Ast is lowered what. Normal levels of alt and ast in adults. Increased activity of ALT and AST enzymes in the blood

Alanine aminotransferase, or ALT, and aspartate aminotransferase, or AST, are enzymes found in body cells that are involved in amino acid metabolism. They are located only in the cells of organ tissues, and enter the bloodstream only when the cell disintegrates due to traumatic injuries or pathologies.

Types of diseases

Excessive ALT content indicates the development of pathology of the organ in the cells of which its largest amount exists. The causes of increased alanine aminotransferase are liver pathologies. A feeling of discomfort and pain in the right hypochondrium, diarrhea, icteric discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes, flatulence, and bitter belching are signs of an increase in ALT. When conducting a blood test, increased ALT and AST are accompanied by an increase in bilirubin levels when hepatitis develops. More often, an increase in ALT levels indicates the occurrence of other diseases. The concentration of ALT has a direct relationship with the severity of the pathology.

The necrotic process in the heart muscle causes the release of these enzymes into the blood. Their increased content in the serum also indicates the development of other cardiopathologies: failure, inflammation of the heart muscle. Additionally, the reasons for the increase in serum ALT concentration may be existing injuries in the body, which are associated with damage to muscle tissue, and pancreatitis.

If the ALT and AST blood test (interpretation) showed less than twice the normal values, it is necessary to organize observation and a 2-fold examination. This tactic is optimal for patients.

Blood test ALT and AST - interpretation for some diseases

A slight increase in transferases is indicative of fatty liver damage of the non-alcoholic type, including “fatty liver”, non-alcoholic steatohepatosis, and chronic viral hepatitis.

A moderate increase may exist in viral or alcoholic liver inflammation and various chronic liver diseases with or without cirrhotic damage.

Elevated levels are typical of severe acute hepatitis, toxic or drug necrosis, shock or hepatic ischemia.

Excessively high levels (more than 2000-3000 U/l) exist with an overdose of acetaminophen and when using the drug in alcohol-dependent patients, with shock and/or hepatic ischemia.

It should be noted that since ALT is found in red blood cells, it is necessary to prevent their breakdown when preparing serum for analysis. ALT may decrease when serum is stored for several days.

The role of medicines, herbs and other substances

A thorough history and interpretation of laboratory results are important to identify drug-induced increases in transferases. Similar liver damage is detected in 1-2% of cases of chronic liver inflammation. They are associated with the use of antibiotics, antiepileptic drugs, hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase inhibitors, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and medications for the treatment of tuberculosis.

The easiest way to determine the dependence of an increase in aminotransferases with some drug is to cancel it and observe the level of enzymes. Without discontinuing the drug, this dependence cannot be determined.

Why, at the first visit to the hospital, to any doctor, from a general practitioner to a specialist, is the patient immediately sent for a blood test? Because it is through a biochemical blood test that you can find out about the presence of pathologies in the body. Even if there are no other obvious signs of the disease emerging and developing in the patient, even if the disease has not yet had a serious impact on the organs and systems, certain indicators will already be changed in “biochemistry”. And this will lead the doctor to suspect the presence of pathology. And if necessary, the doctor will send the patient for further examination to prescribe the required treatment.

One of the main indicators of a biochemical blood test is ALT (or AlAT) and AST (or AST). Any increase or decrease in these indices indicates that something is going wrong in the human body. What exactly can the fact that ALT and AST are elevated indicate, and what treatment is prescribed for such indications?

One of the main indicators of a biochemical blood test is ALT and AST.

What are ALT and AST

First, you need to answer the main question: what are alt and ast? The full medical name for these indicators is aspartate aminotransferase (ASAT) and ALAT, called alanine aminotransferase. As doctors say, the enzymes AST and ALT (also sometimes referred to as transaminase) are active participants in metabolism in the human body. In simple terms, what is it? ALT “lives” in hepatocytes (liver cells) and, together with other participants in the process, breaks down the amino acid alanine. Liver enzymes are what this substance is called.

AST is responsible for what? This enzyme also “works” on the breakdown of amino acids, but only aspartic. And it is mainly found in the tissues of the heart muscle.

What does the deviation of the level of these enzymes from normal values ​​during measurement indicate?

The ALT index increases if there are any malfunctions in the liver or some pathologies of this gland occur. There are also cases in medicine where an increase in the level of this enzyme in the blood indicated developing diseases of the kidneys, skeletal muscles and tissues of the nervous system.

AST is considered a marker of myocardial destruction. If this indicator in the blood test deviates in a positive direction, then it is urgently necessary to monitor the functioning of the heart.

Preparation for analysis

ALT and AST blood tests are taken, like the rest of the “biochemistry”, on an empty stomach

As doctors say, special preparation for donating blood for these indicators is not required. ALT and AST blood tests are taken, like the rest of the “biochemistry”, on an empty stomach. It is necessary that the patient does not eat for at least 12 hours before blood donation. Also, at least two days before the test, you should not drink alcohol or smoke for 10-12 hours. In addition, doctors recommend that on the eve of donating blood for testing, you should protect yourself from emotional and physical overload. You should also not go for testing immediately after any, even the most minimal, surgical interventions or after dental treatment.

It should be noted that ALT is always elevated in hepatitis C. And, if the patient is aware that he has been diagnosed with this disease, it is worth warning the doctor and laboratory technician who is taking the blood. You also need to know that the ALT norm in women is slightly lower than in the stronger sex.

Normal ALT and AST levels in the blood

Of course, there is an established ALT and AST norm - indicators in numbers that are typical for an average healthy person. There is a special table in which norms by age and gender are entered. The level of this enzyme is measured in different ways: there are units of measurement in moles, but many laboratories issue research results where the data is indicated in units/l. We present the norm indicators that can be seen in adults in the table in these very units.

In men, the normal levels of these enzymes in blood tests do not change throughout life, if the person is healthy. In representatives of the stronger sex, biochemistry, in the case of order in the body, produces ALT a maximum of 18 units/l, and AST a maximum of 22 18 units/l.

But women have different standards at different stages of life. Thus, a biochemical blood test in a healthy representative of the fair sex shows ALT no higher than 15, and AST no higher than 17 U/L. Blood from a vein in women who are expecting a baby will give the level of these enzymes slightly lower (5-10%) than usual.

The numbers in the transcript of the study for nursing mothers and young ladies who are experiencing menstrual bleeding at the time of taking the test gradually return to normal values. Although, minor deviations may be observed, for example, in nursing mothers, the level of substances may increase slightly.

But the normal blood level after 50 years in both men and women remains at the same level as at a young age.

As for children, the highest levels of AST and ALT are recorded in infants. In newborns under the age of one month, ALT is considered to be at a level of 38 units/l, and AST – up to 32. In children under the age of one year, the maximum threshold of AST and ALT is fixed at 36 and 27 units (respectively), in children under 16 years – 31 and 22 (respectively).

What does a deviation in the level of these enzymes in the body from the norm indicate? As already said, this indicates one thing: something has gone wrong with some internal organs and their functions. To understand what kind of failure occurred and accurately determine the problem, doctors look at other indicators of a biochemical blood test, and also prescribe additional examinations.

Reasons for the increase

So, what exactly can an increase in ALT and AST in the blood indicate? It has already been noted that if ALT and AST are elevated, then this clearly indicates pathologies of the heart and liver and indirectly indicates problems with the kidneys, muscles, blood vessels, and nervous system.

Reasons why ALT enzyme levels are elevated:

High levels of this substance are obtained from blood tests for liver cirrhosis of various etiologies.

  • High indicators for this substance are obtained from blood tests for liver cirrhosis of various etiologies (alcoholic, toxic, resulting from other liver pathologies), with prolonged and regular use of alcohol, as well as with alcoholic liver damage.
  • A high level of ALT indicates the development of acute pancreatitis in the patient.
  • Increased numbers relative to the norm will be in the conclusion of the analysis in case of acute hepatitis or the chronic development of this disease.
  • Elevated ALT in the analysis may indicate that an oncological tumor is progressing in the liver and/or biliary tract. And also that metastases of a tumor “living” in another organ began to spread into these organs.
  • An increase in the concentration of the substance is observed in fatty hepatosis.
  • The level of this enzyme also increases if the patient develops cholestasis or cholestatic jaundice.
  • The following development of events is also possible: ALT increases with normal bilirubin. This usually indicates that the patient is taking various medications - oral contraceptives, drugs that prevent the development of tumors, chemotherapy and psychotropic drugs.
  • ALT levels are also elevated in severe burns.

In this case, the doctor will also pay attention to such a line in the conclusion about the patient’s blood test as gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT). Information about the level of this substance can confirm or refute the presence of a particular liver pathology.

Why there may be a high level of ast-enzyme in the blood:

  • The patient has acute myocarditis or myocardial infarction.
  • AST levels may be elevated in case of serious muscle injuries - sprains, ruptures.
  • AST may be elevated with hepatitis C and other liver pathologies.
  • The enzyme indicator changes to “plus” if the patient is diagnosed with myopathy, myositis, or muscular dystrophy.
  • Unstable angina, as well as pulmonary embolism, can also give an increase in the substance.

An increase in the level of both enzymes at once can be caused by severe physical fatigue or a prolonged state of stress in which the patient is.

It is especially dangerous when these indicators were just about normal, and suddenly increased sharply at two times. This suggests that some kind of negative scenario is developing with dysfunction of internal organs, and at the same time there is a lack of substances vital for a person.

Reasons for the decline

Low levels of these enzymes in test results should also alert the patient and the doctor. ALT and AST levels may be lower than normal in hepatitis, especially when the disease is advanced, when it has not been diagnosed or treated for a long time, and the organ tissue has already undergone necrosis.

Also A decrease in ALT and AST means in a biochemical blood test that a person lacks vitamin B6-peroxin. This condition is usually caused by long-term use of antibiotics.

Indicators in pregnant women and children

As already mentioned, the analysis of ALT, AST, bilirubin in pregnant women may differ from the conclusion of a blood test of a woman who is not expecting a baby. The level of these enzymes in the first trimester of pregnancy, due to changes in hormonal levels, usually increases slightly, and later, in the second and third trimester, it turns out to be slightly below normal. As a rule, this does not lead to anything bad, but is simply caused by the current state of the expectant mother.

But if suddenly the situation gets out of control, and the enzyme numbers decrease significantly or, conversely, increase catastrophically, the gynecologist leading the pregnancy prescribes additional tests and examination. This is necessary to exclude the presence of a serious pathology in the mother or unborn baby. For example, an increase in ALT and AST may indicate the development of gestosis, which negatively affects the condition of the mother and the fetus.

Decoding the results using the De Ritis coefficient

When performing a biochemical study of a patient’s blood, there is another very important indicator - the De Ritis coefficient. This is the ratio of AST to ALT, the quantitative ratio of enzymes to each other. The reference values ​​for ALT and AST are 1.33 units. If the patient’s indicators are less than these values, then he probably develops some kind of serious liver pathology. If the De Ritis coefficient is higher than normal, the patient has problems with the myocardium.

What to do if ALT and AST are higher than normal

Of course, in a situation where enzyme levels are higher or lower than normal, measures must be taken. As a rule, with such test results, doctors, if they do not immediately make a diagnosis, then send the patient for additional examination, after which they prescribe adequate treatment. Usually, when eliminating pathologies that cause an increase in the level of substances, it is possible to automatically lower the indicators. How quickly this happens depends on the correctness of the prescribed therapy and the response of the patient’s body to it.

What to do, if you can’t reduce the numbers in the lines with the inscriptions “ALT” and “AST” in the conclusion of the blood test? This may be due to an incorrect diagnosis and/or incorrect treatment. Most likely, in this case, adjustments to prescriptions and/or a new examination will be required.


Hepatoprotectors will help restore liver cells

How to reduce the level of enzymes with medications if they are still high, and the patient’s treatment was carried out as required, and the patient absolutely does not have any pathologies at this stage. There are a number of medications available to lower ALT and AST levels. How to effectively lower the level of these enzymes? In this case, hepatoprotectors will help, “working” to restore liver tissues and cells, normalizing its functions; enzymes that “put in order” the stomach and pancreas; heart medications; and painkillers that relieve spasms.

Of course, you shouldn’t self-medicate in this case either. And all medications must be taken exclusively as prescribed by the attending physician.

A child under 16 years of age exhibits physiologically elevated levels of these substances. A decrease, if everything is in order in the body, occurs as the little patient grows up.

Folk remedies

It is believed that it is possible to normalize the level of these enzymes using folk remedies. To do this, it is recommended to take various liver infusions, milk thistle decoction, tincture of dandelion flowers, as well as infusion of corn silk. To support the heart, you can drink an infusion of adonis.

Of course, folk remedies are good. But in case of serious pathologies and serious deviations from the norm, they will not achieve results. They can be used, but only in conjunction with medications. And only then can you achieve a good result from the therapy.

Diet and prevention

What is the prevention of such abnormalities in blood test results? Of course, first of all, it is necessary to prevent the occurrence of pathologies and diseases that provoke an increase or decrease in the level of enzymes in the human body. Of course, there must be a renunciation of bad habits, drinking alcoholic beverages, some strong and/or illegal drugs, and smoking. It is also necessary to lead a correct and healthy lifestyle, which consists of rational and timely nutrition and the organization of moderate and adequate physical activity.

When it is necessary to reduce the level of enzymes in the blood, a reasonable diet should be used along with taking medications prescribed by the doctor and auxiliary folk remedies.

In case of liver-related pathologies, it is recommended to completely avoid alcohol, fried in oil and fatty, smoked and overly salty and sweet foods. The patient's diet should consist of the right combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates; poultry and lean meat, as well as fish, vegetables and cereals can be eaten. And everything needs to be cooked by steaming or stewing without adding oil.


About the blood test AST and ALT.

Our body can perhaps be considered the most “advanced technology” that Mother Nature has created. In it, each organ is unique in its “design”, and with its capabilities it is not so surprising as it is amazing. And if you delve into the study of the whole organism, you can come across a considerable number of complex terms. Often in the tests you take, you can find such an unpronounceable phrase as increased aspartate aminotransferase. Meanwhile, this relates to the topic of amino acid breakdown. It’s worth getting to know this term a little closer.

What is the term?

This word means a special enzyme that is involved in the breakdown of almost any amino acid in our body. It is abbreviated as AST or denoted by capital letters AST. The enzyme is found in the tissues of many organs, such as:

  • liver;
  • heart;
  • nerve tissue;
  • kidneys;
  • muscles;
  • pancreas;
  • spleen;
  • lungs;
  • brain tissue.

Moreover, most of the enzyme is found in the tissues of the heart, kidneys, nerve cells, and liver.

Thus, diagnosing any disease associated with these organs implies the fact that aspartate aminotransferase is elevated. In the lungs, spleen and pancreas, the amount of enzyme is not so large. At the same time, the male body differs from the female body in its high AST activity.

