Causes of dry mouth and lips. Dry mouth is the cause of what disease? Elimination or treatment? What to do to get rid of the feeling of constant dry mouth

Update: November 2018

Dry mouth - medically called xerostomia, is a symptom of many diseases or temporary conditions of the body in which the production of saliva decreases or stops altogether. This condition can occur for many reasons. Dry mouth occurs with atrophy of the salivary glands, and with any infectious diseases of the respiratory system, and with diseases of the nervous system, with gastrointestinal diseases, with autoimmune diseases, etc.

Sometimes the feeling of dry mouth is temporary, with an exacerbation of any chronic diseases or taking medications. But when dry mouth is a sign of a serious illness, first there is itching of the oral mucosa, cracks, burning of the tongue, dry throat, and without adequate treatment of the cause of this symptom, partial or complete atrophy of the mucous membrane may develop, which is very dangerous.

Therefore, if a person constantly has dry mouth, you should definitely consult a doctor in order to establish a true diagnosis and begin treatment on time. Which doctor should I contact if I have dry mouth? The cause of this symptom will first be determined by a therapist who will refer the patient either to a dentist or to an infectious disease specialist, neurologist, gastroenterologist, otolaryngologist, etc., who will establish an accurate diagnosis.

Typically, dry mouth is not a single symptom; it is always accompanied by other signs of some kind of disorder, so most often a person may be bothered by the following symptoms:

What to do if a person has such a symptom? Dry mouth is a sign of what disease?

The main causes of dry mouth

  • Dry mouth in the morning, After sleep, at night bothers a person, but during the day this symptom is absent - this is the most harmless, banal reason. Dry mouth at night occurs due to mouth breathing or snoring during sleep. Impaired nasal breathing can be caused by nasal polyps, runny nose, sinusitis (.
  • As a side effect of using the mass medicines. This is a very common side effect that can be caused by many drugs, especially if several drugs are taken at once and the manifestation becomes more pronounced. Dry mouth can occur when using the following medications of different pharmacological groups in the treatment:
    • all types of antibiotics,
    • sedatives, muscle relaxants, drugs prescribed for mental disorders, for the treatment of enuresis
    • antihistamines (), painkillers, bronchodilators
    • drugs for obesity
    • for acne therapy (see)
    • , vomiting and others.
  • The appearance of this symptom in various infectious diseases, due to high temperature and general intoxication, is obvious. Also when viral infections, affecting the salivary glands, blood supply systems, and affecting the production of saliva, for example, with).
  • Systemic diseases and diseases of internal organs - diabetes (dry mouth and thirst), anemia, stroke (dry mouth, eyes, vagina), hypotension (dry mouth and dizziness), rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Lesions of the salivary glands and their ducts (Sjogren's syndrome, mumps, stones in the ducts of the salivary glands).
  • Radiation and chemotherapy in case of cancer, it also reduces the production of saliva.
  • Surgeries and head injuries may damage the integrity of nerves and salivary glands.
  • Dehydration. Any disease that causes increased sweating, fever, chills, diarrhea, vomiting, blood loss can lead to drying out of the mucous membranes and to dryness, which is manifested by dry mouth, the causes of which are understandable and this eliminates itself after recovery.
  • Injury to the salivary glands during dental procedures or other surgical interventions.
  • Your mouth may also be dry. after smoking.

With constant dry mouth, the risk of developing various gum diseases, such as) increases significantly. As well as the appearance of candidiasis, caries, and other diseases of the oral cavity, since disruption of the salivary glands reduces the protective functions of the mucous membrane, opening the way to various infections.

If, in addition to dry mouth, a person is bothered by bitterness in the mouth, nausea, the tongue becomes white or yellow, dizziness, palpitations, dryness is also observed in the eyes, in the vagina, a constant feeling of thirst and frequent urination, etc. - this is a whole complex of various diseases, which can only be understood by a qualified doctor during an in-person consultation. We will look at some diseases in which dry mouth may be combined with some other symptoms.

Dry mouth during pregnancy

Xerostomia during pregnancy should not occur with normal drinking regimen, since, on the contrary, saliva production in pregnant women increases.

  • However, in cases of naturally hot air in summer, increased sweating can cause a similar symptom.
  • Another thing is if dry mouth in a pregnant woman is accompanied by a sour, metallic taste, this may indicate gestational diabetes and the woman should be tested for, as well.
  • During pregnancy, women have to urinate quite often, and if periodic dry mouth occurs, the reason is that fluid is removed from the body, the need for it increases, and replenishment does not occur, so pregnant women must drink enough fluid.
  • Therefore, pregnant women are not allowed to eat salty, sweet and spicy foods, everything that contributes to the disruption of water-salt metabolism.
  • Also, the cause of dry mouth during pregnancy can be a severe deficiency of potassium, as well as an excess of magnesium.

