Discomfort in the intestines is an unpleasant feeling. What are the reasons for abdominal discomfort and how to get rid of it. Girdle pain in the abdomen

Considering the list of symptoms related to digestive disorders, the prevalence of such manifestations as abdominal discomfort is observed. Gastroenterologists associate the frequency of this pathology with modern rhythm life. Today, a large percentage of people eat on the go, in a hurry. A full meal is replaced with fast food, teas and compotes with carbonated drinks. Such habits are complemented in a sedentary manner life and absence physical exercise. The result is discomfort, often accompanied by pain, flatulence and other symptoms. It is recommended not to ignore suspicious signs, but to visit a doctor and get examined in order to prevent the development of diseases.

Unpleasant sensations in the stomach after eating are localized in the epigastric region. Basically, stomach discomfort occurs against the background of such pathological conditions, How:

  • peptic ulcer duodenum and stomach;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gastroesophagitis;
  • gastritis, which has a diverse nature;
  • cholelithiasis.

It is difficult to identify the cause of the malaise. This requires laboratory and instrumental studies. Thanks to timely competent diagnostics Pathology can be recognized at an early stage, which will increase the chances of a quick recovery.

One of the most common reasons, for which there is abdominal discomfort, nausea and a feeling of heaviness, is poor nutrition. Spicy, salty, fatty and sweet food has a detrimental effect on the gastric mucosa, irritating and destroying its integrity. Bad habits are considered another cause of malaise and weakness digestive tract.

provoke dyspeptic syndrome medications can, especially if they are taken without a doctor's prescription. Also, discomfort in the abdomen is observed during pregnancy. This is due to changes in hormonal background, as well as an increase in the size of the uterus.


Most a common symptom similar ailment is constant nausea indicating pathology digestive system. In this case, it is possible to diagnose diseases of the digestive system, poisoning, and infectious diseases.

Discomfort in the abdomen may be accompanied by the following symptoms: flatulence, pain, heaviness in the epigastric region. Classification of dyspepsia: functional and organic. Provocateurs this syndrome are stressful situations, Availability increased acidity gastric juice, Helicobacter pylori, unhealthy diet, impaired motility of some parts of the gastrointestinal tract, application medicines.

We should not forget about irritable bowel syndrome, which is chronic pathology, provoked malfunction intestines. Causes of IBS: stress, lack of fiber in the diet, abuse of carbonated foods, caffeine and junk food.

Specifics of the therapeutic course for discomfort

To eliminate abdominal discomfort, you must follow your doctor's instructions. Therapy should include medication, folk remedies and diet therapy. Doctors recommend switching to frequent fractional meals in small portions. It is necessary to drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day, consume foods rich in fiber, and give up soda, alcohol and junk food.

As for medications, it is strictly forbidden to take them without the doctor’s knowledge, otherwise it can worsen the situation. clinical picture. The goal of therapy is to relieve symptoms and eliminate the cause of the illness. Prescription of medications occurs in the following way:

  • in case of hypersecretion of gastric juice, you need to take antacids, as well as heartburn medications - Almagel;
  • if there is a lack of enzymes, replacement therapy is used - Mezim, Festal;
  • An antispasmodic - No-Shpa - is suitable for pain relief;
  • for problems with motility and peristalsis, prokinetics are prescribed.

From folk remedies special attention deserves rice congee. The cereal is boiled in water, maintaining a ratio of 1 to 6. Take ½ cup every 2 hours. It is useful to drink tea with lemon and honey. This drink improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Discomfort that occurs in the abdomen requires integrated approach in treatment. Be sure to visit a gastroenterologist and get tested necessary tests. Following a diet prescribed by a doctor will help quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms.

Any discomfort that occurs in abdominal cavity, cause bad feeling. By various reasons discomfort occurs in the abdomen, but the area of ​​manifestation and intensity differ from each other, since belching, bloating, heartburn, and irritable bowel syndrome are caused by different sources. The nature of the discomfort determines the choice of the right way to get rid of the unpleasant sensation, because the body has given a clear signal that the functioning of the digestive system is impaired.

