How to prepare semolina porridge for a child, what to use. Semolina porridge for babies: should we remember our Soviet childhood? Useful properties of semolina

Semolina causes the most disputes between the child's parents and grandmothers. In the 20th century, it was one of the most popular dishes in the diet of children. Still would! The cheapest cereal perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger. However, by the third millennium, pediatricians began to categorically declare that semolina porridge is not such a desirable product at all, and only now it has been rehabilitated, but not completely, but partially.

Is semolina healthy?

The main part of semolina is starch, its content reaches 70%. However, you should not think that this cereal is an absolutely stupid product; it contains vitamins B1 and B2, PP. It also contains iron - many parents are not even aware of this, because they are accustomed to thinking that semolina porridge mainly consists of starch. Other properties:

  • due to its low fiber content, semolina porridge has a very gentle effect on the stomach and intestines - for this reason, it is almost always included in the diet of operated patients and people with pathologies of the digestive system;
  • since it takes no more than 3–5 minutes to prepare semolina, almost everything is preserved in it useful material;
  • perfectly saturates, moreover, helps to quickly restore strength and gives the body a lot of energy, much more than when consuming other products;
  • accelerates the rehabilitation process: when regular use if the patient returns sooner to his usual lifestyle;
  • This required element diets of people with kidney dysfunction;
  • has minimal impact on the digestive system;
  • stimulates excretion from the body minerals, and in our case this is a minus, since we're talking about about semolina in the diet of children, but for older people this is a plus, since the likelihood of excessive mineralization is reduced blood cells and fabrics.

Due to its nutritional value, semolina porridge helps to quickly restore performance; moreover, it stimulates intellectual activity. Little is said about this now, but this product boosts immunity and also helps get rid of toxins.

Is semolina harmful?

The most serious disadvantages of semolina include the presence of phytin. This substance has a special effect on the intestines, which is why it sharply reduces to a minimum the absorption of vitamin D (important for the prevention of rickets) and calcium (serves to strengthen bones). It has been proven that it is too frequent use negatively affects children's health. So, if the baby is early age fed mainly with semolina, he with high probability will fall ill with rickets, will often suffer from colds and infectious diseases- This is due to decreased immunity.

Another disadvantage of semolina is its significant gluten content, and some children cannot tolerate it. This special protein, alternatively called gluten. According to statistics, every 800th person in Europe suffers from celiac disease - gluten intolerance; this disease is inherited.

Varieties of semolina

Remember the last time you looked for information about the type of semolina on a package of semolina? You probably didn’t even know about the existence of several types of semolina:

  • M (soft). It is produced from soft varieties of wheat. Most often in our stores they sell exactly this kind of cereal. The porridge from it turns out to be homogeneous, moderately viscous, but in terms of usefulness it is inferior to other varieties, which is due to the high glycemic index.
  • MT (is a combination of hard (up to 20%) and soft semolina). Due to this, the value of the product is slightly higher, and the calorie content is lower. The taste of the porridge made from it is just as pleasant, tender and with a uniform structure.
  • T (hard). This cereal is characterized by small glycemic index, is obtained from durum wheat, so it costs significantly more. The grains do not boil, which is why the digestion of the porridge occurs more slowly, which means the feeling of fullness remains longer. It is superior in usefulness to other types of semolina.

Now you will always know what semolina to look for in the store. And even if it costs more, you will be confident that you have purchased a truly useful product for your child.

At what age can children semolina?

Previously, semolina porridge was offered to children from 3-4 months, today the situation has changed, and pediatricians advise not to include it in the baby’s diet until he reaches 12 months. In their opinion, before this age the child does not have enough enzymes to absorb this product. Doctors believe that children under 3 years of age should consume semolina in limited quantities.

Allergies to semolina porridge occur much more often than to buckwheat, rice or any other. This is one of the reasons why it is introduced into children’s menus later than other cereals. You should accustom your child to semolina gradually: first, you can offer him 1/2 a dessert spoon, and, if the body’s reaction is normal, gradually increase the portion to 120–150 ml. Never offer semolina porridge more than 1-2 times a week, at least until the child turns 3 years old.

