1 part each of juniper fruit, dandelion root, and birch leaves. Add 15 g raisins.

Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into 1 glass of boiling water, leave until cool, strain. Take after consultation with your doctor 3-4 times a day, 1 tablespoon 15-20 minutes before meals.

Take 2 parts each of juniper fruit, horsetail herb, and wheatgrass. Add 15 g raisins.

Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into 2 cups of boiling water, leave until cool, strain. After consultation with a doctor, take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals.


Figs - source ascorbic acid and potassium. This makes it useful for diseases respiratory tract, for a cold. Has a beneficial effect on functions thyroid gland, helps to withdraw in a short time harmful substances from the intestinal tract.

A decoction of figs in water or milk is useful for inflammatory processes respiratory tract. Figs have diuretic properties, they stabilize the flora of the stomach and strengthen the kidneys. It is believed that figs have the property of dissolving blood clots. Fig fruits are used as a laxative and are useful for anemia and liver diseases.

Treatment of constipation with infusion of figs:

Take 3 parts of buckthorn bark, 2 parts of nettle leaves, 1 part of yarrow herb. Add 20 g of figs.

Take 3 parts of buckthorn bark, 1 part each of nettle leaves and sweet clover herb. Add 20 g of figs.

Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Drink 0.5 cups at night.

Dried fruits are called dried fruits. They are able to retain the maximum number of beneficial properties of fresh fruits. This is how a person learned to replenish vitamin reserves throughout the year. But there is certain rules taking dried fruits - due to their high concentration, their use should be moderate, and the fruits themselves should be slightly soaked before consumption.

What to do with dried fruit compote, does it provide benefits or harm? If you simply pour boiling water over dried fruits and leave the mixture covered, you will get a storehouse of vitamins, because the fruits will impart their beneficial properties to the water. And if you add sugar, the fruit will lose its beneficial properties. If you want to sweeten the compote, add a little honey to it. Compote that is cooked over a fire completely removes the beneficial substances from dried fruits.

Dried fruits can be beneficial and harmful to the body. They are recommended for use by people suffering from intestinal diseases, of cardio-vascular system, patients with anemia, as well as those who are predisposed to the formation of blood clots.

Dry fruits are an excellent diuretic, anti-inflammatory and laxative. Here are just some of the beneficial properties of individual dried fruits:

        prunes and raisins help treat stomach diseases and also actively increase hemoglobin;

        dried apples and pears are used to make a compote that helps treat liver, kidneys, indigestion, and gastritis;

        dry figs improve thyroid function;

        Dried pineapple fights excess weight;

        Apricots or dried apricots help fight anemia and have a positive effect on visual acuity.

It is best, of course, to eat fruits that have been dried yourself. During industrial drying, manufacturers subject fruits to chemical treatment.

Dry fruits must be washed hot water, kneading them with your hands, then rinse cool water. In order to thoroughly disinfect washed dried fruits, you need to soak them for a while in sour milk. Remember that you need to minimize external contamination and surface preservatives; if you do not wash purchased dried fruits, then in addition to the benefits, you can also get harm from them.

Can dried fruits be harmful?

They can, and this harm lies in the presence of chemicals in the product that cannot be completely washed off. For long-term storage, manufacturers process dried fruits sulfur dioxide, and can also fumigate them with sulfur. Raisins and dried apricots are mainly subjected to this type of processing. To preserve the presentation and protect dried fruits from pests, manufacturers treat them with sulfur dioxide (E 220). This gas is irritating to the mucous membrane human system digestion.

People who are losing weight and people who are fasting should use dried fruits with special caution. It is worth remembering that dried fruits can cause both benefit and harm when losing weight.

Dried apples are perhaps the most common type of dried fruit. They differ pleasant taste, and the human body can get a lot from them useful elements. In addition, dried apples can be used as a tea additive, an additive to porridge, they can be made into a compote, or eaten as an independent dish. Dried apple fruits are most valuable in the cold season, when fresh apples lose their original nutritional functions.

