Pea porridge diet reviews and results. Is it possible to eat canned peas when losing weight, healthy dietary dishes

Porridge is a very simple dish that is very beneficial for the human body as a whole. In the distant past, our ancestors even used porridge in religious ceremonies, they made sacrifices with them pagan gods cattle breeding and agriculture. Never in the history of mankind was the usefulness of porridges questioned; at all times they were present as a delicacy on festive tables nobility and were a tasty and nutritious dish for the common people. Each nation expresses its predilection for certain things. For example, the British love oatmeal, the people of the East eat it every day. rice porridge, and Moldovan national dish Mamaliga, that is, corn porridge, is considered.

And here pea porridge is a native Slavic dish. It is very nutritious and tasty. In folk tales it is said that pea porridge cured the sick, raised the frail on their feet, and the heroes drew strength from it. Nowadays, pea porridge is very popular among athletes; it easily allows you to build muscles and compensate for energy costs after physical activity.

What is the calorie content of pea porridge, and is this the only benefit? Peas, as a member of the legume family, consist of vegetable proteins and contains a lot beneficial amino acids and microelements.

There are many ways to prepare pea porridge; it can be prepared both as a side dish and as an independent dish. It goes very well with smoked ribs, and is often used as a filling in pies. Pea porridge is very useful for children; you can start feeding it to children as early as one and a half years old.

The calorie content of pea porridge is 180 kcal per 100 grams ready-made dish, and excluding oil. This is one of the high-calorie cereals. on water, for example, is 150 kcal for the same weight of the finished dish. Other porridges are even less caloric, with a caloric content of only 130 kcal. Very useful, especially for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, its calorie content is at the level of rice. Naturally, with the addition of various components, the calorie content of any porridge increases several times.

In general, in comparison with other food products, as it turns out, the calorie content of pea porridge cooked with water and without oil is quite low, given that the diet of an adult contains approximately 2000 kcal per day. Therefore, it can well be used as a dietary dish rich in various beneficial substances. The main thing when using it in diets is to remember not to increase the calorie content of pea porridge, you should forget that you should not spoil the porridge with oil and add a small amount of it when cooking. The value of using cereals in diets for weight loss also lies in the fact that they tend to be absorbed very slowly human body, thereby prolonging the feeling of fullness.

It is impossible to say which of Some nutritionists, given the low calorie content of buckwheat porridge in water, the presence in it useful substances and excellent taste, they call it one of the healthiest. And, above all, because it helps strengthen the human immune system and promotes the process of hematopoiesis. Others note the beneficial properties of corn porridge. Its calorie content is one of the lowest, and regular consumption of it helps to strengthen digestive system human and cleanses the body of toxins and harmful substances.

All porridges, without exception, are very healthy dishes, which have anti-stress properties due to the presence of vitamin E in them. Eat them for your health, but remember that you should always know moderation in everything!

Many people are skeptical about nutritionists' proposals to use peas for weight loss. And everyone knows the side effects after it active use. But this can be avoided, but weight loss will be effective and noticeable. Therefore, do not bypass this representative of the legume family if you are aiming to combat extra pounds.

Benefits for weight loss

Why should you use peas for weight loss? This is the most famous representative the legume family, which contains great amount vitamins, microelements, flavonoids, vegetable protein and fiber. This entire composition, entering the stomach, causes a real revolution, which ultimately ends in a noticeable weight loss.

At regular use When eating pea dishes, the following positive changes occur in the body:

  • excess fluid is actively removed from the tissues;
  • lipolysis is normalized, i.e. fats are no longer stored in reserve, and those that are already available begin to be actively broken down;
  • metabolism accelerates;
  • slags, heavy metals, toxins are removed;
  • liver function improves;
  • you feel a long-lasting satiety, which suppresses hunger even if you observe it yourself.

So there is no doubt that peas are really good for weight loss. Depending on the chosen nutrition system and diet option, a week of fasting for this product you can lose from 3 to 10 kg. True, for this you will have to learn many tricks in handling legumes.


