What medicines can be made from walnuts? Green walnut tincture: what is the “salt” of the unripe fruits of the royal tree. From unripe fruits to normalize thyroid function

Treatment with walnuts

Walnuts are used in the treatment of many diseases. IN medicinal purposes use green nut fruits, mature nuts, leaves, roots and bark. From the bark walnut decoctions are prepared that relieve tumors, ulcers and even rickets.

In terms of vitamin C content, walnuts are not inferior even to lemon. They can be used to prevent atherosclerosis, to restore physical and mental strength, to improve immunity, as well as for effectively strengthening heart muscle. Walnuts are also used in food, both separately and in salads. If you combine walnuts with honey and raisins, you get delicious dessert, which perfectly replaces sweets and baked goods.

An infusion of walnut leaves helps with chronic eczema, boils, diabetes, anemia, purulent wounds and tuberculosis. A decoction of nut pericarp is taken for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hemorrhoids, liver disease and leucorrhoea in women.

A tincture prepared from the walnut partitions is used for endemic and toxic goiter.

Tincture of green walnuts. Take 30 green nuts and fill them with a liter of 70-degree alcohol. Leave to infuse for 2 weeks in a dark place, but at room temperature. Next, do not forget to strain the composition. We take the finished medicine 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon. This tincture is an excellent remedy for indigestion, especially in children.

Infusion for menstrual irregularities. It's very easy to prepare. Take 1.5 tablespoons of leaves (chopped) of the nut and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours to infuse. After straining, you need to squeeze out the finished infusion. Take 30 ml of Thai infusion three times a day before meals. This same medicine is used as a diuretic.

Postoperative nut balm. To prepare it, we take half a kilogram of chopped nuts, 100 grams of aloe leaves and 300 grams of honey. Wash and chop the aloe finely, add 100 ml of water and leave for 30 minutes. Next, strain the finished infusion and add nuts (chopped) and honey. Take a glass jar and pour the finished medicine into it. This balm should be taken 1 tablespoon three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Tincture of walnut partitions for mastopathy. Mastopathy occurs due to hormonal imbalance. It is necessary to take partitions of 25 nuts and fill them with 100 ml of medical alcohol, then leave to infuse for 10 days in a dark place. After 10 days the tincture will be ready. You need to take it for about a month 3 times a day, a single dose of 20 drops.

Infusion for baths and douses. Take 1 or 2 kilograms of walnut leaves and boil them in one liter of water. The finished infusion is poured into a container (at the rate of 1 liter of infusion per 10 liters of bath water) and a medicinal bath is taken. If there is pus in the ear, you can drop Fresh Juice from walnut leaves.

Since ancient times, walnuts have been called “brain food”, knowing their ability to stimulate mental activity.

The healing properties of walnuts stabilize the acidity of gastric juice, help with constipation and stabilize intestinal function. In addition, nuts are effective for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis, vitamin deficiency and deficiency of iron and cobalt salts.

Walnuts are also indicated for people suffering from diabetes, infertility, impotence, fibroids, mastopathy, joint diseases, goiter, anemia and hypertension. Preparations with walnuts have anthelmintic, astringent, wound-healing, hemostatic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and tonic effects.

Treatment with walnuts also normalizes nervous system. They are known to be effective in relieving even severe nervous tension. Therefore, walnuts are recommended to stimulate brain function, for migraines, problems with attention and memory, stress and insomnia.

In addition, walnuts must be included in the diet of diabetics, since the zinc and manganese they contain help lower blood sugar and do not lead to sharp increase insulin, and are also rich in components that protect the liver from fatty degeneration.

Medicinal properties of walnuts. How to treat with walnuts?

Tonsillitis, frontal sinusitis, laryngitis

Mix a 20-gram portion of crushed walnut leaves, the same amount of crushed nut buds and a 5-gram portion of ground aconite leaves. The resulting mixture is poured with a liter of boiling water, left for an hour and filtered. Gargle with the medicine at intervals of two hours.

Cervical erosion

With this disease, douching from a decoction of walnut shells helps. To prepare it, the shells are boiled until the water turns blue. Brown color. After this, the broth is filtered and diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1:10 before douching.

Kidney and liver diseases

You can support the work of sick kidneys and liver with the following composition: dilute 300 grams of honey with water. Add half a kilogram of nuts, ground into flour, to the resulting mixture and stir until a liquid paste forms. Take three spoons for 14 days. The treatment lasts for a week, after which they take a week break and repeat the course.

To the outside malignant tumors you can apply an ointment prepared from walnut partitions (crushed into powder) and vegetable oil.

Decoction of walnut partitions - 2 tbsp. l. pour 1.5 tbsp of partitions. boiling water and simmer for 20 minutes over low heat. Infuse for about 1 hour. Drink 3 times a day. IN folk medicine it is recommended for the treatment of ovarian cysts, prostatitis, prostate adenoma.

Tincture against tumors: 150 g of valerian roots, nutmeg, chop birch buds and walnut partitions. Take 50 g of each component, mix, pour 1/2 liter. vodka. Leave for 10 days in a dark place, strain. Use 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. On the first day of reception, you should take care of daily preparation, taking into account the fact that only on the 11th day it will be ready. The course of treatment is 11 days without a break. This tincture promotes the resorption of any tumors.

Tincture of walnut shells with vodka is used for ovarian cysts, tumors and salt deposits.

To do this, pass the peeled kernels (1/2 kg) and peeled lemon (1/2 kg) through a meat grinder, mix and put in a glass jar, place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. After half an hour it is ready to eat. Use 3 - 4 tbsp. l. (preferably in the afternoon) for 1 dose. For brain tumors, take this drug follows 1 tbsp. l. in a day.

To remove hair (mustache for women), you need to cut green walnut and rub the juice over your upper lip.

To carry out cleaning blood vessels should be used next drug: pour chopped green walnut peel (1 tsp) with 1 cup of boiling water, add 1 tsp. honey and drink this infusion like tea.

The green peel is also an excellent remedy to prevent caries.

Daily use 50-100 g of unripe kernels with honey is useful for older people as a means of rejuvenating the body. In addition, the use of green pericarp preparations increases the threshold of auditory sensitivity.

Required: 6 leaves of golden mustache, 1 glass of water, 300 g of peeled walnut kernels, 1 glass of honey.

Cooking method. Cut off the leaves of the golden mustache, keep for about 2 weeks in a dark place at a low temperature, for example in the refrigerator, wrapped in thick cloth. Then rinse, chop and pour boiled water. Let it brew, then strain the liquid and add chopped nuts and honey.

Mode of application. Take the resulting mixture 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Walnut bark and roots also have medicinal properties and are used in medical practice. The preparations obtained from them have a vigorous antidote and an excellent emetic.

Triterpenoids, quinones, juglone and other substances were found in the bark. The root bark, collected in the fall, is recommended for use as a long-term laxative that does not cause pain. It treats inflammation in the mouth. To heal wounds, the bark of trees and cut branches is used in the form of decoctions for ulcers and tumors.

It is known that the Koran instructs Muslims to take careful care of their mouth and teeth. The custom that exists in Algeria is curious in this regard. The indigenous population of Algeria rubs their gums with the bark of the roots and young trunks of the walnut to strengthen them.

