Where to check the endocrine system. Help restore the endocrine system. Biological action of adrenal hormones

CHROMAFFIN SYSTEM, chromaffin organs, adrenal system, chromaffin organ system, the name given, according to Cohn’s proposal, to a number of organs that selectively react by changing color, etc., to the action of chromium in its saline solutions. When a solution of dichromopotassium salt is exposed to the tissue of these organs, they appear to appear, because they turn brown and become accessible to macro- and microscopic study. This specific reaction of cells of chromaffin organs was first discovered in 1864 in Russia and in 1865 in Henle in Germany. The method of staining and displaying X. organs among the other tissues surrounding them has greatly advanced the study of this organ system. In lower vertebrates, this organ system is represented by small clusters of chromaffin cells located at each sympathoma. edge sim-Ti;iT nodes. trunk That. there these organs are metameres corresponding to the metamerism of sympath. boundary trunk nodes; since X. organs are topically connected with these nodes, they are also called peri-nodes, or usually paraganglia(cm.).

Figure 1. Children's abdominal menschal and peri-aortic paraganglia.

In higher vertebrates, metamerism in the arrangement of chromaffin organs is absent even in the embryonic period of development; Not all of their embryonic anlages are preserved for life or only in childhood, but only a few of these paraganglia. These include: 1) several non-permanent (children's) (Fig. 1) abdominal peri-aortic paraganglia (Fig. s 2); 2) lifelong, so-called carotid or intercarotid glands; 3) adrenal gland (its medulla) or adrenal paraganglia. The adrenal paraganglion acquires the greatest vital importance in all animals, starting with amphibians. In amphibians, the chromaffin adrenal gland merges with tissue of a different origin, with a derivative of the epithelium lining the body cavity, art. n. interrenal tissue (see. adrenal glands, comparative anatomical data). Chromaffin and interrenal tissues, merging together, form in higher vertebrates the substance of a genetically new organ that is absent in fish, i.e., a complex adrenal gland"(see). As for

Figure 2. Scheme of the location of permanent and non-permanent organs of the human f-xpo-muffin system (paraganglia oboz;:-cheny black).

