What will help with hemorrhoids after childbirth. How to safely and quickly cure postpartum hemorrhoids. How the disease develops

More than half of women who give birth suffer from hemorrhoidal disease. The main signs of hemorrhoids are bleeding, external nodes, fimbriae. The internal nodes are characterized by scarlet blood. The frequency and intensity of bleeding varies. Bloody discharge may be scanty. Sometimes the blood drips and even flows in streams. With prolonged bleeding, obvious signs of anemia appear:

  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • low pressure;
  • dizziness.

Blood-filled hemorrhoids periodically fall out. Their pinching and thrombosis are accompanied by severe pain. In the area of ​​the anus, compactions (infiltrates) of a round shape are determined; they do not have a bluish-purple color. If the node is not corrected in time, it becomes necrotic, ruptures and bleeds.

Other diseases, including cancer, can cause intestinal bleeding. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor and undergo a thorough examination.

If treatment is delayed

Hemorrhoids are a delicate disease. Women, instead of turning to a proctologist, try to treat postpartum hemorrhoids on their own. But folk remedies and medications can temporarily alleviate the patient’s condition and significantly worsen the symptoms of hemorrhoids after childbirth. Complications of the disease:

  • weakening of the ligamentous apparatus;
  • paraproctitis – inflammation of the tissue around the rectum;
  • cracks in the rectal mucosa;
  • adhesions;
  • pararectal fistulas requiring surgical intervention.

After childbirth, hemorrhoids are accompanied by symptoms of inflammation of the nodes with the formation of perineal ulcers. The pain becomes constant and the temperature rises. A serious complication may develop - sepsis.

Attack on constipation

One of the reasons for the exacerbation or appearance of hemorrhoidal disease after the birth of a child is persistent constipation. Women, due to labor pains, are afraid of additional painful sensations during bowel movements. How to get rid of hemorrhoids after childbirth and establish painless stool?

You need to start with nutrition, which is an integral part of the treatment of postpartum hemorrhoids in the maternity hospital and at home. A woman’s daily diet includes:

  • dairy products;
  • foods rich in plant fiber - raw vegetables and fruits, herbs;
  • vegetable oils;
  • natural juices with pulp.

Raisins, dried apricots, and figs also contain plant fiber and are recommended for constipation. Pears, on the contrary, are rich in tannins; when consumed in large quantities, they make it difficult to empty the intestines of feces.

A valuable dietary product is bran - the hard shell of cereals, containing an abundance of dietary fiber and fiber. To prepare a dish for constipation, just stir 2 - 3 tablespoons of wheat bran in a glass of kefir or light yogurt. After childbirth, preference is given to wholemeal bread. The more bran contained in baked goods, the better bowel movements will be. What you should temporarily avoid:

  • chocolate, cocoa, strong coffee;
  • baked goods made from premium and first grade flour - cakes, pastries, buns, pies, pancakes;
  • pasta;
  • solid fats;
  • fatty meat, sausages, frankfurters;
  • any alcohol.

Having gotten rid of constipation without medication, a woman will be able to calmly breastfeed her newborn and use the toilet without fear of impending pain.

Toilet without pain

If the diet did not help, how to go to the toilet after childbirth without severe pain? You'll have to resort to medications. In order for bowel movements to be painless, the stool must be soft. To do this, you need to drink a lot and take mild laxatives. Doctors recommend:

  • Duphalac 30-40 ml in the morning daily before meals;
  • Forlax is a laxative powder with a flavored additive, not absorbed in the intestines;
  • one-time quick-acting microenema Microlax (15 minutes);
  • Mucofalk is a plant-based laxative;
  • suppositories with papaverine relieve spasms;
  • Relief-Advance suppositories relieve pain and weaken.

The proposed products are safe and non-addictive. Contains harmless or natural ingredients. Can be used after childbirth while breastfeeding.

Proctosedyl suppositories are suitable for women who are not breastfeeding. They include the glucocorticosteroid hydrocortisone, the antibacterial drug flamycetin, and the anticoagulant heparin. Suppositories relieve pain, relieve inflammation and swelling of tissues.

The composition of Aurobin ointment also includes the corticosteroid prednisolone, the anesthetic lidocaine, and B vitamins. The product is freely absorbed into the blood, so after childbirth, treating hemorrhoids with ointment while breastfeeding is contraindicated.

Hemorrhoids after childbirth treatment begins directly in the maternity hospital. The woman in labor is carefully adjusted to remove the scars that have fallen out. Prescribed:

  • warm baths with potassium permanganate;
  • antiseptic lotions with furatsilin solution;
  • pain-relieving lotions with 0.5% novocaine;
  • absorbable compresses with Vishnevsky ointment.

