The cause of the tongue becomes inflamed. Why can the tongue become inflamed? Spicy, sour and salty foods

Diseases of the tongue are less common than diseases of the teeth, gums or throat, but, nevertheless, they cause a lot of problems for the patient. One of the most common symptoms is an enlargement of the papillae on the root of the tongue, a change in their color, texture, and sensitivity.

All this indicates inflammatory processes in the area, which may be caused by various obvious or hidden ailments, underlying diseases, or infection in the area. oral cavity. In this article we will look at how this pathology appears and how to effectively treat it.

As a rule, a person rarely pays attention to slight redness of the tongue and changes in sensitivity. People begin to think about a thermal burn or bite, not attaching importance to such a minor symptom.

Then inflammatory process gains power, pain appears, disruption of taste buds, and their sharp increase in volume. This causes severe discomfort when eating, drinking, or even communicating.

Inflamed papillae on the tongue

Why does this problem arise:

  • burn of the mucous membrane caused by chemical means due to exposure to alkali, acids and concentrates;
  • chemical injuries caused by regular dissolution of tablets in the tongue;
  • thermal burn resulting from consuming too hot foods and liquids;
  • thermal injury caused regular use ice cream, cold dishes and ice-cold drinks;
  • damage by mucous acid (stomach juice), which is not uncommon with gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  • ejection burn of hydrochloric acid during vomiting;
  • inflammation of the tongue papillae due to biting, cutting or puncture food products (fish bone etc.), as well as after making a piercing at the root of the muscle;
  • food trauma after the resorption process, causing chafing of the area;
  • everyday damage to the muscle as a result of aggressive oral hygiene, the use of improvised means when examining it (toothpick, sharpened match, pen, pencil, etc.);
  • injuries to the area resulting from constant wearing of dentures, implants, as well as due to malocclusion;
  • damage by a sharp edge to a crushed or injured tooth;
  • infectious processes on the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat and even stomach (can be caused by bacteria, virus, fungus, etc.).

If you cannot independently determine the cause of your illness, then you should consult a doctor: a dentist, an infectious disease specialist, a gastroenterologist or a therapist. Depending on the nature of the sore, the treatment method will be chosen.

Treatment of the disease

If the receptors are inflamed due to mechanical injury(puncture, bite, cut, scratching the area, chafing, etc.), chemical, thermal burn, then treatment should be based on the use of local healing and regenerating agents that will quickly restore the delicate mucous membrane and eliminate the causes of inflammation.


Oral preparations based on carotene (Carotolin, Retinol, Vetoron and others) are considered effective in this regard. For lovers natural remedies medicines will do plant origin(Chlorophyllipt, sea ​​buckthorn oil, calendula tincture, etc.).

To heal the area, a solution or Lugol's spray. Based on it, compresses and applications to the area, baths (take the solution and hold in the mouth for a couple of minutes), and regular rinsing after meals are carried out. You can also improve the drug by adding liquid carotene, light antiseptic solutions (pinkish potassium permanganate, furacillin from 2 tablets per glass, etc.).

Antiseptic wound-healing ointments will also help to cure enlarged papillae on the root of the tongue ( Solcoseryl, Sintomycin, Dexpanthenol, Cholisal etc.).

If the patient experiences severe pain in the area, local anesthesia will help. Solutions will be effective Lidocoin And Trimecaina in ampoules, Anestezin (emulsion), Strepsils sprays and Lidocaine Asept, Emla ointment.

In order to speed up the healing and restoration of the area, the patient can also be prescribed drugs that stimulate the immune system, vitamins (group E, A), and proteolytic enzymes. For example, you can treat the inflamed area with chymotrypsin.

Also don't forget about proper diet. During illness, remove sour, hot, too sweet and salty foods from the menu. The temperature of the dish should be room temperature - do not get carried away with heated or chilled food. All dishes should be prepared in the form of porridges, purees, soufflés, minced meat, pureed or slimy soups.

During treatment, the patient will also have to remove removable orthopedic structures.

Nicotine has an unfavorable effect on healing, so try to stop smoking tobacco and hookah before complete cure. Alcoholic drinks They can also burn the papillae of the tongue, so their use should be sharply limited.

If muscle damage is caused by viral, fungal or bacterial preparations, then long-term targeted treatment with drugs prescribed by the doctor is required. Before prescribing treatment, he will take a smear from the affected area and the laboratory will determine which pathogenic microflora is to blame for the disease.


For fungal and viral infections

Fungal infection of the mucous membrane (candidiasis) is treated with oral antifungal tablets and ointments local impact. From home funds will do rinsing with a decoction of herbs, saline-soda solution, pharmaceutical antiseptics ( furacillin, manganese solution etc.).

Herpes and other viral infection requires treatment antiviral drugs: drug therapy plus creams and ointments, applications local action.

Anaerobic bacteria in the oral cavity are eliminated with a topical preparation " Metrogil-denta" Antibiotic therapy is also used, prescribed in each individual case.

If treatment is not carried out in a timely manner, inflammation of the papillae at the root of the tongue can transform into other, more serious and unpleasant symptoms(glossitis, ulcers, cracks in the tongue, bleeding, swelling and soreness of the area, burning, itching, etc.).

What is papillitis

Any inflammation of the receptors due to injury, burn (chemical, thermal), careless hygiene, etc. called papillitis. The disease also occurs due to infections and diseases of the oral cavity, as well as in those with dentures.

Often the pathology is a symptom of an allergy to hygiene products (rinse aid, toothpaste) and medications.

This disease has its own symptoms: the surface of the tongue thickens and reddens, there is a violation of taste and thermal receptors, the muscle papillae itch and hurt. At the same time, the patient notices difficulty in reproducing certain sounds, discomfort when chewing food, biting, etc. Interestingly, no plaque is observed with papillitis.

