Constantly want to drink symptoms. I want to drink constantly. Tormented, tormented by acute, strong thirst. Cause. Water shortage. Dehydration. How can you cope with constant thirst?

From a physiological point of view, severe thirst or polydipsia is the body’s response to a violation of the ratio of water and various salts contained in its tissues. A high concentration of salts in the blood plasma and tissue fluid negatively affects the osmotic pressure, which ensures the shape of cells and their normal functioning. As a result, the elasticity of the skin is lost, facial features become sharper, and a person may be bothered. Therefore, the lack of fluid in the cells causes a very strong desire of the body to restore water balance.

The feeling of unquenchable thirst or polydipsia decreases or completely disappears when consuming large volumes of water - more than two liters per day (for an adult).

Causes of extreme thirst

Polydipsia occurs due to intense activation of the drinking center located in the brain. This can usually be caused by physiological or pathological reasons.

Physiological reasons that cause severe thirst include:

  1. Increased loss of water through sweat during intense exercise or heat.
  2. with , accompanied by .
  3. the body by alcohol breakdown products, for the natural removal (through the kidneys) of which a large amount of water is required.
  4. The air in the room is too dry, causing the body to lose moisture. This situation usually occurs during the heating season and when air conditioners are operating. You can solve the problem of normalizing humidity with the help of indoor plants that increase the level of moisture in the room.
  5. Eating spicy, salty or smoked foods, as well as excessive consumption of coffee and sweet sodas.
  6. Consumption of water with insufficient mineral salts, so-called soft water. It is thanks to mineral salts that the body better absorbs and retains water. Therefore, it is advisable to choose mineral waters of the sodium chloride group with a sufficient salt content for drinking.
  7. Consuming water with excessive salt content also negatively affects the body's water balance, since salt in excess prevents cells from absorbing water.
  8. Consumption of food and drinks that have diuretic properties. These foods cause dehydration and a strong desire to drink.

If the physiological causes of polydipsia are excluded, at least temporarily, but the feeling of thirst does not stop, you should immediately consult a therapist and undergo all the necessary research, since the causes of this problem may be pathological in nature.

Pathological causes of polydipsia include:

  1. Development , which at first is always accompanied by frequent and abundant urine output, which in turn dehydrates the body and causes thirst. The development of this disease may also be indicated by the following accompanying symptoms: skin itching, recurring symptoms, sudden weight gain.
  2. – disruption of the endocrine system, which is accompanied by intensive excretion of water through the kidneys (several liters of light-colored urine per day). If you have this problem, you should consult an endocrinologist. The main causes of diabetes insipidus are neurosurgical interventions or brain injuries.
  3. Hyperparathyroidism– disruption of the parathyroid glands, in which calcium is washed out of the bone tissue. And since calcium is osmotically active, it “takes” water with it. Other symptoms may indicate the development of this endocrine disease:
    • white urine;
    • sudden weight loss;
    • muscle weakness;
    • increased fatigue;
    • painful sensations in the legs;
    • early tooth loss.
  4. , which are usually accompanied by swelling, dry mouth, and problematic urination. Sick kidneys are not able to retain the volumes of water necessary for its full functioning in the body. Most often, the kidneys suffer from disorders such as acute and chronic, primary and secondary contracted kidney, hydronephrosis, etc.
  5. Chronic and nervous strain, as well as more serious mental disorders(obsessive states,). Mental problems can provoke disruption of the thirst regulation center, which is located in the hypothalamus. According to statistics, women most often experience this cause of extreme thirst. As a rule, the development of a mental disorder may be indicated simultaneously with an undying desire to drink and symptoms such as tearfulness and irritability.
  6. , and other focal lesions and brain injuries, which can disrupt the functioning of the hypothalamus, which is responsible for the central regulation of thirst.
  7. Pathological problems with the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), accompanied by constant hidden bleeding, which often causes a feeling of thirst. Most often, polydipsia is caused by an intestinal tumor, etc. To diagnose the presence of hidden bleeding, first of all, you need to take a test.
  8. Generalized- increased sweating of a pathological nature. This disorder may indicate the development of diseases such as:
    • thyrotoxicosis;
    • pathological;
    • other endocrine system disorders.