For thrombosis of hemorrhoids, suppositories and ointments with heparin, the enzyme preparation chymitrypsin, and UHF are indicated. How to treat hemorrhoids after childbirth with persistent bleeding? Tamponade of the bleeding node with a gelatin self-absorbing sponge "Spongostan" is applied locally. Its volume can increase 45 times. Therefore, the sponge is successfully used for heavy hemorrhoidal bleeding. How else to treat hemorrhoids? To achieve a quick effect, general hemostatic drugs are administered intravenously:

  • Vikasol in ampoules;
  • Calcium chloride 10%;
  • Aminocaproic acid 5%;
  • Dicynon, its analogues Etamzilat, Etamzilat-Ferein, etc.

You can get rid of minor bleeding by taking a course of tablets of the hemostatic agents listed above - vikasol 15 mg, dicinone, etamsylate, Proctonis capsules. The latter drug can be used during breastfeeding, as it contains natural components that are safe for the baby:

  • buckthorn herb is a laxative;
  • Cassia acufolia - a laxative herb;
  • shark cartilage powder;
  • yarrow herb is a hemostatic agent;
  • vitamins “A”, “E”.

The remedy for hemorrhoids after childbirth "Proctonix" weakens, helps get rid of constipation, eliminates swelling, spasms and inflammation of tissues. A cream with the same name includes about a dozen natural ingredients. Apply directly to problem areas. Relieves pain, swelling, burning and inflammation, heals small wounds.

Surgery is a radical treatment for hemorrhoids after childbirth. They resort to it when diet, exercise therapy, regimen and conservative therapy have not helped. The absolute indications for surgery are:

  • constant loss of nodes;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • anemia due to bleeding.

The classic method for removing internal and external nodes remains the improved Miligan-Morgan hemorrhoidectomy. The operation is quite traumatic and is performed under general anesthesia. Epidural anesthesia may be used for pain relief. In this case, an anesthetic is injected into the epidural space of the spine, after which the part of the body below the lower back loses sensation. Cavernous bodies are excised in a certain sequence. First, the node whose position corresponds to 3 o’clock on the dial is removed, then 7 and 11.

Proctologists now have more gentle methods at their disposal that make it possible to effectively treat hemorrhoids after childbirth and reduce the time of hospital stay. The last fact is decisive for nursing mothers. At the initial stage of the disease, endosurgical operation can be performed to disarterize internal hemorrhoids.

What is its essence? Blood is delivered to the corpora cavernosa by arteries. They are located and bandaged using one small device. After bandaging, blood does not flow to the hemorrhoids, and they collapse. Other surgical treatments for postpartum hemorrhoids:

  • cryosurgery - deep freezing of hemorrhoids with subsequent tissue necrosis, is rarely used;
  • sclerotherapy - the introduction of a sclerosing substance into the node, causing a weak inflammatory reaction that destroys the node;
  • ligation (node ​​ligation);
  • laser coagulation of nodes - the method is based on the ability of a laser beam to coagulate tissue by cauterization, leaving a small scar;
  • infrared coagulation - carried out by a coagulator apparatus that emits infrared waves, which are converted in the node into thermal coagulating energy.

How to treat operable hemorrhoids after childbirth? Relatively recently, the operation of removing hemorrhoids using a disposable Longo device began to be used in Russia. It is less traumatic than hemorrhoidectomy, and hemorrhoids can be treated under local anesthesia. Hemorrhoids are not removed; only part of the rectal mucosa is excised. The nodes themselves are pulled up and fixed.

Postpartum hemorrhoids are a typical problem faced by almost every second young mother who gave birth naturally. Treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth has its own characteristics. During lactation with breast milk, substances that are contraindicated for it may enter the child’s body, so not all medications and methods can be used to get rid of this pathology.

Causes of pathology

Most often, external or internal hemorrhoids begin to develop during pregnancy, when there is a sharp increase in weight, displacement of organs due to the increasing size of the uterus, and also changes in hormonal levels. As a rule, the disease occurs in a sluggish form, without causing severe discomfort to the pregnant woman. But after childbirth, during which the body was subjected to serious overload, hemorrhoids worsen. The acute form of the disease causes not only severe discomfort, but also unbearable pain. The following factors contribute to this clinical picture:

  • in the last trimester of pregnancy, the pressure inside the abdominal cavity increases, which causes stagnation of blood in the veins of the pelvic organs;
  • An increased level of progesterone in the blood towards the end of pregnancy causes a strong weakening of vascular tone. Their walls stretch, causing stagnation of blood and enlargement of hemorrhoids;
  • frequent constipation during pregnancy also causes the development of initial stage hemorrhoids;
  • During childbirth, there is a rush of blood to the pelvic organs, pressure on the pelvic organs increases, including the hemorrhoidal veins, and the sphincter muscles also experience enormous stress. All this only worsens the clinical picture of the disease, which began to develop during pregnancy.

Relative factors that provoke the development of hemorrhoids after childbirth, as well as aggravating existing pathology, include:

  • excess weight;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • errors in nutrition;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • lifting weights.

Symptoms and possible complications

Postpartum hemorrhoids can manifest themselves in both acute and chronic forms. The first option is characterized by the sudden appearance of pain, severe discomfort in the anal area (burning, itching), and the second is characterized by a long course and unexpressed symptoms: itching or burning may periodically appear, which quickly disappear after using rectal suppositories; drops of blood may also periodically appear after intercourse defecation.