Dryness around the mouth is a sign of cheilitis

Glandular cheilitis is a disease of the red border of the lips, a disease that begins with flaking and dryness of the lower lip, then the corners of the lips crack, jams and erosions appear. A sign of cheilitis can be seen by the person himself - between the border of the lips and the mucous membrane, the outlets of the salivary glands increase. Licking your lips only worsens the situation and chronic inflammation can lead to malignant neoplasms. When treating this disease, they try to reduce saliva production.

Why does dry mouth, bitterness, nausea, white, yellow tongue occur?

Dryness, white tongue, heartburn, belching - these are symptoms that can occur with many gastrointestinal diseases, but most often these are signs of the following diseases:

  • Dyskinesia of the bile ducts or diseases of the gallbladder. But it is possible that such signs can also be present in combination with duodenitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, as well as gastritis.
  • Dry mouth, bitterness - the reasons may be due to inflammatory processes of the gums, combined with a burning sensation of the tongue, gums, and a metallic taste in the mouth.
  • For amenorrhea, neuroses, psychosis and other neurotic disorders.
  • If bitterness and dryness are combined with pain in the right side, these are signs of cholecystitis or the presence.
  • The use of various antibiotics and antihistamines leads to a combination of bitterness and dry mouth.
  • In diseases of the thyroid gland, the motor function of the biliary tract also changes, the release of adrenaline increases and spasms of the bile ducts occur, so the tongue may be coated with a white or yellow coating, dry mouth, bitterness, and burning of the tongue appear.
  • Dry mouth and nausea - these include pain in the stomach, heartburn, and a feeling of fullness. The causative agent of gastritis is often the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.

Dry mouth, dizziness

Dizziness and dry mouth are signs of hypotension, that is, low blood pressure. A lot of people have low blood pressure and still feel normal, this is a variant of the norm. But when low pressure leads to weakness, dizziness, headache in the back of the head, especially when bending forward or lying down, this is an alarming sign, since a sharp drop in pressure is a hypotonic crisis, shock, this is very dangerous for health and even life. People with hypotension often feel dizzy and have dry mouth in the morning, and weakness and lethargy returns in the evening. Poor circulation affects the functions of all organs and glands, including the salivary glands. Therefore, headaches, dizziness, and dry mouth are observed. The cause of hypotinia should be determined in consultation with a cardiologist and therapist, who can prescribe maintenance therapy.

Thirst, frequent urination and dryness - this could be diabetes

Dry mouth combined with thirst is the main sign and symptom of diabetes. If a person is constantly thirsty, has to urinate frequently, there is either a sharp increase in appetite and weight gain, or vice versa, weight loss, a dry mouth all the time, congestion in the corners of the mouth, itchy skin, weakness and the presence of pustular skin lesions - you should take a test. are also complemented by the appearance of itching in the pubic area. may be expressed by decreased potency, inflammation of the foreskin. Thirst and dry mouth in diabetic patients do not depend on the air temperature; if for a healthy person thirst is typical in the heat, after salty food or alcohol, then in those who suffer from diabetes it is constant.

Dryness with pancreatitis, with menopause

  • For pancreatitis

Dry mouth, diarrhea, pain in the left abdomen, belching, nausea are typical. Sometimes minor inflammation of the pancreas can go unnoticed. This is a very insidious and dangerous disease that occurs most often in people who overeat, are addicted to fatty, fried foods, and alcohol. When it is very bright, a person experiences severe pain, and the movement of enzymes in the pancreatic ducts is disrupted; they linger in it and destroy its cells, causing intoxication of the body. With chronic pancreatitis, a person must follow a diet, know what not to do. This disease leads to disruption of the absorption of many useful substances in the body. Deficiency of vitamins (see), microelements disrupts the normal condition of the skin and mucous membranes. Therefore, dullness and brittleness of hair and nails occur, dry mouth appears, and cracks in the corners of the mouth.

  • During menopause

Palpitations, dizziness, dry mouth and eyes - the causes of these symptoms can be menopause in women. During menopause, the production of sex hormones decreases, the functions of the gonads fade, which naturally affects the general condition of the woman.

Appear due to changes in the function of the autonomic nervous system, usually after 45 years. The symptoms of menopause intensify significantly if a woman has suffered a stressful situation, trauma, or her chronic disease has worsened; this immediately affects her general condition and is called menopausal syndrome.

