Course of treatment of chronic bronchitis. Bronchitis in adults. Treatment of acute and chronic bronchitis in an adult patient. How can chronic bronchitis in adults be treated during an exacerbation: additional methods

Chronic bronchitis is a respiratory disease and is characterized by widespread prevalence in men and women. There are many causes of this disease: smoking, working in hazardous industries, untreated acute bronchitis, foci of infection in the respiratory tract. According to WHO definition ( World Organization health care) patients with chronic bronchitis are people whose main symptoms are cough with sputum for at least three months a year for two years, if other diseases of the upper respiratory tract, bronchi and lungs that could cause these symptoms are excluded .

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    What is chronic bronchitis?

    Chronic bronchitis is a disease respiratory system, and currently there is a tendency for the disease to spread among women. Men suffer from chronic bronchitis 2 to 3 times more often. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bronchi, a long course of the disease and periodic exacerbations.

    Etiology (causes) of the disease

    Quite often, chronic bronchitis is a consequence of acute bronchitis, the treatment of which was not started on time and was not completed. Chronic bronchitis develops in workers in hazardous industries because they inhale dust or irritating gases, as well as in long-term smokers. It is precisely due to the fact that there are many smokers among women that the incidence of the disease among them is increasing. The development of the disease is facilitated by long-term foci of infection in the respiratory tract.


    The main symptoms of chronic bronchitis are: dry or wet cough, sputum production of varying amounts, impaired ventilation of the lungs and bronchial obstruction. The cough can be paroxysmal, mainly in the morning, which is typical for smokers, but can disturb a person throughout the day. IN initial period The disease most often affects the large bronchi. The development of shortness of breath occurs slowly, exacerbations are characteristic, which are accompanied by cough with discharge large quantity sputum.

    Patients often complain about increased fatigue, weakness, pain in the abdominal and chest muscles caused by frequent cough. Body temperature is from 36.6 to 37.5 °C. After the small bronchi are involved in the process, shortness of breath develops, which initially does not bother the sick person much.

    At first, shortness of breath bothers the patient only after physical exertion, then it becomes constant. Its severity increases during the period of exacerbation of the disease. Sometimes patients experience a cough that occurs when moving from warm to cold air.

    Chronic bronchitis occurs with periodic exacerbations. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, body temperature rises, weakness and lethargy, sweating, headaches and muscle pain appear. Cough becomes more frequent and worsens.

    Is it possible to get rid of chronic bronchitis forever?

    It is not possible to completely cure chronic bronchitis. At proper treatment and the absence of complications, varying degrees of improvement can be achieved.

    If the disease progresses, the prognosis is unfavorable.

    Treatment with drugs

    It is recommended to begin the treatment process for this disease immediately after the first symptoms appear. Treatment must be comprehensive. When treating chronic bronchitis, it is recommended to eliminate the causes of the disease (smoking, inhaling harmful substances). Treatment of exacerbations and complicated forms of this disease must be carried out in a hospital. Doctors do not advise self-medication.

    The drug Bronchicum

    Bronchicum is a medicine that has vegetable origin. This drug belongs to the group of expectorant drugs. It contains medicinal herbs and does not accumulate in the body.

    The method of use of the drug depends on the symptoms and severity of the disease. There are three dosage forms of this medication: elixir, syrup and lozenges. The syrup is prescribed for children and adults over 12 years of age. The elixir and lozenges are recommended for children and adults over the age of 6 years.

    The drug is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation, for patients with epilepsy, for people with brain injuries, or liver disease. If intolerance to at least one component of the drug is detected, you should stop using it. Before purchasing the drug, you should consult your doctor. Available side effects on the body: rash, nausea, gastritis.

    Depending on the dosage form, there are different dosage regimens:

    The average course of treatment with this drug is 10 to 14 days. The duration of use of Bronchicum depends on the severity and form of the pathology. With proper treatment and timing, drug use can be avoided. negative consequences. The drug is not recommended to be used in parallel with other drugs, as this reduces its effectiveness.

    Storage conditions: at temperatures from 15 to 25 °C. Shelf life - 3 years from the date of production. An opened bottle is suitable for use for three months. Before use, the bottle must be shaken to remove sediment.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    It is necessary to treat this disease at home comprehensively, using both medications and folk remedies. They need to be alternated.

    There are many recipes for using folk remedies.

    Badger fat

    It is believed that badger fat- an effective and safe remedy for the treatment of bronchitis, including chronic. Badger fat contains useful material, which are easily absorbed in the body:

    • fatty acid which have an anti-inflammatory effect;
    • saturated fatty acids that stimulate metabolic processes in tissues and the body;
    • vitamins of groups A, B and E - accelerate metabolism and contribute to more rapid recovery cells.

    Badger fat has a specific smell and unpleasant taste, so to make treatment easier, you can purchase capsules that you swallow. The effect will be no different. If necessary, after a three-week break, the course of treatment can be repeated again.

    You can use badger fat only after consulting a doctor, as there are contraindications:

    • hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug;
    • liver diseases.

    Badger fat should not be taken by infants or children under three years of age. You can start consuming fat in the form of capsules no earlier than 12 years of age.

Chronic bronchitis, as one of the most common diseases of the lower respiratory tract, is a relevant topic for discussion. IN last years it is considered within the framework initial stage COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), but in this article we'll talk specifically about non-obstructive chronic bronchitis, i.e. that phase of the disease when there is no deformation or obstruction of the bronchial tubes, and pathological changes are also partially reversible.

So, chronic non-obstructive bronchitis is a widespread, steadily progressing inflammatory process involving bronchial tree, exacerbating at least 2-3 times a year for two or more years in a row. The disease mainly affects adults over 45 years of age, most often males. In pediatric practice, chronic bronchitis is rare, mainly in children with abnormalities in the development of the respiratory system, so below we will consider the causes, symptoms and treatment of chronic bronchitis in adults.