Classic recipe for making semolina porridge

Cooking delicious semolina is a real art. It should be homogeneous, tender, without lumps and moderately liquid. We are offering to you classic recipe, all kids like porridge prepared using it:

  • Boil 1 glass of water.
  • Slowly add the cereal, stirring the water constantly to prevent the formation of lumps.
  • Cook the semolina for 7–9 minutes; if you leave it too long, it will thicken—children don’t like it.
  • Add 100 ml of milk and add a little sugar, add salt and bring to a boil, then remove from heat.
  • Season warm semolina with butter, 5–7 g will be enough.
  • Beat with a mixer.

The finished porridge can be seasoned with jam or syrup; some children like semolina with raisins or fruit.

Semolina pudding

Products: 0.5 liters of milk, 100 g of semolina, 4 eggs (if you come across large ones, you can take 3), 3–4 table. spoons granulated sugar, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 10 g vanilla sugar.


  • Pour the milk into a saucepan, bring to a boil, add salt, add regular and vanilla sugar, wait until it is completely dissolved.
  • Pour semolina into boiling milk in a thin stream, stirring constantly to prevent the formation of lumps.
  • Cook semolina for 2-3 minutes, then remove from heat and cool.
  • Separate the whites, then beat them into a stable foam, the peaks should be sharp and stay on the whisk.
  • Add the yolks to the cooled semolina porridge, then beat it with a mixer.
  • Gradually add protein foam to the dish, slowly and very carefully stirring the pudding from bottom to top.
  • Generously grease the baking dish with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs, then add the mixture.
  • Bake at 200 °C for 30–40 minutes; When the pudding is browned, check readiness with a toothpick.

The dish is served cold and can be decorated with fruit.

First feeding - important stage life of a baby. His health and development depend on what food he eats. Every young mother needs to know that until one year of age, the baby’s intestines are not fully formed. The enzyme level is not only not stable, but also not complete. Thus, the baby is not able to digest and assimilate certain foods. Semolina porridge is not recommended as a first complementary food due to the elements it contains, but after a year it must be on the child’s menu.

If we talk about the sequence of introducing foods as complementary foods, you need to adhere to a certain scheme:

  1. Start easy. - a hypoallergenic vegetable, easy to digest and cook. Next, we complicate it by adding other vegetables to it.
  2. Fruit purees will be the second adult dish for the baby. First, then, expand your diet with peaches, carrots and other fruits (consult your pediatrician).
  3. Let's complicate it. We introduce porridge into the diet. Buckwheat and rice are the first porridges for babies.
  4. Milk products - .
  5. The last step will be mixing. vegetable purees with meat, and fruit with porridge.

Semolina is prohibited for overweight children due to its caloric content.

Based on this sequence and the characteristics of the baby, he becomes familiar with adult food. Deviations are always acceptable, because a child may have allergies, intolerances, illnesses, lack suitable products at my mother's (out of season).

Let's return to semolina. An exception to early entry may be the baby's underweight. Since semolina is quickly digestible and very nutritious, it is recommended for children who have weight problems or those who can no longer get enough of milk. It is very problematic to convince a child to live and swallow relatively solid food, immediately after mother's milk. In such cases, cook liquid semolina and drink from the bottle. But this is not the most best method solving the problem.

Exception: Semolina can be given from 8 months. In this case, it should appear on the baby’s menu once every week and a half.

How to cook semolina porridge for babies

The recipe for making semolina for infants differs from the recipe for children under 2 years of age. The adult recipe consists entirely of milk, while infant It is necessary to prepare, observing the proportion of water and milk 1:1. To cook the right semolina porridge, you should use store-bought milk, since it contains the percentage of fat content. It is important to monitor the fat content in your baby’s diet. Semolina is special in that it settles to the bottom and sticks to the walls, because in order to cook the porridge without lumps, it needs to be stirred constantly.

One recipe

For one serving you will need:

  • semolina- 2 tsp;
  • water - 0.5 cups;
  • milk - 0.5 cups;
  • sugar - 1 tsp.

