Vitamins for women with selenium name. New generation selenium preparations: indications for use and natural analogues. When do you need vitamins with selenium, and contraindications?

Selenium starts the mechanism antioxidant protection body, protecting it from oncological diseases and premature aging

The main merits of selenium

1. Selenium together with iodine ensures normal functioning thyroid gland.

2. Selenium triggers the body's antioxidant defense mechanism, protecting it from cancer and premature aging.

3. Selenium, due to its direct effect on the synthesis of the immunizing enzyme glutathione peroxidase, prevents the occurrence of a number of cancer diseases(lung, colon, breast, prostate cancer). Studies have shown that selenium supplementation can reduce cancer incidence by almost 40% and reduce cancer mortality by 50%.

4. Selenium is an important trace element needed to maintain immune system person.

5. Selenium is involved in the synthesis of coenzyme Q-10, which has great importance for heart health and recovery of the heart muscle after a heart attack. It has been found that people with low level selenium in the blood, the risk of coronary heart disease is 70% higher than in those whose levels of this mineral were normal.

6. Selenium supports male reproductive health (part of the male sex hormone testosterone, recommended for male infertility due to decreased spermatogenesis).

8. Selenium prevents liver destruction and necrosis by combining with heavy metals and removing them from the body.

9. Selenium neutralizes the effects of mercury and arsenic, and is able to protect the body from cadmium, lead, thallium, poisoning from tobacco smoke and exhaust gases.

For many years, selenium was considered a poison. He really is poison! But only in certain doses: a little more is harmful, a little less is also bad. And these “slightly” are so insignificantly small! To be healthy, you only need 0.00001 g of selenium. In 1933, it was noticed that wheat from fields rich in selenium had a poisonous effect on livestock. Selena began to be feared as poison. And suddenly in the 60s there was an enthusiastic boom about this trace element. “Without selenium there is no health!”, “Selenium and vitamin E heal the heart!”, “Selenium prolongs youth!”, “Selenium will save us from cancer!” The discovery of selenium as a health factor was a turning point in medicine and animal husbandry.

In New Zealand and Turkey, where there is a great deficiency of this element in the soil, unexplained sudden deaths of infants, especially males, began, caused precisely by a lack of selenium. In Scotland, where selenium is also too low, newborn calves were given an injection of selenium salt or this element was added to the feed, and as a result, losses were significantly reduced.

There is a community of vitamins C, E and selenium. Like vitamin E, selenium - antioxidant. However, vitamin E and selenium do not interact. They carry out their work in a living organism independently of each other, but in a great community, replacing each other in biological processes. If selenium only activated vitamin E, it would already be necessary for both animals and humans. But, in addition, selenium protects nucleic acids from damage. Nucleic acids - component of all living systems, they play a leading role in protein biosynthesis and transmission in the genetic code hereditary traits and properties of the body. Selenium increases our resistance unfavorable conditions environment, viruses, thereby protecting us from various diseases. Selenium is necessary for the functioning of the heart muscle and blood vessels.

Doctors in Mexico and the Philippines harness the great powers of selenium and vitamin E in healing angina pectoris, achieving excellent results.

But excess selenium is also harmful. Due to its increased content, people lose hair and nails - this disease is called “selenosis”. Animals appear typical symptoms: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, tooth loss, inflammation of the gums, skin, damage to the limbs, hair loss. A person needs only “traces” of selenium. However, the more thoroughly the soil is processed, the more we lose this element. It is washed out by water and carried out to sea, carried by the wind, and it becomes less and less on our planet.

Some plants, such as tropical ones, have the ability to accumulate selenium in excess. Fortunately, there are also plants that contain exactly the amount of selenium that a person needs. However, in any plant there are always at least “traces” of it.

Selenium, vitamin E and the immune system. Selenium and cancer.

We need to know: the body’s resistance to infections, including viruses, causing cancer, depends to a large extent on the presence of selenium in food products, as well as vitamins E and C. Research by doctors in US cities and data from the Committee for Environmental Prevention in Krakow showed that cancer patients have incredibly low levels of selenium in the blood. And although it is still unclear what the mechanism of action of selenium is, how it protects against cancer, it is assumed that, like vitamin E, an antioxidant, selenium reduces the oxidation of cells, prevents their deformation, as well as violations of genetic DNA, and , thus promoting normal cell development and repair.

Selenium, cobalt and magnesium are known as factors that counteract damage to chromosomes that carry genetic material that controls the life of cells and their normal division.

Selenium destroys aflatoxins and mold. Selenium paralyzes aflatoxins, thereby protecting cells from the carcinogenic effects of poisons; In addition, it destroys molds that produce aflatoxins. In a rainy summer, a situation may arise when the grain of a new harvest, if not dried, will be spoiled by mold. Such grain is dangerous to health. Therefore, it is necessary to add more antioxidants to human food, that is, selenium compounds, vitamins E and C, etc. The same applies to potatoes, which become moldy when stored in humid storage facilities.

Rotten potatoes have the ability to have a harmful effect on brain tissue.

Diet and selenium. How should you eat anyway? modern man so that his body receives optimal dose Selena? Let's remember! The most dangerous “enemy” of selenium is carbohydrates. This means that pastries, sweet pies, cakes and cookies, all sweet flour products, all carbonated drinks can completely or partially destroy selenium. When we give up sugar, we retain selenium in our body. In the presence of hydrocarbons, this microelement is not absorbed.

