Recipe for pancakes made with yeast and water. Water pancakes - simple, fast, homemade

Water pancakes are not prepared in order to save money. Even without dairy products, they turn out very tasty, fluffy and filling. At the same time, the calorie content of the dish becomes lower, and the cooking process becomes faster. Among the recipes for water pancakes, those with a sweet tooth will also find the perfect dessert., both vegetarians and those who simply prefer low-fat foods. You can serve this delicacy for breakfast or at any other time along with a cup of tea.

Water pancakes are extremely easy to prepare– just mix all the ingredients in one bowl and bring the dough until smooth. However, sometimes yeast is added to their composition, and then the process becomes a little more complicated. The pancakes turn out very fluffy and soft. Approximately the same effect can be achieved using slaked soda.

You can also immediately add fruits or berries, as well as various aromatic additives, directly into the dough. Sometimes they are cut into slices, sometimes they are grated, and small fruits can be added whole (berries, dried fruits).

If necessary, pancakes can also be made salty by simply removing sugar and other sweet ingredients from the recipe. But salt is also needed for dessert pancakes. A small amount of it helps to reveal the taste of other products.

To prepare pancakes, place the finished dough in a well-heated frying pan with vegetable oil. They fry very quickly, so each batch will need 2-3 minutes of heat treatment on each side. Ready-made pancakes can be topped with syrup, honey, and served with jam or sour cream.

Secrets to making perfect pancakes using water

Water pancakes are a dish that can be prepared with a minimum amount of food in the refrigerator. This will result in a very tasty and satisfying dessert for the whole family, which everyone can add with their favorite sauce. It's hard to imagine a housewife who wouldn't know how to cook pancakes with water, but even experienced cooks may find the following secrets useful:

Secret No. 1. If you decide to make pancakes with yeast dough, it is better to read the instructions on the package of your yeast. They may differ in activation time, and some fast-acting ones will not need it at all.

Secret No. 2. To make the pancakes fluffy, it is recommended to sift the flour through a sieve before adding it to the dough.

Secret No. 3. Water pancakes will turn into a delicious dessert if you sprinkle them with powdered sugar before serving. In this case, it is best to make it from vanilla sugar using a coffee grinder.

Secret No. 4. It is not recommended to use cold water in all recipes. You need to heat it to at least room temperature, and in the case of yeast - up to 40 degrees.

Secret No. 5. If you add any fruit to the pancakes, try to make the pancakes themselves not too thick, otherwise the filling will not cook through. It is also recommended to add less sugar to this dish. Then the pancakes with fruit will not burn.

Secret No. 6. It is recommended to fry water pancakes in a well-heated frying pan over medium heat, covering them with a lid. This way they will bake evenly and be tender and golden brown.

These pancakes are very similar to those usually prepared in schools or preschools. This means that the dish is ideal for children's diets and does not contain any expensive products. Yeast makes the pancakes fluffy and soft. The recipe calls for fresh yeast, but you can easily substitute dry yeast to speed up the cooking process. You will need about one teaspoon of instant yeast. It is recommended to serve these pancakes with honey or jam or increase the amount of sugar in the recipe.


  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 3 cups flour;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1/2 tsp. salt;
  • 1 egg;
  • 14 g fresh yeast;
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat water and pour into a deep bowl, dissolve the yeast.
  2. Pour salt and sugar into the same bowl, beat in the egg, mix everything using a blender for a few seconds.
  3. Sift the flour, add to the remaining ingredients and knead the dough with a spoon until smooth.
  4. Leave the dough in a warm place for 60 minutes, covering the plate with a towel or film.
  5. Gently stir the dough and leave to rise for another 45 minutes.
  6. Pinch off portions of the dough (pancakes) and fry them in vegetable oil on both sides until cooked.

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Such recipes are always relevant during Lent, because you want to please yourself with a delicious breakfast at any time. In addition, these pancakes can be safely called dietary. They will damage your figure much less than those containing milk and eggs. The pancakes will be moderately sweet in taste and shape, so it would be a good idea to supplement them with honey or jam before serving. Once the dough has risen, there is no need to stir it!


  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 300 ml water;
  • ½ tsp. salt;
  • 1 tsp. dry yeast;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • Vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat the water to room temperature, sift the flour into a deep bowl.
  2. Pour water into the flour, stir, add yeast.
  3. Add sugar and salt there and knead the dough.
  4. Cover the container with the dough with a towel and leave in a warm place for an hour.
  5. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan.
  6. Using a spoon, separate portions from the dough and fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown.

One way to make fluffy pancakes without adding yeast. In this case, they will rise due to slaked soda. You don't have to wait for the dough to rise to do this. It can be used immediately for its intended purpose, which significantly speeds up the preparation process. If necessary, you can replace vinegar with citric acid or use ready-made baking powder from a bag instead of this ingredient and soda.


  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 3 glasses of water;
  • 1 tsp. soda;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • Vinegar.

Cooking method:

  1. Dissolve sugar and salt in water, add eggs and whisk everything.
  2. Quench the soda with vinegar and pour into the dough, gradually add flour.
  3. Mix all ingredients until smooth and homogeneous.
  4. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and add pancakes using a tablespoon.
  5. Fry the pancakes on both sides until cooked.

