How long can glycine be given to a child? How to take Glycine for a child: safe dosage for children and reviews. Areas of application of glycine: in medicine, food industry

If we break this drug down into its components, we can say that in essence it is an amino acid, the same as that found in some foods, as well as in mother’s breast milk. Glycine is indicated for many conditions, for example, for all types of various disorders of brain activity, including hypoxia, which very often awaits newborn children immediately after birth.

In a child’s brain, glycine regulates various processes: inhibition or excitement, calmness and sleep. In sufficient concentration in the body, this drug can relieve excessive physical activity, improve attention and concentration. Due to the fact that the processes of sharp inhibition of the nervous system intensify, glycine improves and allows the child to adapt normally to the environment.

The drug glycine has the following effects on the body:

  • regulates ;
  • normalizes inhibition processes in the central nervous system;
  • increases mental activity and performance;
  • relieves psycho-emotional stress and anxiety;
  • has antitoxic and antioxidant properties;
  • reduces aggressiveness, improves adaptation to the environment;
  • facilitates sleep, eliminates;
  • neutralizes the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia and brain disorders. In children who have suffered head and brain trauma, it reduces the level of negative consequences;
  • glycine successfully blocks the production of adrenaline and reduces the harmful effects of toxins;
  • prevents free radicals from entering nerve cells, regulating receptor activity. This significantly reduces the degree of mental disorder and emotional stress;
  • glycine neutralizes the effects of toxins from alcohol and medications that affect the body and depress the central nervous system.

This amino acid is highly soluble in tissues, quickly penetrating into all biological fluids. Glycine does not accumulate in the body, and after its dissolution it is converted into water and carbon dioxide. Unlike many drugs, which must be taken for months to show their effects, glycine acts once. That is, it alleviates the general condition after the first dose.

The drug is indicated for children at any age, starting from birth. The main thing is to choose the correct dosage and available form of application. For the youngest children, it is advisable to grind the tablets into powder, dissolving them in a small amount of water. Older children can be given the drug as a whole, or by dividing the tablet into parts.

Glycine for children of different ages

Use of glycine at different ages:

  1. To coordinate the attention of a young schoolchild, parents often use glycine. This gentle drug normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and prevents stress and anxiety in the child. Glycine has been used in pediatrics for a long time; doctors prescribe it for better adaptation of children in society, especially when attacks of aggression and tearfulness are obvious. The drug is also used in case of developmental delays in the child.
  2. Glycine is indicated for preschool children for deviant forms of behavior, increased aggressiveness and other psycho-emotional problems.
  3. Newborn babies are prescribed the drug immediately after birth and for the following indications:
  • perinatal form of encephalopathy;
  • damage to the central nervous system;
  • intrauterine;
  • increased muscle tone.

Depending on the baby’s condition, the doctor determines the required dosage of glycine. Traditionally, the child is given half of one tablet of the medicine twice a day for seven days. Only if there is an urgent need, the course of treatment is continued, but with a single dose of the drug. Regarding the use of glycine for newborns, there is a slightly different dosage regimen.

Uses of glycine

You should check with your treating pediatrician about all the details of taking a sedative for your child. Of great importance when drawing up a schedule for taking the drug is the age of the child to whom it was prescribed, as well as the individual reaction to glycine.

Schoolchildren can now take the entire tablet without crushing it. Since glycine has a pleasant sweetish taste, the child will not have an aversion to the drug, and he will be happy to take it.

Regardless of the child’s age, the number of doses remains the same - 2 or 3 times a day. The optimal course of therapy is from seven to fourteen days.

The method of administration is sublingual, that is, by dissolving a glycine tablet, from where it then enters the blood through the mucous membrane.