Products containing selenium. What foods contain selenium?

Selenium contains:

  • in sea and rock salts,
  • in kidneys (pork, beef and veal),
  • in the liver and heart,
  • in poultry eggs, and the yolk also contains vitamin E.

Sea foods are rich in selenium- fish, especially herring, crabs, lobsters, lobsters, shrimps and more affordable squids that are not very accessible to everyone.

Selenium is not in processed foods- canned food and concentrates, and in all boiled, refined products it is half as much as in fresh.

From products plant origin rich in selenium:

  • wheat bran,
  • sprouted wheat grains,
  • corn grains,
  • tomatoes,
  • Brewer's yeast,
  • mushrooms and garlic,
  • as well as black bread and other products made from wholemeal flour.

The milk of a nursing mother contains 2 times more selenium and 5-6 times more more vitamin E than in cow's milk.

It has been observed that infant boys die more often than girls. The famous hematologist-oncologist Yu. Aleksadrovich explains this by saying that boys need much more selenium than girls, so if instead mother's milk they get cow's milk, their body lacks this microelement.

It should be noted: the method for determining the selenium content in products is one of the most complex research methods, and therefore data on its content should be treated with caution. If there is enough selenium in the soil, then normal balanced diet should provide us with enough.

One of the most delicious and affordable sources of selenium is corn.

Selenium, like vitamin E, prevents liver disease.

Common garlic and selenium. Garlic is rich in selenium, and it also contains many other important components, such as protein (5.6%), carbohydrates and various minerals, including calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium. It contains a lot of B vitamins, vitamin C, and various sugars. It is also famous for its well-known smell, the source of which is alliin glucoside. Under the action of an enzyme, alliniases are broken down into fructose and allicin, a volatile sulfur compound with a characteristic unpleasant smell. It kills bacteria.

There is an opinion that garlic even contains compounds hormonal action and radioactive uranium. But this is an assumption. It is precisely known that garlic contains phytoncides; it is even considered the richest source of them. (The drying process most often leads to the death of phytoncides). The last sentence should draw our attention to the fact that Garlic preparations do not replace natural “live” garlic.

By destroying the unpleasant odor, we lose all the healing properties of garlic. Phytoncides, which garlic is so rich in, are volatile substances contained in plant sap and actively affect fungi and bacteria. Phytoncides are produced by some higher plants. Thanks to them, plants are resistant to infection.

In addition to garlic, onions, horseradish, dill, wild garlic, etc. are also extremely rich in phytoncides.

Garlic, horseradish and other plants, which contain the most phytoncides, are used for canningcooking, as well as when salting vegetables. It has been established that horseradish is strong remedy, suppressing the development of fungi and molds (including those that produce toxins), which has not yet received due attention. Garlic in the mouth destroys all germs and leaves strong smell. Garlic disinfects the digestive system, respiratory system, treats chronic diarrhea, atherosclerosis, prevents the development of senile insanity, atherosclerosis and heart attacks.

Interestingly, deaths from heart disease are very rare in Spain. Of course, it cannot be said with certainty that only garlic is the reason for this, since the Spaniards eat, in addition to garlic, exclusively sea salt, which is rich in microelements, and therefore in selenium and magnesium. But many scientists attribute the main merit to garlic.

Italians also like to eat garlic, although half as much as the Spanish, and they are also less likely than the British or Americans to die from heart disease. Garlic is useful not only for the prevention of heart disease and colds.

Onions and garlic eaten with meat mitigate the effects harmful effects saturated fat, excess cholesterol, and also prevent blood clots. They act as an antidiabetic agent because they clear the blood of excess glucose.

Anyone who suffers from stomach diseases is recommended to drink 20-50 ml of garlic tincture.

Garlic effectively treats chronic and acute diarrhea caused by different types bacteria, as well as dysentery and even cholera. In the autumn-winter period, this tincture will protect against colds and infectious diseases. Children can be given 1 teaspoon (through a straw), subsequently increasing to 30-50 ml.

In ancient times, in Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Rome, India and China, garlic was eaten for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and used against worms.

In our time, Albert Schweitzer gave garlic to patients with typhus and cholera, obtaining excellent results.

In 1970, biologist Eldon L. Rivers discovered that garlic inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

Some researchers report that garlic improves mood. This can be explained high content Selena.

Indian researchers, studying the role of garlic in the treatment of heart attacks, noticed an interesting by-effect: my mood improved, I felt a surge of energy.

French scientist Gilles Fillon from the Pasteur Institute found that garlic promotes the release of serotonin, an indicator Have a good mood. “I suspect that garlic relieves stress, anxiety, and is generally an antidepressant, like Prozac, although weaker,” he said. - Eat garlic to feel better».

Japanese scientists found that garlic was 60% as effective as Valium in relieving stress in mice.

Dr. F. G. Piotrovsky from the University of Geneva treated 100 patients with hypertension in different stages. 40% of them felt a significant improvement after 3-4 days: headaches and dizziness disappeared, difficulty concentrating, etc. For another 40%, the improvement was not so noticeable. However, in addition to hypertension, these patients suffered from kidney diseases, which are generally difficult to treat with diet. And yet there was an improvement!