Functional purpose of ASAT

An enzyme is a protein molecule that is produced by the cellular tissues of internal organs. Its structure was established by Russian scientists back in the 70s. The function of the enzyme is to accelerate biochemical reactions occurring in cells. With the participation of vitamin B6, the exchange of amino acids becomes possible. During the complex transformation of many amino acids, including aspartic acid, a new compound is formed. It is thanks to it that the synthesis of glucose, which is so necessary for our body, is carried out.

Features of AST

Each of us sooner or later came across such a phrase as increased aspartate aminotransferase. Not everyone knows what this means. In this regard, let us lift the veil. In a healthy body, the enzyme is contained in the cells of the mentioned internal organs, which is the norm. Only a small portion of AST can enter the blood. For your information, the concentration of the enzyme in the heart exceeds its amount in the bloodstream by 10 thousand times.

But if the tissue of any organ is damaged, then aspartate aminotransferase, released, enters the blood and the amount of the enzyme begins to increase. The rate of growth depends on the degree of tissue damage. For example, if a myocardial infarction is diagnosed, the AST concentration will reach a maximum within 24 hours.

In some cases, the enzyme level can exceed the norm by 5 times, and this level can last for 7 days. And here someone may wonder: if aspartate aminotransferase (AST) is elevated, what does this mean? Such high activity is a characteristic sign of the patient’s serious condition, which often ends in an unfavorable outcome.

If the increase in enzyme concentration occurs at a gradual and increasing pace, this means that the infarction area is increasing. Aspartate aminotransferase activity can be triggered by the death of liver tissue.

What can be the risk of high AST activity?

Often, a high concentration of aspartate aminotransferase in the bloodstream is caused by myocardial infarction. In this case, the amount of enzyme can be 10 times more than normal, and the higher it is, the larger the area of ​​damage to the heart muscle. On the fourth day of treatment, a repeat test is usually prescribed. Its result will show whether aspartate aminotransferase is elevated or not. In the case of effective therapy, its concentration should decrease.

A high level of AST can also be observed with liver damage due to the influence of certain factors:

  • Oncological diseases.
  • Alcohol poisoning.
  • Obesity.
  • Presence of hepatitis.

Only in this case, in order to make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct an additional examination. But elevated levels of the enzyme can also occur in completely healthy people. So, the activity can be:

  • In children with inflammation.
  • In women during the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • With excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  • When taking certain medications: valerian, various antibiotics or paracetamol.

Heavy physical activity also has a negative effect in this regard. In addition, if aspartate aminotransferase is elevated, the reasons may be hidden in the use of drugs based on barbituric acid; taking contraceptives can also lead to an increase in AST.

Reasons for increased AST

The reasons for the increased level of the enzyme, as mentioned above, can be myocardial infarction. With this diagnosis, high aspartate aminotransferase activity is recorded in 95-98% of all patients. In this case, the value can reach 3000 units/l. In other cases, high levels of the enzyme are observed with liver necrosis. This disease, in turn, can be caused by hepatitis of various forms. The AST level exceeds normal values ​​by 10-100 times.

Among other diseases, it is worth noting angina pectoris, acute pancreatitis, obstruction of the bile ducts, cancer cells or liver metastases. The concentration of the enzyme can also increase due to injury, burns, the beginning of the process of muscle cell death, or under the influence of heat stroke. This can also include the patient’s condition in the postoperative period.

The fact that aspartate aminotransferase is elevated in a child may indicate the presence of hepatitis, muscular dystrophy, acute myocarditis, and jaundice.

Reasons for decreased AST

The enzyme level can not only increase, but also decrease. This happens for various reasons. This usually occurs in pregnant women. In other cases, in children and adults, due to muscular dystrophy, injuries of varying severity, cerebral infarction, hypothyroidism or acute pancreatitis, decreased levels of aspartate aminotraferase are observed. Due to a lack of vitamin B6 or a rupture of the liver, a deficiency of the protein molecule is also diagnosed.

Indications for the purpose of analysis

An analysis to determine the level of the AST enzyme must be carried out in order to identify the presence of some serious pathologies:

  • whether oncological processes occur in liver cells;
  • are there metastases;
  • elevated blood aspartate aminotransferase may indicate the presence of infectious mononucleosis or viral damage to the lymphatic system;
  • autoimmune diseases (for example, Duchenne-Becker muscular dystrophy);
  • myocardial infarction;
  • cirrhosis;
  • the analysis will also show the presence of hepatitis of any form, including liver necrosis.

In addition, the identified abnormalities in the muscles and liver should, at a minimum, make you think about getting tested.

Only the result obtained can confirm or refute the diagnosis. This will allow you to take the necessary measures in a timely manner. If no major changes have occurred, then this is only for the better.

Preparation is important

As with some examinations, the test must be taken seriously, since taking medications, be it a medication prescribed by a doctor or a herbal decoction, can negatively affect the test results, which will be inaccurate.

Therefore, in order to know for sure whether aspartate aminotransferase is elevated or not, it is necessary to stop taking the medication. If for some reason this cannot be done, you should notify the attending physician, who must be provided with all the information regarding the drug. Namely, the dosage and time of taking it. For women, laboratory tests can ruin their pregnancy.

Carrying out analysis and norm indicators

The material for the study is exclusively venous blood or serum. It is taken on an empty stomach in the morning. The whole procedure does not take much time and is painless. The result will be ready after 6-10 hours. The serum can be stored for 48 hours at a temperature of 15-25 degrees. In cooler conditions (2-8°C) it will keep for about 6 days.

As for the question of where you can take such an analysis, you should contact specialized laboratories that conduct biochemical tests. In some cases, to find out whether AST (aspartate aminotransferase) is elevated or normal, you can undergo a test at the clinic at your place of registration or any government medical institution. You just need to first find out whether her laboratory has the necessary equipment and tools for such an analysis.

Normal indicators are different for each group of people. For example, in newborns the AST concentration is 25-75 U/l, while in slightly older children (1-18 years old) it is 15-60 U/l. Normal values ​​for women range from 10 to 36 U/l, and for men – from 14 to 20 U/l.

When alanine aminotransferase is increased or decreased, what are the methods of correction?

Alanine aminotransferase is an enzyme from the group of transferases that takes part in the metabolism of amino acids. It is found in large quantities in the cells of the heart, kidneys and liver, as well as in skeletal muscles. This enzyme is absent or found in very small quantities in the blood. It is the main indicator of cytolysis, so determining its amount in the blood makes it possible to judge the damage to the corresponding internal organs.

Alanine aminotransferase: normal

The level of this compound in blood serum depends on age and gender. Thus, for women, the ALT concentration should be no more than 31 units/l, for men - no more than 41. In children, in the first 5 days of life, the level of alanine aminotransferase reaches 49 units/l, and by the 6th month of life it increases to 56. In children 3- At 6 years, ALT is no more than 29.

Alanine aminotransferase is increased: reasons

An increase in the amount of this enzyme in the blood indicates the following pathologies:

Viral hepatitis;

Oncological process in the liver or the effect of toxic compounds on this organ, including alcohol;

Alanine aminotransferase is increased during drug intoxication;

Heart failure, other heart damage (for example, myocarditis or heart attack);

Shock that develops against the background of severe injuries or massive burns;

Necrotic process in skeletal muscles.

