What is mineralization of mineral waters. Alkaline mineral carbonated and non-carbonated waters: composition, list, names. How to choose alkaline mineral water for use with pancreatitis, gout, urolithiasis, for inhalation with a nebulizer?

From the history of the use of mineral waters to treat diseases

“Mineral waters of salt, ferruginous, sulfuric, iodide, carbonic acid, etc. There are as many ways to cure ailments as there are sand on bottom of the sea», – wrote a hundred years ago, M. Platen in his “Guide to living according to the laws of nature, to maintain health and to treat without the help of drugs.” The term “ mineral water" came into use in the 16th century, but in everyday life the word " water", and, just like in Ancient Rome, " aquae", - in plural. Origin of the word " aquae" refers to the time when Thales of Miletus (c. 624 - c. 546 BC) - a Greek philosopher and mathematician from Miletus, trying to determine the basis of the material world, came to the conclusion that it was water. Word " aqua" - water, consists of two Greek words - "a" and "qua", the literal translation is from which (implies omnia constant- everything happened, everything is complete).

The first attempt to classify mineral waters by composition belongs to the Greek scientist Archigen (II century). He identified four classes of waters: aquae nitrose, aluminose, saline and sulfurose (alkaline, ferruginous, salty and sulphurous). L.A. Seneca identified sulfur, iron, and alum waters and believed that taste indicated their properties. Archigen recommended sulfur baths for gout, and for diseases Bladder prescribed drinking mineral waters up to 5 liters per day. He believed that it was enough to know the composition of water to prescribe it for treatment. It should be noted that the composition of the water at that time could not be known even approximately.

G. Fallopius, the author of one of the first manuals on mineral waters that have survived to our times, published after his death, speaks about the composition of mineral waters (“ De thermalibus aquis atque metallis", 1556). However, the composition of the waters of Italy, described by Fallopius, was far from true, since the science of the 16th century. many were not yet known chemical elements. A real breakthrough in the study of mineral waters occurred in the 18th century, after revolutionary discoveries in chemistry, which are mainly associated with the name of A. Lavoisier. The very concept of “mineral waters” (from Lat. minari- dig) was formed during the 19th-20th centuries, when the foundations of balneology (health resorts) and scientific basis use of groundwater for medical purposes.

The first resort in Russia was built by Decree of Peter the Great on the sources of ferruginous Martial waters. Peter I upon his return from Belgium, where he was successfully treated with the waters of the Spa resort. In honor of the Russian Emperor, a drinking pavilion was built at the resort - “Pouhon Pierre Le Grand”. Peter I called the waters of the Belgian resort a source of salvation, and upon returning to Russia he issued a decree to look for key waters in Russia that can be used to treat diseases. The first Russian resort was built in Karelia on the Olonets waters, called Marcial. Marcial waters exceed all known ferrous sources in the world in terms of the content of divalent ferrous iron - up to 100 mg/l. The iron content in the waters of the Belgian ancestor of resorts – Spa, is only 21 mg/l (ferruginous waters – Fe 10 mg/l).

The first cadastre of mineral waters in Russia was compiled by scientists of the Mineralogical Society, created in 1817 in St. Petersburg. Among its founders were academician V.M. Severgin and Professor D.I. Sokolov. According to studies of numerous academic expeditions of the late 18th and early XIX centuries V.M. Severgin described the mineral springs and lakes of Russia, classified them according to a set of characteristics and compiled instructions for their research. The results of the research were summarized in the book “A Method for Testing Mineral Waters, Compiled from the Latest Observations on the Subject,” published in St. Petersburg in 1800. In 1825, the work of the Russian chemist G.I. Hess “Study of the chemical composition and healing effect Mineral Waters of Russia", which became the basis of his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medicine.

An important role in the study of medicinal mineral waters was played by the founding in 1863 of the Russian Balneological Society in the Caucasus on the initiative of the director of the Caucasian Mineral Waters resort management, Professor S.A. Smirnova. After 1917 (after the nationalization of resorts), the intensive development of balneology began. In 1921, the Balneological Institute was created in the Caucasian Mineral Waters (in , in 1922 - the Tomsk Balneophysiotherapeutic Institute, and in 1926 the Central Institute of Balneology and Physiotherapy was opened in Moscow.

Chemical composition of mineral waters

Mineral water – complex solutions in which substances are contained in the form of ions, undissociated molecules, gases, colloidal particles.