Nutritionists advise in the treatment of hypertension other than a tablespoon garlic oil drink vitamin E.

Selenium protects our stay on Earth. The element received its name in honor of the Moon (translated from Greek - Selenium) and it is symbolic. Just as the Moon is a satellite of the Earth, so selenium is a person’s companion throughout life, protecting his memory and health.

Selenium was discovered in 1817 by the Swedish scientist Jens Berzelius. He is called:

  • sniper(he shoots mutant cells, cancer cells),
  • restorer(restores damaged cell membranes),
  • watchman(protects cells from absorption harmful substances) organism.

This microelement is part of the biological active enzymes, of which there are more than 200, and also in the composition of hormones.

Selenium has been proven to enhance the effects of drug treatment and reduces its toxicity.

It is also called a natural antibiotic.

It is known that a lack of selenium and zinc in the body increases cravings for alcohol.

Epidemiologists believe that today selenium deficiency occurs in 80% of the population. The point is that in Lately water and soil have practically lost this microelement; moreover, it has partially passed into an indigestible form. The reason is the use of nitrate fertilizers and environmental degradation.

In addition, when cleaning cereals, up to 70% of selenium is lost, and when heat treatment food - up to 50%.

IN European countries The fight against selenium deficiency has been ongoing for a long time: in Finland it is added to baked goods, in China it is added to salt. In 1996, selenium was recognized as a mineral food additive, and in 1998, selenization was included in the national program for public health. In the same year, “Spring of Health” took an active part in the government program and began to educate people about the benefits of selenium. In 1999, selenium was recognized as a medicinal drug and the most powerful antioxidant.

Daily requirement for selenium. Academician A.V. Voshchenko recommends consumption from 12 years old - 100 mcg. selenium per day. A.V. Skalny, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor, believes that 15 mcg of selenium is needed per 1 kg of human weight.

Interesting facts about selenium. English psychologist David Benton also noted a “marked improvement in mood” in 50 people aged 14 to 74 who took a 100 mcg selenium tablet every day for 5 weeks, although they showed no signs of deficiency. Some received a placebo, others received real selenium. Those who took selenium experienced amazing clarity of mind, self-confidence, elation, sociability - or vice versa, confusion, anxiety, fatigue, depression, uncertainty and aggressiveness decreased. Selenium especially noticeably relieved the feeling of anxiety.

It was noted that people with the lowest selenium levels benefited the most from taking the supplement. After 5 weeks of taking selenium, their mood scale increased by 40%. For those who previously received enough selenium, it increased by 25%. The supplement eliminated an invisible selenium deficiency that manifested itself in a bad mood.

It has been known before that selenium supplements improve brain function. In one Dutch study, older adults given selenium and vitamin E tablets were less anxious, more energetic, and had better intelligence. Other authors have found that a mixture of selenium, zinc and evening primrose oil improves mood and restores some functions in elderly people complaining of memory loss.

How much should I take? Experts recommend daily dose 200 mcg of selenium to protect the brain and prevent heart disease and cancer. But beware of high doses. Selenium is one of those few supplements that can become powerful poisons. While 2,500 mcg per day won't kill you, it's best to limit yourself to 200 mcg in supplement form.

Conclusion. Unnoticeable, widespread selenium deficiency impairs brain function, primarily reducing tone and causing a feeling of anxiety. For optimal brain function, a sufficient intake of selenium is necessary - 200 mcg per day.

Selenium, Vitamin E, Vitamin C - a great trio of antioxidants. When under stress, poor nutrition, bad ecology, exposure household chemicals, smoking in the body produces free radicals - aggressive oxidizing particles (oxidants) that attack various cells our body and, damaging and destroying them, are one of the main causes of aging and many diseases, including cancer. Antagonists of free radicals and the main defenders of our body are antioxidant substances. They are able to delay the formation of free radicals and eliminate damage caused by oxidation.

Decades of research have determined precisely that the most powerful antioxidants are selenium, vitamins E and C. This "magnificent trio" makes up the "skeleton" the whole system antioxidant defense of the body, which also includes auxiliary elements such as beneficial intestinal bacteria, enzymes, bioflavonoids, amino acids and other substances. And since the functioning of the system is ensured only by the interaction of its elements, selenium and vitamins E, C are effective as antioxidants only together. Vitamin C improves the absorption of selenium, promotes the stabilization and restoration of vitamin E. Selenium complements the work of vitamin E - together they create a complete “trap” for fat-soluble oxidants.

Selenium and vitamin E only work together, so taking one requires supplementing the other. Moreover, a deficiency of vitamins E and C can prevent the body from absorbing selenium.

Selena preparations: to drink or not to drink? According to the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the results clinical trials 80% of Russians are deficient in selenium. Daily diet Russians contain at best 30 mcg of the substance, while the norm for an adult is 80-200 mcg of selenium per day, and during periods increased loads and at various diseases Selenium requires 800-1200 mcg. Selenium deficiency occurs despite the fact that selenium is a substance quite often found in food.

Selenium contains:

  • garlic,
  • oatmeal,
  • wheat bran,
  • hazelnut,
  • brown rice,
  • White mushrooms,
  • seafood,
  • eggs,
  • liver,
  • beef,
  • turkey.

