Classification of toothpastes. Toothpastes. Composition of toothpastes

Toothpaste – special medicine, designed to maintain oral hygiene. She also serves as prophylactic and is used in the treatment of diseases. With the help of toothpaste it is produced effective cleansing teeth, and also has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect on the oral cavity. To this end, in chemical composition Such agents can introduce abrasive, bacteriostatic, stimulating, antimicrobial and surfactant substances. This explains their properties.

The cleansing effect ensures the elimination of germs, plaque and food debris from the oral cavity. For a specific purpose, various toothpastes include different elements, some of which are common to all funds, others depend on their type.

Classification of toothpastes

Today there are a lot of different types of them, so sometimes it’s really difficult to choose the most suitable one.

The main types of toothpastes include:

  1. Hygienic. They, in turn, serve to cleanse and deodorize;
  2. Treatment and prophylaxis;
  3. Specialized.

Specialized toothpastes are divided into:

  • Anticarious: containing fluorides and not containing fluorides (then they contain Xylitol, Enzymes, Calcium glycerophosphate);
  • Desensitizing – pastes for teeth with hypersensitivity: to restore enamel and contain special anesthetic agents;
  • Anti-inflammatory: those that contain aluminum lactate and which contain antimicrobial components (Hexetidine, Biosol, Chlorhexidine, Triclosan), contain salts, chlorophyll, enzymes and which contain herbal extracts and biologically active substances;
  • Organic, containing tiger ointment(Thailand);
  • Bleaching agents: containing peroxides, highly abrasive; enzyme-containing;
  • Sorptive: which contain enterosgel.

Composition of toothpaste

Antibacterial substances are contained in them in order to influence the microflora of the oral cavity and preserve the properties of toothpastes. Antiseptics and chlorhexidine serve to reduce the cariogenic effects of oral microflora. Today, toothpastes containing enzymes are increasingly being created that affect the metabolic process in the oral cavity, dissolve plaque and eliminate food debris. Gel-based products are also considered popular.

To ensure an organoleptic and consumer effect, food colors, flavors and substances that increase plasticity are added to toothpastes.

For the treatment of stomatitis, periodontal diseases or pathologies, and gum inflammation, the composition includes vitamins, biologically active substances, herbal supplements, and substances that regulate metabolism.

Toothpaste must contain fluoride, calcium and phosphorus, which prevent the development of caries. But here you need to remember that some combinations of fluoride can be quite toxic, so their quantity is strictly limited.

For more easy removal plaque contains tensides that serve to stimulate foam formation processes. The level of this substance in toothpaste ranges from 0.5 to 2%. If you exceed this norm, you may end up with gum irritation.

This product should not include:

  • Sugar;
  • Triclosan, which kills most microorganisms and microflora of the body.

Composition of children's toothpaste

Parents should take into account that they need to brush their teeth even infant- from the moment of their eruption. First, use a special children's brush without toothpaste. You need to wipe your child’s teeth daily with a piece of sterile bandage. And only after the age of two can you brush your teeth with a children's brush using a special children's toothpaste.

Unfortunately, today there are very few conscientious manufacturers of this category of products left. Therefore, it would be safer to read the composition of the product before purchasing it.

TO hazardous components contained in baby paste include:

  • Saccharin This element is added to make children more willing to brush their teeth. But if maximum dose is exceeded, the component turns into a dangerous carcinogen.
  • Sodium lauryl sulfate Sodium lauryl sulfate is used for increased foaming. It dries out the skin a lot. The skin becomes rough and numerous cracks appear on it, irritation of the mucous membranes occurs.
  • Chlorhexidine; An antibacterial component that destroys the natural flora of the oral cavity along with pathogenic microflora.
  • Triclosan;
  • Artificial dyes. They can cause allergies.
  • It must be remembered that toothpaste intended for adults is not suitable for children, since the taste of it often triggers the vomiting reflex in children. For this reason, fruit or neutral flavors are used to make baby products.

