Why do you dream of sharpening a knife, what plan is hidden in the dream? Sharpening a knife: dream book, interpretation Why dream of someone sharpening a knife

Idiomatic dream book

Sharpen what you dream about

Sharpen - Teeth, knives on someone.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Sharpen - The art of your hands will give you income.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Sharpening - the art of your hands gives you income.

What does Tochili's dream mean?

Sharpen - If you have used a whetstone, then you will soon take on a troublesome, but very profitable business.

If in a dream someone gave you a whetstone, then you need to show all the strength of your character if you want to succeed.

sharpen - Why dream that you sharpened an object by processing it on a grindstone - then your relationship with someone will worsen.

If in a dream an object becomes dull or smoother after sharpening, then your relationships and affairs will soon improve.

Dream Interpretation of Sergei Karatov

The meaning of the dream about Sharpening

Sharpen - If you dream of a Sharpener or that you are cleaning any surface with a Sharpener, this foretells that you will soon need to fulfill the desire of your loved one, which will seem wild and absurd to you.

See also: why do you dream about paper, why do you dream about a knife, why do you dream about boards.

Modern dream book / Elena Avadyaeva

What does the dream about Tochili mean?

Sharpen - Why dream that you are sharpening knives or scissors on a Sharpener - then you have a lot of things to do, and you won’t be able to handle them alone.

Why dream that you are grinding some surface with a sharpener? This means that you will encounter unforeseen circumstances that will interfere with the implementation of your plans.

Sharpener - Why dream that you are polishing something with a Sharpener - then you will set yourself a clear goal and achieve it, no matter what the cost.

Drying dishes with a fine-grained sharpener in a dream means you will follow the lead of others.

Big family dream book / Olga Smurova

What does the dream about Tochili mean?

Sharpen - If you dreamed that you were sharpening a knife on a sharpening machine or on a whetstone, then great danger awaits you.

If in a dream you used a whetstone, then you will soon take on a troublesome, but very profitable business.

If in a dream someone gave you a whetstone, then you need to show all the strength of your character if you want to succeed.

Why dream of sharpening - If you dreamed that you sharpened an object by processing it on a whetstone, then your relationship with someone will worsen.

If in a dream an object becomes dull or smoother after sharpening, then your relationships and affairs will soon improve.

See also: why do you dream of scissors, why do you dream of a sharp knife, why do you dream of emery.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Sharpening a knife - You will accumulate irritation and resentment.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Sharpening a knife - You should be careful.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Sharpening a knife - To enmity.

Why do women and men dream about Sharpening?

Experts have found that the plot of women's dreams is emotional and consists of small details. And the dreams of men are distinguished by specificity and active dynamics of events. This is due to gender differences in brain function. The symbolism of sleep is the same for a woman and a man, therefore Sharpening in a dream has the same meaning for both sexes.

The dream you had on the 28th touches on your past; it is a processing and re-evaluation of what has already happened to you. This dream does not retell or affect your future in any way. On this day, nightmares and dreams are of particular importance - which cause a negative aftertaste in the morning. Only those stories that were dreamed at dawn should be interpreted - all other dreams are empty.

Read more in the dream book:

  • what a dream
  • what was the dream about
  • why do you dream about the image

In the kingdom of Morpheus, a person is immersed in an amazing, fairy-tale world. Sometimes you dream of fantastic pictures that you can’t even imagine in reality. But often a person sees ordinary things that he has done more than once in reality. Next, let’s look at why you dream of sharpening a knife or other sharp object.

Most dream books consider a knife in a dream to be a negative sign, but there are also positive interpretations. If you sharpen this item, in reality you should beware of conflict situations; quarrels, showdowns, and enmity are possible. But as a result of these conflicts, there is an opportunity to come to a compromise with an old enemy and even make peace with him.

According to this dream book a knife portends quarrels and losses. Sharpening knives on a block - in reality, beware of dangerous situations. I dreamed of a beautiful, sharp, shiny cutter - worries and fears await you in the future.

This source gives a more positive interpretation of the dream, but this only applies to kitchen tools. If you are sharpening a large chef's knife, this means that you will achieve a lot in your life, and it will depend only on your skills and abilities.

