The best baby formulas without palm oil. List of the best infant formulas without palm oil and GMOs: choosing harmless food for newborns

The debate about the benefits and harms of palm oil in infant formula began a long time ago and continues to this day.

Most baby formulas contain this ingredient—and for good reason.

The fact is that in the manufacture of formulas for newborns, processed whey protein is used, the content of healthy fats in which is significantly reduced.

To ensure that babies receive a sufficient amount of fat, palm oil (among others) is added to formulas for artificial feeding.

Why you should choose palm oil-free formulas

A certain set of vegetable oils must be present in the formula of any milk formula. Otherwise, the normal formation of cell membranes in newborns will simply become impossible.

Without healthy fats, babies will not have the energy to grow and develop, and the formation of hormones will also occur incorrectly.

It should be understood that the palm oil contained in the mixture contains a large amount of cholesterol, which can cause excessive weight gain and a number of disorders in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Therefore, parents of newborns who have been diagnosed with cardiovascular disorders should definitely refuse to feed their child products containing palm oil.

Another unpleasant point is the absorption of calcium. The fact is that palmitic acid, which is found in large quantities in palm oil, can significantly reduce the percentage of calcium that is absorbed by a child.

As palmitic acid passes through the digestive system, it forms a strong bond with calcium. So strong that calcium is excreted from the child’s body in large quantities (children whose diet includes palm oil absorb 20% less calcium than those who consume palm oil-free infant formula).

A side effect of this process is frequent constipation in babies who eat formulas high in palm oil.

Unfortunately, many manufacturers of infant formula still commit the sin of using cheap, low-quality ingredients (such as GMOs or palm oil).

In such a situation, the task of parents is to carefully select the most healthy and nutritious food for their children.

Overview of Non-GMO and Palm Oil Blend List

  • Nanny

Infant formula made in New Zealand. The basis of the mixture is goat milk processed using a special technology.

Nanny's formulas contain absolutely no palm oil. The fat component includes encapsulated fish oil, high oleic sunflower oil, as well as coconut and canola oils.

This mixture of goat milk without palm oil can be safely given to healthy children as their main diet. It is also suitable for babies who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract (colic, constipation), and for children with low weight and allergies to cow's milk proteins.

  • Similak

The mixture is produced in Ireland and is based on cow's milk.

Palm oil in the formula of this mixture is completely replaced by coconut and high-oleic sunflower oils. Similac Premium 1 - wonderful formula from birth without palm oil.

In addition to healthy fats, it contains lutein for proper vision development, prebiotics to strengthen the immune system, as well as probiotics to maintain stable functioning of the newborn’s gastrointestinal tract.

This mixture is suitable for healthy children and those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract but, unfortunately, cannot be recommended for children with lactose allergies.

  • Nutrilon

Not all mixtures produced by this British company do not contain palm oil, so you need to carefully study the composition, which is described in detail on the packaging.

It is produced without the use of palm oil, a mixture of Nutrilon Amino Acids. Here the fats are represented by a composition of high quality vegetable oils (sunflower, coconut, rapeseed).

In addition, this mixture contains amino acids that almost completely replicate the spectrum of natural human milk, and does not contain lactose.

This mixture is ideal for children with severe food allergies, and at the same time it can be used as the main food from birth.

  • Heinz

Although this American company has been noted for using GMOs in the production of other products, this company’s baby food can be safely recommended even to the smallest.

Heinz blends are made from high quality ingredients and are non-GMO or non-GMO. In particular, this is how the Heinz Infanta mixture was produced, which does not contain palm oil.

Instead, beta palmitate is used - modified molecules that do not bind to calcium and allow it to be absorbed in sufficient quantities by the child’s body.

  • Hipp

A well-known Austrian manufacturer of baby food produces Hipp Comfort formula without palm oil. Here it is replaced by beta palmitate, which is easier to digest.

In addition, this mixture contains probiotics to maintain the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract of newborns, prebiotics for the formation of immunity, and Omega3 and Omega6 acids that are useful for brain formation.

