How to remove arsenic from the body. Symptoms of an excess of heavy metals in the body. Methods for removing heavy metals from the body

You will be surprised, but coal mines and chemical plants are by no means the only sources of toxins that pollute environment and our bodies. Heavy metals are present in the earth, in the water we drink, in food, in cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, and even in medicines that each of us now and then has to take. These harmful substances enter the body, damaging its cells, weakening the immune system and causing serious illnesses. Moreover, one should not think that heavy metals settle exclusively in the liver and damage only this organ. Toxic damage can affect the brain, intestines, kidneys, organs of hearing or vision, and therefore every person should know the means that cleanse the body of salts of heavy metals.

Ways of defeat by heavy metals

1. Inhalation

First of all, heavy metals enter our body through the air. Most of all, residents of areas located in close proximity to mining plants, chemical plants and nuclear power plants suffer from this. However, distance from such objects does not provide protection from these dangerous toxins, because most of us, residents of large cities, have to breathe car exhaust fumes every day.

2. Nutrition

You will be surprised, but food products are the main sources of pollution of the body with salts of heavy metals. It can be agricultural products treated with chemicals, and even ordinary water that comes to us through the tap.

3. Absorption

In addition to inhaling polluted air and eating foods stuffed with "chemistry", heavy metals can enter the body through contact with sources of infection. Toxins are absorbed by our skin from the air, precipitation, as well as from the water of polluted lakes and rivers.

Dangerous heavy metals

1. Arsenic

This is extremely dangerous substance can enter the body with polluted air from industrial emissions or with ordinary tap water containing arsenic particles due to filtration characteristics. For a person, this is an extremely undesirable element, because acting on the body, it provokes the development of skin cancer and causes diabetes.

2. Lead

Lead is normally ingested in tap water, but it can accumulate in the liver when fruits and vegetables that contain pesticides are consumed. According to doctors, such an undesirable microelement for the body can cause anemia and kidney damage, and can lead to paralysis.

3. Mercury

Broken mercury thermometer- by no means the only source of mercury ingestion. This hazardous metal we absorb with contaminated fish and other seafood, not even suspecting that its accumulation in the body leads to severe neurotic disorders, hand tremors and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

4. Cadmium

Cadmium is present in many agricultural fertilizers, and therefore it is not surprising that this dangerous trace element can enter our body with vegetables and fruits, cancer-causing lungs and others, not less than dangerous forms oncological diseases.

All of the above makes you think about how to quickly remove salts of heavy metals from the body without harming your health. Do not think that this process is complicated and costly. You can cleanse the body of heavy metals at home, and without bothering yourself at all. How? We will tell in this article.

Ways to detox

1. Water

The human body is 70% water, and therefore it is not surprising that water is the best remedy detoxification. No other means and methods will help to remove toxins if the body is dehydrated. In addition, dehydration causes oxidative processes, which makes it difficult for the body to fight against free radicals. That is why make it a rule to start your day with a glass of pure filtered water and make sure that you drink at least 2 liters of purified liquid per day.

2. Garlic

It is no secret that garlic is a natural antibiotic that perfectly protects the body from infectious agents, especially during periods of an epidemic. But few people know that this healing vegetable perfectly removes toxins and salts of heavy metals from the body. And this does not require complex recipes. Just start every day with ½ clove of garlic, which should be washed down with water. And don't worry about bad breath. It will instantly disappear if you drink some water with the addition of lemon juice.

3. Fermented foods

Speaking about cleansing the body of toxins and salts of heavy metals, one cannot ignore fermented foods, that is, foods containing live bacteria. Kefir and natural yogurt, sour cucumbers, sauerkraut and, of course, kvass, contain living organisms that not only improve the intestinal microflora, but are also able to bind with salts of heavy metals, removing them from the body naturally. Especially well-fermented foods cope with lead and cadmium deposited in the body. Include these wonderful foods in your diet more often and problems with body pollution will not bother you!