The sifted semolina is slowly poured into salted, boiling water, stirring constantly. Cook over low heat for 10-13 minutes, without stopping stirring. Finally, add sugar and milk, bring to a boil and let cool.

Recipe two

For one serving you will need (for children who eat from a spoon):

  • semolina - 1 tbsp;
  • water - 0.5 cups;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • sugar - 1 tsp.

Slowly pour the semolina into boiling, salted water and cook, stirring, for 10-15 minutes. Add milk and sugar, boil and cool. You can add a piece of butter.

You can cook semolina using milk mixture. It makes no sense for artificial people to buy milk and dilute it with water. The mixture fits all criteria perfectly. But the children sitting on breastfeeding It is not advisable to give formula milk. They may like it much more than mother's milk, and they will completely abandon the breast.

Before the revolution, semolina porridge was considered a delicacy and was equated with such delights as artichokes and truffles, but today every housewife has this cereal in the kitchen. And while ordinary people are content with breakfast prepared from it, scientists are studying the benefits and harms of semolina porridge. For whom can semolina become the No. 1 product? And who should refrain from using it?

Healthy porridge: who should eat semolina

The prepared product belongs to dietary nutrition and is indicated for use by people suffering from diseases gastrointestinal tract during the period of exacerbation. The benefit of semolina porridge is that when it enters the stomach, it literally envelops its walls. Such “soft” properties are especially important for ulcers and other inflammatory processes. The low fiber content in porridge contributes to its fast digestion and assimilation. It is absorbed exclusively into lower section intestines, which makes it acceptable in the diet of older people.

The usefulness of semolina porridge is invaluable for people who have undergone surgery. During the rehabilitation period, it is important to get enough food without overloading the stomach. Eaters of semolina porridge will succeed in this. Cooking the cereal for a minute allows it to retain all the beneficial substances that are usually destroyed during heat treatment in other products. Chemical composition You can call him a rich man, because he has a lot of valuable things for the body:

  • iron, responsible for the formation of red blood cells;
  • starch and vegetable proteins;
  • vitamins E, PP, group B.

INTERESTING: Often talked about high calorie content decoys. In fact, the figure is 97 kcal per 100 g of product. Eating porridge can even lead to weight loss. But only if you use it in in moderation, without salt, sugar and fat. It is all kinds of additives, in the form vegetable oil, honey, nuts, fruits and berries, increase the calorie content of porridge several times.

Should I cook for children?

The menu for children is always prepared especially carefully, so every young mother, when introducing complementary foods to her child, evaluates the benefits and harms of semolina porridge. On the one hand, grandmothers who raised their children on semolina are attacked, on the other hand, scientists’ research haunts them. They claim that cereal contains phytin, which, in turn, contains phosphorus. It binds calcium salts together, preventing them from fulfilling an important mission in the body: making bones strong and healthy.

Another source of concern where the harm of semolina porridge is hidden is gluten, which is contained in large quantities in the cereal. Many people suffer from intolerance to this protein, which causes the development of severe celiac disease, which is inherited. One person in a thousand suffers from it in Europe. But it is worth noting that serious deviations will occur in the child’s body only if he is literally fed porridge. Cereals cooked in milk 1-2 times a week will not cause harm.

In addition, gluten is also a cause allergic reactions in the body and stool disorders. The baby's intestines are very difficult to digest. complex carbohydrates, which are contained in large quantities in semolina. In addition, he is easily vulnerable and susceptible to work disorders - from diarrhea to constipation. Due to the fact that there is obvious harm to semolina porridge for children under one year old, you should refrain from preparing it.

Semolina for schoolchildren

Is there any benefit to semolina porridge for younger children? school age? One thing can be said for sure: it is acceptable to cook porridge 2-3 times a week. Often a child refuses breakfast, not even wanting to listen to the benefits of semolina porridge. To please your little sweet tooth, you should prepare a milk version. Various tasty additives will also help to appease your child:

  • honey or sugar;
  • berries and fruits;
  • dried apricots, raisins;
  • crushed walnuts or hazelnuts.