For a long time, balneologists could not come to a consensus on the chemical composition of many waters, since the anions and cations of mineral waters form very unstable compounds. As Ernst Rutherford said, “ions are cheerful little kids, you can almost see them with your own eyes.” Back in the 1860s. chemist O. Tan pointed out the incorrectness of the salt image of mineral waters, which is why Zheleznovodsk has long been considered a resort with an “unestablished reputation.” At first, the mineral waters of Zheleznovodsk were classified as alkali-ferrous, then they began to combine carbonates with alkalis, and sulfates with alkaline earths, calling these waters “alkali-ferrous (containing sodium carbonate and iron) with a predominance of gypsum (calcium sulfate) and soda (sodium bicarbonate ). Subsequently, the composition of waters began to be determined by the main ions. The unique Zheleznovodsk springs in composition belong to carbon dioxide, bicarbonate-sulfate, calcium-sodium, high-thermal waters, containing little sodium chloride, which eliminates the risk of irritation renal tissue when used for drinking purposes. Currently, Zheleznovodsk is considered one of the best “kidney” resorts. The mineral waters of this resort contain relatively little iron, up to 6 mg/l, i.e. less than in specific ferruginous waters, which must contain at least 10 mg/l.

In the German “Spa Book”, published in 1907, water analyzes mineral springs were first presented in the form of ionic tables. The same book about Austrian spas was published in 1914. This type of presentation of mineral waters is currently accepted in Europe. As an example, we give the ionic composition of the waters of one of the most popular springs of the French resort of Vichy, known since the times of the Roman Empire - Vichy Celestins (M - 3.325 g/l; pH - 6.8).

Criteria for classifying waters as “mineral”

Criteria for classifying waters as “mineral” vary to varying degrees among different researchers. They are all united by their origin: that is, mineral waters are waters extracted or brought to the surface from the bowels of the earth. At the state level, in a number of EU countries, certain criteria for classifying waters as mineral waters have been legislatively approved. National regulations regarding the criteria for mineral waters reflect the hydrogeochemical features of the territories that are inherent in each country.

In the regulations of a number of European countries and international recommendations - the Codex Alimentarius, Directives of the European Parliament and European Council For EU member countries, the definition of “mineral waters” has acquired a broader content.

For example, " Codex Alimentarius" gives the following definition of natural mineral water: natural mineral water is water that is clearly different from ordinary drinking water, because:

  • it is characterized by its composition, including certain mineral salts, in a certain ratio, and the presence of certain elements in trace quantities or other components
  • it is directly obtained from natural or drilled sources from underground aquifers, for which it is necessary to observe all precautions within the protection zone to avoid the entry of any contamination or external influence on the chemical and physical properties of mineral waters;
  • it is characterized by the constancy of its composition and stability of flow rate, a certain temperature and corresponding cycles of minor natural fluctuations.

In Russia, the definition of V.V. Ivanov and G.A. Nevraev, given in the work “Classification of underground mineral waters” (1964).

Healing mineral waters are called natural waters, which contain in elevated concentrations certain mineral (less often organic) components and gases and (or) have some physical properties(radioactivity, environmental reaction, etc.), due to which these waters have a healing effect on the human body to one degree or another, which differs from the effect of “fresh” water.

Mineral drinking waters (in accordance with) include waters with a total mineralization of at least 1 g/l or with less mineralization, containing biologically active microcomponents in quantities not lower than balneological standards.

Alkaline mineral waters are a medicinal product - they are recommended for a number of diseases, mainly the stomach and digestive tract. According to the generally accepted classification, alkaline mineral water is hydrocarbonate water from natural sources, which are characterized by a constant mineral composition.

The main defining characteristic in in this casepH level, which should be above 7. Also, this water is characterized by a predominance of ions of hydrocarbonate salts and sodium, which ensures beneficial effect on the body. Unfortunately, today the shelves of our stores are replete with counterfeits and products Low quality. Very often, under the guise of alkaline mineral water, the buyer is offered a surrogate that not only does not meet the stated standards, but can even cause significant harm to health. Therefore, if you have been prescribed such a remedy, you must approach the issue of choice extremely responsibly, carefully studying the list of names of alkaline mineral waters that are produced in Russia and also supplied to our country from neighboring countries.

Russian manufacturers

The main Russian brand is Essentuki. It combines several varieties of mineral water, but Only two numbers are alkaline. Essentuki No. 4 It is considered a medicinal table mineral water and has a complex effect on the entire body. But option number 17 is characterized by increased mineralization, so consuming it in large quantities is not recommended, and this will not work due to its specific taste.

Many sources of alkaline mineral waters are concentrated in the Stavropol Territory. Such well-known brands as " Slavyanovskaya" And " Smirnovskaya" Among Russian stamps alkaline mineral water also stand out " Martin", mined and bottled in the Primorsky Territory.

Georgian mineral waters

The list of names of alkaline mineral waters of the Caucasus is headed by Borjomi. This name was familiar to every resident Soviet Union. Moreover, products with such a label were exported and were in great demand in Europe. Today, there are several factories producing Borjomi in Georgia, most of which are supplied to Russia.

The share of hydrocarbonate salts in Borjomi reaches 90%, the remaining 10% comes from substances such as bromine, fluorine, sodium, magnesium and calcium. The close to optimal mineral composition of water and the salt concentration of 6 g/l made Borjomi an indispensable remedy for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the digestive system.

