Social support for people with disabilities. Characteristic features of social assistance. The most important principle of social protection

Disabled people belong to a preferential category of citizens who require a special approach to financial support due to the complete or partial impossibility of fully going to work. Today, assistance to people with disabilities is provided in the form of various benefits, benefits and subsidies.

The size and rules for their provision undergo changes every year due to the financial situation of the country, as well as the need for indexation taking into account the level of inflation.

Support for people with disabilities at the state and regional level

There are several types of support for people with disabilities. They are determined at the state level, i.e. are provided to citizens with disabilities living in any corner of the country, as well as at the regional level. The latter implies a decision on the provision of benefits by local authorities. As a rule, obtaining them requires official registration of your place of residence in Moscow or the region.

The list of state benefits provided to citizens with disabilities is prescribed in the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation.” In accordance with it, disabled people have the right to receive:

  • a set of social services;
  • disability pensions;
  • cash social security.

In the case of caring for a disabled person by a capable relative, acquaintance or any other person, subject to official registration, payment of appropriate monetary compensation is possible.

In addition to the above government support measures, at the regional level it is possible to receive:

  • benefits for housing and communal services;
  • land plots;
  • apartments;
  • discounts on public transport and taxi fares;
  • advantages for admission to educational institutions.

Thus, regional benefits can improve the standard of living of a person with disabilities. Their action is aimed at reducing financial costs.

Dependence of the amount of benefits and benefits on the disability group

According to current legislation, there are three types of disabilities. Each of them is assigned taking into account the degree of disability of the citizen. The disability group is prescribed in documents confirming poor health.

As for minors, they are given the status of a disabled child until they reach 18 years of age. Young citizens and their official representatives also have the right to receive benefits and allowances.

Disability is assigned based on the results of a medical examination. It can only be obtained during the period of validity of documents proving the citizen’s limited capabilities.

The size of the disability pension does not depend on regional programs; it is approved at the state level. In 2018, payments will be for:

  • disabled people of group 1 and disabled children of group 2 - 9919.73 rubles;
  • disabled people of group 2 - 4959.85 rubles;
  • disabled people of group 3 - 4215.90 rubles;
  • disabled children and disabled children of group 1 - 11,903.51 rubles.

The amount of payments increases if the disabled citizen has other dependent persons (no more than three).

Note that a person caring for a disabled person or a disabled child also has the right to receive a pension. The main conditions for its registration are that the person has been assigned disability group 1, i.e. it cannot take care of itself independently.

One-time cash payment to disabled people

A one-time cash payment (LCP) is also a government measure to support people with disabilities. Persons of any category can count on receiving it. Payments are assigned to everyone without exception, regardless of financial situation, equating to the level of the low-income segment of the population.

EDV is provided in kind and in cash. The choice of assistance depends solely on the disabled person. Based on personal preferences, he independently chooses the preferred type of assistance.

The list of EDV also includes:

  • full social package;
  • free travel to the place of sanatorium treatment;
  • free use of a landline phone;
  • Dental prosthetics once every five years.

You can refuse each type of assistance by choosing its cash equivalent.

In 2018, the EDV will be:

A citizen will be able to exercise the right to EDV only after completing documentation through the Pension Fund. For this purpose, it is necessary to provide:

  • passports or birth certificates (relevant for a disabled child);
  • a medical document confirming the fact of assignment of a disability group.

If an official representative of a disabled person is involved in the registration of EDV, it is also necessary to provide his personal documents and a notarized power of attorney (in the case of representing the interests of an adult citizen). Benefits will be accrued from the actual date of receipt of documents.

Additional assistance for people with disabilities

In addition to monetary payments, people with disabilities have the right to request the provision of adaptations necessary to make their lives easier. The request is submitted to the social service.

A person with disabilities can count on receiving free of charge:

  • strollers;
  • prostheses;
  • specialized shoes;
  • means for self-service;
  • guide dogs;
  • sports equipment;
  • educational aids.

Additional assistance is provided free of charge. It does not affect the size of the disability pension and the daily allowance.

A disabled person also has the right to receive free assistance from social workers.

Service specialists are required to help clean the apartment (house), prepare food, and go grocery shopping.

Regional benefits for disabled people in Moscow and the region

Citizens with disabilities living in Moscow and Moscow Region have the right to receive additional regional support. The list of benefits includes:

Social taxi

Persons with disabilities have the right to use social taxi services. The only drawback is that you will have to order a car at least 12 hours before departure. In emergency situations, this interval can be reduced to 4 hours, but you will have to wait a long time for the car. A disabled person has the right to take with him one accompanying person, as well as the devices necessary for movement (stroller).

