Cosimifuga is one of the most important plants for maintaining women's health. For neuralgia, inflammation, hypertension, decreased performance. Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The grape-shaped crow, from the buttercup family. In France, tincture, as well as rubbing, is prepared from the dried root, but in America, tincture is prepared from fresh root. The first pathogenesis is found in Hempel’s “Medicine Science” and Hel’s “New Medicine Science”. Type Actea racemosa is a purely feminine remedy. The actea type, regardless of age, is always a nervous woman, with a pale, even bluish complexion and bloodless lips, with pale connective membranes of the eyes, with deeply sunken eyes with blue around them. She moves from the most unbridled joy to depression, indifference and the deepest despair. This woman is extremely impressionable, prone to sudden frights, fear of death and, especially, fear of going crazy, because... she is fully aware of her mental imbalance and confusion of thinking. Characteristic 1. Worse during menstruation. 2. Improvement while eating. 3. Pain in the left ovary and under the left breast. 4. A feeling of weakness in the stomach area, appearing suddenly or due to slight excitement, which can even cause fainting. The smallest amount of food gives quick relief. 5. Dizziness. 6. Alternation of mental and physical ailments. 7. Sensitivity of the spine, sensitivity to touch of the spinous processes of the 4th, 5th and 8th thoracic vertebrae. 8. Pain in the uterine area, passing in the abdomen from one side to the other. 9. Pain under the breasts, especially with changes in atmospheric pressure. Pains: sharp, shooting, like electric shocks due to irritation of the ovaries or uterus. Often of uncertain nature and localization, but improvement by fresh air, is their constant characteristic; their relief from food is less constant, although it is often observed. 10. Menstruation is irregular. Often abundant, sometimes scanty, but always debilitating and painful. Pain in the uterine region, extending from one side to the other in the abdomen. The more abundant the menstruation, the worse the general condition (neuralgia, pain, choreic movements, etc.). 11. Predom. left side. Summary Actea racemosa is predominantly feminine remedy, indicated for diseases of the ovaries and various reflex disorders associated with them, one should also not forget its effect on the spinal system, which it affects as energetically as on genital area. It is useful for men whose nervous system is shaken by increased mental labor or extreme drinking. One should not forget Claude's advice to always look for rheumatism in the anamnesis. The two main characteristics of actea are worse during menstruation and better during eating.

indications for use

Main indications Actea is, first of all, a very valuable medicine for reflex diseases associated with disorders of the uterus and ovaries. They always worsen during menstruation and often alternate with mental disorders. These diseases are very diverse: hysterical, epileptic, choreic spasms, headaches, cardiac disorders, various pains. Actea is also useful for men suffering from large nervous irritability, due to mental fatigue or excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. MENSTRUAL HEADACHE, migraine, which appears in delicate and nervous women before and during menstruation, especially if there are characteristic pains in the area of ​​the uterus and left ovary. Headache in the forehead, sharp, shooting, localized above the right eye and spreading to the temples, crown and back of the head and especially in the orbital socket, with sharp pain in the eyeball, as if from a blow. BLEEDING with severe pain in the back, extending to the ischium and thighs, with a feeling of heavy pressure downwards. Actea often cures PSYCHOSES IN PURPOSE WOMEN - this is a severe and restless mental state that often accompanies diseases of the uterus. It also helps with nervous system disorders during pregnancy and in some cases of melancholy, main symptom which is constant insomnia. GOUT. Actea successfully cures muscle pain, torticollis, and lumbago. Claude recommends that in cases where actea is indicated, always look for the cause of the disease in previous rheumatism; You should always ask about it in cases of chorea, torticollis, and lumbago. Rheumatism actea affects mainly middle part(belly) muscles.

effect on the body

Physiological action Actea acts mainly on the cerebrospinal system, on the female genital organs and muscles. The nature of the pain of actea resembles the pain of wandering rheumatism (Hempel). Honor of opening healing effect actea for women and nervous diseases belong to Hel.

Black cohosh, which is known as black cohosh or black cohosh, as well as red cohosh, is native to the humid forests of the North American continent. A plant of the Ranunculaceae family, blooming from early summer until autumn. His medicinal properties used by Indian tribes long before the colonization of America.

There are especially many indications for the use of black cohosh for women. It is not for nothing that one of the names of the plant is “Indian root”. Now black cohosh is used in pharmacology, folk medicine and for garden plantings.

Cosimicifuga - perennial herbaceous plant, growing in one place for up to 20 years. It has an erect stem with a square cross-section. The leaves are large, of two types, growing from the root, forming a large rosette. The bush reaches a height of 1.5 m or more. Gardeners are attracted decorative look inflorescences - long racemes (up to 1 m), covered with sessile white flowers with pubescence.

The flowers emit an unpleasant odor, attracting flies and other carrion-loving insects for pollination.

Procurement of raw materials

Cohosh for women is very popular and is included in large number drugs. In the manufacture of medicines and dietary supplements, different parts of the plant are used. Rhizomes are dug up in the fall, when the bush begins to fade.

After washing and dividing them into small parts, they are dried and air dried. The aboveground part (leaves, shoots, flowers) is collected during flowering. Thick stems are of no medicinal interest.

Chemical composition

The chemicals in black cohosh are characteristic of buttercups; their interaction provides preparations from various parts of the plant with medicinal properties. Modern chemistry and pharmacology have well studied the composition of plants used in traditional medicine for a long time.

Cohosh is useful for women, as it has a unique composition.

The following were found in cohosh raw materials:

  • flavonoids (formononectin) - substances that stimulate enzymatic activity and destroy tumor formations; killing viruses;
  • saponins;
  • alkaloids (have a positive effect on the central nervous system);
  • phytoestrogens;
  • palmitic and oleic acids;
  • phytosterol;
  • tanning compounds;
  • salicylic acid;
  • tannins and glycosides (cimigenol, acteol, actein, tsimitsifugoside);
  • phenolic compounds;
  • resins and essential oils;
  • sucrose, starch, fructose;
  • acids – methoxycinnamic, hesperidic, isoferulic;
  • gum - a resinous substance with antitoxic action that stimulates intestinal activity;
  • dopamine derivatives;
  • complex of microelements: Fe, Ca, Mg, Se.

Medicinal properties

Cohosh, like all ranunculaceae, is poisonous plant, therefore, the procurement of raw materials and their use for self-treatment- dangerous. Pharmacology and homeopathy include parts of the plant (roots are mainly used) in dietary supplements, herbal infusions, ointments, tinctures. Most drugs are intended for women. Monotherapy for this plant is rare.