Also, two more types of alkaline mineral water are produced in Georgia - “” and “”. They were named after the place of extraction and, although from the point of view of mineral composition and healing properties these brands are inferior to Borjomi, their regular use It can also bring great benefits to the body.

Speaking about Caucasian mineral waters, one cannot fail to mention large deposit located on the territory of Armenia – Dilijan. The name of this small town was once immortalized by the hero of the film “Mimino”, who said that the water that flows from a simple tap in Dilijan ranks second in quality in the world. Rubik, of course, got excited about such a high position, but Dilijan brand water has unique properties, it is a fact.

Ukrainian alkaline mineral waters

The first in the list of names of alkaline mineral waters extracted on the territory of Ukraine is a brand no less famous than Borjomi. In any case, among experts and fans, water " Luzhanskaya" is rated quite highly. Its deposit is located in Transcarpathia, character traits“Luzhanskaya” - low mineralization with a high concentration of salts - over 7.5 g of bicarbonates per liter of water.

Saturation with hydrocarbonates, depending on the specific source, can reach from 96 to 100%, therefore Luzhanskaya" is often used as an antacid mild action, that is natural remedy neutralizing high acidity - it helps well with regular heaviness in the stomach, bloating, heartburn. It should be noted Almost instant effect when drinking this water.

Water " Polyana Kvasova"Also almost 100% consists of hydrocarbonate salts, but at the same time, compared to Luzhanskaya, it is characterized by a higher degree of mineralization. It helps well with complex diseases such as diabetes and obesity. You can take it both before and after meals - with different effects observed.

The products of Ukrainian manufacturers are good because they contain water of medium mineralization - “ Svalyava" It is characterized by a high concentration of boron, which provides a healing effect on the liver, kidneys and bile ducts.

The list of names of alkaline mineral waters given here is, of course, not complete - it can be supplemented by another two dozen names. We have tried to list only the most famous brands with an impeccable reputation and the most remarkable healing properties.

The Greek physician Archigenes, who lived in the 1st century BC, was the first to state that healing power groundwater lies in their composition. He even systematized them, dividing them into four types. Today, everyone knows that the power of water is directly related to its content.

What is mineral water

WITH high content it contains salts and trace elements. Its properties help maintain the body in good shape and treat a number of diseases. Bottled, it must contain up to 1000 solid particles per liter (a million particles of its own weight) - that is, mineralization must be above 1 g/l or contain an amount of active microelements not lower than balneological standards (new Russian GOST). Mineral table water differs from other types of bottled water in the constant amount of various elements in the source. They are delivered to the surface of the earth using boreholes, the depth of which can reach two kilometers or even more. In the territory Russian Federation Today there are more than a thousand springs with mineral waters.

What groups is it divided into?

The increased concentration of biologically active substances and mineral salts in water allows the water to be divided into three groups.

  1. Medicinal-8-10 g/l.
  2. Medicinal table-mineral water -2-8 g/l.
  3. Natural mineral (table) is filled with mineral salts of no more than 1 g/l.

Table water is drunk in any quantity. It has no taste, no foreign odors, is pleasant and soft, has a neutral composition that cannot cause harm to the body if consumed excessively, unlike medicinal and medicinal table waters, which should be drunk only after consulting a doctor.

Not mineral waters

Incompetence in this matter often leads to the fact that the buyer, not paying attention to the price tag with a description of the product, purchases a product that is completely useless to his body. Mineralized and carbonated have significant differences. They're just different. And the manufacturer must indicate this in the information on the label. Everything in mineralized water active substances and minerals are added artificially. It is simply impossible to recreate the natural balance of substances in real mineral waters, so you can, of course, drink such “unnatural” water, but you should not expect any special benefits from it for the body.

Natural water classes

We found out that table mineral water has a certain concentration of minerals, is absolutely safe for health, suitable for daily use and doesn't have side effects. Now it should be noted that mineral waters differ in their composition, effect on the human body and are divided into different classes.

Hydrocarbonate sulfate

It is also a mineral-organic medical canteen. Helps in the treatment of kidney disease. The most common ones are Borjomi and Narzan. Borjomi has a number of useful to the body microelements, there is chlorine, sodium and a large amount of calcium, there is sulfur, potassium, magnesium, fluorine, boron, silicon. There is also titanium, aluminum and strontium in small proportions. In small doses, this healing water even contains sulfur. Medicinal table mineral water "Narzan" has no less valuable composition. It is based on magnesium, calcium and sodium. Strontium, manganese, zinc, boron and iron are found in lower concentrations here.


Indicated for chronic intestinal pathologies with complications in its reflex activity. This is very useful for obesity, diabetes and biliary tract diseases. Particularly popular in this category are “Essentuki-17” and “Ekateringofskaya” water. The taste of the water is soda-salty, and the smell is completely unpleasant, something reminiscent of rotten egg, but mineralization (and therefore medicinal properties) is high, and the composition includes boron, bromine, iron, arsenic and many other biologically active elements.