Methods of using glycine for newborns:

  • in the form of a solution. Grind the required amount of the drug into powder, and then dilute it with a small amount of clean water. Gently pour into baby's mouth;
  • you can dissolve glycine in milk, or dip the pacifier in the powder, and then offer the medicine to the baby;
  • With a clean, damp finger, take a small amount of powder and lubricate the child’s oral mucosa with it, trying to cover the area under the tongue and behind the cheeks;
  • You can try giving glycine to a newborn along with breast milk. Everything is simple here, the mother must take the drug, and part of the active substance will be excreted in the milk and enter the baby’s body. Thus, the child will receive his dose of the nootropic drug in the most pleasant and harmless way.

special instructions

In most cases, glycine is well tolerated by the child's body, is quickly absorbed into the blood and does not have severe side effects. Sometimes there is a slight rash on the body, which usually goes away after stopping the drug or reducing the dosage. During the first two hours and several days of taking glycine, MirSovetov recommends monitoring changes in the child’s well-being and behavior in order to promptly notice whether this drug is suitable for him.

Basically, various troubles happen due to the fact that not all parents consult a pediatrician before prescribing glycine and self-medicate. Possible side effects resulting from improper use of glycine include the following:

  • fainting;
  • insomnia and nightmares at night;
  • anxiety;
  • inhibition of the nervous reaction;
  • mental disorder.

The above problems can be avoided if you use the amino acid correctly, using glycine as prescribed by a doctor and in compliance with the permissible dosage.

According to child psychologists, there is nothing wrong with the use of glycine, and it is indeed very often prescribed to children. The drug is safe and effective for the child’s body, moreover, the positive effect of taking glycine manifests itself quickly at the very beginning of treatment.

Doctors do not recommend taking glycine simultaneously with antidepressants and other psychotropic drugs, since glycine and any other CNS depressant significantly reduce each other’s effects. If you give the drug to children under one year of age, then strictly in the form of a suspension. It is important to prevent your child from choking on the pill.

An additional undeniable advantage of this tool is its versatility. Glycine not only works as an active sedative, but also as a drug that stimulates brain activity. Minor dosage adjustments help achieve the desired results without the need to change the drug. And, most importantly, glycine is not at all addictive.

Parents' opinions regarding this drug were divided. Some believe that glycine components negatively interfere with the child’s health and similarly affect the functioning of his central nervous system. On the other hand, some parents are well aware of the fact that frequent anxiety, insomnia and poor concentration have a negative impact on their children's mental well-being. A properly selected dosage of glycine effectively copes with such problems without harming the baby.

Among various nootropic drugs, glycine is the safest. It is prescribed for both treatment and prevention purposes. Glycine is prescribed to children mainly to eliminate moodiness, anxiety, and improve sleep.

Instructions for use contain a detailed description of the release form and composition of glycine. It is described in detail how and in what cases to give it. Glycine is approved for use even by infants.

The main active ingredient is glycine. One tablet (100 mg) contains 100 mg of glycine. The additional components are: 1 mg of magnesium stearate, 1 mg of water-soluble methylcellulose.

Release form: sublingual (dissolve under the tongue) tablet of white color and sweetish taste. Each tablet has a chamfer that allows the medication to be divided easily. The drug is available in pharmacies without a prescription. Has a low price.

What effect does it have on the body?

Why is it necessary to take glycine? It is widely used in almost all fields of medicine.

  1. Regulates metabolism.
  2. Normalizes the functioning of inhibition and excitation in the central nervous system.
  3. Improves mental performance.
  4. Helps eliminate anxiety and irritation. A child of any age cries less and is capricious.
  5. Improves sleep. Children under one year old fall asleep better and sleep more soundly.
  6. Eliminates symptoms of vegetative-vascular disorders. Calms and improves brain function.
  7. Helps the body cope with toxins.

The medicine does not accumulate in body tissues and is an amino acid. Amino acids are found in protein foods and breast milk. Therefore, its use does not harm even a child under one year old.

Since the drug acts at the level of metabolic processes, along with the sedative effect, a process of even greater excitation may be observed. Symptoms of overexcitation, fear, and anxiety appear. In such cases, you should definitely inform your doctor. It is possible that the drug will be replaced with another medicine or its dosage will be reduced.

