Cranberry drink recipe for weight loss. Diet with cranberries. An example of a daily menu when following a cranberry diet

This diet belongs to the so-called fasting diets, which aim not to reset a large number of fat, but to tighten the figure a little, remove excess liquid or remove a slightly protruding belly before an important day or filming. Also, similar techniques can be used after, when feelings of guilt and the need to rehabilitate after a breakdown in diet require us to tighten our diet.

However, this diet cannot be recommended for everyone. Before you arrange cranberry fasting days, do not forget to consult your doctor. In addition, while following a low-calorie diet, and this system undoubtedly belongs to such, you should not subject your body to grueling training. The maximum you can afford in this regard is light static gymnastics or stretching exercises.

The cranberry diet, like any other, has its advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a closer look at it and find out if it's suitable for you.

Why cranberry?

The reason some people believe in the fat-burning effect of cranberries was the results of a study by the Canadian Congress of Cardiology. This study aimed to analyze the effects of drinking cranberry juice on...

Participants were asked to include this drink in their regular daily diet. An interesting consequence was a decrease in body weight due to a decrease in adipose tissue in the majority of subjects, which gave reason to talk about the benefits of cranberries for weight loss.

This conclusion also had opponents who doubted that the juice was the reason for the weight loss. In their opinion, the decrease in body weight was a consequence of fluid replacement. It should be remembered that the experiment was conducted in Canada, where many residents prefer to drink sugary carbonated drinks with most meals.

During the experiment, many people used cranberry juice precisely as a replacement for sugary drinks, and the weight loss was a consequence of the fact that natural cranberry juice, without a doubt, has much fewer calories than sugary soda.

Dried cranberries are quite similar to goji berries, but they are different berries.

There is no scientific evidence that drinking cranberries or cranberry juice has a fat-burning effect. However, these berries undoubtedly contain many antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to health and have a positive action in the fight against certain infections and diseases.

What is the essence of the cranberry diet?

The cranberry diet is to replace solid dishes In your diet, add 6-8 glasses a day of cranberry juice diluted with water. If desired, you can add a small amount of honey or stevia syrup to sweeten the drink.

However, this should be avoided if possible. After the fasting period ends, you should slowly resume your normal diet, starting with small portions of fresh fruits and vegetables or light steamed meals.

Preparing for the diet

  • It is very important not to suddenly jump off such diets, this is fraught not only with the appearance of health problems, but also with the occurrence of a “swing effect”, when after a calorie deficit the body begins to store them with a vengeance;
  • Realizing all the benefits of cranberries, you should still understand that you need to be quite healthy person to survive on cranberry juice for several days. You should not try this diet if you have any acute or chronic illness. digestive system, gastrointestinal tract or nervous disorders;
  • You should also not use this technique in the cold season, since hypothermia requires consuming more energy to maintain body temperature;
  • A few days before the start of the fasting program, you should stop consuming foods rich in fats and sugar, as well as alcohol, caffeine and, if possible, nicotine;

Diet rules

  • This method involves drinking five to eight glasses of cranberry juice per day, for a maximum of three days without any solid food;
  • In addition to juice, you should drink about 1.5 liters of water per day to protect yourself from dehydration;
  • Of course, it's best to make sure that the juice you consume does not contain preservatives or sugar. Ideally, you cook it yourself at home every day;
  • If you can't go 2-3 days without solid food, include small portions of fresh fruit in your diet. Choose fruits rich in fiber, such as pears;
  • Dilute the juice with water to taste. It is important to drink it not too concentrated, as it is harmful to the stomach due to high acidity cranberries
  • According to some reports, cranberries are more effective for weight loss in combination with.
  • Keep in mind
  • It is important to understand that this diet is not healthy enough to follow. for a long time or repeat often. Such an extreme restriction daily diet is serious interference in metabolic processes;
  • The weight you will lose after this diet is water. As soon as you switch to a normal diet, the weight will gradually return. This system is nothing more than a temporary weight loss tactic for special occasion, its principles contradict the fundamentals healthy eating, and it will not lead to significant changes in the long term.
  • The diet is not for everyone. Many nutritionists and gastroenterologists warn about the difficulties that may arise when observing liquid diet based on juices. Consult your doctor before following this method, as with any other diet;


In addition to this, there are other diets that involve the consumption of cranberries or cranberry juice. In particular, you can find recommendations to add a glass of fresh juice from cranberries in the morning. It is also recommended to accompany each meal with a glass of cranberry juice.