Other etiological factors

Typically, alanine aminotransferase is elevated in acute pancreatitis, lymphoblastic leukemia, hepatic steatosis, or infectious mononucleosis. Quite often, the level of this hormone increases in the second trimester of pregnancy. With mechanical or obstructive jaundice, its concentration in the blood also increases. It is worth noting that a blood test for ALT is carried out with a simultaneous determination of AST levels. The ratio of these two indicators makes it possible to more clearly determine the localization of the pathological process and its severity.

Alanine aminotransferase is reduced: reasons

The amount of ALT decreases with infections in the genitourinary system, oncopathologies of various etiologies, diseases of the pancreas, and with a lack of pyridoxal phosphate, which can occur with poor nutrition or frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages. In addition, low ALT levels are associated with severe liver diseases, when a large number of hepatocytes that synthesize this hormone are destroyed.

Correction of ALT levels

If alanine aminotransferase is elevated, treatment must include eliminating the etiological factor that caused this disorder. Thus, the underlying pathology is treated; choleretic drugs, hepatoprotectors, and also drugs that improve digestion are additionally prescribed. If the increase in ALT is due to the use of certain medications, then consider the possibility of using their analogues, which do not affect the level of this enzyme. It should be noted that the level of alanine aminotransferase is an important biochemical indicator, since it indicates severe diseases of internal organs, which, with timely treatment, can have a favorable prognosis.

Aspartate aminotransferase

Aspartate aminotransferase Identifiers CF code CAS number Enzyme databases IntEnz BRENDA ExPASy MetaCyc KEGG PRIAM PDB structures Gene Ontology Search PMC PubMed NCBI CAS

Aspartate aminotransferase (AST, AsAt; Also glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase) is an endogenous enzyme from the group of transferases, a subgroup of aminotransferases (transaminases).

History of the study

Aspartate aminotransferase became the first protein whose amino acid sequence (i.e., primary structure) was established by Soviet/Russian scientists. This was done in joint work by two laboratories: the Institute of Molecular Biology of the USSR Academy of Sciences under the leadership of A. E. Braunstein and the M. M. Shemyakin Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciences under the leadership of Yu. A. Ovchinnikov, the results of which were published in 1972. They studied aspartate aminotransferase from the cytosol of the pig heart, which consists of two identical subunits of 412 amino acid residues each. For revealing the structure of this protein, a team of scientists was awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize in the field of science and technology for 1975.

Catalyzed reaction

The enzyme catalyzes the conversion of oxaloacetate to aspartate by transferring NH 3 to the first molecule. The second product of the reaction is α-ketoglutarate. The reaction plays an important role in the release of NH 3 from amino acids, which is then processed in the urea cycle, since the aspartate produced in the reaction is needed to form argininosuccinate (2nd reaction of the cycle). In addition, the reverse reaction allows the conversion of aspartate to oxaloacetate. Thus, the metabolism of aspartate (as well as other amino acids, which become oxaloacetate during their catabolism) supplies the body with the substance necessary for the process of gluconeogenesis.


In humans, there are two genes encoding different AST isoenzymes:

  • GOT1 - enzyme active in the cytosol of cells
  • GOT2 - enzyme active in mitochondria

Implications for medicine

Reaction catalyzed by aspartate aminotransferase

Structure of aspartate transaminase from chicken heart mitochondria

Mechanism of aspartate aminotransferase reaction

Aspartate aminotransferase is widely used in medical practice for laboratory diagnosis of myocardial (heart muscle) and liver damage.

Aspartate aminotransferase is synthesized intracellularly, and normally only a small part of this enzyme enters the blood. When the myocardium is damaged (for example, during myocardial infarction), liver (with hepatitis, cholangitis, primary or metastatic liver cancer) as a result of cytolysis (cell destruction), this enzyme enters the blood, which is detected by laboratory methods. In liver cirrhosis with cytolytic syndrome, AST levels are often elevated, but in late stages of cirrhosis (Child-Pugh class C), transaminase levels are rarely elevated.

An increase in AST that exceeds an increase in ALT is characteristic of damage to the heart muscle; if the ALT level is higher than AST, then this usually indicates the destruction of liver cells.

Normal values ​​for humans (U/l)

  • Normally, AST is 0-31 U/L in women and 0-41 U/L in men.
  • The normal AST content in the blood of a turtle is 50-130 units/l.

Most of all it is contained in the kidneys, muscles, heart, and liver. Aspartate aminotransferase or AST is a transaminase. Its synthesis occurs inside cells, and only a small part enters the blood.

What it is

The AST value is used to detect cardiac myocardium and liver diseases. With the development of these pathologies, the value of AST in the blood increases, as the integrity of the cells is disrupted, and the enzyme is released into the blood.

The following AST standards exist:

  • In newborns, the maximum indicator is 70 units/l.
  • In children from 1 year to 4 years – a maximum of 59 units/l.
  • In children from 5 to 13 years old - a maximum of 48 units/l.
  • In adolescents from 13 to 16 years old – a maximum of 29 units/l.
  • In men - a maximum of 41 units/l.
  • In women - a maximum of 31 units/l.
  • In pregnant women, the enzyme is reduced by 10%.

Low AST values ​​are observed:

  • during pregnancy;
  • with muscular dystrophy;
  • if there are various injuries;
  • with cerebral infarction;
  • with cirrhosis of the liver;
  • with hypothyroidism or acute pancreatitis;
  • if there is a deficiency of B vitamins in the body.

Any blood test is carried out in the morning, on an empty stomach. Blood is drawn from a vein located on the elbow using a sterile disposable instrument. The amount of blood required for the analysis is approximately 10 ml. The result of the study will be ready the next day.

On the eve of the study, the patient must follow the following recommendations from the doctor:

  1. X-rays and ultrasounds cannot be done the same day.
  2. Physical and psychological stress should be limited.
  3. Smoking is prohibited in the morning.
  4. The day before you should not drink alcohol, fatty or spicy foods.
  5. When you wake up before the test, do not take medications; take them with you to the clinic. After the blood is drawn, you can take them.

When is an examination necessary?

A low AST level is observed in liver cirrhosis; the disease is called the “gentle killer”, since its first stage is asymptomatic.

An AST test is necessary for the following symptoms:

  • if you notice poor appetite;
  • there is discomfort in the abdomen, which is accompanied by bloating, you are instantly satisfied with food, and there is a feeling of a full stomach;
  • diagnose gastrointestinal and hemorrhoidal bleeding;
  • yellowness of the skin and sclera is observed;
  • in women, mammary glands become enlarged - gynecomastia;
  • stool becomes light, sometimes discolored;
  • increased fatigue is observed;
  • weight loss occurs;
  • disturbances in behavior or consciousness may occur;
  • drowsiness appears during the day and insomnia at night;
  • dark color of urine;
  • the abdomen increases in size due to the accumulation of fluid in the peritoneum;
  • bleeding from the nose and gums may occur;
  • constant colds;
  • sexual activity decreases.

Against the background of the above symptoms, an increase in the size of the liver occurs. The organ thickens, and the spleen expands.

Further progression of the disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Portal hypertension occurs.
  2. After physical activity or fatty foods, aching pain occurs on the right side, in the place where the liver is located.
  3. The accumulation of bile acid in the tissues causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and sometimes severe skin itching.
  4. Characteristic of liver diseases are reddened palms, the tongue becomes bright red and shiny.
  5. Spider veins appear on the face or shoulders.
  6. Liver necrosis may develop.

Often aspartate aminotransferase is reduced due to a lack of vitamin B. Its importance is enormous; the presence of vitamins in sufficient quantities ensures the transport of oxygen to the cells and the removal of carbon dioxide.

