What does Asd 2 fraction treat in humans? Therapy of oncological diseases. What is the drug ASD

ASD fraction 2 It is considered the elixir of immortality, which the ancient alchemists sought to create. That is why use of the ASD-2 fraction for humans is a panacea for most modern diseases, including cancer and gynecological diseases. In addition, this medicine, discovered quite unexpectedly, is successfully used to treat people and animals. It was originally developed as an antiseptic stimulant that helps develop and strengthen immunity from radiation exposure and pathogenic microscopic organisms in animals. While clinical researches, the drug ASD 2 discovered its properties from the other side. Thanks to these newly discovered properties, some scientists called this medicine a universal remedy that helps complete healing from most diseases. So what exactly is ASD 2? Is this a unique medicine or just another self-deception? 1

How and when was the drug ASD-2 created?

The mid-50s of the last century became a time of breakthrough for the scientific world of medicine in the USSR. During this period, on behalf of the government leadership, the country's best minds began working on a new drug aimed at treating a lack of immunity. In addition, minimal funds were allocated for its creation. Under such conditions, even the luminaries of science of that time could not create anything.

Therefore, when the little-known young scientist Dorokhov A presented veterinary drug ASD faction 2, the academic council was amazed! These gifted scientists, who received the title of Candidate of Medical Sciences, used a fraction of amphibian frog tissue to create this medicine.

The part of the working material extracted in this way underwent special treatment using thermocatalytic sublimation and further condensation. The complete technological process for producing this medicine has long been a state secret, only recently revealed. And the initial composition of the fraction obtained by the discoverer is still unknown. From the very beginning of its discovery, ASD was endowed with the ability to heal wounds on the surface of the skin and had an antiseptic and adaptogenic effect. This antiseptic stimulant was named after its creator, Ph.D. A. Dorogov of the second faction.

Although ASD-2 is considered a universal cure for diseases, which has no contraindications. The selection of dosage and monitoring of correct intake is carried out by the attending physician.


What properties does this miracle drug have?

Dorokhov's antiseptic stimulant turned out to be a medicine that helps fight damage to human tissue and strengthen immune system. After some research, the raw material base for creating this miracle drug has expanded. As a result, instead of frog skin, meat and bone mass taken from cattle is used. During chemical processes, it was endowed with the same useful properties and characteristics.

The first extracted fraction has no biological activity and is ballast.

Fractions ASD-2 and ASD-3, which were created later, are able to dissolve without residue in water and solvents with an organic base or fats. Unlike the second fraction, the third is suitable only for external use. The second fraction is designed for oral administration. Both of them turned out to be extremely effective and helped doctors save people from skin diseases, cure bronchial asthma, as well as various oncological and gynecological diseases that had long been considered incurable. Among other things, these fractions are used as disinfectant for cleaning wounds. With their help, bacterial infections are stopped and psoriasis is treated.

Due to its bioactivity, this drug is used to treat skin diseases such as psoriasis and all kinds of eczema, bronchial asthma and cancer.


What is the biological activity of ASD-2?

The name of the drug, assigned to it by its creator, suggests that it is a powerful antiseptic, which is endowed with a great adaptogenic effect. This medicine is capable of short term easily overcome all natural barriers established by the human body. Thanks to this, ASD-2 penetrates inside human cells in a short period of time, where it has a therapeutic effect. Full compatibility medicines with the human body at the biological level has been proven, and the manifestations side effects not detected. After numerous studies, no contraindications were found for ASD fraction 2. Therefore, the use of ASD-2 during pregnancy is possible, but only in the most extreme cases and with the doctor's permission. There is still one drawback - the not very pleasant smell of spoiled meat, which is very pronounced. This is due to the fact that this drug contains putrescine and cadaverine (protein breakdown products). Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely eliminate the aroma. This drug does not accumulate in the patient’s body and exerts its biologically active effect immediately. Therefore, even after prolonged use of ASD-2, the biological activity remains at the same level as before the start of direct medication administration. ASD-2 has the following chemical composition: aliphatic compounds of polycyclides, sulfates and carbohydrates, water and aminopeptides in combination with the active group of sulfhydryls. It is suitable for internal and external use and is a yellow or brown color endowed with a special smell.


How can ASD fraction 2 be used to treat people?

Dilute 15 to 30 drops remedy 1/3 cup boiled water or tea, cool temperature. You need to drink the fraction diluted in this way 2 times a day, immediately 20-30 minutes before your planned meal. The course of taking the drug lasts 5 days. After which you need to stop taking the drug for 3 days. The further regimen for taking ASD-2 is similar. The medicine is used until the person recovers completely.


What are the features of taking ASD for the treatment of certain diseases?

During the treatment of different diseases, instructions for using ASD for humans differ from each other. Here are some of them:

  1. If your eyeballs are inflamed, then the rules for taking ASD-2 are as follows: add 4-5 drops of medicine to ½ cup of pre-chilled boiling water and take it for 5 days. Next, according to the scheme, there is a break of 3 days;
  2. ASD in gynecology is taken according to the classical scheme. Moreover, for effective treatment similar diseases Douching ASD - 2 is widely used in gynecology using 1% aqueous solution this medicine;
  3. Treatment with the drug ASD - 2 in the fight against diseases of the heart, liver and nervous system occurs as follows: for 5 days, take a prepared solution consisting of 10 drops of the drug diluted in half a glass of boiled water. After this, a 3-day break is taken. After which, every 5 days of use, 5 drops of the drug are added to the drinking solution, gradually increasing their number to 25. It is necessary to drink the medicine in this dosage until the body’s condition is completely stabilized. If an exacerbation of the disease occurs, it is necessary to resume treatment until all pain disappears completely;
  4. In case you are suffering toothache, it is necessary to use compresses applied directly to the sore spot. To do this, moisten a cotton wool with drops of ASD-2 and place it on the surface of the tooth;
  5. ASD drops for people are used for treatment hypertension. In this case, you need to drink it as follows: starting the course of treatment with 5 drops dissolved in 0.5 tbsp. boiled water, drunk 2 times a day. Gradually, by adding one drop of medicine, their number is increased to 20. The use of the solution is not stopped until the pressure is completely stabilized;
  6. Method for treating tuberculosis application of ASD next: a three-month course of treatment begins with taking 5 drops of the drug diluted in 0.5 tbsp. water per day, taken on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast. After a five-day course of treatment, a 3-day break is taken. Then take the drug 10 drops for the prescribed period. After the next break, the dose is increased by another 5 drops, after the third mandatory break, 20 drops of ASD are taken daily - 2;
  7. When treating candidiasis, external use of ASD-2 is necessary. For this, compresses moistened with a 1% solution of the drug are used;
  8. The regimen for using ASD - 2 for humans in the case of treatment of cholelithiasis or pyelonephritis is standard and is described above;
  9. For diseases such as rheumatism and gout, it is taken according to a 5:3 scheme, that is, a solution consisting of 4-5 drops of medicine and 0.5 glasses of chilled boiled water is taken for 5 days, after which the medicine is not taken for 3 days. They also do it in parallel medicinal compresses, applied to areas of pain;
  10. It is necessary to take ASD-2 for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory infections and colds in the form of inhalations. To do this, dilute 15 ml of the drug with 1 liter of boiling water and take until the body has fully recovered. To prevent colds, 1 ml of ASD is dissolved in half a glass of water;
  11. To cure impotence, you need to drink a solution of 4-5 drops of medicine dissolved in half a glass of pre-cooled boiled water 25-30 minutes before meals according to the standard regimen;
  12. In order for your hair to start growing faster, rub your scalp with a 5% solution of ASD - 2;
  13. It is necessary to drink the fraction for the prevention and treatment of runny nose and cough as follows: dilute 1 ml of the remedy in ½ glass of water and take twice a day;
  14. Enuresis is treated with a solution that is prepared as follows: take 2/3 cup of chilled boiling water and dilute 5 drops of the medicine in it. Take according to the 5/3 scheme;
  15. During treatment various forms peptic ulcer a standard course of treatment is carried out;
  16. Gastritis or colitis is treated as usual, but the solution must be applied only once a day;
  17. If you are overweight, take 35 drops of the medicine, dissolved in 1/5 liter of water, and drink for 5 days. After this, take a 5-day break. For the next 4 days, drink 10 drops, after which you stop taking the medicine for 4 days. Cycle 3 has a ratio of 5:3, that is, 5 days of taking the medicine and 3 days of rest. The daily dosage of the medicine is 20 drops per day.
  18. For trichomoniasis, douching of the uterus and vagina with the following solution helps: 60 drops of ASD - 2 per 100 ml of water;
  19. To relieve spasms of blood vessels in the lower and upper extremities, you need to make a gauze “stocking” and moisten it with 20% medicinal solution. This course is carried out over 4 months and helps to completely normalize blood circulation;
  20. For otitis, compresses are made with ASD-2, and they are also washed sore ear. In addition, the medication is taken orally. To do this, you need to dilute 20 drops of the drug in 200 ml of water and take it daily until complete recovery occurs.