Holiday once a year

Any disabled person, regardless of age and group, can take advantage of the right to receive a free trip to a sanatorium. Travel and accommodation are absolutely free. In addition, if it is impossible to travel independently, it is possible to pay for the travel of one accompanying person.

Free public transport

This right is exercised by obtaining a Muscovite social card. , as well as his accompanying person, can travel on any public transport absolutely free of charge. In some areas of Moscow, special bus routes equipped for wheelchairs were launched.

Benefits for utilities

People with disabilities are given a 50% discount on all utility bills (rent, gas, electricity, etc.).

Providing free medical care and medicines

Disabled people are served first and free of charge in any public clinic. They also have the right to receive a prescription to receive life-saving medications free of charge.

A person with disabilities cannot be legally denied the implementation of at least one item from the list presented above.

Charitable foundations for disabled people in Moscow

Today, a large number of charitable foundations specializing in providing assistance to people with disabilities are officially registered in Moscow. Their task is to provide financial and moral support for disabled people.

Any citizen with disabilities can contact such an organization, explaining the essence of their problem. Fund employees help disabled people with operations to restore health, rehabilitation, and purchase equipment and special equipment necessary for life.

Every citizen can contribute to the support of disabled people by transferring funds to the fund’s accounts, personally helping with moral or physical support.

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For some categories of citizens of the Russian Federation, privileges and benefits are provided. Disabled people of the first group are eligible for state assistance. At the legislative level, a number of measures have been established for their social support, allowing them to improve their quality of life. Disabled people need daily assistance; in addition, their health requires significant funds for medicines and medical procedures. In this regard, benefits for disabled people of group 1 were developed in 2018, helping to maintain a decent standard of living.

1st disability group

People in the first group include those who have suffered irreparable bodily injuries or have congenital physical limitations for full life. A person's limited legal capacity may arise as a result of a serious illness or injury. In addition, group 1 is given to people who are unable to independently navigate in space and require special care from other people.

From what is written above follows a precise definition of who belongs to the first group: people who are not capable of independent maintenance and self-care. Such persons cannot prepare their own food, perform hygiene procedures, or move freely in space (due to a disorder of the musculoskeletal system). To help them, they need a guardian, who is often a relative (for a child, a parent).

If a person has spatial disorientation, he is given the first disability group for only 2 years, after which a re-examination is carried out, on the basis of which it is extended or not. If a minor citizen has the listed violations, he is assigned the status of “disabled child of the first group.” In Russia, a corresponding indexation of monthly payments for vulnerable categories of citizens occurs annually: the increase in 2018 will be 4-5%.

Rights of disabled people of group 1 in Russia

The status of a disabled person of the first group is determined by Federal Law No. 181-FZ of November 24, 1995. According to this document, disability is assigned to a person with impaired functioning of organs and systems caused by diseases or injuries. As a result, life activity is limited, which necessitates rehabilitation and social protection measures.

The fundamental right of persons with disabilities is social protection. According to the current legislation of the state, this is an inalienable right of incapacitated, inactive people. Since group 1 disability is given to persons with severe health and bodily disorders, social protection measures in relation to such people are extremely necessary. These are guarantees from the state in ensuring legal ones. economic, social measures to support an incapacitated person in the process of his life.

Activities related to social protection are aimed at the maximum possible rehabilitation of a person and at compensating for limitations caused by health conditions. These measures should bring the capabilities of a person with a disability as close as possible to the capabilities of a healthy person. The rights of a disabled person of category 1 in other areas are:

  • right to medical care;
  • access to information (provided by publishing books for the blind/visually impaired, audio publications, providing access to hearing improvement technology, specialized services of sign language and sign language interpreters);
  • for the design of new buildings and structures that provide unimpeded access to persons with limited legal capacity (installation of ramps in buildings, special parking areas, etc.);
  • access to the city’s social infrastructure (any social, administrative, and commercial institutions must be equipped with ramps; incapacitated citizens themselves are provided with guide dogs, wheelchairs, and assistance from social workers);
  • for education (it is proposed to study at home, education is free);
  • to receive housing (except for the provision of living space, persons with limited legal capacity have the right to preferential utility rates);
  • for labor (provided by reduced working hours - 35 per week and 7 hours per day);
  • for state material support (implemented through disability pensions, social cash supplements, compensation for harm, insurance payments, benefits, etc.);
  • for social services (providing household and medical services at the place of residence, assistance in providing medications, prosthetics, purchasing food, providing legal and notarial assistance, etc.);
  • for stationary, semi-stationary services when a person is in a boarding house or boarding house, or a social service institution.

What is appropriate for disabled people of group 1?

