I feed breast milk and eat everything I can eat. Scientific basis for preparing a diet for a nursing mother. Products prohibited during breastfeeding

To make milk satisfying and healthy for infant, mom should eat well every day. All food should be rich in proteins, fats, microelements, carbohydrates, and vitamins necessary for a growing body.


Their number in daily menu- 20 %. This amounts to 2 grams for every kilogram of the mother’s total weight. First of all, it must be animal proteins: lean fish and meat, milk, kefir and other fermented milk products, cheese, eggs, cottage cheese. All products must be fresh and of high quality. It is better to give preference to homemade fermented milk and meat products.


The amount of fat should not exceed 15%. Their main sources are animal and vegetable fats, dairy products, eggs, meat, and fish.


The most important component daily ration, therefore the ratio of carbohydrates is the highest - 60%. However, you need to remember that it is better not to consume fresh baked goods, highly sweet cereals and juices, because they often provoke processes of increased gas formation.

Food should be varied and safe. You need to drink more liquid per day.

What can a nursing mother of a newborn eat after giving birth?

Most young mothers after the birth of a child are afraid that at the beginning of this period they will not be able to eat anything at all. In fact, this is not true, because the diet can always be varied with healthy, wholesome and tasty food.

Vegetables and fruits

Vegetables must be present in the diet every day, because they are very healthy and important for normal operation gastrointestinal tract. In the first and second months they should only be boiled and steamed. Fresh vegetables and juices from them can be administered in small quantities in the fourth month after the start of lactation.

Potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, eggplants, bell pepper You don’t have to fry them or add a lot of oil and mayonnaise to make them tasty.

red fish

During lactation, it is generally better to exclude exotic vegetables and fruits that are not familiar to us.

The safest fruits Green apples (necessarily baked) and bananas are considered. You need to give preference to seasonal fruits and berries, do not eat watermelons in May and strawberries in February. Plums, pears, grapes, citrus fruits and raspberries should be avoided altogether for a while lactation period.

Poultry, meat and meat products

Meat products significantly increase the amount of milk, replenish strength and saturate the body. Acceptable varieties include beef, veal, chicken, turkey, and rabbit. They can be consumed in any form, except fried.

It is generally not recommended to introduce sausage, smoked meats, frankfurters and other semi-finished products into your diet during the entire lactation period, because most of them have a questionable composition and shelf life.


Fish and seafood

Fish is an essential component of a nursing mother's diet. It can be eaten boiled and steamed. Preference should be given to red fish and low-fat varieties:

  • Heku;
  • Pollock;
  • Cod.

red fish

It is better not to consume seafood (shrimp, squid, shellfish) until at least 6-8 months. They are the cause of many allergic reactions. You need to introduce them into your diet one little at a time, making sure to monitor the baby’s reaction.

The danger of seafood lies in the fact that it is not known where they were caught, in what conditions they lived and were stored, being already frozen.


An excellent solution for fortifying breast milk useful microelements. Cereals can be added to soups or cooked as a side dish. Almost all of their types are allowed in unlimited quantities. The only condition is that they must be prepared at home at clean water. From 6 months they can be cooked with milk.


From millet and pearl barley will need to be abandoned until the baby is three months old.


These products are responsible for saturating our body with beneficial lactobacilli necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. A young mother should definitely use them large quantities. At the same time, you are allowed to drink milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, eat cottage cheese and sour cream.


What a nursing mother should not eat

The period of breastfeeding should be deprived of the following products:

  1. Fatty, fried, smoked, too salty, peppery;
  2. Alcohol in any of its forms;
  3. Carbonated drinks;
  4. Coffee, cocoa;
  5. Strong black tea and green tea, which contains fruit additives;
  6. Chocolate;
  7. Fresh baked goods, rich cakes and pastries;
  8. Pickles, semi-finished products and canned food;
  9. Semi-finished products;
  10. Beans, peas;
  11. Fruits and vegetables that are not typical for our climate;
  12. Gribov - heavy product for children's digestive system.

ATTENTION! There have been many recorded cases of mushrooms causing serious poisoning.

Allergen-containing products

Vegetables and fruits that grow far beyond the young mother’s place of residence. It is better to eat what is familiar and familiar to our body.

The most common foods that cause allergies in babies are:

  • Chocolate;
  • Citrus;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Nuts;
  • Seafood;
  • Eggs;
  • Some types of fish;
  • Canned food;
  • Strawberries, raspberries, all red vegetables and fruits;
  • Carrot;
  • Cow's milk (at least in the first month of life).

If the mother has a mild allergy to any product, she should not consume it for at least a year until the breastfeeding period ends. breast milk. A week should pass after the introduction of each new product. This is the only way to determine, if necessary, why the baby has a rash or redness.

Table of allowed and prohibited foods during breastfeeding

The list of foods that you can eat after childbirth is quite long. It is presented in the following table.

Features of use

Dairy products

The healthiest thing for mother and baby is kefir. The permissible daily amount should not exceed half a liter. Taking too much of it can cause bloating or diarrhea.

Allowed in small quantities. At the same time, it should have a creamy taste and not be too spicy or salty.

Cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt

It is better to opt for homemade products, because they will be truly natural and healthy, without preservatives or additives.

IN weekly diet she should only appear twice a week. This is very allergenic product. In addition, fish varieties should be low-fat. This could be, for example, pollock, hake, pike perch.

Only baked. Preference should be given to green varieties that will not be grown abroad. This way they will be deprived of special treatment and will have great benefit for the baby.

Carrots, beets, zucchini

Consumed only boiled and baked no earlier than 3 months after birth. This is explained by the fact that carrots are a strong allergen, and beets can cause loose stools in a child.

In the first month, the amount of their use should be limited to one piece per day. In general, this fruit is very healthy, because it contains many vitamins and microelements.

Cooked in vegetable and meat (low-fat) broths. The main thing is that they do not contain cabbage and legumes.

Vegetable oil

The permissible dose per day is 15 ml. It is better to use unrefined oil: sunflower, corn, olive.


A must-have product that can be eaten with a sandwich or added to porridge. Maximum amount per day - 25 ml.

You can introduce any baked goods into your diet, but they should no longer be fresh (the nursing mother eats them on the second day after baking) so as not to cause severe bloating tummy


It is better to give preference to durum wheat varieties. You can use them from the first days of a child’s life.

Introduce into your diet with caution. Be sure to monitor the baby’s reaction, since protein is a very strong allergen.


The healthiest ones will be baked, boiled in their skins or as a puree.

You need to drink as much as possible pure, still water no dyes. An excellent solution would be to use dried fruit compote.

Green tea without aromatic additives and weak black tea. The stronger the drink, the worse sleep child.


In the first months after childbirth, you are allowed to eat only biscuits, bagels and crackers.

List of prohibited products

A small amount of one candy is allowed to be consumed only from the third month of the baby’s life.

Caviar and seafood

Caviar - useful product if she has good quality. Seafood should be treated with caution, because most of them can accumulate harmful metals, the presence of which in the body of the mother and child will play a negative role.

Raw vegetables

A complete ban on tomatoes, radishes, cabbage and cucumbers in the first three months of the baby’s life.

Vegetables, fruits and red berries

The mother should refrain from eating raspberries, strawberries and wild strawberries. The best time to try them is five months after birth.

It is prohibited in any form: stewed, raw, boiled, as it provokes severe flatulence.

Different kinds legumes, onions, garlic

They must be eaten with great caution, as they can produce milk. bad taste, as a result of which the child will refuse to eat it.

Pears and grapes

Banned until at least six months have passed after giving birth. They provoke strong gas formation

Melon watermelon

Only homemade varieties are allowed to be consumed, because store-bought products can lead to poisoning

Citrus and various Exotic fruits

Until three months, you should not eat them at all, because they are strong allergens. After 3-4 months, you are allowed to eat no more than one slice of fruit per day.

You should give them up in the first six months.

Sausage, frankfurters, smoked meats, semi-finished products

Due to the unclear composition and quality of these products, it is better to introduce them into your diet as late as possible.

Fresh pastries, cakes with rich cream

They provoke tummy problems.


Because of it, flatulence often occurs.

Barley porridge

It is forbidden to eat it until the baby is three months old.

Carbonated and colored drinks

Strong tea with additives, coffee

Disturbs the baby's sleep and causes insomnia.

Fatty, fried, smoked foods

Heavy on the child's digestive system.

Hamburgers, hot dogs and other fast food dishes

It has a dubious origin and composition, many sauces that are harmful to the body.

Ice cream

Contains preservatives and dyes.


Harmful in any lactation period.

A woman breastfeeding a baby should monitor her diet as responsibly as she did during pregnancy. In the first month after childbirth, the mother's diet has special meaning both for her child and for herself.

Today, in all kinds of sources you can find information about the benefits and necessity of breastfeeding. Modern moms trying their best to improve good lactation so that their child receives the most healthy, natural breast milk. Breastfeeding is desirable for many reasons:

  1. A newborn baby develops a strong immune system from the first minutes of life.
  2. Mother's milk greatly reduces the risk of problems with digestive tract.
  3. At breastfeeding the likelihood of developing allergies is minimized.
  4. Proper lactation is also beneficial for women themselves. It helps to quickly recover normal weight, reduces the risk of developing breast cancer, promotes uterine contraction.
  5. Breastfeeding is not only the most natural and natural way of feeding, but also the most inexpensive and accessible.

The nutrition of a mother after childbirth while breastfeeding is of great importance:

  • it helps to establish proper lactation and prolong natural feeding for as long as possible;
  • The amount of necessary nutritional components entering her body and the child’s body directly depends on a woman’s diet. Vitamins, micro- and macroelements are also transferred to the child along with mother’s milk;
  • the frequency, intensity, and pain of intestinal colic also depend on what the young mother eats in the first months after childbirth;
  • a proper diet helps minimize the risk of developing diathesis;
  • The taste of breast milk also directly depends on what the woman eats.

The first month is especially important in breastfeeding; the diet at this time has a number of characteristic features. The diet of a nursing mother after childbirth should initially be quite strict so that the milk does not cause discomfort to the baby. New products are introduced into the menu one at a time and infrequently, each time checking the child’s reaction. However, a woman’s diet should not be meager; all components should be present in it in sufficient and balanced form.

Nutrition after childbirth can often include foods that enhance lactation. After all, at this time, milk secretion is not yet sufficiently established and its quantity may not be enough for the baby.

Speaking about nutrition after childbirth, Dr. Komarovsky, and many pediatricians, advise not to go to extremes. You should not eat too much, hoping that in this case the child will definitely get everything he needs. Excess food will not have the best effect on a woman’s figure, and the presence of all foods indiscriminately in the diet can lead to diathesis and intestinal colic. Doctors also do not advise undereating. IN such a case milk is not saturated with the required amount nutrients, often worsens its taste, and a meager diet does not have the best effect on the mother’s body.

Principles of nutrition for mothers after childbirth

  1. Food should be high in calories, but in moderation. The ideal caloric value is considered to be 3000-3200 kcal. You shouldn’t eat more than this, otherwise the extra calories will lead to weight gain.
  2. The completeness and variety of the menu are very important. Food should contain everything: proteins, fats and carbohydrates, a full range of essential vitamins, micro- and macroelements.
  3. To complement healthy food you need to drink enough. 2.5 liters of water, teas and juices count the best option. This amount of fluid to drink should be maintained from 2-3 weeks after birth.
  4. In the first month you need to be very careful with any dairy products. Whole milk can cause allergies. If dairy products are present in the diet, be sure to check their freshness when purchasing.
  5. Food should have a beneficial effect on intestinal function. Products that have this effect include whole grain bread, fresh fruits and vegetables.
  6. Regardless of what exactly a woman will eat after childbirth, she must follow a diet. This regimen includes breakfast, lunch and dinner and 2 small snacks between them. This approach allows milk to be constantly produced in sufficient quantities.
  7. It is important for a nursing mother to fill her daily menu only environmentally friendly and natural food.

What can you eat after childbirth: a sample list of products

We will try to give at least an approximate list of what you can eat in the first month after childbirth:

  • for lunches ideal option there will be soups that are not very fatty and do not contain cabbage;
  • must be consumed and vegetable oils, at least 15 ml per day. It can be simple sunflower oil, as well as olive or corn oil;
  • Butter should also be present in the diet; 25 g is enough per day;
  • suitable for diet and cereals: buckwheat, oatmeal, corn grits;
  • nursing mothers can eat potatoes;
  • Apples and carrots are very useful, you can eat them separately, but it will be tastier to prepare a salad;
  • The nutritional menu after childbirth should include meat and fish products; it is recommended to eat about 200 g of them per day;
  • if the body tolerates milk well, then about 200 g of fresh sour cream or kefir can be included in the diet;
  • Nursing women should definitely eat fruits and fresh vegetables;
  • you can drink natural juices, but not from citrus fruits;
  • every 2 days it is allowed to consume 100-200 g of cheese or cottage cheese;
  • You can supplement your diet multivitamin complexes and calcium supplements.

What not to eat after childbirth

From healthy and proper diet Certain types of products should be excluded:

  • chocolate, cocoa and all foods containing these components;
  • citrus fruits and bright red berries;
  • pineapples, melons and watermelons;
  • do not rely on smoked and fried foods;
  • It’s better to avoid canned food altogether;
  • Pediatricians also do not advise young mothers to eat sausages, red fish and exotic seafood;
  • Any food containing dyes and preservatives is harmful;
  • You need to be careful with nuts and honey.

All products listed are considered allergenic. It is important for every mother to monitor individual characteristics her child, because in some children diathesis may manifest itself in ways that at first glance seem harmless. Some children, on the contrary, tolerate nuts, honey, cocoa, etc. completely normally.

The mother's diet after childbirth can also affect the appearance of intestinal colic. As a rule, bloating in a child is caused by:

  • milk;
  • pasta;
  • flour products, for example, baked goods, cakes;
  • confectionery;
  • some fruits, berries and vegetables: cabbage, cucumbers, apples, grapes;
  • legumes;
  • black bread.

There are also foods that affect the taste of breast milk and make it not so tasty for the baby. These include garlic and onions, spices, spicy seasonings. A large amount of sweet or salty foods in the diet can change the taste of milk.

Use of lactation products after childbirth

In the first month, lactation is often scanty, so many women have to consume additional medications. Among folk remedies for a long time Tea with milk was popular. Nowadays it is believed that such a drink does not improve lactation, but kefir and green tea really help milk production.