Oatmeal pancakes will be a pleasant surprise for anyone who is trying to follow proper nutrition standards. This breakfast is no worse than oatmeal, contains all the same beneficial microelements and gives energy for the whole day. At the same time, the process of preparing such pancakes is practically no different from any other, so every housewife can easily cope with it. If desired, you can add grated apples or pears to the dough.


  • 1 glass of oatmeal;
  • 2 1/2 cups water;
  • 3 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 50 ml vegetable oil;
  • 1 pinch vanilla sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the oatmeal and place it in a saucepan.
  2. Pour the specified amount of water over the oatmeal, add salt.
  3. After the water boils, cook the oatmeal for 5 minutes, stirring frequently.
  4. Cool the finished porridge, add sugar, vanilla sugar and flour.
  5. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat well.
  6. Using a tablespoon, form pancakes and fry them on both sides for 2-3 minutes.

Adding apples to the dough makes the pancakes very fresh and tasty, while this delicacy contains much more vitamins. A dessert prepared according to this recipe will definitely please small children and all other sweet tooths gathered at the table. At the same time, pancakes are considered lean, because they do not contain eggs or dairy products. Cinnamon and nutmeg add amazing flavor to the dish, and powdered sugar is perfect for serving.


  • 250 g apples;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • ½ packet of dry yeast;
  • 200 g flour;
  • 200 ml water;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 1 pinch of nutmeg;
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • Powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Dissolve the yeast in warm water, then add flour, sugar and salt.
  2. Pour vegetable oil into the dough and stir everything thoroughly until smooth.
  3. Leave the dough warm for 1 hour.
  4. Dice the apples and add to the dough, after it has risen, mix well.
  5. Fry the pancakes in vegetable oil on both sides under a closed lid.
  6. While the pancakes are still hot, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Now you know how to cook water pancakes according to a recipe with a photo. Bon appetit!

Pancakes are the perfect dish for breakfast or snack. More often they are cooked with soda, although most housewives agree that fluffy pancakes with yeast are much tastier. Taking into account that it will take more time to prepare yeast dough, such flatbreads cannot be prepared on weekdays, but they can be an option for Sunday breakfast when the whole family is gathered and there is no need to rush to get to work or school.

Fluffy pancakes made with milk and yeast

Pancakes made with milk are not as fatty as those made with kefir, but no less tasty. The dough for them can be kneaded with fresh and dry yeast, and to enrich and diversify the taste of baked goods, you can add dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots) or grated apples and pumpkin.

Ingredient proportions for yeast pancakes with milk:

  • 450 ml milk;
  • 21 g fresh pressed or 10 g dry yeast;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 5 g vanilla sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 30 ml vegetable oil;
  • 4 g salt;
  • 500 g flour.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Prepare a dough from warm milk, yeast, regular sugar and 150 g of flour. Leave it warm for 30 minutes. During this time, a lush cap should form over it.
  2. Add slightly beaten eggs, vanilla flavored sugar, salt, butter and the rest of the flour into the risen dough. The result will be a viscous dough, which should ripen again for half an hour in a warm place.
  3. Place the finished dough in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil, form and bake fluffy pancakes over medium heat.

Lenten recipe with water

This recipe will help pancake and pancake lovers endure fasting. Even though the recipe does not contain eggs or other animal ingredients, the water pancakes are tasty, nutritious and consistently delicious.

For a lean version of yeast pancakes you need to take:

  • 300 ml of drinking water;
  • 7 g dry yeast;
  • 30 g granulated sugar;
  • 4 g table salt;
  • 260 g flour.

Prepare as follows:

  1. The process of kneading the dough is incredibly simple: you need to combine all the components in one container of suitable size and stir until they are completely combined. You can knead the dough with a mixer, but a regular tablespoon will do the job just fine.
  2. Next, cover the bowl with the dough with cling film and put it in a warm place for about thirty minutes. During this time, the mass should become twice as large.
  3. Now you can start frying. Take the dough with a spoon, without stirring it, and place it on a hot frying pan. If it has a non-stick coating, then you won’t need any oil. Cook over medium heat until golden brown on all sides.

When frying pancakes made from yeast dough, you cannot do without a glass of cold water. The dough turns out to be quite thick and sticks to the spoon, so before each pick it needs to be moistened in cold water.

With yeast and kefir

Kefir that has been left in the refrigerator for two or three days usually no longer wants to drink, but you should not throw it away. This fermented milk product can be turned into a delicious breakfast dish - fluffy pancakes made with yeast and kefir. You can cook them with any yeast. Below is the recipe for live pressed ones.

List of products used in baking:

  • 100 ml water;
  • 15 g live pressed yeast;
  • 90 g sugar;
  • 500 ml kefir of any fat content;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3-4 g table salt;
  • 480 g sifted flour.