This mixture is suitable for the daily nutrition of healthy children and children with gastrointestinal problems (bloating, constipation, belching).

Formulas intended for baby food are approximately similar in composition to mother's milk. All components and minerals included in them are selected taking into account the need for their consumption by the child’s body. This also includes the fatty component, which is presented in the form of palm oil.

The benefits or harms of palm oil

Opinions are divided on the benefits. Due to the large amount of cholesterol it contains, there has been a negative opinion about the presence of palm oil in infant formula.

Frequent consumption of products with this component can lead to a sharp increase in weight, and as a result, to cardiovascular diseases. In addition, palm oil interferes with the absorption of calcium in the child’s body, which can result in minimal bone density.

Currently, you can purchase mixtures without palm oil or mixtures with a modified structure different from the first, which is achieved artificially.

To find out which blend is palm oil-free, just carefully read the contents on the product label. As a rule, information about the components of the product is indicated quite plausibly.

Palm oil and its uses

Palm oil is obtained in tropical countries from fruits growing on the palm oil. The color of palm oil is red. It is rich in carotenoids. Natural oil has a high degree of saturation, which is what distinguishes it from sunflower, corn and olive oil. During processing, most of the beneficial substances are lost.

Palm oil is used in the manufacture of many food products, since its cost is one and a half times less than the cost of its sunflower “brother,” not to mention olive oil.

Palm is used for dressing salads. It has a specific smell and taste. In the non-food industry, the product is used as a component in the manufacture of soap, candles, cosmetics and biofuels.

Reason for using palm oil in infant formula

Breast milk includes fats, which in baby food are replaced with a mixture of vegetable oils: soybean, coconut, rapeseed, sunflower and palm.

Among all the variety of oils, palm oil is the only natural plant ingredient that can provide infant formula. And to be similar to breast milk, the formula should contain about 20-24% of this acid.

The patent for the first blend containing whole palm oil was registered in 1953 by the United States.

Young mothers also note the presence of this product in many baby purees. Therefore, with the development of technology, the best nutrition for a newborn baby is still breast milk, endowed with the necessary amount of vitamins, minerals and macroelements. Finding an analog replacement for it is almost impossible.

What are Palm Oil Free Blends?

Blends that do not contain palm oil are premium. They contain probiotics and prebiotics. The absence of palm oil ensures normal stool for the child, and the presence of prebiotics and probiotics allows the formation of healthy intestinal microflora and maintains it at this level.

Infant formulas without palm oil contain an IQ complex, which is responsible for the development of the brain and vision. The complex includes lutein. It is found in breast milk and can only be supplied to a child through nutrition. During the first year of a baby's life, lutein is not produced by the body on its own.

By using dry formulas without palm oil to feed your baby, you can relieve your baby from frequent regurgitation, colic and constipation. The presence of starch or gum in the composition of infant formula ensures the necessary viscosity of the mixture in the stomach.

What adapted mixtures without palm oil exist?

The variety of dry mixes makes the choice much more difficult. Blends without palm oil are not much different from each other. Among them, the most famous are Similak and Nutrilon. "Similac" was developed in the USA.

The most popular palm oil-free mixtures, the list of which is presented below, contain prebiotics and probiotics. These components contribute to the formation and support the already formed intestinal microflora.

The IQ complex, which promotes brain and vision development, contains lutein. In addition to the IQ complex, we find this substance in breast milk. Lutein enters the body only with the baby's food.

Consider mixtures without palm oil. The list is as follows:

- "Similac";

- "Nutrilon";

- "Cabrita".

Differences between one mixture and another

Let's take a closer look at several types of the most popular products. Palm oil-free mixtures "Similac" and "Nanny" belong to the casein group. The disadvantage of these products is their lower protein content than that found in breast milk.

Similak contains a mixture of oils such as coconut, soybean and sunflower. The balanced composition allows the baby’s body to absorb calcium well.

The "Nanny" mixture includes coconut, canal and canal oil and has a second name - rapeseed. As you know, it is often used for technical needs.

Nanny is made in New Zealand. The basis of this mixture is goat's milk. It is thanks to this that the hypoallergenic function of the product is ensured.

