What flowers bloom in early July. How to identify an allergen and treat allergies. Basic mechanisms of pathological reaction

Vacant plots of land are quickly colonized by weeds, which are not systematically controlled, but their pollen is one of the most common allergens. Some of them bloom in August, as a result of which life is not sweet for allergy sufferers at this time.

What is hay fever

Hay fever is a disease that is caused by an inadequate increased reaction of the body's immune system to plant pollen. It was first described in 1819 and called “hay fever.”

Hay fever manifests itself as seasonal allergic conjunctivitis and rhinitis. Sometimes the development of bronchial asthma begins together with it. Severe symptoms usually recur annually.

The most allergenic is the pollen of wind-pollinated plants (trees, shrubs, weeds), which are common in the area.

This is explained by its extreme ease and a huge amount discharge. Carried by the wind, it reaches the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract and eyes, causing exacerbation of allergies. In our country, the most common cause of hay fever is pollen from meadow grasses.

The culprit of allergies is wormwood pollen close-up


The direct connection between the season during which the plant blooms and its exacerbation is the main feature of this disease. After it ends, the person begins to feel healthy.

Doctors note 3 peaks of exacerbation of hay fever, which correspond to 3 periods of increased pollen content in the air:

  1. spring - trees bloom;
  2. summer - cereals bloom and meadow grass;
  3. autumn – weeds bloom in August.

By comparing data from the flowering calendar of plants in a given area and the onset of the disease, it is possible to accurately determine the etiology (the “culprit” plant) of the allergy. But you should take into account the fact that depending on weather conditions, pollen may appear earlier or later in each year.

Typical signs

Itchy nose frequent sneezing, feeling of irritation or burning, difficulty nasal breathing And copious discharge mucus from the nose is the most typical symptoms patients with hay fever. Redness and itching of the eyelids, lacrimation, swelling, a feeling of “grains of sand” and pain in the eyes, hives are also consequences of the fact that a certain plant that is allergenic to humans is blooming.

Bronchial asthma is one of the most severe manifestations of hay fever. In this case there appear following symptoms: wheezing, heaviness in the chest, cough, difficulty breathing. As a rule, it is not the first sign of hay fever and occurs in all patients, long time exposed to an allergen.

During the examination - in 9 cases out of 10 - food allergies are also detected in patients, often called cross allergies. She will also need to be treated. This is explained by the general antigenicity between the fruits, stems, leaves and pollen of the plant.

Methods for determining allergen

To determine the pollen to which the patient reacts, skin tests or blood test. The latter method is practiced if there are contraindications to the first. An allergy complicated by asthma also requires the participation of a pulmonologist in the treatment.

Autumn hay fever

The disease takes on its most severe form in August; it is in this month that the weeds bloom in full force. The most dangerous of them are goosefoot and asteraceae. A typical representative of the former is the widespread quinoa. Among the latter, pollen of wormwood and ragweed shows great activity.

In European countries, special allergen maps are drawn up. They show the distribution and concentration of herbs that cause hay fever. There are no such cards in our country yet.

In accordance with the hotbeds of localization, doctors recommend moving to another climatic zone for the time when the weeds are blooming.

We should not forget that the Asteraceae family also includes most garden plants that cause allergies - chrysanthemums, daisies, sunflowers, asters, etc. Among the medicinal ones are calendula, string, tansy, elecampane, yarrow, chamomile, immortelle and other. That is why you should not blindly rely on traditional methods of treating hay fever - the use of potions from plants - they can only aggravate the symptoms of the disease. In addition to herbs, moldy mushrooms produce dust in August. Doctors do not recommend that people susceptible to them:

  • drink beer, kefir, kvass;
  • collect edible mushrooms;
  • consume foods that contain yeast.

Serious consequences in August for allergy sufferers can also be caused by insect bites, especially hymenoptera - wasps, hornets, bees. To avoid attracting them to you, it is recommended:

  • do not use creams and perfumes with floral aroma;
  • do not wear bright clothes;
  • do not drink sweet drinks and fruits outdoors;
  • do not walk on the grass barefoot.

Preventive measures

As mentioned above, it is recommended that the patient spend the entire period during which the plant that causes allergies blooms in a different climate. It is better to give preference to health resorts in the mountains or on the sea coast - the pollen content here is much lower.

In the absence of the opportunity to leave, it is necessary to minimize contact with the allergen and carry out drug treatment. During an exacerbation of allergies, you should not:

  • spend your vacation in August at your summer cottage;
  • on hot dry days, walk outside;
  • go out of town.

Although plants release pollen after dawn, it begins to rise into the air much later - at about 8 - 9 o'clock, and reaches its peak around noon. Doctors' recommendations for reducing the risk of hay fever and preventing hay fever are standard:

  • shower frequently;
  • wear safety glasses;
  • wash your eyes regularly;
  • curtain the windows with wet gauze or not open them at all;
  • eliminate alcohol consumption, passive and active smoking;
  • adhere to a hypoallergenic diet;
  • equip the apartment with an air purifier and humidifier;
  • avoid heavy physical activity and psycho-emotional stress.