Plant activity extends to:

Harm and side effects

Cohosh brings many benefits for women. When starting treatment, you need to take into account that taking medications with cohosh components is limited to a period of 6 months, after which you should take a break.

In some cases, when using it, the following may occur:

For any negative manifestations stop taking the medication and consult a doctor.


Cohosh for women is an alternative to therapeutic treatment. When choosing black cohosh preparations for use, be sure to familiarize yourself with the list of diseases and periods of life in which its use is prohibited, as it can lead to severe violations posing a danger to health and life.

The contraindications are as follows:

In addition, cohosh preparations are incompatible with certain medications (for example, to lower blood pressure), as well as with medications containing cohosh raw materials.

Indications for use for women

Cohosh for women has ancient traditions of use, dating back to the culture of American aborigines. This is due to the fact that the raw materials contain phytoestrogens similar to female sex hormones. They normalize the body’s hormonal levels and eliminate various manifestations that arise from imbalance.

Use in gynecology is aimed at:

  • normalization menstrual cycle;
  • pain during menopause and PMS;
  • moderate menstrual bleeding;
  • amenorrhea (lack of menstruation);
  • dysmenorrhea (painful condition during menstruation);
  • postpartum pain and complications;
  • infertility treatment;
  • facilitating labor;
  • uterine prolapse.

Cohosh substances do not directly affect the uterus, which does not lead to endometrial growth. During menopause, taking black cohosh helps to cope with hot flashes, tachycardia, vaginal dryness and other unpleasant symptoms of this period.

Homeopathic preparations containing black cohosh

The pharmaceutical industry widely uses black cohosh in the production of drugs.

Some of them are monoform, but most, in addition to black cohosh, include other plant and animal components:

Drug name Impact, indications for use, dosage form, administration. Side effects,


Prices (RUB)
KlimadinonPrescribed for menopause, 1 tablet twice a day, relieves negative symptoms.

The drug is in tablet form. Does not contain additives of other herbs.

The effect is noticeable no earlier than after 14 days.

Duration of treatment – ​​maximum 3 months.

  • allergy;
  • weight gain;
  • tension in the mammary glands;
  • stomach pain;
  • vaginal bleeding.

Do not use:

  • liver pathologies,
  • pregnancy,
  • lactation,
  • lactose intolerance,
  • epilepsy,
  • tumors
  • brain diseases.
330 — 610
MulimenDrops containing, in addition to cohosh, St. John's wort, nettle, jasmine, mineral compounds and substances of animal origin.

Prescribed for menopause, cycle disorders, PMS, mastopathy.

Take 15-20 drops 3 to 5 times a day.

No side effects were found.

Do not use: if you are sensitive to the components.

1300 — 1400
Menopause day-nightTablets for day and night use. Prescribed for menopause. In addition to black cohosh, the drug contains: hops, ginseng, passionflower, valerian, green tea.

The effect will appear when taken for 30 days.

There are no side effects.

Do not use: hypersensitivity, atherosclerosis, hypertonic disease 2-3 degrees.

420 — 1200
KlimaktoplanThe drug is in the form of tablets, which also contain sepia, lachesis, ignace, sanguinaria.

Indicated for menopause, cardiac disorders, for the prevention of oncology of the genital organs in the elderly, normalization of the functioning of the autonomic part of the nervous system and hormonal levels.

Prescribe 1-2 tablets three times a day.

Allergic reactions are rare.

Do not use: pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity to the drug.

500 — 800
Cohosimifuga-HomaccordContains strontium.

Effective for treating joint diseases, neuralgia, relieving spasms and pain.

Available in the form of drops and ampoules for injection.

ABOUT side effect and there are no information on contraindications.1200 — 1300
Qi-klimTablets containing only black cohosh extract.

Used to relieve symptoms of menopause.

Effect – after 2-4 weeks from the start of use, take no longer than 3 months.

  • allergy;
  • weight gain;
  • pain in the stomach.Do not use: pregnancy, breastfeeding, tumors, epilepsy, brain diseases, hypersensitivity, liver diseases.
200 — 400
Cohosh racemosaThe drug is available in various pharmacoforms: drops, tablets, capsules, dry extract. Effectively fights fatigue, nervous exhaustion, VSD, manifestations of menopause.Do not use: liver pathologies, pregnancy, lactation, thromboembolism, vaginal bleeding, estrogen-dependent formations, allergies.430 — 1400
RemensAlcohol drops containing other herbal ingredients.

Active influence on the symptoms of menopause, normalization of the cycle and gynecological inflammation.

Take 10 drops 3 times a day for 3-6 months.

  • increased salivation;
  • liver dysfunction. Do not use: lactation and pregnancy, intolerance to the drug, age under 12 years, together with other drugs of this plant, liver disease.
150 — 800
Estrovel (Valeant)Dietary supplement Available in tablets and capsules. Prescribed for the treatment and prevention of: PMS, menopause, recovery after gynecological operations, chronic cystitis, after 35 years to prevent aging.Allergic reactions.

Do not use: pregnancy, hypersensitivity, lactation, phenylketonuria, age under 14 years.

430 — 560

Tinctures using black cohosh

When making tinctures, alcohol or high-quality vodka is used, and the intake rate is expressed in drops:

  1. To downgrade blood pressure and relieving inflammation. Prepare a tincture of roots in vodka good quality(ratio 1:5). The drug is infused for 10 days in the dark and in a tightly closed container. Take 30 drops in the mornings and evenings in courses of 20 days.
  2. For insomnia, hysteria, depression, symptoms of VSD. To prepare the tincture, pour the chopped roots of the plant with vodka (1 tablespoon - 1 glass) and leave for a week without access to light, shaking the container periodically. Take 20 drops per day until improvement occurs (but not more than 6 months).
  3. For those who suffer from migraine attacks or experience chronic fatigue, it will help alcohol tincture rhizomes. 70% alcohol is poured into the raw materials (1:5) and kept in the dark for 7 days. Be sure to shake the container once a day. The course of treatment is 1.5 months. 40 drops twice a day, diluting them with water.
  4. For hypertension, a vodka tincture of the roots is used. Infusion lasts 3 weeks. Take 20 drops, diluting them in ½ glass of water, 1 time per day.
  5. For women suffering from osteoporosis, it is recommended to take a strong alcohol tincture.