Sharpening this object in a dream symbolizes liberation from accumulated negative emotions, getting rid of resentment and irritability. In reality, some situation, quarrel or conflict may occur, as a result of which you express what has accumulated to your offender.

According to this dream book, if you dreamed of a similar plot, it means a bad plan is brewing in your thoughts, and in reality you are starting something bad, which may even be illegal. The dream book also promises enmity with someone in reality.

Sharpening a knife in a dream means in reality doing something you don’t like, something you don’t like to do. The second interpretation is to prepare a dirty trick against someone.

Sharpen the cutter with an emery wheel - means a lot of different things that you don’t have time to do alone, To correct the situation in reality, you need to find helpers. If you sharpen a knife with sandpaper, this may indicate that someone or something will interfere with your plans. If you polish something with sandpaper, then in reality you will definitely achieve the goal that you have set for yourself.

To see that you are sharpening a knife in a dream - in reality you need to refrain from rash actions Before making a decision, you need to think through and weigh everything, otherwise wrong decisions can lead to serious problems.

In addition to a knife in a dream, it happens that you also sharpen other objects. Let's take a closer look at what this can lead to in reality. A sharpening machine and a whetstone in a dream means that you should beware of danger. However, if during the sharpening process the object became smoother, smoother, or, on the contrary, became dull, your relationship will improve with the one with whom you have long wanted it.

Why sharpen other objects in a dream:

  • Sharpen the ax– in life you will be able to repel an enemy or competitor at work, it is very good if you have sharpened the blade very sharp.
  • Sharpen a shovel in a dream - in reality, great luck awaits you, circumstances will turn in such a way that as a result of some business, happiness and profit await you.
  • Sharpen a hoe– expect difficult work that will very exhaust you and leave you without strength.
  • Sharpen the sword– to get rid of accumulated negative emotions.
  • Sharpen scissors: for a man - in reality you have to unravel some complex but interesting case; Women have such a dream about housework, which may be very unpleasant for you.
  • Sharpening a skate blade: if you sharpen your own skates, in the near future you will have to make a difficult and responsible decision on your own; sharpen your child's skates - remember your responsibilities, including those that concern children.
  • Sharpen pencils- such a dream foreshadows success in the chosen field; such a dream is especially favorable for people who are engaged in creativity.
  • Despite all the negative interpretations of sleep, do not despair. Take for yourself only the most useful and relevant information in your situation and draw conclusions what needs to be done to avoid bad consequences.

    Night visions reflect the events of the past, and also lift the veil of the future. If you had to sharpen a knife in a dream, dream books will help you decipher what this means. Most likely, the vision acts as a warning or hint.

    Miller's Dream Book

    If you had to sharpen a knife, Miller interprets it as follows:

    • This is an unfavorable symbol. It symbolizes the need to prepare for difficult times and a fierce fight against ill-wishers.
    • If you sharpened an old rusty knife, it means that you are not satisfied with the current state of affairs. Soon you will decide to quit your job or break up your relationship.
    • If you cut yourself while sharpening a knife, then you should mobilize all your strength. They will be useful to you to withstand future troubles.
    • If, while sharpening a knife, you break it, it means that your plans will be upset.
    • If you sharpen a knife in order to attack someone, it means that in real life you are fighting an unfair fight.
    • The dream may mean that you have accumulated a lot of grievances and problems. Maybe you shouldn't keep everything to yourself. Share your problems with someone you trust.

    Modern dream book

    In the modern dream book, sharpening a knife means the following:

    • In life you will have to face some unpleasant activity. Perhaps, in order to achieve career or personal goals, you will do something that you do not want at all.
    • Sharpening a rusty knife can foretell that old secrets will be revealed. This may cause a break in the relationship.
    • If you see someone else sharpening a knife, then you are in danger. Someone is plotting against you. Try to remember the details of the dream. Perhaps the one you saw is your enemy.
    • If you give someone a knife you sharpened with your own hands, it means that you spend all your strength and abilities on helping others. Perhaps it's time to do something for yourself.
    • If you sharpen a kitchen knife, it means that quarrels and troubles are coming in the family. But no serious consequences will follow.
    • The bigger and more beautiful the knife you sharpen, the more success you can achieve with your intelligence and skills.