Use in childhood

Glycine should usually be given to children in the following cases:

  • poor sleep;
  • restlessness, moodiness;
  • tearfulness;
  • there is a lag in mental development;
  • the cognitive sphere decreases (memory, attention, thinking);
  • unstable emotional background.

Glycine is approved for newborns from the first days of life. It is prescribed in the following cases:

If you drink glycine without dissolving it, it will enter the digestive organs. The liver can process glycine, and it will not completely enter the blood. Consequently, the effect will be reduced. Sublingual administration is an acceptable route for this medication.

There are capillaries under the tongue that immediately absorb the substance and transport it to the brain.

Rules for taking the drug

Only a doctor should calculate the required dosage. They take into account the age of the child, in what area the medicine is used (cardiology, neurology, speech therapy) and the severity of the disease.

Instructions for use of the drug are as follows:

Glycine is prescribed not only for the treatment of diseases. It serves to improve performance, for example in school-age children, and eliminate fatigue and drowsiness. For this purpose, the drug should be given one tablet three times a day for two weeks.

Glycine for infants should be given in a dosage of ¼ tablet. For children aged one year, the dosage increases to ½ tablet.

  1. Before giving the medicine to your baby, the tablet should be crushed well. The resulting powder is applied to the child’s gums and cheeks, under the tongue.
  2. If your baby is used to a pacifier, you can dip it in the solution.
  3. You can grind the tablet to a powder, add half a teaspoon of boiled water and give the medicine to the baby.
  4. The following method is also allowed: the tablet is crushed and added to a bottle with a mixture or water.
  5. Children over three years old can use the whole tablet. It is placed under the tongue and left there until completely dissolved.
  6. There is another way to deliver the medicine to the baby’s body – through breast milk. In this case, glycine can be taken by the woman herself. When feeding, the medicine passes along with the milk to the baby.

For children over one year old and up to three years old, the dosage does not increase; ½ tablet remains. It should not be dissolved in liquid, as this reduces the effectiveness of the medicine.

Glycine can be used two or three times a day. It has a sweetish taste, so it is not difficult to use in children. The duration of the course usually does not exceed two weeks.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

If the medicine is given for the first time, the child’s condition should be closely monitored, especially under the age of one year. The instructions for use of the drug highlight one main contraindication, which is individual intolerance to this amino acid. Manifests itself as an allergic reaction. A rash or hives occurs a few hours after taking the pill. They can appear not only in the child, but also in the woman herself.

After the pill has been given to the child, you should pay attention to the following manifestations:

  • excessive excitability has appeared, the child cannot fall asleep, sleep has become short - you should stop taking the pills and consult a doctor;
  • the child became too lethargic, drowsy, apathetic, and began to suck the breast poorly;
  • the appearance of a rash, red spots.

In order to get the maximum effect from glycine, you should follow some rules:

  • you should not skip taking your medication;
  • You cannot make changes to the course prescribed by the doctor (reduce or increase the dosage, frequency of administration);
  • for mother, no more than three tablets per day are allowed;
  • there should be an equal interval between doses.

If the parents independently decide to take the drug, and the instructions for use have not been studied, symptoms of an overdose may appear:

Glycine during breastfeeding and pregnancy can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. Based on the condition of the woman and child, the dosage and duration of administration are prescribed.

Together with milk, a small dose of glycine enters the child’s body, but this will not cause any harm. It will help a woman relax, be calmer and more confident. At the same time, the baby’s sleep rhythms are adjusted, hypertonicity and excitability are relieved.

During breastfeeding, the drug can be replaced with other sedatives: decoctions and herbal teas with lemon balm, mint, valerian.

By studying the instructions for using glycine in detail and listening to the doctor’s recommendations, you can quickly and without consequences get rid of the violations. It is not capable of harming the child if adults closely monitor the baby’s condition.

According to the generally accepted opinion of pediatricians, glycine is beneficial for children of any age, including infants. The product helps support and treat brain activity. Children become less restless, their nervous system and sleep are restored. Students concentrate better on the subject, and their performance, mood and academic performance improve.