Infant formulas "Nutrilon", "Heinz" and "Kabrita" contain beta palmitate.

Reviews from parents

Do moms and dads like palm oil-free baby formula? Parents' reviews of them are divided. There are no complaints about the quality of these products. Many complaints are that it can be difficult to find palm oil-free adapted formulas for sale. If they are available on store shelves, the price of the mixtures is unaffordable for most families.

As they say, you don’t skimp on your health. Therefore, the choice before those wishing to purchase the product in question is varied, and the final word always remains with the baby’s parents.

Many mothers praise mixtures that contain palm oil. According to them, they did not notice any adverse reactions during feeding with such mixtures. Each child is individual and requires special attention. There is no need to buy expensive formulas when you can start with affordable formulas and carefully monitor the results based on the child’s behavior.

In the absence of adverse reactions, there is no need to transfer the baby to another formula, since this one suits him well.

With the start of complementary feeding, the number of products that contain palm oil will also increase. And in “adult” products it is even more common. The presence of such a component is not fatal, and if it is impossible to purchase infant formula without palm oil, you can opt for any other product from the offered range. And if difficulties arise with stool, resort to other ways to solve them than changing the dairy product.

Most children have problems with bowel movements, but this does not mean that palm oil is to blame.

Fermented milk mixture as one of the varieties

As a rule, fermented milk mixtures are designed to normalize the baby's stool. Fermented milk mixture without palm oil is available in any store. This variety is recommended for use in cases of frequent regurgitation. The fermented milk product is easier and faster to digest, since the protein molecules in this mixture are subject to partial breakdown.

Mixtures for allergic dermatitis

If a bottle-fed baby develops dermatitis, then when you visit a doctor, in addition to stopping complementary feeding, you will be recommended to use a hypoallergenic formula for feeding.

Hypoallergenic formulas without palm oil contain partially hydrolyzed whey protein, which is perfect for feeding babies from birth to 6 months. It is during this period that children are most susceptible to allergic reactions.

The use of hypoallergenic mixtures in food can significantly reduce the risk of dermatitis. If there is a possibility that a child may have a hereditary allergy, doctors usually prescribe hypoallergenic mixtures to prevent allergic diseases in the baby.

What does the mark on a product “Does not contain GMOs” mean?

Blends without palm oil are labeled “non-GMO” on the packaging. GMOs are genetically modified products obtained by introducing an artificially bred gene into the DNA of plants. This gene gives the plant new properties that allow the product to be stored for a long time and make it inedible for insects.

Direct harm from the use of GMOs in food has not been proven, and this issue still remains controversial. In the Russian Federation, such products are prohibited for sale. But the absence of the mentioned inscription does not indicate the presence of GMOs in the product. You just need to carefully study the composition of the purchased product.

Ultimately, when choosing a formula for their child, parents are guided by many factors. These include intuition, financial situation, experience, clear examples from the lives of their friends, advertising, etc. The choice always remains with the parents, as well as responsibility for the life and health of their children.

Producers, in turn, try to provide food to all segments of the population, regardless of status and financial situation. There should be no poor quality products on the shelves of children's stores. Let's proceed from this.

It is a difficult task for parents to choose safe infant formula for their baby. The employees of the Daughters-Sons online store will tell you how not to harm your child and provide him with the balanced nutrition necessary for growth and proper intellectual development.

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Why choose infant formula without palm oil and GMOs?

Vegetable oil is included in formulas for babies to obtain a fat content as close as possible to that contained in breast milk. Palm oil is oversaturated with fatty acids and cholesterol. These components interfere with the absorption of calcium, which is so necessary for the growth and development of the child, and they can also negatively affect the baby’s digestive system.

Infant formula without palm oil and GMOs is absolutely safe, does not cause problems with bowel movements in newborns, and saturates the body with the required amount of fats and calcium.

A number of studies have shown that infant formula without palm and coconut oil promotes better absorption of calcium and fat in the body of newborns by 20-25%. In turn, with the most accurate dosage, mixtures with palm oils are harmless to the body and are approved by the Research Institute of Nutrition (Moscow).