INTERESTING: To make a dish tasty for children, you need to choose the right semolina. It turns out there is different types cereals Each of them has its own designation on the packaging. The letter “M” indicates that soft wheat was ground to make the product, and the letter “T” indicates that hard wheat was ground. A combination of “MT” on the package and a mixture of two types inside it is possible.

Viscous semolina porridge will please children if it is cooked from ground soft varieties and always with the addition of milk. “Hard” semolina will reveal the taste properties of soups, dishes made from fish and minced meat.

When answering the question whether semolina porridge is healthy, one cannot answer unequivocally in the affirmative. Despite a number of advantages for the diet of an adult patient, it will not provide anything good child up to three years. One cannot discount its beneficial properties, nor the fact that it contains substances hazardous to health. Taking into account all the pros and cons, everyone decides for himself whether semolina will be prepared in his kitchen today.

  • increased sweating;
  • weakened immunity, frequent colds;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nervous state, depression;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation;
  • I want sweet and sour;
  • bad breath;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • problems with losing weight;
  • decreased appetite;
  • night grinding of teeth, drooling;
  • pain in the abdomen, joints, muscles;
  • cough does not go away;
  • acne on the skin.

If you have any of the symptoms or are in doubt about the causes of your ailments, you need to cleanse your body as quickly as possible. How to do it .

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Children's history of the dish

Semolina porridge is well known to everyone from an early age. This is especially true for those people who have now become grandparents. Several decades ago, many young mothers chose this universal dish when feeding their babies, especially up to one year old. The main reason This was due to the impossibility of purchasing special infant formula due to a shortage of products in stores. Therefore, how to cook semolina porridge with milk for babies can be learned most accurately and in detail from the older generation. This dish, varying in thickness and richness, was then the main dish for children. In a more liquid form, it was included in the diet of every baby up to a year, and then the porridge was cooked thick. But delicious semolina porridge never aroused much admiration among children. Was it worth it to stuff the younger generation with this dish?

Harm and benefits of semolina porridge

Now many nutritionists agree that it is advisable to include semolina porridge in the diet of children over the age of one and a half years. It's all about the specific properties of the process of digesting this dish and absorbing food. The substances phytin and gliadin that it contains can disrupt the digestion process of very young children. But despite this, there is also great benefit from eating cereals, including semolina. The main thing is their nutritional value, which allows you to saturate the body. necessary substances while eating. By the way, thanks to this feature, semolina is recommended even for adults with poor health and after operations. Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to cook semolina porridge with milk. varying degrees density. By changing the amount of cereal, you can cook various dishes- from milk formulas to thick puff puddings. Below is how to cook liquid semolina porridge for feeding babies.

50% semolina porridge

In semolina porridge for children 5-6 months old, it is recommended to use low-fat milk, or you need to dilute it with half and half water when cooking. Therefore, pour half a glass of water into a saucepan, add a little salt and bring to a boil. Then, stirring continuously, add semolina (two level teaspoons). After boiling, cook for 10 minutes. Finally, pour in half a glass of milk and add one teaspoon of sugar, whisk. Bring to a boil and cover with a lid.

100% semolina porridge

Learn how to cook semolina porridge with milk for children over a year old, not difficult at all. Just double the amount of cereal to obtain the required thickness. Another additional ingredient is also added to the prepared dish. So, adhere to the following proportions: milk - 1 glass, water - half a glass, sugar - 1 teaspoon, semolina - 1.5 tablespoons, butter- 1 teaspoon. The cooking time and technology are the same as in the previous recipe.

Sweet dessert

An original way to cook semolina porridge with milk will help you make this dish more attractive to kids. To do this, make it thick enough. Then divide the porridge into two parts. Add cocoa to one, stirring. After almost complete cooling, place the two mixtures, alternating, into a transparent glass and decorate with jam on top. The delicious semolina dessert is ready!

6 month old children. Mothers followed these recommendations. As a result, several generations of children grew up frequently eating this product. However, in last decades the views of pediatricians and gastroenterologists have changed dramatically, and semolina porridge is no longer considered a food suitable for feeding young children.