Carotid glands, then the question of classifying them as X. s. cannot yet be considered resolved and by many authors such an attribution is generally disputed (see. Paraganglia). The specified organs of X. s. develop from the rudiment of sympathies. nervous system, i.e. they are sympathogenic organs; later, already in the embryonic period, the cells that make up this tissue lose all morphol. signs of nerve cells and acquire a number of new characteristics, among which their chromaffin-notrosity, argentophilicity, the presence of adrenergic grains, etc. stand out; morphologically they become sharply different from primitive sympathies. cellular elements. Therefore, this kind of cells are called chromaffin cells (according to Cohn) or pheochromic cells (according to Paul). In their protoplasm, specific grains appear, painted in brown and dark tones with solutions of chromium salts; it is these grains that give a number of reactions of chromaffin organs (or similar tissues) to adrenaline; therefore they are considered morphol. carriers of adrenaline or its unfinished intermediate products (“pro-adrenaline”). That. chromaffin cells in their function and reactions are adrenaline cells, and all X. s. organs-adrenal, or, better, adrenaline (adrenaline-producing) system. Because all organs of this system do not have open ducts(flowless organs), then they are classified as organs internal secretion; their intracellular products enter directly into the capillary and then venous beds; veins so are at the same time drainage routes for their complex secretions mixed with blood (see. Autonomic nervous system, and Internal secretion?).- In addition to the adrenal glands and the carotid gland, all other, often unpaired, organs of the X. s. to one degree or another, they are subject to reverse development (reduction) with age, often ending in their disappearance. To what extent this disappearance of the unstable, “labile” organs of the adrenal system is absolute, it is still difficult to say definitively. There is reason to believe that, although with age the paraganglia visible to the naked eye, located in certain places, disappear, nevertheless, in certain sympathetic nodes. the nerve trunk and its branches remain and, perhaps later, are specifically differentiated by lifelong microscope. inclusion of groups of adrenergic cells (Wiesel, Zalkind). The temporarily functioning organs of the adrenal system of organs are the following paraganglia early childhood: 1) accessory organs sympath. nerve trunk - abdominal aortic paraganglia, paired or unpaired organs; 2) paraganglia located in the (sympathetic) solar plexus (unpaired or in the form of several separate chromaffin cell nests); 3) paraganglia scattered in various extra- and intra-organ nodes of the sympathetic nervous system; 4) accessory adrenal glands, consisting of interrenal (cortical) and chromaffin tissues. In the relevant literature, unfortunately, there is no uniformity in defining the properties of the “accessory adrenal gland”. It is necessary to clearly distinguish 3 types of bodies, only partly similar to the true adrenal gland: 1) accessory interrenal (cortical) bodies, 2) accessory chromaffin bodies, 3) accessory true adrenal glands. The first Tpir categories of non-permanent paraganglia are subject to more dramatic age-related changes than the permanent part of the X. p. In addition, chromaffin inclusions in the sympathomic nodes of the nervous system are also very unstable and this applies both to their position and to their shape, size and reactive properties. The permanent paraganglia, having reached their maximum development, remain in to a certain extent, up to old age, the ratio of mass, shape and size. Their changes are more gradual than in childhood. The shape, mass, size, as well as the structure of the unstable paraganglia, on the contrary, undergo continuous, profound changes both during the period of their development and in the subsequent period of their reduction. As for the distribution zone of paraganglia in the body, then, as Wiesel points out, everywhere in sympath. nerve ganglia, one can count on the random discovery of inclusions of groups of chromaffin cells. These inclusions can be of various sizes: from a small group of cells to a macroscopically visible organ. In such large knots, sympath. nerve, such as solar plexus, these inclusions of chromaffin cells are of a fairly constant nature. As for other nodes of a smaller size, all of them have not been sufficiently examined on this subject. Nevertheless, in the specialized literature * there are a large number of articles devoted to individual findings of paraganglia or even entire accessory adrenal glands in various areas animal organism. Thus, paraganglia were found: in the cord of the testicle, in the inguinal canal, in the appendages of the testicle, in the testicle itself, in the kidney, liver-intestinal ligament, in the cardio-cervical region, in the solar plexus, in the heart at the aortic arch, in the wall of the esophagus, in the broad uterine ligament, in the uterosacral ligament. The paraganglia located in the solar plexus, renal, superior mesenteric, hypogastric, and in the plexus around the abdominal aorta are distinguished by the greatest relative constancy. Findings of true accessory adrenal glands are very rare, that is, glands consisting of: epithelial and chromaffin tissue, like the adrenal gland, and not from any one of them. Due to the presence of small but numerous chromaffin inclusions (paraganglia) in the nodes of the sympathetic nerves, the X. as a whole appears to be a significant mass of adrenergic tissue, divided into separate units and scattered throughout the blood vessels, digestive tract etc. The presence in the human body of relatively constant additional ones. paraganglia, such as in area solar plexus, at the place of bifurcation of the general carotid artery etc., or periodic (for example, children's paraganglia) makes it possible to develop their compensatory hypertrophy with "underdevelopment, decrease or cessation of the function of the adrenal medulla. At autopsy they are sometimes found in medulla adrenal glands various age and pat. processes expressed by various morphol. changes in chromaffin cells G their loss of specific secretory properties (in particular, the loss of the chromaffin reaction). It turns out that this subject did not have during his lifetime the symptoms of bronze (Addison's) disease, which usually accompany the destruction of the adrenal glands. In such cases, the indicated, sometimes life-saving, compensatory hypertrophy of chromaffin tissue in the remaining healthy paraganglia takes place. Pat. the growth of chromaffin tissue in different places of its localization leads to the appearance of neoplasms (paragangliomas), usually associated with the growth of sympathomata. nerve tissue(sympathies) (see also Ganglio-■ieuroma). Excessive growth of chromaffin cells can lead to excess production of adrenaline in the body - hyperadrenalineemia, which in turn entails a violation of the correlation of the function of the bloodstream with other organs of internal secretion. On the development, structure, position and function of the most important individual organs X. pp. (adrenal gland, carotid gland, paraganglia) see the corresponding words. Some authors previously included in the system of chromaffin organs the so-called coccygeal gland, or glomerulus (glomus coccygeum), located on the anterior surface of the coccyx. This is small formation the size ■e a pinhead or slightly larger *” (up to the size of a pea). In the present time, it has been established that the genesis of the coccygeal gland is not directly related to sympath. nervous system. The presence of chromaffin elements in it has also not been proven. The epithelial cells contained in this still functionally unclear formation are apparently reactively modified smooth muscle fibers belonging to the medial tunic of the precapillaries. In the coccygeal gland, the rudimentary caudal artery in humans ends in the form of a ball (a. sacralis media, s. caudalis); the thin vascular network of this artery constitutes the main mass of the organ, together with its connective tissue capsule and trabeculae. There is a special question about the so-called. yellow (chromaffin) cells - k a x yellow-kish. channel; These cells have the main characteristic microscopic reactions of chromaffin cells, but genetically and functionally they differ from sympathogenic chromaffin elements. Yellow cells were first discovered by Nicholas (1891) in the intestinal epithelium; somewhat later, they were found and described by Kulchitsky and others. When these cells are fixed with chromium salts or impregnated with silver, they are selectively stained (hence the name yellow, or argentophilic cells). These cells have a unique excretory function, which has not been sufficiently clarified in essence. In humans, these yellow cells are found as a result of special staining among the epithelium throughout the intestine, in the Brunner's glands, in the initial part of the pancreatic duct (Kull), in the hepatic duct and in the wall of the small bile ducts. As a result of the lastomatous growth of these same cells, real tumors can break down. Lit.: Ivanov G., Human chromaffin and interrenal systems, L., 1930; Yakhontov, The structure of the human carotid gland, dissertation, Kazan, 1915; Hamperl J., TJber die gelben (chromaffinen) Zellen im gesundcn Aind kranken Magendarmschlauch, Virchows Arch. t. path. Anat., B. CCLXVI, 1927. G. Ivanov.