4. Products containing polyphenols

Foods rich in polyphenols are famous for their antioxidant activity, which means they support cardiovascular system and prevent the occurrence cancerous tumors. But what is even more interesting, when ingested, polyphenols increase the production of metallothionein, a protein that has a powerful detoxifying effect and perfectly cleanses the body of harmful substances. How to saturate the body with polyphenols? The sources of these valuable compounds in nature are: green tea and dried oregano, dark chocolate and cocoa powder, strawberries and blueberries, currants and plums, flax-seed, anise, mint and cloves. That is, to cleanse the body, simply replace black tea with green tea, regularly consume dark chocolate and drink cocoa, eat fresh wild berries (freeze them for the winter), or make jam.

5. Foods rich in sulfur

According to scientists, key ingredient that removes harmful elements from the body is glutathione. This tripeptide is called the "father" of all antioxidants, the "vanguard" of the immune system and the "maestro" of detoxification. And good news the fact that glutathione is produced by the body itself, which means that the process of purification occurs constantly. However, this is not always the case. With a lack of sulfur, the level of glutathione drops sharply and arsenic and other harmful elements begin to accumulate in the body. To avoid this, it is necessary to consume foods containing sulfur, namely cruciferous vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, leeks and shallots.

6. Brown rice

According to experts, unpolished rice is one of the best natural sorbents that can cope even with salts of heavy metals. This effect of rice is explained simply: when it enters the body, it absorbs everything like a sponge. harmful products metabolism from excess water and ending with toxic metals.

To use this tool to cleanse the body will have to try. First you need to take and number 5 half-liter cans. 3 tbsp rice should be washed and poured into the first jar, pouring water on top. After closing the jar, it must be sent to the refrigerator. The next day, the water must be drained, the rice washed and sent to the second jar, also filled with water. And in the first jar, load a new portion of the washed raw materials. Performing such manipulations, by the sixth day you will receive rice, which has been soaked for a day in each jar. It can be eaten raw or boiled in water for 15-20 minutes. Such rice is consumed without any additives in the morning, on an empty stomach, at least 3 hours before next appointment food. The duration of daily cleansing of the body is one month.

7. Milk Thistle

Another tool that helps rid the body of heavy metal salts can be milk thistle, in other words, milk thistle. This herbaceous plant known for its ability to strengthen liver cells, preventing the absorption of toxic heavy metals. In addition, the substances present in milk thistle increase the production of glutathione by the body, which helps it to get rid of substances hazardous to health more quickly. To cleanse the body in this way, you will need to drink up to 6 cups of milk thistle tea per day. To prepare it, simply brew 1 tsp in a glass of boiling water. plant seeds, let it brew for 20 minutes. The duration of therapy is 1 month.

8. Coriander

In case of toxic damage to the body by lead, aluminum or mercury, you can not do without a proven remedy for years - cilantro. Also known as coriander, this fragrant herb has amazing antioxidant properties, but what's even more interesting is that when dropped into the body, it acts as a powerful detoxifying agent. To help eliminate lead and other heavy metals from the body, you need to prepare a special cocktail. To do this, you need to take the juice of 1 zucchini, 1 bunch of cilantro, 1 green apple, 1 celery stalk and ½ lemon, mix everything and add a pinch to the mixture sea ​​salt. Take this medicine ¼ cup in the morning and evening for 14 days.

9. Exercise

After studying sweat, blood and urine samples from 200 participants in the experiment, American scientists came to the conclusion that each biological fluid contains a significant amount of toxins, but most of all harmful substances, including salts of heavy metals, are present in sweat. On this basis, it was concluded that one of better ways body detoxification are intense physical training With copious excretion sweat. You can also use this tool, the main thing is to contact your fitness instructor and choose the most suitable physical activity for you.