Increased non-physiological sweating is a reason for a visit to an endocrinologist.

Diseases that may be indicated by severe thirst combined with nausea

Most often, these symptoms are combined with:

  • overeating;
  • diet mistakes.

In addition, the combination of polydipsia and nausea may indicate diseases, the development of which causes other associated symptoms:

  1. A white coating on the tongue and bitterness in the mouth may indicate problems with the gallbladder (, or). The same symptoms may occur during the use of certain and.
  2. , metal in combination with and thirst can cause inflammation of the gums.
  3. Heartburn, a feeling of fullness and pain in the stomach may indicate the development of gastritis of the stomach.
  4. Violation of the body's water balance and dry mouth, bitterness, white or yellow coating on the tongue indicate a malfunction of the thyroid gland.
  5. Nausea, polydipsia in combination with other painful symptoms in the gastrointestinal tract may indicate the development of central nervous system diseases (neurotic disorders).

It is important to understand that if thirst and nausea bother you for several days, you cannot cope without medical help. You should consult a doctor who will professionally evaluate the existing accompanying symptoms; pass all the necessary tests and undergo a series of diagnostic studies. All these measures will help determine which pathology you are suffering from.

Extreme thirst and medications

It is worth noting that polydipsia can be caused by taking medications that help remove moisture from the body. It can be:

  • antibiotics;
  • antihistamines;
  • diuretics and weight loss drugs;
  • expectorants.

In addition, some medications can cause increased sweating and thirst (for example), which is usually listed as their side effects.

Among the popular medications that cause thirst in many patients are Metformin, an antidiabetic drug used in the treatment of:

  1. Diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2.
  2. Impaired glucose tolerance.
  3. Gynecological diseases.
  4. Endocrinological disorders.

This drug is also used to normalize body weight, since its active substance reduces insulin production, significantly reducing appetite. While using Metformin, you should adhere to a carbohydrate-free diet, otherwise there may be side effects from the gastrointestinal tract - nausea, vomiting, loose stools, metallic taste in the mouth.

It is important to understand that with a competent approach to the use of Metformin in compliance with all the recommendations specified in the instructions for this drug, any side effects are excluded, including dehydration and thirst.

Polydipsia during pregnancy

As you know, the human body consists of 80% water, the sufficient presence of which in every cell guarantees the normal functioning of the entire organism. During pregnancy, every woman is subject to increased stress and challenges. Very often, the expectant mother’s body suffers from thirst and water imbalance, which can cause a slowdown in metabolic processes and lead to pathological changes in the mother’s body and the development of the fetus.

The main causes of extreme thirst in pregnant women:

It is worth noting that there are situations when, according to urine tests and accompanying symptoms, a pregnant woman needs to reduce the amount of fluid consumed. Otherwise, gestosis may develop and the risk of premature birth increases.

Diagnosis of polydipsia

Since polydipsia can be a symptom of a fairly serious pathology of some body system, diagnosing thirst is a very complex and lengthy process, which includes:

Prevention and treatment of polydipsia

The main task of the prevention and treatment of increased thirst is to restore the water-salt balance, as well as to identify and eliminate the factors that cause the body to feel unwell.

If increased polydipsia occurs, it is recommended:

If the physiological factors that cause thirst are completely eliminated, but dehydration does not stop, you should immediately go to a therapist or endocrinologist at your place of residence, who will prescribe all the necessary tests and conduct a thorough examination of the body. If there is a head injury, after which increased thirst began to be observed, it is necessary to seek advice from a traumatologist and neurologist.

Thirst is a symptom of a number of serious diseases. What to do if you are always thirsty? (10+)

I'm constantly thirsty. What is the reason? Suffering from acute, severe thirst

Thirst, desire to drink water and dehydration, water deficiency

Thirst is a human feeling that occurs in response to a lack of water in the body. Reducing the amount of water below the usual level leads to the appearance of signals in the brain, which we perceive as thirst, the desire to drink water.

Why can water deficiency and dehydration occur? There are several factors.