Such a habit, in any case, can be useful if, of course, you do not have problems with high acidity and kidneys. In this case, it is generally not recommended to drink juices on an empty stomach.

If health allows, then cranberry juice, especially homemade, can really become an important source of not only useful, but also vital substances.

Cranberry (marsh grape, stonefly) is a berry with high content useful substances. The fruits of the evergreen shrub are used in traditional, folk medicine and also when losing weight. Thanks to great content fiber, antioxidants, acids in its composition, cranberries help to lose weight and get rid of excess fluid. Valuable elements of berries help speed up metabolism and normalize digestion. This is why cranberries are used for weight loss.

Nutritionists note that chemical composition The product contributes to the natural burning of calories, but does not directly affect the breakdown of fat.

Properties of cranberries

  • Antioxidants are substances that block or slow down oxidative processes in the body. Fats are broken down faster if enough of these compounds are supplied with food. They speed up metabolism by neutralizing free radicals. Extra pounds go away thanks to increased content cranberries contain vitamin C, E, flavonoids - natural antioxidants.
  • B vitamins. These substances are responsible for maintaining hormonal levels, metabolic processes in organism. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is responsible for the breakdown of fats and the release of active energy. Thiamine (B1) provides normal level acidity of the gastrointestinal tract. B vitamins are especially necessary for people who combine diet with exercise. By participating in the synthesis of the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for mood, these elements play an important role in psychological aspect losing weight.
  • Tannins (tannins) – chemical compounds with a cleansing effect. For weight loss they represent special value, because they normalize intestinal function. Tannins also remove toxins and waste products that prevent complete absorption nutrients, fat breakdown.
  • Dietary fiber. Fiber is food for beneficial bacteria, populating the intestines. One of the types dietary fiber, pectin substances, are found in cranberries. These connections lead bad cholesterol, fight pathogenic microflora that populates the intestines during poor nutrition, infections. Fiber is not absorbed small intestine. It acts as an absorbent, i.e. absorbs toxic substances, allergens and removes them naturally.
  • Vitamin PP – nicotinic acid. This substance is involved in the synthesis of hormones responsible for the coordinated functioning of the nervous system. In combination with B vitamins, a nicotinic acid suppresses cravings for sweets, so cranberry is useful for weight loss.
  • Organic acids that provide energy metabolism. They give cranberries their characteristic taste. The berries contain a lot of lemon, amber, oxalic, apple, folic acid. Organic compounds help reduce weight by accelerating metabolic processes.

Cranberries contain important macro- and microelements, digestible sugars. It contains a lot of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium.

This composition compensates for the lack of nutrients during fasting days.

Diet features

Cranberries are used as an element of the main weight loss program. This berry complements the menu during weight loss, but is not suitable as the basis of the diet. A diet containing only cranberries or cranberry juice may lead to serious illnesses gastrointestinal tract due to the abundance of acids in the composition.

The basis of the diet during the “unloading” period is light dishes, steamed in the oven. During the diet, spicy, fatty, salty, smoked dishes, baked goods, sweets, and canned food are completely excluded from the menu. Meals are taken by the hour. Like any weight loss program, the cranberry diet includes 1.5-2 liters clean water in a day. Stick to proper nutrition, including berries, takes 7-10 days.

During this time you can lose 2-4 kg.