Essentially, semolina is ground wheat.

Semolina consists of small particles of the endosperm of wheat grains, in other words, semolina is ground wheat. The size of the grains varies between 0.2-0.6 mm. Semolina is obtained from soft, hard and mixed varieties of wheat. Only soft grains are suitable for porridge. “Hard” cereals are added to soups, cutlets, casseroles, etc.

Composition of cereals

Semolina contains more than two dozen useful components necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

For 100 g of semolina there is:

  • 67.4 g of carbohydrates (the main part of them is starch);
  • 14 g water;
  • 10.3 g protein;
  • just one gram of fat.

Semolina also contains ash substances, vitamins (PP, E, B2, B6, B1, folic acid), trace elements (potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, fluorine, chromium, molybdenum, vanadium, silicon, etc.).

However, when compared with other cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice), it turns out that in terms of the content of microelements and vitamins, semolina “loses” to them by 3-5 times.

Beneficial features

Semolina porridge is easily absorbed by the child's body and has a high energy value. Thanks to fast way preparation, all the beneficial substances contained in it are preserved unchanged.

Semolina porridge is considered a dietary dish:

  • in children and adults;
  • at ;
  • for gastrointestinal diseases;
  • V recovery period after surgery.

However, the diet healthy children Pediatricians and gastroenterologists recommend introducing semolina only after one year. Children 1-3 years old are allowed to include this porridge in the menu once every 10 days (no more often!). Schoolchildren can eat this dish 2-3 times a week.

Benefits of semolina:

  1. Strengthening of cardio-vascular system due to the presence of magnesium and potassium.
  2. and folic acid normalize the functioning of the nervous system.
  3. Silicon and calcium strengthen the condition of the skeletal system.
  4. The carbohydrates in semolina porridge are quickly absorbed, satiating children's body energy.
  5. Semolina porridge has a beneficial effect on the condition of the stomach, enveloping its walls and relieving spasms, etc.

Harm of semolina porridge for a child

School-age children are allowed to eat semolina porridge 2-3 times a week, preschoolers - less often (1-2 times every 7-10 days).

According to recent studies, semolina porridge can be harmful to a child for several reasons:

  1. High phytin content. This substance “binds” calcium, preventing it from entering the blood. An insufficient amount of calcium salts is compensated by the body from bone and muscular systems. In other words, if you regularly feed your child semolina porridge, the risk of developing calcium deficiency increases. This could have a negative impact on everyone's work. internal organs. In some cases, there is a disruption in the functioning of the heart muscle, a deterioration in blood clotting, and the appearance of signs of rickets and convulsions. Frequent consumption of semolina porridge also has a negative effect on the functioning of the immune system.
  2. Semolina contains a large number of gluten - vegetable protein. Increasingly, gluten intolerance is being reported in children (). This disease is usually inherited and is characterized by thinning of the intestinal mucosa, impaired absorption nutrients. Pathological symptoms It is not gluten itself that causes the disease, but one of its fractions, gliadin. Regular entry of this substance into the gastrointestinal tract leads to the death of intestinal villi. As a result, the child develops digestive problems and develops gastrointestinal diseases (, etc.). Even children who do not have celiac disease can develop a gluten allergy.


Rules for preparing semolina porridge:

  • Boil 200 ml of water.
  • Pour 2 tablespoons of cereal in a thin stream into boiling water, stirring constantly.

The optimal ratio of semolina and water is 1:10.

  • Cook the porridge for 7-10 minutes.

Important! Semolina porridge cannot be digested, since all the beneficial substances are absent in the digested product.

  • Add 100 ml of hot milk, salt, sugar, dried fruits, butter to taste.

You don’t have to add dried fruits, but mix the finished porridge with mashed banana, grated banana or pear.

Summary for parents

Semolina porridge should not be given to babies under one year of age. Children from 1 to 3 years old can consume this dish to a limited extent. Semolina will not cause any harm to schoolchildren. But for a number of diseases, this porridge is indispensable as a dietary dish.

Pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky speaks about the benefits and harms of semolina porridge for children: