Low-fat varieties of sea fish. The benefits of fatty fish

Fish is a source of high-quality, easily digestible animal protein with essential amino acids. In addition, fish (especially sea fish) contains micro- and macroelements necessary for health (phosphorus, iodine, iron, etc.), fat soluble vitamins(A, D, E), which are not sufficiently represented in other food products. Fish must be present in the menu of patients with pancreatitis, at least once a week - to enrich the diet with protein and to add variety to a strict diet.

Fish selection

Not every fish will do for nutrition in pancreatitis. When choosing a fish variety most attention pay attention to fat content. The statement about the benefits is even very oily fish(main part fish oil is represented by polyunsaturated fatty acids that help normalize fat metabolism and ultimately reducing the level of harmful fats and cholesterol) will be correct only in relation to healthy people. Unfortunately, with pancreatitis healthy fats overload the pancreas in the same way as harmful ones. This is due to the fact that the breakdown of any fat requires a pancreatic enzyme - lipase, the production of which is deliberately suppressed in the acute phases of the disease (in order to ensure rest of the pancreas), and during remission there is often an enzymatic deficiency.

The use of fatty fish in the diet of patients against the background of an exacerbation is generally unacceptable, and during the period of remission it is extremely undesirable, since an excess of fat is almost always accompanied by the development of diarrhea (appears loose stool with a greasy sheen that undigested fats give it), abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and a new exacerbation are quite possible.

Low-fat fish varieties, in turn, can be divided into lean (dietary) and moderate-fat. Skinny varieties are suitable for inclusion in the menu by the end of the first week from an exacerbation chronic pancreatitis or acute attacks. During remission of chronic pancreatitis, when the condition is normalized and stable laboratory parameters, it is allowed to carefully and gradually introduce fish of moderately fatty varieties - it has a brighter and milder taste, more aromatic and more tender than lean fish. But the main share among fish dishes should still be occupied by low-fat varieties, the use of which, if the preparation rules are followed, does not pose any risks to the pancreas, but will only be beneficial.

Skinny fish varieties (fat content within 4%)

  1. The lowest fat content (up to 1%) is observed in sea ​​fish(cod, lemonema, navaga, haddock, blue whiting, pollock, pollock) and river perch.
  2. Pike perch, pike, carp, Argentina, white-eye, white fish, flounder, crucian carp, mullet, grenadier, lamprey, burbot, omul, roach, pristipoma, whitefish, sorog, grayling, shokuri have a fat content of 1 to 2%.
  3. From 2 to 4% fat is found in asp, rudd, icefish, mackerel, merrow, sea bass, pagrus, halibut, sabrefish, carp, lean herring, trout, greenling and hake.

These indicators are approximate, since the fat content of the fish depends not only on the variety, but also on the age of the caught fish, the time of catch (before spawning in the autumn-winter time, the fish has the highest fat content). But to navigate when choosing fish for dietary nutrition follows precisely these varieties.

Moderately fatty fish (fat content within 8%)

  • anchovies;
  • pink salmon;
  • catfish;
  • carp;
  • chum salmon;
  • smelt;
  • red-eye;
  • river and sea bream;
  • oily fish;
  • spring capelin;
  • carp;
  • herring;
  • silverfish;
  • snack;
  • horse mackerel;
  • cheese;
  • tuna;
  • sole;

Features of buying and preparing fish for pancreatitis

The most healthy fish- fresh, but it is impossible to purchase fresh sea fish in many regions of Russia. Therefore, you often have to buy fresh frozen fish, from which you should choose the highest quality fish that has not been frozen or re-frozen (this may be indicated by yellow plaque, a large number of snow and ice on the fish carcass, uneven layer of ice).

Before preparing fish dishes, the fish should be thoroughly cleaned and rinsed. IN acute periods diseases, only fish fillets are used for nutrition, that is, the skin and bones should be removed. The menu can include dishes from chopped fillet - quenelles, steamed cutlets, soufflés and casseroles.

During the period of remission, fish prepared as a whole piece (or carcass) is allowed - boiled, steamed, stewed, baked. Fried, smoked, salted and dried fish, canned fish are excluded from the diet.