The cranberry diet is not suitable for people with high acidity, gastritis, stomach ulcers, duodenum, pancreatitis, cholecystitis. This product may cause aggravation chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract. However, people with low zero acidity cranberries will help improve production gastric juice and lose weight without harm to your health. Dental problems are also contraindications for eating fruits. Acids have an aggressive effect on sensitive enamel, creating long-term discomfort.

Cranberries are harvested in the fall after the first frost. It is during this period that the fruits fully ripen. Spring berries are significantly inferior in beneficial properties to the autumn harvest, but have pleasant taste. Overripe fruits are not suitable for weight loss.

Cranberry weight loss techniques

There are several diet options. Each of them involves giving up fatty, fried foods. Cranberries are not recommended to be consumed with carbohydrate foods - potato dishes, pasta, and baked goods.

You need to eat during weight loss in small portions 5 times a day. Diet includes full breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2 snacks.

Cranberries can be eaten fresh, soaked, or dried. It is the storage option for the product that distinguishes weight loss techniques by adding these berries to the menu.

Fresh fruits

Cranberries, peeled from leaves and crushed fruits, can be stored for a long time, because contains benzoic acid. This component is a natural preservative, so the product does not lose its beneficial properties for several months. It is benzoic acid that gives cranberries antibacterial properties, used in medicine. Prepared berries are stored in a cool, dark place. The room should be well ventilated. Frozen fruits can be stored in small portions in plastic bags until the next season.

The most common version of the cranberry diet is to eat a handful of fresh berries before meals. The first portion of the product is eaten on an empty stomach before breakfast. A mandatory component of such a diet is sauerkraut salad with fresh cranberries. It is eaten as a first course for lunch or dinner.

Thawed cranberries are not re-frozen because they lose beneficial features. Berries are removed from the refrigerator immediately before consumption. “Thawed” fruits quickly lose valuable properties.

Pickled cranberries

This method of preparation has been used since ancient times to preserve vitamins. Cranberries are placed in sterile jars and filled with boiled cold water. Soaked berries are stored until the next season. They are inferior in taste fresh fruits, but retain useful elements.

Soaked berries are perfect for making fruit drinks and jelly.

Cranberry juice

The diluted drink is consumed on an empty stomach. For cooking, take a handful of berries. Squeeze 2-3 tablespoons of juice out of them. The resulting raw material is diluted in a glass mineral water without gas. This product promotes weight loss and removes excess fluid from the body.

If cranberries are well tolerated and do not cause heartburn or stomach pain, you can increase the volume of juice per glass of liquid to 5-6 tablespoons.

Dried berries

Fresh cranberries are 80% water. During the drying process, the liquid evaporates. The nutritional value after dehydration it increases from 28 to 123 kcal per 100 g of product.

Dried cranberries can be safely used for weight loss if no sugar has been added to it. In this form, the berries are convenient to take with you to work or on a trip. It is useful to add processed fruits to porridges, muesli, meat dishes, cottage cheese during weight loss.

Dried cranberries contain a lot of potassium, which helps eliminate extra salt from the body and along with it water. This property helps to get rid of cellulite and lose several kilograms without significantly reducing the caloric intake of the diet. To achieve the desired effect, dried cranberries are added to dishes throughout the week.

Please note that the calorie content of sweetened berries will increase by 2-3 times. This product is good for health, but will only harm you when losing weight.

Manufacturers soak purchased cranberries in sugar syrup to improve taste, then dried at high temperatures. This processing method deprives the product of valuable properties. To dry the berries yourself, use a dehydrator - a device that removes moisture from the fruit. It is recommended to dry the product at a temperature not exceeding 43 degrees. Only if this indicator is observed, cranberries will retain their valuable properties for weight loss.

Sample menu

The cranberry diet includes natural dishes without preservatives. Processing methods: boiling, stewing without oil, steaming. Some dishes can be cooked in the oven. Before each meal, eat a handful of berries or drink a cranberry drink.