Since ASD-2 belongs to the group of potent stimulants for the nervous system and can lead to great overexcitation, it should not be used to treat children suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system (cardiovascular system), as well as increased blood pressure or pathologies of a neurological nature.


Is ASD-2 effective in treating cancer?

Dorokhov considered the use of the ASD-2 fraction in oncology to be completely justified and effective, especially when the cancer is in its initial stage and has not yet acquired an irreversible form. In the presence of skin cancer, as well as various subcutaneous tumors, the scientist advised patients to make medicinal compresses. When treating cancer, the dosage of the drug is calculated based on the size and location of the tumor, as well as taking into account all physiological and age characteristics the body of the patient himself. And also the degree of its development should be taken into account, Dorokhov argued.

The use of ASD-2 in oncology is necessary to significantly reduce pain, as well as to noticeably slow down the rapid development of various malignant neoplasms. In the most difficult cases, Dorokhov himself prescribed the following norm for using the drug: they had to take 5 ml of ASD-2, with 100 ml of water, twice every day. Cancer treatment should be carried out under the close supervision of the attending physician, therefore unauthorized use of this drug is prohibited.

Since you can find it online negative reviews When taking this drug, there is no need to talk about its ideal effectiveness.

Although ASD-2 has proven its effectiveness in the fight against malignant neoplasms, it must be taken very carefully, in doses clearly prescribed by the doctor. Do not try to self-medicate, since, in this case, the dosage of the drug depends on the complexity of the diagnosis.


How to correctly remove the drug from the protective bottle?

In order to correctly remove the drug, strictly follow the following rules:

  1. When opening the bottle, it is necessary to remove the metal cap itself directly, and the entire lid from the rubber base;
  2. Now carefully insert the needle of the disposable syringe into the stopper itself;
  3. Shake the bottle with the drug and turn it over;
  4. Draw up the amount of medicine you need;
  5. Carefully remove the syringe itself from the needle, leaving it in the drug cap;
  6. Slowly introduce the collected substance into the water prepared in advance;
  7. Before using the medicine, carefully mix the resulting solution and remember that its preparation should occur before directly taking the medicine.

Remove the drug only in a clearly specified sequence. Do not remove the protective rubber stopper or pull the needle out of it at the end of the procedure.


What is the pharmacological effect of ASD-2?

Given antiseptic helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as increase the secretion of hormones from the glands internal secretion. In addition, ASD-2 completely normalizes metabolism and significantly improves the functioning of the nervous system. This medicine also helps wounds heal very quickly and has good antiseptic properties. This universal medicine can cure numerous gynecological and oncological diseases.

With the help of ASD - 2, it is possible to disinfect wounds and carry out their further antimicrobial treatment.


Antiseptic stimulator Dorogov

The drug ASD fraction 2, or Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant, is an amazing and mysterious remedy. It was created by medical scientist A.V. Dorogov in the Soviet Union in 1947, but there are no official instructions for its use in medicine.

The dosage form was originally intended for internal and external use, and active ingredient The academician obtained it from river frogs by heating them in a special apparatus. Modern production carried out using raw materials such as meat and bone meal, meat and bone waste. Nowadays, the drug is used by veterinarians to treat animals.

ASD fraction 2 is an immunomodulator drug, a sterile solution that has a strong, specific odor. Initially, the scientist developed this medicine as an antiseptic and wound healing agent. However, the drug was also used to eliminate the negative effects of radioactive radiation on the human body, and to treat many ailments.


The composition of the drug ASD fraction 2 includes the following components:

  • carboxylic acids;
  • compounds with an active sulfhydryl group;
  • purified water;
  • aliphatic and cyclic hydrocarbons;
  • amide derivatives.

Indications for use

Let's get acquainted with the diseases for which it is possible to use the drug ASD fraction 2 for humans:

  • inflammation of the pancreas, gastric mucosa;
  • inflammatory process in the gallbladder;
  • lesions of the visual analyzer;
  • health problems caused by hypothermia;
  • prevention of acute respiratory infections, diseases of the respiratory tract, pulmonary system;
  • persistent increase in blood pressure;
  • formation of stomach ulcers and duodenum;
  • inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • kidney failure;
  • inflammatory process of the inner lining of the large intestine;
  • vaginal dryness;
  • uncontrolled urination;
  • open wounds in the lower leg or foot that do not heal within 5-6 weeks;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system caused by Trichomonas;
  • a skin rash that peels and looks like spots;
  • infections that develop due to fungus of the genus Candida.

It is worth noting that the drug began to be used in medicine to treat people only recently. However, no doctor will prescribe this drug, and experts prefer not to leave reviews. If the patient decides to independently use the drug to cure any ailments, then he bears full responsibility for the consequences.

What are the benefits for humans

Scientist A.V. Dorogov noted the following benefits for humans as a result of using the drug:

  • getting rid of inflammatory processes that occur in the body;
  • stressful situations do not have such a destructive effect on a person;
  • the activity of the molecular structures of the cell is normalized;
  • oxidation processes are activated.

