Natural gastric juice. Human gastric juice and the drug abomin


Drugs that stimulate the secretion of gastric juice include drugs prescribed for insufficient function of the gastric glands (hypoacid gastritis, etc.).

Gastric secretion is stimulated by histamine (more often used as an agnostic agent); for this purpose, caffeine is prescribed (see), as well as pentagastrin. If these drugs cause increased secretion of gastric juice, then it can be assumed that functional impairment gastric secretion; if there is no stimulating effect, then it is possible organic lesion gastric mucosa. Therefore, drugs in this group should be prescribed with caution and when symptoms are severe.

PENTAGASTRINE(pharmacological analogues:gastrodiagnostician, pentavlon) is a synthetic fragment of gastrin. Pentagastrin is used as a stimulator of gastric secretion for the diagnosis of stomach diseases (determining the secretory capacity and acid-forming function of the stomach). Pentagastrin is administered subcutaneously (0.025% solution) at the rate of 6 mcg per 1 kg of patient body weight. Side effects when using pentagastrin: nausea, short-term decrease blood pressure. Pentagastrin release form: ampoules of 2 ml of 0.025% solution. List B.

To enhance gastric secretion, bitterness (see), carbon dioxide is prescribed mineral water and etc.

As a means replacement therapy use the tools below.

NATURAL GASTRIC JUICE - contains all the enzymes of gastric juice. Release form of natural gastric juice: 100 ml bottles.

Recipe example natural gastric juice in Latin:

Rp.: Succi gastrici naturalis 100 ml

D.S. Orally, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day with meals.

PEPSIN- proteolytic enzyme. Pepsin is used in combination with dilute hydrochloric acid. Pepsin release form: powder.

Rp.: Pepsini 2.0

Acidi hydrochloride diluti 5 ml

Aq. destill. 200 ml

M.D.S. Orally, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day with meals.

HYDROCHLORIC ACID (divorced) - available in bottles. List B.

Example of a pepsin recipe in Latin:

Rp.: Acidi hydrochloridi diluti 15 ml

D. S. Orally no 10-15 drops in 1/2 glass of water during meals 3-4 times a day.

ACIDIN-PEPSIN(pharmacological analogues:betacid, acipepsol, pepsamine ) - used for hypo- and anacid gastritis, dyspepsia, diarrhea and vomiting in children. The course of treatment with acidin-pepsin is 30-45 days. Release form of acidin-pepsinoma: tablets of 0.25 g and 0.5 g.

Example of an acidin-pepsin recipe in Latin:

Rp.: Tab. Acidin-pepsini 0.5 N. 50%

D. S. 1 tablet, pre-dissolved in 1/2 glass of water, taken 3-4 times a day during or after meals.

PEPSIDIL- a product of hydrolysis of the gastric mucosa with ferrites of gastric juice dissolved in hydrochloric acid. Pepsidil release form: 450 ml bottles.

Example of a Pepsidil recipe in Latin:

Rp.: Pepsidili 450 ml

D. S. 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day (with meals) for hypoacid and anacid gastritis.

ABOMIN- contains a sum of proteolytic enzymes. Abomin is prescribed for diseases with impaired digestive ability and decreased secretion (gastritis, enterocolitis, etc.). The course of treatment with Abomin is 1-3 months. Side effects when using abomin: sometimes nausea, heartburn. Abomin release form: tablets of 0.2 g (1 tablet - 50,000 units).

Example of an abomin recipe in Latin:

Rp.: Tab. Abomini 0.2 N. 30

D. S. During meals, take 1 tablet 3 times a day (if necessary, increase the single dose to 3 tablets).

For gastritis, enzyme preparations that improve digestion processes are also prescribed (panzinorm, festal etc. - see “Drugs affecting the exocrine function of the pancreas”).

Natural gastric juice is a substance that contains acids and digestive enzymes. This medicine has a natural origin. It is taken from animals (usually dogs) through a gastric fistula. This method was first used by I.P. Pavlov.

Natural gastric juice is the main component of the drug. In order for the solution to be preserved, it contains 0.03-0.04% salicylic acid as a preservative.

The solution itself contains hydrochloric acid 0.50-0.52%. From digestive enzymes included pepsin, chymosin, histominase, lipase, gastromucoprotein.

Additional Information! Gastric juice contains many more useful substances. These include vitamins B, C, A, phosphorus, calcium, protein, iron, histamine.

In appearance, the solution looks like a liquid with yellowish tint and has a bitter-sour taste. The pH level of this solution is 0.8-1.0.

Indications and effect of the drug

According to the instructions for use, this drug indicated for various diseases:

  • Insufficiency of the functioning of the glands of acute and chronic course.
  • Ahilia.
  • Gastritis of hypoanacidic and anacid types with a chronic course.
  • Dyspepsia.

In these pathologies, natural gastric juice helps to normalize and stimulate the functions of the digestive process and hematopoietic system. This medicine is needed if the body does not produce enough of its own secretions in the stomach.