10. Sauna

Continuing the theme of removing toxins from the body through sweat glands, let's turn to another way of detoxification, namely, visiting the sauna. Sauna detox is considered to be one of the best detox treatments for metal salts, but it comes with one caveat. According to doctors, to remove toxic substances from the body, long sauna sessions are necessary, which are contraindicated for people with heart disease, as well as elderly people. In any case, removing lead, aluminum or cadmium from the body in this way is only under the supervision of a doctor.

As you can see, it is possible to cleanse the body of toxins and salts of heavy metals without resorting to drugs and unpleasant procedures. Just take note of these simple but effective ways detox and stay healthy!

We can safely say that almost every person on the planet has been subjected to negative impact heavy metals. These substances are highly toxic, which can lead to serious problems with health.

Heavy metals enter the human body through medicines, food, cosmetics or water, and gradually accumulate in the body if not properly detoxified. They have a negative effect on the entire body, slowly poisoning cells, destroying organs and weakening immune system. These substances contain neurotoxins that lead to problems with memory, attention, and even depression.

You can cleanse the body of heavy metals with the help of a special medical procedure, which requires the introduction into the body of special synthetic substances. Fortunately, there is another way. Eating the following foods will effectively cleanse the body of heavy metals in a natural way.


Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae that brings great benefit health. In addition to assisting in the elimination of heavy metals, this product can also regenerate cells nervous system and liver. In addition, this seaweed is a pure protein containing all 8 essential amino acids.


Chlorella is another type of green algae that is somewhat more difficult to digest than spirulina, but it is for this very reason that it is so effective in removing heavy metals from the body. Cell walls algae are very tough, so they bind toxins and remove them.

Algae dulce

These algae have a huge number of important nutrients, many of which are often absent in other foods, including iodine, B vitamins, omega-3 and omega-6, potassium and others. Algae cells attach themselves to heavy metals such as aluminum (one of the most commonly used Food Industry), mercury, copper and lead, and remove them from the body.


Coriander (or cilantro) is another effective remedy for detoxification and removal of heavy metals. The plant can be added to salads or other dishes, as well as made into juice. Either way, you won't regret choosing this product.


One of the most useful plants on the ground. Ginger renders positive impact on the whole body, including the digestive system, as well as anti-inflammatory effect. Besides, this product has a positive effect on the kidneys, thereby accelerating and improving the detoxification process.

milk thistle

Milk thistle is an edible wild herb that supports liver function, which plays an important role in the detoxification and elimination of heavy metals.

All these products, along with proper nutrition And in a healthy way of life, are able to help the body with natural cleansing.

Thinking about how to remove heavy metals from the body is necessary not only for those who have been poisoned by them, but also for people who consider themselves healthy. Contact with these substances is inevitable, so their dose in the body can often exceed the norm.

Heavy metals - separate group chemical elements with the properties of metals (and some semimetals) with significant atomic weight and density. These elements are the main environmental pollutants.

They are used at home, at work, in agriculture. These chemicals often end up with runoff in water bodies, poisoning the air with fumes and smoke. Most metals are very toxic (lead, mercury, copper, cadmium, etc.) and can accumulate in living organisms.

It is easy to poison them, but to remove them from the body - difficult task requiring complex and long-term treatment.

Heavy metal poisoning

Some of them are needed by the body in small quantities, but with elevated content have a toxic effect.

Ways of defeat by heavy metals.

  • Through Airways(when living in ecologically unfavorable areas or when working in hazardous production or at home when inhaling cigarette smoke, paint fumes, car exhaust, etc.).
  • After ingestion ( bad water, products in which impurities have accumulated, etc.).
  • When used carelessly medical preparations containing heavy metals.

The general symptoms of poisoning with metal salts are at first similar to signs of food intoxication (nausea, colic, constipation or diarrhea, vomiting, etc., up to delirium, hallucinations and coma). But as the impact on the body increases, symptoms will appear that are characteristic of intoxication with one or another metal. Specific features often help to determine what kind of element caused the feeling of poor health.