Harm to humans and contraindications

Because official medicine does not recognize ASD-2 as a medicine, then scientific research There is no evidence of harm to the body. Contraindication - individual immunity to the drug. The drug should be used with caution if kidney problems and weakness of the body are diagnosed.

If you decide to take the drug, you should consider some recommendations.

  1. You cannot combine medication and alcoholic beverages.
  2. At long-term use Possible blood thickening. To avoid this, you need to include sour juices, lemons, cranberries in your diet, and you can take a quarter of an aspirin tablet.
  3. During treatment, you need to drink up to 3 liters of fluid per day to help the body cleanse itself of waste and toxins.
  4. You should strictly adhere to the dosage and regimen.

The effect of the drug on the body

How does the drug affect the human body?

  1. ASD fraction 2 should not be allowed to come into contact with air. The right dose you need to draw it using a syringe through a puncture in the stopper of the bottle.
  2. Mix carefully with 100 ml of chilled boiled water (you can use strong tea). If mixing is carried out quickly, then active foaming of the liquid occurs.
  3. Take twice a day 30 minutes before meals on an empty stomach; after taking, it is recommended to rinse the mouth thoroughly.
  4. If there are any undesirable consequences, use of the product should be stopped immediately.

Standard dosage: from 15 to 30 drops per dose (from a small dose - increasing, adding drops gradually). The treatment is designed for 3 five-day courses, with breaks of 3 days each between them. You can repeat treatment after the last course after 30 days.

Let's get acquainted with treatment regimens for various diseases.

  1. Ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract, kidney and bile duct diseases - standard dosage.
  2. Colitis, gastritis - standard dosage, but once a day (in the morning).
  3. Hypertension. Treatment begins with the use of 5 drops, adding one every day. Maximum - 20 drops per dose, duration - until indicators normalize.
  4. Gynecological diseases - douching with a 1% solution and oral administration using a standard dosage.
  5. Fungal skin diseases. Lubricate the affected area 2-3 times a day with an undiluted solution after the affected areas have been washed with a warm soapy solution.
  6. Heart disease and liver problems. 5 days 5 drops, 3 days break. 5 days 10 drops, 3 days break. 5 days 20 drops, 3 days break. Next, five-day courses of 20 drops with three-day breaks should be continued until complete healing.
  7. Rheumatism, gout, inflammation in lymphatic system. At internal reception- standard dosage. For external applications, apply compresses to sore joints.

The drug ASD Fraction 2 does not have official status medical medicine for a person. Currently, its effect is recognized and approved for use only in veterinary medicine and dermatology. The use of ASD for the treatment of diseases in humans is not permitted by law.

Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant (ASD) was developed in the middle of the 20th century as an experimental protection of living organisms from radiation exposure. The antiseptic got its name from the name of its creator, Alexei Vlasovich Dorogov, who headed the laboratory that created the drug. Scientists from the All-Union Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine spent four years producing the multifunctional product. During clinical trials, it turned out that the drug is highly effective against wide range diseases.

For unknown reasons, the production of ASD Fraction by Dorogov’s laboratory was stopped, and the drug did not take its rightful place in the register of official medicines. Daughter of scientist O.A. Dorogova is seeking to have the drug included in the list of officially approved drugs for treating people. In modern pharmacology, there is no information on the development of analogues of ASD


The uniqueness of ASD

At the initial stage of development, Dorogov used ordinary frogs to produce the drug. Further, the raw materials were replaced by meat and bone meal. The replacement did not affect the effectiveness of ASD Fraction 2. The antiseptic is unique in that its energetic manifestation is aimed not at eliminating microbes, but at strengthening protective functions body. ASD is organically integrated into tissues and metabolic processes, stimulating the body to fight diseases. The ASD fraction is a tissue biogenic stimulator with immunomodeling properties.

The drug ASD-2 contains adaptogens - specific substances that a living cell releases before death. When adaptogens penetrate a living organism, a global mobilization of immune reserves occurs. Data properties of ASD recognized as fundamental.

The positive participation of the drug ASD 2 in all vital processes of the body makes it possible to use it to combat many diseases of different origins. According to experts, the only drawback of the medicine is its extremely unpleasant aroma.

Components and appearance of the medicine

ASD Fraction 2 is a water-soluble liquid, without signs of any microorganisms. The ingredients are organic acids and chemical compounds. Full composition drug:

  • closed (cyclic) compounds of hydrogen with carbon;
  • single (acyclic) hydrocarbons;
  • water;
  • organic compounds of carboxyl groups (carboxylic acids);
  • compounds that protect body proteins from irradiation (sulfhydryl group);
  • substances produced by organic acids (amides).

Dorogov's stimulator is presented in the form of two drugs: ASD Fraction 2 and ASD Fraction 3. The first option is taken orally, the second is used for local surface application. ASD-3 is a viscous substance of a dark shade, soluble in oil, alcohol and ether. Has a powerful antiseptic effect. The basic composition of ASD is identical in both versions.

Impact on humans

The medically useful properties of ASD are based on biogenic stimulation of vital body systems. The medicine has the following effects:

  • activation of the central nervous system;
  • stimulation of vegetative processes;
  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • treatment of inflammatory processes of various etiologies;
  • stopping the progressive development of cancer cells;
  • elimination of bacterial infections;
  • stopping the process of fungal proliferation;
  • regeneration of damaged body tissues;
  • increasing the body's resistance to the adverse effects of chemical, physical and biological factors;
  • destruction of microbes;
  • healing of deep damage to the epidermis (for topical use of ASD-3).

Effective use of ASD

The use of ASD Fraction 2 for humans is most effective in case of pathological changes in the organs of the digestive system.

  • ulcerative lesions of the duodenum and stomach;
  • colitis, gastritis and gastroduodenitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis;
  • helminthiasis (especially for children).

It is acceptable to use ASD as a cure for colds. As part of complex therapy for inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis and adenoma) in men.

In addition, the ASD Fraction effectively treats:

  • trichomoniasis infection;
  • fungal infections (candidiasis);
  • hypertension;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • enuresis;
  • gynecological pathologies (as an antiseptic for douching for erosions);
  • rheumatism, gout;
  • visual impairment;
  • chronic diseases of the kidneys and urinary system;
  • weakened immunity;
  • oncological diseases;
  • persistent lesions of the epidermis (dermatitis of various etiologies);
  • obesity.

Important: The drug ASD-2 and ASD-3 do not have medical accreditation for human use. A doctor may recommend a drug, but will never officially prescribe it. Therefore, all responsibility for the consequences falls on patients who use the antiseptic voluntarily and independently.

Release form

The ASD fraction is produced in thick glass bottles with a volume of 100 ml. The medicine is a sterile soluble liquid for oral use or local impact. Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant is patented and available without a prescription. ASD is prescribed by a veterinarian for the treatment of animals.

Practical use

The instructions for use developed for humans belong to the creator of the medicine, A.V. Dorogov. There are several recommendations on how to use Fraction 2. The individual dosage and method of administration depend on the disease.

Scheme-1. The standard 1-dose regimen is universal and is allowed for any diseases included in the list of indications. The average dose of the drug is maintained.