First breakfast

It is best to eat porridge in the morning. It saturates well and contains fiber, which is important in the process of losing weight. The porridge is prepared with water, without sugar. Healthy cereals for weight loss – rolled oats, buckwheat, rice, millet. The porridge is seasoned vegetable oil, dried fruits.


Low-fat cottage cheese with banana pieces, natural yogurt with cranberries are suitable as a snack. The second option for brunch is any fruit except grapes.


Vegetables and cereals are prepared as a side dish. For meat, you can eat skinless chicken, turkey, lean veal, and rabbit. Allowed fish are pollock, cod, chum salmon, hake, crucian carp, pike. The calorie content of these varieties does not exceed 100 kcal per 100 g of product. Great addition to lunch - vegetable salad seasoned with olive or linseed oil. You can eat it for dessert fruit jelly, rice pudding, homemade candies made from raisins, nuts, dried apricots.

Afternoon snack

Whole grain bread, dried fruit compote with cranberry juice, and low-fat varieties cheese – Tofu (soy based), light Brynza, Chechil, Ricotta light.


For dinner they eat a vegetable side dish, sauerkraut with cranberries, steamed or baked fish in foil. During a diet, it is useful to season your dishes lemon juice, greens.

From drinks they drink green tea, berry compotes, jelly.


One of the options for the cranberry diet is the use of berries in dishes and drinks for weight loss. Sour fruits improve digestion because... increase the activity of secretory fluid. Vitamin C helps absorb iron from meat, which reduces the risk of anemia when eating smaller portions.

Chicken fillet with cranberry sauce

Rinse the meat and absorb excess liquid with a paper towel. The prepared fillet is rubbed with garlic, spices and sent to marinate in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. After this time has elapsed, the meat is wrapped in foil and punctures are made in two places. Chicken fillet is cooked in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 30-40 minutes.

During the diet, complex meat gravies based on wheat flour and cream are not suitable. To prepare low-calorie cranberry sauce, take:

  • A glass of fresh (thawed) berries;
  • 80 ml water;
  • 3 tablespoons stevia (sweet substitute);
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch.

Gravy for chicken fillet cooked in a saucepan. Cranberries are filled with water and crushed in a blender. The resulting mass is heated and stevia is added to it. While the syrup is boiling, add a small amount cold water starch is diluted. The resulting mixture is poured into cranberry syrup in a thin stream. After boiling, reduce the heat to low. Simmer the gravy for 2-3 minutes and remove from the stove.

Finished breasts are decorated with greens, fresh berries, pour sauce.

Cranberry salad


  • A glass of berries;
  • 200 g boiled pumpkin;
  • 150 g seaweed;
  • Dill;
  • Salt;
  • Sunflower oil.

The berries are crushed with a mortar. Boil the pumpkin until softened in salted water and cut into cubes. Dill is chopped with a knife. The ingredients are mixed and seasoned with oil.


Chopped cranberries are added to yogurt. Pickled berries are used as a component of fruit cocktails and fruit drinks. You can make a smoothie for weight loss from fresh cranberries. Drink components:

  • A handful of berries;
  • Banana;
  • 200 ml skim milk;
  • ½ teaspoon honey.

Beat the ingredients with a blender. The readiness of the smoothie is determined by its uniform consistency.

The advantage of the cranberry diet is the ability to lose several kilograms without any special dietary restrictions. The disadvantages include the sour taste of the berries, which provokes an exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and increased tooth sensitivity.

Fruit juice for weight loss

Many people would like to drink juice from real wild berries. However, cook them in pure form such quantity natural juice It’s hardly possible: after all, this requires a lot of berries, besides, the juice would turn out sour, and you would have to add a lot of sugar - and this is not at all so healthy.

Can be cooked industrially drinks based on such juices, but at the same time their usefulness will decrease several times. Juice from forest berries obtained by direct extraction, for example, lingonberries, blueberries, cranberries, is found in our stores, but not so often, and it costs more than juices in tetra bags.