A decoction of the bark of the walnut root, taken orally, helps with pain below the lower back.

Walnut flowers are also not ignored.

If nut catkins are infused with alcohol, the resulting tincture will help us be healthy body and soul. This excellent remedy will help people whose health is affected by the change of seasons and seasonal temperature fluctuations; it is especially recommended for chronically ill people. This tincture has a positive effect on preparing the nervous system for significant changes in life.

Dried and ground male flowers The nut is used in the treatment of epilepsy and diseases of the uterus. Walnut flowers in the form of a paste are used externally and internally.

Walnut gum is used as a powder in the treatment of ulcers, acute and burning rashes.

In homeopathy mixture equal parts leaves and green shell of walnut fruits in fresh used in the treatment of malignant tumors.

Walnut is included in various medicinal preparations.

Medicines made from walnuts are widely used in modern cosmetics.

Benefits of walnut partitions

Walnut seeds are widely used in the treatment of a number of diseases of the septum, which are less popular among people due to lack of awareness of their healing properties.

Although, according to folk medicine, they were used to treat diabetes mellitus in the form of an infusion in a ratio of 1: 5.

In fresh partitions and shells, tannins were found - 3.8%, glucosides - 0.07%, alkaloids - 0.01%, organic acids, vitamin C, as well as traces of iodine.

Shell tablets

Walnut shells are very valuable.

Grind the shells of 14 nuts, pour ½ liter of vodka for 7 days. The infusion is used to cleanse blood vessels. Drink 1 tbsp. l. on an empty stomach. At the same time, salts, blockages, formed tumors, cysts, hardening of the breast, blockage of the bronchi are resolved.

Nut shells are used for erosion and inflammation of the cervix. To do this, boil the shells in an enamel pan until the color of brown tea, strain, dilute with water 1:10. The resulting decoction can be douched and lubricated on irritations.

For cough treatment you need 4 nuts in shell, 1 tsp. elderberry fruit, 1 tsp. Boil honey in 1/2 liter of water over low heat. Drink 1 tbsp decoction. l. 3 times a day for a week.

To treat duodenal ulcers, pour a glass of boiling water over 4-5 walnut septa, cover, leave for 1 hour, then add milk and drink at night or 1-2 times a day separately from meals.


Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which there is an absolute or relative deficiency of the hormone insulin, leading to disruption of carbohydrate metabolism, and subsequently all types of metabolism.

The most important symptom of diabetes is increased content blood sugar.

Normal level fasting blood sugar of 3.6 - 5.5 mol/l is provided by a regulatory system, the main element of which is the hormone insulin. Eating foods containing carbohydrates causes an increase in blood sugar, which is then utilized by the body's tissues with the help of insulin.

A patient with diabetes mellitus produces insufficient amounts of insulin or does not produce it at all. Therefore, sugar is poorly absorbed by cells and accumulates in the blood.

In diabetes, excess sugar is excreted in the urine, and fat metabolism is disrupted, since the breakdown of fat requires energy, which cells receive from the absorption of sugar. Products of incomplete “combustion” of fats accumulate in the blood - ketones (acetone, acetoacetic acid), which have toxic properties.

That is why a diabetic patient should not exceed the permissible amount of fats in the diet and ensure that 2/3 of them are of plant origin.

Symptoms of diabetes:

1) increase in fasting blood sugar level above 5.5 mol/l;

2) excretion of sugar in the urine. Occurs when its level in the blood exceeds 10 mol/l;

3) an increase in the amount of urine excreted over 2 liters per day;

4) thirst. If you notice that you have increased need to water, check your blood for sugar;

5) dry mouth;

6) general weakness;

7) itching in the perineum and genitals.

Types of diabetes

There are two types of diabetes mellitus: insulin-dependent (ID) and non-insulin-dependent (NID).

Insulin-dependent diabetes is most common in at a young age and in children.

It is characterized by a significant deficiency of insulin due to dysfunction of the pancreas, often under the influence of viral diseases (measles, rubella, mumps, enterovirus, etc.)

If a person with type I diabetes does not receive insulin regularly, this will lead to severe consequences.

A patient with an insulin-dependent form should regularly receive a dose of insulin, which is prescribed by an endocrinologist after an examination.

Non-insulin-dependent diabetes is initially almost asymptomatic.

The only symptom may be dry mouth, but in more cases severe cases thirst and increased urine output.

Diabetes is not a disease, but rather a difficult lifestyle that you have to live with and help yourself in order to maintain strength and health.

Nuts help with this difficult lifestyle.

Fill one third of a 1/2 liter bottle with walnut shell partitions, fill with vodka and leave for 7 to 21 days. Then strain into a dark bottle and drink 1 tbsp. l. before meals for diabetes, colitis, gastrointestinal diseases, thyroid disease, joint disease, hypertension.

For diabetes 1 tbsp. l. crushed walnut leaves, pour 1 glass of hot water, boil for 20 - 30 minutes, leave until cool and strain. Drink the dose in equal portions throughout the day.

Grind a mixture of walnuts and buckwheat in a ratio of 1:5 into flour, in the evening 1.5 tbsp. l. pour 2 cm of kefir into the mixture. In the morning, eat everything prepared and eat 1 grated apple. During the day, 30 minutes before meals, eat 1 tbsp. l. mixtures. The course of treatment for diabetes is 5 months.

Pour 1/3 of the bottle into the partitions, add vodka, leave for 7 to 21 days, pour into a dark container. Take 1 tbsp. l. before meals for diabetes, inflammation of the thyroid gland, colitis, joint disease.

Water infusion partitions, as well as nut shells are recommended to be taken when hypertension and atherosclerosis.

Infuse fresh woody walnut partitions in cognac with honey for a week. Should be taken orally 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day when treating goiter.

For inflammation of the prostate gland and prostatitis, it is necessary to use a decoction of the walnut partitions. It is taken 1/2 tbsp. l. per day for 1 month.

At severe disorders stomach take an infusion of the internal partitions of the nut in wine: split the shells of 300 g of nuts, remove the partitions, grind them, pour a glass of wine or alcohol, leave for 3 days and drink 6-8 drops, diluting with warm boiled water.

In case of mild indigestion, diarrhea can be easily stopped with another tincture of partitions: pour 1/3 cup of partitions into 1/2 liter of vodka and leave in the sun for 12 days. Drink 1/2 glass 2 times a day.

Pour 1/2 liter of vodka into the shells and partitions of 1 kg of nuts and leave for 10 days. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day after meals for uterine fibroids.

Tincture from internal partitions: 20 - 25 nuts, pour 100 ml of alcohol, leave for 7 - 10 days and take 15 - 20 drops 3 times a day in a mixture of 30 - 50 ml of boiling water for mastopathy and uterine fibroids. The course of treatment is 2 months. After a 7-10 day break, treatment can be repeated.

For duodenal ulcers, place 4-5 walnut partitions in a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, wrapped, then add the contents to milk and drink as a medicine, 1-2 times a day, including at night.

An ointment made from septum powder, crushed nut kernels and vegetable oil is recommended to be applied to malignant tumors.