Sequence of work:

  1. Grind the pressed yeast together with sugar, pour in water and add 80-90 g of flour. Leave this mixture in a warm place for 10-15 minutes.
  2. As soon as air bubbles appear on the surface of the yeast mash, you can begin directly kneading the dough. Pour warm kefir into the dough, slightly scrambled eggs, salt and flour into a homogeneous mixture.
  3. The resulting thick and viscous dough should be placed in an oven preheated to 40 degrees and turned off for 40-45 minutes. During this time, it will have time to fit well and become twice as large.
  4. Fry pancakes in a frying pan with vegetable oil. When bubbles appear on the surface of the newly laid out products, this means they can be turned over to the other side.
  5. It is better to place the finished crumpets on a paper towel, since heat treatment takes place in vegetable oil.

Step-by-step option with dry yeast

From the whey left over from making homemade cottage cheese, you can make delicious spicy pancakes with dry yeast. The highlight of the dough is that the fresh taste of whey is enriched with the aroma of cinnamon and ground ginger.

The ratio of required products will be as follows:

  • 10 g dry yeast;
  • 100 g granulated sugar;
  • 500 ml of serum;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 45 ml vegetable oil;
  • 5 g cinnamon;
  • 3 g ground ginger;
  • 3 g salt;
  • 400-450 g flour.

Baking progress:

  1. In a metal container, heat the whey to 40 degrees. Pour in and completely dissolve sugar and salt in it. Then repeat with dry yeast. Leave the whey for 10 minutes until the yeast activates.
  2. After this, add spices, raw eggs, vegetable oil. Stir everything thoroughly, then stir in the sifted flour. Leave the dough mixed with a spoon in a warm place for half an hour.
  3. From the suitable dough, bake rosy and fluffy pancakes in a frying pan with a small amount of butter. Serve hot.

No added eggs

If there are no eggs in the refrigerator, it doesn't matter. Lush pancakes with yeast can be prepared without this ingredient, without even replacing them with anything else. As a liquid base, you can take milk, whey, potato broth or plain water. Any of these options will be delicious.

Eggless pancakes are prepared from:

  • 250 ml milk (whey, potato broth or water);
  • 20 g pressed yeast;
  • 40 g granulated sugar;
  • 4 g salt;
  • 240 g flour.

Cooking steps:

  1. Dissolve sugar and yeast in milk, give them some time to “come to life” in the warmth. If you use dry yeast to knead the dough, then its quantity should be calculated per 240 g of flour based on the recommended norms on the package.
  2. When the yeast begins to act and the surface of the dough is covered with bubbles, sift the flour into it, add salt and mix everything together into a thin dough. Cover the bowl with the dough with a damp towel and leave to rise, depending on the temperature, for 50-60 minutes.
  3. Fry the pancakes in hot butter, placing the finished products on a paper napkin or towel.

With live yeast

This recipe contains many ingredients that make the dough heavier (butter, sour cream, eggs), so it is better to use live pressed yeast to knead it. For the same reason, the test components are laid in three steps.

For pancakes with sour cream and live yeast you need to take:

  • 500 ml milk;
  • 250 ml sour cream of any fat content;
  • 25 g fresh yeast;
  • 90 g sugar;
  • 4 g salt;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 15 ml vegetable oil;
  • 550 g flour.

How to bake fluffy pancakes using yeast:

  1. First, in a bowl for kneading the dough, combine milk, yeast and 1/3 of the recipe amount of sugar. Leave the mixture until bubbles appear on its surface.
  2. At the second stage, add sour cream, salt and sifted flour. After thorough mixing, leave until the first rise.
  3. Then comes the turn of the butter and the remaining sugar. The dough should rise again and you can start baking. Prepare pancakes in the same way as in previous recipes.

Sour milk recipe

Absolutely all fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, whey, sour cream, fermented baked milk) are suitable for this type of baking, so even sour milk can be used as a basis. Many housewives agree that the more sour the milk, the fluffier the pancakes turn out, but still, you shouldn’t take a week-old product.

To bake pancakes with dry yeast using sour milk you will need:

  • 500 ml milk;
  • 14 g dry yeast;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 5 g vanilla sugar;
  • 3 g salt;
  • 500 g flour.

Cooking steps:

  1. Dissolve the yeast in warm sour milk and dissolve a pinch of salt. Beat eggs with sugar (including vanilla component) into a fluffy foam, mix with yogurt. Then sift the flour in 3-4 additions.
  2. Cover the bowl with the dough (it should be thick, like sour cream) with cling film and leave to ripen and rise. Depending on the ambient temperature, this process can last from 15 minutes to half an hour.
  3. In addition, you can pour maple syrup over the pancakes in the style of American pancakes. You can put sour cream (or cream) whipped with powdered sugar on hot donuts and sprinkle chocolate chips on top.

    You can supplement the baked goods with custard that remains after assembling the cake or specially prepare chocolate or fruit sauce. In any case, even if none of the proposed products are found in the kitchen, it will be enough to just sprinkle the pancakes with powdered sugar or cinnamon and it will be delicious.

Everyone probably remembers the familiar taste of grandma’s pancakes from childhood, so carefully prepared for breakfast. It was especially tasty to eat this delicacy with the addition of apple or plum jam. Let's learn together a recipe for fluffy water pancakes.