Causes of water deficiency and thirst

Evaporation of water from sweat. The body produces sweat when you exercise or the ambient temperature rises. If you're sweating and now you're thirsty, that's normal. Don't worry - this is a normal reaction. You should be wary of excessive sweating. Different people may experience different levels of sweating as normal. Sweating should be considered excessive if you observe a sharp increase in sweating compared to your usual level. Such a change can be a symptom of a number of diseases of the lungs, kidneys, heart, nervous system, immune system, and inflammatory processes. Inflammatory processes can be identified by elevated body temperature. Diagnosis of other factors will require visiting a doctor and conducting tests and laboratory tests.

High body temperature may cause thirst. Take your temperature and see a doctor if it is elevated.

Very dry air. If the air around you is very dry, the body loses moisture and a strong desire to drink arises. Air conditioners especially dry the air. If thirst goes away when the humidity normalizes, then the reason is not in your health, but in the dry air. Drink more water. Get some plants. Plants evaporate a lot of water, raising humidity.

Soft water. If you drink water with insufficient mineral salts, you may feel constantly thirsty. Mineral salts promote the absorption of water and its retention in the body. Try drinking bottled water with a normal content of minerals, or, if this is not contraindicated for you, then mineral water of the sodium chloride group with a small content of salts. If it doesn’t help, then the reason is not the water, but something else.

Hard water, excess salts in the diet. Excess mineral salts can also cause thirst, since salts, if in excess, attract water and prevent its normal absorption by cells. The kidneys remove excess salts along with water.

Diuretic food. Some foods have a diuretic effect. For example, coffee. I can't drink coffee at all. Afterwards I die of thirst. Diuretic products help remove water from the body. Dehydration and desire to drink occur. Try to give up such food for a while. If thirst has disappeared, then everything is fine with your health, such thirst is safe, you can return to normal food intake, drink water for your health.

Spicy or salty foods. Spicy or salty foods simply irritate the mouth and throat. Thirst arises reflexively. Avoid such foods for a while. If the thirst has passed, then there is no point in worrying further. You can return to your normal diet. It is completely normal to drink spicy and salty foods with plenty of water.

Kidney diseases. Intensive urine production for no apparent reason indicates illness, in particular, it may be kidney disease.

Diabetes. One of the very common causes of thirst is diabetes. With him we see such a picture. You drink a glass of water and almost immediately run to the toilet. Water is removed from the body very quickly. This happens in most cases, but not always. In case of acute thirst, you need to get your sugar checked in any case. Diabetes symptoms, causes, signs. Check blood and urine sugar levels.

Alcohol consumption. Alcohol literally sucks water from tissues, creating general dehydration of the body. About the use and abuse of alcohol.

Household poisoning. You may, without knowing it, be exposed to household poisons that are constantly around us. Try to think about it and eliminate contact with such substances, at least for a while, to check if they are the cause of thirst.

Conclusions about thirst

Try to identify the cause of the acute desire to drink. Do not leave things to chance, otherwise you risk your health. Get a medical examination.

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You drink a lot, five or even ten liters a day, but the thirst does not go away. At the same time, I constantly want to go to the toilet.

What could it be?

This picture is typical for diabetes mellitus. As a result of the disease, the level of glucose in the blood increases. This leads to increased formation and excretion of urine, which means dehydration.

Thirst also torments a person with another type of diabetes - diabetes insipidus, which develops due to the fact that the pituitary gland does not produce enough of the hormone vasopressin. Its deficiency also leads to increased urination, dehydration, and therefore an increased need to drink.

What to do?

You need to contact an endocrinologist for a diagnosis. If you have diabetes, you will need glucose-lowering medications and possibly insulin injections. For diabetes insipidus - replacement therapy with vasopressin analogues.

Situation 2

Although you drink a lot, little urine is excreted, and swelling has appeared.

What could it be?

Kidney problems. Persistent thirst occurs with pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, hydronephrosis and polycystic kidney disease.

What to do?

Contact a nephrologist without delay. The doctor will determine the diagnosis and select treatment. Don't delay your visit! Thirst may indicate developing kidney failure. This most dangerous condition is often detected too late, when the patient can only be helped by hemodialysis or a kidney transplant. Therefore, paying attention to it in time means saving the kidneys from further destruction.