Malfunctions endocrine system no less dangerous than, for example, disruption of the cardiovascular or digestive system, because they can lead to such serious consequences, such as the development of diabetes mellitus, deterioration of vision... The therapist tells readers of the site how to identify the first signs of hormonal disorders.

All diseases have different roles. One disease comes at once, with all its might, posing a daring challenge to the body: who will win?!

The other creeps up unnoticed and systematically torments: it either “bites” or lets go, gradually making our existence unbearable.

And the third walks with us hand in hand all our lives, influencing our character, worldview and quality of life along with genes and external factors.

Hiding under different masks, diseases often become elusive. It is especially difficult to recognize an endocrine disease (when the body's normal production of hormones is disrupted).

Often people with such disorders, before getting to the “right address”, are examined by the most different specialists, and, having become disillusioned with traditional medicine, they self-medicate in vain.

Such patients come to the endocrinologist only when the disease has reached its apogee or has changed its face so much as a result of numerous health experiments that it is extremely difficult to diagnose and treat it.

Hormonal balance

Hormonal disorders do not always have specific symptoms. Often their manifestations are similar to the most various ailments, and sometimes are perceived only as cosmetic defects.

Therefore you need to know warning signs, when they appear, you must immediately seek qualified help.

It’s better to exclude it in a timely manner dangerous pathology than to pay with your health for your self-confidence and negligence.

What is the endocrine system?

In the body, there are many organs and individual cell clusters that are capable of producing hormones and participating in the endocrine regulation of vital functions.

The pituitary gland and hypothalamus are considered the most important. These glands are located in the brain and, according to their position, control all other organs of the endocrine system: thyroid and parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, gonads and pancreas.

Lesions of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland rarely manifest as isolated, specific symptoms. Usually the function of the endocrine glands under their control also suffers.

What to do?

Possible signs of hormonal imbalance

Hormonal balance

1. Losing weight due to increased appetite. Under the advertising slogan “If I eat, I lose weight!” there may be a person with increased function thyroid gland.

In addition to weight loss, it is usually a concern causeless and long-term increase body temperature up to 37-37.5 °C, interruptions in heart function, excessive sweating, tremor (shaking) of the fingers, sudden mood swings, nervousness, sleep disturbance.

As the disease progresses, sexual function is impaired.

Often what attracts attention is a constantly surprised look - goggle-eyed eyes. When the eyes are wide open, they shine and seem to bulge out: between the iris and eyelids, a strip of white sclera remains above and below.

2. Obesity may not only be a problem poor nutrition and physical inactivity. Obesity accompanies many endocrinological disorders.

If adipose tissue deposited evenly throughout the body, appetite is either unchanged or slightly reduced, disturbing dry skin, weakness, lethargy, constant drowsiness, hair loss and brittleness, then we can assume a decrease in thyroid function.

Such people have chilliness, decreased body temperature and blood pressure, hoarseness, periodic constipation.

Hormonal balance

5. Changes in appearance are an early sign of acromegaly. Facial features become rough: the brow ridges, cheekbones, and lower jaw increase.

The lips “grow”, the tongue becomes so large that the bite is disrupted.

This condition develops in adults when overeducation growth hormone - somatotropin, which is produced in the hypothalamus.