Classification of fish according to fat content: fatty, moderately fatty and low-fat varieties, their calorie content, beneficial properties and the main representatives of each group.

Fish is valued for its unique balance of microelements and vitamins that we need for normal metabolism, active mental activity, wellness and moods.

Fish contains from 15 to 26% proteins and from 0.2 to 34% fats. Based on fat content, fish can be divided into three groups: low-fat (skinny), moderate-fat (medium fat) and fatty varieties.

Low-fat fish

Representatives of this group have a fat content of up to 4% and a calorie content of 70 to 100 kcal per 100 g.

From sea ​​creatures Low-fat varieties include: flounder, cod, silver hake, blue whiting, sea bass, grenadier, pollock, navaga, haddock, pollock, roach. River fish include pike, bream, river perch, ruffe, tench, pike perch.

Cod, haddock, pollock, silver hake, and navaga have a fat content of up to 1.4%. The most dietary fish product is cod. They are slightly inferior to it in their nutritional and dietary properties pollock, blue whiting and pollock.

Fish cooks quickly, is easily digested and is almost completely absorbed by the body, especially low-fat fish, which cannot be said, for example, about many types of meat.

Low-fat fish varieties are ideal for those who want to lose weight, as well as for feeding pregnant women and children. Fish with vegetables, baked in foil or steamed, using simple, natural seasonings is best dish for dinner.

Moderately fatty fish

Representatives of this group have fat content from 4 to 8% and calorie content from 90 to 140 kcal per 100 g.

Among marine life, moderately fatty varieties include: horse mackerel, catfish, tuna, pink salmon, lean herring, herring, sea bass, chum salmon, and sea bream. River fish include trout, carp, catfish, crucian carp, carp, and salmon. Chum salmon, horse mackerel, herring, sea bass, and tuna have a fat content of up to 6%.

Moderately fatty fish varieties are best source high quality protein, so they, like low-fat types, are ideal for nutrition of athletes. Once a week, those who are on a diet can pamper themselves with them. Medium-fat fish is ideal for stewing, smoking and salting, but it is much healthier when baked or steamed. For small children you can prepare trout dishes, sea ​​bass, carp and salmon.

Fatty fish

Representatives of this group have a fat content of 8% and a calorie content of 200 to 250 kcal per 100 g.

Fatty fish varieties include: halibut, saury, mackerel, eel, toothfish, omul, fatty herring, Caspian sprat, stellate sturgeon, chinook salmon, beluga, nelma, ivasi, sabrefish, burbot, whitefish, silver carp, nonothenia, sturgeon varieties.

Fatty fish are not suitable for dietary nutrition. True, it is the most useful, especially sea water, as it contains a lot of iodine, which is necessary for health thyroid gland, And fatty acids omega-3, which protect blood vessels, prevent inflammation, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, stimulate brain function, regulate blood pressure, improve metabolic processes in every cell of our body. These valuable substances there is nowhere else except seeds, nuts and vegetable oils, but “vegetable” omega-3s are significantly less effective than “fish” ones. 300 g of fatty fish contains a weekly requirement of omega-3.

In the diet of those who are planning a long and active life, fish must be present, and different varieties of it. Regular consumption of meat from aquatic inhabitants helps reduce the risk of many diseases, preserve good figure and keep the whole body in excellent condition.

Low-fat sea fish is an integral part healthy eating adult and should definitely be included in the menu for children.

If you monitor your health, you want to have slim figure, shiny hair and strong immune system– fish dishes should be present on your table as often as possible.

There are three categories based on the amount of accumulated fat:

  • Varieties are considered low-fat if the fat content is less than 4%.
  • Moderate fat content - no more than 8%.
  • Fatty breeds - more than 8%.

Note! The fat content of any breed can vary throughout the year, reaching its maximum value during the spawning period.

In dietary nutrition, fish of lean (low-fat) varieties has the greatest value. It is precisely these varieties that nutritionists recommend consuming at least three times in Week.

The best low-fat varieties of fish for the diet are cod, pollock, pollock, flounder, amur pike perch, mullet, carp, trout, hake. It is their meat that saturates our body with a sufficient amount of calcium, iodine and phosphorus and helps to most naturally solve the problem of losing weight.