However, the “casket” opens simply: a lot of selenium is lost during cooking and frying food - up to 50% (and when producing flour from grain, up to 75% of the substance is lost).

Having noticed that the hair has become brittle, the nails have begun to peel, and the skin looks dull and flaky, many are thinking about how to help their body, especially in the off-season. Quite often, these symptoms indicate a selenium deficiency. If you find out that you need vitamins with selenium, now all that remains is to choose and purchase them. But it turns out that not everything is so simple: the choice of vitamin complexes is varied, their composition and purpose can vary greatly. And since the issue concerns our health, we want to make the right choice. To do this, we will understand in detail and choose vitamins that will not harm, but will help.

Basic information about selenium is described: what kind of microelement it is, what functions it performs in the body, the consequences of excess and deficiency, what foods it can be obtained from, when you should think about the need to take additional selenium. Now let’s look at how to choose the right vitamins, what to pay attention to, and give specific vitamin-mineral and mineral complexes containing selenium.

How to choose vitamins containing selenium

First, let's be clear: selenium is not a vitamin, but a mineral, so we Only mineral and vitamin-mineral complexes are suitable. It is better to give preference to the second type, which contains vitamins A, E and C: this increases the activity of selenium.

Pay attention to the form of the drug: medicine or dietary supplement(dietary supplement). It is very important. To get onto the market, medicines must undergo special studies, it is necessary to prove their effectiveness and safety, which takes years and money. But dietary supplements do not require this for sale; they are much easier and cheaper to register. Thus, a dietary supplement is precisely an additive to the diet, but no one guarantees therapeutic effect from her reception.

Vitamin-mineral complexes can be produced in different types: tablets, capsules, candies, chewing lozenges, gels, powders, lozenges and more. Here, when choosing, be guided by your own preferences, since there is no difference in the effect on the body (selenium begins to be absorbed in the duodenum).

The most important thing when choosing: the dosage of selenium in the preparation. Approximate daily requirement adult man– 70 mcg, adult woman – 55 mcg (during pregnancy and feeding, the recommended dose increases to 65 mcg), baby– 10-20 mcg (increases with age). Please note that selenium in doses exceeding 300 mcg per day is harmful to humans.

In addition to the dose contained in one tablet in mcg, manufacturers indicate on the label percentage of recommended intakes of food and biologically active substances. Conventionally, drugs can be divided into three groups. The first contains more than 100% of the required norm; these complexes are necessary for people with a serious selenium deficiency who need to replenish this trace element in 1-2 weeks. In the second group of drugs, the selenium content is about 100% of the required dose; they will help eliminate the deficiency in a couple of months. The remaining complexes contain a prophylactic dose (30-50% of the recommended) and are taken when selenium comes from food.

Vitamin-mineral and mineral complexes with selenium

1. Vitamin and mineral complexes Alphabet. Russia.

Release form: tablets. Unlike drugs from other manufacturers, Alphavit is taken 3 times a day, which avoids the interaction of elements that reduce each other’s benefits. All complexes presented below are dietary supplements.

Classic. It contains 13 vitamins and 10 minerals, including vitamins A, E and C, which are taken together with selenium. The dose of selenium is 70 mcg, which is 100% of the norm for an adult man. Recommended for malnutrition.

Diabetes. Contains 13 vitamins and 9 minerals, amber and lipoic acid, plant extracts. The selenium content is similar to the previous preparation. Designed for people who have diabetes.

Mom's health(created specifically for pregnant and lactating women). It contains 13 vitamins and 11 minerals, plus the vitamin-like substance taurine. Selenium in a dose of 40 mcg is taken together with vitamins C and E.

Effect, containing 13 vitamins, 9 minerals, organic acids, L-taurine, L-carnitine, Siberian ginseng and green tea leaf extract. Recommended for people who regularly engage in sports. Selenium contains 70 mcg.

Beautician. In addition to essential minerals and vitamins, it contains coenzyme and bioflavonoids. Created especially for women. Selenium content – ​​70 mcg.

50+ for older people: 13 vitamins, 9 minerals, lutein, lycopene. Selenium – 70 mcg.

Teenager(14-18 years old). The drug consists of 13 vitamins and 10 minerals, including selenium at a dose of 70 mcg.

Schoolboy for children aged 7-14 years. Chewable tablets, which contain essential vitamins and essential minerals. Selenium content – ​​25.5 mcg.

Kindergarten , intended for younger children (3-7 years old). The composition is almost similar to the complex for schoolchildren, but contains less selenium (20 mcg).

During the cold season. Organic acids (succinic and lipoic) have been added to the preparation with vitamins and minerals. In terms of selenium content, it is similar to Classic.

Energy, which include vitamin P (rutin), extracts of Eleutherococcus rhizome and Schisandra seeds, succinic acid. Selenium content – ​​70 mcg.

For men, the dose of selenium in which reaches 100 mcg. The drug, in addition to vitamins and minerals, contains L-taurine, polyphenolic substances, beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein, L-carnitine.

During cold season for children from 3 to 12 years. Prebiotics (lactulose, alimentary fiber). The tablets contain 20 mcg of selenium.

Vitamins Alphabet during cold season for children

2. Preparations Complivit. Russia, JSC Pharmstandard.

All complexes combine vitamins A, E and C, which enhance the effect of selenium.

