The baby is coughing, what to treat. Treatment with folk remedies. Antihistamines and aseptic agents

A cough in an infant, like a cough in an adult, is a special reflex of the body to external influence. Sharp expulsion of air aimed at cleansing respiratory tract from sputum and other foreign bodies. In most cases, a cough manifests itself as a symptom of an infection in the body. Exist various variations cough in a child: from a slight, barely noticeable cough, to a painful cough, sometimes accompanied by pain in the area respiratory organs and vomiting.

It is a mistake to think that a severe cough can be easily dealt with at home. Often this treatment leads to bad consequences. A mild form of the disease can be cured by purchasing several medications at the nearest pharmacy, but in case of a serious disease, neither a strong expectorant nor treatment will help you traditional methods.

The first signs of the need to treat cough in infants

It is necessary to treat a cough when it worsens the child’s well-being, sleep and condition. But don’t turn a blind eye to slight coughs. First of all, you should find out the cause of the appearance of this disease at infant. After all, treatment is aimed precisely at the very cause of the cough. There are various reasons:

  • Inflammatory process of an infectious nature in the lower and upper respiratory sections (angina, viral infections, sinusitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc.);
  • Bronchospasm;
  • Allergic inflammation of the respiratory tract and organs;
  • Pulmonary edema;
  • Obstruction, contamination, airway filling foreign bodies, formations, liquids;

It is quite difficult to independently determine the cause of a child’s cough. Therefore, pediatrician intervention is necessary. It is he who will be able to accurately determine the cause and prescribe correct treatment. IN in this case You will need some anamnestic data to help the doctor make a diagnosis: duration of onset, intensity of cough development, productivity and the impact of cough on general state baby. The doctor will also prescribe laboratory and physical tests (degree of mobility, viscosity, amount and type of bronchial secretion).

Cough medicines for infants

The cough can be dry or wet. When choosing antitussive drugs, consider this fact. For children with a strong gag reflex, expectorants are contraindicated in the case of a wet cough, which can only worsen the cough.

You should not use drugs aimed only at “quenching” the cough. After all, coughing is necessary because it removes phlegm from the body. No cough at all excess liquid in the respiratory tract often leads to respiratory failure and pneumonia.

For wet coughs, it is recommended to use sputum thinners ( ACC, Lazolvan, Bromhexine, Ambrobene, etc.). Mostly similar drugs do not affect the cough reflex, but only contribute to the rapid removal of phlegm from the body. But the use of these drugs is limited in children under 3-4 years of age, because Children do not yet know how to cough up mucus.

For more effective treatment For a cough in an infant, it is recommended to use drugs that soften and coat the throat. Such medications are sensitively reduced due to the anesthetics they contain (lidocaine, anesthesin, etc.). These drugs only reduce painful sensations in the throat, but they treat the cause itself.

Today there are no 100% safe and safe medications on the market. effective medicines for cough in infants up to 6 months. There are only drugs containing extrapolated from doses intended for adults, medicinal substances. But you cannot compare a mature adult and a 3-month-old child. Treatment of children of such an early age should be radically different, and they can help you in prescribing therapy experienced doctor.

The cause of a cough in a baby is most often the fact that sputum (including saliva, the secretion of which intensifies during teething) gets on the vocal cords, walking along back wall throats, and irritates them. If a child has a cough due to ARVI, it should be treated with plenty of fluids. This type of cough is self-limiting and can be easily treated even folk remedies, but often manifests itself within a month.

Treatment of cough in infants at home

IN folk medicine exist various methods, helping to cope with cough and other cold symptoms in infants on our own, we will now consider them.

