Directory of homeopathic medicines for diseases. List of homeopathic remedies: treatment like like

Homeopathy is healing that focuses on the person, and not on the disease from which he suffers.

The list of homeopathic medicines used by doctors includes several thousand items, but several hundred are most often used.

Principles of homeopathy

The first principle is that like cures like.

The second is the effect of small doses. During the dilution stages, the potency of the medicine increases.

The third principle is that the strength of the drug increases during dilution by rubbing or shaking the substance at each stage of dilution.

The fourth is the mandatory determination of the constitutional type of a person.

Two similarities of homeopathy, on the basis of which treatment tactics are formed

The first is the similarity between the disease and the medicine. Wherein good treatment results are achieved by prescribing appropriate medications if available certain symptoms diseases.

The second is between the patient and the medicine. In this case, a specific medicine is prescribed to a patient with the corresponding constitutional type.

Treatment is especially effective when two similarities coincide.

Homeopathic constitution

The concept of a homeopathic constitution differs from general ideas about the constitution of people. Classic constitutional types include:

  • normosthenic;
  • hypersthenic;
  • asthenic.

In homeopathy they are supplemented with important details:

  • color differences of skin, hair, eyes;
  • wet or dry skin;
  • warmth or coolness of the extremities;
  • two- or one-sided blush of the cheeks.

This individualization and detailing of physical features characterizes the homeopathic constitution.

The behavior and psychological characteristics of the patient are also taken into account:

  1. The patient belongs to one of the psychotypes: sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic.
  2. Type of person: artistic or thinking.
  3. It is necessary to clarify the details: favorite position in sleep, etc. The patient’s attitude to the moon, sun and various natural phenomena.

How to release

Without a prescription - complex and single-component homeopathic medicines according to the order approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

By prescription - single-component drugs from list A, as well as drugs that are prepared according to prescriptions.


Storage in a dark, dry, cool place is recommended. Medicines must be protected from foreign odors and impacts.Strong-smelling and volatile products (camphor, creosote) are stored separately.The shelf life of the drugs is 2-3 years.It is advisable to touch the medications as little as possible. The required dose must be poured into the palm of your hand and immediately sent into the mouth.Medicines that fall on the floor should be thrown away.

List of homeopathic medicines for your home medicine cabinet

It is useful to have a small set of medicines at home for the most common diseases and syndromes:Aconite, Arnica, Arsalb, ​​Beladonna, Bryonia, Chamomilla, Hepar sulph., Mercurius, Nat. mur., Pulsatilla, Phosphorus, Rhus tox, Nux Vomica, Sulfur.There is a list of homeopathic remedies for people who already have treatment experience. It is represented by 25 substances.

Medicines needed while on holiday

Homeopathic remedies can be very effective in treating disorders that can disrupt rest days.

Below is a list of homeopathic remedies useful for various complications:

Below are some homeopathic medicines (list) and a description of their main indications. They are used to provide emergency care and in acute conditions:

The homeopathic medicines presented above (list of medicines) are far from full list products with unusual effects. There are many more of them.

Also in reference books you can find a list of homeopathic medicines in alphabetical order, on average consisting of 50-100 substances with descriptions brief description active substance and main indications.

Application homeopathic remedies allows in many cases to reduce or eliminate pharmacotherapy and prevent its onset side effects and drug disease.

What you need to have in a homeopathic pharmacy

1. Apis - swelling
2. Antimonium tartaricum – acute or chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma
3. Acidum phosphoricum - depression, neurasthenia, insomnia, fractures
4. Arsenicum album- a unique remedy that covers many severe symptoms
5. Antimonium crudum – neurasthenia (drowsiness, irritability), gastritis, eczema
6. Arnica – injuries, bruises, concussions, strokes, varicose veins, scars
7. Aconitum – acute inflammation, facial neuralgia, headaches
Hahnemann said that if he had been told to keep only two of all the medicines, he would have chosen Aconite and Arsenicum album.
8. Aesculus – hemorrhoids, varicose veins, follicular pharyngitis
9. Agaricus – blepharospasm, eczema, chorea, strabismus
10. Allium cepa – acute rhinitis with lacrimation, conjunctivitis
11. Belladonna – inflammation, delirium, fever
12. Bryonia – fever, pleurisy, rheumatism, mastitis, neuralgia
13. Baryta carbonica– physical and mental retardation, atherosclerosis
14. Berberis – kidneys, menstruation, cholelithiasis
15. Calcarea carbonica– rickets, exudative diathesis, adenoids, polyps, bones, teeth
16. Carbo vegetabilis – severe conditions (with blue lips), bloating
17. Chamomilla – ideal for children – neurasthenia, insomnia, teething, colic, flatulence, dermatitis
18. Camphora – palpitations, collapse, fainting, in addition, an antidote to most homeopathic medicines
19. Cina – worms, enuresis, epilepsy, strabismus
20. Duicamara - all colds in damp, rainy weather
21. Ferrum metallicum – anemia, dizziness
22. Gelsemium – catarrh of the upper respiratory tract
23. Grafites – eczema, skin cracks, diathesis, nail deformation, constipation
24. Glonoinum – homeopathic nitroglycerin
25. Hepar sulfur – suppurative processes
26. Ipecacuanha – you will overeat – 6 peas and you can do the same again, + cough until you vomit
27. Ignatia – heavy losses, insomnia, tics, neuralgia
28. Nux vomica – for any gastrointestinal problems – heartburn, constipation, bloating, alcoholism
29. Iodum – runny nose, allergies, skin, thyroid
30. Lachesis – jealousy, childhood infections, thrombophlebitis
31. Lycopodium – childhood diseases, liver, constipation
32. Ledum – cuts from sharp objects, insect bites, including ticks!!!
33. Mercurius solubilis – acute and chronic inflammation at any stage
34. Sepia – super for women! Migraine, menopause, hypotension
35. Nux moschata – hysteria, convulsions, daytime drowsiness
36. Opium - atonic constipation, chronic alcoholism, traumatic shock
37. Phytolacca – sore throat, pharyngitis, mastitis, rheumatism
38. Silicea – chronic abscesses, inflammatory processes, cough,
39. Pulsatilla – for gentle whiny blondes, miscellaneous,
40. Sulfur – catalyst, + constipation, hemorrhoids, eczema, all skin, all bronchitis, etc.
41. Thuja – immunomodulator, against tissue growths – moles, polyps, warts
42. Zincum - a very good remedy for children - removes many problems
I consider what is highlighted necessary. The rest would be necessary if funds allow, because in homeopathy everything depends on the smallest symptoms. The selected medicines are polychrests - they act on everyone and do not depend on the individual’s characteristics!
We calculate the dilutions (very approximately) as follows: for acute diseases (just emerging) - low dilutions from 3 to 12; for chronic medium dilutions - from 30 to 100, for the psyche (and associated problems) high from 100 to 1000, etc. But keep in mind, the higher the dilution, the stronger and deeper it acts and the less often it needs to be taken.
It is best if you find yourself a homeopath of the classical school (monopreparations). You will be shocked by the effectiveness of homeopathy, believe me.

Raw materials: Spongilla lacustris L. - Freshwater sponge (whole animal).
Family: Spongillidae - Freshwater sponges.