Selenium. Is a dietary supplement. Contains essential vitamins (including A, E) and minerals (manganese, copper, zinc and selenium 70 mcg). Designed specifically to replenish selenium deficiency.

Vitamins Complivit selenium

For women 45 plus– a drug that is recommended for women during menopause to relieve the symptoms of menopause. In addition to 10 vitamins and 3 minerals, the tablet contains L-carnitine, cohosh (a plant of the ranunculaceae family) and motherwort. The dose of selenium is 25 mcg.

Antistress– food biological additive, containing essential vitamins, 4 minerals and plant extracts (motherwort and ginkgo biloba leaves). Selenium is included in the drug in an amount of 25 mcg.

Ophthalmo for children(over three years old). Dietary supplement is recommended for increased visual stress. The drug contains: 7 vitamins and 3 minerals (including 15 mcg).

Assets. Suitable for children 7-12 years old. A medicine that contains vitamins and minerals, including iron and iodine. Selenium content – ​​10 mcg.

trimester- a medicine for women expecting a child. For each stage of pregnancy, a different preparation has been developed, containing a different number of elements. Depending on this, the dose of selenium increases in each trimester: in the first – 60 mcg, in the second – 70 mcg, in the third – 90 mcg.

3. Vitamin and mineral complexes Multi-tabs. Denmark, Ferrosan A/S.

Classic. A dietary supplement for adults and adolescents over 14 years of age, which contains 11 vitamins and 8 minerals. The tablet contains 50 mcg of selenium.

Vitamins Multi-tabs classic

Intensive. This complex is an analogue of the previous one, the difference is only in the doses of elements and one additional mineral(calcium). Selenium contains less (43 mcg). Recommended for adults who are exposed to constant stressful situations.

Immuno plus. It is also an analogue of the Classic complex, but the doses of vitamins and minerals contained (including selenium) are not changed. The difference is that copper is excluded and lactobacilli are added. Designed to strengthen the immune system and normalize intestinal microflora.

Baby(for children from one to four years old). The drug is available in the form of chewable tablets with raspberry-strawberry flavor. One tablet contains essential vitamins and minerals in doses recommended for babies. The amount of selenium is 25 mcg.

Baby Calcium+. Biologically active food supplement for children 2-7 years old, consisting of 13 vitamins and 7 minerals. Selenium in this preparation is 20 mcg. They are produced in the form of chewable tablets and have a banana or orange-vanilla flavor.

Vitamins Multi-tabs baby calcium +

Immuno Kids. A dietary supplement that contains lactobacilli added to 13 vitamins and 6 minerals. Suitable for children from 7 to 14 years old. Contains 27 mcg of selenium.

Teenager, created for teenagers. A complete vitamin and mineral complex, which is a dietary supplement, contains 40 mcg of selenium. Available in cola-lemon and orange-vanilla flavors.

Perinatal. Medicine for pregnant women and women breastfeeding. The dose of selenium contained is 50 mcg.

4. Centrum. USA, Pfizer (manufactured in Russia).

All of the drugs listed below are food additives.

Centrum. The drug, containing essential vitamins and minerals, is recommended for adults from 10 to 50 years old. Selenium contains 30 mcg.

Silver. The drug is similar to the previous one, the doses of the contained elements have been changed and is recommended for people over 50 years of age. The selenium content was not changed.

Children's. Chewable tablets for children aged 4-12 years. Contains 18 vitamins and minerals (including selenium, the dose of which is 12.5 mcg).

Prenatal DGA. The complex involves taking 1 tablet and 1 capsule per day. The composition of the tablet is identical to the previous version. The capsule contains: docosahexaenoic acid (Omega-3 fatty acid) and vitamin E.

5.Focus-Forte, developed in Russia (Rusfik), promoted and sold by the Italian concern.

A nutritional supplement that contains elements necessary for the eyes: vitamins (A, B2, C, E), minerals (copper, zinc, selenium - 21 mcg), flavonoids, carotenoids.

6. Vitamineral, Russia.

7. Multimax, USA (Unifarm).

A medicine intended for adults and children over 12 years of age. The tablet contains: 12 vitamins, 16 minerals and trace elements, the plant substance lutein. Selenium content – ​​12.5 mcg.

8. Dinamisan, Italy.

Dietary supplement containing 11 vitamins, 10 minerals and trace elements, 2 amino acids and ginseng extract. Intended for adults and children over 14 years of age. The drug contains 25 mcg of selenium.

Of course, in addition to these vitamins with selenium, there are many more various types drugs, huge selection which are impossible to reach. Anyway remember what to pay attention to: presence of selenium in the composition, its dosage, content of vitamins A, E and C, whether the drug is medicine or food additive.

Have a successful choice!

Selenium is an extremely important element for human body. It improves immunity, acts as one of the main antioxidants, protecting the human body from the action of free radicals, reduces inflammation, and also plays a role in key role in maintaining metabolism.

According to recent studies, selenium has antiviral effect on the body, has important for men's and women's reproductive system, reduces the risk of developing cancer, autoimmune and thyroid diseases.

Found in the human body a large number of vitamins and microelements, as well as other nutrients, to one degree or another, responsible for its life activity. Among others, we can highlight selenium. This mineral, if taken in the wrong dosage, can be extremely dangerous to health, but at the same time, if consumed correctly, its benefits will be very, very great.