As a rule, the disease resolves quickly and rarely causes complications. But sometimes it is a reflection of more complex and major changes inside the body, hidden diseases and processes.

Papillitis of the tongue

Treatment boils down to identifying the irritant- a factor that influenced the inflammation of the papillae on the tongue (photo above). Then the symptoms of the disease are eliminated one by one. Local applications, rinses, baths, compresses, ointments, etc. will help eliminate damage to the receptors.

Also, do not forget about a gentle diet that ensures muscle comfort during chewing and communication. Put it on the menu more vitamins promoting tissue healing.

Glossitis and its treatment

Another disease accompanied by swelling of the papillae of the tongue is glossitis. As a rule, it is caused by viruses, bacteria (often herpes) or fungus (of the Candida genus).

Microcracks, injuries, bruises and other mechanical and thermal damage to the mucous membrane help spread the infection.

They also aggravate the process hot spices, scalding foods and drinks, strong alcohol, and nicotine.

Sometimes glossitis is one of the symptoms of internal diseases (anemia due to iron deficiency, lichen planus, HIV, AIDS, aphthosis, erythema, oncology, etc.).

Some types of glossitis can be caused by tactile and mechanical damage, as well as due to rubbing with dentures. Sometimes acids or electricity. Salt intoxication is also possible heavy metals, the result of which is a disruption of the taste buds. Such factors can lead to a chronic form of the disease, especially if immunity is reduced and dysbiosis is present in the body.

If the papillae on the tongue are enlarged, then each type of glossitis should be excluded, and there are many of them, and they are treated differently.

First, you should be cured of major systemic diseases or relieve exacerbation of chronic forms. It is very important to monitor the state of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolism and immunity, because the healing of the oral mucosa fundamentally depends on them.

A healthy diet helps with various types glossitis – protects the mucous membrane from the effects of aggressive foods (sour, spicy), temperatures (ice or hot dishes and drinks).

You can get rid of germs and pathogenic microflora using familiar antiseptics (manganese, furacillin, chlorhexidine and other pharmacy options).

Pain in the papillae can be relieved using applications based on lidocaine, novocaine, pyromecaine.

A common symptom of glossitis is drying out the surface of the tongue, which can be effectively treated with glycerin, petroleum jelly or beeswax.

Unpleasant dark (necrotic) or light (fibrin) plaque from the papillae of the tongue can be removed with a cotton pad soaked in chlorhexidine or trypsin.

If glossitis is accompanied by ulcers, cracks, erosions and other damage, then healing ointments and antiseptics will be required. Healing is actively promoted by preparations based on solcoseryl, as well as those containing vitamin A, rosehip essential oil, and sea buckthorn.

In some cases it is required surgery and antibiotic therapy.

Patients with reduced immunity or its absence should actively use immunomodulators, vitamin and mineral complexes, and nutritional supplements. Hormonal pills may be prescribed to eliminate breathing problems.

Prednisolone ointment

Prednisolone and hydrocortisone (ointments) promote the regeneration of muscle cells and prevent their atrophy.

Absence timely treatment Glossitis and other diseases with the above symptoms can lead to oncological formations, abscesses, ulcers and erosions, cellulitis, rashes, fungal and viral lesions.


In order to avoid damage to the mucous membrane, try to be examined by a dentist more often and perform good daily oral hygiene. At hereditary predisposition For the above diseases, follow a special diet, stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

Thank you

Under the word glossitis understand inflammation of the tongue of an infectious and non-infectious nature. This condition can occur on its own (primary) or as a symptom of another disease (secondary).

Based on the nature of the symptoms of the disease, the following are distinguished:
1. Acute glossitis- appears for the first time as independent disease, or against the background of another disease.
2. Chronic glossitis – occurs when the cause of acute glossitis is not eliminated (incorrectly selected dentures, insufficient oral hygiene, spicy and excessively hot food) and immune failure.


  • Bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci, etc.).
  • Fungi ( yeast-like genera Candida).
  • Injuries to tongue tissue (thermal and chemical burns, mechanical damage).
Under the influence of nicotine and alcohol, the risk of developing glossitis increases.

Glossitis is a symptom of certain diseases and conditions of the body:

  • lack of vitamins (A, E, B 12 and folic acid);
  • anemia;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • lichen planus;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • taking antibiotics;


Common symptoms of glossitis include:
  • pain and burning in the tongue;
  • swelling of the tongue tissues, limited tongue mobility and speech impairment;
  • impaired salivation;
  • change in color of tongue tissues;
  • change in the sense of taste or its distortion;
  • erosions and ulcerations on the mucous membrane of the tongue are possible.
Catarrhal glossitis
Develops with various diseases(stomatitis, oral candidiasis, anemia, superficial burns and injuries, etc.). It is characterized by the appearance of tissue swelling and plaque on the mucous membrane of the tongue. The lesion affects the upper layers of the tongue and is not deep.

Ulcerative (aphthous) glossitis
Most often develops with untreated catarrhal glossitis. In this case, numerous small ulcers (aphthae) appear on the surface of the tongue. Bleeding from ulcers often occurs, swelling becomes more pronounced, pain is noted, and may worsen general state sick.

Catarrhal and aphthous forms of the disease are classified as superficial glossitis.
Deep (phlegmonous) glossitis
Inflammation spreads to all layers of the tongue (with an abscess), nearby tissues and lymph nodes (with phlegmon). The patient's condition worsens. There is an increase in body temperature, weakness, headache and throbbing pain in the tongue. The tongue is swollen, especially in the area of ​​abscess formation. Eating is disrupted, severe cases there may be difficulty breathing.