Bicarbonate sulfate calcium

This medicinal table mineral water is prescribed for chronic intestinal pathologies, peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, as well as a number of other diseases, in particular enterocolitis and colitis. This class also includes “Borjomi”, “Narzan”, “Essentuki No. 20” and “Smirnovskaya” water.

“Smirnovskaya” - medicinal table water with a low degree of mineralization (3-4 g/l) is rich in sodium, magnesium, calcium, chloride, sulfate and bicarbonate. Like other waters of this class, it can be consumed for a long time (but only in certain quantities) and is indicated exclusively for medicinal purposes. It is important to avoid drinking this water in case of exacerbation of the above diseases.

“Essentuki No. 20” is distinguished by its unique origin. The value of water lies in its exceptional natural purity, which does not require any additional purification. Obtained only from Thanks to the wonderful taste qualities And natural origin water, it can be consumed without any restrictions. The composition contains sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, as well as chloride, sulfate and bicarbonate. They claim that daily consumption of this water helps to cope with even such delicate issue like sexual impotence.


Prescribed for such pathologies in the body as decreased gastric secretion and gastritis. Such medicinal waters include “Essentuki No. 17”, “Essentuki No. 4”, “Narzan”, “Azovskaya”. The composition of Essentuki No. 4 mineral water is distinguished by a rather dense concentration of mineral salts (7-10 g/l). It is saturated with bicarbonates, potassium, sodium and chlorides, and contains calcium, sulfates and magnesium. To preserve all medicinal properties, water is bottled directly at the place of its extraction. Using a special mineral pipeline, it goes through three stages of filtration, without coming into contact with air at all, for the complete preservation of all volatile substances in it.

Hydrocarbonate water

Depending on the method of its use, it helps stimulate or slow down gastric secretion. Most often used for treatment urolithiasis. Hydrocarbonate waters are ideal for those who love sports, as they help quickly restore the reserve level of alkali in the body during intense muscle work. It is not recommended to drink them throughout the day, but a few sips before starting a workout and a couple of glasses at the end will help the body quickly recover. The most famous brands are "Borjomi" and "Essentuki No. 17".

Sulphate water

Helps with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is used for chronic hepatitis, diabetes, obesity. Mineral water contains calcium, sodium, magnesium, and chlorine. This so-called bitter water promotes the production of bile and excretion from the body. bad cholesterol and toxic substances. The most popular brands in this class are “Essentuki No. 4”, “Borjomi”, “Essentuki No. 17”, “Smirnovskaya”, “Ekateringofskaya”, “Berezovskaya” and other brands.

How to choose the right water

Absolutely all table mineral water has healing properties. Its names indicate a number of qualities that affect the body in a special way. This should be known and taken into account when purchasing. For example, Essentuki No. 4 water is drunk according to a specially defined scheme. 30-40 minutes before the first meal in the morning (on an empty stomach), drink one glass, the same volume should be drunk before lunch, and the third can be consumed in the evening, immediately after coming from work. During the time it takes for dinner to be prepared, the water will have time to be absorbed and prepare the digestive tract for work. If you cannot follow the regimen completely, you can only stick to morning and evening doses. The main thing here is compliance important rule: drink water half an hour, maximum an hour, before meals. What is important here is the cumulative effect and results after a month positive impact on the body will definitely become visible.

Russian table mineral waters are available for sale in very large assortment. Below we list the main ones that taste good and are most often used as a daily table drink.

- “Karmadon” - refers to medicinal, but is often used as a dining room, differs increased content hydrocarbonates.

- “Kuyalnik” - extracted from a source located in Odessa, has pleasant taste and helps in the treatment of many chronic pathologies.

- “Alma-Ata” - its source is located near the Ili River, not far from the city of Almaty, it is used as a dining room, but is especially useful for diseases of the liver and stomach.

- “Borjomi” is a world-famous carbonated mineral water that tastes great and quenches thirst well.

- “Kyiv” - processed with silver ions, produced at an experimental plant, and is in good demand among buyers.

- “Kishinevskaya” - low-mineralized water, ideal for daily use, useful due to its sulfate-hydrocarbonate-magnesium-sodium-calcium composition.

- “Narzan” is another world-famous table mineral water, the source is located in Kislovodsk. It is perfectly refreshing and is highly valued by consumers due to a number of healing properties.

- “Polyustrovskaya” - known since 1718. The source is located near the city of St. Petersburg. Thanks to its high iron content, it quickly increases and normalizes the level of hemoglobin in the blood, fights loss of strength and anemia.

- “Kherson” is another ferruginous water, low-mineralized, can be consumed daily, but is especially recommended for loss of strength and anemia.

- “Kharkovskaya” - available in two types, No. 1 and No. 2, is effective in case of metabolic disorders, has a somewhat unusual taste, and is good after serving hot dishes.

- "Essentuki" - the famous table carbonated mineral water, the numbering on the bottles occurs according to its sources of origin, which are located on famous resort and in the Stavropol Territory.