So, in order. Selenium was once considered a toxic trace element, but then people discovered that this fact was influenced by the amount of its consumption. Selenium deficiency can lead to infertility, premature aging and some other serious diseases.

The male body, according to modern scientists, requires slightly more of this trace element than the female body. This increased need is explained by the influence of selenium on the activity of the male reproductive system and the activity of men sexually. Deficiency of the substance stops male sexual activity. Medical statistics confirm the direct relationship between selenium deficiency and sudden death among male infants. It is possible to replenish microelement reserves if you regularly eat foods that contain it.

The benefits of selenium for the human body

Selenium is found in many foods. It is also available in the form of dietary supplements. Selenium is integral part more than two dozen selenoproteins, which play a decisive role in reproduction, metabolism of thyroid hormones, DNA synthesis, and also protects against oxidative processes and infections.

The main functions of selenium in the human body include:

  • stimulation of immunity;
    participation in protein synthesis;
    prevention of tumor formation;
    assistance in the formation of red blood cells;
    inhibition of aging processes;
    activation of vitamin E;
    neutralization and removal of foreign substances from the body;
    stimulation of reproductive function;
    normalization of functioning nervous system;
    the main role in stopping the progression of diseases of cardio-vascular system;
    participation of enzymes and hormones;
    stimulation of metabolic processes;
    maintaining healthy condition horny surfaces.

Selenium is concentrated to a greater extent in human nails, hair, pancreas, heart, lungs, liver, bone marrow and kidneys. The microelement is able to protect our body from the threat of penetration of bacteria and viruses, as well as other negative influences, thereby protecting the human immune system.

It is also a sure obstacle to the formation of free radicals that destroy body cells. Besides everything else, this microelement controls the vital activity of absolutely all cells of the body and prevents diseases endocrine system, heart and blood vessels, as well as various inflammations.

Products containing selenium

Selenium exists in two forms: inorganic (selenate or selenite) and organic (selenomethionine or selenocysteine). Both forms can be good sources Selena.

Inorganic is found in the soil. Selenites and selenates that accumulate in plants are converted into organic form during the synthesis process.

The human diet must contain foods rich in selenium in order to fully supply all body systems with this substance. In this regard, it is imperative that every person is aware of the list of such food products.

It is important that the food consumed contains as little sugar as possible, then the absorption and preservation of selenium will occur as efficiently as possible. To achieve maximum benefits, you need to limit your intake of sweets and avoid cakes, pastries and sweetened sodas. Having freed your diet from foods that negatively affect the absorption of selenium, it is important to focus on the consumption of vitamin E, as it helps the microelement effectively penetrate into cells.

Among plants, selenium is found in tomatoes and garlic, in porcini mushrooms and champignons, in olive oil, in Brazil nuts, coconut and pistachios, in corn, oat and buckwheat, in wheat bran, brewer's yeast and sea ​​salt. This valuable microelement can be found not only in plant foods, but in chicken eggs, some types of fish and some other seafood, as well as in the liver and kidneys of animals.

Garlic and Brazil nuts can easily be declared the leaders of the list. Eating 10–20 grams of one or the other every day, and daily norm Selena will be satisfied.

Unfortunately, this microelement is not able to be independently synthesized in our body, so it is replenished only by intake from the outside. By the way, the extent to which a particular product will be saturated with selenium depends on its content in the soil where the plant was grown.

Selenium deficiency

Selenium deficiency causes biochemical changes in the body that can lead to certain diseases. Especially associated with any situation. For example, selenium deficiency in combination with infection can lead to cardiomyopathy or the so-called Keshan disease. Although the exact cause of this disease has not been named to this day, many associate it with selenium deficiency.

A lack of this microelement in the human body is most often observed under the following circumstances:

  • harmful working conditions;
    age over 90 years;
    application of some medicines;
    selenium deficiency in the soil;
    diseases of the digestive system.

A constant deficiency of selenium in the body can lead to such consequences as:

  • hypothyroidism;
    malfunction of the thyroid gland;
    endemic goiter;
    malfunctions of the reproductive system;
    decreased immunity;
    diseases of the skin, nails and hair;
    frequent inflammatory processes;
    liver diseases;
    inhibition of growth and development in childhood;
    lung diseases;

Harm of selenium to the body

Oversaturation of the body with selenium should also not be allowed, because this is fraught with very serious consequences, in particular, severe poisoning. In most cases, overdose occurs as a result of irrational use. food additives, enriched with this microelement.

The main symptoms of overdose include the following:

  • nausea, vomiting;
    lack of stability in the psycho-emotional state;
    increased fragility nails and hair;
    skin erythema;
    constant smell of garlic from the mouth and skin;
    disruptions in liver function.

It must be remembered that in order to avoid adverse consequences, before starting to take medications with selenium, you must consult a specialist.

Women during pregnancy or breastfeeding should consume more vitamins and minerals. Therefore, these values ​​are averaged. Before use, it is better to consult a doctor and get accurate recommendations.

Children aged:

from 0 to 6 months – 15 micrograms per day;

from 7 months to a year – 20 micrograms per day;

from 1 year to 3 years – 20 micrograms per day;

from 4 to 8 years – 30 micrograms per day;

from 9 to 13 years – 40 micrograms per day.