Special forms of the disease

Desquamative (exfoliative) glossitis
Refers to symptomatic diseases. It develops against the background of hypovitaminosis, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, during pregnancy, helminthic infestations and other diseases. It is often called "geographical language". Striations, areas of redness, burning and pain (especially when eating) appear on the mucous membrane of the back of the tongue. The affected areas resemble a geographical map in their outline.

Benign wandering glossitis
This is desquamative glossitis, in which areas of mucosal lesions change their shape and location on the back of the tongue over a short period of time.

Diamond-shaped glossitis
Develops against the background of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Most often appears again, characteristically chronic course. With this form of the disease, thickening of the epithelium and the appearance of a red area in the shape of a diamond or oval are observed, according to midline on the back third of the back of the tongue. The color of the diamond may change to a bluish tint. There are three forms of rhomboid glossitis:
1. Flat- characterized by the absence of papillae in the area of ​​the lesion, and a smooth surface - as if varnished;
2. Papulose- occurs when there are dense tubercles on the surface of the lesion;
3. Hyperplastic - characterized by the appearance of flat growths on a broad base whitish in color in the area of ​​the lesion.

Folded glossitis
It is an anomaly in the development of tongue tissue. The appearance of folds on the surface of the tongue is characteristic, the deepest of which runs along the center of its back. This is usually the only manifestation of glossitis. May be combined with desquamative inflammation. Does not lead to dysfunction of the tongue.

Atrophic glossitis
It can develop with hypovitaminosis (deficiency of vitamins) A and E, gonorrhea. Characteristic is the appearance of a hyperemic (red) smooth spot on the mucous membrane of the tongue. Progression of the disease is not typical.

Gunter's glossitis (Hunter's)
This type of glossitis is a symptom of anemia, the development of which is caused by a lack of folic acid and vitamin B12. At the same time, the tongue becomes smoothed, as if varnished, the color changes to bright crimson. A burning sensation may be present.

Black hairy tongue (villous glossitis)
The cause of the development of this glossitis has not been precisely established. It is noted that this disease can develop for no apparent reason (genetically), under the influence of smoking and certain medicines, against the background of candidal infection of the oral cavity. Manifestations of glossitis are caused by the proliferation of filiform papillae of the tongue and their subsequent keratinization. The color of the papillae changes (they may darken). Patients complain of a sore throat, feeling foreign body(as if something stuck to the back of the tongue), sometimes vomiting.

Candidal glossitis
The cause of the disease is a violation of the microflora of the oral cavity due to previous antibacterial therapy, most often in older people and children due to decreased immunity. A white coating and striations appear on the back of the tongue, the tongue becomes swollen.

Interstitial glossitis
This glossitis is one of the manifestations of tertiary syphilis. The tissues of the tongue are uniformly affected. The tongue resembles a “quilt” in appearance; its movements are difficult due to the compaction of the tissues. At insufficient treatment the muscles of the tongue are irreversibly replaced by connective tissue. Malignant tissue degeneration (cancer) is possible.

Glossitis in children

Simple catarrhal glossitis in children can develop when the tongue is injured by improperly installed fillings and orthodontic appliances, with frequent biting of the tongue and eating very hot food, which contributes to the penetration of infection and the development of inflammation. The main complaint in children with this form of glossitis is pain.

In children with helminthic infestations Desquamative glossitis often develops. At the same time, young patients may not complain. Often mothers go to the doctor only when they notice strange spots on the back of the tongue. The following pathologies can be the cause of desquamative glossitis:

  • diseases of the endocrine glands;
  • infectious diseases;
  • blood diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Children with diabetes mellitus, weakened immune systems, and children treated with antibiotics may develop candidal glossitis.

Glossitis during pregnancy

Pregnant women may develop any form of glossitis. However, amid the changes hormonal levels, increased need in vitamins and microelements, and their insufficient intake from food, desquamative glossitis most often develops. Its manifestations correspond to its manifestations in other categories of patients. Treatment is carried out taking into account contraindications to the use of medications during pregnancy.

Due to a slight decrease in immunity, pregnant women may develop candidal glossitis.


At the beginning of treatment Special attention You should pay attention to proper oral hygiene: brush your teeth at least 2 times a day, rinse your mouth after eating, and do not neglect preventive dental examinations. It must be remembered that spicy and excessively hot foods worsen the course of glossitis. Therefore, such foods should be excluded from the diet during treatment. Various purees and pureed soups, viscous porridges are recommended. During the day, you should rinse your mouth with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, a solution of furatsilin or chlorhexidine. Painkillers (a solution of Anestezin in glycerin, a solution of chloral hydrate, trimecaine or lidocaine) and restorative agents for the mucous membrane (rosehip oil, retinol solution, peach oil, Solcoseryl, vinylin) are used locally. For the purpose of disinfection, you can rinse your mouth with a solution of Rotokan, Romazulan.

Purulent-phlegmonous (deep) glossitis
Excision (removal) of the abscess or pus of phlegmon is performed surgically. In the postoperative period, a course of antibacterial therapy is prescribed.

Desquamative glossitis
To cure desquamative glossitis, it is necessary to treat the disease that led to inflammation of the tongue.

Diamond-shaped glossitis
Most often this type of glossitis special treatment does not require. But with the progression of the disease and the development of papillomatous (hyperplastic form) glossitis, surgical removal of the affected area is performed in order to prevent the development of precancerous and cancerous diseases of the tongue.

Gunter's glossitis
Since Gunter's glossitis is not independent disease, but refers to the symptoms of B 12 folate deficiency anemia - treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of anemia. Thus, treatment consists of compensating for the deficiency of vitamin B 12 and folic acid, as well as normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Villous glossitis
The changed papillae are removed using tweezers. After the procedure, the surface of the tongue is treated with a 3% solution of copper sulfate, resorcinol, and salicylic alcohol.

Candidal glossitis
Antifungal drugs are used to treat candidal glossitis.