    Loff's Dream Book

    If in night vision you had to sharpen a knife, Loff’s dream book will interpret it as follows:

    • This is a symbol of preparation for hostility. Perhaps this will be due to competition at work or on the personal front.
    • If someone gives you a sharpened knife, it means that there is a person in your environment who sincerely wants to help you. But don't count on it happening on an ongoing basis.
    • If you get hurt while sharpening a knife, this may portend betrayal by a friend or close relative.
    • If while sharpening a knife you admire the sparkling blade, this means that evil thoughts have settled in your head. Because of this, people close to you may turn away from you.

    Ancient dream book

    According to the ancient dream book, sharpening a knife means the following:

    • Preparation for active action in matters of competition and rivalry. This may concern your career or personal relationships.
    • If you sharpen and hide a knife, it means that you are afraid to take initiative in working and communicating with people. This may be due to past negative experiences.
    • If in a dream someone else is sharpening a knife, and you are looking at it, this means that you may soon quarrel with this person. Most likely, you will be the instigator of the scandal.
    • If someone in your dream sharpened a knife and then handed it to you, this means that in reality this person will show favor to you. But very soon you will understand that the patron is acting in selfish interests.
    • If you drop your knife while sharpening, this indicates that you are overtired. You may need to take a break from work, hobbies, and relationships to recharge.
    • Why dream of sharpening a knife can be interpreted as a symbol of your fears and distrust of others. The reason for this may be a negative experience from your past.

    Autumn dream book

    According to sharpening a knife in a dream, it means the following:

    • This could mean anger and resentment that is building up inside you. Learn to release negative emotions so as not to “explode” at the most inopportune moment.
    • If you grind down the blade completely while sharpening, it means you are overworking yourself. By trying to do everything at once, you deplete your physical and mental resources.
    • If someone else sharpens a knife, this means that in the near future someone will make a claim or express dissatisfaction with you. Get ready for a tedious showdown.
    • If you are sharpening a beautiful antique knife, it means that long-standing secrets will soon be revealed, which will open up new opportunities for you.
    • A dream in which you sharpen a knife may mean that you strive to keep everything under your control. Thus, you suppress and even terrorize your loved ones.
    • If, despite all your efforts, the knife remains dull, this indicates that you have prejudices and complexes that interfere with your personal growth.

    A knife in a dream is a symbol of a weapon for condemning a person and his actions. With the help of such a weapon, you can inflict a moral wound on a person, or you can completely destroy him morally.

    Sharpening a knife in a dream means soon preparing to condemn someone for his actions.
    A man standing with a knife opposite you in a dream means someone is preparing to condemn, weave intrigues and hinder you in the near future.

    If in a dream they cut you with a knife, causing wounds, someone will very strongly condemn your views, actions and deeds. The stronger the wounds in a dream, the more negative thoughts and words will be directed towards you in reality. The more people cut you in a dream, the more people will condemn you in reality.

    Accordingly, if you cut a person in a dream, then you will condemn his life; if you cut a group of people, it means you will condemn some group or community of people.
    The stronger the wounds from cuts with edged weapons, the greater the moral damage will be for the one who was cut in a dream.


    Seeing a knife in a dream is a bad omen, as it foretells separation, quarrels, and losses in business.

    Seeing rusty knives means dissatisfaction in family matters or a break with your lover.

    Sharp and polished knives mean future troubles.

    Broken knives mean the collapse of all hopes. Seeing that you are wounded with a knife foreshadows domestic troubles or the machinations of your opponents. For unmarried people, this dream portends dishonor.

    To dream that you yourself rushed at someone with a knife means that you will show baseness of character;

    You need to make a lot of effort to develop a high sense of justice.

    A dagger seen in a dream indicates enemies threatening you. If you snatch a dagger from someone's hands, this means that you will be able to counteract the influence of your opponents and overcome misfortune.

