Fungal flora. Fungal infection: symptoms, treatment regimen and photos. Fungal infection of the integument

Many women notice that their waist size increases with age. At the same time, other parts of the body may not change, weight fluctuations are also insignificant. But at the same time, the belly becomes larger, and your favorite things do not fit well. What is the reason for this change in figure and how to deal with it?

The reason is hormones

In most women, rapid abdominal enlargement begins after menopause.. This is due to changes in hormonal balance. During menopause, the release of some biologically active substances slows down or stops altogether. In youth, estrogens increase the level of thyroxine in the blood, which is the main form of thyroid hormones of the thyroid gland. It is the thyroid gland that regulates the metabolic rate, and when there is less estrogen, its activity also slows down, which leads to inhibition of metabolic processes.

A fold of belly fat is a problem familiar to many women.

This slowdown is manifested by a decrease in energy consumption. If a woman continues to eat as she did in her youth and does not increase physical activity, then over time, excess energy accumulates in the form of belly fat.

At the same time, you need to understand that the appearance of excess weight in adulthood cannot be considered a uniquely negative phenomenon. The fact is that adipose tissue is capable of producing estrogens. This helps compensate for their deficiency after ovarian function is suppressed. Therefore, a small amount of fat in the abdominal area is rather a positive phenomenon for a woman during menopause.

Scientists say that with age, 35% of women change their perception of taste, and they cannot adequately assess the amount of sugar in food, significantly exceeding its consumption standards. Approximately 45% of older women increase the amount of sweets deliberately. This leads to weight gain and belly growth, as well as an increased risk of diabetes.

If you gain too much excess weight and it affects your quality of life, you should get rid of it. But this must be done very gradually and under the supervision of doctors. Too sharp a decrease in adipose tissue can lead to exacerbation of menopausal symptoms: for example, insomnia, fluctuations in body temperature, deterioration of skin condition.

Lifestyle problems

Another reason for belly growth is poor diet and lifestyle.. Over the years, the activity of most women decreases; they walk, dance and play sports less. At the same time, few people adjust their diet taking this factor into account. In addition, adult women often allow themselves to relax and eat something tasty and high-calorie, citing the fact that slimness and lightness are no longer as important as in their youth.

The main reason for belly growth is poor nutrition.

Very often, the cause of belly growth is a lack of vitamins. With age, their absorption from food slows down. A lack of nutrients leads to a constant feeling of hunger. If a woman, instead of optimizing her diet and choosing the appropriate vitamin complex, begins to eat more, this leads to an increase in waist size.

And, of course, we must not forget about bad habits. Smoking and drinking alcohol also cause belly growth. Tobacco negatively affects metabolism, which causes fat deposits in the waist area. And any alcohol is a very high-calorie drink that immediately turns into fat.

The habit of “eating” stress often leads to excess weight

Frequent stress can also lead to belly growth.. If a woman is nervous a lot, her body releases an excess of the hormone cortisol, which provokes an attack of hunger. So a woman can, without noticing it, exceed all energy needs.

How to prevent abdominal enlargement?

To avoid such an unpleasant change in your figure, it is very important to be prepared for it in advance. Every woman should understand that sooner or later aging will come and her waist will begin to “blur.” Therefore, it is advisable to regularly perform abdominal exercises from a young age.. They will strengthen the abdominal muscles, which will subsequently support it.

Some diseases, such as diabetes mellitus or tumors of internal organs, can lead to an increase in waist size, so if your abdomen suddenly increases, you should consult a doctor.

You also need to watch your diet. You need to adequately assess your energy costs and, as they decrease, simultaneously reduce your food intake. As you age, you need to exclude too high-calorie, fatty and fried foods from your diet. You should also avoid excess sugar.

It is very important to drink enough liquid, but not coffee, tea or alcohol. This should be clean water, unsweetened compote or soups. They help cleanse the body of toxins, eliminate the feeling of hunger and slightly speed up the metabolism. And we must not forget about physical activity. If you have never played sports, it will be very difficult to start doing this in adulthood, but you can come up with something pleasant and non-traumatic - for example, walking or swimming in the pool.

Excess belly fat is unsightly and unhealthy: it is a risk factor for metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Unhealthy belly fat is called visceral fat - it accumulates around the liver and other abdominal organs.

Even people of normal weight who have excess belly fat are at risk for health problems. To prevent this, the site will tell you why the belly grows and how to remove excess fat deposits in the abdominal area.

Why the belly grows in men and women: possible reasons

Sometimes, when we gain weight, we ourselves can determine the reason for the increase in kilograms - a decrease in physical activity and/or overeating. As a rule, to get rid of excess weight, it is enough to adjust your diet and increase your calorie consumption during active pastime. However sometimes reason for weight gain is not so obvious, and fat accumulates in certain areas of the body, for example, in the abdominal area.