Treatment methods

Seasonal allergies usually do not go away on their own. If a person has been diagnosed with this disease, the symptoms of the disease are of the same type, have not arisen for the first time, and the timing of the exacerbation is known, then one should not wait for its onset.

You need to start taking medications early. If the disease is not treated every year pre-season, then over time it will develop into a more complex form.

Depending on the severity of hay fever, a step-by-step method of treatment is used. It is usually done at home. Hospitalization for the treatment of seasonal allergies is required only in truly severe cases. Therapy mainly consists of antihistamines - syrup or tablets. After taking them, the symptoms of hay fever quickly decrease.

Doctors, as a rule, treat with second-generation drugs, since they are taken once and act within 24 hours. Such drugs do not cause drowsiness in the patient and are highly effective even with prolonged use.

In some cases, treatment is carried out with drugs that have more pronounced effect. They are used in the form of nasal sprays, inhalers, eye drops, tablet and injection forms.

Allergen- specific immunotherapy(ASIT) occupies a special place in the treatment of hay fever. The method is based on the introduction into the patient’s body of a vaccine, which is prepared from pollen of plants that cause the disease. Concentrations of administered doses gradually increase. The result is that the patient’s body gets used to the pollen, as a result of which it stops responding to the allergen.

This method can be used at any stage of the disease, but in the remission phase. It can be used to treat children as young as 4 years of age. It is carried out every year for 3–5 years only by an allergist and only in an allergology office. Currently, ASIT is the only method that allows one to achieve long-term remission (15–20 years) and prevent the development of more severe forms of allergies.

In July, pollen-filled air is akin to a gas attack and, if not leads to... fatal outcome, it brings noticeable discomfort. It is in July that the flowering process of many plants reaches its maximum.

If a person suffering from allergies still encounters an allergen, this event is difficult to bear without negative consequences for good health. The antigen that enters the blood for the first time provokes a reaction immune system, while the structure of the substance is recognized and remembered by special cells. Antibodies corresponding to its structure are produced as a weapon against the allergen.

When the antigen comes into contact with the body in the future, it is attacked by antibodies prepared in advance by the body, and a battle begins, the field of which is the body. The results of such an immune “battle” are the release active substances, which is initiated by antigen-antibody complexes that irritate special cells. This manifests itself in the secretion of excessive amounts of mucus from the glands, vasodilation, and tissue swelling.

What and how do allergies appear in July?

In July on fresh air a similar reaction is associated with pollen that enters the body when inhaled with air. These reactions manifest themselves on the mucous membranes of the nose, bronchi, pharynx and eyes. An incessant runny nose begins, the person constantly sneezes, which is accompanied by difficulty breathing, uncontrollable discharge of copious watery mucus, coughing, attacks of suffocation, symptoms of eye irritation and lacrimation. Allergies in the form of swelling, rashes, and excessive itching are also quite likely.

In July, the type and intensity of allergic reactions appear depending on the composition of the local flora and climate zone. If we talk about the temperate climate region, then in July there is a peak flowering of cereals and meadow grasses, and pollination of a number of weeds also begins.

More great importance has weather. When it is dry and warm, and a strong wind is blowing, pollen in the form of microscopic particles is not only carried hundreds of kilometers, it is also able to penetrate through the narrowest cracks and into homes. Rains, on the contrary, nail pollen to the ground and significantly reduce its concentration in the air.

As for July specifically, the main troubles for allergy sufferers during this period are caused by foxtail, bluegrass, hedgehog, nettle, wormwood, rye, ragweed, plantain, fescue, quinoa, ash plant and a number of other plants.

How to reduce unpleasant symptoms of the disease?

Allergy sufferers should know the basic principles, the implementation of which can significantly reduce the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

Before the start of the flowering season of plants, you should start using antihistamines in advance. These drugs make it possible to significantly reduce the body’s sensitivity to the main initiator of the symptoms of all allergic reactions—histamine. For this purpose, suprastin and other histamine receptor blockers. However, you should first take into account the likelihood of side effects of these drugs. They may manifest themselves in the form of a decrease in reaction speed and drowsiness. This is important to keep in mind for drivers and other employees who deal with vehicles. increased danger. For this category of allergy sufferers, it is preferable to use more modern drugs, such as Telfast or Claritin, the use of which does not cause a sedative effect.

Naturally, everyone possible methods contact with the antigen should be limited. You should stay away from areas with abundant blooms of allergenic flora. It is quite possible to take a vacation during this time and spend it in an area where dangerous plants are not so common.

The room should be equipped with nets or other protective devices, which can trap pollen on the windows. Air purifiers can also help here. Frequent wet cleaning and ventilation, and the use of air purifiers are required.

To reduce mucus secretion, swelling of the nasal mucosa, and reduce lacrimation during exacerbation of allergic reactions, you can use eye and nasal drops that have a vasoconstrictor and antihistamine effect, which include galazolin, naphthyzin, sanorin, taking into account the body’s ability to get used to these drugs. They cannot be used for a long time. There is also a special one, based on the property of pollen to create various products cross allergy. Meadow grasses that bloom in July have common antigenic properties with food grain products. You should reduce your consumption of bread, cereals, except buckwheat, which is not a cereal, bread, and honey.