Situation 3

You are not only thirsty all the time, but you have also lost a lot of weight, feel pain in your bones, and get tired quickly. At the same time, you go to the toilet often, the urine has become whiter.

What could it be?

Such symptoms indicate increased function of the parathyroid glands. Against the background of this disease, calcium metabolism is disrupted; it is abundantly excreted in the urine, which is why it changes color.

What to do?

You need to contact an endocrinologist. Hyperparathyroidism is a condition that can lead to complications, including bone fractures and duodenal ulcers. In addition, an increase in the activity of the parathyroid glands may indicate the formation of an adenoma - a benign tumor - in them. Therefore, it is important to start treatment on time.

Situation 4

You are constantly thirsty, if there is a lack of water, you are prone to whims, irritable and conflict-ridden, but no other ailments are observed.

What could it be?

This condition is attributed to thirst of an unclear nature; the reasons here are more psychological than physiological.

What to do?

To be on the safe side, it's worth getting your kidneys checked. If they are healthy and have the opportunity to quench their thirst more often with green tea or clean water, then it’s okay.

If drinking plenty leads to swelling, try to trick the body. Lean into the water and take a few swallows, but don't drink. If the reason is psychological, this is sometimes enough for our brain to feel like it has quenched its thirst for a while.

Situation 5

Intense thirst began to occur after you started taking medications for hypertension.

What could it be?

Medicines to lower blood pressure have a diuretic effect and also cause dry mouth. Because of this, thirst may increase. Other diuretics that some people use to try to lose weight can have the same effect.

What to do?

If you have hypertension, consult your doctor and, if possible, replace medications with diuretic effects with others. But it’s better to lose weight with diet and exercise, rather than with drugs and dietary supplements with diuretic components. Moreover, they only create the illusion of weight loss: it is not fat that goes away, but water, which is quickly replenished as soon as you drink it.

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A feeling of constant thirst, as well as dry mouth, are very common complaints of patients observed in various diseases. The reasons for the appearance of such symptoms can be quite varied, and they indicate both the presence of serious diseases and completely harmless and harmless disorders. It is important to correctly interpret such symptoms, as they can have significant diagnostic value.

Possible reasons

There are many reasons for the appearance of thirst and dry mouth, since many factors lead to disruption of the processes of natural hydration of the oral mucosa. As a rule, in a global sense, the appearance of an uncomfortable feeling of constant dryness and thirst in the mouth is caused either by a violation of the composition of saliva (quantitative or qualitative), or by the fact that the process of natural normal perception in the oral cavity is disrupted, that is, the receptors responsible for the perception of the presence of saliva are working wrong.

Most often, constant thirst and dry mouth appear due to:

  • General changes and disturbances in the sensitivity mechanism of the main receptors in the oral cavity.
  • Disturbances in the body's normal balance of water-salt metabolism.
  • Disturbances and changes in natural trophic processes in the oral cavity.
  • Increased osmotic blood pressure.
  • Dysregulation of saliva synthesis in humoral and neural terms.
  • The presence of internal intoxication, as well as poisoning of the body with any toxic substances.
  • Drying of the oral mucosa with air, mechanically, for example, when breathing through the mouth.

Most often, dry mouth occurs when:

  • Diabetes mellitus. In most cases, a feeling of dry mouth that is persistent and permanent is a symptom of this disease. Diabetes is usually indicated by two factors at once: dry mouth with excessive urine production during the day and a constant feeling of thirst. If both symptoms are present, the diagnosis is considered obvious and requires diagnostics to clarify the type and nature of the disease.
  • Exposure to high temperatures for long periods of time. When the body overheats, a person naturally develops thirst and dry mouth.
  • Long conversation, breathing through your mouth or sleeping with your mouth open and snoring. In this case, the usual drying out of the mucous membrane occurs under the influence of air.
  • Taking certain types of medications, in particular, antibiotics, as well as various drugs used in the treatment of hypertension.
  • Various oral diseases.
  • Normal dehydration, for example, in cases where a person consumes an insufficient amount of water per day. Dehydration is also a frequent accompaniment of various diseases and disorders of the digestive system, accompanied by diarrhea or vomiting.
  • Intoxication of the body, for example, alcoholic or caused by other substances.
  • Tobacco smoking.
  • Diseases of the nervous system and brain, in which the natural regulation of saliva synthesis occurs. Such diseases include Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, circulatory disorders, strokes, and trigeminal neuritis.
  • Pathologies of the abdominal organs of a surgical nature in acute form, for example, cholecystitis, appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, perforated ulcer.
  • Various diseases of the digestive system, in particular, hepatitis, gastritis, pancreatitis, stomach or intestinal ulcers.
  • Diseases and various infections of a purulent nature in acute form.