However, we should not forget that dried fruits from apples can be not only beneficial, but also harmful.

The benefits of this product may be as follows:

        Constant consumption of dried apples provides the human body with energy, which is why they are great for athletes and travelers;

        normalization of intestinal function;

        reducing the risk of thrombophlebitis;

        decrease in pressure;

        in old age, it has a positive effect on memory and reduces the risk of developing dementia;

        normalizes blood circulation and heart function;

        the risk of developing cancer is reduced;

        improving the functioning of the nervous system and brain activity;

        strengthening the immune system and protecting the body from infectious diseases;

        normalizes diet by reducing excess snacking on the go;

        has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, skin and nails.

The harm from dried apples can be as follows:

        if they are consumed excessively, bloating with the formation of colic may occur;

        excess consumption is fraught with excess weight gain;

        carefully eat fruits that contain seeds, they have a negative effect on the stomach (you cannot eat more than 5 apple seeds per day);

If you decide to eat dried fruits, then you need to know that prunes also have both benefits and harm.

It is useful because it contains pectin, sugar, organic acids and vegetable fiber. It also noted great content vitamins PP, C, B1 and B2. In addition, prunes are rich in phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium and potassium, and are famous for their unique ability to reduce the growth of harmful microorganisms ( coli and salmonella). Prunes are excellent for constipation and are generally considered beneficial for the intestines when cleansing the body.

Some found prunes unusual application– maintaining the freshness of meat. It is added to various dishes, including baking.

A product is harmful only when its consumption is not taken in moderation by people suffering from obesity and diabetes. Mothers who are breastfeeding should not eat prunes as they can upset the baby's stomach.

Dried pear fruits are no less useful, but can also be harmful. Dried pears are mostly suitable for folk medicine. They are used as a diuretic, expectorant, fever reducer, disinfectant and fixative. In general, fresh pear has similar properties.

Pears are completely absent from dried fruits sugar syrup. They have a natural sweetness. The benefit of such a product is that it removes toxins and harmful metal compounds from the body. And the harm, again, is based on the abuse of the product. A lot of dried fruits are always a heavy burden on the body. You should avoid combining dried pear and milk, as this duo becomes a laxative.

Dried mango

Dried mango is not yet very popular in Russia, but dried mango fruits can also have both benefits and harm.

The benefits of mango are:

        Constant use of the product normalizes the functioning of the digestive system;

        metabolic functions of the body improve;

        dietary fiber contained in dried mango in large quantities, help remove harmful compounds from the body;

        has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and the entire circulatory system;

        has a beneficial effect on the performance of hearing, nervous system and visual function.

However, do not forget that in dry form it is very high-calorie product which can harm the body.

Dried raisin fruits can also be both beneficial and harmful. Raisins are beneficial for humans because they help cope with nervous system disorders and treat heart diseases. It is actively used in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys, liver, stomach, as well as in the prevention of anemia. Raisins have an excellent effect on the health of the oral cavity (teeth and gums), and also treat inflammation of the throat. It is used for bronchitis, severe cough and diseases of the respiratory system.

The harm of raisins lies in the high concentration of sugar in the product. Fresh grapes contain eight times less sugar than dried grapes. It is contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes, obesity, stomach ulcers, and heart patients.

What you need to know about dried figs?

Dried fig fruits have their own special benefit and harm to humans. Its benefits are undeniable, and are as follows. Figs increase the energy produced by the body and can have a positive effect on a person’s mood, his mental activity and general performance.

Dry figs contain a record amount of fiber, which is beneficial for the human body. A small amount of figs eaten gives you a feeling of fullness. It has a good effect on the functioning of the stomach. This product is rich in vitamins and microelements, useful for people suffering from constipation,

Figs are absolutely not suitable for diet because of their high calorie content. Besides, it makes you very weak!