Many pediatricians prescribe glycine based on the fact that it is an amino acid similar in composition to a natural metabolite produced from protein cellular compounds. The drug glycine helps:

  • improve mental performance;
  • normalize central nervous system processes;
  • regulate metabolism;
  • eliminate psychological stress;
  • remove toxins from the body;
  • normalize sleep quality;
  • in case of violation of the vegetative-vascular system;
  • with attention deficit disorder.

The dosage of glycine for a newborn is a quarter to half a tablet, while older people drink half to a whole tablet. Dosing is associated with a mild but effective effect on somatic and psychological processes.

Glycine improves mental performance

Benefits for babies

Indications for use for a newborn vary, but they are all related to improving the functioning of the baby’s nervous system. Doctors recommend using the drug for children who have experienced birth trauma and hypoxia. Sometimes, neurologists prescribe the drug to young patients with congenital neurological diseases, including Arnold Chiari malformation, epilepsy, hydrocephalus and encephalopathy.

Prescription for a newborn is recommended for persistent insomnia, moodiness and restless behavior. It is also given to children experiencing muscle hypertonicity, expressed in curled arms and legs, tremors and anxiety. Children's bodies tolerate these diseases especially hard; neurologists and pediatricians prescribe glycine as therapy. Often, positive effects from treatment with this remedy are noted within a month.

Why is glycine safer than other nootropics and amino acids?

Often other amino acids are prescribed instead of glycine:

  1. Dimethylglycine (DMG) and its analogues. This non-protein amino acid is found in plant and animal cells and is recognized as a dietary supplement. Most often, dimethylglycine is prescribed for autism and weak immunity of the baby. It is worth noting that sometimes “Dimethylglycine” leads to hyperactivity, then the baby’s condition worsens up to a year.
  2. Pantogam. Mixed type nootropic. It has psychostimulating, anticonvulsant, neurovegetotropic, detoxification and sedative effects. It fights well against neurogenic disorders and difficulty thinking, but the child’s body does not cope well with the components of the drug. Pantogam leads to increased sleepiness of the baby.
  3. Children's Tenoten has a vegetotropic, nootropic and relaxing effect. It calms the child, increases his concentration, improves brain activity and reduces the intensity of headaches. However, Tenoten has a side effect - in some cases it causes drowsiness.

Glycine has no registered side effects, although it also relieves psychological stress. Unlike Tenoten, Pantogam and Dimethylglycine, the drug has a gentle effect on the child’s body and does not accumulate in tissues. It is acceptable to safely give glycine to children; it does not produce a toxic effect. But prolonged use in rare cases affects the functioning of the liver, and the doctor will most likely prescribe an ultrasound.

Children's Tenoten calms the child

Thanks to glycine, children understand school subjects better, but the dosage of the medication should be checked with your doctor. Parents should understand that the use of a drug that affects the central nervous system should be treated with caution.


The use of glycine is possible for children of any age (dosage is selected):

  1. Parents should crush the tablet before use. The resulting glycine powder for a newborn is either applied to the pacifier or in the mouth from the cheeks and under the tongue. This way the drug is quickly absorbed. In addition, uncrushed glycine is not given to infants due to immature swallowing functions. The baby also receives these vitamins and amino acids through breastfeeding. Some medical experts believe that during breastfeeding, glycine is excreted simultaneously with milk, and the baby receives amino acids naturally.
  2. For children aged 1 year, the amino acid is also used to calm the nervous system, with the consequences of neuroinfections and increased intracranial pressure. They should be given the drug just like infants.
  3. For children from 1 year to 3 years, the dose of the drug is half a tablet. At 2-3 years old, a child is especially energetic and emotional, he learns about the world. Here it is important not only to direct his energy in the right direction, but also to improve his psychological state. Preparation for use is the same as for infants: the tablet is crushed and applied to the inside of the cheeks and in the area under the tongue. The drug will not be effective if the powder from it is dissolved in water or another liquid: with this method, the substances are not immediately absorbed into the bloodstream.
  4. Children over 3 years old are given 1 tablet, without crushing it. The baby will not object, since glycine tastes sweet. If you inform your child in advance and compare the drug to sucking candy, the medicine will be taken with pleasure.