Teens and adults:

Men 14 years and older – 55 micrograms per day;

Women 14 years and older – 55 micrograms per day;

Pregnant women - 60 micrograms per day;

Breastfeeding women - 70 micrograms per day.

The best way to get the right amount of selenium is to get the right amount of selenium. balanced diet, which includes various products.

Why our body needs selenium, watch the video

The importance of selenium for the body

Selenium, like the Moon, after which it is named, has two sides of the coin - one light - positive for the body, the other dark - negative. The fact is that it, as a substance, is a strong poison that can cause fatal poisoning. But, in microscopic doses, it is necessary for all organs and systems as a powerful antioxidant and necessary factor for normal functioning of the immune system and hormonal systems. Its benefits to the body are as follows:

  • It is part of certain proteins, hormones and enzymes involved in the life support processes of the body;
  • Helps improve immunity;
  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  • Is powerful protection in the degeneration of cellular structures into malignant neoplasms;
  • Increases the efficiency of metabolic processes;
  • Regulates reproductive function, since it is part of sperm;
  • Normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • Maintains the stability of the functioning of the NS;
  • Improves the condition of the skin, nails and hair;
  • Protects the body from the action of toxic minerals - arsenic, lead, cadmium, thallium, mercury.

But the main importance of selenium is its powerful antioxidant mission, which is to combat free radicals. It neutralizes them, thereby preventing their destructive effect on cells, thereby slowing down the aging process of cells and body generally.

Another one most important function Selena - his positive influence on reproductive function. This microelement “monitors” the integrity of nucleic acids - the main units of storage, transmission and implementation of hereditary information. Se deficiency makes it impossible to reproduce, grow and develop new body.

Risk group for selenium deficiency

Se deficiency in the majority of people is insignificant. But, there are certain categories of people for whom a deficiency of this microelement is quite likely. This group includes:

  • Elderly people (over 90 years old);
  • People with gastrointestinal diseases;
  • People taking statins contraception, and laxatives;
  • Vegetarians and people following a low-calorie diet;
  • Smokers;
  • Population living on selenium-poor soils.

What are the symptoms of selenium deficiency?

The body's need for Se is insignificant and amounts to 1 μg per 1 kg of weight. And if there is a deficiency, then the main reasons may be two factors. The main cause of Se deficiency is its low content in food products, mainly in grains and vegetables. This, in turn, is due to the depletion of soils in this mineral. Thus, food products with a low content of this vital substance end up on a person’s table. important microelement. Another cause of Se deficiency in the body is diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and intoxication with heavy metals and arsenic. The overwhelming majority of selenium is concentrated in the spleen, liver, kidneys, heart, and male testes. People with selenium deficiency may develop the following symptoms:

  • A sharp drop in performance (both physical and mental);
  • Decreased immunity, accompanied by frequent colds and inflammatory diseases;
  • Slow tissue regeneration after injury;
  • Development of liver diseases (necrosis);
  • Visual impairment;
  • Sexual dysfunction.

Selenium deficiency can lead to syndrome chronic fatigue, muscle pain, increased cholesterol levels in the blood. If selenium fasting lasts for a long time, then more serious consequences may appear: development malignant neoplasms, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, bronchial asthma and other diseases.

Products containing selenium

The human body needs a daily supply of this microelement. To replenish it, you need to include the following foods in your diet:

  • Fish and seafood;
  • Meat and offal;
  • Mushrooms (white);
  • Whole grain cereals;
  • Egg yolks;
  • Sunflower seeds;
  • Almond;
  • Garlic;
  • Olive oil;
  • Legumes;
  • Pistachios, cashews;
  • Dairy products.

It is important that Se contained in products does not undergo heat treatment,

so its amount upon exposure high temperatures, is reduced by 2 times.

Signs of excess selenium

The toxic dose of Se for humans is 5 mg. This is enough for signs of selenium intoxication to appear:

  • Psycho-emotional imbalance;
  • Garlic odor from skin and mouth;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Liver dysfunction;
  • Redness of the skin;
  • Brittle nails and hair loss;
  • Runny nose;
  • Pneumonia and pulmonary edema.

Preparations with selenium

Selenium deficiency can be compensated for using selenium-containing preparations. Taking such drugs will prevent many diseases, and primarily cancer. Preparations containing Se can be divided into 4 groups:

  • Mineral Se. An example of such drugs is Neoselen;
  • Yeast Se, in the form of dietary supplements. They contain about 30% organic selenium and are better absorbed;
  • Selenium organic, artificial – “Selenium-Active”;
  • Organic natural selenium-methionine in the form of fruit and berry syrups.

All four groups of drugs should be taken only as prescribed by the attending physician, after undergoing the necessary examination.

The last decades in the world have been marked by a “selenium boom” due to the discovery beneficial features this element for human life and health. Selenium-containing proteins were discovered that participate in the antioxidant and immune processes of the body. Mutations of selenoprotein genes have been identified leading to the development cardiovascular pathology, autoimmune diseases, myopathies, malignant tumors. Nowadays, selenium is included in the list of essential nutrients, so it is present in many multivitamin-mineral complexes. Let's study in more detail which vitamins contain selenium by looking at popular foreign and domestic brands.