Dried dried apricots are also useful, but can also be harmful. Dried apricots are made from apricots. This product is famous a large number minerals, pectins and organic acids. Dried apricots remove compounds of harmful metals, as well as radionuclides, from the body. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, strengthens vision and maintains its sharpness. Helps in the treatment of diabetes, thyroid and kidney diseases.

If you use antibiotics, then introduce dried apricots into your diet, it will reduce their negative effects on the body.

Dried apricots are contraindicated for those who suffer from low pressure and periodic stomach upsets. Due to its high nutritional value, it should not be eaten in large quantities.

Today we will pay attention to dried fruits: benefits and harm. Many of us know that dried fruits are a fairly valuable product from a nutritional point of view. Dried fruits appeared quite a long time ago for the reason that it was necessary to somehow save the collected fruits throughout the year.

Having learned to dry fruits, people were able to get healthy and delicious product who gave necessary substances in the cold season. Nowadays, fruit drying has also not lost its relevance.

This is the method that helps available means preserve as much nutrients as possible in fruits. In addition, some fruits can be transported to other areas only in dried form, since they are very poorly stored fresh. Such fruits include, for example, figs and dates.

Benefits of dried fruits:
- a large number of calories that help fill you up during diets;
- V small quantities dried fruits ;
- improve intestinal function;
- strengthen the body;
— a variety of dried fruits helps brighten up poor nutrition during a diet.

Harm of dried fruits:
— since dried fruits are very high in calories, they should be consumed in reasonable quantities;
- to improve appearance product, dried fruits are often treated with chemical compounds that are not always beneficial to our body. Therefore, dried fruits must be washed before use. warm water;
— due to long-term storage, dried fruits become a breeding ground for bacteria, so again they must be washed before use;
— sometimes fruits are dried in inappropriate conditions, after which combustion products with carcinogenic properties settle on them;
— sometimes dried fruits cause allergies. Moreover, it is interesting that allergic the fruit is often safe for humans fresh. For this reason, dried fruits are not recommended for children;
- Contraindicated for diabetes of any type.

Dried fruits on a diet.
Sometimes it is recommended to replace one of your meals with dried fruits. You can drink tea with them, but in small quantities. With a non-strict diet, you can allow yourself up to 100 g of dried fruits per day for 3-5 snacks.

To suppress appetite, it is better to use dried apricots or pitted prunes. For this purpose, the dried fruit must be chewed thoroughly, as if dissolving.

Diet based on dried fruits. This diet lasts only 3-5 days, but this time is quite enough to lose some weight. For the diet, stock up on five 100 g sachets per day (men need 7 sachets). 3 bags of assorted dried fruits, 2 bags of nuts (unsalted and unroasted). In addition to nuts and dried fruits, you are allowed to drink any tea and coffee, without sugar and milk, as well as 100 ml of dry table wine (red or white).

Divide the contents of the sachets into 10-12 servings: one serving per hour. The diet is not difficult for the body, as there is a constant supply of nutrients. In addition, you will eat a variety of dried fruits and nuts, which means you will not be tormented by monotony. If you want to lose more weight, you can remove one bag of dried fruits.

Treatment with dried fruits. offers you effective remedy to support the heart - “Hippocrates paste”. This medicine is quite tasty, so it can be used as a dessert with tea and get a healing effect.

For the paste you will need equal quantities dried apricots, pitted prunes, figs, and a third of one component of honey.

We rinse all dried fruits well with warm water, and soak dried apricots and prunes, if they are very dense, in water for a short time. After this, squeeze out the soaked fruits and add nuts and honey. Beat all ingredients in a mixer until you get a homogeneous paste. Medicinal mixture store in the refrigerator.

In order to improve the functioning of the heart muscle, take 1 tsp at each meal three times a day. pasta. In order to improve bowel function in the morning, on an empty stomach, you need to drink half a glass of water and eat 1 tbsp. l. pasta. You can take this paste constantly. In order to reduce weight, eat 50 g of paste 10 times a day once an hour.

Nutritional properties, unique composition and long shelf life have made dried fruits one of the popular products. But are they so flawless?