In order to better understand how chronic bronchitis manifests itself and how it is treated, let us consider the morphological aspects of the development of the disease. Normally, the bronchi consist of a fibrocartilaginous frame, a muscular layer, a submucosal plate and a mucous membrane lining them from the inside. The bronchial mucosa is represented by prismatic ciliated epithelium, consisting of ciliated cells (perform the function of evacuating foreign particles and sputum from the respiratory tract) and goblet cells (produce specific protective mucus that does not allow harmful agents to penetrate the mucosa). On the outside, the bronchi are “braided” with a network of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels, nerves and small lymph nodes.

Due to the harmful effects on the bronchial mucosa of various infectious, physical and chemical factors, it hypertrophies, the functioning of the cilia of the ciliated epithelium is disrupted, hypersecretion of mucus by goblet cells occurs, the consistency of the secretion itself changes - it becomes thick and viscous. This leads to disruption of towing and barrier function mucous membrane, sputum stagnates in the bronchi. Such changes in the mucous membrane favor the penetration of pathological microorganisms into the bronchus, so bacterial infection is frequent companion chronic bronchitis. With the continued action of pathological factors, hypertrophy turns into atrophy - the mucous membrane becomes thinned, overly sensitive to substances contained in the flow of inhaled air.

Subsequently, the submucosal plate and smooth muscles of the bronchi are involved in the process - their thickening (hypertrophy) occurs. On late stages diseases, during the transition of non-obstructive chronic bronchitis to COPD, the structure of the fibrocartilaginous wall begins to change - deformation of the bronchi occurs, narrowing of their lumen.

Among the most common reasons The development of chronic bronchitis is distinguished as follows.

  1. Tobacco smoking is the most common factor occurrence of the disease. Tobacco smoke contains a lot of substances that are harmful to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract (benzopyrene, vinyl chloride, formaldehyde), and in addition triggers lipid peroxidation processes, leading to damage to ciliated epithelial cells.
  2. Exposure to pollutants (substances that pollute the atmospheric air due to industrial and transport emissions) - sulfur oxide, nitrogen dioxide, petroleum products, etc.
  3. Direct (more often when implementing professional activity) contact with toxic chemicals(chlorine vapor, ammonia) and industrial dust (asbestos and coal dust, silicon dioxide).
  4. Recurrent acute respiratory diseases. Tendency to them frequent occurrence often due to living in unfavorable climatic conditions.

Diagnosis of chronic bronchitis

Clinical manifestations of non-obstructive chronic bronchitis outside of exacerbation of the disease are quite scarce. The leading symptom is a cough of low intensity, dry or with scanty mucous sputum, occurring mainly in the morning, which until a certain point is not even perceived by the patient as a manifestation of the disease. The cough is of a reflex nature: the altered epithelium of the mucous membrane loses its drainage function, and the body mechanically tries to remove phlegm that has stagnated in the bronchi. Dyspnea in non-obstructive chronic bronchitis, as a rule, does not occur - it occurs when the lumen of the bronchus narrows due to its deformation (in COPD) or severe inflammatory edema.

When examining a patient during a period of remission, the doctor, when auscultating the lungs, can hear a change in the nature of breathing: normally, a full inhalation and 1/3 exhalation are heard; with bronchitis, the exhalation is lengthened and auscultated to the end, such breathing is called hard. On a radiograph, changes may be absent or appear as an increase in the pulmonary pattern. When performing spirography (a method that determines lung function by measuring tidal volumes and flows) pathological changes are also not recorded.

The disease acquires clear manifestations during exacerbation, provoked by a combination of factors such as decreased immunity, hypothermia and respiratory infection. Wherein infectious process may initially have viral nature, but due to existing changes in the structure of the bronchial mucosa, after 2-3 days, in most cases, bacterial flora joins.

Symptoms of exacerbation of bronchitis

  • Increasing intensity and frequency of cough, changing its character. It can become spastic, paroxysmal, obsessive.
  • Changes in the properties of sputum. It becomes thick and viscous, and when bacterial flora joins, it becomes purulent.
  • Dyspnea. It does not always accompany non-obstructive bronchitis, but can occur due to pronounced edema mucous membrane and obstruction (blockage) of the bronchial lumen with viscous sputum.
  • An increase in temperature during the period of exacerbation of the process is often observed to subfebrile levels (below 38°C).
  • Symptoms general intoxication(muscle weakness, sweating, headache) with bronchitis are much less pronounced than with pneumonia and other inflammatory and infectious diseases of the lower respiratory tract.

When examining a patient with exacerbation of bronchitis, the doctor, in addition to hard breathing, may hear a lot of scattered dry and various wet rales in the lungs.

An increased pulmonary pattern will be visualized on the x-ray (normally it is barely visible in the peripheral parts, but with bronchitis it is clearly visible throughout the entire pulmonary field).

When performing spirography, there may be no changes in respiratory function indicators, but if due to significant inflammatory edema, broncho-obstructive syndrome, then there is a decrease vital capacity lung and speed indicators of external respiration.

Blood tests show moderate nonspecific inflammatory changes (increased levels of leukocytes with a neutrophilic shift in the leukocyte formula, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein).

Subject to development respiratory failure during an exacerbation of bronchitis, changes in the gas composition of the blood can be determined. Decrease in oxygen saturation (the ratio of the amount of oxygenated hemoglobin to total number blood hemoglobin) can be determined both in the laboratory and using an electronic device that is placed on the patient’s finger - a pulse oximeter. Normally, this figure is 96% or more.

It is advisable to conduct microscopic and microbiological examinations of sputum, since they help the doctor decide how to treat chronic bronchitis.

