Can a one-year-old child eat bell pepper? When can a child eat bell peppers?

Sweet peppers today are widely used by housewives in cooking. everyday dishes. And this is not surprising, because this vegetable crop has a unique taste, has pleasant aroma, beneficial properties and goes well with most food products we know.

The fruits of red pepper, also known as bell pepper, are quite large. They have a thick shell and a core studded with small seeds.

Bell peppers have excellent taste qualities

The vegetable belongs to the Solanaceae family, and its geographical origin is the American continent. What are the benefits and harms of bell pepper? How to store it correctly and who should avoid eating the vegetable?

General information

Name bell pepper mentally pushes a person to the conclusion that this plant comes from the country of the same name. But why is this called a vegetable that has nothing to do with Bulgaria? Few people know? In fact, the familiar name of pepper appeared thanks to the efforts of Bulgarian plant breeders, who developed sweet and large-fruited varieties.

The nutritional value of bell pepper is estimated by its content healthy fiber and water, as well as a number of substances beneficial to human health. Carbohydrates make up the bulk of the fruit's fatty acids, namely 3.9 g for every 100 g of product.

To determine which pepper is healthier, it is important to know that the fruit can be “boy” or “girl”. Scientists are convinced that female vegetables deserve to be eaten raw, as they contain more vitamins, being softer and sweeter in taste. It’s not at all difficult to distinguish healthy and juicy “girls” from their brothers. You just need to turn the pepper over and count the slices at its base: those with three of them are boys, and those with four are female fruits.

The fruits of the “girl” pepper are tastier and healthier

At what age can a child start introducing healthy bell peppers into their diet? Vegetables can be introduced to babies as early as 10 months of age. This will not harm the health of the growing tomboy in any way, but will only help him saturate his body with valuable nutrients. Knowing at what age children should be given bell peppers, you can diversify your child’s menu and accustom him to the taste of these amazing fruits from a very early age.

Today, the price for 1 kg of bell pepper depends on the season and variety of vegetable crop. On average, it can be found on supermarket shelves at a cost of 2-4 dollars per kilogram.

Features of the composition

The chemical composition of bell pepper is very rich and varied. This vegetable contains the lion's share of all the nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the body, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids and proteins. plant origin, as well as ash, essential oils and fiber.

From chemical composition vegetable crop depends on its benefits and harm.

What vitamins do vegetables contain? Contained in large quantities in vegetables beneficial thiamine and ascorbic acid, as well as folic acid and cyanocobalamin.

Among the vitamins of bell peppers, the following should be highlighted:

  • tocopherol;
  • vit. RR, A, K.

The fruits also contain many microelements, namely:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium and selenium;
  • zinc and phosphorus;
  • sodium and iron.

Bell peppers are rich in vitamins and nutrients

The calorie content of bell pepper per 100 grams of product is only 28 kcal. But with such indicators, nutritionists still do not recommend consuming a lot of this vegetable for weight loss, since, on the contrary, it stimulates appetite, provokes weight gain and, accordingly, is harmful. That's why you want to eat after diet snacks, the basis of which is bell pepper.

Vegetables and pregnancy

What are the benefits of vegetables for women? Can pregnant women use it? Bell pepper? During pregnancy, bell pepper is not a prohibited product.

In addition, doctors always remind about its benefits for expectant mothers, in particular, fleshy fruits contribute to:

  • enriching the body with vitamins;
  • normal fetal development;
  • preventing the formation of blood clots;
  • preserving the beauty of a woman;
  • improving the emotional background.

Often on forums you can come across the question: can nursing mothers eat bell pepper and what are its benefits and harms? Only those mothers who have previously been allergic to vegetables should not eat green, yellow or red bell peppers. For everyone else, this fruit is not only possible, but also recommended by doctors for daily use.