How to give without causing harm?

It is important to remember that the medicine is a nootropic; it is prescribed to newborns in extreme cases:

  • with perinatal encephalopathy;
  • in case of birth trauma;
  • with intrauterine hypoxia and strong muscle tone.

Parents should consult a doctor before using glycine

The drug is considered harmless even for children aged 1 month. However, parents are advised to follow the time and dosage prescribed by the pediatrician. The course of therapy does not exceed 2 weeks for an infant and 1 month for a child over 3 years old, and the number of doses per day is no more than 3 times. Hypersensitivity to it is also considered a contraindication for glycine.

Parents should monitor the child's condition after taking glycine, because in rare cases children experience an allergic reaction as a side effect.

Do not neglect the requirements for the use of the drug. Although no cases of overdose have been recorded, parents should understand that the drug affects the child’s central nervous system. The dosage is determined and adjusted only by the attending physician. Giving more or fewer tablets, based on your own considerations, is highly not recommended. Parents often make the mistake of giving glycine without consulting a doctor, referring to the instructions for use, but not knowing exactly how much of the drug will be enough in their case. As a result, glycine becomes harmful to the baby, and he experiences the following conditions:

  • fainting;
  • sleep disorders;
  • mental disorders;
  • inhibited nervous reactions.

Such conditions can be avoided only with a competent approach to drug treatment. Up to 80% of pediatricians believe that a child can take glycine at any age due to its effective but safe action. It is worth noting that a clear advantage of glycine is its versatility. It can be used as a sedative and stimulant.

Improper use of glycine can cause insomnia in a child

The child’s reaction to this amino acid can be traced from the first months of life. In addition, doctors immediately adjust the dosage if, in an individual case, the daily dose turns out to be too much.

Instructions for use

How does Glycine Forte affect a child?

Ordinary glycine is somewhat different from Glycine Forte from Evalar. Its action is intended for adults and children over 14 years of age. The Evalar company produces Glycine Forte for people suffering from severe mental stress due to increased brain activity during work and study. The instructions for use indicate that it is mental overstrain that leads to mental disorders and insomnia, as a result of which nervous exhaustion progresses.

It is difficult for teenagers to cope with increased brain activity on their own; from time to time doctors prescribe them treatment with glycine. The effects of this amino acid are similar to those of Glycine Forte, only the latter contains more active substances. Its use is undesirable for children under 14 years of age. The preparation contains many vitamins B1, B6 and B12, which normalize the functioning of the nervous system. According to the instructions, the child can take 2 tablets daily to strengthen resistance to tense situations. This also applies to adults.

There have been no cases of overdose of this drug, and it is not addictive, but it is not recommended for pregnant, lactating women and people with individual intolerance to drink it.

Glycine (Latin name - Glycine) - lozenges, the active substance of which is the component of the same name. The effect is aimed primarily at the central nervous system. The drug is a mild sedative, and can be given to both adults and children, even the smallest. The dosage and duration of use of the product depends on the age of the baby. To minimize the possibility of harm to the child’s body, it is necessary to carefully follow medical recommendations.

Indications for use

Glycine- a chemical compound related to aminoacetic non-essential amino acids. Some of it enters the body with various foods - oatmeal, seeds, nuts, beef, liver. “Natural” glycine is broken down in the gastrointestinal tract and participates in protein synthesis, being transported to various organs.

When a component enters the body in tablet form, it dissolves in the mouth. Substances enter directly into the blood, which helps them reach the brain faster. There is a decrease in the production of glutamic acid - it appears in neurons and increases excitability.