When consumed large quantity peas, it has a very active effect not only on the gastrointestinal tract (everyone can feel this), but also on other body systems too. And if initially everything is not all right with them (i.e. there are some chronic diseases), doctors and nutritionists recommend refraining from this method of losing weight.

Contraindications include:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • nephritis;
  • gout;
  • diabetes;
  • cholecystitis.

If you ignore these contraindications, the harm from pea weight loss can be very noticeable and lead to a hospital bed. Therefore, take care of your health - and do not get carried away with legumes if you have these diseases and conditions.

Which is better?

Peas are presented in different forms, so it is quite difficult to choose which one will be most effective in the fight against extra pounds. In this regard, it is advisable, even before losing weight, to determine for yourself which product will become the main one in your nutrition system. When choosing Special attention Pay attention to calories and nutrient content.

  • Green

It is quite logical to include in the diet when losing weight green peas(97 kcal), which is a representative of the brain and sugar varieties. It is not intended for cooking, so do not use it to prepare thermally processed dishes - porridge, soup, etc. As part of the diet, it should be consumed raw, frozen or canned. Daily norm- no more than a glass.

Its advantages - low calorie content and maximum content of vitamins in the composition (in fresh). Its disadvantage is that already on the second day of such a hunger strike, diarrhea may begin.

  • Yellow

We are all familiar with yellow peas (298 kcal), which we buy in the store to make our favorite soup. We soak it for a long time, and then boil it for just as long. For weight loss, we are only interested in it as part of dishes. And don’t be afraid of such a terrible caloric value: in dry form you won’t need to eat it, but in boiled form this figure is reduced by almost 5 times.

  • Canned

Many people love canned peas (38 kcal) and actively include them in their diets. Indeed, in terms of caloric content this is the most best option of all available. Plus, all the beneficial properties are preserved in the product. Still, don’t get carried away with it when losing weight. The reason is in the name itself: no one will protect your body from preservatives.

There are also lamb peas - chickpeas, which can also be used for weight loss. On the one hand, it is higher in calories than regular varieties: 309 kcal dry and 117 kcal boiled. On the other hand, such an unpleasant side effect as increased gas formation, does not appear as brightly as after the usual peas.

  • Boiled

The main product of all diets is boiled peas (60 kcal). It is low in calories, does not have such an aggressive effect on the stomach as fresh, and you can prepare a huge number of different and delicious dishes, which will brighten up any hunger strike. But many refuse it as a means of losing weight, believing that heat treatment kills the bulk of the beneficial substances in it. And here they are completely wrong. Peas are the one unique product, which retains its entire composition in any form - even boiled. Therefore, feel free to eat and lose weight without harm to your health.

Weight loss plans

There are two weight loss schemes - this (they can be done 2-3 times a month) and complete diets of different durations.

Fasting day

  • Strict scheme

Boil a glass of peas without salt and eat it throughout the day in fractional portions (count on 5-6 meals). You can drink 2 cups green tea. Plain water- in unlimited quantities. Losses - up to one and a half kilograms.

  • Gentle scheme

You don’t have to eat this unfortunate glass of peas dry. Allowed for breakfast - 150 grams of pea porridge, for lunch - 200 ml of pea soup, for dinner - 150 grams diet salad. In between meals, if you feel hungry, you can eat fresh fruits(give preference to fat-burning citrus fruits). The result is minus 1 kg.


  • Strict express fasting for 3 and 5 days

The menu includes only dietary pea dishes in limited quantities: puree, porridge, soup, salad, etc. Calculate the calorie content of the diet: it should not exceed 1,200 kcal. IN small quantities Fresh vegetables and fruits are allowed, as well as low-fat kefir or cottage cheese. As for drinks - only without additives. Each day of such a fast, if properly observed, will help you lose 1 kg.