Happening rapid growth of hands and feet. A person is forced to change shoes very often.

Complaints about numbness in the limbs, joint pain, hoarseness, impaired sexual function. The skin becomes thick, oily, and increased hair growth is noted.

6. Visual impairment may also be a consequence of pathology of the endocrine system. Rapid and persistent deterioration of vision, accompanied by persistent headaches, is a reason to suspect a pituitary tumor.

Wherein characteristic feature is loss of the temporal fields of vision, and other signs of hormonal regulation disorders mentioned above often develop.

7. Itchy skin should be a reason to check your blood sugar levels and may be an early sign diabetes mellitus

In this case, itching more often occurs in the perineum (which forces you to consult a gynecologist or dermatovenerologist).

Appears thirst, dry mouth, the amount of urine increases and urination becomes more frequent.

Furunculosis becomes a common disease, wounds and scratches heal very slowly, weakness and fatigue gradually develop.

Weight can fluctuate both in the direction of obesity and in the direction of weight loss, depending on the form of the disease and the constitution of the person.

Without special therapy, endocrine diseases gradually progress and, without causing much concern, initial stages, manifest themselves with heavy echoes in the future.

For sweating, changes in body weight, excess hair growth, you can for a long time turn a blind eye, but what to do when these disorders develop into infertility or turn into severe heart failure, stroke or heart attack, or an inoperable tumor?

And how many cases of diabetes are diagnosed only when a patient is admitted to hospital in a coma?!

But just a little vigilance, attention to own health to prevent all these consequences.

Modern diagnosis of hormonal disorders includes a wide range of examinations. Sometimes it is enough for a doctor to look at a patient to make a diagnosis.

In some cases, it is necessary to carry out a lot of laboratory and instrumental studies, including determination of the level of hormones and their metabolites in the blood, functional stress tests, X-ray and ultrasound diagnostics, computed tomography.

Many endocrine diseases can be treated in a timely manner. complete cure, in others, constant hormone replacement therapy is necessary, in others, indications for surgical treatment arise.

Be more attentive to the health of yourself and your loved ones. In most cases, when early diagnosis and with the right treatment, many endocrine diseases can be controlled or completely cured.

Be healthy!

general practitioner

Endocrine diseases are accompanied by disorder normal operation. They secrete hormones that affect the body and control the functioning of all organs and systems. Endocrine disorder characterized by dysfunction, hyper-or. The most important components of this system are the pituitary gland, pineal gland, pancreas, thyroid gland, thymus, and adrenal glands. In women, these also include the ovaries, in men – the testicles.

The causes of endocrine pathologies that form due to a lack of certain hormones are as follows:

  • damage to the endocrine glands due to infectious diseases (for example, tuberculosis);
  • congenital pathologies causing (underdevelopment). As a result, such endocrine glands are not able to produce sufficient amounts of necessary substances;
  • hemorrhage in the tissue or, conversely, insufficient blood supply organs responsible for the production of hubbub;
  • inflammatory processes affecting the malfunction of the endocrine system;
  • the presence of autoimmune lesions;
  • tumors of the endocrine glands;
  • nutritional problems, when the body does not receive enough substances necessary for the production of certain hormones;
  • negative effects of toxic substances, radiation;
  • iatrogenic reasons and others.

Why do diseases caused by excess hormone production occur?

Causes of endocrine pathology, which causes excessive production of any hormones:

  • excessive stimulation of the endocrine glands, which is caused by natural factors or any pathologies, including congenital ones;
  • production of hormonal substances by tissues that ordinary person are not responsible for this;
  • the formation of hormones in the periphery from their precursors, which are present in the human blood. For example, fatty tissue capable of producing ;
  • Iatrogenic reasons.

Why do pathologies of a different nature arise?

The latest report by foreign scientists contains information that diseases of the endocrine system often occur due to disruption of the transport of hormones or their abnormal metabolism. Most often, the reasons for this phenomenon are liver pathologies, pregnancy and others.

Also common hormonal diseases, which are caused by mutations in genes. In this case, the production of abnormal hormones that are unusual for the human body is observed. This condition is quite rare.

Also in some cases, human endocrine diseases are observed that are associated with hormone resistance. The reason for this phenomenon is believed to be hereditary factor. In this condition, pathologies of hormonal receptors are observed. Active substances, produced by the endocrine glands in the required quantities, are not able to get to the necessary parts of the body where they must perform their function.