    Seeing a bayonet in a dream means that your ill-wishers will try to subjugate you to their power. But if the bayonet belongs to you, the situation will be favorable for you.


    In a dream, this symbol means events, enemies, betrayal.

    In a dream, you were preparing dinner for your family and cut your hand with a knife - in reality, your loved ones will try to curb your character, but all this will develop into family squabbles and quarrels.

    A dream in which a knife falls out of your hands means that an unfamiliar man is rushing into your house.

    Seeing in a dream how someone stabs you in the back with a knife is a warning that in real life ill-wishers will try to deal you a treacherous blow from around the corner. Be careful!

    If in a dream some mysterious stranger with a knife in his hand tries to attack you, this dream promises you changes in your personal life.

    In a dream, you hit someone with a knife, and it was stained with the blood of the victim - in reality you will be haunted by misfortunes caused by the unclean thoughts and self-interest of your ancestors. You can avoid disasters and misfortunes only if you devote your life to serving people.

    If in a dream you received a set of knives as a gift, this means that in reality you will be cruelly deceived.


    Knife - quarrel, separation.
    A rusty knife means parting with dishonor.
    Very sharp, shiny - strong feelings.


    Seeing a knife or dagger is a warning from the enemy; you will be involved in an argument.
    Seeing a lot of knives is a lie.
    A shoemaker's knife, cutting with it - sadness, funeral service.
    Dagger - you will find out secrets; enmity, struggle, overcoming obstacles.
    A folding knife is a danger of illness, loss.
    Playing with a knife, a dagger - inflating anger in yourself, cherishing plans for revenge, overestimating your capabilities.
    For a woman to see a dagger and admire it - secret anger towards her friends; hide masculine qualities within yourself.
    For a woman to collect them is to indulge in voluptuousness, more in dreams than in reality.
    For a man to collect them is to make secret enemies.
    To find a knife is to acquire a bad friend.
    To sharpen - peace with the enemy.
    Cutting something senseless and strange is separation.
    Cutting in general is impermanent.
    To leave him is to start an argument.
    To give is a kind of warning.
    Sticking a knife in the throat means failure.

    Discussion: 4 comments

      I can’t get the dream out of my head—I remembered one more detail. In today’s dream, after I cut the throat of an unknown man, I began to rinse the scissors of blood in a bowl of clean water - to remove “traces” of the crime, but, strangely, the water in the bowl remained clean, despite the fact that She washed the scissors with it. And then in a dream I felt relief, a feeling that it was all over.
      It was I who completed the continuation of the dream that I described above.
      Thank you for your help in understanding and interpreting!


      1. You need to get rid of a problem or error, but you can’t. Trying to justify your actions. Attempts are unsuccessful. The latter actions are more correct, but still far from ideal. The strategy is wrong. I recommend stopping, catching your breath and “not twitching” for a while, collecting your thoughts, thinking about everything, going into a calm mode if possible, and distracting yourself. And “killing the problem completely” is effective.


      Good afternoon Everything is written very correctly, and the recommendations are all absolutely correct. I myself understand that the issue needs to be resolved once and for all, but the situation is such that I absolutely do not understand how exactly to do this. In fact, I’ve already “stopped and don’t twitch”, but time passes, six months have already passed, and nothing has changed…. Your parting words that “The last actions are more correct” encouraged me very much, but it’s just that it’s not easy for me to understand what exactly these actions are, most likely, these are my intentions - now I need to carefully understand them.
      Thank you sincerely! And prosperity to your project!


      1. Thank you. I can only timidly express my opinion that it is necessary to tear up as soon as possible and without pickling something that has been causing problems for such a long time, and finally and irrevocably. But only you can figure it out most correctly, which I sincerely wish for you.))


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      Knife in dream symbolizes separation, quarrels, losses. Rusty knives promise disappointment in family matters, and for unmarried people - termination of relations with a partner. See in dream spicy knives- to worries, broken ones - to unfulfilled hopes. Why dream knife- according to the family dream book. Knife in dream portends an acquaintance with a strong man. If you sharpen knife in a dream - it means that in reality you want to commit an unseemly act; see how they threaten you knife- to conflict.