  • Gentle long-term diets

How much time can you devote to your weight loss? There are pea diets for 7, 10, 14, 21 days and even a month. Start small. If you like it, you can stand it - you can always extend it. But remember that hunger strikes for 21 and 30 days can lead to vitamin deficiency, so it is very important to correctly create a menu so that it is balanced. Typically the following products are allowed here: chicken breast, steam fish, vegetable stew, brown rice, oatmeal on water. But the emphasis will still have to be on pea dishes.

And remember: without limiting the size of portions and caloric intake of your diet, you will not achieve the coveted numbers. If such diets are followed correctly, the results are usually minus 2-3 kg per week.

Want to get the most out of peas for weight loss? Take advantage of small but important life hacks.

  1. To lose weight on peas, you must at least tolerate them well. If you don’t really like him and you shouldn’t try, failure is guaranteed.
  2. The last time you can eat pea dishes is in the evening no later than 18.00 (schedule dinner at this time), otherwise you are guaranteed insomnia due to stomach churning and flatulence.
  3. If you are very hungry before going to bed, it is better to drink a glass of low-fat kefir or eat a small green apple at night.
  4. Eat fresh peas by the handful between meals. Leave it dry for preparing main dishes.
  5. To make it boil faster, do not forget to rinse it in water first. cold water and soak for 5-6 hours.
  6. Drink as much plain water as possible.
  7. Exercising will increase the effectiveness of any fast.

And, finally, tips on how to get rid of flatulence - the main side effect of pea weight loss.

  1. Soak the product before cooking for at least 2 days, constantly changing the water and rinsing it.
  2. Soak it in Borjomi or soda solution.
  3. A minute before the end of cooking, pour a spice called asafoetida into it at the tip of a knife. The taste of garlic and onions and the characteristic smell are unlikely to spoil the impression of the soup or puree.
  4. Asafoetida can be replaced with cardamom.
  5. After eating, chew thoroughly and eat the following mixture: cumin, cardamom and fennel (a pinch of each).
  6. Accept digestive enzymes in tablets.
  7. Do not salt pea dishes or add anything sour to them.

Try it different variants solutions to the problem - and one of them will definitely be useful.


All that remains is to learn how to cook peas dietary dishes to include them in the menu, and you can start fasting. They are all salted only at the end, so that the main product does not become stale. The pan is not covered with a lid. The foam is removed from the surface. When the liquid evaporates, it must be constantly refilled.


The ideal breakfast for weight loss is pea porridge.

Rinse a glass of dry peas, add a liter of water, and leave overnight. In the morning, drain the water and add clean water. Boil, remove the lid, cook for half an hour, stirring constantly and skimming off the foam. At the end of cooking, add a little salt and add 10 ml.


A dietary side dish for dinner is pea puree.

A glass of dry peas is soaked for 12 hours, after which the liquid is drained and 3 glasses of new water are added. Cooking duration is 2-3 hours, with constant removal of foam. Halfway through cooking, add 50 ml of olive oil. Salt the puree 10 minutes before the end of cooking. It must be left to insulate for half an hour after turning off the stove. Crush the cooled peas, rub through a sieve or beat in a blender.

Be sure to prepare a nutritious and tasty lunch pea soup.


  • 5 liters of water;
  • 200 g celery root;
  • a glass of peas;
  • 1 onion;
  • 10 ml olive oil.


  1. Grind celery root and 2 carrots. Add water and cook over low heat for half an hour. Remove the vegetables - the broth for pea soup is ready.
  2. Boil the peas soaked in the evening in the resulting vegetable broth until soft.
  3. Chop the remaining 2 carrots and onion. Place them on a baking sheet, sprinkle with oil, and place in the oven for 10 minutes at 180°C.
  4. Place the baked vegetables in the soup 10 minutes before the end of cooking.
  5. Minimize salt and spices.

In a slow cooker

As a nice bonus, here is a recipe for a slow cooker.


  • a glass of dry peas;
  • 2 glasses of water.


  1. Place the peas in the multicooker bowl.
  2. Pour water, salt, mix well.
  3. Close the lid.
  4. Set the stewing mode to 1 hour (if the peas were soaked in the evening) or 2 hours (if they were not soaked).
  5. Cool.
  6. Beat in a blender.