In addition to hot flashes, anxiety, chills, pain in the heart and joints, sleep disturbances, women notice that all mucous membranes dry out, not only dryness appears in the mouth, but also in the eyes, throat, and vagina.

The manifestation of most of these symptoms becomes less intense when the gynecologist prescribes various - antidepressants, sedatives, vitamins, hormonal, etc. Signs of menopause are mitigated by practicing Bodyflex, breathing exercises or yoga, with a balanced diet and proper rest.

Dry mouth and eyes - Sjögren's syndrome

This is a fairly rare autoimmune disease that affects the connective tissue of the body (see details). Few people know about this disease, and it most often occurs in women after 50 years of age in the postmenopausal period. Sjögren's syndrome is characterized by generalized dryness of all mucous membranes of the body. Therefore, symptoms such as burning, stinging in the eyes, a feeling of sand in the eyes, as well as a dry mouth, dry throat, and sticking in the corners of the mouth are important signs of autoimmune disorders. This chronic progressive disease over time affects not only the salivary and lacrimal glands, but also affects the joints, muscles, the skin becomes very dry, pain and itching appears in the vagina. Also, various infectious diseases more often arise from dry mucous membranes - sinusitis, otitis media, tracheobronchitis, pancreatitis, etc.

Increased dryness, diarrhea, weakness, stomach pain

In any case, when diarrhea (diarrhea), nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain occurs, dehydration occurs and dry mouth appears. The cause of its appearance may also be (IBS). If indigestion lasts more than 3 months, a gastroenterologist may diagnose IBS or dibacteriosis. Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract has many causes, including the use of various medications, antibiotics, and poor nutrition. The main symptoms of IBS are:

  • Pain in the epigastric region after eating, which goes away with bowel movements
  • Diarrhea in the morning, after lunch, or vice versa - constipation
  • Belching, bloating
  • Feeling of a “lump” in the stomach
  • Sleep disturbances, weakness, lethargy, headaches
  • After a stressful situation, anxiety, or physical activity, the symptoms worsen.

How to get rid of dry mouth

To begin with, you should find out the exact cause of dry mouth, since without a clear diagnosis it is impossible to eliminate any symptom.

  • If the cause of dry mouth is caused by impaired nasal breathing, gastrointestinal diseases, or diabetes, you should consult an otolaryngologist, gastroenterologist, or endocrinologist.
  • Try to get rid of bad habits - smoking, alcohol abuse, reduce the consumption of salty and fried foods, crackers, nuts, bread, etc.
  • Increase the amount of liquid you drink; it is best to drink a glass of pure water or mineral water without gases 30 minutes before meals.
  • Sometimes it is enough to increase the humidity in the room; there are many different humidifiers for this purpose.
  • You can lubricate your lips with special balms.
  • If you have bad breath, you can use chewing gum or special mouth rinses.
  • You can use pharmacological special preparations, saliva and tear substitutes.
  • When you eat hot peppers, you can activate the production of saliva, since it contains capsaicin, which helps activate the salivary glands.

Dry mouth or, based on medical terms, xerostomia is a symptom that accompanies many different diseases and appears due to a decrease in the intensity of saliva production or its complete cessation. This problem bothers many people mainly at night, disrupting sleep and causing discomfort.

If a person is unable to sleep properly due to severe dry mouth at night, it is recommended that he consult a doctor to find the cause and eliminate the disease.

Causes of dry mouth at night

When searching for the reasons why xerostomia could develop, the doctor must evaluate the patient’s complaints, his general condition, and the results of some tests. This is necessary in order not to make a mistake in the diagnosis, since there can be many reasons for this pathology. At night, the oral cavity dries out most often due to:

  • dehydration that develops against the background of increased body hyperemia or elevated air temperature, prolonged bouts of vomiting, burns covering a large area, simply insufficient fluid intake during the day;
  • difficulty or inability to breathe through the nose, forced breathing through the mouth due to a runny nose, deviated nasal septum, adenoids, and drying out of the mucous membrane may also occur;
  • systematic use of certain medications (often increased thirst is caused by medications for allergies, hypertension, neurasthenia);
  • the habit of eating sweets or salty foods before bed (such food helps draw fluid out of cells and leads to thirst and dry mouth);
  • snoring (many patients suffering from snoring also complain of dry mouth at night);
  • restless sleep due to stress or nervous tension can cause an unpleasant symptom;
  • various intoxications (including alcohol) lead to complaints and require compensation by drinking large volumes of water;
  • Sleeping in a room with low humidity levels can lead to dry mouth even if the patient does not have problems breathing through the nose.

Could it be diabetes?

Many patients are concerned about the question of whether dry mouth at night is associated with diabetes? Yes, dry mouth can indicate any type of diabetes, but mainly in cases where it is accompanied by additional symptoms and occurs not only at night, but throughout the day.

You should consult an endocrinologist in the following cases:

  • the person is constantly thirsty, and often runs to the toilet and urinates in small portions;
  • there is rapid weight gain or, on the contrary, sudden weight loss, which cannot be explained by a change in diet or lifestyle;
  • the skin is affected by various purulent diseases accompanied by itching;
  • unpleasant and inconvenient jams appear in the corners of the lips;
  • the patient constantly complains of feeling tired, drowsiness, and weakness.

Diagnosing diabetes mellitus just because a person develops dry mouth at night is wrong. A glucose test is required as a minimum to make this diagnosis.

If diabetes is nevertheless detected during diagnostic studies, treatment will help to cope with its symptoms, which will be prescribed by an endocrinologist, based on the type of disease and the characteristics of its course.

Dry mouth during pregnancy

Xerostomia at night in pregnant women is quite common. However, it can be a consequence of either impaired nasal breathing or snoring, or a sign of more serious pathologies. A representative of the fair sex should seriously worry if dry mouth haunts her not only during the day, but also at night, and the drinking regime is strictly observed. Normally, during the daytime, dry mouth in pregnant women is impossible, since their saliva production, on the contrary, is increased.

Xerostomia both day and night during pregnancy can be observed in the following cases:

  • in the summer, the temperature outside is high with low humidity, which is why the woman sweats actively and should drink more water;
  • if an unpleasant sour or iron taste is added to dryness, it is recommended to consult a specialist, since the cause may be gestational diabetes (the pathology is diagnosed based on glucose tolerance tests);
  • during the daytime, dry mouth can appear if a woman does not follow the prescribed diet, abusing too salty or too sweet foods that disrupt water-salt metabolism in the body;
  • An imbalance of potassium and magnesium is another cause of dry mouth that can be identified in pregnant women (if this is the case, then the balance is established with the help of medications, and the symptom disappears).

Late pregnancy may be accompanied by such a dangerous complication as gestosis (late toxicosis). This pathology is also manifested by dry mouth at night and during the day, dizziness, bouts of vomiting, swelling, and surges in blood pressure.

Dry mouth at night: elimination

To avoid the unpleasant feeling of dry mouth at night, it is recommended to follow a number of simple tips. These include:

  • avoiding eating large amounts of sweets and salty foods before going to bed;
  • accustom yourself to drink at least two liters of liquid a day (it is recommended to drink liquid slowly, in small sips; if you drink all two liters at once, it will not do any good);
  • stop drinking alcoholic beverages before bed, as well as the habit of smoking (tobacco, like alcohol, contributes to drying out of the mucous membranes and can lead to complaints of dry mucous membranes);
  • maintain a high level of humidity in the sleeping area by regularly wet cleaning the room or using special devices to increase humidity;
  • refuse to rinse your mouth with solutions that contain alcohol (excluding the need to carry out any therapeutic measures);
  • eat a variety of fruits and vegetables more often, especially if your appetite suddenly awakens in the evening;
  • follow a teeth-brushing regime, carrying out the procedure twice a day - in the morning after waking up and before going to bed (it is best to use toothpastes that contain fluoride).

Basic recommendations do not always help cope with xerostomia, especially if the appearance of the symptom is explained by the presence of a disease. Then the patient will need professional treatment, which is only possible after diagnosing the disease and can vary significantly depending on the detected cause.

Before determining the cause of dry mouth at night, your doctor may give the following recommendations:

  • special medications may be prescribed that improve the processes of salivary secretion;
  • It is necessary to drink at least a little liquid after each meal (it is better to give preference to plain water);
  • inhalation procedures with herbs or herbal medicines (for example, Viaton) will help reduce discomfort until the underlying cause is identified and eliminated;
  • As a seasoning for food, you can use a small amount of chili pepper, which has a stimulating effect on the salivary glands.

If xerostomia appears at night, it is recommended to consult a doctor to determine the cause of the problem and begin comprehensive treatment.

Many people complain of such an unpleasant phenomenon as a feeling of dryness at night. This phenomenon is often a symptom of a serious illness. The causes of dry mouth at night can be completely different. To diagnose the underlying disease, it is worth visiting a doctor.

In addition, no matter what factors provoke such a condition, it is better to prevent it. Otherwise, there is a high probability of developing serious pathologies. So what are the causes of dry mouth while sleeping?

What kind of phenomenon is this?