- “Essentuki No. 20” is mineralized water, has a sour taste of carbon dioxide, and is positioned as a medicinal and table water.

- “Obolonskaya” - water with excellent taste, chloride-hydrocarbonate-sodium-magnesium, an excellent option as a table water.

- “Sairme” - often used for obesity and poor metabolism, tastes good, the source is located at the resort of the same name in Georgia.

High-quality table mineral water must meet a number of standards.

  1. Extracted only from natural source and spill in the immediate vicinity of it.
  2. Be officially registered.
  3. Sold only in its original form. Without the use of other cleaning methods. The use of filters is permissible only in exceptional situations, for example, in the presence of undesirable substances in the composition and to remove mechanical impurities.

You can distinguish high-quality mineral water from ordinary drinking water using GOST or TU, which each manufacturer must indicate on the label:

The old GOST 13273-88 and the new GOST 54316-2011 are real natural mineral water;

- well number and TU 9185 (other numbers may change) also indicate the quality of the water;

The inscription TU 0131 indicates that this is ordinary drinking water.

Diseases of the liver, gallbladder and biliary tract are usually accompanied by insufficient formation and (or) delayed secretion of bile. This makes it difficult to digest food. On the other hand, retention of bile in the liver threatens poisoning. For the treatment of such diseases, predominantly sulfate waters are used, which have choleretic effect. Waters of magnesium composition are particularly intense in this regard. Thanks to them, the liver cells increase the formation of bile, the peristalsis of the biliary tract increases, the outflow from the gallbladder and ducts improves, thereby ensuring the removal of inflammatory products, creating conditions that prevent the loss of salts from the bile and the formation of stones.

Sulfate waters have an inhibitory effect on gastric secretion. Therefore, if liver disease is accompanied by decreased gastric secretion, you need to choose water that contains sodium chlorides along with sulfates. To a much lesser extent than sulfate, they have choleretic properties and alkaline waters. They increase the amount of bilirubin and cholesterol in the duodenal contents, which facilitate the digestion of food, and at the same time stimulate all metabolic processes, occurring in the liver. As already noted, these waters help flush out mucus, leukocytes, salts and microbes from the biliary tract.

The method of taking choleretic waters depends on the acidity of the gastric juice: if it is low, drink water 15 minutes before meals, if it is normal - 45 minutes, and if it is high - one and a half hours before meals. Compliance with these rules enhances the effect of mineral water, which must be heated to 40 °C.

If intestinal disease is accompanied by a tendency to constipation, sulfate waters are prescribed, since they have not only a choleretic, but also a laxative effect (in high concentrations, in particular, magnesium sulfate). Such waters are slowly absorbed in the intestine, as a result of which its contents long time remains liquid. By enhancing intestinal peristalsis, sulfate waters promote bowel movement. By the way, intestinal regulation has a beneficial effect on liver function. Sodium chloride waters with a salt content of 10 g/l and higher (with “relatively high” mineralization) are also used; they also cause loose stools. This occurs as a result of an increased flow of fluid from the tissue (due to osmosis) and increased peristalsis. Sodium chloride waters with a significant salt content (high concentrations) are contraindicated if they tend to retain water in the body tissues.

Low-mineralized sodium chloride mineral waters, on the contrary, are quickly absorbed in the intestines, which is why they are prescribed for those prone to diarrhea. In this case, high concentrations of salts are also harmful.

The time of administration (in these cases), as usual, is dictated by the acidity of the gastric juice: with low acidity - 10-15 minutes, high acidity - 1.5-2 hours, and with normal acidity - 40 minutes before meals. The temperature of mineral water depends on the type of disease: for intestinal atony and a tendency to constipation, it is more useful to take water at room temperature, otherwise [diarrhea] it should be heated to a temperature of 30-40 °C.

Bottled sulfate waters have a low concentration of salts - from 2.4 to 3.9 g/l, with the exception of Batalinsky spring water - 21 g/l. Sulfate salts predominate in all sulfate waters. Alkalies are absent or present in small quantities - within 10%. The hydrocarbonate group is usually represented by a calcareous component. There are also few chlorides, mostly table salt.

Sulphate mineral waters They reduce the activity of gastric secretion and affect the intestines. They cleanse the body of toxic substances, normalize liver function, and regulate bowel movements. Sulfate waters eliminate inflammatory processes in gallbladder, prevent the formation of gallstones, remove pigments, bile acids, and have a choleretic effect.

These waters speed up metabolism. Sulfates slow down the release of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. These mineral waters are used for liver diseases and related stomach diseases, such as gastritis, chronic pancreatitis, ulcer, chronic diseases urinary tract, as well as with anemia. They help well with high acidity and speed up treatment diabetes mellitus and obesity, increase sexual potency.

Additional components of sulfate mineral waters enhance their therapeutic effect and give a specific focus. For example, sulfate-chloride waters are a good choleretic and laxative. Drink sulfate-chloride Water is better before meals, 10-15 minutes. Sulfate-hydrocarbonate waters slow down gastric secretion. Drinking such waters improves performance pancreas .