Diseases of the endocrine system often differ wide range related violations. Disruptions during the functioning of the body occur due to the fact that hormones affect many functions of different organs and systems. Their excess or deficiency in any case negatively affects a person.

Symptoms of endocrine system disorders are:

  • loss or, conversely, excessive weight gain;
  • heart failure uncharacteristic for humans;
  • causeless increase in heart rate;
  • fever and constant feeling of heat;
  • increased sweating;
  • chronic diarrhea;
  • increased excitability;
  • the appearance of headaches, which are most often caused by high blood pressure;
  • severe weakness, muscle adynamia;
  • inability to concentrate on one thing;
  • drowsiness;
  • pain in the limbs, cramps;
  • significant memory impairment;
  • unexplained thirst;
  • increased urination, and others.

Specific signs indicating the presence of a certain endocrine disease associated with hormones indicate an excess or, conversely, a deficiency.

Diagnosis of disorders

To determine a specific endocrine disorder, some tests are done to determine the amount and type of hormones missing:

  • radioimmunological study using iodine 131. Diagnostics are carried out to determine the presence of pathologies in the thyroid gland. This is based on how intensely a particular area of ​​the iodine particle absorbs;
  • X-ray examination. Helps determine the presence of any changes in bone tissue, which is typical for certain diseases;
  • computed and magnetic resonance imaging. Aimed at comprehensive diagnostics endocrine glands;
  • ultrasound diagnostics. The condition of some glands is determined - the thyroid, ovaries, adrenal glands;
  • blood test. Determines the concentration of hormones, the amount of sugar in the blood and other indicators that are important for setting a certain indicator.

Disease Prevention

To prevent the development of diseases associated with the endocrine system, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • balanced diet. Getting a sufficient amount into the body useful substances helps prevent the occurrence of serious pathologies of various localizations;
  • fight against extra pounds. causes many disorders that can only be eliminated after losing weight;
  • exception negative impact on the body of toxic substances, radiation;
  • timely consultation with a doctor. Having identified the first signs of any disease, a person should go to a specialized specialist (). On initial stages Most diseases respond well to treatment.

Common diseases associated with pituitary dysfunction

Endocrine diseases that are associated with:

  • . The main manifestation is excessive human growth, which can exceed 2 m. An increase in size is observed internal organs. Against this background, other disorders arise - disruption of the heart, liver, diabetes mellitus, underdevelopment of the genital organs and others;
  • . Incorrect (disproportionate) growth of body parts is observed;

  • precocious puberty syndrome. Characterized by the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics in early age(8-9 years), but lack of appropriate psycho-emotional development;
  • . Appears against the background of excessive production of corticotropin and hyperfunction of the adrenal glands. Manifested by obesity, trophic processes on the skin, increased blood pressure, sexual dysfunction, mental disorders;

  • pituitary cachexia. There is acute dysfunction of the adenohypophysis, leading to a serious disruption of all types of metabolism in the body and subsequent exhaustion;
  • . It is observed when the production of somatotropin decreases. Such a person has short stature, dry, flabby, wrinkled skin, sexual dysfunction;

  • . Dysfunction of the endocrine system is caused by insufficient production of sex hormones in both sexes. There is a loss of reproductive function, development of the body according to the type of the opposite sex and other disorders;
  • . Accompanied by the release of a huge amount of urine (from 4 to 40 liters per day), which leads to dehydration and unbearable thirst.

Adrenal pathologies

Endocrine diseases associated with disruption of the normal functioning of the adrenal glands:

  • . Accompanied by a total lack of hormones produced by the adrenal glands. As a result, the activity of many organs and systems is disrupted, which is manifested by arterial hypotension, polyuria, muscle weakness, skin hyperpigmentation and other signs;
  • primary hyperaldosteronism. Increased production is observed. Against the background of such a disorder, serious pathologies arise - hypernatremia, hypokalemia, alkalosis, hypertension, edema, muscle weakness, kidney dysfunction and others;
  • hormonally active adrenal tumors. They are characterized by the appearance of neoplasms (benign and malignant) that cause disturbances in the production of certain hormones.

Thyroid dysfunction

Endocrine diseases affecting the thyroid gland:

Other endocrine diseases

Endocrine diseases that are associated with the pancreas and ovaries:

  • diabetes. A disease that is accompanied by a deficiency (of pancreatic hormone);
  • exhausted ovarian syndrome. Characterized by early menopause;
  • resistant ovarian syndrome. Characterized by the insensitivity of the organs of the reproductive system to gonadotropic stimulation, secondary after the age of 35 years;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome. Accompanied by disruption of the ovaries due to the formation multiple cysts, dysfunction of the pancreas, adrenal glands, pituitary gland;
  • premenstrual syndrome. Occurs due to various reasons and manifests itself with various symptoms a few days before menstruation.