Unpleasant sensations in the initial stage of development of the disease intensify after the act of defecation:

  • pain - occurs after defecation and, as a rule, goes away quickly. In some cases, mild but constant aching pain can persist for a long time. Most often it occurs with a slight inflammation of the external hemorrhoids. In this case, small bumps appear near the sphincter;
  • itching, burning - may bother you for a long time. Unpleasant sensations intensify during defecation and disturb for a long time after it.
  • spotting - occurs with frequent constipation, with the appearance of anal fissures or with the development of internal hemorrhoids, when feces, passing through the intestinal duct, injure enlarged hemorrhoids.

When the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should immediately seek medical help. Timely treatment will help avoid serious complications:

  • If left untreated, hemorrhoidal cones will increase in size. In the future, they will begin to fall out of the rectum, which will require radical surgery to remove them;
  • prolonged disruption of normal blood flow leads to the development of severe inflammatory processes and swelling in the tissues, which causes constant severe pain. If left untreated, complete blockage of the veins of the hemorrhoid occurs, which leads to tissue necrosis, which also requires immediate surgical treatment of hemorrhoids.
  • very often the small bleeding that bothered you in the early stages of the disease becomes more profuse. Large blood loss leads to the development of anemia, the quality and properties of blood throughout the body decrease.
  • Hemorrhoids of the last stage, when inflamed hemorrhoids are difficult to straighten even by hand, cause deformation of the sphincter muscles, which causes mucus and feces to leak out (wetting hemorrhoids).

How to treat hemorrhoids in a nursing mother? Read more about this in this article.

Treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth

How to treat hemorrhoids after childbirth? The treatment regimen depends on the stage of the disease. For acute or chronic hemorrhoids at stage 1 or 2, the use of medications and folk remedies will be sufficient to alleviate the condition. The disease in stages 3 and 4 requires not only the use of medications, but also minimally invasive, and in severe cases, radical surgical operations.


For severely inflamed hemorrhoids, minimally invasive methods of surgical intervention are most often used, which are not contraindicated during lactation:

  • ligation of hemorrhoidal cones with latex rings;
  • cryotherapy;
  • infrared and laser coagulation.

All methods are aimed at destroying hemorrhoids in various ways (low temperatures, laser cauterization, disruption of the blood supply to the node, etc.). The procedures do not require hospitalization and quickly and effectively help cope with the disease.

As for radical operations under general anesthesia, the decision here is made only by the attending physician. As a rule, such operations are possible during lactation, but breastfeeding is stopped for up to 24 hours after the application of general anesthesia.

Conservative therapy

Ointments and suppositories for hemorrhoids after childbirth can only be used after consultation with your doctor. Many plant and animal substances that make up drugs pass into breast milk and then into the baby’s body. They can cause allergies and other side effects in a fragile child’s body, which will negatively affect his general condition. Only a doctor can take into account all the nuances and recommend drugs that are truly safe during breastfeeding.

Gel Troxevasin

The gel is used to relieve severe swelling and inflammation caused by blocked hemorrhoidal veins. The drug quickly relieves tissue swelling and helps restore vascular tone. The gel can be used for a long time for chronic hemorrhoids that are difficult to treat. Troxevasin is applied to the affected areas 2 times a day. There is no evidence of negative effects on the body of mother and child during lactation.

Heparin ointment

Improves and normalizes blood flow in tissues, relieves swelling, itching, and reduces enlarged hemorrhoids. The ointment is used until the acute signs of hemorrhoids disappear. The average duration of use of the ointment is from 5 to 14 days. Longer use is possible only after consultation with your doctor. Heparin ointment is not contraindicated for use during lactation.

Relief, Relief Advance

The drug reduces the pronounced symptoms of hemorrhoids, eliminates discomfort, relieves itching and burning, and reduces hemorrhoids. Relief Advance can be used to relieve pain in acute hemorrhoids and after minimally invasive or radical operations in the anorectal area. The ointment is used no more than 4 times a day until acute symptoms disappear. The effect on the child’s body when using the drug for the treatment of hemorrhoids during lactation has not been fully studied due to the insufficient number of facts. Therefore, Relief series ointments are not recommended for use without the permission of the attending physician.


Restores damaged tissue, prevents re-inflammation, enhances the natural protective functions of the skin and mucous membranes. The duration of treatment for hemorrhoids should not be more than 3 weeks. The drug is applied to the affected area in a thin layer after each bowel movement, but not more than 3 times a day. The drug is not excreted in breast milk, therefore it is completely safe during lactation.

Vishnevsky ointment

The ointment relieves inflammation well and prevents the development of purulent processes in hemorrhoids. Quickly restores damaged tissue. Long-term use is possible, more than 14 days, but only in consultation with a doctor. It is necessary to apply the ointment to the affected areas up to 3 times a day. The ointment can be used during lactation.