Characteristics of mineral waters and diseases cured by them

  • Atsylyk - bicarbonate-sodium water of the Atsylyk spring, widely known in North Ossetia, Dagestan, the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic and Georgia. Atsylyk is not only a table drink, but also effective remedy in the treatment of diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys, etc.
  • Batalinskaya - bitter mineral water with high content magnesium sulfate and sodium sulfate, is known primarily as a very effective laxative. Simultaneous use 1-1.5 glasses of Batalinskaya (preferably on an empty stomach) causes rapid and complete bowel movement. Batalinskaya is indispensable in the treatment of chronic constipation.

The advantage of Batalinskaya water is that it can be taken periodically for a long time without fear of any harmful consequences. It is taken in the treatment of hemorrhoids, stagnation in the system portal vein, she renders beneficial influence on metabolic processes, especially in obesity.

  • "White Hill" - chloride-sodium-calcium water with high mineralization. The water of the Belaya Gorka source (Voronezh region) contains a significant amount calcium chloride, as well as bromine. Used in the treatment of various diseases gastrointestinal tract, gout.
  • Berezovskaya - ferrous hydrocarbonate-calcium-magnesium water of low concentration. It has a pleasant taste and is widely used as a table drink. Recommended for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract, regulates gastrointestinal secretion, increases diuresis, enhances hematopoiesis.
  • Borjomi - sodium bicarbonate water, which can be successfully used to treat gastrointestinal diseases and liver diseases, urinary tract and metabolic disorders. Useful for stomach catarrh, stomach ulcers and duodenum, chronic catarrhs ​​of the intestines, chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract, urolithiasis, colds, bronchitis, mild forms of diabetes.
  • Essentuki No. 4 - carbonic bicarbonate-chloride-sodium mineral water of moderate concentration. Widely used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as for diseases of the liver, gall bladder and urinary tract. Has a beneficial effect on the course of metabolic processes.
  • Essentuki No. 17 - carbon dioxide bicarbonate-chloride-sodium water, has a significant concentration minerals. It is used with great success for the same diseases as Essentuki No. 4 (often in combination with it, for example, in the morning, water No. 17 is taken, and in the afternoon - water No. 4).
  • Essentuki No. 20 - a common table drink. Belongs to the type of sulfate-hydrocarbonate-calcium-magnium waters low concentration. Has a beneficial effect on intestinal functions and promotes normal digestion. This is not only table water, but also an effective remedy that works well for metabolic and urinary tract diseases.
  • Izhevskaya - sulfate calcium chloride mineral water of the Izhevsk spring. A refreshing table drink that has an excellent taste and quenches thirst well. Taken in the morning on an empty stomach, it has a laxative and diuretic effect.

Izhevskaya is successfully used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver diseases and biliary tract, urinary tract diseases, metabolic disorders.

  • "Martin" - carbonic hydrocarbonate-sodium-magnesium water with a high content of free carbon dioxide. Mineral water "Swallow" in its own way physical and chemical properties It is also close to Borjomi-type waters and is very popular in Transbaikalia and the Far East, not only as medicinal mineral water, but also as a tasty, pleasant table drink.
  • Mirgorodskaya - sodium chloride mineral water of the Essentuki type No. 4 and No. 17. The use of this water affects the secretion and acidity of gastric juice, increases the secretion of bile, stimulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and improves metabolism.
  • Moscow - mineral water of the Moscow deep borehole, is characterized by low mineralization and belongs to the type of sulfate-calcium-magnesium waters. The chemical composition is similar to Essentuki water No. 20.

Moskovskaya is a delicious table drink, refreshing and good at quenching thirst; it is successfully used in the treatment of chronic gastritis, normalizes gastric motility and reduces heartburn, belching, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, and is useful for diseases of the liver and biliary tract, since its use has a choleretic effect.

  • Narzan - carbonic hydrocarbonate-sulfate-calcium water of the Narzan spring in Kislovodsk. This water is famous as a refreshing, thirst-quenching and slightly appetite-stimulating table drink.

Narzan enhances intestinal motility and secretory activity of the digestive glands, increases the amount of urine, and promotes the dissolution of phosphates. The salts of magnesium sulfate and calcium bicarbonate contained in narzan have a beneficial effect on the body in case of catarrhal diseases of the urinary tract.