For lactation, it is also recommended to drink Laktovit, Apilak or Lactogen, as well as teas from Nestlé and Hipp. Prepare useful remedy You can, for example, make a decoction of fennel or caraway seeds at home.

Diet after childbirth: sample menu

In the first days of the birth of a child, his mother, who is breastfeeding, must adhere to a strict diet. Doctors say you can eat in the maternity hospital after giving birth buckwheat porridge on water, supplementing it with steamed beef, as well as a small amount hard cheese. We must not forget about drinking - a sufficient amount of liquid will contribute to rapid recovery.

It is believed that on the 3rd day after giving birth, the mother can already eat the following:

  • whole grain porridge;
  • vegetable soups no meat and preferably no or little potatoes;
  • baked vegetables without oil, pepper;
  • fermented milk drinks, natural compotes;
  • You can add bran to the menu, and also drink at least 1 liter of liquid.

By day 7, the diet can be slightly changed. So, here’s what a woman in labor can eat a week after giving birth:

  • broths cooked with chicken or beef;
  • steamed or boiled fish;
  • rice or millet porridge with water;
  • cottage cheese;
  • apples;
  • At this time you need to drink at least 2.5 liters of liquid.

It is advisable to stay on this diet for up to 21 days. Now let’s look at what a nursing mother can eat from 21 days after birth:

  • boiled or steamed chicken;
  • baked potato;
  • beets;
  • pears;
  • chicken eggs;
  • natural fruit drinks;
  • cookie.

Nutrition chart after childbirth:

After the baby is born, his mother’s menu should be taken under close control. You should pay attention to each ingredient. Only in this case can the full growth and development of the child be guaranteed. A proper sleep and rest regime also plays an important role. It is important to first find out what nursing mothers can eat? It is allowed to include only safe foods in the diet that will not cause colic or gas. There is a list of permitted and prohibited products, which should be constantly visible to a young and inexperienced mother in this area.

The main criteria for forming a complete diet

Before including any product in your diet, you should first find out its composition in terms of vitamins and minerals. It is important for a woman to receive from her daily diet:

  • 20% protein components;
  • 60% carbohydrate component;
  • 15% fatty compounds.

It also requires replenishing your water balance every day. To do this, you need to consume it in a volume of at least one liter. For lunch, it is best to eat soup or borscht. Your choice should be chicken broth. All fermented milk products also contain benefits for the body. They contain bacteria beneficial to the intestines, which help digest all food entering the body. Thanks to them, the composition of breast milk improves and becomes more beneficial and nutritious for the baby.

Your daily diet should include foods with high content calcium. It is used by the child's body to form teeth and bones. Subsequently musculoskeletal system it will be needed in large quantities. If there is not enough of it, the woman risks worsening the condition of her teeth, nails and hair.

During breastfeeding, the menu should be perfectly balanced

What can you eat

You should eat every day while breastfeeding following products power supply:

  • meat or fish depending on individual preferences;
  • homemade cottage cheese or hard cheese;
  • high quality fermented milk products with a small percentage of fat content;
  • chicken and quail eggs.

You should only eat meat with a low fat content. It should be boiled or steamed. Remember that the first month is necessary for the child to adapt the digestive system to changes environment. If an allergy or irritation appears on the skin, it should be concluded that all the ingredients have not yet settled in the intestines. essential bacteria for processing animal protein. Indigestion, which manifests itself in the form of colic and bloating, negatively affects the baby’s well-being. Therefore, the product should be included in the daily diet in small portions. In some cases, doctors prescribe additional intake of probiotics and lactobacilli, which significantly speed up the process.

Lactation is a special period in the life of every woman. At this time, nutritionists advise to be careful about eating mushrooms. They can be included in the diet only if they are grown at home in a greenhouse garden. The mushroom has the ability to absorb all harmful and toxic elements from the environment. Therefore, in an ecologically unstable region, a woman can introduce poisons into the body along with them. Among them, herbicides and emissions from factories, factories, and cars are especially dangerous. They do not affect the adult body harmful effects, however, they can even become fatal for babies.

The seeds do not contain harmful additives

If there is a need to enrich the body with vegetable protein, then you should eat a nut. However, it is best to avoid this food product in the first month after the baby is born. They are incredibly nutritious, but the vegetable fat content in the product increases the risk of developing an allergic reaction.

Is it healthy to eat seeds? At its core, the product also contains a large amount of protein. plant origin. That is why in small quantities it has positive impact. It is impossible to add dyes and flavor stabilizers to the seeds, so the likelihood of an allergy when consuming them is zero. By consuming such a food product, a sufficient amount of minerals enters the body, but the child will not suffer from diathesis or rash.

Can milk cause allergies? The product is beneficial to the body due to the bacteria it contains. However, breastfeeding experts recommend choosing fermented milk products and cottage cheese. Pure milk can be added to tea in limited quantities. You should not overuse condensed milk, since it contains excessive amounts of sugar and all kinds of preservatives. They can cause a negative reaction on the baby’s skin in the form of a rash.

The importance of carbohydrates in the diet

A proper diet should be balanced during breastfeeding. For this purpose, you should eat all kinds of cereals, soups and bread. Great amount vitamins are found in vegetables and fruits.

You can eat soup while breastfeeding only if the broth is not fatty. Immediately after giving birth, it is recommended to cook it with just water. Broth causes rashes and peeling of the skin in some babies, so it should be introduced into the diet in small portions and gradually. After chicken, you can switch to beef version. Meat should be added directly to the soup itself in small quantities.

In the first thirty days after childbirth, you must give up sweets and baked goods. Store-bought desserts are harmful due to the presence of leavening agents, flavorings and taste stabilizers. They always manifest themselves in the form of diathesis in the baby. Therefore, it is allowed to eat only ordinary bread and cereals with water.

Baked apples can be eaten even after childbirth

The meaning of fruits and vegetables

Mommy should receive enough vitamins and enzymes. They are passed on to the baby through breast milk and are involved in correct formation gastrointestinal tract. For high-quality intestinal function, it is necessary to enrich the body with fiber. It also helps remove toxic and poisonous substances. However, some fruits and vegetables cause gas in the baby, which manifests itself in the form of colic. That is why a woman should be careful about their choice and correctly introduce them into the diet.

Eating raw foods while breastfeeding should be started gradually. You can try an apple for the first time a week after the baby is born. Some breastfeeding experts recommend eating a spoonful of coleslaw. To make the baby’s reaction noticeable, they should be consumed in the first half of the day. In the absence of rash and irritation, the portion is increased several times.

If parents notice that the child’s digestive system is not yet ready for these components, then they are excluded again.

During the first month of your baby's life, it is best to opt for baked vegetables and fruits. This processing allows you to save everything positive properties product, but kills harmful enzymes. This reduces the likelihood of gas formation in the baby.

What to choose: apples or bananas?

On the one hand, apples and bananas can be eaten by a nursing mother. However, there is also an opinion that it is best to exclude these products. For example, some babies are negatively affected by their mother's regular consumption of bananas. An allergic reaction appears on their skin. Deterioration of the condition was also recorded after eating regular apples. In this case, fruits are refused for an indefinite period.

It is recommended to eat exactly those varieties of apples to which the body has already adapted during pregnancy. Their pectin and fiber help in a natural way cleanse the body. With their help, fecal deposits are removed quickly and effectively.

Apples are a permitted product. However, attention should be paid to its variety and take into account the effect of the ingredient on the body during pregnancy. Pectin and fiber are used to naturally cleanse the intestinal walls. That is why, after the baby is born, vegetables and fruits are mandatory should be included in the diet of a nursing mother.

At the same time, pectin is useful only for the mother’s body. It removes toxins and waste. If a baby gets the component through mother's milk, the likelihood of bloating and colic increases. Minimize the probability negative impact possible by peeling the fruit.

Peas and cabbage are dangerous due to the appearance of gases in a woman’s intestines. Gastrointestinal tract also reacts to the penetration of the ingredient. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful when including them in your diet. Active components can be killed by heat treatment. All fruits and vegetables retain their positive properties when baked.

To combat flatulence, folk remedies should be used. To do this, use tincture of chamomile or dill. Their effect is mild, but helps remove excess gases from the intestines.

Replace sweets with dried fruits

Exotic products

What should a woman eat from fruits that are brought to our country from abroad? For example, oranges and persimmons have long been familiar dishes on the table of any average person. However, during breastfeeding they can often cause an allergic reaction. Particularly dangerous are substances that are used to treat products to increase shelf life and transportation. They can be eliminated by removing the peel. It accumulates all the negative substances that negatively affect the body not only of the child, but also of the mother.

If you really want sweets, then it is best to eat dried fruits. You should not choose a product that is too fragrant and beautiful. Because this indicates additional processing. This effect can be achieved by soaking fruits in a special composition or impregnation. various solutions. A woman can eat dried apricots, raisins and dates without fear. At home, you can also prepare dried versions of apples, pears and plums.

All nutritionists unanimously confirm that during breastfeeding it is best to eat those vegetables and fruits that are typical for a given region. You should remember the basic rules for introducing them into the diet. At the first stage, a small piece is tasted, and then the portion is gradually increased to the maximum permissible norm:

  • Even immediately after giving birth, you can eat baked apples. Over time, the dish is replaced with a raw version only if there is no negative reaction in digestive system baby.
  • If your child rarely suffers from colic, you can try introducing pears into the diet.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding you should avoid the following foods:

  • Grapes, as it greatly weakens intestinal tone. Plum has the same properties.
  • The only citrus fruit you are allowed to eat is lemon.
  • It is best to temporarily exclude all exotic foods from the diet.

In the event that the baby has a negative reaction to natural vitamins, they should be supplied to his body artificially

Prescription of drugs is carried out only by a specialist in this field. Vitamins can cause allergies in the baby, so it is strictly not recommended to select the drug yourself.

Prohibited Products

As the baby grows, the mother's diet also changes. However, you should avoid eating certain foods for a long time:

  • Preservatives and dyes negatively affect the body of any person. They are especially dangerous for children. Mom should carefully study the composition of each product and exclude harmful ones from the diet. These include sausage, mayonnaise, ketchup and processed cheese. Chemical substances will not have a positive impact on the development of all internal organs growing organism.
  • It is necessary to demand from a woman complete failure from purchased sweets and confectionery. They contain fat, which is difficult for the digestive system of even an adult to digest. Dough leaveners and flavor stabilizers are often used in their preparation. They become common cause the occurrence of an allergic reaction in the baby.
  • Milk and dark chocolate are also completely excluded from the diet. Almost always, this product leads to the appearance of a rash and severe redness in the baby.

As the baby grows, the list of products expands. All the necessary enzymes and bacteria begin to work in his body, so the likelihood of allergies becomes less and less.

Drinking regime

Today, not all drinks that we drink every day are beneficial for our body. The most stylish stimulant is coffee. It negatively affects the psyche and can even cause severe weakness. Caffeine promotes the outflow of fat from tissue, which is the cause of various negative processes in the baby’s body.

Fermented milk products are good for intestinal function

For a nursing mother, it is mandatory to avoid the following drinks:

  • All caffeinated drinks. Additionally, you should for some period avoid powdered milk, which is often the cause of diathesis in children.
  • The natural product kvass contains a lot of yeast. Because of them, the intestinal flora in the baby’s body can be disrupted. This reaction is fraught with the appearance of gas and colic.
  • All carbonated drinks contain many preservatives.
  • The juice in a tetra pack consists of large quantity harmful chemical compounds. They combine negatively with each other and will do much more harm than good.

Naturally, all alcoholic beverages should be completely excluded from the diet during breastfeeding.

Dried fruit compote, tea, and fermented milk drinks have beneficial properties for the body.

Many young women who have become mothers for the first time are concerned about the question of what foods can be consumed while breastfeeding in order to provide their body with all the useful substances, but this will not harm the newborn baby.

There is a misconception in society that nursing mothers should limit themselves in almost everything. This is wrong. There are dietary restrictions, but they are not as global as they might seem.

The diet of a breastfeeding mother should consist of: the right products so that the child does not have health problems. But it is also worth considering the fact that as the baby grows up, the mother’s diet becomes more varied and multifaceted.

Table: list of products for a nursing mother by month after childbirth.

Period Diet
From the first day after birth to the tenth You are allowed to eat the following cereals:


Lean meat, oven-baked apples, bananas and butter no more than 15–20 grams per day are allowed.

From the tenth day to the end of the first month You are allowed to consume the following fermented milk products:

Cottage cheese.

The list of permitted ingredients also includes:

Baked potato.
Bran bread.
Hard cheese.

Baked vegetables are allowed:


You can drink green tea, plain water or a decoction based on rose hips.

From the first to the third month Meat you can eat is rabbit, quail, veal, beef, chicken, and lean pork.

Gradually introduced raw vegetables and fruits. Nuts should be introduced very carefully.

All types are allowed to be eaten, except pistachios and peanuts. For drinks, you can drink homemade fruit drinks.

From the third to the sixth month From porridges, millet and pearl barley are added during this period of time.

From the third month you are allowed to drink fresh juices - freshly squeezed juices from pumpkin, carrots, beets and green apples.

Spices are carefully introduced: thyme, lemon balm, allspice.

According to doctors from three months a woman can eat honey. But it is worth considering that this ingredient is a strong allergen.

From six months From six months it is allowed to include beans, legumes, seafood, eggs, White bread.

Tomatoes and cucumbers are carefully introduced into the diet from four months. Cucumbers are less likely to cause Negative consequences, and tomatoes cause colic, increased gas formation in the intestines, and severe regurgitation.

Red apples are low-allergenic foods, so they can be included in the diet provided that the mother does not have an allergic reaction to this ingredient.

Allowed varieties of fish:

  • Zander.
  • Cod.
  • Pollock.

You should be extremely careful when introducing citrus fruits, black currants and chicken eggs. All these products are very useful for female body, but they are very allergenic for the baby.

"Safe" ingredients include:

  • Dill and parsley are ingredients that improve a child’s vision.
  • Lettuce leaves and gooseberries, enhancing immune system crumbs.
  • Cottage cheese is intended to improve and strengthen the baby's skeletal system.
  • Pumpkin and squash improve the development of the baby.
  • Kefir improves digestion.

What foods should nursing mothers not eat: list

List of prohibited drinks:

  • Alcohol.
  • Coffee. Coffee contains caffeine, which causes increased activity nervous system crumbs. The consequences of drinking coffee include restlessness in the baby.
  • Carbonated drinks.

Drinking is prohibited for the first month cow's milk. Among fermented milk products, sour cream is prohibited. It is not recommended to eat broths cooked with meat.

Raisins and any raw fruits except for the banana. Black tea should be excluded from drinks.

In the first month, you should exclude all ingredients that cause flatulence (bloating).

As previously noted, the diet of a nursing mother changes from month to month. But there are ingredients that, regardless of the age of the baby, the mother is not recommended to eat.

What not to eat: food list:

  • Mushrooms of any type. Mushrooms are prohibited during any period of breastfeeding. They are very difficult to digest and cause stomach upset in the baby.

    Even harmless varieties of mushrooms (champignons, oyster mushrooms) cause problems with the baby’s digestive tract, which can only be cured with the use of lacto- and bifidobacteria.

  • Chocolate. Eating chocolate and sweets while breastfeeding is strictly prohibited. They cause the baby allergic rash, rubella, stomatitis, skin peeling, dermatitis.
  • Industrial canned food.
  • Salty cheeses.
  • Ice cream.
  • Curd cheeses.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Cream.
  • Margarine.
  • Processed cheese.
  • Semolina.
  • Sausages.
  • Sausages.
  • Cheremsha.
  • Hot peppers.
  • Salo.
  • Condensed milk.
  • Refined sugar.

In addition to the above products, it is prohibited to eat fried foods. It is worth considering that the body small child does not secrete the enzymes necessary for the digestion of heavy foods, so babies experience colic, a swollen tummy and diathesis (redness on the skin).

Milk should be introduced very carefully. This product improves lactation, but may lead to lactose allergy.

It is better not to use cow's milk, but replace it with goat's milk in an amount of no more than 250 ml per day.

If the baby has problems with the digestive tract in the first months of life, then the mother should exclude dairy products, pears, raisins, legumes, grapes, white cabbage.

It is not advisable to eat fresh bread. It is better to replace it with crackers or croquettes.

Eligible Products with Restrictions

Acceptable ingredients are foods that can be eaten in limited quantities.

List of allowed ingredients:

  • Fish fatty varieties: salmon, sturgeon, tuna, halibut – once a week.
  • Creamy margarine.
  • Radish.
  • Dried apricots.
  • Pine nuts.
  • Sunflower seeds.

Hematogen is a drug that increases the amount of iron in the female body. It is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician in cases of large blood loss during childbirth. It belongs to the enabling components, but it is prohibited to accept it yourself.

Hypoallergenic products that increase milk lactation:

  • Black bread with caraway seeds.
  • Dried fruit uzvar.
  • Purified water.
  • Nuts: almonds, walnuts.
  • Dill water.
  • Tea made from lemon balm, nettle or hawthorn.
  • Nut milk.
  • Hercules.
  • Lettuce leaf.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that all food products can be indirectly classified by color:

  • Green.
  • Reds.
  • Orange.

Ingredients Green colour can be consumed without measure. But these do not include cucumbers and white cabbage. Red ingredients are prohibited for nursing mothers, but orange fruits and vegetables should be eaten with great caution.

If a woman begins to introduce a new ingredient, then this should be done in the first half of the day.

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Today we will talk about:

The question of what a nursing mother can eat arises for every woman who has recently become a mother and intends to fully breastfeed her baby. Hearing different advice about which list of foods is allowed, a young mother is often at a loss, since such advice can be very contradictory.

Some people, answering questions about what a nursing mother can eat and what a woman can eat after giving birth, claim that the diet is in this case must be very strict.

However, the woman while breastfeeding A newborn should understand that in fact a mother’s diet can be varied, since a product that causes a negative reaction in all babies essentially does not exist.

However, over time, each woman determines what cannot be included in the diet, since there are food groups that sometimes cause gas formation, cause allergies and other negative manifestations in the baby. But, first of all, we are talking about those products that cause negative reactions(for example, allergies) in the woman herself. All other restrictions on what you can’t eat after giving birth by month, modern experts claim that during lactation, as during pregnancy, the woman’s body itself “tells” what to eat in order to provide the infant with useful substances and at the same time not provoke his development negative phenomena. Therefore, when you breastfeed, you need to try different products.

If a nursing woman wants to eat something tasty, then she can try eating a small amount of this product, while carefully monitoring the baby's reaction to foods and drinks. Therefore, if “forbidden” foods cause allergic reactions in a newborn, then you need to determine what kind of food such a reaction is developing to and remove this product from the diet when breastfeeding.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that over time, the baby’s reaction may change, so the list of what a nursing mother can eat after childbirth may vary over time. So, the reaction may change after 3 months, so later you can again try to eat and drink during breastfeeding what was once not suitable for the baby. Read more about what you can eat and drink while breastfeeding.

In the first month, the menu of a nursing mother should not be too varied. During lactation, a list of what can be eaten by month can be given by the pediatrician who is monitoring the newborn. However, in general, a nursing mother’s menu in the first month can be created independently.

So, at 1 month, the nutrition of a nursing mother in the first month includes the following products:

  • bread - wheat-rye, which contains bran, bread, but it is better to exclude baked goods;
  • vegetables - cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, zucchini (boiled and stewed, vegetable soups); carrots and white cabbage are allowed in limited quantities after childbirth;
  • porridge – dairy-free or with milk diluted with water 1:1;
  • lean meat - veal, beef, chicken (without skin);
  • dairy products - only fermented milk and natural (cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, white yogurt, kefir);
  • drinks - tea with herbs (cumin, anise, dill), compote (apples, dry fruits), weakly brewed tea.

What a nursing mother's diet should not include in the first month

The diet for breastfeeding should not include a number of foods and dishes, since after their consumption the child may develop allergies.

List of foods that a mother should not eat in the first month after the birth of her baby:

Coffee and strong tea;
whole milk;
soda, juices from the store;
sweets and confectionery;
fatty, smoked foods, canned food;
sausage, cheese;
seafood, red fish;
mustard, ketchup;
rich broths.

In addition, what a nursing mother can eat in the first month of breastfeeding is determined individually, since some “allowed” foods can also cause negative reactions in the baby. In this case, you should check with your doctor about what a nursing mother can eat in the first month.

Those close to a young mother should also strictly consider what to feed and what to prepare for a nursing woman.

What can you eat after the first month?

For a young mother, the menu becomes more varied in the second month. However, it is important that the diet is correct and rational. What you can eat also depends on the child’s reaction. And when organizing meals in the 2nd month, this must be taken into account first of all. During this period, you can eat bread; sprouted grains are also very useful.

At 3 months, a woman’s diet can sometimes include fried foods, provided they are not too greasy. Nutrition for 3 months included constant control the baby’s condition, now it needs to be continued, but the mother herself already understands perfectly well what can be eaten, what harms the child, and what he perceives normally. A child at 3 months is not yet given complementary foods, so he continues to eat exclusively mother’s milk.

The 5th month is the period when many mothers already begin to feed their baby. But at the same time, they must also monitor their own diet. Indeed, during the period of introducing complementary foods, the baby often experiences various reactions to new foods or drinks. For example, if you are giving puree or compote to a child for the first time, you should eat familiar products to clearly understand how the baby reacts to complementary feeding.

Foods high in calcium are most beneficial for a nursing mother

Experts advise keeping a kind of food diary, which will help you find out whether you can feed your baby by consuming certain foods, and what foods you can eat while breastfeeding, as well as what you can drink.

The following table will help you mark by month the list of products that you are gradually introducing:

You need to keep such a food diary constantly; it will help you clearly determine the list of foods that you should not eat, as well as what a young mother should eat.

What fruits can a nursing mother eat?

If vegetables for the mother of a newborn can be included in the diet every day during lactation, then opinions are still divided as to whether fruits can be used when feeding an infant.

Some believe that in the first 3 months of lactation you should not eat fruit under any circumstances, others believe that you can eat fruit while breastfeeding, but this should be done very carefully. But with breastfeeding, as with pregnant women, you need to be especially careful when consuming exotic fruits, as well as citrus fruits. But while such fruits can negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract and cause allergies for pregnant women, nursing mothers by consuming them put their baby at risk. Therefore, for example, you should not eat avocados during breastfeeding. Carambola, mango, avocado, kiwi, pineapple and other exotic foods should not be present in a woman’s diet.

It is beneficial for both mother and baby to eat, first of all, those fruits that grow in the places where they were born and live. And if Spanish mothers, for example, find it useful to eat oranges and use them for complementary feeding, then ours are better off preferring tasty and healthy fruits that grow in our country.

In addition, greens, fruits, and vegetables that are imported from other countries are treated with chemicals, so store-bought pineapple or kiwi can be harmful to the baby and mother.

Whether a nursing mother can eat kiwi depends on the age of the baby. Kiwi – healthy fruit, but it is not recommended to consume it during lactation so as not to harm the baby. After all, this is an exotic fruit, so you can try kiwi during breastfeeding much later, when the baby begins to get used to complementary foods.

The question often arises: is it possible to feed grapes? The grapes are green and blue, despite great benefit for the body, can provoke in infants unwanted reactions. This fruit causes increased gas formation, so both mother and child may experience intestinal problems. Therefore, grapes are not a product that can be eaten after childbirth. It should not be introduced into the diet of a nursing mother in the first months of the child’s life. In addition, grapes should be eaten separately from other fruits, in small portions, and at the same time monitor the baby’s reaction.

Can you eat apples while breastfeeding?

There is an opinion that women during lactation do not need to eat green apples, as they provoke gas formation and have a laxative effect. But it should still be taken into account that each woman’s body perceives these products individually.

Consequently, apples can be gradually introduced into the diet of a nursing mother, which over time, after 10 months, should be given to the baby as complementary foods. It is best to gradually introduce baked apples to mom; over time, you can also start drinking apple compote. However, you should not consume apple compote in the first months after the baby is born.

But if the mother suffers from allergies due to breastfeeding, which is provoked by red fruits, then it is worth giving up red apples. As a rule, if a woman did not suffer from such an allergy during pregnancy, then such phenomena should not occur when feeding the baby with breast milk. Therefore, in the absence of negative reactions, apples can be consumed, and red fruits, if desired, can be peeled.

Another very useful one delicious product- dried fruits. It is recommended to drink dried fruit compote during breastfeeding in the first months, and you can use not only dried apples, but also other fruits.

Can a nursing mother of a newborn eat bananas?

When telling you in the maternity hospital what to eat and drink after childbirth, experts often warn that you should not eat bananas while breastfeeding. However, many modern experts, on the contrary, advise both pregnant and nursing mothers to eat bananas. After all, there is actually no exact explanation for why you should not eat bananas. These fruits contain a large amount of vitamins and substances beneficial to the body.

Therefore, bananas can be used for snacks and for making smoothies with yogurt. How many bananas you can eat per day depends on how well your baby accepts this product.

Strawberries, cherries, cherries - is it possible?

When talking about what projects women who are breastfeeding should not eat, many argue that they should not eat strawberries. However, this claim is also an unsubstantiated myth.

If the berries were grown on your own plot, or purchased from reliable sellers, then you can try to eat a few berries, and then carefully monitor the child’s reaction. It should be noted that strawberries contain a large amount of vitamin C, but it is better to consume them only during the ripening season.

Often young mothers who want to eat something tasty are afraid to eat cherries during the season. But the body’s individual reaction to these red fruits is noted. To find out how your baby will react, you can try eating a few berries, because they contain a large amount of substances beneficial to the body. Compote made from these berries can only be drunk in limited quantities. In the same way, when consuming cherry or sweet cherry compote, you need to carefully monitor the baby’s reaction. Experience will tell you which compote is best to drink, but it is advisable that it be a drink made from dried fruits.

Mom should be careful when trying the jam. AND Strawberry jam, And Cherry jam always contain a lot of sugar, so they can only be eaten occasionally.

Is it possible to eat watermelon or melon?

In fact, both watermelon and melon should be consumed very carefully, as store-bought watermelons and melons may contain chemicals that are hazardous to health. Since when growing these crops, as a rule, a very large amount of various fertilizers are used, it is better to eat watermelon from a late harvest - that is, at the end of August and September. Melon is a very heavy product, so it is better to limit yourself to a small piece and eat it separately from other products. It is better to prefer other fruits when it comes to sweets during breastfeeding.

What vegetables can be included in the diet while breastfeeding?

A woman should clearly know which vegetables can be eaten during breastfeeding, because vegetables contain a lot useful substances, and they must be on the menu. It is useful to eat everything that the baby normally perceives, however, there are certain rules.


For example, white cabbage should not be tried until the baby is 3 months old. Even if there is no allergy to white cabbage, this product causes colic and bloating in the child.

But later during lactation, this type of cabbage should be gradually introduced, as it contains a lot of folic acid and vitamin C. But cauliflower, and sauerkraut can be gradually introduced into the diet a little earlier. If on stewed cabbage the child reacts poorly, that is, his gas production increases, you can add a little cumin to the dish. What other cabbage should be included in the diet (broccoli, kohlrabi, etc.) depends on the baby’s perception of dishes containing this product.


Fresh cucumbers during breastfeeding also increase gas production in the baby, so it is better not to eat tomatoes and cucumbers in the first months of feeding. Pregnant women often crave cucumbers, but immediately after the birth of the baby, fresh or pickled cucumbers should not be eaten while breastfeeding. But later, when the mother gradually introduces different foods into her diet, and provided that there is no allergy to these vegetables, cucumbers can be gradually introduced.

Of course, if you eat cucumbers with milk, the child may have a violent reaction. Therefore, it is better not to check what happens if you eat a cucumber with milk. You must be careful not to eat incompatible products together.


It is generally accepted that fresh tomatoes are prohibited during breastfeeding. Why you should not eat this vegetable is explained as follows: it contains a red pigment. But in fact, lycopene, which gives the tomato its red color, is an antioxidant that is beneficial for both the baby and the mother. Tomato juice contains a large amount of vitamin C, but it is better not to drink this juice on an empty stomach. When determining what you can and cannot eat, you need to take into account that tomatoes must be of high quality and free of nitrates. Ideally, these should be vegetables from your own garden plot.


Stewed zucchini must be present in the diet of a young mother, since zucchini contains magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, and also many vitamins. Zucchini improves digestion and has a diuretic effect. As a rule, the child reacts well to this vegetable. However, it is better not to consume it raw.


If a mother strictly follows a diet when breastfeeding a newborn, she is often interested in whether it is possible to give the baby potatoes from the first months.

Because proper diet If the mother assumes that she only consumes food that the baby accepts well, you should initially try some boiled potatoes. But, as a rule, the baby’s body reacts well to potatoes. Although cases of allergy to starch do occur in children under one year of age. Therefore, it is better to start with small doses of boiled potatoes, recording data on the child’s reaction.