    Children's toothpaste for children from two to six years of age has its own requirements:

  1. Must contain the most minimal amount fluorine or not contain it at all;
  2. Low level of abrasiveness;
  3. Serves for maximum protection from caries;
  4. Attractive packaging, convenient and safe for children;
  5. The content of enzymes that soften plaque almost until it is completely dissolved;
  6. A complex containing unique lactic enzymes, providing protection against bacteria, gently removing plaque, enhancing the protective properties of saliva, strengthening local immunity;
  7. Casein is a natural protein;
  8. Bioactive organic calcium from the shell of an egg, promoting the formation of enamel of baby teeth.

It is necessary to remember that children's toothpastes practically do not have a long shelf life.

Toothpaste is a product intended for regular hygiene care for the oral cavity, as well as the prevention and treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases - for example, periodontal diseases, gingivitis, caries. Usually the paste has a uniform consistency and looks like a dense mass. Pastes for sensitive teeth are produced in the form of a gel that does not contain abrasive particles, used for polishing the surface of enamel and composite fillings.

Choose the right one toothpaste quite difficult, since they are all divided into several categories. For a long time, you can use only hygiene products that mechanically remove plaque and food debris from the surface of the teeth and give freshness to your breath. Specialized products - for example, toothpastes for removing tartar or treating hyperesthesia - can only be used after examination by a dentist and identification existing problems and pathologies.

Before the purchase

Before purchasing toothpaste, it is recommended to visit the office of a highly specialized specialist dealing with oral hygiene and prevention issues. dental diseases. Consultation and examination this specialist is recommended to everyone, since the doctor will be able to assess the condition of the mucous membranes, gums, tooth enamel and other tissues, identify signs of incipient pathologies before they become more severe forms. Correction of many problems early stage quite effective, and prevention is cheaper than further treatment and restoration of the integrity of the dentition.

What does the doctor pay attention to during the examination:

  • tooth shape and location upper jaw relative to the bottom row (correct bite formation);
  • color, structure and density of gum tissue, as well as the presence/absence of signs of loosening;
  • the color and surface of the enamel coating, under which the tooth crown is located (to identify signs of demineralization and the initial stage of carious processes);
  • condition of the mucous layer;
  • degree of hydration of mucous membranes.

If the specialist does not identify any problems, the patient will be recommended to use a regular hygienic paste, which does not contain medicinal components. To prevent inflammatory processes, courses of use of anti-inflammatory pastes based on herbal components can be prescribed (for example, paste Russian production“Forest Balm”), which must be repeated 3-4 times a year. The duration of each course is 30 days.

Important! If a dental hygienist identifies problems with the oral cavity, the patient will be referred for a consultation to a dental therapist, and he will need to choose hygiene products from the category of therapeutic and prophylactic products.

Pastes for treatment and prevention

Pastes belonging to this category of products cannot be used without the recommendation of the attending physician, as they contain potent components in high concentration, which can harm dental health and even cause intoxication of the body.

Home therapy for superficial caries

The most popular category of therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes are products with an anti-caries effect. They contain antibacterial components - such as triclosan - and organic compounds based on chlorine.

Anti-caries pastes have many advantages:

Pastes intended for protection against caries and treatment bacterial infections oral cavity, cannot be used for a long time. Active components that provide healing effect, affect not only pathogenic microorganisms - the composition of beneficial microflora also changes qualitatively. Long-term use pastes with bactericidal and antiseptic effects is one of the common causes that develops as a result of decreased local immunity mucous membranes. The course of use of anti-caries toothpastes recommended by dentists is no more than three weeks.

Important! The antibacterial and antimicrobial effect is achieved by adding fluoride and calcium (in a bioavailable form) to the paste. If the packaging contains information that the toothpaste contains more than 500 ppm of fluoride, it should not be used by children under 6 years of age.

Pastes based on salt compounds and soda

These pastes are used for the treatment of various infectious processes, mainly inflammatory in nature. The main indication for the use of pastes in this category is bacterial, aphthous and fungal stomatitis, as well as various inflammatory processes in the gums and periodontal tissues.