Used in the treatment of goiter (microfollicular, parenchymal, colloidal). More suitable for chilly patients who are prone to palpitations at the slightest excitement (even during joyful events).
Worse - from cold.
Improvement - from heat and at rest (in a position on the right side).

Bryonia (Bryonia alba L)
Bryonia (Bryonia alba L). - The step is white. Perennial herbaceous plant. The root is large, fleshy, often bifid, yellow on the outside and white on the inside. Climbing stems up to 4.5 m long, equipped with spirally twisted tendrils, extend from the root. The leaves are alternate, long-petiolate, five-lobed. The flowers are unisexual, small, pale green. The fruit is a juicy berry. Grows in the European part of the USSR, the Caucasus, Central and Southern Europe. The dioecious steppe, found in the same places, has a similar application.
Homeopathic granules D3, C3, C6 and higher. Drops D3, C3, C6 and higher, Bryonia ointment 5%, Bryonia oil 5%, Bryonia opodeldok 5%.

Application in medicine

Bryonia has been known since antiquity. It was used by Hippocrates and Dioscorus Jr. Galley recommended it for stomach diseases. Later, Ibn Sina used bryonia for epilepsy, dizziness, cough, spleen diseases and snake bites. Doctors of old times used fresh and dry root as a menstrual remedy for epilepsy, paralysis, dropsy, asthma, gout, and mental disorders. Externally - for rheumatic and edematous tumors, etc. (Hager).
Currently, it is not used by official medicine of the Soviet Union.

Application in homeopathy

Bryonia alba was introduced into homeopathy by Hahnemann in 1816, after tests he conducted. The pathogenesis of Bryonia is found in Volume II of Pure Medicine. Bryonia was subsequently retested by the Austrian Homeopathic Society on 18 individuals.
Before Hahnemann, Bryonia was used medicinally mainly as an emetic and laxative. Hahnemann made Bryonia one of the most valuable homeopathic remedies for the most various diseases. From the tests, an individual characteristic characteristic of Bryonia was revealed - improvement of pain at rest and from pressure, and worsening from movement. This feature formed the basis for a differential drug diagnosis. Using it, you can easily distinguish Bryonia from Rhus toxicodendron, which is similar in action. The cessation of pain from pressure when lying on the painful side and from a resting position indicates the presence of an inflammatory process, which is temporarily calmed by immobilization of the inflamed tissues. The ability of Bryonia to selectively act on serous, synovial membranes and fascia and cause serous-fibrinous effusion, makes this remedy useful in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the joints, in abdominal cavity, in the meninges, with dry and exudative pleurisy, with bursitis and tendovaginitis. Bryonia is one of the effective remedies for diseases respiratory tract, especially in lobar pneumonia, since it is known from Bryonia poisoning that it causes hepatization of the lungs. Bryonia, as a remedy that causes ulceration of the gastric and intestinal mucosa, is used in the treatment of patients with peptic ulcers.
During the typhoid fever epidemic in Leipzig in 1813, Bryonia, together with Rhus toxicodendron, was used to treat 183 patients with a 100 percent cure.


Flu. Meningitis. Migraine. Neuralgia. Iritis. Sinusitis. Conjunctivitis. Nosebleeds. Bronchitis. Bronchopneumonia. Bronchial asthma. Lobar pneumonia. Pleurisy. Pericarditis. Peritonitis. Hepatitis. Cholecystitis. Pelvioperitonitis. Gastritis. Peptic ulcer disease. Enterocolitis. Atonic constipation. Chronic appendicitis. Acute articular rheumatism. Polyarthritis. Mastopathy. Mastitis is infiltrative. Acute and chronic inflammation of the tubes and ovaries. Amenorrhea.

Main indications

Nervous system. Excruciating headaches, often frontal. Shooting, tearing, stabbing, pressing pains. It seems that “your head will burst,” “your head will explode.” Headaches with throbbing and nosebleeds, worse from the slightest movement, even from the movement of the eyes, from touch, food, heat, in a stuffy room. Extreme irritability. The slightest contradiction causes anger. Dizziness. Rave. Obsessions. Fear of death. Memory loss; Aversion to talking. Wolf hunger.
Eyes. Sharp, shooting, burning pain in the eyes. Feeling of sand in the eyes.
Respiratory organs. Dryness and stitching pain when swallowing. Dry, painful cough that radiates to the head, chest, and stomach. Feeling as if the chest would “tear” apart. Forced to sit in bed and support chest with hands. Attacks of shortness of breath. Hoarseness. Frequent nosebleeds. Runny nose with shooting pains in forehead. Swelling of the tip of the nose. Cough with expectoration of mucous sputum.
Digestive organs. Dryness of the oral mucosa. Bitter taste in the mouth. Nausea. Hiccups. Burning stitching pain in stomach, worse from eating. Feeling of a “stone” in the stomach. Intense thirst. Cutting pains in the pit of the stomach. Pain in the stomach area on palpation. Morning diarrhea immediately upon getting out of bed. Diarrhea with bloody stools. Constipation without urge with hard, dry stools. Flatulence. Lack of appetite. Wolf hunger.
Liver. Liver pain on palpation.
Bones, joints. Swelling of the joints with sharp stitching pains, worse by touch and movement. Stiffness of the neck, back, lower back, knee joints. Rheumatic pain in the limbs. Gouty pain in the limbs. Weakness of limbs when moving and in the morning.
Female organs. Acute pain in the appendage area. Pain in the mammary glands before and during menstruation. Dense, painful infiltrates in the mammary glands. Vicarious bleeding. Oligomenorrhea. Metrorrhagia.
Modalities. Worse from movement, from heat. Better from rest, from pressure.

Doses. Given from 3x to 6 divisions. In acute inflammatory processes of the peritoneum, joints, lungs - 3x. For constipation in infants - Zx. At bronchial asthma- 6 divisions.

Veratrum viride
Raw materials: Veratrum viride Ait. - Green hellebore (underground part of the plant).
Family: Melanthiaceae - Melanthiaceae (Liliaceae p.p).
Homeopathic granules D3, C3, C6 and higher. Drops D3, C3, C6 and higher.
Used in acute febrile conditions during septic processes with a rush of blood to the head, full heavy pulse, collapse, cold sweat, weakness, nausea and vomiting. Sunstroke, hypertension, angina, sepsis, pneumonia, influenza, meningitis, etc.
Worsening - in the morning, on the move, sitting.
Improvement - from rubbing and pressure, lying down.

Raw materials: Nitroglycerin. C3H5N3O9.
Homeopathic granules D3, C3, C6 and higher. Drops D3, C3, C6 and higher.
Affects the nervous system, heart and circulatory system. Rush of blood to the brain, lungs. Stroke. Convulsive states. Neurosis of the heart. Migraine. Seasickness. Sunstroke. Signs: illness, fearful anxiety, agitation, desire to run somewhere. The face is red, there is a rush of blood with dizziness, a feeling as if the head was swollen. Feeling of weakness and fatigue throughout the body with yawning. State of mind - anxiety with a feeling of melancholy and fear.