This year the weather is not kind to us and the flowering time is a little delayed. But very soon real spring will come, warm and sunny, which means it will begin hot fight with seasonal allergies. By the way, the symptoms of hay fever (an allergic disease caused by plant pollen, with predominant defeat mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and eyes) can appear not only during the flowering period of plants, but also in late autumn and even winter. In this case, doctors talk about the so-called cross food allergy - intolerance to certain foods. Now let's talk about everything in order.

As we have already said, hay fever is an allergic reaction of the body to plant pollen. Hay fever is caused by pollen allergens, mainly from wind-pollinated plants. Spring hay fever is caused by pollen from trees and shrubs: birch, alder, hazel, maple, oak, sycamore, etc. In the etiology of spring-summer hay fever, the leading role belongs to the pollen of the bluegrass family (grass grasses): timothy, fescue, ryegrass, brome, hedgehog, reed grass , bluegrass, etc. Summer-autumn hay fever is caused by pollen from weeds: quinoa, wormwood, etc. The pollen of the quarantine weed, ragweed, which is widespread in the southern regions of the country, has the most powerful allergenic properties. Hay fever is one of the atonic forms of allergy. Therefore, the general provisions for such diseases about the genetic prerequisites for their occurrence, the role of antibodies and mediators of allergic reactions in the development mechanism are applicable to it. pathological process. Many people often mistake allergy symptoms for a common cold and begin to self-medicate, worsening their condition.

The cause of hay fever is hidden in increased reaction immunity to pollen flowering plants. A person suffering from this disease immune cells They become overly “vigilant” and, in response to the penetration of an allergen, begin to actively release a specific substance (histamine), which causes an allergy. Among the most powerful plant provocateurs are birch, poplar, alder, hazel, quinoa, dandelion, wormwood and ragweed. A significant influence on the well-being of a patient with hay fever is weather. In different years, the timing of flowering shifts slightly depending on average air temperatures, and the timing of the manifestations of hay fever changes accordingly. The condition improves in rainy weather, because... rain brings down pollen, and its concentration in the air decreases significantly. Windy, dry weather contributes to long-term maintenance high concentration pollen in the air and, accordingly, increased allergy symptoms. Hay fever occurs 6 times more often in urban residents than in rural residents. This is explained by the influence of air pollution: under the influence of substances such as sulfur dioxide, ozone and nitrogen oxides, as well as acidic aerosols, pollen grains are damaged and new allergens appear on their surface.
Office workers are most susceptible to acute allergic reactions. Throughout the day, air conditioners, which are present in perhaps every office, dry out the mucous membranes, and the tendency to allergic reactions increases. Once it has declared itself, hay fever will do so again and again.

Most often prescribed for the treatment of hay fever antihistamines. They block the production of histamine, preventing the occurrence of allergies. In severe cases, corticosteroid hormones are used to reduce the manifestations of any allergic reactions. The most effective method of treating hay fever is specific immunotherapy (SIT). The essence of this method is that identified allergens (substances that cause an allergic reaction) are used as remedy. By introducing an allergen, the doctor not only accustoms the body to it, but also forces it to produce antibodies against it. As a result, the body's sensitivity to allergens decreases. The treatment is very long - about 3 years. The effectiveness of the method is 80-90%.
In many cases, an unconventional method of treatment - acupuncture - also has a good effect. By stimulating certain biologically active points with needles, it is possible to stop inflammatory processes, reduce swelling of the mucous membrane, and normalize the state of the immune system and the central nervous system. Only disposable needles are used for this procedure.

At this time, you should not forget about your diet; you must exclude from it foods that can release histamine. First of all, you should avoid products that contain large amounts of preservatives, dyes and other “food chemicals”, which, while not themselves allergens, significantly increase the production of histamine, predisposing the body to an allergic reaction. The black list includes all sweet carbonated drinks, beer, canned food, ketchup, mustard, chips, semi-finished products, and smoked meats. At this time, you should not eat foods that traditionally cause food allergies, such as citrus fruits, pomegranates, strawberries, chocolate, cocoa, coffee. You should limit your consumption of eggs cow's milk, fish and seafood. If you know you are susceptible to allergies and even feel the first painful symptoms, immediately reduce your intake of salt, refined sugars and liquids. By preventing the accumulation of excess fluid in the cells of your body, you can significantly reduce, and in some cases even avoid, extensive allergic reaction.