LG Perioe Bamboo Salt Gumcare Toothpaste

Salt and soda pastes have a beneficial effect on the oral cavity:

  • normalize blood circulation and mineral metabolism in the gums;
  • improve the outflow of exudate from inflamed tissues;
  • restore natural level acidity and protect tooth enamel from the influence of external factors;
  • remove the components that make up dental deposits.

Teeth whitening and removal of plaque on the enamel surface

For these purposes, pastes with high content abrasives - solid particles with cleaning properties. Such pastes effectively remove dirt and plaque (including hard plaque), polish the enamel surface and filling material, make teeth smooth.

One of the main abrasive materials used in the production of whitening pastes is chalk. It is an organic material, most of which is calcium. Chalk is low cost, has good hygienic properties and can be used for regular cleaning of tooth enamel.

At the same time, the chalk base also has significant disadvantages, for example:

  • high level of trauma to the enamel coating with frequent use;
  • premature abrasion of enamel and development of hyperesthesia;
  • interaction with various groups of fluorides, leading to the formation of insoluble fluorides, which cause a decrease in the concentration of active fluorine and a decrease in the antibacterial and anti-caries properties of the product.

The most effective abrasive elements are considered to be silicon hydroxide and sodium and potassium phosphates. They gently dissolve bacterial plaque and remove it from the surface of the teeth. Such pastes are recommended for smokers and people whose diet often contains foods and drinks with a high content of coloring pigments (carrots, coffee, berries, strong brewed tea, carbonated drinks).

Important! For the purpose of teeth whitening, products with high abrasive properties can be used in the form of pastes based on hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. They need to be distinguished from professional whitening systems (for example, Rembrandt, DentalWhite). Content of peroxide and others active ingredients in such products can be 30 times higher compared to preventive toothpastes, so they can only be used as prescribed by a dentist if there are strict indications.

Anti-inflammatory rulers

Pastes to reduce inflammatory processes are the most extensive group of products intended for therapeutic and preventive purposes. They may contain various antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory components, antiseptics, and plant extracts. Depending on the reasons that caused the inflammation, the doctor may prescribe drugs of this category, which will contain certain active ingredients.

Table. Classification of anti-inflammatory pastes according to active substance.

Funds groupWhat's included

Lactic acid salts.

Chlorhexidine and hexeditine (antiseptics), biosol (substance with bactericidal and disinfectant effects), triclosan (antimicrobial component).

Extracts and extracts medicinal herbs(chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, calendula, calamus), oak bark, birch bud extract, aloe, propolis, etc.

Some anti-inflammatory toothpastes may contain special enzymes or chlorophyll found in green plants. Chlorophyll has a pronounced antiseptic effect, helps stop inflammatory processes and reduce bleeding gums. Using pastes with chlorophyll helps improve functional state soft tissues and protect the gums from loosening.

Hyperesthesia of tooth enamel: treatment and prevention

Almost 40% of patients who come to see a dentist experience increased tooth sensitivity. In most cases, the pathology is associated with active demineralization of tooth enamel, therefore, to strengthen the enamel coating and eliminate painful reactions upon contact with irritants, the doctor may prescribe toothpaste with increased content fluorine Such agents are called desensitizing agents and are prescribed only by a dentist or hygienist.

The action of these pastes is based on the following therapeutic properties:

  • recovery mineral balance in the hard tissues of the tooth;
  • reducing the severity of pain;
  • creating a protective film that prevents enamel irritation.

Use toothpastes from hypersensitivity You can take long courses lasting 1-2 months, but after this period you need to take a break.

Which pasta should I buy?

All products from the category of professional, therapeutic or preventive toothpastes should be prescribed only by a dentist on the basis visual inspection and results diagnostic examination. The scheme of use and duration of the course are also determined by a specialist.

Table. Which pasta should I buy?