The first method allows you to determine the nature of the inflammation (catarrhal, purulent), the second - the causative agent of the infection and its sensitivity to antibiotics of a different spectrum.

As helper method The study can be performed using fiber-optic bronchoscopy, which allows you to visually assess changes in the mucosa, the nature of the secretion, and collect bronchial lavage for cytological and bacteriological analysis.

How to treat chronic bronchitis in adults

Treatment of chronic non-obstructive bronchitis without exacerbation of the process does not imply active drug therapy. These are mainly preventive measures aimed at preventing relapse of the disease.

  • Carrying out therapeutic breathing exercises. The methods of Strelnikova and Buteyko have proven themselves well in the prevention and treatment of chronic bronchitis.
  • Courses drainage massage chest. This type massage helps prevent stagnation of mucus in the bronchi and strengthen the auxiliary respiratory muscles, but it can only be carried out by a specialist with medical education who have been trained in this technique.
  • Conducting courses of anti-inflammatory herbal medicine. It has long been believed that decoctions and infusions of coltsfoot, wild rosemary, licorice root, as well as inhalation of solutions based on eucalyptus and chamomile, help reduce the degree of inflammation and normalize the viscosity of sputum. Preparations based on herbal ingredients are actively prescribed by doctors, and are often perceived by patients as effective remedy, helping to get rid of chronic bronchitis. However evidence-based medicine the advisability of using these drugs in the treatment of bronchitis is questioned due to the lack of sufficient data on their effectiveness based on research results.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures. Halotherapy, inductothermy, UHF, magnetic therapy, heat therapy, inhalation aerosol therapy - this is an incomplete list of physiotherapeutic methods that help answer the question of how to prevent and treat chronic bronchitis. Thermal impact on the nasal cavity during seasonal outbreaks of ARVI and influenza helps to destroy the virus and prevent the development of infection. Here it is worth mentioning compact magnetic therapy and heat therapy devices for home use allowing the patient to independently carry out procedures with the required frequency, without wasting time visiting medical institutions.
  • Prevention of respiratory viral and bacterial infections. It means preventative antiviral agents and immunomodulators, application individual funds protection (respirators, masks) during the season of increased incidence of ARVI, as well as hardening and exercise preventive vaccinations against pneumococcal and hemophilic infections.
  • Eliminate or reduce contact with negative factors environment, which involves the use of personal respiratory protection, the use of air purifiers and humidifiers and, of course, quitting smoking. It is no coincidence that the drugs used for nicotine addiction(Varenicline, Cytisine), included in federal standard treatment of chronic bronchitis.

Compliance preventive measures and a healthy lifestyle are often the answer to the question “how to get rid of exacerbations of chronic bronchitis forever.”

But how to cure chronic bronchitis if an exacerbation of the disease does occur?

IN mandatory For the treatment of exacerbation of chronic bronchitis in adults, antitussive drugs are prescribed. All antitussives can be divided into 2 main groups.

  1. Peripheral acting drugs. These include mucolytics (thinning sputum) and mucokinetics (improving the evacuation of sputum from the bronchi) of synthetic (ambroxol, bromhexine, acetylcysteine) and plant (licorice, thermopsis) origin. These drugs are available in the form of syrups, tablets, and solutions for inhalation.
  2. Drugs central action(butamirate, codeine, glaucine). Their action is based on suppressing the cough reflex by blocking the cough center of the medulla oblongata. They are prescribed in a short course in extreme cases, when a painful spastic cough significantly reduces a person’s quality of life, and only in the absence of signs of sputum hyperproduction, since with a decrease in the cough reflex, its evacuation worsens with the occurrence of obstruction (blockage) of the bronchi. These medications are sold in pharmacies only with a doctor's prescription.

Effective treatment of chronic bronchitis in the presence of signs of bacterial infection (fever more than three days in a row, purulent sputum, inflammatory changes in blood tests, discharge pathogenic microorganisms V bacteriological culture sputum) also implies systemic antibacterial therapy. Inhibitor-protected penicillins are recommended as the drugs of choice, since they have good activity as the main causative agents of exacerbation of bronchitis - pneumococcus and Haemophilus influenzae. If you are intolerant to these drugs or have a confirmed presence of atypical microflora, alternative means treatments are drugs from the macrolide group.

In cases where first-line therapy is ineffective, the patient is hospitalized with severe bronchitis in a hospital, or the presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection is bacteriologically confirmed, respiratory fluoroquinolones (Levofloxacin, Moxifloxacin) or 3rd generation cephalosporins (Cefotaxime, Cefoperazone) are prescribed. It is advisable to perform microbiological examination sputum in order to adjust the treatment based on its results, taking into account the sensitivity of the isolated microorganisms.

How to cure exacerbation of chronic bronchitis

In the case of the development of broncho-obstructive syndrome against the background of an exacerbation of the process, a short course of inhaled β2-agonists (Salbutamol, Formoterol) or M-anticholinergic blockers (Ipratropium bromide) can be administered. These drugs eliminate bronchospasm, normalize the lumen of the bronchi and, accordingly, make breathing easier.

In cases where the drainage function of the bronchi is impaired and it is not possible to stop the purulent process with antibiotics for a long time, aid sanitary fibrobronchoscopy can be performed. This manipulation helps to mechanically evacuate purulent sputum from the bronchi, treat the mucous membrane with local antiseptics, and also collect wash water for bacteriological analysis.

How can chronic bronchitis in adults be treated during an exacerbation: additional methods

In addition to drug therapy, the same methods are successfully used as for the prevention of the disease: massage and physiotherapy may be prescribed to improve
drainage function of the bronchi (provided there is no respiratory failure and fever), inhalation therapy helps normalize rheological properties sputum, physiotherapy - reduce the activity of inflammation. In the attenuation phase of the exacerbation, it is advisable to carry out magnetic therapy, which accelerates recovery and prevents relapses of the disease.