Before determining the causes of dry mouth at night and in the morning, it is worth considering the condition itself in more detail. A similar phenomenon in medical practice is called xerostomia. A feeling of dry mouth may be a sign of temporary discomfort or a serious disorder. In this case, xerostomia can be either temporary or permanent. Much depends on what specifically provoked it, what factors influenced the general condition of the body.

The feeling of dry mouth at night is often accompanied by dry lips, changes in the functioning of taste buds, intense thirst, sticking of the tongue to the roof of the mouth, a feeling of discomfort, and a sore throat.


In some cases, only a doctor can determine the causes of dry mouth at night. Sometimes this phenomenon indicates dehydration. The lack of fluid is caused by hyperthermia of the whole body, as well as high air temperatures.

Dehydration often occurs due to burns, severe blood loss, diarrhea, and vomiting. Also, dry mouth at night often occurs due to the fact that a person does not drink enough water during the day.

Breathing problems and medication use

The causes of dry mouth at night may be hidden in impaired breathing processes. A similar phenomenon often occurs when the nasal passages are blocked. This occurs with a deviated septum, adenoids, or runny nose. In such situations, a person usually breathes through his mouth. And this, in turn, provokes drying of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

Also, the reasons for the development of unpleasant sensations include taking medications. Most often, a feeling of dryness occurs with frequent use of drugs intended to combat allergies, with neurasthenia, as well as with hypertension.

Poor diet and snoring

Why do I get thirsty at night? Dry mouth, the causes of which can only be accurately determined by a doctor after a thorough diagnosis, can be caused by eating salty and sweet foods. Such products are capable of drawing fluid from cells. It is for this reason that thirst arises, which is often accompanied by drying out of the oral mucosa.

In addition, those who snore during their sleep may also suffer from dry mouth. In this case, inhalation and exhalation of air through the nose is carried out only partially. As a result, the mucous membranes begin to dry out, and a feeling of discomfort arises.

Air humidity and stress

The reasons listed above for dry mouth at night are the main ones. But there are also indirect ones. For example, stressful situations negatively affect the functioning of many systems of the human body. In such cases, increased sweating and dry mouth are often observed.

As for air humidity, few people monitor this indicator. But during the summer drought, as well as at the beginning of the heating season, many people feel unpleasant dryness not only in the mouth, but also in the nose. It is worth noting that air humidity should be at least 40%.

Severe dry mouth: causes

What disease (whether a person feels such discomfort at night or in the morning - it doesn’t matter) is characterized by symptoms such as thirst and dryness of the oral mucosa? This happens due to intoxication. This symptom may not disappear throughout the day. An unpleasant phenomenon occurs as a result of a toxic substance entering the body. A large amount of fluid is required to remove it.

Very often, such discomfort occurs as a result of alcohol abuse. After all, many people forget that ethyl alcohol is a strong poison for the human body. Due to the formation of acetaldehyde, cell death is observed. In order for the body to get rid of them, a large amount of clean water is required.

Other reasons

Why does my mouth feel so dry at night? The causes of this condition may be associated with disruption of the functioning of certain organs. Thirst often occurs due to a lack of vitamin A. In this case, the patient may experience keratinization of the oral mucosa. Pieces of tissue that have sloughed off can clog the salivary gland duct.

Another reason is brain injury. Due to damage to the nervous system, salivary processes may be disrupted.

Dry mouth can cause toxicosis, which is accompanied by vomiting and nausea.

It is worth noting that the above factors cause only temporary xerostomia.

at night: reasons

Persistent xerostomia can be caused by the following factors:

  • advanced age;
  • dysfunction of the salivary glands caused by surgery;
  • menopause;
  • radiation therapy used to treat cancer;
  • atrophy of the glands that secrete saliva (due to frequent use of special disinfectants).

If dry mouth bothers you very often, then you should visit a doctor and undergo a thorough examination. After all, the cause may be a serious illness.

Dry mouth and diseases

Often xerostomia is a sign of some disorder in the body. What diseases cause dry mouth at night? The causes and elimination of such pathology are determined only after diagnosing the underlying disease. Possible diseases include:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • allergies;
  • anemia;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hypertension;
  • hypotension;
  • stroke;
  • stones in the salivary ducts;
  • mumps;
  • AIDS;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • Sjögren's syndrome;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • brain damage;
  • Parkinson's disease.

The development of such ailments can only be detected by undergoing a thorough examination and passing all the necessary tests.

Otolaryngological pathologies

The causes of dry mouth and throat may be hidden in the development of otolaryngological diseases. Such ailments include:

  • polyps in the nasal cavity;
  • hay fever;
  • rhinitis;
  • sinusitis.