In the absence of allergies, bell pepper is useful for nursing mothers

During lactation, pepper promotes:

  • normalization rheological properties blood;
  • improving the condition of nails, hair, skin;
  • prevention of postpartum depression;
  • the appearance of constipation in a nursing mother and colic in a baby.

Women who are prone to heartburn and increased acidity in the stomach should not eat sweet peppers, as similar actions may provoke an exacerbation of the pathological condition.

During breastfeeding very useful to take. This remedy not only increases milk volume, but also helps the new mother cope with postpartum depression.

Benefits and harms for diseases of internal organs

The health benefits and harms of bell peppers are the subject of constant discussion in various forums dedicated to healthy eating. This topic is especially relevant for patients suffering from chronic illnesses, namely diabetes, gout, pancreatitis and the like.

For diabetes

Sweet peppers are known to have a low glycemic index, therefore it is among the foods allowed for diabetes. In addition, vitamin C, which is part of it, can improve the condition of the vascular wall and normalize the composition of the blood. Beneficial for diabetics Fresh Juice vegetable crop, improving general health and allows you to prevent many complications of the disease.
Bell pepper juice is very useful for diabetes mellitus

You may be interested to know that sugar can be replaced for diabetes. The product is considered the rightful “king” of the entire industry dietary nutrition and products for diabetics.

For gout

Is it possible to eat bell peppers if you have gout? For joint diseases, in particular gout, doctors always advise patients to enrich their diet with bell pepper. This allows you to improve the mobility of the affected joints, eliminate severe pain and remove acute manifestations inflammatory process.

For pancreatitis

  • the ability to reduce blood cholesterol levels;
  • improving local blood flow;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

It is also useful to use for pancreatitis. Buckwheat for pancreatitis of the pancreas is also used as medicine, and as a preventive measure. At the first symptoms of the disease, many experts recommend including this product in the diet.

What else is bell pepper good for?
It has been proven that sweet peppers, if present in the patient chronic illnesses has the following effects on the human body:

  • helps improve the immune system;
  • strengthens muscle tissue hearts;
  • normalizes blood composition;
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • increases potency, which is useful for men;
  • Support man's health will help too. Chestnut honey is not a “magic” remedy, but it can support men’s health when consumed regularly. This effect is especially important for those who have crossed the 40-year mark and can no longer boast of “valiant prowess” in bed matters.

  • improves the condition of epidermal tissues;
  • allows the body to independently get rid of carcinogens;
  • prevents deterioration in the quality of vision.

You will learn more about the benefits of bell pepper from the video:

It is important to remember that when chronic diseases The intake of bell pepper should be dosed. Therefore, before daily use a person should visit a doctor and find out exactly how many bell peppers he is allowed to eat per day.

How to choose a good vegetable and store it correctly?

In order for sweet bell peppers to bring only benefits to the body, you need to be able to choose it correctly.

To do this, at the market or in a store you should use simple rules for determining the quality of a vegetable crop, including:

  • fresh vegetable should have a glossy and smooth skin, free from dark areas or wrinkled areas that indicate rotting of the pepper;
  • a ripe fruit always has walls that are elastic and dense to the touch;
  • The tail of the vegetable should not be dry.

If the vegetable was stored incorrectly or it was already lying on the counter, it appearance will be changed.

Such peppers become wrinkled, soft areas appear on its surface, and then dark spots, which indicate that the fruit is simply rotting.

It is better to avoid purchasing such “yummy” food, as it can harm human health and cause severe poisoning.

How to keep vegetables fresh longer? To do this, it must be stored in the refrigerator or frozen, having first cleared the internal contents. Frozen fruits perfectly retain all vitamins, so they are a good option for preventing hypovitaminosis in winter period of the year.