On the territory of the Russian Federation, benefits are legally provided for people with disabilities of the first group. They affect the social, labor, medical, and educational spheres. Privileges are regulated by an impressive list of legislative acts, the violation of which entails criminal liability. In addition, there are additional programs established at the regional level. This often poses certain difficulties when considering benefits for persons with this category of disability.


For citizens who have not reached retirement age, a monthly social pension is established. In 2018, the payment amount is 2974 rubles. Such material assistance to disabled people of group 1 is paid to their current account from the country’s Pension Fund on a monthly basis. The pension amount is set at the federal level and is subject to annual increases taking into account inflation.

Citizens of retirement age are entitled to a different old-age pension. In 2018 it is 11,903 rubles, including social payments. This assistance is paid regardless of how old the patient is. After assigning the first group, the person is assigned a monthly subsidy. Even students have the right to count on a pension. In addition to this, the disabled receive compensation payments every month. In 2018, their amount was 3,137.6 rubles, and the money can be spent on any needs without restrictions.

Funds are allocated from the federal budget to the Pension Fund, which transfers them to the citizen’s individual account. Since not all disabled people are able to receive money on their own, this can be done for them by trustees or guardians appointed by the court when a person is declared incompetent. The role of guardians is played by family members, close or distant relatives, and strangers who provide care for the incapacitated person.

Set of social services

Since the rights of persons with category 1 disabilities are protected by law, they have the right to receive a monthly payment along with a set of free social services. A person has the right to refuse the latter in favor of cash, but often citizens receive NSO. The range of social services includes the provision of prescription medications free of charge in any state pharmacy or pharmacy that cooperates with medical institutions under a social contract. Financial compensation from the NSO deprives a person of this right.

The legislation of the Russian Federation ensures that category 1 incompetents receive a set of social services simultaneously with monthly payments, and not instead of them. In 2017-2018, the required set includes:

  • free travel on public transport;
  • provision of medications according to a doctor’s prescription;
  • free trip to a dispensary, sanatorium for treatment (provided annually).

Benefits for disabled people of group 1 in 2018

Persons who have caused harm to themselves due to the use of drugs or alcohol cannot apply for category 1 disability. Thus, if an examination has established that a person was intoxicated when he received an injury or a chronic disease that resulted in the restriction of the functioning of organs and systems, then he may be denied disability. All other citizens who have received or have the first group will receive the following benefits in 2018:

  • free medical care, necessary medications and rehabilitation equipment;
  • the right to join the gardening partnership without priority;
  • discount on electricity bills in the amount of 50%;
  • the right to receive a ticket to a sanatorium for treatment of the underlying illness (the duration of the trip is from 18 to 42 days, depending on the severity of the pathology);
  • free prosthetics, orthopedic shoes;
  • free travel on public transport (except taxis);
  • 100% compensation for the cost of round-trip tickets when traveling for spa and sanitary treatment;
  • access to city infrastructure (if necessary, a trained guide dog and a means of transportation for wheelchair users are provided);
  • free dental prosthetics with future maintenance and replacement of materials;
  • discounts on air tickets.


The rights of disabled people of group 1 to free education, including secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, are legally established. Other education benefits for this category of citizens:

  • upon successful passing of exams, a person with limited mobility can receive a higher or secondary specialized education without competition);
  • stipend increased by 50%;
  • provision of special literature and other additional means for training;
  • sign language interpreter services when studying at a secondary vocational or higher educational institution (free of charge).


Persons with disabilities have the right to legally demand improved living conditions. For example, wheelchair users should be provided with special ramps to the house, as well as widened doorways in the common area and directly in the apartment. To implement this, you must submit a written application to the Social Security Administration or the guardianship and trusteeship authorities. Trustees/guardians and members of his family can apply on behalf of the beneficiary.

If it is impossible to exercise this right, a change of place of residence to a more suitable one may be offered. In addition to improving living conditions, persons with limited legal capacity are allowed not to pay property taxes for individuals; this also applies to real estate, including land plots. The benefit applies exclusively to the incapacitated person, and members of his family are not exempt from payment.

The laws of the Russian Federation provide for the possibility of obtaining land for private household farming or individual construction of housing for category 1 disabled people without a waiting list. The land plot is allocated from among the municipal lands free of charge. Other housing benefits:

  • 50% discount on utility bills;
  • free improvement of living conditions (installation of ramps, holders, expansion of openings);
  • provision of separate housing due to pathology (for a general chronic disease);
  • exemption from real estate taxes (starting from 2018);
  • benefit when paying state duty during a transaction for the purchase and sale of real estate.