Why the belly grows, you need to pay attention to the following factors

  • nutritional features;
  • beverages;
  • level of physical activity;
  • hormonal background;
  • intestinal microflora.

Try to reduce the amount of sugar and trans fats in your diet so that less fat is deposited in the abdominal area.

Trans fats are the most harmful fats in existence because their stability is achieved by saturating them with hydrogen (hydrogenation). And such fats are used to extend the shelf life of various products, for example, crackers, muffins, and baking mixes. Trans fats have been proven to trigger inflammation and can lead to insulin resistance, heart disease and other diseases. It is not surprising that the belly of such substances grows in both men and women.

A sufficient amount of protein in the diet is very important, since protein is not only the main building material for the body and is not stored in reserve, but also helps control hunger and speed up metabolism. Lack of protein in the long term leads to weight gain and belly growth due to increased levels of a hormone called neuropeptide Y.

To control weight, you also need to consume enough fiber - it fills you up, stabilizes hunger hormones and allows you to eat less high-calorie foods. If the diet is dominated by carbohydrates and lacks fiber, a person unsuccessfully tries to fight the feeling of hunger and gains weight.

What drinks cause belly fat deposition?

The first and most important liquid enemy of a flat stomach is alcohol. Firstly, it contains too much sugar, which itself promotes fat accumulation. Second, liquid calories do not affect appetite in the same way as solid foods.

If you drink calories, you don't get full, so you add food on top. And, as a rule, this food is quite high in calories and harmful. In addition, alcohol promotes inflammation, liver disease and other health problems and, as studies show, suppresses calorie burning and promotes fat storage. This explains why the belly grows and also why it is called a beer belly.

Sweet soda has long been rightfully accused of causing weight gain because it contains huge doses of sugar. However, fruit juices are also not the best drink for those who want to protect their belly from excess fat, since even unsweetened 100% fruit juice contains a lot of sugar. If you compare 250 ml of juice and the same amount of cola, they will contain the same amount of sugar - 24 grams.

How physical activity levels affect belly fat

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the most significant risk factors for poor health. The decline in human activity levels has been observed for several decades. The study, which was conducted from 1988 to 2010 in the United States, showed that with a decrease in physical activity, weight gain, including an increase in abdominal girth, occurred in men and women.

Physical activity will not only help prevent the accumulation of belly fat, but also improve your overall health.

But the harm of inactivity doesn’t stop there. Research also shows that people who have lost belly fat gain the weight back when they become more inactive.

What hormonal changes can lead to belly growth?

During the menopausal period, women often wonder why their belly grows. The fact is that during puberty, the hormone estrogen causes the body to accumulate fat in the thighs and buttocks - this is how a woman prepares for a potential pregnancy. Menopause occurs after menstruation stops, and during this time estrogen levels drop sharply, causing fat to be deposited in the abdominal area.

Another hormone, elevated levels of which can cause belly fat to grow, is cortisol. This hormone is produced by the adrenal glands in stressful situations, but constant stress leads to the appearance of a “cortisol belly”. Lack of sleep also increases cortisol levels and causes weight gain.

How gut microflora affects fat accumulation

The human intestine is home to various bacteria. Some of them benefit the body, others harm it. An imbalance of bacteria in the gut increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer and other diseases.

Some studies show that the prevalence of harmful bacteria leads to weight gain, including in the abdominal area. Scientists have found large amounts of bacteria in obese people Firmicutes and suggested that such bacteria increase the amount of calories absorbed from food.

There can be many answers to the question of why your belly is growing: poor eating habits, lack of sleep, hormonal changes, lack of physical activity, imbalance of bacteria in the intestines, frequent stress and even diseases. In some cases, the belly grows due to the influence of several of the above factors.

Therefore, the site believes that the approach to getting rid of belly fat should be comprehensive - the right lifestyle will allow you to stay slim for many years.

The main causative agent of the disease is multiple species of fungi of the Candida family (albicans, tropicalis, parapsilosis, kefir, krusei, lusitaniae, guilliermondii, glabrata, lambica, etc. - 17 species in total). Different species strains of the fungus, in certain proportions, colonize several parts of the gastrointestinal tract at once and are present on the skin, nails, reproductive and urinary systems and the oral cavity (up to 30% in women).

It is believed that the main factor contributing to the development of candidal cystitis in men is sexual contact of an orogenital nature, during which active colonization of male organs with candidal flora occurs. The infectious process is caused mainly by endogenous (internal) causes. However, infection from the external environment cannot be ruled out (exogenous route - from soil, water, food, excrement).