When compiling diet menu, be sure to include lean breeds in the list:

Name Fat, gram / 100 grams Protein, gram / 100 grams Calorie content, kcal / 100 grams Average price, rub. / kg
Cod 0,6 16 69,0 170 – 300
Far Eastern flounder 3,0 15,7 90,5 150 — 800
Pollock 0,9 15,9 73,7 65 — 95
Tuna 3,9 24,4 136,0 190 — 270
Icy 1,4 15,5 75,0 750 — 950
Blue whiting 0,9 16,1 72,3 55 — 80
Halibut 3,0 18,9 103,0 450 — 730
Small saury 0,8 20,3 143,2 95 — 120
Sea bass 3,8 17,6 117,9 235 — 320

Low-fat white fish with the best digestibility include haddock, cod and flounder. They contain a sufficient amount of B vitamins, phosphorus and iodine. These varieties have excellent taste qualities, and flounder meat is almost boneless.

The most dietary red fish are trout and pink salmon. They contain only 4 - 7% fat per 100 grams, while the fat content of salmon and salmon can reach 15 - 18%.

Note! Prepare dishes correctly - bake without oil, boil or place in a double boiler. It is these methods that allow you to preserve in food maximum amount useful elements.

River fish

The fish that live in our rivers and reservoirs have no less advantages than their marine counterparts.

Two hundred grams of river rock provides the adult human body with a third of daily norm protein necessary for normal functioning internal organs.

River fish is indicated for gastritis with low acidity, as well as patients with peptic ulcer disease. Her meat stimulates secretion gastric juice, thereby forcing the pancreas to work without overloading it.

Pike perch is rightfully considered the most delicious and nutritious of freshwater fish. This tasty, healthy breed is supplied to the markets of almost all regions of our country.

100 grams of pike perch meat contains:

  • Fat – 1.1 grams.
  • Protein – 18.4 grams.
  • Water – 79.2 grams.
  • Unsaturated fatty acids – 0.2 grams.
  • Calorie content – ​​84 kcal.
  • Vitamins - A, B1, B2, B6, B9, C, E, PP.

Note! Before purchasing river fish, inquire about its habitat conditions. Unfortunately, with poor environmental performance, the carcass tends to accumulate harmful substances, which could have a negative impact on her beneficial properties for a person.

To choose the right inexpensive river fish, remember the following list of recommendations:

  • Fresh freshwater fish has a faint, pleasant smell of river and seaweed.
  • The carcass is dense, without any suspicious spots or deformations on the skin.
  • The scales of freshly caught fish are shiny and moist, and the eyes are slightly bulging, not covered with a film.
  • The gills should be bright red.

Note! So that after cooking River fish no longer bony, apply little secret– before frying, make cuts on the carcass from the side of the spine. This will help fry the small bones until they are completely softened.

Lean fish for pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is a group of diseases in which the human pancreas becomes inflamed. This is very unpleasant and dangerous illness, which requires Special attention to the patient's nutrition.

In case of pancreatitis, it is contraindicated to consume fatty varieties, since the diseased organ cannot cope with big amount saturated acids contained in their meat.

Important! During an exacerbation of the disease, you should refrain from eating even lean breeds. Fish can be introduced into food only on days 6–7 after the patient’s condition has stabilized.

If you have problems with the pancreas, you must follow some important rules consumption of fish and seafood:

  • Only skinny (low-fat) varieties are allowed.
  • Fried, smoked and salted fish dishes are contraindicated. You also need to give up canned food, and severe cases illnesses - even from fish soup.
  • You can cook fish exclusively by steaming or boiling it in unsalted water, after cutting the carcass into fillets.
  • For pancreatitis it is prescribed therapeutic diet No. 5, in which spicy, salty and fatty foods. When starting to prepare fish dishes, follow these recommendations.

The best varieties for pancreatitis: blue whiting, pollock, haddock, cod, mullet, lamprey, carp, pike, roach, burbot, grayling, whitefish, whitefish and omul. The fat content in these breeds is minimal (up to 2%). After the condition improves, medium-fat varieties such as sea bass, hake, icefish, mackerel, rudd and carp can be gradually introduced.