Purpose of useWhat pasta to buy
Daily hygiene and oral care, breath freshening.“Artek”, “Family”, Vita.
Strengthening tooth enamel and correcting mineral balance."Pearls", "Arbat".
Treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity (for example, stomatitis, periodontitis, etc.)“Balsam”, “Pomorin”, “Amodent”, “Boroglycerin”.
Recovery normal level acidity using soda toothpastes.“Dental”, “Mildfresh”, “Aquafresh soda”, “Colgate soda”.
Treatment of hyperesthesia of tooth enamel."Sensodyne", "Elgifluor", "Biodent sensitive".
Teeth whitening, dissolution of dental plaque.“Aquafresh whitening”, “Colgate active oxygen”.

With pronounced putrid smell from the mouth, the doctor may prescribe products that contain sorbing elements. They bind and remove effectively pathogenic bacteria and their waste products, which may be one of the causes of the unpleasant odor. It should be noted that the use of this category of pastes is justified only after excluding diseases digestive system- gastritis, pancreatitis, etc.

Despite the wide variety of toothpastes, choose suitable product It’s not easy without the help of a specialist. To choose the right hygiene products, you need to know the types of pastes and their differences, as well as have an idea of ​​the properties of the main ingredients used in the production of pastes various groups. It is best to entrust the selection of hygiene and prevention products to a dentist, who will prescribe a toothpaste that meets the needs of a particular patient.

Video - How to choose toothpaste

Toothpaste is such an ordinary and familiar means of oral hygiene, at the same time it is a therapeutic and prophylactic drug. Not every person takes a responsible approach to choosing toothpaste for brushing their teeth, but in vain. The composition of most toothpastes has much in common, but if it is necessary to obtain certain medicinal properties, extracts and extracts are added to it medicinal plants, biologically active substances, enzymes, microelements, salts, etc.

Classification of toothpastes

  1. Hygienic pastes (they are intended only for cleansing and refreshing the oral cavity and do not have pronounced medicinal properties, ).
  2. Therapeutic and prophylactic pastes:
  • Pastes with herbal ingredients and BAV.
  • Salt toothpastes.
  • Pastes with increased cleansing effect (whitening).
  • Fluoride-containing pastes.
  • Toothpastes with mineralizing components.
  • Pastes intended for use in diseases of the oral mucosa.
  • Toothpastes recommended for.
  • Pastes for reduction.

Standard toothpaste composition

Regardless of the purpose, any paste includes:

  • abrasive filler (determines the cleaning ability of the paste; for these purposes, add chalk, calcium, sodium, silicon compounds are used),
  • binding component
  • surfactants (increase the cleansing properties of pastes; for example, sodium lauryl sulfate is used for this),
  • antiseptics (for example, chlorhexidine),
  • foaming agents (depending on their amount, the paste foams more or less during use),
  • fragrances, flavors, food colorings.

Toothpastes for the prevention of caries and strengthening tooth enamel

Toothpastes containing fluoride, phosphorus and calcium salts strengthen tooth enamel, preventing cavities.

If tooth enamel is weak from birth, new ones often appear. carious cavities, cracks and chips, it is recommended to use toothpastes with strengthening,. Such pastes contain fluorine compounds or mineralizing components (calcium and phosphorus salts); their use is recommended during the period of enamel maturation, when macro- and microelements actively penetrate from saliva into the crystal lattice of the enamel, strengthening it. Toothpastes with fluoride are contraindicated for diseases such as (the development of white-yellow spots and defects on the enamel due to excess fluoride entering the child’s body). Examples of strengthening pastes: with fluorine - “Castella”, “Ftorodent”, Blend-a-med, “Oxygenol”, “Fluodent”, with calcium and phosphorus salts - “Pearl”, “Remodent”, Crest, etc.

Increased tooth sensitivity

Enamel hyperesthesia can occur against the background of an underlying disease (, pathological abrasion teeth) or be individual feature structure of dental tissues. Occurs with excessive consumption of acidic juices, weak and thin enamel. Toothpastes for hyperesthesia have the ability to block the sensitivity of tooth tissue to the action of irritating agents without affecting the structure of the enamel. They should be used in courses of 2–3 weeks, alternating with other pastes. Examples of pastes for the treatment of dental hypersensitivity: Sensodin, Sensodin F, Lacalut Sensitiv, Oral-B Sensitiv, etc.