Today, urologists note a significant increase in patients with pathologies of fungal origin. Normally, a small number of pathogenic fungal representatives are present in the body of any person in the inactive phase. Their activity is restrained in the body by microbiocenosis (colonies of normal flora), which helps potogens evade immune phagocytosis.

Fungal cystitis begins to develop when, due to certain pathological processes in the body, the balance of normal and fungal flora is disturbed and the immune defense is weakened. When the natural balance is disturbed, fungal spores rapidly multiply, penetrating the urinary tract, causing infection (urethral candidiasis with signs of candiduri in the urine), the development of candidal vulvovaginitis in women, and candidal balanoposthitis in men.

It is these factors (in 70% of cases) that lead to damage to the mucous membrane of the bladder, and in 30% of cases, when the damage is visceral (internal damage) or generalized (infection of the whole body), symptoms of fungal candidal cystitis develop. Isolated damage to bladder tissue is a very rare occurrence. As a rule, there must be certain reasons for this.

Reasons for development

For those whose immune factor is at the proper level, the fungal form of cystitis is practically not scary. The starting point for the development of candidal lesions with an inflammatory process in the bladder tissues of the urine is a decrease in phagocytic immune defense, the functions of which are influenced by many congenital and acquired factors:

  1. Hereditary pathology with signs of the absence of immune phagocytosis, which does not allow the body to build a protective barrier against pathogenic influences (Nezelof syndrome) is the most likely cause of the development of a fungal infection.
  2. Congenital malformations of the parathyroid glands and thymus related to genetic pathologies of primary immunodeficiency (Di-George syndrome).
  3. Viral infections in the form of mononucleosis, influenza, AIDS, HIV infection, endemic mumps and various strains of hepatitis.
  4. Long-term infections - osteomyelitis, tuberculosis, syphilis and others.
  5. Terminal stages of chronic diseases - cardiovascular, bronchopulmonary, or urological.
  6. Pathologies of metabolic processes - hypocortisolism, diabetes, hypothyroidism, overweight (obesity).
  7. Addiction to alcohol and drugs.
  8. Consequences of radiation and burn pathologies.

Often, symptoms of fungal cystitis appear after taking antibiotics for intestinal candidiasis or treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, after taking cytostatic drugs in the treatment of cancer and elderly patients, or as a consequence of hormonal treatment used to relieve allergic reactions.

Contribute to the easy penetration of fungal infection into the reservoir cavity of the bladder: non-compliance with techniques in the treatment of thrush (vaginal candidiasis), prematurely completed treatment of venereal diseases, diagnostic and instrumental procedures - methods of endoscopic and x-ray examination, or of an organ with signs of incomplete outflow of urine.

Clinical signs

The symptoms of fungal cystitis, in contrast to its bacterial form, have certain differences. For example, during inflammatory processes in the bladder caused by candida, signs of general intoxication of the body are not too pronounced. A brighter clinical picture is observed in the processes of the urinary system. This is due to an insufficiently intense immune response to fungal flora, which is significantly lower than the response to viral and bacterial infections.

At the same time, fungal colonies continue to actively grow and multiply, affecting large areas of tissue. With candidemia in the urine of the bladder reservoir, multiple fungal papillomatous growths form in its cavity.

Such growths in the area of ​​the urethral opening and its cavity are especially dangerous, which can cause disturbances in the outflow of urine, and their further growth can provoke acute urine retention and lead to hydronephrosis. The signs of candida cystitis in all patients do not differ significantly, regardless of gender and age. The only difference is the pain syndrome.

  • In women there is burning pain. They appear at the beginning of the act of urination and at the end.
  • The pain in men is constant and intensifies after urination.
  • The painful symptom in children does not depend on the time of urination. Both before and after it, the pain is the same.

Common signs include:

  1. Frequent trips to the toilet with a feeling of incomplete urination and a desire to continue.
  2. Significant reduction in the amount of urine excreted.
  3. Changes in the consistency of urine (color, transparency, blood inclusions) and the appearance of a specific odor.

The period of exacerbation is characterized by:

  • increased body temperature, general weakness and irritability;
  • development of migraines;
  • heaviness and pain in the lower abdominal area;
  • itchy and burning symptoms in the perineum;
  • inflammatory processes in the vagina.

Sometimes a fungal infection of the bladder does not make itself felt and is asymptomatic. As a clinical finding, it can be revealed during examination of various organs of the peritoneal cavity. It often appears in parallel with vaginal and intestinal thrush (candidiasis).

If we take into account the manifestation of the symptoms of candidal cystitis alone, then both the examination and treatment of the disease should be based on differential diagnostic data, by which it can be distinguished from non-infectious, bacterial cystitis, or thrush.

Diagnostic examination

Diagnosing candidiasis of the bladder is not an easy matter, because the presence of Candida fungi in the urine (candiduria) is also observed in completely healthy people. If the doctor makes a mistake and diagnoses bacterial cystitis instead of a fungal form, treatment will not yield results.