However, we can remember that our ancestors solved this problem in an amazing way. in a simple way- they prepared berry juice with the addition of sugar, and most often honey.
The benefits of fruit drinks

Of course, fruit drink can be both fruit and vegetable, but it was fruit drink made from the juice of wild berries in Russia that has long been consumed not only to quench thirst, but also for treatment various diseases, since these berries are very rich in vitamins and microelements, organic acids and pectin. Fruit drinks made from them refresh and improve well-being, having an effect on the body similar to biogenic stimulants- and this allows you to increase efficiency.

In addition, a drink made from wild berries has an amazing taste and aroma, and also improves appetite. Lingonberry juice is especially well known in this regard; it also helps with colds. Cranberry juice also helps well with elevated temperatures and tones. Many experts prescribe cranberries to patients as a remedy against vitamin deficiency, acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis, sore throat, hypertension, atherosclerosis, diseases of the genital area and anemia.

Blackberry and blueberry fruit drinks strengthen the immune system, soothe, and normalize the functioning of the digestive system; Blueberry drink also improves vision.

Of course, food and energy value The quality of fruit drinks increases if several types of wild berries are used in their preparation - such recipes, with an interesting and unusual taste, are abundant in Russian cuisine. It’s easy to prepare healthy and tasty fruit drinks at home.

Actually beneficial influence Any berry juice has an effect on the human body. Even if the berries did not grow in the forest, but simply in rural areas, or at the dacha in middle lane Russia, they will also supply our body with useful substances.

IN Lately Scientists increasingly began to say that the most beneficial composition for human health are fruits and berries that grow in the same climatic zone where he lives permanently. Therefore, for residents of Central Russia, fruit drinks made from berries grown in the same region have truly life-giving, restorative and health-preserving powers, relieving fatigue and uplifting mood.
Industrial production of fruit drinks

Fruit drinks can be sold in stores - in finished form. This is very convenient, especially for those women who are quite busy at work and want to provide their family with healthy and good nutrition I really want to.

However, it is worth buying fruit juice in stores only in as a last resort, since modern food industry often uses technologies that do not add nutritional benefits to food products.

It is known that industrial production of fruit drinks involves heat treatment- sterilization, and this destroys almost all useful substances and vitamins in them. After this, manufacturers replace natural natural vitamins, lost during processing, are synthetic, and the product is called fortified.

Judge for yourself, will a person benefit from such a fruit drink? IN best case scenario, they can simply quench your thirst, and then only a short time. In addition, industrially prepared fruit drinks often contain dyes, preservatives, flavors and other “chemicals”. So, from using it you can get an effect completely opposite to the desired one. It’s better to prepare fruit juice at home - not only from fresh, but even from frozen berries, which can easily be bought at the market. The nutritional value of frozen berries is completely preserved, and fruit juice prepared independently at home will not only be very tasty, but will also bring real benefits to the health of the whole family.
Home cooking fruit drink

The main components of any fruit drink are juice, water and sugar, which is better replaced with honey. You can add citrus juice and zest, cloves, infusions to fruit drinks medicinal herbs. In winter, such a fruit drink is an excellent remedy for the treatment and prevention of colds and flu - it is best to drink it warm. Herbs such as elderberry, plantain, and nettle have a pronounced anti-cold effect.

It should be noted that the quality of fruit drink largely depends on the quality of the water used for its preparation. It is hardly worth using tap water to prepare homemade fruit drinks, even if it has first been passed through a filter. It is best to prepare fruit drinks using artesian or spring water, store them in the refrigerator, and drink them within the first 24 hours after preparation.

How can you prepare fruit drinks at home - for example, for a child? First of all, you need to remember to maintain good hygiene: our grandmothers squeezed juices through cheesecloth, but today it is better to use a juicer that can be properly processed. You can give your child fruit drinks in early childhood, from about two years old, if he is not allergic to berry juices.