Important! For any deviations from normal health – nausea, vomiting or other painful symptoms, give up immediately fish products and go on a gentle diet.

Regular use dietary marine and freshwater fish reduces the risk dangerous diseases several times. Fish products successfully replace meat dishes; they do not require a mandatory side dish, being a self-sufficient healthy product. Make fish a regular part of your meal, and you can prevent the development of many ailments without resorting to medications.

The most fat fish is not always the most useful. It contains 8% lipids, which is not the limit. Moderate-fat varieties are more suitable for a healthy diet. They contain an optimal ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids, which is the key healthy heart, minimum cholesterol and maximum life expectancy.

Almost 15% of fish meat is high-quality protein. It contains all the amino acids important for the body. This protein is easily digestible digestive tract and gives the right amount of energy. In addition, fish fillet is rich in a lot of vitamins and minerals necessary for the smooth functioning of our body systems.

Fish is a source of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids. All varieties can be divided into three groups: low-fat fish (up to 4% lipids), moderately fatty (4-8%) and fatty (more than 8%). But even the same type of fish has a different percentage of fat content depending on the time of year.

Even the most advanced scientists claim that fish is one of the most healthy products for good health. Regular consumption of Omega-3 reduces triglyceride levels by almost a third of the original amount. This substance reduces the risk of heart disease and coronary artery disease.

Are you wondering which fish has the highest fat percentage? Pacific Euchalon contains about 45%. A relative of the euchalon lives in Lake Baikal - the Baikal golomyanka. Almost 40% of its weight is represented by lipids. There is very little meat in it. For comparison, the next on the list is eel with a score of 30%.

Leaders in fat content

We indicated the first three representatives above, but the rating does not end there. The calorie content of this group is about 180-250 kcal per 100 g.

So, the fattest sea and river fish that people are happy to include in their diet:

  • herring (14-19%);
  • mackerel (13-18%);
  • toothfish (16%);
  • Caspian sprat (13%).

This list also includes beluga, ivashi, saury, stellate sturgeon, silver carp, representatives of sturgeon, halibut and catfish. Just 300 g of fish of these varieties will provide a weekly requirement of Omega-3. They are not suitable for dietary nutrition. For these purposes, it is better to choose skinny and moderately fatty types.

Other types of fish

Lean fish have low energy value– 70-100 kcal/100 g. The leaders in this category are cod, haddock, silver hake, and navaga. Also pay attention to pollock, roach, sea bass, river perch, pike perch, bream and pike. These varieties cook very quickly, do not overload the gastrointestinal tract and are almost completely digestible. Pregnant women and children are strongly recommended to include these types of fish in their diet.

The calorie content of moderately fatty meat is 90-140 kcal/100 g. This group includes pink salmon, catfish, tuna, sea bream, herring, crucian carp, salmon, carp and trout. Medium-fat fish is perfect for salting and smoking. But it’s still better to bake or steam it.

The American Nutrition Association recommends eating more salmon, trout, tuna, lean herring, mackerel and sardines. They will saturate the body with the optimal amount of Omega-3. However, the method of preparation greatly influences the potential benefits. Meat fried in vegetable oil loses almost all valuable properties.

The best dietary product is cod. It is low-fat (only 0.3-0.4% lipids) and rich in protein. Almost a fifth of the weight comes from high-quality protein. But her liver is very fatty, but “in a good way.” The amount of lipids in it reaches 70%. Another advantage of fish is the absence of small bones. Immediately behind this species are pollock, pollock and blue whiting.

It is important for women on a diet to know about products for losing extra pounds. Fish of low-fat or fatty varieties is considered useful for weight loss; it is recommended to boil, bake or stew it. Fish dishes differ increased content protein, fatty acids, micro- and macrominerals. It’s worth learning how to cook fish correctly in order to lose weight quickly and without harm.

What are the benefits for humans?

Before using the product in your diet, you should find out what the benefits of fish are for losing weight. Its pulp is useful due to its low-calorie protein content, which contains 25%. Easily digestible amino acids are digested in the stomach in 1.5-2 hours. It is also useful due to the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6. They strengthen the heart, prevent heart attacks, strokes, and atherosclerosis. Fatty acids cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol, stimulate brain function, nervous system, restore metabolism.