Folk remedies

Don't get carried away with treatment

Language - important organ, participating in many important processes in organism. Without it, articulate speech, recognition of the taste of food and its movement from the oral cavity to the esophagus are impossible, which is initial stage digestion. Normally, the tongue is pink, elastic, with clearly defined taste buds and an even groove in the center. They should not experience any pain when moving. Any inflammation of the tongue requires determining the exact cause of the disease and immediate treatment, since the symptoms of the inflammatory process greatly reduce a person’s quality of life. What should it be effective treatment inflammation of the tongue and which doctor you should contact if its symptoms appear will be discussed in the article.

Inflammation of the tongue: characteristic features

Inflammation of the tongue is called glossitis. The disease is manifested by a change in the structure and color of the organ, its swelling, burning, disruption or loss taste sensations, inability to swallow food normally and talk.

Glossitis can be infectious and non-infectious nature. It develops as an independent primary disease or it may be secondary, that is, occur against the background of another disease. Often inflammation and burning of the tongue appears against the background of ongoing stomatitis.

Why can the tongue become inflamed?

The cause of the inflammatory process may be:

  • infection of tissues by opportunistic or pathogenic microorganisms entering the oral cavity;
  • the presence of other diseases of the body (diabetes, diseases of the digestive tract, anemia);
  • tongue injury (mechanical, chemical, thermal).

Factors that provoke the inflammatory process can be:

  • smoking and alcohol abuse (cigarette smoke and alcohol contain substances that irritate the oral mucosa);
  • taking medications, especially antibiotics;
  • contact with allergens;
  • low level of oral hygiene;
  • insufficient intake of vitamins and nutrients into the body;
  • infection with worms;
  • autoimmune diseases.

In most cases, the inflammatory process in the tissues of the tongue develops due to the penetration of infection into them. The causative agents of the disease can be viruses, bacteria and fungi. Among bacteria, the “culprits” of inflammation are usually streptococci and staphylococci, among viruses – and among fungi – Candida.

Fungal infections are often observed on the tongue of young children. The disease is called thrush.

Eating too hot or cold food, hot, spicy, salty, sour can cause damage to the mucous membrane. Injury to the tongue can be caused by the use of damaged dentures, the presence of decayed teeth in the mouth, or poorly installed fillings. The wound formed as a result of the above factors is easily penetrated by infection, which leads to the development of inflammation.

Note: the use of mouth fresheners that contain alcohol and other aggressive components can lead to the development of glossitis. These components increase the sensitivity of the mucous membrane, which leads to its damage. A similar reaction is possible to some toothpastes, the production of which uses cheap raw materials.

Symptoms of inflammation

Inflammation of the tongue, as seen in the photographs of patients, is manifested by its redness and swelling. In this case, the color of the surface of the organ may be heterogeneous. The third main symptom of the inflammatory process is pain.

Due to the swelling and increase in size of the tongue, there is not enough space in the mouth for its normal movement, which is why problems arise with diction and articulate pronunciation of words. Swelling leads to increased salivation, and there may be difficulty closing the mouth and swallowing saliva, which can cause it to collect in the corners of the lips.

Healthy tongue.

Symptoms of the disease may vary depending on what exactly triggered its onset:

  • at bacterial infection the tongue turns red, swells, hurts, and there may be a burning sensation;
  • at viral in nature diseases, numerous blistering rashes appear on the surface of the organ, which can merge together and burst, forming erosions;
  • If the pathogen is fungal, the tongue becomes covered with a whitish coating and appears.

If we don't talk about external signs, and about the sensations present with glossitis, it is worth highlighting disturbances in taste perception, up to its complete loss. The taste of food and drinks may be distorted. Patients with glossitis often complain of tingling, itching, burning, especially if the inflammation is localized at the tip of the tongue. Inflammation that occurs at the root of the tongue can be manifested by a sensation of the presence of a foreign body in the throat.

Acute and chronic inflammation

The disease can occur in acute or chronic form. The transition of glossitis to a chronic form is facilitated by the presence of a constant traumatic factor in the mouth (a broken denture, a damaged tooth, a filling with a sharp edge), dysbiosis of the oral cavity, and decreased immunity. Regular use Poor quality oral hygiene products can also provoke the disease to become chronic.

For chronic glossitis painful sensations will be less pronounced. There is persistent swelling of the tissues and a persistent change in their structure. In some cases, growths may form on the surface of the organ.

Treatment methods

If inflammation of the tongue develops, treatment at home is acceptable, but it must be prescribed by a doctor. The treatment is carried out by a dentist. The primary therapeutic task is to determine the cause of the inflammatory process.

Advice: before visiting a doctor, it is important to monitor your oral hygiene and, if possible, use toothpaste without aggressive components, so as not to aggravate the situation. You should rinse your mouth after every meal. To do this, it is better to use chamomile decoction or soda solution.

For successful recovery, it is important to review the diet and exclude some dishes from it: spicy, sour, salty, sweet, as well as too hot food, can irritate the mucous membranes, increasing inflammation. At the stage of treatment for glossitis, it is better to eat ground, mushy food at room temperature, drink warm herbal teas, decoctions.

After determining the cause of inflammation of the tip of the tongue, a treatment plan is drawn up, the goal of which is to eliminate it. The patient may be prescribed antibiotics, antiseptics, antivirals, carried out antifungal therapy. Appointment possible antihistamines, vitamin complexes. They carry out sanitation of the oral cavity, and, if necessary, extraction, filling of teeth or prosthetics. For example, before treating inflammation of the tongue on the sides, which in most cases occurs due to tissue damage from sharp tubercles of the chewing teeth, it is necessary to restore the damaged crowns or carry out orthodontic treatment if the molars are in the wrong position.