Dry mouth without thirst

The appearance of dry mouth without a constant feeling of thirst is often a symptom of hypotension, which represents an almost constant decrease in blood pressure. Of course, not every hypotensive person feels the symptoms of his disorder in the form of weakness, dizziness, dry mouth without thirst, severe headaches in the occipital area and temples, especially in a lying position and when bending forward. Many people with hypotension feel absolutely normal, which is also a variant of the norm.

However, hypotensive people often experience severe dry mouth in the morning, as well as fatigue literally 1 to 2 hours after waking up and getting out of bed, lethargy, which usually returns in the evening.

With hypotension, a circulatory disorder occurs, which cannot but affect the general condition of the body and the functioning of all systems, organs and glands, where the salivary glands are no exception.

Dry mouth with belching, diarrhea, flatulence, nausea and nagging pain in the left side of the abdomen usually indicate pancreatitis. In some cases, this disease can occur unnoticed, accompanied only by dry mouth.

In older women, dry mouth is often caused by menopause.. When menopause occurs, a woman’s body decreases the intensity of production of almost all hormones related to the reproductive system, as its effect fades. Of course, this cannot but affect the general condition of the body, which leads to sleep disturbances, a feeling of chills and hot flashes, a feeling of anxiety and dry mucous membranes, including in the mouth.

Causes of constant thirst

Of course, the reason for severe thirst can be very simple and banal, and consist of prolonged exposure to the sun, dehydration, or consumption of large amounts of smoked and salty foods, but often the situation is very serious and the cause of constant thirst is diabetes mellitus.

The appearance of a dry mouth coupled with constant thirst is usually the main sign of diabetes.

In diabetes mellitus, there is excessive frequent visiting of the toilet in order to empty the bladder against the background of a constant feeling of thirst and dry mouth. In addition to these signs, which are considered the main ones, the patient may have cracks in the corners of the mouth, weakness, sudden weight gain or loss, increased or decreased appetite, the appearance of pustular elements on the skin, itching of the skin, which in women is also accompanied by itching in the vagina.

In men, inflammation of the foreskin and decreased potency levels may additionally occur..

An important point is that in diabetic patients, the level of thirst and the need for water consumption does not depend on the time of day and ambient temperature.

With diabetes, a person is always thirsty, and drinking liquid relieves the feeling of thirst only for a very short period of time. This is explained by the fact that the increase in glucose levels that occurs with diabetes leads to increased production of urine, as a result of which a person is forced to visit the toilet very often to remove it. As a result, dehydration occurs in the body, which leads to severe thirst.

Dry mouth at night

At night, dry mouth often occurs due to the consumption of a large amount of protein food for dinner, since the body requires a large amount of water to break it down. For this reason, if a person ate dairy, meat or any legume products for dinner, he will experience a feeling of heat and dry mouth at night.

To prevent the body from drying out overnight, it is important to eat light foods for dinner.

Another reason why your mouth feels dry and thirsty is taking certain medications, for example, lowering blood pressure levels. Therefore, it is necessary to read the instructions for the medicine, especially the section on side effects.

The presence of diabetes also causes constant dry mouth, including at night, which is why a person is forced to wake up frequently to drink water.

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Sleeping with your mouth open is one of the simplest and most common causes of dry mouth at night. This condition is often observed in people who snore. In this case, the mucous membranes of the oral cavity are dried by the air entering it.