Types of infant formulas without palm oil

The main criterion by which the quality of infant formula is determined is the composition features. Formulas without palm oil are used to normalize digestion and intensively increase the weight of premature babies. In addition, such products help improve the immunity of babies.

The differentiation by product composition is wider. Infant formulas are divided into several types:

  • antireflux;
  • low- or lactose-free;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • fermented milk;
  • soy;
  • with prebiotics.

Antireflux formulas are intended for newborns who suffer from frequent regurgitation during feeding. Lactose-free or low-lactose formulations are recommended to feed babies with intolerance to milk sugar - lactose. Hypoallergenic products are indicated for newborns at risk of developing food allergies. The addition of prebiotics helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. For healthy children, milk formulas with vanilla and chocolate flavors are produced.

It is important to know

Anti-allergenic formulas without palm oil are most often fed to those children whose parents, brothers or sisters are prone to allergic reactions.

Which baby formula does not contain palm oil?

Two baby food manufacturers, Similac and Nanny, have completely eliminated palm oil from infant formula. Manufacturers Nutrilon, Kabrita and Heinz have learned to change the structure of palmitic acid, which is the basis of palm fat. Infant formulas with beta palmitate guarantee optimal absorption of calcium, mineralization of bone tissue and, as a result, proper physical and mental development of the child.

Parents are concerned about the question: which infant formulas do not contain palm oil in the classic form? This is food from famous brands:

  • Nanny;
  • Similac;
  • Nutrilon;
  • Cabrita;
  • Heinz.

Infant formulas without palm oil. List

To figure out which infant formula without palm oil is better, we present a list of food products with brief characteristics. Among the formulas without palm fat, you can find food suitable for both absolutely healthy babies and children with low weight, a tendency to food allergies, as well as lactose intolerance and dysfunction in the gastrointestinal tract.

Table 1. Characteristics of palm oil-free blends manufactured under the Similac brand
Names of blends without palm oil Characteristics Children's age
Similac Premium 1, 2, 3 Contains prebiotics and probiotics, beneficial minerals, macroelements; normalizes digestion, as close as possible to breast milk. For children from birth to 18 months.
Similac 1, 2 Includes prebiotics; for artificial and mixed feeding of healthy children. For newborns and babies from 6 to 12 months.
Similac GA 1, 2 Hypoallergenic milk formula; for the prevention of food allergies, supports immunity, normalizes digestion. For newborns, for children from 6 to 12 months.
Similac PediaSure vanilla, chocolate Contains prebiotics, vitamin and mineral complex; Children will love it with its vanilla or chocolate taste. For children from 12 months.
Similac Isomil Includes soy protein, antioxidants and prebiotics; reduces the frequency of regurgitation, prevents gas formation in the gastrointestinal tract, and promotes the development of the child. For newborns with allergies to cow's milk protein and lactose intolerance.
Similac Low Lactose Contains prebiotics; to normalize digestion. For newborns with hypersensitivity to milk sugar (lactose).
Similac 1 Antireflux Includes a complex of nutrients; to normalize the functioning of the digestive tract For newborn babies with frequent regurgitation.
Similac NeoSure Contains a full range of nutrients to support baby's growth For newborns, premature and low birth weight babies (birth weight less than 1.8 kg).

Infant formulas that do not contain palm oil are also represented by Nanny products. These products are made from healthy goat's milk, which is closer in composition to breast milk than cow's milk. The balance of protein and the presence of prebiotics in the mixture have a positive effect on the development of the body of healthy and low-birth-weight newborns.

Best baby formula without palm oil

Experts consider baby formulas that contain prebiotics and a complex of vitamins and minerals to be the best. Nutrition has a high rating, which has a beneficial effect on the development of not only the physical, but also the mental abilities of the baby.

When choosing formula milk, you should be guided by the characteristics of the child’s body. To choose the right baby food, you should definitely consult a pediatrician.