The course of treatment using the average method is up to 3 months. Directions for use: orally, half an hour before the first meal, once a day. The dosage on the first day of use is 5 drops per ½ glass of water. On the second day - 15 drops. From the third to the sixth day, the dose is increased daily by 5 drops. The volume of water remains unchanged. On the seventh day the body is allowed to rest. From the eighth cycle, the cycle is resumed, adding a second evening dose of the drug.

Scheme-2. Contains a description of how to drink ASD-2 to eliminate certain diseases.

  • high blood pressure. On the first day, drink 5 drops in the morning and evening. The dose is increased daily by one drop until it reaches 20. Next, ASD should be taken until the blood pressure level is completely stabilized;
  • diseases of bones and joints. The dosage is 5 drops per dose. The dosage schedule is 5 days every 3. To achieve greater results, treatment is supplemented with compresses on the affected areas;
  • trichomoniasis infection. Directions for use: douching with an antiseptic solution at the rate of 40 drops per half glass of boiled water;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system. The dose is 10 drops per single dose for five days. After a three-day break, the initial amount of medicine is increased by 5 drops daily. Maximum dosage – 25 drops;
  • unstable immunity, regular ARVI. A solution diluted with boiled water: 7-8 drops per half liter of water, used for inhalation. This form of taking ASD 2 for prevention is acceptable for children;
  • skin diseases. The dosage is used according to scheme 1 for internal use, with the addition of daily compresses on the affected areas with ASD-3.

Scheme-3. Represents instructions for ASD 2 for oncological tumors in the body. An initial dose of 10 drops per dose is prescribed to a person with cancer for five days. Further, 5 drops are added every five days. The maximum limit is 50 drops of the drug. This method of fighting cancer has proven itself to be positive according to patient reviews. But in the dose used, the simulator has a rather aggressive effect and requires special caution.

Objective contraindications

According to laboratory studies, the methods of using ASD 2 are not dangerous for humans. But, since there are no clear instructions for use, extreme caution is required when using it.

It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate without prior examination. It has been proven that the stimulant is not compatible with alcohol-containing liquids (not only pure alcohol, but also alcohol-based tinctures), in otherwise persistent side effects are observed. You should not drink the Fraction for a long time if you have coagulation disorders (hemophilia), and allergic reactions of unknown nature.

Pronounced contraindications to ASD 2 from vital systems human body are absent, since the stimulant is not recognized by official medicine. Determining whether the drug used is suitable for a particular patient is possible only empirically, under constant control medical specialist.

Absolute ASD contraindication Fraction 2 is the use of the product during pregnancy. Adaptogens easily cross the placenta and can cause irreparable harm to the health of the unborn child.

Undesirable manifestations

During the therapeutic course, side effects from the digestive system and vestibular apparatus. In this case, you should not continue to take the antiseptic.

Drug interactions

A thorough analysis of compatibility with various medications has not been carried out. To avoid risk side effects, you should not combine the stimulant and other pills.

special instructions

The taken solution of the drug ASD-2 cannot be stored in an open bottle, as it has a tendency to oxidize.

This process kills the active substances of the drug, making its use useless. Random dust fragments can also get into the liquid. To use the product correctly, certain rules must be followed:

  • pierce the rubber stopper with a disposable needle and syringe;
  • Shake the contents of the bottle thoroughly;
  • take medicine;
  • disconnect the syringe from the needle and inject the medicine into the required amount of pre-prepared water;
  • the needle remaining in the lid can be removed or wrapped in a cotton swab;
  • Do not change the method of administration and the recommended dose without permission.

ASD-2 Fraction is not a panacea. Despite all the variety of beneficial properties, the fractional stimulant has not been thoroughly studied and is not approved for full use in medicine.

The drug called “ASD fraction 2” is still shrouded in a veil of speculation and myths. The point is that he for a long time was in a semi-legal position, as a drug that actually helps with fatal diseases, but is not recognized by official medicine. Today, despite the fact that this drug has brought thousands of doomed patients back on their feet, it is still not recognized as a medicine for humans and is officially approved for use only in veterinary medicine.

History and composition, properties of the drug “ASD fraction 2”

The history of the creation of faction-2 is connected with the name of A.V. Dorogov, who created it on the unspoken instructions of the government in order to protect living organisms from radiation. As a result of painstaking work over several years, a drug was created that met all conditions: it increased immunity, stimulated protective forces the body, increased the ability to restore cells and cured many diseases, including some types of oncology.

Based experimental method thermal sublimation of tissues with liquid condensation, a drug with antiseptic, restorative and stimulating properties was obtained (hence the name “Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant”, or ASD).

The effectiveness of the drug for the treatment of various diseases

The research conducted by Dorogov was successful: the new drug showed high efficiency in the treatment of a number of serious illnesses: bronchial asthma, psoriasis, which in those years were practically impossible to cure.

Experimental treatments conducted on volunteers led to excellent results in the treatment of diseases of the endocrine and nervous system, varicose veins, gynecological diseases. Gynecology has become one of the leading areas of application of the fraction; this should be discussed in more detail.

ASD fraction 2: use in treatment gynecological diseases provided a cure for trichomoniasis, chlamydial infection, uterine cancer, fibroids, breast cancer and mastopathy! And these results were obtained during “underground” treatment with a drug that was never officially registered as an approved treatment for humans.

Why is ASD fraction 2, the use of which gives such results, not officially recognized?

The fact is that it was originally developed as a veterinary drug and there is still no officially recorded data on side effects its use in humans. As such, clinical trials have not been carried out, and today there are no such devotees who could “promote” all this and give people a panacea for many serious pathologies. Therefore, treatment with fraction 2 is carried out independently and with full awareness of all possible risks for good health.

ASD fraction 2: application

The drug is diluted with boiled, cooled water and taken, gradually increasing the dose. The primary dose depends on the weight and age of the person, the condition of his body: usually one part of the drug is diluted in twenty parts of water and drunk, starting with 2 ml, adding 1 ml every day. They add until they intuitively reach the maximum acceptable dose.

They drink the fraction in courses of five days, after which they take a break for two weeks. The first five days the fraction is drunk twice a day, and the subsequent days once.

Despite the fact that the use of the fraction cures some types of cancer, tuberculosis, and stomach ulcers, there are also contraindications to its use.

ASD fraction 2: contraindications

The fraction can be used with great caution in cases where the body is severely weakened and there are problems with the kidneys. Overdose and violation of the drug regimen should not be allowed. No matter how much ASD fraction 2 is praised, contraindications can reduce the benefits of its use to a minimum and cause serious consequences. Thus, when using this serious drug, you should be careful and avoid unnecessary risks.

ASD fraction 2 for weight loss

There are many different opinions about the effectiveness of this drug for weight loss, but nevertheless there are people who risk using it for weight loss.

It should be noted that this remedy does not have a direct effect on weight gain or loss. Being a powerful biological stimulant, it only “spurs up” the digestive and metabolic processes, which in combination with proper nutrition can lead to successful healing of the entire body. All this may well lead to gentle weight loss without side effects.