What kind of fish can you eat while losing weight?

The most dietary varieties– these are white lean species: pike, cod. It is included in the diet for weight loss more often than fatty sea varieties. Salmon, trout or pink salmon contain more fatty acids that speed up metabolism, so they are also allowed to be included in the diet for weight loss. Smoked and fried will not work, but stewed or boiled will be ideal for weight loss.

On a diet, it is allowed to eat up to 800 grams of fish per day, so as not to burden the kidneys and liver. It is better to combine it with vegetables, white poultry meat, egg whites and low-fat dairy products. To lose weight you need to choose the right fish meat:

  • frozen fillet – fits better everything from a safety point of view, but it could lose some of the vitamins;
  • fresh carcass - you should buy from trusted traders; the meat should be elastic and the fish eyes should be clear;

Low-fat varieties

The lowest calorie fish is included in the group of river or lean marine species. These include bream, pike, and river perch. Suitable marine varieties include pollock, hake, flounder, cod, and navaga. The approximate calorie content is 70-100 kcal, and there is only 4% fat. Varieties with medium fat content up to 8% and 100-140 calories per 100 grams include pink salmon, low-fat herring, catfish, pike perch, and catfish. It is useful to include trout, carp, horse mackerel, tuna and sea bass in your diet for weight loss.

Fat sea fish

Fish from cold seas boasts a calorie content of 200-250 kcal per 100 grams. This group of fatty varieties includes eel, mackerel, halibut, sturgeon, and any red fish. They are characterized by a high content of beneficial fatty acids, but should not be included in daily diet– do not contribute to weight loss. It is better to combine low-fat varieties to stimulate metabolism and lose weight.

Fish diet

The fish menu is considered popular, allowing you to lose up to 3-4 kg in a week. Exist certain rules, promoting safe weight loss

  1. Most of all, you need to include low-fat fish varieties in your diet: pollock, hake, flounder, cod. Sometimes eat trout, salmon, mackerel. You are allowed to eat pink salmon, tuna and carp up to four times a week.
  2. The fish is ideally stewed, steamed or boiled in water, or grilled without oil.
  3. The best side dish will become fresh or vegetable stew, cabbage, zucchini, carrots. For greens, give preference to arugula, spinach, and lettuce.
  4. Do not combine potatoes, eggplants, pasta, White rice.
  5. Replace salt lemon juice and spices.
  6. Follow water balance– at least two liters per day to stimulate weight loss.
  7. Half a glass of dry red wine per day is allowed.
  8. Eat small meals, five times a day, you are allowed to consume up to 600 g per day fish fillet for weight loss.
  9. Ban on sugar confectionery. A glass of kefir can be a snack.

For 7 days

To be effective weekly diet brought a loss of five kilograms, follow the approximate nutrition plan from the table:



Boiled pollock, cabbage, tea

Vegetable soup, salmon, brown rice

Boiled cod, Korean carrots, bread, tea

Grilled flounder, tea, dried fruits

Rassolnik, steamed tuna meatballs, bread

Stewed carp, bread, nuts

Sandwiches with boiled chum salmon, walnuts, tea

Green borscht, egg, haddock

Steam cutlets, tea, honey

Steamed pollock, grated carrots, toast

Fish soup, trout, lettuce leaves

Boiled perch, egg, cucumber

Steamed cod, cabbage, toast

Vegetable soup with meatballs, boiled flounder, rice

Pike perch in foil, lettuce leaves

Sandwiches with boiled hake

Fish soup, mackerel, seaweed

Steamed meatballs, stewed carrots


Boiled catfish, dates

Ear, bread

Boiled pike, low-fat cottage cheese

Fasting day

For fast weight loss or to support the achieved result, a fasting day is suitable. Any fish can be used in the diet. Here are some diet options:

  1. Fivefold techniques from equal quantities boiled fish without salt (400 g), tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage. You can drink it throughout the day green tea or clean water.
  2. After waking up, drink a glass of water, eat an egg, yogurt, tea for breakfast. Second breakfast – boiled cod, vegetables. Before lunch, two glasses of water, for lunch and dinner - steamed catfish, vegetables with lemon and herbs. Drink herbal tea at night.