To eliminate the symptoms of inflammation, local therapy is prescribed:

  • the mouth is rinsed with antiseptic agents (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, hydrogen peroxide);
  • to accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues, make applications with rosehip and sea buckthorn oils;
  • at severe pain Compresses with anesthetic solutions (Novocaine, Trimecaine, Lidocaine) are applied to the tongue;
  • use locally acting immunostimulants (dissolve tablets or spray);
  • for candidal glossitis, the oral cavity is treated with soda, Candida solution or other antifungal agents.

Inflammation under the tongue: what is it?

Symptoms of inflammation can also be observed on the mucous membrane under the tongue. The photo below shows a healthy mucous membrane sublingual area.

When inflammation develops under the tongue, severe discomfort occurs.

However, the causes of the inflammatory process in this case may be different. First of all, with inflammation under the tongue, one can suspect damage to the sublingual salivary glands– sialadenitis.

Important: it is impossible to make a diagnosis from a photo and determine how to treat the disease. A personal visit to a dentist is required.

The cause of the development of the inflammatory process in the sublingual area may be:

  • short bridle, her injury;
  • acute form of sore throat;
  • mechanical injury to the mucous membrane in the sublingual space;
  • allergic reaction.

If red inflammation was found under the child’s tongue, it needs to be shown pediatric dentist. The photo below shows a short frenulum - a fairly common problem that parents of young children have to deal with.

Short bridle.

Experts recommend trimming it in infancy to prevent the development of inflammation, impaired diction and bite in the child in the future.

Glossitis is an inflammatory process affecting the tissues of the oral cavity, namely the tongue, and is caused by infection, but may not be of an infectious nature. We will look at this disease in detail, find out what glossitis is, symptoms, treatment, its types, causes, as well as how to treat glossitis in adults and children.


Translated from Greek, glossa is language. Glossitis of the tongue is an inflammation of non-infectious and infectious origin, causing inflammation on the surface of the tongue, or in its deep layers.

Glossitis of the tongue very rarely develops as an independent disease. In the majority clinical cases this is a clear manifestation of some inflammatory disease, for example, stomatitis. Therefore, if glossitis bothers you, treatment may be associated with other diseases.

According to statistics, glossitis occurs more often in men, mainly over 40 years of age. However, if burns, tongue injuries occur, or various harmful substances come into contact with the tongue, chemical substances Glossitis can develop in a person at any age.

We can identify a group of people who are most at risk of developing this disease:

  • smokers;
  • people who often eat spicy or too salty foods;
  • excessive use of mouth rinses.

Glossitis is a symptom of certain diseases and conditions of the body:

  • lack of vitamins (A, E, B12 and folic acid);
  • anemia;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • allergy;
  • stomatitis;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • rheumatism, etc.

Is glossitis of the tongue contagious?

Having encountered the problem under consideration at least once, every person tries to learn more about the causes and consequences of the disease. It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of whether glossitis is contagious due to the fact that the causes this disease great multitude.

Therefore, if the cause of the pathology is established, and it is not associated with infectious tissue damage, then we can talk about transmission of the disease from the carrier to healthy person no need to.

Symptoms of glossitis

In terms of its symptoms, inflammation of the tongue is almost identical to stomatitis. But complications, in this case, can be much more serious. At the initial stage of development of the disease, the patient may be bothered by the following symptoms and signs:

  • sensation of a foreign body in the mouth;
  • burning;
  • increased salivation;
  • the tongue may become bright red and swollen;
  • taste sensations change.

Based on the nature of the symptoms of the disease, the following are distinguished:

  • Acute glossitis of the tongue– occurs for the first time, as an independent disease, or against the background of another disease.
  • Chronic glossitis– occurs when the cause of acute glossitis is not eliminated (incorrectly selected dentures, insufficient oral hygiene, spicy and excessively hot food) and immune failure.

As the disease progresses, symptoms become more pronounced:

  • taste sensations may be completely absent; ulcers form on the tongue;
  • the slightest movement of the tongue causes severe pain;
  • local temperature rise.

Types of disease

Subsequent treatment for glossitis will directly depend on its type. There are several varieties of this disease. Each of them has its own distinctive symptoms. It is from them that the doctor will be able to determine what kind of glossitis is observed in the patient. It is very important to determine the specific type, as treatment may vary slightly. The main types are:

Catarrhal glossitis

Develops in various diseases (stomatitis, anemia, superficial burns and injuries, etc.). It is characterized by the appearance of tissue swelling and plaque on the mucous membrane of the tongue. The lesion affects the upper layers of the tongue and is not deep.


The focus of its development is the very bottom of the oral cavity. In this case, inflammation often also affects the area of ​​the chin and even the neck. If this form of the disease is not treated, then over time an abscess appears in which a large amount of pus accumulates. This is an extremely unpleasant and painful complication.

Desquamative glossitis

Refers to symptomatic diseases. Desquamative glossitis of the tongue develops against the background of:

  • hypovitaminosis,
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • during pregnancy,
  • helminthic infestations and other diseases.

It is often called “geographic language” (see photo above). Striations, areas of redness, burning and pain (especially when eating) appear on the mucous membrane of the back of the tongue. The affected areas resemble a geographical map in their outline.


Villous glossitis is manifested by the proliferation of filiform papillae followed by keratinization. As a result, the papillae become villi-like. This course of glossitis is observed with candidiasis and constant trauma to the tongue. Smoking and taking certain medications can also trigger the development of villous glossitis.

Benign wandering glossitis

This is desquamative glossitis, in which areas of mucosal lesions change their shape and location on the back of the tongue over a short period of time.

Gunterovsky subspecies

Gunter's glossitis is a sign of development background disease– folate deficiency anemia. Unlike other subtypes of the disease, in this case the surface of the tongue does not have any ulcers or damage. On the contrary, the surface is shiny, smooth, often bright red. Elimination of Gunter's glossitis is completely possible only when the underlying disease is eliminated.