Dried fruits (dried fruits and berries) are considered a natural storehouse of vitamins and microelements at any time of the year. They contain vitamins A and B, high concentration glucose, fructose, fiber, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, sodium. Such chemical composition makes them extremely beneficial for the health of the cardiovascular and central nervous system, helps improve the condition of nails, hair and bones, and stimulates intestinal function. In addition, each dried fruit contains its own unique complex of useful substances.

To a certain extent, dried fruits can be called a “natural pill”. But, like any product, and, moreover, a means of prevention and treatment, dried fruits and berries have their “pitfalls”, side effects and contraindications. What do you need to know about dried fruits before making them part of your regular diet?

Beware of chemical dried fruits!

In industrial settings, dried fruits can be treated with chemicals to impart the desired color and protect them from mold. For this purpose, in particular, sulfur dioxide is used. Unprocessed dried fruits are usually darker.

Unscrupulous manufacturers often use substances that are incompatible with food to process dried fruits: insecticides, glycerin, toxic detergents. They remain on the surface of the fruit and enter the human body.

Dried fruits treated with chemicals look attractive on the shelves. For example, raisins have a beautiful golden color, and dried apricots and prunes have a beautiful shine. The result of consuming such “beauty” for a person is stomach pain, disruption of the gallbladder and intestines. Therefore, before eating or cooking, dried fruits must be soaked in boiling water and rinsed thoroughly.

Dried fruits that have been dried naturally(in the sun) - grayer and darker. In any case, do not buy dried fruits that have rot or.

Dried fruits - “sweet bomb”

During the drying process, water leaves fruits and berries, and the sugar concentration increases significantly. As a result, eating, for example, one dried apricot, a person receives more calories than if he ate a fresh apricot. The calorie content of dried fruits is 230-300 kcal per 100 g. Thus, people with diabetes and those who are overweight should treat this delicacy very carefully.

In addition, allergy sufferers should not let their guard down. For example, dried citrus fruits can cause an allergic reaction.

What are the benefits of dried fruits?

We invite you to familiarize yourself with beneficial properties the most popular types of dried fruits.

    The main value of dried apricots is that when dried, most of the vitamins and microelements are retained. Dried apricots are rich in potassium, carotene, organic acids, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamin B5. Helps strengthen the heart and increase hemoglobin. Thanks to its mild laxative effect, it improves intestinal motility and promotes its cleansing. Prevents the leaching of potassium from the body. 3-5 fruits per day are enough to get the maximum benefit from dried apricots.

    Dried apricots(dried apricot with pits). Rich in beta-carotene. These substances are believed to help prevent cancer. Apricots contain a lot of potassium, which is necessary for heart health, and fiber, which is good for the intestines.

    Raisin. Rich in organic acids, fiber, vitamins A, B1, B2, B5 and B6, C. It contains iron, boron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, chlorine, phosphorus. Helps strengthen the nervous system, helps relieve tension, fatigue, and improve sleep. Useful for pregnant and lactating women: it replenishes iron deficiency and improves lactation. High content potassium and magnesium in raisins strengthens cardiac myocardium, helps normalize blood pressure. Raisins are not recommended for people with ulcerative lesions gastroduodenal region.

    Prunes. Contains mild laxatives, dietary fiber, organic acids, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, group B, C, PP. Good remedy against constipation and effectively cleanses the body. Prunes have a choleretic and diuretic effect. Increases production gastric juice and increases appetite. Due to its potassium and magnesium content, it is useful for cardiovascular diseases. Nursing mothers should use prunes with caution - they can cause distress and colic in the baby.

    Dates. Rich in vitamins A, E, group B, amino acids. They contain calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese, and selenium. Dates are useful for people with weakened immune systems and anemia. They help relieve fatigue and speed up recovery after past illness, strengthen cardiovascular system, activate the liver and kidneys. Dates are believed to help prevent cancer. Useful for pregnant women: used in prevention and help strengthen the muscles of the uterus. People with chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract and kidney stones, it is recommended to eat dates with caution.