Raw materials: Digitalis purpurea L. - Foxglove red (leaves or tips of aboveground shoots).
Family: Noricaceae - Scrophulariaceae.
Homeopathic granules D3, C3, C6 and higher. Drops D3, C3, C6 and higher.
It affects the circulatory system, excretory (secretory) glands, fibrous and aponeurotic tissue (ligaments and joints), fiber, mucous membranes, the nervous system of the brain, and muscles of organs. Used for heart defects, pleurisy, chronic bronchitis, gastritis, colitis. Characteristic signs: increased cardiac activity, palpitations, pain in the temples, in the right and left half of the head, weakened memory, manic delirium, urinary incontinence, indigestion.

Raw materials: Strychnos ignatii Berg. - Chilibuha Ignacy (seeds).

Homeopathic granules C6, C12, C30 and above. Drops C3, C6, C12 and higher. Powder (trituration) C3.
The consequences of worries, worries, sadness, melancholy, disappointment in love. Expressiveness. Fright. Sadness associated with the loss of loved ones. Hysteria. Migraine. Pain in the stomach and intestines. In contrast to the pathogenesis of Bryonia and Nux vomica with their more external manifestations Ignatia is characterized by quiet sadness, isolation, and a feeling of a lump in the throat.

Raw materials: Cinnamomum camphora(L.) J.S.Presl - Camphor cinnamon or camphor laurel (wood from which camphor is obtained).
Family: Laurels - Lauraceae.
Homeopathic granules D3, C3, C6 and higher. Drops D2, D3, C3, C6 and higher. Camphor ointment 10%.
Pronounced fall blood pressure, arrhythmia due to weakened cardiac activity. Spasms. Cramps. Neuralgia. Flushing to the head. Noise and ringing in the ears. Sharpened facial features, sunken eyes. An expression of suffering on the face, cold sweat. Pale cold skin, sometimes with a bluish tint. The pulse is weak, often slow.

Raw materials: Conium maculatum L. - Hemlock spotted (whole plant, tops of aerial parts, inflorescences).
Family: Umbelliferae - Apiaceae (Umbelliferae).
Homeopathic granules D3, C3, C6 and higher. Drops D3, C3, C6 and higher. Ointment Konium 5%.

Biennial herbaceous plant up to 2 m in height. In the first year, the plant consists of a bunch of basal leaves. The annual stem grows in the second year; it is highly branched, hollow, with a bluish coating, with dark red spots below. Leaves are trifoliate-pinnately dissected. The flowers are small, white, collected in complex umbels. The fruit is an achene. Grows everywhere, with the exception of the far north.

Part used: flowers collected before seed formation.

Chemical composition: alkaloids - coniine, conhydrin, pseudo-conhydrin, g-coniceine, methylkoniine, quercetin and kaempferol.
Application in medicine

Conium maculatum was known as a medicine as early as the 5th century BC. It was used in the 1st century AD for many diseases (Ibn Sina). In the 18th century it was widely used by Sterk in Austria, and in the 19th century by Harley in England. Hemlock was considered strong narcotic. It was given orally at OD-0.2-0.3 g as a resolving agent for scrofula, glandular tumors, cancer, as an analgesic, reducing convulsions, and also against sexual arousal (Hager). Due to the fact that Conium maculatum caused poisoning, its use in general medicine was discontinued.

Conium maculatum was introduced into homeopathy by Hahnemann in 1825. This remedy was thoroughly tested by him twice. The results of the first test are placed in “Pure Medicine”, the second - in “ Chronic diseases" Hahnemann became interested in the remedy because, from the works of the Austrian clinician Sterk, he knew cases of brilliant cures of seriously ill patients with the help of Conium, as well as cases of fatal poisoning caused by this remedy. Using Conium in small doses, Hahnemann began to obtain good results.

The pathogenesis of Conium is compiled on the basis of Hahnemann's tests and clinical observations of side effects him, and from the symptoms of human poisoning. Conium is a remedy that acts on the entire body. In homeopathy, Conium is considered a constitutional remedy, used mainly in the treatment of patients with chronic diseases. Clarke suggested calling Conium the “Aconite of Chronic Diseases.”

The characteristic symptoms established from the Conium trials are: dizziness when turning the head in bed and when looking at moving objects; sensation of paralytic weakness in the legs; sensation of pain in the apex of the left lung and sensation of a ball or lump in the throat, causing swallowing movements. Conium is one of the most commonly used remedies for painless hardening (induration) and enlargement of the glands: cervical, breast, ovaries, testicles, parotid, thyroid and prostate. With long-term use of Conium, tumors of the glands often resolve, and the development of malignant tumors slows down (Kent).

The absorbable effect of Conium on glandular and at the same time connective tissue has been used in the treatment of patients with the initial stage of sclerosis cerebral vessels. Conium gives improvement to patients in an advanced stage. Conium relieves spasms of the esophagus with difficulty swallowing and intestines with spasmodic colitis, as well as the sphincter Bladder with urinary retention. But indications for the use of Conium are also muscle weakness, paresis and paralysis.

A Conium type person is known in the community as a “grump.” This person is irritable, intolerant of contradictions, angry, gloomy. These include old people with symptoms of cerebral sclerosis or young people whose nervous system is depleted by some debilitating disease, sexual excesses or masturbation. They cannot concentrate, they have lost interest in work and their surroundings, they feel disgusted with society and at the same time are afraid of loneliness. Brain exhaustion is accompanied by general weakness with trembling legs, sudden loss strength in the legs, unsteady gait, uncertainty and numbness of the hands, stiffness of the joints.. At night - severe sweating. Sweat appears as soon as the patient closes his eyes. Diseases of the endocrine glands with the development of inductive processes in them are often observed.

Brain sclerosis. Headache. Paresthesia. Cramps. Paresis. Paralysis. Insomnia. Phlyctenular conjunctivitis. Cataract. Ptosis of the eyelids. Diplopia. Myopia. Presbyopia. Laryngitis. Bronchitis. Gastritis. Peptic ulcer disease. Spasmodic constipation. Prostatitis. Testicular induration. Mastopathy. Cystadenoma. Uterine fibroid. Cystic ovarian degeneration. Prostate hypertrophy. Eczema.
Main indications

Nervous system. Stupid headaches in the morning. Constriction in the temples, it seems as if the head will burst. Feeling like there is a foreign body in the head. Hot flushes to the back of the head. Dizziness when lying in bed. Trembling of the head, body, limbs. Feeling of numbness in various parts of the body. A crawling sensation. Feeling of cold in the head. Severe irritability. Reluctance to talk. Fear of people. Fear of loneliness.

Eyes. Paresis eye muscles. Ptosis of the eyelids. Severe lacrimation. Photophobia. Stitching and burning pain in the eyes. Farsightedness of old people.

Respiratory system. Spasmodic cough from dry throat. Increased cough as soon as the patient goes to bed. The cough is relieved by sitting in bed. Cough with phlegm that is difficult to clear.

Digestive organs. Strong note. Strong desire for salt. Aversion to milk. Very strong sour belching. Cramping pain in the right hypochondrium. Hungry pain in the stomach. Sharp pain in the abdomen to the touch. Improvement in pain from eating and worsening of pain soon after eating and at night. Spastic constipation with nausea. Heartburn. Severe flatulence.