Interstitial glossitis of the tongue

Interstitial glossitis is a symptom of tertiary syphilis. The muscle tissue of the tongue is transformed into connective tissue, the tongue tightens, becomes uneven and grooved. It is necessary to begin treatment of syphilis as soon as possible, otherwise cell malignancy and development of cancerous tumors language.

Diamond-shaped glossitis

Chronic process inflammatory in nature, in which the papillae of the tongue atrophy, is called “diamond-shaped glossitis.” In the center of the tongue, a lesion is formed in the form of a diamond or oval, no more than 2 cm wide and no more than 5 cm long. Rhomboid glossitis in in rare cases may become malignant, but most often it is benign education. There are three forms of rhomboid glossitis:

  1. Flat - characterized by the absence of papillae in the area of ​​the outbreak, and a smooth surface - as if varnished;
  2. Tuberculate - occurs when there are dense tubercles on the surface of the lesion;
  3. Hyperplastic - characterized by the appearance of flat growths on a wide, whitish base in the area of ​​the lesion.


Speaking about atrophic glossitis, the main factors leading to its appearance are fungal (thrush), streptococcal and viral (HIV, herpes) infections, as well as tongue cancer or injury to it. In rare cases, the affected organ itself may shrink - another distinctive manifestation of atrophy, because with other types of glossitis it usually increases due to edema.

Folded tongue

This pathology refers to congenital anomalies and in most cases does not cause any problems to the owner. In rare cases, surgery is performed for aesthetic correction.


If this disease is not treated, dangerous complications can occur. It's about about abscesses that need to be removed surgically. In this case, the patient will complain of local painful sensations of a pulsating nature. Also, with abscesses, the photo shows an uneven enlargement of the organ.

The appearance of glossitis in children

photo A child’s habit of trying objects on the tooth increases the likelihood of developing glossitis.

Unfortunately, children are very susceptible to this disease and are frequent patients pediatricians and dentists with this diagnosis. They get sick most often catarrh, arising from constant biting of the tongue, injury to it on the edges of the plate for straightening teeth, burns.

Such a wound is an entry point for infection, which will cause pain, which young patients will complain about. No less often, children suffer from desquamative glossitis, as well as candidiasis, which most often occurs in the youngest.

In the photo, candidal glossitis of the tongue

Glossitis during pregnancy

The high need of a pregnant woman’s body for vitamins in the absence of balanced nutrition can provoke the development of vitamin deficiency, lack of vitamin B 12 and concomitant pathology- glossitis. Also, the development of glossitis is caused by exacerbations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, damage to the mucous membrane of the tongue due to frequent vomiting during pregnancy.

Expectant mothers suffer from two types of glossitis:

  • Desquamative, the so-called “geographic tongue”, which is characterized by the presence of whitish areas of various shapes.
  • The Gunter form, called “lacquered tongue,” occurs when there is a deficiency of vitamin B12. In this case, the tongue has a crimson color.

Glossitis has characteristic symptoms– this is pain in the tongue and a change in its appearance. Increased salivation will also be an indicative symptom. The pain may be present while eating or be constant. Pain accompanying swallowing or other movements indicates a deep inflammatory process.

Treatment of glossitis during pregnancy is based on classical medicine, that is, the main principle of therapy is the absence of harm to the body. In this regard, it is necessary to select effective and at the same time maximum safe drugs. As a rule, topical preparations are used - lozenges and lozenges, as well as solutions for rinsing the mouth.


If there are bumps or grooves on the tongue, or a change in the color of the tongue, you should consult a dentist. After an initial examination of the oral cavity, the doctor can make a diagnosis. Further diagnostics glossitis is aimed at identifying possible causes of inflammation of the tongue.

The standard program includes the following:

  • general analysis blood;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • scraping from the affected area.

Based on the results obtained, the doctor can make a final diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. Self-administration of medications can only bring temporary improvement, which does not exclude relapse of the disease.

Treatment of glossitis

Before you begin treatment for glossitis, there are several important factors to note:

  1. Drugs and healing procedures directly depend on the form and type of the disease, because of this the role of diagnosis in the treatment process increases significantly.
  2. Some types of glossitis are symptoms of more serious diseases, so it is much more important to correctly diagnose and treat the disease that triggered its appearance. In this case, the role of doctors who will deal with the underlying disease greatly increases. This could be an ENT specialist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist and other specialists.

Treatment of glossitis requires correction of underlying diseases: syphilis, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, etc. When effective correction The underlying disease, glossitis, responds well to treatment. An unfavorable outcome with complications in the form of phlegmon, abscesses and cancer of the tongue is observed in the absence of treatment for glossitis and diseases that were the main cause.

Nutrition for glossitis

Great importance in the question of how to treat glossitis of the tongue is given to diet.

  1. Since some types of food can irritate the mucous membranes, thereby exacerbating the inflammatory process in the oral cavity, doctors recommend stopping eating during treatment. hot spices and dishes, sour and salty foods, marinades and smoked meats, soda and alcohol.
  2. It is advisable to increase the volume of fluid consumed. Warm herbal teas from chamomile, mint or sage, rosehip decoction and unsweetened fruit drinks are suitable for drinking.
  3. To normalize digestion and restore intestinal microflora, it is recommended to include in the daily diet dairy products- kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt and fermented baked milk, yogurt and whey.