  • Naftusya (Truskavetskaya) - low-mineralized hydrocarbonate calcium-magnesium water. Used to treat urinary tract problems, urolithiasis, and stimulates bile formation.
  • Polyustrovskaya - ferrous, slightly mineralized water from a spring discovered in the 18th century in the vicinity of St. Petersburg (near the village of Polustrovo, which means “swamp” in Finnish). Water contains a large number of ferrous iron. It is successfully used to treat anemia, blood loss, general loss of strength, postoperative period. It is also a drink that quenches thirst well and is especially useful for workers in hot shops where the air contains carbon monoxide. Polyustrovskaya increases the number of red blood cells, which are partially destroyed by carbon monoxide. Long-term use of it increases the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. After additional carbonation, it is used as table water. A number of carbonated fruit and berry drinks are produced based on Polyustrovskaya water.
  • "Polyana Kvasova" - carbonic bicarbonate-sodium water with a significant content of carbon dioxide. “Polyana” is superior to Borjomi in its mineralization and amount of hydrocarbonate. It is used with great success in the treatment of diseases of the stomach, intestines, urinary tract, liver, etc. Its use affects gastric secretion and acidity, thins mucus, increases diuresis and enhances the secretion of urinary sand.
  • Growled-su - bicarbonate-sodium water of the Rychal-su spring. In its physical and chemical composition it is close to Borjomi. Rychal-su is used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract and metabolic disorders.
  • Sairme - carbon dioxide bicarbonate sodium-calcium water, indicated for stomach diseases, in particular gastritis with increased acidity, stomach and duodenal ulcers, functional disorders intestines, chronic kidney diseases, obesity, mild forms of diabetes.
  • Slavyanovskaya - almost identical in chemical composition to Smirnovskaya. It is only less saturated with natural carbon dioxide and more radioactive. Slavyanovskaya, like Smirnovskaya, has proven itself in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers.
  • Smirnovskaya - carbonic hydrocarbonate-sulfate-sodium-calcium water of the Zheleznovodsk hot spring. This water is very effective in treating peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum. Smirnovskaya, taken 1-1.5 hours before meals, leads to inhibition of the process of secretion of gastric juice and is therefore extremely useful in the treatment of gastric diseases with high acidity. This water also has a very beneficial effect in the treatment of the liver, biliary and urinary tracts.

Mineral water is one of the oldest natural medicines, used by people. For centuries, hospitals existed near the sources of healing mineral waters, world-famous resorts and sanatoriums were created, and later - factories supplying bottled mineral water throughout the world. What are the benefits of mineral water, do mineral waters retain their medicinal value and today, in an era of abundance of drugs? Where to get these waters, how to use them, how to avoid counterfeits? The questions are answered by the author of the book “Your Own Homeopath: Healing Minerals,” homeopathic physician, allergist and immunologist E. Yu. Zaitseva.

— Elena Yuryevna, how is mineral water useful and why does our body need it? Can't you just accept essential minerals in the form of preparations or dissolve them in the same water?

— Natural beneficial features mineral waters are unique, because they were formed in the bowels of the earth, in a completely special conditions. They are naturally processed by various rocks, high temperatures, dissolved gases, all kinds of energy fields. These waters carry enormous information in their composition, structure and properties. This is what explains their unique taste and healing qualities. And since it is impossible to artificially recreate the conditions of an underground natural laboratory, no complex of minerals can compare with natural mineral water. By the way, therefore, changing the composition of mineral waters during their extraction, bottling or purification is strictly prohibited.

Moreover, in general pure water- this is now a huge value, it is no coincidence that in stores it is more expensive than gasoline. There are almost no sources of clean water left in Europe, and they don’t drink tap water, only bottled water from wells. And mineral water is clean.

— What types of mineral waters are there? Tell us about the composition of mineral water?

— During the Soviet era, there was a clear division of water into mineral water, that is, extracted from underground sources, and drinking water, which flowed from water tap. In Europe, drinking water is considered to be bottled well water, which is considered or not considered mineral depending on the amount of salts. In our country, mineral waters are usually divided into medicinal, medicinal-table and table waters.

Healing mineral waters - waters with very high concentration salts - more than 8 grams per liter. There are very few such waters, among them are “Essentuki” No. 17 and “Cheboksary” No. 1. Medicinal mineral waters were almost never bottled; they were usually drunk at the source. This is very salty water, which cannot simply be drunk, it is used only for medicinal purposes.

Mineral waters with a salt content of 2 to 8 g/l are considered medicinal waters. Such waters are the majority. However, today almost any water that has at least some medicinal effect is classified as medicinal water.

In the USSR, canteen was the name given to water that was used as drinking water, but was extracted from wells and bottled. There was simply no bottled drinking water; we drank water from the tap.

Now we are in complete confusion. You can buy water and read on the label that it is natural, drinking, medicinal, mineral, and all at the same time. It is very difficult to figure out what kind of water it really is, since the word “mineral” does not necessarily mean that this water was extracted from a well, and the word “drinking” does not always indicate that it is tap water: it can also be table water , that is, from the well.

— Which mineral water is the best? What kind of water should I buy?

— Pay attention to the information on the label. The type of water should be indicated there (for example: mineral natural medicinal table water) and the group designating it chemical composition(say, sulfate-bicarbonate calcium-sodium). Indicated total salts, and then a detailed explanation of how many and what salts, including microelements, are contained in this water. It can be iodine, zinc, silver, copper, iron...