The roots, drenched in vodka (100 g - 1 l), are infused for 30 days, filtered and drunk daily in the morning on an empty stomach. dessert spoon. Course of admission – 1-3 months. For men, taking this drug will not bring benefit and can cause hormonal imbalances.

Decoctions and infusions

The technology for preparing a decoction or evaporation involves thermal exposure (boiling) to the raw materials and infusion of the solution:

Compresses and lotions with black cohosh

Compresses are used externally for skin problems, gynecological diseases, diseases of the oral cavity:

In 1993, black cohosh became a prize winner from the Royal Horticultural Society of Britain. The American Pharmacopoeia had black cohosh in its lists for a hundred years.

Explorers of Canada, Europe and Australia at the end of the 20th century. stated the toxicity of plant raw materials to the liver and the risk for women of developing uterine tumors when long-term use black cohosh preparations. However, the American expert commission did not find a connection between pathologies and taking the herb.

Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about the cohosh plant

Description of black cohosh and beneficial properties:

The cohosh plant, or black cohosh, is widely used in medicine. different countries peace. It is most often used in gynecology, however, the presence of an extensive complex of useful substances determines its benefits for other organs and systems of the body. Studying the medicinal properties and recipes for using the cohosh plant for women helps to cure many ailments and alleviate symptoms.

Chemical composition

There are quite a few species of this plant in nature: black cohosh, Dahurian, branched, etc. Black cohosh reproduces by seeds. The rhizomes of this plant are mainly used as medicinal raw materials, and juice and fresh leaves are used much less often. The chemical composition of the herb includes:

  • vitamins A, C, group B;
  • minerals: selenium, calcium, magnesium, iron;
  • phytosterols are analogues of hormones, in this case represented by phytoestrogens (including formononetin);
  • flavonoids, alkaloids, acid saponin, triterpene glycosides, chromones, tannin;
  • tannins, resins (racemosin, cimicifugin);
  • phenolcarboxylic acids - hesperitic, salicylic, methoxycinnamic, isoferulic;
  • essential oil with a rather unpleasant aroma, gum;
  • oleic and palmitic acids;
  • sucrose, fructose, starch;
  • fats;
  • phenolic compounds.

The main share of useful substances comes from the root of black cohosh; in the above-ground part of the plant they are present in much smaller quantities.

Useful​ ​properties

The healing qualities of black cohosh are due to its richness chemical composition, the components of which are able to interact, enhancing beneficial influence on the human body.

The beneficial properties of black cohosh include:

  • Favorable effect on the female genital area. This is explained by the medicinal properties of black cohosh rhizome, which contains phytoestrogens. In case of their deficiency in a woman’s body, the plant helps stabilize hormonal levels and regulates the synthesis of estrogen. At the same time, black cohosh extract does not directly affect the uterus and does not provoke endometrial growth. The effect is carried out selectively on the receptors of the ovaries, bones, brain, liver, and aorta. Taking black cohosh during menopause eliminates the symptoms of this period (hot flashes, hyperhidrosis, increased heart rate, vaginal dryness, etc.), improves the psycho-emotional state and the functioning of the vegetative-vascular system. The plant is also used for menstrual irregularities and dysmenorrhea. In Chinese medicine, cohosh decoction is used for prolapse of the uterus.
  • Antispasmodic effect, headache relief.
  • Improving the condition of respiratory diseases, bronchial and cardiac asthma reduces the number of attacks.
  • Improvement metabolic processes in the body, lowering sugar levels, cholesterol, anti-sclerotic effect. This determines the use of black cohosh for diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis.
  • Calming effect for depression, emotional stress, hysteria, neurasthenia. The use of black cohosh is effective for insomnia and motor restlessness.
  • Positive effect on the musculoskeletal system. Used for rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, neuralgia for relief pain syndrome, prevents the development of osteoporosis (due to the influence of phytoestrogens on bone tissue).
  • The antimutagenic qualities of the plant contribute to its antitumor effect.
  • Diuretic properties are used in the treatment of kidney disease, providing an anti-edematous effect.
  • Use for colitis and gastroenterocolitis helps relieve inflammation. Strengthens the functioning of the digestive glands;
  • beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system, hypotensive and ganglion-blocking effects due to the content of alkaloids.
  • Therapeutic effect on cataracts.
  • Anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antitussive effects.
  • General strengthening of the body, raising its tone.
  • Relieving inflammation in sinusitis.
  • Elimination of toothache, therapeutic effect with periodontal disease.
  • Cohosh is also beneficial for men, influencing testosterone production.
  • Removing the manifestations of skin diseases.
  • In China and Korea, black cohosh is used as an antidote for snakes due to the presence of saponins.
  • Treatment of infectious diseases accompanied by rash: measles, smallpox, diphtheria, anthrax. In this case, black cohosh tincture is used.
  • Due to its pronounced local anti-inflammatory properties, the plant is used in cosmetology to care for problem skin. To do this, it is added to various cosmetics.

Preparations ​containing​ ​cohosh

The pharmacy chain offers a wide variety medicines containing black cohosh. This plant can be used in preparations in the form of an aqueous tincture, liquid or dry extract of cohosh. Dietary supplements can be single-component or include a complex of herbs.

The main purpose of black cohosh in homeopathy is to eliminate the negative phenomena of the menopause and other pathologies of the female genital area. In this case, the following drugs are used:


Single-component drug in tablet form. Apart from black cohosh, it does not contain any other additives. It is a frequently prescribed drug with cohosh for menopause, as it has a pronounced estrogen-like effect, eliminating or weakening the symptoms of this period. The effect is achieved after 2 weeks of use. According to the instructions for use, the homeopathic remedy is taken 1 tablet twice a day, for no longer than 3 months. For a longer course, you must consult your doctor.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity reactions, lactose intolerance, the presence of estrogen-dependent tumors, pregnancy and lactation, with caution in pathologies of the liver and brain, epilepsy.

Side effects: allergic manifestations, weight gain, epigastric pain, breast tension, vaginal bleeding.


A multicomponent drug presented in tablet form. In addition to black cohosh extract, it contains sepia, ignatia, sanguinaria, lachesis. Effectively treats menopausal syndrome, has a beneficial effect on the endocrine and cardiovascular system, stabilizes the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, and is used in the prevention of genital cancer in old age. According to the description of the drug, it is used 1-2 tablets three times a day.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity reactions, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Side effects: allergic manifestations - in rare cases.