Flowering and sporulation calendar

End of March - April Deciduous shrubs: alder, willow, hazel (hazel)
End of April - end of May Deciduous trees: birch, oak, ash, poplar, willow, maple, elm, aspen
Mid-May - mid-June Coniferous trees: pine, spruce
End of May - end of July Cereal grasses: fescue, cocksfoot, timothy, bluegrass, ryegrass, foxtail, bromegrass, rye, wheatgrass
End of May - June Dandelion
End of June - beginning of July Linden
June - mid-July Plantain, buckwheat
July - mid August Nettle
End of July - October
End of July - October Weeds: wormwood, pigweed, quinoa, ragweed
April - September Polyvalent pollen allergy (allergy to different groups plants) Molds Alternaria Cladosporium

Foods that should not be consumed if you have hay fever

Sensitization Food products
To the pollen of the trees Nuts (especially hazelnuts), apples, sweet cherries, peach, nectarine, plum, carrots, parsley, celery, tomatoes (tomatoes), kiwi, potatoes, birch sap
To the pollen of cereal grasses Bread, bakery products, bread kvass, flour products, bran, cereal sprouts, breadcrumbs, ice cream, sherbet, puddings, dumplings, pancakes, rolled oats and cereals (oats, wheat, barley, etc.), corn, sorghum, sausages, coffee substitutes, malt, beer, wheat vodka, sorrel
To weed pollen Melon, sunflower seeds, sunflower oil, halva, mayonnaise, watermelon, zucchini, eggplant, mustard, spinach, beets, absinthe, vermouth, lettuce, Jerusalem artichoke, chicory, citrus fruits, honey
To the fungi Yeast dough, sauerkraut, beer, kvass, cheeses, wines, liqueurs, sugar, fructose, sorbitol, xylitol, other products that undergo fermentation during cooking

The summer months not only bring a lot of warmth, light and Have a good mood, but also seasonal problems. It is during this period that the peak flowering of many plants occurs. Allergies at the end of July, caused by pollen that abundantly fills the surrounding space, can ruin the holiday mood for people with increased sensitivity of the immune system.

Roots of the problem

Any person suffering from an allergic disease has at least once encountered an allergen - a substance that he cannot tolerate without health consequences. During this first meeting, the antigen that entered the blood caused a reaction of the immune system - its structure was recognized and remembered by special cells. Moreover, antibodies corresponding only to this antigen were developed, as a weapon in case of the next meeting.

An antigen that enters the body for the second and subsequent times is attacked by many prudently “prepared” antibodies. With allergies, the consequences of the immune “battle” become disastrous for the body - antigen-antibody complexes irritate special cells, which leads to the release of active substances. Under their influence, blood vessels dilate, tissues swell, and a large amount of mucus is released from the corresponding glands.

Since in our case we are talking about an allergy to pollen, which enters the body when it is inhaled along with the air, the place of manifestation of all reactions will be the mucous membrane of the nose, pharynx, bronchi, and also the eyes (conjunctiva). A runny nose develops with constant sneezing and copious discharge of watery mucus, difficulty breathing, asthma attacks, coughing, eye irritation and lacrimation. Possible manifestations of skin allergies: rashes accompanied by swelling and severe itching.

Summer flowering and its surprises

It is useful for a patient with hypersensitivity to pollen to know what they may be allergic to in July. Of course, the climatic zone and species composition of the local flora are of decisive importance. In the temperate climate zone, mid-summer marks the peak of flowering of meadow grasses and cereals and the beginning of dusting of some weeds.

Weather conditions are important. In warm, dry weather and strong wind Microscopic pollen can be carried over vast distances (up to hundreds of kilometers) and penetrate into the home through the narrowest cracks. Rain significantly reduces the saturation of air with pollen, driving it to the ground.

So, the following plants can cause the main troubles for allergy sufferers at the height of summer: bluegrass, foxtail, hedgehog, nettle, rye, wormwood, ragweed, fescue, plantain, quinoa, ash plant, etc.

Fighting pollen allergies

Patients who are allergic to blooms can significantly reduce unpleasant manifestations diseases with rational behavior.

It is advisable to start preventative treatment on the eve of the flowering season of plants. antihistamines, which significantly reduce sensitivity to histamine, the main culprit in the symptoms of all allergic reactions. You can take suprastin, diazolin and other histamine receptor blockers. The possible side effects of these drugs, such as drowsiness and decreased reaction speed, should be taken into account. Transport drivers will benefit from new generation drugs that are free from sedative effect(Claritin, Telfast).

It is important limiting contact with antigen. It is necessary to avoid places with abundant flowering of grasses and other allergenic flora. The ideal option for a patient whose allergies began in July would be to temporarily move to an area free of “dangerous” plants.

Indoors, it is necessary to install protective filters, do not allow pollen to pass through, wet cleaning and ventilation, application air purifiers.

To reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa, mucus secretion and lacrimation during exacerbation of the disease, nasal and eye drops with antihistamine and vasoconstrictor effect (naphthyzin, galazolin, sanorin). You should remember about the rapid development of addiction to these drugs, which cannot be used for a long time.

Hypoallergenic diet is prescribed taking into account the fact that pollen causes cross-allergy with a number of products. What blooms in July (mainly meadow grasses) has common antigenic properties with products made from food grains. It is necessary to limit the consumption of bread and various cereals, except buckwheat (buckwheat is not a grain). The use of honey is minimized or stopped, since many of its varieties are of cereal origin.