Causes of discomfort in the lower abdomen

Past illnesses, during the treatment of which it was necessary to take antibiotics, pregnancy, stress, hereditary diseases Gastrointestinal tract - all these are the most common factors leading to discomfort in the lower abdomen. Determine the exact cause of the appearance discomfort possible subject to examination, because the occurrence of pain is also due to factors such as:

  • inflammation of the uterus and appendages in women;
  • period;
  • prostate disease in men;
  • inflammatory processes Bladder, ureter;
  • appendicitis;
  • compression or stretching of scars, adhesions, tumors in the abdomen;
  • referred pain, when the source of discomfort is far from the pelvic area, but unpleasant sensations manifest themselves in it.

Pain and bloating

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, bloating, and diarrhea - this is what half of the planet's inhabitants have encountered at least once. Not everyone goes to the doctor, preferring to decide for themselves delicate issue, which is not always justified. In some cases, it is really only necessary to change your diet, change your lifestyle, and reduce your stress level. And yet, abdominal discomfort, accompanied by the formation of gases in the intestines, is often not independent disease, and points to serious violations work of the gastrointestinal tract.

During pregnancy

If a pregnant woman has pain in the lower abdomen, especially early stages, then this is a cause for concern. When the pull in the lower abdomen is not too intense, this sensation is often caused by a restructuring of the body. The alarm should be sounded when pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy is severe, especially if symptoms such as headache, fever, bloody issues. No self-medication – seek medical advice immediately medical care, in this case it is better to call an ambulance.

Nausea and weakness

If pain is the most quick way, with which the body warns of danger, then the accompanying feeling of discomfort in the abdomen, weakness with nausea, urge you to pay attention to your health immediately. Food poisoning is considered the leader in the list of reasons that cause such a reaction in the body. But we must not lose sight of factors such as gastrointestinal pathology, pregnancy, excessive physical exercise, severe stress, side effect medications.

Heaviness after eating

Discomfort in the stomach, if the cause of the unpleasant sensation is situational in nature, for example, after a feast, will soon go away on its own. The situation is much more serious when the cause of severity is inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Along with bloating, gas formation, or when heartburn is observed after eating, belching, chronic or inflammatory processes of the digestive tract can be the cause of abdominal discomfort. Without a thorough examination and subsequent treatment, this unpleasant sensation simply cannot be dealt with.


Bowel movement that occurs with a delay of more than two days is commonly called constipation. Although regularity is determined physiological characteristics each individual, yet the discomfort that arises due to him, painful sensations, are considered a deviation. Especially if constipation takes the form of chronic, indicating a violation of the motor function of the large intestine, its incomplete cleansing. Increased fatigue, nausea, headaches are frequent symptoms abdominal discomfort.

Pain in the right side

Often associated with various kinds diseases internal organs. Violation of proper functioning can cause severe pain, and this is a direct signal to seek medical help. Discomfort in this area of ​​the abdomen poses a threat to life, because the causes of its appearance can be either trauma, gallbladder, liver, or even hepatitis. They should be treated with no less caution when seeking medical help, as in the case when the lower abdomen hurts on the left.

The child has

The feeling of fullness in the abdomen after eating is different from abdominal pain during pregnancy. What to do to get rid of the discomfort caused by disruption of the digestive tract? Any practicing specialist will answer that in cases where the stomach hurts after eating or is bothered by painful sensations in the lower abdomen, they are prescribed different schemes treatment. Not in all situations you need to immediately seek medical help, but you should not neglect it by taking painkillers when a pregnant woman’s stomach hurts or painful sensations are accompanied by chills and fever.