Complex homeopathic medicine in the form of drops, containing components of plant, animal, and mineral origin. In addition to black cohosh, it contains Abraham's tree, St. John's wort, jasmine, nettle, the contents of the cuttlefish pouch, the waxy substance of the whale's entrails, Hahnemann's calcium carbonate, and calcium carbonate. Used in treatment climacteric disorders, menstrual cycle disorders, mastopathy, premenstrual syndrome, spastic parametropathy. You need to take the drug 3-5 times a day, 15-20 drops.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity reactions.

Side effects: not identified.


Multicomponent drug. In addition to cohosh racemosa, it contains sanguinaria canadensis, pilocarpus, sepia officinalis, lachesis mutus. Presented in the form of drops, contains alcohol. In addition to the treatment of menopausal syndrome, it treats menstrual cycle disorders, as well as inflammatory gynecological diseases(adnexitis, endometritis). Take 10 drops three times a day for 3-6 months.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity reactions, children under 12 years of age, pregnancy and lactation, liver pathologies, simultaneous administration other medicines containing black cohosh.

Side effects: increased salivation, liver dysfunction.

Menopause Day-Night

It is a multicomponent drug with a day and night formula. In addition to black cohosh, it contains green tea, ginseng, passionflower, hops, valerian. The daily formula is taken 1 tablet in the morning, the night formula - 1 tablet in the evening. To achieve treatment effectiveness, the course must be at least a month. The optimal duration is 3-6 months.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity reactions, arterial hypertension II-III degrees, severe atherosclerosis.

Side effects: not installed.

Cohosh racemosa

Effectively eliminates the symptoms of menopause, like other drugs this series, contraindicated in estrogen-dependent tumors. Cimicifuga Racemosa has a vegetative stabilizing and calming effect. The drug is presented in the form of cohosh tablets, capsules, drops or dry extract. The course of treatment ranges from 3 to 6 months. Capsules are taken 1 piece once a day, tablets - 1 piece twice a day, drops - 30 twice a day, dry extract - 1 gram daily.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, estrogen-dependent neoplasms, severe liver pathologies, thromboembolism, vaginal bleeding, pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects: not identified.


The drug is one-component, presented in the form of tablets. Active substance medicine Qi-klim - dry extract of cosimifuga. The therapeutic estrogen-like effect of the drug to eliminate the symptoms of menopause develops after 2-4 weeks of use, the drug is taken twice a day, 1 tablet, the duration of therapy should not be longer than 3 months.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, estrogen-dependent tumors, pregnancy and lactation, with caution in case of liver dysfunction, brain pathologies, epilepsy.

Side effects: allergic manifestations, epigastric pain, weight gain.


In addition to black cohosh, it contains strontium carbonate, which is used for neuralgia and arthrosis. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of neurological and joint pathologies, eliminating pain, stiffness, and relieving spastic pain in diseases of the internal organs. At acute condition Cosimicifuga-Homaccord injections are used once a day per ampoule. In mild cases - 1-3 times a week per ampoule. The drug can also be used in the form of drops - 10 three times a day.

Contraindications: not defined.

Side effects: not identified.

The therapeutic effect of homeopathic medicines based on black cohosh is achieved gradually and appears on average 14-30 days after the start of use. The course of treatment is usually long and lasts at least 3 months. It is recommended to avoid self-medication; before using the medicine, you should consult your doctor and take into account contraindications to their use.

Methods​ ​and​ ​recipes​ ​of use

In addition to dietary supplements, which are represented in a significant range in homeopathy, recipes for the independent preparation of medicines from black cohosh are widely used in folk medicine.

For migraines, chronic fatigue, premenstrual, menopausal syndromes, excessive nervous excitability

In this case, a tincture of black cohosh rhizomes is used. To make it, pour black cohosh roots with alcohol (70%) in a ratio of 1:5, then leave for a week in a dark room, shaking the container with liquid from time to time. Take 30-40 drops, diluted in 50 milliliters of water, twice a day. Duration of treatment is 1-1.5 months.

For hypertension, bronchial asthma, gynecological diseases, joint pathologies

You need to prepare a decoction of black cohosh rhizomes. To do this, brew dry crushed roots in an amount of 1.5 grams with a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil over low heat and boil for 8 minutes. Then leave the broth for a couple of hours and strain. Drink a quarter of a glass 3-4 times a day.

For measles

Combine crushed black cohosh roots with the same amount of honey. Take a teaspoon 3-4 times a day. Treat the rash with a swab dipped in a decoction of the plant’s root.

For diseases of the kidneys, digestive tract, gynecological pathologies, rheumatism

You need to prepare a decoction of black cohosh leaves. To do this, pour a tablespoon of this raw material into a glass of water, boil over low heat for about 5 minutes, leave for an hour and strain. Take 1 tablespoon three times a day.

For periodontitis, toothache

You should squeeze the juice from the cohosh root and soak it in it. cotton swab and apply to the affected area. Keep for a quarter of an hour. The procedure is performed 5-7 times per knock.

For neuralgia, inflammation, hypertension, decreased performance

You need to prepare syrup from black cohosh rhizomes. To do this, add 50 grams of powder from the roots of the plant to 0.5 liters of water, cook for 2 hours, stirring the solution periodically, and strain. Then add sugar (100 grams per 100 milliliters of liquid), stir until completely dissolved. Take half a teaspoon 5-6 times a day.

To stop bleeding

Brew 112 grams of crushed roots and leaves with 9 liters of boiling water and evaporate over low heat until the liquid reaches a volume of 3.6 liters. Take half a glass 6-8 times a day.

For menstrual irregularities, menopausal syndrome, to relieve painful sensations of different localization

Brew a teaspoon of crushed roots with a glass of boiling water, then leave for half an hour. Drink half a glass in the morning and evening half an hour after meals. Duration of treatment - 1 month.

To relieve pain in muscles and joints

In this case, a compress made from a decoction of black cohosh rhizome is used. To make it, crushed dry roots of the plant are boiled for half an hour in a small amount of water.

For gastritis

In this case, a decoction of the leaves and stem of the plant is used. Pour 5 grams of medicinal raw material into a glass of water, boil for 5 minutes and leave for about an hour. Take 100 grams twice a day.

For skin diseases, rheumatism, arthritis

Fresh leaves and stems must be ground and applied as a compress to the affected area for half an hour.