  1. WITH deep cough It is recommended to use mustard wrap. Take honey in equal proportions, vegetable oil, mustard and flour; stir, bring to a boil and apply to a cloth. Place the resulting cloth on the baby's chest and back with the mixture on the outside, and cover the top with a towel.
  2. Pour the salt heated in a frying pan into a rectangular rag bag (13x8 cm) and place it on the child’s chest and wrap it with a warm scarf. The bag should lie diagonally from the right armpit to the left shoulder. The child should stay with it for 2-3 hours until the salt cools down, and it is better to leave the scarf for a while longer to retain heat. This method Suitable for infants from 6-8 months.
  3. Helps alleviate cough in infants onion juice. Finely chopped onion must be mixed with honey or sugar and let it brew for several hours, then give 1 teaspoon.
  4. Don't forget about herbs. For example, it is useful to brew chamomile tea and coltsfoot. This gentle method is suitable even for children from 2 months. Also, treatment with traditional methods is impossible without the use of inhalation with various herbs.
  5. Eucalyptus - a long time ago known remedy, accelerating the treatment of the respiratory tract. A deeper effect is obtained if you warm up the bath for 20-25 minutes, fill it with 10-15 cm of water and spray the eucalyptus tincture along the walls. After which you need to stay in the bathroom with the baby for 10-15 minutes, wipe the baby dry and wrap it in a warm blanket. The cough will begin to “fade out” after just a few procedures.
  6. Rubbing a baby with honey. spread a small amount of honey on the back and chest of the child and rub until the hands stop sticking. Then wrap the child in warmth.

Folk remedies are not as fast-acting compared to modern drugs. Noticeable effect sometimes gives treatment for more than one month.

Do not forget about preventive procedures, seek help from a doctor in a timely manner and be attentive to your child. It is easier to use such measures than to treat your child in the future.

Simple ways to quickly treat a cough without complications in a baby are available to every mother. Some people recommend grandma’s recipes: herbal infusions, inhalations, compresses and foot baths, others advertise modern medicines, miraculous syrups, suspensions. Are all remedies good when we're talking about O children's health, or can you do without medications altogether? Let's listen to the pediatrician's advice.

Such an unpleasant symptom is not a disease, but only accompanies it. Therefore, the first thing a mother should do is try to find out the reason. Most often, in newborns, a cough appears against the background of a common acute respiratory infection as a result of snot running down the back wall of the nose. An infant does not yet know how to blow his nose and is forced to cough up mucus.

Second most popular reason children's cough- bronchitis, or inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. In this case, mucus accumulates in the bronchi, and coughing helps remove it. It turns out that this symptom does not need to be treated, you need to make it more effective and moist.

If the cough is wet, infrequent and does not bother your infant, you can cope with it yourself. If you notice wheezing, a barking sound, shortness of breath or hissing, if your general condition worsens, or if the symptoms persist, you should immediately consult a doctor. It will help you eliminate more serious illnesses, such as whooping cough or pneumonia.

Before treating a baby’s cough with medications, we need to take care of the air we breathe. No medicine will help if the room is hot and dry, the mucous membranes will dry out, and sputum will be more difficult to remove. If your infant started coughing, don’t run to the pharmacy, but do the following:

  1. Ventilate the room, turn on a humidifier, or increase the humidity using a spray bottle or other means. To make it easier for the child to breathe, the air temperature should not exceed 18-20 degrees.
  2. Dress infant warmer during treatment. Illness is not the time for hardening, but do not overheat the child.
  3. If the cough appeared after suffering from an acute respiratory infection against the background general improvement condition, if there is no high temperature, wheezing and other unpleasant symptoms, then it’s best to go for a walk outside. Many mothers during treatment are afraid to walk with their infants, because fresh air cough gets worse. Do not be alarmed, this is a sign that the sputum is thinning and the moment of recovery is approaching.
  4. Water treatment helps improve the coughing process.
  5. Warm, plenty of fluids is one of the most important components of a successful recovery. If the child is on breastfeeding, feed him on demand.

If you follow these rules, you can cure acute respiratory infections and get rid of a cough in an infant in five to seven days. These simple tips They will also help an adult overcome the disease without additional medications.

With the arrival of cold weather comes a period of colds. Babies are especially vulnerable because their immune systems are just learning to fight foreign bacteria. Hearing a cough in a baby, a young mother may become confused and not react in time, although this is very serious symptom. In this article we will look at what causes coughs, how to treat coughs in newborns, and review popular cough medicines for babies.

Causes of cough in an infant

First of all, it is necessary to recognize the nature of the cough.

A child's cough may be:

  • Wet
  • Dry
  • With or without fever.