Dry mouth and other symptoms

How to find out why dry mouth occurs at night? Causes, treatment and consequences depend on the underlying disease. When diagnosing a disease, the doctor must identify all the symptoms. If a person’s tongue is covered with a yellow or white coating, and the patient also feels bitterness, then this indicates the development of ailments associated with the functioning of the gallbladder and its ducts: gastritis, duodenitis and pancreatitis.

To determine the underlying cause, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination. When one of the diseases listed above is diagnosed, treatment is carried out for the underlying pathology that caused dry mouth. After a course of treatment, the unpleasant symptom goes away on its own.

Who to contact

What to do if you have severe dry mouth at night? The reasons may be related to the malfunction of certain systems in the body. First of all, you should visit a doctor. Who to contact? With such a problem, you can visit a dentist or a general practitioner, such as a family doctor or therapist. A specialist will help you find out the cause of the unpleasant symptom. After this, the patient may be redirected to another doctor. As a rule, see an endocrinologist, rheumatologist or gastroenterologist.

After a general examination, the specialist may refer you for certain tests. It all depends on the underlying ailment. As a rule, the following studies are prescribed: serological analysis, biochemical blood test, analysis of the amount of thyroid hormones, general analysis of urine and blood.

In addition to the above, the doctor can refer the patient for an ultrasound, computed tomography, radiography, and so on.

Dry mouth at night: causes and solutions

If xerostomia is temporary, then the following methods will help get rid of unpleasant sensations:

  1. At the first sign of dry mouth and throat, you should drink some liquid. Plain water quenches thirst best. Other drinks, especially those that are too sweet and carbonated, will only make the condition worse. Some time after consuming them, the thirst will only intensify.
  2. Medications can be used to combat the feeling of dryness. The main disadvantage of this method is that the drug can only be purchased with a prescription. Only a doctor can prescribe such medications. To relieve dry mouth, a course of inhalations with a herbal-based drug (Vitaon) is often prescribed.
  3. Sour lollipops will increase salivation. Fruit pits and chewing gum are ideal for these purposes. The best way to help in this regard is to consume fresh lemon without sugar.
  4. Many experts recommend chewing ice.
  5. If the patient does not suffer from gastrointestinal diseases, then he can add dishes to his diet that include a component such as chili pepper. This spice contains a component that can stimulate

Inhalations for dry mouth

To get rid of dry mouth, you can do inhalations with a soda-salt solution. It is recommended to carry out the procedure before going to bed. To prepare the solution, you need to take one teaspoon each of salt and soda, mix and add a liter of hot water.

You should breathe above the steam, covering yourself with a towel. The duration of the procedure should be at least 15 minutes. It is worth noting that herbal decoctions can be used for inhalation. Plants that can combat dry mouth include calendula, lemon balm, chamomile, and mint. You can purchase the raw material in dried form at the pharmacy. Finding such drugs is not difficult.

To prepare solutions from herbs, you need to brew a tablespoon of the raw material with a glass of boiling water. The product should sit for 15 minutes. Finally, the liquid can be filtered and used for inhalation.

What should you do to overcome dry mouth at night? The reasons for the development of such a phenomenon are very difficult to determine independently. However, there are general recommendations:

Wisdom of centuries

Sages living in China claim that you can get rid of dry mouth with a simple exercise. To do this, it is worth performing the movements that a person makes when rinsing the mouth. The lips should be closed. The exercise must be repeated at least thirty times.

After swallowing the accumulated saliva, it is worth imagining how it gradually goes to the navel area. To completely get rid of dry mouth, you need to do regular exercise.

Can there be complications?

If the pathology is treated incorrectly, serious complications can occur. Therefore, experts do not recommend self-medication. The consequences can be quite dire. Among the undesirable manifestations it is worth highlighting the following:

  • thrush;
  • deterioration of taste buds;
  • inflammation of the oral mucosa;
  • gingivitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the appearance of ulcers and ulcers in the oral cavity;
  • chronic tonsillitis.

It is worth noting that dry mouth accelerates the development of dental caries. This can be explained by difficulties associated with removing food debris. Exactly the same problem occurs when using dentures.

Dryness is a lack of saliva. And this liquid performs many functions, the main one of which is antibacterial. It is saliva that resists attacks of all kinds of infections. When the mouth is dry, harmful microorganisms begin to win and we get:

  • An unpleasant feeling as if the tongue is sticking to the inside of the cheeks and palate (it is familiar to anyone who has ever experienced).
  • Chapped lips, sores in the mouth and corners of the lips.
  • Stale, against which brushing teeth and chewing gum are powerless: the smell very quickly reappears.
  • Red irritated tongue.
  • Problems identifying taste.
  • Swallowing problems. Try pushing a piece down your throat if you don't have enough saliva in your mouth!
  • Difficulty with digestion. Food that is poorly moistened with saliva is more difficult to chew and digest. As a result, it is less easily absorbed.
  • Increased risk of acute respiratory infections and ENT diseases.
  • Hoarseness, sometimes the voice is compressed to the point of nasality.
  • Dental problems: caries,...