Moreover, the prescription of antibiotic therapy in this case has a depressing effect not only on pathogens, but also on natural beneficial flora. This will only aggravate the symptoms of the disease and provoke its chronicity. If the diagnosis is distorted, the prescription of inadequate therapy can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Diagnostics begins:

  1. From examination of female genitalia.
  2. Consultations of a therapeutic, gynecological and urological nature.
  3. From determining the presence of fungal, infectious and viral pathologies in the medical history and taking medications.
  4. From general screening of urine and blood.
  5. Detection of antibodies in the blood by serological analysis.
  6. Microscopy of urine culture.
  7. Detection of inflammation processes using ultrasound.

Only based on the results of the examination, confirming the fungal genesis of the disease, the doctor prescribes therapeutic treatment for candidal cystitis.

Treatment methods for fungal cystitis

Only a doctor knows which fungal form of infection provoked inflammatory reactions in the structure of the bladder. Based on the examination, he prescribes certain drug therapy depending on the clinical picture of the disease and the characteristics of its course.

The treatment regimen for fungal cystitis in women with medications includes:

Antifungal medicinal agents

  • Fluconazole or its analogues - Diflucan, Fucis - 1 capsule (150 mg) twice a day;
  • Nystatin (at a dosage of 1,000,000 units) – from 2 to 3 times a day (according to individual indicators);
  • Ampholipa (at a dosage of 500 units per 10 kg of weight) – once a day intravenously.

Symptomatic therapy

  1. To restore normal temperature readings - Ibuprofen or its analogues (1 tablet twice a day).
  2. Prescriptions of No-shpa or Baralgin for the relief of pain in the abdomen and when urinating are one or two tablets three times a day, depending on the severity of the symptom.
  3. Elimination of signs of swelling of the legs - diuretics Torsid or Trifas on an empty stomach in the morning (at a dosage of 10 mg).

Particular effectiveness in the treatment of this pathology is noted when using drip infusion (instillation) into the bladder cavity of the urine of the antifungal drug Amphotericin, which can stop fungal proliferation against the background of immune disorders. In the case of an asymptomatic course of the disease, therapy includes immunostimulating drugs such as Uro-Vax and vitamin and mineral complexes.

The therapeutic course is determined individually. Usually it does not last more than 2 weeks. But it is not recommended to interrupt treatment if pathological symptoms completely disappear. Patients must complete the full course of treatment.

As a folk treatment, various herbal medicine recipes are used in the form of complex mixtures and diuretic infusions. But all of them must be approved by a doctor. You should be aware that the use of herbal medicine does not guarantee the elimination of the infectious and inflammatory process. Herbal remedies do not affect the growth and reproduction of the infection, but only help to reduce infectious activity, which does not eliminate the risk of relapses.

The use of natural herbal remedies is just a good addition to the main treatment. The doctor may recommend purchasing ready-made or individual components from the pharmacy that have bacteriostatic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and mild diuretic properties.

The herbs of bearberry, knotweed, horsetail, leaves and fruits of cranberries and lingonberries, and chamomile have this effect. On their basis, infusions and solutions are prepared for internal use, douching, or used for taking.

Possible complications

With cystitis provoked by fungal activity, serious complications are quite possible. The development of inflammatory processes in the bladder organ is often accompanied by bacterial flora, which an organism with a weakened immune system is unable to fight on its own. It is quite a difficult task to cure both fungal and bacterial cystitis at the same time.

Unpleasant consequences can occur:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • complete failure of renal function;
  • or generalized damage to the body.

Treating a disease if you seek medical help in a timely manner is, of course, easier than dealing with complications later.

To prevent relapse of the disease or its exacerbation, a number of medical recommendations should be followed, which include:

  • Compliance with hygiene rules - cleanliness of the body and proper regime (at least 8 hours of rest).
  • A proper diet with a complete diet, excluding the intake of foods that irritate the mucous tissues of the bladder.
  • Exercising to stimulate the immune system and strengthen the muscle membrane of the MP.
  • Timely treatment of urological pathologies and examination by a doctor.
  • Take medications only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Candidal cystitis must be eliminated in its very “bud”, when only its first signs begin to appear. If you ignore the process, the fungal infection will quickly affect the entire body, and getting rid of it will be long and quite difficult. The main thing is to recognize the infection in time and begin treatment, then nothing can threaten your health.

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Questions and answers on: fungal flora

2013-07-17 13:23:42

Anastasia asks:

Good afternoon
I'm planning a pregnancy.
There are complaints of mild itching. Mostly appears in the middle of the cycle.