Water pancakes with eggs

Pancakes are prepared quickly and easily. Moreover, the delicacy can be prepared without using dairy products: for children and those who do not eat animal fats. This delicacy is also suitable for people who feel discomfort when eating dishes made from milk, or who are on a diet or fasting.

Such food is considered lower in calories and dietary. Today we will share the secret of my grandmother’s recipe for making wonderful pancakes using water.

So, we need:

  • 2 glasses of warm water (you can use sparkling mineral water)
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 3 tbsp. Sahara
  • 300-400 g of flour (required, premium quality). You may need less or more flour
  • 1/2 tsp. soda or baking powder
  • Salt, citric acid - a small pinch each
  • Vegetable oil


  • Sift the flour so that it is more airy and saturated with oxygen.
  • Mix ingredients: eggs, sugar, soda, salt, warm water diluted with citric acid
  • Beat everything very well
  • Knead the thick dough, such a consistency that it does not pour out of the spoon, but drips very slowly
  • Heat a frying pan, pour in sunflower oil, add a spoonful of kneaded dough
  • When the pancakes set, turn them over to the other side and cover the pan with a lid, thanks to this trick your pancakes will rise higher

Pancakes are served for breakfast with caviar, pate (for lovers of salty dishes), or with jam, sour cream, condensed milk - for those with a sweet tooth.

Water pancakes without eggs

To brighten up your Lenten diet, you can prepare small pancakes in sparkling water without eggs.

For the test you need:

  • Flour – 0.5 kg
  • Sugar, honey - to taste
  • Sparkling water – 2 glasses
  • Soda or citric acid

Cooking pancakes.

  • Sift the flour, saturate it with air particles, add soda, mix
  • Add warm carbonated drink in parts
  • Add honey and sugar until the dough is smooth
  • The dough should be thick and full of air bubbles
  • Spoon the prepared dough into a hot frying pan and fry on both sides
  • Place the finished pancakes on a paper towel to remove excess fat.
  • Baked goods should be eaten immediately with the addition of sour cream, cream or jam.

Grated apples are added to the homemade baking recipe; this will give the delicacy a slightly sour taste.

For little gourmets, you can fry pancakes in an original shape and decorate them beautifully with your favorite berries or fruits.

Fluffy pancakes made with yeast

Lush homemade pancakes made from yeast dough:

  • Sifted flour – 0.450 g
  • Yeast (dry) – 10-12 g
  • Warm water – 2 glasses
  • Granulated sugar - 2.5 tbsp.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Vanillin to taste
  • Sunflower oil – for frying pancakes

How to cook:

  • Dissolve yeast and sugar in warm water. Leave this mixture for at least 15-20 minutes, if possible, then for the entire 30 minutes.
  • Add some sifted flour to the yeast
  • Knead all the products until foam appears, add salt, vanillin and the rest of the flour. Knead the dough
  • Leave the dough to rise in a warm place for 30-40 minutes.
  • Place a tablespoon of dough into the frying pan and fry on both sides until golden brown.
  • Remove excess fat and serve

Fluffy pancakes go well with jam, chocolate, and condensed milk. They can brighten up the beginning of a working day, because they are prepared very simply and quickly, are easily digestible, and give a charge of positive energy and good mood.

In the culinary world, many variations of the recipes we have described have been invented, and each is tasty and tender in its own way. Don’t be afraid to experiment and delight your loved ones with delicious pancakes.

I often make yeast pancakes with dry yeast and water - they turn out the best for me. For the first time, I chose the recipe from the old cookbook “On Tasty and Healthy Food.” I made the dough, made the dough, baked pancakes - delicious! But for a long time. I got the hang of baking without dough – I mix everything at once and leave the dough for an hour and a half. Then just put it on the frying pan and have time to remove the rosy rounds. They are so fluffy, airy, with crispy edges - just how we like them!


  • water (warm) – 0.5 liters;
  • wheat flour – 450 g;
  • active dry yeast – 1.5 tsp (sour in a low heap);
  • sugar – 3 tbsp. l;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp;
  • Refined sunflower oil – 5-6 tbsp. l.;


In order for dry yeast to “cheer up” and begin to rise the dough faster, it needs to be activated. Mix with salt, sugar, add a couple of heaped tablespoons of flour.

Mix the bulk ingredients and pour in a glass of warm water. Make a liquid mash - whisk everything together so that there are no lumps. Leave for 10-20 minutes.

A sign that the yeast has begun to work will be air bubbles appearing on the surface of the mash. Now you can pour in another glass of water and add the rest of the flour. In portions, not all at once.

The dough will be viscous, one might say steep, if this definition is suitable for pancakes. The thickness is such that it is difficult to mix with a spoon. The consistency is uniform, without dense lumps or areas of dry flour.

Add eggs. The number of eggs will not affect the taste of yeast pancakes; in this recipe, two are enough. When there are a lot of them, the dough becomes heavier, it will be more difficult for it to rise, and the result of your generosity will give a completely different effect - the pancakes will turn out dense. The thickness of the dough will resemble very thick homemade sour cream, about which they say “it costs a spoon.”