Cohosh therapy is usually well tolerated and rarely causes adverse events. However, the following contraindications to taking the drug should be taken into account:

  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • severe chronic diseases, especially of the liver and cardiovascular system;
  • oncological diseases;
  • hypersensitivity reactions;
  • the presence of estrogen-dependent tumors (for this reason, cohosh should be taken with caution if you have uterine fibroids, after consulting with your doctor and periodically monitoring the formation);
  • vaginal bleeding;
  • taking certain medications (for example, antihypertensives);
  • increased photosensitivity of the skin;
  • tendency to increased thrombus formation, since the plant enhances blood clotting.


Subject to the rules for taking the plant, dosage and duration treatment course negative phenomena usually do not occur. However, in some cases, black cohosh can harm human health.

  • In case of individual intolerance to medicinal raw materials, expressed by allergic manifestations and digestive disorders, use should be discontinued.
  • In some cases, when consuming black cohosh, weight gain, hyperhidrosis, and blurred vision are observed.
  • An overdose causes nausea, slow heart rate, dizziness and headaches. In this case, you must seek medical help.

Actea racemosa

In homeopathic pharmacology we have two varieties of Actea: Actea racemosa and Actea spicata. About the last of them very little can be said. It affects joints, especially small ones, like the joints of the arms and legs. It is useful in rheumatism affecting these parts, especially the hands and wrists.

Actea racemosa acts on the cerebrospinal nervous system and especially on the motor nerves. It seems to have a decisive effect on the nerves that branch in the muscles, producing the perfect picture of myalgia (muscle pain).

Actea racemosa is also valuable for its reflex nervous symptoms. Her neuralgia of any part of the body is a reflected (reflex) symptom - a uterine or ovarian disease. One of its most important symptoms, stemming from this cause, is a feeling of heat at the top of the head, now behind its center. Other symptoms that you may notice in the head area are a sensation as if the top of the head were flying off, sharp cutting pains similar to neuralgia in the eyes and under them, supraorbital pains that shoot towards the top of the head. These symptoms show Actea racemosa in some diseases, characteristic of women, and for diseases of the eye itself. For any eye disease, if the pain is of the above-mentioned nature, Actea is one of the main remedies that you should remember.

Spigelia has similar pains. With this remedy, neuralgia appears and proceeds along with the sun, that is, it reaches its highest tension at noon and disappears in the evening. Actea pain is worse at night than during the day. Spigelia pain begins at the back of the head, goes forward and stops over one or the other eye. This remedy also has a sensation as if the eyeball is abnormally large. But when this latter symptom depends on the displacement of the uterus, Actea is preferred.

Cedron is an invaluable remedy for neuralgia-like sufferings, where the pain extends to the supraorbital nerve and eye and is worse on the left side. The eye burns as if on fire. The pain returns regularly, every day, at the same hour.

Another remedy which must be mentioned in this connection is Kalmia latifolia, which has supraorbital neuralgia worse on the right side.

Actea can also be used for headaches that feel as if the patient is losing his mind. It is especially valuable in the presence of uterine symptoms.

It is also required for pain in the area under the left mammary gland depending on uterine disorders.

We now come to the action of Actea on the female genital organs. It is indicated during childbirth or during a threatened miscarriage, when pain flies through the abdomen from one side to the other (Lycopodium - from right to left; Ipecac. - from left to right, accompanied by nausea). The pain seems to contort the patient. Actea can also be used in the first months of pregnancy against those pains in the abdominal walls that so torment the patient.

When there is severe pain in the abdomen, good remedy is a topical application of Hamamelis solution.

The pains of childbirth seem to be accompanied by attacks of fainting or cries, as in agony, so cruel are they.

For postpartum pains, Actea is useful only if they are severe, the patient is extremely sensitive and cannot bear them, and if the pains are most severe in the groin.

Actea can also be used for postpartum (puerperal) mania.

Another symptom which you will find showing Actea in childbirth is "trembling or nervous chills" during the first stage of labour. Gelsemium is also useful in this condition.

Actea racemosa does not cause consumption, and yet it may be one of the first remedies we can use when the disease is not of hereditary origin, and especially when it is due to a cold, or when there is the characteristic cough of Actea, and namely, a dry, annoying cough, worse at night, with a small amount sputum or no sputum at all, usually accompanied by pleurodynia.

In pleurodynia accompanied by tuberculosis, you will find Guajacum to be a remedy that rarely fails to achieve its goal.

You can prescribe Actea for angina pectoris(angina pectoris), when pain spreads in all directions of the chest and is accompanied by a rush of blood to the brain and loss of consciousness. The face is blue-purple and the arm feels as if it is tightly bandaged to the body.

Another use you can make of Actea is for a condition known as irritation spinal cord(irritatio spinalis). It is specially indicated when the upper and lower cervical vertebrae, and especially the latter, are sensitive to pressure, so the patient will not lean her back while sitting on a chair, as this will cause her discomfort. This symptom is usually a reflex from irritation of the uterus.

We have several remedies similar to Actea for spinal irritation. One of them is Natrum muriat., which also causes sensitivity between the vertebrae. The main difference between it and Actea is that with it the patient finds relief by lying flat on his back, even when complicated by displacement of the uterus. Another indication requiring Natrum muriat. is partial paralysis due to weakness of the spinal cord. It is especially indicated when these symptoms occur due to grief, anger, etc.

Physostigma or Calabar bean, develops a perfect picture of spinal irritation. It produces all kinds of burning and pinching sensations relating to the spinal column, with numbness in the arms and legs and other parts of the body, cramping pains in the arms, sudden twitchings in the limbs, with an irresistible inclination to sleep. The back muscles become rigid and a tetanic state may even occur.

Agaricus muscarius produces a complete picture of spinal irritation with a well-marked itching or pins and needles sensation in the back, itching or burning of the skin, as in frostbite, with twitching in the muscles, especially the eyelids, and sensations in various parts of the body, as if ice needles were being stuck into the skin. .

This spinal irritation may progress to partial paralysis, and for this case we in turn have two remedies. One of them is Zincum metallicum. It produces a complete picture of spinal irritation with back pain in the region of the last spinal vertebra, which is worse when sitting than when walking or lying. In addition, it produces weakness in the legs, especially at noon, when the patient is hungry. You should also remember that these spinal symptoms Zincum is worsened by wine.

Another remedy is Cocculus indicus. We use it in women with spinal weakness, when there is paralytic pain in the sacrum. The patient feels as if she can barely walk. In addition to these symptoms, there is also a feeling of emptiness, sinking in the stomach, a feeling as if it is full or empty.

In men we do not find these symptoms, except in cases of sexual excess, for the consequences of which Nux vomica is the remedy.