By its intensity and sound, you can understand whether the cause lies in the disease or whether something is interfering with the normal functioning of the respiratory tract. So, the most common causes of cough in an infant.


More than in 90% In many cases, cough is the first symptom of the onset of acute respiratory viral infection. The baby coughs occasionally, the intensity of the cough increases in the evening and at night. The throat is red and inflamed. The cells begin to secrete mucus. A prolonged cough in an infant that lasts more than 2 weeks is very dangerous. weakens immune defense, the process can become chronic.

2. Inflammatory process of the upper respiratory tract

It is characterized by an obsessive cough, dry at first. Very painful for a child. If left untreated, it can lead to complications. The most dangerous - false croup. With it, the walls of the throat sharply narrow, and the child, due to a lack of oxygen, begins to whistle hoarsely and choke. The disease requires immediate medical attention.

3. Dry indoor air

May cause a sore throat. If an infant coughing, who has no prerequisites for illness, you should pay attention to normalizing the humidity in the newborn baby’s room.

4. Inflammation of the middle ear

When the child has inflammation of the middle ear, a reflex cough begins. This is the body's reaction to this inflammation. When pressing on the earlobe, the child emits a sharp, piercing cry - which means the reason is precisely ear pain. The best option will call an emergency ambulance.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

5. Foreign body inhalation

If a child gets into the respiratory tract foreign object- anyone - urgently call 03. The child’s life is at risk and time is counting in seconds. Do not knock on the back or try to “knock” this object out - you may end up with it getting stuck in the trachea or bronchi.

6. Polluted air

Is it smoky in the room, or is it too polluted outside? Don't be surprised if your child starts coughing nonstop. The longer you stay in such conditions, the more harmful substances will absorb the immature and tender lungs of the baby.

Treating a cough: what mom needs to know

Treatment of cough, both with and without fever, should be carried out only under the supervision of a pediatrician. At the first symptoms, you need to start the prescribed therapy.

But here's what a mother can do to alleviate the child's condition:

  • Monitor the optimal humidity level in the room. If the heating season has begun and the radiators inevitably dry out the air with their heat, purchase an air humidifier or make one yourself from improvised means. You can put it in the container clean water and place it on the battery - the water will evaporate and the humidity will increase. IN as a last resort You can spray the room with water from a spray bottle once an hour.
  • Ventilate your home at least twice a day. Lack of oxygen will only worsen the condition respiratory system your baby.
  • Do it for the baby light massage backs. It helps remove sputum and improve the child’s well-being.
  • Offer your child to drink more often. Especially if the baby has an elevated body temperature. To avoid dehydration, keep water, tea, and juices available to your child.
  • An old folk remedy for cough for infants is rubbing with animal fat. It is best to do the procedure before bed. Rub the baby's body thoroughly on the back and chest, wrap it up and put it to bed. In the morning the child will feel much better. See detailed article:
  • Don't forget about walking. Inhaling fresh air, the baby's lungs open, fill with strength and freshness. The baby will be distracted from the painful cough, and good mood always has a positive effect on the healing process.

Excellent remedy for cough initial stagenebulizer. Pour 5 ml saline into a glass. solution (sold in a pharmacy for about 50 rubles) and let the child breathe for 5-7 minutes. The mucous membranes will become moisturized and the sputum will become less viscous. You can repeat the procedure twice a day. This method is effective when it occurs.

Temperatures are no joke. If you have a cough and a temperature of 38.5, you and your baby will most likely be admitted to the hospital. Don’t be afraid to get there; it’s better not to take risks and be under the supervision of specialists. The main thing is your child’s health, and temporary inconveniences can be tolerated.

Medicines for cough

Remember: everything medical supplies Only a doctor can prescribe! This review is for informational purposes only.

  • At wet cough a drug is needed to help remove phlegm. The following herbal syrups have worked well: Gedelix and Prospan . They gently thin mucus and have sweet taste, are used twice a day.
  • For dry cough Homeopathic syrup helps a lot Stodal And homeopathic medicine Oscillococcinum (granules for dissolution in water). Homeopathy has no contraindications and can be used in conjunction with basic treatment.
  • Makes breathing easier and soothes coughs plasters Nozzle. They are glued to clothes and are impregnated with extracts useful herbs, which have a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes of the nose and larynx.
  • Sprays are contraindicated for infants due to the risk of suffocation. However, when severe inflammatory process possible use Tantum Verde spray . He has sweet taste, soothes sore throat and dulls coughing attacks.