Metal salts are very quickly absorbed into the blood, carried throughout the human body and deposited in organs, mainly in the liver and kidneys. As a result, their functions are impaired, and they will no longer be able to remove metals from the body. Therefore, at the first signs of poisoning with these poisons, everything must be done so that the liver and kidneys do not suffer.

Are metal salts excreted from the body

It is at least unreasonable to expect that the metals that have entered the body will miraculously come out on their own. Even when exposed to toxins strong drugs this process is slow.

This is due to the significant atomic mass elements with which excretory system a person cannot cope (it is difficult for her to wash out and remove these substances).

Lead, mercury, cadmium, copper and semi-metal arsenic are recognized as the most dangerous. But compared to mercury and other metals, lead is considered the heaviest. The water filtration system is unable to “weed out” it, and the element, easily entering the body, firmly settles in the organs, mainly in the bones. Thus, lead is constantly present in tap water, which in the end always turns out to be a source of toxins. It is impossible not to use it at all, because even if you do not drink such water, you still have to contact it one way or another (take a shower, wash dishes, etc.).

In other words, lead enters the body constantly, and therefore it is extremely difficult to remove it. Help with the removal of lead and other heavy metals can only special preparations, procedures and diets, and all this will require a large number of strength and time.

How to remove heavy metals from the body

It is impossible to remove salts of heavy metals from the body without medical prescriptions, but traditional medicine is often a good help here, accelerating this process.


All appointments will directly depend on what kind of metal has entered the body. It is possible to identify the "poisoner" thanks to special screenings carried out in medical institution and characteristic symptoms.

Typically, the patient is prescribed a set of measures to detoxify the body:

  • antidotes ( universal remedy- Unitiol, but there may be other drugs);
  • homeopathic preparations;
  • herbal solutions (Lymphomyosot, etc.);
  • sorbents (Enterosgel, Polyphepan);
  • forced diuresis (Mannitol, glucose solution, Torasemide);
  • injections with solutions Gelatinol, Reamberin, Gemodez N;
  • hemodialysis in especially severe cases.

Read also: Iron poisoning

These are just the main ways to remove heavy metals. In fact, doctors always look at the situation: what is the condition of the patient, how large was the amount of toxins in the body, what metal needs to be removed, etc. Therefore, in each separate case treatments may vary slightly.

Folk methods

IN traditional medicine can really be found good ways that help in the removal of salts of heavy metals from the body:

  • Water. In case of poisoning, the body is dehydrated. A lot of harmful substances are removed with the liquid, so you need to drink more (at least 2 liters per day of clean filtered water).
  • Milk thistle (milk thistle). A decoction of its seeds - excellent tool, which prevents the absorption of metal salts and strengthens the liver. You need to drink 6 cups of broth per day (1 teaspoon of seeds pour a glass of boiling water, leave for about half an hour and drink a course lasting 1 month).
  • Herbal teas (chamomile, rosehip, sea buckthorn and calendula). These drinks help to remove heavy metals from the body, prevent their penetration.
  • Oatmeal decoction. A glass of cereal is poured with 2 liters of water. Boil for 40 minutes on low heat and drink half a cup 4 times a day.
  • Garlic. This natural antibiotic, perfectly removing slags, toxins and dangerous heavy metals. You need to eat half a clove daily with water.
  • cilantro (coriander). A long-established detoxifying agent. You can simply add this herb to food more often or cook healthy tea: 4 tablespoons of chopped herbs pour 1 liter of boiling water in a non-metallic bowl. You can drink after 20 minutes.
  • Sauna, bath. Great amount metal salts come out through the pores, and the steam room is the very place where you can achieve an excellent effect. It will be even more useful to use a dry washcloth or brush in the bath to deep cleaning skin pores. How large quantity they will open wide in the steam room - the more toxins will be removed. But this method can be used only with the permission of a doctor. For those who are elderly or suffer from heart disease, this method is contraindicated.
  • Physical exercise. The principle of action here is the same - toxins come out through the pores. Active movements will cause profuse sweating, with which metal salts will begin to come out.