Took tests:

1) cervical canal 2) urethra 3) vagina

1) 15-20
2) 1-0 3) 10-15

epithelium -
1) 10-15
2) 5-10 3) 10-15

rod flora
1) yes
2) eat 3) abundantly
Key cells
1) no
2) no 2) no
trichomonas - no
mucus - no
Fungal flora
1) no
2) no 3) yes

Treated: 6 Betadine suppositories

Then I took the test:
1) cervical canal 2) urethra 3) vagina
leukocytes - 1) 13-15
2) UNITS N/W 3) 30-35

epithelium -
1) up to 7
2) until 18 3) until 7

rod flora
1) abundantly
2) eat 3) abundantly

1) +
2) no 3)+

Herpes (by Elisa method) - no, PCR: chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma - negative, antibiogram for mycoplasma and ureaplasma - negative; tank seeding: no aerobic pathogens grew from the material, flora +.

My husband periodically develops pustules on the penis (very small), which go away in a week or two; skin wrinkled. We protect ourselves with condoms.

Question: does my husband need treatment??? Are my tests normal (increased number of white blood cells in the vagina)?

Answers Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

If you are healthy, then why is itching bothering you?... It is necessary to have the man examined by an andrologist or urologist. You need to repeat the tank. seeding of secretions after drug or food or physiological provocation. Local treatment in one partner cannot be effective; this infection is common to both sexual partners. You are under-examined. An examination is required within the antenatal clinic.

2013-06-16 14:58:14

Natasha asks:

Hello! In winter I suffered from cystitis. There was acute pain during and after urination, frequent urges and a couple of times there was blood in the urine, itching, burning. A nightmare! At night I got up 2-3 times to go to the toilet. I didn't go to the doctor. Saw Canephron, urocholum, corn silk. At the same time, there was also thrush. She was treated with Hexicon. Then at the end of March she fell ill with the flu, after which she went to the therapist and had a urine test: protein not detected, sugar negative, leukocytes 10-12 in the blood cell, red blood cells 1-2, mucus - large amount . Blood: hemoglobin 98, red blood cells 3.7, color index 0.8, leukocytes 5.8, ROE 5. They prescribed me Cefutil and cystone. Later, I began to observe a periodic increase in temperature in the evening, 37 (under the arm), 37-37.2 under the tongue, before going to bed everything was normal. The temperature doesn't bother me, I feel fine. Sometimes I get nervous, I feel it’s getting hot, I take the temperature. and it's a little higher. although if under the tongue 37.2 seems to be normal? The urinary tract doesn’t particularly bother me, there is only discomfort if I don’t empty it on time, I tolerate it. I went to the therapist, (to another clinic) and took tests again. Blood: leukocytes 5.2 G/L, erythrocytes 5.61 T/L, hemoglobin 135 g/L (sorbifer), hematocrit 0.411 L/L, platelets 325 G/L, average erythrocyte volume 73 fl, average Hb content in erythrocyte 24.1 pg, average concentration of Hb in erythrocytes is 328 g/l. distribution of erythrocytes by volume is 22.9%, lymphocytes 37.6%. monocytes 5.0%, granulocytes 57.4%, ESR 4 mm/hour. Leukoformula: eosinophils 0%, band neutrophils -, segmented neutrophils 58%, lymphocytes 39%, monocytes 3%, basophils -, metamyelocytes -, myelocytes -. Urine: color - light yellow, transparent, pH reaction is acidic, protein is not detected, glucose is not detected, leukocytes 5-6 in p.z., (and there were 10-12), erythrocytes 2-3 in p.z. sp. (donated the day before menstruation), flat epithelium in significant quantities, transitional - not obn., renal - not obn., hyaline and granular cylinders - not obn., mucus - not obn., bacterial and fungal flora - not obn. , salts are not obn. I am worried about the acidic pH of the urine. What does it depend on? I’m very afraid of kidney tuberculosis or something else terrible. I also had an ultrasound of the kidneys: the shape of both kidneys is normal, the right position is nephroporosis (the doctor said that it is doubled, but this is not scary), the size of the right one is 11.8 cm * 3.7 cm, the left one the location is normal, size 11.7 cm * 3.6 cm, right parinchema 15 mm, left 16 mm. The echogenicity of the parinchema is normal, the structure of the parinchema is preserved. ChLS on the right in the form of two groups (incomplete doubling?) + does not contain stones. No mass formations were found. The ureters are not visualized, there is no data for the block. The adrenal glands are not visualized; no space-occupying formations or foci of pathological density were found in their projection. Enlarged l/nodes at the examined level are not reliably visualized. Conclusion: the echo structure is preserved. I also had a chest X-ray - everything is fine, liver tests are normal, ultrasound of the peritoneum - everything is normal. There are no hepatitis B or C. The doctor said that everything is fine. The worst thing was ruled out. And for urinary problems, she also prescribed bearberry, a kidney mixture, canephron, cystone, and urocholum. Alternate. She said that we could do without antibiotics. Do you think this is enough? No pathogenic flora was detected, and the urine was acidic. Should I worry or not? Thank you.