Then, during proofing, it will liquefy, it will be like regular pancake dough, only everything is in bubbles, airy. It needs to rise for about an hour, until it increases two to three times. Like any yeast, it loves warmth and silence.

We scoop up the dough without stirring it, placing it on a spoon near the sides of the dish. I do this: pour oil into a frying pan, heat it up quite high, but so that it doesn’t smoke. Fire is medium. Before laying out the dough, I twist it below medium. You need to remember this, because while you are fiddling with the dough, placing it in the frying pan, the first pancakes from below will begin to burn. We tilt the spoon over the hot frying pan, using the finger of the other hand we push the dough so that it lies in the oil in an even round. Fry for two minutes, without turning, until air bubbles begin to burst on the pancakes. We pry it with two forks or a spatula - whatever suits you. Turn the pancakes over and fry the other side for about a minute, a little longer.

Well, here they are, my beauties in the photo - ruddy, fluffy yeast pancakes, as if chosen, one to one. And you can’t say that the dough is made of water. The taste is tender, soft, and when broken you can see how holey and airy they are. These had already cooled down, settled a little, and right out of the frying pan they were even more fluffy. You can serve with anything - from pates to jam and sour cream. Bon appetit and delicious pancakes! Your Plyushkin.

Water pancakes: 3 simple recipes for fluffy baked goods with and without yeast

Water pancakes, recipes for preparing simple baked goods from a minimum amount of ingredients, are ordinary pancakes with or without yeast.

Homemade pancakes are prepared using any liquid product - milk, kefir, sour cream, yogurt - but the simplest base for kneading dough is considered to be plain water. On water, pancakes without eggs turn out fluffy, airy, no worse than ordinary milk pancakes with eggs.

We offer a convenient selection - recipes for lean pancakes without eggs: with yeast, pancakes with soda and without yeast.

Having tested our recipes for pancakes on water in practice, it is easy and simple to make sure that ordinary lean dough without eggs and without milk works wonders. Pancakes made from water-based dough are baked fluffy not only thanks to yeast, eggs and dairy products, but also to the right combinations of ingredients in recipes.

A selection of recipes is especially useful in a situation where you need to decide how to quickly fry lean pancakes from practically nothing.

Lenten pancakes give a great advantage to the housewife when preparing breakfast and afternoon snack. The products included in the pancake dough with water without milk are simple and affordable. Agree, surely in every home, even without going to the store, there is clean water, flour, dry yeast, or, at worst, soda?

Advice from the Wonder Chef. Remember! After kneading the yeast dough, do not use it immediately. The pancakes will turn out more fluffier if the dough is given time to proof. Soda and baking powder, like yeast, make the dough airy, porous, not dense and the pancakes prepared in water fluffy.

Water pancakes without eggs or yeast

Let's start with the most popular method - the classic preparation of pancakes on water: the recipe is suitable for everyone, and everyone, even an inexperienced cook, produces airy, soft baked goods.

This method is ideal for dietary, baby food, people prone to allergies to chicken eggs, and of course, vegetarians.

  • wheat flour – 1 cup;
  • baking powder – 1 tsp. with a slide;
  • granulated sugar – 2 tbsp;
  • salt – 1 pinch;
  • vanillin - half a sachet;
  • refined vegetable oil.
  • You can improve the taste of baked goods using various additives. To do this, at the end of kneading, add a handful of steamed raisins, pieces of bananas or candied fruits to the dough.

  1. Pour granulated sugar, salt, baking powder into warm water and mix.
  2. Then add 2 tbsp. butter and sifted flour, carefully break the dough with a whisk or blender so that there are no lumps.
  3. Leave the resulting dough on the table for 10-15 minutes.
  4. After this, take a full tablespoon of dough and place it on a heated frying pan, greased with oil. One spoon of dough is one pancake. That is, the size of the cakes depends on the amount of dough that you scoop up with a spoon.
  5. Reduce heat and cover the pan with a lid. Fry the pancakes on one side for about 1-2 minutes until golden brown.
  6. Then we turn it over to the other side, but do not cover it with a lid. Thus, fry the remaining pancakes from the prepared dough.
  7. Fluffy water pancakes without eggs are ready. Transfer them to a plate and serve hot with jam, jam or sour cream.

    When choosing home cooking recipes, do not forget that a Lenten meal can be delicious without animal products, you just need to know how to prepare the dishes.

    Yeast pancakes on water

    The second Lenten recipe for pancakes with yeast. Most chefs prefer this particular composition of lean dough; they knead the dough with dry instant yeast. Yeast pancakes made with water turn out fluffy, tasty and soft.

    Advice from the Wonder Chef. Plain water in recipes can be replaced with sparkling sweet or mineral water. In addition, for lean baking without eggs, we recommend using natural juices or fruit drinks as a base. Bright drinks will give the pancakes a pronounced taste and fruity aroma.