Air conditioning can also cause dry mouth and thirst at night, since this technique greatly dries out the air in the room. In this case, it is recommended to install special air humidifiers.

Dry mouth in the morning

Dry mouth in the morning can occur for various reasons. Quite often, this phenomenon is observed immediately after waking up due to an increase in the viscosity of saliva or insufficient production of it in the oral cavity. The same reasons can also cause a feeling of dryness at night.

Extreme thirst and dry mouth are signs of type 2 diabetes. In this case, thirst accompanies the person at night, as does the need to frequently visit the toilet.

The consumption of pickled, smoked, too salty or spicy foods by a healthy person in the evening of the previous day often leads to the fact that in the morning when waking up a person experiences severe thirst due to dehydration, since in order to process such foods the body requires a large amount of water, which it takes from the tissues .

Dry mouth in the morning also appears in people with various diseases of the respiratory system, for example, rhinitis, sore throat, flu, adenoids.

We should not forget that the functioning of the salivary glands is disrupted by drinking alcohol and smoking, so people suffering from such bad habits experience dry mouth in the morning almost every day.

Treatment with various psychotropic drugs and heavy therapy, in particular chemical and radiation therapy for oncology, also lead to the same manifestations. Dryness in the morning is also caused by diseases of the digestive system, as well as frequent consumption of coffee or black tea during the day.

Dry mouth and thirst during pregnancy

Pregnant women, in normal health, should not experience dry mouth, since during this period there is an increased level of saliva production. A feeling of thirst and dryness in the oral cavity during this period in a woman in normal condition can only be observed in the hot season and when the air is excessively dry.

In addition, a healthy woman during pregnancy may experience some feeling of thirst in the later stages, since at this time the volume of urine excreted per day increases, which leads to a state of some degree of dehydration, and the body requires more water to replenish moisture losses.

If a woman experiences frequent and severe dry mouth If you have a metallic, sour taste, you should consult your doctor, as these symptoms may indicate gestational diabetes. In this case, you will need to undergo additional examination and undergo a number of tests, including glucose levels and glucose tolerance.

Another cause of dry mouth during pregnancy may be a severe deficiency of potassium in the body against the background of a significant excess of magnesium. In this case, the doctor will recommend following a certain diet and may prescribe special vitamin complexes to solve the problem.

When a person begins to wake up due to thirst, the inevitable question is why you want to drink at night. There are many reasons for this phenomenon, but this symptom is not always harmless. Of course, a hearty dinner immediately before bed, and even with an abundance of spicy and salty food, will inevitably cause thirst. But if thirst begins to haunt you every night, this is a reason to consult a specialist.

Some people wake up at night from thirst

It is impossible to independently determine the cause of dry mouth at night. Causes include pregnancy, taking certain medications, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. But in some cases, thirst at night is a symptom of a serious illness. In any case, such a symptom cannot be ignored - consulting a doctor will help solve the problem in a timely manner.

Causes of night thirst

Thirst at night, the causes of which are varied, is often ignored by people. This is unacceptable, since most often it is associated with serious pathologies of internal organs. In addition to overeating at night, which in itself is harmful, thirst can be caused by the following reasons:

  • drinking strong tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages;
  • taking diuretics;
  • radiotherapy;
  • rhinitis;
  • a sharp jump in blood glucose levels;
  • inflammatory diseases of the urinary system;
  • viral infection;
  • the emergence of neoplasms in the body;
  • acute/chronic poisoning causing intoxication of the body.

Night thirst can occur for a variety of reasons

A constant desire to drink water in the evening or at night may also indicate diseases of the cardiovascular system, indicating difficulty in blood flow and oxygen delivery to cells. In addition, thirst can be a sign of diabetes mellitus/diabetes insipidus, as well as calcium deficiency.

How to understand when it's time to see a doctor

If there are no objective reasons for night thirst (overeating, alcohol), and the symptom appears daily, medical attention is needed. The doctor will conduct a subjective (detailed medical history) and objective examination. A urine test is required to determine the excreted volume, the amount of calcium, sodium and potassium. The second mandatory study is a general blood test. Further testing depends on the specific symptoms that are bothering the patient and may include:

  • Ultrasound of the kidneys or abdominal cavity;
  • FGDS;
  • plain radiography of the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • biochemical blood test for hormones;
  • blood for tumor markers, CT, MRI - if a malignant neoplasm is suspected.