Irritable bowel syndrome

To eliminate intestinal discomfort, there are folk remedies, but before using this or that method, it is better to consult a specialist. Factors why irritation, heaviness, loose stool, rumbling, or when a painful gurgling begins inside, there are many different ones. If the pain on the right side is constant, then you should immediately contact a gastroenterologist. Among the folk remedies it is allowed to use the following:

  • Recipe 1. Ginger and cinnamon are spices that must be present in the diet. Season dishes, brew weak warm tea to relieve pain syndrome, remove discomfort, cope with flatulence.
  • Recipe 2. Peppermint. Brew 1 tbsp. spoon of leaves in a glass of hot water, leave for at least half an hour, and then take before meals. Drink at least two glasses a day to relax muscles, normalize the digestive system, and rid yourself of discomfort in the abdominal area.
  • Recipe 3. Herbal collection: buckthorn bark, chamomile flowers, valerian root, mint leaves in equal proportions. Mix the herbs, pour a glass of water over the mixture, and place on water bath, bringing to readiness for a quarter of an hour. Infuse for the same amount of time, strain, and then take a quarter glass in the morning and evening before meals to relieve spasms, eliminate pain, and cope with discomfort.

Tablets for heaviness in the stomach

The choice of drug depends on the symptoms. Each tablet product has its own mechanism of action, but there is a category of “first assistants” that should be in each home medicine cabinet. Medicines that will quickly relieve discomfort include: Activated carbon, White clay or Smecta, Mezim. But even they are recommended to be taken with caution, not overusing them, but only occasionally.

  1. Festal. For discomfort that has formed in the upper abdomen, take one tablet before or after meals. There is no need to chew the tablet, just drink it with water. To relieve abdominal discomfort, you can take two tablets at a time. The duration of treatment is several days.
  2. Allohol. The medicine helps normalize the excretion of bile, preventing stagnation. Take the tablet with or after meals. Daily norm to eliminate discomfort is one or two tablets.

After lifting weights

With incorrect or excessive loads, discomfort and pain may occur. Sensitive nerve endings abdominal cavity, the abdominal muscles react to external stimulus. Gradually, this pain goes away, but to exclude a serious threat to health, you should consult a doctor. Based on the intensity, location and nature of the pain in the abdominal area, the specialist will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

  1. Be sure to buy a bandage, wear it when there is a possibility of lifting weights or discomfort has already made itself felt.
  2. Get tested to rule out or detect gastroptosis (prolapse of the stomach).
  3. Choose a gentle diet, resort to relaxation and, if not prohibited, massage to eliminate discomfort.
  4. Clay applications help with abdominal pain caused by lifting weights. A layer of up to two centimeters is applied to the area affected by pain. Next, leave the cake for about three hours, wash off warm water, and after several sessions the unpleasant sensations disappear, leaving discomfort far behind.
  5. Folk remedy - alcohol tincture on herbs, for which you need to take half a liter of vodka, 120 g of crushed dry roots of Potentilla erecta (kalgan). The remedy for discomfort after lifting weights should infuse for 2 weeks, and take it one tablespoon in half a glass of water before meals, preferably at least twice a day, to normalize the functioning of the internal organs of the abdomen.

Video about feeling discomfort in the stomach

When discomfort occurs in the abdomen, it is better to look for the cause immediately. The feeling of discomfort, even severe painful phenomena, can be provoked by factors that are incomprehensible at first glance. How and with what to treat bloating, remove gas, heaviness, solve the problem of belching - all this is explained in an accessible video format. Those who carefully follow the recommendations presented below will be able to help themselves or their loved ones by eliminating discomfort and identifying signs of disruption of the digestive system.

Can IBS be cured?

Why does bloating occur?

How to remove gases

Before we talk about the reasons, let's define what we mean by discomfort in the stomach or intestines. Discomfort is, by and large, any feeling that cannot be called comfortable. That is, it is simply an unpleasant sensation, and various kinds pain. It depends on what exactly the sensations are experienced by the person complaining about discomfort in the stomach or intestines, depends on the diagnosis and, accordingly, . But still, there are diagnoses that doctors almost associate with the terms “discomfort in the stomach” and “discomfort in the intestines.” These are dyspepsia and irritable bowel syndrome.