Genitourinary organs. Urinary incontinence. Urinary retention. Intermittent stream. Involuntary ejaculation in the presence of women. Testicular induration. Impotence.

Female organs. Fibroadenoma and cystadenoma of the mammary glands. Pain in the uterus. Cystic degene of the ovaries. Dense tumors of the ovaries. Acrid leukorrhea. Itching of the genital parts.

Leather. Vesicular rashes. Impetigious rashes on the chin and scalp "Weeping and dry eczema. Brown and red spots on various parts of the body. Varicose ulcers with a fetid odor.

Modalities. Worse from cold, from eating, from physical and mental exertion, before and during menstruation. Better on an empty stomach, from heat, movement and pressure.

Doses. Given from 3x to 30 divisions. For mastopathy, fibroids, cystic ovarian degeneration and prostate hypertrophy 3rd, 3rd and 6th divisions. For cataracts - 6, 12, 30. For cerebral sclerosis - 6, 30.

Raw materials: Euspongia officinalis L. - toilet sponge, or Greek sponge (whole animal).
Family: Type. Sponges - Spongia.
Homeopathic granules D3, C3, C6 and higher. Drops D3, C3, C6 and higher.
For replacement therapy for hypothyroidism, nodular goiter, mild diffuse goiter, colloid goiter or euthyroid nodes and for the prevention of relapses. Pharyngitis. Diseases of the lymphatic glands. Characteristic signs: "dry, rough cough", "music in the chest", a feeling of dryness in the larynx and trachea. Sputum is scanty, light. Spongia is a drug containing iodine, so when you take it, hunger and thirst appear.

Raw materials: Spigelia anthelmia. L. - Spigelia anthelmintic (whole plant or aerial part).
Family: Loganiaceae - Loganiaceae.
Homeopathic granules D3, C3, C6 and higher. Drops D3, C3, C6 and higher.
The medicine is indicated for diffuse toxic goiter with palpitations, rapid pulse, and stabbing pain in the heart area. Chronic endocarditis. Neuralgia of the face. Neuralgia of the eyes. Migraine. Worms (tapeworm). Characteristic symptoms: sharp neuralgic pain, aggravated by movement, under the influence of cold, damp weather. Stitching pain radiating to the left arm, shoulder blade, left eye and left temporal region. Mental symptoms: anxiety and fear, concern for the future. Fear of sharp objects, irritability, touchiness. Shy, fearful patients.

Thuja (Thuja occidentalis) - Thuja occidentalis, tree of life.
Evergreen tree up to 12 m in height. The leaves are scale-like, dark green, arranged in four rows with oil-bearing glands. At the ends of the branches there are cones, consisting of one pair of sterile and two to four fertile scales. Grows in Eastern North America. Often cultivated in the European part of the USSR.
When horses that ate thuja branches were poisoned, the following phenomena were observed: loss of appetite, lethargy, increased heart rate, fever up to 39 ° C, pallor of the mucous membranes, enteritis, uncertain shaky gait, decreased sensitivity of the back of the body, legs, circumference of the anus (Gusynin I . A.).

Part used: fresh leaves and branches.
Chemical composition: essential oil contains pinene, thujone glycoside, fenchone, sabinene, borneol, thuic and formic acids, volatile substance, pinipicrin.

Family: Cypress - Cupressaceae.

Homeopathic granules D3, C3, C6, C12 and higher. Drops Q, D2, D3, C3, C6, C12 and higher. Thuja oil. Thuja ointment 10%.

Application in medicine

Fresh thuja tops were used as a soothing, diaphoretic, diuretic and cough suppressant. Thuja tincture was used externally to lubricate flat condylomas and similar growths, as well as for rubbing in for rheumatic pain (Harger).
Thuja, as containing a volatile oil similar in action to turpentine and camphor, was used for rheumatism, gonorrhea, malaria, scurvy; it was used as a blood purifier and anthelmintic (E. Linn).
IN folk medicine Thuja shoots are used for liver and kidney stones and in general for liver and kidney disease, bladder disease, gout, rheumatism, dropsy, as an anthelmintic, against roundworms (M. A. Nosal and I. M. Nosal).
IN official medicine Thuja is not currently applicable.

Use in homeopathy Thuja occidentalis was introduced into homeopathy by Hahnemann in 1818. The test results are in Volume V of Pure Medicine. Hahnemann discovered that Thuja occidentalis, when taken internally for a long time, causes in some people catarrh of the mucous membranes with mucopurulent discharge, warts on the skin, and polyps and condylomas on the mucous membranes. Applying Thuja to patients with similar growths on the skin and mucous membranes, Hahnemann observed their disappearance. From these observations, Hahnemann came to the conclusion that Thuja could be used to treat patients with “sycosis.” By “sycosis” Hahnemann understood diseases resulting from chronic or hereditary gonorrhea. Hahnemann saw in gonorrhea, as well as in syphilis and psora (scabies), the root cause of all severe chronic suffering of mankind. We will not talk here about the fallacy of Hahnemann's views on gonorrhea and scabies from the point of view modern pathology, the only important thing for us is that Hahnemann correctly understood the role of deeply acting drugs in changing the reactivity of a chronically ill organism. The remedies he indicated - Thuja, Vlercurius and Sulfur - currently occupy the main place among constitutional remedies in homeopathy. To apply Thuja to patients, one must know the constitutional characteristics of Thuja type people.
By their nature, Thuja people are lively, hasty in their movements and actions, impatient, very emotional; they get angry over little things, while listening to music they can cry, their mood is often depressed, but there can also be quick transitions from melancholy to joy. They suffer from severe chilliness, aggravated by dampness. Their sleep is disturbed, especially in the second half of the night; they usually wake up at 3-4 o'clock in the morning, suffer from an influx of thoughts, and if they fall asleep, it is only in the morning. Their skin is seborrheic, oily, shiny, waxy, covered with pigment spots, and is easily susceptible to various rashes and the appearance of warts. By their constitution, these are lymphatics with reduced resistance to infections, with a tendency to skin, gouty and genitourinary diseases. Under the influence of the disease, they develop delusional and obsessive thoughts.


Headache. Dizziness. Insomnia. Neuralgia. Chalazion. Barley. Conjunctivitis. Blepharitis. Polyps and warts on the eyelids. Chronic otitis media. Chronic rhinitis. Laryngotracheitis. Alveolar pyorrhea. Glossitis. Gastritis. Enteritis. Cracks in the rectum. Haemorrhoids. Angiomas. Warts. Polyps. Condylomas. Lipomas. Urethritis. Prostate hypertrophy. Chronic orchitis. Metritis. Cervicitis. Oophoritis. Ovarian cysts. Mastopathy. Oligomenorrhea. Menorrhagia.

Main indications

Nervous system. Headaches with a feeling of a nail driven into the head. Migraine from 3 o'clock until morning. Dizziness when walking in the dark and when closing the eyes, Intrusive thoughts: it seems that someone is following and is nearby; that something living is moving in the stomach; that the legs are made of glass and can break, or made of wood and can break; pain in rectum as from boiling lead. Increased emotionality. Music brings tears. Left-sided trigeminal neuralgia with redness of the left half of the face with a feeling of cold on the inside of the cheek, painful facial tic. Insomnia. Severe weakness with trembling limbs.