Having considered the symptoms and treatment of chronic bronchitis, I would like to note that it will be at least difficult to cure chronic bronchitis “forever” if the factors causing disease, will not be eliminated. Therefore, it is very important to lead a healthy lifestyle and remember the harmful effects of smoking.

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Chronic form of bronchitis– a disease in which a person has been tormented by a cough for more than 2 years, during the year it lasts for 3 months or more. To achieve maximum effect from therapy, it is important to learn how to treat chronic bronchitis in at different ages and what you need to pay attention to when choosing medications, using folk remedies and physiotherapy.

When prolonged cough haunts him, he needs to be treated, but in addition to medications, he should give up bad habits

Goal of therapy for chronic bronchitis

The goal of treatment of chronic bronchitis:

  1. Preventing the development of complications and pulmonary failure.
  2. Normalization of bronchial patency.
  3. Suppressing the spread of infection.

In addition to the above, the point of treating the disease is to eliminate negative symptoms and restoration of damaged bronchial mucosa.

Drug treatment of chronic bronchitis

An effective treatment regimen for chronic bronchitis involves complex therapy, which affects all areas of the disease.

In case of exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, simple, obstructive or purulent form apply antibacterial drugs– they quickly eliminate inflammation and help get rid of various infections.

To treat inflammation of the bronchial tubes, antibiotics of the following groups are used:

When treating bronchitis, penicillin antibiotics should be used. wide range actions

  1. Broad-spectrum medications have minimal contraindications, but do not have the desired effect in therapy neglected form chronic bronchitis. The minimum duration of therapy is 4 to 7 days.
  2. Cephalosporins. The latest generation of drugs rarely lead to an allergic reaction and are effective for acute chronic bronchitis.
  3. Macrolides. Medicines in this subgroup inhibit the spread of harmful microorganisms. Repeated therapy is allowed after at least 4 months, since bacteria quickly become resistant to macrolides. The duration of continuous use should not exceed 5 days.
  4. Fluoroquinolones. Used in the treatment of diseases in adults - they affect only the affected areas of the respiratory system.
Name Type of drug Terms of use Contraindications
Ampicillin Adults take 1 tablet 1 hour before meals 4 times a day. Children – take 0.5 tablets up to 3 times a day Lymphocytic leukemia, hypersensitivity to penicillins, disorders of the liver and kidneys, infectious type mononucleosis, bearing and feeding a child, bronchial asthma
Flemoxin Daily dosage for adults – 2 tablets of 500 mg 3 times a day, children – 2 tablets of 125 mg 3 times a day
Augmentin Adults take 1 tablet 3 times a day. Children should take the medicine in the form of a suspension in a dose of 2.5 to 20 mg, depending on the weight and age of the patient
Ceftriaxone Cephalosporins From the age of 12 years, administer 1–2 g per day intravenously or intramuscularly. The pediatric dose is selected by the doctor based on the patient’s weight Pregnancy, lactation, renal and liver failure, intolerance to the drug components
Cefixime From 12 years of age, take 1 tablet in the morning and evening; at a younger age, the dosage is 8 mg per 1 kg of the patient’s weight
Azithromycin Macrolides Take 1 tablet per day for 3 days, 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after meals. Severe liver and kidney pathologies, intolerance to the active substance of the drug, weight less than 45 kg
Erythromycin Adults take 2 tablets 4 times a day, children's dosage – 40 mg per 1 kg of weight Arrhythmia, jaundice, pregnancy, breastfeeding
Fluoroquinolones Take 1-2 tablets morning and evening Age under 12 years, kidney or liver dysfunction, hypersensitivity to active substance, pregnancy, lactation
Levofloxacin Take 1–2 tablets once a day for a week Age under 18 years, cerebral atherosclerosis, epilepsy, fluoroquinol intolerance

Broad spectrum antibiotic


Used to restore intestinal microflora after taking antibiotics.

An affordable probiotic that should be taken along with antibiotics


This group of medications promotes moderate expansion of the bronchi and accelerates the process of clearing them of accumulated mucus.

Name Instructions for use Contraindications
Salbutamol Adults use the aerosol up to 6 times a day. Children 6–12 years old – from 2 to 4 times a day, from 6 to 2 years old – 1–2 inhalations per day Intolerance to salbutamol sulfate, pregnancy, heart rhythm disturbances, age under 2 years
Berodual Over the age of 6 years - take 2 inhalations into the mouth during an attack of bronchitis Tachyarrhythmia, obstructive cardiomyopathy, heart defects, glaucoma, intolerance to drug components, pregnancy in the 1st trimester
Erespal Children from 2 to 12 years old take 10–60 mg of syrup per day. The dosage depends on the child's weight. Adults take 1 tablet morning and evening Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, diabetes, fructose intolerance


Used to eliminate coughing attacks in chronic obstructive bronchitis, help thin sputum and remove mucus from the bronchi

Affordable mucolytic for all ages

Name Admission rules Contraindications
ACC Adults dissolve 1 effervescent tablet in 200 ml warm water, take up to 4 times a day. The maximum daily dose of medication for children is 400 mg, which is taken in 2-3 doses Exacerbation of ulcers, pregnancy, lactation, acetylcysteine ​​intolerance
Lazolvan Adults take 1 tablet 3 times a day. Children over 12 years old take 10 ml of syrup 3 times a day. At the age of 6–12 years - drink 5 ml 2 times a day, children from 2 to 6 years old - 2.5 ml 3 times a day First trimester of pregnancy, breastfeeding, hepatic and renal failure, hypersensitivity to ambroxol
Dosage in adults: 1 tablet 3-4 times a day. Children take the medicine in the form of syrup. Dosage from 2 to 6 years – 2.5–5 mg per day, from 6 to 10 – 5 mg 2 times a day, over the age of 10 – drink 10 ml 2–3 times a day Hypersensitivity to bromhexine, bearing and feeding a child, bronchial asthma, stomach ulcers, age under 2 years, sugar intolerance
Mukaltin From 12 years of age, take 2 tablets up to 4 times a day. From 3 to 12 years of age - take 1 tablet 2-3 times a day Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum


Reason for use– the presence of an intense dry cough, which most often occurs at the beginning of the inflammatory process.