A neurologist or pediatrician may recommend taking Glycine for:

  • normalization of brain function;
  • treatment of stuttering or neuroses;
  • increasing the child’s social adaptation;
  • eliminating symptoms of VSD;
  • reducing symptoms of brain disorders;
  • improvement of condition after concussions and injuries;
  • correction of hyperactivity;
  • eliminating sleep disturbances;
  • combating muscular dystrophy.

Glycine is also suitable for the treatment of tremors or nervous tics if they do not go away on their own for a long time.

Use glycine “for prevention” It is often recommended for children aged 6-7 years when school begins: it enhances mental capabilities and relieves the child of the stress that new experiences bring, and also improves memory.

Method of administration and dosage

The dosage and duration of therapy depend on the pathology being corrected and the age of the baby. Glycine can be given to even very young newborn babies - if the recommendations are followed, it is not dangerous and practically does not cause side effects.

  1. Children under one year old You are allowed to drink Glycine 1-3 times a day, half a tablet. It must be crushed to a fine powder and dissolved in a small amount of water. When feeding with formulas, liquid is mixed into food and consumed directly during feeding. The product has a pleasant sweetish taste and does not cause negative emotions.
  2. For children over one year old The daily dose increases and is one tablet 2-3 times a day. It is also advisable to dissolve the capsule in boiled water; it is convenient to give it using a pipette or a teaspoon. You can explain to a child aged 4-5 years how to take Glycine correctly - to absorb it like candy.
  3. Breastfed baby, will receive a “portion” of the medicine along with breast milk. This must be taken into account when going to the doctor: if the mother received the prescription, she will have to adhere to a certain regimen for using Glycine, and it is advisable to exclude certain doses for the child.

If the indications are only sleep problems, Glycine acts as a sedative. You need to drink it once a day, at night. After taking the pill, physical activity is excluded.


There are no clear contraindications to the use of Glycine. You will have to refuse to take it only in case of individual intolerance to its components. In this case, the use of the next “portion” is canceled, you should consult a doctor and replace the drug.

Side effects

Glycine is safe and when used correctly, overdose is excluded. But in some cases, the baby may be allergic to the components. It will manifest itself in the form of diathesis; the child may become capricious and irritable. To eliminate negative consequences, the drug must be discontinued.

Combination of Glycine with other medications

If the child has already been prescribed any medications whose actions are aimed at the central nervous system, the doctor must be warned about this. Glycine may reduce the effects of some medications. These include:

  • antidepressants;
  • anxiolytics;
  • neuroleptics.

The possibility of toxic poisoning with such a combination is reduced to a minimum.

If you use Glycine simultaneously with sleeping pills, tranquilizers or sedatives, the effect is additive and affects the patient’s condition. Sluggishness and speech problems are common.


During a visit to the pharmacy, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the Evalar company produces several types of Glycine. In addition to the usual one, you can find a product with a prolonged action on sale. It is marked "Forte". There is also Glycine BIO, which additionally contains the enterosorbent povidone.

If you are intolerant to the components of Glycine, a specialist can choose another product that has a similar effect, but differs in composition.

Substitutes for Glycine are:

Tenoten Effective for dyscirculatory disorders, neurotic conditions and traumatic brain injuries. Restores normal emotional background, prevents depression. Suitable for treating older children.
Glutamic acid It is used for congenital defects (cerebral palsy, myopathies, Down syndrome), suitable for the correction of organic brain damage, epilepsy.
Pantogam Product based on hopantenic acid. Helps the brain fight toxic substances and hypoxia, has anticonvulsant and sedative effects. Reduces motor excitability.
NooKam Eliminates cerebral circulatory disorders, improves learning and memory. Prohibited for children under five years of age.
Nootropil Recommended for the correction of neurotic syndrome, indicated for children with delayed intellectual development, eliminates the consequences of perinatal infectious brain damage.
Dormikind Plant-based sedative. Normalizes sleep, eliminates anxiety and the effects of stress, reduces the level of irritability.

Before using any of these drugs, prior consultation with a pediatrician or neurologist is necessary.