Eyes. Sharp pain in the eyelids to the touch. Feeling of sand in the eyes.

Ears. Formation of polyps, cholesteatoma and granulations with purulent, foul-smelling discharge.

Respiratory system. Purulent, bloody discharge from the nose. Recurrent nasal polyps. Nasal congestion. Warts and papillomas on vocal cords. Hoarseness in the morning. Dry cough.

Digestive organs. Inflammation of the gums with loose teeth. Caries of tooth roots with healthy crowns. The tongue is painful, covered with blisters at the root. Rapid satiety, aversion to meat, potatoes, onions with nausea, putrid belching and vomiting. Stomach pain after eating. Bowel movements in the morning at the same time. The chair looks like it came out of a faucet. Cracks in the anus. Severely painful, bleeding hemorrhoids.

Joints. Pain in the hip, shoulder, knee joints and small joints of the hands with crunching, rigidity. Feeling of heaviness in the limbs. The pain improves with prolonged movement. Uncertainty when walking in the dark.

Leather. Pustular and vesicular rashes. Pigment spots on the face and body, as during pregnancy. Angiomas bleed easily. Warts, polyps, condylomas, lipomas. Fetid foot sweat. Brittleness, deformation and splitting of nails.

Urogenital organs. Strong cutting pains during and after urination. Chronic discharge from the urethra, sticky, yellow in color. Pain in the penis. Chronic hardening of the testicles.

Female organs. Chronic metritis with purulent, offensive, acrid discharge. Cervicitis with polyps and cervical erosion. Acute and chronic inflammation of the left ovary. Left ovarian cyst. Mastopathy with pain during menstruation. Oligomenorrhea or menorrhagia. Sharp pain in the vagina.

Modalities. The condition worsens at about 4 o'clock in the morning and at 16 o'clock in the afternoon, from cold, dampness, heat, warmth of the bed, from tilting the head, from touch, food, especially after morning breakfast, tea, coffee, fatty foods, onions. Improvement from warmth, good weather, from movement. Laterality is left-sided.

Doses. Applicable from 1x to 30 divisions. Cooper (Soor) gave 1 drop of tincture once a week. Stauffer used 3x division once a day. For warts, give Zx twice a day. For facial neuralgia, all divisions from 3x to 30 are indicated. As a constitutional remedy, it is prescribed in divisions 15-30 every other day or 2 times a week.

Aesculuc Hippocastanum
horse chestnut
According to V. Bereke
This drug has greatest action on lower section intestines, which manifests itself in overflow and swelling of hemorrhoidal veins, with characteristic pains in the back, but in the absence of severe constipation (usually with hemorrhoids the pain is slight, but the bleeding is quite severe). Severe pain with minor bleeding. General venous stasis, varicose veins of purple color; the activity of the heart, digestion, intestines, etc. slows down. Congestion of the liver and portal system and a decrease in the functional activity of the liver with the development of constipation. The back hurts, “breaks down” so that the person cannot work. Flying pains everywhere. Feeling of fullness in different parts of the body; dryness, swelling of mucous membranes. Varicose veins in the throat.

Head. Depressed and irritable. Head, severe confusion of thoughts, dull, long-lasting pain, like a cold. Sensation of pressure in the forehead, with nausea, followed by sudden sharp stitching pain in the right hypochondrium. Pain as if bruised, extending from the back of the head to the forehead, worse in the morning. Neuralgic stitching pain spreading from right to left in the forehead, followed by flying pains in the epigastrium. Dizziness when sitting and when walking.

Eyes. Heavy and hot, with increased lacrimation and dilation of blood vessels. Soreness of the eyeballs.

Nose. Dry, inhaled air seems cold, the nasal passages are sensitive to it. Runny nose with sneezing. Sensation of pressure at the root of the nose. The mucous membrane lining the nasal turbinates is swollen and loose, which indicates a dysfunction of the liver.

Mouth. Feels like he's been scalded. Metallic taste. Increased salivation. The tongue is thickly coated; feeling as if he had been scalded.

Pharynx. Hot, dry, feeling of rawness; sharp, stitching pain in the ears when swallowing. Follicular pharyngitis, combined with congestion in the liver. The veins of the pharynx are swollen and tortuous. Throat sensitive to inhaled air: feeling of rawness, constriction or burning (as if from fire) when swallowing, especially in the afternoon. Initial stages atrophic pharyngitis in thin people suffering from liver dysfunction. Coughing with discharge of sticky viscous mucus, sweetish in taste.

Stomach. Heaviness, as if from a stone, in the stomach, with a constant aching (“gnawing”) excruciating pain, most often appearing three hours after eating. Pain on palpation and a feeling of fullness in the liver area.

Stomach. Blunt pain in the area of ​​the liver and epigastrium. Pain in the navel area. Jaundice with a sensation of pulsation in the hypogastrium and pelvic region.

Rectum. Dry, painful. Sensation as if rectum were full of small splinters. Rawness and soreness in the anus. Severe pain after defecation with prolapse. Hemorrhoids shooting in the back with sharp pain; asymptomatic and bleeding hemorrhoids; worsening during menopause. Copious, hard, dry stools. The mucous membrane is swollen, making it difficult to pass through. Irritation caused by roundworms; promotes their expulsion. Burning in the anus with chills extending up the back.

Urinary system. Frequent urination; urination is scanty; urine is dark, cloudy, hot. Pain in the kidney area (especially on the left) and along the ureter.

Male genital organs. Separation of prostate secretions during defecation.

Female genital organs. Constant pulsation behind the pubis. Leukorrhea with a feeling of weakness in the back, in the area of ​​the sacroiliac joint; discharge is dark yellow, viscous, corrosive; worse after menstruation.

Rib cage. The pulse is well filled and tense; feeling of heart pulsation throughout the body. Sensation of compression. Laryngitis: cough associated with impaired liver function, feeling of heat in the chest; pain in the heart area in patients suffering from hemorrhoids.

Limbs. Dumb long-term pain and soreness in the limbs and left acromion, shooting down the arms; numbness in fingertips.

Back. Weakness in the neck; dull, prolonged pain in the interscapular region; Feeling of weakness in the spine, back and leg “fail”. Back pain, including the sacral area and hip joints; worse when walking or bending. The feet roll in when walking. The soles of the feet quickly become tired, painful, and swollen. Swelling of the hands and feet, their redness after washing, a feeling of fullness in the feet and hands.

Feverish conditions. Chill at four o'clock in the afternoon. Chilling sensation running up and down the back. Fever from 7 to 12 pm. Evening fever, skin dry and hot. Profuse and hot sweat due to fever.

Modality. Worse in the morning on waking; from movement, walking; after bowel movement; after meal; afternoon; standing. Improved by cool, fresh air.

Relationships. Compare: Aesc-g. Proctitis. Very painful dark purple external hemorrhoids with constipation, dizziness and congestion portal vein. Hoarse voice, tickling in the throat, blurred vision, paresis.

Phyt. Dry throat; indicated, as a rule, in acute cases.

Negundibm americanum. Congestion in the rectum; hemorrhoids, severe pain in them (10 drops of tincture every 2 hours).

And also: Aloe; Coll; Nux; Sulph.