When choosing a folk remedy, you need to understand that none of them is the only one. possible treatment. The main emphasis in the removal of heavy metals is always placed on traditional therapy in the hospital.

Metal Removal Products

To speed up the cleansing of the body, it is necessary to eat right and use foods that help cleanse the body of heavy metals.

What products remove metal salts:

  • citruses. They contain pectins, which have a powerful cleansing effect.
  • Beet. Flavonoids in its composition neutralize metals and turn them into safe compounds.
  • Garlic. Strong detoxifier, increases the number of lymphocytes and strengthens the immune system.
  • Seaweeds. They can cleanse the blood and remove toxins from the digestive tract due to the algin in the composition.
  • Rice. Perfectly absorbs toxins and metal salts and removes them from the body.
  • Berries (viburnum, raspberries, mountain ash and cranberries). Metal salts actively bind.
  • Chlorella. This powerful detoxifying powder can be purchased from a pharmacy and taken as a dietary supplement.
  • Products with live bacteria ( dairy products, sauerkraut and kvass). They perfectly correct the intestinal flora, bind metal salts and remove them. Cope even with cadmium and lead.
  • Products with sulfur. Sulfur is necessary for the formation of glutathione - the main fighter against toxins. It is contained in cruciferous - broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, as well as leeks and shallots.
  • Products with polyphenols. They help the body produce metallothionein, a protein that cleanses the blood of heavy metal salts and other harmful substances. It will be useful to drink green tea and cocoa, eat dark chocolate, strawberries, blackberries, currants, plums, add mint, cloves, flax seeds to food.

It is very good if these products are always included in the diet.

How to remove heavy metals from the body of a child

Some metals (such as mercury) cause a child to have a condition similar to autism. This does not necessarily mean that mercury poisoning caused the disease, but with symptoms of autism, children still undergo biocorrection - chelation.

Cadmium (Cd) is a metal from the elements of the periodic table. Rarely found in nature pure form. It usually accompanies zinc ore in minimal impurities. Opened in 1817.

Considered extremely toxic and hazardous to human health and life. May enter tap water, be absorbed by plants from the soil (and thus ingested), released during various types production. The photo below shows what cadmium looks like on the surface of the rock.

In the photo, the rock high content cadmium

Where is cadmium found

Carriers of cadmium are: fish; chicken eggs; shrimp, squid (and other seafood from industrial areas); animal kidneys and their meat (in particular: beef and pork); vegetables growing on contaminated soil; mushrooms; margarine; chocolate; rice.

Except food products, sources of harmful metal for humans can be:

  1. cigarette smoke;
  2. drinking water;
  3. chewing gum.

How cadmium enters the human body

Cadmium can enter the body not only with food or water poisoned with heavy metals. Here are just a few sources:

  • Emissions of factory and factory pipes;
  • car smog;
  • work in heavy production;
  • medicines containing the appropriate chemical compounds may also serve as sources of infection.

Cadmium enters the lungs or esophagus, and from there into the blood. It spreads to all human tissues and organs, in which it accumulates. Gradually but surely. It is excreted only with feces and urine in microscopic doses. Its half-life is 25 years.

What is dangerous cadmium for the human body

Cadmium affects all human vital systems, blocks the absorption essential substances, contributes to the development of numerous diseases: from anemia and brittle bones to cancer.

In the body of men after 40 years, the amount of cadmium is 2 times higher than its amount in female body. It is believed that both hormones and differences in the lifestyle that modern ladies and knights lead are “to blame” here. Men: are employed in hazardous work; do not monitor their own nutrition; smoke more; drink unpurified tap water, etc.

Cadmium poisoning can be acute or chronic. Acute (occurs when inhaling its vapors high concentration for a long time) can be fatal if the victim is not given first aid.