You can preserve peppers without freezing, you will learn the recipe from the video:


Like any other food product, bell pepper has a number of contraindications for consumption, including:

  • individual intolerance by the human body to vegetable components;
  • hypotensive states, as fruits help reduce blood pressure;
  • for stomach ulcers and gastritis, red pepper increases acidity and is therefore prohibited for use in any form;
  • chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys with impairment of their functionality;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • complex pathologies nervous system, namely epilepsy and diseases associated with increased excitability nervous system;
  • severe variants of the disorder heart rate and myocardial ischemia.

Red bell pepper is a valuable source of most known to science useful vitamins.

But in order for the vegetable to have only benefits and not harm, it should be consumed strictly with medical recommendations, in otherwise can harm your health and provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Similar materials

A vegetable loved by many, tasty and healthy, mothers try to include it in baby food, asking only questions about the age of the child and how to prepare pepper for babies. Parents are also concerned about whether bell pepper will harm the health of their beloved child.

Sweet peppers were brought to Europe by Columbus from South America, the birthplace of this vegetable crop. Pepper came to Russia at the end of the 18th century from Bulgaria, which gave the name to this healthy vegetable. Quite quickly it gained universal recognition and began to be one of the most consumed products.


Bell pepper is not only a very beautiful vegetable, but also extremely beneficial for the health of children.

The beneficial effect of bell pepper on the body is ensured by the presence of many useful substances in the vegetable.

Pepper contains:

  1. Vitamins: and its predecessor beta-carotene, PP,. The carotene content in bell peppers exceeds that in. In terms of the presence of vitamin C, this vegetable can compete with lemon, which have always been considered the richest sources of ascorbic acid. Largest quantity vitamins is located near the stalk. Even a small piece of pepper (only 40 g) provides the child with daily norm"ascorbic acid"
  2. Microelements: potassium, phosphorus, sodium, silicon,.
  3. Natural carbohydrates (sucrose, fructose, glucose).
  4. Esters (essential oils): chlorogenic, P-coumaric acids.
  5. Biologically active substances: alkaloid capsaicin, lycopene, etc.

The benefits of bell pepper

The unique combination of beneficial substances in bell pepper has beneficial influence for all internal organs and systems. Few vegetables can compete with it for such positive impact on the body.

  • Vitamin A helps improve vision and reduce eye strain (this is important for children who sit at the computer for a long time).
  • Accelerating regenerative processes, vitamin A and the trace element zinc improve the condition of nails, hair and skin. The use of pepper is indicated for dermatitis in children and hair loss.
  • Vitamin C and PP complex strengthens vascular wall, makes it more elastic. Therefore, bell pepper in the diet is necessary for children with frequent nosebleeds.
  • The beneficial effect of vitamins from group B on the nervous system can help with sleep disturbances (insomnia), with a child’s tendency to depression, with stress (and even children have plenty of them). These vitamins also have a general strengthening effect and help improve memory and concentration in busy schoolchildren. school programs and additional activities.
  • The complex of vitamin C, B vitamins and iron in pepper helps increase hemoglobin, therefore, it is advisable to consume this vegetable in children.
  • Phosphorus and calcium are necessary for development and strengthening skeletal system and tooth enamel, which is important for a growing organism.
  • Natural sugars will serve as a source of energy for children and give them strength. Thanks to the fiber contained in pepper, the functioning of the digestive system during colic will improve.
  • Neutralization and removal free radicals Using this product will have a beneficial effect on the body. After heat treatment pepper does not lose these properties. It is advisable for children living in an environmentally unfavorable region to consume the vegetable. Scientists from Italy have obtained data that the compounds present in bell peppers prevent carcinogenic substances that cause cancer from entering tissue cells.
  • Rarely found in other vegetables, but present in bell peppers, the substance lycopene prevents the progression of cancerous tumor and development of metastases. Its effect is also complemented by the chlorogenic and P-coumaric acids present in pepper.

The low calorie content of the product (only 27 kcal per 100 g of bell pepper) makes it dietary. The vegetable is included in the diet of children suffering from. Although the ability of pepper to increase appetite should also be taken into account.

Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect pepper, increasing the child’s immunity will have a positive effect in the treatment of many diseases. Strengthening protective forces child's body:

  • will help in prevention colds, ;
  • will speed up the baby’s recovery in case of illness.

The antioxidants present in the vegetable cause blood thinning and lower blood pressure, which is important to consider for parents of children with.

Antioxidants also prevent the development of the inflammatory process in nerve cells and fibers, that is, they prevent the development of neuralgia.

Harm of bell pepper

In some cases, bell pepper causes food allergies.

This healthy vegetable can have harmful effects on the child’s body in some cases:

  1. The essential oils contained in pepper can provoke the development of skin rashes accompanied by itching. Fruits with bright colors (red, yellow, orange) often cause allergies.
  2. Unremoved seeds can not only give a bitter taste to the vegetable, but also have irritant effect on the gastric mucosa due to the alkaloid capsaicin.
  3. Pepper should be given with caution at reduced blood pressure(often found in teenagers).

The use of fresh bell pepper is contraindicated for children with the following pathology:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • epilepsy;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • hypotension;
  • liver and kidney diseases.

Which fruits to choose?

Green fruits have less sweetness than yellow and red ones. In addition, heat-treated green peppers acquire some bitterness.

At the same time, they contain more substances that reduce the risk of development and growth cancer cells. They also contain more antioxidants than fruits with other colors; they will prevent the development of neuritis.

Pepper storage

The maximum shelf life of fresh pepper in the refrigerator is a week.

For longer storage, the vegetable can be frozen.

  • It is better to do this by dividing the fruits into portions so as not to subject them to repeated defrosting and freezing, since in this case the beneficial properties will be lost.
  • It is not recommended to place vegetables in water to defrost.

Sweet pepper fruits can also be pickled - they will retain about 60% of trace elements and vitamins. But pickled vegetables can only be consumed by children in preschool and school age in the absence of pathology from the gastrointestinal tract.

When should you start giving your child pepper?

Pediatricians and nutritionists advise introducing bell peppers into the diet no earlier than when the child reaches the age of 10-11 months, but only in baked or boiled form.

The first portion of a new product should be tiny - no more than 0.5 tsp. In the next 2 days, it is necessary to monitor the child’s reaction to the received vegetable.

With absence allergic manifestations as:

  • rash;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • swelling of the face;
  • skin itching;

the portion of the vegetable additive in dishes gradually increases to 30 g. With development allergic reaction pepper is immediately excluded from the baby’s diet.

Of course, the most useful are fresh fruits bell pepper. But in their raw form they can only be given to children over 1.5 years old. Pickled peppers are allowed to be introduced into the diet of children after 3-4 years of age.

In what form should pepper be given to children?

Boiled or baked peppers can be added to children's vegetable puree, soup.

  • You can steam peppers like other vegetables.
  • It’s very simple to bake a vegetable: in the oven, on a lightly greased baking sheet, until done. Readiness is determined by the darkened skin separating from the pulp.

After cooling the baked fruits, you need to remove the skin from them. For young children, baked peppers must be crushed using a blender and added to the first or second dish. Older children can already eat this vegetable not chopped, but simply cut into pieces.

  • Bell pepper seasoning is suitable for pasta, vegetable or mashed potatoes, and meat dishes.
  • Pepper will improve the taste of first courses and complement the taste of pickle or borscht for older children.

Mothers who have a bit of imagination decorate dishes for their baby with bright pieces of bell pepper.

Summary for parents

Bell peppers can be used to decorate any dish in an original way.

Bell pepper is one of the most healthy vegetables. For babies (from 10 months), boiled or baked pepper, crushed to a puree consistency, is added to their dishes. From 18 months children can eat this vegetable raw, in salads - this way the child will get everything nutrients delicious bell pepper.