How to cook dietary fish

Proper low-calorie preparation of fish species involves processing without oil and smoking. The easiest way is to boil fillets or carcasses in water, make broth, and use it for soup. If you have a multicooker or double boiler, you can steam it, stew it with vegetables and spices. For dinner, you can bake the fillet in the oven under foil or fry it in a grill pan without oil.


A simple option meal will be boiled fish, which contains minimal amount calories. To make it, take a large carcass, remove scales, gills and internal organs. Place the chopped pieces in a saucepan with roots (parsley, celery, carrots are suitable) and spices (cinnamon, cloves, black pepper, dill). Cook until done and eat chilled.

For a couple

Low-fat steamed fish in a slow cooker for weight loss turns out very tasty. For production, it is better to take large pieces, and to create steam, use vegetable broth with herbs. Place the pieces on the multicooker rack, after pouring aromatic water into the bowl. Set the “Steam” mode and cook for about half an hour until the meat changes color. The dish can be eaten cold or hot.

In the oven

An evening meal option would be oven-baked fish for weight loss. For baking, varieties of medium or high fat content are suitable, and when using low-fat ones, they should be accompanied a small amount olive oil or butter for softness. Place the pieces on a baking sheet or in a mold, wrap in foil, pour over a light lemon and basil sauce, bake for half an hour at 190-200 degrees.


There are various dietary fish recipes for weight loss, including step by step instructions with photos of each stage. They will teach chefs how to prepare low-calorie dishes with pleasant taste and beautiful appearance. The most popular of them include white lean fish, combine it with vegetables, lemon juice, herbs and spices.

With vegetables

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 87 kcal per 100g.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

Fish with vegetables for weight loss is considered popular recipe, used to make a delicious lunch or dinner. Flounder or cod are ideal for this. Among vegetables, you can choose onions, carrots, zucchini, and accompany them with apples to add a refined sourness. To prevent the meat from being too dry, make a sauce from low-fat sour cream or butter.


  • flounder – 1 kg;
  • apples – half a kilo;
  • leek – 100 g;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • butter– 10 g;
  • sour cream – 150 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Grease a saucepan with oil, place apple slices, onions, and pieces of fish on the bottom.
  2. Sprinkle with lemon juice, close the lid, and simmer over low heat for half an hour.
  3. Remove the flounder and vegetables, boil the broth to half. Season with sour cream.
  4. Serve the dish with vegetables, pouring over the sauce.

In foil

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 82 kcal per 100g.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Fish in foil for weight loss is perfect for dinner. It is optimal to combine it with vegetables and low-fat cheese to get an appetizing crust and a delicate creamy taste. How to cook trout in foil is described in the recipe below. It will work out gourmet dish with a delicate taste. Among the spices, salt and black pepper are allowed, but you can replace them with lemon juice.


  • trout fillet – 4 pcs.;
  • leeks – 2 pcs.;
  • garlic – clove;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • water – half a glass;
  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil– 30 ml;
  • mozzarella – 20 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Onion chop into strips, crush the garlic, cut the leek into rings.
  2. Place onion, garlic, and portioned pieces on the oiled bottom of a baking dish. Place tomato slices on top and fill with water.
  3. Cover with foil and place in the oven at 200 degrees for half an hour.
  4. Remove the foil, leave for 10 minutes, sprinkle with cheese.

Fish cutlets

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 105 kcal per 100g.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Delicious fish cutlets for weight loss can be prepared from any white species. Carrots and onions and a variety of spices add piquancy to their taste. It is allowed to use white pepper, ginger, marjoram, celery root, nutmeg and fresh or dried parsley. Cutlets cannot be fried, because they will not be dietary. It is best to steam them or cook them in vegetable broth, like meatballs.


  • cod – 900 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 20 ml;
  • parsley – 20 g;
  • spices – 10 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the carcass into slices and pass through a meat grinder along with the onion pieces.
  2. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, sauté until golden, add to the minced meat with eggs.
  3. Add spices, stir, form cutlets.
  4. Boil for a couple, sprinkle with herbs.