Nuts can provide our body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, not to mention the proteins, fats and carbohydrates that distinguish them from other vegetables and fruits.

The amino acids contained in the kernels have a positive effect on the condition of bones, blood, heart, skin, hair and muscle formation.

It is not for nothing that nuts have been considered the food of heroes since ancient times. Although nut proteins are equivalent to those of meat and milk, their digestibility is different. Enters the body with meat uric acid, a substance unnecessary and harmful, milk requires lysine from the liver to process milk sugars and fats. And the lysine contained in walnut kernels promotes the rapid absorption of walnut proteins without unnecessary energy expenditure.

There are a few rules that you need to remember and never ignore.

1. Walnut kernels are most easily digestible only in highly crushed form. Otherwise, the stomach simply cannot cope with their processing, and their beneficial properties will not be fully used.

2. Since nuts are a protein food, they should be consumed for medicinal purposes only at night or before bedtime, since protein is better absorbed when the body is resting.

3. For 1 appointment maximum amount nucleoli should not exceed 7. This is the maximum permissible norm. Ideally, 4 - 5 nucleoli. If you eat more than 7, headaches and vascular spasms may begin.

General strengthening recipes

1 cup walnuts, 1 cup raisins (seedless), 1 cup dried apricots, 1 lemon with peel plus 300 g honey. Grind everything, pour honey. Take the mixture 1 tbsp. l. before meals 3 times a day. This will boost your immunity, help with fatigue, and give you strength. The mixture can be consumed at any age, especially for older people.

Nut milk is good for stomach ulcers.

Crush 20 g of walnut kernels, pour 1/2 cup warm boiled water and mix well. Leave for 20 - 30 minutes, stir again and filter. Add 1 - 2 tsp. honey and take 1 dess. l. 5 - 6 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

If there is a lack of milk in nursing women, it is recommended to drink up to 3 glasses of nut milk per day.


People who have liver damage to one degree or another do not need to be reminded once again of the serious consequences this disease can lead to.

For chronic cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesias, chronic hepatitis there is a violation of the outflow of bile from the gallbladder.

Patients complain of pain in the right hypochondrium, they are overcome by irritability, tormented by bloating, and after eating fatty foods, the stool becomes liquid.

Liver diseases usually occur as a result of excessive consumption of boiled and concentrated starches, sugar, fats and meat.

Factor number one causing disease liver is alcohol.

Alcoholic drinks are harmful to the entire body as a whole, but are especially dangerous for the liver.

If drinking man show his liver, he will be horrified.

All types of hepatitis are painful.

Their treatment is lengthy and involves many complex procedures.

Therefore, at the first symptoms indicating that the body is affected by hepatitis, the patient should consult a specialist doctor.

Stagnation of bile is sometimes accompanied by itchy skin.

Scratching and abrasions caused by itching often form on the skin.

People with a diseased liver, as a rule, quickly lose weight, sometimes to the point of complete exhaustion. This is typical for cirrhosis.

Another obligatory syndrome, which doctors call dyspeptic, includes poor appetite, nausea, belching, sometimes vomiting, heaviness in the stomach, bloating, constipation. The stool becomes light-colored because, due to liver disease, digestion is impaired, and bile pigments no longer enter the intestine, as a result, the stool becomes discolored. Urine, on the contrary, darkens.

Since the liver often becomes enlarged as a result of the disease, nerve endings liver capsules react to this with pain signals.

Most liver diseases are also accompanied by disorders of the central nervous system.

These are depressed mood, irritability, weakness, insomnia, headache. In addition, memory loss, inappropriate behavior, and periodic disorientation are observed.

Another symptom: spider veins, consisting of a pulsating central part and radial branching of vessels. They are located on the face, neck, shoulders.

In people with liver damage due to abnormal water balance swelling of the legs occurs in the body.

To alleviate some of the symptoms, doctors recommend eating nuts, raisins, cheese - all in equal proportions, taken in crushed form. This composition tones the nervous system, relieves chronic fatigue and shown after debilitating illness, strengthens the heart muscle, has a beneficial effect on the liver.

For liver and kidney diseases, this remedy is effective: dilute 300 g of fresh flower honey with water until liquid, add 1/2 kg of walnuts crushed into flour, mix until a liquid slurry forms and take 3 tbsp daily. l. within 2 weeks. After a week, the course of treatment can be repeated.

Walnut kernels have been known since ancient times as good anthelmintic. Nuts are also used for diseases of the liver and genitourinary organs.

When consumed daily, they have tonic properties for the nervous system, help relieve fatigue, strengthen the heart muscle - you can eat up to 30 - 50 g of walnuts at one time. Among the mountain peoples of the Caucasus, there is a belief that 2-3 nuts per day in old age reduce the likelihood of cataracts.

Grind 20 nut kernels, figs, lemon, 200 g dried apricots, 200 g raisins, 200 g prunes. Take 1 tbsp. l. 2 times a day as a vitamin and laxative.

An effective remedy for treating constipation: grind 100 g of walnut kernels in a porcelain mortar, boil in 1 liter of milk, strain and add to the decoction granulated sugar taste. Drink warm 5 times a day, 1/3 cup until the effect occurs.

Nuts, ground to flour, with raisins are useful for heart patients and patients suffering from indigestion.

For chronic colitis and enterocolitis, thoroughly grind the kernels and wash them down with water.

At frequent urination The nut kernels should be fried over smoldering coals, crushed and taken before bed with water.

Chewed walnut kernels are applied to abscesses and fungal infections of the nail plate.

In ancient times, walnuts were considered the primary means of preventing poisoning. the strongest poisons. To do this, you should eat 2 nuts with 2 grapes and salt in the morning on an empty stomach.

IN Chinese medicine Ripe nut kernels are used for kidney stones, in England - for diabetes and sclerosis, in Tajikistan - for stomach diseases, for which the crushed kernels are mixed with sultanas and figs.

3 - 4 nuts from 1 tbsp. l. not only honey good dinner, but also a remedy for headaches, insomnia, sclerosis. However, eating more than 5 nuts at once may cause headache and vasospasm.

Nuts contain a lot of fiber, which increases gastric peristalsis. Preparations from nut kernels are used for mercury poisoning. Consumption of nuts helps us accumulate vitamins and replenish our body with iodine, especially during periods when chronic diseases worsen.

In the book “Vanga’s Recipes,” the famous Bulgarian healer gives the following recipe: roast 3 nuts in the oven along with the shells until they acquire a dark brown color. After cooling, crush them and add 1 tbsp to this mass. l. fish oil. It is good to lubricate the area damaged by eczema several times during the day.

Nuts restore human strength. They are recommended for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, during heavy physical and mental stress, with significant weight loss, after a serious illness, nursing mothers, patients with nervous diseases, gout, with circulatory disorders, with Graves' disease, diabetes and kidney and liver diseases, as well as people leading a sedentary lifestyle. If fresh nuts are poorly digestible, they should be fried. When consuming nuts, the main thing to keep in mind is that they are absorbed well and quickly only when thoroughly chewed. Only in this case a high therapeutic effect is achieved.

Nut kernels contain a large number of magnesia, which has a calming effect on the brain of a person in an excited state. Consumption of nuts at times of stress helps relieve tension, a person relaxes and becomes able to reason.