Its deficiency leads to serious disruptions in the functioning of internal organs.

With insufficient amounts of vitamin B6, the following symptoms are observed:

  • The skin begins to peel off greatly, starting from the hands and ending with the feet.
  • On the face, some areas of the skin become excessively oily, and seborrheic dermatitis often appears.
  • Herpes appears on the lips.
  • Hair begins to actively fall out.
  • The mucous membrane of the mouth becomes inflamed, and purulent formations may appear on the tongue.
  • Nails become brittle and cannot be grown back, as they begin to break off at the slightest pressure.
  • Hearing loss occurs.
  • A person loses a lot of weight.
  • The absorption of nutrients that come with food deteriorates.
  • Arthritis occurs.
  • The bones begin to gradually deteriorate.
  • Excessive irritability appears, turning into aggression.
  • A disorder of the nervous system leads to an inhibited reaction to external factors.
  • It becomes difficult to formulate your thoughts.

How to adjust the indicator

Changes in AST levels may be affected by drug treatment; to normalize it, it is necessary for the doctor to adjust the treatment.

Proper nutrition is also of great importance in normalizing the indicator. If no hidden pathologies are found, then you don’t have to adhere to a special diet.

But you should include the following foods in your diet:

  • fish;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products;
  • lean meats;
  • stewed zucchini;
  • sweet bell pepper;
  • nuts;
  • products containing vitamin D;
  • carrot.

You can lower AST by following not only proper nutrition, but also by observing moderate physical activity, which will accelerate blood circulation, having a positive effect on the functioning of all organs.

To monitor the level of enzymes in the blood, it is necessary to regularly donate blood for biochemistry. This will help the doctor see how effective the prescribed treatment is.

Aspartate aminotransferase is normal (table). Aspartate aminotransferase is increased or decreased - what does this mean?

Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) is an enzyme of endogenous origin from the group of transferases present in all cells of the human body. However, the greatest amount is found in the cells of the heart and liver. If these cells are destroyed, then free aspartate aminotransferase is released into the blood, which makes it possible to diagnose damage to these cells. If the liver and heart are working normally, then only a small amount of aspartate aminotransferase can be detected in the blood. The content of this enzyme in human blood is determined using laboratory tests.

Aspartate aminotransferase is normal. Explanation of the result (table)

An analysis to determine the level of aspartate aminotransferase (AST test) is prescribed to determine the condition of the liver in case of hepatitis, cirrhosis, or during treatment with various medications that can damage liver cells. Also, a blood test for AST is informative for diagnosing myocardial infarction.

A test for the level of aspartate aminotransferase can be carried out separately or as part of a comprehensive blood test, with the determination of the level of other indicators, in particular ALT, total blood protein, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin. This allows you to more accurately determine possible liver disease, as well as monitor the effectiveness of the treatment after it has been prescribed. AST analysis allows you to monitor the progress of treatment with drugs that can cause damage to liver cells, so that if necessary, you can stop taking them and replace them with something else.

Determining the level of aspartate aminotransferase is necessary if, when visiting a doctor, the patient complains of abdominal pain, indigestion, lack of appetite, itchy skin, if he has jaundice, dark urine and light feces. All these are signs of liver disease. Also, a blood test for AST should be performed after possible contact with a carrier of hepatitis or after a previous liver disease.

Blood is drawn from a vein, in the morning, on an empty stomach.

If aspartate aminotransferase is elevated, what does this mean?

A significant increase in AST is usually caused by viral inflammatory processes in the body. A significant increase in AST is called if it exceeds the norm by 10 times or more. The same reaction can be caused by a violation of the blood supply to the liver or taking medications that damage the cells of this organ.

If the level of aspartate aminotransferase is increased no more than 4-5 times, this may indicate chronic hepatitis. But a slight increase in the concentration of this enzyme can be caused by other diseases, namely:

  • cirrhosis of the liver,
  • malignant tumor formations in the liver,
  • destruction of liver tissue by metastases from another organ,
  • mononucleosis and other viral diseases of the lymphatic system,
  • obstruction of the bile ducts and stagnation of bile in the gallbladder - cholestatic syndrome,
  • extensive burns,
  • poisoning by toxic mushrooms,
  • heatstroke,
  • various liver injuries or muscle injuries.

Therefore, to clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct an additional examination of the patient. As for myocardial infarction, the most informative is the assessment of the AST/ALT ratio. When cardiac muscle cells are damaged, the level of aspartate aminotransferase is significantly higher than the level of ALT. When liver cells are damaged, the opposite is true. Although there are exceptions - hepatitis of alcoholic origin, cirrhosis of the liver or destruction of muscle cells.

If aspartate aminotransferase is elevated, this may also be a consequence of the administration of drugs intramuscularly or caused by the use of certain dietary supplements. Before taking the test, be sure to tell your doctor about any medications or supplements you have recently taken. Excessive physical activity or muscle activity during strenuous training can also cause an increase in AST levels.

Important - in children, an increase in the level of aspartate aminotransferase in the blood can be caused by absolutely any inflammatory disease. Therefore, if the analysis shows similar results, it is necessary to conduct additional examination and clarify the diagnosis.

If aspartate aminotransferase is low, what does this mean?

The most likely reason for a decrease in aspartate aminotransferase levels is a deficiency of vitamin B6 in the human body. If we talk about possible diseases, the AST level may decrease with extensive liver injuries, cirrhosis and tissue necrosis.

A physiological decrease in aspartate aminotransferase levels occurs during pregnancy. This is completely normal, is not a pathology and should not cause concern for the expectant mother.

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What is aspartate aminotransferase in the blood and what are the norms of this enzyme

Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) is commonly called an endogenous enzyme belonging to the group of transferases, a subgroup of transaminases (aminotransferases), which is widely used in medical practice for the purpose of laboratory diagnosis of various damage to the liver and cardiac muscle (myocardium) (heart muscle).

In this article we will look at what aspartate aminotransferase in the blood is, what the standards for this enzyme are and other information.

The AST enzyme is synthesized intracellularly, and normally only a small part of it enters the lymph and blood. In the presence of damage to the liver (cholangitis, hepatitis, primary and metastatic liver cancer) and heart (myocardial infarction), as a result of the process of cell destruction (cytolysis), AST enters the systemic bloodstream, which can be detected using laboratory methods.

An increase in aspartate aminotransferase AST, which exceeds an increased level of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), is most characteristic of damage to the heart muscle; in cases where the alanine aminotransferase level exceeds the AST level, this, as a rule, indicates processes of destruction of liver cells.

Such an unpronounceable phrase as aspartate aminotransferase in the blood means a special enzyme that takes an active part in the normal interaction of almost all amino acids and metabolic processes.

It is important! A large amount of AST is found in the tissues of the heart muscle, in the nervous tissue, and also in liver cells. It is thanks to these properties that almost all diseases that are in one way or another associated with these organs require testing for the level of AST in the blood. Aspartate aminotransferase is considered one of the types of transaminases that transport aspartic acid through molecules.

It is worth noting the fact that the coenzyme analogue of AST is the well-known vitamin B6.

Why might aspartate aminotransferase be elevated?

If we talk about the causes of elevated aspartate aminotransferase, this occurs in the following cases:

  • For hepatitis;
  • liver necrosis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • alcoholism;
  • liver cancer and metastases;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • hereditary and autoimmune diseases of the muscular system (Duchenne muscular dystrophy);
  • mononucleosis;
  • hepatosis;
  • cholestasis.