The human endocrine system includes many elements that work as a single complex. Male and female body equally susceptible to diseases in this area. Medical students study for more than one year this issue. To do this, they use many sources of information, after which they draw up a message plan, based on which they make reports and scientific articles.


  1. Guide for emergency doctors. help. Edited by V.A. Mikhailovich, A.G. Miroshnichenko. 3rd edition. St. Petersburg, 2005.
  2. Anosova L. N., Zefirova G. S., Krakov V. A. Brief endocrinology. – M.: Medicine, 1971.
  3. Ovchinnikov Yu.A., Bioorganic chemistry // Peptide hormones. - 1987. - p.274.
  4. Biochemistry: Textbook for universities / ed. E. S. Severina, M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2003. – 779 pp.;

The endocrine system is one of the most important systems in the human body. The main functions of hormones: transfer of information between different organs, as well as regulation of the functioning of all organs and systems. Hormones are produced by endocrine glands. Hormonal system human includes: thyroid gland, pituitary gland, parathyroid glands, pancreas, adrenal glands, ovaries in women and testes in men.

Malfunctions in the functioning of the endocrine system are manifested in the following: loss or, conversely, gain of body weight, frequent fractures bones, skin problems, sudden changes mood, sudden and besides quick loss hair, rapid growth hair, and in the most unnecessary places, vision problems, constant feeling thirst.

An endocrinologist deals with the treatment of pathologies of this system. It is this specialist that you should contact if the above symptoms appear. In no case should you delay contacting a doctor, as well as self-medicate.

In addition to application medications, prescribed by the attending physician, and these are, as a rule, hormones, you can use proven, and very effective means traditional medicine. Preparations based on medicinal plants will help eliminate the manifestations of endocrinological diseases, strengthen the immune system, and normalize the functioning of the endocrine system.

However, use them in the same way as drugs official medicine only possible with the knowledge of a specialist. Any attempts to take action on your own may lead to a worsening of the condition.

Recipes for folk remedies for the treatment of Graves' disease

  1. Walnut will help in healing. Take 40 grams of partitions walnuts and pour them into a glass bottle. Fill the partitions with high-quality vodka - 200 ml. You need to infuse the composition in a dark, dry room for a week. Do not forget to shake the composition periodically. Use 15 drops of filtered product once a day.
  2. Thistle leaves in the treatment of goiter. Brew 20 grams of dried and crushed plant herbs with 200 milliliters of boiling water. The composition should be infused for five hours in a dry place. Take 20 ml of the strained drug at least three times during the day. It is better to take the drug before meals.
  3. Rowan . Brew a few tablespoons of the plant’s berries with boiled water – 200 ml. Leave the composition to brew. After five hours, filter the product. It is recommended to take 1/4 cup of the medicine four times a day.
  4. Application of oak bark infusion. Brew 30 grams of crushed raw materials with half a liter of boiling water. Infuse the mixture for an hour. Soak a handkerchief in the infused filtered mixture and tie it around your throat. Go to bed with this bandage. The duration of the course is three weeks.
  5. Motherwort - best helper. Grind fresh plant, squeeze the juice out of it. Combine a spoonful of freshly squeezed juice with medical alcohol- the same amount. Mix the composition thoroughly. You need to consume 25 drops of the drug once a day.

Traditional medicines for the treatment of hyperthyroidism and diabetes mellitus

Blackberry. This plant helps lower blood sugar levels. Brew the tops of the plant with boiled water - 300 ml. Leave the composition to brew. Take 50 milliliters of filtered infusion at least four times a day.

Golden mustache will help in the treatment of hyperthyroidism. Take a large leaf of the plant, chop it finely and pour boiled water over it. Infuse the composition in a thermos in a warm room for 24 hours. Strain the product and drink 1/2 cup of the medicine three times a day, mandatory before the meal.

Cowberry - the best remedy with hyperthyroidism. Brew 15 grams of plant fruits boiled water- half a liter. Let the product brew. Drink 150 ml of the drink at least three times throughout the day.

Centaury for the treatment of diabetes. Pour two tablespoons of dry plant herbs with high-quality vodka - 300 ml. The composition should be infused in a cold place for two weeks. Shake the composition periodically. It is recommended to use 25 drops of the product before each meal.

Valerian. Place 15 grams of dried, crushed plant rhizomes into a glass bottle. Brew the raw material with boiled water - 200 ml. Infuse the mixture overnight. Take half a glass of filtered healing drink at least twice a day.

Alternative medicine in the fight against obesity

Corn silk helps reduce appetite. Pour 30 grams of crushed raw materials with vodka - 300 ml. Infuse the composition for a week. Take 20 drops of the drug three times a day, before meals.

The following medicine will also help in the treatment of obesity. Grind the soapwort rhizomes. Brew 10 grams of raw materials with boiling water. Let the mixture soak for half an hour. Cool and strain the product. You need to take half a glass of the product at least three times a day. The duration of the course is half a month.

Combine mint with buckthorn, parsley, fennel and dandelion in equal proportions. Grind the ingredients and steam 30 grams of raw materials with half a liter of boiling water. Leave the composition to brew. Take half a glass of medicine five times a day. The course of therapy is two weeks.

Mix 20 grams of motherwort herb with wild rosemary herb - the same amount, horsetail, buckthorn bark - 15 grams of each plant. Steam the mixture with boiling water - half a liter. Leave the container for half an hour. It is recommended to take 70 milliliters of strained medicine before each meal.

Application healing mixture. This medicine will help in treating exhaustion. Grind the dried yarrow and St. John's wort herbs to a powdery consistency. Combine two spoons of powder with butter– 200 grams and natural honey – half a liter. Melt the honey and butter in advance. Mix all ingredients. You need to take 15 grams remedy every two hours.

Therapy of the endocrine system is not an easy task, but it is quite doable and possible. The main thing is to strictly follow all the recommendations of your doctor and take all prescribed medications. Traditional medicine will help speedy recovery. However, it is not worth abusing drugs, as well as independently increasing the dosage of drugs from the people. Before taking any medicine, consult your doctor.

The endocrine system is responsible for controlling all major functions in the body, so even the slightest hormonal disorders demand to themselves special attention. Questions regarding diseases of the human endocrine system concern a large number of patients, since hormonal disorders lead to disruptions in the normal functionality of many organs and systems of the human body. In cases where the required treatment is not followed, such negligence leads to very unpleasant consequences.

Hormonal disorders mean: a decrease or increase in height and weight, emotional instability and an unbalanced mental state. The human endocrine system becomes an active participant in the functioning of the body, which means the digestion of consumed food and maintenance healthy condition body. The glands of the endocrine system include: the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, thyroid and gonads.

For example, the pituitary gland produces several hormones, one of which is growth hormone, which affects human height. With an acute lack of such hormones in the body, growth stops, and the body length of an adult is only one meter and twenty centimeters. If the hormone is produced in excess, the body length of an adult exceeds two meters.

Endocrine glands are responsible for the normal functioning of the nervous and immune systems patient and help maintain a good acid state in the body. Thanks to the production of hormones, which, with the help of chemical reactions react with the activities of human organs.

Not every disease can become a cause that causes dysfunction of the endocrine glands and hormonal imbalances. In such cases, an endocrinologist will not always be able to help; sometimes it is best to consult a completely different specialist, for example, in case of sexual dysfunction, it is best to contact a urologist or gynecologist; in case of emotional instability, a psychotherapist will help.

In any case, in order to make an adequate diagnosis and appropriate treatment, consultation with a qualified specialist is necessary. Typically, diseases of the endocrine system are associated with either an excess or lack of hormone production, which contribute to the development of pathological processes.

Etiology of diseases of the endocrine system in modern medical practice still too little studied. Pathological changes in the endocrine system may be associated with genetic abnormalities, inflammatory processes and neoplasms, and disorders of tissue sensitivity to hormones. Modern medicine Among the most common diseases of the endocrine system are: diabetes mellitus, toxic diffuse goiter and dysfunction of the gonads.

However, despite all the most modern methods research, the endocrine glands and diseases associated with it remain the most mysterious and poorly understood, so it is important to adhere to general rules prevention and recommendations from qualified specialists.

The signs and symptoms that are associated with endocrine disorder diseases are numerous and can be severe and can affect almost all areas and functions of the human body. Symptoms that are observed in patients with disorders associated with the endocrine system:

  • A sharp decrease or, conversely, a sharp increase in body weight;
  • Sudden change of mood;
  • Either an increase or decrease in body temperature and fever;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Violation menstrual cycle among women;
  • Change in normal heart rhythm;
  • Impaired memory and concentration;
  • Frequent headaches;
  • Fatigue, weakness and drowsiness;
  • A constant feeling of thirst, which is mainly observed in patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • Excessive excitability;
  • Decreased sexual desire;
  • Frequent urge to urinate.