However, there is still a risk when using fraction 2 for weight loss, especially if a person has a number of concomitant diseases. Such people should consult a doctor and be observed by a specialist during treatment with the drug in order to avoid negative consequences.

Only ASD fraction 2 is suitable for internal use, fraction 3 is used exclusively for external purposes.

The basic regimen for taking ASD-fraction 2 for weight loss consists of a monthly course, in which the intake is distributed as follows:

  • From days 1 to 5: 35 drops per glass of water, divided into two doses 30 minutes before meals.
  • From 5 to 10 days: break.
  • From 11 to 14 days: 10 drops per glass of water once a day.
  • From 14 to 18 days: break.
  • From 19 to 24 days: 20 drops per glass of water once a day.
  • From 24 to 28 days: break in the course of use.

Doctors' opinion about the drug ASD fraction 2

Most doctors have an extremely negative attitude towards people taking the drug ASD fraction 2, citing the difference in anatomy and physiology between people and animals. Another argument of official medicine is that there is a more than sufficient, even excessive amount of various medications for treating people, so there is no need to resort to veterinary medicine.

But a small number of doctors who tried to use this drug to treat people and were convinced of its effectiveness, believe that the minimal difference between people and animals cannot be an obstacle to treating similar diseases with the same drug. In their opinion, the difference in drugs for humans and animals can only be in concentration and doses.

An example often cited is a pig, whose genetic make-up is only 1% different from that of a human. If you can try it on pigs human medicines, why can’t you be treated with products for animals? Everyone must answer this question personally.

Before purchasing the drug ASD fraction 2 for humans, you must carefully read the instructions for use, methods of use and dosage, as well as other useful information on the medicine ASD fraction 2. On the website “Encyclopedia of Diseases” you will find all the necessary information: instructions for correct use, recommended dosage, contraindications, as well as reviews from patients who have already used this drug.

What is ASD?

ASD is a product of thermal decomposition of organic raw materials of animal origin. The drug is obtained by dry sublimation at high temperature. The starting raw materials are meat and bone meal, bone and meat waste. During the process of sublimation of a substance of organic origin, elements are broken down into low molecular weight components.

It is no coincidence that the drug has a double name: antiseptic stimulant. The name contains the essence of the drug’s effect on the body. A pronounced antibacterial effect is combined with an adaptogenic function. ASD is not rejected by a living cell, since it corresponds to it in its structure, penetrates the placental and tissue barrier, does not cause side effects, and restores hormonal background, normalizes the functioning of the peripheral nervous system, increases the body’s resistance to various harmful effects. Definitions such as tissue preparation and biogenic stimulant are quite applicable to ASD.

Speaking about ASD fraction 2, the use of this drug for humans, we should first of all note its main unique property: ASD does not resist any types of microbes, but increases the body’s defenses, which themselves cope with any microbe. The immunomodulatory properties of ASD are due to the fact that the drug is easily integrated into the metabolic processes of the human body, restores the normal functioning of cells, and ensures optimal functioning of all vital systems.

Wide range therapeutic effect allows the use of an antiseptic stimulant for diseases of various etiologies. These are asthma, hormone-dependent tumors, psoriasis and many other diseases. The drug is affordable and completely harmless to the body and is not addictive. Only in one ASD is fraction 2 not perfect - it has a very specific odor. It is impossible to rid the drug of this “aroma”; all attempts ended in failure - the deodorized antiseptic stimulant loses its active properties. When it comes to life and health, little things like bad smell medications can be neglected. Typically, ASD-2 is taken literally by holding your nose.

Why is SDA not officially recognized?

There is still no clear answer to this question. Over the years since its invention, the drug could save thousands of lives and help maintain the health of many people. But for more than 60 years, ASD has been officially used only in veterinary medicine and dermatology. You can purchase the medicine exclusively in veterinary pharmacies. The party nomenklatura and officials were not interested in revolutionary changes in the field of medicine. Therefore, the drug was kept secret, and after Dorogov’s death, research in this area was stopped. The SDA was forgotten. Today Olga Alekseevna, Dorogov’s daughter, is fighting for the introduction of ASD among the drugs officially approved for treating people. Groups of enthusiasts informally use ASD in treatment, and with consistent success.

ASD fraction 2 can help many people, medicinal properties This drug has enormous potential and needs detailed study.

There is a point of view according to which, when creating ASD, Dorogov acted using the methods of medieval alchemists. Perhaps for this reason, ASD is often called an elixir. The researcher’s daughter, Olga Alekseevna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, homeopathic physician and immunologist, has an established point of view on this matter. Its essence boils down to the fact that there is no basis for accusing the scientist of pseudoscientific methods: apparently, Dorogov believed that, just as charcoal is a sorbent, organic decay products can serve as deactivators, that is, prevent harmful effects on the body. And this approach has no direct connection with the ideas of medieval alchemists.

Brief biography of the scientist

Alexey Vlasovich Dorogov was born in 1909 into a peasant family in the village of Khmelinka, Saratov province. Since childhood, the future scientist showed his extraordinary abilities in the field of music. Alexey had excellent hearing, sang excellently, and independently learned to play the accordion, guitar and flute. But Dorogov chose a different field of life. His mother was engaged in midwifery, healing, chiropractic, and treated with incantations. Perhaps this in some way determined Dorogov’s choice of his future profession.

Alexey Vlasovich successfully graduated from the veterinary institute, studied in graduate school, and later was invited to work at the All-Union Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine. By the time ASD was created, Dorogov already had solid scientific experience - 26 serious scientific works, 5 proven inventions.

Creation of a drug that can effectively protect human and animal organisms from various means mass destruction became the scientist’s life’s work. And his goal was crowned with success! But officials put one barrier after another, preventing the widespread distribution of the effective drug. The talented scientist spent a lot of energy and nerves fighting envious people in power. In 1954, Dorogov, who suffered a heart attack, was fired from the Institute of Veterinary Medicine. Despite going to high authorities, the scientist was never reinstated. It was not taken into account that the creator of the ASD was awarded the State Prize for his invention.

About a year after Dorogov's dismissal, his laboratory was disbanded. The scientist died in the fall of 1957, before reaching the age of fifty...

ASD fraction 2 - Composition and release form

Fraction ASD 2 is a sterile solution with a specific odor that mixes well with water. The drug contains:

— Aliphatic hydrocarbons.

— Cyclic hydrocarbons.

— Amide derivatives.

- Carboxylic acids.

— Compounds with an active sulfhydryl group.

ASD fraction 2- this is a volatile liquid, can be from all shades of yellow to deep red with a specific odor and an alkaline reaction. The presence of fine dark sediment is allowed.

Currently for production medicinal product the dry sublimation method is used high temperatures, and meat and bone meal, as well as meat and bone waste are used as raw materials. During sublimation, substances of organic origin are broken down into low molecular weight components.

The basis of the product is adaptogens - substances that are released from the cell before its death. Adaptogens help a damaged cell fight for survival. When they enter the cells of the human body, adaptogens chemically transmit information about the need to fight for existence. A positive treatment result is achieved through the mobilization of all the body’s defenses.