In addition to the free provision of medications, which is included in the set of social services, people with disabilities are provided with the following benefits:

  • free prosthetics using domestic materials in medical institutions and clinics of the country;
  • free travel to the place of treatment without payment, regardless of its distance from the citizen’s place of residence, but within the Russian Federation;
  • provision of the necessary auxiliary devices such as crutches, strollers and orthopedic shoes;
  • allocation of a guide dog if available and necessary;
  • free sanitary and preventive annual vacation (1 accompanying person is allowed, who also does not pay for accommodation).


In the coming 2018, some changes will be made to the amount of cash payments for different categories of disabled people. The state will increase financial assistance by approximately 4-5% or more, depending on the specific region. Discounts are provided for the purchase of essential food products. This category of citizens is offered the following benefits:

  • exemption from property tax;
  • if a person with a disability owns a land plot, the tax on it will be reduced by 10 thousand rubles;
  • when paying for notary services, the benefit amount will be 50%;
  • with a vehicle power of up to 150 HP, the tax rate will be halved from the base rate (tax is not paid if the vehicle was purchased and intended exclusively for an incapacitated citizen);
  • people with group 1 disabilities are exempt from the duty on property claims in the amount of 1 million rubles.

Benefits for persons caring for a disabled person

Able-bodied, unemployed persons have the right to provide care: both relatives and strangers (guardians). This type of assistance is received by:

  • an incapacitated person with a disability of group 1;
  • disabled child and disabled child.

In 2017-2018, any payments to persons who undertake to care for an incapacitated person are made simultaneously with the disability pension. The standard amount of care payments is 1,200 rubles. Guardians or parents of a disabled minor are entitled to 5,500 rubles. For citizens living in regions with difficult climates, regional coefficients are additionally established.

If a person cares for two or more people at the same time, payments are due for each of them. If the caregiver has additional income, the payment of compensation stops. When jointly owning property with a category 1 disabled person, the person is provided with the following benefits:

  • free trips to the sanatorium;
  • abolition of property tax, reduction of the land duty rate;
  • transport tax reduction by 50%;
  • benefits for utilities (50%).

Benefits for disabled people in Moscow

In 2018, the capital’s budget allocated a lot of funds to index payments for citizens with group 1 disabilities. The table contains more detailed information on benefits for Muscovites:

Benefit name


Payment amount

Compensation for a person caring for a disabled child.

Every month until the ward reaches 23 years of age.

12,000 rubles

Financial compensation for non-working parents who have a category 1 or 2 disability for a child up to adulthood.

Monthly until your 18th birthday.

12,000 rubles

Payment for the purchase of a set of clothes for a child during the training period.


10,000 rubles

Assistance to WWII veterans of 1941-1945 who became disabled to compensate for the purchase of essential food products.


  • passport and several copies;
  • a certificate with a medical report and data on the assignment of disability;
  • original and a couple of copies of the work book;
  • paper with an individual rehabilitation program (you can receive it when registering for a disability group).

The papers must be taken within 3 days to the Pension Fund office at your place of residence. It is better not to miss deadlines, otherwise delaying the process will lead to a repeated appointment for fresh certificates. Since not only pensions, but also social fixed payments are indexed annually, a person with work experience can receive a special increase.

To do this, you need to contact the office of the Pension Fund and Social Security to clarify current information on payments in a particular region. It is important to do this in order to achieve full financial assistance and benefits. The first non-working category of disability is assigned unconditionally for the following diseases:

  • dementia;
  • complete loss of vision (in both eyes);
  • mental retardation;
  • cancer tumors in the metastasis stage;
  • limb amputation;
  • paralysis of the musculoskeletal system;
  • renal pathologies resulting in severe chronic organ failure;
  • congenital absence of internal organs.


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Free in Russia

Social assistance to pensioners of all categories is a priority area of ​​state social policy. Of course, this assistance does not always reach those in need in full, but this area is developing and a lot has already been achieved. There is hope that the number of satisfied applications will steadily increase and Russia will take its rightful place in the world classification of socially protected countries.

Receiving any type of assistance, in accordance with Art. 7 of Law 178 - Federal Law, is provided in the form of cash payments or in-kind assistance. A pensioner may apply for subsidies, compensation, benefits, the provision of social services and the provision of medicines, clothing or food. To receive social assistance, you must have the status of a low-income citizen or a pensioner with a low-income family.

Low-income and disabled pensioners

The subsistence minimum is the main value that social protection authorities are guided by when assignment of the status of a low-income citizen depends on the region of residence. Based on a certificate of the amount of pension and other profit, if any, the social protection department makes a decision on assigning status. To receive social assistance at the federal level, you must register a one-time cash payment at the territorial branch of the Pension Fund. Help can be received in the form of various types of benefits, services, or it can be replaced with cash payments. After reviewing the list of benefits, the citizen decides for himself which option is preferable for him.