Bleeding gums, gingivitis and periodontitis

One of the first signs of gum disease is bleeding when brushing your teeth. Of course, irregular oral hygiene is a contributing factor to gum inflammation. Therefore, before using specific medicinal pastes, it is necessary to carry out professional cleaning teeth at the dentist. Such pastes have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiseptic, decongestant, soothing effects, improve metabolic processes and stimulate healing due to the extracts of chamomile, oak bark, sage, St. John's wort, cloves, essential oils, vitamins and salts. These pastes should be used long time, at least 1 month to obtain noticeable results. This group includes pastes such as “Chamomile”, “Forest”, “Chlorophyll”, “Azulena”, “Pomorin”, “Novaya”, “Parodontol”, “Elgidium” with chlorhexide.

Toothpastes for stomatitis

These pastes have a pronounced therapeutic effect and are used as additional remedy for diseases of the oral mucosa. For example, when fungal infection For children and adults, “Boroglycerin” or “Propolis” pastes are recommended. If the inflammation is microbial in nature, you can use pastes such as Kalanchoe with eucalyptus oil, “New” with a decoction of oak bark, They have not only anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, but also promote the healing of erosions and ulcers. It should be noted that in case of diseases of the gums and oral mucosa, the use of pastes with a whitening effect is contraindicated.

Darkened teeth, excessive plaque and tartar

Whitening toothpastes contain a large number of abrasives and cleaning additives that help remove food coloring from enamel.

There is a separate group of toothpastes containing increased concentration cleaning additives, abrasives. Their use makes sense if under the influence of food dyes, smoking or frequent consumption of strong coffee or tea. If the teeth have yellow from the moment of teething, most likely the structure of the enamel has changed and whitening pastes will not help in such a situation. Enzymes, soda, hydrogen peroxide, pyrophosphates, and carbamide peroxide are added to the composition of such pastes. The use of whitening pastes is contraindicated in case of enamel hyperesthesia, gum and periodontal diseases, inflammatory changes in the oral mucosa, increased abrasion teeth and in children. It is not recommended to use lightening pastes during pregnancy. Examples: Crest 3D White, Rembrandt “Anti-tobacco and coffee”, ROCS “Sensational Whitening” and other pastes.

Toothpastes for fluorosis

The development of a disease such as fluorosis is associated with an excess of fluoride in the child’s body at the time of teeth formation. After the teeth have erupted, until approximately 15 years of age, the process of enamel maturation occurs, i.e., the active penetration of elements from saliva into it. During this period, the intake of fluoride can only aggravate the condition of the hard tissues of the teeth, therefore pastes with fluoride are contraindicated for patients with fluorosis. For use, we can recommend pastes from the ROCS series that do not contain fluoride.

Complex action of toothpastes

Currently, toothpastes with a complex effect, which have anticaries, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic effects, are widely used. Such products not only strengthen the enamel and enrich it with calcium, but also have therapeutic effect on the condition of the gums. In addition to removing plaque, they reduce activity pathogenic microorganisms oral cavity. Examples of such toothpastes: Blend-a-med Complete, Crest Complete, Colgate Total, Corident Total.

Today, consumers have access to a huge range of hygiene products, in particular toothpastes, the diversity of which can be difficult to understand. Sometimes the question of choosing a toothpaste is confusing, and as a result, not always high-quality and effective hygiene products are placed on the bathroom shelf. Let's consider ways to systematize toothpastes, their types, as well as the beneficial and harmful components of such products.

Methods for classifying toothpastes

Toothpastes are classified according to two main criteria: by method of use and by purpose. According to the method of use, hygiene products are divided into:

  • daily use;
  • single or periodic use.

The former cannot harm the teeth, since they may contain only a small proportion of medicinal or abrasive ingredients. The action of toothpaste for one-time or periodic use is aimed exclusively at solving any problems of the oral cavity. Next, we will consider in detail the classification of such funds by purpose.