As a rule, consultations with specialized specialists are required - only a complete examination will answer the question of why you want to drink water at night.

What is the best way to quench your thirst at night?

It’s not easy to quench your thirst at night. Simple clean water is not suitable for these purposes. If thirst is caused by dry mucous membranes, you can try drinking sparkling mineral water. Water with the addition of lemon juice helps a lot - instant refreshment of the mucous membrane is guaranteed. If you are thirsty on a regular basis, you can cook compotes, drink juices and fruit drinks - the main condition is that the drinks are not sweet.

Lemon water is a great thirst quencher

Kvass will help you quickly quench your thirst, regardless of its cause - but only if it is natural, fresh and without sugar. Green tea occupies a special place among drinks. It perfectly quenches even the strongest thirst and has a slight diuretic effect, removing excess fluid from the body and cleansing it. It is especially useful if thirst is caused by intoxication - alcoholic or viral.

Constant thirst as a symptom of the disease

Often, the constant desire to drink water at night is one of the symptoms of a serious pathology of the internal organs. The most common diseases with this symptom include several.

  • Primary aldosteronism. The pathology is more often diagnosed in women and is a benign neoplasm that develops in the adrenal glands. In addition to thirst, the disease is accompanied by severe hypertension.

The adrenal glands are located on top of the kidneys

  • Secondary aldosteronism. It develops against the background of neoplasms accompanied by damage to the vessels of the adrenal glands. In addition to an irresistible desire to drink, there is a high temperature and difficulty urinating.
  • Diabetes insipidus. Normally, a person produces a sufficient amount of antidiuretic hormone, which is designed to control the concentration of salts in the blood plasma. An insufficient amount of it leads to increased urination - this is one of the reasons why thirst occurs at night. The exact reasons for the development of this pathology have not yet been established.
  • Diabetes. High blood glucose inevitably makes you want to drink a lot. The amount of fluid consumed by diabetics can be 3-5 or more liters per day. At the same time, metabolic processes are disrupted and immunity is reduced.
  • Hyperparathyroidism. A disease associated with an imbalance in the content of a microelement such as calcium. Along with sharply increased urine output, severe thirst is observed, including at night.
  • Cholera algide. It develops against the background of many intestinal infections, accompanied by uncontrollable vomiting and diarrhea, leading to persistent dehydration.
  • Stones in the kidneys. Stones formed in the kidneys cause obstructed urine flow and disrupt the functioning of the entire urinary system.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The desire to constantly drink is caused by coronary disease, arterial hypertension, and defects. This is due to impaired blood circulation in the body and persistent hypoxia of tissues that do not receive the proper amount of oxygen and nutrients.

If you are thirsty at night, you need to limit your salt intake

Suffering from night thirst, it is worth reviewing your diet. By eating less salt, fatty and spicy foods in the evening, you can almost certainly get rid of painful thirst not only at night, but also after waking up.

Is it possible to deal with the problem on your own?

Night thirst is not always an alarming symptom. Of course, when a child constantly asks to drink, he needs to be shown to a doctor. The same applies to older people. If this symptom periodically bothers an adult and healthy person, you can try to take independent measures. First of all, you need to pay attention to how much water you drink during the day.

The norm is considered to be 2-2.5 liters of fluid per day. But you need to take into account that in the hot season you need to drink more, since a large amount of water is lost through sweat. In this case, you do not need to count sweet (carbonated) drinks - only pure water counts. Towards the evening, you should also give up black tea or coffee - they have a mild diuretic effect, helping to remove fluid from the body.

In winter, with the onset of the heating season, the air in city apartments becomes very dry. Because of this, the mucous membrane of the oropharynx quickly dries out at night, causing the desire to drink. You can humidify the air in your apartment using special humidifiers, placing several vessels with water in the room, or simply covering the heating radiators with a damp cloth.