    Drying apples and pears. Dried apples are rich in vitamins A, group B, C, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, iodine. Improves digestive, nervous, circulatory systems, kidneys and liver. Useful for diseases of the thyroid gland. Dried pears are rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, E, P, C, pectin, iron, iodine, copper, potassium, calcium, zinc, carotene. Useful for disorders of the pancreas and urinary tract. Help fight colds and reduce stress.

For a long time, dried fruits were considered a delicacy; they were prescribed as medicine healers and doctors in past centuries. Now they are used in the preparation of various dishes or simply enjoyed without any additives. If you eat dried fruits, the benefits and harms of which are the cause of many discussions, you can not only get pleasure, but also replenish your body useful substances and vitamins.

Types of dried fruits

Dried fruits appeared in connection with the need to prepare food for long journeys, mainly at sea, where access to fruits and vegetables is limited. It is generally believed that these treats belong to eastern species sweets. However, many people loved such dishes and became widespread, and now you can see dried fruits on almost any table. The benefits and harms of them are of interest to many. They dry the most different fruits and vegetables: slices of melon and peaches, cherry plum and persimmon, and many others. However, the most popular types of products are:

  • dried pitted apricot (dried apricot), dried apricot and whole apricot fruit (kaisa);
  • prunes with and without pits;
  • dates;
  • raisins (light and dark).

The benefits of dried products

The usefulness of dried fruits is undeniable, the consumption of which helps maintain youth and health. Let's consider what dried fruits are, the benefits and harms of which have already been studied. For example, it is rich in calcium, iron and phosphorus, as well as vitamin B5. Therefore, it is prescribed for the treatment of anemia, weakened vision, heart and thyroid diseases. In addition, dried apricots contain organic acids and pectins, which help remove toxins from heavy metal poisoning and promote intestinal function.

Prunes are auxiliary in the treatment of oncological diseases. It is also prescribed for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and in general to boost immunity. And dates, the first sweets in the east, improve heart function and restore the body after a long illness. In addition, they are prescribed during pregnancy to facilitate labor and stimulate milk production in the mother.

Raisins are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals contained in grapes. Good use of this type of dried fruit helps with loss of sleep, irritation, neurosis and depression. However, it should be consumed with caution by those suffering from obesity, ulcers, diabetes and heart failure.

Harm of dried fruits

You probably shouldn’t eat dried fruits, the benefits and harms of which are not yet well known to you. There is evidence that the types of dried fruits listed above were the cause of stomach upsets and poisoning. This is explained by the fact that in the process of drying fruits various chemical substances. So, to give dried apricots and raisins good looking, as well as to prevent product spoilage, it is fumigated with sulfur dioxide. Therefore, before use, dried fruits need to be soaked for 1-2 hours to dissolve what has been absorbed into the food. Sometimes prunes and raisins are used in the manufacture of prunes. All this is done to give them a marketable appearance. Therefore, it is better to buy not very “attractive”, but high-quality dried fruits.

Recipes from dried products

There are many known healthy recipes with this type of sweetness, for example, when on a weight loss diet, it is good to use honey with dried fruits. This mixture will supply the body with vitamins and other beneficial compounds, which will reduce the stress load on a person’s condition when losing weight. For these purposes, you can prepare cookies from dried apricots (100 g), honey (1 tablespoon), almonds (30 g), oatmeal instant cooking(150 g) and cranberries (50 g). The cooking procedure is as follows.

  1. Peel and mix with finely chopped dried fruits.
  2. Mix all the ingredients into a thick mass and place on a baking sheet covered with parchment using a fork.
  3. Bake at 200°C. Cool the finished cookies and decorate with raspberries.

A wide variety of dishes can be prepared from this type of treat. And not just desserts. For example, dried fruit soup is extremely good. Consumption of dried products has healing effect on the human body, and, moreover, dried fruits diversify the diet.