  8. wheat flour – 200 g;
  9. dry yeast – 0.5 tsp;
  10. water – 1 glass;
  11. granulated sugar – 2-3 tbsp;
  12. odorless oil for frying;
  13. powdered sugar.
  14. In the kneaded dough, you can add a little cinnamon or nutmeg to the specified composition. In addition, soaked dried cherries, raisins, and pieces of candied orange will make the yeast pancakes brighter and tastier.

  15. Pour yeast and sugar into warm water and stir.
  16. Then add flour and mix again.
  17. Cover the bowl with the dough and leave in a warm place for about 30-40 minutes.
  18. After this, fry the cakes as described in the previous recipe.
  19. Serve the finished yeast pancakes to the table after cooling slightly and sprinkled with powdered sugar or honey or liquid chocolate.

    Video recipe

    Recipe for fluffy water pancakes without yeast

    Mineral water saturates the pancake dough with oxygen, and in combination with soda, mineral water to some extent replaces yeast, so lean pancakes with sparkling water can be fluffy, porous and tasty without the use of eggs and yeast.

  20. white flour – 1 cup;
  21. highly carbonated mineral water – 1 glass;
  22. baking soda – 0.5 tsp;
  23. citric acid or juice - on the tip of a teaspoon;
  24. granulated sugar – 3-4 tbsp;
  25. salt;
  26. vegetable oil
  27. Baking soda can be replaced with baking powder, the amount of which must be doubled in proportion to baking soda.

  28. Pour sifted flour and baking soda into a bowl and mix.
  29. Then pour lemon juice into the mineral water or add a pinch of acid.
  30. Next, add water to the bowl with flour, stir until the lumps disperse.
  31. After this, pour in granulated sugar and pour 3 tbsp. vegetable oil.
  32. Mix the mass again.
  33. Fry lean pancakes in the classic way discussed in the very first recipe in a pancake pan or cast iron with the addition of oil.

    Serve the pancakes with berry jams, sweet syrup, homemade jam, and Nutella chocolate spread.

    We hope that these homemade recipes for lean pancakes will appeal to fasting people, people suffering from lactose intolerance, and everyone who is persistently struggling with extra pounds, because lean pancakes with water are simple, tasty and quick!

    As always, we look forward to your feedback and suggestions in the comments.

    Pancakes made with yeast and water

    On weekday mornings there is no time for frills. Everyone is always in a hurry. The youngest needs to be dropped off at kindergarten, the older one at school, and we don’t need to be late for work ourselves! And everyone has absolutely no time to cook breakfast. And on the way to work, we look in our favorite magazine at beautiful photos of friendly families at a set table. Is this a very familiar situation? Therefore, on your day off, do not deny yourself the pleasure of pampering your family!

    It couldn't be simpler!

    Required by prescription:

  34. 500 g flour,
  35. 10 g dry yeast,
  36. 2 glasses of water,
  37. 3 eggs,
  38. 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar,
  39. vegetable oil for frying and for dough,
  40. salt - on the tip of a spoon.
  41. Let's start with the main thing

    To prepare our pancakes, first, in a bowl, in warm (not hot, no more than 40 ° C) water, dilute a packet of dry yeast. Pour sugar into the same container.

    Yeast needs time to wake up, recover and become active. Therefore, let's leave the bowl warm for about fifteen minutes. If you don’t have the opportunity to prepare pancakes for longer than, say, half an hour, then for our yeast this is only for the better. In this case, the pancakes will turn out especially fluffy. During this time, foam forms in the bowl.

    After fifteen minutes, add flour to the yeast. Add not all at once, but in portions, piece by piece, gradually mixing. Depending on the manufacturer of dry yeast, on the date of release, on the time and temperature of aging, they may behave differently. Therefore, you can never say for sure exactly how much flour you will need to make pancakes this time.

    If lumps form while stirring, remove them immediately with a spoon. Under no circumstances should you use a food processor or blender for this. After this, the dough will stop rising, and the pancakes will not turn out fluffy. You risk nullifying all previous efforts.

    After adding flour, the dough should not remain liquid, and the dough simply will not accept excess flour. The dough should be given half an hour to ferment. To do this, it also needs to be left warm. It is advisable to cover the top with a clean towel.

    After the dough has risen, break the eggs into another bowl. Add salt to them and beat vigorously with a whisk. If desired, you can add a little more sugar to the bowl with the eggs and beat everything together thoroughly.

    Then pour the beaten eggs into our dough. Add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil there. Mix everything well together with a spoon, not in a blender, and leave again for half an hour, covering with a towel.

    On the frying pan!

    Once the dough is ready, it is no longer stirred. By this time, we need to make sure that the frying pan with vegetable oil is heated on the stove, in which we will bake our fluffy yeast pancakes.

    Reduce heat and spoon the dough into the pan. There is no need to use a large serving spoon, as the pancakes will expand greatly during frying. They may become cramped. They should float in hot oil. Fry the pancakes on each side for three minutes and start frying new ones.

    I’ll tell you a secret: to prevent the dough from sticking to the spoon, dip it in cold water every time. This will simplify the process.


    Our yeast pancakes can be sprinkled with powdered sugar or served with jam or condensed milk.