ASD fraction 2 - Pharmacological properties

ASD fraction 2, when administered orally, activates the activity of the central and autonomic nervous system, stimulates the secretory activity of the digestive glands, increases the activity of tissue and digestive enzymes, normalizes digestion, improves the penetration of potassium and sodium ions through cell membranes.

Reviews of ASD fraction 2 the drug is said to have a stimulating effect on motor function digestive tract. It is noted that when using ASD fraction 2, the natural resistance of the human body increases (the drug has the same effect on the body of animals). In most cases, ASD fraction 2 is used externally, locally. When used externally, this drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, normalizes tissue trophism and activates tissue regeneration.

Speaking about ASD fraction 2, the use of this drug for humans, we should first of all note its main unique property: ASD fraction 2 does not resist any types of microbes, but increases the body’s defenses, which themselves cope with any microbe.

The immunomodulatory properties of ASD fraction 2 are due to the fact that the drug is easily integrated into the metabolic processes of the human body, restores the normal functioning of cells, and ensures the optimal functioning of all vital systems.

ASD fraction 2 - Indications for use

The instructions for ASD fraction 2 indicate that the main indications for use in humans are the following diseases and pathological conditions:

- inflammation of the inner mucous membrane of the large intestine;

- formation of defects in the stomach;

- formation of defects in the duodenum;

- disturbances in the functioning of the renal system;

- dryness of the vaginal mucosa;

open wounds on the lower leg or foot that does not heal for more than 6 weeks;

involuntary urination;

- damage to the genitourinary system, which is caused by Trichomonas;

- a recurrent disease, manifested by a rash that looks like spots and peeling;

fungal infection, caused by microscopic fungi of the genus Candida;

- pancreatitis;

- cholecystitis;

- damage to the human visual analyzer;

- diseases caused by hypothermia;

- prevention of respiratory diseases;

— prevention of diseases of the pulmonary system;

- warning respiratory diseases;

- occurrence and distribution in the body cancer cells;

- persistent increase in blood pressure;

- inflammation of the prostate gland;

- inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

In recent years, ASD fraction 2 has become more widely used in medicine. However, you should keep in mind that no doctor will prescribe this medicine to a patient, so official reviews You are unlikely to hear doctors talk about ASD fraction 2. In this regard, when using it to treat any disease, the patient must be aware of all the responsibility that falls on his own shoulders when using it.

ASD fraction 2 - benefit or harm to humans?

Initially, the drug was intended for the treatment of various dermatological diseases. But more interesting and not fully studied is the oral use of ASD fraction 2. Initial clinical experiments were carried out on animals. The first results turned out to be unpredictable. No one could believe the effectiveness of the “frog medicine”. It has been established that internal use effectively fights various pathologies and has a healing effect on all organs and systems.

ASD fraction 2 restores hormonal balance, restores vascular elasticity and eliminates, strengthens the nervous and immune system, has a rejuvenating effect and has no side effects. The drug turned out to be especially useful in gynecology. With the help of a simple antiseptic stimulant, it was possible to cure various intestinal infectious diseases. However, precise data on cure is fatal dangerous diseases or there are no clinically proven experiments, some shrug their shoulders and claim that the drug is completely useless. Nevertheless, ASD fraction 2 is still in constant demand.

Immediately after the data obtained and extensive research, the drug gained popularity. It was used by party leaders and other political elite states. Dorogov himself was literally inundated with boxes of letters with laudatory thanks for the healing. The antiseptic stimulant helped get rid of ailments against which traditional medicine was powerless. Enthusiastic relatives of those cured and the patients themselves demanded recognition of the open ASD fraction 2 as official. But traditional medicine and the top of the scientific community were indignant at the newly discovered medicine “for a thousand diseases.” In addition, leading medical professionals were outraged by the fact that so effective drug was discovered not by a doctor, but by a simple veterinarian.

ASD faction 2 – Secrets of success and failure

Who was Dorogov really? There is an opinion that when creating a miracle drug, the scientist was guided by the records of medieval alchemists. After all, the medicine also has a different name - an elixir for a hundred ailments. According to the daughter of Alexei Dorogov, an immunologist and homeopath, there is no serious reason to believe that the drug is ineffective or connected with medieval alchemists. Her father worked in a chemical laboratory and it should be assumed that when creating ASD fraction 2, the scientist was guided by the simple laws of chemistry: just like ordinary coal, it serves effective sorbent and doesn't miss harmful substances, in the same way, organic masses shield the effects of pathogenic microorganisms, and natural bioelements are easily combined with the tissues of the human body. It is not for nothing that the scientist from time to time whispered the phrase: “trampling death upon death.”

One thing remains strange: for what reason does the drug still not have official recognition and a patent? Despite the fact that the remedy has helped many patients recover and helped get rid of fatal diseases, today its official purpose is the treatment of dermatological diseases in veterinary medicine.

Soon after the discovery of the miracle cure, its creator died, and the “secret” classification was removed only in 1962. Apparently, the party elite, stunned by the effectiveness of the antiseptic-stimulant ASD fraction 2, did not want all-Union longevity and health. After this, the drug fell into oblivion for several decades and only towards the end of the 90s they started talking about it again, and recent studies that have clinically confirmed biological activity drug in relation to some human diseases, marked the beginning of large-scale research. It is safe to say that until the exact chemical composition And full disclosure full potential is still far away.

ASD fraction 2 - Interesting facts about the drug

One of the initial goals of creating the drug was to raise Agriculture and assistance in raising cattle.

Biological activity in relation to a number skin diseases in humans and animals were discovered accidentally during clinical studies as side effects.

Until now, not a single large-scale study of the chemical composition has been carried out, and its activity in relation to cancer has not been accurately established. But a single case of suppression was recorded when the drug was encapsulated in a test tube. Scientific publications on this study have not survived, as well as about cases of healing from cancer in practice.

ASD fraction 2 is a powerful stimulant of the nervous system and can lead to overexcitation. The drug is not recommended for use in children suffering from cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure and neurological pathologies.

The antiseptic stimulant contains protein breakdown products - putrescine and cadaverine, which in their pure form are the strongest poison, however, in a biological complex, these compounds have an antiseptic and disinfectant effect.

ASD fraction 2 - instructions for use for humans

Treatment options with ASD fraction 2 were studied and proposed by scientist A.V. Dorogov.

Generally accepted instructions for use for humans: 15-30 drops per third glass of cool boiled water or tea. The solution is drunk twice a day 20-30 minutes before meals for five days, followed by a three-day break. This cycle is repeated until the disease is completely cured.

Let's look at how ASD fraction 2 is used for certain diseases and pathologies:

1 ml of the drug is dissolved in 0.5 tbsp of water.

Vascular spasms of the lower and upper extremities. Conduct following procedure: make a “stocking” from gauze, moisten it with a 20% solution. The course is long - about 4 months, but after it, as a rule, blood circulation is completely normalized.

Slow hair growth. Rub the skin with a 5% solution of the drug.