Now you know how to use peas for weight loss without suffering from side effects after its active and prolonged use. The benefits of diets based on it, when followed correctly, are felt by the body quite quickly. It is expressed not only in the loss of extra pounds, but also in a significant improvement in well-being. This is one of those fasts that does not harm your health, which is very important for everyone losing weight.

Preserve this unpretentious legume began in Holland in the 18th-19th centuries. conservation spread to the rest of the world. In Russia, canned green peas were produced by the Porechensky plant, but were used mainly for export.

Canned food consists of 65-70% grains, 30-35% brine filling and is made from peas at the milk stage of maturity - the most tender and containing the maximum amount vegetable sugars and vitamins.

What is in canned green peas?

Conservation is a method of harvesting using gentle processing with preservation maximum quantity useful properties for as long as possible. And the process is completely justified. One has only to look at the vitamin and mineral composition of canned green peas:

  • Vitamins B, E, vitamin A, C, H, PP, carotene, which improve intracellular metabolism, reduce the risk of developing hypertension, strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  • 26 macro- and microelements: Ca, K, P, S, Mg, Fe, Cl, selenium, etc., with anti-carcinogenic properties, strengthening bone structure, affecting the process of osmoregulation.
  • In addition, peas contain starch, alimentary fiber and fats.

The low calorie content of canned green peas per 100 grams (55 kcal) gives the right to be called a “diet food”

What canned peas help with?

Canned peas are widely used in cooking: they are good in soups, salads, vegetable stews, and also as an independent dish for meat products. Few people know, but pea brine also “removes” a hangover no worse than cucumber brine!

In addition, it is useful for:

  1. obesity;
  2. heart diseases;
  3. atherosclerosis;
  4. peptic ulcers and gastritis;
  5. endocrinological problems.

What are the benefits of canned green peas for your diet?

In the era of beauty and slimness, women go on diets to achieve their dream figure, preferably without ruining their health. Canned green pea- the best help in this difficult matter. And that's why:

  • practically complete absence fat (0.1 g) compensated big amount easily digestible plant proteins (3.6 g) and carbohydrates (9.8 g), giving a long-lasting feeling of fullness and preventing overeating;
  • side effects of the diet - sleep disturbance and Bad mood- reduced due to thiamine contained in peas;
  • the high fiber content normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, ensures bowel regularity and reduces the level of sludge in the body;
  • the diuretic effect of peas does not allow water to linger in the body, leading to swelling;
  • this vegetable “unloads” the liver and kidneys, reducing cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • good taste qualities allow you to use peas to prepare dozens of dishes, so your diet with them can be varied and does not cause boring.

For myself, I discovered a salad that was interesting for its dietary combinations: take 2 pieces each of celery root, carrots and sour apples, peel and grate. Chop half a cup of ham. Make sauce from vegetable oil, fresh herbs and seasonings. Mix all ingredients with 1 cup of canned peas.

For whom canned peas are contraindicated?

Despite all the benefits of canned peas for the body, their use can be harmful if urolithiasis, colic and increased gas formation.

Basic rules of the pea diet

The pea diet consists of eating peas in any form along with other foods other than meat. Peas are good for weight loss because they contain lysine. This is a unique amino acid that helps speed up metabolism. Peas contain B vitamins, zinc, magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, manganese. Thanks to its universal composition, peas contribute to:

  • improving metabolism in the body;
  • cleansing the intestines, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the whole body;
  • has a beneficial effect on the digestion process;
  • removal of waste and toxins;
  • normalization of blood pressure.

The pea diet will work if you stick to the basics. proper nutrition:

  • do not mix protein and carbohydrate foods at one time;
  • focus on food plant origin;
  • give up fast food, fried, fatty, salty, smoked foods, as well as sausages, processed foods, store-bought sauces, mayonnaise and alcohol;
  • stick to the menu and diet;
  • observe drinking regime– drink 1.5 to 2 liters per day clean water without gas;
  • perform physical activity.