Potatoes contain vitamin C, B vitamins, and many microelements. However, it should be noted that potato dishes are very high in calories. But even during the period when you can eat everything, you should not consume fried potatoes, chips.


There is an opinion that you need to be very careful when consuming carrots during breastfeeding. Nevertheless, raw carrots Doctors even recommend it for mothers when breastfeeding. True, it is better to refuse it in the first 2-3 weeks of the child’s life. Next, it is better to consume stewed or boiled carrots. Later, as the baby grows, the mother can gradually introduce raw carrots into her diet. If an allergic reaction does not occur, such a healthy product can be eaten more often.


It is better not to eat canned olives during breastfeeding.


Whether borscht can be made from vegetables depends on the recipe for its preparation. If this dish includes permitted products, then it can be cooked periodically. And here green borscht better to exclude.

Drinks while breastfeeding

The question of drinks is no less important than the question of what a woman should eat after giving birth. First of all, you should remember to eliminate or minimize the consumption of stimulant drinks. We are talking about coffee, cocoa strong tea, chocolate drinks and cola.

Cocoa and chocolate

The answer to the question whether cocoa is possible is rather negative. Doctors say that drinking cocoa during breastfeeding is undesirable, since the baby may have an allergic reaction to the proteins of cocoa beans. In addition, by consuming chocolate or cocoa, you significantly increase the amount of sugar in your diet, which is also undesirable. But if it’s very difficult to do without sweets, you can try white chocolate. However, when breastfeeding, you need to eat this dessert in very small portions, monitoring the baby’s condition.


Those who ask if beer can be served natural feeding, mistakenly believe that this is a harmless product that contains virtually no alcohol. But in fact, beer during lactation is very harmful. After all, it contains not only alcohol, but also many harmful components - dyes, preservatives, etc. We produce real, natural beer extremely rarely. That is why non-alcoholic beer during breastfeeding is also a harmful product. Therefore, reviews from those who drank beer supposedly to improve lactation cannot be considered a basis for taking this drink.


It is better to exclude this drink during lactation. After all, it is a fermentation product and promotes the formation of gases. Besides, kvass modern production is also rarely natural. Mom can rarely afford anything but very small amount natural kvass.

When choosing which juice to drink, be sure to keep in mind that purchased juice from packages contains practically nothing beneficial for the health of the baby and mother. But there are a lot of preservatives and additives, as well as sugar. Therefore, during lactation, only freshly squeezed juice is allowed, and you need to drink it in small quantities. Worth preferring Apple juice, carrot juice. Experts confirm that you can drink pomegranate juice during breastfeeding, but only in small portions. Similarly, a young mother can gradually introduce tomato juice into her diet.


For many coffee lovers, an equally pressing question is whether nursing mothers can drink coffee. Due to the fact that caffeine penetrates into breast milk very quickly, even coffee with milk will have to be abandoned during lactation. Why you shouldn’t drink coffee is very simple to explain: caffeine causes irritability and insomnia in the baby. If you constantly drink coffee while breastfeeding, this can negatively affect the development of the baby's nervous system. Therefore, it is better for nursing mothers to completely exclude coffee from their diet.

The answer to the question of which tea is better to drink is clear: herbal or completely weak. After all, a strong drink, regardless of whether it is black or green tea, also contains caffeine, which negatively affects the child’s condition. What to drink herbal tea with depends on the mother’s preferences. For example, chamomile, rose hips, raspberries, etc. are useful.

You should not immediately after birth consume pomegranate tea from Turkey, the benefits and harms of which are described in the instructions. Although this drink is quite healthy, there is a risk of developing allergies in the baby.

What sweets can be consumed with tea depends on the mother’s preferences. You can add a little sugar to your cup of tea. But you need to remember that sugar is a high-calorie product and does not provide any particular benefit. What sweets are possible during breastfeeding should also be taken into account, while not forgetting that they all also contain sugar. Whether honey can be eaten depends on the baby’s reaction. Honey is a product that causes allergies, so it should be administered very carefully.


This drink is the most useful and should be included in your diet. Ideally, compote should be made from dried fruits, adding raisins.

Is it possible to have dairy products?

Milk and dairy products

What dairy products can you use? breastfeeding, there is no clear opinion. Experts are still actively arguing about whether a nursing mother can drink milk. Some doctors believe that you cannot drink cow’s milk in its pure form, and during lactation they only allow you to occasionally drink tea with milk or periodically consume condensed milk in small quantities during breastfeeding.

Why this is not possible is explained by the fact that the baby may develop an allergy to cow protein. Others believe that milk can be given to the mother if the baby does not have such an allergy, which can be confirmed by conducting a special blood test. If this is the case, then fermented milk products can be introduced into the menu. Sour cream, cottage cheese, and butter are also allowed. It should be noted that sour cream for breastfeeding should be low-fat. Sour cream can be added to vegetable purees, other dishes.

Ryazhenka during breastfeeding is allowed only if the baby does not develop a rash or other undesirable reactions. Ryazhenka is introduced gradually. Drink fermented baked milk in the morning, and in the afternoon watch how your child reacts to fermented baked milk.

Kefir for breastfeeding is also allowed in small quantities. Women who doubt whether kefir is ok can try introducing it separately from other products and monitor the child’s reaction. As a rule, children perceive this product normally. It is very important that the kefir is fresh.

“Snowball” is a drink whose benefits and harms have been known for a long time. "Snowball" - fermented milk product, activating digestion and improving metabolism. But sweet “Snowball” is contraindicated for diabetes and excess weight. During lactation it can be consumed in moderation.

Cottage cheese for breastfeeding is a very healthy product, as it contains a lot of calcium. If you once wondered how much cottage cheese pregnant women should eat per day, then during lactation similar questions also arise. You need to start introducing cottage cheese with small doses, gradually increasing them. But in general, it is better not to consume more than 500 g of fermented milk products per day.

Ice cream

It is quite natural that a woman periodically has a craving for sweets and has a question about whether a nursing mother can have ice cream. Of course, you should absolutely not eat ice cream during breastfeeding if your baby is allergic to cow protein. But if there is no such problem, you need to choose only ice cream with natural ingredients. True, sweet delicacies from modern manufacturers, as a rule, contain large quantities Palm oil, which is very harmful component, a carcinogen. In many countries it is no longer used in Food Industry. However, in our country this component is included in many products. Therefore, when determining what foods you can eat, you should very carefully study their composition: for example, when deciding what cake to bring to a young mother, it is better to choose homemade cakes from proven ingredients.

Condensed milk

Condensed milk is often recommended to mothers during breastfeeding when discussing how to make milk full-fat. But both raw and boiled condensed milk should be taken very carefully during lactation. Firstly, this is a very high-calorie product, and secondly, modern manufacturers add many components unacceptable for young mothers to condensed milk. Therefore, it is better to eat condensed milk during breastfeeding in very small portions and infrequently.

You can only consume natural ones, rarely and in small portions.


Before you start introducing eggs into your diet, it is worth checking whether your child is allergic to chicken protein. This can also be done using a special blood test. Boiled eggs When breastfeeding, you can eat only in limited quantities - no more than 1 piece. in a day. It is very important that the eggs are fresh. To check the freshness of this product, you need to put an egg in a glass of water. A fresh egg will sink to the bottom, a stale egg will float to the surface. It is important to wash eggs and never eat them raw. You can prepare a variety of egg dishes (omelettes, fried eggs), but you still need to take into account that a fried omelet is less healthy than a boiled egg.