How to treat a cough in a baby? The choice of drugs depends on the type of cough and disease. Cough is a symptom, it is important to identify its cause. Also, in babies under one year old it can be physiological in nature. Sometimes coughing in a baby alarms the mother. And this may just be a reaction to mucus that accumulates on the back wall of the nasopharynx, especially during teething.

Coughing in infants is much less common than in older children. If your baby is breastfed, the risk of getting ARVI or influenza is even lower. What is important? If a cough is accompanied by a runny nose and fever, this is a sure sign of ARVI. If the nose does not run, there is no fever, and the infant is coughing, this may indicate an allergic nature of the cough or whooping cough. Treatment of cough in children under one year of age can only be prescribed by a doctor. Even if your baby coughs, you should definitely see a pediatrician. In infants, the respiratory muscles are poorly developed. Inflammatory processes with ARVI, they can result in complications due to stagnation of sputum in the bronchi and lungs, because the child is not able to cough it up.

About dry and wet cough

Coughing, like sneezing, is a protective reflex of the body. Normally, a baby can cough up to 10 times a day and be absolutely healthy. A slight cough in infants may be a physiological norm.

  • Dry cough in infants. The reasons for it can be very different. Therefore, sometimes difficulties arise with setting accurate diagnosis. A dry cough can be the beginning of an acute respiratory viral infection. And at the same time, it is characteristic of the first weeks of whooping cough and parawhooping cough. May be a symptom of an allergy or bronchial asthma(alas, it also occurs in infants). Sometimes the cough seems dry to the mother, but the doctor comes, listens and says that it is wet. The fact is that a 3-month-old baby still does not know how to spit out mucus and swallows it.
  • Wet cough in an infant without fever. Indicates the productive nature of the cough. It usually appears during the recovery stage after ARVI. If you cough clear liquid mucus, which means there are no complications. Sputum is greenish and yellowish color speaks of a bacterial infection in the respiratory system. Sometimes a prolonged wet cough without fever may indicate chronic bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia.

The bronchi have the property of self-cleaning. Cough in a newborn, as in a 5-month-old baby, may be associated with the immaturity of this function. It also often occurs when mucus runs down the back of the nasopharynx and irritates it.

What the doctor can prescribe

How to treat a cough in an infant? The treatment regimen depends on the disease. What can a doctor prescribe if a baby has signs of ARVI?

  • Antiviral drugs. Immunomodulatory drugs are often prescribed with antiviral effect. Most often, “Viferon” is used in candles, which does not have age restrictions. It can be given to newborns.
  • Nasal rinsing. Important procedure, especially before bed. If a baby has a clogged nose, he breathes through his mouth. This leads to rapid drying of the mucous membranes, which then intensifies the baby’s cough. You need to rinse the spout saline solutions. You can use regular saline solution: drop 3 drops into each nostril, at least every hour. After washing, you can instill 1 drop oil solution“Ectericide”, which will cover the mucous membranes with a thin protective layer. It is strictly forbidden to bury antibacterial drops. IN in rare cases pediatrician prescribes vasoconstrictors into the nose. Usually they are not used for ARVI.
  • Antipyretics for fever. Syrups based on paracetamol and ibuprofen are used.
  • Homeopathic medicines. Widely used in modern pediatrics in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in children of different ages. Homeopathic syrup "Stodal" is popular. It has an expectorant, bronchodilator, and mild antitussive effect. It is prescribed for dry and wet coughs; it also relieves bronchospasms well.

With ARVI, a baby sometimes has a cough and runny nose without fever. These symptoms can also occur when allergic rhinitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis.

Read more about cough medicines

How to treat cough in a child under one year old? There are three large groups of drugs for treating cough. The most acceptable and safe dosage form for infants - syrups and drops.