ABOUT beneficial properties bell pepper in the program “Live Healthy!” with Elena Malysheva:

Bell pepper in baby foodindispensable product. When and how to properly give your baby vegetable complementary foods made from bell peppers – we’ll talk about this.

Bell pepper is very beneficial for a child’s body, and we are sure that the little one will like the pleasant vegetable puree. However, peppers, like many vegetables, must be given with caution.


The benefits of bell pepper for children

  • Bell pepper contains useful material and vitamins: folic acid, vitamins A, B6, C. Interestingly, in terms of vitamin C content, bell peppers are even higher than lemons, and there is more beta-carotene than carrots.
  • Pepper contains the carbohydrates children need: glucose, sucrose, fructose. They promote child growth, increase appetite and are a source of energy.
  • Bell pepper is also useful for good intestinal function: it stimulates peristalsis and absorbs toxins and harmful elements.
  • Together with pepper, the child receives important micro- and macroelements: sodium, potassium, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, fluorine, zinc, iron. And they are necessary for immunity and cessation inflammatory processes in a small organism.

At what age can a child be given bell pepper?

  • It is not advisable to give bell pepper to babies fresh: It promotes gas formation.
  • Bell peppers can be introduced into the first complementary foods from the age of 10 months. In this case, only heat-treated peppers should be given. For vegetable complementary foods Roasted peppers are great.
  • Fresh pepper in small quantities can be given to children from 1.5-2 years old.
  • If Small child suffers from allergies and illnesses gastrointestinal tract, then you need to give pepper with caution. The fact is that pepper contains essential oils that can irritate the intestinal mucosa.

Bell pepper puree for first feeding

This vegetable puree has a delicate sweetish taste that your baby will definitely love.

You will need:

  • 2 bell peppers
  • 1 small potato


  1. Wash the potatoes, peel them, cut them into small pieces and put them in a steamer. Cook for 10 minutes.
  2. Wash the bell pepper, remove seeds and cut into pieces. Add to the steamer and cook with the potatoes for 10 minutes.
  3. Cool, then puree in a blender until smooth and creamy.

Hello, dear readers. In this article we will answer the question of whether children can eat pepper. Let's talk about the benefits and possible harm of this product. You will learn at what age to introduce this vegetable into your diet. How to do it correctly, what can be prepared from it.

Benefits and harms

Parents are in a hurry to give bell pepper to their children because they are confident in it. valuable qualities. Let's look at what positive points for the child's body in consuming this vegetable.

  1. In terms of ascorbic acid content, it competes with herbs and lemon - three hundred mg per hundred grams of product. Therefore, if the child regularly consumes this product, protective functions his body will get stronger.
  2. Peppers contain more vitamin A than carrots. Therefore it also improves visual acuity.
  3. The composition includes B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the development of the nervous system and help relieve psychological stress.
  4. The presence of carbohydrates affects the increase in the body’s energy reserves and contributes to the appearance of strength for games.
  5. This vegetable contains bioflavonoids, which are antioxidants. Therefore, the use of this product promotes the rapid removal of toxins from the body.
  6. The content of valuable microelements, in particular sodium and calcium, contributes to the harmonious development of the child and strengthens the body.
  7. The fiber contained in pepper helps improve the digestion process. Therefore, this vegetable has a beneficial effect on children suffering from constipation.

The most useful is a fresh vegetable, consumed in season.

It is also worth considering possible harm from sweet pepper:

  • the likelihood of an allergic reaction, especially to a red vegetable;
  • When pepper is introduced early, problems with the digestive system arise, especially if it is given raw.

It is important to know that the consumption of bell pepper is contraindicated for children with problems with the kidneys, stomach, liver, and it is also contraindicated for increased acidity stomach.

When and how to administer

Let's look at the answer to the question at what age do toddlers begin to get acquainted with bell peppers?