All these symptoms significantly reduce the quality of life. Not to mention the blow to health: after all, the body is forced to spend energy on those infections that should have been stopped at the very entrance, and therefore can easily miss more dangerous disorders.

Where does dry mouth come from?

Causes Dry Mouth can be very different.

Some believe that dry mouth is associated with aging. This is wrong. Xerostomia (the official medical name of the condition) has nothing to do with age; it always has other prerequisites.

1. You don't have enough water

This is the most common case. If your mouth is dry, chances are you're either not getting enough. Or they have lost too much of it - this happens during intense sports, while walking in the heat, or, for example, with digestive problems, which are accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting.

2. You smoke

Tobacco smoke dries out the mucous membranes and reduces Effect of Long-term Smoking on Whole-mouth Salivary Flow Rate and Oral Health saliva production. This is another reason.

3. Your nose is stuffy

This causes you to breathe through your mouth. In conditions of insufficient humidity, this method of breathing can lead to drying out of the mucous membrane.

4. You are taking certain medications

The list of medications that have dry mouth as a side effect is long. This includes Everything you need to know about dry mouth:

  • antihistamines;
  • decongestants;
  • a number of medications used to control high blood pressure ();
  • antidiarrheals;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • antidepressants;
  • certain medications to treat Parkinson's disease and other neurological disorders.

By the way, this is why dry mouth is more common in older people than in young people: they simply take more medications of all kinds.

5. You are undergoing radiation or chemotherapy

Procedures related to the treatment of cancer can disrupt the functioning of the salivary glands.

6. You have or are developing diabetes mellitus

However, there are other causes of congestion, such as polyps or a deviated nasal septum. If you find it difficult to breathe through your nose, but you yourself cannot understand why, be sure to consult with an ENT specialist. He will prescribe the necessary treatment.

4. Drink enough fluids

WHO recommends Water Requirements, Impinging Factors, and Recommended Intakes women need approximately 2.7 and men 3.7 liters per day. And not only in the form of water, but also in the form of juices, soups and so on.

If you engage in sports or physical activity, especially in the heat, remember to drink more.

5. Rinse your mouth regularly

You can just use water. Or you can use special rinses that your dentist will prescribe for you.

6. Quit smoking

Not only the oral mucosa, but also the body as a whole will thank you. And even .

7. Change your medication

If you find dry mouth on the list of side effects, consult your doctor about replacing the drug with some less drying alternative.

8. Get examined by a doctor

Dry mouth can sometimes be the first and almost the only symptom of an approaching disease. Talk to your therapist about this. Most likely, your doctor will ask you to take blood tests (including thyroid hormone tests) and urine tests. And then, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

9. Try to be less nervous

There are many ways to take stress under control. Learn to relax. This will improve not only salivation, but also your experience of life in general.

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Dry mouth (xerostomia) - this unpleasant sensation can be temporary or signal the presence of certain pathological conditions occurring in the body. Dry mouth occurs due to a lack of saliva production by the glands. Normal saliva production per day is 2000 ml.


Xerostomia can occur for the following reasons that are not associated with diseases:

Why can dry mouth be a constant pain? Pathological conditions that cause dry mouth:

  • Dehydration of the body;
  • Neoplasms in the oral cavity, which affect the submandibular and parotid salivary glands;
  • Anemia (anemia);
  • Endocrine diseases, in particular, diabetes mellitus, in which the level of glucose in the blood increases and carbohydrate metabolism is disrupted. Xerostomia occurs against the background of a decrease in fluid levels in the body and suppression of the functions of the salivary glands;
  • Sjögren's disease is an autoimmune disorder that causes dry mucous membranes and a disorder of the functioning of the exocrine glands;
  • Diseases of the salivary glands: sialostasis, mumps, Mikulicz's disease. Characteristic signs of pathologies are pain and enlargement of the gland, partial or complete extinction of the functions of saliva production;
  • Disturbance of innervation - after surgery, the nerve fibers of the neck or head may be damaged, which leads to disruption of the glands;
  • Infectious diseases which are accompanied by intoxication (dehydration) of the body;
  • Injury to the major salivary glands - can lead to rupture of tissues and gland ducts;
  • Vitamin A (retinol) deficiency – epithelial tissue grows, which clogs the lumens of the salivary glands;
  • Nervous overexcitation - xerostomia goes away along with signs of depression;
  • Surgical resection (removal) of the salivary glands(for neoplasms, extensive injuries);
  • HIV - the virus affects the salivary glands, inhibiting their functions, and the body is depleted;
  • Cystic fibrosis is a genetic (transmitted from parents to children) disease that is characterized by damage to the exocrine glands;
  • Systemic scleroderma - fibrosis (overgrowth of connective tissue) of the skin and mucous membranes occurs.