Outside the peak of plant flowering, patients who are allergic to pollen should undergo preventive actions to reduce sensitization (sensitivity to allergen) of the body. This may be allergen-specific immunotherapy under medical supervision. In addition, a constant hypoallergenic diet and a careful attitude towards medicines based on herbal raw materials (herbal medicines) are indicated.

Many people are interested in the question of allergies in August: what does it cause and how to deal with it correctly? An allergic reaction occurs exclusively to certain allergens. It can develop due to malfunctions of the immune system. Most often, allergies in August are triggered by pollen. This type of seasonal exacerbation is called hay fever. Its development is caused by pollen of wind-pollinated plants, which usually occurs 3 times a year: in spring (May), summer (August) and autumn (September-October). Various factors provoke the disease.

Main causes and symptoms of allergies

The main factor influencing the development of an allergic reaction is the flowering of ragweed. During such a period, a sufficient amount of pollen from this plant is released into the environment. This phenomenon observed at the end of summer. Along with the wind, ambrosia is carried throughout all living spaces.

The cause of allergies in August is the flowering of asteraceae, nettles and weeds, as well as many medicinal plants: calendula, chamomile, yarrow and many others

When pollen comes into contact with the skin and mucous membranes, sensitization to the allergen occurs. Repeated contact results in the release of antibodies to ragweed. A large number of mast cells provokes the development of allergies. It is impossible to get rid of this. Special antiallergic drugs can help, but the problem cannot be completely eliminated.

Main allergy symptoms in August:

  • profuse lacrimation;
  • redness of the eyeballs;
  • severe itching in the eyes;
  • nasal congestion;
  • mucous discharge from the nose;
  • itching of the skin;
  • dry cough.

The symptoms of an allergy to ragweed pollen are no different from the symptoms of an allergy when another plant blooms. These symptoms most often appear seasonally, usually in August or September.

What causes an allergic reaction at the end of summer?

People prone to allergies should always have a plant flowering calendar on hand. This will allow you to prepare for upcoming attacks and alleviate the expected serious condition.

As mentioned above, ragweed begins to bloom in August. It is the main allergen of summer. However, you should not forget about other plants and even trees.

Weeds and cereals can lead to the development of allergic reactions. This list is supplemented by some trees, in particular those that are classified as conifers. The exception is Japanese cedar. Deciduous plants that cause hay fever include oak, alder, linden, maple and hazel. However, they are dangerous in the spring (in the summer they release other allergens). From mid-July to the end of August Special attention Those prone to allergies should turn to nettle. It is a wind-pollinated plant and easily penetrates into the environment. During the period from July to October, weeds such as wormwood, quinoa, ragweed and pigweed pose a particular danger. All of them are the main triggers of seasonal allergies.

It is impossible to prevent plants from flowering, but you can prepare for this period. This will make it easier to cope with seasonal exacerbations.

Allergy treatment

Drug therapy involves the use of certain medications. Their action is aimed at inhibiting the allergic reaction. The drugs mainly used are glucocorticoids, vasoconstrictors, cromoglycates. The amount of therapy depends entirely on the patient's condition.

If seasonal allergies are difficult to resolve, you should pay attention to antihistamines.

Histimet, Allergodil and Cromon are perfect. If the exacerbation is mild, you will have to use it for several weeks. symptomatic remedies. These may be Zyrtec, Kestin, Claritin and Telfast. If positive effect no, you need to switch to vasoconstrictors. These include Afrin, Nazivin and Naphthyzin.

It is worth using medications for no more than 10 days. This is quite enough for the period when ragweed blooms. Long periods of use of the drugs cause the risk of developing drug-induced rhinitis. To reduce symptoms during an exacerbation period, it is necessary to take immunoglobulin before flowering plants.

Allergies are common in August. It is impossible to avoid it, since allergens are everywhere during the flowering period of plants. The only way out- supportive therapy and intake special medicines at the beginning of an exacerbation.

According to official statistics, more than 20% of all inhabitants of our planet suffer from seasonal allergies in the summer. In the second half of summer it is almost always caused small particles plant pollen, as a result of which a person constantly experiences physical and even aesthetic discomfort.

Seasonal type of allergic reaction in medical practice is called hay fever - from English word pollen, which translates as pollen.

What blooms in late summer and causes a reaction?

To understand what you might be allergic to at the end of July and August, you need to remember the plants blooming at this time. Basic:

  • sow thistle;
  • quinoa;
  • sorrel;
  • foxtail;
  • white pigweed;
  • thistle;
  • sunflower;
  • motherwort cordial.

In addition, during this period of the year, nettles begin to bloom, and in the northern regions, dandelion and plantain.

It is important to consider that flowering may occur with a shift of 7-14 days, depending on the geographical area.

A cross-type allergic reaction can often occur.

The August misfortune of many allergy sufferers is due to the fact that pollen from allergenic plants is carried through the air, reaches the mucous membranes and penetrates the respiratory tract, causing an allergy attack.

IN last month In summer, flowering of almost all trees ends, but weeds and meadow grasses are just beginning their active development.