In addition to 7 tbsp. 178 of the Law, there is Federal Law No. 181 - Federal Law, which regulates the procedure for receiving social assistance for disabled pensioners. It says that if you refuse the cash equivalent of the cost of a set of benefits, you can get:

  1. Medicines and medical products.
  2. Sanatorium-resort treatment for the underlying disease.
  3. Unpaid trips on trains.
  4. Free travel on all types of transport in the Russian Federation when traveling to the place of treatment.

State support for pensioners at the federal and regional levels

Federal beneficiaries are WWII veterans, combatants, decorated residents of besieged Leningrad, widows and widowers of WWII veterans, disabled people and disabled children, liquidators of nuclear accidents and victims of radiation after these accidents, working pensioners. All other categories are regional pensioners. For example, targeted financial assistance. Any pensioner who finds himself in a difficult situation can receive it, but depending on where he lives, the amount of this assistance may differ. Medicines, food, clothing and shoes - everything is decided at the local level.

Targeted social assistance

According to Law No. 442 - Federal Law, a pensioner can count on receiving fuel, transport and technical equipment for rehabilitation. Much depends on the capabilities of the regions; when applying for targeted assistance, be sure to read the regulations governing the provision of such assistance in this subject. The following are entitled to receive targeted assistance:

  1. Single pensioners whose income is below two subsistence levels.
  2. Unemployed pensioners and disabled people whose total family income also does not exceed two subsistence minimums per person.
  3. Pensioners receiving pensions from departmental departments, provided they have certificates of the amount of pension and other payments.

Targeted assistance is carried out on an application basis and is registered in the territorial departments of social protection. The state provides the following support measures: exemption from property tax and an increase in pensions after age 80. For employees - compensation for the cost of purchasing housing, the right to leave at their own expense without giving reasons, and no two-week pay off upon dismissal. The state guarantees the following types of pensions to citizens who have gone to live abroad:

  1. Insurance pension.
  2. State pension.
  3. Additional payment for pilots, miners, nuclear scientists (for special merits).
  4. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

To register, you must personally contact the Pension Fund branch or through a legal representative (clause 3 of the RF PP No. 1386).

Social supplement to pension up to the subsistence level in the capital

Throughout Russia, additional payments are made to pensioners up to the subsistence level in the region. 2019 was no exception for residents of the capital. This additional payment will be made to all non-working pensioners. Moscow Law No. 37 sets the cost of living for 2019 at 11,816 rubles. Regional social supplement is made in accordance with Moscow legal acts.

Subsidies for housing and communal services

The most popular among pensioners is the benefit for housing and communal services. A significant item of monthly expenses, some of which may be returned to the payer in the form of a subsidy. To receive compensation for a share of the costs of utility bills, you must collect a package of documents and submit them to the social security department at your place of residence. The list of required documents can be found on the State Services Portal or directly from the social security inspector.

If the costs of housing and communal services exceed the maximum permissible level (from 10 to 22% in different regions) in the total family income, a citizen can apply for subsidies. Documents are verified within 10 days. It is important to know that the federal category of pensioners is entitled to subsidies without taking into account their total income. The amount can be up to 50% of payment for housing and communal services.

Reimbursement for telephone expenses

Reimbursement for telephone expenses applies to the working category of pensioners. Yes, Art. 164 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation stipulates that compensation must reimburse the employee for communication costs if they are related to the performance of work duties. Compensation is paid from the enterprise’s own profit or from a state subsidy (if a state task was carried out).

Free and discounted medications and medical care

Every pensioner has the right to free services in city and district clinics and hospitals. If additional examinations are required in special centers, the decision is made at the local level. Disabled pensioners have the right to receive preferential medications if they have not refused social services. These are 360 ​​drugs, 228 of them are considered vital (order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 328 and No. 665). There are many territorial programs where disabled veterans receive free sanatorium vouchers and visit rehabilitation centers.

Pensioners over 60 years of age must undergo medical examination (Order of the Ministry of Health No. 100 bn) once every 3 years. Disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War and survivors of the siege who received work-related injuries undergo examinations once a year. Anyone can get a flu vaccine for free.

Transport preferences

Transport preferences in municipal transport are regulated at the federal level and are provided to all pensioners. The differences are territorial: in Moscow it’s a transport card, in other regions it’s a discount on travel. Federal pensioners have the largest number of transport benefits:

  1. Free travel on public transport for WWII veterans.
  2. 50% discount on water and railway transport.
  3. For labor veterans - use of municipal transport and suburban transport without payment.

The benefits do not apply to commercial and air transport. Few airlines offer seasonal discounts to senior citizens. In many regions, a discount on commuter trains is provided for all categories of citizens of retirement age up to 50% of the ticket price.