Breeding. From tincture to third dilution.

About the pseudoscience of homeopathy, it turned out that many people take homeopathic medicines and don’t even know about it.

The reason is simple: manufacturers carefully try to hide the essence of their crafts under scientific definitions and words. However, this is nothing new, because there have always been many opponents of empty drugs, and you can outwit them and sell them your drug only if you bashfully hide your face and call your drug not homeopathic, but simply supposedly with “low concentration.”

According to one of the experts who signed the anti-homeopathic memorandum of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the head of the project, neurologist Nikita Zhukov, people uselessly spend money on a number of widely used drugs in Russia.

First, let's talk about the so-called " hidden homeopathy”, which is trying in every possible way to hide its affiliation with homeopathy thanks to crooked formulations. However, it does not contain an active substance: in 100,000,000 tablets there is approximately one molecule of it or even less, since antibodies are very large protein molecules (homeopaths do not know this; they “cannot” study chemistry, physics and biology).

ANAFERON: prevention and treatment of ARVI; affinity purified antibodies to human interferon gamma – 0.003 g with a content of no more than 10–15 ng/g (nanograms of substance per gram of tablet). Included in the recommendations for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza from 2007.

ARTROFUN: rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and other joint diseases; antibodies to human TNF-α at a dosage of 10–15 ng/g.

IMPAZA: treatment of impotence. Some pro-erection antibodies to endothelial NO synthase, affinity purified, in what dosage? Yes, yes, 10 −15 ng/g.

TENOTEN: sedative; antibodies to brain-specific protein S-100/Tenoten): oral antibodies in a dosage of 10–15 ng.

PROPROTENE-100: drug for the treatment of alcoholism; antibodies to the brain-specific protein S-100 at a dosage of 10 −1991 (!) ng/g.

KOLOFORT: treatment of IBS and other intestinal problems; antibodies to human tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) - 0.006 g, antibodies to brain-specific protein S-100 - 0.006 g, antibodies to histamine - 0.006 g are applied to lactose in the form of a mixture of three active aqueous-alcoholic dilutions of the substance, diluted respectively in 100 12, 100 30, 100 200 times.

The next group of drugs, theoretically, judging by calculations, may contain some amount of the active substance, but we will never know for sure. Manufacturers use homeopathic terminology and dilution methods (“D” with a digital index indicates the degree of dilution: D1 = 10, D2 = 100, D3 = 1000, etc.), which are not generally accepted and are not tested in any way. The main problem is that homeopathic medicines with the possible presence of some substances may have an undesirable effect, but no one has any idea what, since homeopathy is not a science and does not require scientific (or any other) testing of its medicines.

AFLUBIN: for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. Contains herbs (gentian, aconite, bryonia) in various dilutions, iron phosphate and lactic acid (also diluted) and ethyl alcohol in a normal concentration of 43%. Included in the 2007 influenza treatment guidelines.

VIBURCOL: antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent in the treatment of respiratory diseases in children. Contains chamomile, belladonna, nightshade, lumbago, plantain and Hannemann carbonated lime ( Calcium carbonicum Hahnemanni, “In homeopathy, carbonated lime obtained from oyster shells is used. The carbonated lime obtained in this way is not chemically pure, but, nevertheless, cannot be replaced by any other preparations, since it was with this kind of lime preparation that Hannemann carried out his experiments."

You can buy this amazing substance separately. What’s most interesting is that the stronger the dilution, the less substance there is and... the more expensive it is! Ideal business.

GENTOS: from cystitis and prostatitis. Trees are also used: poplar, sabal (such a palm tree), as well as hemlock, iron picrate and potassium iodide, of course, in dilutions and with the most important active component- 43% ethanol.

INFLUCID: from ARVI and influenza. Aconite, gelsemium, emetic root, steppe, sable and phosphorus. Herbs are herbs, but you can read about homeopathic phosphorus in a collection of jokes.

MASTODINON: for the treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy, which usually does not require treatment. Contains herbs (twig, cohosh, violet, pearwort, iris, lily) in different dilutions.

PUMPAN: homeopathic cardiology ( ischemic disease heart failure, arrhythmias). Contains hawthorn, ram, lily of the valley, foxglove and potassium carbonate.

REMENS: PMS, menopause, amenorrhea and other gynecological things. Contains black cohosh, pilocarpus, sanguinaria plants, plus something “lachesis” from the venom of a South American snake, cuttlefish ink. The further, the more scientific, you can’t say anything.

TRAUMEL S: for fractures, dislocations and other minor issues such as arthritis and bursitis. A whole bouquet of herbs: calendula, arnica, witch hazel, yarrow, St. John's wort, belladonna, wrestler, chamomile, comfrey, daisy, echinacea, plus mercury oxide named after Hannemann himself (Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni) and something completely magical: calcareous sulfur liver (Hepar sulphuris calcareum), “a mixture of equal parts of oyster shell ground into fine powder and pure sulfur powder is kept in white heat for 10 minutes.” If so, then you might go crazy laughing.

CINNABSIN: treatment of sinusitis. Two herbs (goldenseal, echinacea) and two magic ingredients: mercury sulfide, potassium dichloride.

ENGISTOL: such an immunomodulator for the treatment of any inflammatory and infectious diseases. Contains three different dilutions of the herb with the cool name “swallow swallow” and two dilutions of sulfur.

And now classical homeopathy - super pacifiers, the manufacturers of which do not hide the fact that there is nothing inside.

AGRI: homeopathic antigrippin; contains the herbs aconite, belladonna, steppe, lumbago, plus the above-mentioned sulfur liver, iron phosphate and (the most interesting) arsenic iodide, more details - be careful, nonsense. Included in the 2007 influenza treatment guidelines.

OSCILLOCOCCINUM: a true standard. Are there still people who have not heard about the discovery of parallel universes by homeopaths? So: the drug contains the liver of a certain Barbary duck unknown to biologists (perhaps this is a real Muscovy duck) in such a dilution that, most likely, it exists somewhere in a parallel world. The drug was included in the recommendations for the treatment of influenza from 2007.

STODAL: cough suppressant. Contains a whole ecosystem: lumbago, sorrel, steppe, emetic root, sundew, burnt sea sponge (Spongia marina tosta), Cochineal mealybug (an insect), Lobaria pulmonata lichen and some (apparently, original content) “myocarde”.

The most important thing: if you were ever “helped” by any of these drugs, then it was a 100% placebo effect. You can continue to use them at your own risk, but they have nothing to do with medicine. All uses of the word “contains” are metaphors.

Nowadays, there are many alternative treatments to traditional medicine. People turn to unconventional methods treatment with homeopathic medicines, when disease prevention does not produce results and it is not possible to heal the body through prescriptions using traditional medicines. One of the treatment methods that differs from traditional ones is homeopathy.

What is homeopathy

The foundations of homeopathy were laid more than two hundred years ago, but homeopathy was officially recognized as a healing method only recently - at the end of the 20th century. Homeopathic treatment is a method that uses preparations containing very small doses of active ingredients. These active substances in large doses cause symptoms similar to those of the disease that needs to be cured. Homeopathic method literally stands for “disease-like.” This name was determined by the German homeopathic physician and pharmacist Hahnemann.