It is necessary to understand that there are a number of different pathological conditions, as a result of which an increase in the activity of this enzyme is also observed. These conditions include:

It is important! If we talk about a decrease in aspartate aminotransferase, then this condition is characteristic of vitamin B6 deficiency and the presence of extensive liver damage (cirrhosis, necrosis).

Reference values ​​(the norm of aspartate aminotransferase in blood serum is 10−30 IU/l.

The norm is considered to be a fairly low content of this enzyme, but if damage occurs in the tissues, the level of aspartate aminotransferase in the blood begins to gradually increase, thus it is released from the damaged cells.

The level of AST in the blood directly depends on the extent of tissue damage.

The level of AST in the blood can sometimes exceed normal limits by even five times, and such indicators persist for about a week.

Increased activity of this representative of transaminases is a clear indicator of the extremely serious condition of the patient, for whom there is a risk of an unfavorable outcome. An increase in AST activity may be a consequence of necrotic phenomena in the liver and myocardial infarction.

What is the purpose of determining aspartate aminotransferase in the blood?

This analysis is quite important because it allows you to confirm or refute the presence of various pathologies, for example:

  • Oncological processes in the liver;
  • Presence of metastases;
  • All types of hepatitis and necrotic liver diseases;
  • The process of degeneration of parenchymal tissue into fibrous tissue (with cirrhosis due to alcoholism);
  • Emergency cardiac conditions (myocardial infarction);
  • Autoimmune, including hereditary diseases (Duchenne-Becker muscular dystrophy);
  • Viral lesions of the lymphatic system, including mononucleosis;
  • Cholestatic syndrome.

How to properly prepare for a study on the level of AST in the blood?

Taking any medications, sometimes even the simplest ones, for example, a herbal decoction, can significantly distort the results of the study. That is why, before checking the AST level, it is necessary to either stop taking the medication, and if this is impossible for some important reason, provide all the necessary information about the drug, its dosage, and time of administration to the treating specialist.

In addition, the possibility of developing allergic reactions to specific medications must be taken into account. In women, a distortion in the picture of laboratory tests of AST levels is observed during pregnancy.

It is important! This enzyme is a non-specific indicator, that is, an increase in aspartate aminotransferase in a child can be observed with any inflammation. In such cases, the child needs to be examined to clarify the diagnosis.

What are the rules for testing for aspartate aminotransferase in the blood? What is the normal level of AST in the blood?

The material for analysis is exclusively venous blood (blood serum). Blood collection is performed exclusively on an empty stomach.

If we talk about average statistical standards, they are as follows:

Higher physiological indicators of AST activity in healthy people are also possible; they are observed with:

  • taking various medications (echinacea, valerian, alcohol, large doses of vitamin A, antibiotics, NSAIDs (paracetamol), barbiturates.
  • It is important! An excessively elevated level of AST may indicate either pathological processes in the liver, often of a viral nature, or a hepatic reaction in response to acute intoxication due to the use of alcohol or drugs. High levels of this transaminase indicate extensive or multiple tumor processes.

    If we talk about a slight excess of the norm, then this occurs with a heart attack, chronic alcohol dependence, hypervitaminosis (vitamin A), mononucleosis, pathology of the kidneys or pulmonary system, the list goes on.

    It is important! Most importantly, it is necessary to remember that aspartate aminotransferase in the blood is an important indicator of the condition of tissues and organs, and the interpretation of the tests should be done exclusively by a professional doctor.

    After reading this article, all questions regarding aspartate aminotransferase levels for each individual patient will become clearer. However, to receive a wide range of consultations, as well as for the treatment itself, it is necessary to contact specialized experts in their field - doctors, cardiologists and hepatologists. Be healthy!

    What does an increase in aspartate aminotransferase (AST) mean?

    Aspartate aminotransferase is a necessary enzyme for the proper metabolism of amino acids. An increase in AST activity is a consequence of pathological changes in the body. If aspartate aminotransferase is elevated, this indicates the onset of pathological changes, so timely detection will make it more likely to avoid the consequences of diseases.

    What is AST

    Aspartate aminotransferase (AST, ASAT, AST) is an enzyme found in every cell of the body; it takes part in the metabolism of vital amino acids. The largest amounts are located in the heart, liver, muscles and kidneys. The AST enzyme belongs to the class of transaminases. The synthesis of aspartate aminotransferase occurs intracellularly, only a small part enters the blood.

    The indicator in the blood test is used to diagnose the myocardium of the heart and liver. Since in a healthy person, AST is located to a greater extent in the tissues, and enters the blood only when the integrity of the cells is violated, an increased indicator in the analysis will immediately tell in which organs changes are occurring.

    Blood is drawn from a vein in a specialized biochemical laboratory. The analysis must be taken on an empty stomach, for a reliable result, mainly in the morning. Before the study, only drinking water (not sweet, without gases) is allowed. If at least 8 hours have not passed since the last meal before the test, the result may be unreliable. Normal blood values ​​suggest low levels of aspartate aminotransferase.

    The following standards are distinguished:

    • Children of the first year of life – units/l.
    • 1-4 years – up to 59 units/l.
    • 5-13 years – up to 48 units/l.
    • 13-16 years – up to 29 units/l.
    • Men - up to 41 units/l.
    • Women - up to 31 units/l.
    • In pregnant women, AtAS is reduced by approximately 10%.

    ATC activity is lower in women than in men. During pregnancy, the indicator should be lowered. Indications for the study of ATC are liver pathologies, muscle damage, examination for cardiac abnormalities, including myocardial infarction. Indications for analysis also include: jaundice, hepatitis, alcoholism, oncology, mononucleosis, endocrine pathology, autoimmune diseases, various poisonings and intoxications, bilirubin metabolism disorders, kidney damage, cholelithiasis, chronic pancreatitis, chest trauma with suspected heart contusion , assessment of the dynamics of treatment of heart diseases, purulent sepsis and diabetes.

    Diseases with high rates

    A value above normal in the analysis indicates the course of acute or chronic pathologies, which are accompanied by necrosis (death of cells, parts of tissue).

    If AST is elevated:

    • The highest AST values ​​are found in viral and toxic hepatitis, with extensive liver necrosis.
    • With myocardial infarction, the value can increase up to 100 times (3000 units/l). It can also occur during heart surgery.
    • Trauma with liver damage, metastases.
    • Pancreatitis.
    • The value can rise to 300 units/l in mild forms of hepatitis and liver cirrhosis.
    • A sharp increase and decrease in AST occurs with obstruction of the biliary tract.
    • Skeletal muscle injuries, myopathies.
    • Fatty and alcoholic hepatosis.
    • Heart injuries.
    • Angina pectoris.
    • An isolated increase in AST is a consequence of viral hepatitis or an infectious disease.

    Additional examination is required to make a diagnosis. Only a doctor can prescribe the necessary tests and make a diagnosis. It is important to know that high aspartate aminotransferase levels can be affected by factors other than disease.

    Reasons for deviation of the analysis from the norm

    An elevated test result does not always mean the presence of pathology. If the level is increased slightly (not several dozen times), then there is no reason to worry about terrible diagnoses. Under certain conditions and the use of certain medications, AST levels may increase.

    Medications include: antibiotics, valerian and echinacea, anabolic steroids, aminosalicylic acid, large amounts of vitamin A. This means that if you use any medications, you must inform your doctor about this, and if possible, stop them.