One-time targeted government assistance and social contract

Targeted assistance is provided to individuals who, for a number of reasons, are unable to provide for themselves. For example, single pensioners whose health does not allow them to lead their usual lifestyle or whose property was damaged as a result of a natural disaster. This type of assistance is temporary and is aimed at helping a person quickly overcome negative factors. The amount of assistance depends on regional capabilities and the specific needs of the citizen. You can find out from the social security authorities whether a particular person falls into the category eligible to receive targeted assistance.

Another fairly new type of social assistance to citizens is a targeted contract. Such contracts are concluded between a low-income citizen and a social center. A targeted contract implies reasonable social assistance to a person in a difficult financial situation. For example, a low-income person can enter into a contract for financial assistance for the installation of water or gas meters. The social security authorities will assess the cost of the work being carried out and allocate the appropriate amount. You can conclude a contract for the development of a subsidiary farm, which will subsequently improve the situation of the applicant. The purpose of contract social assistance is to solve a specific problem and increase the level of social adaptation of low-income citizens.

Financial support for a former employee

Sometimes the enterprise where a citizen worked before reaching retirement age voluntarily assumes the costs of his social support, even if this is not specified in the Collective Agreement. Thus, a former employer can provide all possible financial assistance for the treatment of a citizen or pay for funeral costs in the event of the death of a former employee. Such payments are not required by law.

Who is entitled to and what is included in the comprehensive package of social assistance?

The social assistance package is available to single and family pensioners - disabled people and participants
military operations. It included:

  1. Expensive medicines.
  2. Treatment in a sanatorium (if there is a referral, once a year).
  3. Payment for travel to the sanatorium and back (all types of transport).

Special conditions for disabled people of group 1 - treatment in a sanatorium 2 times a year and preferential travel to the place of treatment for the applicant and accompanying person.

Registration deadlines and required documents

To receive this type of assistance, you must write an application to the pension fund at your place of residence, indicating the reason for this need. You will also need copies of a pension certificate, passport, income certificate for all family members (if living together), and a disability certificate indicating the group.

As in other cases, documents are submitted in person or through a legal representative and are reviewed within 10 days. If additional verification is needed, the law provides for a period of 30 days. In case of refusal, you can appeal the decision to the same body within 5 days.

Features of preferences for certain categories of pensioners in 2019

For single and low-income citizens, the full range of services can be found at local social security authorities. It is worth adding that with an increase in the cost of living, calculations for subsidizing housing and communal services will also change, and pension supplements will be increased in 2019 by 4% until 2020.

For military pensioners

Moscow military pensioners who participated in nuclear weapons testing will have their tax on one vehicle abolished from 2019. For other categories of former military personnel, preferential concessions are provided in the form of 50% of payment for housing and communal services and property tax benefits. Many military retirees can qualify for civilian pension payments and receive additional bonuses from the state for excellent service.

For disabled pensioners

Having familiarized yourself with some of the benefits for disabled pensioners, it is necessary to supplement the list with the following items for group 1:

  1. Free limb prosthetics.
  2. Installation of ramps in a house where a group 1 disabled person lives.
  3. First priority right to receive a municipal apartment.
  4. Allocation of land plots for construction.

For group 2:

  1. Exemption from income tax on cars and real estate (if the pensioner works).
  2. 50% discount on gas, water and electricity payments, solid waste removal.
  3. 50% discount on payment for firewood or coal (for stove heating).

For group 3:

  1. Paid vacation – 30 days + another 30 at your own expense.
  2. If a person does not work, there is a 50% discount on the purchase of medicines.
  3. Shortened work week with appropriate pay.

Labor veterans

The following benefits are provided for them:

According to statistics, today there are about 15 million disabled people registered in Russia; in fact, every 10th resident of the country receives a special benefit. Moreover, more than half of this number are citizens of working age. The number of disabled children also increases every year.

Persons who have lost their ability to work completely or partially are under the protection of the state, which provides them with financial support. The budget pays benefits, pensions and benefits, and also provides other types of assistance to people with disabilities.

Who can be classified as disabled?

A disabled person is a person who has mental, mental, sensory or physical disabilities that do not allow him to live fully in society.

People with disabilities have varying degrees of health impairment; therefore, a gradation by disability group has been introduced:

  • 1 group, which includes people with severe health impairments;
  • Group 2, which includes persons who have retained the ability to move independently and take care of themselves;
  • Group 3, which includes people who have health problems but are able to work for the good of the country;
  • disabled children – under 18 years of age;
  • disabled children - adults who became disabled as children.