Infant milk formulas, which do not contain palm oil, promote the complete absorption of calcium by the child’s body, normalize the digestion process, and support the immune system. This type of formula is suitable for babies from 0 to 18 months.

The answer to the most popular question among parents, which palm oil-free formulas are included in the list of universal ones, is here:

  • Similac Isomil;
  • Similac Premium;
  • Similac 1 Antireflux;
  • Nanny Classic.

The market also offers milk formulas with a modified structure of palm oil - beta palmitate (Heinz, Cabrita, Nutrilon). These products are as close in composition as possible to mother's milk and are absolutely harmless to the baby's body.

Of course, mother’s milk is better and healthier for the baby there is nothing.

But for various reasons, some mothers forced to refuse from breastfeeding.

What to feed babies? How to choose substitutes breast milk?

The food industry came to the rescue with its baby formulas.

Everything would be fine.

But when I was forced to interrupt the natural feeding process, my baby flatly refused eat those that included “palm oil”.

Benefits and harms for the child

Before blaming manufacturers for they are poisoning our children, I studied all the properties of the supplement. has a natural origin. It's the same useful, as well as corn, flaxseed, sea buckthorn, sunflower and others.

In him large amount of vitamins groups A and E. There are Omega 3, saturated and fatty acids. It would seem Everything is fine. True, the same ones fatty acid(at least some of them) increase cholesterol levels.

Moreover, if the oil is not indicated in the composition, or is disguised as "vegetable fats" etc., then we will not be able to determine its taste. Especially in . It has a pleasant creamy taste.

Where can I find mixtures without it?

Are there mixtures without it and what kind? Find baby food, including formula, palm oil free very easy - study it. Conscientious Manufacturers always indicate all incoming components in full and in Russian.

Take food to specialized children's goods or large retail chains. There are less chances to buy fake.


Mixtures should help children develop, grow and remain healthy correctly.

Therefore they must contain:

  • nucleotides;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • amino acids, in particular taurine.

Which milk formula does not contain structured palm oil, and which contains it?

  1. Bellakt. In addition to vegetable oil, it also contains. Therefore, it is not suitable for all children and may cause allergies. But it contains everything important components for the baby.
  2. Hipp. Very small quantity iodine and there is potato in the ingredients starch. A newborn baby does not need it.
  3. Agusha. Rich taurine And nucleotides, but contains little iodine.
  4. Baby. The components include soybeans– a child under one year old does not need it. But the content useful substances very high.
  5. Nan. Eat soybeans and vitamin D, which prevents rickets.
  6. Nutrilon. High content useful substances.
  7. Baby. Eat soybeans, but the remaining components are very useful.

Mixtures, without palm and coconut oils:

  1. Semilak. Contains soy and milk powder, but very high content iodine.
  2. Nestozhen. There is little iodine, there is soy and milk powder. But there is also pribiotics, have a great effect on digestion.
  3. Nanny. Little iodine and taurine, but there is vitamin D, lactose and prebiotics.

Another important point. If you manage to find whey, Necessarily demineralized, then instead of other formulas, buy it better - the composition is very similar to breast milk. AND preference give to those mixtures whose components include it.

Is an alternative needed?

If a woman deliberately refuses from breastfeeding from birth is stupid.

And if this type of nutrition for the baby is impossible, the mother opponent of artificial mixtures, then, of course, it is possible to replace the mixtures.

The question is different; if necessary?

Our grandmothers and mothers cooked us porridge on cow's or goat's milk with cereals, such as semolina or rice.

The children grew up healthy and without developmental delays. Although the parents were not allowed to sleep peacefully - their stomachs probably hurt.

In my opinion, it's better to choose a mixture. Their choice is very wide: non-allergenic (hypoallergenic), enriched with vitamins, minerals or iron, dairy, dairy-free... If the mixture walks hard and the baby is suffering with his tummy, then it makes sense to help him medicinally. For example, give “smecta”. The only caveat: choose your diet only together with your pediatrician.

My own experience makes me ardent opponent introduction of palm oil into the diet of newborns. But kids preschool and school age perfectly absorb products containing it. The choice of certain foods for their children falls on the shoulders of parents. She must be quality.

remember, that cheapness can also become an enemy of children's health. Avoid long composition on dairy products and beware of adding dyes, flavors, GMOs and other chemicals.