Cobaltum is used for spinal irritation due to sexual excesses, when the following symptom is present: pain in the back, worse when sitting, with weakness in the legs.

Cohosh \ Actaea racemosa (according to Vithoulkas)

Black cohosh \ Actaea racemosa (according to Berwick)

Cimicifuga racemosa - Actaea racemosa - Macrotys. Black cohosh

It has a broad effect on the cerebrospinal and muscular systems, as well as on the uterus and ovaries. Especially indicated for rheumatism in nervous women with irritation of the ovaries, cramps in the uterus and heaviness in the limbs. Muscle and cramping pains of primary nervous origin in almost every part of the body. Indications are excitement and pain. Pain like electric shocks. Migraine. Symptoms of damage predominate pelvic organs. “Relieves pain, reduces the frequency and strength of pulse beats; softens irritability."

Psyche. Feeling of being enveloped in a cloud. Significant depression with dreams of impending disaster. He is afraid to travel in a cramped carriage at the thought of having to jump out of it. He talks incessantly. I see rats, mice, etc. “ Delirium tremens": tries to harm himself. Mania that occurs after the disappearance of neuralgia.

Head. Feeling of a storm in the brain. Shooting and throbbing pain in the head after excitement, intense intellectual activity, or as a reflex manifestation of diseases of the uterus. Feeling of the brain oscillating, as if on waves, or opening and closing cranium. Feeling of brain enlargement. Pain pressing from inside to outside.

Tinnitus. Ears are sensitive to any noise.

Eyes. Asthenopia in diseases of organs located in the pelvic region. Deeply localized throbbing and shooting pains in the eyes with photophobia, especially from artificial light. Severe pain in the eyeballs. Pain from the eyes to the top of the head.

Stomach. Nausea and vomiting with pressure on the spine and neck. Feeling of sinking in epigastric region(Sep.; Sulph.). Gnawing pains. The tongue is pointed and trembles.

Female genital organs. Amenorrhea (Macrotin indicated). Pain in the ovarian region: shooting pains up and down the front of the thigh. Pain just before menstruation. Menses profuse, dark coagulated blood, offensive, with back pain, nervousness, always irregular. Ovarian neuralgia. The pain goes away from one hip area to another. Postpartum pain with hypersensitivity and intolerance to pain. Pain under the mammary gland is more pronounced on the left. Spots on the face of young women.

Respiratory organs. Tickling in the throat. Dry, hacking cough, worse from talking and at night. Cough with decreased secretion: spasmodic, dry, with muscle soreness and nervous irritability.

Heart. Irregular, rare, weak, rapid pulse. Uneven cardiac activity. Angina pectoris. Numbness of the left hand; sensation of jumping to the side. Cardiac activity suddenly stops at times, causing a state of suffocation. Left-sided pain below the mammary gland.

Back. The spine is very sensitive, especially in upper section. Stiffness and contraction of the muscles of the neck and back. Intercostal rheumatic pain. Rheumatic pain in the muscles of the back and neck. Pain in the lumbar and sacral areas, spreading along the thighs and across the hip area. Painful spasm back muscles.

Limbs. Feeling of tension and restlessness in the limbs. Pain in the limbs and muscle soreness. Rheumatic lesions muscle bellies, especially the broad muscles. Choreic movements in rheumatism. Convulsive twitching of the limbs. Stiffness of the Achilles tendons. Heaviness in lower limbs. Severe, excruciating nagging pain.

Dream. Insomnia. Irritation of the brain in children during teething.

Leather. Locally and internally for ivy poisoning.

MODALITIES. Worse in the morning; from cold (except for headache); during menstruation - than more bleeding, the worse he feels. Better from warmth; while eating.

RELATIONSHIPS. Compare: Rhamnus Californica. Muscle pain, lumbago, pleurodynia, acute rheumatism.

Derris pinnata. Neuralgic headaches of rheumatic origin.

Aristolochia milhomens. Pain in the Achilles tendon area; diabetes.

Similar: Caulophyl.; Pulsat.; Lilium; Agar.; Macrotin (especially for lumbago).

BREEDING. From one to thirty; the third is most often prescribed.

Cohosh \ Actaea racemosa (according to Kent)

Actaea racemosa / Actaea racemosa - black cohosh

Basic dosage forms. Homeopathic granules D3, C3, C6 and higher. Drops D3, C3, C6 and higher.

Indications for use. Considered a feminine remedy, it is used for diseases of the ovaries and uterus, aggravated during menstruation (pain in the heart, headaches in the forehead, on the right, spreading to the temples, crown and back of the head, pain in the eyeball, as if from a blow. )

For men it is indicated for irritability due to mental fatigue and excessive drinking.

Worse - during sleep, after a hot bath.

Improved by cold, with moderate exercise.

This remedy has not yet been sufficiently tested, but it has several useful properties. Based on the trials of the drug, it can be assumed that it is similar to certain painful conditions, especially in women, namely hysterical and rheumatic conditions. The patient is constantly shivering, catches cold easily, and is sensitive to cold and damp weather, causing a rheumatic condition from which rheumatism develops not only in the muscles and joints of the whole body, but also along the path of the nerves. IN general disorder the nervous system is dominated by a lack of volitional control, which is the main characteristic sign of hysteria; its signs are mixed with signs of rheumatism.

Painful sensations throughout the body. Trembling, numbness; convulsive muscle contractions. Inability to force contractions of the body muscles by force of will; a disorder in the voluntary nervous system is accompanied by muscle stiffness.

Tendency to colds, so the patient has sensitivity in the glands and organs bigger size, such as the liver and uterus. Complaints relating to these organs arise from cold and damp weather (Dulcamara) due to cold. All parts of the patient's body are sensitive to cold, with the exception of the head; aggravation from cold occurs as in separate parts body, and throughout the body as a whole. The headache, however, is relieved in the open air and from cold, which is an exception, since the main feature of this remedy is aggravation from cold.

A terrible mental state that alternates with various physical disorders. This is overwhelming sadness or despondency; the patient is completely bent over with grief. Depressed, very sad, like Psorinum and Pulsatilla. This condition can go away suddenly or arise and worsen during movement, with fear, excitement, or a cold. Very often there is soreness in the muscles, a feeling of weakness throughout the body, accompanied by stretching and convulsive contraction of the muscles. Symptoms can arise completely unexpectedly and remain in a nervous, hysterical girl. She will be sad, sit sadly in silence. If you ask her about something, she may burst into tears or otherwise express her overwhelming sadness. In the presence of a headache - pronounced sadness. Unstable mood. Physical and state of mind change all the time. Symptoms alternate and change. Due to convulsive muscle contractions, doctors see the similarity of this condition with chorea in people with a hystero-rheumatic constitution. During the day the rheumatic symptoms may progress to chorea, and again the chorea movements will cause soreness in all the muscles. Frequently, convulsive muscle contractions, soreness and numbness are observed simultaneously.