Seasonal allergies in the summer in August most often occur to the flowering of the following plants:

  • white pigweed;

White pigweed

At the end of August, Alternaria fungal spores form. The highest concentration of fungal pollen is observed in rainy weather.

How to identify the problem

The clinical picture looks like this:

  • weakness, chills;
  • itching and burning of the ears;
  • cough with or without sputum;
  • , mucus secretion;
  • lacrimation, redness of the eyes, itching.

Even with mild symptoms, you should consult a doctor for treatment. successful treatment. Otherwise, even a mild allergy can trigger the development.

Effective therapy

It is important to know which plant the reaction occurs to in August in order to avoid contact with it. To do this, an examination is carried out, after which the doctor tells you what medications to take during an exacerbation and for prevention.

Groups of main anti-allergenic agents:

  1. . They block production, which causes allergic symptoms.
  2. . Used by doctors only in emergency situations, they are last resort. Quickly cope with inflammatory processes and anaphylactic shock. Many hormonal drugs are contraindicated for children under 18 years of age, pregnant women and breastfeeding women.
  3. Stabilizers. The main effect is aimed at retaining cell membranes; they also prevent the production of histamine. They cope well with allergy symptoms.

The most effective tablets:

  1. – a second generation antihistamine. Has a fast-acting property, begins to provide medicinal effect two hours after administration. It relieves signs of the disease well and significantly alleviates the course of seasonal allergies.
  2. - second generation product. It is one of the popular drugs due to its price and fast action. Has a minimum number of contraindications.
  3. Ifiral is a type of medicinal stabilizer. It perfectly prevents the release of histamine, but has many contraindications and side effects. It is prohibited for use by children under two years of age in the form of capsules and inhalation solution and under five years of age in the form of an aerosol, as well as by pregnant women in the first trimester.
  4. – belongs to the group of antihistamines. Has absolutely safe composition, fights well against allergy symptoms and does not cause bad influence on the human nervous system, does not cause drowsiness or addiction. Allowed for use by children over 12 years of age. Contraindications include pregnancy and lactation.
  5. Cromohexal is a stabilizer that strengthens membranes by blocking the penetration of calcium into them, which ultimately eliminates the release of histamine. Well suited for the prevention and treatment of seasonal allergies.

Sometimes first generation antihistamines are prescribed, for example.

The most effective medications local action against allergic rashes:

  1. - second generation product. Copes quickly with different skin dermatitis, including the atopic form, eliminates redness and inflammation.
  2. – has a powerful antiallergic effect. It is affordable and does not cause addiction or drowsiness.
  3. Suprastin is a first generation drug. It is used for first aid and therefore is found in many home medicine cabinets. Causes drowsiness and constant fatigue. It is most effective not as an ointment, but in the form of injections.
  4. - a third generation product. One of the most effective and affordable, but may not have the best effect on the liver.
  5. Ketotifen is a mast cell stabilizer used for long-term treatment, effective and safe.

Increasingly, doctors are prescribing. Their main features:

  • safe and easy to use;
  • act quickly and for a long time;
  • do not cause drowsiness or addiction;
  • do not have a negative effect on internal organs or psyche.

This group of drugs includes:

  • Caeser;

It’s not enough to know how to treat allergies that appear in August, late July and early September. It is necessary to understand that drug treatment seasonal response will not provide maximum benefit and will not minimize risk serious complications unless the following measures are taken:

  1. Completely eliminate any contact with the provoking allergen. This is difficult to do when reacting to pollen, but it is possible to minimize contact. For example, go outside less in dry and hot weather, wash clothes, wash shoes, and rinse in the shower after going outside. You can temporarily refuse to ventilate rooms and wear medical masks.
  2. Strengthen the immune system to reduce the body's sensitivity to irritants. To do this, the allergic person undergoes several periodic vaccinations three months before the allergen plant blooms. This procedure is not much different from the flu shot and makes life much easier for those with allergies during the flowering period. In addition, this technique, after several years of constant vaccination, helps to completely overcome hay fever. It's about about . It is also important to strengthen the immune system with healthy image life.

Nasal drops and sprays are actively prescribed:

  • Tizin;
  • Sanorin;
  • Vibrocil;

Eye drops for allergic conjunctivitis:

  • Visine;
  • Zaditen;
  • Octilia;
  • Okumetil.

How to avoid exacerbation

  1. Walk after the rain.
  2. Carry out as often as possible wet cleaning in the house.
  3. During flowering, go to a place where dangerous plants No.
  4. Use special devices to purify indoor air.
  5. Before using medications based on plant composition Be sure to read the instructions and ingredients.
  6. Ventilate at night, because it is during this period that the pollen of harmful plants is not so active.
  7. Avoid gardening work that is closely related to grass and plants. If this is not possible, you should take an antihistamine in advance as a preventive measure.

Regardless of the time of year, allergies bring a lot of inconvenience and can become life-threatening. You can avoid this by taking care of your health and listening to doctors.

May triggers relapses of allergic diseases, since during this period the maximum number of allergens in the air is recorded. This is due to the abundance, which is accompanied by the formation of pollen and fluff.