Runny nose and cough. Dissolve 1 ml of medicine in 0.5 tbsp of water and drink twice a day.

Enuresis. Dilute 5 drops of ASD fraction 2 in 2/3 cup of chilled boiling water, take it for 5 days, then take a three-day break.

Trichomonosis. Douching is carried out by dissolving 60 drops of medicine in 100 ml of water.

Radiculitis. Twice a day drink 5 ml of the drug per 1 cup of water. The course lasts until recovery.

Ulcer of the duodenum or stomach. The drug is taken according to standard methods.

Gastritis, colitis. The dosage of ASD fraction 2 and the method of administration are usual, but the drug is taken once a day.

Impotence. Drink according to the scheme for 5 days every three days, taking 4-5 drops per 0.5 cup of chilled boiled water 25-30 minutes before meals.

Candidiasis. A 1% solution of the drug is used externally.

Inflammatory diseases of the eyeballs. Add 4-5 drops of the drug to 0.5 cups of chilled boiling water and drink according to the following scheme: 5 days on, 3 days off.

Frequent and. Inhalations are carried out: 15 ml of medicine per 1 liter of boiling water.

Gynecological diseases. The drug is taken according to the usual method, plus it is used topically (douching with a 1% aqueous solution).

Diseases of the nervous system, heart, liver. For these ailments, there is a special treatment regimen: for five days, take 10 drops, dissolved in 0.5 tbsp. boiled water, and a 3-day break, adding 5 drops every next 5 days, and so on until 25. The course lasts until the condition stabilizes. If an exacerbation occurs, treatment should be stopped and repeated after the painful sensations.

Gallstone disease, pyelonephritis. The dosage in this case is standard.

Rheumatism, gout. 5 days - take, 3 - break, 4-5 drops per 0.5 tbsp. boiled water. Compresses based on ASD-2 can be applied to problem areas.

Toothache. A sterile cotton wool is moistened with ASD-2 and placed directly on the sore spot.

Take as usual, but start with 5 drops twice a day, gradually increase to 20, adding one drop per day. Drink until the blood pressure becomes stable.

Overweight. Approximately 35 drops are dissolved in 200 ml of water and taken for 5 days, then a break for the same number of days. Next, 10 drops for 4 days, the next 4 days - a break, 20 drops for 5 days and again 3 days - a break.

Drink within 30 minutes. before breakfast on an empty stomach for 5 days, the next 3 days off. Start with 5 drops per 0.5 cup of chilled boiled water, the next 5 days - 10 drops, then 15, 20. Take three months.

Inflammatory processes of the middle ear (otitis media). Apply compresses based on the drug and rinse the affected ear. Take 20 drops per 200 ml of water orally daily.

The medicine should be taken 30-40 minutes before meals. You need to start the course with a small dosage. After a 5-day course, you should take a two-day break. You can start therapy only after consulting a doctor. The specialist will conduct a diagnosis, determine indications and contraindications for treatment.

ASD fraction 2 - the correct dose of the drug

Instructions for taking the drug ASD fraction 2 from the bottle:

- Do not remove the rubber cap from the bottle. It is enough to remove the central part of the aluminum cap;

— the needle of a disposable syringe is inserted into the center of the rubber stopper of the bottle;

- a syringe is inserted into the needle;

- you need to shake the bottle several times with vigorous movements;

- turn the bottle upside down;

- draw into a syringe required amount ASD drug fraction 2;

- remove the syringe, holding the needle in the bottle cap;

— place the tip of the syringe into a glass of boiled water;

- slowly introduce the drug into the water, trying to avoid foaming;

- mix the composition and take it orally.

The above instructions for using the medicine are not accidental. Long-term proven practical experience on patients Dorogova A.V. Medicine oxidizes with loss active properties. It is recommended to take it fresh. For therapy, be sure to follow the above regimens. The drug should be taken in such a way that foam does not form.

ASD fraction 2 – will it help or not with cancer?

There is a separate question about taking the drug by people with cancer. Dorogov believed that in case of precancerous conditions, the drug could give a positive result, even if taken according to the usual treatment regimen. When and visible to the eye for tumors, he recommended applying compresses. As for cancer, in his opinion, it is necessary to calculate the dosage, taking into account the patient’s age, the location and characteristics of the tumor, and the degree of its development.

The drug ASD fraction 2 has helped many people in the fight against cancer. It helps eliminate pain and slows down the progression of malignant tumors. IN the most difficult cases The scientist prescribed 5 ml of medicine per 100 ml of water twice a day. But he noted that treatment with this drug should be carried out under the supervision of specialists. In this regard, you cannot prescribe doses yourself. If the general condition worsened, the scientist stopped taking the drug.

However, you can also find negative reviews use of the drug. Therefore, it is impossible to assert its 100% effectiveness and say that it will really help you heal.

Gentle treatment regimen oncological diseases with ASD drug fraction 2:

On Monday, on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals, pour 30-40 ml of boiled water into a glass, add 3 drops of ASD-2 with an eye dropper or syringe. On Tuesday - 5 drops, on Wednesday - 7, on Thursday - 9, on Friday - 11, on Saturday - 13, on Sunday - rest. In the 2nd, 3rd, 4th weeks, take ASD according to the same regimen.

Next – one week break. After rest, start on Monday taking ASD according to the same scheme, but 5 drops, adding 2 drops in subsequent days. Drink for 4 weeks, then rest. Monitor your health; if it worsens, stop using the drug.

Regimen for taking ASD fraction 2 within the framework of the “impact” technique of A.V. Dorogov, used for the treatment of advanced cases of cancer. The drug is taken every day at 8:00, 12:00, 16:00 and 20:00. Every 5 days the dosage of the drug is increased by 5 drops.

Dosage ASD fraction 2, use for humans in the treatment of cancer great importance have the age of the patient, location and nature of cancer lesions. ASD fraction 2 will relieve pain and stop tumor development. Such a course in mandatory should be carried out under strict medical supervision!

ASD fraction 2 – Contraindications

The fraction can be used with great caution in cases where the body is severely weakened and there are problems with the kidneys. Overdose and violation of the drug regimen should not be allowed.

No matter how much ASD fraction 2 is praised, contraindications can reduce the benefits of its use to a minimum and cause serious consequences. Thus, when using this serious drug, you should be careful and avoid unnecessary risks.

ASD fraction 2 - Special instructions

The tips below will help you learn how to properly use ASD fraction 2 to treat diseases in humans.

To ensure that ASD fraction 2 brings benefits and not harm, follow the following recommendations:

— Do not completely open the bottle of the drug. Simply remove the central “patch” of the aluminum cap. Shake the bottle several times. Then carefully draw up the required volume of ASD using a disposable syringe.

— For internal use, ASD fraction 2 is used exclusively.

— In all cases of using ASD, water should be taken boiled and cooled; If it is impossible to take the drug with water (for example, children), milk should be consumed.

Special diets the drug does not require, does not threaten overdose, because it is not “chemistry”.