All higher listed symptoms, are often found in most patients with disorders associated with diseases of the endocrine system. Since these symptoms are not specific, and almost everyone encounters them, it is not necessary to immediately seek help from a professional endocrinologist; it is worth monitoring your health for some time.

Most diseases that cause the endocrine glands have external manifestations, they are combined with indicated symptoms can give the most vivid picture of the manifestation of signs of the disease.

Such manifestations are characterized by the following: the patient’s facial expression changes, the size increases brow ridges, skin changes, possibly hair loss or, conversely, excessive hair growth. Because of unfavorable conditions, which now surround the majority of the country's population, special risk the thyroid gland is affected.

The control implied by the endocrine system is characterized by the age and gender of the person. It also has a significant impact on the normal functioning metabolic process and the central nervous system, and with the help of them, all other vital important functions. Signs characteristic of age are associated with the natural course of age-related changes, which can be dramatically disrupted under the influence of disorders of internal secretion from one or more endocrine glands.

It happens that due to such a violation, perhaps earlier puberty, which is observed mainly in malignant neoplasms of the gonads. Removal of such a tumor normalizes the functioning of the gonads. Sexual characteristics are responsible for the sexual differentiation of the body and the development of the sex glands.

A decrease in their functionality implies the development of a special body structure, which is characterized by increased growth in the length of the limbs; in male patients it develops female structure pelvis and no body hair.

Despite all the listed symptoms and signs, it should be remembered that most diseases that affect the endocrine glands are hereditary in nature, so it is worth asking what diseases your closest relatives have. It should be remembered that the symptoms and signs associated with endocrine diseases depend on their type and nature of occurrence, it is important to assign correct diagnosis and begin to treat these symptoms promptly.

It is very important for the attending physician to diagnose all previously suffered pathological processes which could cause illness. Very often characteristic external signs may indicate the development of a particular disease, for example, overly enlarged lips or ears may indicate acromegaly, and a noticeable deformation of the neck indicates a malfunction of the thyroid gland.

Necessary treatment

In modern medical practice, treatment that involves the endocrine system is carried out using hormonal medicines. In the case where the main causes are excessive or insufficient active participation of the glands, problems associated with restorative functionality arise.

To eliminate symptoms and first signs, hormones are introduced into the patient’s body that reduce excessive activity functioning of the elements of the endocrine system. In particular severe cases, when a person has to remove part of the gland or cut out the organ completely, then such drugs must be taken for the rest of his life.

For prevention, anti-inflammatory and restorative medications are often prescribed. medicines, treatment with radioactive iodine is also used. Of course, the most effective method treatment is surgical intervention, But qualified specialists They try to use this method only in rare cases.

This treatment is used only if the resulting tumor harms the endocrine system. For neoplasms from which the endocrine system also suffers, the method of surgical intervention is used.

Nutrition is selected by the doctor depending on which endocrine gland is damaged. Dietary food is prescribed if not concomitant diseases, which can be aggravated by diabetes, in which case, first, the specialist prescribes a trial diet. Trial menu table:

  • Meat and fish – two hundred and fifty grams;
  • Cottage cheese - three hundred grams;
  • Cheese - twenty-five grams;
  • Fermented milk products – five hundred grams;
  • Rye bread – one hundred grams;
  • Creamy and vegetable oil– sixty grams;
  • All vegetables, with the exception of potatoes and beans - one thousand grams;
  • Fresh fruits except bananas and grapes - three hundred grams.

For patients who have overweight, for prevention, a trial diet is prescribed; it should have a low energy content; such a limitation of fat intake helps to reduce weight.

The endocrine system is treatable and with traditional methods, which involve taking infusions from medicinal herbs, this method is designed to receive large quantity herbs such as thyme, yarrow, lemon balm, mint, wormwood, sage, chamomile and many others. Such fees help stabilize metabolic processes and contribute to the intake of important microelements into the body.

Prevention of emerging symptoms and diseases of the endocrine system includes regular intake biologically active and iodine-containing food additives. It should be remembered that it is necessary to comply healthy image life and adhere to the necessary prevention in order to minimize and minimize the risks associated with diseases of the endocrine system.