How drugs are made

The method of preparing a homeopathic remedy is based on repeated dilution of the active substance in a neutral solution to a concentration that will have healing effect. High dilution leads to the fact that the solution with the substance becomes absolutely safe, since the concentration of the substance is selected in the minimum amount necessary for treatment. The raw materials from which homeopathic medicines are made can be:

  • plants;
  • mushrooms;
  • minerals;
  • animals;
  • poisons and concentrated substances secreted by living organisms.

Dilution technology often involves the use of decimal and hundredth dilutions, which are designated as follows:

  • decimal: 1X or D1, 2X or D2, 3X or D3, 6X or D6, and according to the same principle - 12X-12, 24X-D24;
  • hundredths: 1 or C1, 3 or C3, 6 or C6, 12 or C12, 30 or C30, 200 or C200.

The dilution process itself, which reflects the basic principles of homeopathy, is called potentization or dynamization. A simple decimal solution is made as follows: one part of the original substance is mixed with nine parts of the solvent and stirred ten times. This is how breeding occurs until the required potency is achieved. With centesimal potentiation, one part of the substance is mixed with 99 parts of the solvent. For example, the designation C3 means that during the dynamization process the main substance was diluted 100 times three times.

How homeopathy works

Many people may mistakenly believe that all methods that do not fit into the classification modern medicine, are homeopathic. Herbal medicine may be mistakenly considered, i.e. treatment with herbal medicines, homeopathy. In herbal medicine, treatment occurs through the use of plant substances in high concentrations. The principle of action of such drugs is more similar to the principle of action of constitutional drugs of evidence-based medicine. Classical homeopathy is distinguished by the following features:

  • use for treatment of substances that in large doses cause similar symptoms to the disease;
  • treatment with solutions containing a critically small part of the active substance, i.e. potentized solutions;
  • drug testing is carried out on healthy people;
  • there are individual characteristics of the treatment of the disease (the use of different concentrations in a particular case);
  • the safety of the resulting medications - tablets, solutions, ointments, granules, since they contain herbal, natural origin And low concentrations components;
  • the rarity of side effects in patients;
  • individual treatment plans.

Homeopathy treatment

Homeopathic medicines are used to treat a variety of diseases and are aimed at curing the person, rather than treating the disease. Traditional medicine often explains the effect of homeopathic medicines as a placebo effect, but the list of diseases that can be cured by homeopathy shows the opposite. The effectiveness of homeopathy is observed in the treatment of:

  • acute diseases of the ENT organs;
  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • neurotic disorders;
  • diseases of the reproductive system, mammary glands in women, prostatitis in men.

Homeopathic medicines show their effectiveness when severe pain head, allergic reactions. If you use this technique to treat influenza, acute respiratory infections, the disease goes away faster, and the body needs less time to heal. full recovery. Even diseases that have become chronic can be treated with the right method, dilution and dosage regimen. It is important to know that self-medication with homeopathic tablets is often not effective if treatment is carried out without a doctor’s prescription, as with the use of allopathic drugs.

Homeopathic medicines

Common list homeopathic medicines are divided into:

  • drops and solutions;
  • creams and ointments;
  • pills;
  • granules.

Also, homeopathic medicines are divided into groups depending on the scope of application, composition (dilutions), chemical substances included in the composition. The Directory of Homeopathic Medicines will help with the choice of medicine to provide the correct medical care a patient who does not respond to traditional medications and has to resort to homeopathy.

Drops and solutions

Homeopathic drops and solutions of plant and mineral origin are used to treat chronic diseases of the nose, throat, vegetative-vascular dystonia and immune diseases. Drops and solutions are prepared using low dilutions and are often single-component preparations. Popular drops and solutions include: the following drugs:

  1. Euphorbium Compositum - drops with a dilution of D4 components, which are used for a runny nose to moisturize the mucous membrane. Uses instead vasoconstrictor drops for children. Pros – moisturizes mucous membranes, fights allergic processes. The disadvantages include ineffectiveness for serious exacerbations of sinusitis.
  2. Aqua Maris - nasal drops for a runny nose. Disadvantages - the composition is similar to saline solution, so many patients have doubts about the effectiveness. Pros – help relieve symptoms of rhinitis, relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa.
  3. Efrasia eye drops – vasoconstrictor drops based natural ingredients. The drops contain eyebright extract, which effectively affects the blood vessels of the eye without causing side effects. An undoubted advantage of the medicine is that it contains natural ingredients that are hypoallergenic. Based on reviews, no cons were identified.

Ointments and creams

Nowadays, homeopathic ointments and creams are produced under the same conditions as traditional medicine creams. All stages of production, raw materials and technology undergo appropriate testing, so this modern ointments you can safely trust.

  1. Calendula ointment - used to treat skin lesions. Effectively heals wounds, treats diaper rash and cracks. A significant advantage of the drug is its completely natural composition, high efficiency. Cons - not used to treat infected, purulent wounds.
  2. Arnica ointment - used for rapid resorption of hematomas and elimination of swelling. Allowed for use by children. Minus - it may not be effective for severe bruises with deep wounds.

Homeopathic tablets

Externally, homeopathic tablets cannot be distinguished from tablets made according to traditional medicine recipes. The composition of such medicines carefully selected to facilitate the course of administration and make it habitual, as in treatment using traditional medicine - 3-4 times a day. The main advantage of such tablets is the minimum risk to the patient’s health.

  1. Bronchostat - homeopathic cough tablets. The drug is used to treat bronchitis, exacerbation of the disease and cough due to colds. The main advantage of the medicine is that it helps well in complex homeopathic therapy of bronchitis, has small price and tastes good. Disadvantages - can only be used by children over 5 years old; an allergic reaction is possible.
  2. Avia-More - tablets for motion sickness based on natural ingredients, pleasant to the taste and at an affordable price. The downside is its dubious effectiveness - it doesn’t help every person against motion sickness. positive effect enough for 40 minutes. Approved for use by children over 6 years old.
  3. Angin-Hel SD - tablets for the treatment of tonsillitis. Well suited for preventing exacerbations of tonsillitis, increasing local mucosal immunity. Disadvantages - not suitable for treatment of exacerbation of tonsillitis.


The medicinal form of granules and powders is the very first form of homeopathic medicines. This is what they looked like 100 years ago. Nowadays, homeopathic granules have remained practically unchanged appearance, but its composition is much safer and more effective than those previously used.

  1. Badyaga computer – homeopathic granules, the main component of which is badyaga (a substance of animal origin that is made from freshwater sponges). Drug Badyaga comp. used to treat neurocirculatory dystonia. Pros - can be used even for children, cons - allergic reactions are possible.
  2. Aloe-plus - granules based on natural juice aloe. The drug is intended for the treatment of constipation, including chronic constipation. Among the advantages - it has a mild effect and does not cause side effects. Disadvantage: it may not be effective in advanced cases; it cannot be found in all pharmacies.

Price of homeopathic medicines

Compared to allopathic medicines, homeopathic medicines are reasonably priced. The cost of such a medicine may be inflated due to the rare component in the composition, or due to the popularity of its manufacturer. On average, the price of homeopathic medicines does not exceed 500 rubles per unit.