    This recipe can be significantly shortened. If you don’t want to put eggs in the pancakes, or you don’t have any on hand, you can make the dough without eggs. Rest assured, this will not make them any less tasty or crispy. True, in this case it will take forty to fifty minutes to simmer the dough.

    Gourmets can add lemon or orange zest and even a little cinnamon and vanillin to the dough. This dessert can be served with honey or maple syrup.

    These same pancakes can be made not with water, but with milk or kefir. Dairy ones are more fluffy, but also higher in calories, and kefir ones have a pleasant sourness.

    Pleasant chores

    If you are worried that preparing pancakes with yeast will take a lot of time, and you don’t want to wake up two hours earlier than your household on a weekend, you can prepare them for second breakfast or even for evening tea. We are sure that in this case there will probably be an assistant ready to share with you the glory of the best housewife!

    Don’t deny your loved ones warm home gatherings because you’re busy, and let your wonderful pancakes be the reason for them this time!

    Weigh 94? And you will weigh 58! Weight loss for the lazy! Modern technique from Elena Malysheva.

    Fluffy water pancakes without yeast - recipe

    Water pancakes are a simple dish that even inexperienced cooks can prepare. For taste, you can add ground cinnamon, vanilla sugar, sesame seeds or dried apricots. We will tell you how to cook pancakes in water without yeast.

    Recipe for fluffy water pancakes without yeast

  42. flour – 300 g;
  43. egg – 2 pcs.;
  44. filtered water – 3 tbsp;
  45. sugar – 100 g;
  46. lemon acid;
  47. vegetable oil.
  48. Beat the egg with a whisk, pour in water, add salt, sugar and lemon. Mix everything well, gradually add flour and beat until you get a dough similar in consistency to thick homemade cream. Pour oil into a heated frying pan, heat it up, spoon out the pancakes and fry them on all sides until golden brown. Serve ready-made fluffy pancakes in water without yeast with sour cream, liquid honey or berry jam.

    Recipe for water pancakes without yeast

  49. filtered water – 1 tbsp.;
  50. sugar - to taste;
  51. fine salt - a pinch;
  52. baking soda - a pinch;
  53. lemon juice – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  54. flour – 350 g;
  55. vegetable oil;
  56. raisins – 100 g;
  57. honey, jam - for serving.
  58. Dissolve granulated sugar in boiled warm water, add fine salt, soda and flour. Mix everything thoroughly, pour in lemon juice and add washed raisins. Now take the dough with a tablespoon and carefully lower it into the oil heated in the frying pan. Fry the pancakes in water without yeast until golden brown and serve with powdered sugar, low-fat sour cream or berry jam.

    Pancakes with apples on water without yeast

  59. flour – 2 tbsp;
  60. filtered water – 200 ml;
  61. green apples – 2 pcs.;
  62. egg – 1 pc.;
  63. sugar – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  64. fine powdered sugar - for decoration;
  65. soda - a pinch;
  66. vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. spoon.
  67. Peel and chop the apples on a coarse grater. Transfer the fruit mixture into a deep bowl, add salt, sugar, chicken egg and soda. Then add flour in portions and pour in water. Knead the dough until smooth and leave to stand for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, heat the frying pan, pour in some oil and spread out the dough using a tablespoon. Fry the pancakes for 5 minutes, and then carefully turn them over and cook until cooked, browning the other side. After that, put them on a beautiful dish, decorate with fine powdered sugar if desired, and serve.

    Yeast pancakes on water

    I’ve never made yeast pancakes; I’m somehow closer to regular pancakes with kefir or sour milk. I was captivated by the simplicity of the recipe: water, yeast and flour. No milk, no eggs, I wondered, would it really be delicious?

    Looking ahead, I will say that I have never eaten such delicious pancakes. I still can’t believe that the dough is kneaded with ordinary water, I won’t even try to replace it with milk, because it’s not necessary at all, it just doesn’t taste any better and not always, the more ingredients, the better the finished dish.

    Lush, tender, airy, soft, not rubbery, which is very important! With honey or jam, it's fantastic! In general, I’m impressed, if you don’t know this recipe yet, be sure to pay attention to it and try to cook it. There are not so many recipes like this from the “candy out of nothing” series, and I really appreciate them when I come across them.

    By the way, if you knead the dough a little thicker, you can bake donuts that have a hole inside and that were previously sold in stores - they turn out exactly the same. I'll tell you about them next time.

    Ingredients for making pancakes with yeast and water

    In order to bake such delicious yeast pancakes I needed:

    Recipe for making yeast pancakes with water

    I warmed up the water slightly, immediately poured salt, sugar, and yeast into it and stirred.

    Immediately poured out the flour.

    Mixed the mixture and left for 20 minutes. Depending on the flour, the thickness of the dough may vary, but this will not affect the taste of the pancakes.

    After 20 minutes I mixed it again, you can see that the dough has already risen a little and has become viscous. I left it to rise for 40 minutes.

    After 40 minutes the dough has tripled in size. Next, depending on how thick the dough is, you can grease your hands with vegetable oil and pinch off pieces of dough directly with your hands, flatten them a little, forming pancakes.