Symptoms of cadmium poisoning

An overdose of cadmium human body(and - acute poisoning them in one form or another) is expressed in the following symptoms:

  1. dizziness (up to fainting);
  2. nausea and vomiting;
  3. damage to the central nervous system;
  4. convulsions.

Cadmium poisoning, unfortunately, is often chronic. It begins to manifest itself outwardly months and even years after exceeding the safe proportion of the substance in the body. Here are its symptoms:

  • problems of the urinary and reproductive systems (especially in men);
  • protein and glucose in the urine;
  • microglobulinuria;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • fibrous lesion of the broncho-pulmonary system;
  • anemia;
  • emphysema;
  • hypertension, etc.

How to remove cadmium from the body

  1. First aid is to warm the victim and bring him to Fresh air. Heated milk with soda will clear the airways.
  2. You can do soda inhalation.
  3. Induce vomiting, clear the stomach.
  4. At persistent cough- take "Codeine" or "Dionin", put mustard plasters.
  5. If possible, take to the first-aid post - intravenous infusions and serious therapeutic measures may be required.

In cases of chronic cadmium poisoning, a systematic approach is required:

  • If the encounter with cadmium occurs in the workplace, you should immediately leave such work and switch to a safer service;
  • need to quit smoking;
  • reduce the consumption of alcohol and products containing toxins (see paragraph 1 of the same article);
  • regular exercise;
  • it is recommended to visit the bathhouse and sauna at least once a month (since salts of heavy metals are also excreted with sweat);
  • There is more fiber(vegetables tested for cadmium contamination, including);
  • accept multivitamin complexes(a lack of zinc and magnesium in the body is dangerous along with an excess of cadmium);
  • I will not consider numerous folk remedies (from coriander to chlorella algae), because the benefits have not been proven, and the harm can be no less than from cadmium itself.

In conclusion, I will say: a stable and harmonious ecological situation in your place of residence and a personal healthy lifestyle - the best prevention contamination of the body with cadmium!

Everyone needs to know how to remove lead from the body, since anyone can get intoxicated with this heavy metal.

Lead is a silvery-white low-melting metal, used in various fields:

  • for the manufacture of explosives, bullets;
  • in the production of rechargeable lithium batteries;
  • in the coating of glass, porcelain;
  • to protect patients from X-rays;
  • in electrical engineering;
  • for casting bearings.

And also lead is part of gasoline, some insecticides, household utensils, paints, varnishes, whitewash, typographic font, etc. True, due to the high toxicity of the metal, it has become less common. However, this does not reduce the chance of lead poisoning, as contact with lead is still possible.

Why is lead dangerous?

Lead can enter the body in any way: through the skin, stomach, respiratory tract. You can get poisoned:

  • during repair and artistic work with whitewash or paints with lead;
  • in hazardous production;
  • when using cookware with a hazardous coating;
  • when self-repairing electrical appliances where there is lead;
  • from old plumbing lead pipes;
  • when welding and cutting metal containing lead, etc.

Both the metal itself and its compounds, especially water-soluble and volatile ones, are toxic. When ingested, up to 90% of the poison accumulates in bone tissue, which are gradually destroyed, and the concentration of lead begins to increase in the liver and kidneys.

The danger of lead for the body lies in the fact that the poison affects several systems at once:

  • CNS (starting from insomnia and ending with the most serious mental disorders, encephalopathy);
  • peripheral nervous system (up to paralysis of the hands and feet);
  • urinary (as a result sharp violation kidney function, urine is not completely excreted, chronic renal failure develops);
  • bone (bones become softer).

For pregnant women, lead poisoning is fraught with fetal death or premature birth. For women, intoxication with this heavy metal can manifest itself as impaired fertility.

But contact with lead is especially dangerous for children.