Candles “Sea buckthorn oil”

They relieve severe inflammation and have an antibacterial effect, killing pathogenic microorganisms that cause suppuration of the affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes during hemorrhoids. For acute symptoms of hemorrhoids, use no more than 2 times a day for 7 days. Extending the period of use is possible only in consultation with a doctor. Sea buckthorn suppositories are absolutely safe for use during lactation.

Homeopathic suppositories with propolis, calendula

They quickly heal abrasions and erosions in the peri-rectal area, relieve pain and burning, and eliminate pathogenic bacteria that cause inflammation in the tissues. For hemorrhoids after childbirth, these drugs can be used effectively only in the initial stages of the disease. For acute and prolonged pain that occurs after bowel movement, it is allowed to increase the number of suppositories used to 2 per day. During lactation, homeopathic suppositories can be used without any restrictions.


Suppositories that have anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effects. The standard course of treatment with suppositories lasts 1 week. It is allowed to use the drug for longer only on the direct instructions of a doctor. Suppositories can be used for the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids after childbirth during lactation.


Rectal suppositories that effectively relieve pain in acute hemorrhoids. The product prevents the development of pathogenic bacteria, thereby preventing infection of tissues by purulent microorganisms and reducing existing inflammation. Use no more than 2 suppositories per day. Candles can be used during lactation.


Suppositories with antiseptic and anesthetic effects. Quickly relieve swelling and improve blood flow in tissues. To normalize the patient’s condition and eliminate acute signs of hemorrhoids, it is enough to use 1 suppository for 7 days. During lactation, suppositories can only be used as prescribed by a doctor in strictly prescribed dosages.


They improve blood flow in tissues, restore damaged vascular walls, and prevent the development of thrombosis in nodes. Relieves pain during exacerbation of hemorrhoids. For severe pain, up to 3 pcs. per day, after the discomfort disappears, the amount is reduced to 1 pc. in a day. Procto-Glyvenol can be used during lactation.

Folk remedies

You can treat hemorrhoids after childbirth with some traditional methods.

Every second woman after giving birth to a baby complains of hemorrhoids. However, the process of childbirth itself should not be blamed for the appearance of an unpleasant illness. The reasons lie in pregnancy itself and the physiological changes that occur during this period.

To avoid the progression of the disease, women need to know the basics: what are the causes and first signs of hemorrhoids, what drugs to use after childbirth, so as not to harm the newborn.

Causes of hemorrhoids after childbirth

Hemorrhoids are varicose veins that affect the veins of the rectum. Frequent diagnosis of postpartum hemorrhoids is due to the occurrence, even during pregnancy, of several factors that provoke pathological vasodilation:

  • increased intra-abdominal pressure - increased total weight;
  • venous stagnation - pressure of the growing uterus on the choroid plexuses of the rectum, compression of the veins by the fetus itself (especially before childbirth, when the baby’s head is pressed tightly against the pelvic bones);
  • constipation - hormonal changes (inflated amounts of progesterone often provoke indigestion), lack of fiber and fluid in the diet, physical inactivity and sedentary work;
  • weakening of the vascular wall - also caused by a physiological increase in the synthesis of progesterone, addictions (hemorrhoids in a smoking/drinking woman is the lesser of the evils, which can happen through one’s own fault).

Under the influence of these reasons, even in a woman who has never suffered from this pathology, hemorrhoids can form during pregnancy.

However, in most cases, hemorrhoids in pregnant women are not pronounced. It is the process of childbirth that gives the strongest impetus to the appearance of hemorrhoidal cones. This is facilitated by the enormous tension of the pelvic floor muscles during labor and the passage of the fetus through the birth canal.

And postpartum constipation is not that uncommon. Redistribution of the intestines in the abdominal space vacated after childbirth often causes atony.

A feeling of discomfort during bowel movements, itching and a burning sensation in the anus during pregnancy are the first signs of incipient hemorrhoids.

Based on these signs, it is highly likely that hemorrhoids will appear after childbirth. However, often expectant mothers do not pay attention to such minor symptoms.

For them, the sensations associated with the baby are much more important - his movements and turns, changing the shape of the mother’s belly and causing tenderness and delight in those watching this miracle.

A woman begins to think seriously after childbirth, when a “problem has emerged” and painful symptoms appear:

  • varicose “bumps” around the anal sphincter (external nodes or prolapsed internal ones);
  • pain during bowel movements is often unbearable, causing spasm of the rectal sphincter and difficulty with defecation;
  • unbearable burning sensation (during childbirth, microcracks appear in the anal area and rectum);
  • (traces remain on toilet paper);
  • mucus in the stool (a sign of inflammation, which further irritates the rectal mucosa and the skin of the perianal area).

Even minor signs of postpartum hemorrhoids significantly complicate the life of a new mother (it hurts to sit and walk) and affect the quality of child care.

In the absence of timely treatment, the disease progresses, which is fraught with heavy bleeding from damaged veins, anemia and infection of fissures with the formation of fistulas.

This will negatively affect the baby if the mother feeds him breast milk. The worst options for the development of hemorrhoids are vein thrombosis, the appearance of pathologically altered cells in the rectum (oncology).