Antitussive medicine


They are used if an exacerbation of the disease occurs against the background of influenza or ARVI.

An antiviral agent that can be taken by both adults and children following dosages


If the use of bronchodilators and mucolytics does not help alleviate the condition, the following hormonal drugs are prescribed for chronic bronchitis:

Before taking, read the instructions carefully, there may be contraindications

Treatment with folk remedies

In addition to drug treatment, the following folk remedies help get rid of chronic bronchitis:

As traditional treatment you can use garlic, honey, herbal infusions

  1. Infusion of elecampane root. Pour 1 tbsp. l. crushed root 250 ml of water, boil for 15 minutes over low heat, then let sit for 45 minutes. Use 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. This recipe has an expectorant effect.
  2. Turnip syrup. The top and core of the turnip are removed. The resulting container is filled with 2–3 tbsp. l. honey, close the lid on top and leave to infuse overnight. Syrup should be taken 1 tbsp. l. up to 5 times per day. The product helps get rid of dry cough.
  3. Lemon with glycerin. Boil 1 lemon for 5 minutes, then let it cool and mix the juice of half the fruit with 2 tbsp in a container. l. glycerin. Add 3 tbsp to the resulting mixture. l. honey, leave in a dark, cool place for 3-4 hours. Take 1 tbsp. l. 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day. The medicine helps relieve inflammation and increase sputum discharge.
  4. Black radish. Place the fruit with its tail in a vessel, cut off the top and remove the core. Fill the resulting container with 1 tbsp. l. honey, leave for 2-3 hours. Take 1 tbsp. l. up to 4 times a day for at least 1 week. One of the most the best means, which relieves coughing attacks and promotes sputum discharge.
  5. Decoction of pine buds. Pour 250 ml boiling water 1 tbsp. l. pine buds, steam for half an hour, then let steep for 20 minutes. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. The decoction helps relieve cough.
  6. Herbal infusion. Mix 3 tsp. peppermint and coltsfoot with 5 tsp. calendula flowers, pour 3 liters of boiling water, leave for 3 hours. Next, the infusion should be filtered and consumed 150 ml up to 6 times a day for 3 months. The medicine helps to get rid of shortness of breath and eliminate coughing attacks.
  7. Sage tea. Pour 250 ml milk 1 tbsp. l. chopped herbs, bring to a boil, strain and boil again. Drinking a warm infusion before bed will help prevent nighttime coughing attacks.
  8. Thyme. Pour 2 tbsp. l. herbs 300 ml of hot water and boil for 30 minutes in a water bath. Strain and take 100 ml 3 times a day. The product relieves cough and shortness of breath, eliminates chills.
  9. Herbal collection. Mix 1 tbsp. l. crushed coltsfoot, knotweed and black elderberry, pour 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Drink a warm mixture to alleviate coughing attacks.
  10. Plantain. Steam 350 ml of boiling water with 15 g of crushed plantain leaves, let it brew for 2 hours. Take 150 ml 3 times a day at regular intervals. The product is used in the treatment of dry cough.

When taking medications and using unconventional methods It is important to ensure that the interval between doses different means was at least 1 hour.


To speed up the healing process, a number of physiotherapeutic procedures are used, which include:

  1. UHF. The procedure involves the impact of an ultra-high frequency electromagnetic field on the respiratory organs.
  2. Ultrasound. The use of high-frequency vibrations of medium particles, which have a resolving, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Inhalations. They are carried out in a hospital and at home. Effective recipe– combine 2 ml of 0.1% solutions of adrenaline, atropine and diphenhydramine, pour the resulting mixture into an inhaler and spray 2-3 times a day. The duration of use of this method is up to 3 months.
  4. Electrophoresis. At chronic form diseases, a solution of calcium chloride or potassium iodide is used for electrophoresis.
  5. – a modern treatment method, the essence of which is to be in a room with the most favorable level of humidity and temperature. At the same time, the air is saturated with saline solutions. This technique helps reduce the use of medications and reduces the risk of remissions.

The essence of the method is to be in a salt room

Properly selected therapy for chronic bronchitis will help get rid of infection, eliminate swelling and inflammation in the respiratory organs, improve the removal of sputum, which will lead to normalization of the patient’s condition as a whole. To reduce the number of relapses, avoid hypothermia, stop smoking, balance your diet and devote time to exercise.

The question of how to defeat chronic bronchitis in a short time and forever worries many people. Unfortunately, given the poor environment and harmful working conditions, this disease is a frequent “companion” of many Russians. Under no circumstances should you be negligent in treating this disease; such behavior can lead to serious complications and death. In this article we will tell you which methods, medications, and recipes will most effectively help in adults.

Why does the disease occur?

Chronical bronchitis - serious illness, the treatment of which may take long months. The reason is that this disease does not appear quickly and out of nowhere.

Factors influencing the development of chronic bronchitis in adults:

  • smoking. It has been proven that smokers have a 5 times higher risk of developing this disease than non-smokers;
  • bad environment and harmful conditions work;
  • frequent viral and infectious diseases of the respiratory tract and nasopharynx;
  • wrong or untimely treatment acute bronchitis.