One of the healthiest fruit drinks is cranberry juice. To prepare a liter of fruit drink, you will need 125 g of cranberries, 120 g of sugar (or honey), and 1 liter of clean water. Cranberries need to be sorted, washed and thrown into boiling water. You need to cook them for no more than 5 minutes, over low heat, then drain them in a colander and squeeze them out. Mix the resulting juice with the broth, add sugar, stir and simmer for another 5 minutes over low heat.

In the same way, fruit juice from lingonberries, raspberries or black currant, just take a different amount of berries: lingonberries or currants - 150 g, raspberries - 170 g.

Fruit juice from frozen berries is prepared a little differently. You can prepare assorted fruit drinks - from lingonberries, strawberries and black currants. Currants and strawberries take 100 g each, and lingonberries - 2 tbsp. spoons.

The berries should be washed and poured into a glass container, pour boiling water to cover, and stir slowly. Then add boiling water to make 1 liter, add sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons, and mint. Close the container with a lid and wrap it in a thick towel. After 3 hours, the berries can be crushed - filtered and squeezed out the pulp with a special spoon. The finished fruit drink is poured into glass bottle or a jar, store in the refrigerator - also no more than a day.

Fruit juice for older children and adults does not need to be boiled. First, squeeze the juice from the berries, lightly boil the pomace, strain and mix the broth with freshly squeezed juice, add sugar or honey. A fruit drink made from the fruits of Schisandra chinensis is very useful for adults: it helps resist diseases, tones, strengthens and gives energy.

Those who have normal or low acidity of gastric juice should drink fruit juice 30-40 minutes before meals. At increased acidity- one and a half hours before meals. It's good if you can afford to drink fresh fruit drinks every day.

And one more important quality of fruit drinks that many women will appreciate - fruit drinks promote weight loss. Twice a week, give yourself a fasting day and drink up to two liters of different fruit drinks - both berry and fruit. Not only will you feel great, but you will also become much slimmer.
Gataulina Galina
For women's magazine

Cranberry is sour berry, which indicates a small amount of natural sugar in it. Accordingly, it can be assumed that by including cranberries in their diet, those losing weight will have the hope of getting rid of a couple of extra pounds. And this assumption is absolutely correct. Indeed, cranberries have been used for weight loss for quite a long time. Let's consider in what form cranberries can be consumed, what dishes prepared from them are recommended by nutritionists, and how to properly adhere to a cranberry diet. But first of all, let’s figure out what vitamins, micro- and macroelements are contained in this berry.

The benefits of cranberries for weight loss

Cranberries are rich in vitamins, acids, essential oils, micro- and macroelements (calcium, iron, cobalt, copper, etc.). But we will not dwell in detail on those components that are not directly related to the process of losing weight. We are more interested in those that allow you to put your weight in order.

Cranberries contain fiber, which, when entering the body, cleanses it of toxins and waste accumulated there. In addition, fiber does not carry many calories. The berry contains tannins. They help normalize metabolism, which is very important when losing weight. Helps get rid of excess weight and pectins, which cleanse the body not only of toxins, but also of pathogenic bacteria. Thanks to this deep cleaning body and weight loss occurs.

Cranberries can be added almost anywhere

It is also worth noting that cranberry, due to its composition, calms nervous system. And, as you know, representatives of the fair half, who are not subject to stress, look much better and at the same time are less prone to gaining excess weight.

But, since the berry is rich in acids, not everyone can use cranberries for weight loss. You should not include sour berries in your diet if you have gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, ulcers, colitis, etc.). It is also worth noting that the described product has a diuretic effect, so it is not recommended to abuse cranberries for people who have kidney stones. In any case, before including this sour berry in your diet, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

The cranberry diet is not like the others. Her goal is not to lose an extra 7-10 kg, but to get herself in order before an important evening or cleanse her body after the holidays. The cranberry diet is short-lived. Its duration should not exceed 3-4 days. The cranberry diet involves eliminating solid foods from the diet. It should be replaced with cranberry juice. In total, you need to drink 8 glasses of juice per day. The drink must be diluted with water. If this is not done, it can cause harm to health (due to high concentration acids in the drink).