It is very good if the label contains the well number and the depth from which the water was extracted. This at least somehow confirms that the water is actually extracted from an underground source and is not a fake. The phrase is often placed that the use of water is approved by one or another medical organization for certain diseases. The recommendations of the Research Institute of Balneology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation inspire the greatest confidence.

And yet, you cannot choose water based on the label, unless it is water that you have known since childhood, the quality of which has been tested for decades...

— What kind of mineral waters are there? Can you list their types?

— The most popular types of mineral waters have been known since Soviet times: “Essentuki”, “Slavyanovskaya”, “Smirnovskaya”, “Kislovodskaya”, “Zheleznovodskaya”, “Volzhanka”, “Lipetskaya”, “Izhevskaya”... Now many new names have appeared, telling us nothing. Manufacturers change brands, a source or plant can be resold to another owner, the same water is sold under different names. Try to buy water from old, proven brands. Where a mineral water plant existed and still operates, its composition and name have largely not changed, although, for example, Essentuki water is bottled today by six producers. But, judging by the labels, they all “sit” on the same well, only some bottle water at the source, while others are brought in tanks and bottled at factories.

Better water is the one that is bottled at the source, even if the company is little-known, and the well is located in some village.

There are only two or three mineral waters that say on the label that they are bottled at the source. The most famous is Karachinskaya (bottled in the village of Lake Karachi, Novosibirsk region), the only mineral water awarded 29 medals international exhibitions. The best medicinal properties water spilled from springs on the territory of sanatoriums possesses, and the sanatoriums themselves arose, as a rule, thanks to these healing springs. If you do not have the opportunity to be treated with mineral water directly at the source, then it is best to buy mineral water in pharmacies, in particular homeopathic ones. Mostly highly salty, medicinal waters are sold there, and, unlike in stores, there are practically no fakes.

— Please tell us about treatment with mineral water, how to drink mineral water correctly and for what diseases?

— There are three main groups, or types, of mineral waters in composition: hydrocarbonate, chloride and sulfate.

The benefit of mineral water, water with a high content of bicarbonates, is that it improves blood supply to the mucous membrane of the stomach, intestines, liver, helps with inflammatory and infectious diseases, have a positive effect on all metabolic processes. The only pure hydrocarbonate water of its kind was Borjomi. There are no analogues of such water in Russia. But there are hydrocarbonate-calcium-magnesium waters that contain a significant amount of calcium and magnesium, such as the “Narzan Valley” or “Novoterskaya Healing”. They are recommended for diseases of cardio-vascular system, affect protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism and are very useful for city residents.

Chloride waters (Omskaya, Okhtinskaya, etc.) contain mainly natural table salt. They improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the secretion of the digestive glands, and improve the absorption of food.

Sulfate waters are characterized by a high content of sulfates, calcium, magnesium and sodium (Kislovodskaya, Spring of Health, etc.). Treatment with such mineral water is most often taken for diseases associated with metabolism: diabetes, obesity, etc. In fact, it is very difficult to separate waters by composition, and all these groups are often written on the labels together: bicarbonate-sulfate-chloride-magnesium-sodium water. Therefore, you need to pay more attention to recommendations for the treatment of specific diseases and consult your doctor.

— How and how much mineral water can you drink per day?

- Water with low mineralization can be drunk unlimitedly - just like yours daily norm liquids. But in order to take mineral water as a remedy, you need to consult your doctor. He will install for you correct mode drinking specific water when you are sick. The course of treatment ranges from 3-4 to 5-6 weeks. Usually drink water three times a day. The average amount per serving is 200g, but it may be slightly less or more depending on your weight.

— Is it good to drink sparkling water?

— Now there are many articles about the dangers of carbonated water. But in the USSR there was a GOST, according to which still water was not allowed to be produced in bottles. Water was necessarily carbonated, because at the same time it retained its medicinal qualities within the shelf life (usually 6 months), and the salts do not precipitate. By the way, we have “Narzan” type waters with natural content carbon dioxide. But in case of some diseases, for example, liver, the gases must be allowed to escape before drinking water.

— What time of day is best to take mineral water?

- Most often they drink it 15-30 minutes before meals. In this case, pure water, entering the body, comes into direct contact with the mucous membrane of the stomach, and then the intestines, and is absorbed faster.

Doctors sometimes prescribe alkaline mineral waters along with food to reduce excessive secretion gastric juice. And for peptic ulcers and gastritis with high acidity, especially in cases where the disease is accompanied by stool retention and painful heartburn, you should drink mineral water in small portions after meal.

— Are there any contraindications for drinking mineral water?

— Any contraindication can be acute condition: acute gastrointestinal diseases, exacerbation inflammatory process in the stomach and intestines, severe pain. In general, it is impossible to carry out a course of drinking treatment if food cannot pass freely through the digestive tract due to scars, narrowing, etc. There are also contraindications to the use of certain groups of mineral waters. For example, you can't drink hydrocarbonate water with alkaline urine reaction.