Assistance to disabled people is provided to all of the above categories of citizens. At the same time, each group is provided with a specific list of benefits, which may differ in different regions of the country, depending on local regional programs for helping people with disabilities.

Types of disability payments

Depending on the conditions for determining disability, the following types of benefits are provided in the Russian Federation:

  1. Labor pension for disability. This benefit is assigned to persons who have worked at least one day and are recognized as disabled, as well as those who have received work-related injuries and “occupational” diseases.
  2. The state disability pension is awarded to WWII participants, cosmonauts, residents of besieged Leningrad, military personnel, as well as victims of man-made and radiation disasters.
  3. The social disability pension is assigned to disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3, disabled children, and disabled children.

The amount of these benefits is approved by the federal budget.

To receive disability benefits, you must undergo a medical and social commission at your place of residence to determine your disability group. Payments are made by authorities for the payment of pensions and benefits.

Social services

The Ministry of Health regularly updates the list of medications that should be provided free of charge to people with disabilities. Medicines are prescribed according to the underlying disease and approved by the attending physician. In addition, medical supplies should be provided free of charge, as well as special food for disabled children. Assistance to disabled people includes annual sanatorium-resort treatment, free travel on suburban transport, as well as paid travel to and from the place of rehabilitation. Assistance to disabled people of group 1 and disabled children also includes a paid ticket for an accompanying person.

Help for group 3 disabled people who are officially unemployed includes a 50% discount on medications prescribed by a doctor.

Recipients of assistance can independently decide which social services they need, or refuse them altogether, choosing monetary compensation, the amount of which is also fixed.

Help from social workers

Social workers provide assistance to disabled people of group 2, as well as people living alone. They carry out: purchase of food and medicine, escort to medical institutions, cleaning of apartments, provision of legal assistance, delivery of fuel and water to disabled people living in houses without public amenities. Also, people with disabilities and the poor can be provided with one-time financial assistance in case of unforeseen situations (fire, flood, death of a loved one), as well as if it is necessary to purchase expensive medications in other situations. You can find out about all types of assistance in SOBES. Financial assistance can be provided only once a year.

Specific assistance for disabled people is also provided. For example, repair of wheelchairs and other rehabilitation equipment, sign language interpreter services, maintenance and treatment of guide dogs.

People with mobility impairments have the right to use a social taxi, the cost of which is significantly lower than that of city services.

Disabled people are provided with all necessary technical equipment free of charge:

  • wheelchairs;
  • canes, crutches, and other types of supports;
  • orthopedic shoes;
  • prostheses;
  • special mattresses and pillows that prevent the formation of bedsores;
  • specialized devices to facilitate dressing, feeding, bathing, as well as specially designed clothing;
  • devices for the visually impaired: talking watches, audio books;
  • guide dogs with all the necessary equipment, as well as payments for their maintenance and treatment.
  • medical equipment for its intended purpose;
  • Hearing Aids;
  • corsets;
  • diapers;
  • as well as many other things designed to make life easier for people with disabilities.

Housing benefits

A 50% discount on housing and communal services is provided, regardless of disability group. Families with a disabled child are given benefits when applying for improved housing conditions. It is also taken into account that a disabled person needs a larger living space than with normal calculation standards.

Disabled persons are provided with priority plots of land for construction or agricultural activities.

Benefits for education

Disabled children have the right to receive secondary education. The child can attend educational institutions where inclusive education has been introduced, or the child can study at home, and teachers will come from the micro-site school, or from the one to which the child is assigned. If parents themselves educate their children, they are paid compensation.

Help for people with disabilities also includes benefits for education. Thus, disabled people of groups 1 and 2 can enter educational institutions. When they achieve passing scores in the exams, they are admitted to the faculty without competition. When taking exams, they may have extended preparation time.

In addition to the main scholarship paid by the educational institution, disabled people are entitled to a social scholarship subject to successful studies.

Benefits for working disabled people

The state protects the interests of working disabled people. Thus, persons with groups 1 and 2 have the right to a 35-hour work week with full pay. They are granted extended leave, as well as the ability to take leave without pay for up to 60 days for a valid reason.

Tax benefits

Disabled persons are exempt from paying property taxes registered in their name.

Discounts on transport tax up to 50%.

Relaxations are also provided for the payment of land tax.

The state provides various types of assistance to people with disabilities to support people who find themselves in difficult life situations.

In addition to state assistance, which applies to all registered persons with disabilities, various public organizations and charitable foundations can provide assistance to disabled people.

Providing financial assistance to people with disabilities in the Russian Federation has a rather long history and today is very developed. What support measures are these unfortunate people entitled to receive?

Who is recognized as disabled

First, let's figure out who exactly should be considered disabled. These are all those people who have irreparable violations of certain body functions, limitations in life activity due to illness or injury. All disabled people require social protection.