Scientific studies have proven that eating walnuts reduces the risk of impotence and increases sperm production. These data confirmed the experience of ancient doctors, in particular Avicenna, about the use of walnuts for sexual impotence. Avicenna wrote: “You need to eat nuts with sesame oil, candy, honey and molasses, in this case your sexual desire will greatly increase and you and your wife will be happy for a long time.” Boys and young men of Ancient Sparta were advised to drink nut milk.

Crushed walnut kernels mixed with honey in equal proportions will help with impotence. Take this drug 2 tsp. 2 - 3 times a day 30 minutes after meals, washed down with milk. The course of treatment should be at least 20 - 30 days.

If you are tired or stressed, you can use the following recipe.

Required: 1 cup dried apricots, 1 cup peeled walnuts, 1 cup seedless raisins, 2 lemons, 1.5 cups honey.

Cooking method. Grind all the ingredients by passing them through a meat grinder (pass the lemon twice along with the peel), mix, pour in honey and let it brew.

Mode of application. Take the mixture 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 30 minutes after taking hydrogen peroxide. It is especially useful in winter period infectious epidemics and in the spring with a lack of vitamins. Before use, make sure you are not allergic to honey or citrus fruits.

Required: 5 g of aconite root, 1/2 cup of Kalanchoe leaf juice, 400 g of walnut kernels, 200 g of honey, 3 lemons.

Cooking method. Grind aconite, pour 1 cup of boiling water and cook for 15 minutes over low heat, strain. Mix freshly squeezed Kalanchoe juice, 1 tbsp. l. aconite decoction, nuts crushed to powder, honey and lemon juice. Mix well, leave for 3 hours.

Mode of application. Take 1 tbsp. l., diluted in 1/2 cup warm water, 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Walnuts were part of ancient potions that increased sexual power, for example this: 12 walnut kernels and 200 g of dry figs, prunes and pitted raisins, crushed, mixed and stored in the cold (in the refrigerator). Take 2 tbsp daily in the evening. l. mixtures, washed down with sour milk (kefir, yogurt, etc.).

Walnut kernels are part of a general tonic that is recommended to be given to children with rickets.

Pass 200 g of walnut kernels, 2 lemons, 200 g of aloe leaves through a meat grinder. Combine, add 200 g butter, 200 g honey and mix thoroughly. Give the child 1 dess. l. 3 times a day after meals.


This disease is present to one degree or another in almost all of us, starting at the age of 30.

Atherosclerosis is a narrowing of the arteries, as a result of which the patency of blood flow through the affected vessels significantly deteriorates.

If atherosclerosis affects the vessels of the heart, the blood flow to the heart muscle becomes insufficient and myocardial ischemia develops - acid and energy starvation of the heart muscle, which is accompanied by very unpleasant painful sensations. In addition, arteries affected by atherosclerosis tend to sharply narrow (in other words, to spasm).

In addition, with atherosclerosis in humans, blood clotting is increased, which leads to the formation of intravascular blood clots - thrombi, which, carried by the bloodstream, can cause blockage of blood vessels.

Thus, heart attack, angina pectoris, cerebral stroke and many other “joys” are the consequences of atherosclerosis.

To prevent the development of atherosclerosis, three basic rules must be followed:

1) blood vessels need to be trained (by movement, physical education, sports);

2) blood vessels must be protected (reasonable nutrition, avoidance of smoking and alcohol);

3) the vessels must be cleaned (sauna, steam room).

But if you already have this disease, we offer a way to treat it.

For cardiovascular failure and atherosclerosis, the following remedy helps.

Pass 1 cup of walnut kernels through a meat grinder, add 1 cup each lemon juice(better than gruel) and honey. Mix thoroughly with a wooden spoon in an enamel bowl, transfer to a glass jar, seal it tightly and keep in the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals until the mixture runs out. It is advisable to repeat courses of taking the mixture 3-4 times a year with a break between courses of 1 month.

One of the traditional medicine recipes says: to treat hypertension, atherosclerosis and iron deficiency anemia, you should consume 100 g of nuts daily with or without 60 g of honey for 45 days. Nuts are also beneficial for coronary disease hearts.

In folk medicine, in the treatment of impotence, sclerosis, cardiosclerosis, atherosclerosis, the following mixture is used: pour crushed nuts with honey in equal proportions. Use 2 tsp. 2 - 3 times a day 30 minutes after meals, washed down with milk. The course of treatment is 20 - 30 days.

An infusion of leaves is taken for sclerosis of the brain and heart vessels, to improve metabolism and reduce blood sugar, as well as to reduce hemoptysis in pulmonary tuberculosis. To prepare it, 2 tsp. leaves pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 1 hour and filter. Take 1/2 cup 4 times a day before meals.

Clinical observations in three groups of patients (with increased, decreased and normal acidity of gastric juice) a beneficial, normalizing effect of walnuts on gastric secretion was revealed. Thus, 10-day consumption by patients with increased acidity gastric contents of the nuclei led to a decrease in it to normal. Single use nuts also dramatically reduce acidity. Intake of nuts by patients with low acidity led to its increase to normal. Almost all patients tolerate nuts well, which help reduce pain and dyspeptic symptoms.

Due to the high content of fat-soluble substances in nut kernels - tocopherols, necessary for fertilization and maintenance normal birth, nuts are recommended for the prevention and treatment of infertility.

Nuts eaten with dry figs and rue, with severe poisoning literally saved from death.

They are taken orally 2-3 times a day before meals for gastritis, diarrhea, enterocolitis and colitis.

For the treatment of asthma: keep aloe leaves in a dark place for 12 days. Pass them through a meat grinder and pour boiled water in a ratio of 1: 3, leave for 1.5 hours. Then squeeze out the juice and mix 100 g of juice with 1/2 kg of chopped nuts. Add 300 g of honey to the resulting mixture. The resulting mixture should be stirred several times during the day. Take 1 tbsp. l. infusion 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

To get rid of the smell of garlic and onions, you need to eat 2 - 3 nuts.

A mixture of nut infusion with propolis tincture should be used to treat ear eczema, itching in the ears and allergic reactions to antibiotics and other medications.

Fresh crushed kernels, as well as nut oil poultices, are used to treat bruises, impact marks and bruises.

To stop nosebleeds, you must use the following remedy: fry, stirring constantly, an equal amount of nuts and sesame seeds. Grind into powder and take 1 tsp. every evening before bed. You can add a little honey to this preparation.

There is such a thing folk remedy: by sorting 3 - 4 nuts in your pocket and squeezing them, we thereby facilitate the removal nervous tension. Rolling nuts on the palm of your hand is a remedy that calms the nervous system; it has been familiar to people since ancient times. It is based on therapeutic effect hand micromotor skills. When performing any manipulations, a person involuntarily focuses on them, thereby distracting himself from stressful factors.

Nuts are recommended for patients with anemia, as they contain cobalt and iron salts due to the rare microelement found in the nut kernels - cobalt, biological feature which is due to active participation in the processes of tissue respiration, immunogenesis and protein metabolism. This rare earth element ensures intensive absorption of iron in the intestines, its transition into hemoglobin and fast maturation young red blood cells, which is why the importance of nuts in our diet increases. For people suffering from iodine deficiency, consumption of nuts is especially necessary to maintain immunity and normal functioning of the thyroid and pancreas, as well as for the development of intelligence.