Last article updated: 04/26/2018

All parents ask themselves the question of whether or not to give this or that drug to their baby. Due to the rapid development of pharmaceuticals, there are many drugs on pharmacy shelves that have antioxidant, neuroprotective and neurometabolic effects. But which remedy will be the most harmless for your baby? After all, most of the medications presented cannot be given to children, let alone a baby who has just been born into this world. In our article we will talk about Glycine, the most commonly prescribed drug in pediatric practice. You will find out why, in what cases this medicine is prescribed and whether it can be given to infants.


First, let's define who a newborn is, how it differs from an infant, what “restructuring” occurs in its body.

A newborn is considered a child from the moment of birth until the twenty-eighth day of his life. Based on the stage of pregnancy at which the baby was born, infants are classified as full-term, premature or post-term.

A premature baby appears in this world before the 260th day of intrauterine life. In another way - before the thirty-seventh week. Such a child is characterized by low body weight and immaturity of internal structures. Initially, the underdevelopment of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, and only then the nervous system is more important.

A post-term baby is born after the 42nd week of intrauterine life. Postmaturity is a serious condition that can harm not only the mother, but also the baby itself. After all, the bones of such a newborn are denser, and the fontanelles may be partially closed. This provokes increased pressure on the brain and can cause not only ischemic, but also hemorrhagic brain damage.

In addition, trauma to the cervical spine is likely, which after birth is manifested by weakness and lack of movement in the limbs. Currently, they are trying to deliver before the forty-second week.

In this article we will talk about full-term babies. They are distinguished by a loud cry, average weight and height, they move actively, willingly take their mother's breast or bottle and actively suck.

Changes in the baby's nervous system after birth

During the newborn period, the baby’s body adapts to our world. After cutting the umbilical cord, the supply of oxygen and nutrients from the mother is stopped. At the first cry, the baby's lungs expand and he begins to breathe on his own. There is a restructuring of the pathways through which the child’s organs and tissues will receive the substances necessary for his rapid growth and proper development.

During childbirth, the baby experiences enormous stress, especially on the brain, because the bones of the skull shift somewhat for a more successful passage through the birth path. The baby experiences severe pain, especially if the birth did not go quite smoothly. In addition, cases of appearance are not uncommon. This brings severe discomfort and pain, which becomes an additional reason for increased irritability and loudness of the newborn.

Initially, the respiratory and cardiovascular systems mature. The child’s nervous system at this moment is not sufficiently developed, and it is this system that changes the most over time.

It is necessary to understand that the number of nerve cells in the cerebral cortex is the same in both a newborn and an adult. The only difference is that in an adult, clear connections and interactions have been formed between the nerve cells of the cerebral cortex through processes. And in the brain of a newborn baby, neurons do not have developed axons and dendrites (this is the name given to the processes of nerve cells, due to which all studied and perceived information about the surrounding world is transmitted), strong connections have not yet been created between them.

A child, when born, goes through a difficult period. The stress level of the birth process, whether natural or induced (through surgery), is always high. During childbirth, the child may experience a lack of oxygen, be accompanied by severe pain, and the possibility of injury during various periods of labor cannot be ruled out.

A newborn experiences psychological stress when he finds himself in a completely unfamiliar environment. For proper adaptation and development of the brain, the baby often requires support in the form of taking various medications.

Glycine “through the eyes of a biochemist”

Glycine is a non-synthetic substance found in the body of every person. If you study this drug from the point of view of biochemistry, then you can definitely consider it essential, one of the twenty most important amino acids.

Glycine is involved in the creation of protein necessary for the human body, especially for a newly born baby. And it is irreplaceable because it is not produced in the body and must be supplied with food, in our case - through mixtures or by taking a drug.

If you adjust the diet of a nursing mother, you can add more lean varieties of meat and fish. And products such as nuts, soy products, marmalade, often need to be excluded for various reasons.