Pepsin, which is contained in the liquid, promotes the breakdown of proteins. Hydrochloric acid performs many more functions. This is regulating the tone of the pylorus, stimulating the production of bile and pancreatic secretions, etc.

Mode of application

Natural gastric juice is prescribed for oral use after meals or during meals. The dosage is prescribed individually, it can be 1 or 2 tablespoons at a time. The frequency of administration is 2 to 3 times a day.

Sometimes this drug is prescribed even to children from 1 year of age. Up to 3 years, the dose is 1 teaspoon, from 3 to 6 years - the amount of the drug increases to 1 dessert spoon. The duration of the course depends on the individual case, the course and severity of the disease.

Side effects and contraindications

When using the solution, symptoms may appear side effects as:

  • drying out the mucous layer of the larynx;
  • destruction of tooth enamel.

Heartburn, vomiting and gastralgia rarely occur. If these conditions occur, you will probably need health care in the form of gastric lavage, use antacids and other drugs for symptomatic treatment.

Additional Information! So that it doesn't happen negative consequences for teeth, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with clean water after taking the medicine.

The use of this enzyme agent is contraindicated in case of high acidity, as well as in diseases such as stomach ulcers and duodenum, gastroesophageal reflux.

There have been no documented cases of overdose, but some doctors say it may worsen symptoms. side effects.

Release form

Natural gastric juice is available in the form of a solution in 100 ml bottles. Sold in pharmacies without a prescription.


Gastric juice is enzyme preparation, which contains quite a lot of useful substances, vitamins, enzymes.

In case of insufficient production of the body's own secretions this therapy quite effective. Most often, the drug is based on an enzyme extract from healthy dogs and horses.



3.5) Combined enzyme preparations with antibacterial action


3.6) Having lipolytic activity


Somilase (somuim + amylase)

4) Fibrinolytic agents

Fibrinomezyme, streptokinase and its preparations, urokinase, reptilase, arvin

5) Various enzyme preparations

Penicillinase, asparaginase, cytochrome C.

Drugs that improve digestion processes

Types of enzyme therapy:

1) local – wound process, treatment of scleroderma, inhalation for bronchitis.

2) resorptive - parenteral administration and with adhesions, sinusitis, ENT diseases.

3) replacement – ​​in case of insufficient secretion of digestive enzymes.

Preparations containing gastric juice enzymes

Pepsin – breakdown of proteins, obtained from the mucous membrane of pigs, optimal pH = 1.5 – 4.0 (needs HCl).

Acidine pepsin – contains 1 part pepsin and 4 parts acidin (betaine hydrochloride, hydrolyzed in the stomach into HCl in a small amount of liquid).

Natural gastric juice – contains all stomach enzymes.

Obamamin – the sum of proteases obtained from the mucous membrane of calves and lambs.

Indications: gastritis with secretory insufficiency, achylia, with some dyspepsia.

Enzyme preparations containing pancreatin and orase.

Oraza is a complex of factors (amylase, maltose, protease, lipase) obtained from Aspergillum fungi. They are not destroyed by gastric juice. It has some antispasmodic effect on the muscles. Available in granules, take 1 tsp. while eating.

Pancreatin - a complex of factors produced by the pancreas. Contains trypsin, lipase, amylase. Obtained from animals. Inactivated in the stomach. Active in alkaline environment intestines. Prescribed 15-20 minutes before meals, washed down with 100-200 ml of liquid. Animal enzyme preparations are more active. Pancreatin must be coated.

Preparations containing pancreatin:

1) with a low content of lipase (3-8 thousand units) - pancreaflate, trienzyme, festal N, mezim forte;

2) with high content lipases (more than and equal to 10 thousand units) – mezim forte 10000, creon /10000/25000/, pacreon 10000, lycrease, pancitrate.

Mezim – used before meals. The rest - during and before meals, especially Creon, lycrease, pancitrate - these are microcapsules/microtablets with an acid-resistant coating. They are packaged in a regular capsule, which disintegrates in the stomach. The microtablet is mixed with the food bolus and enters the duodenum. FP containing pancreatin and remaining in the stomach for 1.5 - 2 hours loses up to 30% of enzyme activity.

Indications for the use of enzyme preparations with low lipase content

Nutritional excesses, dyspepsia, gastroduodenitis and enterocolitis. Condition after gastrectomy, intestinal support for diagnostic examination, cystic fibrosis, chronic pacreatitis – in large doses (3-5 tablets per 1 dose).

Indications for prescribing drugs with high lipase content

Chronic pancreatitis, condition after pancreatectomy. At chronic pancreatitis AF is used for replacement therapy and elimination pain syndrome, because when enzymes enter the duodenum, pancreatic secretion decreases (functional rest).

Creon and pancreaon contain dimethicone (adsorb gases).

Most functional diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are associated with unstable acidity of gastric juice. With increased acidity, gastrointestinal irritation syndrome is observed, with decreased acidity, the activity of the digestive process decreases. IN the latter case Gastric juice of natural origin is prescribed.