In our review we will touch upon Russian drugs Selenium Forte, Complivit and AlfaVit, as well as imported vitamins Vitrum, Centrum, Multi-Tabs, Perfectil, Duovit and Doppelherz, each of which contains selenium.

Why is this micronutrient so important? Let's try to briefly describe its effects. Selenium in the human body is included in the structure of two main types of proteins:

  • selenoproteins, which are a storage and transporter of microelements,
  • specific enzymes involved in various biochemical reactions.

Several dozen selenium-containing biological molecules have been identified. Particularly important for life are those that participate in the neutralization harmful products free radical oxidation (glutathione reductase, glutathione peroxidase, selenoprotein W), detoxification (selenoprotein P), synthesis of thyroid hormones (iodothyronine deiodinase) and nucleic acids (thioredoxin reductase).

When the biosynthesis of selenoproteins is inhibited due to mineral deficiency, the resistance of the immune system to pathogens is disrupted, male fertility decreases, and the risk of autoimmune reactions and pathologies of the thyroid gland, prostate, lungs, colon and bladder increases.

Selenium in vitamins can be in organic or inorganic forms. Traditionally, inorganic salts of selenic acid are used - selenates and selenites.

  • AlfaVit, Doppelhertz and Complivit contain sodium selenite.
  • Vitrum, Centrum, Multi-Tabs, Perfectil, Duovit, Perfectil Plus contain sodium selenate.

From this point of view, the drug Selenium Forte is of interest, in which this mineral is presented in the form organic compound based on xanthene – selenoxanthene.

It is believed that selenium compounds with organic molecules (amino acids, hydropyran derivatives) are less toxic than with inorganic ones. There are known cases where an overdose of selenite in low-quality dietary supplements led to consequences characteristic of poisoning with salts of heavy metals. It is safe to consume organic forms of selenium. Of course, this does not mean that consuming vitamins containing selenium in the form of sodium selenites and selenates will pose a health risk. Just trust well-known and reliable manufacturers of vitamin complexes.

Domestic mineral and vitamin complexes with selenium

Considering which vitamins Russian production Selenium is contained in the largest quantities, you need to pay attention to the AlfaVit complex. In a preparation intended for a wide range of age category, called “AlfaVit Classic” its concentration is 70 mcg. The same dose of microelement is available in another Russian brand Complivit Selenium and Selenium Forte from Evalar.

Vitamins with selenium for men are necessary to maintain normal spermatogenesis. Two critical selenium proteins, glutathione peroxidase 4 and sperm specific selenoprotein, are responsible for sperm production and viability. Therefore, a reasonable decision was to increase the amount of selenium to 100 mcg in AlfaVit for men.

Complivit Radiance is positioned by its developers as a product for improving the condition of hair and skin. Among the nutrients necessary for this, it contains selenium. True, its amount is insignificant - 25 mcg.

Imported mineral and vitamin complexes with selenium

To make it easier to characterize foreign drugs Based on the following criteria: selenium - which vitamins contain more of it, we will create a kind of rating. Vitrum and Duovit Energy will be at the bottom step of our rating. They contain only 25 mcg of this micronutrient. 5 mcg more contained in vitamin complexes Doppelhertz active from A to Zn and Centrum from A to Zinc.

IN middle category with a selenium concentration of 50 mcg, Doppelhertz active Selenium + Beta-carotene and Multi-Tabs Classic are included. And at the top of the ranking are the drugs Perfectil and Perfectil Plus (100 mcg each).

All of these complexes contain the “magnificent trio” of antioxidants: vitamin E, ascorbic acid and selenium. It has been repeatedly proven that many substances act synergistically, that is, they enhance each other’s effect. For example, in laboratory research Animals deficient in vitamin E and selenium develop cardiomyopathy, and consuming selenium alone does not cure it.

Taking care of hair, skin and nails is especially important for the fair sex, so Perfectil can be safely described as vitamins with selenium for women. Indeed, selenium along with biotin, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc and vitamin C helps maintain these attributes female beauty in great shape. In addition, the role of selenium is indirectly evidenced by the fact that episodes of skin cancer are much less common in areas where the soil is rich in this mineral.

Vitamin complexes with selenium - comparison table
Complex Amount of selenium in 1 tablet (mcg) Production:
AlfaVit Classic 70 Russia
AlfaVit for men 100
Vitrum 25 USA
Doppelhertz active from A to Zn 30 Germany
Doppelhertz active Selenium + Beta-carotene 50
Duovit Energy 25 Slovenia
Complivit Selenium 70 Russia
Complements the radiance 25
Multi-tabs Classic 50 Denmark
Perfectile 100 Britannia
Perfectil Plus 100
Selenium Forte with Vitamin C 70 Russia
Centrum from A to Zinc 30 USA

However best vitamins With selenium, you cannot choose only on the basis of quantitative content, because a lot depends on where you live and eat. For example, in richly populated areas additional additives, especially in the form of inorganic salts, can lead to the development of type 2 diabetes. Moreover, there is evidence of genetically determined selenium absorption, which can also affect the results of its intake. All this indicates the need for medical consultation, especially with long-term use of drugs with an increased dosage of the mineral. Don't be indifferent to your health, but don't overdo it either!