  1. You shouldn’t give it for the first try raw vegetable, because it can provoke flatulence in the child’s intestines and cause problems with the functioning of the stomach. That is why, when introducing this vegetable into the diet, it is necessary to subject it to heat treatment. For example, you can add a piece of pepper to soup or vegetable puree. In this form, the first acquaintance with bell pepper can occur at 10 months.
  2. It is better to postpone introducing fresh peppers until after 18 months.

It is important to know how to properly introduce this vegetable into a toddler’s diet.

  1. When first introduced, the amount of pepper consumed should not exceed half a teaspoon. After a child has tried a new product, it is necessary to carefully monitor his reaction. Observe your baby throughout the day. If no changes in his well-being are observed, you can repeat the introduction to pepper in the same volume. If nothing happens again, gradually increase the portion, bringing it to 30 g per day.
  2. If there is a suspicion of an allergic reaction, it is necessary to stop introducing the vegetable. If allergies are difficult character or after withdrawal the symptoms do not go away, you need to seek help from a specialist. In this case, the reintroduction of this vegetable will need to be postponed for two to three months, after which the attempt will be repeated again, starting with small portions.

Selection rules

Going for bell peppers for small child The following points need to be taken into account:

  • You need to buy vegetables in season;
  • choose only those grown in open soil;
  • carefully inspect the peppercorn for cracks, rot, and stains;
  • give preference to fleshy, medium-sized fruits;
  • It is better not to buy green bell peppers for your child, as they are slightly bitter and not so sweet.


I bring to your attention two options for dishes that can be prepared for a small toddler using bell peppers.


You will need:

  • small potato;
  • one bell pepper.
  1. The potatoes are washed, peeled, cut into pieces, and placed in a double boiler. The dish is cooked for ten minutes at medium temperature.
  2. The pepper is washed, cleared of seeds, and cut into quarters. Add to potatoes. The dish continues to cook for five minutes.
  3. After the ingredients are cooked and cooled, transfer to a blender and blend until creamy. If necessary, add water from the steamer.

Vegetable soup

To prepare this recipe you will need:

  • 1/2 bell pepper;
  • potatoes - one;
  • liter of water;
  • half a teaspoon of vegetable oil;
  • a pinch of salt.
  1. Vegetables are washed and peeled.
  2. The potatoes are cut into cubes and the peppercorns are chopped.
  3. Place the potatoes in a saucepan, add water, and wait until it boils.
  4. After boiling, add salt.
  5. After 10 minutes, add pieces of pepper. After which the cooking process lasts another five minutes.
  6. At the end, add vegetable oil.
  7. Leave the dish to steep.

Now you know when you can add bell peppers to your child’s diet. Remember about positive qualities this vegetable, but don’t forget about possible allergies. Follow the rules for introducing pepper and introduce your baby to new foods gradually, in small portions.

It is difficult to imagine that bell pepper was once absent from Europe - before the return of Columbus's expedition from America. Only in the 18th century was it brought to Russia. We greeted this vegetable with caution, but quickly fell in love with it for its beautiful rich color and pleasant taste: pronounced, sweet and sour. Now it is among the favorites, but many parents do not know whether it is worth giving it to their children, and if “yes,” then at what age.

Composition of bell pepper

Do you think lemon contains the most vitamin C? No, in terms of the amount of ascorbic acid, bell pepper is significantly ahead of it, however, like black currants. It also contains other useful substances:

  • B vitamins. Effective for diabetes, will help with depression, and are useful for schoolchildren, as they strengthen memory. This the right remedy for insomnia or weakness.
  • Provitamin A (a substance that, when taken into the body, is converted into vitamin A). Positively affects the condition of skin, hair and nails.
  • Vitamin P. In combination with vitamin C, it helps strengthen blood vessels.
  • Capsaicin is an alkaloid that has a positive effect on blood composition; it is extremely beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Minerals including iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and many others. They not only increase the absorption of iron, but also have healing effect, increase the body's resistance to infections.