It is worth noting some character traits chorea: convulsive contraction of muscles in an emotional state or when freezing. If you press on any part of the body, the muscles in that place will begin to contract convulsively. In such nervous, hysterical people with manifestations of rheumatism, signs of chorea may not be constantly present, but as soon as the patient turns over in bed at night, convulsive twitching begins to occur on the side on which she turned, preventing her from falling asleep. If she turns onto her back, the muscles of her back and shoulders begin to spasm, making it difficult to fall asleep. She turns over again and again, but after a while the clenched muscles begin to spasm, preventing her from falling asleep. Because of this, the patient becomes so excited and nervous that she can go crazy. All sorts of images are swarming in her head, and her body feels awkward and constrained, because she cannot relax in any position. Sometimes the muscle pain is so severe that it is impossible to lie down; sometimes there is numbness of the muscles, and sometimes their convulsive contraction. All these symptoms are characteristic of the patient and affect not just some part of his body, but the entire body as a whole.

The patient is full of fear, he experiences pain and anxiety. Fear of death, excitement, suspicion. “May even refuse to take the medicine, thinking it will be harmful.” This could turn into obsession what happens in nervous, hysterical women; treats postpartum mania, which can occur as a result of a cold during or shortly after childbirth. This is basically female medicine, since its symptoms are most often associated with female diseases. A characteristic feature are mental states that occur after the symptoms of rheumatism disappear. The manifestations of rheumatism become less, and the mental state becomes worse. Sometimes the symptoms of rheumatism go away within a short time, mental status does not change, but diarrhea may begin, accompanied by pain in the intestines or bleeding from the uterus. After this there should be relief or some disturbances may arise, as in Abrotanum. Sometimes this bleeding or diarrhea brings relief; V otherwise a mental disorder may begin, the patient becomes gloomy, or she begins to experience severe mental agitation. Her sadness can be described this way: “A feeling as if a black cloud had descended over her and was pressing on her like lead.” This is very figurative comparison, it is fully expressed by the word “melancholy.” In our text we can find the words “despondency, sadness, depression,” etc., but the word “melancholy” includes each of these concepts.

Headaches of a rheumatic nature. “Feeling of pain, like a bruise all over the head. Sensation as from a bruise in the back of the head. Painful bruised sensation in the top of the head, as if it were about to fly off.” “It’s like a cold wind blowing through the brain.” And at the same time, many such headaches are better tolerated in the cold. "Headache due to cold, due to change of weather, cold, damp weather." There are many types of headaches. Pressing headache. The headaches can be very severe, and patients describe them as feeling like a bolt piercing their bottom part neck. Soreness and severe pain in the back of the neck. Hysterical girls experience severe pain in the back of the neck. Headaches are very painful eyeballs, “it hurts to move your eyes in different sides" "Pain in the eyes, feeling of a bruise in the head."

“Painful sensations in the abdominal cavity; sensations of pain and bruise. Diarrhea alternating with constipation. Alternating diarrhea with physical ailments.”

Now let's move on to the female genital area, which is the focus of the painful manifestations of this drug. It is customary to say about Actaea racemosa that it facilitates childbirth. This is not just rumor, but an opinion supported by everyday practice. Indeed, if this drug is given to a pregnant woman according to her symptoms, it can facilitate childbirth. But most often it is prescribed for daily use in the form of a tincture or in the 2nd, 3rd dilution, even in cases where this drug is not similar this case. A homeopathic doctor should never go this way. The drug may be suitable for treating the condition as a whole if symptoms general condition the patient corresponds to the symptoms of the medicine. This happens because all the symptoms are similar.

“Pain in the uterine region, rushing from one side to the other. Feelings of prolapse and fullness.” Such sensations, considered along with all other signs and corresponding to the patient’s condition as a whole, indicate a choice of this medicine as a very effective remedy for uterine prolapse. It helps to relax this organ. Do not think that our medicines are not capable of treating this disease when taken together specified symptoms. It is in this case, taking into account the totality of symptoms, that uterine prolapse can be cured, and in no other. If the medicine is correctly selected for the patient as a whole, these sensations will disappear, the patient will feel better, and the final examination will show that all her organs are intact. in good condition. But a cure for prolapse cannot be prescribed; you need to choose a medicine for a specific woman. You cannot prescribe a drug based on one symptom, because this symptom is present in at least fifty drugs.

Hysterical women with a rheumatic constitution experience menstrual irregularities and irregular periods. Menses may be heavy, depressed or scanty. Severe pain during menstruation. The stronger menstrual flow, the stronger the pain. This is a very specific phenomenon. Usually menstruation relieves pain, but with this remedy pain occurs during menstruation. Usually the most severe and painful attacks occur at the beginning of menstruation, and in some women they occur again after their cessation. Each woman follows her own rhythm. This remedy tends to increase all suffering during menstruation. The most severe mental, rheumatic symptoms, muscle spasms, spasms in the limbs and insomnia occur during the menstrual cycle. During menstruation, epileptic spasms occur; all types nervous disorders; pain along the nerves, muscles or joints; gain mental symptoms; feeling of cold and chills. You need to wrap yourself up. "Rheumatism. Dysmenorrhea." "Soreness in the uterus and ovarian region." Lameness, feeling of weakness throughout the body; painful menstruation. Someone called this condition “rheumatic dysmenorrhea,” and it is an apt name.

Numerous symptoms during pregnancy. This drug treats all types of conditions with this constitutional type: in nervous, restless women prone to rheumatism with convulsive muscle contractions. The condition changes very noticeably with each new alternation of symptoms. Often you can find the disappearance of all its other symptoms, but nausea appears. All previous years the patient had a tendency to hysteria, and now during pregnancy she constantly vomits. One of the symptoms becomes excessively pronounced, the others temporarily recede into the background, and then they alternate, as in Pulsatilla. But the symptoms must be considered in a collective sense in order to obtain full view about this patient. A patient may come to you today with one symptom, and return in a couple of weeks with completely different ones. There are very severe cases, and has to look at the symptoms a dozen times, compare them as if she could lose them all in one day, and only then write a prescription. It is difficult for the patient with hysteria to find a remedy because of this change in symptoms, and also because of the tendency to mislead the doctor.