Answers Mazaeva Yulia Alexandrovna:

I recommend contacting a gynecologist for a PCR scraping for all sexually transmitted infections: gonorrhea, trichomonas, chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, which (if detected) could cause acute cystitis, because you had thrush, and it also occurs with certain concomitant factors (including sexually transmitted infections). You do not currently need treatment from a urologist.

2013-04-03 06:46:04

Karina asks:

Hello, I have been worried about white vaginal discharge for a long time; it can have a creamy consistency, there is also liquid itching from time to time, lately there has been no itching, I was tested for fungal flora, as well as ureoplasma and mycoplasma, just a tank culture, as well as for trichomonas, gonorrhea using the method PCR did not find anything. Tell me what this could be and what other tests can be taken? Tell me, does my husband sometimes get red on the head of his penis? What tests should he take?

Answers Purpura Roksolana Yosipovna:

Perhaps you have vaginal dysbiosis. What is the concentration of lactobacilli in the culture? For dysbacteriosis, bacterial preparations are indicated. If there is no dysbiosis, then it is advisable to donate blood for hormones; hormonal imbalance can also be accompanied by discharge. The head of the penis can become inflamed due to improper personal hygiene. Smegma can accumulate in the folds of the foreskin, which leads to irritation and inflammation.

2013-02-11 10:15:53

Karina asks:

Hello, I'm constantly worried about white discharge from the vagina, the doctors diagnosed thrush, I took a lot of medications, nothing helped, in the end I had the tank cultured for fungal flora, they found Cryptoccocus Laurentia, I visited several gynecologists, they have not encountered such a fungus, they don’t even know if it is sexually transmitted, Sensitivity analysis determined the medication to be flucytosine, but fluconazole is resistant, I can’t get this medicine anywhere, it’s not even in Russia, my doctor throws up his hands, but he advised me to be treated with orungal, although he doesn’t know if it will help, tell me what to do? I want to get pregnant but I’m afraid What if I have a miscarriage or the fungus is passed on to the child? And is it still possible to consult with an immunologist if I boost my immunity and the fungus will go away?

Answers Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

Flucytosine - another name is "ancotyl". exists in tablets, capsules, granules, solutions. You are a carrier of this infection, but with a decrease in immunity, cryptococcus can lead to generalization of the process and possible intrauterine infection of the fetus during pregnancy. During pregnancy, this infection will be very difficult to fight. It can affect the lungs, cause meningitis,... Transmission of the infection by airborne droplets, but sexual intercourse is not excluded. The disease manifests itself in people with reduced immunity, in people infected with HIV. Treatment should be carried out under medical supervision, because a gapatotoxic effect, the development of anemia,......

2012-04-05 05:59:25

Evgenia asks:

Good afternoon I have pharyngeal candidiasis and have been cultured for fungal flora; the result is candida albicans 10b 5, resistance to clotrimazole, flucanazole. Bacteria testing did not reveal anything higher than 10B 3; blood sugar testing was normal; there were no hidden infections. There is no plaque in the throat, only redness, dryness and swelling. She was treated with pimafucin tablets 1x3 r per day for 10 days. There are no improvements. Tell me how to treat candidiasis. I have been suffering from pharyngitis for 5 months. In the annotation for pimafucin, the tablet describes how it acts only in the intestines, maybe that’s why it didn’t have a therapeutic effect in the pharynx?!!

Answers Oleinik Oleg Evgenievich:

Good afternoon A fungal infection does not just happen out of the blue. It is necessary to identify the cause and conduct a thorough examination. Please make an appointment with me. Be healthy!

2011-03-21 14:05:27

Victor asks:

Good afternoon
I have the following problem:
Almost EVERY TIME after oral-genital intercourse, I have unpleasant sensations in the head - itching, a feeling of incomplete urination, sticking and swelling of the canal outlet, . I took tests and it never showed the presence of an STD.
The last time I went to the doctor exactly a week after the act... He examined the smear under a microscope and said that the cause was bacterial and fungal flora...
I prescribed 2 capsules of Difluzol and 2 tablets of amoxiclav for 7 days. I put Vitaprost on for 10 days. The symptoms did not go away.
A month after the same act, I passed tests of prostate juice (I am writing as I could make out the laboratory assistant’s handwriting): ed chips up to 3 copies, leukocytes from 2-3 to 8-12, red blood cells 0-0-1, epithelial cells 0-1, lecithin grains and bacterial flora - died. quantity..
The doctor diagnosed an exacerbation of prostatitis. I put myself on 5 Olfen suppositories, I’ve been taking two Unidox tablets for a week now... The slight itching in my head WILL NOT go away!!
More features:
- I have chronic prostatitis
- unpleasant sensations in the head occur IMMEDIATELY after the act, maximum the next morning, and do not go away
- there have never been discharges
- does not depend on the time of year
- my wife has had thrush for many years
- once during such a “flight” I checked in SINEVO for everything possible, they didn’t find anything...
- urination is almost normal.. I don’t get up even once during the night.. during the day I go a little more often than usual.
- such a problem arises after deep and prolonged oral intercourse with a stranger, if you just indulged, then no... After my wife, this never happened...
- regular, vaginal sex - only with a condom.
- I don’t date prostitutes, all the women had husbands/regular partners..