Bell pepper contains a complex of useful substances, the totality of which has a positive effect on almost all internal organs. It is believed that the compounds present in it prevent the penetration of carcinogenic elements into cells that cause cancer.

What are the benefits of bell pepper?

A rare vegetable can compete with bell pepper in terms of positive influence on the body. It is especially useful when fresh. Its use is advisable for the following reasons:

  • Increases the elasticity of blood vessels, so if the baby is prone to nosebleeds, bell pepper - the best remedy, of course, auxiliary, in addition to the treatment prescribed by the doctor.
  • Due to beta-carotene, it reduces the consequences increased load to the eyes - for this reason it should be included in the diet of schoolchildren.
  • It has a positive effect on the digestive system, in particular on the stomach and pancreas.
  • Bell pepper is recommended to be eaten for anemia - it helps increase hemoglobin thanks to B vitamins, ascorbic acid and iron.
  • Antioxidant action. At regular use bell pepper can increase the child’s immunity, and even if he eats it, if he gets sick, recovery will come sooner.
  • Strengthens bones, which is especially important for an intensively growing young body. Phosphorus and calcium contribute to this.
  • Removal of carcinogens - this occurs thanks to P-coumarova and chlorogenic acids, the effect is complemented by the lycopene contained in bell peppers (let's reveal a little secret - there is more of it in bright red fruits).

This vegetable is also useful for those children who are susceptible intellectual loads. In particular, they go to special schools or intensive development groups at kindergartens. It improves the ability to concentrate and strengthens memory. It is also recommended for those who live in environmentally unfavorable areas.

Introduction of bell pepper into a child’s diet

If the baby is healthy, from the age of 10 months you can offer him bell pepper as part of the soup. Of course, the skin must be removed from it. For the first time, it is worth adding just a little pulp to evaluate the baby’s reaction to the new product. If everything is in order, next time you can increase the portion of pepper.

During heat treatment, beneficial substances are destroyed - bell peppers are much healthier when eaten fresh. Due to the abundance of fiber, it should not be given to children until they are one and a half years old - you must wait until digestive system the baby will get stronger. If after this vegetable the child’s tummy becomes swollen or strange rashes appear on the skin, it should be immediately excluded from the diet.

To save more It is best to bake bell peppers for vitamins. In this form, it is suitable for food even for babies aged 10-12 months. The pepper does not need any special treatment - it must be placed on a baking sheet and sprinkled with sunflower oil and bake until done. After this, you need to wait until the vegetable has cooled a little, and then carefully remove the skin. After this, the product can be added to soup or vegetable stew.

IN early age Before reaching the age of one year, it is better to grind the baked peppers in a blender. Later, when the baby grows up, it will be enough to cut the product into small pieces. It is suitable as a seasoning for rice porridge, pasta, delicious with mashed potatoes. Great addition to meat dishes, has an excellent effect on the taste of vegetable stews. Other recommendations:

  • Fresh bell peppers are given no earlier than 1.5 years. You can make a vitamin salad from it ( fresh cabbage, carrots, onions - if the child accepts them well, and peeled peppers, it is advisable to choose sweet ones). It can also be combined with cucumbers and tomatoes.
  • To dress salads with bell peppers, you do not need to use mayonnaise; they will be much healthier with sour cream, sunflower or olive oil.
  • Vegetable pieces are an excellent addition to side dishes; just lightly sprinkle them with oil, sprinkle with dill or parsley. Bright red peppers are often used to decorate children's dishes. In its entirety, it can be used for filling with curd mass.
  • Bell pepper very well complements the taste of first courses - including borscht, rassolnik and many others.
  • After a year, your baby can cook stuffed peppers with veal or minced chicken- in this case, it is more convenient to remove the skin after cooking the dish.

Please note that due to large quantity fiber this vegetable should not be given to children with diseases digestive tract, kidneys and liver. Sometimes bell pepper causes increased formation of gases in the intestines - in this case, its use must be limited.