    Excessive physical activity can shift the analysis value upward. This means that you need to give them up at least 24 hours before donating blood. Alcohol consumption and smoking also have an effect (it is not recommended to smoke at least half an hour before the test). The level of AST can increase with such physical abnormalities as: burns, heat strokes, mushroom and lead poisoning, allergic reactions, and various injuries.

    Based on the presence of certain symptoms, one can suspect an increase in aspartate aminotransferase in the body. These include: insomnia, swelling, periodic nausea, increased nervousness, body weakness, itching, dark urine, weight loss and lack of appetite, stool discoloration, yellow spots on the skin, fever.

    Of course, external manifestations depend on the pathology and are very individual. But if several symptoms are noted, then you need to pay attention to them and consult a doctor. Timely detection of diseases at an early stage will help get rid of the disease much more effectively and quickly.

    There are several stages of abnormal aspartate aminotransferase:

    • The first stage is moderate. The AST enzyme indicator was exceeded no more than 5 times. Causes may include taking medications, excessive exercise, or obesity.
    • The second stage is an average increase in AST, approximately 10 times higher than normal. The most common cause is myocardial infarction and liver cirrhosis. The same can happen with autoimmune pathologies and muscular dystrophy.
    • The third stage is severe, an increase of 10 times or more. Talks about malignant tumors and viral hepatitis.

    Stage 3 indicates serious damage to the organ and doctors often give disappointing prognoses.

    Normalization of AST levels

    Since high levels of the enzyme are a consequence of organ pathologies, it is necessary to conduct additional examinations to find out the cause of the disease. After diagnosis, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment. When the cause is eliminated, the indicator will return to normal.

    You can independently improve the value of AST only with diet and lifestyle correction, in addition to the main drug treatment. The first and most important thing is to limit your alcohol consumption. If your body is overweight, you need to lose it. For people with high AST, it is important to eliminate fatty foods from their diet. Animal fats significantly overload the liver, which increases the AST enzyme (pork, beef, lamb, dairy products, lard, margarine). You should prefer skim milk and its derivatives; in terms of meat, you should prefer poultry, fish and rabbit dishes.

    It is important to eat a diet rich in antioxidants and vitamins. Fresh vegetables and fruits will help fight toxins. 2 liters of clean water a day will reduce the load on the liver and help it work properly.

    Regular physical activity will help burn carbohydrates, which will relieve the body. If there are contraindications for vigorous activity, walking in the fresh air will also be useful, because... improve blood circulation, which provides adequate nutrition to the organs.

    Aspartate aminotransferase is a vital enzyme, but its value should not exceed the norm. Successful treatment of diseases, the consequence of which is a high AST blood test value, largely depends on the patient’s timely visit to the doctor. This means that if unfavorable symptoms are detected, you need to contact a medical institution for examination and diagnosis.

    Aspartate aminotransferase ast is reduced, what does this mean?

    Elevated aspartate aminotransferase: what does it mean, reasons

    Our body can perhaps be considered the most “advanced technology” that Mother Nature has created. In it, each organ is unique in its “design”, and with its capabilities it is not so surprising as it is amazing. And if you delve into the study of the whole organism, you can come across a considerable number of complex terms. Often in the tests you take, you can find such an unpronounceable phrase as increased aspartate aminotransferase. Meanwhile, this relates to the topic of amino acid breakdown. It’s worth getting to know this term a little closer.

    What is the term?

    This word means a special enzyme that is involved in the breakdown of almost any amino acid in our body. It is abbreviated as AST or denoted by capital letters AST. The enzyme is found in the tissues of many organs, such as:

    Moreover, most of the enzyme is found in the tissues of the heart, kidneys, nerve cells, and liver.

    Thus, diagnosing any disease associated with these organs implies the fact that aspartate aminotransferase is elevated. In the lungs, spleen and pancreas, the amount of enzyme is not so large. At the same time, the male body differs from the female body in its high AST activity.

    Functional purpose of ASAT

    An enzyme is a protein molecule that is produced by the cellular tissues of internal organs. Its structure was established by Russian scientists back in the 70s. The function of the enzyme is to accelerate biochemical reactions occurring in cells. With the participation of vitamin B6, the exchange of amino acids becomes possible. During the complex transformation of many amino acids, including aspartic acid, a new compound is formed. It is thanks to it that the synthesis of glucose, which is so necessary for our body, is carried out.

    Features of AST

    Each of us sooner or later came across such a phrase as increased aspartate aminotransferase. Not everyone knows what this means. In this regard, let us lift the veil. In a healthy body, the enzyme is contained in the cells of the mentioned internal organs, which is the norm. Only a small portion of AST can enter the blood. For your information, the concentration of the enzyme in the heart exceeds its amount in the bloodstream by 10 thousand times.

    But if the tissue of any organ is damaged, then aspartate aminotransferase, released, enters the blood and the amount of the enzyme begins to increase. The rate of growth depends on the degree of tissue damage. For example, if a myocardial infarction is diagnosed, the AST concentration will reach a maximum within 24 hours.

    In some cases, the enzyme level can exceed the norm by 5 times, and this level can last for 7 days. And here someone may wonder: if aspartate aminotransferase (AST) is elevated, what does this mean? Such high activity is a characteristic sign of the patient’s serious condition, which often ends in an unfavorable outcome.

    If the increase in enzyme concentration occurs at a gradual and increasing pace, this means that the infarction area is increasing. Aspartate aminotransferase activity can be triggered by the death of liver tissue.

    What can be the risk of high AST activity?

    Often, a high concentration of aspartate aminotransferase in the bloodstream is caused by myocardial infarction. In this case, the amount of enzyme can be 10 times more than normal, and the higher it is, the larger the area of ​​damage to the heart muscle. On the fourth day of treatment, a repeat test is usually prescribed. Its result will show whether aspartate aminotransferase is elevated or not. In the case of effective therapy, its concentration should decrease.

    A high level of AST can also be observed with liver damage due to the influence of certain factors:

    • Oncological diseases.
    • Alcohol poisoning.
    • Obesity.
    • Presence of hepatitis.

    Only in this case, in order to make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct an additional examination. But elevated levels of the enzyme can also occur in completely healthy people. So, the activity can be:

    • In children with inflammation.
    • In women during the first trimester of pregnancy.
    • With excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
    • When taking certain medications: valerian, various antibiotics or paracetamol.

    Heavy physical activity also has a negative effect in this regard. In addition, if aspartate aminotransferase is elevated, the reasons may be hidden in the use of drugs based on barbituric acid; taking contraceptives can also lead to an increase in AST.

    Reasons for increased AST

    The reasons for the increased level of the enzyme, as mentioned above, can be myocardial infarction. With this diagnosis, high aspartate aminotransferase activity is recorded in 95-98% of all patients. In this case, the value can reach 3000 units/l. In other cases, high levels of the enzyme are observed with liver necrosis. This disease, in turn, can be caused by hepatitis of various forms. The AST level exceeds normal values ​​at once.

    Among other diseases, it is worth noting angina pectoris, acute pancreatitis, obstruction of the bile ducts, cancer cells or liver metastases. The concentration of the enzyme can also increase due to injury, burns, the beginning of the process of muscle cell death, or under the influence of heat stroke. This can also include the patient’s condition in the postoperative period.

    The fact that aspartate aminotransferase is elevated in a child may indicate the presence of hepatitis, muscular dystrophy, acute myocarditis, and jaundice.