  • Up to 5 years of age. Suffering mental development child, because brain damage occurs. At this stage, only one step separates the baby from the onset of an irreversible disease - mental retardation.
  • From 6–7 years old. Chronic lead poisoning leads to a halt in the development of the child, polyneuropathy (loss of sensation in the legs and arms). The body gradually weakens.
  • And regardless of the age of the child, anemia develops (erythrocytes are destroyed). This leads to hypoxia, and it is also one of the causes of mental retardation.

Lead is excreted from the body very slowly. It will take up to 3 months to remove it at least half of the bone tissue. From blood and soft tissues - up to 40 days.

For getting severe poisoning an adult needs only 1 to 3 mg of lead, and death occurs when 10 mg is ingested.

Signs of poisoning

With the constant ingestion of lead in the body develops chronic poisoning. The main signs of saturnism (the so-called chronic form) may not appear for a long time until the concentration of this metal becomes critical.

Read also: How to remove nitrates from the body

Gradually dry skin develops muscle mass in volume, weakness, fatigue, decreased efficiency, damage to the teeth, etc. These signs indicate the neglect of poisoning. Treatment to help remove lead from the body takes a long time in such cases, and there is no guarantee that the victim will recover completely.

Acute poisoning occurs suddenly if a large amount of poison has entered the body at once. Here, the symptoms are hard to miss. They will vary depending on the route of entry into the body. If lead poisoning was caused by skin contact with metal dust, signs of intoxication will appear. skin problems in the form of ulcers, cracks, etc.

If swallowed or inhaled vapors characteristic features lead poisoning are sweating jumps, muscle stiffness, constipation with cramping pains in the abdomen, muscle paralysis with subsequent damage to the kidneys, liver and other organs.

With no help acute intoxication human body with lead will be fatal.

If there are signs of acute or chronic form- The patient in both cases needs medical attention.

Eliminating lead with medication

At the first stage of treatment, the patient must be prescribed antidotes (as per condition):

  • Succimer. The intake cycle is usually designed for 3 days, 500-600 mg of the drug 3-4 times a day. After the expiration of 3 days - 2-day break.
  • Tetacin. Apply in the same way as Succimer, but in more complex cases.
  • Unithiol. Give in tablets 4 times a day or as a 5% intravenous drip solution.
  • D-penicillamine. 450 mg per day, designed for 3-4 injections.

These drugs, which bind and remove lead, are called “metal cleaners” by toxicologists for a reason. The intake of such drugs is vital for the patient in case of poisoning with other heavy metals.

At the second stage, the patient is prescribed medications, depending on the lesions. If the concentration of the metal is localized in the heart or kidneys, appoint:

  • intravenously or intramuscularly nicotinic acid;
  • cocarboxylase solutions;
  • adenosine triphosphate intramuscularly.

With damage to the nervous system or brain:

  • Vasobral (tablets) and intravenous Vinpocetine with sodium chloride;
  • 20% glucose solution;
  • magnesia;
  • vitamins of group B by drip or intramuscular injection.

All medicines and dosages are selected by the doctor strictly individually. Treatment takes place under the supervision of doctors in a hospital.

Removal of lead by folk methods

With the permission of the doctor and subject to improvement, you can resort to folk remedies elimination of lead from the body.

  • Milk thistle. It will strengthen the liver cells and remove harmful substances. Pour a teaspoon of seeds into a glass boiled water, insist 20 minutes. Take within a month.
  • Chamomile, sea buckthorn, rosehip or calendula teas. Drinks are well disinfected, relieve inflammation and remove toxins.
  • Oat decoction. Boil for 40 minutes a glass of cereal in 2 liters of water. Strain and drink half a glass a day. This method is an excellent cleansing of the body from heavy metals.
  • Bath. One of the best ways to remove toxins is through the sweat glands. But you have to stay in the steam room for a long time, so this method is not suitable for cores and the elderly.
  • Physical exercise. If you work up to profuse sweating, then poisons will also begin to come out through the sweat glands.

Read also: Lead poisoning in humans

Folk methods for removing lead cannot replace the main treatment, so you cannot rely solely on them.