How to treat glossitis with folk remedies

Remember that application folk remedies It is permissible only after consulting a doctor. Therapy at home is carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

Folk remedies include anti-inflammatory decoctions with the addition of herbs such as chamomile, sage and calendula. Also, in case of glossitis, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with water with the addition of small quantity soda

  1. Hydrogen peroxide - to prepare, add 2 teaspoons of a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide to a glass of boiled water warm water, rinse your mouth several times a day after meals. The product has a strong antibacterial effect.
  2. Steam 15 grams of dried crushed chamomile flowers with boiled water - 300 milliliters. Leave the mixture to sit for several hours. Rinse your mouth with the strained infusion after each meal and before going to bed.
  3. Tea tree oil - the product must be mixed with sea buckthorn oils or regular vegetable oil in equal quantities. Several times a day, this mixture should be kept in the mouth on the damaged area of ​​the tongue. Tea tree oil has an antibacterial effect
  4. Sage has a powerful disinfectant effect. Brew 10 grams of dried crushed leaves of the plant in boiled water - 200 milliliters. It is preferable to infuse the composition in a thermos for at least two hours. Strain the mixture and use to rinse the mouth three times a day.
  5. Take a few medium-sized potatoes, peel them and chop them finely. Wrap the resulting pieces in cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. It is worth noting that when treating glossitis with potatoes, do not crush the potatoes with a press. Rinse your mouth with juice after every meal. After the procedure, wait 30 minutes. interval, and then start rinsing again.


If the diagnosis is made on time and carried out adequate treatment, the prognosis for glossitis is favorable and recovery occurs fairly quickly. But if this is aphthous, villous, deep or similar in severity of the pathology inflammation and the patient is admitted to the doctor with an advanced form of the disease, then the doctor cannot predict anything specific, because under a certain set of circumstances pathological change capable of transforming into cancer, requiring other methods of relief. In some forms of the disease, frequent relapses are possible.


Glossitis is a disease whose prevention is not particularly difficult. Following the suggested recommendations allows you to minimize the risk of developing inflammation of the tongue. Necessary:

  • Correctly and promptly observe the rules of oral hygiene: brushing your teeth at least twice a day, rinsing your mouth after meals.
  • General hygiene is equally important. Therefore, washing your hands after going outside, using the toilet, and before eating should be made automatic.
  • Visit your dentist regularly.
  • Avoid vitamin deficiency and anemia.
  • Don't have bad habits.
  • Treat all infections, including chronic ones.

It is also important to visit the dentist at least a couple of times a year. These preventive examinations will help you avoid dangerous diseases. If you have been diagnosed with any infectious disease, do not delay its treatment.

It happens that unpleasant inflammations appear on the tongue, causing discomfort and pain. This happens often; almost every person has encountered this phenomenon at least once in their life.

Usually the papillae on the tongue become inflamed due to external factors, and are characterized by their transience. But it happens that such a reaction of the tongue mucosa is provoked internal factors, and is a symptom of a serious illness.

This article will tell you how to figure out what problem the patient is dealing with and help the tongue papillae return to normal as quickly as possible.

Causes of inflammation of the papillae on the tongue

Conventionally, the reasons that caused inflammation of the papillae of the tongue can be divided into 2 groups:

Mechanical reasons include:

  • burns from chemical compounds (acids, alkalis, alcohols);
  • burns from thermal effects (excessively hot food or drinks);
  • the mucous membrane is damaged by gastric juice (most often this occurs during vomiting or reflux esophagitis, when gastric juice with food particles is thrown into the esophagus; gastric juice is very acidic, which causes a chemical burn);
  • mechanical damage from direct contact with an irritating object (for example, when sucking candy or from constantly eating food with a rough surface);
  • household injuries, including damage to tongue tissue from hygiene items or accidental biting;
  • when brushing your teeth aggressively: the bristles of the toothbrush injure the mucous membrane of the tongue;
  • regular injuries resulting from sharp chipped teeth, unsuccessfully placed dentures or fillings;
  • too spicy or salty food;
  • stress and depression as factors that weaken the body's immune system.

Other reasons include:

Important! It is necessary to distinguish between such types of inflammation of the papillae as papillitis and glossitis. Papillitis occurs as a consequence of mechanical damage, and glossitis - as a consequence of pathogenic processes.


The patient may experience discomfort in communication due to impaired diction and thickening of the upper layer of the epithelium of the tongue

The main symptoms of inflammation of the papillae on the tongue are their redness (hyperemia) and soreness (or itching).

There are also disturbances in perception taste qualities food and drinks, their temperature regime.

As a result of inflammation, the patient may experience discomfort in communication due to impaired diction and thickening of the upper layer of the epithelium of the tongue.

You can distinguish papillitis from glossitis by looking at the back of the tongue: if there is no plaque on it, this means the inflammation is non-infectious.

Also, the symptoms of papillitis tend to disappear within a few days without medical care, since a feature of the mucous membrane of the tongue is considered to be its fast recovery.

Sometimes an infection is associated with papillitis, but this is considered a complication and goes into the category of glossitis.

External manifestations

If you look closely at the painful area, the inflamed papillae can be easily identified. They increase in size and change color, becoming soft pink, deep red or completely white (with candidiasis).

Thread-like stretched along the edges of the tongue. Their number is greatest, their function is to touch and hold food in the mouth, they do not perceive taste


An important role in making a diagnosis and finding out the cause of the disease is its localization. The localizations of inflammation of the papillae, as well as the possible causes of their appearance, will be listed below.

In all languages

Inflammation of the papillae throughout the tongue may indicate a chemical or thermal burn, as well as the infectious nature of the disease.

Inflammation of the papillae throughout the tongue may indicate a chemical or thermal burn

On the root

If the problem area is the back of the tongue (root), then the patient will experience difficulty perceiving the bitter taste, since the inflammation will affect the grooved papillae responsible for this.

A popular reason for this localization of inflammation is an allergic reaction, with the patient noting increased salivation and tissue swelling, including swelling that can also occur soft sky.

The cause may be diseases associated with gastrointestinal tract, or malfunctions in its operation (for example, too low or high acidity). Also, it is on the root that fungal and bacterial glossitis is localized.