Stomach discomfort: dyspepsia

In general, dyspepsia is not one diagnosis, but a number of different digestive disorders. At the same time, dyspepsia, including stomach discomfort, can arise both against the background of organic (related to problems in the functioning of organs) and against the background functional disorders.

Among the organic disorders that lead to the development of dyspepsia are often noted chronic pancreatitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, peptic ulcer stomach, cholelithiasis.

As for functional disorders that can cause dyspepsia and, accordingly, discomfort in the stomach, these include nutritional disorders (or nutritional disorders), stress, taking medications, increased secretion of hydrochloric acid and others.

Functional (nutritional) dyspepsia, depending on the nature of nutritional disorders, can be fatty, putrefactive or fermentative. All three types cause stomach discomfort, but fatty dyspepsia is associated with excessive consumption of fats, putrefactive dyspepsia is associated with the abuse of proteins, and fermentative dyspepsia is associated with too frequent and prolonged consumption of carbohydrates.

How does dyspepsia manifest? Discomfort in the stomach, or more precisely, in the epigastric region - only one of the symptoms. In addition, patients with dyspepsia often complain of a feeling of satiety almost immediately after starting to eat and note that it seems to stop in the stomach. Nausea and bloating are also possible epigastric region, which doctors need to differentiate from visible bloating.

During differential diagnosis doctors determine whether the patient has diseases that could contribute to the development organic dyspepsia, and also excludes all others possible diseases, which are characterized stomach discomfort and other symptoms of dyspepsia. If no organic diseases is not detected during diagnosis, doctors come to the conclusion that the patient has organic dyspepsia.

Depending on the reasons that caused dyspepsia, it is prescribed. But in any case, regardless of other doctor’s recommendations, to cure dyspepsia it is necessary to mandatory establish nutrition.

Bowel discomfort: IBS

This is how irritable bowel syndrome is commonly referred to using the abbreviation IBS. Along with dyspepsia, this syndrome is a disease that very often does not depend on any organic disorders. What then becomes the reason for its development? There are several reasons, and each of them can cause IBS, and, accordingly, discomfort in the intestines:

Vegetative-vascular dystonia;

Psychosomatic disorders, neuroses;

Stress, chronic traumatic situations;

Much less often discomfort in the intestines caused by IBS, occurs against the background of poisoning or intestinal infection. But even these phenomena must be accompanied by psychological problems in order to provoke IBS.

Diagnosing the presence of irritable bowel syndrome is not easy because doctors have to rule out a significant number of other diseases that also cause IBS symptoms. But in general, a number of symptoms have been identified, in the presence of which (especially accompanied by psychosomatic disorders) one may suspect the presence of irritable bowel syndrome.

- discomfort in the intestines, which can be expressed both in mild discomfort and in significant pain;

Stool disorder. Both diarrhea and constipation are possible;

Bloating. IBS is characterized by an increase in this symptom during the day and an increased manifestation after meals.

It is believed that a diagnosis of “irritable bowel syndrome” can be made if the above symptoms are observed for 12 or more weeks throughout the year. It doesn't have to be 12 weeks in a row.

In addition, they help establish the diagnosis of IBS. associated symptoms. These include migraines, depression, phobias, anxiety, lump in the throat, panic attacks, nausea, belching, heaviness.

Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome is carried out by establishing a diet, as well as with the help of psychotherapy and medications.

Experiencing stomach discomfort or discomfort in the intestines, we are not able to diagnose ourselves. Such complaints should first be addressed to a gastroenterologist. It is quite possible that the doctor will identify one of the above diseases that can be safely treated.

Inna Dmitrieva

Contents of the article:

A feeling of discomfort in the stomach occurs in modern man often. This may be due to overeating, eating poor quality foods, excessive loads on the body. Before mild stomach discomfort develops into an acute or chronic illness, you should consider seeking medical help.