However, it should be remembered that nuts are not a panacea for all ills. Suffering from diseases of the pancreas, increased blood clotting, as well as acute intestinal diseases, eczema, neurodermatitis and liver diseases should avoid consuming nuts.


Along with nuts, a significant place in the treatment of diseases belongs to nut oil, which has been used since ancient times. It contains stearic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids. The predominant one is linoleic acid. The amount of linoleic and linolenic acid in nut oil is 73%.

Walnut oil is effective means in the fight against worms, as well as in diseases of the liver and genitourinary organs.

To completely expel the tapeworm, 30 - 60 g of nut oil with wine should be used in several doses.

The oil is used to treat burns.

For conjunctivitis fresh oil lubricate the eyelids, and also drop a few drops a day into the eyes.

Walnut oil enhances intestinal motility, which makes it possible to use it in old age and obesity.

It has the ability to reduce blood cholesterol.

Walnut oil promotes wound healing and improves skin condition. In ancient times it was used for inflammation of the middle ear.

It is used in the treatment of diseases: smallpox, measles, scarlet fever, rubella, as well as cracked nipples.

In folk medicine, nut oil was considered an effective remedy in the treatment of gangrene and fistulas in the eye area, as well as nervous diseases.

Nut oil helps with kidney diseases, pain in anus and cracks, and also strengthens the kidneys.

When fasting, you need to chew nuts, which relieves cramps.

In addition, nut oil cleanses blood vessels well in case of atherosclerosis and helps in the treatment hemorrhagic diathesis. Drinking at night (15 - 20 g), it cleanses the liver and bile, restores the gastric mucosa, and prevents the development of goiter. For intestinal colic, a small amount of oil should be rubbed into the stomach until completely absorbed by the skin.

An infusion of pericarp and leaves increases the functional activity of the skin, therefore it is indicated for various diseases skin (purulent rashes, lichen, eczema, etc.). It is used externally in the form of lotions, baths and washes. To prepare it, 5 tbsp. l. raw materials are poured into 1/2 liter of hot water, boiled for 15 minutes, cooled and filtered. Used as a wound healing agent.

Children with rickets are given an infusion of walnut leaves orally. To prepare it, 1 tsp. leaves pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 1/2 - 1 hour and filter. Prescribe 1 - 2 tsp. before meals.

An infusion of leaves of the same concentration is used to rinse the mouth and throat for various inflammatory diseases and bleeding gums. Instead of leaves, you can use the bark of roots and trunks, which has a slight laxative effect.

Tincture of dry walnut partitions enriches the body with iodine and other microelements, has a tonic effect, and has a beneficial effect on sexual potency. It is used for diarrhea, diseases of the thyroid gland (goiter) and joints, fibroids, uterine bleeding. The tincture goes well with other restorative tonics (ginseng, eleutherococcus, lemongrass, golden root, aralia root). There are different recipes and ways to use the tincture.

Option 1. Infuse dry partitions from 1/2 kg of nuts in vodka or wine (2 glasses) until the solution turns dark brown. Use 2 - 3 tsp. 3 times a day for a month.

Option 2. Infuse dry partitions from 300 g of nuts in 1 glass of wine or alcohol for 3 days.

Take 6 - 8 drops 3 times a day, diluting with warm boiled water.

Option 3. Pour 20 g of dry partitions with 1/2 tbsp. 70% alcohol, leave for 2 weeks and strain. Take 10 - 15 drops 3 times a day.

A decoction of walnut partitions is useful for diarrhea, hypertension, thyroid diseases and diabetes. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over the nut partitions of 40 nuts, boil in a water bath for 1 hour, cool at room temperature and strain. Drink 40 - 50 ml 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment (except for diarrhea) is at least 3 months.


Walnuts, due to their healing properties, are widely used in cosmetology.

The medicinal properties of nuts have been known since ancient times - these gifts of nature used to be the main source of human nutrition, and now they serve as a healthy and satisfying addition to the diet. Just a handful of nut mixture can give the body the same amount nutrients how much is contained in a large serving of meat with vegetables. Well, plus, nuts are very tasty, and therefore loved by both children and adults.

Beneficial properties of different nuts, and what diseases they treat

These forest gifts have high taste, nutritional and healing properties: nuts in their nutritional value superior to milk and meat. They are called “canned food”, created by nature itself. These are real storehouses of nutrients.

The beneficial properties of various nuts also lie in the fact that their oil is building material for our body, and primarily for brain cells.

The health benefits of nuts are especially great for older people, as these gifts of nature prevent the development of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases. They strengthen protective forces body, therefore very useful for weakened people.

What other diseases can nuts treat? different types? These forest gifts increase the body's defenses, relieve colds, recommended for mastopathy and inflammation of the appendages, they return male strength and are real natural antidepressants.

To maintain your health, it is useful to eat a little different nuts throughout the day. It is very good to eat them with fruit or add them to salads (this way they are better absorbed). Any nuts should be chewed well when consumed.

The benefits of nuts for the body are especially great in combination with raisins and cheese (for 1 dose, take 1 tablespoon of kernels of any nuts, raisins, grated cheese), take this mixture in the morning on an empty stomach. Daily consumption of this mixture increases the body's immunity and resistance to various infections.

What do peanuts contain and their health benefits?

Peanuts contain up to 60% oil, which includes triglycerides of arachidonic, stearic, lignoceric, palmitic, oleic and other acids, up to 37% complete protein, sugar, purines, saponins, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B9, C, D , E, K, RR, pantothenic acid, biotin, polyunsaturated linoleic acid, alimentary fiber and some others biologically active substances. In addition, peanuts are rich in various minerals: calcium, potassium, copper, manganese, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, selenium, zinc, copper, etc.

What are the benefits of peanuts for the body? Due to their complex chemical composition, ground nuts have many healing properties, including helping with diseases of the bronchi and lungs, and sinusitis.

Contraindications for eating peanuts: individual intolerance, childhood up to 3 years, gout (since this plant belongs to the legume family).

Here is one of the traditional medicine recipes made from peanuts for the treatment of sinusitis. Place several chopped peanuts in a dry frying pan, heat and inhale the smoke from the fried nuts through your nose. Do the procedure before bedtime. The course of treatment is 10 days.

For colds, pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia and other lung diseases, you need to eat 10-15 peanuts daily.

To treat cough in children, it is very useful to add crushed peanut grains to porridge (1-3 tsp per serving of rice or other porridge).

The benefits of walnuts and folk recipes for treating diseases

Gretsky - This is one of the most valuable nuts, both from a food and medical point of view. Fruits (nuts) are used for food, and fruits, shells, nut partitions and leaves are used for treatment.

The walnut kernel is very nutritious. It contains up to 65% high-quality oil, up to 16% proteins, about 12% carbohydrates (starch and sugar), many vitamins B, P, E, C and carotene. Unripe fruits and leaves of walnuts are especially rich in vitamin C.