The cause may be diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract or malfunctions in its functioning.

On the tip

The tip of the tongue most often suffers from mechanical damage, since the tip comes into contact with too hot food and drinks, rubs against chipped teeth, and is subjected to biting.

The tip of the tongue most often suffers from mechanical damage, since the tip comes into contact with food and drinks that are too hot


On the sides of the tongue there are the so-called conical, mushroom-, filament- and leaf-like structures of the tongue.

Enlargement and hyperemia of the taste buds, which are located on the sides of the tongue, most often appear due to mechanical damage to the teeth, but pathogenic microorganisms and chemical burns.

Inflammation on the sides of the tongue can also be caused by pathogenic microorganisms and chemical burns.


If the patient has inflamed papillae on the tongue and the symptoms do not go away within a day or two, if the symptoms worsen, if they are pronounced, and the points of inflammation themselves are very painful, then you need to consult a dentist.

The dentist will conduct an examination on the following points:

The following tests may be required to make a diagnosis:

  1. Smear for histology;
  2. Tongue sensitivity testing;
  3. Blood sampling for general analysis and biochemistry;
  4. Blood test to exclude HIV, AIDS, hepatitis virus, syphilis and other pathogenic elements.

If the presumptive diagnosis is associated with diseases internal organs, then additional consultation with other specialists (gastroenterologist, dermatologist, endocrinologist, immunologist, ENT) will be required.


If after a couple of days the symptoms have not disappeared or, on the contrary, have intensified, rush to the dentist

If the papillae are inflamed, but the cause is difficult to determine, then first rinse your mouth antiseptic solution.

If after a couple of days the symptoms do not disappear or, on the contrary, intensify, rush to the dentist.

After conducting the diagnostics, he will make a diagnosis and either refer you to another doctor or describe how to treat the problem.

Typically, treatment consists of antiviral (acyclavir, Zovirax) and antihistamine (suprastin, tavegil) drugs, antibiotics (clorsacillin, clindomycin) and antifungal agents(chlorhexidine, furacelin, miramistin).

If you can’t see a doctor, you can improve your condition at home.

The following methods are effectively used for this:

  • You can apply ice (or chew it) to relieve swelling.
  • Rinse your mouth regularly with the solution baking soda(15 grams of soda per 1 glass of lukewarm water) - this will help relieve inflammation and remove swelling.
  • Lubricate problem area honey - this product is famous for its antibacterial properties, and it will also help relieve swelling and promote tissue regeneration.
  • Drink natural yogurt - it will help restore normal microflora mouth, if the problem lies in its violations.

Features of child treatment

Even with papillitis you can catch it serious complication

If a child complains of pain in the tongue, and you notice redness of the papillae, brush the baby’s teeth, ask him to rinse his mouth thoroughly, and go to the dentist.

The child’s immune system is not yet strong enough to cope with inflammation on its own.

Even with papillitis, you can catch a serious complication, since a curious child explores most objects from the surrounding world using the oral cavity.

Papillitis is a disease of non-infectious nature

Papillitis is a disease of non-infectious nature; it is characterized by inflammation of the papillae of the tongue, which were formed as a result of mechanical damage.

This type of inflammation is characterized by transience: proceeding without complications, the symptoms last for several days and disappear without a trace.

Papillary atrophy

Papillary atrophy is referred to as glossitis. With atrophy, there is a disappearance or change in the size of the papillae of the tongue, and sometimes the tongue itself also becomes smaller.


Glossitis is an inflammation of the papillae of the tongue, provoked by pathogenic microorganisms and traces of their vital activity:

Types of glossitis Features of this form
folded This deviation is congenital and implies a non-standard morphology of the tongue. The tissues form specific folds, which in themselves are not a problem, but can provoke the accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms.
"Hairy" This form is popular for males, often older people. On the surface of the tongue you can notice an oval notch from which “hairs” stick out - darkened papillae of the tongue with a changed appearance. The patient usually notes the effect of the presence of a foreign object on the tongue, discomfort when swallowing.

The main causes of this form of glossitis are vitamin deficiency, tobacco use, and metabolic disorders.

Diamond-shaped The source of infection in this case is diamond shape, inside of which there are atrophied papillae.

There are no symptoms causing discomfort in the patient.

Often this problem is discovered by the dentist during an examination.

Gunterovsky The language changes its appearance: it seems that it is under a layer of varnish, while the fabrics are colored crimson. The patient complains of a burning sensation.

This form of glossitis is caused by a lack of B vitamins.

Interstitial The tongue is morphologically modified, grooves appear in it, and the tissues become denser. This is caused by the processes of muscle tissue turning into connective tissue.

Usually seen on late stages syphilis.

Desquamative The focus of inflammation resembles a drawing of a geographical map, the outlines of which consist of hypertrophied, darker epithelium.

It causes discomfort to the patient as it causes burning and itching.

Mainly provoked by gastrointestinal diseases.

Mycotic Appears when fungal infection oral mucosa. Characterized by itching, burning and swelling; a dirty white coating appears on the tongue.
Yeast In this case, the causes of the disease may be alcohol abuse, use of tobacco products, and failure to comply with hygiene rules.

The main symptoms are a sallow coating on the back of the tongue and bad smell from mouth.

Atrophic IN neglected form characterized by swelling, disturbances in taste perception, painful sensations; on early stage has no symptoms.

Usually appears when chronic diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms.

Catarrhal The presence of abundant white plaque, difficulty speaking and eating.

Usually a consequence of stomatitis or fungal diseases.

Ulcerative It is a complication of the catarrhal form of glossitis.

Bleeding ulcers form on the tongue, tissue swelling and pain appear.

Allergic Occurs as a reaction of the body to allergens, which are usually components hygiene products, food, drink or medicine.