May is not only beautiful spring month, carrying heat and sunny color, but also a difficult period for people suffering from increased sensitivity of the body.

It is accompanied not only by the enjoyment of the wonderful time of year, but also by a fierce fight against allergies. It would seem that at this time it’s not the best perfect time for symptoms to appear.

Not all the buds have opened yet, the fruits are not ripe, the greenery has not fully covered the ground and has not yet had time to absorb city dust and smog. Therefore, May represents a special type of hypersensitivity, which is usually called by another term: “”.


The main reason for the development of the disease is increased sensitization of the body against the background of a decrease in general resistance, vitamin deficiency, adaptation and stress syndrome. The triggering factor in the development of symptoms is, in most cases, pollen.

Almost everything that blooms at the end of May causes allergies.

In order to accurately determine which particular plant has negative impact, you need to take a closer look at environment. First of all, you should look in forests and gardens. The most powerful allergens are garden plants, artificially cultivated and modified.

Allergies in early May are caused by active flowering and pollination of oak, alder, ash, and poplar. Pollen is microscopic loose particles that are easily carried by the slightest breath of wind over hundreds and thousands of kilometers. When they get on mucous membranes and skin, they have an irritating effect.

In addition, the danger of these plants is that they often grow near houses and can easily enter a room through open windows and doors. Blooms, tulips are starting to bloom. There are prerequisites for the development of allergies in a child in May.

Bright colors often attract children; it can be difficult to keep them from direct contact: little fidgets pick flowers, smell them, make bouquets, create compositions, weave wreaths.

Allergies at the end of May are especially dangerous; you need to be even more careful, since the body is already pre-sensitized. You should be wary of flowering cereals: timothy, wheat, barley, ragweed, oats, orchardgrass. They are very strong provocateurs of hay fever.

The tendency to trigger an anaphylactic type reaction is frightening. They are joined by fluff from dandelions, which form seeds and poplar fluff, which fills the air. This combination is an ideal trigger for an allergic reaction.

Despite the fact that many conifers have a desensitizing, tonic and calming effect, many conifers, in particular spruce and pine, are leading etiological factors hay fever.

Let's take a closer look at what blooms in May, causing allergies:

  • chestnut
  • plantain
  • St. John's wort
  • bird cherry
  • Rowan
  • plum
  • hazel
  • lily of the valley
  • hawthorn
  • rose hip


Hay fever is characterized by one thing most important property– the reaction appears quickly, a few minutes after contact, because Allergens are highly active in May. Primary signs include:

  • sneezing, dry cough
  • sore throat
  • stuffy throat and nose
  • swelling of the eyes, face, mucous membranes
  • stinging and pain in the eyes, tearing
  • photophobia
  • runny nose

In more severe cases, when systemic impact the body may experience increased temperature, suffocating cough, ear pain, stuffy ears, hearing loss, and headache. Facial swelling is often observed, which is easy to diagnose independently. If you place your finger on the swollen area and press lightly, a dimple will appear, white or bluish in color.

Disappears gradually. In addition, the face may change color, most often becoming a bright pink hue.

Rashes, urticaria, dryness, and peeling of the skin are also possible. If swelling occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor, since swelling is dangerous because it can cause suffocation as a result of swelling of the mucous membranes of the trachea and larynx.

There is an increased risk of developing cerebral or pulmonary edema, which can be fatal.

An alarming signal is general weakness, increased fatigue, lack of appetite, muscle weakness, joint pain, as this is a consequence of intoxication of the body.


Pathogenesis depends primarily on the type of reaction. Common to all types is the development of an immune response to the introduction of an allergen. This causes damage to the structure and functional state cells and tissues. The mechanism consists in acquiring increased sensitivity and producing antibodies, activating lymphocytes, and triggering a cascade release of mediators.

Phagocytosis is disrupted, dysfunction of immunocompetent cells occurs, and the ratio of immunoglobulins of different classes is disturbed. As a result of an increase in the quantitative indicators of pro-inflammatory mediators, inflammation may develop. The essence is to provide a protective function: an antigen-antibody complex is formed, which is then inactivated and eliminated. Allergies in May require treatment.

Prevention and treatment

Prevention consists primarily of limiting contact with the allergen. To do this, it is recommended to close windows and doors and wet clean the room more often. It is better to walk outside in rainy, humid weather. Dry and sunny weather is critical. Go out into the forest, field, garden as little as possible. The patient needs to know in May.

Basic therapy

When prone to anaphylaxis, to relieve asthma symptoms, effective etheric method, protecting against shock. Consists of using inhalers and nasal sprays. Developed on the neurogenic theory based on the assumption that serum phenomena are neurogenic in nature.

The principle of action is inhibition of central excitation processes nervous system. The drugs of choice are: bromides, bromural, luminal.

The second method is specific immunotherapy. It was proposed back in 1907. The author was based on his own experiments and convincing experiments on. I administered the serum in fractional doses, gradually increasing the dosage. Such allergen injections prevent HSR HT and reduce the likelihood of a secondary reaction.