    Reasons for decreased AST

    The enzyme level can not only increase, but also decrease. This happens for various reasons. This usually occurs in pregnant women. In other cases, in children and adults, due to muscular dystrophy, injuries of varying severity, cerebral infarction, hypothyroidism or acute pancreatitis, decreased levels of aspartate aminotraferase are observed. Due to a lack of vitamin B6 or a rupture of the liver, a deficiency of the protein molecule is also diagnosed.

    Indications for the purpose of analysis

    An analysis to determine the level of the AST enzyme must be carried out in order to identify the presence of some serious pathologies:

    • whether oncological processes occur in liver cells;
    • are there metastases;
    • elevated blood aspartate aminotransferase may indicate the presence of infectious mononucleosis or viral damage to the lymphatic system;
    • autoimmune diseases (for example, Duchenne-Becker muscular dystrophy);
    • myocardial infarction;
    • cirrhosis;
    • the analysis will also show the presence of hepatitis of any form, including liver necrosis.

    In addition, the identified abnormalities in the muscles and liver should, at a minimum, make you think about getting tested.

    Only the result obtained can confirm or refute the diagnosis. This will allow you to take the necessary measures in a timely manner. If no major changes have occurred, then this is only for the better.

    Preparation is important

    As with some examinations, the test must be taken seriously, since taking medications, be it a medication prescribed by a doctor or a herbal decoction, can negatively affect the test results, which will be inaccurate.

    Therefore, in order to know for sure whether aspartate aminotransferase is elevated or not, it is necessary to stop taking the medication. If for some reason this cannot be done, you should notify the attending physician, who must be provided with all the information regarding the drug. Namely, the dosage and time of taking it. For women, laboratory tests can ruin their pregnancy.

    Carrying out analysis and norm indicators

    The material for the study is exclusively venous blood or serum. It is taken on an empty stomach in the morning. The whole procedure does not take much time and is painless. The result will be ready after 6-10 hours. The serum can be stored for 48 hours at 0 degrees. In cooler conditions (2-8°C) it will keep for about 6 days.

    As for the question of where you can take such an analysis, you should contact specialized laboratories that conduct biochemical tests. In some cases, to find out whether AST (aspartate aminotransferase) is elevated or normal, you can undergo a test at the clinic at your place of registration or any government medical institution. You just need to first find out whether her laboratory has the necessary equipment and tools for such an analysis.

    Normal indicators are different for each group of people. For example, in newborns the AST concentration is U/l, while in slightly older children (1-18 years old) it is 15−60 U/l. Normal values ​​for women range from 10 to 36 U/l, and for men – from 14 to 20 U/l.

    When alanine aminotransferase is increased or decreased, what are the methods of correction?

    Alanine aminotransferase is an enzyme from the group of transferases that takes part in the metabolism of amino acids. It is found in large quantities in the cells of the heart, kidneys and liver, as well as in skeletal muscles. This enzyme is absent or found in very small quantities in the blood. It is the main indicator of cytolysis, so determining its amount in the blood makes it possible to judge the damage to the corresponding internal organs.

    Alanine aminotransferase: normal

    The level of this compound in blood serum depends on age and gender. Thus, for women, the ALT concentration should be no more than 31 units/l, for men - no more than 41. In children, in the first 5 days of life, the level of alanine aminotransferase reaches 49 units/l, and by the 6th month of life it increases to 56. In children 3- At 6 years, ALT is no more than 29.

    Alanine aminotransferase is increased: reasons

    An increase in the amount of this enzyme in the blood indicates the following pathologies:

    Oncological process in the liver or the effect of toxic compounds on this organ, including alcohol;

    Alanine aminotransferase is increased during drug intoxication;

    Heart failure, other heart damage (for example, myocarditis or heart attack);

    Shock that develops against the background of severe injuries or massive burns;

    Necrotic process in skeletal muscles.

    Other etiological factors

    Typically, alanine aminotransferase is elevated in acute pancreatitis, lymphoblastic leukemia, hepatic steatosis, or infectious mononucleosis. Quite often, the level of this hormone increases in the second trimester of pregnancy. With mechanical or obstructive jaundice, its concentration in the blood also increases. It is worth noting that a blood test for ALT is carried out with a simultaneous determination of AST levels. The ratio of these two indicators makes it possible to more clearly determine the localization of the pathological process and its severity.

    Alanine aminotransferase is reduced: reasons

    The amount of ALT decreases with infections in the genitourinary system, oncopathologies of various etiologies, diseases of the pancreas, and with a lack of pyridoxal phosphate, which can occur with poor nutrition or frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages. In addition, low ALT levels are associated with severe liver diseases, when a large number of hepatocytes that synthesize this hormone are destroyed.

    Correction of ALT levels

    If alanine aminotransferase is elevated, treatment must include eliminating the etiological factor that caused this disorder. Thus, the underlying pathology is treated; choleretic drugs, hepatoprotectors, and also drugs that improve digestion are additionally prescribed. If the increase in ALT is due to the use of certain medications, then consider the possibility of using their analogues, which do not affect the level of this enzyme. It should be noted that the level of alanine aminotransferase is an important biochemical indicator, since it indicates severe diseases of internal organs, which, with timely treatment, can have a favorable prognosis.

    Aspartate aminotransferase

    Aspartate aminotransferase from Escherichia coli, bound to the cofactor pyridoxal phosphate.


    Aspartate aminotransferase ( AST, AsAt; also glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase) is an endogenous enzyme from the group of transferases, a subgroup of aminotransferases (transaminases).

    History of the study

    Aspartate aminotransferase became the first protein whose amino acid sequence (i.e., primary structure) was established by Soviet/Russian scientists. This was done in joint work by two laboratories: the Institute of Molecular Biology of the USSR Academy of Sciences under the leadership of A. E. Braunstein and the M. M. Shemyakin Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciences under the leadership of Yu. A. Ovchinnikov, the results of which were published in 1972. They studied aspartate aminotransferase from the cytosol of the pig heart, which consists of two identical subunits of 412 amino acid residues each. For revealing the structure of this protein, a team of scientists was awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize in the field of science and technology for 1975.

    Catalyzed reaction

    The enzyme catalyzes the conversion of oxaloacetate to aspartate by transferring NH 3 to the first molecule. The second product of the reaction is α-ketoglutarate. The reaction plays an important role in the release of NH 3 from amino acids, which is then processed in the urea cycle, since the aspartate produced in the reaction is needed to form argininosuccinate (2nd reaction of the cycle). In addition, the reverse reaction allows the conversion of aspartate to oxaloacetate. Thus, the metabolism of aspartate (as well as other amino acids, which become oxaloacetate during their catabolism) supplies the body with the substance necessary for the process of gluconeogenesis.

    In humans, there are two genes encoding different AST isoenzymes:

    • GOT1 - enzyme active in the cytosol of cells
    • GOT2 - enzyme active in mitochondria

    Implications for medicine

    Aspartate aminotransferase is widely used in medical practice for laboratory diagnosis of myocardial (heart muscle) and liver damage.

    Aspartate aminotransferase is synthesized intracellularly, and normally only a small part of this enzyme enters the blood. When the myocardium is damaged (for example, during myocardial infarction), liver (with hepatitis, cholangitis, primary or metastatic liver cancer) as a result of cytolysis (cell destruction), this enzyme enters the blood, which is detected by laboratory methods. In liver cirrhosis with cytolytic syndrome, AST levels are often elevated, but in late stages of cirrhosis (Child-Pugh class C), transaminase levels are rarely elevated.

    An increase in AST that exceeds an increase in ALT is characteristic of damage to the heart muscle; if the ALT level is higher than AST, then this usually indicates the destruction of liver cells.