— For compresses, do not forget to place parchment paper over the gauze to prevent the evaporation of the drug. Then a thick layer of cotton wool (10-12 cm) is applied and bandaged.

— In the event of an exacerbation of the process, taking ASD fraction 2 should be stopped until the pain subsides, after which it should be resumed, adjusting the dosage according to how you feel.

— Store fraction ASD 2 in a cool place, protected from light (maybe in the refrigerator). The shelf life of the drug is 4 years.

Usually this drug is used in extreme situations, but sometimes, after reading positive reviews on the Internet, people run to the veterinary pharmacy to buy a life-saving elixir. Many write that they were truly cured of their pathologies after undergoing full course treatment or already from the first dose, others simply began to feel better, and some did not experience any changes in their own body at all.

Therefore, it is clear to draw conclusions about the benefits or negative harm drug ASD 2 only according to the subjective opinion of patients is impossible, since only real reviews from doctors and clinical studies can give a comprehensive answer.

ASD fraction 2 - reviews

Lyubov Orlova

As for cancer - chemotherapy and radiation therapy - what is the treatment today, of course it’s much better than “gov..a”? But these are the only currently recognized methods. Everyone understands that this is essentially barbarism, but there is no other way, no alternative has been found. If ASD somehow helps at least a little, can delay this chemistry, which makes you vomit so mom don’t worry, hair falls out, apathy - you don’t want to do anything (this is only external, not to mention the consequences), then there is nothing to discuss here. .o or not. If it's a placebo, that's okay too. Even if there is no benefit, there is meaning, because at least it gives these people hope.

Eduard Filippov

Igor also didn’t believe it and, like many here, he was being sarcastic))) they write nonsense about the fact that it doesn’t help people who have never even seen ASD))) not to mention the fact that they tried it... ASD fraction 2 should absolutely not be taken with alcohol , and this is a huge minus for many, so it’s easier to continue drinking and sarcastically that ASD doesn’t help))) Vodka and beer help)))

Madina Bekenova

ASD fraction 2 drug helps to cure many diseases. Elixir of life by Alexey Dorogov.

Irisha Grichishkina

Manka, the drops really help. My mother took it for 2 years, but it doesn’t relieve pain. She stopped taking it. After 4 months she was gone ((ASD stops the development of cancer cells but does not destroy them.

Lyubov Orlova

Evgenia, ASD drops are officially classified as dietary supplements. It says so on the packaging. Hence: consultation with a doctor is not required. Another question is that among our doctors there are very few Doctors Houses and how they cripple no one could even dream of. Especially in Russia - cut out everything you can, but it doesn’t matter how a person lives further, the main thing is to remove the responsibility that he didn’t die under your supervision, and then at least the grass won’t grow. IMHO!

Anastasia Zabelina

ASD has not been verified by any serious studies. By at least I haven’t been able to see them yet, I’ll be very grateful if you give me a tip. And if so, then in accordance with the principles evidence-based medicine ASD is just a stinking liquid.

Alexander Cherepanov

Shit, that's it, all professors and academicians... most don't have the slightest clinical experience yet, many haven't even received diplomas yet, but their smug arrogance and militant dogmatism are through the roof.. ;)) Dorogov is a genius. ASD is a REALLY working drug. Tested by practice. ...and God grant that you and your patients never have to personally face a situation where official medicine turns out to be completely powerless and only “unofficial” medicine really saves...

Lyubov Orlova

Lyudmila, you wrote - the root cause of the disease of thought. I offered you a variant of a suitable thought) for using the medicine, that’s all. As for ASD, the most interesting thing is why Dorogova is fat, personally, I have already lost 2.5 kg, even though I don’t drink much. Since I recently took self-x-rays - I don’t have an ultrasound), but I feel it, I won’t describe the little things, but it seems to help. About “being scammed” - this is a complete mess. There are medicines that cost about 2 thousand, with a bunch of patents, promoted, with consultants on line and free delivery. And for some reason people write about this drug. Who needs to get divorced for 150 rubles?

Alexey Milakhin

Look carefully about ASD fraction 2, it’s on nervous system has a positive effect, which is very important in the treatment of cancer.

Lyubov Gubina

I know two people who cured cancer using ASD.

Mr Lirey

Victoria, yes I know. I drank for an ulcer. There are no more ulcers))) and now I drink it for prevention, the flight is gorgeous))) but ASD 3 is still smelly, maybe it will cure their hotheads))))

Mr Lirey

people, there is such a thing as ASD 2 and 3, what a stinking piece of garbage. It costs 150 rubles at the veterinary pharmacy. If you pour it on someone’s thread from a syringe, then all your clothes can be thrown away. There will be a stinking march)))))

Ilya Nidilko

I use ASD-2 all the time) it literally cures everything... The muscle tear was finally healed only on it.

Svetlana Malchenkova

This is really a very good thing. I work in a pharmacy, I make ointments myself, which includes ASD fraction 2. But to buy it, we send people to the veterinarian; you can’t buy it anywhere else. The smell is terribly disgusting, you won’t forget that you have to work in masks. After using it, people notice that it helps a lot.

Alexander Napalkov

Solomykina Ekaterina

Anna Kolesnichenko

Asd fraction 2 will help a girl with tuberculosis; tuberculosis was treated with this drug during the war. With this drug initial stage cancer is treated. Many people they knew were cured of various diseases. A very good remedy. Read the reviews if you don't believe me.

Lyokha Ostrovsky

My mom had cancer, she was cured! First I had chemotherapy, then surgery... and now my grandfather is also sick, but apparently, he won’t be able to recover... if you have someone facing cancer, I advise you to take the medicine “ASD fraction 2” for prevention, it’s not expensive, harmless and many believe (including me) in its effectiveness! You can Google about him.

Victoria Triumphova

If you can stand the smell of the drug ASD fraction 2, it will help. Apply for 21 days on damaged skin areas. It helps not only against acne, but also against ulcers and psoriasis. Read reviews on the Internet. But the smell is unreal.

Evgenia Rostovtseva

Read about Dorogov's ASD 2. I saw people who were helped.

Irina Karaseva

About ASD - I knew two people who decided to believe in this terrible-smelling medicine and take it lightly traditional treatment. Women died.

Maria Minas

...As for fraction-2 ASD, this is really a medicinal drug, this has been known for 100,500 years.

Larisa Trokas

Irina, this drug is ASD fraction 2, sold in veterinary hospitals and veterinary pharmacies. I’ve been drinking it myself for several years now. Oncological disease. I bought it in Perm recently, it costs 250 rubles. I take 2 ml for 5 days, washed down with strong tea, then don’t eat for about an hour. A two-day break and again we drink for five days... So three weeks, then a two-week break. And continue... In general, everything is well described in the Healthy Lifestyle magazines. Watch old episodes. I don’t remember the year offhand...

We would like to draw special attention to the fact that the description of the drug ASD fraction 2 is presented for informational purposes only! To obtain more accurate and detailed information O medicine ASD fraction 2, please refer exclusively to the manufacturer's instructions! Do not self-medicate under any circumstances! You should definitely consult a doctor before starting to use the drug!