Depending on the site and method of administration, the interval between the administration of the first small dose and full course procedures vary from 10 minutes to 4 hours. Yes, when intravenous administration, if the patient does not respond to the administration of 1 ml. serum, then all therapeutic dose It is permissible to enter after 10 minutes.

When administered subcutaneously, the interval is 4 hours, when administered intramuscularly - 2 hours, when administered intramuscularly - 2 hours. spinal canal– 1-2 hours.

In severe cases, treatment is carried out using injections of heterogeneous gamma globulin, which makes it possible to mobilize the body's protective reserves.

Taking into account that histamine is one of the most important intermediate links in the mechanism of anaphylactic and allergic reactions, antihistamines are prescribed: diphenhydramine, diazolin, diprazine, suprastin.

These medications are also successfully used for intoxication processes associated with exposure to dust, solar radiation, smoke, animal hair and feathers, and insect bites.

In stationary conditions, a complex of desensitizers is used, consisting of insulin, adrenaline and the patient’s blood, used in strict sequence in the dosage prescribed by the doctor. The method is also approved for use for patients with rashes, itching - as an auxiliary - diagnostic sign, since this complex does not work for skin rashes of infectious etiology.

Non-specific measures

Of particular interest is the possibility of using nonspecific control measures. These include: substances that seal tissue membranes ( calcium chloride, sodium chloride, tannin).

If there is no effect, the use of hormonal drugs (ACTH, prednisone) with anti-inflammatory, detoxification, and antiallergic effects is justified.

You can use such drugs for no more than 5-7 days, keeping in mind the possible side effects(euphoria, insomnia, swelling, drowsiness, pastiness, dyspeptic symptoms). Their use is not recommended during purulent processes, as they reduce the body’s overall resistance and activate infectious processes. It is advisable to prescribe with antibiotics.

However, the decision must be made entirely by the doctor, because the drugs can be hepatotoxic.

Hay fever - all these are synonyms for the same thing allergic disease.

This most common allergic disease is based on an inadequate reaction of the immune system to pollen from various plants: trees, grasses, shrubs, flowers. Feature allergies to pollen are seasonal, since they always coincide with the flowering period of certain plants. For example, in the spring allergies can be triggered by pollen from shrubs and trees, in the summer it is usually cereal pollen, and in the summer-autumn period allergy sufferers suffer from weed pollen.

Since the flowering period of various plants depends on the climatic zone in which a particular region is located, in Ukraine, for example, allergy sufferers begin to suffer from seasonal allergies earlier than, say, their fellow sufferers in middle lane Russia. Below is a flowering calendar for those plants in Ukraine whose pollen allergies are the most common.

Spring - early summer
  • Dandelion: March - April
  • Alder: mid-March - early June
  • Birch: April - May
  • Willow: April - May
  • Poplar: April - May
  • Ash: late April - early June
  • Pine: late April - mid-June
Late spring - summer
  • Wheatgrass: mid-May - early August
  • Sunflower: May - June
  • Maple: May - mid-June
  • Aspen: May-July
  • Plantain: May-August
  • Oak: May - June
  • Lipa: late May - early August
  • Nettle: late May - August
  • Fescue: June - August

Third period. Summer autumn.
  • Ambrosia: late July - October.
  • Wormwood: August - early October.
  • Quinoa: August - October.
The essence of pollen allergies

Seasonal patient allergic rhinitis It should be remembered that often the disease can develop and cause the development and exacerbation of bronchial asthma, allergic urticaria, Quincke's edema. There are cases where an allergy to pollen causes migraine attacks and even digital epilepsy, and when the allergen enters the bloodstream it can cause pain in the joints, reminiscent of rheumatic pain.


Usually, preliminary diagnosis the patient endures it himself, since allergy symptoms that appear systemically and at certain times of the year are difficult to go unnoticed.

If you suspect an allergy, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible - an allergist, who will offer to conduct an examination and prescribe treatment appropriate to the patient’s condition.

The simplest and most informative test is skin testing. This test (its correct name Scratch test) will help determine which plants cause allergies. It is important that skin tests are carried out outside the exacerbation season - from late autumn to early spring. The doctor will also prescribe a blood test for class E immunoglobulins, which are produced in the body when it encounters a particular allergen. .

Based on these tests, treatment tactics will be developed.


The main recommendation for patients with hay fever is to, if possible, avoid contact with the pollen of those plants to which an allergic reaction has been detected; the intensity of the allergic reaction depends on this. Ideally, if it is possible to leave the places where such plants grow.

But this opportunity is not always available and not for everyone, and therefore drug therapy cannot be avoided. Three main groups are used for treatment during exacerbations medicines: antihistamines, topical cromonium preparations or systemic action(zodak, etc.). In cases where asthmatic symptoms are observed, the doctor will prescribe bronchodilators.

In addition, the patient will be recommended to undergo allergen-specific immunotherapy during the period of remission. This is the only method that affects immunological reasons this type of allergy. Experts note high efficiency this method Of course, it does not provide a 100% guarantee of getting rid of allergies in one course, but after two, three or more courses this is quite possible. And after the first course, the symptoms of the disease will appear much weaker.