If the drink is too sour for you, you can sweeten it with honey or stevia syrup.

The cranberry diet requires correct entry and smooth exit. Before switching to a cranberry diet, you need to gradually eliminate foods that contain large amounts of fat and sugar from your diet. You should also give up coffee and cigarettes.

  1. In addition to juice, you need to drink 1.5 liters of water per day, otherwise there is a risk of dehydration.
  2. It is not advisable to consume store-bought juice, even if it says that it does not contain preservatives. Unfortunately, today you cannot trust what is written on the label. To achieve the desired result, it is better to prepare the juice yourself.
  3. Not everyone can safely tolerate the lack of solid food in their diet, so nutritionists allow the use of small quantity fruits during the cranberry diet. When losing weight, you need to eat fruits that are rich in fiber (a pear or an apple is ideal).
  4. During a diet, fluid leaves the body. Accordingly, after returning to a normal diet, the weight will increase slightly. In order to avoid this, you need to eat right after leaving the diet. It should be remembered that any diet, and cranberry is no exception, is only a temporary measure. To maintain a healthy weight, you need to eat right and devote time to exercise.

As for leaving the cranberry diet, you should not immediately return to your usual diet after finishing the diet. In the first days, you should limit yourself to steamed dishes, vegetables and fruits.

If you immediately include high-calorie foods in your diet, the body may begin to store fats in advance. As a result, in the best case, you will get all the kilograms you managed to get rid of back. If we consider worst case scenario, then if you exit the diet incorrectly, you can gain more than you managed to lose during the diet.

It should be said that the effect of cranberries on human body is simply amazing. It is used both to treat numerous diseases and to remove excess waste and toxins from the body.

Diet and cranberries

It has been known since ancient times that cranberries have many healing properties, and is also a storehouse of useful substances. However, few people know that cranberries also promote weight loss. Among the many different weight loss diets that allow you to lose overweight, the cranberry diet stands out separately.

Cranberry for weight loss

The drink at the heart of this diet is very easy to prepare, which is an undoubted advantage for people who do not have large amounts of time. For cooking of this drink You should squeeze the juice out of the cranberries (about two to three glasses). Every morning for a week, drink two to three tablespoons of cranberry juice diluted with a glass of mineral water on an empty stomach.
Remember that this cranberry diet does not require any special restrictions in everyday food. However, exclusion from the diet of fried and overly fatty foods during the cranberry diet, it will only improve the result, allowing you to easily cleanse the body and lose a couple of kilograms.

What vitamins are in cranberries?

To understand how this berry affects the human body, you need to have an idea of ​​what vitamins cranberries contain. Cranberries are rich in wonderful vitamins C (in terms of the content of this vitamin, cranberries are in no way inferior to citrus fruits), K, PP, B. In addition, the berry contains great amount minerals. Calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, magnesium - this enormous set makes people use cranberries again and again in various branches of medicine.
It is believed that greatest benefit for the body is cranberry juice. It can easily be classified as a product that provides energy to the body.

Dried cranberries beneficial properties

Doctors and nutritionists never tire of repeating that dried cranberries have very valuable beneficial properties. It is known that dried cranberries have antipyretic properties, which makes it possible to recommend it to patients with elevated temperature. It is worth saying that this berry retains its antioxidant properties in any form.

Cranberries: calories

So how many calories are in cranberries?
It is known that the calorie content of one hundred grams of cranberries is 28 kcal. At the same time, the content of fats and proteins in it is low. The lion's share of the berry's composition is carbohydrates (approximately 79 percent).
Calorie content of cranberries in powdered sugar
Calorie content of cranberries in powdered sugar per 100 g. is 185.7 kcal.

Dried cranberries calories

calorie content dried cranberries the same weight - 308 kcal.
The amazing properties of cranberries help to use it for a variety of purposes. Remember that outer beauty comes from within. Watch your diet, be healthy and beautiful!