First group

The first group of disabilities consists of people whose forms of illness are very severe and lead to difficulties in daily activities to the maximum extent.

For example, this includes those who are unable to self-care due to ill health (in need of continuous assistance) and who are unable to move independently.

This disability group is assigned for a period of 24 months, after which a re-examination is arranged.

What can disabled people claim?

At the moment, financial assistance to disabled people of group 1 is as follows:

  • compensation for travel to and from the resort (this fully applies to the person accompanying the sick person, but only one);
  • travel on all types of public transport within the locality, except for commercial taxis, is free;
  • once a month you can call a social taxi once;
  • sanatoriums and resorts that help fight a specific disease or mitigate its manifestations are visited by disabled people of group 1 free of charge, including when accompanied by one person (although this is not necessary);
  • Dental prosthetics are also provided free of charge;
  • orthopedic shoes and other prostheses, they are provided at the expense of budgetary funds, provided that this or that rehabilitation product is included in the therapy program.

The current procedure for helping people with disabilities involves cash payments from the state treasury. They can be expressed in a lump sum accrual of funds, pensions and compensations. Such rights also extend to those pensioners who continue to perform work duties.

Non-material benefits

In addition to financial support and assistance in treatment, there are some other social security measures that disabled people of the first group may qualify for.

If they do not have specific contraindications, then admission to educational institutions is possible on a non-competitive basis. This does not exempt you from taking the entrance tests prescribed by regulatory documents or the requirements of a particular educational institution, but upon successful completion, your place is guaranteed.

This scheme is equally valid for secondary and higher vocational education, which is provided by state and municipal organizations.

In addition, disabled students have the right to an increased scholarship (half the additional payment to its regular amount). The educational institution and educational authorities must provide special conditions (technical teaching aids, special literature, and, if necessary, home schooling) that guarantee people with limited health the full development of knowledge and skills to the same extent as others.

Benefits related to the use of housing

  • Monthly financial assistance to disabled people is also expressed in the provision of subsidies for the payment of utility bills and payments. Half of such expenses should be covered from local budget funds.
  • If we are talking about children with disabilities, then benefits cover not only themselves, but also family members living together.
  • The allocation of land property for development or for the purpose of creating a vegetable garden for disabled people occurs outside the general queue.
  • When providing housing under the housing improvement program, the standard is twice as high as for a healthy person.
  • Directly at their place of residence, people with limited ability to work have the inalienable rights to install means that facilitate the use of housing. This includes ramps.
  • When selling or buying a home, a disabled person is fully or partially exempt from state duties, as well as property taxes.

What you need to get help

Providing benefits always implies establishing and securing the status of a disabled person in the prescribed manner. People are required to undergo a full examination at a medical institution, obtain a medical and social examination report, and draw up documents on the status of a disabled person and a specific group. Only after this can you contact the social protection authorities at your place of residence.

The application to the pension fund must occur within three working days following the day the decision was made by the expert commission.

What about in individual regions?

So, we have characterized the situation in Russia as a whole. However, in individual subjects of the federation, specific measures of state support are used.

Thus, in Moscow, financial assistance from social protection for disabled people is somewhat greater than the national one. And most importantly, it is carried out according to a special scheme: all funds are transferred to social cards, which at the same time serve as the “key” to receiving benefits in kind.

St. Petersburg can boast of a developed organization of preferential (10% of real prices) transport provision for the disabled. They are delivered under such conditions, of course, not just anywhere. We are talking about authorities and medical institutions first and foremost. Disabled people of retirement age in Novosibirsk, Ufa and Nizhny Novgorod receive their money from the state, taking into account regional coefficients.

Other rights and benefits of people with disabilities

  • Every person recognized as disabled in accordance with the established procedure has the right guaranteed by law to have free access to information. The actual fulfillment of this requirement is achieved through the creation of audio books, sign language translation, and the use of Braille. Specialized publications are supplied to city libraries.
  • To facilitate the use of the urban environment for people with disabilities, government buildings, residential buildings, shops, train stations, other institutions and city transport are equipped with means that facilitate access for people with limited physical capabilities. In some cases, it is practiced to create special parking spaces for vehicles belonging to or transporting people with disabilities.
  • To maximize social adaptation and provide access to work, people with disabilities are provided with increased guarantees for employment. In particular, organizations of all forms of ownership and any profile of activity are obliged to create special jobs for them, which are not provided to people who do not have health restrictions.

Of course, this takes into account the need to absolutely exclude those effects on the body that can further aggravate existing diseases and reduce the likelihood of recovery from them. A disabled person of the first group must work a maximum of 35 hours a week.