If a woman does not breastfeed during lactation, treatment is carried out in a general mode (drugs and treatment regimens for adults are used).

Useful: - review of rectal suppositories, comparison and selection

To quickly eliminate painful symptoms, drug therapy (Relief ointment/suppositories, Hepatothrombin, Detralex venotonic tablets) is carried out in compliance with the following recommendations:

  • A categorical refusal to wear shapewear.
  • The fight against constipation is to saturate your diet with cereals (buckwheat and rolled oats are especially useful), and fermented milk products (milk provokes constipation and flatulence!).
  • The daily drinking regime is at least 1.5 liters of water.
  • Refusal of coffee, flour, animal fats, chocolate, spicy foods, alcohol.
  • Physical activity - simple gymnastic exercises contribute not only to timely bowel movements, but also accelerate uterine contractions and quickly restore muscle tone of the pelvic muscles.
  • Personal hygiene - washing with slightly cool (not cold!) water.

Hemorrhoids after childbirth: treatment during breastfeeding

How to treat hemorrhoids after giving birth to a nursing mother can only be decided by a qualified specialist. Some medicinal substances can enter the baby's body through mother's milk and cause quite serious harm to him.

That is why, when visiting a proctologist, a woman must definitely note the moment of breastfeeding, and the doctor will select a treatment that will not only ensure the mother’s recovery, but also will not harm her baby.

Remedies for hemorrhoids that are safe for a breastfed baby:

Heparin ointment- quickly resolves hemorrhoids and eliminates inflammation. This drug for local treatment is one of the mildest, approved for use in pregnant women and breastfeeding.

Proctosan- a good pain reliever, reduces bleeding, quickly eliminates weeping and dries out anal fissures.

Relief- especially effective in the initial stage. Suppositories and ointment can be used up to 4 times per day. Suppositories for hemorrhoids after childbirth containing shark liver are allowed to be used during breastfeeding.

Candles with medicinal raw materials- sea buckthorn, calendula, propolis - perfectly replace home recipes (there is no need to waste time preparing grandma's ointments), the anti-inflammatory effect is most effective at the initial stage of hemorrhoids (when there are no large nodes).

Propolis ointment is used only if the woman is not allergic to honey.

Troxerutin, Troxevasin- well eliminates inflammatory manifestations (swelling, redness) and is a mild venotonic (improves the condition of the vascular wall). Ointments and creams applied topically will not harm the baby.

Posterisan- immunomodulating ointment, has a pronounced wound-healing effect. Effective for deep fissures and even pararectal fistulas.

Procto-glivenol- a combined drug with analgesic (lidocaine) and anti-inflammatory (tribenzoide) effects. The most effective local remedy for hemorrhoids to eliminate venous stasis after childbirth, non-toxic for newborns.

If the symptoms are pronounced (large nodes, bleeding, etc.), and conservative treatment does not bring results, the woman is offered surgical intervention.

However, radical treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth during breastfeeding is carried out as late as possible. Large-scale surgery with excision of hemorrhoids has been replaced by less traumatic techniques:

Cryodestruction- freezing hemorrhoidal protrusions with liquid nitrogen. It is performed under local anesthesia to eliminate internal and external nodes.

Sclerotherapy- exclusion of dilated veins from the bloodstream due to the effect of sclerosant on them (an adhesive substance introduced into the lumen of a pathologically altered vessel).

Photocoagulation- heating a varicose vein with an infrared source and its subsequent gluing.

Ligation- clamping the base of the varicose plexus with a latex ring. After about 2 weeks, the hemorrhoid disappears painlessly.

All of the listed minitrauma treatment procedures are performed on an outpatient basis and are absolutely painless. However, they only eliminate external manifestations.

The cause of the disease - weakness of the venous walls - will have to be treated with repeated courses of venotonic drugs.

Prevention of hemorrhoids after childbirth

  1. Hygiene procedures - for painful nodes near the anus, use soft types of toilet paper or replace with cool washing.
  2. Food hygiene - a review of the diet should be carried out during pregnancy.
  3. When breastfeeding, to maintain the quality of milk, include dried fruits, apples (green), and bananas in the diet.
  4. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, excluding lemonades and coffee.
  5. Laxatives - only as a last resort (they worsen symptoms), replace them.
  6. Gymnastic exercises to strengthen the abdominal wall and pelvic muscles.

Many women who knew nothing about hemorrhoids before pregnancy, after giving birth, were able to experience all the “charm” of this disease for themselves. What to do if hemorrhoids worsen, how does it start and what signs does it have, and most importantly, how to treat hemorrhoids after childbirth?


The first thing that may indicate the onset of the disease is burning and itching in the anus. A woman may be bothered by sore cracks and inflammation. These can be considered the first warning signs that require immediate action. If a woman leaves everything to chance, the disease, as a rule, continues to develop further. And the following signs of hemorrhoids cause a lot of trouble. Pain comes during stool, and then it bothers the rest of the time. Bleeding from the anus begins. Further, hemorrhoids can develop into acute or acute. In some situations, the nodes may fall out, but are inserted inside with your fingers. This is external hemorrhoids. But with the internal form, the nodes remain inside, so it is more difficult to diagnose.