Help, explain and calm down! Each such act brings the same problem! every time - you want it and it hurts...! So, against such a background, you can become impotent...)) and then ask you questions in another section...
thank you in advance!

Throat fungus is a fairly common disease caused by the activity of yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida, and in more rare cases, mold fungi of the genus Aspergillus. Mycosis of any localization is a real problem that should be solved very quickly. It is very difficult and difficult, and sometimes impossible, to stop an ongoing pathological process.

The massive spread of fungal infections is currently due to the frequent use of antibacterial drugs, which not only treat the underlying disease, but also reduce the overall resistance of the body, and also promote the growth and development of fungal microflora.

Throat fungus is found in men much more often than in women.
First it develops, and then the infection descends and spreads to the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx. Clinically, the pathology is manifested by unpleasant sensations in the mouth, dryness,... There have been cases when a fungus in the throat was asymptomatic and went unnoticed.

In persons suffering chronic diseases of the ear, nose or throat, the fungus settles most often. The causative agents of the pathology are both pathogenic fungi and normal inhabitants of the human body. Under the influence of unfavorable external and internal factors, the normal quantitative ratio of microorganisms living in the oral cavity and pharynx is disrupted, dysbacteriosis develops, and then candidiasis.


Fungus in the throat in most cases is candidomycosis, affecting the mucous membrane of the hypopharynx. Fungi of the genus Candida are yeast-like microorganisms that live in certain quantities in various areas of the human body. A decrease in general resistance caused by long-term antibiotic therapy disrupts the balance of local microflora and contributes to the development of pathology.

fungus of the genus Candida in the laboratory

The list of causes and factors contributing to the development of a fungal infection in the throat is quite wide:

  1. Endocrine pathologies - diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, adrenal hyperfunction;
  2. Congenital and acquired immunodeficiency;
  3. Intestinal dysbiosis, gastrointestinal dysfunction;
  4. Malignant neoplasms;
  5. Metabolic disorders;
  6. Wearing dentures, caries;
  7. Inhaled corticosteroid use;
  8. Blood diseases;
  9. Hypovitaminosis;
  10. Childhood, prematurity in infants;
  11. Inadequate treatment of ENT organs;
  12. Long-term use of cytostatics and hormones - oral contraceptives;
  13. Organ and tissue transplantation;
  14. Invasive diagnostic and therapeutic procedures;
  15. Long-term and improper use of local antiseptics - sprays, lozenges, lozenges;
  16. Menopause period in women;
  17. Microtraumas of the mucous membrane of the throat;
  18. Inhalation of air contaminated with dust, vapors of acids and alkalis;
  19. Smoking;
  20. Drinking hot food and strong alcohol;
  21. Reflux esophagitis.

The most common fungal infection is candidiasis. This is an opportunistic infection that occurs in various clinical forms and manifests itself in the form of superficial mycosis with damage to the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx. Fungi included in this genus are large yeast-like cells of round, ellipsoidal or oval shape.

Candida are aerobic microorganisms that are cultivated at temperatures from 22 to 37 degrees. They grow well on liquid and solid nutrient media: Sabouraud, agar with the addition of wort, glucose, as well as on selective commercial media: Candiselect and chromoagar. To prevent the growth of accompanying microflora, antibiotics and anti-mold substances are added to the nutrient media. To study the biochemical properties of candida, Hiss media with sugars is used.

Fungi of the genus Candida are sensitive to high temperature and pressure, ultraviolet and sunlight, chlorine-containing disinfectants, phenol, acids, dyes, alcohol and mercury. Candida is widespread and is found in the human body, on environmental objects, in medical institutions, hairdressing salons, bathhouses, and children's institutions.

The infection is transmitted from sick people to healthy people through household contact, nutrition and airborne droplets.
through contaminated food, kisses, and common household items. Recently, vertical transmission of the pathogen from an infected mother to the fetus or newborn child has occurred. Nosocomial infection with candidiasis through the hands of medical staff, catheters, contaminated solutions, and instruments is possible.