The long-term influence of harmful factors on the bronchi leads to the fact that gradually the glands of the mucous membrane of these organs begin to produce more and more sputum in order to cope with harmful substances. After some time, there is so much secretion that it no longer has time to be removed. This moist environment becomes an ideal breeding ground for pathogens.

A characteristic symptom of chronic bronchitis in adults is a “wet” cough. Morning coughs, if not properly treated, develop into a constant cough that bothers the patient throughout the day and night, especially worse in damp weather.

A severe coughing attack can be triggered by cool air, a strong aroma, or simply cold bed linen.

If shortness of breath appears, it means that the disease has “reached” the small bronchi and caused disturbances in the ventilation of the respiratory tract. This indicates that bronchitis has progressed to new uniform- With asthmatic syndrome and, accordingly, became the beginning of the development of one of the most dangerous complications - asthma. This disease poses a direct threat to the patient’s life.

Chronic bronchitis in adults is not characterized by high fever. If it rises, this is evidence of an exacerbation of the disease. Such acute phases can be repeated several times a year.

What should be the treatment during the period of exacerbation and remission of the disease?

Forever is possible only if you start it at early stages and carry out thoroughly - both during the period of exacerbation and at a time when the symptoms become less noticeable.

In the acute phase of the disease, it is recommended to undergo treatment in a hospital under medical supervision. The main medications that a doctor will prescribe during an exacerbation of the disease will be antibiotics, expectorants, anti-inflammatory drugs, mucolytics and immunostimulants. It is also possible to flush the bronchi through a bronchoscope tube. medicinal solutions, which will help reduce inflammation and reduce the amount of mucus.

What raises the most objections among patients is the doctor's prescription of antibiotics. But if the patient has a fever for a long time, there is shortness of breath, pneumonia is suspected, or there are clear signs of intoxication of the body - it is vital! Typically, chronic bronchitis in adults in the acute stage is treated with antibiotics penicillin group(amoxil, fromilid, sumamed, etc.).

If the disease was caused by viruses, the doctor will prescribe an antiviral drug.

In addition to eliminating the cause of the disease, it involves taking medications that soothe the cough and help remove mucus from the bronchi. The principle of action of mucolytics is that they break chemical bonds secretion, it becomes less thick and comes out easier. Expectorants affect the bronchial mucosa, causing the organ to work more intensively and effectively get rid of phlegm. Such drugs are prescribed during periods of both exacerbation and remission.

Bronchodilators (drugs that dilate the bronchi) will help. In order for the funds to reach their goal as quickly as possible, it makes sense to carry out treatment using inhalations.

Excellent results during the period of exacerbation of the disease are obtained by special gymnastics and physiotherapeutic procedures (UHF and IR therapy, electrophoresis).

The patient should drink a lot of warm liquid during an exacerbation of bronchitis - at least 2 liters a day. Bed rest at this time is a prerequisite for a favorable outcome of the disease.

The main rules of effective treatment

Treatment the best drugs will not bring the desired result if certain rules are not followed. To effectively treat chronic bronchitis, you must:

  • quit smoking yourself, force all family members to do it! You can, of course, argue for a long time and prove that it is not only cigarettes that cause this disease. But the fact that the disease is already destroying your body should become an incentive to immediately give up bad habit. In medicine it even exists special indicator- index smoking man, which is used to calculate the risk of obstructive complications in a patient. To determine this value, multiply the number of cigarettes you smoke per day by the number of days in a year. If this figure is more than 120, the risk of obstruction is almost 100%;

  • pay attention to the state of the body as a whole. No matter how funny it may sound, chronic bronchitis reflects the condition gastrointestinal tract person. Disturbances in its activity affect the entire body, provoking the development of inflammatory processes and intoxication. Some overweight people can carry up to 25 kg of feces. Therefore, cleansing the intestines can be a serious step in the treatment of the respiratory system as well;
  • do not engage in amateur activities in the treatment of the disease. Only a specialist can decide how to treat chronic bronchitis. Is not common cold, which can be carried “on your feet” and cured with mustard plasters. This disease is so serious that its direct consequence can be death. Only a comprehensive professional approach can guarantee a complete cure;
  • rest as much as possible and drink fluids (warm teas, decoctions, infusions, or simply mineral water without gas);

  • eat soft, non-spicy food. The fact is that in parallel with inflammation of the bronchi, the nasopharynx also becomes inflamed. Therefore, eating should not traumatize her;
  • maintain high indoor humidity. Don't have a special humidifier? Hang it in your room wet towels, place containers with water, carry out as often as possible wet cleaning. Treatment of bronchitis is aimed mainly at thinning and removing excess mucus from the bronchi. And dry air in the room will greatly hinder this process;

  • to walk outside. This must be done after finishing acute period, when your health more or less improves. The more you saturate the respiratory system with oxygen, the better it copes with removing phlegm.

What folk remedies can treat bronchitis in adults?

The complex treatment of chronic bronchitis can and should include the use of folk remedies that have been tested by more than one generation of people. Of course, they will not replace medications, but they will make a significant contribution to the healing process and support the immune system.

We offer several effective recipes:

  • decoctions and infusions medicinal herbs can be used to eliminate various symptoms of chronic bronchitis. Often medicinal plants provide comprehensive assistance: relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, soften cough. The best help for bronchitis: marshmallow, licorice, wild rosemary and pine buds.

The herb ephedra horsetail and two-spikelet, violet, fennel and istod have bronchodilatory properties. Improve sweating and help eliminate intoxication in the body: primrose, coltsfoot, violet, anise and thermopsis. All these herbs can be bought in dry form at the pharmacy. Brew according to the instructions that should be on the package;

  • Vegetable juices are good for bronchitis. Take 200 g of carrot juice, radish juice, honey and alcohol. Mix everything and give the patient 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals;
  • in adults ethnoscience suggests treating with onion jam. Grind half a kilogram of onion using a blender or meat grinder, add a liter of water and add 400 g of sugar.