Hygienic toothpastes belong to the first generation. They are designed to cleanse the oral cavity of plaque, as well as freshen breath. Preventive action This toothpaste does not have. It is not recommended to use it on an ongoing basis - adult population, unfortunately, cannot boast of the absence of problems in the oral cavity. The exception is children - hygienic toothpastes are suitable for them.

Treatment and prevention

This category includes two types of therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes: simple and complex. In this section we will talk about simple ones. Dentists classify them as the second generation of cleansing treatment and prophylactic products for the oral cavity. The main purpose is the treatment and prevention of such diseases:

  • caries;
  • inflammation and bleeding of gums;
  • dental hypersensitivity.

Also, therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes prevent the formation of plaque and solid deposits. Many of them have a slight abrasiveness and antifungal effect.


Complex toothpastes are presented on the market in the most wide range. They, in turn, are divided into combined (3rd and 4th generations) and complex (5th generation). Purpose of combined therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes:

Complex toothpastes, due to their composition and properties, are designed to simultaneously solve two or more problems of the oral cavity. They are divided into anti-inflammatory and anti-caries toothpastes with additional qualities. We have compiled all the information about such products into a table.

Main propertyAdditional propertiesPurpose
  • with anti-inflammatory effect;
  • anti-sensitive;
  • with whitening effect;
  • with antiplaque properties;
  • anti-tartar.
  1. prevention of caries;
  2. elimination of dental hypersensitivity;
  3. whitening;
  4. reduction of plaque formation (anti-plaque);
  5. slowing down the transformation of dental plaque into calculus (anti-tartar).
  • anti-plaque;
  • anti-sensitive.
  1. prevention and treatment of inflammation and bleeding gums;
  2. plaque reduction;
  3. elimination of increased sensitivity of teeth.
Anti-inflammatory and anti-caries
  • antimicrobial;
  • anti-plaque.
  1. prevention of caries;
  2. treatment of bleeding gums;
  3. fight against microorganisms;
  4. reduction of dental plaque.

Useful substances in the composition

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The composition of toothpaste may include: harmful components, and useful. In this section we will look at useful substances:

Dangerous components in toothpastes and brushes

Along with useful components Toothpastes use substances that are harmful and even hazardous to health.

It is worth learning about them in order to understand what exactly is hidden behind the incomprehensible list of ingredients:

  • Sodium Laureth Sulfate is a famous additive that is used in almost all detergents and hygiene products. The surfactant in the composition helps create foam from a small pea-sized amount of paste squeezed onto the brush. However, it is known that this element is able to penetrate the body through the mucous membrane and skin. Gradually accumulating in organs and tissues, sodium lauryl sulfate can cause severe disorders and diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.
  • Triclosan is a commonplace antibiotic that kills bacteria. Studies have shown that the presence in the mouth is necessary certain types microflora, and the constant use of toothpaste with an antibiotic can rid the oral cavity of all bacteria indiscriminately. After prolonged use, possible side effects, the most harmless of which is bad smell from mouth.

In the composition of a toothbrush that will effectively clean the oral cavity, today you can see only artificial components. Typically, the bristles are made of nylon (polyester fiber), the handle is made of polypropylene. Such materials for making brushes are considered optimal. The stiffness of the bristles is also important. Dentists recommend considering a range of brushes with medium-hard bristles to maximize the cleaning effect.

How to choose toothpaste for adults and children?

Despite the information received, choose a toothpaste based on natural remedies, not easy. What should good things consist of? hygiene product for adults? Let's consider the basic principles of product selection:

  • It is advisable to buy therapeutic and prophylactic paste. Depending on the existing problems, focus on the anti-caries or anti-inflammatory effect.
  • If it contains an antibiotic (for example, triclosan), it is better to refrain from purchasing it.

For children:

  • It is advisable to choose a toothpaste that does not contain fluoride, especially if the baby’s teeth are in good order. Children often swallow toothpaste while brushing their teeth, and the harmful properties of fluoride appear when it enters the body.
  • It is undesirable for the product to contain abrasives. The enamel on children's teeth is thin and not fully formed. Polishing and grinding of the dentition can have consequences.