It should be noted that meat in the diet is completely replaced by peas. In addition to this type of legumes, the following products are allowed:

  • fermented milk;
  • porridge;
  • soups;
  • vegetables and fruits.

The pea diet has several variations and can last 3 days or a week. Fasting days are also popular.

Fasting days on peas

Those losing weight claim that in one “pea” day you can lose from 1 to 1.5 kg. The main thing on such days is not losing weight, but unloading the body from heavy food and cleansing the intestines.

Fasting day on boiled peas

You can unload peas no more than once a month. The menu for this day is as follows:

  • 8:00 – 150 g of salad from any vegetables without oil, a cup of unsweetened green or black tea;
  • 10:00 – 150 g of boiled peas, a cup of green tea without sugar;
  • 14:00 – 150 g of vegetable salad with boiled peas;
  • 16:00 – a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • 18:00 – 150 g of boiled peas, a cup of unsweetened tea or a glass of fruit drink.

Fasting day on peas and buckwheat

This day also needs to be repeated once a month. It is advisable not to mix several types of fasting days in one month. With the help of a pea-buckwheat day, a person losing weight loses from 1.5 to 2 kg.

Diet fasting day:

  • 8:00 – buckwheat in water, cooked without oil (100 g);
  • 10:00 – boiled peas (100 g);
  • 14:00 – buckwheat-pea porridge (200 g);
  • 16:00 – one large tomato or baked zucchini, or any other vegetable;
  • 18:00 – buckwheat porridge without oil, boiled in water (100 g), a glass of low-fat kefir.

Three-day pea diet

You don't have to diet for a long time. Three-day pea diet allows you to lose up to 3 kilograms.

Pea porridge diet

A mono diet of peas allows you to lose 3 kilograms in 3 days. During the diet, you can only eat pea porridge, prepared from a glass of dry peas, and drink 1.5 - 2 liters of clean water without gas per day. Tea and coffee are allowed.

Pea porridge is prepared according to this recipe:

  • a glass of dry peas (chopped) is filled with four glasses of water;
  • porridge is cooked over low heat until cooked;
  • at the end of cooking, add a teaspoon of vegetable oil and a pinch of dried garlic, herbs to taste;
  • If desired, the porridge can be pureed using a blender.

Porridge is eaten throughout the day in small portions - 150 g each.

Seven-day pea diet

The weekly dietary menu is varied and it is not difficult to maintain such a diet.

Weekly diet on green peas

For the summer menu, a pea diet based on green peas is offered. In 7 days you can lose up to 5 kilograms of weight. Diet menu:

  • 8:00 – 50 g of muesli and one apple (fresh or baked) or a glass of milk with a bran bun and one apple. A cup of any tea or coffee without sugar;
  • 13:00 – 200 g of pea soup; an omelette consisting of two eggs and green peas; 200 g of mashed corn and pea soup - you need to choose one of the dishes;
  • 16:00 – 150 g of any fruit or a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • 18:00 – any dish recommended for lunch, or 50 g hard cheese and toast. Weekly pea diet

Thanks to this diet, you can lose up to 10 kg in a week. You can lose weight by eating boiled or canned peas. Weekly diet :

  • 8:00 – oatmeal, boiled in water (200 g), one apple;
  • 13:00 – pea soup (200 g); pea porridge (150 g); vegetable stew (200 g) – one dish of your choice;
  • 18:00 – canned peas(200 g), boiled chicken breast or steamed fish (150 g).

The overview will introduce you to the areas of application and chemical composition pea porridge. Find out whether pea porridge is healthy and why, how to choose and store it correctly, and much more.

Pea porridge without calorie additives is a high-quality dietary dish.

She is known from since Hippocrates, popular in the East and the Mediterranean, especially loved in Russia.

The benefits of pea porridge

There is a small pea all you need for human health. Plant proteins, natural carbohydrates and sugars, vitamins and amino acids, minerals and antioxidants.