Now let's look at the wide range of Glycine's capabilities:

  1. Glycine helps nerve cells by adjusting their metabolism.
  2. The drug gently soothes the child, helping to calmly endure the pain experienced during passage through the mother’s birth canal and during hygiene procedures, for example, during the treatment of the umbilical cord.
  3. In case of sleep disturbances, Glycine for newborns facilitates the process of falling asleep, improves the quality of sleep, as anxiety and feelings of fear are reduced.
  4. Helps remove toxic substances from the body that could enter the baby's body.
  5. Reduces the severity of certain disorders in ischemic brain damage.
  6. Glycine, having nootropic properties, helps to establish connections between nerve cells, promoting faster adaptation to the environment.
  7. If there is a pronounced effect on the child’s muscular system from the spinal cord, glycine helps to reduce muscle tone and eliminates “violent” movements of the arms and legs, inhibiting the activity of motor neurons.
  8. Participates in the development of the baby's immunity.
  9. The drug is completely broken down in the body, which means it does not accumulate.
  10. Glycine is also called a “beautiful acid” for infants, because it promotes enhanced nutrition of the skin and hair follicles.

Despite all the positive aspects of the drug, loving parents should not independently prescribe medications to their children under one year of age. Yes, this drug has almost no side effects, but it should be taken only after being prescribed by a pediatric neurologist in compliance with the regimen, without increasing the recommended dosage on your own.

When is Glycine prescribed to newborns?

Now let's look at what changes a newborn can be prescribed Glycine.

  1. Birth injury.
  2. If the baby’s brain was left without oxygen for a long time, that is, it experienced hypoxia. For example, during prolonged labor, entanglement of the umbilical cord, or if the child has swallowed amniotic fluid.
  3. Congenital encephalopathy, combining several syndromes.
  4. A movement disorder characterized by an increase or decrease in muscle tone in the arms and legs of a newborn.
  5. Excessive neuropsychic excitability. The baby has trouble falling asleep, often wakes up for no external reason, and reacts violently to minor irritation.
  6. An increase that can lead to hydrocephalus.
  7. Excessively large fruit.
  8. If during pregnancy the mother suffered from infectious diseases and took medications, Glycine is used to better remove toxic substances from the newborn’s body.
  9. Glycine should help if the baby has tremors of the chin, arms and legs.

It is not recommended to give glycine on your own to prevent various disorders.

How to give a newborn Glycine tablet?

For adults and older children, Glycine is given under the tongue. This is how the drug slowly dissolves and is absorbed into the blood through the oral mucosa. This option is not suitable for newborns and infants, as there is a high probability that the baby will choke. Glycine has a sweetish taste, so it should not cause vomiting reactions or excessive salivation in the baby.

There are several ways to give glycine to a newborn:

  1. First, divide the Glycine tablet so as to obtain the required dosage of the drug. Then we grind it and get a powder from this part of the tablet (you can grind it in a spoon or on a sterile paper napkin). Now take a small amount of water (it should not be hot or cold) and dissolve the resulting powder in it. Pour the drug prepared in this way into the baby’s mouth.
  2. The second method differs in that you dip a wet pacifier, which the baby likes, into the already prepared glycine powder. In this case, the manipulation is repeated until the child “eats” the entire single dose. If your baby rejects pacifiers, you can place a previously washed, damp finger behind the baby’s cheeks and under the tongue, distributing the powder.

There are suggestions about the possibility of giving Glycine to a baby through its intake during breastfeeding. It is assumed that the mother takes the drug and it is partially excreted in breast milk. This method is scientifically unsubstantiated.

Glycine is prescribed to newborns for a period of at least 28 days. Usually the dose prescribed for the whole day is divided into two or three doses.

If Glycine is prescribed to a child due to a disorder in the sleep-wake cycle, due to frequent interruptions in sleep, then give the medicine about half an hour before the expected sleep. During this time, the drug will have time to be absorbed and begin to have its effect.

Individual intolerance

As mentioned above, the drug has almost no side effects. Cases of increased excitability of the nervous system in children have been described, which were more often associated with a dosage violation when taking the drug or its combination with other medications without prior consultation with the attending physician.