During pregnancy, the causes of xerostomia can be:

  • Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating);
  • Preeclampsia (late toxicosis, pathological condition);
  • Violation of water-salt metabolism (excessive consumption of smoked, salty foods);
  • Pressure of the uterus on the bladder, leading to frequent urination;
  • Excess magnesium;
  • Potassium deficiency.

Associated symptoms

Most often, xerostomia is combined with other symptoms:

What gastrointestinal diseases may this indicate?

Xerostomia occurs with the following gastrointestinal diseases:

  • Pancreatitis (inflammatory process in the pancreas);
  • Irritable bowel syndrome;
  • (infection of the duodenum);
  • Dyskinesia (motor function disorder) of the biliary tract;
  • Intestinal dysbiosis.

Treatment methods

Treatment of dry mouth directly depends on the cause of its occurrence; usually, 3 therapeutic areas are distinguished for these purposes:

  • Curing the underlying disease that caused xerostomia. If the condition occurs while taking medications, then a new drug is selected and the dosage is adjusted, but if it is not possible to adjust the course of treatment (after injury, surgery), then measures are prescribed to increase salivation;
  • Rejection of bad habits(smoking, drinking alcohol);
  • Prevention of caries - brushing your teeth at least 2 times a day, cleaning the interdental spaces with floss. It is also recommended to use mouth rinses, use fluoride toothpaste, and undergo a preventive examination with a dentist at least 2 times a year;
  • Moisturizing lips with hygienic lipsticks, wet wipes;
  • Increased salivation - artificial saliva substitutes are prescribed in the form of aerosols, rinses, moisturizing gels: evoxac, salajen, pilogel.

Quick relief from dryness

In order to get rid of dry mouth as soon as possible, you can use the following recommendations:


Meals for xerostomia should be fractional, in minimal portions at least 5 times a day, food should be warm, pureed. Dishes are boiled, stewed or baked.

Authorized products:

  • Bread 1st and 2nd grade;
  • Legumes;
  • Lean meat, fish, poultry;
  • Cereals, cereals;
  • Soft-boiled eggs;
  • Fermented milk drinks;
  • Butter, vegetable oil, ghee;
  • Vegetarian soups;
  • Vegetables, non-acidic berries, fruits;
  • Honey, jam, jam, marmalade;
  • Tea, rosehip decoction, juices, mineral water.

Prohibited products:

  • Salted, smoked, pickled, fatty, fried foods;
  • Spices, herbs;
  • Ice cream, chocolate;
  • Sausages;
  • Dried fruits;
  • Bread, crackers, cookies;
  • Pastries, cakes;
  • Pasta;
  • Canned food;
  • Cottage cheese products;
  • Semi-finished products;
  • Coffee, sour juices, carbonated and alcoholic drinks.


For xerostomia, the following alternative medicine recipes are used:

  • Take 1 tbsp. spoon of sage, chamomile, calamus root, blueberries, brew each ingredient separately with a mug of hot water, except blueberries. Leave for 40–60 minutes, filter, rinse your mouth with decoctions throughout the day, and eat the berries;
  • Take 1 tbsp. spoon plantain, rosehip, chamomile, mint, calendula, sea buckthorn and red rowan. Grind everything, 1 tbsp. Brew a spoonful of the prepared mixture with ½ liter of boiling water, leave for 2–4 hours, filter. Take ¼ cup throughout the day; you can rinse your mouth with this decoction;
  • 1st Art. Brew a spoonful of rose hips with a mug of hot water, leave for a couple of hours, filter. Buy an oil solution of chlorophyllipt at the pharmacy, alternately drip these 2 products into the nasal passages: first rose hips, after 15 minutes the pharmaceutical solution. After instillation, you need to take a horizontal position;
  • Squeeze juice from fresh vegetables and fruits: white cabbage, apples, potatoes. Add ¼ cup of juice with water to make ½ volume, take warm before each meal.


If dry mouth bothers you for a long time, consult a doctor!

If xerostomia is observed for a long time and there is no treatment, the following complications may occur:

  • Caries, tooth loss;
  • Gingivitis (inflammation of the gums);
  • Infectious processes in the oral cavity (thrush).