In addition to the main clinical forms, healthy carriage of candida occurs among adults and children. It can be transient and permanent.

Inflammation of the throat of fungal etiology can occur not only in the form of candidiasis, but actinomycosis or leptotrichosis. With leptotrichosis, dense formations of gray or yellow color in the form of spikes appear on the mucous membrane of the pharynx, and with actinomycosis, lumpy dark red infiltrates appear.


The main symptoms of fungus in the throat:

  • Painful sensations in the throat, worse when swallowing,
  • Hyperemia of the throat mucosa,
  • Oral hypersensitivity,
  • White cheesy discharge on the surface of the mucous membrane due to candidiasis,
  • Yellow coating on the tongue and back of the throat in the presence of mold fungi,
  • Cracks, blisters, small ulcers and erosions in the throat,
  • Swelling of the nasopharynx and tonsils,
  • Intoxication - fever, weakness, loss of appetite.

A curdled coating on the mucous membrane is a hallmark of a fungus in the throat. Discharge accumulates and rises above the surface of the tonsils, posterior wall of the pharynx, tongue, and palatine arches. White dots and grains are clearly visible on the bright red inflamed mucous membrane. The discharge may take the form of films or plaques that tend to merge. The plaque is removed with great difficulty, and erosions and ulcers form underneath. In the absence of timely and adequate treatment, the infection spreads lower and affects the esophagus, organs of the respiratory and digestive systems.

In a child, the clinical manifestations of candidiasis are much more pronounced. Intoxication and sore throat predominate. After removing the plaque, wounds form on the mucous membrane, from which droplets of blood are released.

When the palatine, pharyngeal or lingual tonsils are involved in the infectious process, fungal tonsillitis develops. The pharyngeal ring turns red and is covered with a white coating on top, spreading to the cheeks and tongue. In this case, the clinical signs are slightly expressed. Acute pain and intoxication are often absent. Patients experience discomfort and discomfort in the throat, malaise, headache, lymphadenitis. Children become moody and restless due to a sore throat.

Throat candidiasis is usually combined with candidal stomatitis, glossitis, and cheilitis. A complication of the disease is secondary infection, leading to the formation of ulcers and abscesses. In persons with weakened immunity, generalization of infection with the development of sepsis is possible.


Diagnosis of the disease consists of identifying clinical symptoms, examining the patient and studying the results of additional studies.

Laboratory diagnostics is the main and most informative diagnostic method, which consists in isolating the pathogen and determining sensitivity to antimycotic drugs.

The choice of research method is determined by the location of the inflammation and the nature of the lesion.

The material for research is scraping or washing from the mucous membrane of the pharynx, larynx, tonsils, sputum, purulent discharge of the upper respiratory tract.


Treatment of fungal tonsillitis is aimed at eliminating the main etiological factor of the disease, restoring the body's microflora, and strengthening the immune system.

Traditional medicine

Etiotropic therapy for candida in the throat consists of the use of antifungal agents in the form of “Fl” tablets uconazole", "Intraconazole", "Ketoconazole", "Amphotericin", "Clotrimazole", "Nystatin".

The choice of antifungal drug depends on a number of factors:

  • Type of pathogen
  • Clinical form of the disease,
  • The patient's condition
  • Patient's age
  • The sensitivity of the microbe to antimycotic agents,
  • Presence of immunosuppression.

Anfungal therapy is continued for 14 days after the disappearance of all symptoms of pathology and the absence of candida in the material from the lesion.

They will help speed up the treatment process and strengthen the body’s protective properties. B vitamins in injections.

To strengthen the immune system, patients are prescribed immunostimulants and immunomodulators - “Immunal”, “Ismigen”, “Cycloferon”.

Local treatment includes the use of antiseptics in the form of aerosols and solutions - “ Miramistin", "Fukortsina", "Brilliant Green". Drops drop into children's mouths "Nizoral", "Pimafucin".

Drug treatment of fungal tonsillitis is supplemented with physiotherapy - ultraviolet irradiation of the palate and tonsils.


Traditional medicine complements basic treatment, but does not replace it. You can use any folk remedy only after consultation with a specialist.

  1. Gargle with infusion of golden mustache, oak bark, garlic or celandine, and soda solution.
  2. Chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, and calendula have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Decoctions of these herbs are used for gargling.
  3. A remedy consisting of lemon juice and golden mustache is instilled into the nose. This composition destroys fungus in the nose and nasopharynx.
  4. Inhale the vapors of fir and eucalyptus oils.
  5. Tea tree oil is added to rinses.
  6. For candidal tonsillitis, use an infusion of Kalanchoe and propolis, as well as diluted apple cider vinegar, to rinse the mouth.


To prevent fungal infection you must:

Video: fungus, fungal infections - Dr. Komarovsky