As a rule, the development of the disease begins during pregnancy due to poor nutrition, constipation, and a sedentary lifestyle. During pregnancy, as the fetus grows, the uterus also enlarges; it puts more and more pressure on the pelvic organs, provoking stagnation of the blood. As a result, hemorrhoids develop. But this can be avoided, even during pregnancy.

There are 4 main reasons for the development of the disease during pregnancy:

  • As mentioned above, as the uterus grows, the pressure on the pelvic organs also increases. Blood stops flowing from the plexuses of blood vessels, and its stagnation begins, and the walls of the veins stretch. The more pronounced the phenomena become, the larger the uterus becomes. It is for this reason that the development of hemorrhoids during pregnancy occurs in the 2nd and 3rd trimester.
  • Constipation. They also arise due to physiological characteristics. During pregnancy, the uterus begins to put pressure on the intestines, and intestinal tone decreases. Feces do not pass out, constipation begins.
  • During pregnancy, closer to childbirth, a woman stops moving a lot due to increased body weight. Blood flow in the lower part of the body slows down, and conditions are favorable for the development of hemorrhoids.
  • Nutrition. When a woman is pregnant, her taste preferences change every day. Today she eats salted, tomorrow smoked, all washed down with milk and ice cream. Marinades and spicy dishes become favorites. Regular consumption of such foods also provokes blood stagnation, and therefore the development of hemorrhoids.

Types of disease

Hemorrhoids - what is it? There are two forms of the disease - the form of internal and the form of external hemorrhoids. It depends on the location of the nodes. Both forms have the same initial symptoms, but over time the disease changes. Internal hemorrhoids are distinguished by nodes that are located inside and are not visible without special examination. But in external hemorrhoids, the nodes are visible to the patient himself. Due to its close location to the anus, the nodes often fall out during stool.

How to get rid of it?

During pregnancy or after childbirth during breastfeeding, hemorrhoids often develop in women, literally in every sixth case. Of course, this disease is very annoying, but it is possible and necessary to cope with it. After all, acute hemorrhoids can come with complications in the form of infections, strangulated nodes, thrombosis and even oncology. How to get rid of hemorrhoids that occur during childbirth? How to treat hemorrhoids during guarding? What should you do first? Let's try to figure it out.

The first thing you should do when the first signs of the disease appear is to go to a proctologist. You cannot try to cure hemorrhoids on your own, especially during guards. Firstly, not every medicine is suitable for a nursing mother, and secondly, only complex treatment prescribed by a specialist can defeat the disease.

To completely cure this disease and remove the nodes that cause so much trouble and pain, you will have to use medications, folk remedies, and follow other doctor’s orders.

We treat correctly

  1. The first thing that treatment of the disease will require is to change the diet, which should be suitable for the baby with hemorrhoids, and at the same time, should help get rid of hemorrhoids. The menu should contain more fiber, fermented milk products, bran, beets, and vegetable soups. But spicy and salty dishes, as well as smoked and fatty ones, will have to be removed from the diet, especially since they are harmful for guards.
  2. A woman who has lost her shape after childbirth will have to resume physical activity. You need to walk more and do special exercises for blood flow. In addition, treatment also consists of the use of various drugs. You will have to use ointments or suppositories for hemorrhoids, which are not contraindicated for hemorrhoids.
  3. The simplest and most effective remedy for hemorrhoids is its prevention. In order not to suffer from illness after childbirth, when choosing treatment, you should monitor your health during pregnancy. Namely: do not use tight underwear, move more, do gymnastics, eat right.

What can you take

Treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth can be complicated by the choice of medication, because it is very easy to harm the baby through breast milk during breastfeeding. However, modern pharmaceuticals have a wide range of drugs that have no contraindications for use by women after childbirth and during the guard period.

The drug is sold in the form of ointments and suppositories. We will leave “Relief” suppositories for internal hemorrhoids (treatment), but external hemorrhoids are easier to treat with “Relief” ointments. The main range of activities of Relief is the treatment of inflammation, stopping bleeding and pain relief. In addition, “Relief” suppositories also eliminate constipation, helping stool to pass out.

The local anesthetic benzocaine is included in Relief Advance, so this drug is often prescribed for too severe pain. "Relief Ultra" is more aimed at stopping bleeding, thanks to the hormonal component in the composition.

"Relief" is not contraindicated for women after childbirth during guards. But it should be remembered that the chemicals contained in its composition are carried into the milk by the baby, so treatment with this drug should be under the supervision of a doctor. And cocoa butter and shark liver oil in its composition can provoke an allergic reaction in the baby. The doctor also decides how long the course of treatment lasts.

Heparin ointment

Hemorrhoids after childbirth: treatment at the first stage of development is possible with Heparin ointment. The drug has a mild, gentle effect. The main treatment of the ointment is aimed at relieving inflammation and relieving pain. The drug can be taken during breastfeeding; this will not affect the composition of breast milk.