Pea porridge is very nutritious and healthy for a hard-working and physically active person.

She will regain her strength after extreme loads, will increase muscle mass. No wonder athletes love her so much.

Vegetable protein in peas – almost third. He provides conscientious deliveries building material body, for which we are especially respected by vegetarians.

Energy value ready-made porridge is relatively small, 90 kilocalories on 100 grams. Read more about different types and cooking methods, read in a separate issue.

With the help of pea porridge you can significantly improve your health.

It is worth periodically including pea porridge in your diet in order to saturate the body with macroelements (magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine and sodium), as well as microelements (iron, calcium, iodine, manganese, selenium, fluorine, vanadium, boron, zirconium, tin , titanium, silicon).

Pea porridge for weight loss

To weight naturally remained normal, necessary correct exchange substances. Pea porridge is both natural and rich useful elements, therefore it is quite suitable for harmonizing metabolism.

Fasting days with pea porridge is also a good idea.

Eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner small portion pea porridge, complement every meal fresh vegetables And .

There is also a special one.

This diet is simple and well tolerated. The body receives everything it needs, you do not lose muscle mass, and you almost never feel hungry. One of your meals should include a pea dish. Soup, porridge, salad, side dish. Plant-based pea proteins in this diet completely replace meat, and in between it is advisable to eat fresh fruits and. Breakfast can include muesli, yogurt or low-fat milk, and dinner can be fresh vegetable salad. While following a diet, do not forget to drink more. Herbal or fruit drinks and, of course, clean water are useful.

If you are a supporter of protein diets, then you can eat carbohydrates before lunch and eat a pea dish in the afternoon.

How to cook porridge

Sort through the peas, remove low-quality peas, rinse with running water until 7 times. Fill with water ( 1 part peas for 4 parts water) and leave overnight. The peas will cook faster and will preserve more vitamins, will acquire the consistency of puree. In the morning, drain the water, add fresh water so that it covers the peas completely, after which the peas can be cooked, stirring and removing the foam, adding water as needed. This will take about half an hour.

It is better to cook pea porridge the old fashioned way, over an open fire. Well washed and soaked peas after cooking have pleasant nutty taste. At the end of cooking, you need to add a little salt to the peas. You can add black pepper to taste or Bay leaf. You can fill it with whatever you like. Pea porridge with or butter is good. Useful with live, unrefined and those with fewer calories.

Fresh chopped herbs and sweet peppers will be wonderful healthy additions to pea porridge.

Can also be considered a healthy dish Greek peas. Before cooking, add onion and oregano. Pour in olive oil and bring to a boil. Cook for 40 minutes over low heat, sprinkle individual portions with lemon.

Contraindications for use

Peas contain quite a lot purines which promote accumulation in the blood uric acid and deposition of urates in joints.

If your body is prone to stone formation and gout, be careful.

If you suffer from stomach problems and duodenum, especially chronic ones, with peas and pea porridge will have to wait until cured.

Elderly people should be especially careful.

Children should be introduced to pea porridge after 3 years.

Selection and storage

High-quality peas for homogeneous pea porridge yellow color , its grains are the same, large enough and not spoiled by pests. Split peas cooks faster. But greatest content has useful substances whole unshelled peas.

The so-called black-eyed peas, known in African countries as "meat for the poor." It has the maximum protein content.

Peas are modest and unpretentious. He waits in the wings for a long time next to other cereals. But it is not recommended to store pea cereal for too long. Maximum period – one and half year. Keep it away from spices and strong smelling substances. Keep the peas in a metal or glass jar in your cereal cabinet. There is no need to cover it with a lid, it is better to pull it on top natural breathable fabric.

Pea porridge is definitely healthy healthy person with good digestion.

If you are determined to become one, add porridge to your diet little by little, not forgetting to combine it with herbs and fresh vegetables.

For rich pea porridge, the principle “It is better to undereat than to overeat” is especially important.

Remember that the composition of pea porridge is unique, and it is practically irreplaceable in our diet.