Talking about this state, you need to immediately decide - this is not pain after eating, although it brings a large number of problems to a person’s life. The constant nature of stomach discomfort does not allow the patient to fully realize himself. To objectively judge character similar condition, which appears due to food, it is worth learning to recognize its main manifestations.

What is the symptom?

Discomfort in the stomach reveals itself with different sides, if you pay attention to the features of the sensations that arise:

  • nausea,
  • heaviness in the epigastric region,
  • bloating,
  • decreased appetite.

These symptoms serve as evidence of a disruption in the normal functioning of the stomach and its peculiar response.


The frequency of heaviness in the stomach may indicate gastritis, which is quite serious illness. It may also be due to metabolic disorders. Discomfort in the stomach can be caused by several reasons:

  • smoking;
  • use large quantity carbonated drinks;
  • binge eating;
  • severe stress, anxiety;
  • frequent and quick snacks;
  • the presence of any chronic disease of the digestive system.

What to do if you experience stomach discomfort? Most of the described causes have a strong impact on the body, so treatment should not be delayed.


Determining the correct course of treatment depends on the characteristics of the discomfort. They can manifest themselves within three main symptoms:

  1. Heaviness in the pit of the stomach after eating.
  2. Belching combined with heartburn and nausea.
  3. Feeling nagging pain on empty stomach.

In addition, the patient is asked about the presence bad habits, courses of medications taken, time of onset of discomfort after eating.

But what should a person with such problems do? First of all, the patient must normalize his diet by eating often, but in small portions. You should also minimize the impact of bad habits on the stomach and drink more fluids. Folk remedies also help well ( herbal tinctures chamomile, calendula and mint).

Frequent consumption of potato and carrot juice is also positive factor relief from stomach discomfort.

Treatment medicines applies only if they are recommended by a doctor. By modern means combating heaviness and bloating are well known medicines, one of which is “Mezim” or more cheap analogue- “Pancreatin.”

Possible consequences

What are the consequences of ignoring the symptoms of gastric dysfunction? Common consequence– emergence chronic diseases. Overeducation acid promotes:

  • progression of gastritis;
  • inflammation of the pancreas.

Insufficient amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach leads to:

  • flatulence;
  • cutting pain;
  • constipation

However, at the very beginning, only belching, nausea and slight discomfort in the stomach appear. If you listen to your body in time, you can overcome the disease in a timely manner and without great expense.

Rice for stomach pain

It helps many people against pain, discomfort in the stomach after eating, as well as heartburn. congee. To prepare it, just dilute one part of rice with 6 parts of water and cook until completely cooked. After this, you need to strain the resulting liquid and drink it every 2 hours. The amount of decoction taken is approximately 70 ml.

Nausea may also accompany pain in the stomach from food. What can you do in such a situation? If discomfort occurs after eating, a decoction made from St. John's wort leaves, to which chamomile flowers are added, helps.

Potassium permangantsovka

Stomach discomfort may occur when food poisoning. In this case, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate, which helps get rid of the sensations that arise. To prepare it, just add one drop per liter of water. The result should be a pink liquid.

This solution is taken one glass in the morning and in the evening. If we're talking about about a child, then this norm should be halved. In some cases, just two doses are enough for the stomach to start working normally and not experience discomfort after eating.

Actions for heartburn

When heartburn occurs, you must first avoid:

  • spicy food,
  • eating mustard
  • fried foods,
  • fatty meat.

To get rid of discomfort while eating, you need to brew centaury, sage, and chamomile in a glass of boiling water. All these herbs are added to hot water in the amount of one teaspoon. You need to consume this liquid every 2 hours, a tablespoon.

It also helps to get rid of discomfort after eating carrot juice. The more acidity in the stomach, the more of this liquid you need to drink. Many people are used to getting rid of heartburn with baking soda diluted in water. But it has a bad effect on the body, so you should avoid it. In addition to heartburn, a person may also experience nausea, which goes away after taking these medications. But these were only means of getting rid of unpleasant sensations, and in order to eliminate the cause, it is better to consult a doctor.