    With my flour I ended up with a slightly runny dough, so I dipped a spoon in the oil and used a spoon to pinch off the dough. Although then I got tired of it and began to tear off the dough with my hands and quickly transfer it to the frying pan.

    I fry the yeast pancakes in hot vegetable oil on both sides, you can add more oil.

    How delicious it turned out, I have already described everything above. Let me remind you that it’s delicious to eat them with honey or jam (strawberry, for example)! My delight is precisely this combination: pancakes with honey.

    If you still want to try replacing water with milk, see this recipe for crumpets with milk from Grandma Mani, the recipe is a little similar.

    Preparing yeast pancakes takes longer than preparing dishes using yeast-free dough. But pancakes made with yeast turn out really fluffy (no other dough can guarantee this) and tasty. Both adults and children like this delicacy. And if you pour condensed milk or jam on the pancakes, then the rosy, fluffy pancakes disappear from the table in the blink of an eye!

    1. Wheat flour – half a kilo;
    2. Granulated white sugar – 30 g;
    3. Dry yeast – 5 g;
    4. Drinking water – one and a half glasses;

    Simple yeast pancakes are prepared in water without adding eggs. This recipe has gained popularity thanks to the ingredients that can be found in every kitchen and the excellent taste of the resulting pancakes.

    Even with water and yeast, the pancakes turn out fluffy and are sure to please everyone

    1. Mix yeast with sugar and dissolve in water.
    2. Let the yeast mixture rise for 15 minutes.
    3. Sift the flour into a deep bowl and pour in the yeast mixture.
    4. Let the dough rise at room temperature for half an hour.
    5. Mix the dough and leave it warm for the next 45 minutes.
    6. Heat a frying pan with oil.
    7. Spread the pancakes with a spoon and fry until golden brown on both sides.

    Lenten pancakes are best served warm, topped with sour cream, condensed milk, topping or honey. Before serving, you can place the pancakes on paper towels to remove excess oil.

    Dry yeast in the recipe can be replaced with live yeast (at the rate of 35 grams per kilogram of flour), while the live yeast mixture is prepared in the same way as the quick-acting one.

    Lush, tender and tasty pancakes are made with milk. But, if there is only one glass of milk, then the dough can be prepared with the addition of water. For this you will need yeast (a tablespoon); 150 ml of drinking water; one full and ¼ cup flour; vegetable oil, a pinch of salt; 30 g sugar.

    1. Dissolve yeast, sugar, salt and a tablespoon of flour in ¼ cup of warm milk.
    2. Leave the dough for 15 minutes.
    3. Add the remaining milk and water to the yeast mixture.
    4. Sift the flour and add the yeast mixture to it.
    5. Add a few tablespoons of oil and knead the dough.
    6. Let the dough rise for an hour.
    7. Spoon the pancakes onto a preheated cast iron frying pan.

    You can check the readiness of the pancakes with a toothpick (on average, it takes no more than three minutes for sufficiently thick, dense pancakes to bake). The dish should be served warm, topping the pancakes with condensed milk or jam.

    Recipes for yeast pancakes are modified and interpreted by everyone in their own way: some prepare the dish exclusively with live yeast, others mix it with dry yeast; some people prefer to cook lean pancakes, while others knead the dough with eggs.

    To ensure fluffy pancakes with yeast, regardless of the recipe, you must follow these recommendations:

    1. For pancakes, it is better to choose wheat flour and be sure to sift it before cooking.
    2. The baking dough should be thick and not spread across the pan.
    3. Yeast should be diluted in warm liquid (not boiling water).
    4. Stirring the dough before cooking is prohibited (as well as keeping a spoon or ladle in the dough).

    If classic yeast pancakes are boring, then the dough can easily be made with the addition of additional ingredients.

    You can make yeast pancakes more delicious using various additional ingredients.

    So, the most popular dough additives are:

    1. Dried fruits (mainly raisins, dried apricots). Dried fruits should be well washed and dried. You can pre-steam the raisins with boiling water to make them soft.
    2. Candied fruit. You need to add finely chopped candied fruits in small quantities. Otherwise, the pancakes will not hold their shape well.
    3. Fruits. The most popular fruit to add to pancakes is apple. The apple can be pureed or grated (after which you must squeeze out the juice). You can also add banana puree to the pancakes, which will add additional sweetness to the dish.

    In addition, you can always add vanillin, cardamom, cinnamon and nutmeg to the dough: spices will make the pancakes aromatic, adding piquant notes to their taste.

    Make classic pancakes or experiment with traditional recipes and delight yourself, family and friends with fluffy, sweet and delicious yeast pancakes on water.

    Pour the sifted flour into a small container

    Now add water at room temperature

    Be sure to add a teaspoon of yeast

    Add sugar to the container to taste

    The finished dough should have a consistency similar to thick sour cream.

    Heat a frying pan with sunflower oil and carefully place the pancakes on the surface

    Fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown.

    Lush and delicious yeast pancakes on water are ready. Bon appetit!