Is it possible to have seeds and nuts


This product is strong allergen, so the answer to the question whether a nursing mother can eat sunflower seeds is not always positive. To those women who suffer seasonal allergies for pollen, it is better not to eat seeds during lactation. If the woman has not suffered from such a disease, then it is possible to eat HF ​​in small quantities. But, of course, you shouldn’t constantly chew seeds while breastfeeding.


This product is very healthy, but, nevertheless, it is also an allergen. Therefore, walnuts can be eaten in limited quantities - no more than 2-3 pieces. in a day. The fact that consumption of nuts supposedly promotes lactation is not decisive in this case, because nuts can provoke negative reactions in the baby. Pistachios, peanuts and other types of nuts should also be eaten in small doses. After all, pistachios can also provoke negative reactions.

What meat products are possible during breastfeeding?

Speaking about what foods a woman with breastfeeding can and should eat after childbirth, we should also mention meat products. What kind of meat can you eat? First of all, dietary varieties: beef, turkey, rabbit.

Meat contains many proteins that are important for the growth of the baby and the recovery of the woman after childbirth. Of course, eating sausage or frankfurters is not only undesirable, but also extremely harmful. You should also not eat lard, as it is very fatty product. But dietary varieties can be introduced 10-15 days after birth, eating meat dishes 2-3 times a week.

You can prepare soups and broths based on meat. What soups to prepare depends on the mother’s taste preferences, but you need to use “allowed” vegetables and meat

It is also recommended to gradually include fish in your diet. However, for example, red fish, which is very healthy for the baby and mother, should be eaten with caution, as it can cause allergies. If, when introducing new varieties of fish or meat, the mother experiences diarrhea or colic in the baby, you need to temporarily remove them from the diet and try to introduce them later.

The following meat products should not be consumed while breastfeeding:

Wild meat;
sausage, frankfurters;
semi-finished products;
canned food;
fried and grilled meat dishes;
fatty lamb, venison, pork (undesirable).

In the first months, it is advisable to give up offal. After the third month they can be eaten in limited quantities. You can include liver in the menu (best chicken liver), but eat it no more than 2-3 times a week.

Other dishes during lactation


When breastfeeding, you need to eat bread, but it is better to exclude white bread made from higher varieties of wheat from the diet. It is advisable to include in the diet bread made from unrefined flour, bread with bran, as well as black bread, which is absorbed more slowly, but is usually accepted well by the child. New varieties are introduced gradually, one at a time. Other flour products, such as pasta, can also be eaten, monitoring the baby's reaction. It is better to prefer pasta made from durum wheat. But it’s better to exclude instant noodles altogether.


When determining what to eat during lactation, a woman should know which cereals are best to eat.

What cereals are most optimal for breastfeeding, and what vitamins do they contain? Buckwheat contains a number of minerals, vitamins A, B, E. Oatmeal contains magnesium, zinc, iodine. Millet cereal contains vitamin D, which is very important for babies. Rice is a cereal that is relevant for those who do not know what to do with diarrhea. However, if the child and mother are constipated, rice should be consumed very carefully. You can also eat pearl barley. This is very healthy cereal, but barley needs to be cooked for a long time.

Should not be consumed pea porridge, and corn grits. Canned corn is also prohibited.


During lactation, the mother’s body, of course, requires sweets. But not all of their types may include a menu for lactation. Experts advise eliminating refined sugar from your diet as much as possible. For example, it is better to replace sweets with dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes). After all, even supposedly healthy candies“Cow” from modern manufacturers contain a number of harmful additives.

You should not eat sweets that contain poppy seeds. After all, poppy not only contains morphine and codeine (albeit in minimal quantities), but can also cause allergies.

A nursing mother needs to carefully choose cookies, weighing what benefits and harms may be observed when consumed certain type this confectionery product. Again, the problem is the large amount of additives in butter cookies. Therefore, from time to time you can eat biscuits, which are the safest in this sense.

In addition, a young mother can periodically afford the following sweets:

Marmalade containing no dyes;
cake with cottage cheese, cake with yogurt;
candied fruit;
baked apples;

But even permitted sweets (marshmallows, marshmallows, etc.) are better not to be eaten in the first days of the baby’s life. Also, they should not be included in the diet for a colic child.

List of products that are prohibited during breastfeeding

Thus, it is necessary to clearly know what a nursing mother should absolutely not eat while breastfeeding. And if you remember the list of foods that you should not eat and avoid them, all other dishes and foods can be gradually introduced into your diet.

What foods should you not eat?

  • sausages, sausages;
  • canned food;
  • smoked meats;
  • coffee, strong tea;
  • alcohol;
  • soda;
  • chocolate, cocoa;
  • ketchup, mustard and other unnatural products containing a number of additives.

Gradually forming a diet and determining what to eat after childbirth, a woman should take into account that, having excluded prohibited foods during breastfeeding, she needs to eat a varied diet, but consume everything in moderation. At the same time, it is better to add only one product to the menu per day in order to understand how the baby reacts to it.

How to eat if your child is prone to allergies?

If the baby is allergic, the mother has to seriously think about what to drink for allergies, what to eat, and later – what the child can eat if the child has allergies. If a child has an allergy, what to do, you need to ask a doctor. But in this case, when breastfeeding, the mother must have a strict diet. If you are allergic, you should not include the following products in your menu:

  • exotic fruits and berries;
  • red berries, fruits and vegetables (if the baby is allergic to red foods);
  • dairy products, some types of meat, soy (protein allergy);
  • chocolate;
  • food with dyes, additives, preservatives.

If a child has allergies, the diet should gradually become more varied, but the mother should introduce all new foods into her diet, and subsequently into the child’s diet, very carefully. However, foods to which the baby reacts poorly should still be introduced gradually, since small amounts of them in breast milk can prevent allergic reactions in the baby in the future.

Sometimes, in cases of severe allergic reactions, a milk test is performed. It should also be taken into account that the color of milk is not an indicator of its quality and what color the milk is does not allow us to determine how nutritious it is for the baby.

What vitamins can a nursing mother take?

During the feeding process, women have questions about whether they need to take additional vitamin complexes and which vitamins are best to take. It should be taken into account that during lactation a woman’s need for B vitamins , and A, D, E, C . Her body also needs a number of microelements. Moreover, both vitamins and microelements are necessary not only for the mother, but also for the body of the growing baby.

Women who want to know which vitamins are best for nursing mothers often read reviews on forums and ask their friends about it. But choose for yourself vitamin complex do not do it. It is better to consult your doctor first and take his recommendations. As a rule, a specially developed vitamin complex for pregnant and nursing mothers does not cause side effects for mother and child. But what vitamins you can take depends, first of all, on the doctor’s prescription.

When breastfeeding, be careful about what medications you take. You should not take medications without reading the instructions and obtaining your doctor's permission. Ideally, you should avoid medications by adjusting your diet. So, for constipation, you need to introduce herbal teas, laxative foods. How to lower blood pressure without medications, you can ask your doctor or use traditional methods: warm heating pad, herbal tea.

Remember that during the period of feeding your baby you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for his health, and try to follow all the recommendations.

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