The ointment is ideal for the treatment of external hemorrhoids. Relieves inflammation and pain, quickly heals cracks and regenerates tissue. But most importantly, it allows you to restore a woman’s immune system. If the ointment is taken frequently, the initial stage of the disease passes very quickly.

Ointment "Vishnevskaya"

An absolutely safe drug that relieves inflammation. However, you need to know how to use the ointment correctly to cure hemorrhoids. Three days before using the drug, you need to start taking baths with the addition of potassium permanganate. They will perfectly kill germs and disinfect. How long does the course last? The effect of such treatment will come quickly.

Homeopathic medicines

A popular medicine for external hemorrhoids in this series is “Fleming’s” ointment. It consists only of natural ingredients, for example, oils of various herbs. It is best to use ointment with sea buckthorn oil. It quickly removes inflammation and pain, heals wounds and cracks.


Many recipes have been invented by people to combat this common disease. However, during lactation one should be wary of treatment with folk remedies and use them only on the advice of a proctologist.

  1. You can cure the disease with this folk recipe. Finely chop 4 heads of garlic and place in a bowl with a glass of boiling milk, boil for a minute, stirring with a spatula as you go. At night, douche with a warm infusion. After only 4 procedures, relief will come.
  2. Onions are considered a good helper in the fight against hemorrhoids. You need to take 5 medium onions along with the husks and place them in a saucepan with milk. Place over low heat and cook until the milk turns pink. Every day you need to take steam baths over this medicine before going to bed. The course of treatment is until complete recovery. This folk method is good for treating cracks and swelling. The nodes soften and gradually subside.
  3. It is good to treat external hemorrhoids after childbirth with folk remedies such as sitz baths. There are many recipes. These can be infusions and decoctions of chamomile, yarrow, water pepper, oak bark, and onion peel. The procedure lasts 15-20 minutes, several times a day.
  4. If the itching is very annoying, you can put aspen leaves directly on the nodes for a couple of hours. Of course, you won’t be able to completely get rid of hemorrhoids this way, but relief comes quickly.
  5. You can use this folk recipe, it acts as an antibiotic. It's simple. Smear the sore spot and the nodes themselves with natural honey. You can make candles from candied honey, but they are more suitable for internal hemorrhoids.

No matter how effective a particular drug or prescription is, the treatment of hemorrhoids should be comprehensive, together with diet and physical activity. Only a serious approach to treatment and expert advice will help eliminate the disease once and for all.

Education: Graduated from the Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogov, Faculty of Medicine. Took advanced training courses. Primary specialization is in coloproctology at the State Research Center of Coloproctology. Worked at the City Scientific and Practical Center for Coloproctology of St. Petersburg.

Experience: Proctologist. Medical practice experience – 25 years. Author of more than 40 articles on medical topics. A regular participant in conferences and symposia, where problems of modern medicine are covered.

Provides highly qualified diagnosis and treatment of many diseases: hemorrhoids, anal fissures, various diseases of the colon, and successfully diagnoses neoplasms of the perianal area and rectum in the early stages. Also conducts examinations of children.

Hemorrhoids after childbirth are a consequence of physiological disorders. These are varicose veins in the rectum, resulting in hemorrhoids.

When this disease appears, women experience pain, irritation, and others. If you do not start timely treatment, you may experience severe itching or.

During childbirth, severe stress occurs in the pelvis. He becomes weakened and more susceptible to a variety of disorders. There is a decrease in the tone of the anal muscle tissue and a malfunction of intestinal motility.

Clinical picture of the disease

There are two types of the disease - internal and external hemorrhoids. In the first case, the nodes and seals are located inside the rectum, so women do not immediately pay attention to the problem that has arisen.

There are several of the most common:

  • sensation of itching and burning during bowel movements;
  • when bending over or in a sitting position, discomfort appears in the anal area;
  • irregular sharp pain in the lower abdomen;
  • bowel movement does not bring relief;
  • blood clots in stool and traces on underwear;
  • mucus discharge from the anus;
  • frequent constipation, nodes appear on the inner walls of the rectum, which can increase in size at any time, which provokes constipation;
  • occur with progressive internal hemorrhoids.

Symptoms of a woman having a rash after childbirth:

  • a feeling of severe heaviness in the anal area;
  • regular discomfort, itching and burning in the anus;
  • the girl feels a foreign body in the rectum;
  • excessive pain during bowel movements;
  • bloody clots appear.

The external form of hemorrhoids is accompanied by prolapse of the nodes, making it difficult and painful to move. If you do not consult a doctor in time, the cones begin to bleed.

Features of the treatment of postpartum hemorrhoids

After bearing and giving birth to a child, the girl’s body must restore its own defenses. Hemorrhoids cause its regular and excessive weakening.

You need to pay attention to this problem in time and take care of proper treatment.

Why do difficulties arise? This disease harms the well-being of a young mother and her baby. Representatives of the fair sex feel physical pain and experience stress.