And when you find “Palm oil” in the list of ingredients, be guided by knowledge: vegetable fats can affect the body harmful, and maybe positively, depending on the age of the person.

You have a healthy and strong baby. It is impossible to describe in words the happiness of the parents of a newborn! And now the next stage in a mother’s life begins, no less important - feeding the baby. The healthiest and tastiest thing for a baby is, of course, mother's milk. However, it often happens that the mother loses it. There are many reasons for this, but that is not what we are talking about today.

Today we will talk about artificial feeding and what baby formulas there are without palm oil and how it is harmful for babies.

Why is palm oil added to baby formula?

The properties of milk from a nursing mother are truly unique. It consists of many microelements that contribute to the healthy development of the child, his growth and weight gain. Among these elements are vitamins, minerals and so-called fatty acids. There are more than a dozen names for these acids, but there is one - palmitic or, as it is also called, hexadecanic acid, which makes up 25% of all fats in mother's milk.

Let’s immediately make a reservation that for the harmonious development of a child, fats are a very important element. After all, it is not only an energy resource for the baby’s body, but also a building material for cells. So, by the age of two, 60% of the dry weight of the baby’s brain is fat. But it's all about breast milk. But what should we give to children whose mothers do not have milk?

Special artificial milk formulas have been developed for them. And here the main task of manufacturers is to try to bring the quality of artificial nutrition closer to that of breast milk. For this purpose, fats, both vegetable and dairy, are added to feeding mixtures. In their composition you can also see oil from the vegetable fruits of the oil palm tree, known to us as palm oil. It compares favorably with other vegetable fats with its increased level of hexadecanoic acid.

Why are palm oil-free formulas safer for babies?

It probably won’t be a revelation to say that in recent years, palm vegetable oil has often been accused of harming human health. There are constant discussions about this on the pages of newspapers, magazines, and, naturally, on television. It has gotten to the point where just the mere mention of palm oil on product packaging makes buyers nervous, and such a product becomes of little interest to consumers. Especially when it comes to infant formula for feeding.

Is this true or a myth started by competitors? Or is it better to take an extra lap around the city out of harm’s way, but find baby formula for your beloved child without palm vegetable oil, and also without GMOs? Let's figure it out.

We briefly tried to explain to you the reason for using palm oil in baby food. Now let's talk about its harm. The main harm caused by vegetable palm oil is to provoke the loss of calcium in the child’s body. Researchers have compared that when feeding formulas containing palm oil, calcium absorption is 10-20% worse. This is explained by the structure of the fat molecule of palm vegetable oil. Hexadecanoic acid in it is located on the side and is easily split off, combining with calcium. This leads to the formation of calcium salts, which contributes to constipation in the child.

In the milk of a nursing mother, palmitic acid is located in the central position of the fat molecule, and therefore does not harm. Naturally, baby food manufacturers are trying to reduce the negative effect and are looking for new formulas. Recently, a so-called beta-palmitate has been developed, where the hexadecanoic acid is located similar to that of a nursing mother's milk.

To answer the question of which palm oil-free baby formula is best, consider a list of the most popular products.

List and characteristics of popular products

The product's name

Country of Origin



Contains soy lecithin.


Contains prebiotics that improve digestion.

Contains soy lecithin and skim milk powder.

New Zealand

Contains encapsulated fish oil.

Nutrilon Pronutra 1


Contains prebiotics to naturally strengthen the immune system.

Contains beta palmitate.

Contains elements that stimulate digestion.

Contains soy lecithin and beta palmitate.


Contains omega acids and bifidobacteria.

Contains structured vegetable oil.

In conclusion, we would like to once again remind you of the importance of the best nutrition for a baby in the first six months after birth, when the foundations for its further development are laid. That is why the price of food should not be a determining factor when purchasing. The main thing is its quality. If the infant formula is palm oil-free and GMO-free, then you can rest assured about the health of your baby.