  • Antitussives. They suppress the cough reflex and are used for dry, obsessive, paroxysmal cough in children, more often for whooping cough. Most of these medications are contraindicated in children under 2–3 years of age. Sinekod syrup is a drug with central non-narcotic action, approved from 2 months. Panatus syrup is also a drug of central non-narcotic action, approved from 6 months under the strict supervision of a doctor. The dosage is prescribed depending on body weight.
  • Mucolytic drugs. They may be based on the following substances: ambroxol, bromhexine, acetylcysteine, hydrochloride. Promote liquefaction thick mucus in the respiratory organs. The most famous trade names syrups: “Lazolvan”, “Ambrobene”, “Bromhexin”, “Mukosol”, “Fluditek”, “Flavamed”, “Mukodin”. Most of these drugs can be given to infants, but strictly as prescribed by a doctor.
  • Expectorants. Prescribed for wet cough, when viscous mucus is difficult to cough up. Herbal expectorant syrups with ivy and plantain extract are considered to be the safest for children under one year of age. The preparations may also include: thyme, anise, licorice, marshmallow, elecampane, oregano, thyme, wild rosemary, coltsfoot and other herbs. However, they may experience allergic reactions. It is necessary to monitor the child's condition. If a rash, swelling, or anxiety appears, you should stop treatment and consult a doctor. The most well-known trade names: “Gedelix”, “Doctor MOM”, “Prospan”, “Bronchicum”, “Dr. Theiss." “Prospan” syrup, for example, can be given to a baby at 4 months, “Bronchicum” can be safely used at 7 months. It is permissible to use expectorants in more early age, in newborns. This is decided only by the doctor, who accurately calculates the dose of the medicine.

An overdose of herbal expectorants should not be allowed, because this will lead to lingering cough. The volume of sputum may increase, and the baby will not be able to cough it up. A combination of expectorants and antitussives is considered dangerous. They are not compatible. Most instructions for expectorant syrups warn about this. Suppression of the cough center and the formation of excess sputum result in pneumonia.

How to help your baby

What should parents do if their baby coughs?

  • Drink as much as possible
    . If a newborn coughs, then at that age you should not give anything other than water. Perfect option - breast milk. If your baby has a fever, dehydration occurs much faster. This must be taken into account. How can you tell if your baby is getting enough fluids? By filling the diaper. If urination occurs once every 4 hours, this is a signal that the baby needs to be hydrated. In addition to water, an 8-month-old baby can be offered dried fruit compote, non-concentrated juices, decoctions of linden, rose hips, and raisins.
  • Don't dress too warmly. The child will lose even more moisture, and the mucous membranes will dry out faster.
  • Spend as much time outdoors as possible. If a baby has a cough without fever, and the child feels well, there are no contraindications for walking (except for severe frost outside the window). After walking, the baby may begin to cough more severely. There is no need to be afraid of this, because when the cough intensifies, the phlegm comes out better.
  • Humidify the air in a baby's room. Important condition in order to dry, nonproductive cough became moist, productive without any medications. Air humidity should be from 50 to 70%. Air temperature is no less important. Ideally it should be 18°C. At temperatures above 22°C, the mucus in the respiratory organs quickly becomes thick and viscous.

  • Natural inhalations
    . Infants are prohibited from doing steam inhalations for safety reasons, so as not to accidentally burn the skin and delicate mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. You can install an ultrasonic humidifier next to the crib. During attacks of dry obsessive cough It is recommended to go into the bathroom with the baby. Bathtub needs to be filled hot water, add soda to it and breathe in the steam filling the bathroom. The humidity in the bathroom will be very high, which is useful for dry coughs. If the cough is wet, then it is better not to add soda.
  • Water procedures. Is it possible to bathe a child with a cough? It depends on the nature of the disease and the general condition of the baby. In the first days of ARVI, with elevated temperature It is not recommended to bathe the baby, you can only wipe the body damp towel. When the baby's condition improves, you can take medicinal bath. You can add decoctions to water medicinal herbs(needles, eucalyptus, chamomile, wild rosemary and others), sea ​​salt. After water procedures babies usually begin to cough up the remaining sputum well.
  • Drainage massage. Indicated for wet cough with difficult to separate sputum. It helps well in infants whose respiratory muscles are poorly developed. How to carry it out? If possible, you should invite a professional massage therapist who works specifically with infants. But there are some things mom can do herself. You need to lay the child on his back, grab him chest palms and perform stroking movements from bottom to top. Then turn the baby over on his stomach and stroke his back in a circular motion without touching the spine. After stroking, more intense patting movements are performed from bottom to top. It is better to lay the baby so that the buttocks are higher than the head.
  • Folk remedies. Pediatricians do not recommend resorting to folk recipes if the baby is coughing. Wrong and thoughtless actions of parents sometimes lead to disastrous results. It is strictly forbidden to use compresses with vodka, vinegar, or dry mustard. The baby may get burns, poisoning, and spasms of the larynx and bronchi may occur. Also, decoctions and infusions should be used with great caution. breast training. Young children are often allergic to medicinal herbs.