One of the most common diseases of the human respiratory system is bronchitis. This disease is an inflammatory process that affects, among other things, the bronchi. Bronchitis occurs due to infection: in most cases viral, less often bacterial origin. In the international classification of diseases, bronchitis is presented in two forms: acute and chronic. They differ in etiology, pathogenesis and necessary therapy.

The main symptom of bronchitis is cough. In the first days of the disease it is dry with severe attacks at night. Because of the cough, the patient often cannot sleep normally and suffers from physical illness. After a few days, the cough becomes wet and with the right treatment tactics, bronchitis goes away within 10 days. Quite often there are cases when a cough, as a residual phenomenon after bronchitis, lasts much longer than the disease itself. This is due to the fact that the process of restoration of the bronchi after the inflammatory process is quite long.

The only cause of concern is a cough that lasts more than four weeks. In such cases, you need to consult a pulmonologist, who will determine the presence of third-party causes of cough. In addition, foreign inclusions in the sputum, especially blood, should alert you during bronchitis. They should prompt an immediate visit to the hospital, where they will be examined for tuberculosis and lung cancer, for which blood in the sputum is a fairly characteristic symptom.

Treatment of bronchitis

When considering the issue of therapy for bronchitis, first you need to identify two important points:

  • The treatment tactics for bronchial inflammation are influenced by the form of the disease (infectious or bacterial) and the type of course (acute or chronic);
  • Treatment of bronchitis must be comprehensive. The result of taking medications alone in most cases will not be effective enough.

At the same time, drug therapy for bronchitis is quite simple. In itself, it does not require any complex drugs or procedures. The main thing this disease requires is the correct identification of the causative agent of the inflammatory process and the form of its course.

Antibiotic therapy for bronchial inflammation

The issue of using antibacterial drugs for bronchitis causes quite a lot of debate. But official medical protocols state that the use of antibiotics to treat this disease is necessary in two cases:

  • if inflammation of the bronchi is caused by a bacterial infection;
  • if the course of viral bronchitis is accompanied by complications or the patient is diagnosed with concomitant diseases.

The list of antibiotics here is classic for bacterial infections: penicillins, cephalosporins, macrolides. The choice depends on individual characteristics patient.
In most cases, when viral origin inflammation of the bronchi, antibacterial drugs do not have the necessary effective effect. In addition, they can cause the development of broncho-obstructive syndrome - blockage of the bronchi caused by swelling of the mucous membrane.

The main symptom of bronchitis, which indicates the need to use antibiotics, is sputum with purulent patches. If present, the doctor prescribes additional research, based on the results of which he appoints antibacterial agent. But in no case should an antibiotic be prescribed independently for bronchitis. The probable harm from its use may significantly exceed the expected effect.

Inflammation of the bronchi in acute form almost always treated at home and requires only medications local impact. Antibiotics for bronchitis are not a key medication.

Use of antiviral drugs for bronchitis

The fact that inflammation of the bronchi is provoked by a viral infection itself hints at the need to use antiviral drugs to treat this disease. But the issue of using medications in this group is very, very controversial. Many doctors are confident that there are no antiviral drugs with proven effectiveness and that to fight viruses the body just needs to create optimal conditions. In some ways they will be right. Another group of doctors insists that viruses need to be suppressed with antiviral drugs and that without them the disease cannot be dealt with.

Used for viral infections two drugs: interferon and oseltamivir. At the same time, no one takes them from a pharmacy without a prescription or drinks them without a medical prescription. The use of antiviral drugs is indicated for the treatment of chronic bronchitis, in most cases with concomitant hospitalization.

The truth, in fact, is somewhere in the middle. During normal course, bronchitis can be overcome without antiviral drugs, as well as without antibiotics. If the disease is accompanied by complications or there are individual prerequisites, the use of medications in this group may be justified and necessary.
Now let’s talk about what you really can’t do without when you have bronchitis.

Expectorants for bronchitis

Bronchitis always begins with a strong and dry cough. Therefore, the only group of drugs that are really necessary for inflammation of the bronchi are expectorants.
In medicine, this group of drugs is divided into two subgroups based on the way they affect the body:

  • medications to stimulate expectoration,
  • drugs to thin sputum.

Medicines to stimulate expectoration

This subgroup is also called secretomotor means. The action of stimulant drugs is aimed at irritating the gastric mucosa, which provokes increased activity of the cough and vomiting centers of the medulla oblongata. The consequence of this is an increase in production liquid secretion in the bronchi and increased cough reflexes.

The main drugs in this group are thermopsis herb, a number essential oils, ammonium chloride and others. It should be noted that drugs to stimulate expectoration have a fairly short-term effect, and an overdose can lead to vomiting, nausea, nasal congestion and tearfulness.

Medications that thin phlegm

A subgroup of these drugs, also called mucolytics, thins sputum without causing it to increase in volume. This effect is achieved due to the fact that disulfide bonds in acidic mucopolysaccharides are broken. The main prerequisite for their use is viscous sputum, which is produced in diseases of the respiratory tract, including bronchitis.