Nuts contain a lot of mineral salts, especially potassium, manganese, iodine, cobalt and iron; they also contain fiber, traces of essential oil, pectin, tannins, organic acids, coloring matter juglone (has bactericidal and fungicidal effects), flavonoids and caffeic acid.

Tannins give the nut a tart, astringent and bitter taste.

Green nuts contain up to 3000 mg% of vitamin C (this is 100 times more than Antonovka apples and tangerines). As nuts ripen, the amount of vitamin C decreases sharply.

The therapeutic effect of these nuts is also due to their high content of specific anti-sclerotic compounds - phytosterols.

Walnut proteins are very valuable, as they contain a lot essential amino acids(lysine, methionine, etc.).

The beneficial properties of these nuts are used to treat many diseases, including the treatment of respiratory diseases.

In addition to the high content of vitamin C, the leaves contain a lot of carotene (more than 30 mg%), fat, proteins and carbohydrates. They are included in the collections for cough treatment.

Contraindications for eating walnuts: individual intolerance, increased coagulability blood, psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, colitis, high obesity. Abuse of these nuts may cause brain spasms, headaches, urticaria and diathesis.

Below are some recipes traditional treatment walnuts to get rid of colds.

  • It is useful to take 50 - 100 g of ripe walnuts per day to increase immunity for any diseases, including bronchial asthma, cough, etc.
  • Infusion of leaves: 50 g of dried crushed walnut leaves, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 2 hours, strain and take 0.5-1 glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for colds, coughs, bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis and other respiratory diseases. The course of treatment with this traditional medicine made from nuts is 2 - 4 weeks.
  • For pulmonary tuberculosis, it is useful to drink tea from dried leaves walnuts: 1 - 2 tsp. dried crushed leaves (you can add a little tea leaves), brew like tea in 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 5 minutes, wrapped, and drink instead of tea 3-4 times a day, adding sugar or honey to taste. The treatment is long-term, with breaks of 10 days every month of treatment.
  • Remedy for the prevention of colds: take 1 glass of walnut kernels, raisins and dried apricots, mince, add honey (to taste). Take 2 tbsp. l. mixture morning and evening for 1 month. The course is conducted 2 times a year (spring and autumn).
  • For sore throats, gargle with juice from green walnuts diluted with warm boiled water (1:10).
  • At severe cough The following remedy helps: take 4 ripe walnuts, wash and chop them together with the peel, add 1 tbsp. l. elderberry fruits, 0.5 liters of water, put on fire, bring to a boil, cook over low heat for 30 - 40 minutes, cool, strain, add 1 tbsp. l. honey Take this folk remedy with nuts, 1 tbsp. l. decoction 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  • For bronchial asthma, you need to take 0.5 cups of aloe juice, 0.5 kg of chopped walnuts and 0.3 kg of honey, mix. Take 1 tbsp. l. mixture 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals until the end of the medicine.

Benefits of pine nuts for the body

Like all nuts, pine nuts consist predominantly of oil (up to 65%), which is close in composition to walnut oil, but differs from it in that cedar oil contains more polyunsaturated fatty acids(especially linoleic), beneficial for the human body.

IN pine nuts less fiber, so they are less irritating to the stomach.

In addition, pine nuts contain a large amount of vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, E, PP), as well as carotene, proteins, carbohydrates, many mineral salts (especially copper, manganese, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, silicon, vanadium, calcium, nickel, iodine, iron, zinc and cobalt).

100 g of these nuts contains daily dose almost all vitamins, mineral salts and other compounds necessary for human health. Cedar pine nuts are very tasty and nutritious. Like other nuts, they are very high in calories.

Nuts are used for food, and nuts, their shells and resin (resin) are used for treatment.

Thanks to their unique chemical composition, pine nuts are good for health, as they have a number of healing properties. They are used to treat many diseases, including respiratory diseases. Very valuable cedar oil is made from pine nuts, which has a strong wound-healing effect, both externally and internally. internal use(for stomach and intestinal ulcers), rejuvenates the body, accelerates the regeneration of cells and tissues (including in the bronchi and lungs). Cedar pine needles and resin are also used to treat the respiratory system.

Alcohol tinctures of pine nuts and shells pine nuts used to treat colds, flu, pneumonia and pulmonary tuberculosis. Take 1 tbsp. l. tinctures 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 4 weeks.


Treatment with walnuts

Walnut|Juglans regia|Walnut family|Juglandaceae

● Walnut is a powerful tree with a spreading dense crown, the plant's lifespan is more than three hundred years. With the onset of spring in May, the tree awakens and immediately begins to smell fragrant: young leaves, densely covered with glands, emit a subtle, wonderful aroma.

At the same time, dioecious flowers appear, since the tree is dioecious. The male flowers have a green perianth and numerous yellow stamens, collected in thick, dense pendulous catkins. The female flowers are inconspicuous, small, green, planted 2-3 on branches.

● Walnut fruits sit on branches in twos, sometimes threes together, are spherical in shape and dark green in color. When the fruits are still unripe, the pericarp is fleshy, green, it has not yet become lignified, its consistency is still gelatinous.

The outer part of the pericarp dries out as it ripens and becomes brown and leathery, then turns black when fully ripe, cracks and is easily separated from its inner part of the fruit.

Treat yourself, friends, to your health, and God bless you!!!

Walnuts are used in the cuisines of many nations. The range of uses of the nut is quite wide - it is added to sweets, salads, baked goods, meat, fish and first courses. And all because he is a source of a huge number of vitamins and is very useful for the human body. We will talk about the benefits of walnuts and what harm they can cause in this article.

Did you know? Walnut is also known by other names - Voloshsky, royal, walnut, mahogany.

Calorie content and chemical composition of walnuts

In order to understand the benefits that the Volosh nut can have when consumed internally, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with its composition and nutritional value.

The chemical composition of walnuts looks like this:

  • vitamins of group B, PP, P, A, C, E, K,
  • iron,
  • cobalt,
  • sodium,
  • magnesium,
  • calcium,
  • zinc.
The kernels contain oil, proteins, and over 20 free amino acids. In total, the fruits contain about 80 elements.

The composition of the nut will vary slightly depending on its type, region of growth, climate and other factors. For example, nuts growing in eastern and southern countries will contain more fat.

Nuts are a very high-calorie product. It contains 65% fat, 15% protein, 7% carbohydrates. In 100 g of product – 654 kcal.

The nut kernels have a rich tart taste. except them useful composition also in leaves, fruit membranes, shells, nut oil.

Useful properties of walnuts

Thanks to its rich composition, Voloshka nut has a huge range of useful properties. Because it is typical for him high content vitamin C, it has a general strengthening effect and increases the defenses of the human body.

Did you know? The content of ascorbic acid in walnuts is almost 50 times higher than its amount in citrus fruits and 8 times higher than in currants.

Iron, cobalt and zinc in the nut help people who regularly consume it cope with anemia.

Vitamins A and E can strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increase their elasticity, cleanse the blood, and therefore reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Protein, which the Volosh nut is also rich in, has a beneficial effect on work digestive system, relieves constipation, improves metabolism. The nut kernel is credited with the ability to improve memory, expel worms from the body, and reduce the risk of cancer.