What are the dangers of complications in infancy?

Against the background of ARVI, an infant may develop acute bronchitis or pneumonia, secondary bacterial infections. The baby will have to be treated with antibiotics and many different medications. They are not desirable during the formation period immune system. Also, when pneumonia was suffered at 2 months or earlier, the alveoli of the lung are affected, which will remain undeveloped in the future.

More about whooping cough

Whooping cough has a number of characteristic features. Therefore, an experienced doctor will immediately determine whether it is whooping cough or not. If the child received DTP vaccination, he can transfer this disease to mild form. Today, whooping cough is becoming more common and is diagnosed late, in the second or third week, or even later. This is explained by the massive refusal to vaccinate. Severe forms Whooping cough is dangerous for babies. A hysterical, paroxysmal cough can lead to respiratory failure, severe vomiting, respiratory arrest. How to recognize whooping cough?

  • At the first stage, it is similar to a dry cough during ARVI.
  • However, it does not become productive, it becomes more and more intrusive.
  • Has a paroxysmal character.
  • Cough shocks occur during exhalation.
  • After a series of coughing jerks, the child makes deep breath(reprise).
  • Inhalation is accompanied by a whistle.
  • The attack ends with vomiting, sometimes viscous mucus comes out.
  • Attacks of whooping cough can occur up to 50 times a day.

How to treat a cough in an infant with whooping cough? Antibiotics are used because whooping cough is bacterial infection caused by pertussis bacillus. Treatment antibacterial drugs effective at the initial stage of the disease, until the cough center is overexcited. Even if whooping cough is detected in the third or fourth week, the doctor still prescribes antibiotics so that the baby is not contagious. The doctor also prescribes antitussive medications. They relieve a baby's debilitating cough. Whooping cough is a disease that can last for months. It can be cured with time and fresh air.

Treatment of cough of any nature in children under one year of age is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. Babies recover quickly if they are not overheated and given enough water. Walking is also important feeling good baby, humidified and cool air in the room.


An unpleasant moment is a cough in a baby. It may occur due to various reasons and always requires treatment. In addition to the fact that the body's respiratory tract is irritated, it does not allow the child to fully enjoy sleep and food, and immunity decreases.

There are two types of cough - pathological and physiological. In both cases, it is necessary to clear the airways.

  1. The physiological type can occur due to excessive crying or while eating. It does not require any treatment - the child just needs to be calmed down. It is of a short duration, the general condition of the child is normal.
  2. The pathological type occurs due to infection entering the body. He needs to take medications.

An infectious cough can be dry or wet.

  1. A dry cough in an infant (tracheitis, bronchitis, laryngitis) is obsessive, barking in nature, does not bring relief, without sputum discharge. Usually any cough begins with such a cough. colds. Most often worsens at night.
  2. A wet cough is accompanied by the discharge of sputum and indicates the beginning of recovery. It does not interfere with the child's sleep and brings relief.

The cough may be accompanied by a high fever and other symptoms (runny nose, rash). Sometimes there is no temperature.

The course of the disease depends on how long the cough lasts.