Today we can talk about a steady increase in demand for various homeopathic medicines. The explanation for this phenomenon lies in the overdoses that occur, as well as poisoning with traditional medicines. As an alternative to chemical drugs, consumers began to turn their attention to natural, natural medicines.

The modern market offers homeopathic remedies for all existing diseases. The quality and effectiveness of these natural preparations are confirmed by the international certificates and diplomas attached to them.

The emergence of homeopathy

In the history of medicine there is information about the possibility of treating like with like. Even Hippocrates considered this principle one of the main components of medical practice. However, only after several centuries did these approaches begin to be used in medicine.

The term “homeopathy” was first introduced in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann. This German doctor, in the work he wrote, outlined new approach to research practice, as well as the prescription, use and manufacture of medicines that were not within the scope of traditional pharmacy.

The essence of homeopathy

What is this teaching and what is its main task? Homeopathy is one of the areas alternative medicine. Doctors who follow its principles use highly diluted drugs to treat patients. What is their purpose? capable of causing healthy person the manifestation of symptoms similar to those of a particular disease. At the same time, the main principle of this direction comes to work, which states that like can only be cured by like. By prescribing this or that natural remedy, the doctor strives to get his patient back on his feet in the shortest possible time.

Difference from pharmacological

How do natural remedies differ from conventional medicines that are offered to us in pharmacies? The action of medications used in traditional medicine is not aimed at treatment, but at eliminating the main symptoms of the disease. The homeopathic medicine taken by a person has a completely different effect. What does it mean? This medicine will not remove a symptom that is not a disease at all, but only its manifestation. It will only support the body, which itself knows how to eliminate pathology; in the fight it will give new strength for the emergence of a full-fledged response to the disease. This will speed up the entire treatment process.

In other words, the homeopathic remedy plays the role of a specific signal. It modifies or triggers human health without exhibiting a direct bactericidal, virusostatic or other effect.

What is included in homeopathic medicines

You can purchase natural alternative medicine in pharmacies. At the same time, the list is quite extensive, and the price is quite reasonable. However for effective use of these drugs, you need to have an idea of ​​their uniqueness and the differences that they have in comparison with traditional medicines.

Many people believe that the composition contains only plants. However, it is not. Many other products are also used to produce these products. biological materials. Among them are organs and tissues of mollusks, insects and animals, as well as metals and mineral elements.

Production of homeopathic medicines

Cooking these natural remedies has a complex and very confusing technology, consisting of alternations, shaking, weighing and dilution. All medicines included in the list of homeopathic medicines are obtained by repeated dilution of the main substance. This process is carried out in water or alcohol, which act as solvents. This is then followed by grinding the resulting substance naturally.

Different types of dilution can be used in the process when preparing a homeopathic medicine. What does it mean? A dilution of 10 times is indicated by the symbol “D”, and a dilution of 100 times by “C”. Each of these types indicates the content in the solution active substance.

Breeding is carried out repeatedly. For example, each subsequent “D” solution will contain ten times less active substance than the previous one, and “C”, respectively, one hundred.

The standard list of homeopathic medicines includes remedies in medium and low dilutions. However, sometimes you can find medications that contain very little active substance. When creating them, a high (C30) degree of dilution was used.

Release form and use

The standard list of homeopathic medicines includes remedies for internal use, made in the form of granules and extracts. The latter form is considered the most effective in its effect on the body.

Before taking homeopathic medicines, the list and description of these natural remedies must be studied. This will help you choose the right direction of treatment and get rid of the disease faster.

Homeopathic medicines are universal. They can be used not only for oral administration, but also for making compresses, rinses and lotions. Homeopathic specialists talk about the complete safety of the drugs they recommend. The action of these natural medicines will not cause side effects and allergic reactions. Overdose is also impossible with their use. In this regard, homeopathic medicines are prescribed to patients of any age, including newborns. They will not harm pregnant women, nursing mothers, or the elderly.


Homeopathic remedies of domestic production are divided into two large groups:


Multicomponent or complex.

The first type of homeopathic remedies is prescribed only by a doctor in the appropriate field. The specialist will write a prescription based on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Complex drugs are often prescribed by traditional medicine doctors as general tonic natural supplements. You do not need a prescription to purchase these medications.

Cold treatment

Getting rid of a runny nose or flu using homeopathic remedies is not at all difficult. A properly selected drug will improve health within a few days after the onset of the disease.

When prescribing the right remedy, the homeopathic doctor pays attention to the patient’s specific symptoms. In addition, the specialist places a certain emphasis on individual characteristics sick. All these factors together lead to the fact that a doctor may prescribe different homeopathic remedies for different patients suffering from a cold or flu. Let's look at some of them.

Thus, during the onset of the disease, when pain occurs in the throat area, muscle weakness and extreme fatigue appear, accompanied by elevated temperature, a homeopathic remedy such as Gelsemium is often prescribed. It should be taken every two hours. Recovery may occur on the same day.

In more severe forms of the disease, when viscous yellow mucus forms in the ears and paranasal sinuses, it is recommended to take a remedy such as Kalibich along with the medicine Gelsemium. These homeopathic remedies for colds should be taken ten minutes apart.

If dry skin develops and gets worse at night, it is recommended to take a homeopathic remedy such as Bryonla. This will eliminate the need to use antibiotics.

However, the doctor, based on the patient’s specific symptoms, may prescribe other homeopathic medicines that will produce the maximum effect in each specific situation. The right medicine will help you get rid of them already on the first day of their manifestation.

Hormonal drugs

What are the main causes of cysts? thyroid gland, mastopathy, uterine fibroids, infertility, nodular goiter? The appearance of these pathologies occurs due to an imbalance in the body.

The balance of hormones in women is disrupted by pregnancy and menstrual cycles, as well as breastfeeding. Pathology can be caused by stress and poor nutrition. Some hormone-dependent diseases also occur in men. They just happen much less frequently.

Regular doctors treat a specific organ. However, the cause of the pathology itself is not eliminated. A large number of hormonal drugs are prescribed pharmacological agents, which create even more disturbances in the body.

How to regulate the functioning of all glands and organs? To do this, it is recommended to take homeopathic remedies. They will effectively and quickly get rid of the pathology and will not cause any side effects. The list of such remedies includes: Sepia and Lanchesis, Actea racemosa, Glonoin and many others. But it is worth remembering that the specific drug for the patient must be prescribed by a doctor. This will allow you to eliminate the existing problem as effectively as possible.

Natural remedies for allergies

Today, a large number of people suffer from this pathology. Some of them feel the symptoms of the disease only during a certain period of the year, while for others the disease has already entered the chronic stage.

Treatment is based on the general principle of this direction. It says that like is cured by like. Application of traditional medications turns out to be ineffective. They only relieve the main symptoms without bringing complete recovery. In contrast, homeopathic medicines:

Not addictive;

Allow the body to develop resistance to allergens;

Do not require dose increase.

In the fight against allergies, a specialist may recommend the following homeopathic remedies:

Allium flail;

Ambrosia artemifolia;

Apis mellifica;

Arum triphyllum, etc.

Independent selection of a remedy is possible only in case of minor allergic reactions. At the same time, the absence positive result will indicate that the choice of drug was made incorrectly.