Useful properties possess tree leaves– they are able to have wound-healing, bactericidal, antibacterial effects, and contain many vitamins.

Tinctures made from partitions in shell, are used as a sedative, as well as a means that can reduce blood sugar levels.

The healing power is also present in tree bark- decoctions are prepared from it to heal wounds, ulcers, and get rid of tumors.

Walnuts can benefit almost everyone - men and women, children and the elderly.

Did you know? 30 g of Volosh nut kernels (a quarter cup) contains the daily requirement of omega-3 - a very useful substance for brain activity and the work of the heart.

Benefits for men

Representatives strong half of humanity can safely consume walnuts, since they has a beneficial effect on sexual function, is an excellent remedy for the prevention of adenoma and prostatitis. Walnuts are also considered aphrodisiacs and are especially important for men - they improve potency.

For women during pregnancy and breastfeeding

It is important that nuts were included in daily ration pregnant and nursing mothers. However, in this case, in order to avoid adverse reactions and consequences for the child’s body, a preliminary consultation with a gynecologist or pediatrician is necessary.

A small amount of walnuts consumed during pregnancy will be excellent prophylactic from vitamin deficiencies, will help replenish the missing components in the body.

There is information that regular consumption of nut kernels will help avoid mental retardation in a newborn, and consumption of nut oil can alleviate toxicosis and prevent a number of serious illnesses at the baby's.

They say that if women who are breastfeeding eat nuts in moderation, their milk will become fattier, sweeter in taste and enriched with the necessary elements for the baby. However, there are restrictions - you can only eat two nuts a day.

Important! Nursing mothers should be aware that walnuts are an allergen.

Children and teenagers

All vitamins, minerals and especially protein contained in the nut are, of course, necessary for the normal development of a growing organism, so they useful for children and adolescents.

This product can be introduced into the diet of children from the age of two. It's better to give it in small portions in crushed form in mixtures with other products. Whole walnuts are recommended for children aged five years and older.

Decoctions are also prepared from nut leaves and added to the bath when bathing children diagnosed with rickets and scrofula.

Did you know? The kernel of a walnut resembles the human brain in appearance. Therefore, in ancient times in Babylon, ordinary people were forbidden to eat it, so that they would not grow wiser.

The use of walnuts in medicine and cosmetology

Volosh nut-based products have been found wide application V traditional and folk medicine, and also in cosmetology. Here are a few recipes.

Walnut kernels

In addition to the fact that it is recommended to consume 4-5 nut kernels daily, they also You can prepare a general tonic. For it you will need one glass of nuts, raisins and dried apricots, one chopped unpeeled lemon and 300 g of honey. Mix all. Store the mixture in the refrigerator. Take one tablespoon three times a day before meals.

When coughing, walnuts and honey will be beneficial. They must be mixed in the proportion of 100 g kernels / 50 g honey. Take 1 teaspoon before meals.

A mixture of 100 g of nut kernels with a tablespoon of honey or sesame oil is an excellent remedy for improving potency. It must be taken daily, 100 g three hours before bedtime.

Walnut kernels They are beneficial for the skin due to their vitamin F content, so they are used in the preparation of cosmetic creams, cleansers and toners.

You can make your own skin toning milk. For it you need to take 10 crushed kernels, add 200 ml of water, leave for 5-7 hours.

are capable of providing benefits in decoctions and tinctures for sore throat, biliary tract diseases, dysbacteriosis, vitamin deficiency, rickets, and helminths.

A strong decoction of nut leaves is used to rinse hair. It gives them a darker shade.

Walnut shell

Walnut shell is used in folk medicine and cosmetology in several forms. Decoctions and infusions are made from it. In crushed form, it is added to cosmetic scrubs to renew the surface layer of the skin. Ash from the shell is used to remove unwanted body hair. The shell is also used as a base for bathing.

The healing properties of the shell are manifested in the treatment of coughs, gastritis, ulcers, and cleansing of blood vessels.

Did you know? One walnut tree can produce a harvest of 10-300 kg per season.

Walnut partitions

Walnut partitions can also be beneficial - because they contain iodine. They are used for cooking alcohol tincture, which is taken for uterine fibroids and mastopathy.

It is recommended to drink a decoction of partitions for irritability, sleep disturbances, to improve memory and cleanse blood vessels, for dysbiosis and colitis. They can also be used to wipe off skin rashes.

Read below for information on how to prepare a tincture and decoction of partitions.

The main effect of walnut juice– anthelmintic. It also has choleretic properties. When instilled into the ears, it can help with purulent otitis media.

Peanut butter

Walnut oil is used in traditional medicine– it is prescribed for the treatment of otitis and conjunctivitis, as well as for wound healing. Walnut oil is beneficial due to the fact that it contains the same amount useful substances, as well as in the nuclei. The difference is that the oil contains more fatty acids.

Walnut oil is important for men to consume daily. It, like the nuclei, has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system.

When used in cosmetology to lubricate the face and hands, nut oil can relieve dryness and fine wrinkles, increase skin elasticity, and give it freshness.

In cooking, nut oil is added to vegetable salads.

Here are some recipes for tinctures from different parts walnut.

Tincture of walnut kernels. Infuse the crushed kernels of 30 nuts in a liter of alcohol for 14 days. Strain. Take 1 teaspoon orally three times a day.

Tincture of green kernels. To get rid of worms, drink a tincture made from 4 tablespoons of chopped green nut kernels, into which pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 40 minutes. Before infusion, add a little salt. Before use, the infusion should be strained. Have a drink at night.

Tincture of walnut partitions. Infuse 25-30 partitions in 100 ml of alcohol for 10 days. Take a solution of 10 drops of tincture in 50 ml of boiling water for two months. Then take a break for 10 days and repeat the course.

Tincture of leaves. Place 1.5 tablespoons of crushed leaves in half a liter of boiling water and leave for two hours. Strain. Drink 30 ml three times a day before meals.

Bath tincture. Boil 1-2 kg of leaves in 1 liter of water. Use 1 liter of infusion per 10 liters of bathing water.

Walnut decoction

Shell decoction. Place 300 g of shells in 1 liter of boiling water and keep on fire for 20 minutes. Leave the decoction for four hours.

Decoction of walnut partitions. Bring 0.5 cups of partitions in 600 ml of water to a boil. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Store in a dark place. It is recommended to consume 0.5 cups before meals.

A decoction of dry leaves. Place 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves in 250 ml of boiling water. Leave for 60 minutes. Strain. Take 2 tablespoons orally per day. Externally for lubrication.

How to choose walnuts when purchasing

Although today quite often nut kernels are sold shelled, it is still better to purchase them in shell. In this case, you should pay attention to the fact that it is not covered with mold, is dry and light, and has no cracks or stains.

If, with a slight shake, a rattling sound is heard inside the nut, then the fruit is already old and has neither nutritional nor medicinal value.

Rules for storing walnuts

Fresh, unshelled nuts can easily last until next fall. However, they must be stored in a dry and cool place. It's better to save them in closed container in the refrigerator. Cleaned kernels can be stored in a plastic bag in the freezer.

Contraindications and possible harm from walnuts

Not everyone is allowed to eat walnuts. So, there are people with individual intolerance to this product. Also the nut may cause allergic reactions.