  1. Acute is characterized by the intensity of cough reflexes, accompanied by poor sputum discharge. Occurs when an allergen or infection enters the body. Lasts about ten days.
  2. Protracted. If the treatment is chosen incorrectly or the cause has not been clarified, it can last up to three months.
  3. Chronic. If any disturbances occur in the body, the cough appears again, and its duration reaches more than three months.

Causes of the disease

Features of cough treatment

Before treating a cough, it is necessary to determine the cause of its occurrence. An important point is how old the baby is. After this, a course of drugs is prescribed:

  • antihistamines;
  • antiviral drugs (tablets, drops, suppositories, syrups);
  • drugs that enhance immunity;
  • antibiotics that are prescribed only by a doctor - he will determine based on health conditions how many days to use them;
  • if the cough is wet, then it is worth treating with expectorants that help the discharge of sputum;
  • during a dry cough, medications that dilute sputum are prescribed;
  • at painful coughs antitussives are prescribed, but they should not be given if he is wet, as this can advance the infection to lower sections respiratory tract;
  • rinsing the nose with salt water is prescribed;
  • vasoconstrictor drops, and in rare cases antibacterial drops are prescribed;
  • if the temperature is high, antipyretic drugs (suppositories, syrups) are prescribed.

Do not treat by exceeding the dosage of medication, as this can lead to poisoning of the body or a prolonged cough. It is forbidden to give a child antitussive and expectorant medications at the same time. When sputum is suppressed, it stagnates in the respiratory system, the infection will spread, and pneumonia may develop.

Additional measures to combat cough

  1. Provided there is no temperature, you can make mustard plasters.
  2. Make decoctions of chamomile, coltsfoot.
  3. You can treat the disease using a nebulizer - for example, breathing medicines or ordinary physical solution. Thanks to this, the mucous membranes are moistened and the sputum is diluted.
  4. Massage that promotes the removal of mucus. Rub the baby's chest and back in a circular motion. You can use patting movements. The massage is done as in horizontal position, and standing.
  5. Treatment should be accompanied drinking plenty of fluids, especially if the child heat. This will avoid dehydration.
  6. The back can be rubbed badger fat or warming ointments.
  7. Ventilate the room every hour. Oxygen makes breathing easier, and the infection does not spread.
  8. You should not dress your child too warmly, as the mucous membranes will begin to dry out even more forcefully.
  9. If you have a cough without fever, then you need to walk outside.

Folk remedies for cough

You can try to cure the child yourself, but such methods are used either in conjunction with drug therapy, or in the first stages of the disease.

If the cough is barking and deep, there is no fever, then you can prepare a mixture for a compress. The main ingredients are honey, mustard, vegetable oil and flour. Mix everything thoroughly, pour the contents into the frying pan and bring to a boil. After this, transfer the mixture to gauze or a clean cloth. Place on the baby's chest or back. Cover with a warm towel on top.

Older children (about 8 months) can be treated with salt. It is heated in a frying pan, poured into a bag and applied to the chest or back. You need to tie a warm scarf on top. As soon as the salt has cooled, the bag is removed and the scarf is left to further retain heat.

Baths with eucalyptus. If the child feels well and there is no fever, then you can take a bath. Add a few drops of extract to the water. The cough becomes moist after several such techniques.

You can massage with honey. To do this, apply a little honey to the chest and massage it until completely rubbed in. After this, the child is wrapped up.

Tea with chamomile or coltsfoot can be drunk by children from two months, but provided that there is no individual intolerance to the components. Respiratory disorders can be treated steam inhalations. They must be done with caution, as you can burn the mucous membrane.

Prevention of cough

  1. Maintain in the room normal level humidity. You can use a humidifier or place a container of water next to the heating device, which helps dust settle quickly. You can hang wet towels in the room.
  2. Ventilation of the room.
  3. Frequent, long walks in the fresh air.
  4. It is also advisable to maintain the temperature in the room around 20 degrees. The warmer the room, the less clothes should be on the child.
  5. New things, plants, and objects with a strong smell should be removed from the room.

Cough is protective reflex body. The more often a child coughs, the faster germs are eliminated. If the cough does not decrease after a few days, you should resort to medication. Their use should be under the strict supervision of a doctor who prescribes the dosage and duration of treatment.