“Trembling during the first stage of labor. Hysterical manifestations during childbirth." Contractions stop or become irregular so that they are of no use. The cervix does not dilate. Then, when regular contractions begin, some important symptoms. Pain appears, and it seems that everything is about to end happily; regular and prolonged contractions last approximately two-thirds of the labor period; but suddenly the woman in labor screams and grabs her hip joint - the pain leaves the uterus and moves to the hip joint, causing hip spasms; she needs to rub this place and roll over. The medicine is able to regulate the pain, and when the next contraction begins, it will help relieve her pain. The patient is so impressionable during labor that if she is exposed to some feeling - for example, if some sensitive story is told to her in the room or something exciting happened nearby - her contractions may stop. After the end of labor, lochia appears, but for similar reasons they may stop, as if she had caught a cold; cramps and painful postpartum contractions occur, milk may disappear, she will feel pain and weakness throughout her body, and her temperature will rise. This remedy may be compared with Caulophyllum, which treats the following symptom: "weakness of the reproductive organs in women." This weakness can result in infertility or miscarriage in the early months of pregnancy. During childbirth, the contractions of the uterus are very weak in order to expel its contents, and they only bring suffering. Pain reminiscent of labor contractions during menstruation, with pulling painful sensations in the thighs and legs and even in the feet and toes. Uterine bleeding from a sluggishly contracting uterus. Relaxation of muscles and ligaments. Heaviness and even uterine prolapse. Subinvolution. Irritating leucorrhoea. Your period comes too often or very late. The woman is sensitive to cold and wants to dress warmly - all this is completely different from Pulsatilla. She is hysterical, just like Ignatia. The woman is irritable and feels anxious. Rheumatism is characteristic of Actaea racemosa, but mainly only small joints are affected. Then the woman begins to experience painful postpartum contractions, which are felt in the groin area. Rheumatic stiffness of the back and very sensitive sensitivity of the spine. Insomnia, strong excitement. This remedy treats chorea during puberty when menstruation is delayed.

It should not be surprising that such emotional patients have palpitations, rapid pulses, and disturbances in the functioning of the heart, but many noticeable signs of hysteria are present without any disturbances in the functioning of the heart. “Feeling of pain in the region of the heart and its expansion.”

"Pain in the back of the head and neck." The head is thrown back due to contraction of the muscles at the back of the neck. Terrible pain in the lower back. Rheumatic back pain. It is impossible to lie on your back due to contraction of the back muscles, as well as on your side due to contraction and convulsive compression of the muscles. “Numbness of the limbs. Trembling and soreness."

The nervous symptoms merely repeat what I have already said. “Hysterical spasms. Cramps. Trembling in the legs, the patient can hardly move.” The numbness is so strong that it resembles paralysis. Paralytic weakness.

The best results were obtained after taking 30, 200, 1000 and higher dilutions and after using the medicine in single doses.

This remedy is similar in some of its manifestations to Caulophyllum. Compare also with Pulsatilla, Sepia, Natrum muriaticum, Lilium tigrinum and Ignatia.

Cohosh \ Actaea racemosa (according to Grangeorge)

Cimicifuga or Actea racemosa (you will give birth in pain)

This biblical phrase is part of our Judeo-Christian cultural heritage. Moreover, for thousands of years, giving birth to a live child has been associated with risks for women. fatal outcome. Will the child pass? Will there be fatal bleeding that will lead to the death of the mother during childbirth?

Working as a practicing doctor in the African jungle, I came into contact with this terrible problem of motherhood. Today, thanks to the progress of medicine and obstetrics, things have improved, but this fear, coming from time immemorial, is often seen in the eyes of a woman who is about to give birth soon, especially if we are talking about a first-time mother. It is in this case that Actea racemosa 12 or 15CH, even 30CH, will perform a miracle, restoring trust, balance and calm to the woman in labor, who will give birth well and quickly. For a child it will be good medicine, when he is restless during teething (analogy with childbirth).

Florence, 23, is due to give birth to her first child soon. One day she calls her husband on the phone to ask him to take her to the clinic because she is having contractions. But after the examination, the midwife sends her home: “Everything is just beginning, the cervix is ​​not yet dilated, you will return this evening or tomorrow.” Upon returning home, Florence takes a dose of Actea racemosa 12CH. After 3 hours the contractions become strong, the baby seems to be already in the lower abdomen. She calls her husband, who urgently takes her to the clinic. On arrival, everything is fully dilated and the baby is removed within 5 minutes. So, my advice is that it is better to take this medicine after arriving at the clinic and stay there.

Cimicifuga is mainly used in homeopathy for women's diseases. She showed herself perfectly in cases of menstrual irregularities, as well as painful conditions associated with menopause and pregnancy. Refer to the scope of its application and:

  • state of depression during menopause;
  • disturbance of cardiac activity due to nervous system;
  • migraine;
  • insomnia;
  • fear of space.

What is Cosimifuga used for?

Cohosh is used in homeopathy in varying degrees of dilution, starting from D1 and ending with D10. There are no restrictions regarding the dosage of unity. Preparations based on this plant are also often used for genital endometriosis.

Already after the first dose of injection, stimulation is observed, which can be manifested by the resumption of symptoms of endometriosis. This lasts about 2-3 weeks, and then there is a long-term blockade of secretion. But this is only one of the diseases for which the medicine is used. You can find out more by writing in the search engine Cohosh, homeopathy use.

The drug is also used for psychoemotional and neurovegetative manifestations. Medicines based on cosimifuga are prescribed 1 tablet 3 times a day. As for more severe forms, a drug such as Cohosh is used in homeopathy, 2-3 tablets, half an hour before meals.

Properties of preparations based on Cosimifuga

Homeopathic cohosh has all the properties medicinal plant and is free of side effects. The homeopathic medicine Cimicifuga has neurotropic and anti-inflammatory effects. Acting through the autonomic nervous system, it eliminates hot flashes, sweating, and headaches.

If you listen to such a branch of medicine as homeopathy, Cimicifuga indications for use, it is recommended because after 2 months of treatment, psycho-emotional and neurovegetative manifestations disappear in 20% of women. For the rest, complaints persist, but the severity of severe manifestations is reduced by more than 85%.

In addition, patients with external genital endometriosis note a significant improvement in their health soon after taking the full course of medication.