It is important not to overdo it with walnuts. It is undesirable to consume more than 50 g of kernels per day. Otherwise, harm from excessive consumption of walnuts can be expressed in the form of inflammation of the tonsils, stomatitis, spasm of cerebral vessels, exacerbation of colitis, psoriasis.

Also this product People with excess body weight, allergy sufferers, and protein intolerance should not eat it. Those with increased blood clotting or acute intestinal diseases should take it with caution.

In any case, you should stop eating nuts if they contain traces of mold or dark kernels, since they produce a substance harmful to the human body.

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Walnut Popularly called the “tree of life.” And not in vain, because its kernels are very useful and nutritious, they give a person strength and strengthen his health. It grows in the form of a powerful branched tree up to 35 m high. Its fruit is a kind of drupe covered with a fleshy shell, which separates after ripening. How the walnut fruit tree is grown in China, USA, Eastern Europe and Russia.

Nowadays, the tree with walnut fruits has become one of the most common in the country. Its fruits, leaves and essential oils found use not only in cooking, but also in medicine and cosmetology. Although walnuts are high in calories, almost all of the fats they contain are unsaturated, and therefore do not contain large amounts of cholesterol. So it’s quite possible to eat 2-3 kernels a day to satisfy your hunger, without fear of gaining weight.

Composition of vitamins

Chemical composition of walnut kernels differs by different stages fruit ripening. But this is manifested only in the amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, as well as some vitamins contained in them, while the remaining substances are preserved throughout the entire ripening cycle.

These nuts contain vitamins E, K, PP, group B and provitamin A. They contain many amino acids: glutamine, asparagine, valine, histidine, serine, cystine and phenylalanine. In addition, they include the following minerals and trace elements, such as iodine, iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and cobalt. The concentration of vitamin C in ripe kernels is very low, but it is found in large quantities in unripe fruits.

Beneficial and healing properties for health

  • Protect your body from radiation you can by eating 4-5 walnuts daily.
  • They useful for vitamin deficiency.
  • Walnut supplies the body with cobalt and iron salts.
  • The substances that make up the nuclei significantly reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome.
  • Experts say that the nut brings invaluable benefits to heart patients, it improves performance of cardio-vascular system, increases blood pressure and prevents the formation blood clots. In addition, the potassium contained in the kernels has a beneficial effect on heart rhythm and blood flow.
  • Nuts are good for bones because they contain calcium, potassium and phosphorus.
  • Walnuts are an indispensable product in vegetarian menu: They contain more protein than any meat.
  • For men walnuts are useful in combination with honey or dried fruits. This mixture has a beneficial effect on potency. In addition, regular consumption of nuts with goat milk will significantly reduce the risk of prostatitis or adenoma.
  • For women Walnuts are also very useful. For example, a walnut septum will help in the treatment of mastopathy and uterine fibroids. It is best to prepare a tincture of partitions with alcohol. This remedy has positive action and with diarrhea.
  • Infusion from partitions has a positive effect on hormonal levels and strengthens the immune system.
  • Diabetics should pay attention to the walnut leaf. A tincture on the leaf lowers blood sugar levels. It will be useful to add walnut membranes during the preparation of the tincture; this will enhance the effect of the drug.
  • For children Nut leaves are also useful. For scrofulous and rachitic diseases, it is useful to bathe babies in a decoction of the leaves.
  • For the treatment of skin diseases, namely dermatitis, herpes, ringworm, use the peel of a green walnut.
  • Walnut shells are useful for hypertension, because it contains substances that reduce blood pressure. In addition, it will help get rid of insomnia.
  • Walnut oil strengthens the body and gives a person vitality, is an ideal remedy for wounds, burns and inflammation.
  • It is also widely used in cosmetology to give skin elasticity, maintain its youth and freshness.
  • Walnuts have a beneficial effect on brain function, improve memory function.
  • They are good antioxidants.

Calorie content

Calorie content per 100 grams of dry peeled kernels is 654 kcal. Nutritious and rich in fat, the nut is apparently very high in calories. Sometimes most of the composition of its nucleolus can consist of fats (up to 77%). But even such an impressive figure should not scare you, because for the most part these fats are unsaturated, so they practically do not increase cholesterol levels.

Tasty and satisfying walnut kernels perfectly satisfy the feeling of hunger, which is why nutritionists recommend eating them in small quantities (2-3 pieces) after training in the gym and heavy exercise. physical activity. Since with their help the body will quickly restore strength and replenish the balance of vitamins and microelements necessary for its normal functioning. After eating the kernels, you feel a surge of energy, a feeling of peace, tranquility and harmony, both with yourself and with the world around you. This is very important for athletes, because as a result of grueling training and competitions, a tired person can be very angry and irritable.

Walnuts also help increase muscle mass s, relieves fatigue and stress. The nut is also useful for that category of people who have problems with the thyroid gland. Walnut kernels contain a lot of iodine, which will restore its balance in the body and help thyroid gland function normally.

Use during pregnancy

The benefits of nuts for the body are very great. This must be remembered when creating a regular diet for pregnant women. Walnuts will not only become a tasty treat for the expectant mother, but will also bring great benefit her body, as well as the body of the fetus. Let's look at the main qualities of the nut that make it worth eating during pregnancy.

    • Walnut, due to its antispasmodic effect, relieves headaches. Since many painkillers are contraindicated for pregnant women, the nut in this case will be a godsend.

  • Two or three nuts can satisfy your hunger expectant mother, if you want to eat, but the time has not yet come.
  • A common problem among expectant mothers is low hemoglobin. But walnuts will help you with this too. You just need to mix the crushed kernels with honey and grated lemon peel and take this mixture internally.
  • Walnuts contain a large amount of iodine, which will protect a pregnant woman from thyroid diseases.
  • The substances contained in these nuts have a diuretic effect, which will prevent the retention of excess fluid in the body of the expectant mother.
  • The immunostimulating and restorative properties of walnuts are also very important for a woman during pregnancy.

Of course, the benefits of walnuts for pregnant women are undeniable, but it is important to know about some warnings for its use, which we will discuss later.

Harm and contraindications

Like any product, even if it is extremely beneficial for the body, walnuts have a number of contraindications. Expectant mothers should especially pay attention to them. Walnut − strong allergen because it contains a lot of protein. This property can harm not only the mother, but also the child, since one of the consequences of such an allergy can be asthma. Based on this, you can eat no more than two or three nuts per day.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers and colitis, walnuts are contraindicated due to their ability to cause irritation of mucous membranes.

People suffering from constipation should also not overuse walnuts, since their high fat content will only aggravate the situation.

Neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema and other skin diseases are also reasons to avoid this fruit in order to prevent the exacerbation of these diseases.

Application in cosmetology

IN for cosmetic purposes They use walnut kernels, peel, oil and even leaves. From a decoction of walnut leaves produce products for coloring hair and giving it a healthier look.

Walnut oil is beneficial for moisturizing the skin. Moreover, it will help you get a better and faster tan. Walnut-based masks have regenerating properties, nourish the skin, and restore its natural balance. Walnuts can be used to make excellent peeling creams.