This interferes with the body’s recovery, long-term postpartum depression sets in, and it also becomes more difficult to care for the newborn.

Regular bleeding affects the quality of breast milk and negatively affects protective functions. With severe manifestations of anemia, a nursing mother loses milk.

After the birth of a child, girls may not take all medications. First of all, preference is given to those medications that do not have a negative effect on the baby.

The active components should not be absorbed into the blood or breast milk. A large number of medications contain hormonal substances that are contraindicated during breastfeeding.

How to cure third stage hemorrhoids

Patients experience constant and regular loss of lumps that do not retract inward on their own.

When walking you feel acute pain, burning and discomfort. To avoid complications, it is necessary to seek qualified help in time.

For treatment, the proctologist prescribes cryotherapy. The units are frozen with a special refrigerant. Next, the cones are destroyed and pulled out from the anus. In rare cases, it is used to cut out nodes under anesthesia.

After assessing the patient's condition, the doctor prescribes suture ligation. Ointments, gels and other medications for this form of hemorrhoids are ineffective.

Ligation of hemorrhoids with latex rings

What happens if there is no treatment at all?

The fourth stage is the most severe form of the disease, in which the lumps reach enormous sizes and regularly fall out of the rectum.

Due to dysfunction of the sphincter, uncontrolled bowel movements occur. Anemia occurs due to bleeding. Patients feel severe attacks of pain.

To cope with this stage of hemorrhoids, the proctologist prescribes exclusively complex treatment:

  • , nodes and hemorrhoids are treated using an infrared ray.
  • radio wave surgery.
  • removal of nodes with laser.

How to cure hemorrhoids after childbirth - the top 10 best and safest ways can be found out by watching the video:

Nutrition for a new mother

Along with the treatment of hemorrhoids, you need to pay attention to a special diet.

If you do not change your usual eating habits, it will be more difficult to cope with the disease. You should include in your daily diet products that help improve the digestive system and intestinal motility.

The special diet includes rice and buckwheat groats, fermented milk products, natural vegetable oil, bran, and fiber.

The peculiarity of the diet for hemorrhoids after childbirth is to maintain the intestines and organically combine with feeding. The quality of milk and the health of the baby depend on the products.

You need to pay attention to the consumption of dried apricots, prunes, fresh fruits and vegetables. To prevent constipation, it is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

Salty, hot and spicy foods, carbonated drinks, spices, and legumes are excluded from the diet.

Folk recipes

To get rid of hemorrhoids with the help of traditional medicine, the following recipes are suitable for a young mother immediately after childbirth:

  1. 50 grams of birch leaves are steamed in a liter of hot water. The infusion is kept for thirty minutes and used for a warm sedentary bath.
  2. For painful constipation, experts recommend that young mothers drink fresh onion juice. Drink it five times a day, one teaspoon before meals.
  3. Douching with a rubber bulb with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The mixture is introduced into the anus and kept for one minute. The course of treatment cannot exceed more than one week.

What to do if hemorrhoids come out during childbirth?

If hemorrhoids appeared just before childbirth, then you don’t need to worry too much about it.

It is best to immediately notify your gynecologist or the doctor who will deliver the baby. Girls can give birth with this disease in the absence of contraindications.

After childbirth, the mother's condition may worsen slightly. There will be pain and discomfort in the anal area.

To reduce the discomfort and negative manifestations of hemorrhoids, it is necessary to start treatment on time.

If the doctor noted the fourth stage of hemorrhoids in a woman in labor, then delivery in this case is possible only by cesarean section. This is facilitated by severe bleeding or.

Opinion of women in labor

To better understand how to get rid of hemorrhoids after childbirth, you should study the reviews of girls and women who have already gone through this.

During pregnancy there were problems with the intestines, after which hemorrhoids began. At the consultation, the proctologist recommended suppositories. Within a few days I felt much better. At the same time, I followed a special diet to get rid of constipation.

Valentina, 41

I have long heard about the healing properties of horse chestnut bark and decided to try them on myself. I took about 50 grams of dry bark and poured boiling water over it.

After the decoction has infused and released its beneficial substances, it can be used. I took warm sitz baths for 15 minutes. It relieves pain and discomfort well. Moreover, it is completely harmless to the baby and does not affect breast milk.

Selena, 27

Preventive actions

To avoid the development of hemorrhoids, you need to properly organize your own daily routine.

After childbirth, it is necessary to allow the body to fully strengthen and recover. Then you can start doing light sports and physical exercise. Blood should not stagnate in the pelvic organs.

At the first signs of hemorrhoids, you need to adhere to the following preventive measures:

At the first signs of the development and appearance of hemorrhoids, you should definitely seek help from a doctor.

Pregnant girls and nursing mothers should be careful about their own health. There is no need to self-medicate to prevent hemorrhoids from becoming chronic.

After a complete examination, the proctologist will recommend an effective treatment method and a special diet.

Only with a serious approach to treatment, as well as following all the doctor’s recommendations, can this disease be cured once and for all.