The most popular thinning drugs are:

A drug Price Description
Bromexine from 19 rub. It has a pronounced expectorant effect and promotes the separation of sputum. It has virtually no toxic effect on the body. It has no contraindications, except for the first trimester of pregnancy.
Trypsin from 772 rub. The effect of Trypsin is based on the liquefaction of viscous secretions. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory effects. Contraindications for the use of Trypsin include only individual intolerance in the patient.
Ambroxol from 73 rub. A classic mucolytic that reduces the viscosity of sputum and its ability to adhere. Due to this, it significantly facilitates its removal. A wide range of release forms allows Ambroxol to be used even for newborns. Side effects Ambroxol intake has practically no effect.
Doctor Mom from 117 rub. A bronchodilator whose action is based on the expansion of the lumen of the bronchi. In addition to being an expectorant, it also has an anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect. The use of Doctor Mom should be carried out only as prescribed by a doctor, as it may cause allergic reaction body.
Alteyka from 98 rub. Vegetable expectorant. The main component is marshmallow root. It provides reflex stimulation to the cough, respiratory and vomiting centers. Do not use for dry cough, as it may cause it to worsen.
Ambrobene from 263 rub. A mucolytic that stimulates prenatal lung development. The decrease in sputum viscosity is caused by the activation of hydrolyzing enzymes.

In principle, all these drugs can be considered as analogues of each other, and the prescription of a specific drug is carried out solely based on the preferences of the doctor and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

In addition to the above-mentioned groups of medications, the occurrence of bronchitis may require the use of antipyretics. In most cases, inflammation of the bronchi is accompanied by only a slight increase in body temperature, at which the body is given the opportunity to cope with the problem itself. But if the temperature goes beyond 38 degrees, then classic ibuprofen or paracetamol should be added to drug therapy.

On this drug treatment inflammation of the bronchi ends. In its normal course, this disease does not require other medications, but it does require a special regime for keeping the patient and physiotherapeutic procedures.

Changing your lifestyle and regimen for bronchitis

When wondering how to quickly cure bronchitis, you need to remember: with bronchitis, the main condition for recovery is to create as much favorable environment For natural recovery normal functioning of the respiratory system.

The first and most important thing for bronchitis is moisture. At the same time, in addition to moist air in the room where the patient is located, he needs to be provided with maximum drinking plenty of fluids. Moreover, you can drink absolutely everything, with the exception of soda: water, juices, herbal teas. The main thing is that the drinking temperature is comfortable.

To ensure sufficient humidity in the room, it is best to use humidifiers. If they are not there, hang them up wet towels on batteries, spray water with a spray bottle - do everything to increase the water content in the air.

Already these two rules will create favorable conditions to overcome a dry cough and begin the process of sputum separation.

In addition, for bronchitis, especially in the first three days, it is necessary bed rest and lack physical activity. Short walks are allowed only at the first relief, and they need to be carried out in places with clean air: in squares, parks, in the forest.

A separate point of the regime for bronchitis - complete failure from smoking. Inhalation tobacco smoke is a provoking factor for dry cough and smoking during bronchitis can not only prolong the healing process over time, but also cause the development of serious complications. By the way, doctors believe that inflammation of the bronchi is an excellent (so to speak) reason to quit smoking.

By adhering to these simple rules, treatment of bronchitis will take place in the shortest possible time and with a minimum of necessary medications.

Physiotherapy for bronchitis

  • inhalation,
  • massage,
  • breathing exercises.

Inhalations for bronchitis

It is recommended to carry out inhalations using special devices - inhalers. Do steam inhalations it is also possible, but, especially for children, you need to be extremely careful to avoid burns to the mucous membranes.
Inhalation of the following drugs is effective for bronchitis:

  • saline and soda solutions;
  • essential oils of eucalyptus tree, pine, mint, garlic and rosemary;
  • Lazolvan, Ambrobene and other medications whose action is aimed at removing phlegm from the bronchi.

There are only two contraindications for inhalation: high temperature and rapid heartbeat. But immediately after overcoming them, inhalations can be used. This is one of the most effective methods for bronchial inflammation.

Breathing exercises for bronchitis

Technique breathing exercises for pathologies of the respiratory tract, there are quite a lot. Regardless of who developed a specific set of exercises, they all have positive influence on the rate of overcoming bronchitis. Choose the right one breathing exercises you need to do it yourself or on the recommendation of a doctor. The most popular are the methods of Strelnikova, Buteko, Kofler, as well as yoga and the martial art of wushu.
Any set of exercises for the respiratory system prioritizes the following goals:

  • increasing the functional reserves of the respiratory system;
  • changes in the functioning of organs, which are achieved by influencing the respiratory system.

And most importantly: when performing such exercises, you need to remember that they need to be carried out in the fresh air, which in itself has a positive effect on the condition of the respiratory system.

Massage for bronchitis

Massage during inflammation of the bronchi is prescribed when the disease has subsided: there is no high temperature, the cough has passed into the wet stage, there are no associated complications.
The massage should be preceded by a very warm bath, which will soften the skin and allow you to spend some time in a room with one hundred percent humidity. There are several massage techniques for bronchitis. Let's describe them:

  • 1. The patient lies on his back on a hard surface. During inhalation, the massage therapist runs his hands along the sides in the direction from the chest to the back, and during exhalation, back. Rib cage during this it should squeeze a little.
  • 2. Lying on his back on a hard surface, the patient needs to slightly raise his head with a pillow. With the pressed palms of the massage therapist's hands, movements are carried out from the abdomen to the shoulders. Similar movements are carried out with the patient lying on his stomach. Hand movements, respectively, are carried out along the back. This allows you to stimulate the removal of mucus from the bronchi.
  • 3. One more massage procedure, which allows to improve the removal of sputum, looks like this: the patient lies on his stomach so that his head extends beyond the massage table and is slightly lowered down. At the same time, a pillow is placed under the feet so that they are raised. In this position, intercostal massage is performed. The recommended duration of the procedure is 25 minutes.

Finally, we note that the treatment of bronchial inflammation in its normal course is quite simple, but at the same time it requires competent tactics for taking medications and using physical procedures. Therefore, if you get bronchitis, consult a doctor. He will tell you how to treat bronchitis at home, accurately determine the characteristics of the disease and select therapy that will give the most effective result in a short time.