Natural gastric juice is a colorless liquid with a slight admixture of mucus. It contains:

  • bicarbonates that protect the mucous membrane from exposure of hydrochloric acid;
  • hydrochloric acid, which prevents the development of bacteria and prepares food for hydrolysis;
  • mucus enveloping the mucous membranes of the stomach;
  • pepsin, which breaks down protein molecules;
  • lipase, which breaks down fat molecules.

Also known internal factor Kastla, which activates vitamin B12, which enters the stomach with food.

Composition and dosage form

Natural gastric juice is available in bottles containing 99.5 ml of oral liquid. Additionally, the drug contains alcohol solution salicylic acid.

The solution is colorless, transparent or with a slight yellowish tint. The smell is sour, weakly expressed. The taste is bitter-sour. If there are suspended particles, sediment or unusual color solution, its use is contraindicated.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Natural gastric juice can be obtained from dogs or horses. As an enzyme preparation, it helps improve digestion processes and exhibits a proteolytic effect.

The drug contains all the enzymes necessary for healthy digestion. Free acid concentration – up to 0.51%. The acidity of the solution is 0.8-1.2. The use of gastric juice normalizes the level of acidity in the stomach in case of low acidity syndrome. Normalizes digestive processes, eliminates the symptoms of the disorder and helps restore appetite. It is excreted by the gastrointestinal tract and does not penetrate the systemic circulation.

Indications for use

Gastric juice is indicated to be taken in cases where the digestive tract cannot cope with food processing. This may be caused by low secretion of gastric juice and its enzymes, low enzyme activity. Can be used to eliminate pathologies caused by a deficiency of any of the enzymes in gastrointestinal tract.

Indications for use according to the manufacturer's instructions are anacid and hypoacid forms of gastritis. The anacid form is gastritis with low acidity, caused by low juice production as a result of atrophy of stomach cells. The hypoacid form is inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach with a decrease in the secretory activity of the glands. A reduced level of hydrochloric acid leads to atrophy of the stomach cavity and the inability to digest nutrients and vitamins.

Natural gastric juice preparations are effective against achylia - the lack of hydrochloric acid, pepsin and pepsinogen as a result of atrophy of the gastric glands. By eliminating achylia, the drug also eliminates the processes of fermentation, putrefaction in the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea and flatulence caused by achylia.


It is prohibited to use natural gastric juice when hypersensitivity to the enzymes contained salicylic acid or ethyl alcohol. It is contraindicated increased acidity gastric juice, gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Contraindications are ulcerative-erosive pathologies of the duodenum and stomach. When using gastric juice in these cases, bleeding and perforated ulcers can occur.

Security measures

It is forbidden to store in a warm place - in this case, gastric juice quickly loses activity. In case of contact with eyes, rinse the affected area big amount running water. Then an aseptic dressing is applied. Be sure to consult an ophthalmologist afterward.

During pregnancy and lactation

The effect of the drug on the body of the expectant mother and the developing fetus has not been studied by the manufacturer. But before use, it is necessary to seek advice from a gastroenterologist and gynecologist in charge of pregnancy. Self-administration of the drug may harm the fetus.

For children

Natural gastric juice preparations are approved for use in children over the age of one year. The drug should be prescribed only by a pediatrician or gastroenterologist based on the results of laboratory and instrumental diagnostics and inspection.

Instructions for use

Natural gastric juice is taken during or after meals. The dosage regimen and frequency of use are determined by the attending physician.

A preliminary gastroduodenoscopy is performed with the collection of gastric material to determine acidity. Based on the results of the determination, the doctor calculates the dosage required to obtain optimal acidity and concentration of enzyme substances.

Adverse reactions

Thanks to natural origin The gastric juice preparation is usually well tolerated. In isolated cases, such adverse reactions from the outside digestive tract such as vomiting, heartburn, gastralgia and pain in the epigastric region.

Hypersensitivity reactions may develop. If any side effects are detected or if your health worsens, you must stop taking the drug and contact your doctor to adjust the dosage.


Cases of overdose are not described by the manufacturer. Increased side effects are expected. Treatment is symptomatic; gastric lavage and the use of antacids are expected to be effective.

Drug interactions

Interaction with others medicines not studied by the manufacturer. Before using other drugs during treatment with natural gastric juice, you should contact your doctor for advice and to draw up a regimen of use.

Shelf life and storage conditions

The drug can be stored for one year from the date of its manufacture. Store only in the original packaging at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees Celsius. If flakes, sediments, suspended particles appear in the solution, or the solution becomes cloudy, its use is unacceptable. Keep out of reach of children.

Cost and analogues

Analogs of natural gastric juice in composition and effect on the digestive process:

In Moscow pharmacies, the price for natural gastric juice ranges from 39 to 353 rubles per package, depending on the manufacturer.

The listed drugs and others medicines containing enzymes should be prescribed only by the attending physician after diagnosis. Since they all contain different enzymes with different concentrations, their independent use can worsen the course of the pathology and general well-being.